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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1905)
- - THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAt, . PORTLAND, SUNDAY MOP.NTNG. MAY U.i 1903:.- : -The A B Congetting- WUW$ DISPLAY -WILL SURPRISE ALL VILLDUILD. BARGE:: ' FOR EXCURSIONS Excluilom Children' Dipt. fntirf Second Foor -, 1 TOVH TOPICS' . " . : '. if - 1 Empire ........ .."A- Woman' R.eensa' lilu w.. 'l.'.V'a.attflee VavdnYnwn-' "rand Mtar . -.,t Baker ' ............. VaudeTllle ,,VUl)lTlllO . VutnUll To create a fund to build' a monument fiemory rTrealdent McKltileyrw the family cemetery, plot at Canton, Ohio, R. Rosa Perry of Washington, district of Columbia, haa begun a- move, ment by the endleia chain system. The , first letter received liw Portland from Mr. Perry was addressed to Alvln. m. tjulnter-wlth.jeiueit thst-On Its re ceipt he send to Judge William R. Day T of Canton, "the custodian of , the fund, 10 cents, and that he -write to three -lrienda. Aaklogeach to- contribute a like amount. The numbefiorth letter. r- -"-cetved by Mr. Qulnter was 170. He Is asked to send but three letters to friends bo as not to break the chain, and'ln all cses to. tell his frlenus to aend the' '.. romltunce to Judge Pay, who was -'President McKinleys secretarirof-tat during th. war with Vpain. --The most raluable-Indian- relics ever . gathered in Oregon have been placed In ".custody of the Oregon Historical soct ..ty Ther are 400 arrow and spear (heads .of. all slses and colors In -.the .-collection, -. arranged - - in -: . pat terns on a I green background in con nect Ion jwtftieadot-uniquan-design, Ttlchei"and colored pictures of In t dlans. .. The whole J, -In a targe frame of unique pattern, made of 41 varieties V of Oregon wood. The collation makes one of the most attractive exhibitions In the society's museum. The exhibit is the property of Uton O. Rieslsnd of Hubbard. Oregon, who haa. spent rnra in gathering the - curios In- the Willamette valley. .. Dalley-eV-Cox tlackmtth at-Bel-" mont and Water streets, will have to . . purchase a new bellows for their hop before ,they can begtn work Monday nromlng.-r Because, of tne carelessness of workmen ftr leaving, big tlasen th forge when they quit work yester- day afternoon tha framework ' of - the forga and tli bellows were -destroyed by fire. The flame were - txtlngulahed with the chemical engines after dam aging property valued at HQ. ; . The dlnlng-hall of the Commercial lnh mrmm h Tfine veatarasr snernrmn of a dinner, given by Sheriff Tom Wordi xi r ivnnt n Mr Housten. la honor of friends among the .families of the were; 51r-,andMrs. Oinn of Trenton; v aii(. lurro .-.'nriaiiei or h iiouii. MontsnaMrBndWrs Beatrice A of ioutsvilier neniucay, ana mr. iiu mr. Brooks of Bloomlngton, Illinois. - JJiArtlclea of incorporation of tha Star 'Bottling works have been fHed with the - county ' clerk by J. A. Morris, E. C. -trelcb-nd T,T. Clarke. The objects are to deal In carbonated and other-br- erages. catsup and ' bluing, and the J---.pltl ock Is-1 MOO. - 6. U Warden. F. J. Fellows and C. J. Bchnabel have .? ' filed articles of Incorporation of the Klppa Orchard company; capital stock ;.