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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1905)
T7"' . tj. THE OREGON DAILY-' JOURNAL. PORTLAND. . TUESDAY EVENING.- MAY 16. -1905. ORIORRO -WEDNESDAY: I P. H.--N0T A Offerings Like These Have Made This Weekly Half-Page One of the Most-Scanned Ads; Ever Printed In Portland ...-4 Togaln flea fay, take Woodiark jUttve . QU Jhrea times, a dnyZ ."'""' T T ; : r Again':we must remind customers that orders at these prices cannot be taken' by mail or over the telephone, and cannot be taken2 either", before or after the one hour It is distressing to us to have to disoblige 7 customers who ask to buy at these prices . before lie and after 1, but we must.abSQ-; lutely enforce this regulation, in fairness to customers as well as ourselves, v . - Every one. who scans these prices realizes that no store could continue to exist if such reductions were made without restrictions.' Many of the prices are cut in two and would represent an actual money . loss of many, - many dollars were it not for the trade that was being built up by the introduction; of -1 Bird Seed rn di1.1v.1c9 iu pcupc W11U IldVC I1UV UOCU 111C111 'before." 1 . ... v ... 1 - ,, Read every item on this half page. : -You -can't afford totniss , line - -? " " 7 luaekecDiri.. W9irt4!;rft.A. bl "P Woodiark Olive Oil on their hand after taking them from the dishwater, they. would be- pleased with the rea ult.---!-"-"'"' :.v.r"'.-?-7' - -.- t. t --.--r-rT,. .7-4 WoMllark-01iv Oil la- good for - bablea .and gnowlng children, a well aa for'growri-ups. , Household Drugs - '-' "' - ;''.' :;. ..f ;Di9rkjnsoasyitcbulIazfeLpl3 Wod-Alcoholf Keg. Ilousehold. Ammonia, pts . ... 10c Rose Water, 6-oz. . . . . . . . . r. vf?oc- , : Rosf'-sWatfr- and glycerine,;;', y-X v Bay. Kunv 6 Olive Oil, 6-oz,..i.A.X.. ;, 23c Glycerine, 6-oz. .V..v.T..... 25c . Epsom Salts, 1-lb' jpkgi, . , . .,.10c ;.i ;Sodium Bicarbonate l-lb.j)kg. -10cy: Chalf and prris Root, for the ; teeth, VA3. pktr. . ......... 10c prcll. 4 13 13 13 -7 For lirednfeet,-soak in hot water -then mas aye with a lUtle Woodiark Olive Oil. y Liquors Sundries Gillette Safety Razors . . . . . , . Ret- Whisk Broons Whisk Brooms ,1 . . , Whisk Rrooms-T-.-r. : WftislcBroonTs-" ,20c 25c ...Special.' ?3.08 :,14 "V7T Spray-r- Nozzle,-- for t--Garden - Hose . . . i . ........'. . .. . loc SprayNozlcr.. for ; Garden Hose . . . . . r ' n ; Spray . Nozzle, " for .' Ggrden V , - . :rliose:xi?rzvT.r'-'j7'r 12 15 Mea' Combination : Purses'; J.T ?.Tc . Opera Glass Holders. . . . . . ,.$1.50 .; 63 Caratol Suit gascs,:t-and-24-. '''' r ? incmnr. : vr. v:r. ; ;$4.23 -?2.50 would Wave It, rub a bit of Woodiark Olive Oil Into It after each bath, tlub It welt in. no that none will come .off on . your tindcrwfar. :. .A. --- Re -poc la L-A- Wilson V hiskey ... ...... y. ' 117 'Maryland Club-WhiskeyTrrrv$1.25- ?1.09 Gucicenheimer Whiskey . $1.23 -73 Old Prentice, full quart, .... .$1.23 Old Cabinet Blend . . . ... . . . . 75c Official Brandy,7 full quart. . . .$1.50. Irondequoit bherrv, Wine. . . f$I.Q0 87 57 83 Cloverdalev Claret M uscatel Trrr. ........ i , California 'Port, fives. ". . .... . Kp your body well. lubrlcatefL-inaide afld out., I Then you won't stiffen up aa you grow older.. Rubber Goods 1 LAlarveLSpray-Syrincc. fr H.nt - TiA Vrtiintain Jsvrin Re. ;$a.5o:r 3-qt.,- Red Fountain Syringe. ;.$2.75 3-qt.VWhite Fountain Syringe.$L30 ; .2-qt...Red Water. Bottle, cloth" : . inserted." ;': . ." .$1.3o -qr7Vhite--Water-ottre. .. 