The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 14, 1905, SECTION TWO, Page 22, Image 22

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    -,; -
Ws Journal
Brancji Offices
et regular main 'ofnrs rttee at
rV.llcwhic plsce snd erot to Ths Journal
In Um fur publication In the next Uml "
"1 ' ...... 0aiH.--t: 'TT- r:
at--A.' IWes, druggist, tSd Thar--
TT"W. AUcn. pharmaC'-St,"''' nS MS-
bill afreets. .
" . B7ft MPHMW, 800 Wl
- Ingtoa lUHt, corner 19th. j -'--.
- Fi Iom!.! ib-ngrhvt. Frost
hnffTSlbb iuti. '"" -
Cottal Lrug Company. Flrat ul Grant ,
- euaota. .-: : 1
-, usr sax. - ; i
, Tom1! rturnuicy. W8 Mllelpel -sva..
nua. onw- Ahaser. treet, -" "
' Nichols A Vbotupeon. 128. Kuaaell street.
corner Alblua avenn,
Jamta Drug Company. rrnr H
Lhorne aua.-firajkd avenues.
Dd .ateel bridge). ..
B. F. FuBos, confectionery.. 3T4 Baa?
Burnstdis, corner L'nton- avsnus. 11
Ingram A, Bush, tobacconists, li4 Grand
eveno. r7""tr"'
I. R. Worth, pharmacist,' SOI Bttmout
Brooklyn Pharmacy, corner Powell and
trimuil aiieet. - - --' -'
fttbeeax jroncx.
SIM. In rtjtt. rtlr. May- IS. Wos, Jeih M.
niii,- ages a yearn, eon nr etr. Trnn airs. a.
.' SHIa of Cambridge." Ohio, and delegate., to
' tha O: B, C. .convention now meeting 'In
tbla city. Friends mn view the remain
' today at Denning. - McEute A Gllhaui.-b'e
chapel. Seventh a&d Vina afreets, whm they
have been prepared fur ahlpmeut to Ohio. . -
fcELUNOICR Friend ar respectfully Invited
--- tn mtv&M the f tiaeesl - eecvtce e tha lata
. ,j. Judge Charlra B. BoHincar, which will ha
. brld, at tha ermatnrinm todaj (Rundar).
Mar i 14, 1V0S, at 3:30 p. at. Take tb
- rllwood at Salt Uoks ran at Hrt aad
A Mar ata. -... ' '.
rrNOBV In tha) r1ty.--li7t,-ll.-at-ttn
xaaldcDca ot bar daonhtw. hf ra. D. P. Lawla.
47 Mala atrrat,' Mr. Cacrlia tearasad
. aft .yaara. Funeral Bandar. 10 a. m. (run
, the abora realdeaoa. ftltnda raapacUuIlJ lo
, vltad to attend, .. ' . -.
--r- -..
. .Mlltra.W. Smith, who haa! mad an
cztanalva trip la centrar-Orfrir--iMia
sreat rcaourcea and Ua rtd railroad
r acuities. Ha waa kv paaaenser between
" ' PrlnevlUe and Madras on tha-auto car
t the Peachutea Irri'aTition ' Power
- - euinpany. for Olatancw -vt mites,
. j. . wbl.cta waa covered by tha, machine In
' 4i mlnutea, over an ordinary dirt road.
-i."3n aplte of the lack ot railroad ta
- f r cilltlea, there " are Mw trjwrartU.
- at- varloua . pointa," aald Mr. Smith.
. t.-r?iOlnB aUBnDneroriha) moarpromla
ln youns towna. .. It la located on tha
$" Ieachutea river. A considerable-fall In
r the river thera fumlsltBa arreat poaal-
i :" , bllltlea in -the line. of manufacturlna-,
- f r rl-tH the-derclupment of waTerTJOWef
v ' for 'an electric railway.- Madraa la an
other food town, 'Prlnevllle ia Krewina;
'. and the wrmie country la doln well.
Blieep looiLlne.the crop ara In good
; ' condition. Centrat-OreBon tar land or
.promlaa).. and, when It seta railroads ..It
5 will barn ma a rich and prosperous coun
niiSAit nsa rum.
3 A fair for the benefit of the St. Fran.
cla church., building fund will be opened
-tomorrow wveitrig; at :J0 o'clock at' 12S
Grand avenue, near ' Baat Morrison
jj'treefcrTh ddTM wTlijbt cIycq br.Dr.
Harry Lane, and will be of special in
l '- leiagu 'l lim Tnir -wiff itolinitue ever:
! " day and evening until May 27. There ia
no v admlaslon . fee. Every evening a
ahort musical and literary program
will ba given by some of the beet tal.
-fnt of the CltsrrEYerythlng from. a
boautiful 550 piano to a bale .of bay
can be secured at Ihealr.
j ".' , "' Thai Xonest Voter. -
j,' From the Washington Star.
i Tou wouldn't aell your vote, would
" - "No. auh. answered. Mr Erastua
:- t: 'Pinkley. - "But if a gentleman what a
runnln' foh office was- to give me tt,
I - common gratitude would make me yota
toh blm." . '.
Simple Aid to Xapplaeea. -
'' - From tha Boston Traveler.
Don't worry about your health. Keep
. In -good --condition and - get -'.as much
fresh air aa you can. People who are
1 way a puttering over themselves are
-lika misers they don't enjoy what they
have. . ' .
Wheal vs. Tongue. -
From the Philadelphia Ledger.
"Hello!" the facetloua wagon-tongue
"Tea." retorted the wheel, "many a
wheel ' has become ' tired because) - a
waggln' tongue spoke too much." '
I. - . l
So ears am I at, my wonderful power, I
-will air a free teat ta all who come pre
- per, d foe a re.lm; 1.000 ehallena to anyone
. who esn efniatnM Is liTlng the ear rata ef
life, the full natne of the -one yon love, marry.
slMent friends. Yonr name, thoughts, wtahes
aud tiwables told without yonr apeak In
; Ckepll'S snd All wan call arorlatm me one of
I tha aenntnr' dead trance mediums, with the
- - '-trer -a any is 'marrlaaw, bnalneea, snee
nletloa, divorce; mrateramis dlaesaes dlasnoaed
t tha alck. Mr help la prlreleas. All affaire
,. atf life told S-wd or had. life or death, ancceaa
r fathre. Mr mineral locations and estimates
of verses while west harm--seen- mtramkaia.
- If veiniretid frem the ode "n Vre, If In tma-
Ide fr. to any rsnse. I will help ynn. Mr
w.iMltrful" t,-la ahow Hi at I am not to he
clee4. wdh the, cheap aretrndcrs who ahongd
- In erery ettv.
t'rlaawi .tilthln the eesrh of alt.' .(a rme
tear. Reading every day, Msoday
l w.H-u, TIU s p. m, , ,
31 3 W.shInston Street
- .u;--' ' ; -
OKKialN t'oviH-ll. No. 171, W. O. W.. meet!
Moadar nlaac4i Unaa hall, voruar Wllllann
- are. ana liuaacu at., at -acitMK,
ton ui rotnra.
ERA at Xaat ar Toen4 adeartlaaaieata, rata "tl
warda (or 1 eaata." aaoa.
LOST Three horaea; one dark brown boreey
wHrhlnr l.ari) tn 1.70ft uaundji: oue 1ml
fifty mure, Hea1ltte about head,Walfhliit
).( ta 1.10Q iwuiiila: one mill white poajr
(mare), ruacbfd aiaae. Notify ar return ta
!IILJ.tiy"i!L-..Trout'laler Or. m 'Ruiril.
IKAlEUiJ4TO!.KN 1 hald-tace buckakla.
brandedt ooTtft iDODMerr- -hay
Kriiirn tn , 1 nam'i i aainili, aa irmly auadi
near trarel pit. a nillna out oa Handy rued,
ar addraaa 41 talon are., cor. Baat Hue.
