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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1905)
-c - - V - ,- HE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND,-SUNDAY MORNINO, MAY 14, 1905. f 14 nwl-faa- liava.-filled the . past u - .n(itv BlParauna'-hall.-Wednesday, for - the -V lieuefit of the Bisters of Mercy. Home . Jgr Working Glrlsvand "this .was larjreiy attended. It wu social success, ami mora than that a' financial, success for the cmu-iivim uiieaiinn, i. ......... ...i, ...... I . -l T mAif Ir hastening t pay tholr debts "before the lUffimcr season jumi'i vi .andtithrr. lu . teresls' nToa th attention "-House 1 Hurtles, river partlea and ooaat partlea , lncirfllil31y adding their attraction to ' '"' the spring seaiion;hd"TT-'wrttle only a ; aihort time-before the crowns in town ' are broken un.Indllojuiit IndllQnuuuJiad v - " Wajr social wei'k, and mst of tha enter taining 'ai dona lor roruana iuo ----.i visiting tlwu-e. .. A number, of imH af tiSfattriaM. beengtYeri. stsrr forproee- tlvbrjil-n -hn. rmv-fl-"rd -In Port- ' land. The approaching marriage-of - ;.3Haa Ida Thompson to Beth Catlln of ..I-.:;:.. tnis place is of interest; as she will be ; -- tularSddltlon lo tha: yooTir people ! monr whom aha la. already a favorite. from her. school days here.? Mrt.-L.evl 1. 1 Ankeny of :WaihWsll hag' been the ' chief honor guest" of Pendleton. She Ts " very welt known here, where she'often vlalta Mrg., Harriet K. McArthur. The convention of the O. R.- C. and the Woman's auxiliary "has been tha-cause ome aortal activity. Many or tne " .... antartalned nV ftrlvate ; "homes by friends, and amaJl dlnnera and ' luncheons have been given for them. Outings havs been enjoyed by crowds of i : .tha visitors May t waa Schillrr's an :.Vjiivaraary. - and the- Oerman -clubs and "classes observed lt appropriately with programa of hie work. The Portland rrmcademy annual rpmglven hy the " -eenlora Fridsy night, waa M ottM ".leading events of the week. . The number I'.lof invited gueata egceeded that of any - 'tormer dance, and all the aeeondary faiohools 6f ths city were largely repre-L.-iaeULManyjjf the alumnjwere In et- 'tendance Blao. and It waa deemed orie of '"" ftha prettieat of the dancea given by this peputeF-aehool. -Tha Fraternity club ntir r Ita dances -at Paraona' . . .reaafuL . Ths Hidden concert ot tiexi VWadneaday evening is attracting mucn attention and doubtless theia .IU h rrach eiilliuslHani slfiiwrrgr'TBe rrrat re appearance of the violinist who has al rB y commanded t ha admiration - of lortlandt audlencea. Aireaoy Drinee are -:- preparing fofTOrcrown month of wetU dings, and there waa a -very nnutcnui. Attt,rf,Mmtl ln thftr-niimhef for tha prea . ... jJt monln ipfo weddinas rireat T clal Importance have taken "place this . .: .:-. , -week, but many have been announced to . diow In "the first part of tha summer - -nontb EVENTS OF-THE WEEK. . .Tk ard ' totinuunent glyetujiL. Pr ina' halL Wedncfiiliiy g fternoon waa a delightful a-waa-axpectedr-nd ai-neal -iirm was nettett forthe-Olrls1 lUrectorTi Icenducted by tha Bisters