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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. - PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 18, 1905. Qrgjui Entered "at" th aoatoface el FortlaaS. i"r tranaporutloa 'CUaa Bnaltae. through tb (Mile ea I'lli Cop ale.aU annlaa ' W k. 10 a 13- psc pp.r, I east; 1 to 30 sagas, t natal W r paaa. -eais "TCZliiioiits. fdltorl.l Roonia, .Mate M .aula .Milieu ADTMTMTJIS MmiWtATlT. rseland Beagainla Bpoelal AdMrttetag 160 Nassau, Kaw York! Tribune BulUt log. Chicago. VMoximoir bates. Tarns y CaxHwi Tha pally Journal with nda. 1 year..! 60 j ji journal, 1 rsar ilia I)-M. i... I . i w a..Amw a ,.he . ball Journal. month. ....77. ..;.t-. f'l JumC with unday.Htwi.W .15! .' ......... 1-2 ir fan suurusl, Hn Biroaar, 1 h Dsllv.. oar v.. delivered, undy Included - th ban, par. w.k, dellTarad, tmrfa' -. -ept4 ........j. .18 ' Thui by The DaH. Jonraal, with Sunday, t real.., Ihe Call .v Tvael, 1 yar ... Tb I.l Jovial, wltk Bundaj, Bwatha, fT.OO , 00 8.T8 1.74 l.M I'aiiy jovrul, a month ma unii juui i. i.h Mnnrt.T 1 montn 1Tb. I ) 1 1 W Ia.i.m.1 Mnnli. ... ...... .40 Tb ball Journal, with Bundaj..! awn lb.. ..63 lb Dalljr Journal, 1 nvunb .60 lb. Buadaj Journal, 1 year.......! - -JbaatuaU-,Vi.n.r d rain tba a L00 Xha aWl. Weakly Journal. . .The Seat-Weaklr Jouraal, to'lf pages " each laaue IlluatpatMl full larket ej-- . Putt. 1 .., 81-60 ; keailttaace ahoold W mad by dratta. postal Bolia. esprasa ordara ' and a mail aanouataaa -ccpubl la 1 and 3-eent postal atampa. XKJS JOUBBAl. P. O. Bori, Portland. Of. - iWKIBI TKXJOVBBAX. MAT SB rOVBD. Tba Journal can be found is, aala at tba fplltiwtnf plaraa: . - JrOISK. IDAiiO H. otnr-"DO"W; K. Mo ' Infrra. . CHicauo PoatofUea Haw eomilaajv IT tar- " l)KNVKH. COLO. Kanilrlck Book Stationer r: miniij, auji MTaniMDtn atraai, a. mitarntb and C'urtla atraata. - KANHAg CITY Van No Naara anmnan. ' ! MINNBAPOLI8 M. - J; Karanauife. Boatb mird alroat . NEW YORK CITT Brcatana'a. Union aomraT . OMARA Millard Hotel Newa at and; Mefeatb uiauonrrj company, ibus rarnum atnac SALT LAKR CITY Kan.nn Mntal Km atandl : Barrow Broa.. 41 Weat Berood atraat. aoatb. AT. LOUIS Philip Rodr. Sid Locust ltml . K. T. Jelt J Ollia atmt. -BAN KBANOisCO W. R. Ardlna. Palaca Dotal newa aiaoo. ano um Market Kreet: voioj, aaatrh- Broa.-. XlO 'Hnrfar'-atra:aar'ga I at : rranria Dotal; roater Oraaa,' rerrr bona .-. waaatiax, awTaabia aawa alaaa, tier afarka and Itaarne atraata. .BEATTLK Rainier Grand Newa ataodW. L. nnanaa, 'Hotel Seattle Newa aland. , RI'OKAXBW AIU-Jok Wlrbi A Co -iiiOMl. WASH Central Maara company; Motel Taooma Naw atand.T ' ' VICTORIA. B. C Victoria Book BUMoaarf rujrn TIT. 1 a-aaaaygajgj; . Th weather la aln beeoDUng anaetlled In 4ha-iiorlh Pariflc state do to tba preaenca 'or a moderate dtpreaaloa wblcb eitenua from British lilumbla to southern California. It baa rauaed Inrreaalng rkidluas aud warmer weather west of Ibe ('scad mountain., and also a cetieral rise In temperature lu Rrtrtah Columbia, eastern Washington, eaatbrn Oreon, Ma bo and Nevada. A yet no rain of couse J iuenr - haa oecurred. but the Indication -ar that unsettled. showef weather will prevail . , In thla district Wednesday. Kast at the Caa- caue mountains ttve suvwsrt will probably ba ajjeng(aiiiiiiuitaer- . ';!" MAjtKUOI UCEMSIS. .