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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1905)
THE OREGON: DAILY JOURNALS PORTLAND.-TUESDAY EVENING. MAY If. -1905. : -r The Entire $45 000 00 fpiiiireet, jCoier Salmon Js Now in ' the Hands of the World's Greatest Bargain Givers nd- nto Cash in Ten ' Days . - - No matter what the price,may be. . They are forced toclosetheir doors credit ors .want their money. Thiswill positively be the greatest bargain sale ever held in Port land or vicinity. Goods will be sold for less than cost of raw material. One dollar will do eorkfcthfeerr MAY 18, AT NINE. O'CLOCK when the big sale starts bargains which The few prices quoted can but-give- you a slight idea of will be offered in this gigantic the many Dry Goods . . .. Knicker Suitings, Doomed Price, yard 8 VSd --IommiebthwooUfiiiishedooined- nca, yard ...;r.,. ... ....liy2$ ! Cashmere, 38 inches wide ; 35q value." Doomed .'; Price, yard ..r ? ?.r.v. 5c VbfleTand" Alpacas, 36 inches wide.-: - -'- ' Hr- Doomed -PrtcerTyard ...... . ... . 30 -atreyVoolStifttngs, :rlpi'if5erltr,,$r'.,00;,''38; ' - inches wide. Doomed Price, yard. -..39 64-inch Wool Suitings, regular $1.50 value. Doomed to go at, yard. ..mi.73t 'Trints, Calicos, yard. :.....,.. .... ZrChallies alt go atryard. .... ....... .3 J4 Ginghams, yard ..w. w.. .4 LJ?crcalcs,.36- inches wide Doomed- to go at; Ranchers' Shirtingsj yard . . . .t:9 - Cheviot'Shirlings, yard ... . . . . ,Sxit Outing Flannels, yard..MMTM;M,.M.MM...4f La w n s, y a rd . . u . S 3 v Dotted Swiss Dress lusliris.Doome4:FricerTlZIZl yard. .'. 38-inch Fancy Suitings; 20c value. Doomed Z'.l. Price, yard M..r.M.MM..M..MMMM.Mr.7 SILKS, SAtInS. Regular $1 and $1.25-Drcss Silks. Doomed, Price, yard M.M.mM.M...,.....48 -atins;'Worthpto-0er-4oertnrdPrtc , t Silk and Satin Remnants' Almost Given Away. Domestics Bleached Crash Toweling, yard. .34 Bleached Iluck Towels Turkish Towels v. . . M .- . . ,....4fr Bleached Table Damask, -58 inches wide- Doomed -rrice-.,.. M t.,MK10 -Fany4lRBd-Tab4apkinSr:-Domd-TTice - dozen i . . v ; 17i Turkey Red Table Damask, good quality. ' Doomed Price vM .' -- Curtain Schrim, yard. . ,.3jf ottinghanvLacetirtainsTScryaraev-DoomedH1 :- Price, pair- .-. .-. . . ' . . . . t33y Good Bed Blankets. Doomed to go atr pair. .39 $1.50. : Doomed , Price."-. ....79 Coats and Jackets . A big lot of'Children's Coats, worth up to $2.50. Doomedj Price-1.". v . J. . 39 One lot Ladies' Jackets."- Doomed 16 "go at . , . 78 One lot of Ladies' Capes; worth $?.5IVto $3.50. Doomed Price ..J..M.M..M.....,..,.9S Hosiery; K big lot oF'Ladies, Misses' andnChildrensregu lar 15c Mocking. Unomeclto at. arr Underwear P21HV-B a m-m m 4 J, Babies' Socks. Doomed Price, a paiiw.,.....l Ladies' White Muslin -Skirtsworth 75c v1--' rCoomed Priced. J . ..4 a i w . u -Ladies' Cotton .Vests . . . ... . .............. 