THE OREGON "SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY ;14, 1905 CI I - ' EXTRACT FROM READINGS 0 the: Hand of Mayor Will- ; iams byTVan Cortland. . ; . rHere J Jisri that suaaests ' i ' treat deal of strength aid tha palmist. . ol chrctef,' "There . la .great determination and -, forca , with marKea vitality; intereata of a somewhat varied character, and alio tha ability to develop them to a marked " degree. BtJCthe tnteret-1 more 4n-th be-'inntnroflt"rTinderaklni than in jjta conclusion. Thua we,4ee here n i lure thai .would psss on from one "eon- caption to another. get it Into . - form. . organise It Into" outlhjV, then leave its r final development'! to. tha hands of " others, while It passed, on t6 stilt greater " achievements. . . . ""ha3 man's J ri a t u re """la extrcm el y 'rnjjnidaiierOTertorTi fault. It la , none the lese impossible ti Infjuenca It : .even in theaa directions outside a given circle,.' and while -not exactly "'elf lslt -' as that word Is usually understood. It IS -ary, self-cantered,--It -Is -obstinate b" yond worda It opposed, and yet easily . i . Bema familiar Traits, ---n is nana wiiomi uiv iraa1 oariy "who through some marked change or L event swept Into the current of Indl--vMuar artlcmr and. wrrTTB ffectedand Influenced by contending conditions,- .lies largely surmounted them .and will ralwaya do so to the end. A continuous failure Is unknown to this hand. ' Knocked down It may be. but only, to be -4il end doing and starting out on soma fresh endeavor. - r"Oreat - success - csrne to this hand aheut the yesr 18(4. when a recognition . of ability wss msde in a large sense. and the executive-force cam to the front in some form of administrative power which, white subject to criticism, was for the most part governed by falr--rtesa and Justice. It Is a hand that has , been devoted to the people, both in charity sndjln an official way; It la a , hnnd .that will be on tha aquara with all. ' nicsuon so stronalv marked in the fata line. This hand averta the conseauences Of danger. It runs In close relationship wlthlt frequently but It-Just escapes fstaT results. .ThJs, will always be the caaer both ao far ns persons 1 danger la conrerrwd and In business affairs. ..- "There Is a love of family and home .and all the sweet associations thst make up the personal Ufa. Theaa. in part, farm the .Inspiration of minr of th JJlLgilUyftt--- flve..Jeeu-f Hi-iMuiipi iHiif-u, eve. . - - Van Cortland can be consulted -upon all affairs, business 'changes, family matters, health, etc.. kt 303u Washing ton street, corner Fifth. , Office hours, s a. m. to- i p. m., dslly snd Sundays. PUT DRfUNE" IN MAYOR'S CHAIR Richard W. Montague Named to - Lead Democrats in City . ' Campaign. WILL LAY PLANS FOR " . : ACTION THIS WEEK Struggle to PreventJyHiskyJn Tterestt FronvCaFning Con-j; trot of Municipal Affatrsr - ill 10 .-""Richard WV'Montas;ue has "been. lected to serve se chairman of the cam paign for the Democratic-ticket-In the June election. The managing commit . tee of tha city and county central com mittee met yesterday afternoon and - voted unanimously to requeat Mr. Mon tague to accept the position, and later In the day he was prevailed on to ejtve . bla consent. The selection of Mr. Montague is re a garded as wise action." He has had ...i . w ids ex perteaee- la vol it leal af f a Ire. hav ingl been secretary of the Democratic state committee three years ago.' His