) 1 r 4-. t THE . OREGON 7 SUNDAY - JOURNAL PORTIND;:,SUNDaV 1 MORNING S.MAY :Cxl9C5;t iT-. T I FREE-f-WlTH VANT ADS-FREE I With every cash "Want X- NAL office for insertion in - there will be eivea free your . t ? if-. For Sale ; Furnished ' Unfurnished Rooms Rooms With Board l : '.L , , .: - i These i signs" are printed "" Twhite tardboard," in larger bold black type, making" 7very7 v.'-:r.X"? neat : appearance. '-r :7,7m , "f---- .- ';. X TO aXX TAtI. rultlratloa, arrva . nuaneo ana aaaii r-ivarad: amall famll orchard: placa fenced: acraa fbw ffrarli bottom land; onifrtatla ' farm bulllliuT: nk-a lHlnn atrnm ana tea I1 - 1 Mill ffrAin arhniil. X nillra from cunn- . tr town and 9 nil lea from Vancourer: all ror go with placa IC aold auoa; vary ckaap -t aww-t aMy l,Ub. t arraa cood level land: -10 aaM under " cultlTlli and In crop. acrrt alaabed and 1 aeetda irraaa, JO acraa under- fence; food . j fanll iMfhard, Tarbraa trulla; fair booaa and . , barn, cbtckpn houae and Tarda, wnedabed, ' . ie. V nilla from buaan and achool; li. r. - II. mall; r-lihhrhoxl: -2 mile from ' ronntrr and It. H. twn and nillea from Vanrwrer. on good road. . Tola la a. Mat bom v- "0 rrra air teM,rleh "aoiiriW bcrea an. j der cultlratlon; aeraa alaabed and aaeded: ' ' d yount apple orcbard. and al a ood ' iinilly arrbird, earlona fmlta; new room ... rottnae. Mrie ..Bw bar a 0"a0. coat $; rbtreii.--' dalryr" arood and-well- honaeat- M - aafe ft-nrud niri" frnm ai'lHwil. 1 tniifa troui couutrr towa and 11 mllea from Van- omrer. A No. 1 bur. 2.TaU; ball, eaab, balance B per cent lutcreat. i Wlllalau aril peraonal property at a aaerV Wa baea acme rlo. 1 tmy n a, i. ), w. M and Ji-arre tract. Hea ua before rlnetn t-.Hil .. Wa- ur llat a bargain!. -v 8. W. THOMrSON CO., I'o'jrtk and Wain u.. VancovTer, Wtak. . Phone 1043. ' Reference: Vancoorer Rational Bank ' et Vancnnrei, Waab, 40 FOR an crearitl fwat iaadUtoaaV-a JBllea " ' frt.m Oregon -tliy. " ' - , 4ho for ) acrra, acre bearer dam, good -trout atream. -'. ' J" ' tn l tut I. 1 An aTM An cleared. Inn :; timber, near room houae. Una .trout at ream, -f on .Columbia rtTer. iiM iMi for Jlo acraa. eleeaVr fcL ' lu kiie mmA hani. - 1 e .'; tor 'Jxm ecee,; cleared, S In YTult, -new nngee and narn. norac anq. wg hcairtne- art farm lmmeinenla-' fi.U0 for loo arrea. 10 cleared. Rooae a no barn, alll fenced. ISMino cor da-of Un.otio acrea wheat land, produced lat year - buabcl ptracre; prtco 17.50 Jo I'M- per gcre. - -. ... , ff.000 acrea In aouthera Oregon, I3.T5 per gcre. 1 U.nfin gcre grating and dairy Had. T0 in.V"i acre mgar gnd yellow pin, - tue a.M . , , 1 - i , i . 8.oia acre tlmberUiand In aclDe county, " : Warrftngton.-glo per a arrva on culuuililB rtveiv 118 TJr-arTr Houae and.jsu la all porta ol in ctiy - on raar term. Rooming bouaea at T1 price T - rrea in" rwtm,r i modern. all varieties uf fruJltBjnid-kwgalB. "Cafr--and aee o Tor""brgln of "alf Vadei UBA.Ii A TllMtWt iu a I BIB FOR 8ALB FOR AUE FOR rSoo-aer wheat, farm for aale) In eaatera Oregon; H oo In wheat and ttia naiane can ba bongbt any time wlthla th et-ai-4UT ro(r'T.o per acre, inciuaing au , me crop and plowing. . Will tike from to .DO0.OO In Portland Property on th deal. Till I great bargala, th place I well Imnrnvad and oaly one mil from R. R. tatlon. , TS4 Johuaon at. Phone Main 8816. FOR BALI FOR 8ALB FOR BALI A XAP IN ALFALFA LAND 88,800 buy afefl Improved HO-acr airaira rami on oenrn : niiUa- va e(-AiiiHl: mxI water rltiii orchard, bouae, larn, etc.: 8 to Jteaa to ' h acre: ht acrea tB alfalfa w.-J' nraln aiod title: only reaarm fnr-eelr"- -.i.eJd age. Addreaa lion Carlo "1hiyd,TTBj.-r?r. ntt man, Ontario, Oregon. - , nr. 4 n RTIKM wlahlna Information reaardlwr "iontti era Oregon realtle wllf do well t alt Boon me, as I bav bad 10 year' experience tber - la the realty - bualneaa. I bava eom very - dealrahla ferna, eni table fee all perpeeet, and all kind of bualneaa openings for sale at price to aery competition. rf . w. sillier. . naneeer Oreeon allnea A Realty Oa.. !u: III i th at., room 1,. Portland, Or. Pboae VlalB !. FARM. 2R8 acre, 2nn seres In ralttvatton, 180 acre In crop tbla year: good kooae. hern - and autbulldlngat fin fruit, bop. grain1 land; lu anilMi tn town aad R. R. : braatlfal mca- , tlon. good eprlnga and wella. dally mall and , telephone; If acid bv th 14th of Ml crop ef 1 Inn acre go Int the beat bargain In valley farms: price 810 per acre. Addreaa r. Brooks. Riiml Delivery 1. Carlton, Or. . SO ACRES N seres elesred In crop. 10 sere . .wood lot. 20 seres stump pasture, t good or- ckaraa.. gooa Bouao. oarn. isra-v niDuimini, running water. Water piped to houae and bars. ' a kMw. k.,u a sifooL 10 cowo. cream aenarator. IntplemeBta: 114 mil to railroad atsllon. poatofflce. achool. oa lvel road: 1 . hour by railroad from Portland; $1,700. Ad dress Ed. Csrlsea. ler Island. Or.. Mat Sara rare eonatatln of 1.480 meadow: 4no level and can ba mad Into meadow, balanc pest are land; lartgatloai ays tern on tb ploce