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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1905)
- 4 - HE OREGON DAILY JOURNAli. PORTION P.; TUESDAY .EVENING. 1MAY.. ,16, '. .isbsu' --i?' -.1. IT ,-;-4 BUSINESS CHANCES. orro 4 crock err. B451, -Washington gt. Pbon Black 271. -iRKATHK.(MJ IN ROOMIN'Or HOIjKK. (uuw. xuiuU, U. tU brat hiilsMtt, Itlt-dJfi. rut $ino; price $6,000. KO rooms, close la: rent $150;, pries $3,000. 1 rooms, $l.iO; (-room bouse, $400; U rooms, $oo; good furnltur. ' .. J4-ruoaa bcnse, good furniture, $1,000. JO mis bouse, everything it gad : eleea, $H00, ' - i . 8 room bouse, good mestUun rent 2f; $550. tg-raua bouse, $uu0. ' . ' f mom cottage. mI furniture; rent $2Q;$i 22 robins, uostlr . light aouaekeeplnf, 91.100. WB wish financial asstsUnre to further de velop the Yellow Jain-1 wines on south Mrr- , tie creek, Douglas county, Oregoa, and erect mill.' therefore we will for a short tlms sefl stock in same it 14 cente pel" shsc. ' fully paid and non-ssseable. par sin $1 -pw. shecc 'Wcelle sud feet f- already completed, showing 6V4 (t of vein " matter; : values ringing rtom $12 to $. par ton, Call . and secure proapactn and' see ssmple. This hi a HI la 1 ahot. Mark my predictions. H. - . W. sillier, manager Oregon Mince Realty ; Co.-,-tn4 Sixth at., room Ke., 1, Portland. i , rnone Main ouwj. ' ' 6TOCK lft-Vtkw Jrt mluea will b advanced 'i per !it on the lth day of May, 1. therefor all parties who are contemplating th purchase of a block of ssme In, the first lsue will take" duo- notice, Work will he leeuined onJsald dato . on tha property, ' and . stock will be advanced from"- tints to time thereafter aa showing warrant, by , :: onler of tba board, nntll una reaches a prloo " "j i -fur whk'h It aboold , now -. b allln for, .., i,.ml7r t-mta per ahar.- Tkla la a map. ,-, 'T'-fonw and . ! ymir- firdVr- t . -.-v.-.--, -. h, w. MILLS U, ... 100H Wtll t. :r" k lTft KKW buala houaa nd fractional lot on car line, nrar aunaoiit mruiua, UtapftoTn-ryv liarftr or tr . nop. AUeUUN AHrMM'lATKD EXCHAN'OEi 2D8Vk Waabliiftom at. rREB LANDS 1M ORE0OlV " FERTTLI aolU pt -watar. dalUbtful dlautai : land of alfalfa, apples and elow. Far full -Information addma tba Colunibla Sonthara IrrUjatlM Oa.. M Woreaater block. INwtland. 0B BALE H Intereat la a paytn bnalnaw; 'r party maet haT 4,06 r $3,000 to ! I . a cood propoaltloa to right party amat- ba - eltSar a workman ar a aateamaa. Addrana . Watts Marbia Works, Tha Dalles, ur, TOR 8 A LB Country atora earryln Mil-. Una of tnverlra and ahora; wall atorkad and doln Ibrlilnt bualnaaa; hare to sell oo ae . . ount of other bualneaa requlrluf auauUoa. Addreaa Ouy Hula. Miiro, Or. - rOR S ALB On at beat elar. frntt and I con . fertkioery atnraa la eltyi fnrnlahed llrhn rnomi rent $2Si aioat aserlflce; price -$:nio; pay down what you ean. Kxposltloa Leaalm t'o., TS 8lztk at., Bear Osk.i A LADY or gentleman wha baa a small amount , - of money to Ineaat aa a partner to attend ta ofdoa bualneaa netting from 300 to 1.800 . and upward per month.. Call 33 North BllOh " au Phona Main S02a 1. ESTABLISHED manafaetnrtng boalaeaa. Py Ina well; oulr on on eoaat; ran t handle -. alone; must aell H or whole; tbla ta goed ; thing for ruStlen. Add. owner, 1171 Gresly at, MS-rfATIOlSAflSAKCtX-mT fluim Ud., Portland. " Or'.. . ha ndlea-bonds. atorka. mines, rinams legltlanata snterprlaea, furnlabea safe taeeaUnenta and secures loana. DRKMKMAKINO store for sale, living moms-, rent asar orana ar. ana cast aiorrieon reaaouable. Phon Scott B62 r X 10. Journal. -THE best location la Oregon for a good otl ... man with from IV 000 to glfl.OOO, In tba cen " J", tee of the goeemmsut lrrlsatlon worka. AdV ; : dress A Y Clubinav MarrllL Orsgoa. ., . IB-ROOM hnnas, walking diatanca f boalneiai center, direct car line to fairground". s"d rruj-mtffre. twz.fia. teaas. sraao. - biuwui A 8m U h, lto n' fourth at , room ta. F1R8T-CLA8H cigar stora st Ineolcel awefl Ifiatiires, cbolca stock. At . location: . poor health: mnat aell; price amnnd 800. Bi "lltku'Leaalni C4.,-13 Slsth at : -' l"WASf a dredatWl. iwwp"""-,- - Jan Francisco company, want nra io inor- rrofiaTiiT . HU.lh i .- ... snrKETJKrMdK'riUenWn-rT wanted In fin restaurant; a . rair winner, r jrtcatd Tight to catch the crowd: It's worth i 11.600; half Interest" for $550. "TS' BlIt at. UKillT DOWN IN CITY Swell rooming and boarding. maklnW good money; dlapoae of at - oiice: "kkneae cam of selling. Call 30 Macleay bMg. t in i 1 r i. i i so-rr anece in rent en Bth at., cheap, to de- alraWe part-!--eeella spot foe- lunch eoMO- ter. Elpoallloa Msaing IS sis near Oak. 20 ROOMS, partly hoosekeeplng, brlrlr bulld ":hig; rent PX1 m good bargain. IK0, Hat - Held Smith. 106 Fourth at., rooia 32. FOR SALE Complete new boarding -boa as out fit In t'amaa. Wash., reaaonahle; bnuas for ,riit. For partlculara pbons L'nlon 201. A WELL-PAY1N0 restsnrsnt In ebnic loca . tlnci. mii't be sold. Inquire of Hatfield A -- Smith. ltWH Fourth St., room 82. FOR SALE Stock new and second hand goods; 1 choirs location; One established trade. Ad or cm Box B. -Eugene. Or. - . . - ' . $,vu 1IOMB BAKERY,, seat aide, 8 rooms; rent $15; dally receipts $s.t $15. 