general acquaintance with the city and hla study of municipal problems.. It is argued, fit him to discharge bla new duties with skill and efficiency. It la "" understood that h tr'M selecfr -hla aso : retary soma time thia week and that the -'work of tha campaign will begin lmros- dlately. -. v.? - Obaervara'of political aventa are gen- erally agreed thatithe campaign will be .Yought on the lines indicated In the prl- marles, when the liquor ''dealers came loutlii-.tliej)pen andthrawr down tha 2""untlet by publishing their indorsement . of the "red-letter" ticket. The protests that nave been uttered agalnat the at tempted domination of the liquor deal era aa anrganlaatlorrln the city gov eminent coming not fromthej)rohlbl- tlonliAa, but from people who- believe - ,that tha city government should'not be . administered In tha Interest of any ape- clal clasa clearly defines the Issue on . , views of well-informed polltlolana, and : presents tha subject-matter sC tha cam paign. . " ' . - ' - ' ' GREAT GATHERING OF Y. Wrp. A. AT DETROIT i Tha tenth biennial, convention of tha American committee of the Young Wom en's Christian aasoclstlon recently held in Detroit waa tha laraest snd tpost suceesaful gathering ever held In tha 'history of tha organisation. . Starting with 1 mem here In liM, It now num bers ?Oft-essoclatlone with tt.000 mem bera, and haa reached to tha mission fields of China, India and 'Japan, i .' t . Among Ue accredited delagataa -wart PortlacdAccticnRcanis M t.'.:f - 2H irst St."';: ; orne,-Monday, May 22, J.Oa.-sccountiof. nL.?ealtDOwnr. has given ua lnatructlona to , bt.l-1-WITHOUT RKSEHVK ALL AND KVPRV AltTIOLK of THIS NEWLY KHRNIfllKD PLACR. There la a new Royal Itestaurant STEEL RANGE, tt new' dining chairs, about 10 new tables, wall mirrors and racks, pictures, drap eries, screens, library table, kitchen treasure, mantel bed and . bedding, ( f a ma. oak. luill tr, fiter s sller, tatla men, silverware, crockery, .glassware, etc.. etc bale at 3 p. m. tomorrow, at the Yale Destaurant. !S Oraiid ave. v- li 1 TQRD. Auctioneer. V AUCTION SALE Tue5day,-May-23, iq:Ar Mj at - 211 First- &i.'-:.f-r-r We have already in -our aalesrooma a grand variety of F1RST-TLAS8 Fl'R- and HKRVICK'ABI.E. all to be, Bold ut auction. Just take a' look In our sales rooms, then you'll come to our sales ahd save many dollars at the Portland Auction Ruyms, ill First St. ' j ti-1- FORD, Auctioneer.!. AUCTION' SALET Wednesday, May' 24, 10 "ArM.," - Grand Old (Antique) and -r Modern Furniture (lately from the easty at Private Residence, vbz Keuy St., near uidds. Mr. Bowen. whose vocstlon cslls him Immediately to the south. Instructs us t UKU WITHOUT RESERVE all hs EXCELLENT FURNITURE this law books escepted). We can only give a nartlal list. . An OLD-PIER- PLATE CLASS MIRROR In excellent condU tlon and over 100 YEARS OLD, old fashioned upholstered chairs' mahogany setts and rstajida-lisCIIlRQLL TOP Dr:HK7onrtere4 -kr-fWiT."LA,T TOP DESK, almostnewL 8-HOLK STEEL RANOK, with top closet; mod em rockers, chairs, ext. table. SIDK BOAKD, bedroom suits, corn fiber mat tresses, -springs and bedding, plllowsi B RUSH KLU SOUARES and -carpets,- 20 yards-fine LINOLEUM. and many, very many oiner items not mentioned nere, BKHT UOODB BOLD FIRST at 1 rase n car -in Burner xromei Olbba. Then you can see the fla , V , -C. JU. FORD, Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE Thursday," May 20, 10 A. M