and pletit f water: ale 400 bead of cattle, 80 horse sad all farming '" Implements; pUc hi well Improved. Writ . m call at place. Pa Qliaa Crook coaaty, - Oregoa. ' V. Bailey. ; "A BARGAIN IN LANI TO acre choice, level agrneb land at IM n cre M old sotm. . on mils fnm V"'10 poatofflce - deep Bolt - and good drainage; desirable local too for reeMeecM mn veellenl InVeatment B -UB- dlvid and celt la sere- tracta. Call on or addrea tton Carlo . Boyd, tb real (Stat aian, Ontario, Or. - 1 . . . FOR 8AI.E Twenty-fonr-acr farm, rich land. Bora Bottom; good 'orehara n year or aae: - anrlng water; three good barns; good apes ' of mules; new'wagna and farming supplies; ld-mlnuta walk from the O. W. A P. Hr. ., ststloo. ' Charter . Wagner, 8M R. R. at.. Lower Alblna. 1 ' TO ACRES of land In Ukamsnla eonnty. ere cleared aad fenced; mil from river; 870O, ao acrea talaad rand: win make good dsk-y - ranch; Water power Bear Wasbougal. 1 wnhv rrooi Coramhla river. iBAnkr gin A Mn too bblg.. I'ortlantl. Or. Whongal, Wssh. V, Ct. waxy. FOR 8AI.R 240 acres of logred off laad to rolnmhla eonnty, Onrgon. 2 miles i froaa - Westoort, 1 mil, frent Roaa leading atattosv Columbia rtver: laad sultsbt grasing or - coed wood; good mod In; pries 8a per srr. H. SMaley, M Junior St., Woodland ttlon. Portland, Or. r . FOR ALE A Krgla:4i eeea sdjnlnlnsr owe is of the beat towna In lb Paloaaa. eoaefry; rst clsaa Impeovementei l-n- of eVop with .iplaes; prte. $4,nn, pert eah. b!. city prop V erty. or time. gl A Ilea f bHg. i FtR SAI.F 1st) acre tintmprwrefl frlt land. timber, near lrsnt Pss: reseos for , selling, .leknesa. Addreaa V 81, cr Jouraak Ad." presents at THE JOUR- - either daily, or Sunday issuer choice of the followin e named a- fKTTr fAtrn, T Rooms For Rent on good, heavy, substantial ' . - I0a SIT.T tAlotaV. ACttf all eb.lea -laaaV-aa-graa.l, good .AW room bouae. nice barn, good well, with on Ml, "tower and tank, abauaanca ef fruit, cob- - rerilent to car. . only . w-minute ride from center of city, fiv car fare. A anap at aa.BOO, - UENKL A UAKKR, aiT.Ablngton bldg. A ( HAKt-r. ef a-llfallme lftO-acr farm. , partly . Imprared. good houae. about .v worm of timber, about 40 acre oud plow Und: will take caab tbU work. Addrea -r- V iff. ear Journal. FOR SALE AT ONTARIO Ckoic. nnlmprored land and acreage property; Improved farma. fnwa kla and residence pronerty. Addreej - toa 'Carlo Jlojrd,- Ua leal eama mra,.Ou- tarto, t)r. e"-: t rRCR LAND IN 0RR00N node tb ."Carey . Irrigation Act." Dead direct from tat. Writ today. Booklet and map free. ' B. S. -Cook Co., mi Alder at.. furtUnd. d. Oregoa. I as wSeat B0ME8TKA0CRS W-aa -iaeata yon or Irrigation landa; real aetata for aale. Call - or write. Van Clear Scooll. Echo, .Umatilla - county, Oregon. M ACRES. 3d nillea from 1'ortland, H mile - frosa railroad atatlen: larae apple orchard wall rrult, fair barn, plenty -et watar. 14 Combination hmkrs Eih.t tooia in one; . needed by every farmer; prlre. pnatpatd, 20c Lowell Hupply Co., Iawell. Mich. - . -ATTENTION S ateamera a day to the One farma for aale at Waahnugal, the garden of the weat; by IV W. Hulcblnann. ffREK lands In Oregon: czcnrslon every day. ror lururmttlon Insulr a urtkasMrB8ecurl tie Co., 815 Oregoolkn- bldg. FOR 0ALA-84 "acres on Johnson creek,. Bear Lenta,, only $S0 per sere; a. bargain. J. U Wella Co., 84 Grand eve. -- , (2 IWaJ HAMLK l.OfiO screa Tamhill oounty. oil mllea frnm Portland; TOO In grass. Call - atmxa3II Morrlain . L- FOR 8 ALB 80 aer farm near Cajwego. Mat Bmltb, the Savoy Reatanrant, 108 Fifth at. FOR southern Oregon real estate, large or small ' tracta.. DIUard A Clayton, Roaaburg, Or. . 88-AORRK, - cleared, bona and tools, 2 mllea jroro n.ieneo. iBW. aua , uainamin, TO . EXCFIANQE House ant lot.. Twentr-flr.t sr.. north of Washington; 8-ronm bouae.- new anq modem, gaa ana electric rights, poreelal . bath, right- In the eeatee' of Nob Hill: e vacant corner . lott wllL ' trade for ft rat flees, nell-lmuimed fsim between ort land and Hlrm on the Willametts- river, either X.JSx-1 US 1 J. I..Yii.. K LU. Room 227 Chamber of Commerce. EMPIRE ' INVESTMENIt CO . Boom 227 Chamber of Com To tirhanaa 2asnre, tigrf cleared. a OWeV-car-lln. AK black aoll: thla land la worth 82io per acre: will trade for real, dene Drotierry In Portland. east or west sioe. r 380 ACRES good. Improved land near 8am. limner enough to pay for tb. land, accessible to me river; win trade tor Portland property, Hatfield A Smith. 10SV Fourth at., room 82. FIN n snoan residence with variety fruits, fin view, pure air; wur eimsiiae eer- reemlng bouee; pay dlffareace. Eipoeltlon Leasing id., i. bixib be.,-sear uaa. 8KCOND-HAND talking macblaea of all makes, nought, (old sod eicnangea; bargains In sec ond-Dana machine ana records, luu Third t- TO EXfHANOE Whst have yon to rxrbangs lor autoinoniie. aimoex new J t ost ow; will sell fur g:o. Address W SO. care JoumaL WILL TRADE Oood rooming bouae for prop erty in nr. jonna; nous clearing sou per mootn. Anaress rr rare journal. . RKMINtSTON No. 8 typewriter for sale or ex chance tor BUDnroaa lot. I'. O. Bog 248. f-uriisno. - FOR tAIX ICSCTIXAjTiotTS. FOR 8ALJC 20.000 rar neat atamna for eol. lector. Ies4 than half retakwue mica: so. clal reduction. inJarg tluantlUa.. Adlatv in ivorta Hittn St., sear uuaan. Alao c4- ICR CREAM, fruit tees made outrkly wHhont trifling costt keeps mtlk. -cotter,- stc.. aweei in- nor westner; run directiune. loc, Phillips Specialty Co.",-Boa 284, Portland.