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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1905)
THE OREGON : DAI LY. J 6 URN A L. . PO RTL AND.' rfFRIpXV .EVENING," MAY N. 1SC5. 12 ''iililliliifiiE IS ALWAYS LOOKING F6R BAR GAINS IN PROVISIONS AND-QRO-. CERIES: CONSULT'THE MARKET PAGE OF .THE JOURNAL.. 1 . Aral- at M 'fr u :r ;ir"- -i -'fv te - f v 11- ."'"' . ' . i IT .. . ' Ut .The Chinese Summer HouseiUt.TMrskte-Selo, the Palac-io-Which th- Empcror of 'Rusiia I Practically R. Hearst . . .' .. i i BROWNSVILLE NOW T; " HAS A NEW PASTOR Rev. ArVdrew Carrick "Installed - Funeral of Late Albany Cath- (Special DUpatrk t Ib lonrniL) -AtBanyr OfMay 13L At BrownavUU, ln this couhtyIaat eveningr. -ReV. Ai); iOrewJCarTick, r formerly jpator-.of : the --l'rbyiortaiKlMth-f CorvalllB,'- w installed as iantr "ot th Flrat Presby ' tcrlan church of Brownsville.-- Rev. . G. Knott f Albany presided and pro Ijounded the constitutional questions und Itev. T. . P. Qrlswold. also of this rt4tyr-chanted -the eongrea-arltm. Rer. Rush of Corvsllla charged the pastor, and Rev, H. N. Mount preached the sermon. ' ) ' "' " The funeral services over the body of the late Rev. Louis Metayer,, the Cath olic rector here, . were held Hhls fore jnoon and at noon a special train con Keyed the body and the funeral party to Mount Angel, where Interment will ,) held this evenln. The will of the deceased', provided . for . Interment at ilount Ansel. ' - J. O. Roland, who died In Portland (AVednewday at the age of, 71, was burled jit . iebanon In this, county last even ing. He-was a pioneer of 1152, and un tUa few years aito- lived Iri Lebanon, ANY- OTHER UPON HAVING A HAT THE BEST '" '.", ' .'' IN "THE - LEADING W So turn (se krlifar work with sala. oie 1 yrars eipertencs ta plate work ea blHi aa io fit foul moots enmtartably. Ir. W. A. Wlw baa toond a r way U .it net twtk, ahaolnt.!. wttbont pain, i Dr, T. P. Wt. la .n aiprrt at ioM filling aa4 erowa and brtnr. wnrk. Rtracttag Vrae wb.a plati or brlaa art ord.t.d. . H . WISE BROS., Dentists railhw SnlMicr. Mr. Til It and Wean1 IU " Opra -a Ttainta till IX' Or' i2. t . -4 - - 1 rfr I a Prisonerw Copyright, 1905, by W. wpereTfor. over ,a third of a Century he conducted, s, harness and sJdlery.. busl- nes,. "TKe olVrsoldiers will" hold IVcoratlon day servloe's at lanon May 30. and an elaborate" proitrnm hasl been prepared for the occasion! -' George rv7. Wright of this.'cMy, a prominent member-, of the Sons of Veterans, .will deliver the memorial, address. ' METHODISTS ADJOURN , EPWORTHIANS CONVENE (special Dl.ptitrh to Tb Journal.) Hood -JKlver, - Or,, May 19.rAn ad dress by Dr.. 3. H. Coleman of Wlllam; ette university closed the district con- ferencjf the Methodist churcN In Ihl city last "night. This morning The Dalles . district . convention of , the Kp worths-league-was-ealld W iorder, and after a short devotional service organ tied for. the business. session. ; "The league convention will continue until Saturday night. ' Reports' at the district conferem? 'of the churh showed Methodlstism strongly on the increase In Washington. . The finances of the church are In excellent shape-. . The following were recommended for'admlsslon to the annual conference which will meet at Moacow.'Tdahof M. C. Carson, - Lone" Rock; "R. 'C. March, fossil ; H. f. Brown, Pendleton: w. A. Bexton, Wasco. Th examinations were under' !,th direction of Rev. Robert Warner. ; - JUSTT AS ,GDOD WITH THIS LABEL $3.00 HT WORLD " r- -f .