-.;. ". Tbompaoa, 4, ted Ix)rrf AsCrl Lloyd' ..V. DeUlck: otXaUnnbtf ouaty,j4; and . wa a., sairson. i. . . . y.-. -, g Ca 3-. . W. a. Bmlth At Co.. Waih Initon bl rotirtn ana jvtMliLt .BREJiXAX Mar 14. Mr., and Mra. Ralph PIC R Hi X-May 1 1, - n-Mr.andMra. Erik .iyrinT aireatj. a aoaa. - t i Adlnh rearausi, JI3 Water afreet WrHAI.K May 8. to Ur. 4nd Mrs. J. o. Me - nsw, oib Mississippi arena; a asugbter. i,,. ..... COMTAOIOITB DI1UUJXB. ANDERSON- May , Joha Aaderaoa, 731 0r ton straat; acarlet ferer. ;- ; ... . rRALKV-M Ift, Lawraaca Fraley, fourth street: uitiutaeria. lAMilLE-irMay is. jamea Gamble, 1100 Frank' mi aireei; meoajva. - WILSON May 14. Jo t. Wilson. o Klrby atreet: acarlet ferer, , LI.-.NOAI.M May 13. Mra.. Landaim. B03 Ml- J avur, .rruv. uifninwria. . , , . t . - i. Crematorlata oa Orvgna City ear Una. Bellwoodi nuidera. scientific, complete. Charges ..e-Aauita.. rniiurv. aj. v la I or a a. M. o a p. u. roriiaaa irematioa aaaoaatloa. sartMiau, vrvaoa. Tb Kilward ' Tlolmaa rndaetaklna Mn... vmt.1 .iirrviora in amoauaer. zall Talri i ooo out. J. P. Flnley Bob,, funeral dlrretor ad emoalmer. corner Third and Madlaoa s treats. vine oi county coroaar. sawpboaa Mala a. Funeral wreatba and eat flowera a aneelalt at Hos City Greenhouse, Twratyacoad and eva. asurriaoB, opp. camatery, v , Clark. Braa. for flowera. BM Morrtaoa itrest. IATX T1.W1TI . T. 8. Mr-Dinlel (o M. E. -Roe. tota S -1 urn in ,i -..-.10. block T, Park View 1,100 iy . a. m-uiorn ri .1, 10 neaqueai, par rel Mand beginning 674.M feet weat front V section post oa east line of aerimn 17, townsmp 1 ac t east ..., H. Croft to Xi. Kuha, lot 6 Mount Tabor villa range biock'ii! 1,106 M William K. Aniens io N. J. Anfcss, 1 acre In nnrlbraat U of southeast of section IT, township- 1 south, range I eaat The Title Guarantee A Truat company tn M. O. Wllklna. part of north H .of T. and M. Sullivan D. L. 7. T. 1at t al. to L. Badger, lot 8. block 2ft. 1. Jobna' addition ; M. M. W. Rand and husband to J.- K. - r Redmond, lot 11, block" 4. Mount Tabor I villa 'B. t. Pleary to aauia, lot 14. block 4. M BOO 150 -J Mntrat "TlV T Tllln gf , i ttenrge vr. nrow n to w. a. Lata ana , .' kusband. kit 111. block 10, Laurel wood 100 . A. M. Lull and wire to u K. lain et al.. north 24 feat o lot . block 02. Staph ens' addition ,.. 10 J. H. Morgan and wife to L D. Worgau, -, . J - lot' s, hiork 16, Bherlock addition 1 - X. P. Klllatt and wife to- F.- Mr-CHMtr " Jr.. parcel of land beginning at south- - eaat , corner T. N. KUIott ill U. C. sections 1. 2. 11, 12, townsblp 1 south, . , range a eaat 77." r. Bersr iaiii il f . k-. nd wlfi 1i Wh-Oerrri: Vsrsdlse Kprtnra tract . . . d husband to B. R. Mchc - 4. block IX . L. M. t'oe and husband to B. R. Nicho las, west H "f aoutlyaet V4 of south eaat and the nortbjweat & of south- ' ' ; weat hi of southeast H and eaat V of . ' , ' southwest H of aoutbVitst 14. aectloa '20, township 1 aortbt ran) 1 west..,. U ,W. h. (ireea et al. to M. U. H. Lewis, parcel' of land beginning at northeast eornsr of block ltto, Carntbers' addl- tlrm . . . .777.". . . . ... .77. . .. 1,700 , t. n. Lomnsrd and wife tn Mrat Na . , iinnsi nana, lota a, B, Clock it, north , , , 'Portland , ' - 0. P. Hulbert and wife to 1. A. Lelaure, . north U of l.ta a A. hWk J. Jina' addition Tl. K. Daniel and wife to K. V. Lively, jraata,. lot 12, block B. Klnsrl Psrk.. Tnrtfnaal f nnawa. -,1 a. t 1.400 O "- null liri MJ t IUIVV aLeaBllxa f - company, lot . 