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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1905)
: W '.Nil.. THE OREGON' - ATCyQrOUKlTA'C ttnaXATJPr -TTJESP AY jEVtWTNGj ; - MAY 1 V-1B03. 1 . k. 1:-. . ; , i DRINK BLOOD FROM HEART OF VICTIM tJarbaric Execution ""of Chinese Criminal Caryed Slowly to ?ffgtTrS8forr-Cmwd. SPECTACLITSO HORRIBLE, , ... THAT ONLOOKERS FAINT 71 Skin and Flesh Lopped Off Frorn Chest and Ajrms and LegS- in a Thousand Slices. ... (Journal: gecUI Service. Ban Franciitco. Msy ls.-l-Advlces from - -' . Chin s!Ve uJiL4)tA JrbriC- " eruttonof the leader of a band of, rebels " at Kueilln-and f Viceroy tTae of Tww . Kuang. drinking, blood from the heart . - of the victim. - '. liuh Afat. the KH 40 1 op sap. tured and brought by ..the taoial to Kuel 'Mm. where arrangementa were made to --eaeetHe htm by lingT-hlrrr "thousand slices"- punishment. On the fatal day tha victim wss-brought Tout -on the pa I ' rade ground which, fact thevesamlnaW' tlon hall. All the high offlclaia. the : viceroy -and aeveral thouaand people , The prisoner sai .stretched- on . a i .bamboo framework and t.he executioners "r"begsn lopping off the akin and. flesh ' from his. chest arms and legscarefully . avoiding a vltal part. Tll-vw: t Showed rare fortitude and never uttered f a cry. Only when his abdomen eut open did bla head fall btrt he xjutckly' J ralaed 1U finally hla head waa lopped ; . The ..spectacle .waaaoi.horribiiLthat -. , -r rainy Climes apciittar -iaiiUxl. The '"'" heart and other membere of the body llj were brought-to the viceroy who: had .' the heart apllt open and drank the blood . ' ' from a teacup' cover., Wang, the taotai, end ,ohe other official also drank of . .. the blood. ' '. -.--r--;"- SYNOD OF REFORMED CHURCH IN -SESSION - . (Kmrsal 8pw-Ul Service.) .- 1 -Allentown, Pa... May. Jl. rThe trleh . nlal aeaaloo of the general aynod of the Reformed church of the United State opened hra cify- "today -andr -wllr -corc- ;.llnue.forbou40ayfcrAoutiaOO ' clergymen ... and " laymen, representing -rthe various synods of the country,-are "T'Jn " attendance. The-prtiictpat ""bnatneaa Hefore the convention ' la rtbe adoption 1 tir rejection of thy proposed newccnrt1- tutlon of the Reformed church of the .United States. This constitution has '"been framed by a committee of eminent -rtheologlane appolnted.lo-rthepTTOaa at the meeting ef the generat ynoilhe:d "jt Baltimore three years ago. - B ristol user forfeits71 BAIL MOTHER PUT UP TWirT)MreaieTW7ttiSlT toseburgr-Orn-May-l. U O. Vlak who waa ut oa $3,000 ball, failed to . appras,.res tarda t( afternoon, .whr-n his out on ball aa Mrs. Dumbleton. whom -he shot In the abdomen last MarClr at .Wine has tee when she uiuteetej TilsWTfs Sreni his di unkeii' f ury, had t eon vei i Hla mother in- Portland furnished s.-? JmrtK Hamilton- rdsred thabait . forfeltednd. at the same time .Issued a bench warrant for Vial. HOOD RIVER WORKING FOR WOOLEN PLANT . . ' V. (BpeolU DUptrk to Tbs JoaroiL) Eugene. Or,, May. II. A. A. Jayne of , ... Hood River, author of the Jayne bill" In ;the last legislature, ,4a hare from Hood River examining the local woolen, mill : plant, having been appolntesT4s-mre '1--ena of that place, who have subscribed! . 1:0,000 of the stock In .a woolen mUl ,. company there,, to (ook 1(t the plant and . -advlss them aa to irk value. He Is ae ' companied by T. ' B. Kay, one of the -- owners, of the Salem mill. '- . " : JOHN F. OLSON GIVEN -J " . TERM IN SAN QUEiyTIN -! ' (JournaJ. gpeelal Service I Los Angeles, May 16. John F. Olson. a commercial traveler and at one time prominent In Oregon, waa yesterday" sentenced to nvfc years' Imprisonment . . In Ban Quentfnf -for -em hewllng T $800 -worth, of, jewelry. -f rem- Mrs.