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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1905)
r-A I - THE OREGON "pAILY JOURNAL. - PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, 5 nfPMp3iiMiISiS- i liB ----- .r.--.- rM - - ' "' ...... . . , ... I . . ll " " " " "r ' - I" ' I ' -IPMIMNMMM SEVERE DECLINE "rlffVllgATfirARljfiT: CAUSE"OF-DEHN & -REPORTED j)AHACED All Options in Chicago Pit Break and - Close With. a . :-7 Loss. ; - v- JULY AND SEPTEMBER, :- ARE DOWN THE MOST May Loses Heavily" on Small i .. Trading-orn Prices Are - Much-Off. MT.... , .' July.... . .Rep.;,. kS-HSA'T-MARKi Open flnne floe Today Today Thiir. .. .HH(4 t -B714 ... .8Th .("(I. .82 '.f0,,B ,.WV ' O'lirnl.htd by Over berk. (Starr A Cook C.) ' t'hiraco. Mar IW. Loa-an A Hrran aav:' la wheat better map and the trad having had tlma to thluk pve aeiiaational crop report. caBeed a revemlun of opinion aa to the -amount f damage, and cauaod tba markat to Wwar. A Bagging tendency continued throughout the " aaiim. Will I aonie Hula rally aared tha - - market at th rioaa. It closed weak with entl- nient oraewbab. mixed aa to tba hatnedlat our. or prke. Trad waa on muck smaller scale. Reporta concerning tba crop were favor- ... able and mioiallil lu part tor tba light ', eelllng. The underlying eoiidlttona tKM an kenged. Tha situation la good and utocka r decidedly , mailer. Tba weal her from .tbla limc'uu will t-a tba dominating factor. .- ' Corn Trad Limited. . - The enrnl trade 'waa again eitremely limited, . wltb corn for eal on every ahow of etrength, froaumahly by the hull holder. -Tba caah .aMiiaiwn. owlug to- the advance In the apecn latlve marker, bn petered out. While receipt ar asiall. they ire ample "for preaent require- - tnente, -The- recent advance moat tare reduced the abort Interest materially and to that eitent baa wcakaned the aneruiatlr cincture. , . ' Oata Bar4 Early. . , The rati trade aaaumed early a eecln teudeney, at no time abowini anr-reat ai'tlTlty. The feet that tbla market dnea not tnrxd to tb better raeb inquiry and export deuund aerme to confirm n in ,vur Ttew that the future montha ahculd be told on tbe atrunf apota. t " In pn)Tf lore the l'lat arted ateady at the ,' decline, due poaalhly to acme Hipport by tbe a'oday'e ofMal markela-, lj, r . wHF.At. Open. Hlirh. ,- tow. M.T..... .tji4 Ml .WII4 et .83 , .82T 'i ' COUN., . Jfld July. ' .t-V . .4 f juiy z. .4't . ... . , ,7'a Clne. .HI - B -.BSi--' .4XM. New. Hent .41lu . .4X1 ... ..7i . .47U.A if. 1C.J4T , ,44 m'ik - .44 W Old - Dec. .45 . 4 - a. ,4S A OATS. .. . - May ...-... li . '' ." July .8!t'4 - ,a .2IA isepi..... ..''li .as .as iIES PORK. .Mar..:,. ...... ris. -J2.IU 1ZIQ I3.f-T-Tg. TAfT'SfACTIOniS Determination . to Buy . Materia for the Panama Canal ; In Open Market Hurts. - - - LAWSON SCREAMS LOUDLY " 7 AND MARKET GOES OFF Steel Issues Start the Downward Trend Market Closes - Weaker. ' """T " ADMiganiatetl. 'm Auhiaoa ...... nufar ,,,. Muwlter Cat 4 round ,. . Bait. aV Ohio .... llo. Kue , ... Kt. rai ..v.... C A X.. V Cbeaa. A bk.'. Cau.lUa fa ... fcria r.iMr, ( piu lllluokf Central.... Mei. 'Central ... , Katy ; Kwt,; Weat.,.. . 1HIK. T. Central . Iniontarlo Weil... JU . 1i!Penylente .... . it nfMtg atcei var. .. .;KaaiU( .......... , mlkern By , . S'stwl ....... MJHtael. pfd . .11 Rock Jalaod KIKwl lal:ina. ptd VMoutbern I'aeiae , Slt iilon PaclOe ... Wabaah ::ri;::J5 Brooklyn ... MetrupollUo iae .. AOVAXCES.;.. . r ...... 1 lUula. ft Natk....,v,i aZii'uluu i'ac. Dfd... 1 .Wabaah, pfd-..' t. I : ' (rnrolihed tiy OTerbeoiTHtarr Cook Co: Wall Street. May 10 Tbe atock market re eel red another aeyere aetbaek today and moat of tbe liat cloacd lower. - 11e real, wen knee waa abowg In the Steel laaucj. Tba almoat crntainty that .tbe goTernmeot will buy tbe materiel, for the; Panama;, canal' la Ibe ' eperi aiarket fare the bll ateel eorArattfln black ey. It la ameed that even if tbe eoniuany doea aeenre a tarce per cent of tbe ortlcra it win ne compeiiea to accent tnem at tne price rulltut all oyer the world and aet- what ll wanta to charge. At I he cloae tonldit united matea Hteei abowa a loaa of Hi no iitai. The preferred ie down 1 pvinU; Lawaon cauie out araln and til a meaaace bad 41 prunounced wvaaeninff erreci nion tne markeu jooay a otooiat atock market: : DIBCRIPTirIf, Jaly ,,, a j. rtcpe i j.hi i r, . uuu. . . . ...... My.,... , j... .. ' . T.W A , July..... 1M 7 5 : - T.ilS : 7 2 . I neptt.... T.