65 "BafK Caps, rubber Toe Bath ; Caps, rubber iv t ' . ,1. Z 63c . f-lPQnge3agtassc;rtejij25c to 30c Bpecinl. 1.63 73 83 38 ...26, 15 Fourth and Washington Sts. Toilet Articles '.' " ', -" :'.'"'. ' - ' J ' L R.-" , Dorin's Roijge dejrheatrer7!l25ci. - Epey',sT' Cream" . ... r. ; ; . . ; . . 23c Violet Amrhoriia7V - SpeclaCj is, 12. 256 10 ; 25c v 10 25c '7 .... 25c --15 ;,.-.$l.ot 55- .Florida Water; . . , . .... . 50c 39 1 etlow s Swandown rowder.. 10c Antiseptic Witch! Hazel k Borated Talcum . . Balchcllor'9 Bathasweet 'Kewbro's Herpicide- Tetlow's Gossamer powder. , 25c. 1 Pompeiian Cream- . . . vt; ' 50c 4 11 37 JPreaorlpttoaa ruled Fromptly rresh . ,. Quick SeUTery. - .!.' Drugs, Photographic Goods Beg.r - SpeolaW 40 45 -3; SJidincr .Tripod ........... .Y.$L00 Zinc Washing Boxes. ...V... .$1.00 Kodak Fixinp Powder, rri iv- 10c Eastman VotioToning-Soiur?:;...150c ZZtA Wire Picture Racks v.i..w, 25c 12 Gelatine Prihting-out Paper, 3Jx3, per gross. . . . .....$1.20 40 Gelatine rnnting-out Paper, f 34x4, per gross ....$1.20 ;,40 a'Cks r; ;v:". . . " 2 scr--'io 7t 3c vlU tuig 50c .27 I 25c 19 I 7H-t-t-bustiies of uslii . - - 11 . . Woodiark Olive Oil la nourlahlng, strengthen lng, cleansing, palatable. a,ndJifjiYlDg, ... Make a g- It - Iniernwlty-ant Stationer r . - Reg-8pclat- Osaka Tweel Linen. . .... ... 50 c 29-i Assorted Fancy PapeterieswOcr 25&ind 30c 12- vninLtTienabletSTT;r5e9c- ' .. .. . . . ...... M. '. I Tissue Napkins, per hundred, 10c 7- Assorted Crepe .Napkins, per . - - - hundred 30c 22 Electric-Pencil . . flhc$ for 5 Ink and PewcikEraflerni.n mi. He 3 for 5. The ' aroraa. Olive Oil. of the olive Is In It Woodiark TmVBIi ZI.ASTI0 : osiEm,' Soaps '. ''-' ' ' K .. Reg. ..Woodbury s Facial Soap, qake Ac El Beau Monde, the finest of trailsparcrtt glycerine, catce.. 15c Bpeclol. -14 .finest of domestic -soaps. ... 23c ;;17 , 4711'Favorite, per cakei ... .- 25c 15 Shaker Tar; 6-oz' cake. .. .t r""" 5c 2 for 5 Tl.. T7 ...J-. J : " . -. iMood wrb; will mot scratch-- 5c- 8 foS t l -Woodlsrk olive -Oilcan tvo you elasticity and the appearance of- youth. . .. : - ' Brushes Reg. 4-row Imported Tooth Brush, -10 ,1,-riuw iuinvu A will lliuau.. AVW v T- J 4-row Imoorted Tooth Brush. MZc TToTthBmhrfti4W Assorted; Hair Brushes. .. ..'.$2.50 Stag I lorn Military brushes. $4.50 SpeclaL - -17:: 19- 81.95 SI. 98 7 OAMASIAJg KOXEw TAXXK JAT PAX. 3. Here;are Suggcs tlons for Using Oil vc Oil:: Tbc following were cuncd; from "various llj'ft;is,-:-. "sources, manjeof the siinirestkm beig'fromi tableinoonfuls of Woodiark Olive Oil a daVr jtghjyinstruriy by lsanetteMagrudenPratt nr the xurrcntthoroughlythhr"t)live issue of Medical Talk: " : ; : Alaily bath and UkewofipArSTlis a week. Fur' eonstipatkittr ta ke just be fore- etir ing tne juice ,oi one orange ana two- teaspoon- l - tuls of Wood ark-OUv Oil 1 . For tions : a fine, shampoo,-follow-tliese- dircc-s. Before, retiri ri g rub Wootllark-Qtive CH For. diabetes intesTinaffoTibte5TetC do wonders".. ..rtt. infii vAur Cfa Tt-i-il-fM tf"" o'' triwrit Tm Xi n I r head and farwrther'bver--TOur pillcw the morning wash your hair in warm Bull : hi any kind of salad dressing, use all the Run water, eitheY'wilh s,uapor beaten eggs. Olive Oil you can afford, and the best Put a quarter of a"1 tea spoonful of salts of -"Olive Oil. Yoaxannotrget tooTiVuchinr"- tartar with the eggs vyhile you are;beating . OHve ou h beh; used bv-;physjc!jans' in" mem...; .insfi-Qcaucmy in. sevr.rai ,.,w -mm ., ii,.in.iiiHi-irit-P3ciiwy!iriit rr 'Ahi-t waters then in tepid be delighted. . - For-f ars -then