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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1905)
. v THE , OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND.' SUNDAY- MORNING. , MAY 14. JBO. .-. -' -- - INDUSTRIAL. Largest Brick Plant Surveyors ere it work In CatskUl, New York. leytnront wwiU--ba-alien - completed the largest brickmaklng plant ."In the world. The Umted Btatea Brick ; companr. which own plants In Reading. Baltimore and Buffalo, tuts purchased Ithe la rue ahala brick worka In CaUktll. 7""The-wmMiaiiylhaa also obtained options - -en. clay apd saiufTande- aslfgdlng in a , , continuous atrip from Calsk ill -to.. Jnsenr " Hlstanee--ot -Ave- mjles. Tha tltl to this .land will pae as soon aa the legal formalities are complied with,,, Tha- , ilsw- -rrwtea will employ -4 .; J,000 men and turn out t.Ooo.OuO bricks day. . .;':. ; " .'1'. ' Delay Coil $3,000,000. X- - " :sf---. ' The holding "back of orders for steel :T"cara after tbe boftad of dlrectora had " authorized the purchase- has cost tbe LJBalttmoro- :-Ohio road almost' $1.00,- (TOO and the Wabash, between. 1760.000 , and I1.000.O00. . The. price at whloh the 'cars have been ordered la about $300 a car in excess of the. prices prevailing when-the Baltimore er Ohio .directors. teat November, aiuhoriixd. ill .purchase . of 11,000 cars. Instead of ..placing orders for the entire amount, the order Yor only . 000 steel cars was placed then. . from .' that time the price of steel cars went ; '. vp and refused Jo xomaaowo. 1 ,r ). .X. Car to England! - The first shipment of material for . . the. car, which the American Car and w.Ioundry company" la building"' for the , London underground railway was made . a few .days .ago from Berwick, Pennsyl vania. The cars are to .be . erected In London. Officers of the company are al ready there, equipping a shop for-the work. - The ateel work la to be done at ..material will. be assembled In England. , r-Qock, Regulate Talfcll.Ti: 'rZZLl. The Par la teTephoueadmlnlstration baa just Introduced Into its public of -! : flees -regleter-wl t h a clock face tike the taximeter the circumference where ..of indicates 12 minutes, divided into Mh'ta Pt ; conversation periods. namepych1 Cure Meninitt - three, six and nln mmutea. When thrf" ' vuM-JHE'"";"" machine Is set going the person using : the telephone caa sea precisely -bow Jong ne Ms been speaking. , - ,. - Eat Much Rice," " : .. , In the calendar year 104 tha importa . . . tiona of rice Into-rhe United - States amounted -- to .117,000,000 pounds, aa X against 17.000,000 In not, a decrease of - 41.000,000, while the exports of rfce ln- . eluding the shipments' ti IlawsHemd- . Porto Rico) were. 188,000,000. as s gainst - Hoi. T- ... --Want.Noa-Rfillable Bottle.: "." ' r Sixty 'thousand pounds '; sterlrn vhM Deen or reran oir nrra.or Kngllsh dls fillers to -the- Rev. Wi Stafford -fn'a-a,uef In - France - by" tha . dianapolla for the pstent of ---rtnuabie .bottle he, haijnx EDUCATION AD q.FiateraiticEiaened- The local chapters - of Kappa Alpha ' and Sigma Alpha Kpallon, two of the oldest and largest OreltJLeJiejraternl - ties, -hgve- been expelled from the State . university at-Jaehseiti Wiewlsatppl, for : breaking faith. Tbe legislature came near expelling all secret societies from the university a year ago and the fac - ' iilty then entered :1lnto an. agreement with alt-socletles that they would not solicit or Initiate any man who had not 1 been In the college a full year.'- The 1 Kappa Alpha and Sigma Alpha Epsllon it JVrK -r r.. .1 j-;.v.."v'r.:f.i-i '' ,o.-.:.l4';-;;iHi lu -' -i4..