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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1905)
THE OREGON-' SUNDAY-JOUENAU-PORTLANDISUND AY MQRNINGMAY.,iit :1901, S9 CONDITIONS IN'WOOtMVIAR- KET STRONGER WITH HIGH ER PRICES PREVAILING WERE" - CONDITION OK HOP. CROP. IN 7 V-OREGON FAR FROM SATIS- r FACTORV TO BEAR DEALERS - PRCES IN VARIOUS. MARKETS- HIGHER Entered at "the pnetofaee-ef FortlaaA Or- for tnusportstW ttnwb-tM maetto a seesnd cJs mstter. ' . twin f- stogie copies; roc '; , page potior. 1 cent; 18 to 80 pagee, csut. , to 44 touts, I cuts. i .7,. ' 1 iiitmiMi iiHiuibu. . : ..:..Mii 250 1 Business vutn....... .. ........... Ml rouiox ad vxxtibik xxfbesxbtatitx. Vmlu-lniBli Special Advertising . WO hiwa street, )w York; inbuu Build ,:.,' lug, talc - - ' . . v bwbscxjptiox atm.... . ?b Pally Journal, moutba "" - 5h I! Journal, wtb B4a: I mohth., I TB OallV. week, dellversd. . buuosy included .... " Tbs Dally, per 'week'." " dVlivsrsd.' ' 's'uada'y 7 aiMDleo .. Im br MIL 7 . Th Dally Joarnal, 1 yasr f.00 ' The Kelly Journal, wlla Sunday. nwotha- J J' - 1 M Italic Joornal. e months , ,., . - f-" Jnurnsl. with Sunday. 1 months. 1 o Tin lially Jouraal, I months Tbe Dally Journal. 1 . The Bands Journal, 1 ysr.. ...... ....... J-W I'M Sunday Amraai, mouths. 99 ' ' T ' ... ; Tha sstl-Weekly jtannaj. . v - Tha aml-WMklr Journal, to II paea ' tact inn, UluatrW full, owrkat ' Ewt. l aar.. .,..$1.80 rnltUncM should b mad bj drsfts. fntsl - - sotrs. riun -orttara and small amouaU art - aeoapubla la t and 3-ccat sostac alampa. - - , TUX J -r- P- O. Box 411. Portland. Or. vim to joummx mat x tovxp, ' - Taa Joornsl -rsa b ta( H. sals - tt foIlfWlBS plates:- B018B, IDAHO B. Mlsr Co.j W. U Mo- CHICAGO Fostotflc Ntwi companr. ITS Dmi ; born stnet ' " DENVER, COI.0. Kandrlck Book Stationery ; company.' Btf Karsntwntk atrsst; J. Black. ciitrcntn sna uurus nravw- i KANSAS CITl' Van Nay Kwt ompanj. WINNEAPOUb L KaraoaBf 60 8o"tk Third itrnt. MW VOKK CITT Brsatann'i. TTakm Sflnara. -OMAHA MtUard Hotel Nswa stand: Megsatk r Ststlonrry company, 1309 Famum atraet. ALT LAKE CITY K any on Hotol Neva stsnd; Barrow Bros.. 4ft West Bscond Street, sosith. -T, LOUIS Philip Boeder. ! Locust alrsst) -j B. T. Mt, Ollea atntt. BAN rBANIHCO W. K. Ardl; nr Pslaes Rotnl sifiltSr.rW-Buf teV streiCanJ-Bal nf Pranrls hotel: Poster A Orear. Ftrrf builds . tnt: N. Whestley, moveable newt alano, sof ner Harast sna hearoer streets. SEATTLE Ralnlsr Orsud News stand: W. L. ' Shanks. Hotel Seattle News stsnd. . STOkANB. WASH-Wohn W. Orabam A Co. XAl'OMA. --WASH Central -; daws company! Hotel Tseoms News stsnd. jxl. ' -clCXOBT A.-. aOalgrlsBoow'aasri comnsny. v -W1ATHEB BEP0HT.- ; A dlarurnase of ssoderat enersy la paasinf esatwsrd this Tenlnc orer Hrltlab lolumtiis It hss caused Urbt showers la this district west of tlwr raaeade mountains snd brtak, . (ualy, aofith,a4rlv , jklada akirtc the caL and aa j I'uset sound and lbs Htrslt of Juan Am Kucs. Houtawest srorm warniosrs-were oroerea mi - p. m. slons the strait from Port Auelrt west- wsrd to ape Flattery. V The Indies Hons ars for unaettWd, showery .' weather la this district Sunday, except In south- era Idaho sad eastern Orrroii, twbers . Ihs Heather will probably remain fair. tinserrsiHins SO O p. m.z aiaxiniain tvnnpera greaa. Hirer resdlna-at II a. m , ll fevt; s-enSnn l past it booTsr.v foot. Total preclpl t.tksi. S a, m. to 6 p. m.. .01 Inch r-total pre. -eipltarloa sine Heplember , Iff it. 20 96 luchi-a normal nwi ll I i i"U m nvw nriuriuiwr . , s a-i on - taehea: drnrleocy. 11.55 . laches. . Total slimline, 'May 12, 0:114; posslWe-sunebine. Msy 12, 14;do; naranstar, rruuecu 10 sea wrsi, s a p. .. 3o.i0 " , : wtmiiir-cardA w. o. emit", a Ta.rwtm: ington bid., cor. Fourth snd Washlngtoa sts. Crematorium c Oregon City car Una. aes Ball wood; modara. srtrntlfle. complete. Charges Adulai, children, KM. Visitors a. m. -to4 p. m. - Portland Crematloa saaodatlaa, (ortlaod, Oregon. Tba Bdwsrd Holmes Undertaking company, funeral directors and smbalmera. 220 land atrsst. Pbooa Wl. -r ,', J rT"rUiiy A Son., funeral directors and ' embalmers, aorner Third snd Mid Lao a streets. Of ties sf county earoner. Telephone Main . rnnaral wreaths and rat flowers a specialty "t Boss City Oraanbonse. Twenty secondhand East Morrlsoa, opp. cemetery. Get roar Insnrsnca and abstracts .to rM eataU from ths Title Guarantee A Trest com- I Baay. Chamber ef Commsrca building. , SEATTLE MEN BUY BIG BUSINESS HERE Charles H. Lill Company Finds - Portland a Fine Place for ' Headquarters. . Pacific coast-bualneaa-xoncemg that tinrtertake extensive operatlona find It tBalf fcffvdllTfl KCTryat'ij rd"BrTOlhf)1d In Portland. Following this Idea, the Charles 1L Lilly company of Seattle haa Charles H. Lilly. Ths rnijr journal with. Jite!iI3iiiti-52 1 h lislly Journal, with Sunday. mpnUie. 8 Tb Dslly Journal. uuntbs.. ............ . 1 h lulls m-ltk fcuori.V. ft moUthS . I- Is- 3 f r . t ' " u ! " f I ' i fceooOT Idantlf led avlth tha motropol la c of Oregott Iri establishing A chain of pro J -aialcm IrrmaCT reaching to Ban Tfanciscd . end Honolulu. . ,' . . .,' ..i , ... Tha old-eiUbllli'd firm of Rftgga A Htorp tfu Front atraet hag aold It, lock and good wilt to the Seattle com r panjr, and M. A. Cnahlng pf that city hftg i bean placed been placed In charge here. , Mr. Lilly, bead of tba firm, la k well- - known Seattle man of the-former firm ' of Lilly. Bogardua dt Co., predecessors of the company that now .bears hla name. Ttoggd tt Btorp retire from buslneas. . They arw natives 6f Germany and atah ' llshe their bmrlneas her !! years ago. Ihey will take their famUlea In July on A Ir1p to the bid country, wherf they - will make a long vlalt. ' "X - Va expect to return to Portland,' ld Mr. Utorp. - "Thla la too good a country to leave for good." ' - klr Rogge gea to Qarmany to lake -nssessnn of hla ahare of B large for lone leli by t rUtl-a. . .. ' VERY EXCITABLE . "7 -T- Prices ' Are Being Strained Up- ; ward by Dealers Who Are --- Anxjous to Buy. POOL MANAGERS CALL " FOR MEMBERS TO WAIT .