at o ; 21 First St r v . ' Having received instruction from Mr. Cubert to sell his entire Housef urnlsrt Ings, we have arranged to have them In our aalesrooma. at 211 Flrat St., for this sale. This Is a choice lot and. deserves your" attention: ' Bale at 10 at m. aharp. - - ' C.'U FORD, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Friday.: May 26, 2 P. M.', at' 211 - First St . : ; - Wa have s- splendid lot of Furniture and several casea of merchandise fr. Uie ralTroaua lo . be SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE such ss LADTES' -.FINK SHOES, MEN" ( 'FINE SHOES. COR SETS, one crate crockery, very fine ware, and -atindry other Items not yet listed. Sale at i p. m. v , to .,1- ; C U VoRDTAuctloneer, NOTICE p&qanduaioooma run wrr . vnii mnnpv .- rnr i w - ev J ev. , W J W Wl goods it you wish to selL A- SCHUBACM. Proprietor. . Northwestern: Investment Co. Eastern Oregon whett landa and stock ranches. Call snd see us. i Wa have aome good propertlea for aala ... -- Rooms 2IS-220. Ablnton Building none Bed 1788. mtUa'D, OB, .1. East Davis- Street - See the new g-room homo wa have on E. Davta at.. Price 13.400, - y - MALL & VON BORSTEL s J93 E. Burnslde Bt . Ntrs.l.W.tJ JUiiitVman, president of tha fortianaasaocienoB; who 1s -also a member.' of the American committee; Mra. JL C Campbell and RtrSjjlHolmea lsiwrenca.prMh4rboara"'ofr directors, the latter also representing the atata work of Oregon.- ' Much Interest waa shown In tha fort, land association and lta ; headquartera building at tha Lewis and Clark fair, aa this-Is the first enterprise of the kind ever attempted under the auaplcea - Of tha T. W. C- A. 'Knoouragement waa also given ' to - the work of protection for women and girls through-the Ex position Travelers' aid, for whose work In our city during the summer tha peo ple are 'Indebted to the forethought of Mrs. Honey man. Jlmong tha workera were two whoae generous glfta have made possible 'entrance-1? hew and wider flelda of Influence and aervlce. Miss Helen Gould and Mra. Livingston Taylor. MIsC'Annle M.". Reynolds, who for II yeara waa tire general secretary ofthe world's committee, of which the Ameri can committee forma a part, was pres ent. " Conspicuous -among --the) - popular speakers were Mra. .Margaret Sangster, whose writings are sufficient Introduc tion, and Mrs.' E. W. Moore of London, England, a member of the world'a com mittee and honorary secretary of tha British National council. In Portland tha people" are Interested In the latter, for-sheUs 4 be tha guest of tha asso ciation on Tuesday, May tt. Oppot tunity will. be given to ell frlcnda, men aa welt aa women, to meet her at the association rooms, 111 Oak street, Tues day evening at I o'clock, where aha will grrenlr-df -"trie many forme" of association work dona under the flag o(,0reat Urltain. t"---t " JTrom tha. Detroit rrea Tress. ) Mra. Hlghborse Of course. I am par ticular about the family my eon mar rtee Into, Is there any . taint In your blood, auch a lunacy, for toatancVT . Mr. Newrox -No, madam, and there'a not golrsr, to be, either!' .. I told my daughter If she mjrrled your, aon I'd cut her off without a cent! , i I ,(, " . ; Self Dafeaaa. Frm, (ha Phllsdslphfa 'press. - Mrs. iloilsekeep Yes, I simply had to buy thl plain gown on account of our cook. - - .."'.''