The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 16, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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! lrinniriii 11? i pciV
L State Commission WtiHavs Irrv
i pprtant Opinions Tomorrow
as to Its Authority.
Legislator Who Helped Pass Ex-
- ComrhendatiorLot Stand, 1
The trouble In the xioltlon.' that
y'" which xoncsrns 4h posttloh corpora
tion and the auto commission, com
'.- to a bead tomorrow,, when Attorneys W.
--W, rCotton and Teal- Minor retained
by ih-atae .eoramlggJgnJL- coiinsa.i-htrfge
wrtt-nffiSottEMoio as to the tespec-
tlve rights of the bodies. .It la under
stood it is. In fact, sssured that the
t -opinion will be favorable to the state
commission and that It will consider the
' question from, all .points -of view, In
. corporatlng the national government act
i the legislative, sot-w nn
SOrekiitiTure. The opinion., will
tnmnrrow morning and- In
" .evening the executive committee of the
disputants will meet in me oiokw, v
' President Goode to thresh out the mat-
ter - . . .
mom All Will Be Weaaaat. " v
in .u.nui .r. hontna- that a satis-
-.V,rv ,ilutment of the dispute will
- be strlvettlhlsmeetinvJ,h
-corporation JJ .arguo its ease on the
' basis of the opinion of the attorney-
general.-'deted - morethan year ago,
which upholds the corporation a the
Initiative power. That It Is such, the
, commissioners', do not deny, but they
'do claim certain rights which the cor--.1
poraxlon Jias not as.jfet . seen lit to
-'recognise, : : '7
wesident JeffeTsonH3yera., of thi
Stste commission this morning received
a letter from M. M. Davis, a member of
f the lllll legislsture who voted for the
-i Lewis and Clark, appropriation. In which
..he siiyst. r. . . . , . rt
"Dear Blr I have Just read In to-
! A.-- nmnirm nt trie controversy between
Z the Lewis and Clarlt fair corporation
i officials and the state commission, and
wiia la commend you ana ma com
mission lor- the-stand you-nave- Uken.
snd trust that you will adhere to It to
'IV-sppears to- me that Mha-Corpo-'
ration officials have forgotten, a very
nmpoftani'erlsle In the' promotion of the
--r talf; and nhat.the attorney-general, as
well as-the state officials have over-
Jooked the same matter. While It was
no doubt better, and possibly necessary
" that a corporation should have been or.
"T fanned tff exploit and carry oirtha fair,
" i and hel It euld have beeff an wine for
-Hie city, or even the state, to take up
- ."and assume the whole responsibility of
TV-' giving It,- still all will scknowledge
that It would hava been aa Imposalbll
Ity ffr T .a-ClMa.sii sortie
ration to have exploited and carried he
pTtlrTd-i aiiccess wnhouF'the moral
- Vguarantee and financial aid of the state
of Oregon. - , ' --"- -
-" rl"""l""ttatsAla'" eossary.
'ij.'.rTO-y tnlf4 the provisions o seo
? lion ( ot the Lewis snd Clark fair btl
J Bfll) wWrTy-ww7TurTiniMn juat what
- ? they , say, and I do not doubt they were
proposed py soane ot i n uieiuuvie
the -corporation- -ItselfcThe-exhibitors,
"concessionaires and visitora,. the states
lforelgn coiintrles wanted soma
'.. guarantee that the promises of the fair
eorporatlon would be carried Out; that
-rthe regulations, etc, would be just; mat
the exhibitors' would have fusvaad lm-1
partial treatment. The fair board could
not give a guarantee that would assure
a "successful exhtU and attaixlanre, aft
. the aid and the moral support and guar
antee of the state was solicited.
"The ; legislature indorsed the fair
Istataot. Oregon, and the peeple. have
psld1500,wOOin taxes for financial sup
port and. the fair is wssured; but how
could the state guarantee (and' assure
lt that ail these matters would be csr
' vrled on in a just and Impartial manner.
