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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1905)
r7 COOMKERS DO KOT VISII " M tropofitan Turf Association Members Acquiesce in Ruling - of Belmont's Stewards, x U .bPEN BETTING RING r : WILL NOW PREVAIL Gossip That . Is Interesting, to t- - the - Followers - of - the -J r"-.3r-'rr- Fleet Ponies. , i-.!-- L (Journal Special Sarvles.t '' , New Tork. May 18. The fly ha Wndly Hronsented-not -to- stop ""the hl. In " other worda the Metropolitan Turf un "'clilton lnrWfr due consideration, on- - . seated not to put stop to ' racing in -New York because the steward oi the U II lii'mi-i Bluh Initntril tpnttf Hi bookmakers comprising the Metro- .poll tan association did not fill the entire ,80 place In the front line at the Belmont Park betting . ring many outer repu . 'table bookmaker not nrembera of the : "Mete" would be given the vacant place. Wben' the steward .made good their : threat the air wn full of the wildest ZZZwdof yawns, and-, It, would have ap- -' rparrd to one who- was not famHar-wHh- - !the yawpera' that the whole racing : 'game In New York' was to be stopped I the. next day. " i Just why the majesty of the law was ; to be' Induced to turn Its tem front on tha sport.jlrjcjng,.jrorha. bneftt-ef ' :a few more or less reputable turc gam biers, did not, and up-to 4hi time does - - not appear. . The. front: llnahaa-been filled' part of the time entirely by the . Metropolitan members, and at other times . , by non-members - and racing tie pro ceeded about as usual. The great ma- ".' -iorlty of racegoer would like . to the, turf authortties go a step further and'make the front line absolutely open 'to all bookmaker of .reputable character who are able and willing to pay oft 'their book In the face of a run of bad . ' luck, which ' Is bound to- occur. The : 'impression 1 general that If this was dons It would" fie a' good-thing--for. the ' with the merit, of lhJiores contesting, ' ! There are Included ' In the membership -of. the i&tetoopatlta" association many - Titfti whAymeasure, up to the highest book . making -standard;-ut- there are many , , whodoliot.- It may be thsXThe'knbwl - edite' that' public opinion was absolutely agalnsr-lhJin:fldifced.lh ,"Mfta!"-:tofte i cede . from a posfjton tney oma - nai --( Belmont vgnccsis. . After 12' day otra-lng at Belmont - i Park Itcan be said fhWt the rat track ,. Is all 'that ihas - toeeSi claimed for It. - Naturally- there are1 swans, juinor. defect which- seef to -bt corrected,, and, which "Vi are being correctel-sa rapidly aa posai :Vi ble." -The 'track "haV. been somewhat F r lumpy and irregular.. ifqg this has been I trying on both horses aud Jockeys.-No 'Jtflme has been lostr boweirer. in buHdlng ' ud the Weak soots and Cow the track ,. v been some dlsaatlsfaetlrthoh"'. the, part.. of "", .;, spectators owing tb t Tact 'tM- there I have peen so many itralp)it,wy races, '.S. which, while they .maybe aire f era 61 e In rt some respects to races-rtlt mi" clnrttlee j, standpoint. It has beeti' therefore i'1 de- - f " I tided : that altrraccg t bt lorfeaeM r-niri n I . - .-ana upward at six furlong and a half TKir -ensll ha i ik awsmiwinaaiar - - .,1 course. Thfl,managcroenVyt)ffyt''Tt '.conceded the request. Of ' ttmt' .Olstln f guished Irish racing marif. Kre)l-"raif- Mum, that the Jrish flawt-'fee jrLven T place In th decorations oft the grand- - stand. Tien County Qal wvTtiwe( . J heard from through the VylfW Af Hoi I.lchtensteln 1t 1s probabls lthtf,iome- . Uhlng wlUPe.Joing In thlsil Tu , , - '";... Much surpfse has been cauvtii by j! the k i announcement that' J. E. 8eatatrL tbe well knewn Canadian horserrian. . has ' signed Jockey Milton. JIeno-Jwta-Vldr; foelm during the Toronto 'mVetlh . i Henry - Is not I jrood tandlng td1 thf feast, not-oecanse of any of f en , com- mltted-hereabouts, ' but simply, heouse oi mi reciprocal relation tnat eniti be et ween the Jockey club' and the "racing f authorities of Engand. These relations r an xiurinj uiii mi