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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1905)
.j if 'rCrTIiE'fOREGO . -i i t I I-.; partial '- : tg,0"lMrjV1'5ll1 - - Hot .fed at tb Poor6r f PortUad. Or.. Sac mntwuiba through tha Saul a MaV tlaaa suite. .' .'. . i I'eatage for fngt.coplea: r aa s, " pa paper. 1 rout; 14 la JO pag, " le 44 paat'f, . cvul. Editorial l"ml.u,-..;....;..Xlf! . Ollle. " ... ' - roarioir adyextibui xeebesextativk. Vrreland BeDgauiln eoeclal Advertlelng K!ud: 16 N imu itiml lug, Chicago. TB8CXIPTI0X BATES. Tans V CairlstT """Th PatTy Journal, with Bund Tb 111 Journ!. with undy, gwolh. i l Th Dally -Junr(, month .-.-mi ' Th Dally Journal, wltb 8undy, 8 nwuth. l.l --The Dally Journal. 8 urtntb. .........;.-; .IN Dally Journal, with Sunday, i " lb Dally. , pet work, delivered. fcuuday - . Included v:" 'l . Tha Dally, per week, drltvered. Sunday , sxvi ted ...... i ..(... V "," ' " Terma y Mall. ''," ""- - Th Dally JonrnaLwtfn Sunday, t V Tb Dally Journal, 1 year " Tb Dally Journal, wltb Sunday. month. 8JS Tb Ially Journal, roontli J " Tba Dally Journal, .wltb Kunday. S mouth. o ThA llall Jraimal mnnthl . ....... . - Tba Dally Jtiurml, wlIB niindayf I bjouU Tua Daily youruaU 1 u"nlh... ?ha 8uada;, 1 yr. ....... ba Sunday .VwruaL t muutba. ......... 60 S-ou Tha knl-Waakly Jaurmai.' Tttt ftcml-Waakly J.iurn.1. 8 to IX ft ck taaaa, -illuauateo. "ull luarkt-t ;.pett. 1 yaar.i 11.60 Rrmlltanrpa abould ba niadr by drafu. pwtal , twnaj,- firt8tfdraja aiyiii tnwuia wrm cvapUbla la I aad t-evut l'i!JooSlt.' P. 0. Q1 121. Portland, Or. ...veiu i nmuu mat si touhd. Tba Journal etc b found cm nalo nt'tha .i folkiwlua; plarwn: 'i 4 . BOIBK, IIUUV-H. SalMt Co-i W. B. Me Intyra. - . . CHICAGO 4oatofflea Ntwa company, ITS Don. horn atraet. DK.NVKK. CIH.O Kendrlck Book fHntlowry -company." ia leiitwib llraat; t. BUc. eiitvaath and CnrUa ntrwtn. - ' . - Kansas CITY Van Nuy Nw company. . : JdlNNEAPOI.lS M. 1. Kanoaufb. on South Third atnt. ' :-r'.. -" KRW YORK CITY Brantano't. Union, nquarn. ;OMARA Millard Hotrl Newa ataudi Mrsantb , tttatloorry company. ISUH Farnom atraet. - SAL.T LAKR CITY Krnyos' Hotel Naw aland; Barrow Broa.. 43 Wrut hrond atrwt, aouth. ST. LOUIS I'htllp Uoadrr. 61 Ixxruat K. T. Ji-tt, Hon Ollra atravt. AM FBANCIltCU W. K. Ardtn. Palac Botal i Hawa arand, and 1K) Markrt S'aat! Oold , aalth Broa.. S.IU atutter alrret, and Saint FtaDrhi hotel; Taatrr aV Oraar. rarry build- in; N. .Wbnatley. moTaablo new atand. cue fete Mark and Karfo anraata. SEATTLE Halnlr ;rand' Nawa tan(llyla4 -itrtra.-ttntrl Seattle Neara atand. . ( "POKASB. WARM John W. nrabaai Co. - TAHiMA. - WAHH Onmrt -- haw a eompany; Hotl Taeoma Mewa aland. VICTORIA, B. C Victoria Book aV Statkmrry eomnanr.1 . 6- -1.. . I WBATRZB SEPOBT. TI.V, . 1 V I ldl.t. a.-. taril plaroa in pyu'.hJiaWuta Cul':dB ud Kanaaa. aatf alao in ibe lka rt-slon. lower klla. ataalppl valley.- tha nlddla Atlantic nd tba rw Enyland atatea. Llaxwhera In lha rnlted Rtaten fair' weather haa. '.prevailed. - rinwrp froata-ee reported Thta mornlns In eaatern Waahlnston, Idaho, weatern Montana, northern Nevada and northern Arlaoaa. The Indlrwthma are rY eloudy weather In thla dlatrl.t holiday w Ith weaatowa- light abowera wrat of ih' Caarade mountains. It ""Will probably be rooler In eaatern waahhiston, aateru Orefon and Idaho Saturday sflernoiMh Waddlns" Cnrds.- W. O. Smith ft Co., Waak : Tmslon bldf.. -ear,-- Fourth and Washlnftoet sta. CONTAQIOUS PISEASB. ,tATCWKMiir-T.-fTrWC f jyeork, 40T Ewt 7Z- f lyror itrecn mealr. . -j-.. f -. . DEATH. - -. illUiER May 14. John Miller. aed S7 yeara, - 747 KaM Kourteiith at rect, norths cauae, ' grip. Burial at Columbia cemetery. BIVEB TIEW CEXtTESr. J . '.- . " glnsU "sra:ea fin. 'Family Iota T to II u. The oady cemetery In Portland which parpetnilly malntatna and carea ffir Wirn. For . full information apply to W.jB. Mackanale, M.wccater. block, rlty. Yt. M. Ladd, preaidrut, Crematorium on Oreron city ear Una. sear B..llwood; moders, aclentlflc, complete. Charge Aaiuts, ao; eouoren, i. t laitorn s . m. to b p. in. Portland Cremation association, I ortland, Oregon, i - Tha Edward Uolman Tndertaklng eompany, fuheral director and embalmer. S2i Third streeu rboas 607. - . - m I 1. V. Flnley ft flon., funeral directors and embalntera, corner Third and Madtaon areeta. Office t couaty coroner. Telephons -Mala . Funeral wreath and cut flower a specialty St Boa City Green bouae. Twenty-second and Laat Morrlaoa, opp. cemetery. ' i -r -' BE AX ESTATE TBAMSKBS. ' ' America n Truat A lnveatment company . to J. W. t rulhera. arrea in i- tonhls 1 north, ranse 1 weat.. 115,000 -I'fc. Halin to M. Halm, lot Id, block 88, . WIIw.m1 .460 Th" Title, finarantee to l'. ttcnnildl. kit North Iralnsron and s, block 42. -229 -J. H. Hlileimnud WTfToWrKraua. part northwrat H ertiiaV. 33, townahlp 1 uerth. rante 2 eaat' two II 'i fi -T'-r1. I IIITTTITT "'liT"-"! 