1. H. H. - Anderson, 1 Morrlsoa. SAI)ON Ons of the ft neat In city; Vt Interest for fl.zoo. Be, r-xpositioa isaing te., is Sixth St., aesr Osk. Iitb WELL-STOCKED confectionery snd cigar "tore: furnished rooms; - cheap rent, 181 Morrlana at. BARK CHANt'E (Jmcery stock st Invoice; lot and -1mt!rttngr-r,W. lnqutr 880 r Eaat . Washington. Ja IllF,-All or -half Interest -Is oo4se Ing restsurant, laawmaia. j wi. joarnai. BLACKSMITH and Woodwork bitelneea, with atork and tools. .Call J2th and Ererctt. FOR SALE Saloon oppoeite baseball entraac. Apply 420 North Twenty-fourth.- . FOR SALE 22-rooB 02 Msdleon. boos. $1,200. Inquire FOB BALE HOMES ABO CABBIAOEB. FOB SALE Team saddkt ponies or pack horses: .- hare been driven. Inquire W. R. Blokes, 108 airand are., or 465 Praseott St. TEAM wood asw. team and Wagoa at a bargala. Apply at 2.18 Olhha St. 0 BALI BEAT. E8TATX. FOB SALE I aalfitn -.B I neairabls'T'nttags' snd lot, con- icn. an in Mrs. Lyon. g'd nnler; fruit for family. J.; .Mouth Oawegov". . . - GARDEN TRACTS aqnsl to 8 40-foot lots, $10 as month: water piped to each tract; elect rle 'line, be far. SVC. Little. 107 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE New, S-ronm hone. 80S Eeet Madl son at.,- l- nle -from car lln,' $2,78n; terms " t suit. James N. Paela. owner, T First at. FOR SALE New, f-room house, 81 Faat Madi son at., 1 block from car llne, $2,750: teema to suit. James K. Daela. owner, J First at. FOR SALE room cottage, mod era, tot fenced, fruit treaa. 9 hineka from car: caab or term F. J. Bder. Monuillls. pbon Main 85361 FOR 8 A LB er esrhsng. 11H acres Improved. 1H miles from Montavllla car lla.- lauajr ' Owner. 414 Belmont. . ClloirR corner lot, central, west side, good v building;, Inroa-is $5oq par aaontb. .Address W. W, csre.JournaL $1.850 New t-room cottage aad 8- iargs sn aor. Grand eve. and Bbavsr L Be aw 84 8b aver at, FOR BALE 8 mom hens oa est Una with sec fralt- trees, ste. ' -Isqulr 881 Bast ' Blxtfe at. ' - . l $200 DOWN. $10 per month, hues a new eot tag at Eaat Tblrry-elith aad Clinton; a ana p. .WOOPLAWN. Highland Park: choice lota on In . stsllments. B. C. Matthews. 804 r en ton bldg. BEMEMSEB THIS d-mem Una and lot. Bear - rar, f no. inquir xo r.aat waaaingtoa. 8rfriAI-8-mom honee, $xnO; 8la down, $18 m WMitli ' ImhIm UuA a a , SL' i.kln.ln. ONE acre right In town; win build aa. to salt, va i ai)4 Mscieay bldg, FOR BALE On t Rset Csash at, . . far cask, M II, cere IcmrnaL . FOB BALI BIAT. XSTATB. ienjasnisv-aasBjeam Advertlaeaasats pertsHtsg to Bast- Eatsta,- aaa, .ttma rata "81 wataa la IB aaata." . 1 BEST TtrVS IN THE MARKET OFFERED BY HATFiKi.p smith, loft's rotmu 81., BOOM 82. - . ,, 8000 A choice vacant hiT Ou ITpliift ftea.i Mil 8t,lew rtala... la l I asa Mnetuth, Bess ear lln. jaSasaar $8.600 Full 1st. west side, oa Seventh L, with 2 T-room modern houses; offered for a few ' days, $,500. ; . ' . $1,A08 4 acrea. la suburbs,', fenced . and plowed; gaoi soil, ,. - . ( $1,700 8-rsotn cottage, well built,' full lot, jOO lSBtcuusui. awst Im sold , , - A.TKW BAROAINH IN BKAt'MTATnV. fS.900 eaak, JUU acraa hi of crop -with' plara. 112. Wirt will buy MO arrva No. 1 wheat land; 1 i.uu9-b, bal. rop paynMnt. (IS.uoo 1,800 seres wheat and stock f sack. $2.5oo 7'ioom bouse, modern Improveuieats, lot 100xK. - - ' '; $.1.00 N-rooni bops,? Improvements flrst-clsas, lsrgs ground. . . .- $1.7w C-fuum house and 4 lota, Spokane, Wash., -to trsde. ,for Portlsnd property, i See as for bargains of sll kinds. Noctawsat Ijnd t'o-lUl Allsky- bldg. STEW modem hoas. 8 large rooms, bath aad closets, 1 lot; . cbolca suburb, on strtcs line. OREGON ASBOCIATBt EXCHANGE. ' 2S8Vk Wa"blngtoo..8L-.i;-rT- FOR BALE A modern corner brick block," 8 story snd bssement, ' etor rooms, 40 rooma furnlahed; will aell aU or aeparaU at had -tnvk prleea; also 1 modern 9 -room residence, closs to Kussell at. oa Williams avs.; good liicom property. - Inqulra of W. 0. Back, - The falling bldg. " ' 20 or' 40 acrea. 20 miles from Portland, part , cleer, asm Ass Bssverdsm,' no slumps or gravel, eery 8ns soil -and eaay cleared, near - K. B. and boatlaadlng; why pay $75 W $150 per acre when you eaa get thla -at $38 aa youb own terma . Address P 81. JourasL FOR SALE Quirter block southwest corner Tnslfth snd Esst Stark St.. with 8-story --room house and x-story barn, 85.000; terma, $1,000 down and balance la anuual pay. - menu of $1,000. Mall A-Co.. 883 Kaat-Burn-el de, or telepbon Priest Exchsngs 81. STRICTLY1 modern 5-room np-to-dats new 'cot tage, hsrd finished tinted wslla; cement baaement,- bath, sewerage snd street Improve ments Is Slid paid; flue close-In home, or of -btgh rental Talnerooty-$.80O.- Kxposltloa Leasing Co., 7$ Sixth at. ' DO YOU WANT A BOMB Wa have 8 nsw. 'modern eottasee. built lets BealOO, at - atonuvilla: terma. 825 down. $18 per month. 