- Kl inurter. nnne in fortland Olson was a representative of the Devore Diamond company, a tontine concern. Kim . SilvrU- Flatwafe the-eHversnrltH's lntest and - beet production. An exclusive pattern, showlngl the grape cluster and follxse exception--any wen nuTicS- ouv Tj fei her with the Hroll efTrct. be rtopftm Is n -most graceful r and. artistic creation. The en tire handle Itself la we41-pro-' portioned 'nnd j flnlsheil In th ' popular French gniy. Th r rices are lowj comHtent with he heavy weight .of silver pre vailing. Dolly Madison Fancy i-- 1 "v Flatware . .... f A r : V - . ! UL. vei --..'- Feldenheimet RM SIM Ul uktaXa mtm l - Jeesisis.' s glleaniMltha. -, xpert Optic laas. We ''" r - ' Vintage BUYS FIVE FACTORIES. IN BUILDING MANSION Cfark Acquires" CrahlteTarble, '-Plasterand J3ronze Works ""to Prevent Extortion.- t Umiual i'iil atnue.;r, 11 - New York. May J I. Senator W. A, Clark has- established m unln In .the construction of hla manalon on Fifth avenue by purchaalng outright five building material plants to defeat Uie plana of conlractora to bleed him. Ile UAmrtrrg-"-- ttrcae- plants liiniaulf Granite quarry- at North Jay, Maine, atone Jlnlahtng plant at Bungur. Maine, marble-factory at Ravens wood, Long la land, decorative planter plant at Havana- wood. Long Island, Henry Bon card Bronze foundry, New York City. Clark first took decisive action wnen the company supplying granite for the walla of hla houae raised the price from 200.00U to MiO.OOO because of a change In plans. . Clark at onceJnveate-!. 00O and bought a quarry, then he aald that no contractor ahould - bleed htm again..- He decided : to establish a dressing; plant, Then he found that aa f 1.000,000 worth of bronae waa to be ueed the only way to successfully escape ha extortion of -oohtraotora waa to own a bronae .foundry. . V The. asms argument held good ja to the wood work, decorating and plaster and the aenator added theae to the laC RIEST0 ELECTROCUTE HIM$ELF-WHILE INSANE (RpeeHI OIMtck oThe Journal.) " Ban Bernardino, -Cal.. May It H'tS. Kiecxner, asslatant - city electrician at Rachcona, has been driven Insane by Intense heat In. tha deaert, where he hud beeftor-aevoral days Interesting various towne--tnr- -project To tnstan power and lighting plants.-He Was locked In cell-of the county hospital, "where by a clever contrivance he connected the In candescent light wire In his cell to his bed, and with one. end of It .In his hand tried to coax the head nurse to ahake hands with htm; attempting thus to electrocute himself. , Before Kleckner had completed hla plana - he r had -given - several -other- at tendants a light shock, having itnini Ihe 'wire to tfieTbara of bla cell,' fllllpg tne oare with nuid. , ..... wire for these connections was ob tained -from a feather duster. Before he eould- he -removed from -Wlr-rell tt waaearroerthai power shut,off.- He will be committed to ne asyium. M I N NESOTASTU D ENT- GRAFTERS EXPELLED -rgBeclal JJIH ne' Jonrhaf.r1:" ?s Mlnnespotls,-MaT 1 .-Br TbTmaHP' mous vote of a largelvattnded' fac ulty meeting of the University of Min nesota. Bd ward C- O'Brien of Duluth. Minnesota, managing editor of the Inst year'a - Gopher, the Junior clasa annual book, waa -expelled.- from the college anil a rernmmandallnn sent, thaieunty attorney to take up the cases of O'Brien and Charlea Batnabury. business mana ger- of the' Gopher, not now at eohool for allexsd-mtsnpproprtatlon vf funds. : 11 - O'Brien rcrnifeesea to-iaTtntf--tigdr:kn umlersUndlng with Baljneburyv-whe left 4fc-ftHttrfek or apokanerWaah- iBgtonj-whereny tno actual: expendlturee sbouid not be- recorded In a business- POLK COUNTY EXHIBIT .XBpecli "Juurustt Dallaa. Or.. May 10, The Tolk county Lewis and Clark fair exhibit has been shipped to Portland to be arranged for the opening. It --will", be placed In the Horticultural building and will be ar ranged by Mra. Wolfe of Kails City, Oregon.