&2 ,T,02 7 M TaJV -BHORT Bins. May.. (.. .. .. .tr-s... - 7.PT "' .tuly.-.-. ..- Tt 72T' T 7.2S rVptrrrrrT3io 7.B3 7.47 BaV'tRAITCIbCO ORAM MARKET. - b Pranckwo. Hap 19. Official cloae, morn ing aeaalon ; WHEAT, Opwi. Hlch,: ' f.' ' Cioa. May ....i.a f 1 4a - i.4 ft.4S Uecember..... l.0 l.l .. . l.M '7 1.81 BABLEV. May..,...;,., A . .x-. . -J A . lareember...... 87l, .efl .87 .714 ' CHICAGO ORAIM CAR LOTt. . riilcaf 0, Mar 10. Grain , car Iota: ' 1 t Car tirade Bt. ett ....V....,...f 8 .0.4 ferrt "...1 lata ..150 . ' 161 : 10M ft 70 70 tlTERPOOt RAI MARKET. , May 1.-"loa: 1 Mrernool. fla d. Vd up; July, e Vid, lemher. w H . tornMat, e ed, Ud tip; d ujr. ' Wheat, May. 4d up; Bcp. JuirTde 4Hd, SHEEP PRICES ARE TWENTY-FIVE LOWER Market Drops Under Continued ". r a. af 1 a neavy Keceipxs vanie Are Dull nndlow, - , Porlland I'nlon Btorkyarda, May 10. Lire- atock rccclpta: . C - - , Una- Cattle Bbeen rHJ if2o 7(M) '. . . . 70 . ZIWI fl 7 Today . . . . V.'eek ago lferlone week. nacduda Mlulue (!o aiubi. i.oppr A Atcblaoir " mni . jv.v. do Preferred . . . Am. Car A Found., cum. dO preferred. -n-rrrrs Anv. S"f trcom..;., Am. Kmelt.r- oDK ,hr. do. preferred. Baltimore A Ohio, com . . Brooklyn Rapid Traueitj 1 anaoiaa racine, com Cbl. A Alton, . . ' do pref erreji .'. , Chi. A tit. Weat.. com ("heaapeake A Ohhi.T.. fulo. rnel A Iron, com tw; ronTn., .corn do Zd preferred. eWlet preferred. . . . . D. A H." ., rom.'.TT.V -no preferrfd..!. Brie, com.... ..5, do zd preferrfd. lrtd -o- a - -r ..'.in"" r.r 7IIW -Ttot m I 1:14- t us; IIH'VIZI (Ul 1 flll 14KT 'tartly. I .1 1! .114 Sin Ull-' I r. ... t .... ...... I m 1 wvi M- .......f !tnf 40 so . . , I 04 4 t -1 tuit llio IDA 70H 7tt4 TBWf-TSU.t-T'' niijituiioi. wia n.yi iVHTH 73T IN 11S iinv I11M 14554 no- tat neefnrrerf . -I TT I I 7711 77ixl .77 - Illlunin CcntraF. 1 1 T.T I ! IMS - 1ST (157 lrful.Tllle A NaahTllle..142iiil4:iv;142t'l41!ij weimuniirun rrrr Rv .". wannatraii - Ky......... Mexican Central By . . . , Minn., Ht. P, 4V 8te. M. . ' do preferred Mlaaourl Pacific... ..... . M.. t-a l, com..... do preferred New York Central..:... Norfolk A We.tcrn, com. do pref erred.... '..k.. North American N.- X., itiit. A Weet.v t'ennaylranl liy P. G., L. AC. Co Preaaed Bleel Car, com. do preferred Pacific Mall Kteam. Co.. Heading, com do tat prof erred Rep. Iron A Steel, com.. do preferred Rock lalaud. com do preferred......... Soul hern Ry., nn,,,, do (preferred. .'. .si. ... . Southern Paddc do preferred dt. L. A B. P.. Id Dfd. st u. ft s. w. com. . . do preferred. ......... Texaa A Pacific. .'. . . ,f Tcnneaaee i'naL A Iron. Toledo, Ht. I,. A ,W., c. do preferred rl'nlon Pacific, com do preferred 110 114" 20 IT A 1 no J4d 1 44 44 " Hope AreLIkawIaeTlamagaA. Tli datnarto the potato crop ,u bot Hi only one mentioned In tbe reporta rece lyed Ihe front la aald to Bare worked eoealoeraMe harpc wlfb the hop Tinea. It la yet too early to-atate Jnat bow- ranch damage -waa done t th la crop. t- - t Jhe .bop markef1a qnle but the tone la not weak. The .fact that J. Ogdea Armour and George B. Rol.blna of the Armonr ear lloea kara eaeoclated . tbemaelyea - with the K. Clemen Hort company, popularly annpoaed to be fha larger -bear firm-to- tbe -hop huafneee, haa created a new Intereat in tbe market, ' The aaaoriatlnf of Armour with tha company aa. aorea gKreaatye bear operational in the bop market during tbe eomlng eeeaone, 'Mr.