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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1905)
It' " r r V " THE ' OREGON DAf LY ,: JOURNAL ' PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 16, 1905. 10 H; IHTTLESEy. -STATE RESTS IN REVOLT GAINSUICKET ItoLUhMLL THE CITIZENS " nnurrn crurm r K cc - -1 a TriaPof Rinerforl0t?tainin2 Mofiey by False Pretenses Shows Ex." ... City EngineerCertified ing to Plans FRIENDS SAY ADMINISTRATION MAKING HIM SCAPEGOAT -.State's Contention: Is; That Defendant, in Person -or- by Some "Authorized Person Signed Had Been Completed rTn state! of -Oregon-at- noontoday rented its cftse HKHIimt u. ai. nines iur -r.-rt alleged ' attempt to obtain money- from 'i the cityv'n false-;. and this- sf- lernooh Ed and A R. Mendenhall, coun .: . , ael for xa ricftmdaqiC moved. Ijiecourt i tint tbll jury i be instructed t return t.n jur verdlol of afiiullliu. me motion wamr""-- Imse'd oh the .dontentlon made yesterday tt that, inasmuch! bi .the: ctty-la wa. reaulre only- .- cmtttcete-y-4he-e-lty--. engineer f that contract work haa been compietea if according- ta: 1'lans - and . eperlneations, ' .'therefore the hileged signature of ilia ' i certificate, by the defendant was -not 4 ilUtajii. could Jiot be held as 'lncrlm- ..4-UwajL.iieani By. tha courtJndiucon- : elusion o? . the controversywa8 not ', reached I . - ' , Th Tlflj ni" "'r'nr" on ract tnat tv f VII nit . -t i r i Ail that t Tl WflflT TT,t ' done un to full contract requirements. . - - ...... - - . Land-Signed'a -certlflcata JObkLfffect. , and that the officials of the city admln :' -"tratlon. includlnK Mayor Will lams, are '. v laylin the blame .wholly-at Klllotfa ".''door. Mayor Wllllama was xpI1Clt In i hla-eontautton aa to KUIott. whom h" r eald he oueattoned closely and who said ' r that thewflrar exrHent-and rMid- be iMtM-for-trt full. KUtott a rrtenas my he lias been made the acapegoat-and i object with Indignation to the attempt ytf aaddleall Xh blame on the former L city engineer. - . -, Today member of h executtve board ' V were on the wltucha aUnd to.tell about the demand for the nettlement of the R. M. Rfn''r-.i.rlill.r.Hi gUR-'HcI wiit presenT .. mwA va Mnafihall wr before the "'fboarjo lemanrt payment n the con.i : "tract. K.- W.RtneT personal! y-tnld This father, R. M. Rlner, when the first 1' hlda were offered, but when the second warwrrr astted Tor ramer Did STohe. thua getting around the greementa of the pool-that Jieen. formed-for tha fHt-d; - : ; ' Beebe bid JTot Bememben 'r - . . General ChaAee F. Beebe wa fresent when the matter came up for settlement", . but be was -not certain ea to.anT tl ih , Important questions involved. - H. C. Wortman didjjotremember that ' Tt. M. Rlner waa -present, but thought ; Ed Mendenhall uppeared for him, and, said positively that W,-C. Elliott was ty ttta KlHott was asked questions concerning -Ma personal knowledge tha tha mm was aamnlatad pronotiy, ajiu l in every Instance answered .that every '"'tequirepient'.had been met. Mr. Wort ' "ma a la a member .'ot the' aewer commit "te and remembered Elliott coming be-.. -jr-iftr Uim, and. hcnAU'ttoned -closely. . tUn4hat everything waa sJl right la i.hls , own- knowledge, : " - i- it. W. Ooddard remembered that R. f : tl.,n? VA Menrlenliall atipean brfor.; the hoard and demanded settle- tnenu lie believed Ilia I Memionnuu ap ; j-red for R-M.-RineiV ef-mede no .. : demand on behalf pt, any one, but R. M. Rlner. : ' f Whitney I,. Boise said that it was me mmtnFwfnr-Ttin-tinaul tmvrr til t.l! for final , passage any claim for pay '"ment on. sewer or other contract work ' tinlesa -certification had been made by ' the city engineer 'ind the contractor that the work had been completed accordipg to plans and apeciflcatlona. ' ". - Bid Qt. Birpate lrutore. W. ti Elliott was present when the . Tanner creek sewer matter- came ur nd."with the usual certificate already . made and liuvd. offered no objection to Ms signature which waB attached to the document. , The attitude of Mendenhall -waa Burn aiJo'.give the-board to under- aland that ,he appeared for R. M. Rlner. 