12, block , Cryatal -, - Hprlnga addition ........ .......... ' ' 1. Worlck and wlfa tn aame lota I. 1 -block J; lota 12. 13. Mock 2: lot 8. t . !':k.2; iota 11, 12TT)lock 8. Laurel r-ara 'i A. Kchutte and wife to as me; Tot IB, ' . block I.' Ws.hlngton addition A. W. I.aml-.t et al. to ssme, lot. 11 : block 3, Cryatal Bprlnga addition...,. Tire Title Guarantee Truat company to i Arpln. eaat (la fet U lot 1, block . II. North lrvlngtaai..., Bante to 0. 1. tatno. lot 1. etcept eaat feet, block III North Irvine toD. ,,, Bn- to ft. P. HAtley, kit 8 and weat 1 2 f .feet of -.r II. block 17. First addition to llolltilav Tark V. ilcantha and haaosnd to C. K. Miller, lot . block '.Mi inthland.ska....... .. .. M., Halt W Wf. la, Wbeelriot. W. ;:: i - 25 129 tO0 ' 833 IIISTOIilt 7JIHES "" - HAVE BEEH SOLD Sterling . . Placers Taken' by Bla1ceiyand Associates of Ore ,. gon andtCastt, J.. In MINES WORKING, AB0UT '; - -QUARTER OF; A. CENTURY Consideration NotjNamed New , - Owners Will Use Water for Y - ' Irrigating Land. j r New owner yJaterday afternoon re eclved title to the famoua Sterling placara; Jackgon" county havln pui1- chaaed all the atoc-kr of H. K. Ankeny and Vincent Cook In. tha Sterling; Min ing company: The conalderatlqn la not named, but It la aijppoaed. to be -more than 8250,000, aa the. property has an eztenalve water right, 1,400 acrea of 1. 1 i.l a, ... a... ...n l,,li,.l rfny nni profitably alnca 1877.: Fred. J. Blakely of Roacburar neicottated the deal, r and hag associated with '.him number of Oregon arrd- eaiate'rn men.1 ; 1 1 'i 1 1 The Sterling placers are' among the first location , in southern Oregon, claims on 'the preaept company's prop erty having been worked about 1861 or 1864.Wtrh nther propcrtle tliat -were not producing bullion bricks, they were forgotten for a short time while the stampede-to the north and Idaho waf on,1 but were worked again late In- the '80s. About 1877 D. P. Thompson, M. B. Hurrell and Captain Ankeny, the latter now8enator Ankeny- of - Waahlngton, secured - control -of the property..- and built 17 miles of ditch, bringing to the property about 2.800 mlnera' Inches of water. j-.niar voptain. Aimray ouugnt the lnlereata of Uessrs. Thompson, and Burrell, and at a still Inter date H. E. AnkenyJ.Dd JVlncent JloolrjcqulredVlila holdings. During these changes the property was held by the Sterling Mln lng company, the present corporation. Work has. been constant for 27 years. and during that period two to four large giants were employed annually. Last if the timer and ttife weaaan two-haKa-baaa on duty. -The liolJlng company has been cloaa corporation, which would give out . no Information pertaining to the results of the work, but there , was all the evidence of prosperity ahdTTICh re-j turn The Bterllna- haa bean ragardnd as ' one of the moat profitable placers of the southern Oregon district. ' . ' The ditch system, carrying stiout 3. 500 fncjies of waterrwtirTrobably-be; used a portion of the time at leaat for Irri gating titer valley land of' Rogua river tributary to Starring creek, where the mines aje-fcftuatedW It la figured that tblar" can be done dur,!ng the season when mining cannot be carried on. and thus the water will be given constant employment. . By alternating in ' this manner the value of the water right will be-greatly- enhanced.