- BfLUARO AND POOL tables tor rent r tar i s easy peyntenta, TUB BRVN8WICK-BALKB COLLENDER CO. 48 Third et.. Portland. FOR SALE Steatn automobile, nearly new. coat dftu; will eell for 83SO or trad for anything of equal; valas. . Addrea W 2U, care journal. . PIANO for sale A very good Fischer plans. atuoi. rovsr; wiu oeuvev to purcjiaeer a it 4 tune, It; chesg for caab. 424 Jef tenon. I none SOOB. CON VERTIRLR BAHKET Ore test - novelty maae. neerui. nBiuoe; sample By mall lenc. Hough Supply Co.. Urswer 428. Marion. , Ind. WR print your asms n SO railing card, preps is ana style, use zoo business cards. 81. Brow a Bcbmals, 228 Pint. Portland. Or. ALMOST say price tsfces 180 rsh , ret later and Victor talking machine If taken before laeesar, -ua e tatcksa.se. test etde. FOR SALB at a seer toes, plana la Al rondl- tlon; part cask, bal. eaay terms. Wester Academy of Mnele. Second and Morrteoav .. i-n . . .Am FOR BALE 80-lnck Samson wire VBeei?rl foa order. For part teniae call or sddrsa Scott Veung, Tjgtl Vsll.j. Or. TWO freak enwa gnd eslres. Inqntrs at Bing ham leading, I mllea south of Oswego, or V at. Tare journal. pNB Edlaoa Triumph pbnnograpfcj SOdosen recorwt cvvryiDUig cuupMt rsons East it;i3. . ............ FOB BALE Three freeb row and earrs. tI ureeley ave., tire ley stattoa. St. JutttsTrSr. FOR SALE Heifer, freak, year ld; -am bctici sotta pup, rnons ocotl nso. . FOR SALB 14-foot row boat. Inquire sou ik sf can factory. A. X, WkltBMB. EW snd sad head esah register aad ari iy ssvass.. aao jkBs.sy sl. . FOR SALE Polatcr pup 8 month sld.1 114 MBtner ac. . aaoatatllia. SIX-FOOT COCNTER, ebowease; good, - 840 Mlaetwslppt avenne. FOR BALI MORSES AD CARHlASES. roR SALB Teem eaddl pnotea r pack horses ; aavs see nrivsn. iminir vt . a. gtones, lu tirssd tn er 4S9 prrsrott t. BALE llood. weestls hoes, boggy and harness. Pr. Ri. dentist, 848 Ml bard St., M'HJta?llla. I'hen Srott 27M. ... Steam wd a, 4ea and-wagon, at a oargsiB. jipyiy as au) wtoan ai. H 1 ' -i--!iLT-ianjcgxiLLj-it3l FOR RIRT-BT308E1. H.'f. "EDWARDS. HorSBFIRNISHEE. - . - , KKVIAL PEf ABIMJKNT. 7 , Dwellings of all klnde and A lU Bart of'th evty- are- Hated wttk aa. Wa hats th most uanplet vacaat house directory la tow. ud If ya eoatemplets moving It wUlpy yon , tu visit eur Rental DeparluienL .Tsere aura to he otuethliiar for Toy oa our Hat. J ... ofcolhar flat. jrotlag a Urge.- dwelling . ve ee rnuTW i r mura walking ana worry, lollowlng la. partial Hat. Ul) party Mon day aa4 mak your selection. L' ITM-F MI TlK I-reoen ttSVSvt batmcd', wnnnif n-room rut (lower! floa locality . B niia ralHaa, , iarai llltmil Wl IIP room flat, new, strictly modern 8O.0O B-rom cottage, modern, bast location. 8A.00 S-ruom flat, modern, a nod district 87 nil S-rooni bouee, modern, lllh ts. .......... 46-W lA-niom fists, ' modern, near Twentieth - ' St., K v 100.00 ' - FAST .1P. ft-room cottage. Grand v.t ,.8 8.00 4-rooai cot t ago, bath, large yard tO,M) 4-roum eottag. bejih, yard. Seven tb St.. 12.00 4-routa eotlaga,. large yard, fruit. '18.il 8-roora flat, BMwlef n, Just papered.'. ...... " 18.00 room flstT bath, very convenlent.r.... 2n.ta 8-room house, bath, yard lU.bu f oonr bonaa, mcdern. ysrd.frntt..'7i"- room flat, modern, fine locality. 25.0(1 8-room flat, modern, walking .dlatanc,. 8O.0n 8-room flat, modern, well arranged..... 80.(M 8-room ikwae. modern. Yamhill at..,,.... 80.08 8-room bouse, largs gardes, fla locality 40.00 Note No lnf orma tlon given oer phon. Call la pcraoa. .... . & . .'ttr X7 Eft WARDS.' UorSEFrRNMHEB," .. . . IM to ... J91 First. St., ATTRACT! VH nwly furnished 8-ronm cottage: rn hathi sn rr--rtmt Tf !""" from town .fenter; can do seen wee a oaya seiwoe. 1 and 8 o'clock; 618 William are. COMI'LETKLY furnlabad.- bow. modern 6-mom Lli'Uti nlco ) wni.raonabu I orajo. I I'nuna I nlon a.i or can ttunoay or lor noon 82b ICaat Klerenth Worth. FOR RENT Ddrlng th fair, house of 8 room. ' wltk ball BOaTOi ooald be arranged for roomers 7 ana noararr. - van lor.nooue juva.cai Salmon, rhvns Eaat ZSX - FOR BBNT .room boos, nicely furnished for housekeeping, . with bath, etc.; rent 820 per 1 iikwiiIi. rmjutre 401 Mlaner At, Monuvllla. fbone Scott 444. .. , KADDERLT ' TRANSFRR-COMMISSION CO. Plane aad ferultur msvod nrompUy by uerlencad men.. 110 Third at. Mam lotw. NEW 8 -mom cottar on Ostmatt eve. t - good -Mlghborbood: fin ylewi rent 812.80. . K- poaltlon Leasing Co., T8 Sixth t. MODERN 8-room house, partly furnished, 868 F.ast Unuch nr. Inquir o-iu Mliwautie si. ' Pboos Kaat 2U30. ... - SMALL barn for rent; room for two horses snd hay; 83 a month. Adore Tia sanay, cor. Twentieth. FOH RENT Cottage at Seaside; key at Sea- ide Heal Estat Co.. luquir at gou jerrer on at. - "rtyRffBS an top ,l lit. Tabor, of t lc. - : - . Apply UyBBoav Journal Fl'RNISHED 8-room modern houae; bath and telephone; Urge yard. Inquire 811 Hancock. FOR RENT 8-room. modern, new noua. inns FOR RENT 8-room hnue, 84T Booth Flrtt t- - FOR REATT FAKXS. e- F0R BENT acres of lead, all In cultiva tion, Eaat Farty-thsrd and Beet Ion labs road. W. O. Bee. gfrT Th Falllpa. THB CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS Cor. 8tk and Washington sts. , one, Perkins hotel. Pull set teeth, pink gum.