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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1905)
Y-- V THE-OItEGON : DAILY - JOURNAL," PORTLAND, 'TUESDAY - EVENING. MAY 18, 1903. tsitihc:IBErjDAKE: WashlnStonnStSi FR E EMBROIDERY LESSONS; given by expert , : I -- - - Third Floor. s Lessons 9 teacners in tneiNeeaitf Art Shop: Annex, 2d Floor -Folk's Pre-Exposition. Sale" Specials During This Month Are for One Day Only Uiiless Otherwise Designated , A Grand. -'May-Fair" and Spring Bargain Carnival, .Extra lals in Today s Announcement Are for WEDNESDAY ONLY. " . ..- Vrrrrrr-- :. i - -- - - - - - rbpec T ! : : - Another; Big -n H brvrri cL IT.Ottt W Vh t-Txro i Dfi:n -f-iVi i m . m . m m -mzi . ' . -mm m .. m - - a. w m m u m m .s-" -r. I Clr L U LU IE) I , .y... : ' Vz?2 - :-'-:-'-' ! - t : . : . A u -Eortland's . Greatest , and: :Fore- most Store Is (ireater and Better Than Ever Before ! .: LEADERS I Yes that's it : not only the leaders amone .the?'ExpoaitidnXityV.,iores;:.'but,Qur place U firmly fs lablished at the head of the ' line among "Pacific" coatt houses. Our1 headlight gleams across an open field reach- . ing to Chicago. -No store betweeri that rrfetropolia and authoritative fashion showings- We are. ofteniermed a good--word liveup-to as " liyed" by' thir"1iouser" If h means exact business methods ; plain statern'ent of truths, courteous;, prompt and intelligent service without sen sationalism.. Going into' every market of the world for its best merchandise and getting it, while it's freshest, newest and best,' There's 'milch' education and entertain- ment in looking thro'-lines of goods such as shown here, 'and thousands of visitors en jby and; benefit by the time Tipenhere. daily. That they gain knowledge, and ideas as, yet revealed by -no other Portland store is certain yes, tbe store is brighter, better and busier than ever before. Th'ese'values ' were never approached by any western Jaouse-ejrrjaurpas JThejpecwlsjreEOJLWEDNESDAY-ONLYr -i-jrrana oaions- Second Floor- Largest arid Foremost Women's Apparel "Establishment -West of Chicago, I- ,J lAWikV W WUlhU AW4 aft. ,W t i EvryWt1TlIn (hould b intertdr fof.tttis- la . iwaoa whan allk -predominate wardrobe la complete without a Bhlrtwetet or Jacket Suit of Ilk and .hera they , are at a fraction of their worth.. Prudent women .will buy tomorrow, while prlcta ara at their, loweit ataita and aeeortmenta at their best. The Suite comprielnn tomorrow'a offerlnga are In hendeome raffetas, brown and frfena in changeable effecta and plain blacks. walsta hare shirred yokes and. are box-plalted. with leg-o -mutton sleeves, In fancy- effects, and -fancy stitched trlmmlnaa, Bklrts are In the popular round lenfths, with stltchtnga, shlrrlngs and plaltlnca to match; I2Z.60 and la values. Tomorrow Onl&ay $14.98 .. Another' Great Sale of Silk Petticoats$ 10 ilkrPetticoats$4.98 . . J MORE REMARKABLE JVALy ES IN" j)SXl Smartr Seasonable Wanted Silks V for Stylish Summer Dresses . T T SOt'TII ANNEX FIRSt FLOOR. vro ... It's naught aurprislng for this store to offer remarkable or even that:-keratlW"alllt-"Btorer boar "every hotrr-of the wom-a-ay -week. It's seldom, howeves, that opportunity allows of greater value than tneaa of - rt.eanesaay, .- ' Z:'f:- ll.QO Novelty Suit Silks ; special only, " yrd . ,; k T. v r. 69 ej tt?5;IJoveIty Suit Bilks; special only5, yard.