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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1905)
TIIS, OREGON DAILY TOURrUU rORTLAND, ' FRIDAY EVENING. MAY . j D,';' 1901 11 a5aia,akaM Shifts . Cut Square7 in Two --- MA II CORNER. a s.sw ' ORDERS : FILUED ' OPEN- : f THIRD": AND BURN SIDE STREETS In-all - the new spring and sum $7.50 Suits EVENINGS mer -"blocks - and shapes, in all col- laif- JHROW OFF YOUR OLD RAGS AND PlT ON THE NEW. A Positive, Unequivocal, Absolute, Bona Fide and Less. PHiiilB m i . r i m i j mm m i f -aw -w m i -W i ilk p J $3,75 For Men's All Wool $7.50 .'Suits,.' in Mack. Thibet, ' wor steds, serges and tweeds. .Stronj;, serv TccaliTes'cfceliu scd-in he lTnTrijJs, well tail- . ' ored and guaranteed by I'he Hub to be the 4est $73T suit in Port- land. $10 Suits, $5.00 . $5.00 For scores pf , "styles in our-famoiks' $10 Hub Special Suit, in; single and double b r'f a s t e &r - tweeds, ' serges, black finished and - unfinished wor-" Rtedjlundsomcly'lallored, well ing s dpuble Jwjstjylk ; used in. tbe-iewing. Tosltively the best $10 Suit sold or shown in this city; now $5;; : v. .--' :V" $15.0a Suits, $7.50 97.50 Tor hundreds of styles in.jMen's finest $15 I land-Tailored Spring Sfuts, in beautiful shades bf. brown and gunmetal ET3yValsol)laCk":finishcd and unfinished ' . worsteds, royal blue:serges, Thibets and wool- worsteds, complete assortments of -rrsircs-in sin ghr-andjdouble breastcd with out anlequal in:this town for $20.00 SuitsS 1 0.00 -$10.00 For a magnificent showing of MeiW Finest Imported All-Wool .Worsted -Suits,-; in. exclusive shades of r champagner tan, tailored by hand, patent front," concave shoulders A crfextitL every, particmataad cqualjii l ortiand lor STEAKS ALL FINE - FROM THIS ANIMAL Miss Tinsle - Shows Portland Housekeepers VVbere Best Parts of Beef Are. " LESSONS IN PREPARING , . MEAT ARE INTERESTING Some Portions Usually Discarded Are More Nutritious Than High-Priced Cuts. , viss Tingle howed number of Port- l:tnii'a houekeper- tha .new animal of which thf-y have dreamed and for which Uic y liave longed when- they grew tired of (lie everlantlnr beef, mutton and ul, At the right time, in the right place find In lh right manner-he'demon-Ktrated ntlfacturlly that doiena of va rying flavors could, be obtained ' from the same "beef. " -' 1 tj " A whole jjWe with an accompanying - butcher ai lent to the domentia aclencfl t lM hy Iho Portland Meat Market. Mr. ' l(ulen cut up the meat, and MIsa Tin4 ' Klo explained the price of each piece aiul, Its value In different methods of j rooking. A diagram of a cow was lrnwn on Die board, that the cut might . bfl -located eaally. If the atudets lost track of lis whertabouts, which, hap iipneit often. ..i . . -The bept parts for ovetf.roMts. pot raia, stewti, soups, , braising, steaks, meat pies, coming and Bamberger, were designated in turn, and in her con- -vlnctng mi)r Ml Tiwgle prvd that Jileoes often rejected as unpromising ' ouhl be rnlled up and stuffed, or oookeU with vegetables, or with dry heat over and moist heat below, or combined with ttldnya, and In a down other way a, cheaper and better than the everyday lnet hotls. . : "Ami don t forget that a sharp ateel knife Is a noceaaary requisite to a good sicj'k, and ia quite s Important as the ' WPt-ttpJf. Bteakaytru- huy inr-lt-ti)inu.tev-rniiklnB you must expect to find I hln. The market men have to Ao this 'to meet the demand. I think they are tpcculatlug on raising a. Jefcf made all of porterhouse.'' 