always oeen . resnerted. and nronerlv mn. Z It la thjifwfnrM aurnrlaln V. J m ; gram, a loyal suhjeet of the king and, ' custom, should engage- a rider who t could not rid in the mother country. ' Wtta tn loman. , ' . " " .If W. W. Darden, th Nashville horse f man, ha decided to try' his luck this ILseason In th east, i His fine colt Ivan ' the Terrlhle Is .well ri tra rwl im mwA 'ft Mr. Darden announces his Intontlnn f - 'raneellng 111 western engagements andj bringing his string east In hope of cap .. turing some of the big stakes. He will $1.00 Gets You $250 if you are Lucky .. ........... ... . .... . - If you are not lucky, all you get for your $1.00 is a big full quart of Or Old Crow licrmitagcRyc. GucKenheimer Rye " Dougherty Rye " Gibson Rye "Hunter Rye, 5 loyoii 'tit , ' AND THIS WEEK ONLY 5 big full quarts of, high grade California table wine. Oregon Importing Co. Phone Main 350 .;. I95 TMIRO ST. lo hsv la hi care Brett Harlan's fin little mar. Lady , Jocelyn. She should do well here. -There Is sincere pleasure among horsemen tu knowing, that . the reports to. the effect that Jockey Greyer Cleveland Fuller would probably die. frbm W'rttte'Ofhe-ltJurtrs he 'received at the Jamaica meet are not true. The chances are that? within two or. three weeks Puller, who seem to have regained nw laid skill 'in the' saaaie.wui aoi 40 Again accent mount. ... , .. ' The'elllrur race! war l on m earnei Umk Pasa aart th Jmlipr.JtlgaiS la. havina'air. sorts of sport.. 'Bvery time a good horse win a selling raca Ms prtoe la run un te a nelnt whloh take ll Ihs profit outt tho business for 4hwnar. ir h deairaa to own Ills animal. Most of th men who ara engaged In thl work are of western Importation.. The Whitney Memorial handicap, which was-Tun -Saturday, will unquim" .!, it niare'ln a short time a a coun terpart of the great National on the other irf a nf th. water; ' i nri": field In the Initial race for thUv hand- -. t,m nd-the winner-1 several k.i,..ii Hiiiura better ' oft" "Th elation proposes to rrtnka It by long run rmaa-country event on tn American raefng-vaienaar, r men who are abt to do Jt. J ; . 'MBBMBlBBSan.. RUNNING RESULTS ON FOUR TRACKS 4- Kansas City. -May- !. Elm f; Bldt race results. mftJ Barah Max lm second. Havlland third; time. I-"-Flv furlongs Orbicular won. Delta Earl Roger third; time, Bprtng teeplecnae. iuii -"J "lTi,-- dlga)'-'WO,i-;iarwMKi - 7 .UIer third; tf ".,.-..,,.. One mil a ' Hlmes- won, JBeU xnaian Hrldorn third; time. liSOnj. - . Five and one- nan .uwvu . jk T . & third: -won, Eduarao iowumi . , time.-JttiH'. : " . r e aeoond, Mudred third;, tlmeliil JouUvUle. May I. ChUrcWU Down rao result: , . Four and a half runonga noi won.' Rely second. Btoessel hlrd; tint, 0;4. c -- -1 - : Mile Marshal Rey won, Uttle Boy second. Hiawatha third; time. 1:48. Flv and a half furlongs Prince Orna won. Our Sister second, Maldoon .1.1 mA ,lm. 1 ?1 J ti. - t - - - - - r- furlorigs4andloap Oarnlah won. Btrutlet eeonai wnampiea lnirn. hiiis. "half furlong Four and tYIo woni Minnie Adam second, rio third; Urn. n it u - r." - ' ' 'mi, ... .tffhth Professor N-1 vllle won. MlBS- Rlllle second, B JBeacn tnira; lime, .v. -At Selmomt aik e lNwI$brk." MBy I, Belmbnt Park race results: J ; i . - Six and one half furlongs Pasadena won. Voladay second. Tanya, third; time, i:ii i-;-..-j., ..... , -j-Jrz: Four-ndon .Dair. ruriongs vlar" Orlfflth won,- Veronea - second,- just thirds Um 0:84. ' - Seven furlongs Chimney Sweep won, Carrie Jone aeoond, Orf 4hlrd time, l8-. " '. ' : ' ' ' ' Flv furlong Waterbok won. Trans mute second. Timber ' tnira; time, i:u -. '' 11 '" ' - - one mil . and on runong Kea Knight won, Outrlch eeondr Nin Spot third: tlm. l:84-l. "' .