1 'The only time the bank, which waa 'aurety for Rlner, appeared before the board was by J. M. Long an 1t aftor tney." said Mrr Boise. - , John T. Crooks, inspector-en the work of reconstructing he sewer, supported testimony- of previous witnessea as to ""defective work by R. M. Rlner. 1 tthe: deff se w HlLl?y-lrWw I waa developed yeaieruay ana in i" vv based on the' legal propoettion eel ortli tn Ihi Blimm-M 't 'T ''' """-f)l- liall In argulng bPore h reuet to sur puTt the application to this case of a ; line of authorities which hold that to convict for obtaining money under false pretense It must be proved that the de fendant slgnc-d some document as the basis of -his demand for the money nought. R. M. Rlner Is sllpged to have tlgnd a final .certificate to the city executive board, stntlng that the Tanner . Creek sewer had been completed accord- Ing to plans and specifications. This certificate was printed at the bottom of the official blank prepared by the botrd. In which also was the certificate of City Engineer XV. C. Elliott and Sur veyor Henry Chandler, all of which In formed . the board that the .work had heen done according to plans and specl f kittens,- Grorge Scoggln, assistant en- To Make You Well Is an eoy task when the' famous' Hn tetter a. Ctoma.'h Plttej-S Is uwed. Re eaae-iif Stomach. Liver or Bowel dis order Is too bard fur It to conquer. In msnjr raw it iirrvvfrfT To pe theTBhiy remedy that couia 4:iieci f C'V Hostcttcr'r Stomach Bitters Is therefore ds-serrtng-of a fair trial, and robust healU) will he yoHr ure reward. lm't hesitate an-otlieT- day, - It cures . Naosu . Soar Stomach ' Poorppetite Costivtnca Iniiiieitloiu STOMACH Dysprpjiiorv Malarial fiver Women and -girls who suffer from monthly . ills can 07 1-Ws 'f also he cured hv ..CI . . t .. teta promptly.,- - m r V Drain Had Been Done Accord- and Specifications. CertificateiStatingConduitJ in Workmanlike Manner ginet-e-Under, Klliort, testified in this ixiol4.ut htnip-f slanetj ihe nutrtefr of and.-l'lty Auditor -T, t -IvIIh testified that, in his opinion. K. M. Miner's name waa algnpd . thereto by hla'' von. E. W. Klner.' Wun irnmat, , - i IJeated argument ensued . yestrdny, when Attorney--MendenhaH-asked the eourC ftip prinaUMV.:iAJIutmlCJilftXlt5 ttona pf authorities upholding .hla eon tenUou that. If. the facta aa heretofore set forth Ji prove.!. Ilwua4h dufy of this court to, Instruct the- Jury to return a verdict of aeniilttal. He reviewed the ordinances which had -been adopted by -the--eune!H trover n-th executive hoard and those adopted by- the board Itaelf, which require only a certificate by hliv that wnrb Ti a a ' Vta.,n . ' , . .. . . i a .. i o'Mir accoraina: t T'"" mitziiii Uoupxm which-nLnratlhej-lty rmtat pay the money caHed -fof" ttyrhe contract lie held that, with apecltic -rules ln vigue made law by proper legislative enactment, the .custom o? the board 1 require certiflrate bjr the contractor had no binding force, and that usage could not be Invoked to sup plement " til" laW, When-rhelltw WBB complete . In- its Btlputarlon ofrTtie methods tliat were-tO t followed. H contended that it made4flo -difference whether or not Rlner himself algned the certificates In- question; tne-nl)MMfrtlfl' cate that could be taken intoaccount wan-thr-one-atgned- by - City engineer Elliott. - saBlallua Charf d, This position waa resisted by Dlatrlct Attorney Manning and' -Deputy Aloser. LThe -former argued thtit every act prior the certificate was of a nature to show that-the defendant waa -making false -representatlon'to-the executive boad -that he-had cnnplf-the-worlt-,gcord- ing to plans, whereas ha knew, as did Kill"". that the- sewer wa-df active. and that the claim for money was not Just- if the demand was rorfull pay ment. !" ' :-"-- , - . '."". .:, . i Deputy Moaer extended the state's argumentrTiy'"cIfTrlg' "secTIori' JT of The city charter, which sa,ys In Its closing parts:- .. j - ,' .