- . : HATTER f e. m. Sunday frost ' r? m D. w. g. WIF. MasBasSga rBumm(-r friills are' coming" ifiTd" mrtT- rkel. bringing Joy to the housewife, Th- canning scasan will soon be wun !" nt housekeepers pre getting from dark i-orners their old fruit Jars. This HV'i'U 'IP.fl' nrst 1IIT1VIII" HI fir essnn's anrlrols were shown They came fiout tiiirornu and were iicces' sarlly jleked grefU-n -wder that they might not reach llig market in an .over ripe condition. The II rat that came we so green that the demand for them win limiled. They are wiling today at 60 cents a nvepound ToY.--.TIiC receipts Increasing, ttVd soon the Volume of ar rivals will be heavy enough, to allow the general public to enjoy the fruit at reasonable prices. - Australian grapes are In'large supply, and are selling at lift cents -: pound. Much care la exercixed in the packlntf and transportation of thl fruit In orilcr to get It to tho American market H proper shape. - Kvory grape ' on th bunch, that -does, not wm to the stand ard is taken off. -Then tlie ends of the stems are sealed: wlth-wa In- order-to keep the moisture In them. The grappa feed off this moisture and as long as the stems are riot entirely dried out the fruit will keep In good r oi(l I UonAf ler the stems are Hen led the bunches are carefully sorted qver and lis various slsed lots are, put -together. The box la prepared for their reception by; put ting a layer of cork dust In the bottom. Then the grapes ure carefully placed u a row. - Another layer of cork dut 'is put in, more Brapea are added and Mils operation Im continued until the box !V full. Then" It IS balled up, aud the Jour ney across the seas is begun, f ormerly UilsjnjxkfJLJ'aa-fluppllcil with fcrancj from Hpalnv .. They are ,of( about the same quality audtgrade as the AiiMra l la ns, but the latter are cheaper. : Jlood River strawberries are, In good supply In all the markets. Ho arc! Mount Tabors and supplies from ol.her nearby points. On account of their reputation the Hood Klver fruit easily brlnga the highest prlcet but the differ ence In quality Is so slight that many do not care to pay the extra cost. -This Is probably the last week that Califor nia berries will be In the market this season. The atocKiVgre of very -poor quality, , and even at-the much lower THE ELOPEMENT. 4. (By Barry aln.) He was a middle-aged man Intensely respectable In appearance; anil Inclined 16 portliness. On hls'return from 0.1s office lnjlhe evening JieJound Jetter waiting for him on the table In the hall. It was addressed to htm In his wife's handwriting.. I(e took it Into the library with him, 'selected a comfortable chair In a goodnight, and aUujit spectacles. Here roiiows me lenei;; , "My Dear George I have eloped. r If 1 say" It in this plain and drrect way with out parapbrases ahdwthest breaking U to yoo gently. "It Is because you must for some, ttmo past have been- expeetlngdlaguat...-f4iit f aItogether-dinTerent.7 something of the kind. I creplt your Intelligence with that. ""We have been married 19 years, and aa you pointed out the other day. we l.m rinr t nrhangpil An jnffry aunt wlth each other. . Somehow that seems to me to speak -for 'Itself. . The 'dead lawl -f decency - ha s - never - been d la turbid. Tou, awn correct and orthodox soliL-ltor, regard this with intense satis- faction.- I confess , that-I d notj To ma lUsudeadTevl- has jbecome well, pretty-deadly," it smindsl perhaps, art exaggeration, but I almost wish that had on some occasion completely-lost your temper with me and used me vio lently. Perhaps It would Jtava. been-bet 4er.