- Armeur tt market. Har fa bear In the corn market, a bear In the wheat I market wd A hrar , the- fvreaieloo j market. :'4 aiZ I 27 V e4 f,tt B-iV4 lldM'tlil 13 10 112 'poii 5 07 Ii4(i?rtisiiv4ii 77 TJ. 8. Iieather, com.... do preferred . Rnhherr do preferred U. B. Steel Co., com Wheel. A Lake Krle. e Wlaeonam tvntral, com. iw pnferred. . . . W. 1'. Telegraph Webeeb. com. . , . r do preferred. Rlll'ller HH4 28 tia" fCl....j;.-;f.l H4 Tbero la yeyy alow -tone to the hog mar ket. Cattle are quoted yery weak ioday, the Jiutrnere being fined up. The abeep- market la weak under eontinued liberal receipt, and nricea are practically r. lower today, (. ftfflclal prlcea for llreatock: ; Hog. Beat eaatern Oregon, $9 00; blorkrra and i h'na rata, ao.zo; atorker and feeder, 5T 1.7.1. t'attlr Beat eaatern Oregon eteera, 4.00if 4 25; light and medlnm ateer, M.SOiUg.Tft: idd and light cowa, 2.nO.7fi; atorker and TyTyTfW, 1 m "fir) Wl) rloV ' ' 1 w' H 'r ' ' J 1 ' 1 "' ' " h ' i Bhwp Beat fancy aheep, $S.7B: ewe,1 $3.80; - aprlng la nil'.. 4M4Vic. .. CalT Good Teal. 11 to 175 pound, 4c; ... rough and heyy, 24Q.1e. . .: - . i ,i :.- easterx boos drop. 7.000 li.fKlO . J. 0110 Chicago, May 19. Myock receipt! Chicago .20.fio . a.fww( Kanaaa City O.OftO " Omaha -! H.0OO - 1.500 lioga Opened ftc to 1 lite tnacee with II.OOO- left oyer: receipt a year ago were tt.lioo. -Prteta: Mixed and htttchera. $A.10Yfi.4r; good and heAryr- A5.30ifm.4n:' rough and beaty, 4.0ol; lights Aii.l5JS.37H4t ' Cattle Hteady." ' t-: - ' -, Bherp Steady. - ', - ' - d V m - . - f ILVERTON HOPS ARE 'r ' NOT LOOKING SO WELL TtrTplli W Th7.unaT:r .llrertra. Or.. May 10. The rondltton of the bop crop in tMe Tlrlailty dne wit Improre aa rapidly a waa expected during the preaant good growing weethar. Many, of the eld yard MI not yield more tha half crop and ilia yard that bear thla year for the Oral Tim are not lonklHg aa well aa uenal, Th oIt yarda that appear ta b dotng well are Ihoee-twn and tbre rear old. Home of the old yard are , an poor Ibat he grnwera hare not twined them. In Boml other yarn the bar only twined thrifty looking bill, i 1 B08T0JT COmS ItvCXI. Beaton, May IT Uf (trial oopper clceet. tilil A IWiea Kti.pO AtJ1te- .T.fJ IS ix III.. 1. da , ... Valiiiuet ..... Cenlennlal ... lu mi rit Nt ,,f o.Mxi Italy Wit ... in.oQ ' ' ' A . . fr ,ningpam( -t.24 a vi T ' fVirtl. CoAl . Granny". . . . . Green twpper.. 2 , Mn.e ; .,.(. ( T. TO M-.hawk '.WV. 40 (Ml Hl.iui Carrut ....... lU.Ou Phoenlg ,., Nanta re Hhannon Trln II f .'. I Ink WolTerln Hoya! Toi 'if Michigan Tamarack' . . ... I lilted Copper Wtnona ....., Brltl.h.'VI ., I.,, Mlniuc, Bid." . 1 .00 ' - l.H7'4 ! f.ffl - 42 (Ml i liio mi . I0T.1 ,11.o. IS IH . XI lliin ' a.iVt . su.iv 4it 40 Ti JlfiUlJl.-M 3T iii'vl ot 17VA ST T2UI 8S4 ri K2 77 4 OKU Ml VI, Pi 1 71 W 27 72 24 onvi V1 out. S? 72 27 7.1 2H 0.S 00 65 Kt" 32 70 H4 W lriw jiZia. 27S 4MV 10 221 pi" SilVa 4 70 V4 64 SSV4 0414 11K in 02 liuVj 4)1 4 0 IH'4 1 in 'l Oil 11NH ' 04 21 1, MVt 77 8414 i. li. It 110 IIK)4 20 15'i ii 10 HX4 do preferred y .l 114 im!104W)i Total aalea for day. 1,11.0.100 abarea. Call money, IV, per wot. - V 2tH4 ir.'i 22 K 41 :l 171 RM14 -041 104 WAIT. STREET 0088IP. New Vork. My 10. The Wtl Btreet Journal aya: American atock in London are weak. H to H point tatlow parity, with Bteel atocka 1 to IVi down. (Jonaola are unhangrd and foreign bnnda are ateady In London. Rapid couimiaalon awarda the 'Jblrty-fonrth atreet tunnel to ixmg leiand t Ity to aletrotioll "tunr rtuiiorahle peace In utirflineaiiMii railroad altuatton likely, uoon demand lor Btncka-prl-Tatcly and In tbe loan crowd. Ten roada for tbe arcoBd weekrof May akow an aTerage groM increaee ot w.u per cenr. nt. r-ni net made complete Bitr.eye for a Pacific exrenaton and dora not ipropoa to do a at preaent. Ijlontdfl tlon for Ntw I York renorled from Ixin- dou. The bank luet to the anhrreaaury a I nee I'roday f7.12l.U0O. Ne Atlantic rate war la firobalile before fall. CloyeT Tieaf earninga4for he aecond Veek of Kay" decreaaed 14.742, tnin'a rotto; report aaya large yield may he ecured witn arerage eonauiona: j innimtrmia ne crraard 2.i2.,pT eenti 30 ctiel, MtiaoaUa" de creaaed 1.80 per cent. '. . SAS PRAMCI800 LOCAL BTOCKI. an f May 10. Ical tock OfBrlftl eluee, uornlng ealcn: . . 