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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1905)
j : :' : o7 Oregon Metropolis Leads Another Cities In . Cereal Shipments. - SAN FRANCISCO PUGET.SOUND FOLLOW Besides ManyThousands7 of Bushels Were Sent Overland, , to - the .East . High in rtouTExportsr7; : ; 7Morrwheat was exported- t rom Port. -tan -for-the -4 year ending with April than . from njr other port In ths United State, accord ing to atatlstlca 'which have 'Just boon compiled ' by ' the department - of com merce and labor. During' that period 1.461,308-bunhel -oft wheat were Sent ,-Tromth'WttrtunBtte etrepHs - to foreign markets, valued at f 1.112,513, ' Ban Francisco cornea next on ens Hat, bavins diapatched 1,315,389 bushels of - the cereal, while the Puget sound o la ir let. la third with a. shipment of 13( buahela. Galveston Is fonrth -and ITtHEift OF LIST -" New Orleans -II fth.r JTor the 11 months of 1904. Portland exported x,e 8.248 bushels .of - wheat,- and -consequently there ha a been a. very material -shrink-. . ace so far this year, notwithstanding the fact hat it la in the lead of all competitors - - -.---. -. - - In thl matter of flour exports, New York occupies the plana at the head of -the column in bualness for the last 10 months, having: -shipped 1.705,025 bar-l rela of the product. '" Portland conies fifth with a shipment of 4.4? barrels ' placed opposite its name. - The total number of barrels sent from this port during 1904 amounted to 870,266, and I -lhe- inaTcatTon g now sts- that-tha flg-f ; urea will be about - the same this year. . Tho total value of the wheat and flour : exported Xrom:PiirtlanL-for ihe 10 months amounts, to 83.916,881. . Last month no wheat was sent to for eign ports from Portland, and but very small shipments made from San Fran cisco and the Sound. However, 103.177 barrels of flour left the Columbia, river for the orient durhuMha- month, against 28,1(1 barrels sent' foreign from San Francisco and 137,311 dispatched from Seattle and Tacoma. Because Of the unuSuat demand for grain in the eastern states, many thou sands ot" tons of wheat Were shipped from Portlapd territory to Chicago and ' other Inland cities, which, of course, had the effect of cutting down the' ex- - ports- very materially - overlheyear I ion - i . " : OFFICERSTELECTED" BY N. P. DIRECTORS ( Jnernal Special BerTlee.) . New Tork, May !. The directors of . the Northern Pacific today elected the folio wing officers : President... Howard -i Elliott; vice-president, - Daniel Lamont; controller, - Henry . - Gray; treasurer, Charles A. Clark; secretary and aaslatant treasurer, Oeorge If. Karl; exaoutlvs - committee, Robert - FUconf Oeorge -F. . Baker. William P. Clough, James N. ' Hall and John 8. Kennedy. . VANDERBILT'S AUTO; .'. v . "jllS AGAIN IN COURT .- ' (Joorosl Special Service.) " New Torkv May 19. Henri de Ball . lour, the French chauffeur of 'William K. Vanderbllt. Jr., was fined 1100 in ' ths court of special sessions this morn- "lng, h having pleaded guilty to exceed- inn ins speeo limit. 4 nie is ins inira time he has been arrested. - The fine , was paid. . . -. ' ; " - atAJTQTTXT TO WHTIUW mSXD. ,.' : . (Jeornsl Spedsl SttIc.) ' - New Tork. May II. Three hundred prominent cltlsens attended farewell - banquet given by the Irfitua club last -ntght to-Whehw-H4lrtnitteil-tats ambassador to Great Britain, e TAKE' CONSUMPTIVES TO THE NORTH POLE Lyjdwpmrf- Spei'lsi $Aflrf.) " WaahlngtonMay. 