-, .;.vi ...A, .. .84) .The abQys comeln all color and every new style' made. ILB ajsaulax f rl ; ril.Xria apeciaXu-nlyyard. U . r. -1 L2 tegulr fttt tTrepe da.Parla; special onl y,-y ard . , ..89 e $1.80 remlar grade Crepe de Paris; special only, yard. ..iV.f 1,18 -t.T--reiaT-aTade-pd(rT?risrepeclalonly; yard,. ... .81.39 .. .These are all Bilk, and Wool and Very dressy fabrics. . REMARKABLE INDUCEMENTS TO WEDNESDAY BUTERS pr Women's and: Children's Under muslins and; Pretty Art Pieces good muslin Drawers, ' cluster tucks, Children contlnuous.atrlpe on sides. Tn Trs. Tr. Tr.-Tr Trs. Trs. Irrs. Tits. Ages .............. .1 t i 4 ' It II .11 it Regular prices 11c Ho 15c l?o 19e 21o JSC t5o i'27o Special prices . ..... 8 10o 19 14o Ik IM SO Si lie ' An almost endless variety of styles of Ladles' Corset Covers, of cam brio and Nainsook;, all full front, trimmed In either era broidery and lace edging, and insertion or beading nd In tuokh. "Regular 81c; special s ........ t .57 Finished Cushion Blips, all ready for the fllltnr. Burlinen tops, tinted in six different designs, back and border of art denim, edged with black and material. Regular price tlo; special at. ........ .4Te Wednesday'Specials in Women's ' Knit Underwear .' ' i -, 7 ; F1RBT FIXX)R. - T " ' Women's bleached white Swiss Ribbed Vests, high neck, long -s- sleeves; "So Quality; special, -each Women's white cotton , low neck, seamless ..- trimmed) 20c quality; special, each .i.58 Vests,. very nestly 13 Two Splendid Bargains for Men . TOUND WEDNESDAY AT UMBRELLA CQLNTER; ' ' 4 :.J first .floor, , ;:. ,;,v ..r-.-", "' MEN'B fl.CO WALKING -STICKS 2 lei '.' M the UmbrellaCo'unter, Men's "Walking Sticks. In natural wood, . with large hook handles;' regular 'tie anev 2,1.00 values: speclsi ' at, each . j..-...,.,., .'...... .2S ; MEN'S 15.00 UMBRELLAS $2.l"" ' ' ' . 'v Men' all silk 2S-ilnch UmbreUat,' with natural wood handles, beat .make; regular value 11.50 and 15.00; special, each. ..... t .92.88 V Rare Bargains in Summer ; . Seasonables in the Men's Shops SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY "ONLY FJRST FLOOR WEST , -- ' , ANNEX. ',!..: , . rv " I MEN'S -tMS riQVJS VESTS !$l.l. .-i " j : ,' Men's Summer Vefcts in white pique, with black and white and brown nl--whlt-Trtrlpe8-nd--r'heck9r-ur-Tegulnr 22.2Bvmer special at, - each .,......,,. .81.89 ".V ' MENS Btfo UNDERWEAR 2e, ' : , i';v, i : in'-Btbrtggan Undei'wear. mfde of an ecru -..eelored open mesh, extra finish; comfotab9 -fcn seasonable garment: regulae . value 60c; special, garment .. . .... .. t. . .. .M t -38 1 , . - MEN'S 11.50 UNDERWEAR. SL12.-' -; Men's extra fine double thread worsted bhlrt anff Drawers, In sVa - . sonatiie- weight, silver1 grey shade; our bejt $1.50 vaflue: special . at,grment ,r M.M.....y.v.V,Mi...j$l,12 line of Boys' Golf Shirts, In Value 60c; special, each .... BOYS' SOfl OOLF SHIRTS 2 So. - j white and fancy colors; MEN'S 7o OOLF SHIRTS f7e. A lot of Men white Golf Shirks, with white pair Cliffs; regular value 7io; special,' each '.. 1 regular ..35e 1. i' plqu front and 01 one I TV ; " MKN'B JOo SOX. SPECIAL, 2, FAIRS FOR 25c,-; V Mw fancy srsmless Sox.Tlri gray," with blACk.fttrlpes land flgtirea:' regulHf value 30c; special,' 2 PAIR .254"' All newest etyleaandpopularneee... Fpurof the extreme late styles In 1h chooing, and all the -wanted shades and colorings. The beat bargain In Bilk PetacoaJi ever Offered by Portland houses Regularly sold for 210.. ' Special, - , - --- -- - .- - ; ni Tomorrow ......-. j Only, at X AdO THIS HOUSE IS FAMOUS FOR ITS SIHRTWAIST VALUES. "ANOTHErV SALIC TOMORROW Iti KEEPING WITH ITS REPUTATION- FOR r OREATEST BARGAINS !