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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1905)
16. M905. 12 .THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAt. . PORTLAND. -TUESDAY EVENING. , MAY b r I7 TODAY'S MARKETS CITY CREAMERY: . BUTTER ADVANCED Prices on Best Product Rise One - and a Half Cents With a CHINESE BUYERS WANT- - .GEESEAND DUCKS NOW XhtckenrMarket Dull and Un changed Car California " -rt Onions'- Comes JnJ.--; al IB.' The principal fca- --ajtt Ott Portland wholesale market today ffr-. - " j. . - ; City creamery butter advanced,. Car cabbage . arrive In, , . . . . u... potatoes 'alh 'gnoS. demand. '. . .Car California onion In... , . - iliiiw market firm but unchanged. -Salmon peek ahead of laat Tear. ol bold firm at He a P"im. . iim In 1 1 j yrrcca- raorw-arttionar f. ' Aajiarague aeiiaon drawing to ckc. Hreco peea In .larger supply. NxvcIorengee are getting" ecare. . . . 3 ,Vfil market in better aliape. W. H.- Dryer talka on potatoes. . : Eggs firm but prices are unchanged. , . .ereea asd ducka tied -demand. . -, Chicken market la rather heavy. " - -'- , Hop arc flrnr hot Inactive- . . . Butter Mark! hewing Advance. "V. ; 'ilie alt nation In the creamery butter market h ipuih lniuruTad and atixka era moving' oul "mr about aa fast aa thejr mine. The recelpta of outside creamery butter hart been showing a stesdy deereese durlng-the pa at few weeks OS- account ut the greater deuaud for ioa. ereaia and alan ua aeeoant t tha-hish prlren rulln( la the rheeaa market. Theae two produeta tn a lart perrenuxe of the freah cream. Tha hatter market U abnwlna a hetter tone In moat raarketa. Ban Pranrlar and other Calirorula batter men ara atnrliig ymctUallJ half-ot -ahate fontpiifraud at thla raU It will not take long . lor nelfwTrt- 4-WPpUed.,iThe atorlnf of -butter In that market had but little -effert ansa the raUug taluea, the market breomlng verjr dull and llfelees sn ererr jttempt tu ad- uii ana iireien on wrri jurowi Utm analallaiei la Mile ettr today the a, i tTfianierjr. vadTanced their prlcea :XUe ' bound. making , the quotatluua oa moat dtr braada of tirat quality 21 We a pound. Dealera - . - In outaida branda are obtaining 2oc for their ..'-ZZ, aery - baat prorhiet, hot a large per eent of the oulpat aelb aronad IHVir. Tba rail ror eouotry 'lima nuiiai rwa both the apcjta and north and prloea ara bi--lng"hrf-JtrMI all the 4op oteb.Herelpai of country butter am allgni IJ larger. mil 1 tarloi tae preaent arrlrala. - Chaaaa Markat ia Sotd laan ; -Therf la a Terr food ton to the rhaeaa de mand. Becclpta aia uulte falr but ara not quit o heary Jlurlug the preceding wer. ltemaad for ryeeae'ta M1W .111I pricea are 'la healr aii'I pricea are being held firm around 14V,aj l.Vf for trft of beat quality. There are quit keary atorka of California eheea remaining la thu market and price hare to be ahaded la order to unload. ' rotataa. Ara la Battar Damaad. -Tbera la a better demand ruling lto" potato market. Receipt arem to bar 'dropped off nearly altogether. About a doaea cara of Colo rado atork ara rolling, bnt they do not aaem nam ii nn ut Mlrmeantaa ara alao ea routa -to thla city, but thalr preaent whereaboata I unknown. Pota toea are In better demand In aH market and prleea bar generally advanced. Colorado and llinneaeta atoeka ara higher tbaa aereral work -ago and the market Iff both place la In food ah ape. Tbt proapecta now are that about all the goad potatoea remaining la tha .country ill ba wanted before tb near crop la ready - for mrfcerf tttocka of Oregnna 'are now rery aacall and taoaa who attll hare auppllea ara iboldliU 4bi hm aa atnaina lu flgiuea. the the market will a how a big advance during the fair oa account of tb1 large influx 01 alitor. . , ) Cair" Calif oral. Oaiona Arrive JjuT" The flrat foil car of aew California oniona ; trrjlTCIu.thl market today. There la but .a email Improvement IaThVquilHT apd Oeuiaurl M atlll rather alow.- Price are tomewhat . lower. - Aa waa etclualvely tdd in The journal ymterday the flrat ahlpment of Bermuda I - tit thla auukrt. The atorka at of good quality. but at 6c a poundWa Had la kiaAdron ' A far of J W Dutch cahhaar arrlrrd In thl morning. It waa of good quality and aold readily at IHt a pound. , Auppllea of araraua are very email and tb aeeoa here I fat drawing to a cloea. l'b pa "t aeaaoa baa been a very nominal one for the product la bla a lata and klgh price bare ruled. Cherrlea .are In better dehand on acermnt of the finer quality of ttif fruit now arriving. Navel orange are becoming verv acarce and - Valenciaa and Mediterranean awect are taking Jhe1r place. The market i a trifle higher. '- Pemand for Florida tomatoea ia abowlng but a email lacreaae. Pricea ara atlll conaldercd too high. -' ' ; The glnt in the atrawVrre market aeema to be over for the time being at leaat. and pricea ara being held aomewhat. better, l-oraalockt ara abowlng an Increaae in the arrival.' Egg Firmer bat lTlea ara Vnckaagod. At )c the egg market la firm, but pricea a how no rilapoaltlon to make aa immediate advance: llecelpt are fair. 1 1 Poultry la atlll coming very feat and the market la dull. There la a allghtly better oe- ewand fee bleka I lbs lnarr.jitlrca. Th t"lnea are again In the market for ducki aad geeae. Arrlvala ara amalL - ' What tb Sealer Ara baying;. . TV. H. Ih-yar. of Ih-j-er. O' Mailer Co. : Ther I not much danger of potatoea going low natll after the farmer are throngh with - their seeding. Callfornt ' n atlll ualng large lota ot Oregnna for aeed aa well a an me from Mlaneaott.. 