- Mr. - Blakely and associates In the deal departed last even- liift fnr umith.arn nt.gnn ahra Thfff" will assume control Immediately. J. D. Heard - will 7 be- superintendent of -vthe mine under this regime " ; ' .: ENGINESTaHAUlTORE AK1NGEUC01LTEAWLS hat been delivered .in British Columbia ttUsJreart-for-.Kamloot)sAnothr-.jias been ordered for the Chewehtn arttrlet Of WBshlngluii, and there iw peeapaet three or four more going Into the north- west ror' ore' Hauling jierorftha jaae ends. . , It Is asserted that under fairly fa vorable conditions these engines - will haul ore for about 13 cents a tbn a mile, which is at least 80 per cent better than Is. possible with team hauling in mountainous districts. The -Tact that Oregon Is so short of railways makes It an especially desirable field for the traction engine., and thla state Is sure to find one or more companies experi menting soon, with the iron horse. An engine would have been . put on the reach between Grants Pass and Tg kllma to supply the Takllma smelter but for -the- strength of -bridges . not being sufficient. Such an engine as is ordinarily used weighs 1H tons, and will draw 80 to 60 tons of or. The usual county road bridge .is Jail too weak for such a burden,' and the mat ter of reinforcing bridges and culverta seems to be one of the first duties that wlUTiave to be taken up before engines may oe seriouslycgngldered. EQUIRMENTLOFJUNEAU- DISTRICT IN ALASKA There are J.J0 stamps inNhe Juneau district, mainland and Douglas island Included. - The fact - that there Is so large a number of mills on the main land Is a matter of surprise to most people, not excepting the mining pop ulation. The Dally Dispatch at Juneau enumerates In a recent issue the mills, giving their equipment and. the power used. This statement shows the -following plants: r Trtadwell company, five mule with 820 stamps, the largest mill having 200 stamps; United Mines company, -100 atampa; Nowell City, 75 atamps; Ber IneraBay85 stnmpgAlaska-Juneau, 85 atamps; onerp trees, in atampa; juigie River, 20 stamps; Wyndham Bay com pany, 20 stamps; -Nowell company, 10 stamps; Ebner mine. 16 stamps; Fun- ter Bay, 10 atamps; Yankee Cove. stamps, or ttrkpl of 1,280; Estimating the average, stamp duty at five tons, block 14. Willamette..........."...'.. ' Sd1 Portland Ttaat company to U McVo - jnlca, lot s. llilicreat 4,709 Get your Inanranea ana abstract to real eatat from tb Title Onaeaata ft Treat eoar, pany, Cjbaaib of Conmarca building. ,1 SOTLSnfO MBaUTI. JACKHOX MaylS, Vr.0. Jackaon, repair to iiweutiig. r.ieventn, netweea Malu and Madison atreet: cost 6000. Ql'Al KEMII BH May 15.. P. Quarkeahuata, cot- rage, r.asi Aneny, natween rl wentylgbth and Twenty-ninth atreeta; ccait 81.200. EH(5ES May 15. If. C. Merge, alored, Rna aell stmt. SMtar Vancouver avenue: coat .i.t.eoo. .. - ttANHKS May 15, T.. Hansen, cottar, Knott, betweea AirDy, aaa Horthwira atriraui coat 8'io, r j - " , . BAKr.rlY May 15. If. g. Baklrr. re pair to bafeerj.. nrnalde, betweea ronrtk and Fifth WreAs; cat $.100. " . RIMINKEV May- IS. L Medtwkey. bsk oven, Merond. near Hhennaa atreet: eoet gnoo. CAHTKH May 16. J. H, Carter, warehouse. MniLsi aveaoe. sear . Twenty-third atreet: cost 82.V). 