1 The. next leiion,unr;l o'clock P!ue- -wnr i)6nie c uTminsr"pofirrir - mutton, and lenrmia wltt follow on bread -mid th dealrahlllty bf regiilntlng baker ; leu, flh, vegetables and groceries.. - BARNES PLEADS NOT V. -GUILTY AT ROSEBURG fKrxilal bUpatcs to .The Jtmrnal.) '..,'", ROHeburg, rr.. May , 1 John. C. Burnes, who was yenterday Indicted by the grand Jry tor the'murder of Wll , Ilnm Ornhnrri, a Innlner, was arraigned In the circuit court Thla jmornlng and pleaded not guilty,;- JJarnes took the , matter-m-ry coolly and did not seem i In the leant disturbed, lie la accused nf having alalu his frlfnd. a neighbor ' Ing prospector, and of having attempted ''tv. burn the rwialri'n. . S 1. A. Ptit-hanan. hla stlorney, fllf a motion fora. rontlnuanr In order to ( eomi'lete bla tvldence for the defenye. tdresraftTTHE ) m $25.00 Suits, $ 1 2.50 $12.50 For the choicest of ' Kurchbaum's custom-Made. $25 Suits. We have com-' L .plcte lines and assortments of this, splen did line of 'suits from this, the world's greatest clothimr'house. - A. BiJKurch j)aum advertises azinea,nd newspaper in the country as a : .leader at-$25. ' YouJuy-nrat The Hub r; for.$120rf - "-TTV $30.00 Suits, $ 15.00 $15.00-TAes pick and clioice of any suit of ; clothes in Tlie Hub. Hundreds of y. styles - from the ; world's most- famous makes are here for your approval"at half" regular prices, in all the latest styles of - single and double breasted. Our regular ' Erice 'on thisline has alwaysJbeen $30." Kxring this unloading sale, just One Half. lined. Bjeld- $15 Topcoats & Cravcncttcs, $7.50 S7.50 For 20 styles of. the SterHng famous ': $15. Only tlSTguaranteedTT'riestly Cravenettes and --swell Jinghslv-lop Coats, in tan and gray.- $20 Topcoats an(fravcnettes,$IO" $ 10.00 For all of :A, B, Kurchbaum's $20, : and $25 Cravenettes and Top Coats,This " includes Kurchtaum's Janxous Bally bo; Homespuns: sold all tjver for $20. ; . . F-Pants stock selt - retauung land. Wo fShow suit that is "Work Pants' to the - . i witliDutaii. maiungr ana cvy. in two". . ,. JOHN II. LEWIS IS : rrfFIRST STATE ENGINEER Manvof Ability, -Whose Services ,;. Will Be of Great Value ' , to Oregon. The first state engineer of Oregon ia generally approved as a competent tnan. whoa services in tho great Irrigation enterprises this stata la to foster in John H. Lewis. the future, will ne of Inestimable value. The act that John H. Lewia- la an Ore gon man. a practical 'civil engineer, has keen much service with the O.' Ft. & N. In the great railway- aohool of -end peering, aitd mor recently 'has been lh the cloaest relationship to the engineer of the I'nlted Statea geodotlo survey, stamps him as qualified from the prac tical viewpoint. '. The firKt englnrair will ,hava to or ganise, his department. , lay , out plans and, give system to chaos. FRANCHISE GRANTED r:: ' ' - J NEW GAS COMPANY ... . I, , - ,r, . v. . .. ? . j .. tSseelsl Dlspatek to Tke fnreaL