1 believe that the market will remain good for some time, Ther 1 alwaya a demand for old potatoes until the latter pert of July, from preaent indication I believe that thla market will be supplied somewhat by eaaterai atoeka on account of the anortagt ia the local atorka." Teal Market Is Setter. The .tona. In dressed ..Teal, la ..allghtly-Improved on account ot the smaller receipts, but no change are made In prices. , Ihreasra nbasi are' being held rither firm fo the beat stock and Mp price sr being pb- Rained. - - -- - ' " . . Today's wholesal qnotatlon. a revised, are aa follow: : -rala, -nm a - laad. ' THE AT Nominal; clab and!, red, Me; brua alem. ttc; ralley. Boc. . w f BARLEY Feed, I2J.50; rolled. 124.00; brew. aa. , COEM ' Whole. IM.B0; cracked. 223 M par . RTK ti n per cwt . ' ' OATS No. 1 white, .00; gray. rUi a Baiters Oregon Patents. f- &B04 ! , etretgbte. 3 Ti; einorts. $3.ooa.M; vallev' ft. 10; graham. i.0O; 10s. HiS:',,'. boa. isfV.; bale. 2.75. 0 ' MILLTl'rrs Bras, r olbOO pee-tnn: mid dllna. 1 33.o0; aborts, eeantry. 1 23.i chop, HAT Tlnjotbr. Wlllametts 'va.iey, fancy H100- ordinary, $12 00; eastern Oregon, Vilutl: - als 12 09t-eleerf- t,00; grain.- $11.00; cheat, $11.00. w - . -. wwtter. Zgga aad realtry; IHTTTtsU FATHnweet. 18mj2uc; soarr. 16H HI TTFR City ereamery.- best. SOtjtllUc-a-eond fade, l'U,tjioc; ontelde fancy, y , sne; ordinary, 17Sc; t'alirornla, Itifce; atore. -- i&ailov,. - . . tAiliU Ne. I frcab Orea-oa. candled - ta narinnini, aivaii-ve. anolefl. IIiaiTr. HKLHK New Full cream, twin. 14HBrfte;d Teang Amtiee." 1314c; e fornls. 14144c; VbedC POl LTM YChirkewa, esatern. UaaU'Ar: Trliii Ibeddar. It'ic. icna, mlaent. Umjl. It,. ' be. litfMe per lb) rooeter. old, 1012 lr lb; I'mtig, lie ler lb; brotlera. 25c lb; ,' frvera. - xhe rhj J dark, "ea.nwuo.ot, p.; do; geese, Rtne per lb;, furkeva, 17is fee Ih; dreaoed 2Hi par lb; squab, 12 1002-00 per e . , -J Ken. Waal sal Bides. ' ? - - MOP Oolrct, lixw. laQlJe; llmd arm, r-c fur choice,, 2Jtu24c fur prime m ' aedlma. . , W(K)L 1aJ etln.- Wiley, coarse to aMdtam. ' :'tU.K; floe, I4ta2Vk;eaaara Oregon, f. - trHAIIt-.ftnmlnal. toQaie. tiCKf-aKINS hasrlof. l020e; (hart Wool, TUESDAY-PRICES:! WlZTT" THE WHEAT MARKET .: ........ ' ... -",' d May. " July. 4 eh ft.lrw T t .ft , T -, A - AZteji 4h d , New lui lt-. ,H . .224 4, . .lk d .96 .11 ' ' 4 a Ht fa,a- d T.lSHt1.034B"a l.OrfH 1.61 4. St. J-ouln v. 4 Kanviui City Liverpool . . d -lnrVenTJif' Iniluth Winnipeg ' . . 1H d Sua- FzuiAa$Q 1.47 J31 1 7--T-t--- 7- 7-"r-'-:' "December. d io.toc; medium bbrtfiit.on each. a ool - 206 ftoet knif "wool TALLOW Prime.1 per tb, dOe No., t and greaae. 2 2J-r- " . . - ( HI1T1M - BAUK 4iQSa . nor. lb; ylng HIDES Dee hides. No. L It ilm amt Tltl edUIBSe tWTmr dryllp. No. 1. to 16 lb. IV; dry call No. J.. Under 8 lba. IdCalac; dry salted hides, steers, sound. 00 rw or over. IVttl c; Ml to 60 lba, eSe: under no lba and euvra. Sasac; stsgs-aod bulla,- sound, S7c; kin. IS torn lbs. 6cr sotino. 10 to 1 lbs. U feWet calf, sound, nnder 10 Hie, BVtGllet green tuuaaited), le per Ih jess; cuiia, ic jmw ib teas; boree hides, salted, each. 1.2(ril.7Sr dry, each, ll.uoat.60r colt bides, each. 2n16oei goat skins, common, eseu. '"Qlfti d"g"i igun srawji on.--gscn, zoctrei.uo. Fraitg and Vegetables. - POTATOK9 jetQjtgUn. Il.isqi.2a; ear ji:is, i.o.u. country, ai.uutia i.oo; aecooa grsue. Sl ue per sack; buying, car lota, hoc: Kariy uose. " i.doi.zo; awuUM crala. l.(o; new California. 2Ho per lb. ... OMONfl 5.60: buyer' or Ices, country. $4.15; now California, 2Vic; Auatralla, fG.00;ugarUc aw i't tna- 0. VBKtiH FR CITS Apple, eitra fancy, 2.o0; fancy Oregon. 61. 60 per box: cbvap grades. 21.00 per - box; orange, naval. 62.ootiaa.O0 !- beneaaa, hiU"C sar lh) lemona. choice, 12.79 buz; fancy, J.OO box; Hues, Mexican. tie per 100; plneapphie, 4.00yo.oo; eranber. Willamette valley, lSilf: Hood Klver. ii per- an: tenroraia. aJ.oovai.Dv triw at ratai i er. h.. Turnlna. new. i.t"JBi a la-r beeta,. sack: carrota, i.til.i ler aacr 61.29 - per ssrk; . Oregon rsd ihea. : 2.V . -ner dos: - eabbajre. eatiuage Oro - goo. -per twr, Call fornla, 1HQIV; ieltuce. hotliouaa. 61.2ofcl.o0 per erafce; greea peppara, 7e per lb; Chill peppera. laJl7o lb; celery. .1 70U4 00 per crate; u,matoa. Florida. 4.IHIW4.0O; California,- 62.&0; paranlpa. l.oo'(t 1.25; string beau. 1 lie cauliflower. California. i rrj f ... n .l.,i,, ' 1 1 1 I "' t I .T5tl2.00 nato rfciihuli IMIVil nnr BaraeraJIah. per lb; aprouta. oc; artb bvkearotitiSuc per do; bothona lettace. Il.uo froen -oniona, l"c per doseo; aaparague, U7c 0V bonchea; WalU Walla. S1.2S per.boiL aplnacb. He per lb; green cor a, ll.fru per ila; praa, Oregon, 7JSc; Cillfurnla, Oc per ' lb. - - - UKIKU fki its apniee. evaporaiea. taw per lb: aoricot. per lb aarka. Ma -per-eT-paacllEa. SHISe per--thr Par.' j er ipj prunea-itgiiun, attliicar m, reach. ISttifee per lb: flx. CaUfornla black, ajde per lb; Catlfornlawblte--P Jb. piuma. pitten. per id; oatea, guiueo, o per lb; faroa, 1.M per 15 lb box. .-.s-.-.-.wiacarfa,-o-.lla.r--"--'v-Bi aAR Hack baaia Cuba. 18.10: powdered. fruit granulated, SH5; dry granulated, 5.Wrbet xiaaulaiaa. jXJb all UMi E.ldn C, K.2b; bole, luc; bbla, 25c; boxea, w advanca ou aack bad, leaa 2oa pat wl fur caah, IS daya; maple. H&lo par lu. itnUix. --. : CUKKLEl'ackag brand. I14.TB. s HALT 'lntBak. 2a. aa. a. it. 10a, fl.M; table, dalrr. 6u. S11.00: lutM. 110.74; Im ported Liverpool. . bM, 1T 00; too,- $10.&o; it, lld.ou; eitra flutTYbMl.-a. 1. Ba, Ioa, a.otrn-srrr-Tailtr32) lb. .uo(aa.uO; aatk. 60a, KU8c. . - Coaraa Half ground, 100a, par to a, fr.OO; 00. par ton. T.W; Liverpool lamp ruck. IU.SO par tod; Ulb rock. IJ.OU: looa. d.7o-- -tAbov price apply to aatrof leaa thaa car lota.- Car tola at apaclal priiMa aubjaet to Surtuatlona.) . UKALK BAU Calcutta, 3.7BO 00 par 100. KICK Imperial Japan, .Vo. 1. 