UWT HmalL , brown, corker' enantel hltrh
. iianwit Hhe. Reward: Xdlri-aa ."WaltBrT
Winiania are. fhem BaaA7.
rOUND A place to hare hah- mattreaaee rmi
rated ana returned roe day, : t'hope MIb
iti.. ruriiana curiea aiair- laciory.
rOI-ND Twa hMfera about 1 year old: 1 black
ana wmie, otner DTOWB. A. 1. ADDOtt, 8
Kaat Btark.- t
rnsrared Clara A. Knapp. I'oone Scott 14t)t
-H Nr A blrck eow. brand.
'A'Loa rlbt hl.
iia r.iHwortn at., city. -
WAKTBU Kiperlenced nlnnihere: a - lone.
airway yoe wttn (oud pay will be offered to
.r-. ...... ... -.pli p,,,i.. mnooay,
between lo a. tn and 3 p. iuI, Koffl W,"-ttr
4'barlea hotel, ront and Morrison.
SAIJ:hmk:S Wanted everywhere tn handle
.Norelty 81(t tarda:" erery merchant 4iia
from iu to ! on aljfht; SOU Tarirtloa; rata.
hHiue free. fiillUaB to., ! W. Van Buren
at:, titragwrtt. 11 ' '- - . ,
ERRAND BOY to aaaka hlmarir generally uee
;lul In wholeaale ajrocery; muat -be wlgat
ana quick; fire' are and Tefotasfa. AJtiraaa
W 2ft, car -Journal. fc
MEN wanted everywhere. -tack alana. dlatrihute
rtrcaiara, .sample, etcrf-perwanent- occupa
tion; good pay. . Ajnerlcaa I'nlon, l'tintlae
l al(!aro. - -
RERURRECriON PLANET Impoaalble to kill
It; frrataat wonder of the -plant klnsdom;
1AC. Paae Korelty Co., I04O Pa Bt.,
rhlUdelphla, Ta. f- r
AD WRITRRft Earn-from - itttt- per
we: -you can-leam ouwaiyi-aend for In
WANTED Mutfreaa-makers and boys to learn
maIlresa-maln sooa wosen, . ratera - at
Roberta' Furniture Co., 4 Front., cor. Darl.
TANDARD Rpeclfica, men's true specialist,
cure sll chronic dlaeaaea. Electrical apiill
snces, batteries, belts, Hesdquartera l"i, iat
W ANTED Yon na mas IT to 2.V wlllltur to
. work , to nreuara, for aoad nnaltlon Itfhne
Main lit) Aaoiwlaj hetwern R and 11 a. at. -
WANTED Hoy from 14 to ! yeara of ae to
work In naaery. call net. in and 13 Mon
day ntoraltiaT at ll'l North Fourteenth at. -
WANTED 2 cood .snraasers; qnlrk seller;
rcrjlaiujr nars II; tun eaally stake 3 a day.
Addreaa 411U -aatIay
WANTEIWExperlenred ahop men and alyn
painters rnr trery nepartmeot. roster A
Kleiaer, Fifth and BTerett. -
EXPERIKMKD-ahniakr and bfnch hatldB
wauled at ones, i'orllaud Aatskv Door Co.,
230 Frorit st. - . .
School talesraphy A electricity;, pupils wanted;
aiao pasiitans wsntaa lor srsaustes. suoty let.
work to our pupils.
R801, S0i Morrison at.
WANTED S good cabinet-makers. Call st 075
. Vaughn at., cor Eighteenth. Insole Hepp.
WANTED dutniteri ar Tenth and Salmon ata
Monday morning. . Apply. '
WAKTED-r Artlve, girl la fold saspc
- Mt kay bldg., -Third and BUrk -hv.
fiar palmistry . t'mplf ;
Ttehhe- not
aary; nMiutbS ' work.
- full
terviewed. Address
GIRI.fl who cah dnce well, to travel; perms
, nent position: szceptlonal opportunity. Call
- Monday 'evening room Sid Chamber of Com
meres bnlhHng. -at- -e'ctock.r;; ;:.rrr-.
WANTED Two ladles to 'demonstrate locally
- wages;, sttractlre wurlk Can Monday a n
IX 410 Dekum hldg. 7 .
IMfOHTED WOOL llt'BTRB will not scratch
lbs finest furniture. 25c. - 8u John A Co.,
11 W. Fayette at., Syracuse, N. X. ;..
XOtJNd OIRL to aearst with hi
irk; small
family. Main H47B, -Mall St.,
tceulh snd Bevanteenth"
t. nil-
WANTEIV Olrl In factory; one not afraid of
work. Call Monday lbs Northwest Bug Works,
Sta) Esaf Morrison. 1 . ...
WANTED flood- girl for general honsevrork;
muat be good cook.. 12S North Twenty-third.
WANTED Olrl fof general housework.
Scott 450.1.
WAatTEIV tilrl.-frtr, light . honsevrork, ' st 4
.Fremont St.- , , ,
WANTED Snpers: AO men and 00 women, ill
ts 25 years of sge, 18 weeks' engagement, no
eiperlenca necessary. Call st the Msrqujam
Jhratre bo office between 10 and 11 a. ta..
'ediisdaThnrdayno;Jr,Hrlsy' et -this
week. . , ' i
MEN snd women to learn barker trade fn I
weekt; halrdreealng. manlenrlngr graduates
esra $15 to I2!t weekly. Seattle Barber Col
lege, 121 Waahtngton-st.. Beattls.
WANTED At ones, s bright, - energetic, pre
sentable mas or woman, s good talker, to
take np an attractive pcntvtaltlon. Inquire
THA Chamber of Commerce, t-s. m.
I'HIVATK clssa ahorthaml, etc.; speedy, easy
ayaiem; for sll purnewes; Inatrwor with hua.
seat experience; rrasunabl. . Address V 2,
-lournsl. 4
BE YOI'B OWN BOOH Begin bualneai frf
yourself: ) money making a.-creta; nrlcl
I in-. Maryland Novelty Co., Bel Air, Mil.
STRAWBERRY pickers and psckers; commence
May 15, at Hoed River,. For Information ad
dress Frank E. Broslne. Hood River. Or.
WILL exchange thorough course shorthand with
speedy operator on typewriter for work on
machine. Address Y 81, ears Journal. -
WANTED Lady or gentleman to represent
weii-knowa eastern arm, . aoarsee tv
csre Journal. ' : -
STEMlOBAPHER, having long experience, fs-
miliar with- sll office work, raplal snd sc
curate capMe"Tf-- taking -charge of eorre.
tpondenee, wants work. Fhona Kaat 1219.
WANTED Position by a middle-aged man In
aome wholessle botiae or factory;
is firuy
. reliable and not afraid f work. .
sna Williams svs. .
JXPERfENCED young manjrtnts position st
Vkkeen7f or, atenograpber;Hrr-claaa reTi-r-
T trpe-vraner lurnuiBca. jiuarsss v v,
care journsl.
BARTENDER, nest, anlck, -close, rapid mixer,
thoroughly underetende boalneas. A I ref
enoce, 'wlahes poaltton..' Jos Pa Iter aon, 270
- Columbia "kt.
WANTED lfialtlon l.y ,aa experienced black
smith, boraeahoe. and tool dreaeer. Address
William Welsbrod, General Delivery, Fort
land. Or. i , ,
WANTED- Work as Jaoltor or house work:
handy with tools, nntier: can furnlah good
rofereuce. Answer W. W. care Journal.
WANTED As helper on cakes, by young man,
with S years' -experience. (sll or writs,
,, F, B., sno F1M sv
YlllMI man. experienced poultry ralaer, wishes
altustlos on s large ramb. Addreaa W 21,
I care J.srnsL ...... ' i .
tdt5TAXIYMAKrR wants i work, sit klnda snd
I . . . I. . ..... 1 x- .a
if aiim, iiaia.-iem B i uu,
t are Journal. -. .......