&wRie?AiwTy-t-yYLS8. . , , . Ladies' $5.00 vWfiite LawiiWaists" Handsome whit lawn - Waists, .beautifully- trimmed, tn r embroidery and tu. .-.r trim"medln pr5ttyembroldrlea narrow- andwlde effects ; tegular $J5 values,; Some are .trimmed nd-Lluske4JrontB. others aTFover . Special JYednesday for . . . . . .. ...... . , . i .f 2.98 -Wcdnesday-Seesthe-Glose-of-thc Great-Sale-pffWx)men' There'lLJie atrenuous Suit selllnr hereriomorrtrr.-rn addition tho- wowoVrful -atu.ln.8ilk Suits., theaa off erlngs continue one more day until closing time of Wednesday.- - The suits are In plaln aniTdaml-tallored stylewrcont, bliuae and Kton models, chevlqtasergaai . .. Panamas, broadcloths and fanby mixed tweedlah effects In handsome mixed fabrics; colors embracing navys, bJackn, blues,1 browns, , greens and-mixtures. All the latest trimming effects of strappings,, buttons, and ftltchlngs. , Very newest and. latest or the seasons eelarwln atwles -fin snerlal aala ss.Xollowsi I S5.0 to II 8.59-8U! 140.00 -to 246.00 8ults .2T.95 for .831.65 iT8 00. ta.lH5.0a Bulla for.t... -4.5-t- 65vO-Stt f I5S.50 to , 261.(0 Suits for . rriTnj . , i i . .-. . 989.98 .83748 ,....949.98 Another Extraordinary Sale of Women Hosiery Wednesday Values ranging up from $1,00, $1.25, $1.50 to $1.78 For One Day of Record-Smashing SellingPriced at .... . j The aggregation Is too large and varied to allow of description In detail. Suffice to say the sensational and surpassing offering Includes the handsomest collection of beautiful Lisle Hosiery shown by any store In the clty Not pair under 21.6' In value, more at 11.25 n4 f 1.50, and some at- 21.75, but for one day's tremendous selling we've marked 'em thousands of pairs at ..49c Misses' Fine Ribbed. Black. Cotton Hob with linen spliced knees, heels and tPes. RegularJ18c-10a.and i ' value; special Wfdneeday only at. pair........... j . ......... I9e --x-v For .Women Who Do ' Home Millinery' : Trimming Half-Price . ' "BIJOU". MILLINERY SALONS ANNEX. 8ECOND FLOOR. V" ' T Wednesday we shall place tn special sale, all grouped on onO long counter, our entire' stock of high grade un trimmed French' Hat Shapes at SALT V2UOS. - i The choosing Is generous snd Includes fancy straws, horsehairs. Tuscans, chip and hemp braids, turbans, sailors and fancy dress shape. Grand assortments, values ranging up from 23.00 to 210.00 at .regular prices; specif tomorrowhoose as you will at HIT VKIOS. . T. . T I Our Own Novelty DRESS GOODS AMonster Sale of ; $18,000 Siiigsyiihe Goods Stores ! 4 Days of -Tremendous Bargains A GREAT PURCHASE OF NOVELTY SUITINGS AT MIGHTY REDUCTIONS! ADDED TO" OUR OWN SUPERB STOCKS AND ' ' COMBINED FOR A' GRAND BARGAIN CARNIVAL A VERITABLE FEAST OF FABRIC VALUES.- . . ( , -,In these ofTerlnga'ar Indudld every wanted; fabric for present wear. W'V taken large order cancelled by leading Chicago house on account .of the strike, and consequent stagnation of retail business;. the goods come to Us at less than they coat the" mill and we shall give our patrons the benefit of our good fortune. In order to further Intensify the Interest which Portland women must take In 'this sale, we ehaJJ Include every doner's worth of our Novelty Suiting in addition to) the purchase of $11,000 worth of new Nov elty Colored Suitligs. Every yard is this season's make. Worsteds in the popular hard finished waves. In all color and styles. ' Pan am. In neat noveltyeffects. Novelty Mohairs -in every new 'color and style, in fact the choice of our entire line -of Novelty Suiting marked ; for quick, snappy selling. -. , , , -' - r y . Regular $1.00 grade; special for, yard....... 81.81 Regular $ grade; special for. yard....... v. ..91.31 Regular. 