The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 14, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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, Management !orPortlaW,4a
T- blished bv Treatment Administered at Institution Near.
- - r . ,
Milwaukie Sinc It Has Been In Operation.
lv 1 -III
Psfc M- S foe
Many More Sufferers From Tuberculosis Are Showing Sign,' of :
improvement and Will Probably Soon Be Sent Forth
' : - V With Sound Lungs
' ' " Ths .management . of the Portland
" Open Air sanatorium for consumptives
: "has complied, a detailed report .showing
. the methods and1 results ofra,llnn of
.j .j, the limlimi Iiiii wlTrrTmilnrrptlrir In
' replcmler of last year by a committee
"appointed rmtflyMrytrfetntord-Ol
health and, the city and coonty -nedloel
" eclety and. its incorporation' by: A-vLu
' V Mills,. T. B, Wilcox. C. B. 8. Wood: and
-lx.. Jt-Fleischner, on- September 2;
. Since JanHaift' j. ;l06,.1wheiL the borne
. ,r wes opened with four .tents, three pa
' tlojils, a nurse and a cook, its Inmates
have numbered ft"patlsnts, of whom II
, erenow under treatment, In SO tenta. at
"'; tended by a resident physician, a superintendent-a
iiuree and assistant nurse.
tj, a Japanese eoote lUnd - Uireaother-acr.-
vanls. ;
The home .started wltp subscriptions
of about $3,000. A tract of 14 acres on
a hill i feeoboWaint'-"TWg"nie
SSiiWtTtrTIver. was bought for $1,850.
""""7"A 'supply of pure, cold water Waa se
I .".cureev from a spring; on the around, and
-j . equipment provided -at- an-espensa of
t0O by which the 'water was pumped
through 1.000 feet of pipe to a l.noo
.gallon -tank at the home; : The report
says: ' r " '.V.-V'.
; ' '" ''Cost of XaatitnUoa, v .
J- 'The clearing f the grounds, grub-
bing "and preparations for building cost
. from 400 to500,andthe laying out
' of " the''walks a'hdroada "and" telephone
line eonnectlnc with the switch at MU
waukie. ane1g1tt-tomeilottage,
bedrooms for the staff andainingruomthe lnstUutloq. as Jariaosslblaon a
bathroomg. and K",i'"--"-"''"
"msda'the expense $4,750, and with tha
. addition of - expenses for January. Fob
ruary"and March, brought the total ex-
. unHlturti Ma 1 to 14.76
-"The results hitherto attained, have
Ketfrr- ttoateneaara tfngf-Of Ttfter total
or bi nauenis recejvru, inirc nn
in residences less than a week, so that
no faults of course could be given as
vet Of tha remaining 4. havo been
, mora or less improved ; of thesa 3S have
hMn miu-kedlv imnroved. five sre rap.
- idly on toe way torecovary, nnd-flva
have . been dismissed as apparently
cured. Of these tne had been "under
treatment for about two months out
side of the Institution, but n he open.
air-'treatment, -and two- months within
The ethers naa neon
treatment for three, two. three-and two.
months respectively. Of those who did
not improve In ahy degree, five are still
vlng and flvo are neua. :
"Of ? patients received lnJhe third
-gtS geOf Ua-OUMBr :: twtt-ti i"i in :n T
improved, end -if - tottr-of these attntlnua
as they are at present progressing, iner
wHIirUlmatcly mnt
"Of those In the second stsga of the
. , disease II were, received, all -of -whom
imnmv.ii' it mnrkedlv and three
i r C ll,-aeem. likely now to recover cornjtetclaJJlhrn and MlaaJlaotX Falling.
i hmsIsiii IIHlYTW'iyt Improvea.