'Ilf ratatn ia aeet Inn 6, tnwmblu 1 Bortb, ranse 1 eaat 'n 1 M 1. rimlth et al.. partition of real eatartr In eeetJon townahlp 1 onth. '- ran 1 weat , 1 M p. Hurarr and hnaTwnd to fi. W. F.nrl. eaat H lota A and , block I. r-Mrhoraon's addition TT. . .T.. . : . . . . . . .rTSOtf H H. MrF.wen and wife to It. W. Ilanna- ford, lot 1, block 4. Rarenawood HTtO J. R. Kaaton and wife to I. M. Dnntlcy, I ' . lot 4. Mk 6. Kenworrby'a addition., 2,500 T. I.. Willi and wife to T. Hebmidt, - i- -- lot IT. bliM-k S19. Balch addition .... 1.600 F. O. Mellrew to K. L.- Bayhnrti, .1 erea , in et'tl.i 16, townahlp 1 aouth. rause ii eaat .., BOO P. A. Preatnn to c. g. Pn'aton. lota S and 4, Mn-kTR:'Tlhtietts addition J 'Irnnkllii Hulldius A loan aaaorlatlon to . I II W I rlea. I..ta 15 and-Id. block II, . - Illreralde addition ,..JJ0 l-3'tkS eouipauy to c." A. Akera. kit -v . hlk 3. Bernhardt Park i- S7S William and ('. Ifcike to 0. 0. Wood- mariL.lot T and . hhick S2. Portland Itr Homeatead SO F. Heal to W illiam Heal, lota ID and ldt . t.l . Central Alhlti $00 C. K. Mursan and yi lie u J,.i Bodler.. undivided l, Intereal In eaat 113 1.3 feet of north 33 1-3 feet lot IS, block 9. :nllmltb addition , - fl. a: Hroan-nd wtfa'To TT"n, Hall. lota A and , block 2, Ifimworthy ' addlthm . . k, , . 3.300 V- f. Aylawortb et eveciitora. to . H. Younr. lota HiiMnfl l,-blck Jl, v !. Bcalnard i . ... ..... JM ThoeHlx Land company to St. JidinaViKand A t.rarei rrmipany, block 6, Firat Klcc- - tt'llllam Cut knd'wlfe' Vo vV R. -'ltealMe! t H..-.I I. ...4 I - I. ......... i. n. .. ' 2,000 t ( laekatnaa and north line blick 4, ' MeMlllen a addition' 1.650 . t. K. r.rrledniid 'hnatjand to J. II. KvtUe- meir. Iota is. 17. IK. U and So. bUwk TT2B 175 F. II I'hlllioa aiid wlfetoF-. Uay., T. t1ock-6.' Mentavilia LaruU rt In V. M. llanrios.i lot H. aal 1. Me-a aittltlotl I . . Portland Truat rbinnnnv rto t ImoiIoA; ' lot Id, bloih II), Wllllama AVetine ailill- t Ion JV Tl -WiaS rWT wTriTi, A C. C.. ii,l. lota l.Vaad Id. block 1. Nab' addl- rt. ii. iwi r tniaro, to the Irvlnatou Improvement awoiria t Ion. lola-A-id, ln- Lnatve, bhM'k to. Irvlnlm . ,', Tlr-tor. Ind Cwuiuany r - Kr Pr.ot, K 7". tH' squint larair vitn..-. A I N-rter and wife to C. M llnlSuaa: - w.wtb. I.aa 11. and 12, tilork fi. C(..v.-r. . 'dale KlelalMa . . t. r. . . , ,'. fhei-le w, Cotle) -et al. to tlwr K. " IHnsliain. north o. Jgeta . H . . anil wrth Ml fiel of weat lu feel hrfa -f- And II, aulalivlalos lot I. hlork 4. -Portland llouieetead i. ' SSO ! ' 0o 1 buixdivg pebhits: r t trti .- My is.- j. -f: Kiiiweit. cmt ' earner Fatlh.g street , anfi llilieHa avi-nnft- ,.Kl. BRASS BAND AIDS IN SALOON FJGHt St. Johns Temperance People Aroused Over. Licenses and Mass Meetings Ara-HnkL COUNCIL C H A RCEO-Wf TH- CRAWFISHmjG ON ISSUE Twenty-Four Want to Run Sa- toons. Council Wants. Money, Church. Wants Dry Town, Tb raat ilila orflca of Tba Journal la la tha atort ot kirn. V. W. McKlnury. SUO But alurrlauu ,trrfc- Wrplwna taat.i'Ja. The wijoon "Question wa tackod On" to the bond issue JnT he Kpoolal rlt'ctlon In St.; Johnn njext-Mouduy-by the cuuuclL Tho to of the people on the Itcenns prolil. m will he only in the unture of ttraw vote tor ifis guidance of the coun ell, an the town has already A-ou-d for abide by the notion of the people nt the p rial election This week the tr-rhpeiBMCe forces,' led by Hov.' Ms. McVtckur . of the Preby teflxin thurch. have o'rg-antsed. canvassed the town and, after public meeting rWednoHdrtjrnlBht, decided to poll every unii-iicenne' vote in town. The prohtbttlonints Mtlege that eoun- cllmen, prior to tlirlr election, promised that Hiey artratttTiot ttcensd TiaToohs, and that body's action In calling for a vote on the license question is resented as a breach of faith. The council and the city officials re ply that they do not' desire saloons, but that the necessary expenses of th grow lug town, and the luck of revenue, make It almost- tifVposfflble to run the govern ment without collecting . revenue from alooh., In turn the temperance people retort that the-council-saddle- lie month in official salaries on ?hs town and then Switched on the license ques tion to meet -this new expense. Tonight the temperance cause will be presented to the town in an Tpen air rally, the 6t Johns band will furnish the muslo and Portland speakers will be present It is probable that W. R. Mc- Garry will make the address.- This session wljl be .followed by a mass meet Ing. gund.iv Hi lenders of rortlsnd and St. Johns minis. ters- will rpeakr Tfiere are 14 applications for saloon licenses before Uis -council, br one for cveryrlft residents. Several of the ap plicants re .willing tt- pay ..IU.0ilpr 12.000 ! annually should the number of saloons "be restricted to two or three. 