of - Mercy. i Thera-iwaa- a-larga -attendance -nda .irflrgeoua display of aprlna- gowns, and 1 altogether It vted ln jpopulai;lty with ths first ot-lta aort-tren..ln..Marca by. the Wnman'a exrhanae. h r 1 hontr g Miiry'T catneorai. nl Mlaa Burke -Were the committee on sionerW ajrraugementa Misa O'Neil and Trreme"iT"aBn'aTOrTrimTrtel oelved the -quests at tjj""r Thf card TCCTW!fe-"grouped In different parts ct tha hall, and committees had charge .f tha tablea. Brldae was 1 llia aiisle Plnir and Mra Alien iTT" Wright; whist. Mrs. J. P. O'Brien and ' Mrs. C. A. Whltmore: duplicate whist, -Mrs. E. T. Williams; five hundred. Mrs Jnaeph I). lonard and Mrs. Frank loolevTclncT17Mlss I,Mura-Ijunngand Mlaa Ethel Shea. The prhwa, exgulslt Haskets or roses and carnations, tied 'i with bows of whit satin and tulle, were - displayed an the brcheatral platform -i till they were gracefully preaented to . " tlie' prlxs-wlnners by Mrs. J. Wealey ' ldd. whose charming taste was evl- -- '- -riencd I thelf- selection. -The aucceas- ZZll'ful contestants wereMla.. Ralph .WI1-, " bur. Mrs. W'llllam C. Alvord, Mrs. OH ' aa n, Mrs. Henry E. Jones. Mrs. Dresser. , xtra.. Paraona.- Mrs. Wanes na jura Hu.rhea.-Tha patroneaae. noon wars Mrs. J. B. Montgomery. Mrs J Wealey Ladd, Mra. H. K. F.dwarda. Mrs. Solomon Hlrach, Mrs. H. C. Bow lers. Mrs. Ralph Wilbur. Miss Falling i Mrs. J. P. sWkey, Mrs. Slegmund -li-rankvJirsJJMonke! Mrs. P..E. Sulll- Van and Mlaa Wilson. TUU-. Ttr- tr..i. of pa. lm celebrated their twenUeth wedding 'anniversary at the church parsonage of 'the Free Methodist church, In North Falem, Wedneaday evening, with, BO frlenda as aruests. Mra. Haslam la the "' daughter of Mra. " William Barrett -of Portland. The Salem paper lias ths fol- lowlng: . - "The - house was prettily decorated, rmxi helna everywhere In evidence, and -Je-vrg-w;n'peTit-lTraellkitfuI ao- clal Intercourse, vocal amMnstrumentaJ Z' music. Rev. and Mrs. I It. Bluckburn mid Mr. A. U Orlnndl favored the company with vocalselections, which were greatly enjoyed. After7re.fresh tnents Blr. and MVs. Haslam werecalld vpon to glvelhipromptu talks, 'which "'.were more epjoyed than a'ny othe,t. part .of the evenfi('B entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Haslam were married ln Koaae, Tcxaaand three children were bora to fha union, a daughter, .Miss Clara, rr-- amt-two-sonr,- Kdwtn and OHvar,. alt "Of wliom wcrepreacrt last evening. Mr. llaslam haa ben.ln the mlnlatry for 24 yoiu-a. and during that time has served Bsaator" In Kosse, Ooralcana, Batche- i , ir, 'twin, uaiias. aii in ine siaie oi s'.-!'...-.,, tliry moved to Oresham. Oregon. -lhento-Portiand; anr w yeafl go came te Salem. Many pretty xMfta " of chlnaw"are were received, - Mra Wil liam Barrett f. Arllta Park,' Portland, -i- motner of Mr.Uaelm; Rev. Mra, X. R. - Blackman.- rwentlv,'of Michigan Mrs. t fharlaa -MV- Mim - Mary -tw la at Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Johh M?Leol end son -of I'hemawa, were, among tbo . uau. : , - ir , . r... . w- -- r. "". A charming ,re-eptlon wai given by : Mil. 