- - Hop Market Is in Better Shape on Account . pfJhe ..Damage . : Reports Now Coming. Frost 8trt. Mar 1 p. . Ths principal fraturra ( (he Fortland, srkolcaala marksu rthf- pf wk wac. Wool market la eeitaatlonaL ' o hop ronihlns, ways Isw..' Outlook for boa prop sot promising. ' , Whrst mndltloa Is qu Iter food. s Rth wheat and flour ar dull. . Strawberry market Badly glutted." T "'" 'lie are dull but hnlrt .pt Irs 1'oultry - lower with larger reeelpta. New onions ars In larger aniply. -Potatn-season fsat drswlnc to elMa Cheese sells better at tha prlrs. Butter market in sxerllent snaps. ' Kalmon ritteh la rather small. Huar drops 10. per 100. - Veal slumps and then sarins part. - ' bressrd hog la good demand. - - " Wool lUrkat b Sensational. , Sensational Indeed la th attitude of th wool market just now.: It was thought laat week that prices 1 bad about reached the . top, but area better figures were paid laat .Week. Kale of . trool were ant - so keary the past week, for the very good rsasoo that wool men are aot now so snitoue to sell, for tbey bare more con fidence la the strength of tb market and a larger number f ,tbem are going to wait until too regnlar-ssles days before unloading yesr's clip. Numerous circulars, rs being Bent out by tba pool managers for the wool meats bold firm. The following la a plea from the tsnTerTon - pSotr -Tbae wlablnf to pool wool with tos Mohair snd wool assoristloa of MUrsrtou, Ore son. most report their names and number of sheep at ones. There Is .aa rsssom why w should not reeelT tUs tcp pries for wool, the same aa wa did fur mohair Ws has a lares-n ber'ttf-shsop. bwt otifht to hsse mors. P tea as report-to us.--Perry Burch. president-MuhaU laiid Wvxu association. Sllrertoo. Orecoa lit eiscutlre committee or the Antelope Wool O rowers' aasodntloa Is Tery ssnxnlns of tb Alf n prices which ar to ruM during the present season, and tha following circular was sent to all tb wool men In that section of the osaatry i - "Members of the Antelope Wool 0 rowers' AeaoclatluoiWtl would reepecttuUy drswyonr atmntlon to .the present situation sf lbs wool market, and a few of the eilatlng conditions. Tha grower Is-able at-the preeent moment re eontrsct his wool at ' better figure than at any tlms trlthln the memory of moat of them.' snd msny feel tempted -to rseltas oa their good forrnne, se It lasnrea than a very handsome profit ea their Inreatment snd year a work. sUo -ls esajaaest altk "sbat of the stste snd other local associations, bss Inaugurated and upt going for ths laat three years s . aystsm of wool aalca days wbleh bar been material teneflt to tb Insepmea gen erally, and Isdorsed by tbe majority of ths wool buyers. though perhsps - some of rhem bare net bad the opnorrsnlty to 4ek u ber galns ss la former yesrs,vandnwouldLprfer a return "to th old system. ... "Nils we would earnestly request erery member of the .a.aorlarlon to hold hla wool Indues his neighbors to do tha same. . Every thing points to at leant a coDtlnosnc of th present range of prices.- Shanlko m tha Only point where contracting baa not mad aerlnas Inroads Into tb amount of fre wool. BhopM speculators be shle to gilt control orer sny lsraa-oasnatr of this, they will be In s position to bear tb market at th sales, and until Hma as th aeon has" left -the growers' control. -when, tb msnufscturer will hare to corns to th speculator s prices. Ob tb other bsnd. with A.0(H).00 or .000.0no poands of wool to dispose of, Sbsnlko will sea better prices than any that biu been paid, and In Ills Xut'ira rhr con. timer of wool will rest as sured thst whehlh -growera-adTTTtle -sls tha a rowers will be there with tbe goods, and that th cream will not bar basal sklnmcd oft and tba best,.ellpa -disposed of. This system Kshaaioana Diist 1S mainiaua at an nasaroa, Kren If any eslet. - Another year ws msy need lt snd need tt tsdly. - i ,. BaecvtW Oimmltte of Aatelop Wool Growers Association. "J. OTFr-M'A NtH B, . "H. C. BOOPER, "C. P. C BKN." Onlte a number of sslea of wool were re ported op the Willamette Talley dortsg the week around XoHc a ponnd, aad t la-rumored that on fancy lot brought zee a pound., ill latter ststsment. howsrsr, enold , boa be con firmed. In tbe east be market la very strong, but Is entirely controlled by the situation Is Oregon snd Idaho. These 'two states ars ths only ones In. which the major psrtof tb cll has not alrsady been contracted, and eaatera as . well aa foreign msnufsctorers are using btbtt aff'"t lal g-or-y their stocks before th re-gujsr sales sre neio. in snticipaiiffa vi soiua very exclteable bidding at tbst time. Outlook for Hop Crop Hot rromlslng. As faa as am-ba -aacsrlalned. by The Journal tbe coming crop of bops In tb sts of Oregon will not reach nearly the round numbers which wet so generally predicted by the general trade early la IbV season. Ths weather condi tions hare been sbont aa unfavorable as tbey emild Urn- tot a bnmper crop and report to this paper from vsrious sections of the hop districts show thst In e Isrgs. number of Instances tbe old yards are In very bad condition. . Missing bills ar aotfceahle In every yard. In some of them not a single bop vine being seen la on snnare feetr o the-eontrarr. tbe aew- yards sre- looking In good trim, snd this lesda many old-tlmera to believe that some nnknowa Insert Is sttsckli g the old ysrds. If this prove true the damsge Is likely to prove mors serious Jhan Is rven now anticipated. Ine poorer prospef-ts tor tue roiuins ii'ip .i m uu ... the shorts Tier to go wild,, and qnlta a -few of fiera were bidding Xtc for supplies tbe Isst few rsys of tb week. -A few sslea were re ported during tbe week s round these figures. As f sr ss the court Is coiM-erned. the hop pool Is s thing of the psat. Tbe sttorney who' was sent before the emirt to" secure an Injunction ar.ln.t the nootlrs cf the hops went Into open court this week and esked thst th In junction be dissolved. To me jonrasi ne sain there wan. no need ef such a court