-iT.....,...,..o 00 22-K gold crows 8.00 Fllllng ..80 rte K' . B iv-year susrsniev. awiore 10. Hit ynui teeth -made and aaedr get uur prlear. VOVTTTtT trresTltirrttlps -ytatd "to ourbaInIeea women without nutdlclaa or . operations,; con sulfation free. WeltmerHchool of Realln I method Ugt. Office- Ooodnongh ktdg. BOOKS!-BOOKS! BOOKS! Tb kind yoTr . looking (or; "Decameroa," A not lamaie, -"Rea'e OoBfeaeloB.'1 l'A Social LAoa. Fannl WU," "T Beetji SpoU" 50 each; list free. a. acamai, zza aim n. CHANOB Or LOCATION 1 wish to Inform my pauentg ana rrienas mat i nav inamaoauy -epet-ed a sew-efaoe at 818 Oregon! bldg. "A. B. Lisvvrs, eisiciBnB--eBeaae oa u aav aad seain. rnon tiooa loss. I GUARANTEE Mm. Krrow Myrtle Wonder to care any case of Irregularities, snppres- Jlon. , etc. The lateat dlecivery from "radium prodncta; .pries fo.uo. Mme. tiarrow, pza Market at. MANLT rigor restored by Dr.' Roberta Nerve O lobule. On month' treatment, 82; 8 month. 85; sent eecurely ess led by maU. " Ag.ata. Woodard, Clark At Co.. Portland. Or. tflST pOw-eT; reatnred by th - greet-Br? . Lurent's Nerve Tonic Tablets; 2Sc per boa, beie for 81.2S. r Writ er .all at Ersaell's Pharmacy, ai Morrison, oi. tax ana na. 0ET-WELIV and keep welt; treatnaaata on natnrooatble lines: satlatactlon auaanted term very moderate. Dr. Bloom, Tour ay bldg., second ana -nyiov an., bum au.-. VIM. rigor, vitality Da Pont et de's Kola Tablets. Nature' great-tonic for either aet: 2AC box by mall. Albert Bernl, Second and Washlogtos, agent. rortland. Or. CONFIDENTIAL INTESTIOATIONB Reports ansae on any iitni viuLiau. .Buinsa or or. srty; - book iTwrted; beet slty rfsrBC. Lock Bos 274, Portland, or. 0IRL8 If you wish to marry we csn Introdue i aolrndld yoonc men plrndld young men aeeaing in companions. Ing Interstate Introducing Society. Box 1078, DR. 0LNBY treats all dles with rrest snc- cess: as-nnigir cure lonsreo, nqnor sad morphine habits. Bee me. zans wningtsav A GOOD NATl'RED. liberal nd wealthy bro ker. g so, want gooa sensible wire. Adilree K. BIT Lincoln ., Chicago. BlE.NERAL-INrORMATION BUREAU Anything on nny suhjecc tooxea np; ensrges resson. hi. SOT Anaeny t. rnons nesi a-tv. A - 8:m.0iK) HEIREdS. ar 21. a beautiful blonde, for reaeooa wwnea to marry, au- drees King. 1046 Oeorge St.. Chicago. . ALL ladles en f feeing from - female - disorder call or send ror wonder-vi oraer - remeay, No. 1. 83t Sixth st. 11 Per box. GENTLEMAN, bachelor, no children, aire home, garden, etc. wento taay Boneeaeener..s.g. drees W 23. car Journ!. . LAPIirit Bend nr. ellver for partlcnlsrs abont ear "Protector." Box 242 laBeapoUs, Minn. THB BPRINGSTEIN MEDICTNB CO., all D- kna Bldg. rnoBte niaiB saos. a. BALM OP FIOS r an female dlsisasa. Alder . Pboa Mala OCCULT and New Thought book. - Jo Prore. gat Alder et. 7 TOR SALS OR EZ0XAWSB. 84 ACRE8.iBill Montarllla, good Boll, s grsvei, e ll uooev ruitiTettoB, su or ea rhange for Improved farm. Ad4ra . cere Jowraal. " ' "T ARCHITECTS. CHARLES MAHON, architect d rsntractor, as ready to all all roenmianna aw pisna swd - tmtldlins, esesjUBttliiB wf baotb tm fslrs sad dlet.laye a specialty: nd ex Tvsslvs eaperlenc. Shop 848 Eaat Oak. Psoas East 8aao. P. HOFFMAN, architect and Mnerlateadsnt, 1IW fleet St.. pertUad. Or. ART laMIITB. PROP. BICBABD MAX MBTBR PBrtralt sad laadBrap rtlst uBtrartioa xa ail aaistiBg. water eoksr, etc.. ead drawing; art gallery euaasctad wvth atadtsf yiteeajres for sals sd framing a nlsr. 84B slew St. 1 I ' AS FX ALT FATIjTw. THB Trinidad Asphalt Pevtaf Cat sf Prtlad. orncs ass Wore. tee bis. A88ATIEB.., THB J H. Flak Aseaylnsj efflc .Oressley A Crawforo. analytical eaemi.t aad BMtaV kargist. 204 k Wasblagtoa St. BATatt M ABB 8 BE. FRBNCB radie gtvs baths sad sos riftk gt, Pkoas Mala iSM. The Journal's Lewis and Clark Contest THIS C0UP0N; 4' If Voted on or -ONE .VOTE FORnr.r, ..' . . . POSTOFFICE i - COUNTY .Wtttt. .?X: -WnTlt TkU-ec. r. ,;tt rAttf 1 1 i . " -is pfopeilr nominated. If not nominated, fill out nomination" blank and vend in with coupon.-- ' ; ' - -i.--.- BI0T0XX UEAXEEB. . COU'MBIA TRIRUKR AND C1KBOBNT, fOKTI.Nti OOOU8. EXPERT RBPAIKIN0,' F, P. KEENAN.. SOS THIRD BT. v HOWE. DATIS A KILRAM.. 100-111 Heeoed sr. Bank book manofactarera; agepta (or Jonas . tmprovaa LsM.Lat .ledgers see tB new ' Eureka leaf, the beet en the marks: BAJTB IBBTRXTICEjITS. CHAS. B. YORK CO. repairers sad platers. removed to, 87 First. 