-sUll 4f yorrTiad permitted me to lose"" my temper with you. Ypu neVer did. Your discretion, and tact are be yond alt praise. At the same time they have proven fatal to the woman who is your wife.- 1 have been through 10 years of It. The time Is up! There Is really a good deal of broken contract about it on .both aides. ' Ten years ago I was pretty and you were ro mantle. It was understood between us tacitly. I admit that tills kind of thing would continue. - It has not continued. At ths present, moment I am .quite; well preferred and you-st a solicitor, and We never exchange a word of affection which could be fairly called hysterical or Idiotic . i "The fact Is thdt for the better part of 10 years I have been acting a part magnificently. 1 have aeted the part of housekeeper-so splendidly that at times I have -deceived myself and be lieved that really, did take an Interest In the tradesmen's books.Perhaps the self-deceit was further than that. , I de ceived myself Into bel I eying ihfl t I really enjoyed the pretentious and extemely dull dinners that we glve every month.1 IdeceTvednyseTf Into believing that our well regulated and rather somnolent afffrlinn -r -- 1 j i ' married lovers. But all the time ro mance has been alive in me and the flame tm the altar la not yet burned out. i (My poor George, what on earth will you make of this sentence? Meta phor always did muddle you.) The flame will not burn forever. Onflgets older and older. The cool night Is com ing. I have an hour still to enjoy. 'AH this came to me after you had left for the office this morning. . Tou will never know how nearly I dashed your silk hat from your band, kicked It across the hall and. went into hysterics. That hat had somehow become the sym bol of my ugly, well-groomed, respect- a bleJ f e, JL wjhiO gave the orders .(I wss able to get the red mullet after all), and ' then ' I went upstairs and packed, r I have told the servants a plausible story and you may be able to save a acandal If you back It. Really, ! there Is nothing to be .aw- prlsed about. " OlveA-gmy mono-tony and a romantic woman and another man, and what else can be expected? 'And now -you ask Who the man is. Your eye flashes back over your visiting list. , Which of tit men that have eaten your bread and your sale' at your preten tious dinners, can have done this treach erous thing. 'You may muke your mind quits easy, George. There Is no man lit the question. "I have lately oome to the conclusion that nifui are a good deal overrated, "l 'am elApIng all by -myself, and I think It will be perfectly beautiful. I need not worrboulmoney.Myowii ti,000 a year wTIT not give me-the car riage with the two fat horses and the big house and the pretentious dinner, but I have grown to value these things very little; $1,000 will be quite enough for tne. By the time tlmfyou get this letter I shall be In Paris. I shall not write an other letter, but you shall know my ad dress from time to time. This will fa cilitate the work of tlje private detect ives. If you are -idiot (enough to wasto anv money on them, j ' . -"And, seeing that I aTO kll alonf," per Iiaps Jt should not liej called an elope ment, but simply a holiday. And If It Is Just a holiday. It may on4 day be over, and then J.may retsrn to-work sgala I promise nothing." ' The letter wijr signed with her ChrU tlnn name. Ti man who had read It Kvedljated for some time, and then rang the l.ell. . ' ''IJook here,'r he said to n man . who "price's buyers are not tempted to Invest. Koine hawkers, are around with Callfop. nla berries plcely repacked In ' llood River boxes', and are offering them to Jlie housewives gt & cents a box. Till. liai. wlini .gpiiiilne imli-lq n gPIIIIIH at 10 cents a bW. They cost 15 cents fll wnolesale. '. Tliej-s" U a vast difference between, the - llood lUves berries aud thoke from the south.