Eugene. Or., May II. F. V,'. Maters of ttalem and his aaociatoa were granted, a frajichiaa by th city council at a special meeting of that body last night ,to construct, operate and main tain a gaa plant in l.uaene, Th f ran. rt-htselii for 19 years and "provldos that construction of the plant shall begin within " day and that It ahall be completed within 12 montha from July :sl0i. The city reserves tho fight at all times during the life -fif the fran chise to fla, alter and regulate charge for gen for any and all purposes wlthhn th city JlmlS- wbevr It- may TV em ft neceesary for th good of th .con sumers. "'', i ' . ' . Mr. Water atatett thkt the plant Willi b in bperatlon befoV next whiter. .-, . F :!" '' j.f ' j J t4 - x i i - - - v - - t -t - -aar r.l.if . Ill I. vkll.1 rt. It.j.jfc f . 1 .Til. Tjl J f ; 3 . 4 - ; ; t -A Is n6w"uTp. -ogress at The Hub. " Prices have been GASHED ON-EVERY GARMENT, and we are-now disposing of rften's-anparel-AT PRECISELY 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR OF ITS REAL WORTH 1 ONE THOUSAND: DOLLARS BACKS UPTHE STATEMENT, that our offerings have-not an equal on the Pacific coast and are honestly madJor judcfimtft-and-tiecessary purpose. We shall in this' sale, inaugurate one of our old-timeslaughtets-ihe sort-ihat brought-the thousands to our stores the sales so weli rerrrembered bv hundreda-ofouf friendswhb"came to us and were eleeantlv robed at often less than half the mist if Kmtrh . KIND OF SALE THAT WILL - cv.jr ui. vi iiiVjii s iuic vxvviita, vvjr w vp iwmivu aaism v ui leaning juvua ma cvciy uiucui uic House nas gone into the hands of.a satisfied and happy customer.. LOOK AT THE PRICES. SEE FOR YOURSELVES AND BE AMAZED AT WHAT WE ARE OFFERING FROM OUR STORE TO THE ROBUST AND, STURDY, SONS OF ROBUST AND STURDY these suits in every mag- lace U-Withouta. peer in Port- evervthine - from -the SI swellest thing in pants- i 1- i. - yaix in oiutn. iut svjuoic . BrltlTrDISClIS iIONEYMATTERS Finances of University Oregon 7 Subject, " of Study ; Today. TIME OF OPENING IS ' . PERMANENTLY FIXED Through W. J. Bryan 4Pri2e Will Be Given Yearly for f. : .- Essay.'. , Th board of regenta of the Uni versity" or Oi-egOTrTnerttr apectat-Tres slon today at the office of C. A. Dolph to discuss the. finances institu tion In thg light of theflltng of th ref; rendum 'petition yeaterday to submit tjeiuteHUj!Piiiattriiitiriir Mil in immi. lar vote. . There were present R. . B. Bean, A. THjlph, Frederick V. Ilolman. S. H- Frlendlv, J. C. Alnaworlh and' M. A. Miller. .President P. 8. Campbell wa alx preeent. i . ' s ) : The university' . regular appropria tion are not affected by the referendum. but an item of 162,500 for equipment, buildings and additional maintenance la ithheld. Arrangement were discussed by the bosrd providing against any de ficiency resulting in tho budget of the present year. Under the provisions of the general law governing th univer sity th board cannot Incur any- liabili ties for th university beyond the total amount oi us. ii(.