-'- "Tho-"(expcutivcl board -shall have power to make wrltil n contracts.-, tu provldo for-pntier inspection 'and super vision, and to do any other uit to se cure fajthful carrying out of contracts I ana tne maaing. 01 jniprovemenia in strict compliance with . the ordinances- and apeclflcatlonB therefor.' Mr. Moaer contended that this portion of section 27 gave tha boar J gmpllfied jtuUiorltyjma.jnade. Jpgaithcir custom toiulre--wwtracturstgcprtffy ' that they had performed the work "properljf us agreed in the contracts. . Contractor'a feifaature Mecessary lie showed--that the board -had adopted . the custom of requiring, such certification by the contractor, and cited as proof the place provided on the official blank for thrh. signature of the contiai liii, and made IMs portion of section 27 the legal authority" for the boarrT'Tirihslstlng on'usuge in addition to the specific, terms of contracts. ' It was apparent that the argument on the point raised by Mr. Mendenhall 'In volved every essential Issue In the trial and Judge George did not pass on the point, but permitted City Auditor Dev lin to testify, against objection by-Men-denhall, thaHt-M'. Rlner appeared be fore the board aa did also Mendenhall. hla attorney. representing the work completed properly and claiming pay ment therefor. , Boiled down, theTstnte's case 1 that R, M. RInorvin person or by some one authorized to do so, signed the cer tificate 1n truesrton. thereby making him guilty of attempting to obtain money by false pretense; and that of the de fense Is that Bluer did not sign the certificate, and therefore cannot by any moans be held on the charge, preferred. SPECIAL-YRAINS TO -TAKONDUCTORSiiOME . Departing traflis tonight, and tomor row morning will carry the delegatea to the convention, of railway conductors back to their homes. The southern special train, carrying delegations . of states eajit of Texas and south of Mason and Dixon's line, will leave to night at midnight, over the Oregon' Itnil road & Navigation company line. The Texas delegation, numbering about 40, will go ln a special. car attached to the regular train over the Southern Pacific TheChlcago special, in charge of As sistant Grand Chief ' Oarretson, will leave tomorrow morning, over the O, H. N. A special car of the New York, New Haven Hartford railroad, carry ing thev-New" England delegation,' will he attached to the Southern Pacific regular train, and return via California and -the'lJenver- Rlo-Grandek There will be, two special trains, over the Northrn Pacific-, - oneT leaving - at 1 a-m. and the other at 10:30 a. m. tomorrow, both In charge' of grauil 0I)P cers of the order. '.j....', , Mount- Hood Division, No. pi, has arcanged to runall-the excirVAions ty moirow eo that those who do not leave the city, 'tonight may1 have an oppor tunlly nf acelng JOregon-Jlvketa may Ihe secured from J. W. Crocker, delegate frmthe locardlvislon. Bloodshed occurs -Mn BREWERS'-STRIKE . . Unurrnil fipecUl SrTloe.) "t "Ban Ffanclsco. May H. The first vio lence and bloodshed occurred sln the brewers' strike this' morning when P. V. Rice, a noe-unlon teamster, was assault ed and bf dly bruised about the head and face by Anton sympnthlrecs. Hi assail ant eacaped. . J L . v . lcnfBB oomm sviciBa. T-(Jpeclsl ni.pxci to The Jourol Murrs v.-Idaho. Mlv H. ll'Ttmnhpll j B wl t known m Inert wtnt-hau-Jivcd be re I litany ywrnvoirDiili-a sun itae uy SIIOOI- Ing himself -through the hd yesterday at his home. Ills two daughter aged 16 and 7 years found his dead body upon their -return from school, lie had been dead some time. No reason II known for the dscd- t -: , . r Portland Young Man Npw at Eu r gene UniversitlTakesZZ - New Position. v. - UN POUTICAL SCIENCE Held .. Positioru Qf.,Assistant Jn- structor in Economics Under r Professor jenks. , v" - (Hpeclnl iUHit'B t The.Juijrn'ai.) I Kuirene. Or. May 1. V I- AVhlt- tleaey, aaslstaht iiiHtructor'Jn cconomlca tinder Frofessor K. tl. Touog. hus been engaged in a elmHar 7 P""Kin7 u",,er finf r il il Jrtilin- li-wil llm 11" pitrtmrnt