19,JsXn experiment -ft great Interest Is to be made by Dr. Frederick Bohon of this city, who was In the' Aretlo regions twice with Peary. - The experiment constats of a radical ap plication of outdoor treatment" for con umptlves in an Idea) climate of atmos phere secured through the agency of a -steamer especially fitted as a seea-otis .sanatorium. In which - three summer mfMhs will be spent in flreentand above ike Arctic circle.. The steamer Havana r 1 iyAninrri - i : - ' . " iTrnnflniorr Grand Jury Hears of Po litical Debts Paid With Public Honey., ADMINISTRATION TOOK : 1CARE QF ITS FRIENDS Sm all Property Own ers M ade to Pay for Crpsswalks, While . Improvement Fund PrO- :vtded for Others. The county- grand Jury . l engaged In an Imjutry- Into the disposition of the generarstreet Improvement fund, which, according to testimony, has . been -di verted from - the . use Intended to pet: mlt the showing of favoritism la car tain lnxereais m given jocauons.' i . i f - ftrfai'matkiit camsto ttl trgna'Jury that many smaller property owners, had received notices fromi the city that- they nTOSfput In crosswalks,' after they had mads permanent- Improvements in . front of .jrhelr property. These - crosswalks were to be laid at the expense of. the property owners, according to the no tices. . . lMrntng that there was general I street fund, provided -by tsjstlon.-to tm used in building these crosswalks, some of the- owners protested and were at ones notified 'that the crosswalks would be built by the city -and that the ex pense would ba borne by the general street fund, as provided by law, Hundreds of .others, however, who did not understand ths law; went ahead in their Ignorance and paid , ths eost of Duuamg tne crosswalks. As an Ofsstration of the manner In wnicn mis uniawrui mnnoo perm hi ea 'f Hawthorne eve nue.aoarrthe east side. Is cited. There the city officials made an assessment district-and cement, walks ware put In by property ownersrwho left the curb and street work undone, and ths ef- Ziciaia men UlU ina wuu, wun qinncr taken from the general street fund. The favoritism, shown to ths assess ment district on Hawthorne avenue, to which reference .Is made, is alleged, be fore ths grand Jury to have been the result of the influence of Whitney I Boise, manager of the. Hawthorne es tate, -who-4s member of ths executive board. , - - Ihe effect of the alleged f avorltlsm.- according : to the evidence before the grand Jury, has been to oppress hun dreds of persons of small property in terests, who, believing the law required them tOThey-ths--conmiandsconveyed by the notices, expended In the aggre gate vast sums of money which should have been paid from the general, street fund that is secured by levying a tax on all property. - . - 1 The allegations made that facts al ready brought out show that i political favors were dealt out by the city of ficials, at ths expense of many persons l who, owning small pieces of property carried a burden that should not have rested on them. ; r -, TEN TURKS KILLED BY f ' EXPLOSION OF A BOMB (Journal Special Service.) Monastor, Turkey, May The ex plosion of a bomb hero caused the deatk of 10 persons snd numerous arrest followed, i Other bombs have been dis covered. - ' .ruoarria Arponrrzs. (Jonrasl Special asrvVe.) Washington. May 19. The"erilrli of ths currency this morning appointed a reeelver fpT-the First National bank of Cornwall, New York. v . xwb o rirjTrtuiig, ' (Special Mspetck to The Jaaraal.l .7 Colfax. Wash.. Mar 19. The !... old on of Mr. snd Mrs. Kd Mason died of congestion or the brain here venter. day, lesutttmt from - a - brtitss on"Mht p1d; Inflicted by a p la Trait with an ax. has been f ft ted up anUwilt sail from Halifax June II. Bohon aaW; ; '7 7 "There will ba 'abeut 10 consump tives en the trip.' Half of them are al ready booked. When I went with Peary In 1897 I was somewhat affected with tuberculosis, I improved so;' rapidly, gained flesh despite hardships and built myself up so quickly that I was struck with wonder, at what the. Arctic region contained for persons similarly affected. After considering the matter thoroughly J; arranged this cr'ujse for consumpUvea," ' - v . - ,- i " ". PORTLAND." OREGON, QMWr,M--. - :'. -: Moscow's Governor De- rW'f K"M I) m'.' stroyedbyOwn Bomb- - .S iWiSjHV, ?yjfl'i RUSSIA'S NEW WAR LOAN m:mmmm W mSgm': : . ; .. subscribmy Germans ' . ' mmmm, ' . Fatherland, and,..Fran6eCet the ril jHSlr lRTWait .forf , . . tfjflto&!