1 ICK May 18, R. B. tllce. flwening. Wasco. between Twenij secooa . and .-Twenty-third treet: east $2,000. ALU) HIT Msy In. R. Mallorr. two cottas, Stanton street, between Hotlaey and In I cm avennea; coat 6.1.0C). IIUiTH-May IS, Id fVblrrfh retialr tn dwelling. Hhermas, betweea riflh and Sixth atreeta: cnal $iM. , i' - BtiVKO.N May 1.1. H. rtnrann, cottage. Fa at lairiy ritin. atwen Kaat Uurruoa aad Hel' aiot, ftreela enat H'O., ; . '.;.. i 7T 1 1 .--a. Great QuiPrMe SaKeE - ; s AskforNo.B4 -Iron-Beds Only Bed room Com plete -iOf. - Bed. "Washatand and Dresser, 20x24 glass .......... f 12. TO Wire Springs ...... Cane-seated Rocker jOak.jStarL 18x18 In.,., Toilet Set, piecea Matting,' for room 10x12..-. Bed r o am Furnituro $21.00 only. This Is good, strong, everydi-y- furniture-and the oner win wen 0 renA v Invent Iratlnn If vou have- "a; spare room -yow-wtsn to fit up and renT'Tou may secure this bi for No. Hi.- 47 Piece C cups 6 pie plates ' ' t 'soup iVft" 6 Jnd. butters "T"'saucers plates If you call for can take It for only.y............ No. H 8 youi $2.90 8-foot extension table. ... .95.25 6-foot extension table. oak.ft9.50 6-foot, round, oak. . . . . . ,f 12.00 Dining Chairs $1.10 : Cane seat, ' braced arm, , nicely turned spindles'1- $1.10 -Call for-No--4C- Cana.aeated, Phfllr .. . S I thrrmshlnir-capaclty-of alt these mills would be 182,000 tons a month, INSTALLING QUARRY MACHINERnirALASKA , I the American Co raw The local office of Marble company has received Informs tlon that i. afi WcCully, the expert quarryman from Vermont, who was sent to Install Iha machrneryTrin Xhv 2ortrand company's quarry In Alaska, hen 'reached his destination and Is erecting the plant It Is the purpose' of the management to commence cutting marble slabs for the market, and permanentproductlon Is expected to follow. The 'company wilt make a fine exhibit at the exposi tion, and no doubt the high quality of thla ornamental stone wsl be more fully npproolflted by the west than ever be fore. There has been much talk, of Alaska marble, but little of It has been seen, end the-growing Interest prom ises for', the' local concern a steady de mand when the .company la able ta furr nlsh s H-eh- grades as are desired. - . BOMS JTBTCXDBS WOSt-'-c v ' (Special Jn.patch lo The Journal.) Grants Pass. Or., Mor 16. Bonding of the Gold rick propf fty, . Josephine county, fox $6,000, Is taken as assurance V..,. . ' T ;ti: - - " A startling CUT-PRICE continue the remainder of the week, ror tour days brand new, staple , furniture will be sold at almost your own price. A glance through these - columnsilli)roveiherextentnd - charact YouAill 'firid Brand. pew Iron Beds going dur- -lng '.the neat tour- thari second-hand prices. Call for . No. H 1 and take this, bargain, for they are going! go- Irt lng! going! at only.'. .VeWeOU aw 91 fllO ' if'eSpeiLlr4. 