; except the commission created by the
state for that purpose has some voice
or advisory control of the regulations
governing the fair?
i "It Is simply that now after the fair
appears to be a success they assume
u that they alone haveaJoompllshod It,
.snd that they are capable and .have the
"'right to assume all the responsibility,
and reap all of the honors, and this
'might be all right if thejccould do so,
j! but this they can not da The world
still holds the state responsible and sue-
peas Is not written till the fair 1s
rmxxm Airs koitbt oon.:
' J. C. Durdge came from. Oklahoma to
Portland a few days ago, accompanied
-by J. Ilogland, to whom he says he
loaned $106 nd took lloagland'a note
'for the amount. He chargea that last
night about 10 o'clock, at a'room In the
' Kingston hotel, comer Third and Taylor
" streets, where both were lodging, Hoag
land claimed lie was 111 and got up and
went to get fresh air. When Burdg
awoke this morning Hoagland had not
' returned, and tils note for '$ 100, together
.with IS in cash, were missing from
Burdgea purse. The police are looking
for Hoagland. . .
nw eoa.TAX.uw orriciAu.
(Hnerlal Dlsoatch to The Jmirn.l I
Corvallls, Or., May 1. City offic'A-s
elected are as tnjBvaMprorrrJl'37
rimrliylrmajorlty; chief of police,
,W. O. Lans. ; police judge, K. p. Oref-,Toa,-
treasurer W. McXagan; cot'incllmen,
. Klrst ward. Qeorge Lilly; Renond, O. A.
covell. Charles Houti Third, -Frank
Francisco. . . ,'
i l a renect
' Tka rroMr rsYunds'TOBP tnaneV If Von ara
.ot Wlsfled that K ) it better tbaa sny
rder you bare ever used.
Baking Powder
Many" Resignations in Past Few
vr Months. Because of the
PootPav-. : :
Head - of Department Makes
trong Plea - for Increase-'
v imita hait St-resignations from
fhe fire department since July 1, 104."
said Chief Campbell today.' "The ma
jority - war due to the fact -that the
firemen are not
salaries, -A than Will not work" In
the. fire department for t a montn
when he can get a better-job at higher
wages on" the outside." . - ""TTT7-
- Chief Campbell la heartily In favor pt
the proposed, indsease, In the stlarles ot
the firemen, Je .peilays-la-H---tiys
"v -
tions of marty of his best men.
hope tin MftcuUvo, board and the
council; will grant the .men the In
crease," continued he, "for they deserve
itr-. I believe a flremanranould receive
as large a salary as a policemen, for hi
work la more arduous , , and he has
greater-sxpehse. ; A nreman -wilt" pur.
chase four new suits of clothes while a
policeman Is wearing one. This Is due
in the rfact that the men snoll so many
uniforms while fighting fires. - " V4
"Wheii. a. fireman enters the depart
ment he has to purchase atinlform, fire
man's hat, rirobe . -coat, mattress ana
bedclothes, nd a whole month's Salary,
is gone .bef ora-be-beglnirtd work. . We
are now planning to . purchase mat-
tresaea and blankets tor th department.
so the men will not have to furnish
them, we cannot do ill this at on
time, ' but wlll gradually purchase the
The- ckief Is In favor of a graduated
scale of wages forflremen. Hebe
lleves'a man should be paid f IS a month
for the first six months, 170 for the sec
ond six and ITS for the third six. He
believes in rslslng the salaries of the
lieutenants to 180 a month and captains
tatafi. -, "
1 believe auch a acale or wagea
woulffber- very- sansfaetorjrT'sald he.
"If a. iiiair started-towortt stHsTlie
would know that -he would' receive a II
sdvsnfM' If he remained" six months snd
another JMf "he continued In the de
partment another six months. " At the
end of 1 -months'- service tha man
would-PS eligible o become a lieutenant
which position would command, a salary
of 180 a month. This would give him
some Incentive for which to' work snd
would hold he men- in the -Jepartment.'