.' Mra. ' Aarom I don't .understand. " Mra. Hoi(Bekeep--Well. she goag In for gaudy-things, and I want to have Just one dresa thtt ah iron' eoprrj- ---; " AUCTI0N$ALES Py 3- T Wilson, Auctioneer. tWClg aA4" Hsrchandlse Beufbt o - oia. Talaphone Mala 163a. 'V. Monday, .Tomorrow, at Sales - T -"- room,t 1 80 ' Fir st $ t at - vrAm. . Comprising Cable1 V-fkm - Kingsbury Piano, costly, buffet. French clock with solid brass top piece; oak : sideboard. slve hall tree, wardrobe, French plate mirror, elegant sideboard -In walnut burl, bedroom anlts, springs and mat tresses. Arabia lace curtains, choice wool blankets, sheets, pillows: extra large feather bed. mantel beds, felt snd floss mattress, Singer sewing machine, Dsvla machine In solid mahogany case, toilet seta.- baby bed with hair mat trosa an bedding, rattsjr swinging baby crib, carpets, fine linoleum. ' bamboo table and whatnot, pictures: a fins as sortment of Rogers Bros." 184T cutlery. iwo pair ooxing gloves, run equipment of dishes, glassware and kitchen uten sils; kitchen treasure, i kitchen ' safe, tables, chairs, rockers, couches, dressers, new school cheat, celled the New Eilu- Callon f mm- Jk H - ' tn fin.nol.l mnit busliieaa account. Thl 1b . iargft rnft worthy your alteatlon. IIJESDAY!S SALI On the Premises, 88 Knott St, .Near Mississippi Avenue, . -yJi-J at 10 A. M: v Kavtng" TinstnietlonfrornV;Mr:--. Nelhert, we will sell st public suction, on-'thts-darevthe nearly new furnishings of IS rooms, comprising dressers, bed room sets, springs and mattresses, metal beds fine- bedding, pillows, bed lounge, rockers, tsblea and- chairs, toilet sets. Brussels and wool -carpets, UnoleunT, heating stoves, cook stoves, steel range, kitchen safes and treasures, dishes, kltchemitenstls, and" ouantltles of othr fine, rwuse equipments; Fifteen rooms or substantial furnishings. Sale com mences prompt at 10 a. m. - ote Intending purchasers can reach aale by taking Lower Alblna car a. WEDNESIUVSSALE At Salesroom,-1 80 First Street, ' at:lQ ArM.:-r:tJL.- There haVe been removed to our sales room the furnishings of a large dwell ing, which we are instructed to close tH-at publlo sucttonr This lot affords ?anor, dining room, bedroom and kitchen urniture and other valuable chattels. Enough -furnishings for MANY, TTHURSDAY'S SALE 24 North Eighth St. at 2 P. M. " on Account : of : Departure and bjTOrder of the Owner, We will sell the furnishings of thetr s-room cons ge. comprising, -In psrt: Mahogany bookcase, three lece parlor arioi lain! auit W -mahoganyr- fine lace curtains. psrlortable in mahogany,' pictures, por tleres and hangings, couch, dresser and commode in' mahogany finish; metal bad In pretty tinting, springs and mattress. inK nan tree, rua-s. mattlnira. iniiat aetar-wantel beds, dining Toonr-lahle. cusira, rucaera. Bailees, rine blankets, sheets, and pillows; dressers and com-mooea,- dishes, glassware,- wok stove, and- fine house equipments. Bala prompt at 2 p. to. . At SalesroomTTl 80 'First Street 1 Look, See Come and iiuy--Gro- : - . . xeric 'jresn urocenes a r y F ine , Assortment count of exorbitant rent. The economic housewire will find It profitable to attend thia aale. We wiU aell every thing In the grocery line. " Mote "What have you grit foi ele," IF ANYTHINOf-flee Wilson." He pays the price.- Phone Main lS24J3alesrom corner First and Yamhill. Aucth oneer. . -4 $1,750 TTxUS feet of ground; Improved and abundanoa of rult, flnwera, etc.; splen did place for poultry: west of Mt. Tabor; convenient to Sunnyslde and Hawthorne car lines. Easy payments. $1,000 75x150; covered with" bearing fruit trees; no buildings; deairabls" location. 