&Smr ,..'.rrr'l'lrr- .dftCff&g&r.. JtoSAJt. - (BrMl.SpecU Service.) ---''Mmi -7raU 4,2& ' St., Petersburg.. May 1?.A Warsaw ffMSM0J. fW$8$Ws- -TsJi ' ' ' HPatch states that at noon today two ' 7WM7&Syimr. J&?F S f iWmVW' -ft - : Itecyveg gave fhase to stMtorly. --'WtiC JlA 'WJwW&' IS- yv?f?i IV-vVp' "4s V ---r?.-- dressed workman whose actlona aroused Q; ' '. ywWy yWr' . TV3 y ' -: - '' i-usplclon. . In toying to avoid ths .- ' yj f'fJ- - - - jyf ''-fi11-".--r Jk y.yy . " 1 ef fleers the man fell and a bomb, which , ' ,t !f j3rM'' iy. y' "7z ' billing the workman, the two pursuing -v,'-"- .. -XJ... ... ' S.. i . ..' sJjpfftfrfhrA. yf"1. Nki ' ' y yf r ." 7 '-" . " detectives and a . Jew who happened to 1- "rjJ'J PMfjJf-- Ajiar' V" VP- 7- - v, Paaslng- along . ndr'W8isi blown to . . ...j 4. f -: 'TT1ERfrU?V:4 I VV.';fa-Tri " ' -1 ' - It la believed- the workman waa lying ' . VVtTM LAM!) Wmr - 7 mZ7. . j Tnwaft"T6r-tha-govrnorgeneral, who J: y "SALOON A ---- was xpactaA.t pass shortly on his way L - ' jryW : o-4h-aUedral-t-elebrate thft hlrtlv I.... ,.,,..-- ..i . J'i - Hi; .INagrrli,.. -"!; '- 1 ", ! 1 '-:'., Rusala'a new, loam extending cln Lest We B. A. Worthlngton, general -manager of the Hariiman railway lines In Ore gon, Washington and Idaho, and vice- president of ths Oregon Railroad A Navigation company, will - leave the Harrlman roads June J, to . enter the service of the Gould system. It Is practically "certain that he will become vlce-nresldent in charsa of the Wabash system, with leadquarters- at Chicago. Mr. Worthington returned this morn ing from Chicago,, where he went 10 days ago To confer with officials of ths roads -concerned, snd to decide on a proposition that had come to him from the Gould people. - 'The result of these conferences was-thaths - derided to leave the Harrlman system. The ob ject of. his trip east wa kept a.tlosei secret, and when asked this morning to make a statement of the matter he de clined, saying he . was not at liberty to give , any information on the subject until . after ths official: circular . was Issued by the company to which be goea. . X "It has been aald you would ccom general manager of the Western Pa cific," waa suggested. ' "I can positively deny that," be Te plied. "I am not gplng to the Weatsrn Pacific." -. ' ' V- - - Oa Baaka of Wabash Tar Away.: "Could you say .yea or no to a'slmllar question regarding ths Wabash 7 1 "I prefer not to answer that ques tion." : - - v V 1 ' ' if 11 CHICAGO MAY HAVE - RAH ROADS OF CITY j r SS a V mmr w aa . . w as m Municipality to Get Union Trac tion and CityXines Free of. Debt. ' ' . (Jonrasl Spedsi Service.) " Chicago. Mar 19.Chlcago ran nave both Union Traction and ths- City Rail way properties together, H free' 01 debt' and" readfTor municipal opera- tlon. but we want time to perreot tne necessary details." THla Is. tn effect ths -first official proposition made the city la the moat important traction con. ference held In Chicago. . " - Traction,, men. announced that they wanted to put-no obstruction-in the way of municipal ownership but were anxious to do all theyceult to further lt.Jt.wae-made clear to Mayor Dunne That there will, be no haggling over .trifles In regard to- prlcea. Mayor Dunns haa been given