- One advantage that thia county will have over Oregon'a other countlea la that It saved the exhibit that won flral prise at the etate fair and In this exhibit there was a fine display of gralna and graaaea which la not to be had thia time of year. '. Every' Polk county cltlxen haa taken great Interest In rhe exhlbltand the different committees have worked hard. Health and Old Age.: Come to the man who man wno uses pure liquors moderately and in aeaaon. You will note we emphasize the word Dure. It',th purity of our whiskies,- bran dies, wines, and so forth, of wr)lch We sre Justly proud.Trv bottle of our fuir quart A. D. O. ftyTflVhlakey and b convinced that obf'sTaTernent is as'oura as in iwna we otiej in our line. The Family Liquor Dealer. 2 ii Morrison streetr PortMndrOregrm: : Clearing the Decks." For the new I C. Smith Bros, writ ing In aUh machines, with which we sre now filling orders. See our Window for snaps In partly 1 used machines of other makes, traded out for Mr. Smith' latest product I It M. Alexander 4 Co., exclusive dealera entire coast, III Tblra street, - . . .. ... : Jacob WXIS SVXZXI Jacob Cornelius Wels, who -died In this city Sunday, May T, was bom of German-parent sln Napoleon, Ohio, In September, 174. In li02 he married Mlaa Mollle Buck. In Wyack.-New York, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. James Buck ef this Mty." Tn "October, J o4. they Came here to atay with Mra. Wels par ents In the hop that Mr, Wels -might recover his 4 health. The funeral took plaee Tuesday; May S under the auspices of the Woodmen of the World. Kev, T. B.Ford of Sunnyslde officiated. Mrs. Bond, sfeiter of the' deceaseds ar rived if j-orn Chics g;o just after hla death. ATXat BOWDS TO! CD. (Special, Dtapatch t The Journal.) ' Cottage Orovei Or., Msy !. By a -vote-or 100 -to TO' th! tdwhyesterda vbted to Issue $20,000 In 10-year ( per cent bonds to Improve the water sys tem. -The present 4 -inch main win be replaced with a 4 or 11-lnch main and I the, reservoir will the enlarged. lOW WATml OXOSXS. MXMV.V . ' t -j ' .. . .; (Special Dlaoatcli te The Joarnal. ) " Tallas, Or., May If. W. W. Jehnson's large lumber mill In this city has cessed operations on account of low water. He has a gang of men working In thf moun tains and in the lumber yarda. t i ' v AtmoapaarloaJIy. -i-' ' From, the Cleveland Flaln Dealer. ' JT "I'm. writing a play with Cleveland aa the. locale and I want to come here to study the atmosphere." j' , "You aren't going to reproduce Itf "Yea. Why not?" "'Oh. nothing. Only it will be a ro$U!L . ' "V 4 ARRIVAL OF ORIENTAL ; COMMISSIONER C. AKOUN A Oaston Akoun, commissioner for'Tur key. Persia and Algeria., arrived yester day from Europe to take charge of the many Interests with which lie :will be t.i .... i i . . . i i .i . istiiniim ai. nr. tuniui, ausii.iiii. air. Akoun is. In the Intrinsic sense otaha Sot the past 7 20 , years . represented ' as commissioner many - European govern ments. Mr. Akoun saya: "The exhibi tors - from Turkey, Persia and Algeria are alt here together with their exhibit! rrid aie eowipletlng thals bootits as aat aa the contractors can hurry the work on. Mnhv beautiful displays : of ori ental wares are here, and the gentlemen representing he-equntriee - for whom. I am comml"iIonernrnrarehateH4gav u eseentlal-4o thel extilbUs will compare more than favora bly with thoae of .other foreign coun tries." . Mr. Akouri is Interested -as concesslonnlre. arwl he promises to pr - sent to th publlo some particularly at tractive featurea original In design and conception, which will be tha talk of the Trail, Mr.. Akoun Is aciiompanledvby hla private secretary. T-TH ErTHc ATR ESr Advance Sale iorJ'Parsifa animated pt'tUTeF-nfaltlMiard ' Wgner' trat Utplw. "I'nlfl." ir((irr With "The Hflcn "ooWTtIV7- which he will present at the MsruaB Urind theatre next rida? and Bitur diy LalKhta. Mar .10and- 20,wi(h.-a Wsale prli-e matinee Maturdar: Mrs. 