I.lttlS Elva May. the 7-year-old daugh-
lerolTWTlllam May of I0 Water atreet.
died Of diphtheria today'aner a oriel ui
nss. CMt v Phvslclan Dr. J. C Zan, with
Dr.hSityFthaendrng phyelelanr went
to the -May home early this, morning.
Thers -we re-very few-ancommndattons
for caring for the alck hild. and was
decided to remove her. to Bt. Vincents
hospital, rtopnty' Hi.slih flfflcer- IV.
Beutelspacher was ordered to bring an
ambulance, but he arrived at the May
home half an hour after the little girl
Hcfc Tlrfr body was buried. ew hours
A little 1-year-old boy In the family
la-4U-wlth-th-dred-dlBeas-s, but Ins
physicians have hopes of his recovery.
The sanltar conditions at the house
in which the Msy famUy resides are
1 flPllty ' hHl'v le? i l""-w
itstearBiarwTrSrBmlth. the owner, waa
notified - three months-sijo to put anl-
tary plumbing in the place; -the Inslruc
tions -were not obeyed. . Plumbing In-
spector Hulme will maka an examination
of the place and wni take steps to roros
the property owner to make tho neces
sary Improvements. 1
At thla.mornlng's seeaion of the grand
court of Oregon Foresters of America
the following . committees were ap
pointed: '
Credentials, waiter aooae, x. t. i
mwi1-nin-Ar-L. Brown; .
TrtBtrtButlonrF. Thompson, A. B.
Dalglty and J. A.8utherland.
I j ws and supervision.- rurr, j
A. Howe and R. C. Olbaon.
I Acts'. Oeorce Jofnson. . E. M. Lance
unA J. K Weat.
Appeals and grievances. L. E. Jones,
Frank Vsnedy snd A. E. Wilson.
Flnahce and taxation, E. M. Lance. W.
Tnnsa and C. R. Iwan.
State of order, V. M. Bain, vr, N. Mc
Laren .and George Johnson.
- Mileage and per diem. J. L. yearger,
Frank Kennedy and A. E. Wilson.
Press. W. E. Snyder, Paul Oyeler and
a. a. Backerson. . . .
Rules, W. 1. Marshall, J. J. Johnson
and A. E. BchWajTlg.
want More time on
- ifLlha-dates-forconsiaeratlon of bids
for lumber Tor Panama canal conatruc-
tlon are not extended by the canal com
mission it is believed by Portland firms
that) the lumber mills of this city will
be practically precluded from bidding
for the buelness.
The Portland chamber of commerce
htks telegraphed to the Commission, pro-
testing against the limitation, and ssk
lng that the time be extended. ..-I.
. rommxsT status vwtxixd. .
-Atektohla. Tenn, Msy lg Tribute was
paid today to Oeneral Nathan a. For
rest when the Nellraua equnstrlart. statue
to tha noted cavalry leader was un
veiled- In the presence ox thoueands of
Confederate veterans and other visitors
from Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana
and other states. -The statue Is placed
In Forrest Park, where a vast crowd of
people congregated to witness the ' un
veiling ceremony. The Invocation waa
by BlsltOD Oallor. and the oration of the
day was delivered .by Uenerai Qeorga
w. Gordon. : , ... ,
, WAX.TXB JtlfOAXU ICtStaif O,
LiA report from the Ht. Chsrles 'Hotel
to . the- not ice states tnsf waiter v.
Ingalls, who occupied room No. 114.. hss
been missing slnne April If. Without any
known reason. He left his baggage and
persnnsl effects In the room, lie Is 17
years old- I fee 10 Inches tall, smooth-
laveu ana aara compieaioneu, ,
Tom Lewiston DesTretTto Show
'."Respect for Judge Bel- ;
: -' tinget'-a-Memoryi
And Then Have Once Wealthy
iJd Man Arrested for Pis- ..
orderly Conduct.
"When Torn" Lewiston had -plenty-!)!
money and rode around' town in stylish
turnouts he had many friends and waaj
a social lion reow ne la uici snu. sica
espondent and Mk : frloffdg . have
deserted him r,--1- -r---v.