4e; No. 2. c; New OrUaoa. bead. he; r Adja. Creole, e - - . m 1, v.i - . 1 .ill,. LC alttkr avacr bayod; 3.uv;' lima . BWc; ataxlcaa reu. NUTS Peaautev'TUer him boa. (Vta per tb; raw. vgloe per lb;- roasted. : cocoaoot. b&UMc per doa; waluuU. 14)16e per lb; plus nuts. I0&124,c per Ib: hickory nut. 10c per lb; chestnut, eaatern. 16 lac per lb; BraaU nuta, 16s per lb; - Albert. lollae per ib; fancy pecan, ldCJlae per lb; almond, 13016 Par lb. tx. Coal 011. XU. ROPBV Pure Manila. '14c: standard. 12fa.e: iiaal, 10c; Istle'brand, sisal, c COAL OIL Pear or Astral tiaaea, S04e per gsl; water . white. Iron bble lAe per gat, wooden lac par gal: headlight, liO-drg, .case at He per gat- . , iiAaOLLMb-se-drg, raara 32e per gal, lroa bbla, 2dc per gal atovaa, caaea 24 Vie per gal. ran Ma iw t TLKHKMIts per gal. -1 u case. 87e per gal; Mils, 64c per gaL BENZINE 63-deg cases 2S per gL lroa bbla lM(4e per gal. Wlil'l lt LCAle Toa lota, Hc per- lb; 600-lb lou. 7c per lb; b-aa lota, be per Ib. WIHK NAILS Present base at 6200. LIN8EEU OIL Pare raw, 4a bbla ale per gal. caaea asc per gal; genulae kettle boiled, caaea 68c per gal. bbla 03c per gal; grouad cake, al; grouts kettle bol bla Uc per gal; grot caaea car Jots fM.OO pea tea, leaa tbaa car lota 60O.OU par ua, . Meat, Flah and Froriaioaa. FRE8Q MEATS Front atreet Beef, atecr. 4(itSViC per Ib; pork, block, TVe per lb; packers. 7Ve per ro; bulls, Stiea per lb; cows. 425Vsc; per Hi; mutton. 7c; ewe lambs with pelta. '4a;e per -Tb: eeaL ratra. OWo'ic. ordinary, 6Q6c per lb; poor, per lb. - r IIAMK. BACON. ETC. Portland Pack 'local! bams, 10 to 14 lbs. 12Hc per Ib; 14 to 18 lba. 12Mie-peT rbr lit to J lba.- lltUe twr IK- cot tax. Sc per lb; brcakfaat bacon, J2HJ17 per lb; 1 anaikoJ, BWc par Ibi aiuokxLUOtiawr lbi.lear picnic, oc per id; regular) anori clears, on- bark a. unamoked. 6c per lb: amoked. 10c per Ib; luion butta, 10 to IS lba, noamokea, as id: amoaaa, vc per id; ciear Denies, on- smoked, lie per lb; smoked, 12 per lb; shoulder. 8c. LOCAL LARD nettle leaf. 10a. 10i ner Ib; 6, lOHc per Hi; M-lb tin. ine per Ib; steam rendered." tos. 0c per Ib; 6s, V per lb; tubs, e per Ih; 60s. 6e per Ib. CANNED SALMON Colombia r Ver l ib talis. ll.W; 2-lb tslls, 2.n; fancy, 1-lh laU, 2.(M); hi lb fancy Bats, fl.2S; fancy 1 lb avals, 62.76: Alaska tans. pink, aoaivoc; raa. l.0O; nominal 2a, tall, 62 00. F18H Rock cod, 7c per lb: flounders. Be per lb: halibut. 4Vic per Ib; crabs. 61. W) per doa: striped bass 124c per lb: catnab. 7c - per tb; aslmon, Chinook. 0e per Ib; steelheads, Tc. per lb; herring. 6. per lb: eelee, -Je per Ib; abrlmpa. 10c per lb; perch, be per lb: abad. 3c per Ib: roe ahad. 6e per Ib; ahad roe, 8X per Ib: black cod. 7c tier lb: silver smelt. 6c per Ib: lobster, I6c freah mackerel. He per lb crawfiatw 2ftc per tin; ftnaaderar-oe per lb; sturgeon. 7e per lb. ' uiBi r.f.n NDoaiweter nay, per gu; per sack. f.1.7A. t CLAM" Hard ahelL her - hex. 62.00: Tasor clam, 2.00 per box. " COTTON FUTURES GO v ELEVEN POINTS DOWN "(Purnlbed,b.v Over beck. Star A Citoke Col Nrw York. May 16. Cotton future closed 11 Twne lower. - . -r ,' , Today's official cotton market: ' '" Open, lllrh. Low. . Cloee. January I... 780. Ma) 777 7HK,ifli February ........... . .. T ....... Tn4!0 March" ............. hob .- H07 ... KI THXraliw M'V --- 7TU JHH 777 77&7 June ..... July 7 . 7H1 71 775 7iM 7l 7H fMt 77 7!1 7 7W)ftjl T75 77 74 7 (I'VT I I T70i 71 Aagnat ... S.ntcmbt-r 77''i7 v ictier . . 7" TtM 7o 1 November ' Iiecrmber . 72 7K2 7WI - 7 W 7n:iih si) Tsig87 Linrnsol Oottea Lower. '. . 1 . 1 ,t - , a u ... 1 " -i , .' '""I"". . .u.n.ra cwwa "eady 2 polnla lower. .. Kew Orlean Oottea Market. New Orleans. May 16. Cotton, . fpots, dqnn; middlings, 1ei "-. WALL 6TRIIT OOSSIF. ' New York. May !. The Wall Street jour nal say: . Tbt Americana la London are rather heavy, a boOl 44 to point below parity. There seem to he plenty of stock In the loan crowd. Thirty-six rosda for ths- first week of. May show sn svereae gross Increase of 5 04 per cent, TWcntv a. live railroads advanced 4J per cent; -The hanka lost to th stibtresaury Alues ldui,Oi.sjf'e.jiioli AT unchang-4. HIGHER-CABLES-- CAUSE STRENGTH Unfavorable . Conditions In the -Northwest Wheat Belt "7 " Strong Factor. ALL-OPTIONS ADVANCE . WITH EXCEPTION 0 July- Closes -Five" Eighths and September a Half Cent Up -Corn Lost Cain. ' Tfl'ESpA V rVUBAT UABKET. Open Close rinse' - Cain Today Today- ilon. .- Today v-,6 I ."ftS -. rr ."7H -."74 A -.f7B .V .. .hov' .bV .'.ooh f a v.... . Jlrn-.r.T-r; eVptV , (KuniMied h- verhech. Utarr -Ctieie i ou-ago, stay lu. -Logan at nryau say; . In wheat the. early arrenglh received much help fount the hlaber cable, anfsvorable con ditions in the - northwest and tbe outlook for wuatiier over the Winter belt and the outmK for weather ttr rtle west, taaamnrh aa ft looked like froat through Kauaas aad sections. of th southwest. - Kbort-ooverrngi was alao a fact'. The gorernniefit weekly report added fuel tb tfta flemea. After about two bonra ot a very etroiig market nervousness developed and prices took on a sagging tendency. While the close was materially higher than that of eaterdsy, ti acta aa if tbe edge ot( for the . time bring. The atrengtb In the outalde market practically petered out, Indicating that there la a short interest, too. snd they had run to cover. -The situation - aeema - sound and tbe etrength la mainly based en the atrntut caah eltufciioo. but we foal cautkia 1a necessary on thla bug. Cara, laass Oath." t Ineorn the abort covering w due to the eirengin in wncai ana also to tne governnieui weekly report. Karly it waa blgber, but a In wheat the market developed a aagglng ten dency, and then Vmt the entire gain. - It Looked a it the klaj itlon would get away frvu the bull leaders, and ther wrrr tyniiMillad la aril f-v(rr-TlIH.1mra7,r tbeVlay to bold tbe market In check. Krin with all tbflr aaUIng the market rloded sharply higher. A aide from tbe stay tbe market look a unchanged. .. Aside from the atrepgth In the - May the oats market ?t no time participated In the strength of the other pits. The trade la on the whole alow and disappointing. "- rhnaller recelpta and better price at the yard, coupled with the atrengtb In other mar kriaAeiiiedZaeuUm4iut'lj) ' -3h-brv1slon mar" fhid-I covering. Trade contlnuee rxtreraelr quiet. rr - ictatj a oIIKlal marketa: j , - - V MKAT. - Open. High. May..