cold, ' You will r6odTafk Olive Oil inTthc ear. OiQniLhe nqsjriLs-holdjjour . head rhick :'"tT RK&uiFwmU 1 odlark:Oh oil with Olive oil. followed by hot water until the bowels are emptied.: This is fol ; tr-by Olive Oirafrd-giycertne flaxseed -ncmltices soaked in Ohve Oil anolied to the-" ar)domen. for-quite a, little whiley-'-- :f r " ZI Bind up burnsTWith Woodiark Olive .Oil. ; "If possible, have a ; vegctablesalad 'evcr--' Rb-the glands of the-throat-wheir-sore :dafiymniil!fires?cd Olive Oil.' Tt"is , most beneficial to the For facial massage, use Woodiark Oliv -healthEettuccr-4matMonknsrxucurTi-7 Dil.- It won't nrodttro' -sttirrniini ,!- bers, celery, radishes, cabbages, cooked as . . . . . - ,t, ,, , paragus, cooked stringbeans, waQeans, .r chaPPed hands, use Woodiark Olive-" cobkedpeas, " beets, carrots, nut',- atpp'es. 1 '.-: -;-'' 7 : ' - "y'-." "'"' -ctcTtirte"afela ffewr tlW-n which, dolictous salad can be ma(Ic7 jn coiii blnation withLWoodlark .01iveOil.rS::775 inc: two- or three tablespoonf'.Is-a dav oi' "Vrvf11ark Oliv. Oil' v . ";' ""' . : I B . V. TT - ' . CIGARETTES BY TONS -FOR TnE JAPANESE statement this morning that If the Nlco nredfa or any other freighter; bound for r Japan wa .overbauled by. the RHsalana and,, they were averne to her reaching the land of the mikado. heyoUdbe blown -up, after-Oie offlcers -and .crew hud, been' removed. It la exnlalned that MilliAne Put ri Board Nicomedial there Would be no other recourae. aa v nvi v untri iiio uiirr 'us u- alana control In far eastern waters, and as that place" Is closely watched by the Japanese, no attempt to take the vessel . for Consumption In Mikado STEAMER WILL CARRY ' FREIGHT FOR, RUSSIANS Czar's Cruisers Want No Mote : Prizes, and May Sink All -5-- r Freighters Met. - ; - : JVelght tor both Japan and Russia will bo carried to the orient on the steamship Nlcomedia. A neat little par fref-wHFconsistof 35 -tons-'-ef cl garUfl for the Japanese. The steamer began at Albera Bros.' dock, conalgned to a German, Arm at Telngtau, China. There la said to be no doubt that it la Intended for the Russian army, v .. The balance of the cargo -will be made up of foodstuff and other material for Japanese and Chinese firms, mostly for the former. Floir will constitute the bulk of the cargo, amounting to 87.850 barrels. There will also be 20 tons Of nails, 134,000 feet of lumber, 160 tons of machinery, 35 tona of Cigarettes and miscellaneous goods. By measurement the cargo approximates 1,000" tona, all that the steamer can "handle. , It la thought she will pf ready to aail Satur day afternoon.- 1 - j ... There la talk that the majority, qf the Inaritnar fnr Jansn will follow he. ioad mf 4h Minnesota and clear for Shanghai, for. the purpose or mislead' :. Jng the Russian pn the event they-jire i ",. aptured. But lt'is announced by the V,' local officials of the Portland & Asiatic company that th Nlcomedia will get clearance papers ffor the usual ports. The explanation If made tht the form : of clearing for Shanghai, when every on known tltat 1 vessel is pound, for , will not save her If -t? Japanese porta, , aha falla into the hands df Japan's ene mlea. 7,' . ' ' . ' ' : . ... One of the shippers made the startling there would. be made. PUMPS BROKE DOWN. ment made 'from the Pactflo coast to Panama since active wane on the gov erpment canal was eta r ted. From now In constant demand, and a number of big cargoea are likely to be aenUdowo,. there this summer from Portland, After lhe government assumed control of operations it was res rea ror a time uni ho vesaels would be permitted to en gage In the trade unless they were-nnder American registry. Had this plan been arinptert H nwnnl,l hay hwenimposslhte to have procured tonnage on .thle coast 7 7.