1. : , - v.)". A"k. Bprlng Valley Water S74 flu I'onira Coat Watyr ..j . 42 , 4:1 Mutual Kiectric ...jajj.. i-i's Ban Krarwlno Ga A Elertrlc Glaiif Powder .':'.'.':,".." Hawaiian Commercial ....... Honnkea Bugar . . . . ....i iiiltcblnann Hllgar ......... . Makawelt Bngar ............ Onome Bugar Paanbat. Mugar .. AI.ek. Pack.' . Cal. Pml tea niierr California Wlun Oceanic Hteamahlp Pacific Htatea Telcphono-.v . M'l "RH AS -Ji mi 4 M -ttli 101 an H7 371,1 -.22A53V . eo . , . tlm tol 77 .a " .... 41.4 I ....losvtj .. TOHor ah iniHa itocxs. Ban Prncico, Mat 10. Tonopah lock,, of flilal cloae. forenoon aeaalon; . I " Bid. I . Rid. 4.10 Adama .07 , , i.02VklMtikwk ....... .1 Montana ....... Midway ........ Mi-Vamark .... Belmont . ; i Nortb Mtar ... Rincn .'.,.. Gold. Mt Jim Butler .j. Ncvd ....... Ton. ttxtrtj , .'. . fled Too . . . r. . a Baod.torm . . Baadalorm la., .4:1 IHxIe I 27MjKendall ,.1m .71' I'nhllllbl tti... .!' fjiimho .17 jjilmh.. Kx . .Oil I Black. Putt 1 ... .lMVilHIWer. Pick 1... I.iki !)ilitH Anchor., .: IH.r O'Brlra.,1.. -.OH tlopblr Tun . .42 t. . Bull Krog.., .: ItA KM. in. .u.ln. Id .... .(3; .16 . .7:t, .211 .20 14 '.PI .l1 -.3.1 . POTATO CROP IS S GasaeSSHSfZSHSHSSSiSSa HSS2BB3EBEHS22 Late Frost Causes Vines to Turn Black in Various Sections of the Valley. ARMOUR BEARING HOPS . MARKET IS STANDING Poultry Selling Lower With : Larger Supplies Eggs : - Hofd Firm at Top. ' ture of tbe Portland wbolcaal market today xi . - , .. .- Potata crop I damaged. Armour, beartiny tb. hop market Turpentine la 4 aOTanced. Two ear erang la tbla moraliif. - Cberrie r not o plentiful. Strawberry auppllea more eye. . , Wool markat ia eery firm. , Poultnr market aella lower. . - era firmer but unchanged. Balmon receipt continue amall. ' . Halibut ia higher with ahortag. " Mixed ear Tegetable from tb aoutk. Loral Tegetahlea coming faater. - Callforni onion going lower. - . , Butter market w Juat ateady. , k Aaparagnfc enow aUght lm-rcaa. KkirMa tomatoea are arlllng down. Braall eatea of flour to orient. -V- Wheat ia dull: crop look. good. . t'beeee firm wltb better butter market; - . , ' 1 1 PtUte Crop la Hmg4l. Reporta reeelTed by The Journal today dearly indicate that eonwtderable damage wa don tb potato crop by tbe troat of a few daya ago, In the Willamette ralley the damage reporta ar eeeciiny pronounced. At Mount Angel tb eronaol waa nerfectliv white on the dar li queation. Tbe potato Tinea kaye turned 'black In aome of tbe principal growing aeetion. Amund Canby the damage ia oulte aeyere. Many grdwera are algnlfytngUielr intention of replanting. Tbla will caue n heary demand for aeed atock: - Where tbla atock will com from I myatery. if tbe dmg I rly a great 'a report to thla paper would Indicate there will be a material' advance in tbe price of aeed atock. ' . of the" large bull manlpulatore are expected t enter, the pjArket.-noo, , In lmot Tery light th proelalon king baa entered he baa emerged Tlctorious. and thla gl. the- bear eperetor In tbla market much hope. .There In, bower er, only .one thing in the bop market that may poaamiy tane rail, out or rne but maaipu lelor. . The hop crop M confined to amall area, while the grain crop coyer th efifTr wnrri an be w I moat definitely aacertalned om tlm 1 fuie Hie animal liai eet luglim and a bop are not qooted on any exchange, there la lea chance wor aerere manipulation. At 'the moment the hop market I rather quiet, bnt the tone of the market la good and aome . order are being recelyed at. preaent ralue. It- I not - thought, however, tht preaent price would prryall If acrer! tbonaand ba lea were thrown upon tbe markat. Th following meeaage to tb Waterrlll Time of recent data abowa