Filled with respect for. tha memory
of the late Judge Bellinger, his friend
Lewiston walked - to the -fast side and
Induced A friend named J3ancot to
give him soma.. reeesr-f rom the bushes
tn' hTIyard. These roses he - Intended
placing on the grave of. his dead rriana.
. But unfeeling ' Tfirlfnrtrrs r'"' nisi
-rosesTor a "joke,- ana men oia -torn
Lewiston. almost lost his- mind. ' Me
begged snd pleaded for .the return of
the rosea, and, when the alleged-"Jokers"
continued to withhold theVn'from him
he caught hold of ' their clothing - snd
followed them around, ravjng one mln-
ute and thenext ptttfulty beseeching th
saloonmen to return -thexoses '-. .
pollcerpnn placed the old mamjndet
arrest on tfie charge of disorderly con
duct. He appeared la the police court.
almost roken-hearted. to anawer tne
complaint this sfternoon. Judge Hngtie
heard ,hta story, and plceda-artender
for a saloonrat-Fourth and Washington
tresis, where Lswlston said the roses
were stolen; on the witness iUnd.1-
The witness twTSted and squirmed un.r
comfortably uhder fire. . He was no!
sure .what became of the roses. ( Finally
he expressed the opinion that If, they
we're takeh from old Tom, the other
"I will continue this caae until tomor
rowfesald .- Judge Hogue. sternly, .'and
t ihil ih hurltrulrr. In court
t thu llmr . .If I find this old fellow's
story-true and ' I believe every word
he hss said l wm mass an szampia
of some smart fellows around this town
i . , i. . i.,Hnr at alii for an nlH
msn'jyhodeetres-o-ray h' last-sad
friend.", - - -
Treasury Experts : Jn San Fran-
clsco to Devise, Better System
; for Redemption of "Coin. r
" tJouriuut"'B'pelI Service '
Sari Francisco, May 16-Thoma e,
Rogers and Oi C Baut special agenta
of tha United Btates tressury depart-.
mcn-are.4n.-tha-clty making Jnvestiga
tlons into tha-ennductof local treasury
offlcllSr-CharlaslI.-Seel -assistant
sapretary of r the tressury, is expotd
to arrive within a-few days. It is
thought by somelhattne .presence of
the Washington men here Is to complete
sh Investigation that will cause sn over
turning of government affairs in 'this
On aood authorltyTTiowever H may
be atatod that the government agents
sre . here to Investigate the . aucumpla
tlon of silver In the Bah Francisco sub
treasury and devise a better system for
tho redemption of slfver coin.. Millions
pfsllverdollBrshave aeeumulated in
mO suDtreasury,-;treJT3fffrtHls ofWhleri
have refused to take a large quantity of
small coin proffered by the street rail
roads, who-, are obliged to send the
money east, although they made a strong
protest. ' '
Not only the subtressuryv hut the
mint hss also come In for a thorough
inspection. ' Several Irregularities in the
conduct of federal offlcera have recently
found their wy into print, and these
will also be made the subject or invest!
gatlon. . .. . -. . . ' L
f. :1-
- report . IS -eurrni 1 inai n Bum i
will be made at the meeting of tha city
council tomorrow to dismiss ' Fred -Ti
Merrill -from-membrshrp, on the charge
that In the primary campaign be sent to
employee of the city lettera soliciting
their support, contrary to tha provisions
of the charter. The report could not be
verified, although the statement was
made positively that such action was
contemplated. Councilman Merrill was
asked If he had heard, such a rumor( knd
answered: ...
"This In the first inttmatlort that such
a report hss been started, and I refuae
to believe that there is any truth in It.
It is not- dented that letters wera Sent
men employed by the city., but they were
not sent to them as employes,, but' In
common with hundreds-of letters mailed
Indiscriminately, to cltisena; the namea
were taken from lists that Included men
ofall. occupations.