"In the flrst 'slaSi!""t)T " IIIB '" BIPe
where there was some real hope of im-
rovament,ll-patlenta! -hava- been- received.-
Of these two hejro been dls
Long DrawivOutJJtigation Over
"" the Last Chance Mine Is --;
Again Appealed;
Question in Right of Locator to
Or Outside the Vertical
. (IfsiblBgtna Boreas of The Jouraal.) -Washington,
May II. In tha supremo
" court of the t'nlted States, a pefithm
-was ftred tortay by forrflfer-Senator
Oeorge Turner of Washington, Senator
W. B. Heyburn, Idaho, and K. T.-Post;
attorneys, for a writ of certiorari to the
. ;" circuit court of appeals for the, Ninth
. circuit,- in behslf of the Lust: Chance
' Mlnlngcompsny th "Bhtishone' Mining
fc-!t,nri)pany and the Empire State-Idaho
Mining Developlnsrompany. ,petl
: - t loners, ip their suit versuajhe Bunker
.Hill and. SuU Ivan Mining & Concentra
4V."'T tlow company.'---- -.
Th case Involves the ownership of
mining property In the Wardner district,
-Idaho, said to be valued at 12.000.000.
- It haa heen before the -courts of Idaho
",' and of the Ninth Judicial clrcnlt for
tha'past five years, and 'decisions Of
ih. dlntriht and circuit courta have been
farOrahle to, the respoutosthe Bun -1
. ' ker Hill and Sullivan company.
- '- , The question Involved in the suit Is
that of the right of the locator and pat
entee of the nt mining claim, to ore
V"",' bodies outIile"of the vertical boundarh-.
: BiiLEOU xig Ktsgnra.-
With $200 and a check for ISOiT TnTiTs
, possession John T. McKlernsn of Chlck
sssw. Indian Terrltory.-a member of the
Order of Hallway Conductors, has been
missing for three' days. The police
were ssked Inst night by R. K. Lilly,
who Is staying at' the railroad yams on
the prlvsto csr Stsrllght, to try to lo
cate Mm. an It Is feared that he may
have met with foul "Play-McKlernsn is
a man weighing ahcut $10 pounds, with
"a fair compleslon and rather light hair.
Hlatfara Is rlean-ahavn. He wore a
, salt and prpper suit nhd""lort"black
list. Xt Is said that the missing man
drinks hesvlly at times. It Is thought
that he- may have been beaten and
robbed or has been spirited away In
some dlsnsflerly houseand Is being kept
elrank hnti all his money is gone. .
. At Honltid a sidewalk Ltoo feet long
U tataf. laid. . ...
Money - Is Needed.
charged apparently cured;, that Is to I"
say, with a complete return to normal
weight, making a gain In one case of 14
Jig.'.! nil H, nnil in siinthrl "faT""";
niire dlaappearanca of the -cough and
fever for more than a month previous
to their discharge snd a complete clear
ling ipjtjliyili'tl signs In the lunga.
othcr- .thatt- those, probahiy oue to
wear left by the - proeess-of healing.
8ix others are much improved and will
probably make a' complete recovery -
Higher Charge Made.
'The purpose of the organisation b.
Ing to extend the benefits of the 'open
air treatment to as large a number as
possible, especially to the class who are
least able to pay for the treatment, the
fees Charged ,topatlent-were-.flxed at
the lov jale. of t.Jr week for persons
lifting ia the ally of Portland anil iiiv,.
lng an Income of less than $100 pr
month: frjallrnls having an hi"
a than that amount and residing
outside the city of. Portland, $10 per
week was to lie tha rate. The actual
coat of maintenance: for each, patleni
so far has Joeenln the neighborhood of
$9 per week; and as, of course, as wss
to be expected, the larger number of
pstlents admitted have been of the It
class, ' the consequence at the end of
three months has been that tha sana
torium haa run behind at the rate of
about $200 per month, as the malnten?
ance Tund Is barely $800 perycar; It
best not to receive any further patient
at less than $10 per week, until more
funds could, be received, thus putting
1 ,v av. . m 1 1 1 vi Biv.m, ,ii. 411
St rtution, has mrurreff some" indebted
ness, which ought to be lifted. There
still remains in. the neighborhood of
IMO u row the--cott a ge7 a bou t $00""li
$T00. for balanco jif tents and furnish
ings, and over $100 on water plant, tele,
phone lino and clearing. About $600 un
paid for expenses of March, and $100 for
gravel, roads and paths, and a number
of Otlu?rj-amwller streffrwg.' aggregating
altogether an lndebtedne of about
IZ.SOO." "
Officers of XaatJtntloB.:""" ""
-The board" of directors of the sana
torium consists of A. I Mills, president;
Theodora B."WHcox,-vice-president; C.