'Walter 'Reed, Portland's favorite contralto, will slug several an oi tier. - -. -riddepilCmceii-Tomorrovr; - Beats are now nelllng for. Rlglnald I. Hid-den'a-viaUa rwltal at Ihe. Mriuam Grand theatre tomorrow night. Mr. HIiMi n. w!h tut yfrt a one of the leading vlollnlata. ha joat returned from a two year' vlalt la tha muatcal renters of Kurope, aud It will be ul- rums neas to the mnlc lovers of rurtland tn r,-.U.l ht.fnr, til, IrrTinK-t)f- .T f-rp-: - .' hrr He Intends slTlng Tel bi 1 Tilt." " LOitr V. " Ubtlnivi aceoDipanlst. -At the Empire-This Week.; t .J The Empire .lock company- baa tTldentlj snWeii thq. qurstloa aa. to-wtmHln- UrgpinniHTilOnds. to sclj and .that with the pro-.1 her of peonle want. 'X "Woman's Rorense." T'Wftlrh"r'opeaed Sunday afternoon. Mlh-d the kouas to OTTflowlag-i st bath eerrnrma.n'A sna-iiirTitgirrigi-ariarouday night unii'.nrea er the aeaH -e-rmrrweq tof " .'Per- Kreslng at o'clock.. ' "Lost and Won." I liaan linrril management. "lot and Won ' atiraclcd -api 1 1 rat-1 ed i-apa- 1 Ttty-kuuaes jBsrefriay: TSe "Bla jTa "aocletT drama' with ilemy of thrilling altuatluua ami comedy -combined, snd gives ever? member uf the etirupany s ebanee. . Thomas W. ,Rax alugS WTifre Kulli-tha Oregon." and tiie L;rln-,. snows tne lateat- la nimlin pii ruiea. Aft.-r. 1 noona it J:3o e'clocs; Krenlnga T:30 andJUiJ o eiocs. Mystery at the Baiter. In the art of. Miller, tha "Handcuff king," the Baker baa aevured something out of tbe orilluarjr. Bentlejr. la a capita! lylopnone anlo 1st. Matdoa Kellef and company provide a clever akrtrh. Slmoixi and Ward have a real eomedr aketrhv l"lJe Norwood aerved aovek armbatlc feattl Jean Wllicn alnga "Cemefl Home. Hililler Poy.'"! The- RtMrerograph haH some moving pictures that are atartllng. After. noona at 2:JU o'clock. - Evening -at 7:30 aud o clock. - 4.- . Fine Bill at Star. The aatertalnment at the Htar this week aurpaaars any ever given at tbla popular bonne. einn'a pony ballet of seven glrla hi s bright set. Otto Fleebtl's Tyrolean warblera- are all that tbe tamt artlatte mrrte-tr.ver- could dealt e the audtenc-ea children to leave the etase. I'reatore, eccentric mnalrlan,'- added to tht Intereat. I -he Grand Theatre. The great-' Bti-harda yererday maile a hit St the. (irand by hla matrhleM portrajal t th character of a beautiful woman, lie la tbe tlrat male toe dancer Y aeen In I "on land Mr. and Mra. Lea. ahlyfjUTiated by little Made line, give an admliture f humor and pathos In "Thon Xhalt Mt Hteal." The Re.rmnura do a comic acrcnatlo mra.- Orrtn -MrKiilght gave the beat. veittrlkMiual act that. Portland baa ever seen. Joe Monner haa proved s worthy aucceaanr tn 'bis brother Alt. and tbe pictures are inpiy op to The atanrtard. Preferred Stock Oaaa Oooda. -. Allen, Lewis' Best Brand. ; CASHIER GOLL BOUND " OVER TO GRAND JURY ; iJoorftal Special Service.) ' ' ,' Milwaukee,- May- 1. Hmrr-O.- Ooll former cashier of the First National bank, charged with doctoring the books to aid Frank Bljelowt3smhezile 1500,- ooo, touay waived preliminary examina tion and waa bound over to the fedetat grand Jury. ' ' I B1 . . i "t trtiHl stt ktndi wf blond temejlea whlrti fatte4 o aia any rood but i have found the rlfhl ihlni m j iwwwh i oi pimpiaa aua After taking Caacaret thay all left. eoutlnnlng tha of tbam and recommendtna tham to aiy frlanda. I fe.l Sna when 1 nia n lh sinrning. Hope to have s ckanc to raeoasiaad tU, Mil 1 read v. witsra n llm St., Hawark, m. i. f1eaeent, Palatahla. fount, Tat taOood. Tlnftrintl, Favar Klekea, Weaken ar urlp. 10a, ate. Me. Vavat miq onii. -1 na finaitt tauiat atampee uvu laarastaed te aura or your money back. . i Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. SOS ANNUAL SALE TEN MILLIE BOXES MDPtES f(P$X ' Bes! For -; . aaw TheDowtls VjL Campy CaTrwumc y- GATES HEADING MOVE TO BULL JULY-WHEAT- Wall StreetHPfdneLEndeavoring -to Recoup Losses Made In May Flzxfe. uuuruiu Biggni gywtri. Chicago, May-1. John W. Galea Is (lie lieaU tif ' IB',' Blf POU faoVement Ih July wheat. Within tha last three or four daya it sb s sums e v if aaawea w a were close observera of the operations I of the celebrated "May