- . $ .IM - Low. Close. .- - ,K7t4 .H714A : ..-.80 July - .874 dept..... -jeS i"l CORN. May -4- r.61t 7.B-A old Jcly .4i -.47 .47Si L .47 " .44 Alt , '41 W , '4H .4 0AT8. ' .ill H .4M'4 New Julr ' .47'4 -.47 .474 .44', .47 '".47V.A .45 Old ".-ut New Xept Old Dee.- May;;.: jbi-.m -.awe ;?;2HftB .2 , .2814 - July. Sept.. B . MESS i'OR:. Mar. 7 20 N July.... 72 R2 . - 12. w r 12.77 - - - LARD, , 12 M T ' A Jp.t.... 12.75 7.62 A M.y:;7: July.... S T.l TU ,-. T.S2 Sept. T.o3 T b2 .' L7.M) SHORT ribs: MT. Jnly. T.IO . 7.10 T.10 I..W -T.2R Kept..,. t.bO 777" coirra act tmaii-stocr.- Chlcago, May 16. Contract Wheat atoeka: Today liecrease Bush. .l.tKW.ono Rueb. IHl.Ono No. No. 2 hard. ...7 1 nortbera II.0110 - l.nno.000 S4 otal Total lorn (lata .l.oia.nnit 241 .fast 40.000 40.000 (--.' .4ncreaa.- a TtiaTCISCO CEAni MAE KIT.- San Francisco, May IS. OfficTal cloee, mbrn- lug aesaion: WHEAT. Open. High. 1.47V4 61.47Vi . .3l 1 ni BARLEY. -, 1.1 -l.l Tjow.' Cloae. May December. . 1.47Vi. 11.4714 1 . 130 i.aovk May.. December.... 1.1 .8T .6 CHICAGO CASH WHIAT. Ch lease, May 18. Caah wheat: I ' Hid. .Aakh- No., 8 red...., No. 2 hard............ .....1 M ....... . II 01 No. a barn. . .... No. 1 northern.'; i.-i 2 .... 1.0.T .... . .90 .ais 1.04 1.04 1.02 No. 2 northern.-..,.,.-.T.v..n No. S aurlng 0BAXX VISIBLE SUPPLY. XWrago. M? J 6. Bia datrecti report of grain visible auppiy: Wheat Ksst of Rockies, decrease of S.OGO ono hushela: F 11 rope snd afloat, decrease of Yt rmn DU'nria, ToTal aeetvaae 'or boabels. . i nro Decrease of 2. 200.000 buahela. Data Decreaae of 2.I71.O00 busbela. Chios ge Orsia Car Chicago, May 16. Grain car kits: Cara Urade Eat Wheat n 0 , 2 Corn , 1W " 3 Wats ,.......1. 120 Wheat ars tndar: MlnneaDolls a. 1004 11 Diiluth 1. Veer ago: Mlnneapolla 41, Dulutb 10, trVTSPOOL E AIM MAEKZT. I.lveennnl. Mar - Id. Cke: " Wheat. May. M'ay a 8id. aid up;. Julrr ""Jd up; Sep tember, "a 9a. 140 up. - 1 f ornMsy, 4s Sd. "i,d op; JuIyyuttJ 4Hd, Ad OP- '" - ' "SAHFalAHCISCO LOCAL STOCKI. Raa Francisco, Msy 16. Local stocks official ehaie. morning session: - .wii. .iax, Snrtnif Talley Water ,. 8714 41 . 87.. Contra Coata water.. .. Mutnal Klectiie ,. 8. F. Oaa A Electric... (Slant Powder Hawaiian Commercial. ...... Honokea Sugar... tlntchloeoa Kuaar.....v. .1. M'ikawell Sugar... IS ..... It" i 88 ..... 64 88 ' 17'4 Z 8H Hit -asai 80 1.10 J ..... 18. IS 3714 2.H4 ....... .-.V4 .....ion ...... 77 onomea Poxar.... Taatihau Sugar Alaaka Packera'. . . . .. .. Cal. . Fruit Cannera ..,. Cal. ' Wine Asa'n J. Oceante Steamship 1'aclllo Slates Tel...... ja 4V4 . .,..-.10214 ..... B06T0M COPPER ST0CE8. Boston, Msy 16 Official close: mo. Advanturs r. .l S.M Bid. ArcadUn . . f 1 Or) Oreenj "Clipper . 20.12H OsoeoVs ...... 92. Ml A Hones Atlantic IMI 13.00 til ox ham IVntennlal .. 81. Ml ll'arrot ,.. 24.(10 Wl oO Oulncy 7T1OO.00 Oulncy Copper ; nn.OfiA (Shannon k.... i T.78 Copper Rang 72 mi iHoval 2ri.(iA Haly. W'eat ... 't4.H7ITamaracfe- .... 110.00 Horn. Ima .. JTrlmxy ....... a. 50 Frsnklln 8 28 -U tah , 45.12V, (Jranl.r 8.02141 Cnlted Copper. 26 76 Oreea tkild r. 8.M1 I Victoria 8 26 Mass 8 a) JWInons ..i,.. 10 onv-1 Old Dom. ..... St. Ml 1 Wolverine irar r Calumet y, r. Mining. 81.26 - SLXXOBM BZTXa rOODV : (Journal Speclar Service.) r ' I.tnootn, Iajr 16. Trta Elkhorn rlrer fllkn at Nellgh brnke this rriornlriE. flood ing; thouaaruln of ficrea- of farm lanfla and raualnf -heavy loxaeg. In livestock and crops."' ''";-- ' FMAY4-T0 . i - . i ST n I T.10 A . V T . f City Creamery, Butter .Showing Good Tone. ,With Prices Higher Vy. H. Dryer Tells of JJpjidilionjQQJlegard-4otato9T ,; E010PECK PUIiRICESJOl Lower Quotations on Other Side Responsible for Drop in ' " : New York." ; ST. PAUL ONEJJkrEW SHOW AISTAD VANCE Most of the Big List Closes Off-r Tennessee Coal a, Weak Feature; i.piisES.- r.r- 1 tareet West.rr..... 1,1 1 ami la. A NaehvlII i'ilKaty U. I l la,MU-lrtflfrrV AnaMinda Aaialgamated . .... Atchlsin j J.. du . prefer red. Rugsr . . - r West...: tN.-V. Centrsl..... I'm Car A Feundry,,, Brooklyn I Ontario 4k Weatrrn. J Halt, A Ohio. Colorado Fuel . ... Canadian Pacific. l.litlleauMng- S WlUcpubllc Kteel .... 1, , do preferred...... . Ja' Rock Island ....... i jteel .... ....... ' H Vi do preferred, f... a. RrleV let l.M. . ... Southern Railway.. t. k IH. W.. pfd Teiaa A Pacific. Vl lenneaace -eet -. .-, j Soutbera . i'avlflc . . V. I L'ulon Pacific : .' , ' , ADVANCES. - -'-.-' Car A Found., pfd- Htllllnoia Central ... 4 . Paul .MUaa .., j stock lrtaaA.-pfd.-. t- - --" FuraUhe4 by Overbeck,- Wtarr A Cooke Co.) Wall tttreet. May 18. Tbe heavier feeling lu tbe Loudon-market waa the cause of the grner- tty downward trend of thla markat. lhare were few excaptiooa to thla. St. Paul waa tht feature of the day. and moreoV-ap and down a point or ta a uulra freuuently. It wss one of -the Tew atoeka on tbe ilet to show a gnlu. Th big movement Ib St. Paul la atlll attributed to recent etorlea of an extension to tBe Pacific eoaat. Tennessee Coal waa weak oa many sell ing order and closed a full point down. Today a official stock market: T DESCRIPTION. Anaconda Mlulna C 1081 ll 1084 Amalgamated Copper Co. Atchison, ota . 