-. -' A i .: P , - H - m m - '"' : rhptershrjkflUia agreement. ThcTf rfiartere have-beeir recalled and tha so rletlea can never again exist In tha Unl- I vcralty of Mississippi. w Life Insurant eRef orm- Ralph' WJBreckenrldge- ot tha Omaha bar. In the course of a lecture at Yale university, declared that If congress shall see fit to provide-for the complete- supervision -of Insurance It will perform a great and needed publlo ser i -giiot supervision." he aald, "will liur. n.rrTifTmnm lit .lii.eiate:juhJ H-jty, n'hrrh-t-ilT'r'Tj'0L',it"nnly tfo,i.iiuu. ute peiu T nwntTg, nut in preserve tne corporations themselves against unjus tifiable attacks. Interstate Insurance Is a commerce among states." .. , 1r - Method isU Are Talker. ' " The first three places In the Interstate oratorical contesfwere. taken by Metho dist colleges. Flrjt by Is Piuw, second by Cornell, third by Southwest Kansas college. 1; ' I'-.'ll.- ,.:-..i-..J.zi' . RELIGIOUS. : It has' Just become generally known that Mrs. Edward D. Brandegee. of "Ctlca, New York, was the mysterious donor of $100,000 to .Bishop Brent, to be used for. missionary.- purposes- in the Philippines. -npon his elevation to the bishopric. In. Boston In 1101 Bishop Brent announced, that he needed $100,000 with which, to build a cathedral in his new missionary field. - "IllLABOR. IurperUineJPum?C.ur(U .Workers In - German factories have been rendered immune from Influenaa by turpentine fumea, which have also given excellent results a a cure for the disease. SCIENTIFIC The New Tork meningitis commission has . decided that injections . of dlph theretlc serum or of any other antitoxin JM Jar tried ereentlrely yselesejn the cure of dleee. Fresh air aeema to be the greatest help to the sufferers-so far discovered.- It has been established be yond all doubt. Dr. Darlington said, that where the windows are open all the time tlje patient suffers less, sleeps naturally and has a better appetite. a.- - - GOLIXIN MADAGASCAR- CAUSES -GREAT-RUSH ' .' . ' Great -excitement ' has been dls- celery of gold in niaaagascaiv w-lXwaMLfleeraJayefognd , an w auriferous vein, which they have w traced for" ovef 'two mlles,'"Btit-,w .they believe It to penetrate, w . further. . It Is several yards - . thick and of great - richness, ' rralna-Jneorly 1 . ounces) to the ton. - In the Transvaal an ounce to the ton la bgnsldereif very rich The shares " of a, syndicate f founded . In t promot a colonisation and commerce in Madagascar, have risen from 13110 -to $2,000, and those of a mining ' company founded at a more re- - cent date have gone up. from $20 to $20. ' " t- 1 rx W x - . v - , u ..' - 1 . i f -"i-e i ( rJ , I 4 I . . j 1 ri i' , :Mrtieaiai jfAt.4i n m-i mi - - - -. yr. JaV r w 1 - inrw . . . 1 - - .. - . ,.t.'. : uoaeja'.gsov.p . .., , ..' . ,,..'.,.;--- ' i-i:f--;n- . 11 1 Facts about Belmont Track ft is the finest race course in the world.. It is on Long lalandY 13 miles from New York's city hall. It contain six, separate track.' It.: ha 40 -table, housing 750 horses. Thf Iteel reviewing stands will seat JS.000 and shelter 20,000 peron. : It has the largest booking ring iii tha couhtryi It ia reached by a 10-track raOway. 'V c.ontfin" 560 c"' lx IH'd two year to complete it. - It, haa cot $2,000,000. The horse will run "right-handed," that is, to the left i The picture ehowa iomejiof tht ociety folk seenjin the grand atand at Belmont Park on the opening day! From left 'to right the ladie are: ' Mr. Jame P. Kemoohan, atanding againat trTT fiil holding a ! racing prigram? Mr. Perry Belmont, dreaaed ihwhjte'and holding, pair of field glaiie in her right hand, w th Mr. Edey looking. over herMeft houIder the Counte of Suffolk! dressed Jn tilack ana iaugning. ine last 01 in group is M,rs. r, ju, voagt, aiso laugmng, The records of the health department ahow that every epidemic of the disease. has come in a cold winter, wnen tne houses sre closed. This was true of the yean l$T2. 