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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1905)
I II 1 1- 10 ' PORTLAND WHIPPED BY-HENRYX-SEALS French and Carvin Get a: Fair S Trouncing 1 at Hands of - Irvin's Men. - y ; ' - CREATE TROUBLE Verrine Orders Whalen ;. Off the rTield and Threatens Otherrrr rTT7. Players. - - - iJoersal tpecial BerTtce.) San FrtnciMcSyr- ' FJP- cisco . Portland I. '''',' Batteriea Whalen. Wheeler Ad WH- son; French, Garvin and McUean. ; yesterday' rfame wa full of miscue on the part of the Tlsltora, and wrangling- with Umpire Perrlne, who waa the center of raany dlamprwj mas meeting 1 . tl'lrlnf 1hf ""Mlnce. w vr.iu.ri and Jamie de Whale . started the engagement aa th-xpo-i nent of the pitching rt,-butnither waa deatined ta" hin 1 any length of time, for In the" second the Seal took a liking to--the-aouUierniojrlB abootrand i drova .him to. th... bench. Jnj, th"Tery- f-'aext session the northern aggregation pasted Jamie tome, which .aroused the -handsome'.' lad tre, and he naceaaarlly i had to give vent to hia feeling ln aotne 3 manner, and tasting abont for a sulfa- ' We object in which to deliver wrath. - his eye lit on pull Perrlne. Der Whale " had Just started to elucidate on -th ".-rottenness of the official, when he was " glvoYl the hlgti lgn vamoose, and V wa succeeded by George Wheeler. Virgil Garvin relieved French and r'iai not the puxsle that was expected for the Seals landed froquently and.' a " sisted by a wild heave ion the part of '"the Texan, they scored enongB run . win.- ' ';r 'i'lie score follows: ' . '. -r--- r ::- gANHKRAKCISCO. L ,..l " AB. R. H. TO. A. K. Waldron. cf. .40 1.4 '" Kpencer, rf, ........ fc 0 MohhT. !b. ......... S "-" 1 1 ildebrandi UfcL-s t..jL 4 1 Irwin. 3b. .......... J 2 Nealon, lb. ......... I - Wilson, c. 1 0 llnchnauerr ss. ...... t 1 'Whalen. p. ,, 1 0 ' Wheeler," p. ...... ... I- Total . ...SO" ti 11- PORTLAND.- ABrRrR. TO. At. ss Van Buren, If. . Householder-ct.. H.hlatly, 2b. ..; . . 4 111 3 0 .4 1 1 4 1 -McCredte,- 4 Ai-0--0 Aiciaji, ct iJlitchell, lb..... 4 . Hunkle, lb. 4 Frehch, p.V J - darvln, p. . . . Z Murphy . . ........ 1 4 .. V Z - 0 ..!.... O-O 0.1 2.0 2 o r-o i - o 0 1 0 S I 0 0 0 0 0 .Total i". ... "II 1- 14 II '4 Batted for Garvin In: ninth Inning. - T-tNIvrNttS. -' ' IT! S f t "-"T f ....a o o i o i -Hits -v. wt .i .f.4 p 111 Han Francisco ,...0 2 1 0 0 2 0 1 Hit ...: 1 111 SUMMARY, - JtlHitr-OCWhalen. 2; off Wheeler. 6; "off .French, -4; off Garvin, - Stolen 1im Hrhlanv. Waldron. Wheeler. Two-base hits Oochnauer, Bchlafly, Mc---reOt' Mouselroldfflrr" Sacrifice" hits A I. Nealon. (iochnaner. Wllaon. First base on.errora Han Francisco, I. ' First bane on called balls-Off Whalen, 2; off French, 1: off Garvin, 2. tft on bases Han Francisco, I; Portland, 6. Struck out By Whaleo. J; by Wheeler, 4; by French, 1; by Garvin, i. Hit by pltch-r Wilson. Time of game Two hour. Umpire Perrlne. ' - nemo ooah uiatn.- S. 3 e'o - CXCB. tmromtL ...... o.kUiul tHa Krncln! Anglra ,. Ij-nttlc ... J'nrtlamt .'. . . . fmi. r 4 .6:14 .6T .63.1 .411 .4:0 .SIM e 7 .. o o A IN nl 5 4 1M ..ri ..116.1921123.24126,1281 T Aaflnat Ont. AnirrlM,- May 1. Thnmas - con tinued his great work yesterday and shut out Uillon and hi men. Hcore: R. II. E. 1.os Angeles ...060000 00 0 0 4 Tacoma . .0 0 0 2 O'O 0 1 Kattorie Kaum and Hpleef Thomas . Another for Seattle, He-Wh..