- The' fdrmer are of large size and. haye g very tine color, white the latter. are sinairand are dull In appearance. 1'allforiila strawberries of very best quality sell-at 10 cents a box " three boxes for Mr cents. Gooseberries are In market from local points aud are In good demand at II cents a pound. The supplies of logan berries are slightly larger, but quality Is not yet flral class and prices are very high. . . . . . r ; -In the vegetable line the markets are showing good supplies. Local garden poaa are ' comlngj faster. ."Thoy tu flue, ale 'very tender.- end sell al IH c-entn-a pottnd. Asparagus has been rather scarce of late, and prices havo been higher., The outlook Is for beltof receipts and prices will probably " lower. Mix rmign frnni I '. i. "irmi a pound, according to quality. Cali fornia wax beans are coming In In bet ter lMpe. -They are, getting cheaper; the best stocks sell . today around 1J cents a, pound. . .... Onions are cheaper.;- California - Is sending much larger supplies and prices, have dropped to six pounds for - i'i cents. . New stock from Texas Is eclllnif at three; pounds" for SB cents. Cucufn berw are more .plentiful, with prices minting rroni r to li cents aaoh. au. cording to quality. , -Vrptn the- nreHent' Indications it is L HKeiy mat the putter market will touch a lower point. Already there has been a small advance in the wholesale quo. tattoos., on account -of the slight In crease In' the price elsewhere. The market has heavy supplies of Co lu ml) la -river shad. The receipts have become so heavy that the. price has dropped to 8 cents a pound.- Hhad roe Is considered one of - the treats --of-- the day. According to an expert cook. It is prepared best by rolling In cracker dust and then frying In a' pan with butter. 1 1 - answered It. -"tbere In som. rA m.m.f t for- dinner tonight. I wish you'd lust find put from pook how she means to do It. There should be wine In the sauce. some port. Tell her so. She probably knows, but I want to make certain.- Yes. and look here; go out and gel me a stall for the, JrXvollty .tonight. Trrafg-gir thanks."- . . ... - Cnite Different. - - - - . :-- '-; From the Chicago News. " " uiiiiuiaiiaer, orinK ano lit mar ried. - - ,. - That isnrlght."' protejited the Bior allxeT,,",'it'aTEat, drlnkand be merry.'" exciaimea the demoralizer. In ''"""'- To Create Inland gsa. . A French engineer has1 advanced the suggestion of permitting the Atlantic I ocean, tiy WMin, t'X t1ott into the Sahara dlstrjct and thereby change tai nesert country Into a garden land. - Isdeftness and delicacy com- --blned. It lsan Inspiration. Superb In "quality and flavor. Easy to get. Cheap ten t cents. "Will feed fifteen peo ple. XXXXOT. ';. '.' 4 .i. AT ALL GROCERS. - FOBTXJtlTD-S TKASIKO BOUSX. Big: Siaturday PEOPLE'S MARKET .. AND GROCERY; KTXATS. Prime Rolled Boasts, lb... I'tit lti'lll'lll. Ht-ttttt. '. . . . . lbs Hamburger Steak, S lbs Mutton Chops..., Boiling Beel, lb Picnic Hams. lb....w Cottage Hams, lb. . . . . 250 OHO 9H ' oaoesxiEB. - . 