! ft Wood, sen elt 17: I. y. FUnkcBnerT
treasurer;-Robert Livingstone, William
D; Wheelwright. Ben Belling, Dr, A. A.
Morrison, Rev. Klwln Jj. House, Father
James 31, - Black, Mrs. H. J.
Corbett,Mv - IL Wr Corbett,
Mies Mnry F, Falling-Mrar-Miill Rr
Trumrmil.'Mrg. arace- Watts-Ross. a. Y,
narry-iE-jl u.-wmno4s,- y.- vvr Hhaver,
J. F. O'Shea, F.' Dreaaer, Dr. Woods
Jiutchlnson. Ft Ceuthom; O. S.-Btns
wanger, Harry Lane, A. C. Smith. Ex
ecutlv 'committee Father J. H. Black,
Woods Hutchinson, Mrs. M. R. Trumbull.
Rev. K. Im House, Mrs. IL J. Corbett.
The visiting staff Is: Dr. Woods
lluu liluiieir.-'rf.-'B.-'Jeffenls, y. can
thornEdng Tlmms, Homer 1. Keeney, K.
P,- Oeary.- R. J. Marahr E. N. Crockett
and Harry Lane, ': . ... . ..
Senate Committee Investigatingjf
- Railroad Rates Summon the
"mvianagers of -Combines.'
Rumored That the. President'st"nbPr of tbt cl f?s 'cgl,lat."?
Speech HasCaused More :
r Thorough -inquiry JL
8pl1 DIapati'k by Leasts' Wlr to Th Jmral)
Wsshlngton, May II. Invitations have
been sent out to the trust m..(-(n
appear before the senate committee now
sitting to hear evidence on the subject
of TatlwkJ rate" legislation. '
Ropresentatlvos of the steel and coal
companies have been requested to attend
the hearing, and augment the testimony
already given by small shippers to the
effect that all Is serene and that no ad
ditional legislation Is necessary to ad
Just -rates. - .- .. : : zr
The trust companies on the invitation
list are the United States corporation 4.
tne Tennessee foal Iron company; the
Colorado Fuel 'ft Iron company, which
concern Wasjaccused of having. Received
rebates at the hands of the Atchison,
Topekau. & Santa, Fe railroad, through
Secretary Morton,1 then vice-president of
that rompany-;-the-Fatnnount Coal com
pany of West Virginia, and tha Pittsburg
Coal company.'
The committee-has already made a
draft of their recommendations, which
they will present to the aenate at the
coming Jtff e!.QniXcpj,KCMe1utJIJa
said" they thought It wise to1 add more
substantial testimony to that already
accumulated by the "statements of the
small shippers an4 ' the printed teatf
mony of the .p tows of ths large shippers
of the .country. K . '
. A rumor tonight that the commission
Intends to make a more thorough In
vestigation of the sub)ect. owing to ths
speech of President. Roosevelt, and the
speech of Secretary Taft" at the Inter
national Railway congress banquet a few
nights a'go. cannot bo" verified.
BcWo Is to have an Kagle aerie."
-l Ttaik the tordl"
Cried Jlsnnah Plant, of
Llttlo Ro'rk.
Ark., '"for the relief I got from
len'S Arnica Salve. - It cured my fearful
running aores. whlrh nothing else would
heal, and from which I had suffered for
$ years." It Is a marvelous hesler for
ruts, burns snd wounds. Guaranteed
at -Red Uross Pharmacv, f)xth and Osk
streets. 011 the. way to thr postofflsa.
Leorig Brookit From Photograph Taken . for- Reproduction on Souvenir.
- .'. Postal Cards. . -' V.::: ...-- '-.-' -
"tJoornit 8pelr Brlee.) -
aJFranrlsrn, May ilirFdararrt J.,
Smith. te. collector of San Kranciseo,
will shortly fsce trial for the embeaslo.
ment of $110,000 of the city's money.