- Mayt.S! another game for the 8lwahe yester day." Oakland made dcaperate efforts to lie the score In the ninth, but the rally failed to produce run. Hcore: ft. H -battle ,.6 1 6 0 401 6 '.2 hi k land t .0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 7 I ruuerl Khlelds, Frary arid Hankr wrxvl; Schmidt and Byrne.' Umpire Klopf. ' - .1 .-" T XATXOaTAXi Z.XAOUZ. At Brooklym. n. H. E. - Brooklyn . .... .1 7 4 .T...;4 1 0 and Rltter: Bjitterle Mrlntyre rfciner ana Kling L mplre Bauswlne. At Philadelphia. R.-H.E. f'lrtrlnnatl . . 1'hilHdelphla 8 2 7 1 Butt erles-)Vr All. Chech and rfilili Liuggicby tind looln. Umpire O' Day. 1 ,-1 - " ' At St. tonls. . ft. Loui . ............ rt..... .6 ,. 1 ilonlon . . ,.ti..2, 4, a Batteries Thielman and Warner; "'Willis and- Needham.. Umpire Kiem. At jrew. Tot. "riHsburg"" JS'cw . York .2 7 1 Katterlea Iever and Ppltt: Mathrw n and. Bowerman. Umpires KniHltc nd " AKXmiOAV 1.2 AOITZ. At CUoago. R. 1L E. riiigi rblladcll-hii s -1 . liatlrries Smith and McFarJanil; Waddell and. Schreri ,11 Detroit. r-R. H. . 7 1 . .6 " 5 t A '""T'etrolt Waalilngtna nauerien HHiian and Bulllvan: Pal. ten and Klttredge. '. . , At M. 2onla. -t.THlTsrT" .New V01 k, .... t ....... . .17 2 .1 4 6 Wiitterlei-Siiiihoff Hnd Sugderr; Hogg. - Vneamii nan na nrrland ":7r T WINNING'RUNNERS- " -- nw FAIIR' TRACKS Jauril gpwlal gerHce.t PoWiis race results Mlle White Plume worn ldy Savoy seconoVJanetta jUi!rdolime. JUiUi. 7 Flvejfurlongsllyperlon II wota. Lady Anne second, - Mingita - tnira; time, 1:01 VT" f Six furlongs Manfred .won, Norwood Ohio second. Highland Fling third; time. 1:16 1-S. AlCfiikrhjUB. couTsS Tflp ,won. Bank Holiday second, Balxac third; time. 4:0. Four and one half furlong Queen won. Spendthrift iieien second. lOKioaa third; time, "" ' Mile ' and on quarter Miss Bull won.' Hand More seoona, uig ueaca thlrdr timer 2 :7 H-1 ' Tr - ,T ...... T .. At gt, tool. i -r 6t.'Loul, May Fair ground race results: - , Half mile Ralshot won, Auray sec- 0nil.e Chanfi.V-JhirdU-.Xlmfc-0.4i Ulx furlongs Tangle won, w matters second, Dave Sommers . third; time, Six furlongs Dishabille won. Fireball second. Otto Btifel third; time, 1:14. - Five and one half furlongs au juiaca won, Fancy uress " second, Borrcuup JWIlai3aooitojvCQlonelyiuiBi second, Blennenwortn unru; lime, 1:40 1-5. . . Mile and On . sixteenth ume uia ont Bravery second, Kenton : ,hlrd; time, 1:60. - J -.. : . ... -r-At almo . - -' 1 York. . May 19. Belmont Park . Nw rac reaulta: Fiva furlonsa Gold Sifter won. Tim ber" secoUdt. Moonahln third; time.' ltOS. Vnur and one half runongs ot. EnteDD won. Merry By econd, Clark Griffith third; time, 0:64 4-1. SIX furlongsGarnars; won, -'Merry Lark second, Pasadena thlrd;-tlme, l:ls. Mile and one ' alxteentn cairngorm won, itlght rtoyai . Secoou, veuarsiruui third; tlmo, -1:11. Seven furlongan Carrie jone won. Whorler second. Consideration tnira; t.lmv.l:ai..,. - - mile and one runorg o neiween won, Abdell second. Ntn Spot third; Um. i:s. ";"-..