MAN. with good horse, and wagsm WanU da
llverlnsT part ot day. Addreaa f S4, car
learaala - . '
t: r- 1 : : I " '
a- ". s w. tm iuiiu .. - I
um I Mil
A VTiunh i.iht -i.k. nnaltlon la fair! tend
lu to booth or aa ueoimuttraturi haa' a -pro
aipearaiH and a food
- r'hor.a ' to Union ofex), it adoreea- V St,- aara
jouri!. f . i
" n.... . boaaev
keewr or chambermaid or ta) aaalat la kitchen;
al-ay and reliable. Aidierf Mra. M , o
Malaaya at. -
A H M.I A m. r, wll r,v.minn,K.n woman wanla
a few - store euf agrmente to1-take care 'Of
rhl litres durlna ereulnca ar all Baxkt. - Mala
M1DDI.K aavd. reapn'nalble womaa wanta
work In fair around from -p. at. to rkwlnc;
jrrid referent w :u larn JuuruaL
IOPNO LADY want iweltlon ow alr tmuud
rharsv of exhibit nr caabler; eiperlenca at
prryloua fair. Addraaa- V , rare Journal.
LADV would ilka Boa It tan aa hottaekeeper for
t; aililreea Room 12, Hotel Barrlc. V"T
1I'.(J lailr ot Ml -tuwintce llbn pol
tt'm of any klu.1; la eipertonced eaahler and
, clerk. Aildreaa V, 30, Journal. "
A MOTHKR'H care slreji to children by the
-Br-la irteentn.-' ;
UOI-KEKKKI'KR for wtrtower or home with man
and mUv muat fumlah flrat-claaaJSfer
. Journal.- a '
A RKSPKCTABI.K middle-aged srornan to keep
house and conk for one. - csh nt-tro rum,
cor. Page,-I pper Alhlua. .
COMPETENT womat, good worker, wants
F ' 13 '
work by the day) .also experienced Irooer:
. Phone Main j
LADY wanta poaTfliiir m asalstaut beokkssper
or any ornce work. Mala Nm
Real estate, rooming ibooaaa -had' bnalaaas
sbsnees apaclslty. 270 Burnalda. Malta auns.
- Hemoved -to 12 North Second at.
Bed Ibl. , .
UN. Second it. Phone Mtta 1838.
- tors; help free to employers. 215 Morrison.
UKLP wanted and snpfilled. male or fsmshs,
B. ta. DRAKE. CVi Washington St. Clay 445.
gjt at-.' Phoo. MBls'lMT.
ittiiva Hum nuvwa .r.n. . .1 -i
IMS MORRISON Colombia Blvar Bmp. agency;
skilled labor furnished. Phone Main 89S3.
WATNED J to B acres; gtta full particulars,
number irres. price, location, etc. ; not too
far outalde dti limits. Address V 25. ear
Journal, " . '
W AMEUlnt or7 laousv sad lot;, muat be. .cheap
fur cash. Addreaa O Si, esra Journsl.
Ho aell hlsh-srarie ahlrtwalat materlala aaii
rdW anlttngs-tr'-th--ysrlilt- iar-a monry:
maker for the sfent: try It. Direct Cloth Co.,
. iiU4.lHre st- St, toola. Mo.t . -
COMBINATION DIPPER-lreatest eomhlna-
Hon ever Wewtrtsri:'' ail sbaotntn- nanspaliy in
every household ; bonsnss for sgenta; asm
. pie 23c. IXrtiglaas Co., Bog 170. Wllkea-"Tiarr.-
Ts. . 1 "-
1 'Made sf heavy tlBr-evolds wsste; Iftc. Bras.
aon f uppiy La, box too, Bt. Louis, no.
AtiENTS WANTED . for profitable . articles,
uiale snd female. 525 Market St.,
W want" flrst-elasa furnlahe room. prt.
vste retlilvncs preferred. Bes as at esc ;
we are closing oar llat; oar guaata will pay
' Sep ratea for flrst-claaa sccommodsttons;
we vhargs a small commission nnd send yon
tlrst-clsas people: book your rooms now with
H. C. Bowers. Port la ad Hotel, et tha Lewis
- A Clark Hotel Co., 185. Bulk st,, Oregoniaa
hldg. I'hvna Main BM.
BOOMS IB all Berts ef the .eitr.- tar ale heal.
- Apply Tta unsaaongti sing.
Phone Mala SUdS.
WE wsnt to make np a list -of nice, furnished
rooms, with prlvaU families: east side pre
ferred ; these rooms irs wsuted for our
frU-nds aud acquaintance who will attend
i. ail-AUr-l)ulg
BOOMS wanted In all parts sf city; we de sot
1-ent yonr rooms., ws sead yon applicants,
Lewis and Clark - Furnlahed Boom Associa
tion. 181 North Sixth at.
WANTED Location for merry-go-round, eoroe
' where hear fan- ground; state iocs t km aad
price during season. Addreaa W. 27, cars
Jonrcal, .
WANTED A furnlahed houea. from in to 14
- rooroe. during fair. Address V 84, care
- Journsl. - - . '
i." BTKIN Dealer " In -old gold nnd -silver,
watches snd jewelry repaired at lowest
prices. All kinds of Jewels tested. " Optical
goods a specialty; alao buying . household
guoda at hlgheat prices. Baying and selling
new snd Second-hand clothes, 271 Flsnders.
WANTED More spraying and whttewaehtng';
the osly -' gasono . conipreaaed - sir tpr tying
outfit ob tha coaat. M. O. Morgsa 4V Co., S70
Mllwaukla at. Phone Esst 2317.
W A XTElt "ArBmirti
bus; good horse to do work lor large hotel;
a Lao 4 alable horaea. Address Setslds, Or.
P. O. Box P. - :
BATES Coffee Dreg Settler, need by expert
coffee makers: no kitchen complete without
It; 26c. . S. -Buff A Co.. Madlaon. Pa.
WANTEI Two horsepower gasoline engine
- completer- $40 -seab, balance monthly pay-
- ments. -Address V 28, Journsl. J
riRHT-CLAKH violin and viola player
for engagement; orcheatra furnlahed. Ad-
ciirtord. 4T rirtn si.
Te . IIL'Y Wag figures, show eases, dress
forrcs, etc. Write particulars and price.
- Address V 20, care Journal.- '
VANTED-tlnod, larga asfe; stst pries aad
Inelde messursmenta. Addreaa U 3S, .care
"Journal. ' ' " - - : .... ......
CARPENTER wants Job and repair work. Call
np Mala 6003 and get a carpenter tha same
day, - - - J - -
WANTED A houseboat; will rent or pur
chase. Address 804 Columbia. Main 221.
BHOBT ORDER Printing Hons F. J. Ryder.
Second and Waahlngtoa ata. Mala S680.
PORTLAND Houseclesnlng Co. Carpers
elesned; all kinds cleaning. Main 4S8S.
WANTED A good horse, harness and covered
wagon. A. Ellison, IW Schuyler el. - .
LAWN work, graaacuttlng, frrnnlng and general
ardenlng. Phone Main era.,
ANTED feature for one horse.' Eatt 121.
2 NKW. very modern Sets. Sixth at,- bet,
Msrket and Mill; S snd T rooms cache- Phon
Msin 4.'I4U. - .. . . -.
t'Olt BENT 4 -room Sat nicety mm la bed;
wide; rent lis. I'h
I'bone Main 4520.
FOR SALE OR RENT Wurkahip vrlth wood
working machinery, nil In good working
.order, on ground ftonr; machinery end power
jnat Installed: will -rent reasonably or aril.