- Moo. , .. "T TheLbregoji Camera club will give i- ntth ftnal Av-nuralnn on Sunday. '" :" June t The club and-Its friends, the- " public will be taken to Bonnevtue on the teemier-Chartey R.gpcnrerr A good efiportunUyr for -visitor to; Portland, to J sea the upper Columbia river, " tie ob jectlonable features of the usuaL Bun. iay excursion;-- Ask your-friends about --the excursions previously given by the club. . e Banarje' circle of tha Indit-Amerlcan '" league' will meet next-Thursday after. rnonn at the residence .of Mr a. H. W. Stone. -1 Eleventh-atreetr An inter- eating tnogram will be :lud- " - "jjjgg important letters from Calcutta. The preniaent or tne iraveirre Aia proucia tlnn will also give an interesting talk. "The public is cordially Invited. nTr?J6etb---Fa.cTflc 8. S, company's ateamshlD Roanoke. 1.400 tons. Is" the -nnlv steamship running to Is Angeles, " celling at Cooa bay. Eureka and San Francisco, giving passengers a view of LUZ tha, coast en route .. Sails Saturday. i May 80 front-Columbia dock No. 1. Ticket office 251 Washington atreet, - Harry Young, agent. 'Phone Main 8. eO.000 Immigrant Wanted-To locate . along the Oregon Water Power eY Rail- '.way - company's line between Portland and Estacada. For Information Inquire of tha Oregon Water Powev - Townaite company. 114 First street. FhoneLMaln n. :. :. .. . .. . mma A vrt A In r.rVr Xfsilrlre ICteln. Na.w Tork City. wUl sing at First Con- - " gregntionai cnorrn - diiiiuiij jaijuyii . i In. liiwyagubJeTtar6r tne day will be; 'Underneath-nd "What-ar-VeTy Old Man Wrote." --Owing to extenslva-repairs the well known Louvre restaurant will be closed for a short time only- Announcement; of reopening 'of this popular establish-' ment will appear In The Journarlater7f Cafe will remain open. . Ancient OrVr of United Workmen Members of Portland logelNo1ZZAra -requested 'to attend lodge Friday. May It, at which time Past Orand Maater Ralph Feeney will explain the new plans. ' Th. Vaanar aervlca at the T. W C. A. this sfternoon at :0 o'clock Wlll'b led by Mrs. W.. II. Beharrell on th ubJ--ay-A-Ml-tflet Btlmi. ell will glva a song. ... I rell . Window screen -at wholesale price. Screen doors t plain, BO centa; fancy screen doors, IK.-any alxe. 11.00.- Port land Sash and Door company, 230 Front street, near. Main. . " Moss covered roofa are giving Deputy "Tire Marahal Wf. R.Roberta -ml of trouble this spring. Several, hundred notice have 'been Issued the past two months toproperty owner to clean . JJielr roofs, but many "ve been very Rolled Barley $23.50 ; " . r -; PER TON. I .-. , . Can't produce ' better fiuiV ity than w do. For delivery ; . . add 50c a ton. .j Pacific GrAin Co. v Telephone Main 8307. - Cor.413th' ind 'Kearney Sts. egin by saving some no matter how little.- : r: Continue saving till it becomes a fixed habit , Deposit v your, savings where they will earn liriore.;-"-- v WE PAY- 4 PER CENT intere:st GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Oregon Savings Bank' ; . Sixth and Morrison Stt. ' : BAD CHECK HAN.;. ABROAD IN;CITY Criminal Gets Good Money and H Shoes in Return for Spu- . -: V rious Paper. ; MANY BUSINESS FIRMS ROVE-EASY-VICTIMS Methodsjpf. Newcomer-Prove-td Police That-He fa an ...g. Expert, -At - least - a dosen merchants' were mulcted yesterday of amounts ' ranging from IIS to 168. by -worthless checks. The first complaint . came from Leo Selling's shoe store, at 270 Morrison street. A man who. Javr-the ntnw of J. C. Metcalf bought a pair of shoe and gave in payment a check on the Mer chants' National bank for tl-S0. He ordered the shoes sent to 1P1 -Sixth street and received In cash the amount by which the face value of the check exceeded the price of the shoes. Selling sent the check t the bank before it closed at noon and discovered the .deception practiced on him. This ckeck, in common with several