8414 4J4 aH 884k Hli 81 Z 81141 81 C oo prorerrea ...... . , Amer. Car A T.. com.. lOl. lulls 101 Vk 1101 j!ai.IJ13vSb 00 rrz'p'fpdt Hauuuia igar. com . i. 13)U3d . IT S.117jl llOthll l do neeferred 121 Bait. A Ohio, com do nref erred IZIXIIII 1X1 lOOH 108 ,108 ...... 7H 82141 61 81 148148 148 $4 108H Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific, com.. Chicago A Alton, com.. do preferred..... Chicago-A CI. W., com.. 2 148H 33 . 76 ni., hii. at Ht. y 'hlcago A N. W., com.. I7 218 177 llt'a 218 217 si Chicago Ternrlual Mr .....174 Chesapeake A Ohio.... Colo. Fuel A lroa, com. I Colo. Houthern. com.... 4W 4BV, 27 V 45 27- 45 v 27 27 !4 M do 24 pca-f erred . , . 87 Delaware A Hudsou. . .. Denver A Ulo O., com.. do- prfrred"r7n .... . Erie.-, cum . . . ....... INS .... 28 tm 4214 6dv 7M14 4214 AtltXiiii, do 2d preferred.'..... do let oref.rree. ... . -. . . . 784 78T4I T8 Illinois Centrsl ........ Louisville A Nashville.. loi4Ukit'iaVl:iatiaI o Metropiritrsn Ht. Kv atanajutanJtauwax aiex. lentrai Railway.. Minn... 8L P. A JMe. U. VI 11 21141 214, I IB ft rl 18 T1114 do nrefeered.-TW.--r:.. f.....16 814t7t-474 Mlaaouri PaclfUl . ...rr, M., K. A T., cotn. 271' W 80141 21 2U14, -a(4 0014 14214 1' 8214 ON 48 H do Dref erred ll4 oti . New York. Centrsl, .. . . . Norfolk A West., com. . do preferred.......... North Ainericso N. Y.. Out.- A West... 14s 14;S4ll42 784 IB14 1( 8614 40 tHI 60 Pennsylvsnia Railway i:m) 1.10 1.1614 'reused Steel Csr, com J 8Vtl JWla 8Vk Xm do preferred 4 86 Pacific Mall H. 8. Co.. Reading. . com do 2d preferred ...... du 1st preferred...... Rep. Iron A Steel, com. do pee fief ad. n 1 1 Rock laland. com....... Southern Hr.. com.... do prof erred. r. ...... Southern PaclBc........ do preferred St. Lai, V.. 2d pfd.. do flrat pre f erred . . , . St. L I W., com... do preferred Texaa A Pacific Tennessee Coal A Iron. Toledo. St. L. t W., c. do preferred....;.,'... I'nlon Pacific, com..... Leather, com. . . . do f refer red ..... . . . . Ii- 8. Rnbber, com do preferrdd. i .. U. S. Steel Co., com, .. do prefrrred Wheeling A I.aae F.rle, c do secoud preferred. . do first preferred.... W. V. Tclegrsph . . j . . . Wslwabcom ,. . . . . . . . Rulier liooils, 2V 8314 2 8614 81 11 18' 18 184 2H4 2UU. 28 6 8214 118 87 78 2814 82 8:114 . 82 85 68 ' 1221 12 1071. 45 108 81 - 8814 161 21 8714 83 18 'rrtj 88 -105 SUM o'a 'siii 80 'ssii 82 Si 11 T ii 11B 87 ll 88 V4 23 4 62'4 . 8214 2 2 KI14 8II4 2 so 67 6714 67 my, 12l4 12 107 107 107 iisi 108 108 8114 81 14 1SV IRli 15 21 21 XI 3714 S7V4 8714 V3 HI lH K1914 .V., M 106 .1814 do - preferred. . 100 1O0 Total a ilea for dy, 415.800 ahare. 7 T0H0FAX MI1ITN0 iTOCHiT San Franclaco, May 18 Tonopak stork, offi cial cloae, forenoon aeaaion; '. nid. 1 vBld. .1 .118 1 .24 . .18 . .21 i.4mA . .78 . .18 ."..TO r- , t- wn . .08 ' .. a.i- Montana Midway McNaroara . ... Belmont North Star .. Rescue tiold Mountala Jim Butler . .. Nevada Ton. Extea.'.". Red Top (loldfleld .... Samlstorm ... do Eiten..'. ,$;i.o74 Adam . l.624!Mohawk . .4.1 I Dixie . 1.8714lKendall . .88 IColumbla Mt... .07 IJumbo , .15 do Fiten . .84 iRlack Butte-;.. inslSllver lirh v. .', B.o . tlolden Anchor. Ray O'Brien. Ophlr Ton.:: O. Hull Frog. i. . .41 . .13 .31 IHamond Field:.' ,61 COMSTOCK . KIHIHO STOCKS. San Francisco, May 16. Comatock official CKm, forenoon aeaaion. 1- i Bid. Bullion ,... .MA BelcbeV 24 Con. Csl.-Va... 1.88 , Ofihlr .u T.28 Caledonia ...... .86 Mexican ....... 1.88 Scorpion ..x'i",17 - 1 MIO. Savage ,..,..) .88' I'otoal .111 I'nlon Con 73 Yellow Jacket . . .27--Klchequer .80 Hale A Norcroaa 1.88 And T.,,r... . M . AMEXIC AX STOCKS IH LOXOOH, - London; May 18, .2 p. m.-t-Atrhlaoa declined K, Baltimore A Ohio declined . Canadian Pacific declined H, Denver advanced , Erie, flrat. declined . Louisville A Naahvllle de clined 4, Alexlcsn Central declined 14 Ontario WMtertT declined" . " Norfolk A weatcrn declined H. Nortbeen Pacific declined 84, nn arlvanla rieslinrd , Reading declined Rock laland declined 14, SiMithera Pacific Secllned 14. Cnlon Pacific declined 4, I nlted States Steel declined 14; preferred declined H. Wabaah preferred declined 4. consols uarbanged. .1 . F0XTLAH7J BASK STATEMEXT. - Aearlng .. ..... ."V. ,".. 1778.718. 80 llalsncc 1 144,702.85 . . ... Haw Tork-Leadoa Sugar. New York,-May 18. Sugar: Rawa, ateady; centrifugal. 4 T-16; mnece, 8 13-16; Londoa beet, weak;. May., .la. 848: Jnne, 11 4!4d, Stock in I nlted Kingdom, 82.000 tans, ! t . - . . lO.flOMl0. f 1 liat iiauiiia n-Mt 21 lid's OVERBECK; STARR & COOKE CO. , 7 ' " Members Chicago Board, ad Tsada ' - :, OftATaT, FBortnoxi, oonoH, BTOcza Ajrq how a. - -: .101 Third Street, McKay Building. Portland. Or.. WH BO A BTBIOTXiT CO1AWBSX0BT SUaiHHSB. Contlauoue Markets by rrlvate Wire. Auion, Danaera, ana.uaitea HOGS CONSPICOUS BY THEIR ABSENCE No.Receiptsat-Yards Again- -Sheerrr'Market rT Sdrrie- -what Better.- -Portland I nion Blofkyarda. : May 16. Llve- eanti Hj(fJ. Xkllla, ghnnp il8 lTiSl Tool Wee aaa .-....'..- '.... ' 80 Prevlooa week .... . ..'' 1.30 The general absence of bog recelpta la tbla aiarket la . attracting attention. Today not a alogle-bog errtvrd In -the yarde. and thla con dttion la ahown for three consecutive Tuesdays lu fact not a aiugle hog baa arrived at lb Tarda since laat Thursday. Th cattle market la not aii firm today 011 tcoiuyl of-eonllnued heavy arrlvala taoni Tne auutn. nneep values e-motd firmer with no change In valuea. Offb-aal rWa- fue livestock; - . r Ilnea Hiet rart-rn "r-g r t M-Tn and t hlaa fata.. 63.X0;' stocaera aad feedera, .B04.T- --. - " - Cattle Beat eastern Oregoa ateer. $4 00fl 4.28: -lleht and niedlnm atrera. 