1.40 grade1; special roft.yara fl. 14 Regular $1.12 grade; special for. yard..,. ...--..... 86e : These are (or Wednesday, 'Thursdajr. Friday and Saturday onlf. Apron Bargains Women's and Children's Special for Wednesday ; ' ' 7 ., ." SECOND FLOOR ANNEX. Ladles' Tea Aprons, mado of fine white lawn end long tie' ends, trimmed inc embroidery. - ribbon and-', hemstitching; all have -".tJc!?5$a; regular price 35c; special at.......... .......23g Children's Aprons 'of extra fine glnghsm, In light blue or pink and white checked; all . Mother Hubbard style, collar and sleeves edged with mbrolderyt age from 4 to 10 jfara; regular price $1.00; special ,,.-690 Wednesday's Wanted Bargains Found in the' Women's Shops.; FIRST FLOOR. !5q LAWN- COIXARS-J 2 Wo. Womn' white embrofilered lawn- I- : SCHOOL ' OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE '.. TEA ROOM '.':. ' Second Floorv - - ; Auspices Portland V. W. C. Al . 0 Tea V Coffee ; Chocolate M ilk in Bottles Fruit Salad ' " - Vegetable Soiip . Ham Sandwiches . . . 'Bread and Butter -' " , Hot Rolla . . : Tea CaVe A Great Special Sale of High- Grade French China arid -Dinner Sets" -. SURPASSING. VALUES TO INTEREST CONNOISSEURS. THIRD FLOOR. . t EDUCED. : IRICnLT DECQEAI Bread and Butter Plates, reg. vat 218 "j dos.; special, dos.. Bread and Butter Plate, reg. yal. 21 06 do.; special, dox.-. Bread and Butter Plates, reg. val. 210.00 dos.; special, dos.. Bread and Butter Plates, reg. val. 224.00 doii special, do. . Breakfast Plates, regular value 222.10 dozen; special, dozen. 111.25 13.5 114. Breakfast Plates, regular value 220.00 dozen: special, dozen .Breakfast flates. regular valu-22.O0 dozen; special, dozen: Breakfast Plate, regular valu 121-00 Dinner Plate, regular value 227.00 dozen; special, dozen.. -Dinner, PlaieSijegular value $39.00dxenr special, doten. 7 Dinner Plates, regular-valuer 230.00 dozen; special, dozen.,., Dinner Plates, regular value $$7.00 dozen; special dozen 25 18.00 17.6.1 22.50. 24.00 25.50-1 20.55 22.50 24.00 824.75 DINNER 'V SETS-BARGAINS. ' HAND80MELT DECORATED -Snle-treguUtalu t JJ.OOiJapccIai; et,a,iiu 112-plece set. regular value 2110.00; special, set 117-ploc set. . regular. Jtalue 21i.00 spac la I,..; 8:58.50 .8 82.50 it 1 os. oft . 117-piece set, regular value 2227.00; special, set,...,. .r.ilTO.25 "llT-plece set. regular value 2225.00; special. set... 8176.25 - The above are only a few of tbe many bargaiita for the week In. richly decorated Chlnawar pur patrons. -.- - . -Wednesday Bargain Finds ivr -r- Small-Wares - Aisles- ' T - - r- - -- - FIRST -FLOOR.1 m Mi " i rtr TTV.r iA"Tin v- Invisible wire Hair Pins, assorted ' sizes: regular Box 'heavy and srvaTaricTecmrr' nut-r:: ; ,-r.. . . rrr. vvcrr ' 60 SKIRT BINDING 2e. Brush Skirt Binding 4n black and -eolorsr-reguIr-vlu'teripeeIaV" yara , . ...s ,....80 lOo TOILET PrMICJ5..7c JTtillef. PU ih'WS fe'moveg stains androughness from hands and fingers; regular value 10c; special, cake ,...7 T5e CHAMOI3,49a -Cleaning and"l)oHihIng 'Chamois, extra large size; regular value 76c; s ppwiM, tica ...,.,..,4ue 20o WRITING PAPER 29eV . ' I lb. package Writing Paper, flax cloth finish, containing 120 sheet paper. In blue and gray tint; regular value too; special. 1 package r-. -.A..i.. . . , . ... . : , rr; ... .v.v.Vi . 