150 fin building lute cheap and on eaay - terms. N. ttprsgua, 122 Urand a., routs 1- - -- . FOR SALE-tO acres rtttrtc Isndr Jf mtles rom Portland, -sultsbl for a horn; easily Im- proved, bandy to R. B. etatlon. boatlandlng and giod xnsdaL good soil. - For particulars .f addrsss A3p. Folksnbsrg. Holbrook. Or. 8 vacant lota, .all beautifully located, at a bargain! kavs to sell oa account of business elsewhere. Call at 47 Esst Tblrty-nrst and Clinton ats. Take Wavarly-Rlchaaond car. '" l-SERENE PABK : Beantlfnl -homes. $1,100 up. oa East Twelfth st. i Vernon csr line. Aplpyto owner,. M. olseif, JOF Sberiwk Uldat" Malu 'laavki ii."... - ftTW newmodern boae---1iiBolladar-fsrk suuiiion; aiao a nraw mm . Kroicd. cement walka, newer, or will build niiae tn ault euatomera: on eaay terms. " w. amt,' sw in rstnnrwdg.--; -OJfB- toueUall01!ilso a ronfecttnnery "tore; h Mkaa sood Tiualhesa and realdi ura mem i oar, arma para, rtw. wca. . .v h beck Cunnlngna WANTED A bargala hunter to Inveatlgate plac for cnleken or nice ntiia nome: eaan as block worth of Laorelwooo. ait. acorc car, i SSO ACBES good. Improved land near Salem, - timber; enough to pay for the lend, accessible to the river; will trade for Portland property. ' Hatfield A Smith. MB I, Fourth at.; room 32. A- SKAL'TIKLL 8-acr tract, att tn orcharrtrlt years old; near Lents: Just tha plac for a . fin home: (.ISO per acre, on very eaay terms. Addreaa V 2, ear JoarnaL . FOB BALE, 81.100 4-room eot tag e with bath a"ooTn on Esat Twenty-second, on assy terma; part caah. He owner meat market 112 First. Ree. Phone East 1124. FOE SAIX-r AIMS. t FOB BALK FOB BALE FOB SALE I.noo-acra wheat farm for aal In eaa tern Oregon: H nsw In wheat and tha balance plowed foe fall- seeding; this plac can be bought any time within the -Best 20 days far $17.50 per ------ t sere. Including all the . crop snd plowing. Will take from $.1,000.00 to $8,000.00 In Portlsnd Property oa the desl. . This Is a -great bargain, tha place I well Improved and only on mil from B. R. station. 734 Job neon at. Ebona Main 8818. FOB SALB FOB 8ALB FOB SALB PARTIES wlahlng Information regarding south ern Oregon realties will do well to call. upon me, aa I have had 20 years' eiperlene there . in the realty bualneaa. I have some very desirable farm, snltsbm for all purposes, and all kinds of business openings-foe -sale at prices defy competition. H. W. Milter. " manager Oregon Mine Realty Co., luptt Sixth et.. room 1, rortlsnd, Or. Phone Msla 8090. FARM, 2S8 acres, 300 acre In cultivation, 150 acrea In crops this yesr; good hour, barn and outbuildings; tins fmlt. bop. grain land; IV, miles to town and R. R.; cheentlful loca tion, good springs and wells, dally msll snd telephone) If sold by the 14th of May crop of 150 seres go In. tha best bargain In valley farms, price $.10 pes acre. Address . F. Brooks, Rural Delivery 1 Carlton, Or. IAD ACRES MO acres fin sub-Irrigated not torn under cultivation: 2.000.000 feet fin timber: lots f fruit and berries; good J a tor y real dene, big -baenf- splendid wstee- at door; - iaiiv taiT. mvi tow and school: a lsvelr borne la Rogne river valley; finest climate on' esrta. b quick it .von want i. , nuuiw, . Box 11T, Woodvlll. Oregon... A BARGAIN IN LAND TO acrea choice, level aaancaah land st $25 an acre It sold soon, ana mile from Ontario pnstofflc. deep soil and good drainage; deelrable tocstlea . foe " realdencea: an excellent Inveatment to aub dlvl.l and aell In acre tracts, , Call on nr sddres Don Carloa Boyd, tha real sststs man, Ontario, Or, TO ACBES of land la Skamania county. $ acrea cleared aad fenced; l-a.ll- from river:- $700. K) acre island land; will make good dairy ranch; $3,200. Water power near Waahoagal. 1 mil from Columbia river. . loan Ire 804 Ahlngton bldg.. Portland, Or. D. H. Oary, owner, Waahougal, Waah. -' FOR) SALE 240 acre of logged -off land tn Colnmbla county, Oregon, 2 mllea from " Weatpnrt, 1 mil frem Hmm Leading atatlon, tnmMa -rteer: r land anltabht f rasing or cord wood; good mad In; price $.1 per acre. H. Staley, 820 Junior st.( woodland station, Portland, Or. FBER LAND' IN OBEOOft Bnder the) "Cars Irrigation Act." Peed direct, from state. - Writ today. Rosklet and map tree. B. 8. " , Cook Co., B51 Aide at. Portland. Oregoa. HOMESTEADERS W eaa locate yon oa wheat or imgatloa una; rest eeists ror saie. an ee writs. Vsa Clear tcboll. Eabs, t'matUla eonnty, Oregoa. ,i -I?! , FREB lands In Oregon: , excursions swy day. For Information Inquire NorthWsstrra Scar. Ilea Co., 815 Oregnnlsa 'bldg. $2,800 HANDLES 'l.orsi acre Yamhill county. SO VUlea l'"ul rnriwna tw ' m mm, va M irimaR set ssnrrisoa FOB southern Oregon real estate, lsrgs ar smalt tracu. Uillerd tuytov jxoseourg, ur. - or terma. Inontre) tor Mrooaker. from to avivnlnctST Iirtrw SO. Mm. Knrvww, 62t Market. r . O m 15 nfV I - -vgZf; "TTill' Wa s : '! TO EXOHAVOB. SECOND-HAND talking marhlnee of kll makes, bimght, sold and sxchauged; bargains In second-band machines snd records. 