to un derstand that ths Morgan syndicate had no desire to hide behind the legal fence of "receivership, and Is ready as soon as negotiations warrant to throw off the recverahlp Which is costing not less than 2100.000 a year.. v. TATA& BABTaTQVAn XJT TT7JUCHT. Vienna. May 19. An earthquake 'in Villa Yet Brills a. Turkey, yesterday, d- stroyed 20. houses and killed IS people.1 . ' ' - " FRIDAY ' EVENING, MAY Forget. - (With Apologies to the INGTON TALKS tOF HIS RESIGNATION X A"' ... V . - -, . ''' lip? -v X ' B. A. Worthington. KILLS BROTHER IN -. A FIT OF. TEMPER Eleven-Year-Ofd Boy Shoots Lad ?- Who Squirted Water on Him Frorn Ball. t- (Joornsl RpecUl Brvlf. 11 ..I -.Vii ' n .m TtaJlni'w Oladden at tKa Congregational II years of, age, and William, hlrf J.,, TCv.r brother, Just 12 months' older, had aP wijsbeert the b6sl Of friends;- butWH- 11am Is now dead with abullet wound In his' forehead. Inflicted by Roland!' ; Th Jones family lives In honkers, and constated of the father, mother, two boy and Lulu, II years old. a sister. Today the fathei was at his desk In aa office of the Hudson RWer railroad, the mother went on. a .visit and the .daugh ter waa left In charge of 'the home. The - brothers, hurried horns -from School and -asked theimtnW-for some thing to est. While she-was In the kitchen preparing a-lurri'b the boys be gan to tease each othvr. 1 Finally lunch eon, waa put on the table. The elder boy produced a, snjll rubber ball, which waa filled with water, and used 1t n his brother. . ' ... . .f . ,- .'Don't do that again." said the little fellow, i menacingly.' Willie showered more water! on hla brother. A, nanh of anger , came,. Into , tlie other's eyes and ' -V -7J Continued on rage TwoJ , I 19. 1805.SIXTEEN PAGES. Oregonian.) i "Who owns the Wabaahr waa asked. "George J. Gould, I believe." ".'"It la understood that In Chicago "you were In. conference with hs '.Gould people." . . Mr.- Worthington laughed. "You are getting too far Into the sub' Ject," he (aid. "I think I had better say HHnfng-nire, That the retiring . general manager feels keen and jRc.nulne regret at leaving Portland and the Harrlman system verv evident. He has been in the ser vice of the Pacific roads a quarter of a century. He began Ith the Central ciflc 22 years s go, and is ramwaf with the properties now known, as the llitrrimm lines. He knows very hill andgrudrent mT "tfaeaIrOTiarar nualntance with - .every locomotive. When he hears the) number of a locomo tive he can tell Its boiler capacity ana other points without reference -to a record. , ' Vn. an iru4ratftnd' thatvtha TOSl lion offered me is very much .better than ray present one, or I would not ac cept," hot ald. "I have always been well ' treated by the Harrlman roads and by Mr. Krultschnltt. I had Just completed fixing up a house In Portl and and aettling In . my new home ai evnanaa of about tl.OOO. I ' "The treatment I have received here has been extremely pleasing- to me. 1 ( Continued bn 'Page Three.) MILLIONAIRES ARE - TO BE BLACKLISTED .7 ' ' .'' '. "T- ) ' Dr. Gladden Say VCongrega ; tionalists Will ' Accept ; No ' Z "Moie Tainted Money. - Jmnaf Special Service.) ' Sioux City. Ia May 19. Dr. Waah- church convention today said: "Never agmlnWlll- the Congreg-atlonal church accept a gift from Rockefeller, and aa fast aa millionaires are found to have ftinii lllevnl methods In acquiring wealth they will Je put on the black i.n. " iroiii the members of which no gifts will' bs scceptet." w : " Dr7oiaddn la- moderator of the Col- gregatlonal church of America and It wb his protent that first called atten tion to Rockefellers gift of 2100.000 presented to the Congregational board of mlssWns. which the dlroctorg de cided to accept in