order, fot lliere was no oep pool. It- t now understood thst growers agba. attended th meeting at ths Portland motel 4a this rtty sssecal-weeks age sre bow ne longer bound to bold their bops. Mom of them msy sell during the coming week If the msrket looks better. The- greater number-are not likely to let go of their stocks bow that tbe market la In better shsne. Both Wheat aasWTrTour Are Dull. the past week. The wbest msrket la very strongly hcM -oe account -of -the smsllsr stocks snd the. better feeling In other msrkets for -inins wrsdes-...There. Wad, no resumption ol an oriental demand during the pant week. Cal Ifnrnls formed the only fsctof la the vnerkett the past veasA., there being ,. a call for botl whest ad flour . fmra thst dlrecMoe. No change la prices were mad during tbe els days. f - - - - Btrawserry Market Badly Olatted. ' Becelpts of strswberrles from California were enormous the past week and prices showed several remsikable drops, la on dsy a Front street f1rm received nearly l.onft erst of bersles on coralgnment. so wss forced to cut the price to 7V perste la order to unload. Oregon berries began to come In faster, end as they sre of far superior quality to those from nntalde th elate, theg) was not much of a slnmp to price, flood stocks did not sell snder lT'c at nny time la the week. ' Eggs Are Salt But Fries Holds. The' ega-market was dull the psaf week, bat ths receipts were Just sboat enusl to the demand snd no change were anted Id th price. sVxae'tmaU feu (rue put la cold storsge early ' ,r - t la the week, but later thla movement stopped. .The poultry market showed very Aearjt .arrt vals during tb week snd th ton wss very week all through th six days. - eiprmgs wess on moat toward th end of the--eek on account of tb very heavy shlpmenutn mis oi- ar derosnd so slsek that (dealers wer unwilling to bur slocknvf thf Btiseti. aim ius puauu sjena. a-ltb its -lower figure pre tanm. - ; BtUs Market in Ixeellent Shaps. ... - The .creamery butter L market, is tn excellent shape. Ths receipts are oiily fair and no sccumulstloof of storks were abown during tbe week. The opening of the .Tmw cream season caused a large per cent of the eresie t be diverted In tbst direction. Tba best stocks sold gult resdlly oa -the street during tbe week -id -20c . a ..pound. There wsa a muca - demand for eneeae the past week, fupplles were Isrger. but ae uisnd was Improved and; all arrivals Were moved at enrreut flgurea. - '"v t'ountrr atora butler shewed ft very atrong Iss tbe naat week on sccount of the neevler demaud both from tbs south sna ins aom.-i Prices are a trifle better. Salmoa Catch Bather Small. . - - The catchy, of sslmonln the thmibla aad WUlantefte during' the ist ' week wssTW small and not enough flah came to supply tbe sural shipping demand. This caused an kdvanc f le a pound In tba price of Chinook. Stecl heads remained Bwhsnged at Te. Teal Slumps aad Thsa Oalas ran. The vl market bad a very bad slump esrly ra-tho we k.-with eoiiTHKHia srrivshi,-but Inter oa there wss a -slight Improvement with the smaller reeelpta. . Then arrivala became larger again and the market dropped back limp and weak, even lower than jever, mere wss a .very good tons 'ruling all through tbe demand for dressed boys all tbls week and top prices are maintained. Brief Metee ef Marketer There wss a decline Of ine per 100 pounds la tbe quotations on nil grsdes of - refined sugar this week. Th besa market ts very firm. Umas are stronger thsa ever. Mexican ,rds art. jcare and prices quoted are aonilnsl ' -The potato market Is dull but firm. The sea son Is fast drawing to a close. Local receipts ar - very small snd few- care -were -received from tb outside thl week. Th snnnlle of Caltfornls anions are Isrger and there wss sevevsl small drops la valued during th week. .The. outlook is lor lower price due Ine -tlx nomlng week. . . - Mnea aaiall shipment of ehltUm -barkwsra received this Week, but tbe sessva baa hardly opened -aa yet. The price ranged between jflc per pound. ' - " Tbe wholes ie quotstlons which ruled at tbt close of tbe week were: r"- Srala. Tleur aad " Teed". . - WHEAT Nominal; club aad red, SSe; blue. Stem. Pier valley. POe. e- rraflrX f sta ,o-.if011" Q-w. orew. I &OBM Whole, 4.60 srsebed, 23.M per toa. BTB 11.06 per rwt : OATS No. 1 white. $2 00; grsy, . rLOL'Br Ksstrra Oregon Pstents. M.6S04.HI; tralghta. I3.7B; azports. $3.o0Q3.SS; valley, $4.10: graham. H I1. 'J. aos.. ti-oo; bsieg iSATa, - . MILLS TCrrS Brsn. IU.99 dllncs, SIN .00. . FIAT Timothy, "Wlllsmette 7iey, fsney, $11,001 ordinary, $t-00; esstera Oregon, 18.t mixed, I1J.00; clorsr, $11.00; grain, $11.00; ebsst, $11.00. . Bsttee, Bags and Beultry. r- BUTTBB FAT Sweat, le; sonr. lVie. BUTTER Cltr creamery." best.' SOet second gTsdsIt lfci ou Vldssncyl8a4 gawj dlns;ySc; nfoVnlsTl84c-ntors. lod to c. KOGS No. 1 fresh Oregon, candled. 1THO 18c:: nncandled. lTitflTHc. - CHEESe Nsw Fult crsanv twin. 14Hlbcj Toung A merles. IB Met eaatern. 14JlHci Call fornla, 14tjloc- Cheddar. liVsC. POCT.TBT Cblcksns. mixed. Je per lb; in:, rmwisra. oio. i uvt uc per lb: young. 14e per lb; .broilers, 2Bc lb; fryers. 26c lb ducks, gs.Ormra.oo per dos; geese, SBe per lb; turkeVa, 17IR1HC per Th; dressed, SOQzlHC " per Ut- squabs, IXaOQS.OO per doa. ' Xopa, Wool aad Hides. 7 ItOPS Contract,'- 1, li17cs 104 crop. 15c - for choice; - tatiie tot primes aad edlama. -- , WOOL 190S cllo. vsllev. coarse ts medium. ani23c; fine, 34jafiVkc; eastera Oregon, 17U KUC. - M(TR A TO KomlnsTTIOaUeT HHEKrHxiNs tmssrina. um snort wool. MOaoe; medium wool. SOgf&uc: king wool, OcA$1.00 sscb. -. TALLOW Prime, per a, dOSc; No. S and areas. 2lilUs. twrriM mng-sHB"" Pff 'bl laying pnc. hides ury niaea, no. l. lo ina ana up, ISillfiHe ner lb: dry Vlo. No. 1. fi to 18 lbs. 14c f dry oilf, Ko- under S lbs. Is 18c; -dry ssltsd bides, steer, anond, SO bs or ever, 8HJ 4c: AO to AO lba, b8Vic: under X lb and cows, eOsttc; sugs and bolls, sound. 7c; kip, IS to SO lbs, Be: sound. 