- "T"a Xaaa''oity. U Kansas Clty,May Elm Jtldge rmnm rAaulta:. . Vour furlongs Harpy Lad won. Earl Roaera second, ltelta third; time, 0:45i six furlonaa Dunning won, Bt. penis second," Sportsman third: time, 1:16 V4. Mile and on Mxteenlh Baikal won, Ada N. second, Helgerson third; time, 1 -At : -. . -- . i- Six furlongs Squid won, Marco sec- gnrtrtaaa Smll -UiirU. tuue, l.Hr - l1va furlongs Percy Clark won, fltumo. Town second, Louis Wagner third: time. -1:01 Seven, furlongs Glassful won, Potrero nrande second. Nina Fly mira; time. 18 SEATTLE GOLFERS TO OPEN CLUB HOME tSpertnl mapatch to Tb Joorn.l ) -Seattle. Wash., May 1.Th new lnhhnin -of-the Seattle 4Jelf ana unun trvdub-ovorlooklng ik-Washington, Will be formally opened tomorrow after noon. . Thanew-addltlon Ha changed th htilldlna fronr on of the colonial style t ope of the most modern elub house on the coant. , Thar will be speclat matche played on thillnk" Saturday afternoon and. s aerlea of nutting contest will be given pnja Bpeclalljrpreparedgreeniiifront of th clubhouse. Ulnner- win ds ervea In th main dining-room Saturday even ing, and It 1 expected, .that cover, will b laid for 100 member and their fam ilies and friends. -- After dinner there will 'be a dance In the" aasembly-room, 1- neoted. will be on of .th big Social feature -of " the "week. It ,1 expected that-, number of well-known golfer from Tacoma and Victoria will bo over to take part In the opening Saturday., G0TCH AND JENKINS ; ' . ON MAT-TONIGHT (Journal Special Scrrlce.) , New York, May It. Tom Jenkins and Frank Gotch meet on the padded mat In Madison Square Garden tonight to con test fori the third time . the wrestling championship1 of America. Th present title ho'dcr Jenkins, who defeated Gotch and took'' the laurels in a. contest her a few weeks y. Remembering the desperate battle that the two put up on that occasion all lover of the a port are on edge now In anticipation of tonight contest. Uotch claimed that ha lost the last match because of his poor condl lion. Should he meet wltlr defeat again tonight lie will not hav th same ex faithfully alnce th - match waa made tion. Jenkins also be inxon dttlon to pot tip an excellent contest." , niorzssioirAX aozr toxtbstxt. (Journal Special gtrvlee.) London. May 1. The great profes sional aolflnc tournament, which opened today at Bushy hall, promises to be one of the most Important golfing event of th a paeon. More than two-score pro fessional. Including nearly all th "crack" of Great Britain. r compet ing for th long list of cash prlxea hung up. ' 1, . .. , JM2TK MSAsT BUBTHiSS. - .. .. -, - .. ''"" Mvslerloua Billy-Smith state that fie will meet Myers, who 1 backing Tommy Bums, at any time and place, when he will pont his forfeit to show that Its offer to meet the Chicago man . m h in irooH. faith. The one time nremler welterweight I wllllni to' meet Burn In ."20-round bout to tak place In three month' tlm. Lo-i. ( , rOBTXAMS AdASZaCT, 7 IT. J. A B The Prrrtland academy team defeated the Newell JUvervlew academy nine ye- t4rdav lu a well-played game or Dase- hail h the score of 7 to 2. The scor A ......0 1 1 z 1 1 o 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 13 6 Q 1 0 0 9 0 lilts r.r.0 1 0 0 0 10 Vrmrm I A S'. N. Tl. A.. I. ... . T A Taa4 1mir f ,r. nd HlgainsrN. R. "A-r Dowjjji. aid Au tm. - ' I PACITIO-TAT10TAXi X.BAOTTB. . Won, Lost, ,...-... 10- ft PC. 6T .600 .,185 .308 Kpnkane . igden . . , Halt- Iake noB . s" , At Bait tak ' I. ' Salt I-ak . 00 11 ' tj Snokune, 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 ft 2 . Batterlca Ter and 1 ee hyrlCT fi V- 1 hammer and Stanley, umpire Me Hue. I :, r-;: -" A. orden. ' n.ten , -s,. , .0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -I--7 g Bold . . , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IV 0 t II BntlerleB Thompson' and Hnn: Macfarland artd Hanson. Umplr tet-I THE OREGON 'DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. FRIDAY " BOTZOB TO AKATZtnUL . ; V . ' All notice of amateur base ball famearjialjengeg. and ath; "lefIo event must b ent to this . "offtolifor olook a.m.