of science at .CornvU university, Ills work will commence ai the opening of 'the unlvrraity next 8ep "mlT Mr. Whittlesey will' ln t r 1 1 c t vluHHfl 1 muriiclpat government and he W. L. Whittleiey, wilt hwr-slB- Peof easor - Jenka In,, in structlng classea in r"l'lLJjj"!ili. TCrTng vaVatlon "he wntaffiploj'c3nBy the university ln. research Into ' munic ipal affaire in New York Cityz His work at Cornell will count toward tue rn. u. degrse ns avhlnh ha la working, Mr. Whittlesey graduafefl from tne fnlverslty of Oregon In 1901. On grad uation He was given the position, of aa frtfitfintr fHt rU4tor - Prof essor 'V.O. Young the- department of economics. At-preaent-he Is managing the track team; - ' 1 - J - - "Jir.- AVhWtresey Is the son of Mrs. I A Whittlesey of -ill Nortnrup .street. ntidt.ttotigrf - herhBB ben -absent -from home' almijfit continually since enter ing college, he. Is well known in this city. Immediately " following gramia tloit he-went Into newspaper work, but droppM it to h crept the asslstant pro fessorshlp, whlch'.be lie baa aince "held. Mr. wiiittlefpy-lai-dlataiitlyxelutel;ta a grutiu- son of Judge-Frederick WhltUeaejr of Cleveland. Ohio,- and a grandnephew -of Colonel Kllsha Whittlesey. GREAT0RAT0RS TO vteB-PresTrient-fitrbankS'tot. tend as Special Representa . tive of Nation's MagisUate ARIZONA WILL MAKE GREAT: MINING DISPLAY Department Devoted to Work of Women is. rteaay to - re- ceive Exhibits.,-; Vice-president '-KalrbankB 'will not only attend the opening of the Lewis and ( lark fair as a special representa tive of the president, but he will de liver a speech, fn place of the chief ex ecutive, to the crowd of 75.000 which Is nies. This fact was announced by the' de connection with further arrangement for-4 he opening program. There will he snceches by Chairman 1 1. A. Taylor of-the-government b.oard;C0ngressman Tawney, as chairman or tne congres sional committee of Hi Governor George E. Chamberlain, Mayor George H. W 11 llama and President H. Goode. be sides that of Mr. rairDnnxa. ,1 nere will also be an address uy one 01 rue ten senators, the one yet to p obsig nated by Senator Hansbrough of North Dakota, who la chairman of the com mittee. .. The-- name at' the. senatorial spokesman Is the only detail yet, unan nounced. ""'.'.. ... ... - - . Vruna, Plndat arrived rrom isew tora yesterday, He Is the eelenratea caterer sent on aa liOHlf lh the New York build ing, which-wilt be, from present indica tions, an officlaj palace of entertain- meni and-hospltaiity.' ' ' The department devoted to womerrls work -is now ready td receive exhibits consisting of neVdlewVirk, ceramic art, BaSkeTry, etc. Mrs. XV.ti. oil, manager of this department, may-be -round dally Btihe Administration building. fi Colonel iioscn nas wnru 110m inn gov ernor or Arizona mat no nan lurnea over to the boards of trade of Phoenix,, Tucson;-Presrotftind Tuma the jnatter of the 'terrltorlaTexhlblt, end II .Is, the Intention of these bodies to make a magnificent mining display. J. W, iJen ham, who will have chargd f the ex hibit. Is on. his way to I'ortland. ' County Judge .Thomas Ayers of M. row .county Is ln town making arrange ments for the installation of the 12,000 exhibit of that county. . He la h;fm panled by Superintendent Henry .Ulatk man. . j 1 I BOBwxoiAirs iwo. ' ' . .. ' ' ' .-The .Norwegian Singing society will give' an entertainment at Arlon hall Wednesday evening.' May IT. A good program 1 will be given.- consisting of muslo, hes itations and addreBseai May 17 Is the national holiday, or Inde pendence day In Norway, In comnvenuv Jjtttonof the'elAavold" of II 11 L JVM I WHS AT. ' , MlnnfsfwUs, May 1. As (h result of a --hitlllfth" itendency. May wheat Jumped from II. IS to tl.'.'O today, rlosi Ing st II. li 'i. 'It Is expected to go higher. K--f-rTry-.'af''-r -A 4- -- '.V. it .. - . . t f -i 1 i . f ? ' i t ' ' V . , '' K. v,! - ,-.48 & I lj .. : ... :: 1. 