2 block north. - OLAIETOTAJfl ABO FALMI8T. card reader; I give facw rsllabi aad las porunt sn sll affairs of real lit. Reading nu. - sb swventn St. , - Bear uag. C10AES ABO TOBACCO." E8RERCM1UNBT CIOAB CXX- UuUrlbutors of FINS CI0ARR. Portland. CABPIBTZRS ABO BTIXDERS, A. J. AUTHORS and H. E. WOOD, carpenter and builders: repairing and t fobbing) tor and office nitBxe built. . Shop SU8 Columbia. Main 628T. T EM E ST.WOnlf IS albawareaas and atralaht business.. Lunda trout, . 80S CowuserUl blk. . CHAS. R. CARTER It CO.,- cement contractors. o em Twentien wu rnons avaat igin. All work guaranteed. -X0JX AJTD V06ST CIll'HCHLEV . BROS, bars renrnved from foot st ViJit ft.o 4a Kearney t., near Eleventh. It I now th Urgeat woodyT inr the-rtty;-rarrilbg all klmla si "wood and swil. i'aoae Mala 851. .-" . WESTERN FEED at FUIU. OO eoe. rrest aad Hoy t sts., deslara In . domeatlc snd jteaoi coal, blsckamlth. coal, charcoal and col. ItV i i ... , , -a- . . ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers In cordwood. coal and green and vy Mabwooa. - at. at. bs al blna are., B blocks saat of ferry. East 874. RUPERT FUEL CO. The best, dtp wood H town. Don't forgt to pnon East 1409. ana Eaat Eighth t., cor. Msdlsoa. -; --. , STBKti1 BR1DUB FUEL CO.: ' flraTrgB8BTr . jfl .lk J5l Ua... fa-.at il sgvi WaanBl BUtl a J WinajW (BWaHf SBSBa s, -a-ak 0REUON FUEL CO.; all kind of coal Bad pnon stain bb. , ' KIRK HOOVER. itirWitrrat-f wood end coal. mono aaain ernes. - - . PORTLAND STRAM CLEARING A -3TBIN43 orkai aymatleel batfr In seaaartlaBt- lsth ena sag curled n a sa part. -811 rourth. Pnon .Clay TO. - TOTHES cleaned and pressed tl Per month, - vwiw .ajNnaf w. , wa, nawiniwa v. H. W. TURNER. utureaeluBal dyer nd sleaaar, dub jerrerson sr. fnon mam zoia. CARPET XUEABINO. STANDARD Steam Carpet-Cleaning Co. Carpet cleaned, reBtted, sewed and laid; mattraase. feather renovated. Kast Third, aorth. and 1'aH fie ta, Eaat 280. Merrlman A North HAVB roar walls cleaned: we clean paperedJ aad- petntea walla . eauarscrtpn guarapu prices reasonable; reference. Red 2U32. CARPETS cleaned on th floor; w rat a gust, psoas clay sal, . rre oeroonsuanoa. i. HUNTER Steam carpet and mattres. cleaner. 000 jefferaon. Phone Main 214. XatanSBI0aT MRCHAlfTS. DAVENPORT BROS. Oenerhl eosg ml salon a chaBta; frnlta aad prod no; conslgnmentn so licited,' prompt ret are, low-. Front St. ETERDINO A FARREDV orodnc and enrni ion-merchants. to groat St.. rortiaaa. or, Phone Mala 17. CAFTX ERICKSON'B RESTAURANT Merckaat's ksBcb 11 s. m. to 18 g. m.; BBder new managemeBt. P. - B. Evas, pro) Sarong And urnala. THB 0FFICB fns WaaMogtoa at. Pbeas Mai tti, aamoei vigaeaox. fTROCXERT ABB 6LAS8WARX. WHOLESALE crock iy sad glass wn re. Pre el. Hrgel u., 100 t lus nttb. cor. Stara at. DOO AND HOE BE HOSPITAL. DR-C.E BROWN, D.T S..D. C M. Dog. boras bos- pltsl.grTT Bnrnald. Pboae : MalB40Hn;Eeet ZoW. SREABbTAXIXB. MRS. O. P. LOW B, ladles' aad rblldrea'B gar- aieats, Blla waists, walats sad wrapper; ua derwear mad. 18 Elvatk at, rkoa Main 8127. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or waah silk. 81.28; abirtwaiat en its, sa.no. sos Aaat Mar ket, raoas gjtt ajjll. CP-TO-DATB dream klsg, Isdlea' tailoring; costs s specialty. Hoom zii-Blisxy Dldg. KEISTER'B Ladles' Tailoring eolleesi natteraa cat so meesor. Aiisay aau euu. ma Mar MRS. McKIBBEN. artlatl draak and aaak making. . hi atornaoa at. - DRESSMAKING Strictly ap e Aato; latest igns. bb ciay st. E1ECTEICAX WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ' BNQINEER1NO Compsjry, 8O8 Stark et-. Portmsd. Oe K. for verytklns la the sUctrlcsl Raa. Pasa ataln lass. PA CI riC Electric Co. lagiaeers, aaatroeto repairwre. eiecrne wiring, anppues. p nrav. v. stars. maia ana. st. n. Tate, mgr. ' FTTRBACXS. ' BOTNTON waras-err ices ear faeL J. C Bsyar Faraaea Co.. 2nd BeesBd. Mela Stl. F0RS1TUBE FACTORIZa. OR roorr garni tar Msaafaetsrlna; Company- .Bwaisoxas-er si aarwfBrs leg ta mas. PortlaBd. Or. '. FTTRNITIJRB aasewfaetartng sad special eders. U Bavsasky' furaltar f artery. gTD Front st. R0CER8. WADHAMS CO.. who less le geoeeeB. Base raetnrer and camanaaloa mereaaata. FeurU sad Oak sts. f . N A LRWIB. wmmlB4ea aaal mean see. etianta. Front and Dsvfa sts.. Port land. Or. ARTrrans. 0ARDF.NS made' and -kept a srdV, feedge - - - t'leiBj, - l'oa ereer o Fbhi. Mats 82-. . IS GOOD, FOR Before MAY-21. .V.7. . ... .-. ..................... . aS'TATE ...... . . . '. . :..JtxtA f'"fHTrt nersons nsmecj rit " . r T FOREST REBEXTE SCRIP. POREBT-flRSERTB-SCRIP-FOR BALBVgg. provea, unrestricted, reaay ror immediate see; auwsst prices. ARDWARE,' Portland Hardware Co. solid ta opputtaulty" t quote price. 