-mw. - - On the recommendation or the presi dent and faculty. JJia-Hme-Of opening was fixed pTfrfnanentiy Tor tne-weonea-day following th last Tuesday In Sep tember, which thm year tails on Beptem ber The-esion wllleJo corre spondingly later In June. An offer extended to the university hy W. J. Bryan, through th courtesy' of Governor Chamberlain; to place with, th iunlverelty th um or-1400, be queathed1' by. Philo B. Bennett, for tha stabllshlng of a prise to be given each year for th beat essay on Principle of Oovernmant," wa accented- by the board. The will or Mf. Bennett provided a fund of 1. 000 to be- 4lVlriVd. eTnnng IS universities to establish such a prise fund. - ... 1 A resolution wa passed providing for the details of monthly payments of Salaries of le Jinlverfltyinder-th-vrv vision of th Kay bill. ti President R. Bean announced to the board the d'ath of Regent Bellinger, and appointed Mr. Ilolman, Mr. lolph and Mr. Alnaworth to prepare a me morial of hi life and character to t presented to' th board at its Jun meet ing. .' ... ; WRIGHT AND MONTE ; : rif : TRIAL IS POSTPONED ... r-r -' . (flpeetal DltpatcB to Th Journal.) Balem, Or., May 1. Th - trlnl of Wright and Mont charged -with-hav lh furnished Trrlcy and Merrill With gun, win yesterday continued py Judge Burnett until th July term Of conrt. ,Thla wa don because Tro- rutlng Attortrey MrNaiy haa not yet aufflclently recovered 1 from rt Injury sustained In a runaway few da ago to conduct the casa, , , ' ale PUT THE OTHER CHAPS TO At; exactly One Half i usual low prices,-and Shoe sold by us is guaran teed to give'satisfaction or a - new pair free. ' : 75 Fof00 pairs of Men's solid leather Calf Shoes, in and congress. The best $1.50 shoe in this city. . - - - - $1.00 For, 1,000 pairs of Cromo- Calf $?.' Shoes, in.all sizes,."- - - t . .$1.25 For 1,000 pairs of $2.50 .Vici and Colt medium weight Dress Shoes.- - $1.50 ForSO cases of Men's- JDress,Shoes7 in regular $3 values... .. :7 " . . $1.75 I'or 573 pairs of Packard Shoes, in spring lasts; $3.50 everywhere. , $2.25 For all styles T in our -"great $4.50.". Custom-Made Shoe. 7 " - $3.00-For- all-6tyJes4lhuFigFat-$(Cus torn-Made Shoe.'"."" ; ' . - Every shoe value on " this page; spre- " rriselyrasradvertise(Ls3SS:' ;,-. -' r r ,i Closing Out'Bbys' SuitsT For1 Good at Way Less "Than Half Price. 95 For Boys' Two-Piece Durable School Suits, ages 5 to 12 years. Sold alvvays ar $2.50 and $3. . . . . 25' For Boys'Cord Tweed. Knee ' worth 50c. - . - V.""" - '' .. . HfTtiilNCS- lNrTHEHMELlGHT: Lawyer Succeeds - in , Getting ,, Himself Ejected From Clerk : ----Olson's Officers trr- Wfill forcibly attempting to Inject himself into a case counsel for th prospective defendant this mornlrfg At torney J.- H. Hitching was ejected from th private room of Fred Olson, clerk of the police court. .-.' - 1 Kred .MulleT,,,: the ex-prix : fighter. wh accused' of robbing a man of 1100. MullGf eiitcred the room of Clerk Olson and wa engaged liT Mplatnlngr-the. af fair to an attache of the coif rt. when Attorney Hitching bcgan to maka In terruption. 4 c 1 : jU : "Don't talk to that man.""