deal" that Gates aaoulred a-bla foundation-UDon which! to erect prlceslJJla-followers are said 4-te-tnClude several- powerful atoek -mar- kef -millionaires who went-down fvlth hlm-ln-his efforts to "boost tke price of May. wheat -beyond $1.00 a bushel. i The rumor' that Gates Is again, the principal figure in a campaign to bull wneat la given color by tne belter that the Wall a tree t men who stood by him until the- dial shifted Into the more ex perienced, hands of tne Armour workers did not lose as much In their May trans actions 'as reports' Indicated. n - f- i 1 ' 1 1 irr-t as quietly as. possible and operating through more obscure brokers,', giving the names of ptheia' than those associated wittvhim In his new endeavor. BILLBOARDS WILL I Slftlai r f- f rj- III Tm - l : 1.0 wfCCuULA I tU If the billboard ordinance proposed by Councilman John P. Bharkey becomes a aw. all theatres, circuses and shows of a, almOtir r'1"- will he prohibited from displaying advertising matter on streets vr in pubttc-'plaTes. It is unoremabdr that aeveral local theatre 'men-will op posexthe passage of the ordinance at the meeting of the council tomorrow, on the., ground that making a display -of business. The ordinance limits the height of billboards and demands ' that ail bill- - b(rds must be so strongly constructed that they will not endanger lives or, prooerty- It Is-stated that the bulld- ing. ordinance requiring such structures within the fire limits to be built of "rrrfti or steel will be enforced. It Is thought that the enforcement of this ordinance wrrt force the billboards out of the busl- ness district of the city.; The prdlnanco provides or a flat rate of $600 a year for a billposter's license. The distribu tion of hand bills and dodgera or medl cine" advcrtlsementa will be prohibited unaer tne proposed ordinance. OREGON OFFICIALS - . BEG MERCY- FOR 0LSEW Through the intereat taken In hla caae by Oovemor Chamberlain. District Attorney Manning end other offlclaia of I Ofegon, John Jr. Olaen escaped punish ment-w4tH-cojnparatlveiy light Sen tence at Loa Angeles, Cal., for. embea- sllng Jewelry valued at f860 from-Mrs.' Klla K. Thurber. The officials sent tel egrams to Superior Judge Smith testi fying to ' Olson's previous - good : char acter and begging the-leniency -of the court, Olaen se.Btenjfld-tOT-rye fZrT- InSaUoetenry" 1 Mrs. Thurber had knowir Olfn only a f din Wnn ba dliuud Jiw few daya before he- disposed of hr Jewelry..- thM defense of the prisoner was (thaT aho. had .glveninhefHa ceeds he and aha -were to embark, In, btisinrtg together. r . t?p to two yearsrago Olsen -waa tha Portland -. represents ttve of the Pevore TTronrt curtlKan v. g nrnfTne concern- for which the authorities made trouble. A .ii-.l...' rf hAllnfa. wAe .M tn Tit w - land and vicinity and when the postal Inspectors stopped the business a aec- "-J - - ll II la m i 't policyholdera wrera never paid their money. CLEVER MEN CLIMB: . . n tr rinl n I nAILKUAU L IDER Thra ta fnrwarrl mnvsmant nt ntii. lington railroad officials tm the lines In - . . . lowa ana Missouri. inry Miner, wno began -as a bollermaker s apprentice in the Hannibal & St. JOe shops, and ad vanced to the position of. general su perintendent of the Missouri lines, has been made general manager of the Wa- baah ayattm. Harry C. Nutt, superln- tendent of the Iowa lines of the Burling ton,' has been appointed general super- rlietendent - of the Missouri district. George T.