114 let. our. Alder. Mala 1884. HTTMAJf BAXR ROXXS. - J. J.. BO BO. auaafactarer bf konma bslr rolls. . etc. 42s B. ninth. pnon Eaat gglL HOTEL, REBTitrnjulT ABO CAMP RAB0ES, HOTEL. RESTAURANT AND CAMP RANGES Crlbbea A Sextoa A Co., aevotnth aad VJpabsr sts., largest stock kotsL rostaaraat. camp range, gaaullo tores sad nfrlgsrn. tor in tne city. THE LINDELL HOTEL Market, bat. Third and rourtn, roriisua; sntireiy. new, aanasunwiy . xurntsavu, stsuenenn putB. f i.ev aey np. Hotel PeadletoB, Pendleton. W. A, Browi HOT El, Portland, American plaa; 18,88 per day. HOTEL St. . George, Pendleton; lending BotsL BELVEDERE, Lj ropes plsn;4tb nnd Alder ta. WBTJRAJICE. LAMBERT. WHITMEB A CO. Firs Inanraae bldg., Alder Main 1008; ssst aids dept. .804 East teniae ne' aanay sast sal. ISAAC L, WH1TB, ars lnnrtnc. kids. BOO Dekaa J AS. Mel. . WOOD, employers' liability aad lay mvtauai aoeineai sarsty nonos sx su ainos. - f none sr. aua Hcnsy -niag. : Hj P. BARTELS - COM PAN Y-Ftr -tnsnrgnrs. 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon Phone Clay 828. -ronmrmr." KEY. flttlngv, sit Iron braalng and g.nerst rs- uairing J, H, Klah.rdsuB,. au rourth at, -Phone Hood 17H8.' MONET TO L0AB. THB STAB LOAN CO. Any salaried employ, wags-earner, gaa get - an at a., wKaout- morigags r ' 1,10.00 Repay ta 18 83 or 88.85 or 83 -er- 8 er Jl or $2 00 er $1 a. ff 6 00 15.00 Repay to: 4.00 . - S10 McKay bldg FITB nor cent moner 1 ws. bnlld or loan von monev on your nrooertv: mowthl psym.nta; Investigate: open Saturday etsn- ing. nooma u-ii um oiag., n wash. lateral Mcnrltyt sneetae- attention ta rnattet . mortgagee; note bought CWjPllst. ''Bod-jr fmloi pldg.84 Slttnalr ri. - HIGHLY respectable pises where la die and gents Can borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry. Collateral Loss Bok, .2UB Wash Ing ton at Phone Black Tl. $3 IX1ANS and npwnrd oa (11 kind at ca my or tu isrieq poopis on tnnir not; K)wmi rate: no nobllclty. no delay. 118 Atrinrtoa oiag. rnoBo etea i 'JO. MONEY ADVANCED salaried ample,' t'smatersj tc, wiiooBi BBcurity: ssy psymnt; larg eel hn. loess In 48 principal eltlss. , Tolnun, X2S Ahlnetoa bide. t-- . ' CHATTEL loans la amonnta ranging front 828 to ao,wtw; rooming-nouses a specialty. Re' Truat. Aj.2Utt Ablogtoa Bldg. WE bay life lnsrance policies snd pay more man oompaniea assuing tnm; ao nny inni subject 10 loan. as xa. cars Journal. 1 LOANS at lowest rates oa furniture, ntaaoe any acniity note purrnaseo. Aaslern ajasg - trnce, 44a Bherioca nidg. 1 MONEY TO LOAN la large er amall amonnta oa good aeennty; low est rat, wuilsa) u. Boca, am railing eiag. MONEY to lonB In (urns to spft at 8 snd per cent. W. J. Clemens, 3T8 Btstk st. Obamber of Commerce. LOANS oa furniture, pianos, other other securities, room M. Waak. anweat rate, a. w. aing, bldg. Mala 8100. THB CRESCENT LOAN- COMPANY Salary loan, from three to lx month; eo hi deal's'. 811 oragonlsn. MONEY TO LOAN mt Clicvstrea eonntr lande. m. r, saw . at. stu.y, sua vaaswr S( bsss- P0RTLAND REAL ESTAT Tl LOANS. 8 AND 8 per cent. Was. Denboli Falling bldg. MONEY TO IA3AN, per rent. Northrop A ski rig. xio-zu commercial omen. TO LOAN 8100 to 11800 by Charles HlrateL as mira st.. room s. frino to lend on city or gnonrhan property. r i. cere journal. MTJBICAL. SELF-PLATINO PIANOS Cectllsa self-play. - leg pianos pr mcea rne neet ay aeaaing pinetdena; also Ceclllan pleno-playra. ' Will Mode Hoaa. 8M Aids st. MOST excellent opportunity for mandolin snd guitar teaciter who has money to inveet; unlck retarns aeaared. , Address T 82, csre Journal. . SECOND-HAND musical Instrument of aO kind at lowest price, cssa r Inetaumeata. rawer atusic te-, isv-inira st. THEME arc hard times: orlcee are aoinc casa or lime. tevy a Miiais rlooee, 11 J f carta St.. Y. M. C. A. bldg. LESSONS Hoc, piano, guitar. Itanjo, mandolin,, violin.. Mrs. Martin. 241 Mi first, cof.piaia. MR. AND MRS. H Al WEBBER, banjo, masds- In. guitar Inatrncttoa.MslB Sw 1T8 W Par T MAOHTTIO HXAXIR0. traa t as niav .mam .11 " - ...n,. .1, trounle. nervoneneea and rnnctlosal weakaeae. I V. rr.nenmtloa free. 1 1 - Trwirmer bnlldlna. r botaey Ptnuc. PREPARATION at deeds sad nrtgsgg a peeialty; peleea redBcsd. aw A. Are as. Sla, the Maram. . ... OYER ALLS. BOSS OP THB BOAD OflRALLS asd ate 'Bas ics' elothang; aalos made. Neastadtsr Brnex, Baae4Brrs. Portland. Or. ' PATEXEBTS. WARP EN tenet ruction Co. Street Paving, aids- walk en.1 eroaawaik. 7in oregontaa sing. PITMIXES. DONNERBBRtl A RADEMACHEB Msutarp tlaaswt, , 84 FaartA t. ft FOT A CO., aanltary plnmbers, 21 Beenad be. H.fa asd Minna, uregss rnoa si a is gnoL PIAB0 TVBIBBj BEOROM 'ANtERSr)NRTpert ptanei tuner lirf reptrtnf. loejulr Fktbc Musi Cs. R4 842. PLATIBO. EASTSRN PLATlNOca, 828 First Ootd, liver, copper, el'-keL g4.hrmpla.lijj. Jewelry 4erk neclalty. - THB OREGON PLATING WORKS. 48 -Walv lngtoa at. Phon 2D7.t Polishing platlag " 'PTTBLIO AroOtrarTABTT- B. H. B. MULDER, expert acennatanf. mom 441 . Bsierleek bldg. seek BeBel. adjuated and andlted: book kept for small concern; mode. rate ehargea; trat clas referencee. Main 2tt8. BCBHONO CO. Front aad Stark sts., srlna. Ing. Htkographlng, blank book and ofne ' ripplles; work dons sn tlms: moat nupUtt prlatlng office la tb wL Mala 104. ANDERSON A DUNIWAT COMPART, printing. Hthognphlng, blank book. I' bun Mala IT. Jim aier . . .. . ;. PAnmCOU, ABO 0LA8S, P. B. BEACH A CO. Th Ploseer Paint Co. - winoow-giaaa sad A-Ualag. aJ rUst Pboa 1834. RASMU8HEN A CO Jobber, paints, all. glass. .no oora.. aeeona ana isyior. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 248 Alder at., phstw - saatB tu; rsooer at. saps, -seaaK- steBeiMt, gsge, trade checks : send to eetatogn. Rbomr. TIN ROOFINO. gntterlng ypatilag and gesersl - lopoing.c-sjisrn. gig jeirersoa t- ROPE. PORTLAND CORDA0B CO Corner Foaj-tssatt nq aortnrop sts., rortland. Or. BATES. FOR opening lockouts sad (at bargain go ts sa, vsvis, so intra sr. SHOWCASES ABD FIXTTjUS, SHOWCASES of every description; bask, bar and Store Sxture mid ta order. Th Lata aiasursctunng t:e., Portland. r- .. 1 ST0RA0K ABD TRANSFER. SAFES, piano -and furniture moved,- psckwd ready for hipping' and shipped! all work . guaranteed: large. B-atory. brick, fire-proof -warehouse for storage. Office 128 Flnt at. v, at. utaen, rnons Mala oT. Cv 0. PICK, office 88 First et.. between Stark nd Oak at., pnon 808; piano snd fnrnltnr Btnved and bached for ebtpplog; commodloat . fire-proof, brick wareboue. Front .s4 ciy ts. . , BTORA0B spse to let In nr new balldlns. 8T4 Water gt. Blgler Milling A Commie to H-ompapy.,,,, ... 1 , ,, TIMBER. FOR BALE Two homestead rellnoutahment cisimatseooaa growth; will (ell (beap. H. r. M.laon, Hotel Rhelnpfahes. FOR HOMESTBADS. timber claims aad scrip eppiy ip an commercial Bioca. TTFEWRIIEIB. YOST" TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERB 82 fourth atreet. "W fnrrepalr, sell, I' bang' typewrltsr. ail suppiie tor 1 machlnea. Ptndard machine (28 and ap is Bind. yos . want a stenographer or typBtl ss asve Het or g.iod eppi Phone Black tSTI. pllcanta. i -" BTENOnRAPHERS " TYPEWRITER BATHIIOUSK ' will call and get any machine and thoronghly clean with benslne for $1. Addrea 84 Third t. rnons eiain ztHO. ... all, ICR BNSDORFBR -ypewvtfe KIT pairing. Rose A Rosa. 200 Stark. 16T0. r TOWEL SrjrTLT.3 LCLEAX'TOWEL DAII.T Comb, brselt; ssi 1 81 per -month.- Lew re nee Bros.' Towal Bnppl I Co.. rourth ami Conch. Pnon 438. ' - rKAXiFXR-Airo HAtJxnrs 1 OrJJEGON TRANBjrERC0184lortA Sixth. - nop Main bv. iteavy nannng ana storags. POST SPECIAL DEMTERT. N. BOOH lngtoa at. Phon Main BAT. TURKISH BATHS. DR. MOOREPiELD of Stockton, Cl.,ha opeaed I ' n Tnklrh and atai -" - Ana rifth at. rxoLivs. I. A.-WESCO, elolla-maker and repairer: work nrst eiaa. is Hueaeii Bldg. ta sn Hornsea. WALLPAPER.-- MOROAN W AIJvPAPER . CO.. 184.188 at., oet. xamhur aad Taylor. Portland. ITBAHCIAL. PORTLAND TRUST COMPART OF 0RE00H. r . M. 108 THIRD BT. . Tb Old set Trust Company la Orssoa. vsta-i.jtj. sew, wo. Ws conduct n general banking bualneaa. Wt lecelv saving depoelta. W Iseus tlm eer- tlScates and Certificates of deposit payable upon 10 day' call. 80 days' call er 80 days' call, with Interest st 8V1. 84 snd 4 per cent per anaam, reepecttvelT Call or send tat our book of ILLUSTRATIONS. -.. BKNJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITT0CK..M, , Ylce-PreelAent B. LEE PAfJET..J ..........Secretary e. w. i"Lin,. . aaaistsnt aeeretery PRST HATI0BAL BANK, of portt An rtmvnmt Dclg8gU4Jrpoltory aud rin.nUl Agent of th , United Stst.s. PtsJdent.. ............ A. T MTt.Lfl CleirrtTrrr,mTr.Yritilr W.-NEWK1 RK Aaalstant Csshler.,...,,..,..;.W. C. ALVORD Second Aselalant Cashier .....B. F BIEVKNS Letter ef Credit Issued Avsllahl to Europe nd th Eastern Slate. SlSht Kxchanee and Teleeranht TfiutM. Joldou New YorkJloetQjr i.blisaolSL Louis. nt. t-sni. vrmana. nan rrstteieco and toe principal points in th Korthweet. Sight end tlm bills drswn In sums to nit on London. Psrl. Berlin. Frankfoet-an.tbe- iaTn. -nong. Kong, Xokobama. Copenkaaen. thrlatlanla, Stockholm,: St. Petersburg, Mva- eowf Kurtcn. rionoiniu. Oalleetieaa Mad Favsrakl Term. ' UNITED BTATEB NATIONAL BANK, . OF PORTLAND. ORESOW. kOKTKWEST COR. THIRD AND OAK STS. xranaaei n uenerai Banking giitlais DRAFTS IMI rn Available In Ail Cltle of th Called Sutss . ana Burop,iipug - sUrng gad Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE OH FAVORABLE TERMS President J. C. AI.NSWORTH Vic l'resldeut. ................... W. B if IB Cashier........... R. W. SCHMEER Aaatotaet Ceshler... A. M. WR1UHT LADD A TLLT0N, BABKEKB. (Eatsbllahed la 1888.) Traassats a OsnaraJ Beaklne Collection made at all sointa ob f.vorshae terme. Lettere ef credit leaned available la EuropS and all point In th United gratee. Sleht Exehanre and Teleeeaohle T..M.. ... iwi, nHainaiua, c nicaaTOw at. IjMila.j Denver. Omaha, a... 