18' lbs Granulated Bugar. ...... .gl.oo lba Fancy Rice........ ...25 l(T-lb sack White or Yellow Corn Ileal 25, 2 dos. Ranch Eggs ..35 Best Creamery Butter, roll. ....... .45 7 lbs Navy. Beans. .. ,25 1 1st arid Taylor Sts. ,. PKOIB aiumr 1413. WE KNOW WHY SOf MANy ARE' COMING TO t I John's Mark Because they pet what thcy-J want. And : if they, dori't know- what they want,"' w& T can show them everything' X in the meat line and they all go away happy. . , w , ! John's Market a) MICHIGAN TEA ANQ COFFEE.CO. ! 104 ORAITD AVIBTUB. PCCIAX TOMOmmOW. t Ihs. -Jllc a lb. Mocha and Java Coffee for 80c, and one eake of Borax Soap free.- we make this special offer so. as to furtfier 4nlroduce in 'ou our superior rFeHows Is the name on the tongues of all economical - housewives, for- it'a here they have their needs aup- pliedjit the lowest prices. Read the following list: . - One dosen, packages Tarlor Matches. . . , 11 lbs. Iry Granulated Sugar. -7f A 3 cans Condensed Cream; S5o pe ddzen. ; 25 " l "carts AinerlcanBSrdtBH. t cans Deviled Ham; 40c doxen cans.- 1 cans Standard Tomatoes. - J-lb can Solid Pack Kaatarn Tomatoes. Can Bakfr'M or ahlrardclll's Cocoa.'. round Fellows' Blend Costa Rica Coffee. Pound Hoffman 1 louse Java 'and Mocha - .- - ,-TCoffoe. -- --. '-. Cor. West Park and Washlnrton Streets. Kala 8S9C - BIG SPECIALS -&& -VHB - Palace and Yakima Markets Saturday Heat' Is High. ' Chickens Cheap. Berries Plenty, Vegetables ta Abundance. ... " And bere Is-where we break the mar- Ket jirlces once more, we lean, oiners follow. "We keep them all guessing. How-do. we do It? We pay cash, sell SECRET - Fine "cliickens' for Sunday dinner at las per ponnq. J noy are tne nttest rr Tn nfe u orouing Sens SOo and ito aplece, Plenty of those Jalg ColumblaRlter t Shad foe lOo apiece. .ATI the good things MARKETS The Palace FisJuMarket amt sr-' '"i'i - a , , . , r I i.J j Wm isi WV IRIIIUITr. fH3lW?n 1 IIIMI wliv r UUl I II. u , c iiviiv min A0vi Yakima FisK Market 149 First St., bet Alder and Washington- . ; i none main . PORTLANb'S LEADERS CALL ON g;covach&co. ' . ' .1 . For fine" Chickens of all kinds. , Also Fish.. OysteVa. Crabs and Clams. Both wholesale and retail. - ' 375 First Street rion kazv 3a. No Cold Storage Stock t- Try our Fancy Blend ' MOCHA and JAVA COFFEE a pouirss rbm : f, - Call tip Main 12(5J. Prompt - delivery. , - Raid to me this evenlng!" "What . 8 HALL I get for Bundsyg din ner r' Call up East 412. You ';'- kn'or they always R'Sve every f ood thing there Is In the market n the way nt Meats, Fish and l Fowls -It's the place, you know. KINDORF BROS. l36TiBAin ATS. -1 thickens Chickens t51nents Best Creamery ' ,45c and 50c Dairy. .1 35c and 40c Err). 1 dot............ Kancb Sana. Beat aagar-cared banV . . Picnic and eottag ham ,r,, .,r.Me ...... ,....c 1SC ..,..10 My Wife V: L TrV Ptir EI-GIN BUTTER, made . - - - '-.'' i Mt. Hood SJ - Union Avenue. ' ...J- . . Friedman's- MarhctfArJ. FARMER a Trade Winner Because we handle; only first class goods; -'This is , the. place to se lectyour ineats for ybuF Sunday dinner, from a large assortment of all, kinds of fresh and cured meats. ' Bring your baskets and have them filled at special prices, We - carry- a - full -.line- of : Hams, Bacons and Sausage. Independent Branch Market 127 . . ! irst , street. When you see it in our,'s so Tree delieery to any part of the elty. Corner First " and Columbia Sts. -PhonerMairrill; WASHINGTON MARKET lit rirat taa. Bet.-Waalilt .'aal. tUrk, 1 fkeae Mats miu. Prima. Rib Resets , , . . 