-on , th day forTmprteatton.- AmaO ; teurmnagara-ahould-pay- aU -. 4 ' tentlon to this rule, as th keep- y Ing of It will lnsuVe a proper 6 report of thlr . doing. Th 4 Journal 1 .' 1 .,. btAEAWESEBALUrWJb -TO PLAY OREGON (EpeeUI DIptci:.JaTli-JouriiaL) University of Oregon. Eugene, May 19. Manager Earl of th baseball team was. made happy today by receiving -a letter from. the manager of the Waseda university Japanese . baseoait - team, which 1 now tn Los Angol. asking for a date , with the local ban piayera on th sixth of June. . Ao Abe. th man- very anVouV statHnunlverslty. and asked to be ad-. vised a.t- ttner If th date, could, be se cured.- Earl wrote for th gam some tlm. ago. but- received no reply, until today. At the tlm he wrote President Campbell ald that no recitation would he held on the afternoon of thgame, but as the date asked for falls' d vying the examinations the game will hav to. te la the' afternoon. Th Eugene fans, andtownspeople have been Japanea ball -players, and 00 the after- j noon- of the gam the business - men hav practicajly agreed to close up busi ness ho that all. CftA -the-4Htle-rtrwn' man play the national game. , ' . , The local team ha about reoovered from the stag fright that It experi enced lh Salem, received, two defeats, and will., play a fast game. Keck, the college pitcher. Is well again. and will do therltchlng and put confi dence In his team-matea. Tomorrow-th 'varstty-play "a game with the Salem Klgh school, who are lq town a a re sult of a mlsTlndVrstandlng of manager. Th High school faculty ha placed a ban on baseball and locked up' the uni form of the players, and the manager forgot to cancel the date with the Sa lem, playera... Expense had to be met some way, so Manager Earl., wilt-play the. gam with his. ball team. THOMPSON MATCHED TO FIGHT CORBETT ( Journal Special 8rlc.) . . Evahsvllle, Ind., May 19. Charles Cornwall of St. Louis and Kid Immel of thl city are. elated for a IB-round fight tonight before the Creaeent City lioxing club. The mill will be pulled off for, a purse of $250 "and aid bet The twq ar regarded s evenly matched and the result Is awaited with consider able Interest among the follower of pu glllsm... - : . :- (Special Dispatch to TH Jnarnal. - - Butte...' UonU ..May . .19. : ilaurlce Thompson, of this ,city,Tnd-Toung dorT bett, formerly featherweight champion, were practically matched-last night to fight hereon June IS. " Corbett hs written her asking for a match , with Thompson at .130 pound at .Volock jrranieu.4 Thompson signed the. articles: after Uiey have been forwarded to San Franc Ibco iororbetf-lKnaturaTbomBotv- la the young lad .who. recentljrsnad an ex. ne!lent-- ahowlng ' lnthe -east, -and-i hi enttneea are well thought ef In Butte. DON'T BE DECEIVED GLBVER -RUSES-TH A-T-i TO BY CONFIRMED "REDUCTIONISTS'better tie to : a store sucli as ours, where no get rich-quick" method ever HAS been or everWILL be entertained. We have no $18 and $20 suits " f T- BEST. $15.00 - ' ' . . " ' ..... '-"T: ' i ,-- - Vir -r- : - -y ; z i Zzti . . w . iksiw f i : w a m yM3 " i-- - " ' , Ft "1 . - - ...j, . ; , tfQ. vS tUtN ; i ' V- w r,..t MOST ANY BOY MAY LOOK " ' ft0 Im Hi) ' ;V- 'r'-jr . JUST AS .WELL IF HIS PAPA1 -mMml- ' T' ' ' " 'MMjIl Pr HAwiLL come S-J'l P 1 ' ' (G ai. d"':-PS Z4 ONLYz PEOPLE-IN TOWW;" mkml &W 4 - ' NE7CTOR,BASEBALLL $W$$f, tX--" "-' - XZ . ' GOODS: FREE WITH, EVERY 7 pr' :r-: t:fsaBSSi:ss rfpji. f j; ' boy's .suit priced, "at7: -'-..j illdlV ' -''-THAT FOR VARIETY.OF.DE 1-z v FfTV-" '-"W mm - SIGN, STYLE. ,FIT AND 7" CIHJ '7 ' (I ' ' ' lp3 plV-WEARING-QUALITIES i '' ' ioQ- Hj h $m1 MM ' --""HAVE-NO EQUAL 'AT THIS . r,:-,--TO b&Slt f ''- - ' -ft pip . --I-icejnanylcitlonthf. " . l ; .; , ; -- ; 7-f0 ; . , .t "'" 11 Mn I i:l$ coast. . it is not enough .-. ' :; nf'-fNp'; A -j I ' ' . - J ,: ."'.' ril Wm I WmF for.s;:to- have such : 77-":r W:' -ffl - -MERCHANDISEiT:IS,NEC-: J W l.!-SSTi' I t - 'Sfl-H I ree.nw rnr, w .. ' . ! : ; - . . '......' .. . . . I i, I V " I , If I ... I J 1 i - II I ml XSh w ml M:::-7'; 'and the onl0x2for L-f- -j :: ... . . .' .fe mlWM-oxjmvr .isro come , i ;r A VB m rtUUn flORS fi B Jsfr 'X'x--- c :lC0AT. AND SEE FOR YOUR. I'X: -A 7 T ite.ivr.. m,iri-ist .Rotwoon StarkmQak J I r 7 '.--.S ir SEL? WHETHER WE STATE - : jJT: AAHTT J A illV . FIIR C?! .OTHIFWY - l.r;-.: :sa. 7. the truth. - 7.'. Crj, 1 .. COLLEGE PLAYERS IN BRILLIANT GAME Notable Contest in Which Prince ton and. Amherst .Men. :. I Tigu.i'if Last "Week". ? . TICERS TRIUMPH IN V , - s. EIGHTEEN INNINGS During Match Onry.One Base on Balis Given; But Proved .; .Not postly and clo'.e.t ba.eball game ever played by Princeton nine If, not th moat remarkable contest In th annals of Intercollegiate baseball, wai that between Princeton and Amherst at University - field -last " week. ay - th Princeton Alumni Weekly. . For 17V4 In. nlnga neither team could score a run, and It was not till the last half of the elKhteenthhatPriijstoit ' TnanagBillQl get the single tally that won the game, and even that waa unearned. In' the tech nical sense. . t'p to th twelfth Inning neither side reached third base: anjLdw lng. th entire gini'e.!r-"thTte runners goL-thaV-rnroiie for Amherst and two for Princeton. "This was not because ihe batters did hot hit the hall.' Alto gether, there- were 94 put-outs and 44 assist "on ball actually hit by batter. though in safe hits the total record. waa only lT-r'lO for Princeton -and 7for Jtm- Jierst. Ther -wejre llerror, which lirn'-t- bud for 18 Innings, especially aa only ona of them ' counted . In the scoring. . -These statistic show that both team played well at the- rytt. and, at critical times. In the field. ", But the feature of the -gam that mad it still more 'remarkable was the unusually steady pitching arid the endurance - of Doyle of. -Princeton and McRa of Am herst, both . of whom lasted th entire! IS innings. Every Amherst, batter cam up seventlme; A conservative estl mat' woulj put the number of balls delivered to these C3 batters at nearly -400, which give soma idea of th great strain under which a pitcher Is placed by auch a long gam. But during th entire It innings Doyle did not give a sngle ban m -ball. nor4t a- batter, nor deliver a wild pitch. ' And while he cored only eight strlke-outs, he al lowed but ulx safe hits, two of which were scratches. . Aftertti "sixth, or for 12 innings, th HAmherat - battersnever bit th ball safely. -Also Doyle hml six ...i.t, two rut-u.t n rrr. and t th bat shared