1$J250 115x145 feet; sightly ' location: one block from ML Tabor car' line,. $4,500 ... , j : HI ghly I m proved 1 1 acres ; good1 build Inn almost new: convenient to cltr and worth the- price. r Partexchangaean We have aomargplendia bargains ' In acreage. oer cltyA - --- DAVIDSON, WARD&CX). - 408 Chamber of Commerce. Five-Acre Tracts Suitable for rjoultry or small fruit. Within easy access of the city, on easy installment--Prtr-e 0.0 per acre. 10 acrea. A angp at" $500.00." Very easy terma. c Beveral air-re tracts "on tha Peninsular near St. Johns at 1500.00 per aare. - Lambert, Whitmer Co. 404 E. Aider, cor, Grand avinue" Rooma 107-8 Sherlock, bldg, cor. Third and Oak. Holladay Park "rtee tha lots on Fast lid and Clark amaa sts.' Hewersge. cement walks and atreet improvementa all In. I'rlce 1475 for Inside, $1,050 for t-ornera. 3Uu can buy jthent on : easy - mojitrjly- pay menta. '-- r- MALL & VON 10RSTEL ftl.gOO Very neat 5-room cottaga In center, of . Sunnyalde; aewer, Improved atreet bath. , .' " ". g4,480 Oood $-room house, near Slfti and . Thurman sta., renting for $30 per " month. - ,; fajoo New, modern (-room house, on Corbett sc; swell location. 'rt - - ' 4,000 Splendid H-eere place. Mt. Tabor j good 7-rooro house; fine orchard. H. H. Staub aiwa" KorrtaoB. Boa Se $fl. q mm m Auction &" Commission Co. - kV IV IX.liAjr. Aaetlonaer, - IstahllshSd 41 Taara. 1 . r Very" ittrvtlve auollon aala tt choice Household Furniture. Itugs, teN at rooma, 411. Waahlngtou afreet. Tuesday, May 16 , At 10 o'clock a. m. - 4 ' . .: Consigned . to a-from--KenllMrth and Irvlngton, soma of the finest Household Furniture In genuine mahogany, etc.., m rtudlnsr the-f inest oarlor eleeea -Ib-b' hogany, made to erder, and costly- oak and W. O. oak center' and library tables; unique chairs, rockers 'stands,' golden stand, Morris chair, beautifully uphol stared rockers end ohatre. genuine ma. hogany v and 1 blrdaeye . maple, quartered oak..chlffonlera . and dressers, -with, French shaped plate mirrors; daven port a;" very fine Iron bedsteada In brass, white and colored tlnta;'- .commodes, finest eurled hitr felt and cotton atan- aara quality mattreasea, pillows, ana 100 new bed comfortere; 10 choice Per sian rugs, (xS, 7x4, txttt, etc.; W..Q. sldeboarda, library table and chairs, do mestic -rugs and couches to drape; -odl ohaLra,. rockers. - elegant- dining room suite, round table and buffet, and chairs In lea tber en sv 1 te.- r : We eanrwrt at tempt to give detailed description of all theae fine house furnishings, but will ssy that buyere will find them flrat class. Sale Monday, May 1(, 10 a. m., at room, , N -r-1 W ash I n g ton - street. Will be upon exhibition Monday.' i ' N. II.. Oooda upon our floors must b as good aa or better than advertised. . ' ' -8. U N. OILMAN. . - . . ;.' ' . I ' : Aoctloneer Attractive Auction Sales OP- Furniture . Thursday, May 18th , , -FridayrMay 19th " 'AT 10 A. M. EACH DAY . ". These aalea of HouaeholrJ Furniture afford buyera a fine opportunity to pur chaaa the fittings of spare rooma and residences. We have the steel folding couches. Iron bedsteads, springs, -chlf-fnnrjornrfioflw, dressers stinds, chairs. rockers etc. : N. B. Goods uDonour floora must be ss guuaEalr better than, advertised, -. t- : .... a). I..