10 to 14 lbs, 4j Me; calf, aouad, under 10 lbs. mtlllc; greeo (uosslted), le per lb less; culls, lc per lb less; bores bides, sal tea. SAch... AUBeUP; 'J. sscb. - $1.0001.60: colt hldee. esrh. 2fl3oOc; goat skins, common, each. 10 S 15c I Angora, sua wool on. seen, xdcsjsi.isi. Iralts aad Tagstablsa. " POTATOES Best Oregon. $1.1SB1.M; car lots, f.o.b. country, $l.outl.0fi; sscond grsds, 11.00 per sack: baying, car lota. 83c: Barry Boos, $1.001011.26; sweats, crated. . $1.76; new California, 4o par lb. : ONIONS $5.60 ; buyers' prlcee, country, $4 15; new California, J4c; Australia, $0.00; garlic, sttlOc per lb. . FBESH FKl'TTS Apples, extra fancy, $100; fancy Oregon. $1.00Ol-o0 Ber box; cbeso grsdes, 75c per box; orange, navel. $A0Ot3O0 box; bananas, 4HU!Sc per lb; lemons, ehotcs; $2 76 box; fsney, $.1.00 box; limes, Meilrsn. 65 per TOO; plnrapiilaav $4.0006.001 ersaber rlfl. esstern. 111.00 ner bbl: strswberrles. Ore gon, 17VsQ2tlc box; rsllfornU, $l.ooul.60 crsta; Cherries, s oo per nog. - - ' - - VROBTAIILES Turnips, 7Ce0e per sack; esrrots,-6liOttl.l p sack; bests, gl.OT pet ssck; Oregoa radishes, 35u per doa; csbhsgs, Oregon, par rwt; Csllfornla. lViO!c; lettuce, hothouse, (I.zctXl.OO per irate; greee DiiDiitfi. 7e rav it,: fThlll nwotMU-s. 15fi2T7o lb: celery, $8.7B4.00 per crste; tomatoes, riorlds. $4.2S4.6IT; Mexican. ; parsulps, $1.00(3 1.25: string beans, 12c; esullllower; Callforals, $1.752.00 crate, rhubarb, IQlVie per lb; borsersdlab, 788c per lb; sprouts, fie; arti chokes, dOttMOc per dos; bothooa lettuce. $1.00; freen onions. 16w2ue per dos; sapsrsgus. 037.V dot bunches; Walla Walla. $1.2S per box; aplnacii, 8c per In; greea corn, ai.ev per dos; pess, Oregon, 8c; California, fie per lb. DRIED rRUITS Applea, evaporated, tela a lb: sorlcots. vail 3c ner lb: seeks. He per lb less; peacbee, 8iil2e per lb: peara, per lb; prune. Italian, $He4kc per lb; French, lttQ4Vfcc per lb; figs. Csllfornla black, 6)tte per lb; California white, per lb; plume, pitted, per Ibr detev goloeu, 8 per lb; tarda, $1.60 per 15-lb box. wroeeriaa. But. Xta, . SrOAR Sack basis Cube, fd.10; powdered. w, iruit grsnuisteo, eu.ifn, ury grsnuiaieu, 86: beet arsnulsted. 85.78: extra C 85.35: golden C, 85.25; bbls, 10c; H bbU, 25c; boxes, 60 advsnce B ssck bssls, less 26c per cwt for cash. 18 days; nispll, 14Qlae pet lb. HON a) T 14 H sf ISc I 'lll'l r r Vmhmm heenil. Ill TK SALT Flwv BsTss, 2s 8s, ss. 6. 10a, $1.80; noie, aairy, aua, fii.uu; luos,; im ported Llvsrpool, - 60s. . $17.00; loos. $18.50; 224s. $18.00; sxtra fine. bbls. 2s. 8s, 6s. 10s, $4.60i5.6o; bulk, $20 lbs, HOoafi.OO; sacks, 60s". aru8e. l 1 SALT Cors-Hslf around. , 100. ner tost, tr.00; 60s, per ton, $7.60; Liverpool lump rock, 1A50 per ton; 60-lb rock. $7,00; 100s, $d76. . t A oovs prices apply to sales or loss thsa esr lot. l'ark)U At special prices subject to fiuctdstlons.) uhain BAoa Calcutta, gs.Tiias.oo per 100. BICB Impsrlst Jspsa. No. 1, 4c; No. 2, 4c; Now Orlesna... head. 6Htlftc: , Adlsx- iic: Creole, 4c. BBANS Bmsll white, 4c; large white. $Hc; pink, 8Ae; bsyoo, $3.00; Umas. 8 He; Mexlcaa reus, . - NtnTleBb(r8cTTumbos7Hf perTb"; raw. 862 10c nee Ibt- roosted. : eocoanuts. 86tOe par doa; walnuts, T4QI8C per lb; pine nuts, losjiaMcperit; biekorj nuyttoc Mr .m. chestnuU, MsteTBrTSalBc perlbrBrsslT nets, 16c par lb; filberts, 15aie per lb; fsney pscaas, 14010 par lb; almonda, 18QI6 per lbs - - faints. Coal Oils, It, BOPB Purs Manila. 14c: standard. I3le: slsssl, 10e; bitle brand slssl, 8e. - - c4Al OIL f earl or Astrsi usee, gotta per gal; water white. Iron bble 15c per gal, wooden las per gsl: headlight. . 170-drg. esses 22fee per a.L . - UARiiUM na-geg, eaess aae per gal, Ima bbM,'-2Ae per gsl; stovsa, case 241r per gsl, Iron bbls lc per gsL TUKPENT1NB In cssss gaa per gaL bbls file per gsl. , - BKNZINE 88-deg., esses 25 per. gal, Iroa DDIS inc per gsl. WtilTB LKALf Toa Iota.TKe per lb; 600-lb tl, TAC per lb: less lou. be per lb. WI RB NA1IA Preeeat baas at $200. ner essea as per gal; genu! us kettle boiled. 8Ke -per gsl, bbls Ms per' gsl; ground eske, esr fcrtA $28.00 par tea. leas tbsa ear lets $30.00 per toa! . - ' Blasts, run asa rrevisieea. ' rESdMXAI$-rroot sueet Beef, (leers, LOOK FORWARD TO zWEDrPRICLS Wall Street Expects- Higher Prices to Prevail in Stocks - Coming Week. ' CONDITIONS FAVORABLE - ' FOR A GENERAL RISE Rubber Goods-'Company-Ab-sorbed by U, S. Rubber Com- . pany M or.e Deals. Due. - : i-. LOdSKS. Anaconda .......... til Katy, P'd m Amalgamud-T, r SI V Lt'nirai. , .,. ... 1 1 1 H '11 a, Norfolk West 4 uo pfd Oar A Pdbnd..; do- pfd Sugar Bni.lter ; do pfd Belt. A Ohio.. Brookly-a . Csusdlaa 1'ao... Hreat West.;.., St. Psnl C. A N. W... Ches. A Ohio CoUi l uei . .... Krte T:;T,7rt - do Sd pfd ... do let pfd ... . ucimi. st nri...i...i Pacific Mall ,, u ep. . steel ....... S do pfd .lSo. Hallway uwsy-w.... A a). W.... H .,1 .t at. u. a: -.-,( do-pfd 1 i Toledo ....r. ... l ao pia ,.1W Rubber , . Hi North Amerlcsn....- H . 'Pennsylvsnla - li Press . nteelftf d i Rng ,....1 ..1 Hock laland ...... S Mi. do pfd -,:,,.' III. uentrsi Si So. Pai-ine .H. Ixmu A Nsab....lKTer. A Pselflc... ' Motropolltsn SlTenn.' Cosl . . U Manhattan .-.. .'ICnloa rselfle- ....i Missouri rse. ...... h 8te-l H Ksty ... 