aplte bf objection. Gladden has appealed from the decision of the board to membera of ths general conference and through them . to , the Individual church members. - - John 1. itocseieiier saiu. t - 1 "I shall continue to give In my own way to any cause that appeala to me aa being- worthy or in need. I hava a great mapy - friends In the Christian ministry, and my experience with the ministry generally lead me to enter tain only the warmest respect for them as Just and charlUbls mea.". PRICE TWO months only, was duly subscribed by Berlin- banks. . it la 200.000,000 rubles ltlOS.000.000). , The money will not . leave Germany, as It Is to be devoted entirely to meet ing expenditures incurred by Russia In the ' vast" shipbuilding- uiders given In Germany.,' In aplts of recent reports concerning the large orders for battleships secured by Charles M. Schwab and Charles flint from Russia, there Is reason for bnHevIng that, beyond a possible order of specially toughened steel, nickel steel or harveylxed armor plates to be used onshtpbunrnRuBBiaftdockyarda. the Journey of Schwab and Flint came to nothing. - On 'the -other- hand large orders for-shlps, it Is, understood, have ben given to France. . - COLLIERS IN WAITr &arge rieet of ghlps Off Annan Coast-to snrpptjr Jtojestveusky .With. Coal. z I Journal Speelsl Service. I ' - Balgon. May 19. Forty-threa colllera. mostly RusMlan and German vessels, are at anchor off Nhabe, Annam coast, be- -lng.wathd by a French gunboat, to " or KiiirWinyi com mitted. Twenty other colliers ara re ported lying off-Cape St: James. - it l-galn reported 4Ha-ha aar ham decided to relieve Rojestvensky of hla command of the Baltic fleet on his own request on account of Illness. Elrlloff will be his Successor. Admiral Skryd- lofTa failures to accomplish anything with the Vladivostok squadron Jtias Jed I to his retirement anartfansrer to Kron atadt, while V ice-Admiral Rohcn will succeed him. ' - "' Kwangchu bay will be the next stop ping . place -for Rojeatvensky'a squad ron. A provision -fleet is awaiting the arrival of the vessels there. This port Is the most northward of the French possessions bn the -CWnes anchorage' and -ev-aheltered canal. j There Is no likelihood of a battle for many daya as the Russlsn fleet Is still 800 to TOO miles from the Island of Formosa, where Togo-, la planning t give battle. " : Heavy - rains - throughout '. Manchuria have made the roads Impassable and prevented a renewal of the fighting. sacirsnro rouoa to ioma. : (loortAl Special Serrlce. ) '7 ' Gunshu Pass; May 19.-Chlnes r- (Continued on. Pag' TwO. T MOST DEADLY OF r- MODERN WEAPONS t-: . . ( Jp?nal Special Service. ) ; New Yopwt- May 19.- Joseph J. Mo lutyre." president of ths American Pro jectile Manufacturing company, demon strated the power and- efficiency of a new weapon of .his own Invention,. which hs declares will revolutionise modern methods of warfare under certain' condi' tiona. Tha new projectile is practically an 'aerial torpedo, shaped like and operated In the manner of ;a huge rocket. Sheila may be fired at any angle a dls- Itance of from -1,000 yarns to a mil. Immediately on striking any object, they explode with terrific force, scattering a hall of shrapnel and sleet bullets over an are of 400 or J00 feet. The trlnla were made at ltel harbor. AlrrrU waste of sand hills vt the eastern end of Rovkawsy beach. .7 It la claimed the atrial lorpcduc a) a easily CENTS.-SfuS!,, dSK. OVER IN 48 HOURS MaybrDunneZledictsi Settlement of Chicago LaborWar.:jr : CITriS THREATENED ; - WITH A FLOUR FAMINE Employers Show, Hand -by.