'Hunt Llsjla.j!jrgft. Jlumbae.of i. ,.vlv.,' women t riemU ,oa ."iliursday after , nmin. The pretty new home was deco ''''. rated with Quantities. 6t lovely rosea t'.t" ! Jn the dining-room Mrs. W,..lam H. . . AVarrena and Mrs Jj. A. Lewis poured tea. In tha library Mrs. C. T.. B; Wood ' ;, '. and Mrs.' Oeorgs Oftod served! Ices. The , 5 ambrosia " waa served by Mlaa Ballle Lewis and Miss Frsncea lwls. The quests were: Mra. J. B. Montgomery, Mra. W. 8.l,add. iti. H.. Wr-fnrbett; - r Mra. Waller V. Smith, Mra. CV1L Lewis, - Mrs. yrM A. Dolph, -Mrs. XU T.' Reeba, VHffc i;. K. a). Wood. Mrs. Frederick Hop '"'Vr lr Mr F, Knapp, Mrs. Hsleo Iadd ' ,.-7irtett,' Mra, FX Brooks. Mrs. Walter i'.. ; Rurrell, Mrs, Oeorire Onnd.- Mrs. H. C, i aUell, Mrs. . Whitasldes, . Mra. Morton , - :. Ineley, Mrs. John A. . Shepard, - Mrs, Uonry litwttt. Airs. U. V, ptady. Ur. Flanders.. Mr. Henry Green. Ura. LV J. KM. Mrs. rnorman i-ang. mri. inm Kei I Ml S." , Mfg. I'm iii 'i.iiiinn, wis, t.ewisr Frilfst Lnlillww, Mra, M. Warren. Mrs. MflfflB.' "MM.1 Hubert a r re n. I.ewla. Mlaa Falling. Mia Kate Falling. M lss- 11 axel cJolph1 Mlse .Wilson,. Mtaa Tina Wflaon. MlssJOrace Warren. Mlaa Kathleen BumC lh Mlaaea Rodney. MiaxAllcat IMwm M flraca ElloL Mlna NannleAVood. Mlaa Laurie Klna. MUa TeaL MlaaKa llonevman. Mlaa Mirihi- 'HmL Mlaa Rnttj -Maawell.- Mlaa - Miriam-Strong. Mlaa Patay Bryan, Mlaa Morria. Mlaa Francea Lewla and Mtaa Flanders. ,- WV ' - The -Thuraday af Urnoonj. clubhaa comnleted Ita alxth year of atudy. In afM yearjuat : cloalng tha . jclv6 began aii extended courae in Kngllah literature, it has been one of the moat enjoyable and aatlafactory In tha -hlatory of lbs cjub crowned as Jt was by an able and de lightful lecture Profeeaos-HugA li. Hardman of the Portland academy, who took for his aubject "The Development of Kngllah Literature. " Aa a lecturer Profewaor Hardman la aklllful ana elo quent, treating. bla aubject In Jhat maa terry way wh4ch leavca nolliln- to be de nt red. On Wedneaday the preament. Ma.V. : rte.- gave the membeta ... . . . . ,, iu Aii and a oour.1 of other frlenda 21 Jn all a7" great IreaT rrrne"Tirm of ariauti mobile party In the touring car. i-ori- land-" Mra-Whlte la a charming uos- teaa: the day was perfect, and nothing could iiave been more-greatly-enjoyed. There, are a few mora pleaaures In store for the members before they sep arata for tha Summer a men's svsnlng and g picnic, The following Is a list of the newly elected officers: Mrs. War? ren White, president, re-eiectea; sirs. W, Pv Kneeland.vlcs-presldent; Mr A. J. Stiles, secretary.- The annual tea of thernBirr-i7itld of St. Stephen's chapel was given laat Wednesday with Mrs. Herbert Holman gs hostess at her .pretty home, 717 Over ton street. v The rooms were beautiful flth red and white rosea, snowballs and dogwood In large vases, bowls snd Jar dinlerea. Mra. Holman waa assisted In receiving by Rev. 11. M.-Ramsey, Mrs. iJ.'