how the bull are lighting to force price higher nail. Or., May 4. Oregon yard r look tng" bed. iThere. are- miming hill and weak ytne with rd plrter appcirlng In Mreml yarda. New acreage almoat nothing. "X. A. RkGGS. Th report that the yard are (bowing ml. tng hill ha been told in Th Journal pro. ylooaly, but according to th beat Information obtainable, the new yarda thoae that will bear, for the'nut time nerer looked in better bp than they are. at present. .1 Wool Market Very rirm. The wool market I Terr 'Irm today, although aome of the dealer are not quite o wnxlou to purchaae-aa they were aereral day ago. Aa high 20s baa been offered In the valley for eery fancy gradea. avbe ablpmcnt to ware- houeee ooutlne heavy, "tut" tb "'wool ' men are boiding off nntil aalea day to dlapoa of their holding.. The demand for mohair la err liroa anq pricca are peing airetcneq trifle. , Small Saly af flour t th Orient, few aarea of flour are reported . being maae to tne orient unring tne part few daya, hut. Ilia tuliinia. I rlhcr unill, Jtewjuat trad I dull. Th crop I looking In good abape, but . warmer weaiber I badly needed 1 moat aecllobi. , ., What tb Danler Ar Raying. Tom 'KArrell of Krerdlng A Parrelld Th poultry market - ie- lower - In- lmot- a 11 : eaea Hen at 13c at thin writing, nd receipt ar much larger. Springe ar now lelllng by tba pound, and with targe receipt the market it much weaker. There ar too many amall broil. era coming In nt preaent. TU tto for tb little onee now paet. 'intra wa tlm month or ao ago when theae would cell by th rioxen nd for fabulou price, but wltb more liberal reclpta bttywra want larger atoek. Band ua any that are under 12 pouude to tb dozen xerage. Bprlnga at preaent are t 20fyl2a-, ami. or eoorae. tne eon goee forward, price will decline. Keep the little one until they ere of aome else and get- good money et of them, for no on her wanta them much at preaent. ' It I likely that aa hen Mop laying price win oecnne, tor tney are aent in freely. tot we arc quite ur that all' poultry will bring top -price when tbe Tliltor begin to com In A montb or two. Tho egg market la firmly he'd around for- meraqnottlona, " ". - ., . Rota or Varioua Jtnrut. , I Turrontin I 4c advanced 'today. Two eara of orange arrived in from the 6ntb thla morning. . - Two car of mixed teretable came from CaUfornl. -1 local vegetable art mor plentiful and nrlce nr eaaler. , . . .Btrawherry upplle re more evcirj and tbe market ia ateadlcr bat unchanged. Chinook aalin.m I atlll carre. bnt th price baa dropped bark to PC . Btaalhaana are till quoted at fc. .1 Halibut la Vt! nigner wnn amaner inn. f'M', . , - . , . .- ,x a... : t alirornia pnwma ar - coniina la.ier and price are going oown. There la allahtlr better feeling In thee a nn ecount of higher value In" butter. Todav'a. wjioleaele quotttkmi, aa rerlard, are a follow: " I . - .. Oraln, rianr and reed. -v?tlEAT-r-omlnal: club nd red, 88c: bin. afem. fle; valley, 00c. - - RA KLkliKO. Mum: toum vzi ooi brew. ing. . CORN rti 11 no per ewt, fllT No. 1 white. 14A OOt r. . Fl (MR E a .tern Oregon Patenta. 4 KSct4.tSiJ .Traigni. a.i.ior eaporip, e.o' LP: vaiien, ft.lii; graham, ' 14.00; 10a, $4.48 1. rye, SOa: 1H: bale. 12.75.,' MILUITCFt-JL-Bran. 1 00 per font mid. dHugav- 23.00; abort, enuntry, 2J 0; chop. I no. rAT Timothy. Wlllamett va.iey, fancy, 00: ordinary. IIS 00; eeatern Oregon. II OOi I I'd. 11200: (IsTer. 111.00: grain. 