the honor wlthaptaliiTavexagerairacttime: Well, each making Three hit. "Donald Bryc Doyle- come., from . jittsburg. Pennsylvania, and la a member of ..the academic senior class, lie made the 'varsity 4a s year mi bstrrnte pitcher, but beforthat hla asbail at Prirjceton. WW confined , to jscrub game on the campus. t McRae's record in this' game waa also notable. lie allowed Only on -base on balls, hit two batters, scored seven strike-out, assisted In one double -play. hart nm ptft-ot elrhti amltiln no error, lie dldvitot jiowevermuk a safi hit. feat " finally, In lh last half of the eighteenth. D Dowle reached -Ort -on Beach's error' and was forced at second by Reld's grounder, th,latter,-bowever; benhg safe at first. Then Dehaney. the for $12.50 or$15, bu,t we have the SUIT FOR $15.00 That You EVENING, ' MAY 19, -1SC3- - -r . , - I Amherst catcher, 'allowed -tin of - Me Rae's curve to get away back to th grandstand, and Held -made th best of the-opportunity. ' When Dehaney got th ball Reld was on third. With only one out. her at lat-wa-apthr chance fur -Prlnoeton to.wla th gam.-- And Helm waa passed to- Mrst on a hlt-by. pitcher,' and, stole aecond.--Thn Captain Well got In a slow grounder, which broke up TD-famrTTteld iumpca"Titrn elf and hurtled across th plate In heap,- Just - beating out Kelllshar' throw. It 'waa a cloudy day and when Raid' cheerful smll emerged from th fuTeV .at 88 S i Wlgl ttimte la'l o I'liu'k tab it weiu mum faar.- score; PRINPETON. " AB. R. II. PO. A. E, Raid. . ;;.:.T',r;,i. 1, i s 6 I lelm, cf. '.f ....... 7 ' 0;0 61 vells,- 20. '....,....-,- . sr. - McLean. 3br ' 0 , 1 1.1 Cooney, c j . . . 0 , 4 H I. Doyl Uj.m.1.. Henry, If, 1I T .g3. Maro. i tr-poyle, p. . B-yram . . tt Total .1 Vlp 64 20 AMHERST. j i . AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Wheeler, cf. , Palmer, lb. . 0 4 f n't , 'AX X'-X Stark. Jb. .TT Reach, s. . t-m - 0 ; o 4 Pahaney. o. . Klli8her. 2b. 00 r 1 " s 0 8 2 . . T ..7 . . i7 Powell, if. Alaire. rf. o.-p-i UcR&e, pr Totals 7Tvram hatted for Korsyth In the twelfth and was -succeeded in the field by Henry. . SCORE BY INNINGS. Prlne'tn 0 000fl00000000000 1 1 Amu at . ooooooovovoovoiloo o -v SUMMARY : Struck--orrfBy McRae, 7: by Dox&. S Douple play McRae to Palmer; Palmer (unaBMlsira; ncumn 10 nenm. nsuu iu Reld. Passed halls Danahey, 1; Cooney.- K Hit hy pitched ball Mc Lean, Helm. Sacrifice hit Cooney. Sto len hABes Wells, Holm. Haxes on halls Oft McRae. 1. . 'i In-of gamtv Two hours ana 4a minutes. umpire Mr. Horner. ..... ; , . ' ' , LACROSSE TEAM WILL -r1" BE SWIFT BUNCH " Portland 1 going to surprise outeld lacrosse clubs with the 1 strong team that It will put on the field this year. Even thl. early in the season, the team shpwa'up 00 per" cent better than last year :nd it i known that several more premier lacrosse player Intend: to com to Portland within the next few week. These men will make-Portland their future .home and have also signified rf , ,,,"7 0 1 1 o v A A A 4 h 1 irT7T. , e ..... 6 0 I 2. 0 .... 1 . 0 9 I) O 0 6 their trrtenttOTrf playlng larsBe--w1tnTlI0tirwn the lOcaiS. - . . - Istyerrts trrhe nttwjniTMtmTV ruing out to nractlce.. Several of these had never handled a lacrosse stick before-. Last night -20. seasoned player were out.