1.55 Biaaji Wl. ilMil "MM complete J ! II ITiew ,w I argaln-any day-' this : week by calling Dinner Set r'hlte Pofce Jalnware the 'kind that uaually- aalle -at - twice our prices. . Tbe-aet tk" made up as follows call for Nc. H: - 1 butter dish 'tSaTowT 2 platters 1 gravy boat T3;efefabI' .1 creamer rCIoclTSfiem Just received, an entirely new line of Clock Shelves, ranging in price front. L.35c-tb $2.50 - . . - V " ' j -a 80c J Only. ... i . - - r I1 1 0 .... . t '--- I QCa THE STORE THAT TRUSTS 173-176 FIRST STREET that actrve --work will be pressed there by the new manager, Frank Fowler. C. C. Matthews,- formierly superintendent of the Oregon Securities mine. In Bo hemla. altfriedi the bond for deed-just before departing for his hoaa- Irr' Cali fornia. Mr. Fowler Is associated with Interests' that are said tp be capable of veloplng propetty as Its shbwing- oi! ore merits. MUST HAVE FUNDS FOR -7 -THE WHITE SWAN MINE -. - l (Special DUpatcb to Tae Journal.) .Baker City. Or May 16. Local Inter- est grows as the date approaches for the meeting of the stockholders of the White Swan Mines Company, Ltd., which Is to be field In San Francisco June) 10. At that time It la expected that final action will be taken In regard to the future of the property under - the prea entmanagemflnt. If the funds required for opening the mine and putting It In shape tor permanent operation are fur nished. Manager Stuller - will' proceed, but If no provision Is made the White Swan must eontlnue on. the Idle list. When Mr. Stuller was placed In charge he said lis .would hot try to open. Hie mine unless a fund sufficient for proper prosecution of the, work were provided, and rather than .tin lUrt and' make a . .- ". :' . - A,: SALE opens here tomorrow morning and wilht Dressers . Subatantlaltyb-r'aeeA-. well built, nicely pol rlshed mirror. 20, X 24 Inches, , four drawers,' -atolld ' brass trimmings. For four days price cut $7,25 $2.25 Witje Bed Springs,, , only. ; , , . . 4 a . J 1 V - -J- i a. j ! $1.50 .Wooden ' Bed, with low d A - head piece. . . eOU CanvasCotr only....... $1.10 Wire Cot, 2 feet 6 inches in width. . , ..$1.60 Wire Cot, Mme-size--" upholstered . . . . . . . . . . . . 7f" t0 Combination Dress err $5.40 with large, glass Mattresses, excelsior, - A A wool top; 2 AronlyrrrT. )aWUU Sideboard Golden - oak 'fin ish, hands ome bevf 1 plate glass, solid brass trim mings, thorouch- ly well made and a bargai $15.00 -Call for No. HS. Back Chair Plain Drop -Leaf Table For Tou could not buy1 th e material "krone for that. Ask for No. H 14.- 1 B ' 65c ' aaa .... I THE PE0PLEA LITTLE DOWN, A LITTLE PAID MONTHLY .210-22.7 ... 1 ... i -' failure: has field" 4S his ourDose. It hss ' been suggested thai the mine be4 bonded, the same to be secured bymort gage. Definite action one way or the other will , be necessary. ' ORAPER'S WORK WITH BOTH MINE AND DRILL (Special Dlapatch to Tb; Jonrnal. ) WldorOr Je5y-1 v-Colom4 T.- W.- M. Draper Is making - rapid - progress -In opening- the"Monumental mine, " Just across the, border on the California side. He has been engaging a mine crew and by these' additions to the force em ployed there before Indicates Jhln pur pose, -to - hava ,(the property producing soon.- ' ,' ? The drill prospecting near here, which is also lolii'ler (he direction of Col onel Draper, will in all probability prove . -iT Thank the tora!" - . cried.-Hsnnsh Plant,- of -Little) Rock, A1rk., "for the relief I got from Hurk len's Arnica Halve. It cured my. fearful running enres, which nothing else would heal, and from which I had suffered for 6 vears." It I a, marvelous healer fof cuts. bnTne--mU wounds. Oursrtteel st Red Cross Pharmacy, Plxth and Oak streeta, -on the waV to .'tha poatofflca. l ti '. J- . ... '..- Bras -$5. 