83.60U A7J: old and light cows,, 2.iaia2.76 stockara apd feeders, w; bulls, gi.oo. Sheep Rest fsncy sheep. 14.734X4,00; 63.003.7a anri.ngJaniiia. 14' XA6TXAX KOOS STEOMw. r-hicaro- Mav 16, Livestock recelpta!. . r Hogs. ;. Cattle. - Sheep. Chicago 4.000 18."l Kansas City j.oii - l.uuu- w.iawi Omaha i- ar" ,ooo 8,oiai Hugs . saiasifTiffong to steady, with TO.inio left oer. : Receipts a year ago were ,17.000. Pricea: Mixed. i. lotl.:); good aad heavy, 68.2SitS.4o; rough and heavy. $4,0044.10; light, S.loH5.0. 4. ..t v , " - - i sriie eiwivc. . Sbcepx-Steady. "l ' ; . , ' ". HTW TOSH COT FEB MAEEET. New - York. Mar 16. Coffee futures closed 5 points lower witb th market alrady. - Today a oiriclal coffee market: Rid. Aak.I -. Bid. Aak. May. ..... -..88. AO 68. 83 i November ...17.1 7 HI June 6.80 6. 8AI Decern tier . .. 7.16 7.20 July ....... 6 B 6 7(H January .... T.20 T.28 Auguat 8.76 6.80! February T.2&. 7.3" Rautember AM AUu-kUruh, . 7.4 r 7. JO Ortubcr .... 6.86 T.Oti! , ' t - Hew' Turk Caah Caffea. New Tork. May 18. Caih cefft Rb8fiJiav-A- -Santos. S14c. . FINED FOR BREAKIN& - PROHIBITION LAW (Spectai Dispatch t The Jonroal.) Corvallla. Or.. May II. Steward Wll- klns of the- steamboat Orerona. was ar rested wtien th toat arrivad In Corvale lie veaterd&y monnlns. Ha waa taken be fore Judge arrffo,Ttederl TiiltT "to io-4 latlon of the local prohibition law and TJatoVAr-ftna-of -5.-pThtn-l- tlOO-that tha city haa renlixM in nnea witnin three days from violations of th local prohibition law. .i . - Belirountam f am - nenociauon nan Friday ne-w law ocs Into effect concemlnc the conveyance of . Inaan patients from the place of - their resi dence to the asylum. Instead-of the sheriff an aaylum attendant will take pattentnt-te the nut howpltal.- In their hall laat night tne memnera 1 the Orcior of -Lion a held a aociablo. Twenty members from -Albany were preaent.-; A banquet was served. SUPPOSED TO BE SLAIN BY INDIAlaflN ALASKA (Special Dtepatck ' to The looraaLI . ' Seattle. May 1.J.- A. Morrison of thla city (hinka that lila son. J. Howard Morrison, a former student of the Waah- lngton State university, and Ms , 00m panlonT Fred Tlale. bf Seattle, were mur dered by natives in- Alansa. MorTlsoiritnaTJSiewiih: four natives entered the- Interior-taet-Auruat tna proepecting tripv Tiiat - waa the' last seen of them. ' -.' During hls search J. A. Morrlaon found the sloop Seldovla In which the party nailed abandoned In Vyak bay and la firmly convinced 1 that his boy was vhur4ered,for the email, smount-Af money he carried, by members 01 .tne native party he took with him. - OHCAJLOSD -WXTat I0M1 iTHAxura. (Special tHspstch to Th Journal.) Fomeroy, Wash.. Xlay If. UK J. w. Vogel, an oculist and prominent socially and politically Is under arrest here pn A charge bf wholeaale horse Stealing. He maintains hta Innocence. - TOE REET HOTELS. FOR RENT Storea and hotel containing 114 outside rooms, on Twenty-elxtb at., facing mala entrance and exit of Lewi and Clara gala. Apply to B. M. Lombard. 614 Chamber . of Commerce, o 40214 Tw as ty -sixth St. TO I.F.A8E 25-room hotel In city, furnished er . nnfnrnlahed modern Improvement. Apply - to C II. Plggott, lewyer, owner, 4 Mulkoy Mg. on. gu titrs - IMPROVED V LIVER-PILL .ONLY ONK FOR A DOSS , OURIHIAOAOHI . by removlno; the causa , j CURB BILIOUSNISS,. ,". by aiding digestion OLBAR TMI COaspuXIOSJ ' t by purifying the blood BEST PILL ON EARTH ! SOLO BT ALL )BO0KIBT8, OR BT KAIL OH aaciLPT or raica. so, rsa box -KNt NAMK FOR FRII SAMPLI BOX DR. BOSANKO CO., PHILADELPHIA, FA U. S. 8. Scotfs Santal-Pepsln A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation. orCatarrh of the Bladder snd Diseased Kid neys. BO 0U81 BO SAT. 00 res Quickly and nermenently the worst eases of ajoworraieeai and S3 le-, no matter of bow long standing. Absolately barm leaa. Sold by dmggieas, rrto 81.08. or wy man, noaa aid, 114)0,8 box, 2.7. , THE SAKTAL-PEPSIN CO. gMlefoatala, Okta.' For Be Vy Weedard, Oiarka A Oe. Wool Pool '1 - The Yamhill County Livestock association- wool pool will be fferedfor aa'le at McMlnnvllle, Oregon, May 27, 1105. The right to reject any or all bids la teserved by the association. ' DOTvTHTWO, aTOrHTWal as CO, . , (Kaubllahea lilt.) WXCHAT ASTB JTMI SBOXHBB. '' Boom 4, round 21 oor. - OaTASCBBst OA COXafZaCH. Quick BeWloa' REFKRKNCEg ldd A Biaua lsauossl Baaft x foruaoo. -j.'Www--' Branch Offices iASTEafiSBhmiTS hs-tir 1r received at regular main ofSee rate a the folkwug placea and aent to Tbe Journal la Itsi lot public lion la the 8t laaua; -' ' - . - - HOXTK. -ft. AY Preetoa, druggUt. 234 an Xaea - man streets. jlobJHIll Pharmacy. 680 OUaas t treat . tl'f Uef TTat7 pA-4VeeAUawr-a)haTa ahall atreet. c!el, IWa-aweH ft. . B. Jack, confectionery, 600 .Wash ington street, earner 18th. , . . SOVTK. ; -B. . Jone A Co., druggltt Front aad -Olbba atreeta. " ,CotteirujojniijiyrHrtriT'6B4 flraal . XAIT SIDE. . Tattle' Pharmacy, S6S Mteateelppl ave- ana. corner Shaver atreet. . --r " -Hicboi A TbompaB..12S MuMell atreeUr corner Albloa avenne. " Jancka Drug Compear, corner Hear. Iborn and Grand .eveuueo. I. A. Dick, tobaccos. 224 Crosby- (east and' steel bridge). I B. F. Fulton. . confeclliinryraT4 East ' Burnald- aia nee Dnbin avanna. m A Bueh. tobecconista, 182 arena avenue. ( nnmtDz. s.: 1. BV-"Worth, nbarnraclat, OTS ftalmoat atreet. t ' . 