1 At, prmtcnt there nrs no, salnona In the town. - " REVIEW CHANCES HANDS: Sastsra Slen Take Charge of tht vTeekly Paper of Bt, Jonas. The St.Jobns Ttevlew has passed 4ntt the hands of McKeon k Th.urn(t'ke, ' new. policy will be instituted. Jy. the manogcrncnL It.-W AI Kwn of Ovace- ville, Minnesota, and W. L. of Ioveland, Colorado, compose the new firm, Mr. Thoriidyke : hna for years ben connected wltlv- eastern papers -as editor and manager, and MrJ-McKcon has had long experience...... New. job presses, a complete Job-room outfit and other, essentials will he added W 'the plant, and the paper will he conducted stonr modi Us home Interests. O. A. K. WH.Ii CAkp XV PAKE, . The committee of Ci. A. R. posts .of Portland yesterday selected the Oregon vV'ater Power St Railway park at . Bell wood as the site of thecamptng ground where visiting veterans Will gather dur ing the summer. The tMirk- Is heavily timbered and will be supplied with Bull Run water and electric lights. , There are more than two acres In the tract, which lies between the river bank track of. the Oregon Water Power Railway company and the Wlllamette-rlver. Ma jor T.C Bell is In charge of the camp and prospective campers can gain Infor mation by addressing him at his -home. 67 Nehalem avenue. Sellwood. While it will be impossible for the department of Oregon, O. A. R to furnish . tents for-all who may wish to' use the griunds, other accommodations will be provided and the flight rental of aJent will be me oiny cost invoivea. ; PAT THET 1VABT TRIBTJTB. T'nrter the SUSplcei ntar, tne lunrrai or Mrs. Orianna Hoovci wan , held at Dunnlng's chapel at Kaai fiixth And Wsshtngron streets yesierdaj afiernoon. - Many jf the former ' fellow teachers, of Mrs. Hoover were rlrrseut. sswere Jhe first graduating class of the Kast Portland High -schml, the Water Color club avd scores of personal friends. Professor, r.. F. Rdblnsbn tfe 1 1 vered the funers 1 address and tnl.l i,t ills assupiatiiin (.wnh Mrs. Hoover when ha was principal of the Central acxiot end she was a -eacher under hlin. The burial was 1n Rivervlew cemetery. . BAsTX BOOK TO Or EX. -" Furniahlngs-for theilPetilnsular Hank o"t.Rt. Johns are. being rapidly Instiled Irfvtax Cochran block and the bank will opejn fos business June' 1. The msnrg-i-mrnt contemplates ejecting tv bul.ulier especially.rTor -the hank. The neod frr Tbr-tisrik' wnsso "pressing and Imr-.e-dlnt?.' howerer,- tbnt temporary quarters were secufed,. and the cashing -of pry checks of 8t. Johns will ,be carried on aftcf this month by the home hank.' 'I - ( . . ! SCHOOL IS OTCBCBOWDEO. Bt. (John Is gttowltig so rapidly tha the new schoonoue' Is too. small and several rooms are gremjy crowded. A mass meeting of, the cho--l voters In district No. 1 has been caHc-l by the bosrrt trmeet'ln the schoolhotise nn-thc veiii p t ; ' 7 Wllllama , avenue between . Mitaoa " nil Skid nwtre etrecta: coat. $1 5'ai. TIlWAf'ISt Mav 1ft. J. -lUwalta. tent. Thtirman twees Twenty. third and ,1 went fourth 'win; rV,t. .",o. tnrt.AX - lav lsr.rWT-"rifdaff,repaTr Ta'dweT Una. f;erlii ld vclui near t rernont - treet ; f. atKI.. .. - - - v- n.M.KLK A FINK Mar IS. Wtker A Fink. IkioIIi, ThiiriiMMr tatwoes Twenty. aeveulb and . -IwenfV . liilub afreets; coat. RU . DAVISON Mar is., B. Davlaori'. dweTllita. ' corner Ijirrala-e and Blaliw-y atreeta; fmi, 62,- liat. - i , ... Al l.MKT-May 11. K. It. ' A limes, dwelllnr. "1:-t " Ankeuv le-tween Twenty-ninth and TlitHletll atreeta; coat, fl.tSHI.' . - UlX-Hr 111. It. 0, Cowe. dank,- M'arran ati-e-t near Monteth avenue; . eont,, $lia.. T'lllM.IPS tar tS. A. PlillHpe, roll a lie. I hlrty- Sf ih ' le-twecn ' ( Union . and . Tag-dart ,alr.i-U; -,Ht. 7ai. - f MKNKFKK Mav 14. H. F,. Menefee. a-ottage, I nlen avenu seer ' Khaver Jlroett coat', i ai 9.a . 1 , ..II ' iTTi 1et"n onr .taanrraeee and laitrcra to real aetata fn.m Oh. Title Onarante A Truat Cum- bulldlog. , . CbiVect Clothes m... touav yoa f t - WHAB and X17SsTXBXairOS y onr money wUI bny asywhcrerwlictJur you spend 1 or maa-r doUara-lUinamber, w give th t wain. ' T.- B. ft .KBIT'S AITS SOTS' OVTTXTT Eft. ignorancej of th diversity and quality of .this hardware display may cost you many a dollar when buying . tlms comes. It's wisdom and pru dence, for you to know It now. We'lr'tladlylnform youTkny Urn " jou call. 1 AVERY & CO. ea.TEOBD. STBIET ,T.