-OILMAN, -Jtuctloneer. Geo.: Baker & Co. ON TUESDAYNEXT- AT'BAKER'S AUCTIONHOUSE t corner Alder g4 rark. ' Elegant buffet with leaded . colored glass, handsoms dining ehaire with real leather Beats, highly polished quartered oak extension -tsbler-all -up to- data and en auite; weathered and golden oak mis alon rockera. with Spanish leather seats, 4wlr stuffed couchea, davenports, fine velvet and Bruasels carpets. Ax minster rags. x!2; double bookcase with dek center, Isce curtalna and portieres,- Bressels rugs. Isrge French Flate mirrors with gold frame, also the urnishings of nine bedrooms., Including pretty dressera.. fine Iron beds, springs and mattresses, mantel and twice fold ing beds, steel- range and other effects, all In flrat-claaa order. i Sale Tuesdsy next, at 10 a. m. t OEO. BAKER PO.r Auctloaeer. -Auction -Sales - ContlaucoicuJlliursday Nxtrt , io a. m. and Friday Next ,3 lr .. T " at a p. m. t' We are. crowded down with clean, useful Furniture, etc. We Invite psr tles furnishing to theaa falea If you want to save money. i -r OEO. BAKER CO., Auctioneers. We -sell new Furniture and can save mn rrtim 10 In 40 ner cent less than down town stores. - OEO. BAKER CO. ' Phone Black 1842. Nicholson'sAddition East Burnslde . Street texlOO. between Hth snd 17th streets- Price 11,400. , sex l o. between lTth and 18th streets. Price 11.400., ..'., East Ankeny"Street ' KOxlOO. between 17th and Jlth atraeta. Price $1,400: - Corner lot, 50x100, aouthweat comer lath. Prlc 11,700. - ". East Ash Streets U Northeast corner-J7th snd East Aah atreeta. Price $1,60. Inside lot, 50x100, between J7ta and 18th gtreeta. Prlce'll.JSO. -. . :. Eastr Pine-Street i --r- 1M 50x100, northeast corner 17th and Esst Pine. Price $ 1.400. ----- ImI 50x100. between Esst 17th and East lth sis. Price $1,800. . ... a n . u. n 1r m Tn i . 100x100. Price 82,550, Houthwest comer INth and Eaat Pine, 100x100. .Price $2,550. iEast Oak SJreet . fTlrn on the southeast corner Kth and East Oak. Prioa '$ 1,590. East Stark Street -Northeast comer lth snd Eaat Stark ata., 50x100. Price 81.850. Lot 60x1(10, between East 14th and Eaat 17th ata. Price, 81,050. Northaast corner 17th and Eaat Stark, 50x100. i Price $1,250. - MALL &' VON BORSTEL "J-. Oeneral Aganta. '7 III Eaat Burnslde at Burkhsrdt bldg. IMusehfiLd I . .. ; . -- - - I -: - 1 a-J -y"" 1 -(.- I - v. ... - - . I as 1 1 -t; .. , : S - - 7 - " - - S l - . "v- V - 4 . " " " H - Wa " -' l f-rtM$ Sa iUlL::...-L';.:.. S At UI CUL UIIUU $3,500 t-moom Honaa and lot on Columbia at., near. llh; house-In first-class con dltlon; xtra large lot; pays 10 sent net; oruy as.iiuw, a greai snap. Goldsmith & Co. .' X. eor. Tblrd ud. Oak ata. - V!'""-' '" GREAT-SNAPS OFFERED B Y THE DUNN' I LA WRENCE CO. -, j :. .... 14,600 Grand country place near Van- couvsr, - lit- m t"i ito t ' . plank fenced Into- lovely fields; all In growing crop; very han-1-Arna-restt,nce7good--bHTns"and other buildings. - - $4,600 Most extremely : beautiful' aub- UrDSn D-arre piat-B,. very iinnu- aoma - residence,' beautflful barn and other buildings.; very choice J'0'"'tyj, r jrv Trnir iipirips anruu- bery ana an exreiieni aaraeii; $ blocKa. electric rarilne; ti mlnutea ride to city, 1 ai.T&O Imnroved. 10-sers Dlaca on aouth Slope Hfll. 1 Boor; Trry-nmr w room-ssiaanca cnoice xru u and berries. Just think Of W, leaa JJjll half price, - - 19,600' Elegant"TTroom residence with . .. nail . Dioex arvtinn in iiihiii- ette choice rult and shrub- ' Tierv. . fl.eoo Very excellent lot:" bfautlful 6V room res loencs tiw 9 S80 Comer lot. with 4 -room cottage, In .Park placef . ?. 