Xona Brooks, the former actress on
hnw-SmUhonfessedhe had squan
dered thousands of hls"stolenloot. Kit
ieved cannor-borheldraaanaccom-
piace. . - "
. Kd ward J. Smith was a. hall fellow
well met,, spent money 4lkeVwater.- and
.hmiivh-hla vniai mr.iira nccame one.. or
tha. most nonular men In San FrBTwN-saMmoeMMr'Bwhernlaii' cluW soma years
He was several times elected to oritce,
each tlmo by an Increased majorlty. Jfs
suDervlsor ha mads no. especlsl mark.
-Continued fromJPsgejPns.l.
Judge ilunt -haa decided 4hat tha-de-manda
Hjoon-'hls-tlmo-tn- Montana- are
too great- to permit him leaving the
local circuit to attend the trials In Port
Uud.wiilch. will necessarily be long
rtr.wn nut. He has notified Judge Jil-
1 bert ofth
pnm to this effect In response to a
TefCeTasSrng him HHha could KiSkTort-
land for that purpose.
Judge Hunt's calendar la greatly con
gested, .his stay In Porto Rico as gov
ernor, being somewhat -prolonged, atie
his appointment aa the successor of
Judge' Kftowlea tin the Montana bench;
Wr"tmiiui iwnt swlsi Ha
hon.i I
working diligently to catch . up, but
progress la necessarily slowand-Jio
regards It as Impossible for him. to
spars the tlmo for ths Oregon cases.
hortly Before Seatli Wrote Moody ug
- gestlng Be Karen's Hams.
"Tha general belief In Portland Is that
Judge John Jefferson Do Haven will
bo appointed to come to Portland to
ar the land. f rami trials Shortly ha-
fore his death Judge Bellinger wrote to
Attorney-General Moody suggesting that
Judge Do Haven bo selected to- succeed
hint in these casea. Ha selected. Judge
Do Haven for his recognised Judicial
loarnlng, - hla acknowledged Impartial
ity and his strict devotion, to the du
ties harTJOmc-to-sr-Judgc-on the bench;
L JudgeJJe. Haven, was formerly a memrnment expenae.
not it as... a ..rP1 ckhwiim 9 viun
and was on tha supreme bench of that
state. He Is a native of Missouri and
cameto California attho.pgo.jpf 4 In
"1849. He was appointed to the federal
court of- northern California In 1887. -The
chief obstacle that will Ho In the
wav of hla coming to Portland for the
land-fraud - trials Is in tho-fact tht4
there are many Important cases pend
ing in hla court and serious incon
venient nrlgh result if he were obliged
to bwrrbsent for any consldersblo length
of time. "
It Is thought that some time may
efapso before the vacancy caused by
Judge Bellinger's death is filled. The
task of selecting his successor Is likely
to bo a difficult one. The appointee
will doubtless be a Republican and pre
sumably a resident of Oregon, and
President Roosevelt will desire soma one
who lr absolutely free from, suspicion
of sympathy with the persons impli
cated In the land frauds. . .
. In connection with, tha place, mention
has-been made, of Judge Stephen A.
Lowell of Pendleton, Judge Alfred F.
8rs, -Jr.. Judge John-B. Cleland and
Judgn M. t5. George of the circuit court
of this county;" W. D. Fenton, counsel
for the Southern Pacific; W. W. Ootton,
counsel for too CL.-R. ti.i Colonel C.
B. S. Wood, Judge Henry R. McGinn,
John I..-Rand of Baker City, C. AJJolph,
mrtSroy WnrjTTr-Mor?Iand. State
Senator ' John L, Rnd will probably
mnke an active effort-to accurg tha ap5
polntmont." A bill was Introduced st the
last session of congress dividing Oregon
Into, two lurtlclal districts and creating
fthe office of district judge for eastern
Oregon. The bill failed to pass, but' if
lthad become a law It was understood
that Rand would havo had the Indorse
ment of 'many ileadlng Republicans for
appointment to the" new Judgeship. .
SFOKAira win,
.. - ' 1314(171
Spokane .......... 1 0 I 1 4 0 0 0
BolM ..t... I t if 0 0 1
Batterres Spokane, McOlnnls
Stanley; Boise, Btels and lianaen.