- The Claremont handicap, alx and one half furlongs Roseben won, Raca mn second, Oxford third-, time. 1:10 4-8. ' At ati. rionla. Lou I, May 18. Falr Bt. . ground ate itsult ; Four and on half urlonga Tumpver won, Condee second, Locket Out. third; time. 0:68. - '. ;. -- Six furlongs Jack lxry won. nun second. Inspector Halpln third; time. 18. t ' " Flv and on half furlong Ben Lear won, Blrn of Roacrea econd, Frank U Perte.thirarimon-- T"' OiX ruriongs, nnurcir '""Mvii Won, Oudon econap ins w inira. time, 1:15. OiiemTleani eentn t-inlcs won. Rain land second. Ml Betty third; time. li0. ' one mil ana z yaras xixie uia won. Bannock -Bcla second. Colonel Preston third; tlm. 1:4. JTATIOsTAX. UAOVS. Won, ...1 ...14 , ...11 Lost 8 10 11 P.C. New York Pittsburg , .71 .800 .440 .478 ChK-ago-.--. -,-.' . . Cincinnati .. . 13 12 PhHayielpnia- Brooklyn. . Boston . . . ... ...11 Ml 18 .424 .400 .:i ..10 16 . . 1 17 SU Louis . ... At Boatoa. It. H. E. Boston . . .2 4 .1 Inrlnnatl rm- Har per and Phelps.- Lmpira Jiauawln. vAt Vsw Tork. R. ILI5. .0 8 0 Chlcaa Ne ew lom ',..... ..... w v .... 4 0 Batteries Browta and O'Neill ; McQln nity, and . BoswmtiL Umpires Klera and d Emslle. . - w Brooklyn , . .............. , .4 JO 2 Pittsburg!. 1 .4 .w v1 3 - nn. Jnn.l ana R tter: Robertalll and Felt, umpire o pay. At Philadelphia. R. H. B. .. 8 1 ,.8 10 1 Wsrner: St Iul . i Philadelphia . . . 1'iV. r , .Batteries McFarland and CorrlHon. Plttlnger and Dooln Vmplrs f -Johnston. ' '- . -'. AaamXCAsT xAaqcti. V( ... Won. "Lost. Cleveland '."'; - C'Wcago-. . e.f.ll 10 Philadelphia., . . , .1I1 Washington . . ........,1s.. 11 rw.t r..i t . . ... . : M 11 p.r. .571 ,.621 .62 4 .629 .474 -v4T .474 .417 Nff"Torlt -. in m-14- 1 1 8t. Iuis -T--r. . r i . . . . . . 1 t. 1 1 Boston .10; U-r: j . At Chicago. . .-"'... . '-, : . '' R. RE. Chicago New ot . ...10 11 1 ork . '. ... 4 ,8 2 Batteries Walsh. White and Sullivan: Orth and Klelnow. At DeteolU Tr-. H K. Ivefrolt .2 8. 2i un. ion . ,.....,..,,...... 9 -v Batteries- Muilln and Sullivan; 111 nwn slid Crlger, ; .. f At . 1 lis. R. H. K. St.' Louis ......0 2 4 I'hllHdcli.hla Hetierlea-oiade and Weaver Bender iry; rowera. ...I as rnAanu.4. .'--- T: i Cleveland :.. ,.'.,'0 8 1 Washington . I.. 8 8 .0 . Batteries Rhnadea and BuMow; Hughes and Klttredge.j ' '. -I , r nogwokxiBi r-AT baxz. ' Willamette Iron A Steel Work won from the Columbia Engineering Works Sunday by a score of 1 to .' Batteries: Wlllamettrav-W,-lrhadi snd H.-I-anden-berger; Columbia, Kinney and Peterson. Qame xao b had by calling up Mala 1808. '.'. , .. CHICAGO'S PROTEST . . . - EVOKES CRITICISM Maroon Contention That. One- . . Mile, Relay Was Theirs Creates Talk1. . - t -' (Journal Special Sertlct.) 1 ""TfeV Tork, Majt 1 1. Th report 'f rom Hi wwi llim in r'nlveilty of Chleage athlete arid their trstner claim that the one-mlla eoHesa-'chamDlonsUlP rao at th University of Pennsylvania relay carnival should have beeo awarded to the Marobna 1 provoking' much" advsr crltlclam; both In this city and Phila delphia, Th fact that the Chicago quartet was defeated 'tor both Vale and Pennsylvania by ths collapse of their runner on the finish line led to protest and later charges of unfairness which, - after an Investigation.' were declared to be without foundation.. The matter was supposed to have been cloned, but upon return to Chicago ther waa much talk along similar lines, the gist of which waa -wired east again,-. A a resjiU th controversy, which was supposed, to have been closed: is still much to evi dene In amateur and collegiate athletlo elrrlea. Secretary Sullivan of th- A. A. U who acted a referee at th games, said In aoeaklng of th affair: : , , It la unfortunate that - ther. should have been any wrangling over the re sult to mar - the Pennsylvania-' games, especially In view of ths fact that there wa not a peg upon which to hang a proteefc The race -waa -rw-and: wion-oii its merits, and th 1. A, a.a. rui for fudging a finish was drawn up to rover Just such an occurrence. Th Chicago .runner In th last relay did not completely cross tho finish lin until after th Tale and Pennsylvania , men had gona-over.-although h was first to reach It, falllnln laLnt hail .over th halklliiavrr.-r - rrrj. - " Ther wa nothing to prove or uphold Uie contention that th Ysl runner were not properly touched byJhelr re lieving team matea, and th fact that they were .moving when et off by the touch. 