If such action- wers attempted 1t
would fait, and I wlah to say further,
that If there b auqh sttempted aetton
It will emanate from Councilman Shar
key, who does not want me In the coun
cil. ' ! ' H ........
"But there's Nothing - in the -whole
business, anyway."
(Journal gperlsl gertlce.) , .1
Washington. May II. ' Secretary
Taft's dertKlon to go to the world'a tnar-
keta. for .shipping auppUx- for the Pea.
sma canal raised a storm ' of protest
from the protection wing of the Repub
lican party. It, is understood that all
memters of the commission except Taft
ara against the proposition. . It 4s ssld
that strong pressure will be brought to
bear on the president to overrule T'aft's
decision. ,. ,t
' Flaybringf extracts are, gen
erally : fictitious or' vv,eak Schil-
t!l.r Ti-lZ'Zll: i' r..ii
ling's Best are true and full
6tren"i"; v':- ' :
Vour roccr'5;;irioneyback;
I : CASH 1
credit I
':. -i v i ,. .
I 7
nHElhii:h-standaf3i in
-rj. Clothes of
I can only be produced by efficient MAKERS7
of integrity anonorSu
I i a,ii -;jr--.ii
.. ." . . . ... . . i. .... " - u. ,. - ; . : ' - ..; . ' r
UR CREDIT SYSTEM is available to all who desire to dress in
j "cash. - '"You can
meht at the time
erTrirBeridefrOne xf -the Heirs,
Wants Bill ; Allowed JJol-
- Services Rendered. ;r
Will Hold Eighth Grade Examina
tions In Linn county d- ,
; 7 lie Schools'. . 1
, , (Special Dltpatc te Tse Journal.)
Albany, Or, May 1. When- the late
Julius Oradsrohl, a pioneer merchant of
this iltydle4he-lert a wlO-andJine j)t
the legatees was Chris Beadcr. who re
ceived a bequest of 1200.,' Yesterday
Tr-sHTaH a plalm"aalnaTThe estate
vf tilt for services rendered and sup
plies furnished. The claim naa pre
viously been filed against the estate, and
the executrix, a niece of the deceaaed,
had allowed $10, and the claim , has
now been presented In .oourt
The funeral of the late -Mrs. Dora
B. Davis, who died in Portland late
Saturday night, was held yesterday af
t.mmin at Muddy.- a-mlls south, of
this city, near her' old home. A large
number of the frlenaa or aeceasea at
tended the funeral from this city. Mrs.
Davis wss formsrly the wife of thu
mayor of this city, DrJV. H. Davil, but
was divorced from him last fall, i
The eighth grade examinations tn the
H..kiiA .hMtiAif htl eountf. where cx
Atnlliations were not held at the regulur
time last montn. win ne-neia ini wee,
beginning Thursday and Friday, -Under
the new law: the chairman of the board
'will have supervlalon of tha work In
each district.- The questions were sent
out last evening by. the county super
intendent, and. the work will be under
taken In 4$ districts, a total Of 17 pu
pils taking the examinations this time.
E. B. Til ton, E. I. Jones and F. W.
Bllyeu, the three" college students who
recently went to (Searhart to attend the
college T. M. C A. convention returned
to this cKy last evening.
..A, party of Michigan people arrived
here yesterday afternoon and will live
at Mill . City. The party. . headed by
awrm- Froett eonslsts-of-his-famlly.
two grown sons, wo married daughters
with thetr husbands snd children. .
The Tomenf Woodcraft last night
elected these officers-for the coming
term of sis months, beginning July 1;
Mary J. . Achenberh, psst guardian
neighbor; ' Kdna - Warner, gusfdlnn
neighbors Florence . Koe, adviser;' Clara
Hand. mogljlan; Alike, -Schoel, attend
ant; Rebecca Vtereck, captain of . the
guards; Pearl Cameron, 'inner sentinel;
Amm Un miter asntlnel: Marv Prnw.
der, manager; Lola Junkln.'mualrlan.
V . I . , -,
"' (Josroal BpeHal arvie.