- GIVES UP C6MMAND. Bad Tola Mot Mappened, rider Weald e oa Srydook. .;.To defective pumps la attributed-the failure, of placing the steamer Elder on the drydock Sunday. She - was floated and could have moved from her long resting place on-1 he rocks . near Ooble had not . the pumpa given out at the critical moment. It was necessary to let her down. She la lying In her old position. But the vessel will yet be taken to the drTdocteayT-:fiumbcf :-of the theiTwho came up from the scene fit the accident Toledo 4akina;-n tone ef hay thla-roorntngitill"- mornlnglt-haa ,Jl)een: demon- strated, they declare, that Mr. MacKar- lane Is pursuing the right plan, and -had the pumpa worked well" the jother: day hla effort would have been attended with-success. Little will be done until the pumps have - been - repaired. A couple of new ones of a larger pattern will be put In. place before another at tempt ia made- to float the craft. 1. LUMBER FOR PANAMA. Captaia aa.4 Chief OSoera of Zand ta mesigaatloaa. i-Wheh the teameTTotd(TTeacbed port -last evening i from Gray's Harbor, Captain H. C. Klllman-Mate Ravena. and Chief Engineer Welch tendered their resignations, faptain Leigh ton of As toria has been' appointed to take charge of the craft, and E. C. RurTner will fill the position of chtef engineer. The vessel is scheduled to sail on the re. turn trip at 6 o'clock this, afternoon. WMle coming tip' the fiver the vennoj ran aground near PKamoaawa. ana had lowaltf QrJllg!ltide pef oreabe. iould be floated. An experienced pilot was aboard, and as she draws but very little water It . la claimed there wa no cue for her getting In such a predicament. The former offlcerjs also say that they were IS hrturs coming from Aberdeen to the mouth of the Columbia river, not be lng able to cover more than four miles an hour. -. The Toledo brought about eight tons of material for making fruit boxes, and a amall paaaenger list. British Steamer XUtrto Will Take Big Carfo for the Qoverament. Through- James Laidlaw & Co.. the British steamship Kllertc. Captain Find lam. was chartered thia.imorntng to load Inmber and plies at-Tacoma for Panama. of 2.600,000 feet. The steamer la now at Kube. but . Is. ready to '. sail for the sound.. ... - '-.... .-.ri. ., .. The Ellerlcls a well-known trader at this port. Within the past six months she has carried a couple of cargoea, one barley and the other made up of gen' era! freight, from here to Japan. Three years ago she carrtrd:.B7lumljer: cargo from Portland to Manila, approximating jLe-Bg . .. a. ... - - 7. .-. , ,l'I'3r- " ' - - - ' ' tj yv. i i yV'v j 4iA'v (( " KV',7... i... ;'.".' . ' ,'.','::' ' :.;t.-v ; r-' . '. ' : , ; - ; . ' .7 r ' ' ' - . 7 ' - '' the asms amount that she la expected to take from Tacoma. Tr. Thla , wiltlba-jttta seciirur3'''brr .alifl).; BUILDING IN NORTH. OoTanimenl to Sreet Pine Lighthouse oa Kldred Book, Alaska. yesterday the steamer Hqmex.waa liUrtered by-TneOVernment to trans port building material from Portland to Eldred Rock, Altaska, where a new light hoose will be built this aummer. The steamer la nbw at San Franclacb and la expected herb In time to load a cargo of X tons and be ready to leave for the north on June 1. For the riant hra aeasons the Homer has been Under char ter to- the- g-oa-emmetit"ttr carry building material to me rar north. The