- enlargement 'Of the building will he dls. etiased.. Any anUrgemeal roHMh build ' ' bo mc"r' "r T7. tl1 school levy and the board Is desirous of finding out how much the voter and taxpayers arc willing to. pay, hifors they campaign for a sjeclal tax. orva BEWETIT rom cbjpfle. A benefit was given at Blckner's hll n Bf. Johns last night ly theRol Nerghbors-of America for Martin Ma- her, who recently . loat an arm in -trt accident at the Douglass sawmill. .Mr. Matter has a family to support. Mr. Douglass will psy the bills for medical attention. NATION'S HEROES WILL VISIT THE FAIR Annual Encampment of Oregon, Washington and Alaska's : Criand Army; The -commute on general arrange- incuts fwr . th wwntiial esesi he Grand Army of the Republic of Oregon, Washington and Alaska, and for Grand Army day at the Lewis and Clark exposition, has issued the fol lowing circular; " 1 - "Th annual state encampments of Oregon, Washington and Alaska's Grand Army of the Republic, meets at Oregon City and Vancouver, respectively, on J una Cft. 21 and 3, 1'ollowlng the flnstj of each, encampment, l. e.v June 23, will be Grand Army day at the Lewis and ClArk exposition. This day has been set apart and designated as '.Urand Army day" by the fair management, in honor of the surviving members pf th at Grand Army" that marched from 'At lanta to the aea and-whhjh rulmlqatetJ at Appomatox. "In view of making' this day a mem orable one In the history of the Grand Army of the Pacific oast, an lnterstsu committee has been appointed tht department commanders of Oregon' and Washington to prepare a suitable pro gram for the -entertainment of our com rades who may attend,, not only their respective encampments, but to vlfclt th Lewis and Clark exposition. , ' Th committee very much desires that June 23 may .Lake the place of a national encampment, both lit point of interest and- numbers,-and to this ettil they urge -th attendance of' all com rades Who can make It convenient .-to do so. "Th comrades of the department of Washington will embark on commodl- aus'TTgamcT) st vhncuuvpi1 nn the morn ing of the, 23d, for Portland, arriving jt the latter city, they will be met by (he comrades of the department of Oregon and escortedtb the exposition grounds, hnd here appropriate exercises ' WtllJ)n carried" otit. TTie IrTp frOm7 Vancouver to Portland by steamer-will 4e on of plensnre and - scenic beatity- that -no comrade ishouia. allow himself to miss. . "A tampus lifts been provided for, -com-radns who may rleslre"" to - one 'mors dwell In. tents. In a beautiful grove situ ated on th bank of the VVilLirrwlte, rlveivinwWe-ettjrllrrrlw, and on the Or--gon Water PoWer & Railway line to but ton City. Car fare from -this campus ts D cents to exposition grounds and a 20 cent fare -to Oregon City, permitting comrades to attend the encampment at Oregon City and th expositionwithout breaking camp. -at little cost to 'them sele.' - 'Al limited number of tents have been provided for comrades who may wirli to so Into camp al Orckon 'City, -' WW-- ' V-' . - for Gentlemen u T OTat SaTOWIlTO of Clothlag oavnaot be eqaaled. m raVBaUOS are tha aaap- pica from bota forslg-a, asd eoasesuo mills. ' ; IJM- BTTXIB ara tha werr' - - w can picas ta most par- ' tloolar. TECB WOXKmAVSajn aad . other essentlaUa ambodladl la . onr olothss ar only to he gevusd - U - the Hlg-nost class of th finest tailoring-. . . Suits . and -Top Coats - $16.00 TO Custom tailor would chart ' dcnbl. ' th best - BHOES, HATS, TTWDBaV j WEST SPRING CATARRH. 4 ChangtrBble Weather Causer Disease. - Breathe Hyomei and Cure Catarrh. The changeable weather of spring, with. its warm days and cold'nights, is responsible' for a great increase in the, number of cases of. catarrh, lit is now thaJIjromcjhenly-uara teeinVeatment for catarrh that cures without--stomach dosing, should be used in every home. -.Ftr more- than -century - ph vsi- Lcians have been, sending jers.on suf- leringwitrr-catarrn to ngyrn, voio-' rado,-or Australia, where the pure. hcalLPglsjf--wMl JCiire th(Ldii.eafce4 ror. one person who could take this trip,. thousands have been compelled to-stayat-home and coittinue their daily toil. To these sufferers who could not" change their-elirnatic con dition!. '.'we offer Hyomei, a method by which pure air impregnated with nature's own' remedies for the cure of-"alarrluicarV-4c-Jnhaled by -every sufferer in his or her honier Breathed throng hthe ncat4)ockttinhalcr that comes with every outfit, its "healing, volatile, antiscpt' fragrance reaches the iMigS:-nd --airr passages as no stomach, dosing- possiblycan - dor It gives-immediate relict and makes lastintr cures: - Tk. rmnl.ta n.,f.' . I .f --"""""B liic uuiaicr, iur.uii.iiic uruppcr,' arm hoTtTio f TTtyoWeX" t S only Ur,: and extra bpttlej of Il fa , h ., one dol- otnei, if needed, can be procured for fifty cents.. ----- - - " : . .4 ; Proof tliat'the lTyonrei treatment will do all that is claimed tor it is found in tle guarantee under which Wonrlwarrl. Darlce K Cn sell it. an agreement j(o pay back' the price, if the purchaser can say, that ilyomei has not given satisfaction SPECIAL TEETH FREE w - . Extracting, cleaning and examination FREE! during all this week. Th Boa ton Painless Dentists will glv th lowest price ever knowri'ln Portland for strictly high-class dental .work. Don't put It off. but 4rom in at one. Oaad-JLOrk at low price, guaranteed for 10 years, haa mad a world-widf. reputation-for th ' Boston Dantista, 281H Morrison street. ' - TEETH PUTtS Extracting; and Xxamlnatloa .rssx -SKrYTSR FICt.l.NUa .'