, Indianapolis Ind.( May A sps-
clal election Is. being held todsy tn the
first congressional -district te ffil h
vacancy caused by the elertlon of . Rep. i
reaebtallvs Heraenway to the ' United j
' ....... i.. - . .
Hats and Shoes for
Boys at Moderate Hrices
today fdr immediate
' - .-',...' -i
we Miow bmart .Lines in
select: wha
of purchase arid
T v.n'j.,.1.1,1-, n ii II "III
AVcgetahle Preparalionfor As
similating HieFoodandBeg(ila
ting the Stomachs anlBowels of
Promotes DigesaonCheerfut-'
ncssandKest.coniains neiiner
Oriumorphine norHincxaL
t JU.Sm -( -
t aTaWgW"sawaV awVVIrX
A perfect Remedy for Cons Up
Hoa, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Logs or Sleep. .
Tax SiiwW Signature ef .;
. ; .; .' .- t
rxacr eo0v dm svPAssnt
fltates house of representatives. The
Republican candidate Is Judge John II.
Foster Of Kvsnsvtll. and his Demo
cratic opponent ! Major 'Guy V. Mn
sl of M-eunt Vemoni a son-4n-ls4ryf
the late -Ciovcfnor' llovey of .InrtlaKH.
The Kepubiicgns ax confident of Suc-
" .a , . ( ; ;.r,.:v,. v- .. y;.-f-..;'-;.-,T:.- .'.--...-'.:,- v:-.;
I ' ' '" ' , - - -'' . " ' , '-. '
j- ....
the balance at the rate of $1 a week
- 90 - 92 Washington Street
", Tor Infants and Children.
The -Kind -You Have
Bears the
ees, though it , Is 'generally conceded
thst Major Mensles will -mass a strong
showing on account of Ms wide popular
ity. .. i-,---- ; y. .1 t-
,i preferred fttoek Oaaae OooCs.
Allen! Uwls Best Braa4. LL.u-.
. . . ..-. ' '" fii
. m . mm - u . I
raiU -
ur; For Over
.yv : : ...
Thirty Years: x
ttfj CMHIMMI 9MsrPMrws AMV 'si 4fTva "
; -f, - -r
. ' - - - - V. 'V,.
Jk ? " Jt
Do You Patronize the
If. You DonX You Should1
Goo; teeth are .essential to proper .. ,-
Without good teeth there cannot be
Without thorough mastication there
cannot be perfect -BIOKITIOsT
. - -.'. '
Without pert ct-aigBgtlon'-tliVg:iBiKtJ
be proper i - , -. ;.
AaarjgxxiATXO - ' .
Without proper, assimilation there can
not be , .
iruTmMTXOW '
Without nutrition there cannot be
Without health what Is '. ?' V
U?ll . .- ;
Call and consult a reliable and com
potent speclallat In -Dentistry.- .-u-IT
IMTI . ..............5.00
oou cmowirs is.OO
ckx.s muirH .4 .....$l.oo
aiz.TM xxx.uaa so
h New York
Diehtal Parlors
Fourth and Morrlsofi Sts. ! .
- -."Over Bealey-Mason's." , v
Open day and night, from 3-: 10 a. nv
to 10 p. m. . . ' . .. ..
Evciy Woman
MARVEL whu-una Sm-av
I The now tarM w
MrrBttMlarw. .
II Mtinoi aop,ir me
ItSVUL. tu-r.nt as
otbrr, (wn4 ttama for
tlliumtMtbflok-mWa. fl
riu paniaanans iirrTiot). la- -.
t Biilf. .,
e m. sad st.. a stv orh.
scr.i cur.z fgi. piles
frTnamfl mai arailaiia aialalaia.Mil ii, n
Irhli form, aa wad aa ll4. aiaadlnc or rmtrtullnil
riiaa m. "l ur. aioeanao's Pile mM
opa IviMns a KlMdlnf. SSaorbatnaiors, WW ml
aaabeui yoat
DA. BOSaKao.rkUada., .
- . . ...... .
r;r. . , '-'T ' .