111.001 eht, 111.00. - . - , Butter, Egg aa Paul try,. Bf'TTER PAT im20Ci nr .AUK 1c. . w . .11... r-i . - .i i4o.a. evond grade, lTSSlKUi. suilld iincy, IHaO -Wnole. ia4.t0i cracked, 23.ft per ; ' It was warm yesterday,: it may be iwarmer, tomorrow, and it .... ' V ,' : We Are Prep ared for K Havingiready-received- nine .carloads of - , For the purchase price we - will set lip ready 'for use in ; your kitchen a Gas Range. : This, includes a run of forty feet of pipe. -' On a cash sale, or if you pay for it within thirty days, we "will ..make you a discount of 10 per cent. Where a fuel. Stub is already in the kitchen and no pipe is necessary ' a discount of 20 per cent is made. We have been ex--tending gas mains Jn nianyjiew sections-of the city and will extend the service from: the street " main to ' th-basement absolutely free.' Let us know your wants so that we can figure with you." Do not fail to see ourjine of Gas, and .Combination Fixtures. It is the largest in the city and includes- all the nwae-fja- "tionsTrWe sell fixtures at arveiY'smirjlTttaTpn -our .- main object being the consumption of gas. - One of : .1 our solicitors wilt call oil. you to explain,, the system., oflCooWngw Heating or Lighting by Gas economically ).';,' .-,: .',-:.' '.',- .-;-!:.l'-,-. ;' '. :.)" ' ' .' ; f -3 -rnraxt j" " .4.. Akf mi Sor IetrTOtu-wants- belcnowrtt-on V-ost-you a tent for the information our representative "gives you. GAS RANGES can be bought i r. -i ii i - , ''i feyM, ' I : -v. ..: 'HiVr-"i fl - ' '" -'-'---... 'iji, V' r EITHER. FOR CASH OR ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN A few warm days will FORCE the GAS RANGE business and you had better kef your order in early, otherwise you will likely have to wait for-several days before the-range can-be connected. PORTLAND GM:jCOMiPANY Fifth and .Yamhill Streets !!) I;! S3 Si 8 gi si M ii! El CO EBB FRIDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET Chicago Llverpe . pll May. green pepper. 7c lb; Chill pepper, 15017c lb; celery. :i 75(34 00 tier erafe: tomatoea. florlda. 4 l(4.,V; CaUfornla. (2.60; parent p, ll.ootj I zar atnng beana, I'A': raullOower, caiirornia. II. dale, rhubarb, 1 nil He per In; boraeradlah. 74JHO par lb: iprouta. Sc; artl- aV ek ak V V chokea, 4"Ti.'JC per do: bofhouae ietiiwe. i nunrnea: walla walla i .s; r y i iinon 4 Duluth 8t.-L00ig.77 4 Kansiag City 4 Milwaukee .. San Friclco. 1.4 S -, v 4 December. - -S-B .A-4) .77 4 .96 e .7'A. . -AU1- . 20c; "ordinary, 17c; California, 18; itore, IW1H.7II. . - - - KciiN ns i rrean uregen, canaiea, isc: aneandled. l717Hc- . ( IIKKSB New hull- cream, twin, Muainci Tming amerlea. 15'e: eaatern. 14J14'4c; Call, fornla., 14H 14He; Cheddar. 14c. UI I.TRX iiik-xen. mixeii, laws -nr in; hen. 12U.'l per lb; r:ooter. old. toe per Hi; young,, 12'4.(( per ID; nroiiera, znuzza lh; fryer. ZZe.4ier ll! ..durk. 4.oi'uil.(Hi per dox; geee, Hi9c per lb; , turkeya, . 17azliia per lb: dreeaed. ZOxJZIH ,P lb; aquaba, 2.0i00 pr dot . j . Hop. Wool and Rid, HOPaV-ContractT 1005. ' MQI7ci 1904 - won. Sfic r..r choice: XitHiMe - (or Drlmea -iand tnedlnma. . - WlKlU 1000 clip. Taller, enar to medium. Sotj&lci tine, i4a20Mc; eaatern Oregon, 17U MOHAIR Nominal, SoeSlc. ' fJUKKl'liKIN iihearlux. lOftSOe: khor Wool, 20t30ci medium wool. , Outage; ton Weot eoo'uli.oo rh. " v. . tauow-I'ruoe, per n, qdci no. ,aa greaae, Swavie. I . ClilXTIM BSKK dViafSe per lb; laying prior. . miiikb llry niox. me. l. in in ana n. Initio He per lb;, dry kin. No. I. ft to IS II. 14r: lire ealf Kn. I. Bnilnr H I ha. IXlUk-: dry aalted bNTe. ateera. a..und. 00 rr or over. 1I Her-wri-vn-TBr"TrHi7-W'arrTwnder lb and nil, SSSVir; afga and holla. aound. O'JTr; IP. 10 to 80 In, Be: nnnrr. 10 to n in. . iv,ei eair, nun. nnder 10 in, vhuik; gren (nnaaltrdl. per lb lea; eulla, le per lb leva; bora hldea. aalted. earb. 1. 28.31. 7S: dry. a eh. l. Oufil.OO: colt hid, earb. sntVic gout whlna, " eomrr-on. " eir.- tOJ1 ngn. green 7.V do fl.2oUl.S0 per box; So per lb; green. corufLDO lierdox; pca. wegon. 7 a act l aurornl. no per id. lilUKI) KKl lTS Applea. evaporated. 70"e CrJt'priiia, 0lSc per lh; aar, ie per in teaanieacBeaT grize-Tiet Hi. utaia, ' pert Ibj prune.. Italian, - tttil4 per lb: Freneh, SHtM'Ae per lb: Bra. ( allfornl Mark, 5(iH per lb; California white. per lb, pluma, pitted, par lb; date, gold. Or IM4 Uir lard, Il.BO pe lb-lb box. ' - Oroeri. Rut. Xte. SHCAR Hark baala Cnb. M 10! powdered. fruit granulated, o.U6; dry granulated. a.Ho; Met granulatad, xo.JO, extra (J, u-bo; i wltb weoi on, rh, 25r2l'.0O. - - fruit and Tagata.le. roTATOES Beat Oregon. It.iSSil.Jn: . er Iota, t b. -country. $1.0031.00:. cecond grade, tl.00 per rk; buying.