Apply at Port land a Cigar Box Mufg. Co.; 25
"I Blon ave.. cof Plfln. t
FOR RENT Confectionery store with first,
rlaas soda fenntaln and good Ice cream pa
k.rv fumtahrd; In good hualneas location.
Address y 3H, esra Journal.
FOR RKN.Tf llonm on Morrison at., auluMe
for office, barber shop or ether hualnesS; flue
- roestlon. Iixpilre 1HA Morrison st,
Fon RENT Jientsl office, giewt locstlon, good
hiulhrat. Address V SSf csre Journal..
MASSANR parlor fur rent, reteonabl. . .-'.,'
. ..---.,'... ' - -
TENTS, furulahed or nnfurnlahed: camping fa
cilities; large gronuaa, rnarmmc 1 views,
healthful re aorta. rU-ott ' 8754. Lents sail
- lark Teatliia U round a, alt. Tabor. - ..w
FOB BEST Three furnished, hniiaekaauliis,
ruoma la Allilna, ailltabl for a dresamaker;
ftti.oo; lnclud'a pboue aud water. t'uloa
. U'U e.e u .. ... i '
LAHttB fnrulshei houaekeeplng rooms; rent
reaaonable; laundry and light Included; brick
- building; only 1 blorkUroai X, car,' 84 U Uu.
aell St., dklblna.
SMlei'riaie fillrffglleri or z partly furnished
ung rooaie, wun peutry, bath and
moa e-too, or auarcaa vr an, cars
Chi UHMIt ST... bet.. Tenth aad Eleventh
; itiMiseserpiug and alngle rooms, newly pspered
..aau urat.taraiiarq.
THB LINDA TISTA, nicely fnrnlshsd honsskaen.
lag and single room reasonable. S47tn Fifth.
INKI'RNISUPD or partly furnlabd front room,
H Jt-AWimh..Aoawhhi--nm'tn.
eHlfR honsekeetilng rooms, - pleaaant location,
4:15 Florence, at. Telehona Soott 810.
FOR RHNTl hotwcteeplns axeanun- amen fui
nlahed. tfir(ulre 778 ltousevelt si.- '--
621 Washington, bet. Nineteenth and Twentieth:-
new. modern, all outalde th.iiu aw.
1. trie Ughta. phone,' free hatha; (Kie. TV. tl per
day; ratss by week ; rsstsursnt lo bassmeat.
So mors pleaaant. convenient and nicele -fur-
nlabed front parlor - he.1 room lo be had in
town than at 4n7 Chapman ar.; eaar walking
IttatSBCe. Morrteob, ue JeSTeraon cap flw,nM
THB MONNASTES. S85H Ftrat , st. ; slsgta
reooaa iroas at r aa; rurBlaoee housekeeping
mitre irom xo an nee siaani aaiiaaa 1
"-night,-SO 'snd. SBc; tourUts sojldtstt.
FOB RENT Cottage, well furnlsheU S rooms.
' splentUd sltustlon. south Portland; respectsble
people. Address V 24. ear Journal. . .v. .
7 X0BTU PARK, bet. Davis and
laawie r 1 .k.. i i . 1 1
electric lights, pbona sod free bath; 500 and"
. iu par aafT rscea oy wees.
FI'RNIRHKD light front room cheap".' for nne
or iwti walking oiatance: break raat tr de
sired, rbouu East 1218,. 411 Esst Ninth at.
arajia. .
KXATLY-fnrntshed rooms for sentlemen or
- married -nonplesr apectsl Tsres to permanent
roouiers ever lair, ewz Esst Bnrnsld at.
BOOMS furnlahed or"' anfnrnlahed. with - s
witnotn Board. fall at t"4 - East Thirty
third at., cor. of Alder; or phone Kadt lost. '
MAROt'AV BOUSH. 1451a. ath Boarnaa. mm salt.
or single; nonaenacping rooms; gas a tores.
mm, eiecB-ie ugnts; irsnsienta solicited.
THB MAYFA1R Blegsntly fnrnlshed transient
rooms; new building: arMtern conTenfencvs.
2H3Vt Stark, cor. Flftk. Main 3(167.
J10ini,C1.5XwrCor. Second asd .ria. .t f,.
oeuea tor nuaineasi erer thing new and 1
e . ' ... . . 1 . 1
Brat slasa; prlaaa-raaannabla.
f I KNI8HED front room anltable for two. No.
ou Mil inira si., norm., cor, Dsns, - j ine
view over river. ,) -
FOR RRNfA Vive aleele e,ipnlal.l imim . t
U I'nlon ave,, , sear Breratt; . rent 30; . with
auuuiua wen. i - .1
THB OLAD8TONB SltH Barter St.. fnrnlshed
rooms; ssacr new msnsgsmesi: prices res
aonsbls. r . . . . ". ...
NICBLT fnrnlshed .roams, with phone, gee: bath.
SZ.50 per week and up. at SB0 Jeffatavn.
CLEAN, rbeas furnlahed rooms and lodgings.
845 Eighteenth at,, 5 blocks (rent (air grounds.
5 BOOMS, newly furnlahed. to permanent men.
lomuieroiai . Dining-room, ssavi Waahlngtoa.
CHEAFBST and nest located rooms tn Portland,
S wees an. . xaiiman. rung tea aides ata.
LARGE, newly-furnlahed rooms fl.l
, lletak Fourth st. npstslrs. r
50 per week.
fOR KrNf Ntoalr furnlahed Yroot-room 1 slsa
- barn for rent. 842 Sixth at v . .
BOOMS for tsnf. vjpstalre.
Sltth, or pbona Esst 1722..
Call 81
NEAT room to rent te a goad working girl.
Phone East ASM.
t moms. " modern.
Phone East 8620 after 8.
475 Esat Dsvls
YOUNO men. If roa wsnt ta hosra aaat
ta aernxanent nnd flrat-class honae. where
I races ara exceedingly low, sad will rsmsln
the ssms nsxt summer ss they are now, call
' at the Aster House, 201 Sevanta St., carasg
iaf Uadleea. - Tsl. Main S2SI." . .
BOOM and hoard in private family on Mount.
iioor, near csr, tor a woriing girls; bath,
Tjlsna, atg.f 23 par week. Addrtat 1 3, cars
Journsl. . .- . I .
ELBOANT accommodatlona. rates by dsy, week
or month; dining room; price rlght,-J The
Irving, cor. 18th and Irving. " Mala 5420.
BOOM and - board. - private family; y, block
- from twe ears; ne gdvsne In price; suitable
for two. Addreaa -V 25, rare Journal.
THB family hotel. Market, bet,
, Third and Fourth; nteam heat, electric light,
pur Calais baths; exceedingly low xatea.
with board; good borne cooking; reasonabte;
- central.
FI BST -CLASS room and board, reaaonabla. Call
at 802 Clay at., near Fifteenth at.
SI PKRIOR -fm nltuie of 13 roots bona, close
. to fair grounds; good-paying proposition; rent
only 82o; price $4)0, on essy psyments; only
anti ta be seen. Apply J.-t.; ISO tnrTOI
-. First St. ' " . a ' - - --
$:15i nlcs rceldesice locsllty.
tt Smith. 1rV Fourth et.,
$Mio, HatSeld
room 82.
FI'RNtTt'BE of t S-room Donas for sals cheap
. If taken thfl week; rent 840; ooms aad ee
. It; a bargain. 47 North Ninth et.
EARfSAIN FurnltnrS of - 2n room tranatenl
bona for sslef gl.tOO will, taks it; rent Sao.
Call Madlaon. cor. Flrat.
, , "'l.j
T LABOR rooms, newly furnished, all or part
oi rnrnttur n- aaie cneap; raise in, rent f lu;
a bargain,. 184 Vi Fourth at. "
12 ROOl. well fnrnlshed, centrally located. 1
- Mte-k from Washington; gNuo, caah or terms.