1 I mil i m- nmm i rtitAit lp nr. 1 1 a n c hi i u i? iv v w r iw rVi y r w 1 1 i lira OIL All UrLlMllU UAI lTiLii ni iLiiuLumi Lifelontr Republicans . Resent j Liquor-Jnterests Dictation and Will Reject Nominees JVlETkTPMORROW NIGHT OrLane.WilLUndbubtedtylCet Jndarsementt)f -Jthe Cit-" Izens' Movement. Popular ..dissatisfactions with - many of the nominations mado at the prima ries will Tlnd expression at the-, mass meeting o be held '..tptnorrow evening In Alinky hall, for the. purpose, of put- llllll f Ill 11 rltlmnis" H't'rli Wnl- l leans ' uud Democrrats are' enlisted In the movement, ..which l ' fast reachliig large Prol'l:,rt0'u?- Men of prominence antl Influence are actively inferesCcuT and the meeting is expected to be a larg-nd- enthusiastic -one:. " " .. " 1 I Dr. Hurry Wnc, Democratic nomine e rnT-rrn.-rntfwj.Ur jiBtintiiiy rf1.oiy the indorsement of the cltlxepa' movement. IridetTeiHleii' Rcpuhlfoitiii: Jire""!"railytrtg. strongly to his "support, and his own phrtV ll g'V hlrq. ""dlvlleilvntc It is .not the intention of the leaders in the movement to put forward a com plete ticket, for it Ib' thought that in many rases the party nominees are cap able and satisfactory men. No opposi tion Js expej-d. io-Clty Auditor, Dev lln or City Attorney "McNary, but it la probable that an Independent candidate will be named for municipal judge, as nemier i)t- tne party nominees 1 regarded- " worthy -of support. Inde pendent candidates will also be named Xor-at least two-of the five poult ions t louncllmen-at-large, and -for. aome t( the wardT counojjtneh'' Among those' Interested In tha jrltv aeu -motiamejnl art rn art yrJewdtng:J-u s i ncsa men, who 'are earneslly' resotvpt y resolved to place before the Voters better ticket than resulted from the party primaries. It-i-atric.tly a, -nonpar t Una- movement Qpno.lltlon In Ilia, l.lfke tjiniat upon.tlia llepubllcftn party by the liquor dealers has been growing "teadlTyrnd""the T- volt Is reaching- large proportions. Ptralw votes taken among business men fave -shown a remarkalils unttulni Ity of aenttmept against Wllllama and In favor of Lane. Many Jlfelong Re publicans are no keenly resentful of the dfrrtatloTttir-The-llqu()r iniereaits that they are outspoken-tn thelr declaration Of allegiance to the citizens' movement. State Senator C. XV. Nottingham, who w.aa elected to' the legislature last year In the face .of vlgnrousfppoltjon from I me KepuoMPan macnine, one of j;hoe who"are aclrely interested' In the cltl (ens" movement. He said today: "We propose to'put up a ticket which will command the support of-every tax payer and every -voter, who wants to put a,n end to machine dictation. In', city politics and who wants grafting to top,Wneed ttlean. bnglnrBir-lIke! ministration, and that . 1b what the eiti ens' movement la intended ' (o ' bring about-" - . ' PROMINENT. OREGON 1 Good-Roads . and Development League Hold Rousing Joint. Session. V GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN - ADDRESSES CONVENTION Colonel Richardson and Others Tell of Many Benefits to " ' '"Be Derived. : (Special Dlipstch to Tb Jnarnti.) Pendleton, Or., May 1. The eecond day's sessions, of the Joint convention of the Good Roada association and the Development league, that is being held here, la today characterized by a largo attendance and much enthusiasm. The en Ion opened on-time srt the first d- dress was made by Governor Chamber lain, who spoke on the Interest of gov rTmtrent sia in runu uuiuinm. iiib useiii of the military, mail and other Indus triea for-good road facilities.-He -wm followed, by Colonel Richardson, whose address waa -on-the detailed -conatruo tlon of all kinds of roads, the Improve ment of highways; and decreases ln rail. road rates (In contingent districts. .--The speaker said tliar he would approve the bonding of the county rather than to have It mortgaged by property owners. Newcomen would pay a pro rata, other wise the . residents would bear the ex pense. . lie was also ln. favor- of a . law asking aid from all sections regardless of the distance from the main roads. Every section would be benefited by per fect thoroughfares. ' -A.. L. Craig, from a railrend s -standpoint, was favorable to any way' nf bringing localities together for the pur-' pose of overcoming discrimination.