department will shortly begin the work of rebuilding the dwelling at Dunge ness light station, altuated on the strait of Fucajf The old structure has been In use for 'almost half a centurv. and It Is said that It will require a good portion- ol- tha - season - to- geth-iiew building ready tor occupancy with the sman lorce or men to. De employed. ALONCUTHE. WATER FRONT. . it In a trifle more than an hour 200 tons of feed were placed on board the steamer Oblurabla thla morning at the Albera dock, which Is said to be very rapid work. From there the stamr went over to the. mills to receive. shipment of Hour for Central America. ''She will leave tonight for San Francisco; Major W. C. Langf ltt will ask for bids In a day or two for the construotoi of a Jetty at thsj mouth of the Coqiiille river. The government has et sslde 150,000 to be expended on .the Improvement, On board the Mansanlta workmen are making an attempt today to repair the government cable running from Astoria to North. Head. IHstrlct Forecaster Beals la superintending the- work.i V fre1aitTsterJay erenltig-attBeMVFsyy d ock, w h are she wiir remain u n til pu f in This afternoon the work of. loading I. the British steamship Ferndene will be completed. She will carfJTT,400 tons of ftouf and grain to Japan, ' t '1 'Captain Wurthmann, master o the believes that he German ship Clirlstel, will be ready to aail for South Africa by the middle of June. The vessel la linder charter to take out a lumber tar go, and the work of loading her will be atarted In a day or two. From South Africa the C'lii'lstel wHI probiilily go to Australia, where ahe wnrbe placecTon the drydock fqr cleaning and painting. MARINE NOTES. It. Condition of the smooth; wlnth, north Astoria, May bar at 8 a. m.. west; weather, cloudy. - Shields, May 15.-Hailed, Oerman ship Emllie, for Portland. V - Astoria, .May 15. Arrived down at ( p. m.. barkentlne Portland and schooner Jennie Stella Astoria, May 1. Sailed at 1' noon, schooner Jennie Stella, for San Fran cisco, and barkentlne Portland, for San Pedr . . . . Kan Fraimlai-ii. May l.Salled.tarlt4 entine Tarn O Shanter, for Columbia river. ...... ' CXAXTIBZD TO LTJaCBKB. J. J. Moore A Co. have chartered the British ship Plnmore, 2,286 tons, to carry lumber from Portland to Melbourne or Adelaide at 37a 6d. The vessel Is at San Francisco.' and Is expected to aail for the north at once. She arrived at- the Bay Cityfrom Hull On October 25 with a general cargo consigned to Meyer, Wilson Co.,, part of which will be brought to thla city. .. -f- OFXBXBS AJTO VACKXBS , WABTKD. A special examination for first grade, opener and packer positions In the local Iff, imlnms i district, will he held?- In thin city June S by the united States civil service commission. Applications will be accepted until a p. in.; May 2. Those who are interested should call on Z. A Leigh, postofflce, city., n - UOR AOAIV ZJT rZ.ACB. .1 Major' W. C. Lahgfltt reports that the structure carrying thffUxedTwtitte'-post lantern light, on jthe north side of the Marshfleld . channel to Coos river, -re cently repored carried away, had been replaced a'nd ; the light waa relighted May I. j,-- TRUE BILLS .FOUND BY : COUNTY GRAND JURY t .... The county grand Jury" returned In dictments this morning against J .M: Candello for assault with -Intent to kill, committed upon Pletro Post I cm April 9. and Roy Mitchell, for larceny of a watch and pin, valued at 151.80. and 13 In money,-from the dwelling of M. Barth, at Orand avenue, on April 2. - - Yesterday the grand Jury returned