1 . only an Illustration of their perfect training. Th promi nence and unnecessary freedom given th professional trainers at the. , meet waa-unfortunate.', and led to a protest and controversy which was entirely un called for. and without th shadow of Justice, r- A Fan .The acor Is a tie in the last half .of jtlJ ninth Jnnlng-?-4to- i and there is a- man-on e-ona and -one-on third. Th batter hit for two bases. corii ter la ntlUsd:-to"s4ngl- and only-oo run connt.athgme1 finished as soon as th tie Is broken, making th result 8 to 4. If the batter knocked a home run, th ball going over th fence, th runs. -including th batter' would count, a a ball knocked over-the fence entitles a man to a home run, and It must be scored accordingly. -- ' e e , The duties of the third baseman are very much Ilka those of the' second bale- man,- only, mor so. H-i expected -to top all the balls he can, so that th work too the third- hard. ' Like the first baseman, the third acker la supposed to cover th -base" thoroughly, but a often played In sum merwhen th weather is U00 In the shsde, he-floes not And the duty oner ous. . Ha ' must ' team to look. pleasant when-the TepoTtr Tefer to him a -"oar nimble guardian of the tray sack." and should, also learn-tamsk", hit whan on la needed, and never make an error. If he follow the last . Instruction he wlU aurcly make good. . Henry Harris No, Portland --Is - In Oregon, not In-Alaska, Probably thl mlitalts was ocslond-.-br . th fait that ' the schedule f ramers-gay Fort- land such a ."frost" 1n th arrangement of game. ; F r "Mysterious"-: Billy Smith said today that he waa thoroushl vdlaustd a4th ht Impudence. otTommyBTrni- In challenging John L.- Sullivan. . Smith aid that he would tak on Burn in We remind you that elegance . antl good taste are the selling- features of everything we haye in the - way of furnishings for men. Weinvite you j to inspect Our -1 - Or any requirement you a may need in Men's Fur- , nifhings. You will find our quality' and' price - ;.Y ...Mighty., -.i-r-: Dunlap Hats I -J . Hotel Perkins Bldg: Underwear, Hosiery, jyieckwcar, ; . i Robinsoii&Co 1 three month' time. . and promises te glv thafyonngxter a good beating, win uer to take all of th purse. Smith Way he mean business, and although he re tired from th ring two years ago, h 1 prODiptfa.i9..Illke thl proposition! d order to -show yvrnmyHurns that he never wag, nor never will be, a lighter. - . a . 'w - Terry McOovern was refused" Admit tance tonhe Belmont Park rare -track last weeav It la - understood the raca track authorities regarded his presence r.""JlIS.,,ja.ClB nmeaf.jigu nf heultli, the source of pernicious gossip hurtful to the sport of racing; McOov rn tm at present rlsluiast of a targ bet he Is said to -have mad and won with Bookmaker 'PhJl" Howell of th Met." - Recently McUovern ha threat' ened to whip several persons a th re sult or argument, Manager McCrdl'a orotest to Preal dent-Bert asgardlng the -transferring of gamea, 'While1 correct In every respect. caoi very late In the gam.-It haa been known . for, a .long; tlm that t there wouia d a tranaier or -games zayorabi (o in aourn, .ana yet nou pven-a wora waa aald in prol.ejtt , Osr th day of leav ing ror. dan Francisco,- however, a vig oroua protest was , entered. The San Franclaco magnates have been In busi ness entirely too long to-allow a late proiesi 10 aisturo inera, ana 11 is aoiiars to pancakes that th request mad will not t heeded.' If a transfer of games la wui tn nann;. it u woronronig rtor eayy ana vigorously. ., Interest In th novel retiring contest between Frank - Ern and Bob Fltasim mons hs been strengthened by the entry of Jeffrie. Up to date Fits haa retired l,4i,!ul times, , but the youth and su perlor strength .of Jeff rjes ; ls.looked upon to overcom .thl handicap. A "society leader' at Benton Harbor, Michigan, recently pulled Off a three- round bout between Tommy Ryan and another fellow In her parlor, much to the deligliLof the . "ladles" of her , aet Tha , affair waa- voted luat - too every- ining ior anyining. 