1W0 Third at. FOB SALE If I8CELLA-CE0TJB. ICE CREAM, fruit Ices, made quickly without Ice, trifling coat; keep milk, butter, etc., aweet in hot weather j full directions, luo. Phillips Speclslty Ho., IV. x 24. Portland. - BILUABD AND POOL ublea for rest ee ror sale ou eaay payments. . . TUB BKUNHWIt K-BALK8 COLLENDBB CfA, 40 Third au. Portlsnd. FOR SALE; A ne Brussels carpet, about 20 yarda. at .Cue. Inquire Lange'a cottage, on Hawthorn are., near West are., Mt. Tabor. WB print your name oa 80 calling cards, proper else snd style. 25e. 250 bualneaa csrds It. Brown 8r Scums l,J2P FIret. Portland. Or. FOnV BALK--30ltc;ljl -'."""'--jyjjY,. -Bcon'dToBf.UTta rrr FRESH cows for sal or trade for beef cows. .. 1231 Creeler ava., Creeley station. . Wt Johns car. Phono Union 6556. OMa Kdiaoa -Triumph phonograph, 20 doaea records; everytbUig complet. Phoue East 1733.' " - . - $ MILTH Tow a In Al condition-,' with or with out route, 22S Eaat 881b at. - .' VEBSOBAX. BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS I Tha kind yoa're looking for: "Decsmeroa." 7A Hot Taajala." t-kWaasTa Confaselun," "A Social Uoa." ' "Faanl BIU.1 "Tb Beauty 8t," 60 eaokl Hats free. A. aenms w, juk irst ss. -- WE arranged IT marriage laat month ; our -raetnberb1p ltats rspldlyirrowlngr- better call- snd talk- It over; sbaoluts a secrecy to cure any caa of Irrca ularttlce, , aunpres lateat macovery rrom raniutn pro . ! ' tat A IN L. I vifor reatoreo ur ir. iwotth - Globules. On month's tree t men t,. $2; $ - monrns, so, aPDI mr-r in t-i j mwmtrmm vj mi Agents, "Woodard, Clarke A Co.. Portland. Or. LOST powers tetored. by lb - great. Dr. " Lorena'a Kerve Tonic Tablets; 23c per box, 8 boxes for $1.28. Writs or csll at fcvsseirs Pharmacy, 227 Morrison, bet. 1st aad 2d. GET WELL and keep well; treatments on naturopathic, 'fctpes; satisfaction guarauted; ' terms very TkiodsMt- J)r.Bkhm, Tourny ' bldg.. Second sud Taylor ats.. suits 804. ALL ladles snfferinr from femsle disorder call or send for Wonder-Worker" remedy. " No. 1, 03 V Sixth st Jl per box. . . . t YOUB fortune told; send dims, birth dst. Irof. D. Algoma. P. O. Box 7W, Bridgeport, Conn. THE BPRIN08TEIN MEDICINE CO 8U De kum bldg. Phona Main 8354. BALM OF FIOS for all female dlsei Aider at. raoaa stain bus. OCCULT and New Thought book. JoDea Book Store. tl Alder t. - '' BOTTv-EVIBS. , THE WORMIAN CO. , 10$ to 113 Second st, 3d floor.. , Manufacturers nd Jobbers of Iwla and Clark mivnlie: noolbs snd street sUnds fitted ut csatplet. ; . ; -r FOB BALE OB EXCHABOX. 6 ACRES, H mile Montavllla. good soil, no gravel, nnder cultivation: sell or rxchang for . Improved farnr Addreaa V 40, Journal. -ARCHITECTS. I, p. HOFFMAN, architect snd uperlntSBdsnt ' 181H First st.. Portland, Or.. ! AKT EMPOBITHa. PBOr RICHARD MAX,7afETER Portrsit aai landscspe srtlst; instruction la oil painting, water color, etc., and drawing; " nrt gallery connected -.with studio;- Td'tares for sal and ' framing to order. 848 Alder at., , Phona InsVa, ASPHALT PATTBtJ. THE Trinidad Aaphalt Paving C. at Portland. Office 805 Worcester blk. i A1SAYERS. XHE J, H. Flak Aassylng ofOc-renley Crawford, analytical ebemlau and BMtal lurglsta. 804 Vi Washington at,-' BATHS XA8SA0X. FBRNCIf ladle (Ire bath aad maasag rsa aseat. S08 Fifth at Phone Mala 8038. BIOTCLX DXAXXBS. rOLPMRIA. TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT. -8POHTINO OOOOB. EXPERT RIPAIRINO. . F. P. KEENAN.8i8THIBD ST tJJlANX BOOK IfABUFACTTBIBS. HOWE, DAVIS KILHAM,, 100-111 Second st fank book maonfartnrera; agents for -Jones n proved Loom -Leaf ledgers; ee the new Jtur.ka lest, the best ba tb market. BAUD ttSTBTrtaTBTS. CHAR. B. YORK At CO.i repalrera knd plater, removed to 67 First, 2 blocks north "CXAJBTOTABT ABB PALMIST. MADAME' JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, palmlet, card resderi I give facts rellshW sad Iss- Ketskt on sll affairs pt real Ufa. Readies (c. 68 Seventh St., Bear Oak. - . CEMENT C0XTIACT0B8. CEMENT WORK UP TO DATE, wllh men. slbowgreaa and straight bnalrres. , K. O. Laadetrom. 802 t'ommrrrlsl blk. ' CHAR. It! CARTER CO., cement contractors, 88 East Twentieth at. Phoa East U7B. AU Teork gssranteed. . v SPECIAL OFFER MADE TO INTRODUCE THE - " MERITS OF JOURNAL "WANT "ADS' ' . ' ournaV havingjiade a K. C. Baking Powder Co., it has been decided that with each 25ent "Want Ad" there wll be given entirely free a 25-ounc caa-oLiysweljJknpwn article.! This offer will be made for a Jimited time only, andthose who have property to still, rooms ta rent, lost articles to find, etct', r,; will find The Journal K. C. "ia the u-to-date baking powder which is sold by all the ' leading grocers '"25 ounces for 25 cents.". It is becoming more' popular every daystoUsewiverlelariTrTjfit'a It makes pur,; wholesome food, andts unexcelled tor tiot : .1' , 'biscuit orfaricy cakes. : .' ' OIOABS AVD TOBACCO. EBRERO-OUN8T C10AB CO. DlaUlbatora of , F1NB CIGARS. '.,"'' Porttand. OAKPIBTZIS AJTD BTTXDEBS, A. J. AUTHORS and H. B. WOOD, carpaatar and builder; repairing and fibbing: atora and office fixture built. Shop 2u Columbia. Main 62BT. COAL AXD WOOD. CHURCHLEX BROS, have removed from foot of Davla at. to Kearney at., near Eleventh. It Is Bw tn- largest wooasro, in. uu ai; et wvotl sud OuaL Pfcon carrying all klla. Msla P31. r WESTERN FEED' FUEL CO., cor. Front aad Hojl eta., oealsra lp.rfdomeatl(and steam oal. black"'"" coj1. charcoal and aoka, ' Phona Msla 1018. . , ' - ALBfNA UEWW.ftesleiJhjjordw-twrt Z & reelLndar aTat.wood. tt. K. ihoTAP bins sve"'S blocks sast at terry. Esat 874. BUPBBT FUEL CO The beat dry wooden town. Don't forget to pbooe East Jioit.ZM Eaat Eighth BL.. cor. MsdlsoB. STKBfa BRIla rUKL. CO.. deaUia-lav-coal. . ostd sroad and dry slab wood. Pbons East 424. OKKUON FUEL CO.