29 .r.,j. 8EAUNO VITAX 25c Dennlson' Sealing Wax. with five sticks perfumed wax and two tapers In cabinet; regular value (Oe; special, each..... ,-...35 Wednesday's Jewelry and Leather Goods Specials V -WEST ANNEXFIRST. FLX30R. JEWELRT. Special for Wednesday,' one lot of assorted Scarf Pins; our regular zac vaiue, tor r ..,.17 Aaother special on pretty Brooch Pins; a great variety to select fronu. values up tu fc; Wednesday .... , , . . . . . . lffji 1 LEATHER OOOD8. ' . JtectypuiLJeweiaandmQncy by wearing a., secret-jewel Tyket. we piace on sate weonesaay one lot or pretty jewel Pocket made' from .washable silks and chamois lined; our regular (to value for . . . ......... , , . . an One lot of ladles' good quality Leather Bags; come In browns, tan snd black. Our regular 23.75 values, Wednesday only, at. 81.98 Wednesday Bargains Ready on Fourth Floor 22.75 HAMMOCKS 2215. r Canvas weav Hammocks, throw back pillow,' concealed spreader. wide valance;-regular value 21.74; special, each ......j. 82.18 ' 22 00 COUCH COVERS 215. ' ' V 1.: Heavy tapestry Couch Covers, fringed all around, Oriental dealghe, regular value 3.oo; special, each........ 81.85 22.5 SMTRNA RUGS 21.25. . All wool 8myma Rugs, size 12x20 Inche- regular ;valuf $1.00 Mii-eaon- JUz 20x00 Incheer tegular value 23-20 perja.L'i 50 81.2 TO Special Values of-Interest HOUSEKEEPERS, RESTAURANT MANAITKRS AND HOTEL , FOLlf. TABLE NAPBRV GREATLY REDUCED IN " THE LINEN. STORE F1R81T FLOOR. TABLE LI.NKNS 43e VARI). ---w Genuine Scotch Homespun. Heavy Cream Table Linen, 52' inches wide; a, good wearing quality; special at, tlia yard. ....... .42 ' ' HEMMED NAPKINS 240 -DOZ. - 200 dozen Hemmed Linen Napkins, with fancy striped border; spe cial. at, only, dozen 84e A new- lot . of Women' white embroidered lawn -Collars, - In the , latest style, very swell and pretty; regular value 25c; special, while they lant, each .........,,,12 v Zr'V-tAc8. V.Xl';"" "r70 A new line of fin, embroidered chlfroti appllqn. In white,' black . and colors; also, ecm and cream Venloe laces and bands-. " ' Regular i: fiO value; speeclal at. yard...... )25 Regular f JSc , value; apecUl - W yard r. . i , .-. . , . . . . . .38. ' rrii-gulax 21.00 value; special at, yard. '.!..,, ,48e) k Regular 2150 value; special at, yard...S. ...,,,,....754 84. Rfgular 27.50'value; special at., yard. ' , ' ' - 25c TAFFETA RI$BONS 15e. , , . r . . All allk Taffeta .Ribbons. 4-tnchea wide, brilliant luster, make beautiful ties and glrdlea; regular value 25c; special, yard,. lfte . Wednesday Shoe bargains " ' -; ' ON THE FAIR WAT WEST ANNEX, r . WOMEN'S $3.50 SHOES 23.25.' " ' '. : . Women's fine patent, kid lace Shoes, Ulucher cut, and fine' glased i kid lace Shoes, with patent tips; also choice selection, vlct kid' "lace Shoes, matt tops, tura sole and1 pstant tip;' good qualltle -for wear, fit, style and comfort; regular' vslue 23.50; special, - pair v, r ..-I. ............. 82.25 - . ' INFANTS' ; 75 SHOES 45e. -.-. -Infants' glased kid lac Shoea, patent tips, no heels; regular value T5cj special, pair ,.... j.M.......,i..t....45 ' 1 ' , " - ' BOYSt 2!.'J SHOES 11.50. ".!. '- One lot Boys' genuine KUsula rll le Shoee, Blucher et, vA . stout soles, all size; regular value 23.50; special. ptr. . , -81.50 V ,' WOMEN'S 22 0 SLIPPERS 2,1.15. . THE "ERMINIE" and "ELEANOR" TWO POPULAR, SLMTKHS -THIS SKABON for WOMIN. The "Eleanor" I an all kid. on strap Slipper, with a alylNh yet comfortable fleet. The "Krmlnl" m a patent kid vmi. oo strap Slipper, with a military heoj; regular value IJOO, ";' ' :v -' "TT r: 4 vr "f '