1181, HJ3 nd the last winter- . . - - -- . - ' ' " Musical Bed. - ' The very latest device for overcoming sleeplessness is a musical bed, .When a person reclines upon It, he Is Induced to slumber .by sweet atralns of nerve soothing music, at least that is the - L - '"'m aovanrra in nw or ,nis, inyen npaatnvewSo,- say, "halls from America. LEGAL AND CRIMINAL Postal-Card Duns Lawful. Judge Taylor In the 1'nlted , SUtea district court' at Cleveland. Ohio, es tablished .'a precedent -aa to treating postal communications. Frits. Rudln of Klyria wrote to J. D.-Qown, a. client, on a postal card and asked for the pnyment offnHebt for legal services. . JRudln was arrested, for sending a threatening 'and defamatory communication through tha malls.- Through his attorney, Judge W, Wr"BoTntonTTiiqemgryartB 'the lnMr4 ment and tha court sustained -tie de murrerrTItscharglng Rudln The court held that a request- for the- payment of a debt, if properly worded and in a re spectful tonei should be admitted tojjje. malls. -'-- -. " : - ;' - - ' -.' ;' Unique Damage Verdict, ' .' w - - Although Edward O. Madara, jr., was the one who-tisd been hurt, the damage verdict he received from a Jury in common-, pleas court No.-4 ot Philadelphia was only $1,000, while his fsther re ceived $1,600. The Madaras had sued Edwarda It Tlnrknr nane.r hog maniifnor turers, at whose factory the boy was employed,- Ha-waarput-tarworlrratrm defective machine and his band was crushed In. Tha father merely asked to be reimbursed for medical expenses and the loss of the boy's wsges. . ..-:-- :.,11 Weds-tpr:I,00u7rS A novel agreement "has been entered onztha-Tecordsmf xthe :countBnurt r:jtt Fairmont West Virginia, whereby Miss Oertle Lowther, handsome woman, ot Ritchie tfounty,. agrees to marry S.- W. Harden of Catawba,, this 'county. She agrees -to-become; his wife end -remain ao until his death,- when she la to re ceive $1,000 from his estate. '"-- .... . w Stole a Steamboat. 1-.- - Roy Fero, alias Ponca Bill," has beeii taken tgithe towaneriltentlajcv. to serve" a 'term for . stealing a Missouri river steamboat and abscond ing with It. Although the crime was I conynittsd nine years ago, J"erorls just WW- serving . nis,septenee ioj-jfe,j;--Hunted Manjt).000 Mile. 1:;' -. ; ; When a Jap named Herbert -Kalanl Kan twee! was -extradited at Bow street, Lonaon, on a rriargeer embesilement at Vide, a Hawaiian police agent, had trav eled-100,000 miles In order to take the accused man- bark.- ! - ; FOREIGN t-" Parisian: number or noctamni atiacas committed by - criminals, known to Paris as "Apaches." against whom the ordinary police force Is quite powerless in some districts. The press has Just combined with tradesmen In -demanding special ac tion on the part of the police, and conse quently new anethoda have been adopted. ymx r' . a. m H 1 ' 1 - -- CRICKET PLAYERS ! . -RECEIVE GOOD PAY ' - r-;- .V. Cricketers sre paid by the game, - " unlesa they, happen to be on the - -.'ground staff"-ot some cricket . field, when they are paid about . $10 a. week as a retainer. ' For the big games $100 a game Is paid each man for the three "Oaya of a match, this sum being d Increased In most instances by . A. 4 .1 e tit n, urh KA nin. A Jn ma wlll"T draw tie to $21 imnnrrasnioii to add. to their aalary, which la the same to the new members bf . the team as to the stars, '""Where runs are not paid" extref there Is a system of marks for bits of play, of advantage to the team. Each "mark" Is paid for ,;, at the rate of $125, and a famous player can Increase bis Income' in this fashion. '1 1 v ' -' Apart from -the cup matches, ' the -pay - averages $26 - a match on the. home groundsor $S0 abrohd, this- sum- being; to - cover the player's expenses and O-rJallxoad-farea.- . Professional playera taken to Auntralla usually recetve $ l,v0O .-- and expenses, and some few of 'them manage to make a very good thing out of the trip, though - the "rank and Tile" have "a sorry " time of It 4n winter, and there la now on foot a proposition to '- pay a winter salary ranging from $5 to $10 weekly. , -' ".