. TT35 GOLD KILLINGS . . .75? GOLD CROWNS V. S.1.O0 FULL ET ..i..; .....K3.O0 BRIDGE WORK .'. 93.00 Other dentists com and go, but th Boston Dentists remain tha same re liably up-to-dat dentists.- L -' . j Boston Painless Dentists 291 1 Monlson kti, Opp. Malar A Trank - . v-'.-;-o-.f7- aaa v.iot rui'.oiuca, MOCRS 8:30 -a. m. to , p. day, 8:3 a. m. to12:J0 p. m. BoiOe but the committee Jias- found It Impos sible to secure' tents for the Portland camp; tTteref ret - tlmse-availlng -themselves of the 'latter camp-1 . privileges must-provide, their' own-tcpfg arid camp equipage. Parties will- be on th grounds to assign comrades to quartrrs, and to have general supervision of th C'P- ' ' ' ' ' 52000 . 383-385 E. KOKKIB01T ST. I I 'hfXJlrsX-Bcsslpti lorthe dejWtmeplympictc aiUt.i. imiuauc at Oregon City will conv .ene on the I Strth: lrr- theVenThnof which ther will b a reception to the comrade and on the afternoon of the 21st. a parade will take place. -On Thursday: evening luara win be an entertainment, at whfOh time the gaivf rnor will address th com rades. ... '--, -----: 'Vomrades, let this be madi a memor able meeting of those of mi who are still able, to attend these encampments, remembering that to some of us . till will b the last. The committee be Itevf .that there will be a great marry of our; comrades here from th eastern states (during th encampment, to visit the exposition, and this will glv us an opportunity to meet them. VFtlr reservatloM of rmtms of tents, Or for any information pertaining to the err- ca'mirment, address chairman, general committee. - Oregon City:' Address all communication to Uu Ttespect fullV. JAM, V. HIIAW. Cbalrman."! "ja. , C.1-.1J5UMI oevretary. We Journal Branch Offices ADTIITISEMEMTS Will ba recajved " St resular auala offlc rare st the following place and wnt to Th Journal .Is tiSM tur publication la, th salt lasuet -. . JIOftTK. . .. - B. A, Preatoo. drsfflat.'t34-,d Tkut, man arreat. T" h'ob Hill Pharmacy, afiO OUaaa straal, miusi ni. r TISL A. W. Allen, pbarmaetat, ldtk and Mar- He B. B. Jacks, confactlonerv, 600 Wash- ingles (tract, corner lilts, SOUTH. 8.- P. Jones A Co.. druggist. 'rraajt ana uion .airaera. . Cottal Lrug tCompasy, Flrat aad Great -. treat. ., - . EAST STDX. " "" '"" Tuttla' Pharmacyr S6S AHalas1pr4 ava- nuc ooraee elbaver tret. ' Nk-hol A Tbouipaoa. 12S itua!l a treat. eorndr Albiua aveou. Immh Ding -Oanpeay. ew nee Dawa " thorn and Grand a van ore. f I. A. Dick, ' tobaecoa, M Crosby (at- ' end steel brldg). B. r. Fulton. coufectloBcry. 674 Esl Burncldr. corner Union avano. Ingram A Buah, tobscconUU, 133 Orasd avenue. . , j - ., ITVVTUDE. J. K. Worth, pharmacist, Belmont , .. itraet. ...... f. , ... BB00ZXTX. , Brooklyn Pharmacy, cbrner Powell and Mllweukt straata. , Begin 'to .SaviB ; ' AND DEPOSIT YOUR . . , MONEY WITH , "THE OLDEST TBU8T C0KPAKT IH ;.- r- OBEO0M." - Resources Over $1,000,000 "Xaaneral Banking Bnalneaa Conducted. , Savlngw Deposit Received. Tim certificate laaucd. alao certificate of depoalt payable upon ID; .days' call, 30 day' call or 80 dava' call with iutereat at H and. 4 per rent per annum, reapecllvcly. Ceil or arod fur book of , - i-rr ,IIXUSTBAT10"S.' PORTLANJ) TRUST COMPANY pF OREGON ' It Third Street. BEKJ.- T."" ConE.T.T. 77T.7. :.T." ..... .TrealAVnl II. L. 1'ITTOCK.... j..., a Vlce-PreaOlent B. l.F.E PAllKTi.rr.-.rit., Secretary J. 0. OOLTIIA ...Aaalatant Secretary B0TTCA... HEALED propoaala for ttirnlahlnr arhool up. line ana jamuurs ,-supuura-jo-acnoo. uian-iea No. .1, will be received at th ofnc ot the rlty inperlntendent of ecboala, city ,haU, until 1 p. at., Monday, June 12, 1005. Specifica tion and aamplea may bo bad at tha office of th etty xinerlntrndent. The board re- aeeve loa rlgtir to reject any and alt pro. poea la. t KAMI ruwi.r.K. Superintendent of Schools'. WA Bltm-.My wlftT"Bralf'TMerrilla. hav- Ing left my room- and board -without Juat tatiee or provocation, thla la to wars -all peraon concerned that I will not he r, auonalnle fr any debta of her contraction from and after thla date. ' ' D. B. MKBR1LL8. - Portland. May 18. 1905. - ' Ml LTNOMAH Cmp. Nn. 3. Indln War Veter an, will siet at city' liall on Saturday. May 'Jfi, 1 p. m. Renij.anuual nteetluf full attcudanc rcqueated. SttJARTt -Owiocty Hergean.'- 1,. m. rAKKlall, t.:apiaia BIDS will be received hr Peadile's Market aa aociatlon ap till TOeada y noon. Mar 2.1. IIMA, - for- concretina - on block 1.12. tave bhhi at ofnc on Third and Market iU , or at room nia t ommerciai biog. EtrVEBAI, B0T1CE. - PHILLIPS At i Lyle. Waah.. Mar - IS. - 1!M. Mary H. I'hUllus. age 7S year. 4 montba. r , y-i- "T" -I - t-kt rll-rt Frl'' nth. at 1;8P . at F. B. lainntttg'a cbapel. ' cor, Kaat Alder, aud Eaat. . Hixtb. k Friend Invited. MEITTSO BO TICK. io?i MIXTNOMAn CAMP. Kn, TT. W. .. meeta tontfnt in it 'Wo-v-vt, sail, gaat giith. near F.aat Al '.""f . der. . All vlaltlng aelghbur cirqiatiy. weuymeiii 4 1 W. W.T'.FlllfrilEN. r. C. J. W. WOODWORTtl. C. PORTTMND -FEDTERATED TRADES COUNCIL. Regular meeting thla (frlday) vnlng at 8 o'clock. Union block. Second and Stark streets. UKANT MCDONALD. Becretary. NORTH At-lesa than half value. 