- car lot. S."c: karly Knaa. f 1,0o 1. 28: wt. crated. tl.TS; nw iynrom. xvae per in. (INIONfr VoO;-bnyer price, cenntry. .S; rw 4 auroral, .v'ie; garlli rRCHti 'al1foraia i'Ac: garlic, futlue ne' Ih. l 411 FHL'ITM Atmle.. extra fan. T., 12 50: faneyi Oregon, fl.fto iier box; cheap1 gradea, OOi per box: nrangr. navel. tAOiXita.OO 4HMf.-fcananaa, dVit(r per lb lemoua. choice. 12 13 oxr fancy, nni box; lime., yrxiran. One per 100;c .lnpiWa, 4,00it5 .ooj. eranheT- Willamette valley,' fl'kc; -llood Kir. 10c Mr boxi ('allfornl. l.o 'per erit; errlea. I.U" pit i ox. ... . i VEUr.TAtti.Kn TTurnln. new, ifVOO I" ' mmm, vai'..". V 1 I . ' aarki Oregon 1 rad- do: cabbae. fire. weta. lre. gon. pet (Mt Wt goideo ('. eS.XA; bbl. 10c; t bbl. ZOc; boxea, free dvaoee on ck bala, lea a IBe per wt for caab. 13 daya; anapla, ltgloe tier lb. UONEV liVaOlSc. CIIKKKK farkaare braade. 114.70. HALT Flna Halea !, te. , 8a. 10. $1.00; table, dairy, Ola, $11.00! Hxi, $10.71; Im ported Liverpool, turn, , $17. ou; loo, lld fro; $l.oo; ilra flu, bbl. 2a. oa, U, lo. 4.5oifi.&u; bulk, 820 lb, ll.WuSft.OOi aacka, aoa, OotjSOc.. r - SALT Cor Half ground. 100, - Mr ton. fT.ou; niai, par ton, $7.Du; Llvarpooi lump rock, 110.B0 nor tun: flu-lb rori. 17. uO: 100. $li.7B. - (Aboy. plce , apply to aole of Ima tha car iota, lar lota jtt apcll rl-' aubject te fluctufltferia.) - i . i - OHAIM BAGS Calcutta, $S.7SO6.00 per 100. kUJK Imi..Tlal No. 1. 6kcr No. 3, i'.4i:r.Jieir Driven bead, oc; A dja ;-; Creoi, flBANS Bmatl whit. Ac: Urea white. $Hc; pink, Vtei bayou. $3.vOXsLlnaa, 0H; Mexlaau reda, ... NUTS Peaaota, 7 lie: Jtimbo.' H Pr raw.-BiBioev tr to; roto. ; oconia, HTifiOOe ner'd"; walpute, 14tBlBe per lb; pine . l12l'" per- lt: hlrkory tula. 10c per ibj rbetnut, eaatern, IfQIfie per lb; Braall note, lfte par lbni tlberta, lBOKX per lb; fancy pacaoa, 14jf1oc rr Id; almuuda, 183110 per Ik. Faint, Cent Oil. St." ROPE Pure Manila. 14c: atandard. 12.: aUaal. l()c; la tie brand alaal. e. ) COAu-iear urAairiih--ye, P wooden IK par ill; headlight, 170-d-g. gaae XlVtc per gal. . UASOUNK 4-4rr,rfam S2e ter gal, tro bbls, JHc per gall atovea, caara 8Vjc Pr gal. Iron bbla ic per gL - TtKI ENTINE in raae. 1 per gal; wooden -bbbn ifwir per- gul:- iron- hlila, hfw par gal, HBNZINB 4U-drg., caar. J0 per gal, iroe bbla lftc per gal. . - i WH1TB "T-EATp Ten tnta, TH w lbs tWO-lb Iota, 7c per lb;- lea lota, ne per lb. ! . WIRK NAILS Preaent baa. at 13-UO. LINHKE11 OIL I'ure raw. In bt.i Ole per gal, eaaVa Mo per aal: genuine kettle boiled, eaae Me per gal, - bbat . per gal; ground Cake, ea lot $20.00 pw-twn, Ira than en tot $JW.W0 per tea. . . t. .. ,- -r , Rtaata, Tlah and rvllotia. fRERM MRATS rront ,treet-Beefi Uer. SWOe per lh; iork. bkick. 7ie per lh; packer. TH per lh; bulla, 4nSf per lh; eowa. 4(3"c par lb;, t'jti'Vi lr lb; tanib with pelt. pOc pT lb; Teal, eitra. Ortd'ci-ordlniwy, 6(gu. per lb; Poor. 4S..V per lb. ' tiAMIt. BACO!. ETC Portland park ocat) bama. 10 to 14 ll a. lil,c per Ibj. 14 (a 1 Ilia. I2S ner lh: 1 lo-Sl ll.jai,e per' a-.; cotiaa l'e per lb: break f at ha.. IRJlHo per lb; Menle. ne ner Ibl regular abort clear.. nn ea, VC BW to eaiuaau, ivxi pw toi .SfitmW i OVERBECK,' STAR Fit & COOKE CO. ' L " ' '-' ' ''"''' --ti'- "'' -Cntcago Board .of. .Trade. ''-"-- -!;:- - OBAIRT, TBOTlSIOaTa, COTTORT, RTOCXR ARD BO-tr-Oft., " 102 Third Street. McKny BuildlnR. Portland, Or. , . Wl PO A TRJCTXT OOMMIaglOaT BUBIRT1IRM. ' ContlAuoaa Market by Private Wire. Quick Serrlce. REFERENCES Laadd T TUtotv banker, and United' hiaua NaUoenl Bank of Pitrtiand. . f.acka. nnamoked. 4c per Tb: amoked. lOUc per lb; Vnion butt. IP to y If! Iha, uimmokeoISc amoked. c, llc Pr lb; moked, 12 p lb; abouldera, 8c. - LOCAL LARIVt-Kettl leaf; 10, 10. per 7feav lOVic per lb; 60-lb tlna. lOUe per lb; ataain rendered. 