11 1 strange mat Harry Lehr. the eminent inventor of an nul specifics, -never thought of thla. It really seems a pity to" e th local diamond dug up In order to accom modate tha fair, sports. Not that th sport shouldn't be arranged and held, but because th Portland ball diamond haa been th beat and prettiest on the Paclfio coast. - of course it will take a year before th field will be sufficiently leveled o that accurst fielding, may b execuiea. ., . ' j.... The. Portland 'team left-last evening for San Francisco. - Manager McCredle took the entire team along, with tha ex ception -of Cates, who has not -yet ra- eovered JrOra hla recent lllnes J.. After six gamea with the Seal at San Fran- fCQ. PprllandJwJJetiirnluimefor two week, playing. Oakland -and U1. Thalftint-club-ha Included a. fat man' race In th program for the annual field day In June.Th distance win be about a quarter of a mile dash, and th weight will be at 200 pound. From th list of proposed riders this race will 'be the biggest and stoutest feature of th day.. 1 '-. George Van Haltren and the Oakland-! baseball team. Including Wild Bill Dev ereaux and Father Pet Lohman. naased nro:''tn. Portland today on 1 the .way to "SSttle, " Where they -are scheduled vfof a week with Russ Hall's 8lwashes.-Thls is Oakland's first trip away from horn and th - fan are specuratrnr - aa to whether they -will maintain their win ning pace-UThe Oaks. play her, next week. - - - " -'--- - - INTERESTING PROGRAM- BY RJNGLER'S CLASSES Th young ladle oMtlngler'g Physf- cal Culture school gave an interesting exhibition Of tneir athletic skill 'berore a' good-siied audience, at !thelr gymna-slum-last, evening. The affair marks the closing exercises of th physical culture chdol for th season of 1804-8. although 'class work will continue for several weeks Th girl were at thelr-f best last (evening and their gyrations In th-fancy-drill and exercises wer heartily applauded by the audience, which waajcomposed mosUy of relative and friends of th class, members. Between each drill by the glrla' class specialties wer Introduced, consisting or a clever hand-balancing act by Leonard and De Oarro) Scottish reel by Mis Rosa Forbes,' who responded to an encore with th Highland fling: Shock ley and Wodeage gav an amualng comedy acrobatic exhibition, and 'Mia Mamie oech a fancy club-swinging and juggling cc . .. - , Th girls' program consisted of marching, club-swinging. callathenlcs, performing on the rings, horse and parallel bar and th forming f pyra mids, . ... .4 The feature of the evening was the fancy schottlich dance participated "In by the following young ladle: Misses Catherine Wa'shburn, Clara Kleemann, Eleanor Oansemlller. Lattle Learh. Catherine Brereton, Klla Strelmer. Anna Aiciuicsen ana Mrs. u. A. riorrman. This dance wss cleverly executed. Th schottlsche wa followed ba basketball game between the Reds, cap tained by Miss Washburn, and the Blues, captained bx Miss Oansemlller, hlch was won by th Blues .by th score ,of 11 to I. " Th lineup basketbsll gam wa a follow: . Blue. . ' Position. ' - Reds. Hannah McMlcken . F. Mrs.O. A. Hoffmsn Ella Strelmer . . .. . F. . . . Lottie Leach C. Brereton .... . ,C. .. Daisy Small E. Oansemlller . -O. .. C. Washburn NWMe Bt'sxess '".yr.TT. .. Hattle' Buckley After the basketbsll game the floor wa cleared and danling waa engaged Ic by the visitor during the rest of th venlng. WESTON NINE WINS : FROM PENDLETON (Special Dlapatrh to The JoarsaL) ' ' Weston. Or.M4y 18. X special O. R, A N. train carried 100 east side' rooters to Pendleton. Sunday, -to see th decid ing baseball game between Weston and Pendletpn. ,Wton won' the champion-, hip -honors ln'a fast contest by the score of 4 to I. Wind and duat pro- -valled.