others, was made payable to Robert JJewrj ton. - . i The next complaint was from the dod-dard-Kelly Shoe company, "at Sixth and Washington streets, where -a check for 134 80 waa accepted In payment for a pair of shoes. It wai drawn on the Spo kane Eastern Truet company and made payable to R. A. Wright, : The signature was Paul B. Bouley. Here cae.h was also obtained from the firm. Then a complaint - cme Into police headiiiuirter lllftt Hen SeMng.had lost the dlflerence between W and the cost of a. few artlces of clothing by one of these worthies checks, Robinson, the men's clothlei at Fifth and Washington streets, and many others I are on the list of victims. It Is estl-mated-TBaf the eetmlnaLsecyred y"er day about tnO from mercBitnta ol the cltyr At 191 Sixth street, where he had the good aent, he was found to have en gaged a room tbls morning.-- dilatory about complying with the city laws. He 1 working with the civic im provemehf board of" tit chamber of commerce In the crusade for a beautiful city, and unusual efforts a r being made to have all the buildings looking bright and clean before June 1. - Oregon City boat , 21 centa round trip. Leave Taylor street Sunday ll;a 'v nw 1:30 p. m. JLeayesQCegoa-lJlty- p. m. Fin ride, , Th Soencer Co, tiu).V l!5Tenlh. corner Washltigton street, is certainly putting out some of the prettiest style In shirtwaists and aults seen this season. We are still fitting those 11.80 glasses for 41. Uyeu-jieed glasses it will be to your Interest-to call on Metier ar Co., Jewelers and opticians, 111 Sixth street; 'The Pevit Outwitted." at the White TemprelrhIght.Rer. H. Wyse jone state evangelist preaches "Olory cho rus." , - ' j 11. 000 reward for any adulteration found In Oregon drape or Psclflo Cream, -Fot-flalerBOacra farm jiear. Oawego. Bmlth "the Savoy, lit Fifth street . Dr. L. M. Thornton, dentist, 501 Mar- quam building. Phone Main III. ' Prix wait "Cedar park today. Ing afternoon and evening. . ' Dane Danrlnr. Rohse's nark.. Admission free. Th' Journal ask whd's WoosterT Ahsley Printing Co., X60 Oak. Special Sunday,, Rates on O. W. P Round trip to OregonClty andjC nem mall Park. il6 cents; Qresnam. 21 cent: Eagle Cfeek, Eatacada and uppe Clackamas river points, 10 cent. Din- Lner at Hotel Estacada. 71 cents, Dane Iria at Canemah and Ratacada Parks. All car leave from. First and Alder street.' WHERE TO DINE. N All th delicacies of th aeaaon at th Portland restaurant Private apartment Sov psrtle. 101 Washington, near Fifth. On Way et Faying Debt From th Malay Times.. ' lrt-"Pensng "a -borrower recently wriggled out or hi financial liabilities by overpowering the native uaurer and clapping a padlock through th holes In his ear, .-, ., ., t -- ." .- : The Malay money lender could not re, turn to Ms brethren with an ear deae crated and sullied by Infidel hsnds, and so was forced t-tear up th promissory note, in exenange jor ui aey to tne Promise of Commissioners KicR? 77ftrdiprj?rand ' Demingr Wjth j - Reasons for Statements MINES EXHIBIT TOOK GOLD MEDAL AT ST. LOUIS State ' Beat thr Whole 'World In OilsAndHaslCoaL . to Burn. - . rnrnfj . r Rli-hardsotu comralS' sloner-in-chlef of - th Wyoming com mission, and William C Doming, secre tary, -will remain In Portland - evrj weeka installlig Wjuilug's exfltbtt at the Lewis and Clark expositions Wyoming" exnioits win o iouna m th Min.i anil Agricultural buildings. Almost 1,000 square feet of floor pac and about 2.000 square feet o- wall .aM. win k ..a.ri A t th Tulslana Purchase exposition Wyoming's exhibit