Call Monday. Front 1456.'
7-ROOVf bouse for rent. 111; B rooms furnished;
fuenllnre for tale; piano if desired. 03S Xaat
''""Taylor r. r
OFFICE foe rent, furnltur' for sale. Boom 87,
Washington bldg. - n
SEVERAL- office rooms for rest, second floor,
Qoodnougb Mdg.
wAjrriD rot abciai.
WANTED to borrow 2H0 for S montha from
r private party; ran fnrhleh . good aecurlty.
Anawar Y 22, car Journal.-
eaeva..,.ae,i -v. n.h. .a.l.i
FOR RENT Stores and hotel eoatalnlns 114
ontald rooma, en Twsnty-slxth St., facing
- mala entrance and exit of Lewie aad Clark
fair. Apply to B. M. Lombard, 814 Chan) par
"of Commerce, or 402V""TweBly-lxth at.
TO IKASB 25-rhnm hotel In ctry,- rnratahed ar
- snfnrnlahed-Tmodera Improvements. Apply
to C. H. Plggolt, lawyer, owner; 4 Uulkvy
" bldgr , ' -
PARTNER In aawmlll with 11.500; good lora.
tloa. Addreaa William KalerUa, Lftonrell
: Fa lie. Oregoa.
LADY or gentleman .for aa At money. miking
--proposition; 150 required. A ddres W 23,.
ear Journsl. . . -
175 WELL-STOCKED confectionery and elgaf
. store: fnrnlshed - rooma; cheap rent, . lul
Morrrarrs -St. , "" . .
A GOOD bualness stand for wale; cigars and
, confectionery. CalliS-'H ThIM St. - i ,
2ai THlRD-ST. reafanrant: rent I25J, great
eean. Anderson, till Morrlaoa ..'t. -
FINE location W aale tin Sixth l'. Inlmlre
S 2' Slllh" t. . , .
FOR "Beta,', ll.Suo, Inmilrs
Son UaHlaA.
WK wish flnasclal ssststanew. ta. further da-
Talon the Yellow Jewel wlnea on south Myr-
tl crees." DoukIss county. ' Oregon,- snderect
r-a nun, - ueeeiurs wn .mux for i aauc. uuw
sell a lock in same at VVt cents per anare.
fully paid and nou-aaaeeaable, par value 51
1 Jrtr iliirejn..a.riy . ,41 w-if ssra.
I iinpu-ti-u,. anowlllg ilvi UL rciu aaiu-ii
veiuee rauaTiug iroui sa w t-w c- ". - -'
and secure prepyctua ana ave samples. ' This
, Is a to to 1 shot. Mark my pretlU-tlous. M.
iW. Miller, manager: Oregon Mtue lleslty
't., lisit, Ruth st., room No. -1, Portland.
I pons siatB nw. -i .
ail".: K. -la Xslioax-Jasral Bilnial im 111 ttfLAlU
vanced 20 per cent ou lh laib day of May,
lwt. therefore all partlra nha ara conteui-
piating tno uurrnaae or a nioca 01 " "
the ftrat laaue ill tale due net1-e. Work
wtTTite TPmimw
. tlnaa thereafter aa ahowins warrant by
der of the board ufJtll name rearbea a price
. whloh lt-luMild hoar be aclllus fur. -namely,
20 cents lier ebare. -This is a snap. Colue
and place your order as once. -
1 II. W. MILLER. -"
-'. I lU0!k .SIth Street. s
CWAR STORK Best rocwtloa In etty. --doing
wood, buaintv;. stock and ax 1 area
vol. 8175. , , ' ' "T ""
Rcstsursnt Choice location; scaia SO pee-
' pie; good trade; cheap retiK fWKi.
, , f 4011 Cigar aud confectionery ' store on
best street; cheap reut, lease, fine trade;
grest sacrlnce, $4iM).
T " - - 2Waj.- WsshlugtOn t
One 0-rtMm. clues In ..,'...$
. Ous D-rOim. - cloa 4n . .,,,t, ...... ..v.f
-One- 2o-mu, at fair gate ........... . fl
Cottage ror rent.
; F. pI BOISr aoSt,-Murrlaon .st., Room Sv-
FOR SALE OR l.EAUK Dullrtlng 2lx, all
narlr Sn tnislin as. 8fV; apace" 10x25.
ca rated,, no building, 8450; cigar ataml. wll
stocked. $01 to. These place, are acroea street
from Forestry 'Inn, only 1 block from maiH
entrance fair ground, fall after 0:30 p.
m. Frank U Schott,- 404 W East Morrhun.
f-FKBTILB null., pure water, delightful climate;
aanu ox aiiaua, apples ana rivvrr. riw !
Information addreaa the -Columbia ' Bvathera
Irrigation Co., 5JB Worcester block. PortUnd.
W B " vsfBXlSj" ''fcoltj)) ' fptrt'ywflafaf4 t - d)XHrr avraT t)
Omfon, bulb quarts nnd placer, Far sals-at
n very low figure; are have 3 claims of cop
per ore, vein 5 foot, vstitee fslr for work done;
working bond with Small payment esn be
had. Particulars H. W. Miller, imi Sixth St.
FOR BALK U Interest ta a. Baying bualnaaa;
psrty must nsvs fs.oxaj or ao.iaaf to .invawti
good proposition to right party;. muat ba
either 4 workman or a eaiestnsn. Address
Watts Marble Works. The Dallas. Or.
FOB BALK Ckmutry store carry! roll Una
of groceries . snd shoes; well stocked and
doing thriving bualness; hare tr) aell oa ac
count of other business requiring gttautton.
Address Our Hnlae, Mora, Or.
COTTAGE of S rooms,
fslr furniture: rent
Sld oo, Income ISO; cl
In. , uphjwn -locettont
cm.forl.blc srraneeef f,u-f )&MHS
roomers; beat ansa aver turereu lor -
1. 1 I 1 . ul.tK m , I
povltion Leasing Co., 73 Sixth St.
WAN T BO Active partner . Ill good paring
raataurant; exretleut chance- for man or lady
with amallcapltal: Je-at location for big
f air """trade; thorough lureatlgsllvav Inrltcd.
Addreaa W 32, rare Journal. r
A LADY r gentleman whs haa a small amount
or money to invest aa a lanier to eit.Ha
to office bnalneea' netting from 8500 to 11.500
snd np war per month. Call 23 V North Sixth
t. "Phone Main- r. -----', '
Py1ug jreili.only one 00 coast: cen t bsndle
amne-; must sen wooers tout is a. goon
thing for a rustler, - Address rwnerr 1171
trreely sfc, elty, - - - --
PARTNER. . y Interest new patent washing
macnine; coat manuracture, aetia at re
taU at 110; heals any macbln ever made; ran
clear 2o,0H0 during fair. Addreaa W 24,
care Journal. ' ' -
quarry hldg., Portland
d. Or. . handlee Jhnnde.
rMrnlab'S aafu Iteestmeius snd aeturta loans.
HERB IS A SNA" A hardware, furniture and
undertaking bualnaaa for sale; all new aloes:
a goJ bnalneea; muat sell oa account of
health. Address bos 814, Lebanon Oregon. -
WANTED Party tn take H Interest tn
In big nemsnd;-sn he seen In. operation" in
Portland: w ill," bear rloae Investigation.
Ueorgs-Oliver, , 1110 Xaat laylor.
TH1T uest"'loittoB in Oregon for Ioihi hotel
man witn rrom so.oiaj 10 sio.maj, in ins ceo
ter of the government Irrigation works. 'Ad
dress -Ak F. Uuhlne, Merrill. Oregon.
IS-BOOM honae; ' w alking ""diati liceof " tmslseaat V
center, direct asr linn to lair gmunas, goou
-forntroiw, -rent 75. lesse.TT 11.250. Hxtflcld
A Smith,. labVk.Foarth St., room 32.