- He would not favor flat rates no-more than farmer would - a - schedule 'price on produce. He said that the railroad company , waa always eagT to help com, munttlesijwhen interests would ce m terilly -advanced to both parties. Af ter his address, a recess to I o'ejock p m. was taken. Professor James xWlthycombearlved this nwrnlng. -.- : ' . j -i-Thsi-tonventlon wasopened reeferday by ex-8enator-T. O.Tayloj and ad dreski of .welcome, and responses were marie by County Judge Henrx 3. Bean, Senator Walter M. Pierce. Hon. John II. and Tom Richardson 6f Portland EntorA."TBenhelt-bf the.. Irrlgon" Ir rigator took charge of the development league work and brief speeches were made by Hon. T. O. -flnlley. Mayor Es teb of Echo.. Hon. Tom Richardson, Judge T. t. Ryan of Clackamas and Colonel R. W. - Richardson,-! Senator Halnea and Commissioner Hill. t At the sfternoon session a pape'pre pared. by Senator J. Tuttle of Clatsop,' was read by Senator Smith of .Pendle ton. A ' discussion - followed. Hon. John H. Albert of Snlem spoke upon the -cost antTittttty-'Of rock roada. John 8. Heall ', bf Portland upon road -ma chinery and Its coat. ' i ' Last night a reception was tendered Governor and Mrs. Chamberlain, fol lowed by an Informal bajl, after which the governor atfendenVa special, meet Ing of the Eagles lodge. Freferred Stock Oaaned Otfoda, -Alien V Lewis' fieaf Jiran4. bbbbbib - mmmmSt3!mmmmmmmmma BaaBBBHBaMBBBaHBBBMaBBaBHBaBaBBsaeBBBB Of course you're needing sTTfely some ot -the otner wveTiafrtrn ypar. Pretty rtirtainm anrl pnrtiereB tt jtut these if there are, any.hangingsheeded, in. the house. r t :.' -ilr-W,hiie8trlped Muslin. Curtains. 1-Inch ruffle. ......... i ' '.Regular .70o-8peclal 4S4 21 palraWhite -Striped MuaUn CuJtaiiwt-inoh FfFftWri m t T . Bg"ltir . Un Brf-lal 55t ; gjpalrs White Muslin Curtains. Empire atrlpc, 1-lnclt ruffle. ,. ..i.. ....... .Regular II. 25 Special 75 18 palra Fine White Muslin Curtainstucked border, S-lnch ruffle. ........... .Regular 1 1.65 Special 854 ?Tr''" A t.i in. y.t r.iruin. I pairs Arabian Net Curtains, p"r Arabian Net Curtains, 1 pa.tre-WhiteTlrisn Point TJtcs CuialnB.-yewg.-bordBrr yflglQna;JReguiar j -l 75 Special f 2iT5 lapaKVhfte'tertfrenrtw t T.J0 -Speciai f -.5o . Jpalrg'TiTihe Brussela Lace Curtalna. pretty floral pattejnr- yd-long. .Regular I t.50 SpeciaT 84. T5 1I pairs White Brussels Lace Curtains, handsome'rosa patlern, "S yds. loag. Regular 110. PO -Special '87.2 5 '12 pair White Brussels Lace Cujtainer-roee nd xoepe pattern, 8 yds. long'.Regula 111.00 Special 87.75 Mercerized Tapestry Pertieres, with cordetedge ln green and, rose". i.. Regular I 8.50. -,T-Speclal 8 5.0O " Mercerlaed Tapestry Portieres, with applique borders of embossed '''. '! T .--.j. - velour, nfle green iTTT. . i . . ...... .. ... . . t.-jxijL j". Regular 14.0fr Special 8 6,50 . Mercerized Tapestry Portieres, double face, red anif green, with . wide - -corivefillonar "border "" Mercerlxed Tapesl'ry Portieres, double face, nile green end old "rose, ' t t applique art nouveau border i -i Mercerlxed Tapestry Portieres, double fare.-emplrr jrVcenand- old tuWtjJpllT'ed art nottveau Mercerlxed Tapeetry Portieres, appllqued border of French, Mercerised Tapestry Portieres, m 'm Ve!oflJ"vrlVel borW'TWTrh IJiercerized Tapeatry Portlerea, nouveail lfl-r trf- TKnr - i UWN MOWERS THE EASY RUNNING , KIND $3.25 to $12 MANY CliASI: OFFICE OF: The Undismayed Fred Jvlerrill Cir 1 cutates Petition, and Makes -f ew-ff pftftrho AND GEORGE SORENSON , HOT FOOT'AFTER PLACE Hugh W. Wallace Will Be Inde pendent Candidate Against 'TZ Larry Sullivan. Undismayed by his defeat in the(ron. test for the .Republican nomination for mayor, Fred T. Merrill has decided to geek rencrmrnatlon as councilman for tha third ward.