-t all kind of coal Sftd Wood. 844 Morrtsoa.. Pbon Msla 86. - KIRK HOOVER, S1J Wa tir at.,, wood and oat Pbons Msla 4500. -CLE ANIVO- -ANle-BTKIXg POTfTt.AWr, BTEAM CLEANING a 'JTEIel' Worka; practical batter In connecTlotr: feather i boaa aad plumea cleaned and curled by aa as--part. 811 Fourth. Phoa Clay TO. ciLOTHKS cleaned and preaaed $1 per month. JJnlqu Tailoring Co., 84T WssblnatoB at. H. W. TfRNgB. profasslnasl dyer end rlesner, rQUUe! aUattT mWtTIV ' STANDARD Steam Carpet-Cleaning Co Carpeta t rleaned, refltred. aewert and laldr mattraaaea. featbera -ranovateov bast inira. botid. aou r- Pacific at. Esat 2S0. Merrlmaa A . North. HAVE your walla cleaned: w cle papered and painted walls; sstlsfsctlon guaranteed; . " prices reasonable; references. Red Zfl.'lX CARPETS cleaned on kh Boor; wa rale no . dust. Pbons clsy 831. free .demonatrattoa. J.- HUNTER Steam carpet and mattress, cleaner. 550 Jefferson. Phone Main 214. COHjnSSIOaT MERCHANTS, DAVENPORT BROS. General eommkastoa asse chanta; frulta aad produce: conalxnmenta aa llcltsd; prompt returne. 160 Front st BVERDINO ft FARRELL. produce and commie, sloa merchants. 140 Front St., Portland.. Or. Phon Msln 1T. air inn i r i --i i ' ' i J CAFES. ERICKSON'S RESTAURANT Mercbsafa rancb ill a. m. to 13 p. m.; ander new management O. B. Evans, prop. . Second and Burnald. THB OFFICE 2X8 Waahlng at Phona Mala T71. Samnei vigneaax TBOCXXBT AND GLA88WAX1V WHOLESALE crockery and glaaaware. PraeL Hegele. ft Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth, cor. Stork at DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. Da.C E BROWN. D.V.8..D.C.M. Dog. boras bo. ptOi aWT aea14.Phaaaa stniaa;aT SBE88MAXIK0. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wash" silk, mad for 11.26: nbu-twslat sulfa, $3.60.. s3 Eaat Msr et. Phoa Es 8131. - KEISTBR'S rdlea' Tailoring cnllrg; patterns .cut to meaaure. Allaky hail 400, 265 Morriaon. MRS. McKlRBEN, ertlatl draaa aad lk maklng. 601 Monison at DRESSMAK I NO Strictly Bp to , dat Utast ' d'jgs--46 Clay at - - , - EXECTBICAX ' WOXXS. aM.wtaasSa,aaUe.asjaa.-- NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL EN QIN BERING Company, 809 Stark St.. Portlsnd. , 0. K. for everything la tha . electxlcsl 11ns. . Pkea Msla laoi. " i i- PACIFIO Electric Co. Engineers, contractors, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 4 First, aor. Stark. Mala 858. R. H. fat, mgr. ' 'TUX ACES. ---ik-- BOTNTON warm -air fnrnacea eav fneL J. 0. Bayer Fnrnac Co.. S58 Second. Mala 461. FTBNITTJEE FACTORIES. OBEOO! Farnttar - Msntrfsctm-ing Company Msntafsctnrera et furnltur for tb trsds. Portland, Or. FCRN1TURB mamfacrnrlnft and apeclal order. L Bneensky'a fitrnltara factory. 870 Front at FOREST EISEKVE SCKIP. F0NP.ST ItESERVB SCRIP FOR BALE Ap ' proved, anreaulcted, ready for Immediate aee; low eat prtcea. B. F. ft F. B. Riley, 808 Cbembee of Commerce. SABDEXEBS. OARDENR Bra de add kept -In order, Jtrdres trimmed. I'boaa orders Jos . Nobis, Via la 8239. ' ,.(. BOCEBS. WADHAMS.ft CO.. wholesale grocers, maea factarers snd commlsskMi mercbaals. Feurtb - and Oahf sta. - ' - I. .- ALLEN ft tEW18, emnmlasloa aad pecdae met chants. Front snd pa via sta., Portland. Or. 1 HAEDWAXE. . Portland Hardware Oa. eSllclta oppoernntty to qoniM pricaw. aeit lei. cor. .ioer. aaaia loov J. J. BORQ, mannfsetaer ef knmaa kale roUa, ata.-VvelS NUtk. rkoae Esst 2211. . I r - . . VBaAA-aaA'VMaTtAIAASiw m-l special arrangement with the of invaluable aid.., HOTEL, BESTTXAXT ABO CAMP XAXOES. UUTEL. R EST A U &A NT AND CAMP RANUE8 Crlbben ft Beaton ft Co., Mevvnteentk and C Upahur eta, target atock hotel, reeteurant - eamp rang, gaaollo stovea and refrisr. inn in id nij. HOTELS. THB L1NDELL HOTKU-Market; bat Third aad , Fourth, 'Portland; entirely new, haadsuBuily lurnisneu; American piso, pi nu nay up. Hotel Pendleton, Pendleton. W. A. Brown, nrgr HOTEL Portland, American plan; $3, $8 per day. HOTEL St George. Pendleton: leading hotel. TBET.TETEBB. Luropeaa plan;4tk aad Alder eta. LMBUXAXCE. LAMBERT, W HITMEN ft CO. firs InsdVsar and real eetate, successor to Arthur Wllaoo m Co.; erncrs. west si a;- aor -ion raarior QS-T-aaain- auua ; ssx si.i gap! tAAC L. WHITE." firs inxnrsnea.'- 80tfTekOBi .bldg. IAS. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability aad Is dlvldual aeeld.nTTurBty bonds, pf all kinds Phon 47. 