In therMlnoe-bulldlng was awarded a nr-M ,tnr tb9 beat collective ex hlbiu Practically- all-tot that, exhibit, together- with- -much -new material, ha been brought to portlana. Wyoming s mineral exhibit will " attract attention K.o.. r It. nl,liv mil nusntltv. The commission I attempt at a C. B. - Richardon, CommUsioner-in. Chief, Wyoming. cabinet or picked i display, . but baa brought to Portland many carloada of eoaL Iron, copper,- soda, onyx. In com mercial quantities Mr. Deming said: I think we are safe In saying that no other state will show a largo a variety- a - tha state of Wyoming For Instance, we will exhibit from the coal mines, at Cumberland". Rock - Springs, Diamond vllle and Kemmerer, cubes of coal .vsryhlg rnlwelght.f romfivto eight. ton each... . - : - --W tuber's Snpply- la Onm Uo. "Think of getting- your entlr win ter, upptyTof coat. In one or two piece. That t aboht 'what you woum be able to do if . you secured one xr two of these large pieces of coal from the Wyoming commission st the .close of the exposition." - - - -- rh!.t urna of . our best market,' leetd Mr niLltardson. "and we at ex Willitm CDeming.!Secrettry -Wyoming; Cofflmiigion. plotting our coal producta particularly, (-would not. however, hav you overlook our oil exhibit. . Wyoming jws awarded a gold medal at St. Louis for the best and most comprehensive oil display. havlng'excelled any other state or for eign country. We will show 100 varle-. tlea of oils, both crude and refined, run nings fromthejnot highly purified typewriter and sewing machine 6II,td heavy steam engine lubricants. Our. oil exhibit will, be shown In a specially constructed booth1 whicn will be highly attractive. ' In my opinion the coming Industry in Wyoming and the 6ne In which-th great fortune will be made within the next 10 year I the -oil busi ness." . . I Attention ws called to one piece If soda taken froma natural soda lskp. which weighs approximately 6.000 pound.-Iron ore rmwilng approximately 70 per cent pur metallic Iron. from the famous Sunrise district north or Chey enne will be. shown, together, with th finished products, such nails, bolts. tool rails, barbed wire and . kindred Lprodwla - made - therefrom. Thhr-parttc- ar mine la own ned by the Colorado Fuel A Iron company, and 1 on of .th rich est properties-, mtho Wlt.' . Waat Fair Bid Cot Mine. ; By th way." ld Tur. Deming, "th development. of the StiDrle Iron mine may- be traced almost directly, to th exhibit msdv-at tha Columbian exposi tion In Chicago In 1$. .'Previous .to that time Charier A. Gurnaey of Lara mi county had for year mad fruitless efforts to Interest capital . tn ' what he called his "mountain of Iron or.' At Chicago th attention of experienced Iron men w lle-to--M exhibit and 4o the property, arid It development. soon followed." In the Agricultural building Wyo ming ha one- of the most desirable pace. The state.- will "Use about t.&OO aquara feet of flopr space and will show great. 'Variety of wheat, oats, barley, rye. In rln and In-the sheaf. Wyo ming jrrown oat,' received the highest award of any oats shown by this or any foreign country at St, Ixmls. . -A large varletjof trasseaandJorag plants, ... ... j? . r In New Building on 26tR Street t Facdng, Main Entrance and Exit of Lewis Clark Fair. - -. APPLY- BiiUombard 5 HChamber of Commerce or 393M 26th Street together .'with . a collection .of native Wyoming woods and fruits, will be. ex hibited In this building. " r Ranehmenr-and i-cowboys-TifCTearnlng that tbey 'oannot oeeeeofully,srm -on