In dictments against J. R. Davis, alias Dlerr. alias lavldson, for ehe larceny of a horse from John Mock, and George fell, allaa Spoon, for the larceny of $i0. watch and Jewelry from Burke Tur- rell. Not a, true bill waa returned In the case against 8. Hanoaka, who wis accused of having fatally-stabbed an other ., J apnese i named S. Fugerton, on March I. The Japanese, who saw the affray refused in testify- against Han oaka. and the evidence against him did uui justuy ma inuicimeni. . , BY BIG AUTO WAGON Poor Paving Almost Costs Life of P. H. Hagey This Mornlngl OBSTRUCTION CAUSED DRIVER TO LOSE CONTROL Railroad-Had-Been - Improve Street Where Acer ..denrOccurred. hla rooms 4nT4hTv1tcbr"TIaiet"twtldlnsA, wTereTTierTs-resfThg undef lhe care 6fT ftMT a0jtlltefrntrr. -Frllammerstey. "irEe rJB?e"where7he aciiderVf occurred la nnnaMArari dAnaitrniia bv theflremen of hose and chemical companies NosHkf yAEICOi and at their request the city has ordered Ita Improvement by the railway com parries. N the order. NO INCREASE OF SALARY FOR CITY SERVANTS P, H. Hagey, an aged pioneer, was run down by a six-ton freight automobile of the Oregon Auto-Despatch company, driven byVKeller- aLthelntcrectlon of Ftrst -and Madison atrccts at -la o'clock this morning. Mr. Hagey was crossing First street when the automo. bile attempted lu turn up 1 Mai street. The fron wheels of the machine caught ' Ins i the Portland "Consolidated Railway company's tracks, struck an outer rail that rose several Inches above the roadbed and then struck the pave ment which was recently laid by the city. THe contact with the . tracks had turned the guiding wheels from west to east and the ponderous machine had knocked Hagey down, had torn a big chip from the cement curb on the south east corner of the street and had made a large alxed Indentation in a telephone pole, v The only damage to the machine waa- tfrrth dashboard, and - that-was slight. Keller's only jnjury was the wrenching of his right arm, when he tried to keep the machine away from the tfaks: " ' ' Mr."Hagey was carried to 'Gradoir St Koehler'a drug store, at First and Main atfeet7 where-he- was -attended by 4mv F.HCauthorn. who aald the principal In- Jury he had sustained was to his left arm. As M. Hagey la ? years old Dr. Cauthorn could not say, from a curaory examination, .that the shock I would "not have serious results. After the- ex'am- fnstlon the Injured -TherdInancOdhcreaselrie salaries of Chief Campbell of the fire department from-lfr4o iOO-ndnth.Land to grant the cap Ulna of police, and patrolmen a ralae was considered by the ways and means committee of the city council yesterday afternoon and referred to the Ordered to ji"oard. - - VUUiR.iiinii i in i m? j pniu hid uuicb of the chief of the Are department with 165 men under htm were "Just as bner 4 .as those of the chlft of police," who'recelves 1200 a monti. V ; . "If any other man but. Chief Campbell held that position," continued he, "he would have received $260 a month long ago." "If we Increase the policemen's aaU. arbawhy-mt the-firemen's also 7". re- marked Councilman tr. Zimmerman. I "But where Is the. money to come fromT . x .. . ... - ros ME. -- - .'-' -7-- - Wo ewea thla tltagaaa wtthrmf onraiHu.aiul auiler onr treatment lh enii. f.ati'd eomlltloa uun dlMa.ars. Tb part ara .reatured Ut tbelr natural nn,mi,.n. W4, iu , i ...I p ,,,. 