802 McKsy bldg. H.'F. BAIlTEIJ COMPA N Y Ftre- liiaurance: - 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregon Pbone Clsy 626. LOCKSMITH. Kit 5r??V?mrd nane ooa 1 ' l MONEY : TO LO AX. tub stAircszr cor . Any salaried employ, wage-earner, caa get OB bla aota, wttnotot mortgag I i Month. V, Month. Week. klto to-nXXlt3iaa.68 or $3 M I2fl oo.Kepay to a 8 6.68 sr- $4-s ar . 81.65 JHB8X t.P ' os a s w or se w or n,w S10 McKay bldg. " FIVE per cent money; we bnild yoa a borne you. money oa jour property monthly payments; Inveatlgate; open BaturrTay even. Snga, Uooma 16-lf Labbe bldg., 227 Wsso. ayraento; Investigate; open MONEY TO LOAN on real, personal aad col lateral security: apeclal attention to enattel mortgages; notes bought. 0. W. Pallet I 804-5 Fen ton bldg,, 84 Sixth' at HIGHLY respectable, place where ladles sad E-nts caa borrow money on diamonds ssd wetry. Collateral Loan Bank, ib Wash, gtoa at.-. Phon Black 71. .- $3 LOANS and upward on all klnda of secu rity or to salaried peopl on their note; lowest z rates; no publicity, no delay. 218 Aalaglsa bldg. Phone Red 1728. MONEY ADVANCED salaried people, teamsters, . etc., without security; eaay payments; larg eat bualneaa In 40 principal cities. Tolmaa, 223 Ablngtoo bldg. CHATTEL loans rn amounts ranging rroaa 825 1 t. $5.0ta); roomlng-bouaea a speclslty. Nsw Eta Lose ft TTuat Co.. 206 Abington bldg. WE1 buy Ufa Insurance pollrlea and pay mors ttuin conipsnlrs Issuing them; also buy them - atdiject to loana. M 89, cars' Journal. LOANS at lowest rates oa furniture, planoe; any security so tee purchased. - Esstara Leaa ,f6ce. 448 Sherlock bldg. i MONEY TO LOAN In larg nr. email amounts on good security: lowest rates. William Q. Reck. SOT Falling bldg. MONEY to anth In sums to ault at 6 and $ per cent. W. J. Clemens, 273 Stark at., 1 Chamber of Commerce. 1iiNI am fnrnltnre. nlanoa. ether securities. H'wcit-rtca-.B.-W. King, man 40. Wasavi bldg. Alain oioo. THE CRErVJENT LOAN COMPANY Salary - loana, from three to six BMotba; confident" '. 217 Oregonlan. MONEY TO LOAN on Clackamas CTUntp, lands. R. F. and F. B. Blley, 608 Chamber ef ,Voa PORTLAND REAL ESTATB LOANS, 8 AND 6 per cent. Wm. Denbolm. 225 Falling bldg. MONEY TO LOAN, 6 per cent. Northrop ft King. 210-211 Commercial block. . TO LOAN $100 to $2,600 by Cbarlce HlrstoL 88 Third at., room 8. v $000 to lend on rlty F 10, care Journal. or suburban property. MUSICAL, 3 SEI.F-PLATIliO .PtANOS CcclllaB eelt-play. Ing "planoe pronounced .' the. beat by leading 'mualrtana; also Ceeillad piano-players. K. U. -Wills Maslc House, SbO Alder at. T- 1 a SECOND-HAND mnatcal Inatrumentl of II klnda at lowest prices, caah or Installment. Fkihec Mnsle 'Ce.1 190 Third pt .. LESSONS fOc. Piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, violin. Mrs. Martin. 241 First, aor. Msln. MR. AND MRS. H. A. WERBFJR. banjo,, n . lln. gultsr Inatracf Ion Main toss. 178 W mando Park. MAONETIO HEALIKO. MRS. L. H. HART treata all dlaeaaea. stomseh trouble. '.pervooaDeas snd fnnctlonsl weakness. Coneurtatlon free. 1 811 Tourney building. f ?, XOTBYrJBLIr.' eiw .N'e - ..NS. -w . ... mm, PREPARATION of deeds and xonrtgages a apecUlty; price rjducsd. K, A. Frame, 618, , the Marqnam. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB BOAD OVERALLS sad mernaar lea' clothing; bnlon made, Nauatadter Bros,, .manufacturers. Portland. Or.. PAVEMEXTB. . WARP.EN Cohatrttcflon Cr Streef. Taring, aide - walk and croeawalka. 716 fregohlan-.hldg. PLUMBEEB. DONNERBERO ft BADEMACHEB, ' sanitary plumbers. 84 Foartk st Both phoaM). FOX ft CO.. sanitary plumber. iSl Secood htu Msla sad Salmon. Oregoa Phoa Mala 900 L PIANO TUNING. UEOROB ANDERSON Expert piano tuner and re pal log, luquU FtohM Ml V. B4 9a. FLAT1H0. EAMTBBN P LATINO CO.. 829 Flrst tlold. silver, copper, - nickel.. ndbe plating. jsweiry worn specially.- - THE OKEOON-PJUJlNl-JKO-i'l'STA-F"0- bigtoa st Pkuna 2373. . Polishing, plating and .Ucuuartna , r . . ..a F7TBLI0 AOCOUXTAHT. L H. 8. MULDER, expert accountant room 441 Bharlok 1.1.1. Boots inn mi aillnalail , and sndlted; books kept for small concerns; mode-1 , ' rataxhargta: flrar-claas references. Mala 2P63. 1 .raixxtaL. Bt HUi ft CO. Front and Stark eta., print. Ing, tltbograpklng,- blank - book a and ofBe . eapplie; work don on time: most eompisu printing office In the west - Msln 104. ANDERSON ft DUNIWAT COMPANY, printldg. Htnograpblng, blank books). , Phon Mala II. ' ton Aide st. PAIMT8. OH. AND GLASS. Itvrart-aT-tTyTireTBeeF Cel t tnrkiw a-laaa aud Jlailr.g. 1)11 Flrat at. Phone 1334. - .T BASMU8SKN ft CO... Jobbers paints, all. glass, seab and doors. Second snd Tsylor. BtJBfiEX STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 848 Alder St.. phoa Mala 710; robber ata.mpa. seals, atenclts. Big. ' gage, trad checka; send for catalogue. . R00FTNO. TIN HOOFINQ. guttering, repairing and general lobbing. J. .Lostll. 212 Jefferson at BOPE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. Corner Foorteeatk aad Northrop ate., Portland, or. ' . - BAFSS, FOR opening lockonta and aafe bargains ga to - J.' K. Davla. 66 Third at. : SHOWCASES AXTi FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every deecrrptloifTlank.