- he ordered. "Walt until Mr. llancy, the deputy rils trtct-attomeyr- gcta-herer MulIeF shook off Hltchlnga 4nd Clerk Olson shoved Hitching out1 Into the court room,. nd locked the .door to prevent his , return. Ifirw, as his accuser became badly mixed In hi story, and no complaint waa filed. BIG GATHERING CHEERS 1 WALLACE FOR COUNCIL Hugh W. Wallace, indf pendent. R publican candldHtfor councilman from the econrt waifd. is receiving strong inaorsement rrom tho cltixens of the ward,-4rrcepectlv of party. An enthu siastic meeting was held last evening at Lrow hall, Twenty-third and Kearney streets, for th purpose of Indorsing his candidacy.. Arrangements, were mad fwr-ra vln'iroua ea'mtmlgtt.: aiula .campaign commitie was appointed, con- isiinK or luen r rieaj J.; A. Martin. A. 1 IHassler. .O.. W.. Bates and W. Hall Is. A. H. Devera wa president of the meet- ing ann K.iiw. Wlson was secretary. Mp. 'allarr waa Indors-d at the citf- xens' muss meeting last Wednesday evening, t . . w , - '- I I II '!'-! 'f . "riinyit ' picnrmxa tokiobt. "Rfchifd-'Vlagner "Paralfal," given in animated plctyrca, will be th attraction at th Marduam. Orand theatre tonight and tomorrow nIghtj-Thcre will be a descrlptlv lectur by J. Alex llanna, Mra. Walter Reed, contralto, will sing several number and the- historical film of "Th Reign of Lou la XIV" will be shown. A matinee will be given- to morrow at, 1:30 n flnet,- BOTM BAJTOEKOVSIT , WOVaTOXS. Jiiinrl tpwlal Brh.)' - Prosser, Wash , May IS Bob TVllsoh. a bartender, and "Bill" Hayes, a gam bler. . Wer danaeronalv- souiiilM -1- ptatnl duel her laat night over a gam of cards.1 Both wera-arreated. but ma oi. - ; ii.i. TAKMX MOAOI XM TMT lA. F.t HfiBrfr a firnur living An r-A-r oreek. wa ftrlckn with paralysis last lllght and 1 In a precarious condition, th physician having but slight, hope ofh1a recovery. Mr. Monger I ' about jT3m fi are. i i rmt'e i t h 1 1 ,1 a . .. . . ..J erxemg nr other torturing Skin dls'e. rto neet for It. lVnn Ointment jic. I'an't htrm Htm mnmt .11.. . i .li. a. . --vm Mill, ' ny drug store, &o cerua,, SLEEP! It is on today.lmd will PANTS 50 Fop Men's Strong Work, Pants regu- lar $l value. . ' --r 75 ' For Mcn'sDurable-AVorstcci Panrs ; Tcprular $1.50. value: -$1.00 For-Men's All Wool Hairline Tahts ; regular $2 value. . :. : j . i . $lJJLi3r-AI en's-Whiplcord Pants regular $2.50 value. " , --r ' " $1.50 For Mcns Dress Tants; regular $3 -value.'- - ::-.:;,,-....!., -i-.:- J- $2.00 For Men's All Wool Dress Pants; -regular $4 value. . -$2.50 For Men's All Wool Dress Pants; - regular $3 value. - .-. .-. . . $3.00 For Men's All Wool Dress Pantsr regular $6 value. '!..- ' rAnd way up just as high as you want to' go, .- at"-exactly ONR"I I A LF. - , k . SUSPENDERS -10 For 6 styles ii'i-Men' 20c- Suspenders ;15 For 10 styles. of Men's 25c: Suspenders. "25T FofOlyterOfTefiStnrSirspendcr 33 For 5 styles of Men's 50c Suspenders;: .50 For JO styles , of Men's $3.Suspejxdcrsr our very sold ljyif For-Men's 35c Balbriggan Under wear. - . I -- -' ;'" ."."..'. , . 25 For Men's -ftOcr Balbriggan Underwear. 37- ForMen's 75q -Balbriggan -Under--wear. '- ..--rj.