8X00KXTH. -; -' " Z Brootlya Tin I 1 iinaeJ fnSUffTiml , .Milwenhle"-streets.. . ' lost abs rouao. Cither Lest sr Feasd advertlseaMau, , rata. "21 woraa lor 1 seat, see. : LOST Child' blue coat, trimmed with brass buttons and patent leather belt! reward If returned to 008 McKay bldg. FOUND Two heifer about 1 year old; 1 black aaa White, other brown. H. Abbott, 822 usee atarx. A1XXTTH0 NOTICE. HARMONY LOTN1E, A. rVAhd tflon 1 -A. ITnaaiiayi ivening. Masonic Tem ple. Third and Alder st.. T:80. Work la A. K. decree. Visitor welcome. '. Ut order W. M.. RLFLS R. BALL, rVeretary. . , lE'HT.AR -coo vest tons of Oregon Lodge No.' 1. K. P., held every Taos. ilar evening at 8 e-cax-k. Marquam building. Vwltora ara . cordially In vited to attend. EL'CKNB 11. DOWLINO, C. C. ' . : T ..w BOTICA, SEA LED- proposal - for furalihlng- nrhoot-ann- Rnca and janitor' auppllea to ecbool aia trie t o. 1- will be -received at the ef 6e of th city superintendent or scnooia, city Ball, until 1 p. aa.. Monday, June 12, lftoa. SpeclSca tlona and aample may -be had at the ofoco of the city aunerintendent, The board re serveeatberlgbt to relect any and all pro- pvsaja. . a sua-v siooaa, Tjrtien" M' SELF ' WAXTXTV-MalT, WANTED Mattreaa-makera and boya to learn mattreae-maklng; good- -are avr1 Pter-A Roberta' f urniture Co., 48 r rent., easv tiavia. STANDARD Rpeclflca. meat true pectallst, cure all chronic dierases. Electrical appli ances, batteries, baits. Headquarter 81 W lt- WANTED Man to run a gasoline engine, and neip carpenter arotina a nutiaing. uouston touch ewd Seventeenth,, west. CARPENTERS Two good framera; none other i.neea apply; on. pee- botrr: rtormon, Couch sno . oevenievnin, vni. J - EXPERIENCED -aasbmaker and besch'hands wBBira 11 once. ... rurmaa Bssn l tAior lu.. x.Ki rronx r- School telegraphy A electricity; pupil wanted; siao pomuoaa wantaa lor graaeataa. SOQW let. DETECTIVES Men to learn; we farxute upiia. a wi. ztu aiorrlaoa st. WANTED 2 food cabinet-makers. Call at 576 ttigbteeuth. Hepp. WANTED Two yonng boys with wheels. - Apply imnieoiaTeiy nx rod etara ax. . WANTED Boy tn printing office. Alvla a, Hawk, 14014 Third at. FIRST-CLASS painter wanted. 2l. Ruall at. Phone Eaat 8222. TOI'NO man wanted to leara tbe barber trade. Tie roweil at. : . - : WANTED Flrat-eUa solicitor. Apply 211 Fourth at. HELF WJaHTIP TlhlALX. WANTED A reepectable middle-aged woman to a cop noose ana coos ror one. call .at 400 rnui, corner rage, ipper Albina WANTED Tnong girl to aaaiat in bonaework and rare of chlldtrn. Apply t . (tore, - 88 1100a t., Hontaviii. OIRXi wanted to label, alat In sToee. Apply u. H. 1;. Wilson Co., 72 Sixth st. - HELP WABTZD MALE Oft ' FEMALE. T "I. " -."..I. Mi.. WANTED Chorn Isdiee-and genTlemen vrlth gona volcee to aing In Klralfy'a Csrnlvai of venire at exposition grounde. Apply Mar quani Mrand theatre batweea 10 and 11a. m. MEN and women to learn barber trade la Lweeka; balrdreaalng. manteurlng; graduates ears gin to g'zs weekly. Bcattle Barber Col lege, 1x1 waeoington at., Seattle. WANTED At once, bright, energetic, pre aentabl aian or woman, a good talker', to taka up an attractive proposition. Inquire im i-miubw ea Lwaaarea, w a. aa. - - STRAWBERRY PICKERS wanted; can make good wagee. Inquire Vorpahl Rro., Kaat nine itrocery, & r.l Morrison. ITTATIOVI WABTZD MALE. WANTED Poaltlon by a middle-aged mad In soma wholesale bona or factory; fa fully reliable and - not afraid of work. Addreaa boo wiiuame . are. , " ' iji-i--iv, -hi- .iiiHaif-vill guarantee to Increase trade 28- per cent; new Ideaa Juet from tb east, Addreaa X, 27, rare PRINTER'S ap'tirentire, I year's experience; no , onjeciion no leaving ciiy:.. state wagee; ref erencea given. Addreaa V 26, car Journal. WANTED-eWork as janitor or houseamek: - handy with toola. sober; can fnrnlah good rrierencew. jinewer vr. so, ears journal.. TOI'NO, Christian man, 28 yeari old. want wora as eoaenman or taking care of lawns, etc. Answer X 26, rare JournaL ' f MAN with good horse and wsgnn want! dr. llverlng part of . day. Addreaa W 88, ear Journal. - ITPATIOHS WAKTID TEMALE. A RESPECTABLE middle-aged woman to keep noiiee ana roos lor one. . call at HV Flint, cor. Page. I'pper Albina. " WANTED XX AX EITATZ. WANTED Lot or houaarand lot; ainat ba chaaa - for esse. -Addreaa o 21. care, Journs I. r XXFLOTXXBT AOIXCIXS. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN BMP. Office Real estate, rooming honsan and business chance epoeielty. 276 Bumsid. Main aiss. PACIPIO COAST EMPLOYMENT AGENCY . Removed to 12H North Second ax. Phone Bed 161. ... HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICI FOB. MEN. 26 H. Second at. Time Mala IBM. PlONBEit EMPLOYMENT CO Lshor enatrse- torst help free to employer. 216 Morrlasa. HELP wanted and eupnllat, male er female. AO. DRAK ft S0614 Washington at. Clay 44A ALPINB EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Help fur a 1 bed tree. 16S First at. Phone Mala 1617. 188 MORRISON Colombia River Emp.' agency! , aklUad- labor furnished, i'boa Mala U6. WANTED TO XEHT. BOOMS! ' " ROOMS! ; ROOMSt " a want Srat-elaaa farniihrd room, prl- vats residence preferred. See aa st encei -we are clualue-enr lat) our aoeaia will pay -. . tup rales fur 8ratlaaa er.ninuwlatln.,. twa charge a mtil cunuulaaloa sud send yv-Brat-cU- people; book jut rovU now,Willa TV-V-"! r-furttand Hotel, or tb visrs noiei 10., nil lb at.. Ore(oalaa ' bldg. Phone Mala 2us. ... . BOOMS 1 all-part at the city, farniahraa Apply 2ao ooodoougb bldgT KAPOSI HON ACCOMMODATION BORBAU. Under eUreetma of the liwlg Clark Fl '- I Corporation. - I Phone Mala S28S. BOOMS wanted in aU parte ef ctu we-do- nol rent , your tmmt .xa endua applicant. Lawl anKtark Furnlahed Bona Aaeociet JUonr-l8t North BliU ,t , fiVNTLEMAN , want comfortahla room with home prlvllrgea; atate parUculaia fullyi Ad dress V. 28, JournsL - - WANTED Room and board bv twa young mawi t tier mas family preferred. V 28, rare Journal.. WANTED MUCILLANEOna.- -- '".-." ' ' '" "''' WE lf.