-' ' " 1 Tne "old eystemonnaklnf "raids -by- a special police force has been abandoned. anda. new'Hgade6rbTaTndTOeTn- merr7baa--een-organlseoi; Tneee- men, singly or In pairs, make nightly rounds in the worst districts, keeping sn eye on suspicious characters, who - ar6 ar rested on the slightest pretext. ' s ' Verne Town arid Streets. : . Bteps are now beina taken to honor the - memory of -1 he - late - Jules Verne In several parts bf France. . Nantes, his native place. Is to have statue and a commemorative tablet on the house in which hi was born. V Chantenay, where he paased--la early- lifowUt-havo-a Rue Jules Verne," and Amiens, where he died, is to have a "Boulevard Jules Verne." Therauthor -lef t -a- large-tot -of unpublished works, Including If plsys, of which nine are la verse; also 11 vol umes of the 'Voyages Extraordlnalres" series. " . '- "..1,;-g"-'4 '--". '; " Emmet' Grave Lot. ' - From tnf ormatiorrTeeetved TromrTra' Is learned that- the. inveetlgatlena net under way by Dr. Thomaa Addis Emmet of New Tork to find the long Inst grave of his kinsman, the Irish pa triot, Robert Emmet, have . not been successful. David A. Quaid. a Dublin a wyer, has -had 'charge. ot-the search. and has notified Pr. Emmi utmost diligence haa failed to locate the place In which . Robert 'Emmet's body was burled after his execution, - Orange. Are' kOL ' " " -The chief of the customs department at Novoroasysk, Caucasus, has issued strict' orders that esses of fruit are not to enter Russia without rigid examina tion. The orders. are due to the knowl edge 'that the revolutionists are Import ing band" bomba of the form and ap pearance of oranges. ' . - v . ' ' Regulating Automobiles. An ordinance has Just been published t" v ' f?-a ."'v l!f,-' '' 7" -e v -' , .,-i . .. , . ; .' I I - ihe aeparate picture on the left i 13 r) rr zrf I , .T ,...1,.,, '. ' 1 1 by the "police regarding gutomqblles which has . given ..great aatlafactlon to Parisians. It la now made an offense to make use of an ear-spllttlng trumpet without due cause, and It la rorbiddeq to uae the enormoua searchlights, which now have a -blinding1 effect on all who come within, their radius and era. cat rulated to cause rather than prevent ac cidents. ' , , -rr-r ..- ' Girls Ravt Long Wait. ; , :. . In soma, parts of West Africa the girls have long engagements. On the -dayof. their-blrth-4hey are- betrothed to a baby boy a trifle older than thera. "seTvea7an7TrThr-as'e uf to. they are married. The girls know of .-no other way of getting a husband, and so they are-happy and aatlsfled. As wives they are patterns of. obedience,- and th rnar rlages usually turn out a success.. . , ". ' " Steel Training Ship. . v. .. ,' 'The new training ship,1 Exmouth. was launched yesterday at Barrow; England. She is outwardly a facsimile.. In steel, of the old wooden--two-decker Exmouth, once a warship of B0 guns, and ahe wiirprovldeaceoromodationa for 00 boys." " '1- - - - j t Yankee Typewriter i or- Kingl V Next week King Ed ward ,VJI will run his royal fingers over an American! typewriter-hat - was puf on " the "train at strike-ridden Chicago under "police escort. King Edward's typewriter, one of a consignment .of 170, has keys of purs Ivory and cost $250 - Lightning Strikes Pyramid. During a etorm at Cairo tlip smaller of the Ghlxeh pyramids 'was struck by lightning at the apex.' -The shock must have been of. tremendous force, sa eev- eraii enormous oouiaers were wrencnea away f rem their settlnr .and thundered down the side to the desert. w " : . -' "WUlUm Tell" in Japanese. r ...Schnier'a -famous dramaTViniam Tell," hasbeen--performed In Japanqee at the Imperial theatre arTeklorTell was represented In the character of a JapahesfTbumterirwhcn:ilglita-Ta.