'Choice inside property, Bull Run water, gas, streets improved, close to 8-minute car service, full . lots, 50x100. $50 to $75 reduction. I Until June 1 I will tell-any or all of the " : 80 Lots in North Irvington at from $100 to $225 PER LOT Terms $10 Down and $10 Monthly Paym'ts. 6 per cent interest. It 1aa. .L-a - i i.t.. '- . .'- - . ' lery purchaser ; 5 "ptf cent , dis count for - cash.' Now . is your time to secure a home at abar gain and quit paying rent. '-l Remember June 1 prices will be advanced $5Q per lbt Write, to or call on r (. M. E. THOMPSON j UWltlVK ' ' .- ; ' MISSISSIPPI AVENUE - fflitmn 848 .Phone- East , 2328 W ' T t. i - LOST ABO roUBB. Kith Loat r Trnad aU vartlaanvant. tsM 'tl wonuj for 1 eajsu, aacs, I I.ORT Either on W a ah lug ton t.. or tietween VablniiMi and a-iaudera on HUteesth, a -lau - llaek -hamitaag vamtslulsal laviarok-J sea rrunt atenrr A arena , amir, e"e h. and pair of baby uovcaslu. Leave at xiUi Nurlb Mueteouib. LF.KT het and 8 o'clock, on Monirt Tahor car No. :t7, la a leather pure containing name 'of MUa C Low. Hrturn to No. 24 tiraud ava., ee No. SO Kilt Twenty -alilh ami raceivo reward. - "l. HWSrl Bf SBIIHII. I snri'SI TJUHSHISHrll'' b. on rvht ahouldar. halter on when - laaci aeen: reward of ti to aayona returning aeme to (WM Mlaalaalipl. are., or jihoue Hrott 6.tHi. LOST or strayed, aorrel fcoraa. blind In left eta. weisni anoui Keturn to aiin recoiv reward., W. A. Aruatronfx-MouUvillt. . FOIiN'D A place to have hair mattreaee rno- vaieq a no retnrnerr aame day rhona alaiu 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. HEL1 WAHTED All.' 6.or STBAWBF.RRX pleken wanted at Hood niver, ih-. I parllea luuat come wltb ramp outfit, tenta. beddlnca nd cook Ins utenalla: geiewoe ftirnlah camping ground, wood and water, ana win meet you at train -or noal ' and haul you to fielda tree. I'lekera are paid 1V cent per quart; -packer, -reut per quart; write u and we will baud your let tera to growera-. whd will write you direct to i mute and glv you further particular. IMck. Ins will b-sln about May 2 to 23. Hood j Illver Fruitgrower' I'ulua, K. H. Sbepard, 8cretary. .... WSNl'Ell, at ohco,-S00arrawh'rry-plikora at Hood Klver-r-men, women and ehllrireit; good pay. Take Hegulator tine ateaoiera from foot of Alder at. every morning eacept rlun day, T o'clock. Call up dock and aeeurs bag gage taga free. Offlc opes ttunuay. t all Main II 14. .- - . . . . : e WANTED Mattreautakers aad "boya to leara mrtre-miciug; aood wear. , reteray si Koberta' Furniture Co., 46 F ron t. r cor. Da-vla. STANDARD B perinea, men true apeclaliat. -enre- all - fheonlc -dlacaana. eUuctrlcaL -appliance, batterlea. belt. Hradijulrtcra U1H Jat. WANTKD A lapldlaf; one with toota preferred-; tany work. Beua aadrea ana other jiat V V .40, ,ear Journal. ........ EXPKRIKNCED aaahmakar and bench hand wanted at one. Portland Baia A aor Cn ittti Front at. tV AXTFD Flret-elaaa stlckermeu 'for aaah factoYv. Apply Heaalde Sprue Lumber Co., Heaalde. Or. 4 SCbeol telegraphy A electrlclty; pnplla wanted; alao poaltlou wantea lor graduate, soon j at. DETKCTIVKH Man to learn; w gnaraut wo-k to our pupil. R Sol. 306 Morrlaoa at. HELP WAHTED TEMAT.E. WAN'TKO FiratHTlaa family cook; good ref erence: wage ru.k 2-KiS lamhlll. - mone Main 6413.- .. . , L .WANTED Mauarkaapar, wldnwel oil fa Mil. ohjectWin to ou child. Xto'i Vaiohlll. I'bon .Main 0413. GOOD handaawer. apply manufacttirlns depart- mentjJUoopey. hhv, third at., uimiaira. WANTED An experienced woman for general homework.- Apply 674 Kaat I'ln t. WANTED tllrl for general bouacwork - lu -amll family. adiiltaIlQ JI.rct J. 4 WAXTKD Ulrla to .work In randy factory. -Apply at 104 ?orth Fifth at. ', "' OIKL'to aiatat with general houaework. iPboire Maln Jf17. tMa Johnaoa t. i- WAIST and aklrtmaker and flnlaher wanted at 1M Tenth at . - . LADY, to aollctt. . aonn. Call at 642 Sixth at. after- Htir ANTED MALE 0BrEatAXlV. WASTED fbrwue ladle and gentlemen with g"ixl voices' to alnc In Klralfy a Carnival of Vetiire- at eapoaltlon grotinda. Apply - Mar- qiiam urand theatre between 10 na 11 a. m. MEN and w.imen to" 1ere" 7trher trade m-g weeka; halrdreaalng. manicuring: graduate - earn I5 to 8"W weekly. - Seattle 4tarb-r Col. . lege, 121 Waahlnirtoa. at,, Seattle. WAXTKD At Oliee, energetlcjre-. woman, a sou' faTk-er. to take- up an attraetlv propoaltlon ; Tuqulra 733 Chamber f Commerc. 0 a. m. S MII.LMEX. a irt-emenr 8 girK I chamhar malda aud kin-hen h-lp. 11. Hlgliy- Employ ment Co.. 3ta Pine t. . . , TTVATIOKS WANTED HALZ. TOryfl-man. law atudent. notary- pigtlle. e perleneed atrtKraplinr and bookkeeper, want posltloajJ In lata- -offl.