- Ross, who hsa .been general inspector of station service for the Burlington,' Is appointed to succeed Mr. Nutt with headquarters at Burlington. Assistant Superintendent George Gel ger of the JUa -Grande Western Jbaa re signed to become superintendent of the The NorUi-Western la reported to i have ordered 35 new -locomotives. . The Har- rlman llnca have ordered the building of 25- gasoline-notor-ara -similar- to- the car nowonltawayfromOniah-to Portland. . .. DR. LANE SPEAKS AT ... CATHOLIC CHURCH FAIR Dr. Harry Ijtne spoke last night at .the opening of St. Francis' Roman Catholic fair. In the building formerly occupied by the Strowbrldge company at Grand avenue and Kast Morrison street, which bad been beautifully deco rated with many attraction Pretty booths presided ovet- by lovely young women lined the sides of the room. ' Rev.; Father Black, pastor of the churchy made a few Introductory re marka, - and presented Dr. Ianev who Indulged In - reminiscences of early days before St. Francis' church was or ganised, and expressed the hope that the fair would be tbe means of procuring a large sum of money for the building to be erected. Irj'iane s address was happy. characterised, as usual by witty remarks and -humorous stories, with a vela of seriousness running through it, as ne told of the good work done by the Roman Catholic, church, of which he said he was not a member, although some of his famlry fiad been. ( ' The fair ic.ontlnueatha entire .weelt with- Special featurea on the program each evening. - - nZSZSXaTT BIAafOITD XOKI. A. R. Plamond, president of the Mult nomah Fair, association, returned last evening from a two-weeks' visit to San Fran't-UM-o. Mr. Diamond vtalted Csllfor nla. In the Interest of the(comng race nitet in this city, and reports that great Intereat la.balng taken In It by the rac ing men of the South. There will be nearly 700 horaea at Irvjngton- track when the race meet open. -t - v. - A Slsastroas OalaanJty - - ' It la a disastrous calamity, when you one four health, becuuaa Indlseatlnn and constipation have Mapped It away. Prompt relief can te-ttad In Dr. King a New Life pills. "They build nn your di gestive organs, and cure headache, rli. slneas. colic, constipation, etc. Uuaran- eeil at Red Cru Pharmacy. Sixth an. I Oak atreeta. Oa tha way to tha pesl- offlca.6o, , --- . . . t .,v SEVEN THOUSAND r.' - - lllBliaMWWaWVV.4aWf President of Refereirdum Com mittee Arrives at Capital With 'ZU1 HugePetTUon, RIDS FOR STATEHOUSE w . mmm . i I All AbOVB the Limit AnCTNOnft Let -Although Taken Under ' ' ' ArlviaAmaint. . -. ' : ' (Special DIspatck to Th . JoenaL ' " Salem, Or May H.-Prealdent Hen drlcka of the referendum committee ar rived la - Salem yeeterdsyt-wHh--f, OH j names attached to pet It lone asking that the mammoth appropriation bill of the last aeaalon of the' legislature be re-. ferred to, the people for their approval or rejection. . Thepetltlone were ; not filed with tha aacretary of atate. how ever, aa the one- from Multnomah coun ty, bearing 1, M0 namea, had -not been certlfled-by .-the county clerk of that I county. Although Hendricks had about t nno than wra n.cnrl without counting thoae from Multno mah, he decided to hold' them all until I these would be certified, and Ble them all at once.' This will probably be done either Wednesday or Thursday. The time for filing enda Friday night at .12 o clock. .. the statehouse were opened yesterday at I o'clock by : the capltol building commissioners but aa they were all tn exceaa of tha amount, appropriated by the legislature lor-the purpose, no eon tracts "were' let. The board haa taken the matter under advisement The last session of the legislature appropriated ,000 and specified that u Bhoukl be expended in painting, the building, re pairing the dome, and oonatructlng walk a about tha building. ' Although jthe aboard j.haa not definitely 'decided atid will not for several days It is prob- able that one part of tha work wHl be put over and the pfeaeiit appropriation penaea in completing tne, otnerav- TEN MILLION ACRES IN-IDAHO RESERVES , ; ;TT . - raenx ?nuD, oenaxor ney , puift wj insjwejewiun of Forest Reservations. . Washington, D. C, May It. As the reault-of -a conference at the White Houpe, President Roosevelt - this r week will Issue a proclamation aettlngf aside 10,000,000 acres of laynd In the Idaho forest reserve. The matter was taken VP wlthJhepresidenr D oF7da0 nd7Gltt? ""hot. chief forester or the department of ag- rlCUltUre. ' . t The proposed withdrawal of land In !" faaTibit t of an J1- mated partisan controversy in Idaho for aeveral months and baa -brought about strained relation a--of thetwo senators of that state. Senator Heyburn con-tended-that the withdrawal f such a large area would retard development of the atate and discourage the settlement Of homeseekers.