9lrhln eteaka .......... TaiHterlotn. pteaka ...... Purterhoawa Round 8taka Tlaln Rteaka. S lba for . Leg Vluttoa ........... Leg Lamb ............ Mutton Chops.'-3 lba for Loin or Klb Chops, ....', u:vi.- ,12H to n -MHtirlW ........10c UUl 1?V4 to ln atwultlaa-of. juaii ,-ae-me sr Se muiinn ni' Pork Boaata .10 to line j k t.'huna ,10c to IZHe J2'ic ta l.te lJie to !' Veal itoaata '. in ...... ... , Veal Chops rr.-.'.". t: flauaaas Meat, t lba for . loe to .loc to ...... ....ZM 4e . 3o lo Buc ....a Hambursar, S lba foe ............ Snaar-Cnred BreaktiMit Baea i-.n Keitr Creamery Butter Freah Raaeh Klilia Brea,- InaTfa tot;: 8u(ac-Carcd Ham . . ... . .aa ..13He "! TAPPER 4 KRATZIG PROPS. ; Talaphoaa orders '. dellwred proni(itly,c east or . . 'wett !. '.!-- .'. F.H.REEVES Cut-rate Grocer '-' Iwalftk. sed Waahiagtoa Its kUla 1M1 Rea-nlar Price. 46c Broom e l ib. Jan Rice. 7 11a 33 pkg." FlKprnna ..................... 10c pkf, Saltlaat Salt. ,8 pkge. , 15c pkg. Kojal Club Raialna. S pk... 40e 1 . Java and MocbavCoffra taa Can Asparagua ....... 10s caa Oregoa drape Cream, 1 eaoa, 10c pkg. A. A II. 8ola 89cpkgr-aod-nal, 8 pkga , 25e bottle Snrder's Catanp, f botllea.. TV4 ear A-B Soap. S bars Tn,,nn THc bar Fela Naplha ................ Tr 1 lb Gooaebrrrlea .- , SAm a.fer- f irn Mpll .lie .25c .16c .13c .20c .23c .23e .15c 38, .36c .Vk . Be . Be .2.V 2ne f an rrultTate- 1'rarhea. t eana-rrrr He 1 lb. Tapioca, III lba............... sk! gal. Sjriip, In ean . ... . . ... . .j. . 'SI ..Wc .4e ll'Sc ran f loral Hrunn rrav.. eana . ty'ie rau Kliiral Brand Peaa. doa V pkf. Fire Ma-ht Matrhra. 3 pk.,,...o aneieaen."' Vsi ti rel." mi i . . . .1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . lie a BBBT QVAUTT 45c Per Roll Ranch Eggstdoz... .:..20c Full, Una of Orocerlet and. Vegetables. ENTERPRISE CREAMERY la? ran inziT. " , ? ' Between Washington aad Alder. . SMART. PEOPLE: Kneipp Malt h -Coffee Makes rosy cheeks, tree it 'instead ef ordinary colte. j It will glvdthe cheer withoutwthe poison. ' Try It one week nd notice the result.. r v ", . '. J.-N.:Bristol 099 Morrison at, none Kala 9868. . ..." ' fcrdner tt IIochulL , . - A --t - -144 nrr stbxsit. . . - The original veal 'sausage manufac tures!!. All kinds of sausase. fresh made. every, day.. , ran Fmjiro &Aina.v", Choice cuts of meats for your 8UN15AY. DINNER. y Give Us a Call - Pure, clean "ail delicious Va nilla, Strawberry, Tinon, choco late any flavor you wish. , WATS A X0BS.AVS BK2SBSTS. Our goods are . uncqunled In quality. . None but the purest and best Ingredients sre used by us, A trial order will provb to you beyond a doubt. Hotels, restau rants and families supplied. . - niCXB BBASOsTABXris.- rkona ns a Trial Order. - fresh every day, at market prices "' - Cream Go. . .-,' .1 . Phone Eat 54. -r . Wholesale and Retail Grocer : . Third and Jaiferson ' - Tou can,aave with me. ;e per cent by dealing Fancy Creamery Butter, 10-lb. box Ciackera ... 1 lbs,. No. 1, Jap Hive 1 box No. 1 Macaroni . roll .ioa . 50o .356 . a can gooa naimon 1 dosen cans Corn .l0 . 8()q . be , lntt .100 . bo ,Si3 . f.c 1 dosen cans Tomatoes , .. 1 package Seedless Kalslns . . . . a pacsages-uranamotners Jnuin 1 package Scotch Oats ....... . aW-lb. package Peerless Mush.. lbs. good Alee .............. 1 1U. Arm Jnd. Hammer Soda .., i-in. can uurea.HeanBu- 1-Ib. can Baked Means .100- ,.hO : ,35o .46o - I5. .&0 ,2Co .i':.o .25e r ,K ,35o ' .16? 1 lb; Schilling's Baking Powder 1 lt. Royal Baking Powder . .. 