-e: aalary Immaterial; machine furniahed. ' 4'. A., cara Journal. S1TCATION wanted a clerk or collector; have .had 6. yeara' egperlenoa lo rroeer business anil cdleetlng. Addreaa lintel Northern, North TwefHH"f"M Marahall. room 1,13. VOt.'NO maaf woul' Ilk position aa itenog raphor; a had S yer einerlenee In rail road w:rk; cau leave etty If. dealred. Ad dreaa A 41, cr Journal. UARDKNKR" Experienced. Snher, elderly man, want poaltlen on private place, city or coun try; will do other work except borne. Ad- - drfaa A AO, cara Journal. STEADY. rdbtw-mn -wants-employment iemas or i erencea given aaleamaa or any other llabt'workj beat rcf- Anoreaa i .to. car journak, TOCNO man wanta work helper lu black. hurnalde house, cor. Second and Burtailde. NIGHTWATCHMAN want J)oatmni caji ivl near, government rererence. Addreaa C. Hart nan. 34fH Front. reataurant aober and, lnduatrloua. Box 1I7. city. TTUATIOXS WAXTED rXHALB. 1 fs..,aa-Ae yOt'NH ladv dealre pee 1 1 Ion aa atonbaranhee: enperlrnccd; ran operate any ot lb ataodard - machine. Mala CO. 'WAXTED TO XEXt. ROOMS tn all part of th city. . i . .1 j , e. myy'r - ' ' otwiuiwih viuk. KXPOS11ION ACCOMMODATION Cnder dlrvcllo of th Lewi and" Clark Fair - , Corporatlos., ...... rttotis Mats 8266. " VANTF.Iie- 8 or 4 room bouae and lot on In . alallmenta; moat be cheap; atale price and where located. Addreaa A 49, car Journal. WANTED To' rent for eaaon.-:8 or -4-room cottase at H-alde or Oearhart; atata rent. , Addraa A 43. ere Journal. WANTKD Td rent nnfnrnlahed room wtihtn 1 mile of Morrison it. bridge. Call 804 Kaat Aider. ' i .WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB-H.lnTHhd WmiaraTfeflT having gone faratobed. BDBBAU. ,n,o ari,irraui,, w,-n io aay linT It f I i I i -fl 'are contemplating budding let ua auhmlt yeuafrtiit 6ALK 10 acre. t,hi 82.100; ,.. .. ,. mir ,, If.UIOl al , our ahop. ,'Slxtewnth and (jllaan, or Naw i Weatern hotel. . I HA B two brlaht hoya. asea 6 and 1 veara. reapoT-Tiveiy, wooaa- would lle to bind overlynB;! T.AND IN OltBtlOf nnoer tn 't 4 to. uoraona who baa. s-wd -leimrs suit WKefT" jrrlg ntlon'Act:'- Tteed ""lllrecl Trora t m'7 wouin o wen raaen care ot. -Aoareae B,-g. Willi. General Delivery; 'ctly. WANTEl Mor tpraylng and Whitewashing; - the- only gnaotln compreaaed ' air apraylna outfit on tba coat. M.'ll. Moccan A Co.. uld I MUaaatl, ,-ei'honw Kaat 2SIT. - . . . CHILDREN taken Car' of and hoarded for any -lenaio or crime at-my nom; very beet or at tention given; reference. Call or- addreaa Jlra. g. Scott. Central. Or. , - WANTBP Work aa coachman or car of drly in noraea ny young man of eierieoce, Ad- tlreaa Frank, Tlandctr 14, cor. Eaat-.Morrlaon aitu niitn ata. way a-,.. .k.. dreca forma, etc. Add. V 26. Journal. Wrl partlcelar. price. WANTED Second-hand portable oe and even. m(,t aiaw. oaaauoi nviuua, ivo a imru a.. SHORT ORDER Printing Houae K. J. Ryder, second, and waaoingtoa at. Mais noro. WANTED 8wlng hy day on ahlrtwalata and aatrtwaiat an it a. rnone utcstt cuts. I WaNTKIi-hA go.d hra. hrne nd cgvered - wage. ,A. Ellutos, m Bcbuylcr t. . ? T0B EEKT HOUSES. A NliW reod-.-rn 7-rooui btte on Mallory ave.. .' i near fiulug, una blia-k from t'niou av., ear - line, rent J0. Apply W. 0. Bck, 307 lalt. lug Bldg. . '- HAL-eapr-Tn'-TcnC,' llew flvroom - -bouae, l"t Panual) yty water III h'Ulae. Ke ownnr, 71 Kaat lltb at. N. I'hon Kaat 8147. - KAPPEKLY TRANHKBK-mMMISMlOK CU.--- Ptaooa and furniture movc-d prutiiitly br at perlauced own.. 110 Third t. Mala 1S5. fTB KBNT Larse, tnvudaomo houaa and yards on top ct Alt. Tabor Apidy llyuaou. J juraal " offlc. a t- FOR ItKNT OB SALE, tho DarUuscotias aide; neat location lu grove. I'lioiui r-aat 62.1. TVO-koom bouae," rear of lSf Curry sr J - per month. - - - , - , WASTES BEAT. EST ATX. V'AMKD Lot or houaa and lott ronet h cheap for raah. Addreaa O SI. ear Journal. WASTED AGEETl. WANTKD tjdy agehta to canvaaa for a faat-- seikuig rare preparation; Big money guaran. , iee,i. - tan in Thurman at. rim, to l p. FOB RENT HOUSEXEKriMO) BOOMS. One . Inacrtiaa la this -word la 16 mu," llakilflcatlas, rat "II - TENTS, fnrnlahed or unfurulabed: camping fa. cllltlea; lurglt ground, charming vlwa, healthful . reorti liiiiit JWU -Lwl and- .Clark Teutlng liriMiiid. Mt. Tabor. FOR RENT I furnished or 2 partly' ftirnliuad houaekuepliig r'Nini. with paufry. bath and. phun. t'ntou wl!-S, or- address W 86. Journl. LARtlff fiirnlahod houekeeplng ' room; reaon aiw-r uiniinry. mut lnriinieu: Dries nuitdlngi only 1 bkark from Lear, tmj Huaaeli at. THR LINDA VISTA, nleeiy fnrnlahed hnrekaep. tng and lnglv rooHlll'raaonbla. 47 Vi Fifth, Iaj7 Tlllltll til'. 3 fnrnlahed ronme. rear.- ntt - nin for Hunt bouaekeeping; 12 per month. - rOB-BEWT- TTBBIHHEJJ- X00HA- -. -.. i- -i- Ljaaaa-w.. ., ... THE RARLAN'rw 1 -Aat-Wahlulun. het.7tncHty-hd-TwB iii-m; new, moaern.i outalde room. lee trte light, phone, tree batb; Soc. TV. 81 per day; rates by week; reataurent Is baaemvat. FOR KENT 3-nlceljf furidahed room. 1 front room eultablr for 3 gentleiiK-n,. 