FIRST-CLASS .-rtgsr store at Invoice; swert
nxtures, rnoice stoci, ai rocation; poor
poaltlon Leasing t o., S Blxth st. ,
HELP NEEDED Lady or gentlewies partner
wanted In tins restaurant; a rair winner;
located right to catch the crowd; lt'l worth
11.500; half Interest ' for 8550..
FOR SALE Wood grocery -with- back- room.
sultubls for Ice cream parlor or living room;
" reason for telling, other business out of city.
Answet Y 21, csre' Journal. - -
FOB SALE Csndy - hitmen and Ice cream
lor:.. best suburb, flrst-claes rrsee, complete
manufacturing plant; tench-burst1. Address
W 21.1 care Journal. - t . '
ICB CREAM and eonfectlonecy store; bo on-
poaltlon. low rent,- ass living rooms, goou
locstlon; wIlLinrolce or sell for 375. .Call
t3 Sixth 'at.
FOR SALE First-class cigar and confectionery
atore; low rent, a living rooms, wen locsieu;
csuse, sickness. Inquire V 23, care Journal, i
Jo ROOMS, partly housekeeping,
brick hulld
iel. llat-
Ing; rant no; a gone bargain
held A Smith. 185V, r'
''ourth ati.' room 32.
WANTED Party to invest garsx and service
In estaliltencd, growing Duaiuesa; simi mummy
guaranteed. Hamilton, 34 Iaxng hotel.
GOOD established shoe enslnees, goorl trsdee
atone well located, dtaaojufion or nrm cauae
i of sal. Address Box 51, Pendleton, Or. a
100 MONEY MAKIK0 SECRETS; erery on
n winner; A4 page; price Inc.'. Hull Supply
Co., 171 Waahlngfon at., fhjcagav-lU. :
TO desirable party, 1-3 Interest lit ground floor
Test estate ortice; gur-eageei Business- open
Ing, I50.' Addreaa V 33, care Journal.
FOR SALE Flrst-lsae restaurant In ' Oregon
City in mnney-maktr; established: reasonable.
Appftr to Eby A Kby, Oregon City, Or
yg - INTEREST In-kiawl paying manufacturing
iwitt ueas; tivw nuet tec wanira. mora; man
money, . Addreaa s aa. care journal. -
A WELL-PATINQ restaurant m rholc loca
tion, .must be sold, "nquire or. liaineld a
Umllh. 16514) Fourth at- room 32. '.
GET RICH when? yonr -pocket ars empty;
lawk of liMtrnctlons, 2Tic. i. H. tVellbora A
Son, Ih-awer 1104. Auguata, (la. - 1
12,100 -FOR a Bn. lS-room,- transient- corner i
cnamopolltan, cjoae In, on Morrison, rent
850, less. 40- Hamilton , bldg. 7
FOR SALE Stock new and second-hand goods;
choice Iocs Hon; tine established -trad. - Ad-
Area Bsx ,ICigena, Or.
FOR-BAL Well psytnV Wacksmlthtng bnal
nea with stock nnd tool-, good reason for
aelllng. Call 401 Everett. .
CIGAB etnre. neatly fnrnlshed. good location
and good trade. Call atestor. Tl Sixth at.
Good reason frsTTeTItng'. '
SALOON One of the Bneat In city: H Inlereat
for 11.250. See Rxpostrtrnr leasing Co.r T3
TBIxth St.. near. Oak.. ' - .--'.
FOR BALK All or half Interest 4n good pay
Ing restaurant; lnsvstlgste. U 80, Jsnrnal.
FOR SALE Bnalneea chance and real ratals
j hualneas; fn location, v luqutr 1H5 MorrlaoB.
A SNAP lino buys good atantl. 1 block from
fair gronnda. Stand One Thttrmsn' at.
FOR SAI.B OB IJtASR S-room, modern house.
Irvlngton. convenient to car line,
V 28, ears JOtomal.
CHEAP West side, rkate In. tnilldlug site, 0x
5a Address-W 87, csre Journsl. . .
ONE acre right in Wn; will build ea ta
snlt.. Call 2i4 Mtcleay hid. .
FOR SALE One let nn Beat Conch wt, ehea
far cak. M 2T, car Journal. - -f '
AfRB property, low nrtce; mall tract, eaay
time.- Bsa Irwla, Milwaukee. ,. . r
aaetalaUg to Baal atahweaa
words tut 15 easts."
tlms rata "81
. . ' ; (tllCKKJT BANt llral, -
13 screa. mmt olV Btar JUiOt L block -rice-
- tile earlliH.:" g acres rullltaled: 4 riKiul bouas.
-Vtiaim. aro well; will make tbrc f lue chlcknu. I
l"SVUe, .f ,iw; StMnjuowu. ,oai. i ,,.
10 acres, 8 cleared! all feni-cdr 1 acre itrsw.
, hcrrlea.x rai.herrlea. Hal fruit treea.'guod
toll, level; will inuke two good fruit or
. chli-ken ranchx. . fl.lotl; $2w down, bsl.
' very essy terms.
Tts acres, near city, on car line, all fen ce7 and
cross fehd; houas, bsrn. chicked house;
H sees hi i CMltvl...i; lll- -- ' '
-Yaller road: good' solL level
kttiMi , .
5 acres,, near Lenta, on car line, .,120.
S'i acres.- cm Jonnaon creeh near Lents"; eoet
. owner gtsJOi will far : 150. ...
H"avewveT4IT-aJrrtTsctg- in city suitable
lur puttings. t: . .... .x -
Farm lu all parte Oregon and Washington
ii sale.- r- . .
2H Washington St.
HATFIELD HXITH, Joi;, Kit. at I H ST.,
VMOOM.32. , ; - .
aak A choice vacant lot-oa. Valea eve., near
ltuaaell at.l .8tti. - .
1 OfKVOe eaar terma;, S-rnom cottage oh Eatt
'-Xliiot' iifh,"-hir rilne."- --r;
'joo Full lot. west side; on Seventh St., with
2 7 -room modern houses; -Offered, for a 'few
day, ,6HI, ..... , . ; ,, i,. r...;
$t.Sfi0 gti scree in suburbs, fenced-and
pioweq; gooa. sun. -- - -- -
t.Tno-TOn-cottagev- well bnllt fuH kit,
on vsntenwin su; ami taa awiu.
' EMPlhlS "INVESTMENT" CO; - - - - '
Fartns and City property for Sale. Rsom 2TT
, Chamber of Commerce. ''. :
Acre Travis fur Sale. ' w
V, acres Bear Bcaverton, Or. ; 8tt acre nf
onkHt land. hale nee nnland: all cleared and
uuui.-ri:ultIylloo;-S-rm house; T-foot board
reiw-e sou picket; young urensru. . i-rice
82.500, 1 000 caah, balance to suit kt 9 per
cent, r '
80 ui-ree hep land. H mile from Bhcrwnod,
Or.; all cleared snd under eultivetroo except
,! acrea; old hvoee; all fenced. J'rks i,;
Iwlf cash. 1
12 . at-rea. Tremont atstlon; , all . cleared and
Fnrty.flfth. 8.: 44 acrea on the Bectl&n
driarge houae: all In flrst-rlasa condition:
"' liinuoteinenia H AU - I'rle -4o.5a; part
t-sab. be la nv to suit. . .
SO acre. 1.5 sere In csltlvstlon. S acrea bearing
on nirili U'nr"f lrTHr,.t'.1""Jul,'mwln oa rn
for 4 noeaiia -nrwl lo eows;" 0 nillea "fruinTcItTV
. 1. mile from the city eu lay ait Ferry ruaq,
' Prlii. lo.ntni. . ;:-:
Room 2- Chamber of .- Cammwr.'