1 do pfd Mnx. Central 44!Kubher floods. jfd. .f Leather . I IPreaaed Steel Rubber Goods ,..lSiWi. L'eutrsL pfd... (Specisl Dispatch by Teased Wire to The Journal) New. York, May 13 Wall street looks; for ward to the coming week la expectation 'of a strong and advancing niarkst. Tha good con dition of crops snd the sctivlty In sll business Tmesas-lgHenranebesTsr ran b ascertslned by recent raids on ths mar ket there are no long accounts. The recent decline wan caused purely by the technical condition of the market.. There was nothing wrong at sny time with-bsalc condition. --IM in prices reevrucu isai moniu wers juauneo, much hlghss eass nis? Ijb lIPecTeqsoon, for every development In tbe Isnt month- baa bees fssorshle. A"TW'W """-t of th on,nlaltbn hy ths United . titstes Bublter company of the Rubber O-mrts ompanyls evidence thst desls of Importsnce are In progress. The rubber desl Is -only one In msny to be announced In tbe near future.;' - When official announcement cornea In ths big railroad desl there will be some excitement Ine they eaa-asia something bv trying to deceive - the public. Of ceiirae. stoekw esnnot- etsy up . forerer -and It is k question whether Investors who, don't -keen la -class- touch with Wall street affairs ought- not to hold stocks . at gll Just- now. But these apeculntlve Interests will find much to attract them 1 tbs msrket movements of tbe ueil few weeks. Srssll Changes Shown, Today's brief session showed only small and bregulsr pries changes with th dealings In light ' volume. --There was no news whatever ever Bight xslstlng to the financial sltnstloa at large, or to parttruhrr storks, aside from tb announcement credited to tbe president of the CMC go. Milwaukee- --St.-4sn-rslrway " thst thst company would Immediately undertake the cunatrnrtlon of lta own line to the Pacific ooaaf, iTbls - announcement, however, bsd no psrtlcnlsr effect upon either St. Psul or tbe other storks , more or less directly .concerned - Small Drape at Opeaing. .t the opening declines ranging from small fractions up to T 'Ttotnt-were-ahown In sll of tbe iiTlte slmhs, in ml 1 lie 1 use I lie esrly rshled quotations from London showed! correiiWmdtnT oecllne itnthaAmrlcsB ilepsrtmeul uf IBS stock msrket. there. There took Tda.CC- however, quite a shsrp rsrv In all -ereelis. " previous to the opening of Sh Kw York market, and deals or-i foreign account were on a trifling scale. 0 Seolinee Mostly Begalaed. After the opening of bnelness there 1 took pia ceTITilowecbvery-Trr-TiTlt.'ea in whlrB thi greater jsrt . of . the early decline-were re gained.- In the railroad list ths most active fentnrr -were ' t nlon Pacific, Reading. New York Central, St. Psul and Louisville A Nsah vlUe. . . . In tbe Industrial quarter tbe features wer the Cnlted Statea Steel stocks, Amalgamated Copper. American Smelting and American Lo comotive. ' ' ' People's fias was comparatively heavy, not withstanding ths announced determination nf the company to contest tbe vslldlty of the gas DECEMBER WHEAT CAINS IN PRICE San Francisco Market Stronger But Little Doing in v May Options. BARLEY MARKET HIGHER FOR SPOTS AND FUTURES Lima ; Beans Advanced on Ac count of Speculation Ap- ' ': " ricots Slow Sellers;- (Spectkl OUpstch by Leased Wire ts The Journal) Haa Francisco, Msy 13. In wbest. Ueceia- ber further, advsaced 1 today, - selling .ap-j-es-f $1.80 per centsl. but loeel,st $1.27, the Istter being a net gala of ,c: -'V"y cloeed st $1.47 bid and $1.47 asked. A fthsrn advsnce Liu Cblcsgo gave as Impetus to the local spec- Ulstlve market. - epot values were eavsnceu 45e per lb; pork, block, 7e per lb; psekers. 7e per lb bulls, - 64x4a per lb; cows, 4&6c; per Brr muttua, - 7c; ewe Is nibs Vlth . pelts. B tide .. per. lb; vesl, sxtrs, 041 7t; ordinary, o(u6c per lb; poor, 445c per lb. IIAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland psek ocal) bams, 10 to 14 lbs, 12e per lb; 14 te 16 lbs. 12 mc per lb; 18 to 20 lbs. 12 pes Itr; soltsg. 8c per lb; bresktsst bscna, 12 SO 1 7c per lb; picnic, Be per lb; regular short rlesrs. an. smokeA 8cper lb: smoki'd. 1'iWa per ih: clear lucka. tinamoked, 8v psr lb: smoked, loe tier iFTliTlill linilsi '10 to 18 IIH unnmoked. 8c per lb: smoked, ac per in; ciesr Deiires." 11 w t.. smoked, lie per lb;, smoked, 12c per lb; sbouldera, 8c. " . .1 . - LOCAL LARi Kettl leaf, 10a. 10c per m; as, luy, per in; ou-iu tins, jome per id stssm rendered, 10s, 8hc per lb; 6s. per lb; tubs, ec per lb; 60s, 8e per fb. 1 CA.N'NEO SALMON Colnmbls river Mb talis. tl.85; 2-lb talla, $2.50; fancy, l ib fiats, $2.00; i-lb fsney fists, $1.25; fsney 1-lb ovals, $2.76; Alssks tolls, pink, 86I9Uc red, $1.60; nominal as, tall. $3.00. FISH Rock eed.-fe per lb: flounders, fie per lb: halibut. 4c per lb: crabs, $150 per dos; striped bias l2e per lb; est Ash, 7c pes lb;, salmon, Chinook. 0c per lb; steelbesda, 7c f pee lb; herring, fie per lb; soles, 8 per lb; shrimp, -HI per Ih; perch. 6 per lb; shad. 8c per lb; roe shsd 6c per lb; shad roe, 80c per lb; blsck cod, 7r per lb; sllren smelt, be per lb; lobsters. 16r); fresh mscherel. Se per lb; crawfish,' 25e per idot; flounders, Ac per lb; sturgeon. 7e per fb. OtBTEP.S-BboalWBtsr ,hay, per gal. $2.25; J per Bscs 10. CLAM- Hsrd shell, net bom, $1.00; eaor clams, $2.00 per bsx. - bill recently passed -by-the -Illinois leglsls ture. - ana vonsoiiastea. Uas .vraa - the iMfg. R-cteo. - v Tbs bank ststsment showed a decrease la surplus reserves of s2.01u.U00. th first shrink age. lii that lem thst bss spnesred In some wefgs. "J nil l"nrBlf-TMnBa"TrdoTnrfiTlbe: pected loss la cash amounting to $130,000, After Its publication the general market evel.ped rather heavy tons with special wesat, ness In People's tiaa and (ooaoll.lated Oss. The excapllunal strength of - Oreat : Northers preferred and Korthera Pacific . was aeeorse panled by persistent tslk thst some extra die tributlon of profit might be reckoned on. la both instances. Trsnssctlons In stocks and bonds today na. pared; -with lliowf vt Iht xsms - day- Jxst r ytif were jia UMav Nuuiber of -shares sold todsy, 80(1,17: a yeat ago. 1T8.121; since Jsnuary 1.. 114.041,702; same period laat year, 44.2K2.4X8. 1 - Par value of bonds soM todsy. $l.SS,Ono; a yesr ago, $4t.0uu. - There seeineo to-be a . good deal of profit taking la all copper today, ss If tb pVol Is thhr Issue- bsd " done -about all" tt experts-at tb moment In tbe way of making the stack go np." Ths rise has extended mors thsa.. points. :; . " " . '' " " -11 Jhst Amerlesn 1 LoeomottTc should - Use ss shsrply and be tbe second most sctlv Usus on tb exchange surprised nobody. The Interest In thls sbk-k wss unable to dispose of much of It stocks, apparently on Ahe rise to sbove an. j The general" break In prices compelled It to support locomotive t. buy la many of the offerings,' It :the' popular -notion- la -tru llftice It became Imperative to Inaugurate' aa upward movement In order to gstout. '. 