horseback." - Many large ranches are be ing cut Into email tracta. and hundreds of thousands of acre ar being- brought under Irrigation. - "With th opening of the Shoshone Indian reservation in June, 1906, and th extension of the Burlington and north western railroads Into tha Interior, both of which have already begun work, -very rapid de elopment-1 expected In th next few year," said the commissioner from Wyoming. V.i-Wto Commissioner Are. - - C. B. Richardson, the commissioner-In-chief, lives in Cheyenne' and Is largely Interested In stookraislng. Like many Wyoming e took growers of recent year, he raise Jmilmlxeep, end csttle, M Richardson .also devotes considerable time to th mining and oil business, and Is interested In soma of-the richest oil lands in the northern "xmrnttpt the state. I1U Ull KtlW m IA I ..J -vk ill. ..... ..... ij. I. extension , Ha , was anmrnlv '"n"--'"- cbtef for Wyoming at the Louisiana Purchase exposition. William C Deming, commissioner and secretary, is editor of the Wyoming Dally Tribune, published . In ' Cheyenne. th leading rDHr nf the ..'I'hie paper will send the seven most popular cowboy In, Wyoming to ttn ..roruana exposition. Acontet Is now running In that paper In whlcb more than ou oowooys- have been entered.- Mr. Dem' Ing la an ex-member of th Wyoming legislature.. . and -. ha had considerable experience, with ' International exposi tions, having been secretary of th Wyoming commission of the Louisiana Purchase exposition' " : The Wyoming commissioner ssy their state will send a large- percentage of Its population to th Portland expo sition, i ' i ' .. . " . Take a Chance. The Oregon7lmpoMtngcompany, tha popular 'amlly liquor store of thl city, I off'3.Hhia month with very-pur chase I 'v-Je-at store a - tloket wtolclt entltletvthe holder to a chano tn th drawing" of on of the handsomest Louis Quins China Cabinet ' ever exhibited by an anttquo or;modertt furniture tor on th coaat. Every buyer of a, 10-cent purchase Is entitled to one ticket In the drawlnr. - which take place mommy: due notice of which wtir t publisnedTTHTb" The journal.- Th Cabinet I yalued at $175. and th lucky owner can exchange th. .nine tar tw same value In furniture at Oevurtx's store in case he cannot use so handsome a piece of furniture. ' Exhibits on the Fair Grounds. JWlUjni5?LJ1PJ0-0 percent better. If ahown up on one of our parquet or hardwood floora. Call at J8 Yamhill Ing for aaleT-Portland TlardwoodTTlooT company. ' A C0VELL TRADE-GETTER ' A OREAT MANY PORTLAND PEOPLE - HAVE LEARNED WHAT THAT MEANS ALL THIS WEEK IT'S A HIGHLY POLISHED OOLDEN OAK OR MAHOGANY. COBBLER-SEAT ROCKER For $2.59 A $5 00 VALUE : CdVELL'S ONLY - rVncrrf Ntw York Firahorc Ct4 7 184-6 First .Street SUMMER RATES - v- - o. tr. r. bt. ca ;.. Hotel. Estacada 1 iH ErrT rkoM ipril to. Iotteloc ss srwktut ....i. r..v.4 I S Rimsi as1 snam per aar 1 M ftnnm and board r erk... 15(m) Knoa a ltd board sr" week (two tareossl. 2a Oil rrn.kfa.t fM... JA narSaoa , ,ya) Ptqner .7 ttilldrra sader I years sod erTiat. . half rates. - A apeelal tlrkeV Iseladlsg trolley trips sad dlnser. tl.75, , A apartal tlrk.t, Inrlarltng trolley trip sad . dar s rward. $.t SO.. ;,:"";. - Ttrta es at , nnpfiva ernce. riBBT amj iisn mnn, fhea 04V.UU.1- JUMARIISKZ,. alaaagar. - Plans Drawns for jpBig -Pleasure Craft. DOUBLE DECKER FOR . USE ON WILLAMETTE May Also Have Constructed' Steamer for Operation on . , Upper Columbia Captain El W,8pencer liaa h4 plan drwn for one of tha largest excursion bargea ever , opesated In local