0 t
,.. V: iitttmr.'
Ogden .....0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 It "2
Salt Lake ...00000000 11
Bstterlea -r- Ogden, . Thompson and
Housen; Salt Lake, Ioahy and Thomas.
Aa (ax collector ha has been twice elect.
was discovered In his sccounts but the
money was replaced by his family, who
Installed hla brother as cashisr In the
tax collector's office to watch Smith
Smlthcomes of sfelient Tamtly. - Ha
js a "druggist wy- tw-cupatiott. Rather-a
weak characterTTie en ally succumbed to
the temptations of political llfe.-.He
became a member of many leading clubs
and lost tremendous sums at poker. "jA
toryris told of "his losing $4Q.O0O,iDfc
ago. nmitn a peaviesi - ionses ei isis
hsve been due lothrce- tradk of
which he has been a constant follower.
11 " e
Continued 4,rom-4aga,aOns,-
theNatlonaT museumrWIIIIars M. Oed
dca, clerk, "of tha government b rd of th
exposition. Of ths" cabinet' of ifcers It -4a
certsln that Secretary Hitchcock-of the
interlordepartment, .Secretary Jaft-Pl
tllB mht- dgpartmeiit, and Attornty-OeTF"
Will not attend, Secretaries "Wilson, ag
riculture; Metcalfe,- commerce, and Cow
telyou, .postmaster-general, -will make an
effort to attend and' expect to do so at
soma period of the exposition. '.'.
The coiigTesslbnaT party to .visit the
exposition apparently win be. sHgrlQX
funds to make the visit on the scale I
contemplated, Bo. manyof-the- patty
have arranged, to take feminine mem
bers of their households that it Is
doubtful whether-thO-opproprlatlon-of
$10,000, voted by-fcongresa to defray
expenees, will bo sufficient. Sergeant-at-Arms
: Daniel M. Ransdell,' of the
senate, whose attention waa called to
the largo irumber who pro going, said
that ha will not permit a deficit to bo
created, . oven if the trip has to bo
shortened. ,
The programj justmade out provides
that the party shall rendepvous at Chi
cs go end stsrt thence for Portland on I
the evenina Of Ml? II,
-- 1
Under an set of tha last congress is
rnpreaentatlvea. and- 10-senators were
chosen to represent the government at
the opening of the exposition. It-Is
customsrr for members of such par-
tles to takethelr wives, daughtersand
sometimes other near relatives at gov-
When the' resolution
Dointed out the necessity of an- appro
prlatlon of $25,000, Instead of $10,000,
but tlie larger amount was stricken out
on tha suggestion- of one of the south
ern senators. . .
-Secretary Taftnoday-IsauWsri order
to grant a permit to the Royal Hawaiian
band of Honolulu to come, to the United
States on a government transport to
leave Honolulu on September-. Tha
band will be one of the attractions at
tha Lewis and Clsrk exposition and Its
trip to- the mainland was contingent
upon - its receiving permission to make
the Journejr on a transport
(SpoclalDlnpatch by Leaped Wire to The Jntirnal)
- New York, May 13. On the voyage
of the- Cunar 41no steamship Lucanla,
which ended at this port todayr was; a
poker, game which occupied the best
part'of the last three days before, mak
ing Nfew York. - The men,, one said to
be a Texsn, played rfreexe-out," buying
$100 stacks of chips, and playing until
one or the other lost his all. Then the
loser bought again and IheTtame con
tinued. This furnished, interest for "the
male portion of the first cabin, who
crowded about the table In the smoking
room .to wstch the play. -
iit night there came -near toeing -s '
fight on board as a result of the game.
Tha row. was soon quieted. It waa said
by those who got In that the row came
oVer the chips In one pot. Tha Texan
quelled, the row. which was started by
his opponent. Quiet wss soon restored.
It did pot prevent the affair from bo
coming nnlsed about the vessel and set
tha passengers t'sFklng. ' -
- - xxstmro mam xooatxd. -
. Nelson Staffosjf. whoe disappearance
was reported to the pT!ce a fe days"
ago by Proprietor Elliott of tha Cham
ber of Commerce lunch counter, is in
Sanofranolseo,.. The police learned thjs
facftyesterdsy from tha, landlady-of
the Ogden lodging house, over De Mar-
J'tlnl's saloon, on First Street, where the
missing man had a room. A, letter was
recetyed by the landlady In which Staf
ford asked that his clothrng bo sent
to a certsln sddress in San Frsnclsco.