100 Cash 4 large lots, smalt shack, .--fence a.nd fruit. Clackamas. . : dONBT ' 'TO 1 1 li&A N it Buaiia 88flrtrPrt -RAT -BOITT TOM1T Til FLACr. 149 FIRST STREET Tbs Oreat Manufaoturlng Centerv rn boki or thb obsat wsnim. KivSlIB X,trMBEm CO. (The lrg - est lumber oompany lb ths worl(L. -m poBTZ,Ajn wootrjw mu (Th largest oa the-raeiflo Ooaat). TKI OII1T rOBTUIII DXtTBOCX. (The only one' between Baa rraaelaoo - ana iunu. TTTH rOBTXAXTD MT0. CO, (Tenser woTae.i -i .... ...... TISIl AW1CTXX.S, 8 aSTWTABSa, 1 TLOUB XILI, A1TD OTKZS I WD PS -TBIES, All. IMFlOTIllO BtAlTT HTJBDBSD Hill, A1TD PATIBO OUT X7Z1T NORTH TK0X78ABSS OT OOLIAM IH WAOS. ST. JOHNS PARK We-offer-for rsals In this trart fins bntldlng lots, Tooated near the GREAT WEYEKHAIJKHKR Ml 1,1. RllB, con venient to car line and neat tha mills and factories on the water front. - These lots arc $0xl06jyi(U 6Joot Alleys Our prices for a short time only $100 and Howard. $5.00- Down and $5.00 a month Lss tnan smaller lots, witnout alleys. In adjacent tracts. t : TXXS PBOPEBTT MAS A OBXAT rUXUBE. , . 5t Johns Land Co. Tha Pioneer band Co. ST. JOSIS, OB. .. Phone Tnios 8104. - TVs 7. have - a large Hat. over "80,000 acrea, and aoma of the beat flropertlea on the market. We can be of real aer vtca to Intending purchaaera by reason of our extended knowledge of the chir acter and worth of the available farms'. " Ask any of the Portland banks aa to our atandlng and bualnsaW methods. Call lor write for our list of farms. . - -Jen n ings Lodge: Acre Tracts A feat acre ' teaeta rwrwaln In. thH; f tnest auburb -of - PorUand.-Hdmlrably located on both aides of the Oregon City ear line. ..1. '..We alao have Just put, on the. market two additions to thia suTnirhan homa sits that can be bad at reasonable prices and terms. .'-'' Secure a home of an kcre of mora at tha coat of alngle cramped lot In other localltlea. . . , Should you not want It for a home; buy -for lnveatmsnt-It , will, prove a bank of depoalt for your apare . money that wU yield a handaoma Irilereat and provide a place for tha money you will otherwise aimlessly spend. Let us show yoir theae racta. The Shaw-Fear Co. "243 Stark Street . tage.n Alns worth avenue. I FARMS waxxsr. a:qllcan'.t TO OVERLOOK- If you are intending to purchase "TITLE is PERFECT and is Kwe canhow you at our city .in cultivation, with FRUIT TREES in bearing; all klnda of 7, BERRIES, arid with green lawns; pure water piped to every : lot y. streets- gradedr-etc-COME-OUT-andMa- tha- atraw-- ! berries rioenine now Lots $100 and upward. Terma to '' . ; ' ' "suit purchaser. .Take MT SCOTT car and get off at Kern Park Xpf str oir Park Station). Agents the grouuJiiJ at our offktu - at station. For further particulars call' at our City Office, yp y 226-228 Front St, or phone Main 471 , '':' N. B. Free lunch served iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiimiHiuniiuini3 St; Johns Prices Are from three timeg'.fo five timet higher than University Park prices, and will continue ta -advance. -St. John is two miles farther from the center of ithe city in the same direc tion, on the same river, 'on thesame railroad, on the samclectriciineron the same peninsula.. .University far has-Bull Run water-at city prices, has Columbia. University, has Port. land public schools alleys back-f all lots,--electric street lights, . graded streets. sidewalks, -,anrl , University Park-haa a largr-pay-yeH thaw all the other places together along the Pen insula water frorrfTTTnls aoes-not argue that St Johns prices are too highrHit-that UBiverstty- Park prices are too Tow andVlBUBrrapidlyrise.