water. It wilr have sn&ce for the aeeoramoda tlon of 1.60-paengers7and will cost about $10,000. It will be a double decker, arranged inside with all modern conveniences, will b " provided with dancing platform On both deck, and will be ready for commission not late than July 1. Th barge wilt be -rented to excursion parties, and for towing It tlWTahnrna. may be chartered. . ' This steamer formerly belonged to tha'WtUte Collar line," but Is owned by th Se curity Bavlnga t Trust company of this city. Th only excursion barge, now In Portland, harbor 1 the Klickitat. ' be longing to th Oregon Railroad, at Navi gation .company." KvcrV season" It has been In great demand; it 1 considerably smaller than ho'wvewhtch CaptaJn Spencer will build. ... " Captain Spencer 1 taking a great deal of Interest in th open river project, and with othera.wlli lay- planaat nce for building a steamer for operation on tha ufSper Columbia. -In this, matter It 1 declared that he wllrte given every en courageomnt Iby- th Operr Rlvelr as so elation Whlla-th.Spence4L-r una aa far ae Th Dalle, the proposed craft will not neeeaarlly-be operated In connec tion with her.Fre!ght wUl baJwoaght fromewtntori and Intermediate points, and transferred to any steamer that happen along from Portland to receive 1L . i ; -- :MAYLBERLVEk-WAR. rropct of Two Steamers oa Uppe . OolnmbU miTr. ttTTBarne. deputy collector of eu- I ymyitBwiit yeiserday from Rlparia, where he went to-taka official measure ments of the tenmer j.lwUton. iu,t completed at that point by the tJregrn Railroad ft-Navtgatlonompany; The veaael 1 lS.t feet - long and -l 4 feet across th beam, . about the same sis the old steamer Lewlaton. which tha new craft will succeed on th Snake river. She will be operated be tween Rlparia and Lewlaton In con nection with the steamer Spokane. It la being planned"tohavr-hr-tn-eT vice-by- June 1.- While ha wa up there Mr. Barnes re port that mechanica began the work of rebuilding tha old steamer J. M. Han naford. which has been out of commis sion for the oast flv year. Sha-4 owned by. the Northern Pacific Railroad com nan v. and Mr. Barnea state that much speculation -wa being indulged tn h- the- residents of -thw-Snako -a to where the old craft will be placed In service. They are wondering .If tiM Northern Pacific 1 going to mane an effort to eecure "a , part .of the upper river trade thathaa long heen-enjoyeo exclusively by the O. R. St N. Some ap pear to believe that she might possibly -Lawa. t..nn anA thai nortaia road abov Th Dallea. although it 1 ald that h jjhnfws ratlur ""'fti watsr ta mi a smcess on mai man. "The electric line from Orangevlll U LewlBton." said Mr. Barnes "I now as sured, and the fanmera tip that way r Jubilant. The right of way has been acquired, all of the surveying Is done, and grading for the road will soon be started. With an open river and this road completed, that section win soon u bplld" w lilt ampl transportatlo faclllti." -.-- .- ---r - F0R SMALL CRAFT.r. rfl Cnoh-Veeded VTharf VflU Be Built B- tvarn Wt Itatk t4 Oak 1tv t hiinHriwt feet nf waterfront prop erty, between West Stark and West Osk streets, and extending out Into th Wll- 1. tnr itiatann of SO f eet. wa leased yesterday afternoon by Anderaon tt Crowe, in nipnners, wno win """" thereon a largo float which will b oper. atedthls summer a docking place for boats. r- a - By paying th owner a small rental those who use small craft In thehar m k- .iv.n lAnrllna? "nrivlteae. It will b posslbl for 26 or 10 lsuncbes to get In there at one tim. The