NEW bmeWand fine lot on Esat Salmon
Jwt.-. IkUlx-Klr9aiidThIrty-fourth: only
ti.oWl. - .c "T ' "-" '"-"-" ,W;-:.'.L' ":.'..
New S-room houae and fine lot on E. Morrison;
only si.Oonr houa coal tola tn- Dunn, . . , .
Fins new modern "-rim houaV, lot oUxlOO,
corner on E. Yamhill: Sa.:00; terms'. -
Fine new mWcrn 7 -room bouse and lot 75x100,
v on K. Thirty-fourth; only 83.0IHI,
Good -room htmaw and corner lot 50x100 on
B. Forty. first; plenty of fruit and flowera;
onle SI AAil ' - r
Fh.e k-t bet. .Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth en
a.- n s-itk ' "-- i .
LLo'"JUt - !
ijwi. .rtotrinat an n- ..iiaiun .on
ninth ou ilaln: aU-luiDroverutut Paid
-turi.I.iB. - .
Wc handlu the best! abstract' Mrntahed.
Patterson A Stewart. imaitk Belmont St,
Phone Eaart 8SHU.
car line, anltable fij platting. Sl.onn per acre.
ruKji,AiM TrtiiBT runrisi,
lis) Thrd - Street.
20 aero nesr Lents, uu gravel; .very lightly;
HMl IVAruh. - .
10 acrea near LcuU, tiutll houae; lliOOj giwd
terms. . - -
10 acres near Tlgardvllle; good S-room. bona.
good barn, other outbuildings; 7 seres hope,
aome orchard: 12.000, W ash. aa
New 5-room bouse, modern-; .. Twenty-eighth
nenr Clinton; f 1,650 - 200 caah, 115 per
snontb. ? . -
fi-roow. cottage, small lot. - west .lde, ; IT00;
Charleson A Co., 310 Allaky '. bldg. Phone
West 301. . , j-, . ' r
And balance In monthly Inataltments. about
-.' equal til rent, choice 5 mom. auburban home
eu cr line, U block of ground. .- -
luo Third Street.,. ,
r . .' '.
STOP paying rent by buying this licit, new
r-nreisp, nnwiy pamt.Kl ouiaide and In,
celled and papered; water' piped In house.
closets aud pantry: lot SirxKaj; V block car
- line; a good Investment, as II will easily rent
for s or -awre- per month; Itfto,
New 2 -room enttage. la block chr llne;-tonet
and pantry, email nam, lot fenced and
cultivated; thai -property netted -owner 72'
. psat year; a good buy,
' --OREtiON-KSilfc'MTEIV'l'xcnASGE.
2W i4 W . tbliigton St.
FOR SA1.E-I5I- ,
Choice lots on East Nineteenth at., nesr
Everett; water and sewer connections, Ira.
proved street and sidewalk. Thess lota lie
nicely t They are well worth the money.
11 Third Streets ,
5 -room hones ,.' ,........'.;..,',.,. 8 Son
- t-room home ; s ,-nrr. i .' ,T-rfi it n: -. . f I . HSl
nmrui house ...11,300
- Lots 'from SITS and nn.
: 80 acres nesr Oregon City ......... U .' .sno
Many other good bargains In or est of city.
-' It will pay-you 5 rail on ns.
- F. DUBOIS. 2o6l ' Morrison St., Room S.
. . a.M.A s-..u
SO. minutes
wa ik
..from bualness center, I2,5faijll streets Jat
proved". gaa. sewer and water connii-teiL
-i Ilea Third Mtvaet. -rf.-A'..
" 'f "
' For chear hits In St. Johas. ,
I hsva I more lots left In St. . John. 2
- block a from the car line, at 1160; AI iluwn
and 5 a month. If you want, any of them
ronm cftilrk. - . w
F; 1)1.11018, 20614 Morrlaoa at., room 8,
FOR BALE - - " 'T.'"1-'--
Three rnoice lota nri Albert atreet car line;
muat be acid at nnce; a chance to ear yuitr
' aelf some money.
,: , luo Third Street. .-
B. KRONER, architect and contractor. Home
built In sit pans of the city snd sold on
tnsnthly payoiente:- plana. tvl specific tlona;
- buildings superintended. Unem B, - Cam
bridge blflg., Third Msr-Kerrlaoa, . '
I Vfin ajatir.
A Chnliw anna mi mar M iunt
Wear, aide f.1,6tl 4 hollers, ckal In. rent
a,aft:. bring In1 .per ceut; v -
Flue tfiialneaa corner, cluac ' in? fJ,,T
eaat sldo, Jcsst Aukeny, uaag l-and are.; full
luti . (ussaawlb a. leult trees, , n.naini .huUiH:.
-r,rcTrsri4oi4 Firs t.
EXPFRIENCR 1 a eyd -teechttr.- "if you are
ftoklug lor a wheal, atock or rruit rarm K
will pay yon to aee us, sa ws fears had i
2u yesrs' eaprrlrnee In this line of fciial--neae
In different part- of the coast couu-
try. 211 Allaky hldg..
(OR SAI.H A modern earner brick block. 3
story sod bsaemenv'4 storerooms, 40 .rooaia
., tuenlahnili will aell all aa teuarate il bail:
' close to Hiiaaell at., on Wllllame are. ; good
. lucume nrorerty, inquire of -W 0. hock,
'lbs Falling bldg. V t . :. .
10 OR to acres. 20 miles from. Portland, part 1
clear, soma 8ns Besverdsin. ne stumps or
.gravel, very Sue wdl and eaay cleared, near 1
It. H. and hoatlandlug; why pay 875 to 8150 .
per acre whea you can got 4hlav-at- :18 aa
. yiiiir.wn .tarinal . AilOjeaa- P .IL.. Juurhal.--
FOR SALB-KJuirtcc block southwest eoraer - '
Inelfth and Eaar Stark St.. with 2-a'ary --t
aXHuav.houaai.aad 2-itoiy . barn, 5,ow; tcrm
, tl. oiio down aud balance lo annual pay.
" a of Mall A Co.. 803 Eaat Burn. "
aide', or telephone l'rlrsts ICtcbaugo 81.
FOR SALE Two' ntce new S-room cottages; Just
completed; lots 50x100: price 8H23 ea.U oa tn- '
tnllmenta. l per. month; M off f-ll
caah. Taker Rlchniond car to Thirty-eighth
--t-one-Mock north,- 1124V IMvlelon st,-i 1'hoos -I
nlon 105, or aee owner, 120 Front st.;- -
hlilg.. Third sod Morrison, has eastern Ore
gon and Washington farm laud for sale;
-wun aud see ua; tall. Ba what you waut aud
wa aa tell yon where to find It. "
trO-Yrrtr W" NT A HOMET W Bt VS. V new.
modern eottaaes. built on lots M ul 00. st
erniteeHler-teraaa.- Aewnv 1 pa month .
; l.w flu building lota cneap sad oa eaay
terms. . . hpragu. .ray, urana sv.,
'a, ' '' ' ' '
FOR SALE lo acre choice land, 12 mllra froia .
4'iirllaiiiu. suitable tor e boute; esaiiy im- i
Droved? handy In R. IL atatlom buatlandlug
' and good roa da; good wolL For parjlcnlsrs I
sooreaa A. tt. rolkenberg. Holbcook, or. -
5- ROOM bonne, modern; fruit and Sower; also I
9 vacant lota,, all beautifully located. II M
Murrain: feavn to aell on account of buslnesil
elsewhere. Call at 4f Bsat Tlilny-Brst sudJ
t union an. lass yvavwriy-Kirnuiona car.
FINE high lot bet. Thirty-sixth and Thirty
nun bib. on n. isysar; aw street itui'rfiTt-a
ments paid, sewer, water and ass; only -tT.
.- essyerrost worth 460. Patteraon.A Stenat
Knit Mclmout it. I'hon East an:tO.