--,-7i; PRIpES ADVANCED. Prices f lWots-will be advanced on the first day of June, and on the first day of each month thereafter until the present prices will be dou bled. universitypark: Is the bon ton residence portion the whole Peninsula, because it has a building reitriction thst " keeps .out shanties and harbors for oovertyr it hasnB"tiaif6fTestflctlorriBaTr6hibift saloons and otner places 01 vice-, naa the Columbia University, which brings ao eultured - class. - It lies central to four miles of deep water front, where employment is furnjshea in trie rnuisi factories-and -docks, for all who de- aire-to workBeautif ul raaidencea-ar ipringing up 'as if by-mapc; Prices Tingerfrom M-or$3M per'totrad cording to size and location, one-tenth cash, balance 5 montniy on eacn lot, without interest or taxes. Francis I. McKenna, University Park" Station, Portland. Oregoi At SlOO to 5250 Each These arV right'in the city,' only two blocks from -car-lina-and nicely situated. Worth now more than our prices, and values con stantly rising. Water mains laid. Investigate at ojice. Portland Trust Company 109 THIRD STREET WANT A BARGAIN? For $20,000 we will sell you the best bargain on 'Wash - ington street. ; - THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO, 210-214 Abington, 106 Third Street. Acre Tracts - Tracts of one to five acrea for ssls on the- O. w, P. electric line, short dis tance' eas of Hellwood, st Wichita ata tinn 1R0 per acre, on monthly Install ments. The best for the money on the msrket. Are selling fast, come out. make aelectlon. . . . " Knapp & Mackey Boom S Cfoambe of Commerce. : Tt O. PABT( Bealdsat Agent. : East Ah Street ge ths lots we are selling on Eaat Xsh at. for f 500 00. Each on easy pay ments via., iioo.oo oown, nsianca monthly paymenta to ault Purchasers. MALL & VON BORSTEL Hi E. Burnslde aU . Pdrtlaod Heights r Lots afford. SUBURBAN LOTS.-The free from all incumbrance, as office. Lots are allJevel and. . j . - . . on Sundays. ERN PAR ON MT. SCOTT LINE Nearly SoldOut! JOIN "THE 'CROWD AND GET A HOME AT THIS -POPULAR PLACE - Well Built Up !L -Jolly-Neighbora j Near Car Line ahd SchoolJ rzzCwater Pipea Laid LV Easy . Payments !.-vJ COME EARLY AND GET YOUR CHOICE i.r ERN-PAR- LOTS 40x100 $3.00 Monthly Payments Sycamore Real Estate Co. "r205K Morrison St REMOVED EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO. (From room 9 (to 227 Cham ber,of Commerce). We are now. located in ourNEW OFFICES, . where we. re JjeiterrepaiedoectyQuiLl wants in - City; Property, Farms and Rentals " . .- , . - t, We have some splendid buys and 'we are always glad to show: you our list.; E BEST BUY ON THE MARKET A, few fine level lots, nicely lo catedrwith good view of city and harbor, streets graded, sewer and waten in. gas-mains laid ; close in ; , ' favorable terma: - i favorable terms: S550 Each Portland Trust Company -409 THIRD STREET, 'i have sversl new mo1ern housss Just completed snd rssdjr for oitrupanrr. In aood inosllons, st prt-es from f 1,74 an4 up. Hell on eaay terma. ' Am prepared to build one or laa mndsrn 4 or 7 room Uoue an4 sell on monthly pajrraenla. F. W. TORGLER " . 106 Sherlock DM;. K I n- '1 . ( '