-oauslng a, costly error -on th part of- Weston shortstop. Henry Ls- Braache pitched auoerb ball for Weston, and had fin support He held th In dian down to on safe Jilt, and repeat- eaiy airuca oui cneir oesi . siicKers. Manager Nelson' brickyarders took kindly to Jerry King's delivery, and two of Weston's' runs wer earned by clean hitting. CKAJfi 'CjBS AX I BUM, The promoters .of the match between M'tke Sen reck and Bob Fltsslmmons.- which Is now In th process iof arrange ment, have written to this -city asking ror inducement to pull the affair off In Portland during th world fair. "Ow ing to the present situation In local pugilistic- alrcles it Is not likely that any offer will be; extended to th big fellows. The lorel sporting public would like to see a bout, of this caliber, but the. chances , of "rurlng the necessar sanction ar about igero, and no attsa- ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR - - ' ' J Hundreds of Portland Cit . . izeris Can Tell You -TT AttTttJOTjti Home endorsement, th public expres sion of Portland people, should be evi dence beyond dispute. Tor every Port land reader. .. Surely th experience t I friend and neighbor, cheerfully given by ' them," will carry more weight-then! th utterances of arranger residing In I far-away place. -Read the following: Mrs, T, J, O Brien,lot; 30 Saat Ninth street north. aays,ij-!T .say 'W "value Doan'a Kidney Pill In our family mildly expresses our opinion ofjthem. A rem edy that possesses iuch rar-" merit pie In any form la to procure Doan'a Kianey fills and tK tneur a directed. ana un long looaea jtqx results wii. t only- speak of the benefit w hav derived from their' uae in our family, but'onf of my neighbor told me that they had been used in their family , with the most atlsfactry. re- ults."... . . ... .. .... ..... -. . For sal by, all dealer. Prlo 80 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalp, N, Y.-.- aole agent for -tha- .-United 8tatev Remember th namd . DOAN'8 and take no other. -4 1 Ion will be paid applications 'of thl nature. ' . . . '. Jimmy -Gardner and Joung jCorhett ar another pair of fistic celebrltlel Who would like to mix here, but ther I nothing doing in their Una Ja this- heck oi ;n wood. , t ' . Z.OCAI, TXAK8 FLAT. Th Portland academy and Hlll'taUt- tary academy nine meet this afternoon I In the-sixth game of the Interscholaatio league, which wllUbe played on Mult nomah neid. The lineup; . -x P. A. i Sosltion, r H. M. A.- Myers, T... p. ....... Strclfl Iliggins w c... ....... MoCoy uieiann r ,. .r..-, n . yers. M 2b : Kmlih nogers ...... , , ,sa. Holman Houston 3F. Stanton 1 Marsden ......"...".If.,...".'....:. Moore 1 neen ,...:,.,.',.,,,,,, 'ulton I McPherson - Pelal fHspatek ter Th 7ooraaI.i : Albany, Or., May 1. For .the first time ;n a years tn sneta Indian base ball team has met defeat at the ..hand 1 of a tern of white play era Th game I was piayea on Sunday-- afternoon at Newport, aad tha Newport team - won th contest by a score f 28 to l. Newport has 'a fine diamond and. rood port is promised ror tha summer a entertainment for the seaside guests. BISIIQP BREYFOGEL STATIONS MINISTERS Last MeetihofQrgon-ConfeN ncs-EvangelicahAs3ocfa tion Well Attended. " (Special IMisate ta Th feersstr Lents, Or.,, Maf 16T Bishop Brty fogel - stationed, the ministers of th Oregon conferenceofJhe Evangelical association for - the ensuing -year a follows: Portland Flrat German, Theo dore Sohauert- Portland -Ftrst -English, Samuel A. lewert; Portland Memorial, R. IX Arejfeller; Portland North. J. K. Klmori Mltwaukle. F. M. Fisher,- Lents'. xi. j. neoatrwiir-utiie. aiia. Morns Heverllng; Tacoma, F. Bens; Seattle; T. R. Hornsphuch; ' Belllngham, H. K. Hornschuch; , Kverett, K. XX Hornschuch; r.: tjiiupp. tr. r-, roruana aisirici; tia lm First German, J. J. Hoffman; Salem First English, .O. W. Plumer; Frultland. F. B. Culver; Veronla, J. O. Coleman; jenerson, k. jt, Jameson; Canby. J.. C. Emit;-Tigardavtll and Chetaalam, E. O. Hornschuch; Monmouth-J. A. floodc; King's Valley, W. 11 Simpson: Sweet Home. J. J. -Langenateln; Albany. F.W.I Launer; Oregon Cltjr, W.1L Wettlau- ler; E. Mauer, p. E. Salem dlsUist. The Lents Grace church waa packed at every service Sunday. - The