- lie declared further Ith1 u w"uld e'nUll a.hardahrp on many d"8 becaU?,e4h proposed reserve """"" ' " "" " Uubuls took-4stie-jwithhlgoelleaifut and replied that tha sentiment of the state waa In favor of the reserve, and that a single town was affected. Plnchot took -the inibola .side. The new reaervea tobe created arei' Henry'a lake, 760,000 acreaT Sawtooth, 1.000.000 acrea; Payette, 1,400,000 acres: Squaw creek, 285.000 acres; Caasla, S26 ?? . re, I17K AAA ! met addition - to Tellowstona 175.000s acres;, addition to Bitter Root 1,300,000 acres. The Shoshone reseryt will -be created later. P.AMDIPDC MIICT HCT MAYOR'S CONSENT (Continued from Page One.) plans of the gsmblers. Is to be con ducted. M. fl.-Neaas. manaaer At tha Warwick-Turf Bxchangerha Applegate concern closed by onencr word, la un- derstood to have gecuredtheprlyllegt cr , running inia ena or tne gamoiing. In vfact, Neaae la oommonly regarded aa one of the leaders In the "enterprise,'' which has for s -object- the evasion tif tha laws-so rigidly enforced In Multno mah county by Sheriff Word. The' provisions of the city charter of Portland, authorising municipal officials to tuke action as regards gambling with in four miles of the corporate Ilmita of the city will doubtless lisve the effect of a bombshell thrown- into the-camp of the would-bc evaders of the law. ' Sections ef Charter. The law applying to the matter reads; Section 14. Whenever' the mayor or the executive board ascertains or re ceives satlafactory -Information' thst a(iy house, room or premises within such city (Portland) or within, four mile of the corporate limits thereof la being kept or used aa a common gambling house of common gaming- premises for playing therein for wager of money at a game of chance, or If the aame Is kept or used for any lewd or obscene publlo smusement or the deposit or sale of lot tery tickets or pollciea, it ahall be law ful for the mayor or tne executive board to authorise and direct the chief bf police or any officer of the force to enter such, houae, room of premises and I forthwith arrest .all persona therein r ,r. . " . uf J r.- seize all inatrumenta of gaming, lottery tickets and lottery PfUeles;iMd bring .h. maiA eiirie into Innrt. ' 8ection The-ljef olfcwaHall cause such-arrested persons to bd vigor- rual address, -tie) discussed the labor ously prosecuted and such seised artl- pr6blem. rate legislation and other aub clea Ao be destroyed,' and the executive Jects in which tha manufacturing Indus' board shall causa ths owner of such houae, room' or premises, his agent' or representative,' to be notified In writing thst such house, room or. premises Is being used for unlawful purposes,; and It shall be the duty of the owner, agent, attorney or representative td cause (he use of the premises for such unlawful purposes to cease. ..... T ' MANUFACTURERS WARMLY ' WELCOMED TO ATLANTA - (Jooraal gpeeui 8me.l r-' Atranta, Oa., May IS. More than 00 delegatea were' in their seats when .the tenth annual convention of the National Association of Manufactured was called to order Ih the tlrand ope -houae ttl morning by K. Fr Msddog, Vresldenli nt tha Atlanta ciuunbtr. pt commerce, Fpi Vour attention is called to it as in it .you will find v the things of your wanting. -,'y .- k Our lines of SHIRTS are CORRECT in all its T-entiretySpeciae attention is paid to our customers, that they ger the correct sleeve lengths and body - sites.