-bar . and store Bxtnres msde to order. The Lutke Manufactorlng Ce., Portland.; . STOXAOX AMD TBABBFEB. SAFES, plaaoa aud furnltur moved, tacked reads foe ahhioln and ablDued: all work guaranteed; large, S-atory. brick. Are-proof warehouse for etorage. oraee 128 rirat at a M. Oiaen. Pbon Mala 64T. -a C. O. PICK, office 88 Flrat et.. between Star and Oak sta., pbone 686; planoe and furniture - moved and packed for ahlpplng; eommodloae - Bra-proof, - brick, warehouse. Frost ' a Clay at. - BTORAOR anar tn let In onr new bnlldlng, 874 Water at, Blgler Milling ft Commlaaloa . com pa ay, TLMBEX. FOR SALE Two bomeatesd reltnqnlahment rlslme; second growth;, will sell cbeap. fl. P. Nlolaon, Hotel Bhelnpfahes. ' - FOB HOMESTEADS-timber ctalma and Boris apply to 306 Commercial block1, r- -i-TTTEWBITEBt.- YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS ' r 82 Fourth Strert. ' i W a" rent, repair, aell. exchange tvpswrltar. i All auppnes for- su machines. . Eiandsrd machines $25 and up to 8105. . La yoa want a atenoarrapher or typktll - We hsve list of good applicants. rboae. Black. 28T1. . . . STENOORAPHPTRS -, , TVPrWRITKH. RATHHOrSR . .-wilt Csll snd get any machine snd thoronghry' clean with neniine roe t. AQUrees s ioiru St. mono MslnztHD. BLICKEN8DORFER typewriters, enpntles. pairing. Mesa ft Ross, M6 Starke Mai 1870. tWIaVwUPPLTT- CI.EAN IOWKU DAILY Comb, break, aoni II per month. Lawrenea Bros.' Tows) Soppl Co.. Fourth and Onich. Phone 429. - TXAX8FEX AND HAULIHO. TJRX0OS'TAV8FFR C0.7"1MIortk BlxtlL - Phon Mala 69.- Heavy hanllng and stores. POST SPECIAf.'DELIVEBY'. No. too. is Ilierie Main Barx . - TTBXISK BATHS. DR. MtMiREFIELD of Stockton, Csl . haa opened s Turkleh and steam hath at 809 Fifth at. VI0LIX8. J. A. WE8CO. violin-maker aad rwpatrert work 6 rat rlaa. (8 Ruasell bldg. 4th and Morrlsoa, WALL? APEX. MOHQAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-186 at. bet Yamhill aad Taylor. Portland. VI' FTNAXCIAL. FIK8T NATIONAL BANK. OF POBTLAN0, OBEOOH. " Designated Depository and Financial Agent ef the United Btatee. President .A. L. MILLS Caahier . .-. . . . ........ .J. W. NEWK1KK Aaalatant Caabler:. . . . . .; W. C. AI.VORD Second Aaalatant Caabler.. .... B. F. STEVENS Letters of Credit Isaued Available la Europe end th Eaatern State. Sight Flxcbarlge - nd Telegraph! Trsnafers sold on New York, Boaton. Chicago, 8t. Lonla. St. Paul. Omaha, San Franclaco aad the principal point la the Northwest. - - . bight and time bills drawa In sit me to salt en London, Paris, Berlin, f rsnkfort-on-ths, Main, -Hong Kong. Yokohama, Copenbsgea, Chrlattanla, Stockholm, bt. Petersburg, Muft Ouw, Enrich, Honolulu. OoUeotions .Mad aa Fevoraile Terma. D lUTltNU-s-Rt-P-PiOMf'AN V-fr-OltEOONT I NO. li THIRD ST. . The OMcet Trust omnsnv In Oregon. - - RIlSOURCfS OVER 8l.0oO.0la. Grncral Hanking lttialneaa CWinducted. J Savlnsa ,lHpoelta Received. Time Certlflcatea laaued, also certlfrcstes of deiMiolt playable 'upon lo dare' call, SO dara' call or f daya'-csU with Interest at 314, SU aad 4 per cent p-r anunm, rvepectlvely. Call or send for book of IIXU8TRATI0NS, ft EN. I. I. COHEN., Prealdent II. L. PITTOCIf Vtee-rreeldent B. I.KE PAfJET, ......rt... .Secretary J. O. OOLTHA .......Aaalatant Secretary UNITED. STATES NATIONAL BANK. OF POBTLAND, 0RE00W, X0RTHWE8T COR. THIRD AMD OAK STS. fc - Traaaftets ft Qenersl Bsnklng Busiassa. I DRAFTS ISSUED AvallaMs in. All Cltlea of tbs United' But snd Europe, Uong I Kong and Manlls. COLLECTIONS MADE OX FATOXABLX TEEMS Prraldnnt J. C. A1NHWORTH Vlce-I'rssldeut W. B. A YER (-seller.... ...B. W.iSCHMEEH Aasistsnt Csahlrr .A. 41. V. Hlulif LADD ft TILTON, BANKERS. ' 1 , (EstsblUhed la H5.) - . Traasaeta B Osnaral Bsnklng Business. ' Collections made at all polnta en favorable term. , Letters of credit laeued avsllabl la Europe and all points In tbs Umted Btstes. Sight! Kxchsnge snd' Telegraphic Transfers sold ont New York. ' Wsstanstou, Cblcaa', St Ixjura. f Denver. Omaha. Man Francises knd Montana aud RrltlaU Colnmhlai Kxchangs fold on London, 1 Psrls. Berlin. Frankfurt, Ildbg Kong, Yokohama, Manila and llonoluhs. r, SECURITY 8AVIN0S ft TKU8T COMFANT. 888 Morriesa St., Portland, Or. Transact a a General Bankng Bualaaaa, -r "SAVINGS --DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Time snd Savins Deposits. Acta aa Trustee for Eatatee. Drafts and Letter of Credit Avsllabl la AU IttU of tbs World, C. F. ADAMS , 7..... President U A. I.CWISh Flrat Vice-President A. L. MILLS'.... ...Secood Vice-Prealdent R. 0. JIB1TZ , Secrstarg MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. vnaTtivn oarAA J. FRANK WAfSoN 17 Prealdent R.'U DURHAM .., Vice-President R. W. noT.. Cashier UEOROB W. HOYT..