1 lb."85o M. & J. OolTeo 1-Ot. bottle Pure Olive Oil ...... 1-pt. bottle Pure Olive Oil 2 cans Sliced Plnt-nnnlM ...... J3 bars Aoyat Savoai Soap bars Owl Soap ,. 10 lbs. tttgo or Tsrnloca... . V r t 1 rb good English Breakfast Tea Best Sugar-Cured Ilanis, 1 lb... . 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea............ 2 cans Primrose Cream 17 lbs. IJ. U. 8ugar.... ......... 1340 . . 16a II Oil 1 sack best P. O. Sugar .......... 13. 70 1 sack good Hard-Wheat Dour. ;. 20-lb pall' best Lard ........'.; 10-lb. pail pure Lef -Lard. ..,,,. jl.iin 6-lb. pall pure Leaf Lard. MM l-gl,-caw TaMe-Hymp-i . r7TT7TTTrr40a Deliveries on East Stde, Tuesdays and Fridays. - li lbs beat Granulated .Sugar. . . .81,00 X barar -Qoldrti "Sta Soap ; ; ; ; : . ,25 lJb;iJSnAlJabJreakfaaTea.254r: i lb Gunpowder Tea 25 I cans Solid Pack Tomatoes, 25 Arm A Hammer Soda :. .,." . . . , 77777. , 5 "" M. J.. Blend .............. .20r Mocha,eria-JAya . ,t .rr 25 - 1 cans Salmonr ......... . 25 . ( lbs Rice .,..,,,.,..,r,f i,..25r Rroome, . each' . r. .... . . . .15? nT20t? " Goods delivered to any" part-of the' elty. - IJaat aid, Tuesdays, Thursdnjju; a nd Sat u rda ys. JRejnmbtTtha .number, ;133rF0URTIT5TREI CGnryCashCoffeeCo. - Telephone Kala 6117. HOFFMAN'S Market and Grocery ; Eggs, per dos. Baker's Chocolate,, per tn. , . ,-. ,v20 f..ZO!' ...20c ...250 . . .20 r.35 .. 25f tl.lO .....5t rr,25t- ...15- ..20V ...25r 25L, Bakers Cocoa, per can Pacific 'Cream. 8 cans... Contact lea Coffee, pen lb . . . ; . . . Peacock Pan Cake Flour.i -2 pkgs Firelight Matches. 7 pkgs Hard Wheat Flour, per sack,.., reus iapina ooap, per nur, . . . , Corn MeaL-JO lbs Alaska. Herring, per dos., All Fancy Table Fruit., per .cad. Banner' Lye. 4 .cans. . .... 1 .... ; Lard. pertb. , Best Corn Starch, 2 pkgs...y Renacmber, we, carry fresh' meats at lowest .prices.'" . - -,' .. ' mone Bast 1813. Town send & Van Schoonhoven , WHOLES AI.B AID BBTAZXh ' Groceries and Provisions New Stops. 147 First St., bet. ( Morrison, and Alder. Phone Main 1282. . mria3rg6oaTtd"caTTT6urT 4 pounds good, Klce. ....... ... .330 New crop dry Prunes, per lb........ ao 6 pounds Italian Prunes.... -fl6o 1 pounds Seedless Raisins. .rr:'85o Best cleaned Currants, lb. ........ .100 Tomatoes, stsndards, 2 cans. . l&o Tomstoes, Solid Pack .....loo Two l-lb.pkgs. Gold Pust. ........ ,3tio One -lb. pkg. Armour's Waahlng , - Powder .,i ..1S Fels-Naptha rJoap H ..... ........ . . .60 12 bars Koyal HavOn 8oHp. ........ ,3So bars Baby Elephant Baapm . . ,8So 2 bottles Hnider's Catsup. . . . . 3M , 1 lb. new crop English Walnuts. -..15o - 1 lb' White Honey........... ISo 10-lb. -pall pure Lard, t .1. 00 6-lb. pall pure Laril . v . . . , 6O0 2 'cajris Primrose Cream. , .v..lS0' 1 Ihu English Breakfast Tea. ...... . ,15 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea. .............. ,99o - 1 can Baked Beans........... ; So Two -lb. cans Hominy.1 .1 .. ....,..85o I cans Corn. Peas or String Beans. . .350 -4-pkg-Postum or Fig Prune Oereal r .-gOo Giond Salmon. 2 cans , ,.!.15o 1 pkg. Scotch Oats . . . .tr: . . . X. loo ' Zast Bid Delivery Tnesday and, rrldayj f 1 SUNSET BOTTER The best In the market 'Fresh' churned every day, '.. 50 Cents Per Roll i .Try eur fern BTnraiT xc V i CmSAK. Sunset Creamery Co. 881 Tlret St. " hone Main 5a. - ial for Saturday w, P. T. f. VlSV i - -" . V"'1; . LA GRANDl CREAMERY, 264,Tafflhili : Or phone us. Main 41. jour wints. f ": f ' - - -r'- 4- - J------ ..hi). i .' - :v-V'..-.--':."-, '"r- ' I