10a. c per lb; da, OVa par lb; luiw. n.c per id; om, aae per . in. CANNKD SAUaKin ciumDUi nver 1 lb talla. $1.80; t-lb talla. $2.00; fancy, l ib tate. $2 00; H-lb fancy Data, i ; fancy l-io evau, Alaaka tall, pink, 85 0 00c i red, $10; aoaiinsl 2a. tall. $2.00. riOH Rock cod. 7e per lb: flounder. Be per Hi; halibut, Sc ir lb; craba( $100 per dos; trlped baa 12Hc per lb; .catflah. 7c per, lh; aalmnn, Chinook.. Be per lb; ateelheada. He per lb; herring, Be per lb; aolea, 6c per lb; ahrlmpa. loe per lb; perrb. Se per lb! ahad. 8c per lb; roe ahad. Be per lb; ahad re. 80c per Hi; I. lark cod. 7e per lb; allver amelt, 5c per lb: lotiater. lc; freah mackerel. 8c per lb; crawftah, 2Ac per dos; flounder, tc pre iD; - L-,-- aiurgeon, IC per we - .. l. OksiEKH-nncniwater nay,, per gai.; ner aaek. 13 75. CLAMS Hard ah.lL per 'box, $2.00; rof Clio, $2.00 per box. ', COHON FUTURES ARE SIX POINTS LOWER (Purnlahed by Orerlierk, Starr V Cook Co.) ' New York. Mar 10. Cotton future elowii t polnta lowir. ' , lotiay a oinriai corron, ynarxet: Oien. Hlirn. LoW. titiae. .Tanoary ' , ......... 7l Jin . 75 7iHfiio Mareb Iin 7io Tii J'hia'.w May ..,..!!. 7l 7t 770 t 7wiutti, Irine - 7Hi ,r.n Till llllr .....77V 971 7V4 7 AUgliat 1... T7ir 77 T'Kl THSIII TO September 77:i 772 772 77:t;74 tletolier Vl 7J 771 77f'l Vo"eTnlr rr.,TTnr tbi " 77 7n m i Iieeeuilier' 7S2 Tl ' IV, 7H4aS JtVjU-ilcIntyr. A .Cojuut The eottea- rlie- ket waa unlet nd omewnt enaier fotlay, ThMo endltlia were due to relaxation of atrenclh of the. bool and alao la. better. neattirr man - and partial aormlrten. of calamitima repoTT. TH mdltng .jaaa by lb tilg nperat.wa, who bar been nioat active on tbe twit- w lately. . 1 .. sowinvo, Hommra CO, WSXAT A.JTD BTOCK UOIUI, Boor 4, Oronad" TToor. cxamiir or cokocBaca. OREGON FRUIT WILL AVERAGE HALF CROP President Smith of State 3oard of Horticulture Says QuaU zzzuz ity-1 Cood.X".""' ' ( Special map tcb to The Jcnrntl. f " Itood River. Ojr.May it. "Throuh ont the alnt fruit of all kind will aver age about balf crop." gay K. I Smith, preslrfisnt of to aUte board of horti culture, who haa lust returned from n trip to Roeeburg, Med ford. Orantg Pnayi . nl Aahland." "In aome few localltif fruit of all kinda hr very liafht. bat other" v aectlona will briruK up the average to at leant half a crop. r - The fruit promises-to be of fine quU - Ity. and from the preaent outlook priced Will h. Un p H AA.t T . .. ..ill aw .... ..... m I'mauii J!'TTi'armr If takiiiR Rood oare of their ' ' i ....i. , . . . . 1. 1 . ...viiMius niia- anal irwa bit lunniua - vinoroun growth. ' In ' Jaciiaiou count v I PlW'ojinrthain SJJOO arreg havehtcit , intuited to orchard within the lat alx I I raqntlit'.'r.,J. T ..- .,,.,....., Xirtrnael Cotton twr. t.lTrpnol M- 10. XVtton- oloaed barely Heady. 8 to I polnta lower , , - yw TtntK cprro harrit, Hew Ibrk. My 18. Cpffe fulure cloeed tteadr . I . 1 .' V Tvday ef. lal corren tnaraen . . Hill. Axk.l Jithe -i...i.$dtu) I fM November July 70 0 7S lleeemher Annr ..i. m A Jaunarr , eVptemher , n i fl l March . . October HO 7.001 Rid. Aak. .$1 iifl 11 1" . I 15 7.2'i . 7 15 7 . . 7.20 T.25 ..-- Raw york Caah Ceffa. - New fork. May 4fr.Cah autre; RIO, act r.u. Baato, VaC. r - , 'A Oeatla Bemlader. . . From the Pelrolt" Tree Prewe. " ' .MfiLJlueIuu8band U llred henrlnR about onnl bUIn that I don t da4 rrvention. It' to hlm. ani and w'T ail out. Wtntl ahall I dot " Mr. True Let him freete for a whlW and he ll think of it hlmaelf,. "i rrlga CoYfa BTarkaas. . tlnr Tofk, War 19. HmlMarg eantTeaf bpeaed" ttnrbarnged. which I batter than tprted. In la wa probably do t iall reealpia. Hie price unch.nt ; 8anto recelpi, I.WO bag.; price nnrbiigd.- , Raw Terk-Lendee luge, Sew.TArk. May IB - ri-fli"-d augar eehii"t d abtarttl raw. teaanel . . laaaanwa beat ap i; Max and lm at I la l. fOITLAKB BANK 2TATI:. I Hal. learltir. mo I - I ' v. y T , - 1 . . - t p 4 4 i - N-A '."J