- Pis . charging Union Dnvers Who. . ... "Refuse Deliveries to Boy- : cotted Houses. (Joarn.l Special Sarvtee.) - . . i . . Chicago. May-19.r Mayor Dunns de clared that he has received, from a re liable aource, : Information that th strike will be over within" 48 hours. ; It Is reported that . before leaving the cltyj Inst night Samuel Gompera, " ' 'pris'tdcnt of tlieAmencai irtlKtXttnil "- r. of 1' Informed President -Bhea . of the Teamsters' union, that, the Strike -must1 be--. called offc: - Rumors that -a ,.:-,..: settlement was impending were current ; - st - nnottf bttt -no-def Inlta- waa obtainable. "- - - T.-i.' Cavannngh,-secretary of- ths Chicago Teaihowners association, ex pressed the belief today that the teaui- stera" cdunetl tonight would accept tho, arbitration . proposition made .tha . owners. . - . ' WTitOff Aotiom Till Tonight. ; - . At a meeting which adjourned early thls-morntng the. teamstera' rounc lLpoa t- 1 pohed until tonight action on ths proposal- to arbitrate the delivery of goods . to boycotted atorea. If ths teamstera . yield this point. It will bs because (hey , want to confine the strike to Ita pres ent limits. . 7 President Compere will return to Chi- 4 : cago Saturday night from Dayton.. whera he went to address a labor tneet!ng.- On rK.r his return he will continue his efforts to find some solution of ' the present tangled ..strike problem.- So far hla efforts seem futile. . . w. 7'". - rionr I amine reared. -A" serious flour famine threatena Cht " cago as the. result of the spreading of the strike to employe, .of wholesale flour manufacturers. Dealers predict that tho delivery of flour-will be tied up within the next 12 hours. . . The employers showed their hand to- T7:' dav when Plerser. Livingstone A Co. dis charged 28 union drivers who refused to make deliveries. It Is said other concerns will take similar action. , presldent atated: . Before going, riUiUel-ata. anxious taaee an ami cable adjustment of the difficulty, I am not in favor of the teamsters sur ---- rendering unconditionally and I am of the opinton-that they-w III not have ta- do an. If the trouble still exists whsn I return to ChlcagojiextSaturday I wlll take tho matter up where I left off and continue my efforts to bring about a aettlement." . . - r . . Levy Mayer, attorney for the Employ era' association, said that ha knew nothing of a reported strlks settlement. President Reed of the Furniture Drlv ers union snd member of the strlks committee, said-he did not believe the) , report was authorltatlvr. . : Attorneys for ths employers In lnv junctlon proceedings before Master In Chancery Sherman today announced that : they would cite all members of - ths unions who refused to anewer nu- tlons to show cause why Judge Kohl- , saat should not send them to Jail for contempt,: on Monday. jTnJg Include i...,--President Shea. - President Shea said this afternoon " . .. . that all prospect of arbitration between : the Teamsters association, and tha- teamsters was at an end.. .lie denied emphatically that the strike bad becsv , ueclafed offr- -r carried about.-80 rockets being a light . load for a i pack mule . over rougn country. In case of accident all possi bility of a premature explosion lv guarded against The shells are In brass cylinders three Inches in diameter, and JO Inches Iwg. The lower half of the cylinder tantalus a heavy charge of gunpowder, as lifting power for the rocket, with a 1 1 me fuMe attached. '-The upper half and Center IS filled With dynamite. Thr.e--was-, three.nilniile fuse u I Inlthe experlmenta In-onlnr tn give ,th"e near a chance to scamper to a ri-i. ful distance. M'hen Hie fu.e Ijiiiik-1 to an end. with a grent rnliln ainu l the rocket r m.l""il all At an a;it tu4e of pmbahlr f'-t n. t.n f. Aa It rlrui-k the rmiu t:.e lr vi' -at- i from 111 th'Kk. It t',4 P. .'y c SlOIfc 11 i ' -W ' . . .. -77 - J