1 - Th western dispatch, quoting the president of the. St. Paul. asT aayiag - "officially" that tbkt eouipsny would proceed art onlte toextend Ita line to the Pacific coast, attracted ----god---el--"of attention and probably rndnced some selling of the larger taocka. There ass s decliltil Isck of support In Southera Pacific. It aold at tU In the' bite trading, going oft as easily as U rose Thursday and Friday. ' - . I- DESCBIPTTON. Anacouds MlnJn 111 an Aaislagmated toi 4 Lk314l 3U wiw R2O hi C Atehlsonr' coin . , . . .; do nfd Am. f ar A Koiindry, e do pfdV -. ltl1a!l)l,iol :i'i itu-nl S6' 1KTH1KW1, 1H Am..- Sugar-, dim. Am. rinieit,, com....... - dO pfd xlni . ,,,t.- Bslt. A Ohio, com do i.fd-...;...rrrr7 Brook Ira Rapid Transit. 17'A 1144a 117m lUll, Is' '1 11 Kl,;l4.ll07tB lo7 ii v, Nov iOTl voi tut,! no. 1 tan. Pacific, com. 140 UUl. .14M VI4H, TTT ST do pfd 78 78 78 78 20UI 2'i 1784,1173 2IH4, 219 1TW, 17U Ckl A - . 11 .. . 1 O..I.' 2H4 Chi., MIL-ft St. Psii...iJ74'Jn75 Chi. A N. W.. com. .....1210 1210 Cbl. 'IVrmtnst Rallwiyrq 17 17 Is fhesspeoke A Ohio.. 50-- no I 4IS 40. X'ohi. Furl A fron, nun. JBtATt -454i 4ft Colo. Southerr, com.,.. 274 27, I 27Mii 27 V no xu pro . 84 W no lat jira . 57 u. 0TI OT IS7WT1K7 t "Helm are A TTudsoa Tti7V.lK7s v. K u,, com.,,.,... xi - do pfd . i-rri-.T.-i . . 85 Vi 81. aim mi bSVs 42, rW4 bn em 42 m A4 Erie, com 42S 42 8d 7S14 do 2d prn ............ 1 OH Ss - do 1st pfd ........ ...i 70 Illinois Central , 161 H in 74 lot 4 161 4Hrll ijouisviiie st asnvine,.,,i4o 14lill46 1148 'MctropollUn St. Hr.. Mnnbattsu Katlway .-JlM . 1U4 UH llO Mex. Central Itallwav 21-4 21,! 21 21V8 116 , 168 J 71 28 MI11U.T St. IY Stfc M-TflTlSt, 11CW 116 uo pia Missouri Pacific ... l.vti, tiMHajirig M., K. A T., com. . 28,4I 274 20 4tV MOW 6tt 1 j0 niti 5i I New Yi New York Central 14S,1J44 1-.J43s,il48 V Norfolk A nestern, com. atilou'llloenilin.. . l. vut. - .... .. PeenayTvauls Usllwsy . . N. . Out.. A WeterB44li4f 4llt,i 4USI 4 i:tv isuatllHft'-s.Kia 53 People's l. I.. A C. Co. Press Sfeel t'sr, com... pfd .".. lot 101 y OKlj OS 40 05- 41m 0 4 rac. la wUKi)siJiuiiLatii4 iteadl do 2.1 pfd - -do- lat-pt V-!-m--r j , Republic Iron dr-J!leel, do Dfd .............. rVek ! K-m arm t 18 trx " T -! JMl ta 7.1, 73, 7a 73 Rock lelsnd, d- nfd ,1si.2b'X2aki SS1 4 e-34 73U3 Rubber Coods 87 T4 87 ilO'A hi do prefeered ......... Southern' By., com. ... do pre erred , . . Sontbera Pacific do preferred ...v.. . St, tuA 8. do preferred ......... Texas A Pselflc Tennessee Coal A Tron. list ;iOH4'10" 81, 81 an 80 Wm 05 m 82 2 az iii nu 24- 54 5m 2-i -n4 tH4 83 4 -rVtmT' an 83 83 83 R2'4 82 Tot., st, t.. A W- com do preferred . . . . BT 6J 6m t'nlna IJaclflo. com. do preferred . . . . 122 87 123. 07 122, i T214 4m 40 IT. S. leather, cum.. 12V4 OO 124 OH L. S. Hubher. com. 41 H 424 do preferred C. 8, Steel Co., com. ,, do preferred Wheeling A L. E., com, do 24 ............. -Tlo lt .............. 110 110m 81m !li,4 154 21 37 H 234 50 ftlts 10, 41. 110 31 I aa4 15m 20 37 I 23 I 40 2 41 I 814 tr 154 21 3714 23 " 4H 02. 1s 2"i Wlsconiln Central, com.. 224 4A 83 10 404 itn preferred Western I'D. TeL Wsbsah. ' com. . . do pref'-rred 41 -Total sales for- dsy,- 306.500 shares. TV,h pef Veutal but there was hardly any business.-- Liverpool and -Pari were higher. Large Movsmsnt to Btorags.. ' Tt Wss stated that 60 per cent or more of the butter received goes Into cold storage, snd tbst something like 60 per cent of tbe required quantity bss already been stored. Tha receipts bare been so very Urge thst, notwithstanding the quantity being put away oa apeculsthut, the enppry etr bead elegttrmat' requirements bss been fully nmple. The msrket for butter wss generally quoted as yn tbe preceding dsy. Cheese waa dragging and Very -weak, . Eggs ercre qnlte stesdy. A Who poultry awrket was generally easy with prices nominally unchanged. Ssosmber Barley Stronger, December bsrley wss stronger snd' bsd a closing gsla of per cental. May received no attention.- The epot market -wa firmer. Osts were steady. . Hay was firmly held for tbe better grsdes. Corn wss .higher, tt hsvlng a stesdy demand for shipment to Central A merles. Lima Bsaaa Advanoed. - Lima betns wer again advsived, there be Ing a speculstlve movement In thst article. Shipments of 4.8KA bsrrels of flour were made today by the ateamcr. Acapuleo, mostly to Cen tral Amerlta. Feed cis n. njcsl ssd erscked corn wero sdvanced. Several boxes of green apples, tbe first of the season, were received from Vscsvllle, but tbey did' not attract any buyers. - Aprloeti la BTaekst. :.. "' Prlngt apricot wer, In tb market from Vscsvllle and Winters and they fared no belter thsn the apples, being unripe. Apricots from Yuma Height were drsgglng with ao settled price. N Haspberrlej froip Ioomls, San Leandro and Los Angeles wsrc "offering. The receipts of strswberrles were 618 chests snd loo crates, the Istter from Florin. While there wss bnt little Improvement In the general condition of thscnearterTtes. tbey brought I letter prices owing to an extra demand. There werrT.6.V boxes of pscked snd ltet boxes of Km we cherries received, with prices about, is oa tbe preceding dsy. ' . ( . Msw rotatosa Iteadler. Old crop potatoes . were without suy materlsl change. 4olo ew were stesdler. Australlsn onloue were, closely-held at a higher price and new red were firmer. Rest string brans, pess snd sapors gne were firmer. Nairn green corn, the first . of . the- season, w--rec-l ved f rom Brentwood. SATURLTATPR1CES I N THE WHEAT MARKET e . May. Jnly.' . 4 .54 -tH - . .88 B 14B e Chicago fit Louis Kanaaa 'City.. New Ytirlt.... Mlnnespollg, imluth L..... Milwaukee ... Liverpool . . , . Ban Franc laco December. . -8 JA .'. ,.1A .. 1.0'i ' -Ae84 . LOJH ' -H .864 .7SA - 7,t ! mil . 