FIVE new modern houae In Holladsr Pa
sdillthin:- also 14 - chores ants: - streets li 1
proved, cement walks, aawer. or will but.
- houae to ault roatomers: on essy term. I
' W. 0. ;IV,8h. 807 The Falling bldg. .
FOR SALE New. 5-room. modern cottage
Woodlawa. Just being Sniahed. I bha-k fro ft 1
"car line: lot 5xrr-. this Is a anno at St.hiai;1
eaay terma; built nml for salo by-. owner,
- a., j. jaia.-r, si-siorraaon at. .
Tr-r-m-,r.- "--t--- r -r-y--.-r-T r rrmaa
(INAP Owner leaving own and must sell S
cnotce ails on bast giain ann -xweniy-iuurtn
ata.; price only, for all, H.wm. .
'" JIT Ablngton bldg. -..':.....
fli'H.Jatchee hoT. rn rwfectlonervt.irt.i;
- are - other grajoT4ialriean " and rcaTiisiic
isinierte 4 milca from Portland. Take Ml.
Scott car, Arleta psrk. No. A Oregon. ... Holcu-
beck As Cunningham. - - - . , - -
"FOB " SALBT-Cuod 8-toom honae. ,unfum!h'1. -1
and"S "tnrgr: Bvelyn. 3325: l"0 cash or. will .1
exchange for lloo lot, bl. 115 month. Ad- f
dress O. 1 DulUin, Letlts,- Or.,- er call Ninth T f
... inniati 4(vlyn. . . . . .- . : .
-f WAN ED A bat gain 'hunter- t-lnvstlsat-f
place for ne nice little home; csstr - c
as-term, Iminlre-far rlnihakrr. from S to 3..."-, j
on niocs notxn- ox LJturviwooQ, sit. ncott car.
BARGAIN AT ONTARIO IT, 000 buy choice :
bualness Tiroperty of 10 .lots and buildings on
- Main street; eaay terms. Address Don, Csrwa
-Boyd, the real eetat msn, Ontario, Or.
HIH H A t. E - -1 Z. 55A-WcHvrei fltode'rfl-'rvusiar?;
boose on Preaaaitt sr-..-aef East Frmrteenih --""
st. ; tet ma . reaaonahle.- Inquire W. r K. j . ;
Stoke, 4 TTescott at.r-or luo Grand ave. ',, . ;,,
SMALL grocery Uvlng. rooma -bsck, ot. store:. i
, furniture for ssms; rssh lrade; living and -
some money besides for small family. F. M. 1
. Jehasau t Mi tim ablngton bldg. w-- g ,
I n , II .
$ 1 .800. - 8" C Aft Hi- f M red S-room 1 cot tag ev i
atanoara lot iruniing . enet; nigni trininir
shrMM(ae'y large fruit -trensvvwltlug vdt.v.T"
ts ni-e.
v aofourus. r. t i
IF. yon wsnt a- new modern houae, ready '
June 1, good location, west side. lA.iam. -this
meet the renulrements. F. kl. Johnsou
' A. Co., 408 V. A bl tig ton bldg. . ,
A BEACTIFl'L-8-aere tract, all )n orchard: 10 L
yeara old;, near Lento; Jnat the place fo a, f
fine home; :160 per acre, on very rasy tcrm. f.
Addreaa v a, care Journal. j
NEW. modern. 2-ftat honae. good location, west
ald8.0ii0i. have : been offered o ff
month rent ; good buy .AV-M. fotllitl k
C7T-4ritv Aolngton bids.
FOR BALE, lr.100 4-room cottage with bath-
room, on East Twenty-second, on eaay terma;
part caah. See owner meat market 112 Flrat.
ne. i none KS'i n.
GOOD bom at L'nlveralty Park.' 5x1no hl
fhiwers. fruit, cltywsler: nesr ear lln
esay terms; will trade, eh M. J "boson A C ,
eiiKii Ablngton ring. f -
FOR KALE 8 Iota and 8 boose, ror. Est
Thirteenth and Eatt Ankeny at.; Ine h- W
. . ... . . . , , -. , i . w
canon tor naie, terniv vaaiy, . s,,.4i... arm
.. lUx. 04 Grand are. . . ..
WANTED Some chok-e Improved and nnlui
proved city property; alao farm land In all
, parte of jhe vijley. Northwest Land Co.,
211 ' Jtilsky' bldg. t -,
FOR . ,E Ixt V block 3. Third' Eleetrle
add! 'o East Portland: make caah offer.
"M.tompaoii, 414 Central "Dfflc" bldg,
Ha (, Iowa....;.....: -
IP . i nent t ii a gianl a. bin n
Job-on at., lot oOximt. cheap and on eaay
ferine, addreaa 734 Johnson at,.. ua
Main 5BIS , i
OARDENTBACTB equal to 40-foot' lot,-ld-
a month: water piped to eacn trsct;. siectrt
line, oc tare, t . v. a-iuis, iut aneriocx Diag.
FOR SALE New. S-ronm bones. 8;5 East Madl
Y son at., 1 block from ear line. 32.T50; terms
to suit. Jame N. Iravl. owner, 7 Flrat tt.
CHEAP S.scre. H i mile from. Montavllla,.
all nnder1 cultivation; good will,' no gravel;
- owner leaving. town. Address T 40, Journsl.
FOR SALF New. T-room honae, sot East Madl
aon st.. I block from csr line, 32.750; terma
to suit. Jamea N. Davis, owner, T Flrat tt. .
FOR SALE g room rottagsi- modern, lot fenced,
fruit tree. 2 block frem ras; caah or term.
F, J. Rydf..Muntavtlla. Phone Msla 5&M
LOT for ssle. IV, on fry at., near Williams
are.: material on the ground for basement.
Inquire 813 Sacramento at., be for 2 p. lu. l
SMALL building In fine bnalnea location, wlfn
lease; rent if month: glv name and Mrts
' In reply. Answer B. L.. car Journal,
FOR SALB 82.100 will buy groom cottage.
- East.JPIne tre fdoaw Ini term -aay, J,- 1
Wells Co., t t rsno sve.
FOR 8ALB or sxchange. 11 VI scree Improved.
H4 mllea from Montavllla car Hue. Inquire
Owner, 414 Belmont.- ,
CHOIl'H corner lot, central, west aide, gmd
- building; income 5n0 par month.. Addresi
W. 20, cr Joorn!. -
FOB SALE New, modern, 8-mom honte, clna
In. fine location! term y.. J, I . Well
fl.850 Nevr B-rnom enrtaga and ' Imga lots
on eor. Grand ave. and. Sharer t, -,owaar.
804 Shaver St., ,
FOR SALE SNAP Beeutlfnl, modern. S-iwei "
' httae on St, Johna car line. . See owner, Fl 71 '
Ali) - - ', "
COR SALE S-ronm bones ss ear Tine wW""
vaers fruit , trees, etc.
Inquire 30 East
Slit St.
$200 DOWN. 110 per month, buy hew cot
tage at East Thirty-! ith end Clinton; e snap.
OWNER In now willing te aril lnalde, hnelnee
lot for 110,000. Address. V An,, rare Journal,.-
WOODLAWN. Highland Park; rholc lot on Tit-
jtsllments. B. C. Matlhewa, 304 Fen Ion blflg. '
FOR SALE Modern. 8 -room house; frnlt, finer,
era l bargain It Bold 'at bur.' 8M or,d ave.
MODERN S-ronm honae, corner lot; rrnlt and
nowrr. .ua Aider, i Portland Optical t
HOI'SB' and lot. new barn, fruit tr,-gt'
.deed hatraet, ojoo, . Apply S.W Rodney eve.
A S-room , house 1 block from rsr line; price),
II.S00. See ewnrr, 1115 Caet Morrisaa. '
' ' '"'..,'-, ; ' . :
-v- ; .-.. . -J-