leasee say they will soon be in a MAai.inn ia m e n t all corner. The work of building the flost wlll be started the nrst ol me wee a. ana n will be pushed to completion a quickly as possible. It will be built out about to feet from th shore ime. At the foot of Stark street tha-dty .in - nuttllf. lanrllnar hut aa It nl nnlv K. thai wLrtth of tha atreet the accommoaaiions xur uuai. win w n,-. limited. Thrise who are In touch .with affair ay that by tho- time the fair opena tha harbor will be full of email craft, aent her to be placed In the pas enger trad between .the city s nil .the .-A, ' - l . - ..111 -.K& exposition grounds. ALOrtG THE WATER FRONT. - ha,-- -": ' " ".-.'. By colliding with th pier of th Morrison street bridge yesterday the steamer Snrsh Dixon lost" 10 feet of guard on .the port lde. f Tha accident occurred while ah waa going through the draw. The vessel ws taken up to "the Portland ahlpyarda for repair. ' At th Supple shipyard tne steamer Aragir-1 being prevlUed with a towpoet to enable her to tow a couple of gov- emment - baraes - to - CdDs bay. Th-J a"drge II. Mendeirw Being overntuied sttbe s&ine-yarda. l . , A. couDle of . 'small oost nuiit tor shooting the chutes will be taken to the Coney Island pleasure resort near Sellwood today. i The steamer M. F. Henderson has been taken down to the acene of th Elder wreck to supply the power for operating the- pump when an effort to raise the vessel from -the rock will be made to. 49W ' With (00.000 . feet . or . lumber .tn stesmer lie cleared for San Pedro yes terday afternoon. The barHentin Port- land cleared for the earn' port wun (7I.00A feet ofVOregon fir. F. T. Banmgartner. - the "local agent reports 'that th steamer Despatch haa been chsrtered to loea lumner at t ort land ' for San rfnc'sco. She 1 now at the Bay City, and will sail north to morrow afternoon. ' . MARINE NOTES., I Astoria. May II. Sailed at' Trtl .. m. British ship Ildal, for Antofnga. ta. Arrtyed at, a. m. and lcrt up sm-M .inn .Z S : . -i ; : Oeorgiorgi, cf J) ' Klaaed a girl and Mad her cry.-- TiebgtrtirJiJ to plsy Oeorgle porgl ran away. For Tttent 8U A dlllor a dollar, X 19 o'clock scKota?.- Why-do you oonl-r- com' J Tou used to com a '.10 o'clock, And now yeu come at noon. grade Cor, - i ; - ii i-'iw.v?l : ; ' - ii - i. in- r .- . r m i , . si lav , AaSaatiiiMaasaaMaaaAa. :;r jrti i !KLTHE-PHILADELPHIA Newly furnished apartments, overlook Ing Plasa and Thompson Fountain. Hot and Cold water In rooms. Bath free to guests. Ratea 11.00 per day and up. 121. TXXX.D ST, COB. SAXMOB ST. rhoae Mala tOSS. -J. R. MINARD BLACK. Prop. Hotel Eaton Corner Kerrlsea ad Waet Vark Itraets. NEW RanilaoaieU' fornlahed. elegantly enlppad, flrenrfiof. Te mlnotea' walk frooi heart of ahopplneendnfoMneas 'dlatrlrt, all lante, alrj. outalrla rooma, a team baated. alaetrle llghta, telephone la each apartneat, ete. Lars efflrea, Wmnflns. amoklns. - wetttnf. ladiea r.reptlon parlors. Kooma rasertad by. Bull ar telapboaa, - ? : ,. , Trivets asaaikaa sieeto traias aad staamera, ftoom$ $I.OO to $3.00 a Day gpeeUt- Bate t-Ceer1r"lt.r' ' Mil Ms! XAIOW (Foraierly of Hotel Railriatb. flpnkase.) DISTINCTION, ; IN ; DRESS Is achieved by wearing the proper C'ORHKT. trouble here t.J 1 tea s tne moat Tasttmmis women: iV'e are Drenared to relievo them of all corset worries. Every, lit guaranteed. - t E. HUMMEL, CorseUere 143V& Eleventh, Cor. 