-. . "Ken" Campbell, the , new defense man? i a tar;"- He-4-a teidyi-prayer and always seemaiO-emergl from a scrimmage .with-the-.ball -on- Ills stick. Fred Lawrence" habeen in the hos pital for soma tlmr Last night he turned out to practice for the first. Urn and showed up in his old style form. Pnrtlnnd'a weakest bolnt'at n'reBcnt I goal, imhi yfar ur. iiraaen gumm ed th flags. Ihe doctor numerous duties prevent ' him ' turning "opt regu larly for "practice. However, "Doo"' Is too valuaWe a man to -dispense with, Everybody hopes to see him. in his old place, next Sunday .when .the Portlands play th. Shamrocks. 7 ' - ;tOREGON AGRICS WIN - r FROM WASH I NUT UN ' - ("prelal Ptopatckito The JouraaLl . . Corvlil.-Or May J.Th thlete ef the Oregon Agricultural college d feated tha University -f Waslilngtoi team In a Held and track meet yesterday by4h moon of-4 --4-l. L ' 100-yard dah Mmlthaon- and Wil liam (O. A. C) and Smith-(U.' of W.); time.- 0:1 -. - - -y ; . Pole vault Windsor and Dohm (U. tef W-t and Swano (O. A. C). rmrw iu. A. L)r iu- balla and Twltchel" (U. of W.)i time. 2:04 H. - ..' v ....... 220-yard dash WUlIama and - Smith son to.- A. C. I tied for nrsr, and Oreon lU. of-W.), thfrd; time. o:2a 1-6. - Discus Stout and Bower (O. A. C). McDonald (U. of VV.); distance, 114 feet inctiea ' ; High hurtljes-lrMTOrnrProf W.), BeidenytO. A. 3 ). Brackett -lUr of-W.; time. 0:17. , . High Jump Smith (U.-of W.), nrst; Moores, Sjnlthson gnd Swsnn (O. A. C. ), tied" forTsecbna' and thtfa;-height;" fet -laches. . . - '' 4 . 440-yard dash William , (O. A. C). Qreen (U. of -W.).- Schroeder (O. A. C); time, 0:62 2-6. - Broad Jump Wlndsoe' and Smtth (U. of VJ aud Moore (O. A: C.J; distance, 21 feet 9 inches. . ., ." ;: " SliotrPUt McDonald - (U. of W.), Wulker ta:A, C.,- Bower- (O. -. A.C. ) ; f set -1 OH Inches. . LowJjjirille-CathFy-and Smlthson TO. A-C). Windsor tu. of W.); time, 0:27; . -i ' r 1 r. .-' Mile run McCmry (Cyof W.), Davolt and Leonard ,((. A. Ci: time," 4:4 J 8-1. Hammer throw Walker" (O. A. v-) McDonald (U. of W.), Sheppard (Q. ;A. C.): distance, 126 feet 9 inches. - . - The mile; relay race wa conceded to O. A. ,C. . .. ; .' ' , - HILL MILITARY TO - . ' PLAY HIGH SCHOOL '" The sixth game of the Interscholastlo league will be played on Multnomah Held - Saturday afternoon at J . o'clock. Tin. ronmetlng teams wUl b tlie-HlgTI achoolHMKf iniT WlTitary acaaemy. Theae team at the present dHte ar tn leoa ingteanuut he league. ..The cadets- hav been somuwlmt dlaabled lately by . the loss of Pitcher iClif ford, who-gave hi - arm a - bad -wrench In practice, but he will probably bo in the game. ' In other reapect the team is in good form -- Th High JtchooJ boy are also in good condition The llaeup is aa follows: . ' . H. M. A. P. H. ,- I MeCoy .......... .c. ;. Newell Strelt or Clifford , .p.". Montag or Oodell Stackpole ibj.,- ... Paring Kmltl. '.-vi.v......'.2b...v...'..". Oakes Reed.-f - rrr.mrr ....Sb.. . . OU oumun -Magnrri Fulton,. Brown .- Man tars ,!..s-Jlaly . .rf.. IT U OKAXOKA. j nnrtutl 81f rTSer-e. ) Oklslioma .City, O. T-, May W The presence of large , delegation of tu dent and visitors .here today Is Indi cative of thekeen interest 'manifested In "the "annual meeting and contest of the Intercollegiate . Athletlo- and tira- torlrnl nnmirlnl Ion tr nll'lh""" Tu annual Held meet takes place this after noon. . With 14 event on th - athletic program, "and- thl evening th choen orator of the several institutions will meet- In -a- forensic- tilt. There ar 1x college represented