-. His petition Is being signed and .wl.l be filed ln a few days. . . "I'm going to be elected,'' he said this morning, with all' his accustomed confi dence. "There's tone thing-you might uy .hunt t tht people won't find me making, any grand stand pjays In the council about raising salaries Just be cause the election is near at hand. ThatT what some Of the councllmen are doing, but a year ago when I wanted o raise salaries I couldn't get two votes for it.". Merrill will not be without competi tors in his fight for enothor term in the council. George D. Dunning Is the Re publican nominee and Robert Brady was nominated by . the Ierriocrats. P. A. McPherson has been credited with an ambition to enter the field aa an inde pendent candidate, and George Soren son, best known to. the public by the fact that he has been four times in dicted by the federal grand Jury -for complicity In the land frauds, has beeij quietly preparing' to. enter the race. Horenson has been- tried once but es caped through a hung Jury; He Is to be tried again later. In the meantime he aspires to the council;'' " ; s. - Hugh W. Wallace nsa enierea tne lists as Independent ..candidate for the council from, the Second ward In op nositlon to Larry. Sullivan, the Repub-' irran-nomlne , MrZ3yal1ate.1s a sub stantial property-owner aim ivsiur. a, 195 Twentieth street. His . petition, signed- by -116 voters, was filed this morning. .. ' I It ! reported that N. It. Bird may become a candidate for councilman fromi the Hlxth ward. ' 1 ndepehden t candidates Tor municipal office who wish their, names te appear nit tn. haunt at tne comma einciion. must file their petitions with", the city audltoLhy, nextMondny. May jZZrjlty A Attorney ... McNary has given It as his opinion that petltiona may De nieq. up to therclose of that day. I PRFPARF FOR 0PFIM1NG 9 1 BBSt gSBBBSBl W We - - - OF THE CfLILO ROAD ... - -i The executive committee of tha.Open. River association and the portage board will have a meeting in this city to morrow afternoon, to complete arrange ments for opening the 'Celllq portage road to the public, n- . r Robert McClellann has been appoints, manager of the road, h is. a whp known railroad 'civil engineer., and was for-meny year connecten wttrt tne Ore gon Railroad & Navigation company. an assistant to the chief engineer. He helped build Jhe line,, up to 14. wheS he resigned and went to Pennsylvania ia the employ of a coal company.' new Draperies.'ZTheret the-6'pare-T6orn for -fair time, anrl hangings need, renovating. ITcre's the greatest Drapery Sale t? RUFFLEDlMUSLINrCURTAINS ARABIAN NET CURTAINS roal r n py edge. 3 yt rda long . J . '. . real cluny edge, 3 yards- long, ,,. , real clunjr Insertion and edging; IRISHrPOINTGURTAINS MERCERIZED TAPESTRY PORTIERES border cTbver leafTlPtTiiHtloii, with heavy velour, green and red... ricl; wipe eoIc.rxrPl Inlaid medallionB of Persian tapestry. Max .. plain, center. With wide appUqued art - i"T , . . , .-. . LAWYER BAD TOR Sheriff Points to Weak" Features ' in Measurrtor Care of Irtsan PATIENTS MUST SUFFER . . THROUGH LONG' DELAYS Might Prove ofTBenefit lh Mult .nomah, but Would Be Ex pensive Elsewhere. "The object of that law will he uc- cesafully carried out. ln countlea tra versed by railroads, but in other coun ties Jt. will prove .the . poorest, experi ment the state has ever made," de clared Sheriff Word, when anjeed this morning about the probable effect of the law regulating the transfer of insane patients from their place of deteutlon to the asylum uuder. the. care. of attenuV ants who will .he dispatched -from Hit len to the different county seats when an nouncement of commitments is received tiy tne 1 mgto '" authorities. Thni ijt w takes effect on May 18. Under the eld law the patients have been taken to Sa lem by deputy sheriffs, but the new measure -take the conduct of -the 'in sane out of the handa of the sheriffs. "The new law will be beneficial in the railroad counties." continued the sheriff. "When a person Is- committed we will wlro the asyluitili officers the sex of the patient, the nature of the de mentia and the number of attendants that