8 bede: atreet car paaaea iloor private family! bath and phone. Inquire Si North ftllteeuth at. THE MONNASTES, MO- ; nrat alncls " alnela " rooms rtotu St '01 S3! ru rurnUbed houaekeeplng aiittea from 81 73 to 66 per week: room Da night, 60o and 2Sct touriat aoll-lted. MARyt'AM HOI'RR. 14.HA 6th Rooma a aolt or lngle; houa-krelng roonta; ra atovc. " bath., electric light; tranalenta solicited. ' T1IK XIAVFAIU Fleaantly Nmlahed tranalent - ror.m; new bulMO.; ovoern eonvnleocea- nu. HIU WOi. - . XlfKLV furnished room, lngle or eroulte, for taanalentt woe. Tft... vie, day. 290 Jcffer-' aou at., opp. elty balL - IRE GLADSTONR 618 Sier St., ntrnlahad rooma; undr sew g.angcmeat; price rea aonabl. - j. , -,. , , N1PKLT fnrnlahed room, with pbonav'ga. path, .- 18 6d pe week and., up, at 2D0 Jafferaoa. CLK A T hea p Turn iahed rwnil iwl kNiglnta. -.1H6 Klglitaeiith at., g bkicka from -fair grounda.' CllEAPi:T aad t toraled rooma tn Portland. 61 week np Olliriaa. Fltat-Aod Alder !. Fon JlKSJt partly mlahed room near fair ground, f Inquire 1 776 Kotwevelt at. -. - fil IT, of S fnrnlahed rooma for rent, ton r.utt M.wrlaon. cor. Urand ave., reasonable, FIJRqKllFrr era.nia fur rent. Call .log Vonta H.tfj-f. BOOHS ABB B0AX3. - TrtfNO aien; tr you want to board aad roe in ; In a p-rajianent and flrat-clas houae, (Wa rate are .exaaedlnaly 4Hr, ad will remain ' the a me neat eummer aa they are sow, call at the Aater Houae, 2.M Svvntk at., corner " wf Modtaon. -Te4a- klaln J3L """ ','" "X r- ' , -: - KLFtJANT ccoinmodtlons. rate by dv. week n,ei qiiini i'laiui, pi n ea riant. iiiii, in Ii ns 1 hs IrvlDa. .lHth and trrlns.- Main THE I,IN DKI.l New family hotel. Market, bet. Third and Fourth: steam heat, eloeirlc tight, porcelain batlia; xcedlna4y low rate. 480 NINETEENTH af.. .... Clifton. - Portlsod - Height. . I -bone1 Ualn 4377. Tak Heights, ear. - ... THK HAWTHORNE. ' S2I-' Thirteenth Hooni . with board; home cooklng;eaoaablc; central. Rtvnw and agy at. d hoard at Clay and Water sta., No. HOUSE rOR RENT rTJtNITURE T0 SALE."-, TnE PORTLAND Aft'TtOX ROOMS aU yama- furialturo for yo at y,ur realdcnce or 21 i Flrt t; 'ot, bet reaultk bon Mala 60 ii. 12 ROOMS, wen furnlahrd, eentrllv located, t liloek from Waahfngtott; 8iaj, cab or terms. Call Monday, i Front ll.'rfi. COTTaOR to rent, cheap:" furniture for aale; handr to, fair. Call K44 Sorth Fifteenth at. STORE FOX BEtrr riXTUBES FOR SALE, STORK for rent, fUturca for aal. 112 North, Kimh at. FOX BEHT OFFICE ROOM. Waahlngtnn bldg. FOB RENT FARMS.- FOR BKNT 6 acre of land, all In cultiva tion. Eaat Forty-third and election Una road. W. O. rWk. 307 The Falllov. "TOR BALEe-FAXMS. FEW BARGAINS FOR THIS WKF.K ONLT. Hums A TAdilART. 107 Misth at. 4n acrea fine land neaV Oregon City. Hon. 46 acrea, cleared, near Oregon City, 8l.4. i o acrra, is cleared. houe and barn, 81. . 160 aen-. HO cleared, sew sou, on Colum bia river; price 61'.- -. ' - 74 care near car tine, 10-room hone, bam; all in good repair; 6 acrea in different varletlea of frultv and berrlea; 8.i0t. i 4-room hona and lot, cor. Davla and 22d, 8 l.ootl; rented tflw, 812 T' moiUh. See it for rooinlng houaea, reatauranta ud -"rltv property t reonble' price. .Llt your property for- yuli-k ssle. ' "; J, 1 100 ACKKH no acres fin nb Irrigated bottom tinder eultlvatlnn: 2.tVwr?ooo feet fine timber; k.ta of fruit and berrtea: good 2-tory .real. - -- dene, big barn; aplendldr water st '! ' ilaliy mail; near town and school; s loviy home In Rogue rlvee-ralley; flneat climate em " earth. be -rek- tt wast tlt Addrawa Box 117, WoodvlHe. Oregon. H one of - the moat mnineeni ue ior a country ' home, v :n miles, irotn i-ie-iiaun, nr,, u nitjp frorn'railroadJ Addrea Mr. A. Kehulcnberg, Palmer, Or. ... j - - .. arey: ate. U'i. -,ulae. Mneklet and man. free. R. a. Cook A Co.. Sat - Alder at.. Purtlaad, Orage. HOMESTEADrfRS W can locate, you nn wnt or Irrigation gnd; real eatat for aale, - Call : or write. Vaa Cicsv ft 8c boll. Echo, I'matllla county, Oregoa. ... fRFB land In Oregon; jtcnralon every da v. Foe Infotmatlon liuiulr Northwestern aerurt. ties ('., sin irregonian Dinars -r I2.VI0 HANDLE 'i.onn acre Tamhlll countr, 60 nil lea from Porctnnd; 700 In graaa. Call at ooos S41 Murrlon- . -- FOR southern Oregon teal estate, large or email tract. -. Dlllard A Clayton. Rnaotmrg. Or. ' FOB KEJfT KISCF-tt ANEOPB ; - - FOR ' KF.NT Confectionery ator with frrat. claa od fontualn and good -ice era a par tita; fnrnlahed; in good- bnalaS-tocatlOs. :AddreV W, cr Journal.- . FOR HENT Dental office, aood ltt1oTi.' god btialmwa. Addrea V ns.'ear Journal. ' 1 - I I I k , ' , J -T- -- - s -i. '' SPACE In renf Nlvth at. tiputitloti Lea- . lug teO. 73. Aliih -aC i TUU1A May 1. lira. tL WltnUu,". rollict, ' pany, t.haaiber f lumoer bu . V, - - -; ' '-': "-..-. ...a - -- i t -"er-r.-, f -t