He gave no reason for leaving the'Clty
without nwtityiiit his employer, v- .
'Tackard Shoe" wearers are
enthusiastic brimful of en-
thusiasm. They can't help it.
The "Packard ' fits so, well is
srt comfortable 1 a made on ha-
ture'aUasts rcflcctsfashion's
latest'decree in style arid last
wears so well. These are" the
' reasons for their enthusiasm.
.. Wc' are also cnthustasttc '
- more . brimf ull 1 (if possible) of
- real live enthusiasm ' than,
"Packard Shoe"- wearer s en-
! thusiastic over the'friends the
"Packard'1 has made, enthusi -
- astic over those it ts-making',
enthusiastic over the friend you
will be to the-'Tackard'i after
.'.ou havr tried a pair. ,B?ttcL
-eomtsooivthe soonetyou: come.
. peafect . foot -comfort , will be
yours, and the sooner yoti will
enthusiasm makes you feel
good. ':: ''-' ":' ' -v.' - '"' '
We are enthusiastic over our
errowtri Watch us erow. il'Xo
fuss or feathers." We grow be-
1 causewe rive-nTore:ioot com5
men s shoes for 3;ao than you
"can find elsewhere at any. price. .
Com-and see s. - z
Largest Exclusive Men's
Shoe S to re In Oregon
- i "'
; -
tU tr1UlflSTfCSf'W
0 , .
- In honor of the visiting - conductors
who arrahflners a reception was given
last - evenrng-at the Al Kader temple
which was attended by almost 40(Tpeo
ple. Addresses of welcome were deliv-
' r i gs
Mahogany Chairs and Rockers
We have just received a large shipment of Ffne Solid. Mahogany Chairs and Rockers.
x i p A- . : T
';''' These goods are the new
also have large assortment of
We lfare the "New
172-174 FIRST STRltET
7 . . " . 7' :. tourist Last" :
' ' - . aa " Illustrated, made '
" V. j l : "Blueher." carried In ths ;
.,."r.'": ' ' . v - )", following . leathers; - -:
. V xro. SI Patent Colt. '
',-.' I y., X,' ' ,,'V , MO. BT Tlol Kid aU ,
I jv''' ' i :izr:9o aa Ysim caif. ..:. ...
.;V " T -ro OaU BaX ;
- '.Jj" X aro. 40 Tan willow Calf ,
si ,. '-. V Z Sso.44 TaaBassiaCaU,
',3W '.. Blnoltor. Oxford. .
J Bluohor, Oaford.
vM1T.v ill ,' Bo. IX. Tolw OaU,
7 W f-taehsr. Oortr-rr-r
I NiT.Tr ..' l f .- Slaes 4 to 12, widths'
ll krtt'y',","X ( AA to S, " AU oalt soles, i
x? ':m ; serid for ; ,
- -
cm i. ' X l-lf
I V. X a
"1 I Tti I Art M rfe """ , ,:.-,v .tUtyy4 I
iiivia iwjg -w- -. . -. i i .,.;... 1 mf
-. A' . , ,
j. M. Hodson and others in behalf of
the members -of the local order. - Many
of the visitors responded, exprestrmj
their sppreelatlon of the courtesies ex
tended them since their arrival at Port
land, Refreshments were served- in the
J is ? 0 ) rsS
Ideas In Chairs : and are handsome bs well as durable. We r4
Leather Chairs and Couches. :
Rival" Steel Ranges. Best on'thc MarHet
..'. . . Ss 0 . .
banquet hall qf the temple. Prepara "
tlons are being made by the Masons
foe the semiannual ceremonial which
will be held in this city on Juno IB. At
that. time it Is expected thst every city
In the United States will send delegates,
while the members of the lodges in tha
neighboring states will attend In a body.
. . , ; j
nrslt ri AMrt ':ynirAM