'tn,.i... Montana ana . nntisa toiamni. Etcbanxe Bold 'oa London. Pacta Bwiim Frank fort. Bona Kong. Yokukama. Manila and KlUODIUJB. RTXT BAVTB0B A TRUST COMPART. - eew awneiB e... rertjana. fir; Trsutsact s Aeneral Banking m i'nm BATINOS mtllTafxv Interest Allowed en Tlrua.and Savins Deposits. Acta aa Trustee for Eat a tee. Drafts sad Letters of Credit Available ta AD eTrWa" , - PreetnVat f....r. First Vice-President ,4. ..Second Vlcs-Prealdent Seeretery L. A. LRW1S. A. L. MIU.S ... B. O. JIBUTI..... MERCH ARTS' RATIONAL BANK. POST! Attn natiui j. 9 n. - r. wainus PreeldeM ...W... Yks-President R. L. Dl RHAM.... w. iioii r-..ki GR0RGB W. HOTT..... Aaelat.nt CasMr Trsjtearta a Mm! Banking Buainee Dnfta and Letter, ef Credit leaned Atsllakl ao ah t art or tn World. Collsotlon s Special,.. MORRIS BROS. A CHRIS TET7SPN, U8Vi tint Btrset, portlaaa. Or, Offer cm-Edg Tnveetmeet tg jfontcinkr fcad I Railroad BoatleY Write er cIL MORTOAOB LOANS Oa Psrt'gnd ! Eitat at Lowest Rasa.' , Title Ine-.ret, lntie rurnlaned. TITLB UJ IFltt Sj TRUkf CO. a, t,.L CemSASra, BAXtBOAtV TtaTXTAXXXaV, ODFfiDTI lOiwUTki: UiflONPACIHC AND jTfains-iivtbe East Daily 4 ' Tnroagk PnI1ma stssdsrd and tenrWt smms. . lag -car dally t Omaha. Chicago, Bpshsaot tonrist sleeplsg cere dally ts Aeasas Cttyt tbroagb Pallmaa taurlt lee)lng car (pereea. ally conducted I weekl; y ts Cnacsge, Beclla chair car (seat ) 8 th I set dally. - UNION DEPOT. sUavee. Arrive. CHICAOOPORTLANB ..." .'' - BPECIAU ; . For th E..t u Bant- D"' Di , : . ... Ins ban. - T- , - . BrOKANB FT YEB. 1 ... .1 . , . . 1 .' Tor Kaatera Waahlng- . . ' ton. Wall Walln. Lew- B IB a. xa. B-f a. St. , Istoa, Coeur . d'Alea Daily. , . D,,1'l n Crest ... Nor tb era , r - pointg.. in i - 1 '' 1 " 1 : A TLA NT 10 BX PRESS .... T-1BB.se. FOR ATTORIA sad amy Points, coaaectiajj with tmr. for Ilwc and Norta Beach, tr. Hsa- 8:08 a. SB. About ex. Sunday. j 8:00. a. BB, ., naturoay. aad. wmta, esoet. . ooea. lojtna. as. TfajjnklU River Rents. FOR -blTTOM City and Yamhill River! fl 8. as. T -80 B. aa. f", atmra. Ruth sad ?w7'. .oor- tSBaaaF. (Water permitting! I Snake Ri Rssks. Dally. ox, Saaday. FOB LEWISTON. Ida.. 4:00 a. ba. -ode. Abont B nat . and way aolBta from Tneeday Thursday - "''7 " jokns Wedaseday Sunday TICKET OFFICE. Third aad WljrB. . Pboo Mala TIA - 1 I " . ? W- STIN0BR. City Tlrtet At sat.' V i. L. CRAIO, OsBAxrai raaar AgwXt EAST VIA SOUTH CNI0N DEPOT. Arrives.' OVERLAND BKPBESw train, foe Baleaa. Re hors. Aahlaad. . Ba t:W B. ga. I aieato, Ogden. Baa rrB- T'JS'B, noli cuvestoo, kjmm JtB- galea, Kl Paso, New Or, lee no- and tb Boat. Moralna- trala nects t Woodbara dally .'xceat Bond ay 8:80 8, at, with . trsin ror mi. Angel, - 8 1 1 e r t s s. Brownevlll, 8 p r I a g- :. BA. : f 11 d. WandUog aadl Natron. Albany Jiaeaenrer ssa- 4 :00. ga. nee ta at waoanurs with 10:10 a. 1 Ml. Aaget Aad BUvr4 UJU aocai. 7:S0 a. m. Corvallla nB:B8.B. jlAJO s. BJ bherluaa paseenger. -I.",. tivuu. DHn,, ... PrUaaA-0tWg Buburha Bervlo aa4 TsSskJl) . JMvisioa. .. rr? Tvoot toot ef Jeffenoa tisaL r rJF -?" Osv Portland dally -for Oswego T:80 sV'aa.1 ? , II ). 1:08. 8:58, 8:20, 8:28. T.4B. 10:10 p. m. Dally (except Sunday). 8:80. 8:80. 8:88. 18:88 . am.laaJl:oP BB4F salyutiKf Retarnlng frsnj Ovwero. arrive Portia ad Ban ariio- a. -mnrfMi rSrtsJ.- atav-T.8v t-1 o.m. Daily teveept SadBP :. , 8:80. 1010. 11:48 s. m. Except Monday. UJS p. m. Sunday saly, 10:00 a. Bj. , . Teevee from earn depot for Dating and tatar. -mediate no lots dally (except Sua day) 8:18 a. ga. Arrlva Portland 10:18 a. m. -' The lndependeace-MonmoBrk Mover Ua operate dally to Men mouth nnd Alrll. na a acting witn Boninern racina twmaeey a- at Tie Ilea and Independence. . first -else far from Portland t Sernsejrb and Baa Franeim 820. berth V; aBt .tsg fr 81. eend-el berth J 80. Tiek.te to Eastern BelBtB-snd Enron. - aksg lap, China. Honolala and Australia. City Ticket Of Be corner Third and Waaaw tngr ereeete. rBsaa main e. C. W. STIRGEB, 4T. a COaTAIJ, City iicax Agntw . TIME CARD OF TRAINS UNION DEPOT. Mparts. Paget Soand Limited. r Tassms. - Seattle. Olrmola. Boat. Bead 0:80 8.88, :BV8k. and Gray'e . Barber point. " Nortk CotJJmtted. Tor Tmcnm. Seattle. Butte. St. Psnl. Mia-, rota,. nolle, mieeeo. - eiew4 aw P. x. tots, stostos end nomtsi Kast ssd SontBeest. Twln-Cltv Ei press. Tacoma. Seattle. Sne-i ksne. Helena, Bt. Peal, Mlnneipotls CBIesge, New York. Roetos and UBb.bl T087-X- 11 points Eaat aad Bonthesat. Poeet Bonsd Rassas Clty-St. Loo Is SpectsL for Tasoms. Seottle, Spokane. Butts Btllleee. itenver. omehe. Xanaae) 8:80 a. ga. TaMB. 8V nty. Bt. Loals snd aU points East aad So.ik-1 eaet. All tralaa dallr eaeen est sueh Braaca. A. D. CHABLTON. Aarlmraa Oeoeral Peasr Ageat, ' US Morrlaoa at., sec. Third, rortiaaa. Or. Astoria & Columbia - RiveF Railroad a Lesv UNION DEPOT. Arrtvsa, 8 0t r Foe Ms ygsriRatn1ev, Cist sea ale. WaMnert. 11 -llfcaa. Dally. Dally. -Cllftoev- Atoruv- War. restna, r la eel, nam. id. Fort ate' Gearbart Park. Astoria sad Bmksta, 8:48 P. BJ. Dally. , I Astoria Ersrass, a. a, sad r: a. itia. Oe. C A. STEWART, rmssrelsl Ageal. 808 Aide Street, rasa Mala sua. WW;: Ttokst OSl4) IBS TRM BTK- TaaA BtM A Trnr-isaoontlnantesI a. jsms Train Daily . PAST TIME TO BPOKAMF!. rT, TAVh, TJ'TT rTri. ALL si a . Ihtyllght trip throur't - C nd Rocky gnnuntaiiiB. I er ill a I era, raisa. la. jet a, t i . k a STrfv: gci i r" I