-- :.r; ' . tU? l or iMcn T 1- fants; "75 For Men's. $1.50 Medium Weight ,Un- :ruear $1.00 Fpr .Men's $2 Silk HUMAN FLY SUES- TO RECOVER JEWELS m in cm'uuii court Aime Austin. kuown in professional circle as th human fly,' becauso of her ability to walk on walls or -;- cetlipg. Is suing Oscar Vanderbllt of Chicago for the re- h-overy of a palr of 'diamond earrings ml a horseshpe Pin.' or th payment of 00, the value of the gems. -. In Los Angele In 1902 Miss Austin wanted 1260 -and gave, Vanderbllt her dlamonda to pledge tot that aura, lie advanced her tHO, and afterward gav her ISO additional. Fh says the gems sre worth much -more-than th sum Vanderbllt advanced. -- Vanderbllt wa secretary iand treasurer of th National Printing company of Chicago at 'tho tlma or th transaction. " In closing his argument Tor th defendant- Attorney A.. King Wilson ex plained to th Jufy'lhat It should con sider TheTrctv-lnlerRt of Councilman Fred T. Merrill In the cae; "He Is the real plaintiff, ' aald Mrr Wilson. "We io not know "what object hit ha In view or' what Interests he has; 4 perhaps h' has an option -on gm-l but you should consider 'carefully the part he has" taken In this cae before returning a verdict." . v. Th. Jury retired i t J. 30 this) after nonj- . . SPOKANE'S MEW MAYOR , UPON VICE CRUSADE (Special Mtpitch to Tti i Jourml ) Spokane, Wash.,' May 1 li.. T.. Dan iel, by order of the city commissioners, was .forbidden to make changes In his building on Front avenue for th accom modation of persona of the lower world, The policy jof Mayor Daggett, who haa been inioffice only a week, is to prevent th extension of v(i:e. Th slum district fn under police supervision and the dives wlllih cloned, ; ' CHINESE GAMBLERS -""" : -RAIDED BY SHERIFF 8nerlff Word and a detail of deputies raided a Chinese gambling houae at 93 Beeond street shortly, after noon today. Elht gamblers' were arrested. Th door fifth place were barricaded with heavy,' Ion bolts and boxes of merchandise, but were battered down by th officers, who caused Wild' cOmmO'; tlonubyjhelr entrance. ; Th fellow s-ambler tr11 vainly to escape tfirouali doflf..gnd'Wlndow and by hiding beneath tables. - MJt, ZTAH8 WIIX, BaTTSBTAIaT. i fl'h memln I a of the " WfnnstT' I'liltr and th 1'uesday Afternoon club have been invited on their annual pknlo ex cursion to the home of Mrs.-Bnrafr A. Evans, at Osweco. . The I9:2i 'train at the foot of- Jr-ffVon street, tomorrow morning. wJU Cjrryth party - 1 ' HOTEL ARRIVALS. - - At the Portland I. Wrhmn. Yerki J. II. 'lb"mv U'lKi'ti." I n((lii,l. W. IV 1.7 n rten. IT. riirfnn. lJ,h-iio o. V, t -ilni Ii.-, tm lr. O. Ilh-Mluc i,it V. William. Ihl- ei; H. O. t'kairb. f. Tf. B..n. "tl-: f. K. rre.lnno hrw V.irk ; Mr. K. II. Svlierniin. I'kllxhlphli: O. R. Paul, tlilrac,,; H. J.' Mor ton, .xmii Fr'nrmt: Ml, a. at. I'anlkiior. Ml-. C. A. foti.T, Iloaion: C , ft. Hr-kln mnA tfe. Bntte: F.. B. StHnnrt. od.-; I, , kinth.l. Cbleafn; C, l Tifen. han Yan- etwee; A. W., lixnKla. a'"t lre. l..fitr; U .tlav n." r-i. a;, m. larixr. tr i-n.rlna Sweear an4 lfe. aj , H. Senr.; I harU llaj war.- Telprla. H. t'.l rr. v He-n-ov-lna. .aii Fri't. 4. J. nine. 4l.naill: 11 Kruhalf. H. tables. Viark. alabti IMG . . T'lS -. . im staj on, too, until trade, near! $1.50 For Mefc"erTzed UndfrweaTT Mixed Underwear.:. We treat successfully all. prlvate.jier. . vou and chronic diseases of men; mitn blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat trouble. W cur" SYPHII.ia (without mercury) to tay cured . for ever, in 10 to so daya. We remove -(STRICTURE, without operation or pain, -In It daya ' . W stop drains, lfi Teault -of elf-' abuse, immediately. W can Testore th sexual vigor ot any man undrr CO by 'means of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. . " We Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week 7 Th doctors of this Instltut ar all regular graduates, hav had many 4" experience," have been known lit roruma i,r 10 years, nava a reputation to-maintain', and will undertake no caa unlea certain cur can be effected. j. Wrirmtfnniiia n rnrn In every caa wa undertake or charge no fee. - Constitla lion free. Letter coifldentiaL Inntruc tlve BOOK FOR MEN mailed free In , plain wranper. "V wol casea oi pue in iwo or Uire treatments, without opera tlon. Ou guaranteed. TT voa cannot cajl at ofllc, writ fo cesnful. Office hours. to S and 7 to I. . Sunday and holiday. 10 to IX. r- -- Offlcea in Van Noy ; Hotel, 624 Third 6treet. Corner Pink, .PortlaBUTTOr. The Dr. Liebig Staff . . FOE HTM. " ' VABTCOCEIE. ' Wa cur thla nlaeaa without eteratiun. . an4 vndar onr treatment the eon (ted enn'lltinn awn diaapneara. Tba parta are reatured to their natural wnrtlfi.n. Tlgvc and atrenfiK and -clr-nl I rc-ealnhlhihed. 1.088 Or VinOK; Yen mar he larktts In th pr nt rUalujr. If ae. wa will rrator to Ton what yiil bara loat th aiutp,' rlrq and rigor of Titallty. whlcB, loaa mar- be the r t'lit. uC. iuillw-rellfitii. iin.a.Bd.iiaa)Hra4 fceakueaa. i " - PRIVATE DISEASES. r5lr emitriefr -ami rhronlr7 dlafaa.n rurrd. All nnrnln and It.-h-lue. - Inflammation and unnatural weakneaa t"i.peil in 'Ji h.mra: enr effret In I d,a. PltSg .AJiB HYDROCELE. WV n.fe tueM dlai-aaea witbout uperatlos. Ne knife, rv o-ti-titl'.n from buatm-.a. no eetd InJertloB.,' CONTAOIOtTg BLOOD P0I80H. lr mar b In I'- priinitlra a'.- 'It ur . br be-n hef.dltar.r or rontrJ.Med In. earlr daya, TVe rtira all tta eoBipllratlona. 'ff atop Ita prog ri-aa, eradleala erery reatlxi of pnlaon from the ayal.m. and this Witbout the Daa of airf rnrr or, tHJ.b. ' ULCER AND IBjla SI8EA8E8. Wa .'nr. all aula or cbronle ulfers wltiiouL cnttiQg, paat.a or aalraa. Hkln diwaaea. aneh as plmnlra, rrnptlona and fwiiu. quickly dlaappaar auder nop. .trlal rlertni-mtMlcal aiiraya, KtrWrY. . LADDE AiiD i PR0STATTO DISEASES. W cur all Irritation, tmptent dcalra or toi paro. hrt-k dx.t awilturnt, pain In bark and Catarrhal eunetiloa. Conaullatlnn free at o(lii ar by letter. Ifrmra, s. m. to g p. m. Snndaya, 10 a. m. to J sln Call w aildioas , 1 1 The Dr. Liebig Staff Winehaatar Honaa, timrl I and T. ' Third and Bnrnaida ttreau.l Portland, Oratea, At the. Prrklna .V. R. 8trtr and wlfa. Syraena, New Ytrk; Ml. t hwown, Bt. Toula; !.. W. Tkomaa. Daybm. U'aehlnatna; W. B. Knrta, jTh Dallas; J. O. Boaehoroagh, Brown wornt, Txa; i. tj, Knet, Saernmvuto; N. (I. HyUnd anil lr. rnonr w. n, jtn"M wlfa. Katamaxno; It M. Illtner, Arlinu.u: VV. M. Walla Walla: U. ft. W .rr. ,. Vnekane: Mra. P. A. Wllker"n. Knttalo; It. II, Hi'lmnald and wtfe. MtlMnlirllle: W. C. Wlahnp. f. rnl.l. Waahlng'nn: U. I. Hii.knior, Han rVnrl: K. K. Jarkaon. foraat tJro.f ; W. . llnrat nnd farniir. iluhbard. tlrwKuli. At tlm- Imtwrtaf -erank -let-. HepT'nef; H. II, gent tie; Ji. fr. Albany; '. M. ( ny, ?iraaie, 1 naahlnatnil II. a, tlra.rr.wk. if., fTMrent Tlty; '.,C. ll .ti.wl. It.loo; . SK John.on. Haraloo, W'; Mr.. ,. a, , Marlon. !,. a ; Mr. f Ha .1. 