-Wahl-'and, William Bell, having gone IntoV partnerehlii. wlah to say that If you are contemplating bulMtng let ua auhmit you prlei-a on the work. Vt'e are to be found at i our abop. Slxtaenth and tlUxsn.-er-TTea' nirrn norei. WATTBD More apraylng aad whltewaablng; , aw vuo tiwuiiv couiprvaaso sar prylng outfit ou th coaat." M. U. Morgan A Co.. li , Mllwaukle at. j Phone Eaet 2811. ,) WANTED Good, large safe; atate price aad I Inalda meaaurtmema, ,U--eV -enre ' .-JourasL , , . . -i WAX fig-urea.' abow cases, dreas forma, ate, r - Wrle partlculara. price. Add. V . 26, JournaL ' SHORT -ORPER Printing nouae-XP. 1.' Ryderr! v" oo .wasnington sta.;MIO 6008. WANTED A good horse, harness and covered ' w,"- A- r-.IILvn. alio Schuyler et. - -FOB BEXT HOPSEKEEFIBO BOOMS.- Oa Insert lea la thla snuaiaestlea. - rats J'gl - werds for It eat. -. . TEMTS furnlahed or nnfurnlshed; camping fa. i ' , , . . - grounua, . enaemlng vtewa, -healthful resorts. - Scott 8784. Lewis and' Clark Tentlaig Urounds. ML Tabor. A ROB furnlahed houaekeeplng room; reason, able; laundry., light-included: brick Vmlidlngi' -only 1 block from L car. 8414 Rnaaell st. OBBENTV-4 furnlahed or 2 partly furnished --housekeeping rooma, with pantry, bath and - phone.- t'nioa 6180, or addreaa W 39. Journal! rOB KENT 8 fivnbiaed houaekeeplng rooma in) e panyv. n. i.. n inter, 0014 Wrsnd avs., N. I THB LINDA VISTA, nicely furnlahed bonsekeep. . "a sou siugi rooms reaaonahle. 24714 Fifth. Ft'BNISHKD -housekeeping rooms, ground floor. I8. , 834 College at. - "FOB KENT FTEXIBKED ftOOHS. TBE-OARLANB-. 821 Waablngton. bet Nineteenth and Twee. tleth; new, modern. aU outaida. rooma. rie-ughta. nhena, fee betha; hot', TV, ti Bef " if-ratee y werkrTealauxant In baaemast. 1 : " MOPifXASTES.- 28614 First at.; elagle a-ri viral at.; elagle -furnlahed bousekeaprng j- I nee Mk, mmm mm acooj at i ar rurniahad I Ite from $1.75 to 65 per week night,, 60e and 28c; touriata ollltd. 20814 WA8HINnTON ST. Furnlahed rooma hi an I tea and alngle. with or without hooackeep.: tug; very reaauuablev 26 and Sue per night. -- -e- THE M A YF A IB Elegantly rnlahei Jtrxuxlrn 23l4 Sfartrw. jri?th.Maln 20S7.. noina. uinnern. etinven THE OLADNTONB 61214 Barter at., foralshad rooma; naorr .new aunagaowati pricea rs.-. aonabl. - t .. 1 ,4 NICELT fnrnlah ed rooms, with phone, gas, hatha -2.6v ner week and up. at 200 Jaffereoa CLEAN, -cheer, rurniahed room! and - SeS Eighteenth at.. S block from fair ground. 4-CH BAPESy na1 best' ttitatrTenmb iXTortlsaaT oa wees op. f miman. rnsx ana ioT eta. FOR RENT Nicely fn minded frost room; alaa barn tit rent 642 Sixth aL FOR liENT Pleasantly furnished room, at 240 Sixth at. Call FIRNISHF.n rooma for rent., Fourteenth MARQI'AM HOI'SR. 145H Sth Rooma ea auite ' " or alnrle; housekeeping room; ga ateeeav T bath, electric light; transients solicited. . , 1 Can SotXartki - BOOMS AND SOAXD. TOUNO men. If yoa want to board and room - In a norma aent and flrat-claaa hones, where " rates are exceedingly k-nr, aad will remain , the aame next au aimer they are bow. call I the Aater Bouar, 251 SevanU U. ornr -f Madlemw TeL Mala 6281. - ELEGANT aceommodatlona, rate by day, week ! or month; dining room; price right. ' Tbe Irving, cor. 18th and Irving. Mala 8420, T1i5,IiItnfIL family hotel. Market, bet,' Third and Fourth; a team beat, electrlo light. ' porcelain btht exceedingly low rate. i1- 4n NINETEENTH at., cor. CUfton,rortlandr l1IghU -I'bone-Matu 427T. Taka Height j.r'-' "l . THE HAWTHORNE. 221 Thirteenth Rooms . " " with boanl: home cooking; reasonable; central. ROOMS with board: reasonable; nice location: home cooking. Addreaa Y 29. care Journal. FIRST-CLASS room and board, reasonable. Call at 602 Clay at., near Fifteenth at. Horrsx fob rent nrxxmax fob sate. 8-ROOM home. , ennd. clean fnenltne. .... 4.: nlcs rcaMcncetnraiify" j.vx li-iali - Smith, I8814 murth t.7roonij2. FCRNITCRE ef a 6 room nouae for sal cheap If taken thla week; rent 840; com and sea -.lit- s bargain, 47 orth Ninth at. - 6-llOOM modern hotrae, 860 Twelfth, aontb. west aide; furniture new; will sell cheap. FOB XEHT OrnCE XOOM. JDPFICB for rent, furniture for sale. Wsahlnsrton Mdg. ... Boo at 87,' SEVERAL offlne room for rent, second floor Moodnoiigh bldg. . . FOB, BEXT FLAT. S NEW, very modern flata. Sixth st. bet. Market and Mill; 6 and 7 room each. 'Phone Main 4840. . , C FOR RENT 4-room Sat nicety furnished; west ' , alder rest '$16. I'hon Main 4829. , FOB BINT HOUSES. ATTRACTIVE newly furnlahed 6-room cottage; . gas, bath: on car line, 16 mlnutea front town center ? raa be seen week daya betweea 1 and 3 o'clock; 616 Wllllama are. 1.. . FOB RENT S-rnom house, nicely furnlahed. for honackeeplng, with bath, etc.; rent 20 pee month. Inquire 401 Mlaner at., Montavllla. Phone Scott d424. FOR SALE Cheap, or rent, a new five-mom bona, lot lonxlOO; city water In boiieo. See ' owner. 71 Kaat 1Mb at. N. Phone Eaat 8447. KADDERLT TRANSFER-COMMISSION CO. - ' Pleaee-end furniture moved aeeuaptly-tiy ax 1 perleuced men. 110 Thkfd at. Mala 1886. , J- FOR RENT Iirge, handsome house and yards 1 on top of MU Tabor Apply Hyhaon, Journal ' office. - . FOB RENT OR SALE, tbe Darling cottage, Se. ' . aide; best location In grovt. Phone Eaat 623. TWO-ROOM -house, rear of 188 Carry t., 1J P" . FOR, ftXHT FASHB. FOR RENT 6 acre of. land, all la cnltlva. tlon, Eaat Forty-third and Sevtlo Line road. W. O. Reek. 807 The Faille. ,- - FOB XkXT MISCELLAXEOTJB FOR BENT Confectionery atore with first. 1 ..rm.eiutnoinuin ana gooo ice cream par. flV furr:'""ai ,B f0" busluee location, utddreaa W 88. care Journal. J, . FOR RENT Dental office, good location.' good hlkea I . a. A A A siaaaaas V ttfia w . - . . 00. car rfourpal. SPACE le rent nn Sixth it Exposition Lea. IDf -..! 78 Blxih at. I ... i rr. 1' J 1