mission ary offering resulted In' a contribution oi more than 11,400. . a. a. Biewerc ana u. vv. r turner have been elected editor and ' publleher, re- speeuvei fe(-tM-l so -oonferenoe jot. naL CLAIMANT APPEARS FOR MINER'S ESTATE (Special PUpatea te The JoornaL) Butte. Mont. Mar 18. After the Charle Colbert estate ha been tossed sbput In the court of Montana for th last flv yeara and finally adjudged to escheat to th state, a claimant has appeared' and asks that the old prospec tor wealth. ... variously en time ted at- from- $20,000 to $76,000, be e decreed to belong to him as next of kin. Th claimant 1 Jay Cross Bush of '.- Kent Mlntteet. - Whflualleges 44it. he w- cousin of the late Charles Colbert, and 1 the sole, surviving heir. ... Charlea Colbert died lnButte about six years, ago. For some time the es tate Was claimed by two persons, each of whom presented a will In hhr'favor, and by th state of ' Montana on ths ground that Colbert died .Intestate and wii no surviving neirs. Line or the wills waa rejected as being Invalid ftnd in vinrr waa acciam in n iorgery. By a recent decision of th supreme court the property waa left in charge- 0f th state until the explratlort ' of flv years, Wherv If no dlktmanta appeared. It Wa to escheat to- th commonwealth of Montana. t ACCUSED 0F,STEAUNG. MONEY FOR DIPLOMAS (gpeetat Dispatch to The Journal. 1 Helena, ' Mont., fay 1$. Former Su perintendent of- Publlo Instruction W. W. Welch Wrss arrested here last nlsht on Information charging hlr4 with grand larceny, th allegation being made that he' collected money while state superin tendent from applicants ' for state and if diplomas snd never delivered them. It is alleged that he defrauded appli- J ants of 1487,. but It is reported the mount considerably rxceeds thatr"sum. Oovernor Toole snd Stat Examiner Col, Una were Instrumental, alone? with At-' torney General Galen, in bringing about! toe . jormtrr - nupennifllHlPni S arrest. Welch. was elected aa a labor party can didate by,, vf uslon between Democrats, r-opuiiats ana in' labor .vote, being elected on the same ticket with U-rvernor TOniey Democratic rsndidate. II served unui (Januar;i, isuk. IflM A w , Wa treat uooesfully all private vous and ehronlo diseases -et -wierrr-arti blood,- atometr,' heart, liver, kidney T throat ti w,tho.ut troubles.. We cur "SrFHIL.13 1 maroury) to stay cured for ever. In 80 to 60 day. 1 W remove STRICTTKE, without operation or pain, In 18 day. ,. .-.,..-. '. lv J,nn e Trggynaiiwaitttws-r-sii-rirstiirs .fcexual vigor of any man under 80 Ineans of local treatment Dechliar rnn..atri 11 . ' 1 1 . .. We Cu re donorrhoea v Jn a Week Th doctors of thia-Wtltuts'TireTiir' regular graduates, have had many or experience, nave Den known ortland for la years, hsva a ruiniatloni to maintain, and will undertake no unless certain cure can be effr!trf -,- W guaranto n cur In very chs w. undertake or charge no feu. Consults . tlon free. Letter confidential. Inatruo-v tlv BOOK FOR HEN mallk.1 r n - plain wrapper. - tlonT'cT.' gutrL6"" b! P,le 10 tr Ollice hour. 8 to f and 7 to 8. Sundava'an hniM.a .. ,.' DRaiWORTON DAVtS & cn Ot?ce in Van Noy HofU 8il Third, StrU ComyV pinyrorUana. Or." f '-r. -T, I - rrr g :r& I ': in iiiiifftmii'-Walaw'ftil I , J Z: FoUowinr Wees -8u-e Kemmcrer am - : r--, . ' , : pother-coalg-proparuonauiy low7vTo5ot pajrVthsiTl 7.00 tor th - . . - 4 . - . ? ov orena coal.'-.. The Pacific CHAS. a 4t Waahlnrh St. 8)48)8)08)8)8)8)0 A friend which I wnireiy : iaMat -. i z-s v I'v str-ivj '&. i uj naiiu. l -TEETH FREE Bxtracting.'cleanlng' and examination FREE during all thla week. 'Th Boa ton Painless -Derrtstg:!Jwm cglv-.-th lowest price ver known In - Portland for . Btrlctiy high-class dental work. lon't put It off, but' come in at once. Good work at, low prl, guarsrrteed for 10 years, hak mad a world-wtdft reputation for th Bo ton . Dentist; 11H Morrison street. . Extracting and Examination ....nil SILVER FILLINGS ............ . .35) GOLD FILLINGS 760 - -.. v f3.00 r..i....f3.00 93.00 UUbU (,'KUWND FULL SET BRIDGE WORK Other dentist com and go, but th 'Boston Dentists- remain th aam re liable, up-to-dat dentist. - v v-' - T ; Boston Painless Dentists ' SfflH Korrlstrt St Opp. Meier A Trans ... . . and Old wonorne. . HOURS 8:10 a, m. to 8 p. day, 8:10 a, m. to 11:10 p. m. m. . Bun- PREPARE voflr bovs and a-lrla 'to. bi business men and women, by - sending th'sm,-to ib .:, i:u'.'i i'-,-t-r--7-1--,---,-- - ' , - r Behnke-Walkcr Business College for a thorough Business or Shorthand course. Our graduate ar . all 'em ployed.. Open all th year. ' - ' J -Call or Send for Catalogue.' Sixth and Morrison, Staan Block, ' omTZ.Airs, omaooir. . Pi fk ! Wahlnir(on, P d, Oregon ... : "The School of Quality" , , MODERN, PRACTICAL, COMPLETE ' ' Op) n th year. Catalegs free s A, P. ARMSTRONO. LL. B.V PRINCIPAt Oftlan V v r r, ner. - and " ' thy by t liu It E : 1 ir . vzzZZ1 V Vr. treatmonta. without ipr.: . '- r --r - . - , -- w . f rf frVJ- r ' t . .. . Ve Have a Large Line tAJJVXT1 -Underwear, La-, dies' Swlss-Rlbbed Vasts. Fin. t.i.i. v.... i 1 -S. 25c:irpJa2J5 THE WESTERN IMPORTING CO. ia-i7o rtra STBaaT, or, old vosTorrxca. lro XaiporUr of OhbjM and : Japaoies Cnrloa, Ivory, riotar rraatee, iW , -7 ' .tlag. yonaTa silk. zto. . - , ' ' ; PRICES REDUCED Retail, DcHveied to ConsomeT 6.50 7.0PJ! Coas Co. I CLXIM. ASat TUphone aa ud 83? X YS--HEIJMATIGGtJRE - ; - jm wona s iatest Cure for Rheumatism. A . ' new discovery guaranteed to cur. ' - - . .' -What Ex-Co. Auditor of 8pokaoa. Wasb.7Myg 1--'aoo"t thtw medicine: - . ; . . John H.-Casey Med. Co.. flnnkan .ct..k sn iHiiniiimmory-Kntuniinnm very -baiL- advised me to trv tMa . new - Mmutw did until I. used seven bottles, which has curea Tn. Has not been too highly Teconnionile4 I. will always -tell say friend of this wonderful -medlcjnft . . . -, ; ', , Toura.wlth tf .Iffhfs,""7 ' ' H. It HUBBARD.- SoM by Woodsrd. Clarke Co., corner Fourth and Waahlngton: Watt ft Mstthleu, 178 Russell treet: Skidmore Drug Corppany, 181 rThlrd" street; Albtna Pharmacy. 280 Russell' atr.fct .n t r-t T - V-T The Qreat Chinese Doctor I called great be- 1 ; nse nis wonoerrui . . cure are ao well -' known , throughout -the United Siatea, and because so many people are thankful to- blm for saving tlreir llv from , OPERATIONS - He treat any and . all diseases with powerful Chines barbs, roots, buds. known to medirsT eclenc in thl coun- ..j-, auiu inruugn xne use or mes narm less remedies. . This famous doctor know the action of over 800 different remedle -that he has successfully used Indlfferew disease. Ha guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, ner vousness, stomach, liver, kidney, fe male trouble and all private diseases. Hundreds of testimonials. , Charges moderate. Can and see him. , COsTBUXiTATXOV MS. Patient out of blank and circular, dress the city 'writ for Incloa atamp. . 4. . THE C GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. - ; . 18J Aid way of 21 lejr street. Portland, Or. 1 Stalr 51 H Alder street leads to of- floe. Mention thla paper. ODD BL Is the worst dlaaaa ea ' earth, yet tha aalrat cs eiirs WHKN yoU .' K50W WHAT TO ' DO." sTany DaTiJm-"r" plea, apota " on the poison kin. sores Is. 4n . Booth, nleers. nUllns- hair, bone' palna, ea- , 1 larrn.. eon oon 1 IDoW It ll tlL6oir-ISOPI. Send to DRV BKOWN, 035 Arch st Phllalelpbla. ftnn.. tor BHOWK'S tlBE, iz.uu per noiiiei laau eae " month. ' Sold la Portland only by Frank Nv -Portland' Hotel pharmacy. t Headquarters for Elastic T 4 Stocking " and ; ,- " Trusses " Jo'LAUE-DAVIS DRUQ CO. : Thbrid nd YamhiU Stsl." -. WOOD COAL; WOOD W Ar Sxcluslvs Wood ind- Oeal Bktn. - If you are- looking for fine, dry Wood, A (No. 1 auality st low, price, Just loo over thWM figures! ad all Ms up. - Dry: rir, 'per ord'. .,13.7s Dry Oak, per eord. .is.SS. Dry Ash, par cord,. -r! 84.00 We make a specialty of Sawed Wood, and all leHdlng brand of CoeX . . tbatis smon., Phone Main !. . 43 Tlvaxett Si. -Between Twelfth arid, Xhii teenth. V,- mr mi ,,.,,11,-:: . -J , i r t ; f ' 1