may be tMilred. When this, Is done we have only to await the arrival of the attendants. , "But how different will It be tn the counties of southeastern and south western Oregon. There.' after commit ment, the state authorities must be no tified, and the patient held, in a rodtfh Jail until the arrival of the' attendants. Some county scats are remote from the telegraph llner-The sheriff must "write, and It may take eight days for his letter to reach Salem ln winter time. Tlun there la an-eight-day Journey for the attendants, to the county seat. If It be a. southeastern cotintyihdiaTinther eight-day Journey back with the patient In a steaifcoach over rough roads. I believe the objects -of the law OUTSIDE COUNTIES ,. Paadrnff la a OoBtaglona OUease Caused r Mlowb,, NlBRO'SvHERPIClbE The OKIdlaTAX. remedy tkat like: the pardon t's HerelHtte ese enme ten tats. If the daaaraff nltrolw bis dsstrnred the bilr follicles and left the aealp bald and Ma ine all reoMMlles are wortblesa. But, Ilka tha saraoti. If Herteld esmes while lit. flarsiAde Will lave It. GO Bri Stern. SI. M. leas' lto.Stamtt.ta IEIP1CIIC C0..ltti. LlerrsIL Mich .f a am.i. ArraicATtove at nOMnrzsTT aAmB ora. ahem half 111 im liFTTKr Ke ,. - ' .Regular 4.00-6peclal 2.25 THfgllUr 18 8Hinlal 03 ...Regular K.OO Special f 3.25 -RetuWlITOIJ SpecraT8Sr.Br' ,,ReguIarl.O0 Special 8 10. OO 7. Regular 1 1 g.OOr-Spedlai 810.00 ..Regular U.p0-peciar8IO.5a ' .Regular JSO OOBpeclal 8H.OO 1Rejrular 35.00-Speclal 813.50' HAMMOCKS: IN ALL COLORS, n to $io cannot be carried out In the dutaide-" oountles. The Jdea was to havi,tTie -patients .under th"i eye. of trained nre-V almost from the time of--commltment, 11 but this Is Impracticable at thla. time, L '. The proper-way -would ber foT the' at-: ' tendanta to take the patients from coiyt ties like Multnomah and Jet t" Shr '5s KilH ' fPmPtftrrotintUs earry the III' sne to Salem,, as In the past. It would'wiTs b.e less expensive for the state, and it - ' would be better for the patient lit that i ' he would be brought to the asylum '- - . that, he would receive the beat care. In Zl De Kept under lock and key until the asylum officers are notified and the at tendanta dlsnafehed." . ' - . " - Lf COMPLETE DENIAL IN BQWEK'S ANSWER Ex-Minister to Venezuela Denies. Responsibility " for Stories - , Against Loomis. - (Joarnil Srcll Serrlee.) , , -Washington. May !. Ex-Mlnlstet Herbert W.-Rowen called at the state '" department today and left hla formal re- ply to the counter charges made against him by. Assistant Secretary of state Loomis. Boweo'jLfsponse- eonslsts of ISyptr: written pages. He absolutely denies any" responsibility for the publication Of the Btnelew-froin rargrgrTpftectrn'g upon the Integrity of Loomis. This ralaes a di rect Issue of veracity-between-himself - and I-oomls, the latter having charged that Bowcn caused the publication of the stories. . Bowen snys the stories wrere current gossip In Caracas and he communicated them to the state department, as they reflected on the honor of the govern ment. . :"''" rCAIIT CHEAT.THE FIRE DEPARTMENT NOW Every company In the city Are- de partment Has a pair of scales to be used - for weighing -J-uipliest I pound of coke, coal, hay or grain will be weighed on delivery at. the company houses and receipts' will be given- for the quantity of goods received.' , 1 "Wo . have . purchased -the '"scales for :. the department." said .Chlef Campbell. "Irmrdcno make" sure7 that we receive value for our money. We are not ac- "J puwlng nybody..-ot- attempting; to ehes t the fire department, but we are going to take precautions against any attempt, whleh may be made." ' - '- "kills tke OaadraC Crann." tiff, remains la the folllrle. the kstr Is freed freni dleaa sad hefts Its uatoral srewth arala. Pmi't nefleot dandruff or 7.llln Weadarfql reanlt follow the uh nf HernlrM. It ls aa eisuuits hair dreaalDf. Bui ltebinf of tha iralp tn- aianii. IN&II i GONE III. Kareteide' WW Un IU Tae Late fee ImUi ! -4-, t ' A' ': ... ...t n . -J l'-J,i. k t ' r " . -