1,n raaTMini.ncil luob sr yioor v mr t i., ki., i. pwer of aitalUr.' If . w. will rextore tn yon what you har hmt the suap, rim and Tlxor of Tlttlllr. arhlch kns roar be the rr." nlt of lBUIixrt'tloni, exceaaos sod tiDBttural weakneaa. PKIVATC DIBIASEg. Kewlr itrmt ..ri chronic illaraara eure. All bnrnlug ant Itch- ms. - "iianimano- ens ann.fHrnt "1 guess we will have to Increase the saloou .llccneo . again," jeplled pan T. Sherrett. .- , "Raise them. If you desire;" I. don't care,", retorted Zimmerman. Councilman Flegel aald he was" In fa4 vbr of Increasing the salaries of the firemen, but the salaries of policemen should remain as they were. 'He thought firemen' deserved aa much pay as the patrolmen. The argument was waxing warm when City Attorney McNary said th question of salaries waa not within the Jurisdiction of-the council; the Increase should be made by the executive board, ana . mat then i the council, could pass an ordinance appropriating funds ' to n"! th "rw rupfinae. . j j IV, i 1 1x1101511 alrneMa topiied In 24 hiMir:-"rare effiM t. d In T 'aa. PILES AND HYDROCELE. We rura tha dlamuws wlthnnt oueratlOB.- No knife. SS Tmr lentwm rrom uwilncan. un ipm Initi,,. COHTAOIOUS BLOOD P0I80M. It may he In Ita- prlmltlTe alase. It mnr hit been hereditary or enntrarled la early daja. We rura all Ita eooipllcallonn. We atop Ita pros reaa, eradicate rifry Teatlsn of poison from the ayateaa, and thla without the um of mer- rnry or tyntanh. ' , ULCEES AMD RKTK SI8EA8ES. We cure all. acute or chronic ulcers without euttlna. naat. ar aalrea. Kkln dlaeaaea. aneti aa nlmnlm. eruptliHia and rowan, ipiliklr dlnapear undr ottr- arterial elerfro-mcdlcsl Dliravs. " " KIDNEY. BLADDER AMD PK08TATI0 DISEASES. We curr all Irritation, frauuent oeaire or atiiar. Dricic-tiuat aa'dlroant, psl In Lack and catarrhal con.Mltou. (owuitaiion rree at - nrrice nr-trr- lettpe. Hour., s s. m. to a n. ni. tinndam. 10 a. m. to 1 p. si. oolr. fall or addrra The Dr. Liebig Staff ti . .. a- . WinoWtar Houaa, Koama ana 1. Third sad Buratida Straata.. Portland," Oregss. CLAIRVOYANT , apzcTAotn.Ax ixmrnom. The Boston Spectacular company has been Incorporated by J. A. McOuIre, WUhur F. Dally, Ueorge M. Pender. , Ji w. Sherman and Ij. Reno. The capital stock Is 110,000. and the objects ar to present spectacular Tlews, shows and exhlbttlona. u. -' . . 1 . " ' '-.. ' ' ' 7 ' J . r ' '-'...': ' . ..., "IFRuiimi sLbbbbbbbV Am! - A Scouring 6oap A Metal Poliih A GUi ""-wt The Bst Scotff tng Soip Mzde I 7 f 1 'S"1 1 YKOr. a A vUKTtArin, . WKtH Wanhlnclon atl - WITHOUT ABXIKO A QUESTIOJf, '", ltkottt any nreTlena kmmletlaa and ha.ln- no natural mean, of knowlns who tom ar. !- .or foe wha t too ramc. ks talis ar aama, )S(, eerapatios, wkare yon lt( t4 sumkarlaf van koaaa. ssi the atraat. lit I A yon of fHrnda and enesxea. wb M Irv. n.l who la falae; tella rati whom and when rxa 111 marrr. cMns name, date, facia and rattona, taklnr no fee tn advance, and so ceptlng Bone aniens Mtliracttau is ftna. loo.o rosrciT. I will forfait iSOO arhrr . I fall tot f'H you bow to faaclnate any ens you desire, buwr to stake ynttr anemlrs your frlrmK r. a needy siarrUse wltk .the one of your cn,,l . lye yne good tnck SMt make im au'afiit your punln.'aa. wrnot. evil luflonpa. reMnlta . the aeparat.'d. slra yo lucky namliera. kka the aarlh'a nurlird trea'itrn, ttl tha otf eat a tea that time hat placed bejuud thJari. f atirewdu" and nailleiy cuaalM yur tmlrineaa. . , ; p0itivht no yftoit oir lAtTK tx kii norr-unox. , ' Roars 9 ., Si. ta P. ., (tally Ind .f..l.i-. Professor Van Cortlind Katakllahadtayas Tears ta PVrt'.sna Waahleatos aerur I lfi VnieWS tta. La. FontaUna finished discharging her K . .17-, , ,4, ,.v 1 r . -t 7