-tyTawi; nlcal Chinese mandarin-named Oessler . Tj--.r r-i,- if v : Horsehair; Lace Hat. Ml fnsTnyresslngfy evfdentln Tarls that the favorite material at present for bat Is horsehair lace, for .straw Is used- only for -plain hats worn with tailor-made dreaaes..r Feathers enjoy-the" greatest favor as trlmmltjg. j - -- - - '. Pfayfof CahdidatesT '-" "r The leaders 'o the Dutch Cat hollo party have recommende,a- their constituents-to.-offer; dally prayers for the victory of the party In the coming gen eral elections for the' states general. 1 " ' 1..:. . ; .... Occupy ay alley. . . ". -. The TartofT"roetroscublea"""Dy British troops at the present time Is humbTvalley. . "1 " MISCELLANEOUS.' Black Game in Canada. An ettrmrljlarrlimntittng - black game haa made eonslderaBIelTO yrees In I northern Ontario; It waa -a. -A act- that reeded no demonstration that the giant eapercallxle; though a stranger to Can ada, would1 find here- all 'the -natural conditions he enjoys In his native hab itat. Occasionally found In the hlgh Isnds of Scotland, this greatest Of the grouse family now make hl real home In Finland,. Norway and Iceland. He iiV r-. vi w 'X 1 4. ) K V .. v"' . JfK 1 I- i X . " 1, 1. 1 . . II ,1 I that of Mfe. W. K. Vanderbilt, Jr.t. "I -i:: s v-r'-'riffM.rt A YirfrfataV irn- '' j fc- : - : m i -"Is . I Is equipped by nature for life In high latitudes, and - fattens upon such nour Ishment s - he .derives . where . only stunted varieties of birch and fir trees exiaw , . . ; -,,1 it -if , ' .-' Find HUtoric CannonbalL 1 li 1-1 ' "While Governor Pennypecker of Penn sylvania has . been delving Into sacred an profane . history, an unsuspected nistortcai - treasure has been unearthed on bia farm, here. William . D. Hun sicker dug up from the aristocratic soil near Schwenksvllle ad old, rusty cannon ball. ; L,ecal blstortsns decided that the mlsslls wss one of II fired In honor of the vfCtorrover-BtiTgoynyin 1TTT. The cannon ball will be preserved as a me mento of the days when the Continental army -was encamped back bf Penny- packers - mills, and a aad epldemlo of acute Indigestion waa caused among the patriots by ground glass in tns meal they bought from a looai:mlller, "-11.; ,. .'.I 1 " ;' ' Slap , Restored JVoice.1.1.' JjJl'i Owing to an illness which effect edl his throat. Boyd Davis of Wllllamsport, I Pennsylvania. 11 years old,-was unable to ". apeak -above - a- whisper - for - two months. While playing wHh Ralph Whitehead. tbe-latter slapped him on the"aclrr'ril8"'boy-"choked sTTn6'fJierr5 got a drink or water and then dls-. covered thatJhuldtalkLJijwella evr. i' - - - . J 1 1 ' ' $10,000 for a Name.. . . . jy - . ' - The town 'of . Correct lonvllle. .Wood bury county, Iowa,- makes a bid for the 110.000 left-byHenry WTCuehman. lieutenant-governor T of Massachusetts half a -century sgo. which ls-tobe given to the town of not less than 1.000 Inhabitants which shall "take and forever retain" the corporate name of TOsKmtn. ' Whether Cunnjiluiuillo wilr be tha lucky-town wllL not be known for flv years. , ; : . ...j- it ---. Abatainer Lived 114 Year. : - - Plotr Kasrmleresak, who said that he was born In Poland 114 years sgo, died recently-at- hW Jioma Jn JstrpJUMlchl ganv He had been a life-long abstainer from-obaeeeh and morr-and had spent moat of his life In the open air. - ;:-ll:;J-lhrl-. Father of ?6. , ; ' Xf"ther-'lg-a father 1 who caii beat ' " -- '-.-.-:. .WHALE STEAKS PUT --MEAT TRUST TO ROUT- ' . ?- Whale meat at -from I to I 4 cents a pound Is to be the solu-. ; lion of the meat trust question, ' according to some Newtmmdlind speculators who are -seeking to make a market for whale meat. - .' It is declared, that the flesh is Irtner- flavored than- beef.- more - nearly suggesting ' venison, apd Is capable of being- prepared lit a- vrlety of ways. Whales are nor to be f mind ln this part of ths globe in suffl-. clent numbers to make a serious Inroad Into the sale of beef, but that they have already built up successful trade In whale meat. with the Weat Indies, and that they I - upon the' London market, It is to be shipped In special' steamers, and even at a price "of f centsi a pound will return a handsome : profit, while the cheaper cuts may be retailed for half that sum. - ' . 