1.. : H It. Par.... I root.- I. H r'n .rt. Sh.rl. daw:. . A tH. I'. n.i'. i..r' r w i-arrsn. Jharasi Gaorff ilnny ami lfc, latiiva (.11. $1.00 For Jlen's $3.50 to $3 Pearl Gray -Soft Hats, an accumulation 'LabouUi-dozeii light colrel peart soft hats, odds and nds left from our mense . Easter or black bands free choice of one of bur retni- lar $2 and $3 Hats, in black, brown and all the other colors, all shapes, in soft and stiff..,. ;. ".' :.: '-J.; ,: r - $2.00 For your choice of all our $i Hats", in King; Kingsbury, Langlcy, in Dunlap and Knox shapes; uneqijaJed selections. $250 For freecho4ce-ofoiir $.7118, in all " shapes andWocks ; 20 styles to select fronv Every Hat sold by us Is under a strict "Sat-isfaction-or-Your-Money-Back" Guarantee. Men's Furnishing AT EXACTLY ONE HALF PRICE. ' ). ' ' - Clean, nice, iip-to-the-second kind. Cut in : ' Half. Just, think of it!; , ..- SOX . . . ' 5 For Men's Fast Black; and Tan 10c .Sox.1 10 For Men's Fancy Embroidered' 20c Sox 15 I'or Men's Fast Black and Tan 25c Sox 20 For All Kinds of Men's 40C Sox. 25 For Alt Kinds pf Men's 50c Sox -. ilj WORK SHIRTiS 25 For Mens Strong 60c Work"SlilrTs7 37 For Men's Sateen 73c Work Shirts. 50 For all kinds ofl.tKTWdrk7" Shirts. jsLirrukiiMispi.oVoTkshin $1.00 Forall kinds of2.00 WorkShirts. $1.25 For all kinds of $2.50.WorlrShirts: $1.50 For'all kinds-of $3.Sft. Work. Shirts 7NEGLIG EE 5HI RT5 - 37 TFor " Men's Finest 75c - Negligee Shirts : 20 styles .. a..- .. 50-For Mcu's iMadraS - $1.00" Negligee -75 For Men' Silk Finish- l.W- fegltgee- Shirts ; 50 styles. - - -$1.00 For Men's-Imported $2.00 Negligee . Shirts ; 50 Styles. . . . quesUon b!ankviHam.- treatment auo C. QBE WO , Th Qreat Cfilrieso Doctor Ts called great be cause his wonderful cures ar so well "known throughout : the United . Statea, and because so many people are' thankful to mm ror 'i saving 5 OPERfVTIONS He treats any and seaaea wltt PrPJ.Kvg1" WA. ' !, ': barkaar ul chines foot. wild. -on ' "l'.--''i9.Z baraa na vegmaoiae . aMi.aalsV,)1a. that are ua- - anown to meuicai science an tnia tomh- -try, and through th gaa rut theaa harm les remedies. This famouscfbctpr know -the action of over 600 different remedl that he has successfully uned In different. . diseases. He guarantee to cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheumatlam. ner. vousness. tomarh. IWer. kidney, f ' mal t roublo,' ad ll frlyat disease. Hundreds of . tesTlmon'Jxls. Charge moderate, ril nd .. him. , - ., COMUtTATJO F1T. . .. ... Z v Patients oat of th city writ foe ' blank god circular. --.Inaloa stamp. Address mrxroiirvvTrairNESiiT"' r MEDICINE CO. tst Alder- street. Portland. Or. 8alr. way of 231 H Alder street lead to of fice., Jdentloa thla paper... MARION BAR-HONORS r LATE JUDGE BELLINGER ?i i - r-r . . . fSpeclit fHjate t Tba t.wnal 1 Selwm, Or.. Msy !. Th u'n.,t County Pari aaaocltlrt met yetnj t and pann.wl rsoIul)un In honor of1 t re late Judge' C P. TWrKr. Tht t"- -'-llor.a Wee tlr.i'n nj' b '"it""' ' Whl.-h I'-r', fierlwir.i. I'e f ho:n nelllnger fhat a'fi , 1 chairmen., TfiVr. !') ror- ' I " ire,, tl." I' i " I ' Ci, t I I 'f t,