'Alder. . Your Hair Falling Accompanied br an Itehlng, dry eealp and prnfualnn of flantlraffj Thee amat snaoTlii and nnpleaaant conditions 'eaa ' readlle-oe'remoTed hjr conaultatloa with Dr. Madame Lackey, principal of the American Reanty I'artora. Rha with tier kill, alifcvl by Madame K arrow a fam ua remeillea, will renviv toe cauaayf7 the dlafeall-tronritea. proilnrins a bealtby aealp and luiurlona -srowtb . of Ilea hair. IaTlgoratlnf cabinet batb glean. - wi . A - PARLOfifl ROOJVT3-9 - -If33-Tartrst0t t3i:jff--r'in.--j(rmBn- steamer Nlco madia, from Hongkong and way porta. Arrived down at a. m. Schooner Transit' and steamer Harrison. Condi tion of the bar at I p. m. Wife trouble; no bar report. - - sTXOOaCBOlA IB TBS BTTBB. With a full cargo of far eastern prod uct the oriental liner Kcomedla. will reach port this morning front China ami Japan. She left up - from j, Astoria, at 1:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, but will: probably drop anchor for the ntght at aom point below th mouth of the Wll lamette. ; The, N'lcomedla reached . As toria yesterday morning at 1:40 o clock, making the unusually good paeasge of II dsy snross the Paclflo from Yoko hama, fthe la bringing cargo whioh. will measure clone to 4.00 tons, made tip Of burlap, gunnies, fire, lea, matting, firecrackers, .cement. Chines 1 grocer ies. tC - ' . - --II - ' r5ut A V V ' I J! Pretty Styles Little-Feet - Leather Slipper 5rj-JBtfpVii 7 l ..,..,......(l l"' J IW to 1.. ....... ....... tl. SO - J Vtcl . Kid Sllppert-r-On StrD,I. . . r. Sfzes i to f Vt ..... . . . . . . . . . . i. . . t .10 " . IH to ....... ......11.10 1 to 11... I1.IS 11 to 1 - m to , $i.t ' PatentLeather tBhoe.-- - - - SUe I to 11 .......II IS ' im to a , . ' Also all th new styles In Tan. Rus sia Calf and Whit Canvaa Oxford and ' Shoe. . : ' - i .'-,.."'''- Winsome fashloliijndarntT-foot-- eap-foTTne little ones : models made after nature s patterns. i .Our children's shoes- possess""" that degree of elegance in style " and superiority-in fit and finish thatcharacterizesstrictly high -footwear; KNIGHT'S OppoitdPrk(ni ttoiml Fifth and Wathlngton Jto There's a :-; Difference- la th prio of dUmontt tha at this tim laat year, but yo wooldat kBw it If yoa bought kere. W tell yon they'T goa a p you'd never know It If prio bad to tu you. . A. N. Wright -m iowi nwnn 293 MORRISON STREET, Now I th tim to tray all kind of Japanese and Chines curios, a we ar selling every article at ,a great reduction in order. tP make room for th arrival .of new good for th fair, consist. . Ing of silk gown, kimono, netsuk purses, silver clolasonn vases, satsuma. ftn brown deco rated porcelain tea sets, matting." toys, tc .... ' - ' Andrew Kan & Co. S87 atOBJUBOsT ST, Gradaafe 1 Amerteaa Hcboel 'it Oataepathy, Klrkaellla. Me. i nOsteopathyn ateopthlc Pbralrlaa. - 41 AMngto bids. AU rkronle sad V Rebellions Dlenrrlm - Ington and Stark , cleat!eaUy Treated fortland. Wltkaat Drsfa. nci 1 ad QiAn ULIeLlii U r People who hav bought good from John ilell for the laat 11 years hav named him "leliar, th ftquaro Iiealer Mr. Delia r rwa . hla stork 0 Men'' and- Youths' - Butts.' fen I a. Hats and Hhlrta evary neasan1. He also carries an ub-to-date tin of Men's, tadles', M !' and Roys' -J hoe- and " t rrfords. Ttie square dealing oomea in by having good merchandise nd low prices. Kery rttcle marked ;tn plain, ftgures. prlcej to all. Mr. Iellsr owns T' " MTORF.M. on at corner KIHHT TAHM I . where asmples nf novelties ar rfle,llyeJ In ii t windows,- and the nih.r a---iStted Up, at rorner Tl't' " -vt .1 1 -ssa- JUfr4UL.m0j: I Oriental :Curio Sale --r - ---- - -i - i a . 1. f- -r. .- -j. - .... ... . .