50 Iron Beds, brass , rod head and fiTOt, brass Vhobs"' and "Urtn, 'll ' thsleadlng colors'." "Beds that usually sell for $8 and J. ' Na neeUto, iy ""moretHese prices talk for us. Comer' and see if they're not i - bargarng...,'., $5e50 ralFfor No. H 2. Dining Room Complete For. Drop-leaf .Table. . . . Six Cane- Beat Chalr.v-t . i . . 5 Jr."; Ing-rafitA.rt Square. 7H feet.yT . , , . ' a a I i I T a limagaiil f-i iimmhmm Lamp Stand, 18 lnchea top,,..'.. ....... .... Sideboard . rst t .a Call for Bargain No. XXI- This Couch' Is thoroughly built,' cov' ered with good grade of velouiy and fringed. Priod for four days at only... $9.50 Wash st and L6C Thla Waah- ate nd a oni. I niode baa plain front, la well made. nicely isillihed. lirss tfr I m ai Ins. Price la cut : from 84.25 to Call for Ro, ECLIPSE 5TEEL RANQ3 ArVtTK A perfect baker) aiiali snantsil wood or years; as low $35 SI SOW1T, SI WZXKX.T. f '-' t . I l - -THIS I III m BV BtV sr m - ITT -11 I I oa ...V rn. . aa. . . - I r r a - x EMM Is YAMHILL STREET a good dredging tract, e Exact- results are rtot msda. nubile, but It Is said by those In fairly "close; tow!' that ' the" drill haa opened promising wravel, which Offer no material obsta.Clea to dredge work. , ' . TatABTS.rOB.XXXS XST nVAOB. ' . - -Speetl Dlapatch, to Tba Journal.) ' Kugene, Or., May 16. President Zimmerman, .of the 't,uckyU3oyJaj-ush !rg Installation of the transformers at tha mine with. All possible haste, Since these were delivered' no time has; been lost In putting the rn.lll Irt shape for re sumption. The plant will probably re sume in weeK or so, when one of tha heat records ever made by-be -mine since the 40-stamp mill was completed W assured, owing to recent developments on the lower dlt level. - MABTAOBm ArTBB A BtXLTa.- tpeclal btapatch to Th Joarnal.) v' -Eugene, Or.. May 16. C. II. Tark, manager of the Treasure mine. In Blue river district, has gone : to San : Fran cisco again In connection with the pur chase of a milling , plant. 'This mill Is expected to be shipped early the com 'liflg month, and. will be running before the season Is far advanced, probably by September 1 ,.. -. ....... , Ornamental " icVp. onea ftjC ftTt7 Ask for No. B3 "i s-Trirnmed Beds $29 ClnlngTOom. FurnU ture to match "tha "above bedroom svet may be had at this price. With- this ingralnlng on the floor, aht balra, table ' and stand for flower vaae er mp,j on uUly b very cosily situ ated." It' shows wBat may hi dona Wlthvery little money -1 atx our . store. ...... v.ttt;.....3.oo t)6. eo rrnj i . .V. -t. 50 ......, .$31.25 ..vwv,-.'.14.Q0- $20.35 - .. - t -ULJt ft . 1X11 9 W t ' strong-' anc ble, neat pcarance $1.75 Askr f o r NbrHSV . .. L-i. Feather -Pillows r75xentsr EACH Chiffoniers Five large, roomy i drawers, . brass trim mlngs, well made and finished. No mirror. Only $900 NoJdO, EOSH rH AT SAXI.AS. prctar-t)taruitcll to Th Journal.) .. Dallas, Or., May 16. Tha women ot trte-f. E. chunch of Mils cfty will -bold a' roser fair In the college gym on the . evenings of May 26 and JT.J There will be a fine program each evening In which somrf of the best talent the city affords will take part. Prises will bo gven for choice 1 rosea. ' iimofoiiMiir AlG.5ICIlE.LrCC. tS Third. Street, . i 7 I -ON SALE EVrr.7". . - e at jvii--w e ' f" "' 1.1 III llUL!"Xe --7I2IS Sill! . I I fltHAVAAeiSsRS, J j ,1 .V ..v ' ,1