-" So m purchasing any of ur-liirt8:ydii can -feel assured of a .satisfactory fit. Our prices are to f 4.00: . , ',- t V ;- t-- , ' Yot will' find .bur liheCoTUnderWear the most - complete in Portland. ; v - ; . We carry the ONLY PURE LINEN GAR- -TiTre i ' ' Si..-.. '. . x sinner two-piece of union suits." - rr-r. j Also Silk, Silk-and -Wool, Lisle Thread and ther finest of alt imrrted'Balbriggansi'-r'''Vr-:';:.-i.;; " f "t"; i.A visit by you, Co inspect what we say, will be A1 . appreciated by ua. ;' -. .-r'-?- 269-271 MORRISON STREET," jOjC-.Store-Where You Are , i Assured of courteous Attention. jvU.yui4 (ujiii-) miCH 1MZEL; CureTthafinp and all skin irritations. Cures pimples, blackheads and most facial blemishes. Cures cuts, wounds and sores, and allava inflam mation. It is the bet dandruff cure ever made; simply invaluable in all skin ' diseases. Splendid for the hair: stops falling out: gives vitality and viaror to the roots Gentlemen find it hnplyJerieThtfnl fur havingIt makes l DuDy sweet as roses. - - -amproves any-xomplexioru nn matter how fairaBi-aAenfMher-mgh'--est hands. Makes the skin soft as velvet, because it is nature's natural remedy, .'" ' , - i :. More healing than any lotion, ointment or salve. More soothing; than cold Cream,- SCoayoB'a Witch ataael Soap, prioe SCunyoa's Witch Basel Snaring Btiok la bos, price a So. Musyona Wltoa Kasel Xalr Zaiaonttor, prtoe BOo and $1.00, MoayoB'a Witch Xaael- Talaom Vowdar, prioe Bsc, -aCnayom's Witch Kasel 7 see Cream, price BSo, roe sal ererywhere, o seat prepaid oa receipt of prioe. ' We do erowa aad bridge work wlthoot pale. Otrr IS years' eiperlaors la plate work ea ables sa te fit roar stoats eomfortsblr. Or. W. A. Wlee baa found a aafv way -te ettraet teeth. ahso'tely wltbont pals. Drt P. Wise Is as expert at sold nillng ernwa and bridre work.- Eitr'attlng waaa pit tea or Aridgef sre entered. WISE BROS., Dentists a0lng BaHdUg. ear. Thui asd Wash SU Opaa evenlDga till p. m. Rondays (rest telS. OrMalstoae. 1 I lowing Ihe opening 'prayer, Govemot Terrell 'welcomed . the delegatea .on -be half; of the atate. Mayor Woodward ten- dered them the freedom of the city and lion- John Temple Graves spoke for ,,T ... .,' . m " olttajn. of Atlanta.. President p. U. Parry of Indianapolis then took charge e-tfca-onventloi and - daliverad Jjla au try,- 4a'. vitally Interested. Ludwlg Nlnsen addressed the convention on the subject of the governmental relation to puhtlo franchises, and tha morning- aea alon concluded with an Interesting ad dress on the subject of rate legislation by -President Samuel Spencer of the Southern- railway , fTha convention Will be In session three-days;" Edward Atkinson bf Bos ton snd Secretary Metcalf of the de partment of commerce and labor are among the prominent men slated for addresses. Indications point to the se lection of t). A.v Tompkins, a prominent cotton m.111 bwnar-of Chsrlotte, North Carolina, ;to succeed I). M. -Parry as president of the aaaotlallon. .- . - ATS If AX MTOT TOUBTCh " - (eurasl gpertat Serrtra 1 - -7 . Ksw Tork, May. Ak UjajnonlWy Sure to Be Pleased and . . .. -. . ,. -.. . More beautifying than anyxosmetique.: lSe cake. .. . . acTjaTTOir, ruiadeiphfck, ra. r - free nn. w. a. writ. . iTinnm aro boqu Dacaea oy -r SHIBOT. . iWt always wlsl do a little acting. At on the, , . impulse when you read this ' --r- ad. and arid a package of, "' XaTZatOT to your order. 10 cents-a package. .. , AT Kit GROCERS. ' ; -' r .';. : ; .--. , . .-. :' 0m .; -. 1 t dinner jof the Phi Delta Phi club Jus- ' - tlce Vfrhon M. Da via of the supreme -' jourt, who was twice trial judg, 0t tbe V-V Nan Patterson case, in W. speech lastW ' night stated. tltst he bsl loved Nrin Pat tersort shot'Csessi" Toun and thaClier ' atatement wasjs lie from flmt to last. He stared ,tbt' h believed the1 pistol was bought by J. Morgan Smith 4," snd thst It was held by Nan Patterson I and- that fit the struggle . with thai'. Doogmsker tne pistol t ent' off the mas waa killed,. . ' and r ',.Tvf,.- (.-;F::;;.l.;. r' r ft