1.4$ ,B J JB .... ' -- ' 4 4 - 4 Co.. Iim 112 2ti 101 S no 1.17 V4 1 17 Vi I no 122 V, m 12 14S.H 411 lt 811k oat, 1K4 MAY THREE AND "A I Alt f gyrrirt gy ra.s.aimi,,- mtw I nill -TtTTraS'A s rvV amsa a.! I TT Iliri IIIIe.ll I'LiIJIV" I 111 I II If' III I I m. Illls . I I lll'll I Intense Firmness Is Displayed in - - the Chicago Wheat . r Market. SESSION. SENSATIONAL . FROM FIRST. TO LAST July -Shows - Rise : of-TwoTand Three Eighths Cent-Cash ' Markets Strong: BATl'BDAT WHEAT MARKET. 7 ; . V Sst. Hst. . Fri. Bst. ' ' Onen Clone Close " Ualn May ...;.....8 .0414 8 .0fti" 1 '.2t4. A .iiai July" "18.. t i'.Tr - .ftk.-.S7le w .S6V.- J.02 Sept. .i..;v..A -.7ii .-r.sos, . .78 ' ' .0l (Fiirnlsbrd by Overbeck, Starr. A Cooke Co. .Thlcago. Msy 18. Tbs sctlon of the -wheat market today wa4 very! strong. From tbe very first trade la tbe pit today the bullishness was appsraot. . - To ssy tbe action of. th. Msy wss sensa tional, would bs putting the mstter mildly for there wss sn sdvsnce of 2c rlgbt at the very sjsrt of tbs dsy. The market closed with Msy shoeing rise-of $l.c. July st tb class waa to higher, while Beptembsr was showing- a rlss of, lTs. ' ; --i . . - - Higher Tsmparaturss Showa. - -- Aside from, generally higher temperatures. westher- man -shows no cbnge. moisture being pretty general sll over. The essh demsud Is the. strong point. More attention ll being paid to onmvoretiie westher and damage report are more numerous." " Todsy being a abort aeealoa and a holiday intervening will likely lndeee same profit rsktng. Erz-; . 1 There ts a very heevy demand for cash wbest. and this wsa a big help to the futures. In Mla- espoiis the millers oonunuo. to looa for suit able Slocks to grind end are-offering a slight advancs wer quotations In order to secure sup plies. ... While cash rririi prlcee are firmly held, very llrtle ts behur done In a essh war. -Tha msrket still see ma llkea good trading affair, and whlls small receipts continue, purchases oa declines. rsei. B'ln hriag t'tr t" Today's, official markets: WHKAT. ' ' Onen., llich. Tvtw - Cles Mar.. ...8 .84 8 Ml .04 1 . Julvr.TT.V " :-.S54 ..S7 i-Hfti ,T Sept .78m . ,78 1.804 . . .. . CORN. - ; re AO14. Old July. .47 New July. '-.4'4 Old Jec j 44 14 New Wee. . , J145T 12.85 12 8T 12.80 LARD. .... .... " TUX T 80 - . T 33 - 7.27 7.27 7.48 7 50 - T.46 -I.vBj. SHORT BIBS. July, Bapt. T .26 T. 7 20 - . 7 20 B 7 VI T60 T 45 7.45 B PRIMABT IHlTstEBTS ABD CLEABAjrCXA. Cblcsgo.. May 13.' -Primary receipts: . '- "T!Teer'A go. Whest" ItUSB. - - noak. .103.000 -. 1 55.OO0 Corn .-: .'.713, QUO 1 288.O00 Shipments ; " Wheat Corn ... .288.000 - 177.800 13 000 1 4TT.0QO clearances : Wheats .BajJQO. bush.; oata. 87,000 buab. ''1 CHICAOfJA7Ji;CAa"lL0TB.J7T Chicago'."" Msy 13. Grain car lots: Csrs. Grade. Est. 1904. Wbest 1; 0 14 Osts ...... . 82 TT &'!lfsa w beatmsrs lousy: Minneapolis BS, Year ago ..I l ! 1 ... I ... k ,Q r- r . . LTTIBrOQL OBACT XABXXT. Liverpool. Msy 18. Close: Whest Msy, 4,4-epr- J irty, 4, 4 -up Septesbeee-44 d aa. Corn Msy, aachsugedi July,-d dowa, " : BOITOB COBFXK ITOCZB. , Boston, May 13 Official close: Bin. Adventure ...I. 3.50 rBld- Oreen copper $ 20.75 Allones ...... 2a SQjl Atlsntie ..... Rlnghsm .... Centennial ... Copper Mt. . . Copper Hangs lely West tvun." Iroa .. Frsnklla .... 12.50 82.25 - 10.00 fxi.on 72.00 -14 87ft "21.50 SI? 8.50 - 8 50 . I a. on .on 1 842.00 I I-nited Copper. 25.50 Llirsnby ...... Ylctorla ,....- 8 ifreen woia . Mass Old Pom.. .... Cslumet Winona ...... ' 10 50 Wyandot 11.50 Wolverine .... 108.00 C. S. Mining. 81.26 AsT ntAVTCISCO LOCAL ITOCXI. srririlssrilrf -Ot f IcIaTcIosT - . Bid. Spring Valley Water 374 t on tea t'oais Wster ,. . , ir... i.-.ic.4 Mutnal Electric 124 B. r. Oaa A Klectrlc ,...' 4fi . Aak. 3a 48 -18 4a4 88 Olsbt Powder- , , r r. , . Hswsllsa i)ua... llonokes Sugsr ...B ...20 ...1614 ...8A" ...87 ' ...23 ...A ..100 . ...784 204 17 30 - 874 234 88 .1004 llutcklnson Sugar ... Makswell Sugar ..... Onomee Sngsr r .-. . ; . Psstipsu Sugsr Alssks Psekers , Cal, Fruit Carrier .. (si. Wine Asan Oceanic Strsmahlp ... Pacific States Tel .. tt- 102 TOKOFAS VrBlBO) 8T0CI8.V ' San Francisco. May 18. Tonopah stocks, of flelal dose- morning sessloa: Bid. I i Bid. Montana ......$.'1.18 Adams ........$ .08 Mldwsy I.fc7 Mohawk ,23A Memsra .... .38' vixie .20 Belmont ,1.80 IKeedslI. ......... .81 . ..72 I Jumbo 0, 38 I Jumbo Extea..., .19 .-".14 IBIaek Bntta ... .29 ' . .04 (Silver Pick ..... .14 .13Oold. Anchor .88 . .25A I Rsy O'Brlea...., .087 ., .37 lOphll Ton .38 . . 1 .5 to. Bull Frost.. ' -.3 North Stsr j. Rescue . . , . Hold. Mount Jim Rutler Nevada ...... Ton. Ex ten Bed Top I). Ooldfleld .,, BawlaloT ra , , .48 I Homsstske-- Saudstorm-JCxv -.... AJUBIOABj STOCK! IB LOBDOB. Indoa. May I 13. Anaconda declined . Atrnlson declined . Baltimore A Ohio declined I. Chcsspeske A Ohio sdvanced , fit. Psnl declined 4. teirveT-preferred advanced Erls declined firsts declined , Illinois Centrsl declined . IxiuUvllle A Nashville declined , Mexican Centrsl- declined . katr declined . New York Central declined 44c Ontario A West- Tr- llsrasyls dee Hard 1 Reading deellied "4, boutbera Pacific deeHned A. I'nloa Pacific declined I, IV 8. Steel de clined,, preferred declined . Wsbsah de clined Tt. preferred .declined . Consols ad) vsnced 1-1 A . I- " .. jMrr)Rir(, BtoraOBTB oa, , (EgtabllBhed $$. t . WBTBAT aVsTXT BTOOX BBOKXSS. ! " ' -1 - v - - f Biricrm 4, Oronnd TToor, . OXAAUBBY OA OOBUCBJkCeL k .SI, .SI . ,ll .47 a4 .47 H V47 ........ i4T r -4j 44.;44 .-.4 " --.44 OATS. . . .804 . I. -.80 io . .204 " .28 . .274, . ..T .88 A MESS I fORBJ. Msy..,,,,-. ;.8n July...... .2 8ept .27- Msy....".- .T July;..... 12 42 Sept.... ...12.83 12 .48 ' ixm b Msy.. Julsr, Sept.. usceoia P3 ai Psrrot ,- 23.76 r Qulney .'. .eUOO.OO . Shannon ..... 7.76 Royal : 28.00 A Tsmsrsck .... 118.00 Trinity ..'...'. a.37 rtsh 7. .4. 78- OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE, CO. ' ' v Members Chicago Board of Trade. -. , , - - "" V " . ' aBAvxar, noTznoira, oottobt. stocks abb bobtdb. ,--. XOI Third Btreet, McKay Building, Portland. Or., ' ,"-.. " -WB BO A BTBICTXT OOUBUBSIOB BT7BIBTZBB. Contlnuoua Markete by Frlvats Wire. - Quick BervleA REFERKNCEB -Ladd da . Tiitoa, bajikara, aatl JUolte4 States NatlonaJ Bank oX Portland, . MARKETS SUPPLIED Receipts of Cattle From " Local 5 Points Are Very; Small and the , Market Is Firm. PUGET SOUND MERCHANTS ; BUYING UP THE SHEEP No Remarkable Changes in Quo ' tations Hogs r Are ?Wtry iufr artchHiiferese- Portlsnd 1'nlon Btoesyards, Msy 18. 