In . the , meeting Stillwater. Alva, Klngflsner,. . Edmond. Norman and .Weatherford. - -1--- REEE10mCALILJRESQgTE Ever Saw or Will See Again "SPOTTING GOSSIP.' It Is reported - that r Sullivan 'ami tJ MifcheirhaVe be'n mati-hed fr A'flglif at Tucoma III Seplembtr. - Whoever goesj to eee thuse ex-gladltM try -te fight munt behurdjipio nep u. cuHteal. It should" b6"a fat svi'iiunuigo. All hail the press agent, , - ' lt-ljuarliig tlie time when the nian. agemeut of tho Portland baseball club ' nuBt awaken to the fact that tho. Port land nine la not sufflulently strong nor . 7 limit, til iiiiinn! jfai aiiyHiinw) but tail end honor in thd Put-iflu Coutst league. Portland ia decidedly weak at third base, reft field ai)d right field, both at- ' fielding and batting, ..Another pitcher -of quality is needed. -. . ' ; ; 'Jay Hughes Is the man tiat--Perrn(rr' Jjej lJii In pit' h' tfmTiriinrtii captain the .'. " team. Closely- played oonteats look all , Print and tvv the- ether f el lews." but when Portland 1 'always at lh short endt there 1 a reason for -it. ' ' " 1 , ' - Skill Reiulred"Ou must Jje. vy.- expert In fencing to engage la a duel, must he notY" ."Of course," answered the Parlsianf" . "A little ; clumsineBa.---ailght easily lead to some one's being seriously hurt." . , - : XiraTT ffLVM OXAS!, Tho Portland-jau-e-hrb"wnrTiold lia per chaae of the spilng seuaoor tomorrow afternoon. - The start will bu,: made at Eut Nineteenth and Thompson ' , street at 2:46. Th event will be a cloaed chaae and will be the last op- puitunlty to qualify - horse for th spring meet on July 17. . . ;- TO ASSIST CHEHALIS - . . ; : HOSTESS AT FAIR. v " ' ' - (gpeelal Dlapatch to Th Journal.) . Chehalls. Mny 19. Assistants to tha hostBS, -Mrs. W. MA Urquhart. at th Lewis . arid Clark fair on Chehalls duy "7 are a -follows: Meodames J.. . T. Cole- 1. nian. El C-jMlllett, - John -fNetlaHd. " - i H-J-MrllerrrrS. Thompson. N..B. Coff- man; David Stewart, Krtink Dona hoe anil C. W Mhynasd. . Outside cities pt th cotmty arc to be represented by the fol - . lowing well, known- womrn,, nbo Jiavl teen selected by Mrs. Urquhart of ChSf . . hall and Mrs. Mead, the Centrslla hoat.'"' ess: ' Mrs. H. McCormlck of McCormlck., . Mrs. C. A. Doty of Doty Mr. Seuatof; Venes of Winluck, Mrs, W. 4?Yeoman- -of Pw-'Eir,- Mr.- R"presentatie- Mci'oy- of Napavlne, Mr. D. S. Farr,elJ pf To UOo."- . , -j TSACXXmS JEXiSCTXO. (Special Dispatch, to Tn Josrnal.) Cottage Grore. Or May19. Thr scnooi uoarn naB eiecvoa-tne lonowing teacher furthp-ennulngyeart' J' M. TEuZaa-ji-ElpHl. Thnra " Smith. " 'afary- Monday. C. I. Strange, venla Power,. Btel la Campbell.- Mabel Mickey, Chria tla Whewler, Marian . Whit. Ola Mickey, Cordelia Grant. These have. -offered them, and ' hre therefore ubject "to change. Ther HrBJUrBTSdes tn the"ichdATs Itere. School -4 to' commenCA on Sep-ti-nilver 1 H. Pcrsianf'ervGEsscnco gtrroarg KHHunp ni 1 Hrff 4hoi"aiii . of eaaea of NerToo Ucblllty, Jaeumnla and atro. DbT. They clear the brain, atrangthm thts' rlrcolatlon. aiak dlfeatton perfect sad Impart ' saasnetle vigor to the whole being. All drains anf . loanea stopped permanent!. 91.00 fer bt: boxes gusrantevd to cut( or refuad money. SO0.. sIll- auled. - Book Irfs, Persian Med. -Co., KM Arii st-.-Tblladelpbl. -Pa. Bold la rnrilsod only 6 frank Kas, ; Portlaml Rotef rtrmrJV '. . AUea A Lewis- Best Sraad. iy. , . . 1 - r ..... is".