1 - ., - ...' . , that on the right ia Mr. Corneliu A kl ".- :i-"-.-T-.- jSS"""T''''Wa'-W,.,'iTka. ' t - H ., ..5t-:('. ' - r-tf a m 1 3 ft thja. let me hear from him. I was 4$ years-old' yesterday, and on Thursday- -of last week my wife presented me with a fine daughter, making a total of if ohlldren 11 boys and 15 gtrls."Th -author of this remarkable challenge is S. J. Voder. draymaie- -of- Johnstown, Pennsylvania. . -- - " ,, '. - ... --'--;;; How Radium Curea. A The case of Cancer officially descrlbew 1 In the report of the London hospital ' for dtseaaes of the skin as being "the. first authenticated case of undoubted tr cancer treated and cured by radium" is not tha only remarkable Instance, of the -healing powere of the new substa nee a s exnibitea at .tnat noapitai. - a pretty girl wtjji her face disfigured by a terrible'; , "port wine ataln" has been attending there for- some months,-travellng- f rom St. Albaps for treatment. ' Radium was applied, and the purple . discoloration ' gradually faded as the dilated blood ves- '' sets causing the trouble were destroyed . -by the action of the rays. It was 1m possible to detect any ' remnant of the tbiigtnat 1iv1d blotch; Th-adlum la eontalned in a diso of wood covered with,. ---mica about a quarter of an Inch In diameter. The -patient holds tt to: the affected spot- for 1- or-IO-nrtnute-at- each sitting. Its efTeot reajr moat read ily be understood by. regarding it aa a miia .iaiiy-cpTrtToiied---caTi though doubtless the rays given oft have" a healing as well as a destroying -in fluence upon the tissues. , Aa the other case, which has been under tha observe. -tlon of Dr. O. Sequelra of Jewry street. -Aldgata, .for. some year, the effect of radium- was as follows:- Ths -hard lumvL: on the left side of the pstlent begau to -break -down -two -years ago, eocom--panied by ulceration on tbe surface of , the sklni When radium waa applied the" 'ulceration" slowly healed, and latet.- the mass of tbe cancer Itself was grad ually absorbed - by the '. surroundlnjr 1 healthy tissue. . Domestic Problem Solved, - An establishment, founded at Tsr. mouth, England, with the novel title of 'The Oasis," is described as "An oasis In the desert -of domestic help." " The proprietor undertakes to "cook an serve any-meal botr-and-dellver it stthft' customer's house or offlce." .. The do meettfl problem- seems to- have advanced a step pearer solution. ,. - . Coal Exports increase. - r- t The ooatr exports ..from the Unltai Kingdom last year reached 4f,2oS,64T tone, an lncreaae of 1,101.40 tone on the - exports of K0S. According to a psrlla- . mentary paper lssuea.yeiieraay. bmti.t v AAA AAA ,h.a " tkl. mma a w n I from Bristol -channel ports. ., .v w w Machen'a "Contract lo and.'" - The. Orbff -fasteners, the cheap and'--: simple little mechanical 'device Which -sent ATWr-Machen of the postoffte de - 'partment and the Oroff brothers to the - penitentiary,. Is to be thrown out of use by the poetofflc department. - The con- ... ., tract for the fasteners expires. In sv few weeks- and specifications have been -drafted for a-comp'etitionby -Inventors : of maUbox fastenen Chief Cause , of Fires." More than ose'tlilrd of Ohio's losg-of wealth by fire Is from flying sparks, 2,14 buildings having been ignited by them in 1904. The loss by these fires was, - ... The Head Question. From the Council Bluffs Nonpsrell.""" City Editor Here's' a man spealn) nine languages who has been Jailed the police. How am I going to head that? . . Snake Eldtor Make It "Canned Tongues." .',. V " qtti . ' ie HI h 1 ft A aV' V ? f - W l i. V?.' :;-: I'S .. . . -:- I - ----- 1 -"i. ... Vanderbilt. t l ' . i.t .. '; i