4) p. m.- Livestock receipts: , - - 1" ---V -1 Hogs.-- Csttle. Bbeep. J Thla week 218 f!7 a.010 i Lest week w. m. rn -v-.- 83 1 . 2 xii- 2. na Previous week 758 1,180 8,702 - A festure of tbs livestock market at tba :. moment la the general absence of local csttls. . Of late tba receipts of cattle from thla ststs - have been comparatively small sod thla trad haa been filled during ; thst time by cattle. ' shippers from Callforals. The fact that cattle prices are now very firm, shows thst-some""" festure ouof the.. ordinary la -la-the -atarketv With nothing but outside csttle to draw upoa It la not likely that there will, be much change " la values la thla jnarket fur some time. Aa soon ss tbs famine Is raised 'by the shipment of more meal stocks there will likely be lower ' prlcee. as usually happens at this period uf -the year. -. ...- '! . . . aouaa tr lujiif , uhj. ,.., . Another special feeturs of tbe livestock mar- -tret- Is the large-aumber ef sbsep coming Into tha yards nura.B. rottHTTS Th clOet iiUugct soand. Of lata' ths nortbera dealera h,e been busily engaged la buying ap all tha avallsbls-suppllsa to Csltforuls aad tbsee are. Bow being aent forward. 1 Tha bog usrkst Is. very dull. Tb reeelpu . sr vary small, but none of the packers seem to- car to buy at preeent, - r " .- Officlsl prices fur livestock : Huge Best atrn Oregon 88.00; block rrs - adr4JAto fats, $6. 'aad $4 60W4.75. . . ' ' ' Cattls Best eaatera Oregoa steers, $4.0uJ 4.26; light . aad medium steers, . 6013.75; old and light sows,- $3.oof 2.76t-atocker aad eeoera,-ouus,., - - Sheen Beet fsucr sheeo. 2a.78tit4.0O: awes-- $S.6u4.75r spring lambs, c. Beoslpts at th -Wsk, - Moaday Three cars ; of cattle from Calf, i" turala-to -Frye-Brabn of Sesiiler eight toed from the ssme Point for Ca catena Pscklnlr com- ' psny of Tseoms; J. -K. Reynolds of Arlln ' tun, cer of cattle. ; . . : ir. Tuesday r;itit cars of rattle from California; : E. Q. Yeane A Co. ef Oskisnd. California, two loads of sheep; Ueorg K.'Browa of -Halsry, . three cars of sheep; Brown A Richmond of Me . Coy. three ears of sbsea and huaa: -ejabt cars of - sheep from Willows, -t a lifoents ; tr. Taylor of Ha laey, car sheep snd hogs. vt eaowoay J, u. uavis 01 BBena, esr Sheep -and-hosrsr - H. Sehwlngler ef kaiseburg. -two-- - - cere ef cattle; C. H. Vehra-of Plslnavllle. two rare of sheep: S. t Overton or Brownsville, two ear of sheep. ---- . : Thursday Two care of sheep from 8. C. Miller of flltrd; A. R. Ford ef MrMlnoville, car of .sheen: B. Fcrausun 08 Sheridan, esr HISS Friday F. P. Tarlor of The TJalle. two csrs of csttle: on esr of csttle from Kvbo for ths ' Tseoms Meat eompsny: 14, -F.- White of Baker (Ity, car of -hot-sear 20iesrloads of sheep and ' six ears of cattle from California for soand points; T. J. Medley ef Rose burs, two cars ef sheep. ' - Saturday Carload of sheep from "The Dallea for Tseoms; two cer of csttbr froai Bche fu Tacoma, - . .. STABB HOOS LOWBr Chicago, May IS. Livestock receipts! Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago .'. 20.000 400 4,008 Ksnsss City-. 3. Son 600 - loo Omahs 7,000 100 ..... Hogs opened 6a lower, with 86.000 toft over: Becelpts a rear ago were 9.000. Prices: lto4sad butchers , , AV.waaO-good snd hesry, 5.g6'nftM': rough snd heavy fVl)ntt . A 2 r. Iwbh - 8. 8ti.o0. 7. ' T-,-r- Csttls Stesdy. " r Bheep-Strong. COTTON CLOSED FOUR TO SEVEN POINTS UP tFumt.bed by Overbeck, Slsrr A Cooke Co ) New York.' Msy 13. Cotton-future closed 4 to X polats higher. Today's ef flelal markett "pen. Hla-h. .Low. Close. - ..$? .. 7 04 $7.03 - $7 03 - $7 ft.TrtM 7.B4 0.09 7::i . 7.84t(t 7.HU , 7.00 8.024,113 7 75 7.77 A.:. 7.01 ' 7.U1 7.81 . 7.02'Snl 1 . 1. i.iea in T. i2'd l.t 7.7374 7.7aKl T.884 7.anaui T.0(U01 Liverpool Cot toa Market. ' " .tVerpooTTMsy IS.--Cottoa futures sr steady aad unchanged to I point higher. Spots. ars' stesdy sad uaebanged. Btw Yrk-LoBdoa Sugar, New fork. May lav Sugar: Refined on. changed; raw stesdy. Loojoe beet up J4d. with June at lis oV - - jtew toxx corru market. New Tork. Msy 18. Coffee fstnr .a anenanged tn a points higher. , . - Todsy's officlsl coffee market: " Rid. Ask.) ' Bid. Aak Msy June 1.... July August . . Sept ember- $0.00 $a Of,! November ..$7.08 $7.10 a.nn B.7CI leemner ,. 1 a.To .t 8.75 . 0 8.75 Js mis ry 720 7 28 T.2S 7.28 T.30 T.88- 8.aoFebrusry 0 90 1 March ... October I.op 7.051 TotslsslesL JKLOOtt . bsga ' Fsrsiga Coffee Btoady. New York, Msy 13. User aad Hamburg coffee, point up; Rl receipts, 2.000 bsga. Prices 60 points down. Santos, 9.0UO bags. Msrkst quiet and uncbanged. Raw York Caak Coffee. New York, Mey 13. fssn coffee: No. T Rio, Be; No. 4 Santos. 8e. ,t -- - --- BIW Y01K BARK tTATXMEHTc- "KeW Tork, May 18.-Bsoh etatement: a I ' Decrees, eserve ,...,,v'. I.. ....... $2.0I6.50 Hewt, Ih, LV 8. rtiw,, !, 1 04. 37 J IxAn lf...e,..'.r.-. .7, 5(5.oi" Specie 416.4O0- tgsls J ,. 2l.ono- Ileposlts '' ...,8.21,80O Circulation ; lfll.ioo Increase. r " " a, .lin a . . " New Tork. Msy 13. Sterling .rates: Demand. 488.76; UU days..484.62r - :- . r. 1. Onr Bhara of Wnrtd'guBA Tha total agvlnga In' all tha aavlnga hanks of ,th ;werlJ. according .to the lartrrt-available atatlatlca. grrlounted to $10,600,600,000, contributed by- 82.840.' -000 depoaltora. - Of thla total the United Statea shows' aggregate depoalta of $1.060.17$, 000, credited to t.SOo.OOO de positors. - Theae flgurea Indicate that tha United States contributes over 2$ par cent of tba. total aavlnga deposits recorded. . '. . . Jsrr.-FF... Feb. ..... Msrch ... Msy .... June j.. .. vui.t i.ii 1. ,11 f m August rnmvt.TI 7.74 7.AI Sept. 7. 7.84 7.80 Oct. - 7.84 ' 7.S4 7 1 Nov. . ,,,! 7.4 T-wa-...T.S4 Dec 7.KW 7.81 7:88 - t.t t t -f