2 Corset- Covers j. . .yv mttvi . . . . . a n 6 -FancyCoIorcd Underskirts ; worth $10 to . r Corsets A big lot oif Ladies' Corsets, hat were, ouc, oc and$L- Doomed Price ...... . . . . . , 18 f pne1otLadie5Lawn HouseWf appers ; well worth 75c. Doomed Price...; 4,,.... 29 On'r"1ot..La' '-Pwalf . Wrppr. Doomed ' to go at r.........48 Clothing Boys' Two-riece Suits, ages 8 to 14jyalu(?sup to $.K0. Doomed rrice. ....... .... .79 Men's "Mackintosh Coats, that were $2.50 to $5. Doomed Price-. . . . . . . ...Tf..98 A big lot of Men's Worsted and Cheviot Suits r worth $8, $10 and $12. Doomed Price. . .$3.98 QlOVeS L.. ' One lot Ladies' $1 and $1.25 Kid Gloves. Doomed-Price . t . . . . ,'t. .8 One lot Ladies' Black Taffeta Gloves. Doomed " te-g-arr 4 1 . , , Sf A lot of Ladies' Black Taffeta Mitts.'. Doomed Furnishings -Cme big lot-Men's Fancy-Dress Shirts, with separate cuffs; worth $1. DoomedrPriceLr.27 One lot M e n'$-50cOJi3nierUrrderwear.- Doomed Price ... . . . .V, ...18 Men's Cotton Socks. , Doomed Tricrpairrrr; . .3 -Suspenders Doomet-to- go-at . ; Odd lots Men's Linen Collars. Doomed Price.. 1 . Men's and Boys' Bow Ties.... 2 for 5 t:3ne- lot: Men'sSilkand-SatinFour-in-Hand Ties. Doomed Price'i... .,19 One lof Men's Soft Felt HatsTworthJje to $1. " Doomed Trie" tj..., .7...... .....39. Big lot Men's and Boys' Straw Hats. Doomed . rrice , t , . . 9 Men's Handkerchief's, white and colors. Doomed Price , 2 Men's 75c Working Shirts. Doomed Trice . . .39" One" lot Ladies' Straw Sailor Hats. Doomed J?ftCC (i 1 1 f .1 tr t " mwfmm Notions r Safety Pins, paper.... Hooks and Eyes, 2 cards for. ............. ....! All shelving, counters and 'other store; fixtures must be sold and removed from premises before June 1. Thousands of other bargains which we have not space to mention here. The store is now closed and .will remain closed until 0 O'CLOCK THURSDAY MORNING, when the big sale starts. Positively no goods sold and NO ONE ALLOWED IN THE STORE BEFORE THAT HOUR. JThe lease of the store has been taken by other parties and consequentlyevery dollar's worth of merchandise MUST BE TURNED INTO CASH BEFORE JUNE 1, when lease of present occupants expires. All goods will be marked in LARGE PLAIN FIGURES and at such low prices that stock must move quickly. . -'M. ( " ' . ' . ; ... - 1 . ( IT WILL, PAY YOU TO COME ONE HUNDRED iVULES TQ VISIT THIS GREAT r F r Cut this 'coupon out and bring it with you. We will refund m cash your rail- oadLiareonewayon,all purchases iaf $10 or over. We make this offer in order- to close out stock quickly and stop expenses ot sale. Wanted 25 SALESPEOPLE, MEN,' WOMEN AND GIRLS APPLYWEDNESDAYAFTER NOON FRQM 3 TO 5 O'CLOCK. Opening: Days Thursday, Friday Merchants From city or -country wishing to purchase portions of this large stock must caEL . j r-. l- r- , : 1 t 1 ' " . ' J I " between 9 and 10 a. m., as all other hours are reserved for retail trade. , Saturday, May 1 8, 1 9 and 20 Watch for the Big Blue Signs and the Name of TH E BOSTON STORE Tf WW - TT TrJfT n n .C . . - f J jCTvi - The Worlcl's Greatest Bargain Qivers : . - LO