-: Aaalatant Caabler - - Trsaaaetg a Oanarsl Bsnklng Busiassa. Drafts aud Letter of Credit leaned Available - - to All Parte 'of the World. , Collection a Specialty. M OBKIS BROS, ft CHXI8TEN8EN. , 13x; rirat, street, rsruaao. err. Offer Ctlt Fdge Investment la Municipal aad Railroad Bonds. Write a Call. . , . MORTOAOG LOANS Oa Perttand Xesl Eatat at Lewaat Xskas, Titles Insured. AbatracVS Furnlahed. . TITLE OUARATT. tl ft TRUST CO. - Besxa Casasbet ef, Oemmeewa. I BAILBOAB TTJrXXAXtJtaV .. ... iSnoi&lmMZ AND UmoNPAcinc 3 Trains to (he East Daily 3 Tbnaak Wnllmaa standard and toartat a lees- Ins cars - dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spoken! : toortet SlecolnE e.ereoii7- a , vi-ra, ,.......- TTif.nTourTgt sleeDlng ean ioeraoae ally eondaeted) weekly to cg- BecllaUB ebate-we iaeata tree) to tha Esat dally. UNION DEPOT. Iave. Arrives. CHICAOO-PORTLAND SPECIAL. For tba Eaat via Beat .. , Ins tea. ..i. 9:18 a. x. 8:28 B. Bb U)aUy. . . Daily. -JIPOKAKaV-FLXBaV. Fer Eaatern Waablng' ton. Walla Walla. Lew 6:t8a9i. Dally. . 8:00 a. I latou, Coeur dAIne and Great "Northern Daily. points. ATL.ANTIO XXPRESS. For-ths- Esst -la- U4 8 -18 b. m. T:!S a. aa. Dslly. . DaUy, - tngtoa. Coiambl Blvr Dlvleleau FOR AYTortlA aad wsv points, . connecting with stmr. for llwsee. ssd North Beach, ate. Has salo, A eh -at. 'dock 8-OOp. m. Dally. MtMtm ga. eg. Bunday. ex. SuBdsyJ Baturday. Itl:li p. m. -Ysmbill Kivaa Bout. rV)R t)ATTON-Oreon( - City aad .Yamhill Blverl B. E ilnts, atmra. Buth aadi01" odoc. Aab-at. dock. ex. Sunday. (Water permitting.) Snake Elver Boate. TtSOp. Bk. Dally. ( ex. Sunday. FOR LEWISTON. Ida.; ,4:00 a. as. lAbont 8 pm .tai , (Tnesdsy . Wednesday Thursday- and way polnto-f roml it i pane, w aao, amra. 8 pokane and Lewtato. Frtdr.y tBanday ' TICKET pFFICB. Third and Waahlsgtoa. Teas- . . pnone Mala Tlx. C. W. STINOER, City Ticket Agewt. A. L. CBAIO. Geaeral Paaseoger Ageat EASTvia SOUTH Leave. UNION DEPOT. ' OVERLAND EXPRESS rratn. "foe Plait m, Boaa. bars. - Aenisaa. Baera 8:Bn."BiJnto,Ogdn, Saa Fraa y -Jtaco7'B,ocktoB. Loa Aa- T:29 m, . Ciles, EI Psso, new ut ana and tba Eaat Morning, train COB, Beets a Woodbora dally except Banna y with train for Mt. Angel. Sllvertea. Brownavlll. 8 p r I a a- 8:80 a. at, fl p,m. , ft (Id. Weudilaa aad Natron. - -Albany pamenger 4:00 P. m. Beet at Woodbnrn with 10:10 k. m . Mt, Angel-acL-aUt ton local. er -30 s. m. - OorralUa l!B:B0 9.Ba, 8 :26 a. m. 4:50p. Sheridaa paaaenger. e Daily , II Dally, except nunoay. --. , rarUasd-Oswega Suburban Bern sat Ysmklll IHelsiea. ' , . , - Depot foot of Jefferson street, ' Leave Portland dstly for Oswege T:86 a. m. 1X50, 2 06. 8:55. 6:20. 6:29. T.4B. 10:16 . as. Daily rFpt Sunday 1. 6UBX 6 80, 6-38.. 10:21 . bV7.V JlOt. ll ..J!- gs. BoBdaF ealJV :, tUtornTnrTWnrVnWrftVr BWve-VSrTISB ftr- B'3t0 ' B. i m.T imo, ruo. v:iv, i t"'. J --, 11 18 p. m. - Dslly (except Sunday) 6:88. IM. 8:88, 10-ia 11:48 a. m. Except Monday. IS JS kv-m. Sunday only, 10:00 a. m. , . Vivei from ssme' depot Top Pane and tstor. mediate point dally (except Sunday) 4U0 B. as. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. m. M-ll"',jL-' The Independenee-MonaaoatB MdTof ua opera tee dally to Monmouth aad Alrllat , en, nectlng with Sonthern Pacific conjpanj'i trsck . at- Delias snd Independence. - Flret-elsaa far from Portland .to 8a era men r , aadBaa Francisco $20. berths $8; aeeoad-swad tare tlV seeond-olsa berth $2 5Q. Ticket to Eastern points lfl rwepa. BBS Japan. CBlna. Honolnra 'BtHjjjBatTBHB. rTtyTlckerOfrlc Wtierr-Thxrd, Baa . wa8Bc. Ingt.n .teeeta. Phona Msln TIE C W. STINOEB, Wi"S"A?Uidr' CF TlckstgeBt. - a'aaa. Agaart. " time Card OF TRAINS ' Portland UNION DEPOT. Departa. Arrt vsa. Paget Sound Limited, for Taeoma. Seattle. Olympla. South Bend 8 80 a. am. 4 48 9. as. and Cray's Harbor polnta. . North Coast Limited. for Taeoma, Seattle, peanolla. Cblcsgs, New York, Boston and points Eaat and Sontheaat Twro-Clty Express, for Taeoma. Seattle, Spo 8 .-00 P. I Tams.-BaT kane, Helena, Bt. raal. Minneapolis Chicago, New York. Boatoa aad 11:48 n,mJ 7:00 s. a. all polnta Eaat aadl Bontbeaat. Puget Sound Kansas Clty-st. ixiula Hpeclal. for Taeoms, - Seattle, Sookane. Butta Bllllnra. Denver. Omaha. Kanaaa S:S0a. Bt 1K 9- Ba, City. Bt. Louie and all polnta Esst and atoatb eaat. - All "train dally except oa Sooth Baaal branch. r A. D. CHARLTON. Aaalatant General Psssengee Agent, S28 Morrlsoa at., eor. Third. Portlsnd. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves, UNION DEPOT. Arrive. 8:00 b: Dslly. Per MxygerW, Ralnlee, Clstsksnls, Westport Cllftoa. Aatoela, Wat rentoa, FlavsL Ham mond, Fort Btsvena, Oearbart Park, Seaatda, Astoria sad Masher. .... Eipre dslly. .. Aatorta Expreaa, . 11-10 a. av Dsllr. -- v f V .' " ' .' ' T 00 p. aL Dally, I hrV HI 11 1 h "... I $ 80T,2a IVVloCPtM SrukSTl"l -lak aou-rxs Ifil- .- 9:0 8.'ts.T t.-O. MAYO. O. F. aad r. A.. Astoria, Oe. ft X7rrBWARTrtiBmeretit Afsat, 848 Aldr street. Phone Mala Bud. bbBsbxT nl BmaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBFl M nTaTmmii 91 laaa 1 asTna 1 1 in I Tlektrk OfBow 12X TktH PV fmunkm 99 aaaa Trncxntlnantttl y .JZ . Tx-oJnas Uaxlly i aaW PASTTJME TO BPOKANB. UT. PAfjL, DDt.tlTB, lliNEAloI. rmcAoo and ' AIM fOlNTB avABT. Darflrrlt trip through th Casead and llotky mnuntalna. For full psrlioa ajlara, rat, fuldora, alV U 00 ef B4 atreats - ! ' n. rtr-r-r. r;ty TUkt a V