.W. Whalley. Mrs. Marlon Wilcox and musical program mads the. afternoon hours more pleasant. . Mlas Brlgham I nn'l M' t two charming dueta and each gave a solo later, Mrs. W. C Holman alao sang. " Miss Iottle Banfletd gave a Tlever cjiaracter aketch an.d Mlaa Helen MacEwan gave several ranllHl nlano numbera. The program waa well received througWouf." -Tea was served - In' tha dtnlna-room.-where Mrs, F,"A:WltcTeyahd 3Irs.Archl L. Pesse presided. In serving they were assisted by Miss Turner. Mlas Bingham and Mlaa Lytle. Miss Florenca"Dayton snd Mlas Ivie Bpencr hdlarge of a daintily appulntad candy taBIey -a w TOne.of ths pfetty affalrf of the week was given -by Mrs. Bert- Morehead -In honor of her husband's ' birthday,- at their home, 74 Macadam atreet, . .The rooma were preUUy decorated with firm anil roaoa. Mrs. Morehead was slslea In" entertaining by' Mre.B. F. Jolinsrtii an Mlaa- Edna. --MacBonald. Oamea aeara ti laved and a program - of muale-rwaa-given- by - Ml" Hattle. Milne, which was much appreciated. Dainty" refreahrhenta were served -afterward-by" the- hoetesa- ana hi- M Those nresent were Mr. and Mrsr B. F. 3 ohn son, M r. s nd Mra,Bert Morehead. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ooodwln, Mr. ahd-Tlrs. .' W: 1 W. McAlplna, Mrs. Nixon (Chicago). Mrs. R. McAiptne, I M .. .rr ,AoriiiajulrjtIlicJV'hJt- comb (Seattle). Mra. Mime, jwibb nina TUlwelL MUrJesaie Smith. Wis s TTatUe Milne. Mi-a vata yarnnnald. Mlas Edna eorge Milne, Henry Olaen, T. C. Reichle. R. Pierce, Clarence r K. Rankin and Frank Morehead. ., - -.- - . The Jolly Whist club was entertained Friday afternoon' by ' Mrs. Frank Le crand of 607 Holly street- The rooms crimson roses of many varieties. Potted plants gave a background to the pretty red color plan." A few friends were entertained by tha hoateaa, making four even tables. Prises were, awarded Mrs, 1. T. Toft and Mrs. W. J. Fisher. Hearts were tne continuous trump, xor the afternoon and Imt the idea for ths colored confections served at the tables during tha gams and for the Ices later. MrsPerry Jackson-and-Mlaa Metta Le 4 - ! TTh Austin of SSl.Hood street, will enter tain the club next time. w - ' Mrs. E. C. Ooddard entertained beauti fully with a luncheon at her home. 492 Mill street laat Thuraday. There were Richard Laog-4 doh McNear of Baltimore, the guest of fr Alan Welrh Smith, and Mrs. N. A. tuiltBlifaktahrtrlifTrntaTthr of Mrs. Amadea Smith. The table deoo- ratluns of rosea were exquisite. After luncheon Mra. Ooddard and Mra.-Amadre Smith sang a numger of pleasing selec tions. "The guests were Mrs. McNear", Mrs. Loucks, Mrs. Mabel ConSnt, Miss Anna Flnley, Mrs. KmVia Marsh. Mra Amadee Smith. Mlas Anna Farrell. Mra. Aan Welch Bmlth and Mrs. - George Cooper, --- - ' w The Daisy 'Whist club was entertained Tueaday evening by Mr. snd Mrs. Will-lam-A. Hogg. 119-st Tsylor street. Vases of roaes made effective decora tions. The first snd aecond prises were won by Mrs. M. W, Mathleaen and Miss Minnie Mathlesen. -The consolation- fell to Mrs. Hirkllng. Refreshments were served at the card tablea and Mlas Annie Mathlesen assisted the hostess. Next time the -club meets with Mrs. HIcKTing. ?4 East" Fourteenth . Street north, WW T)ns of ths delightful car receptions of the season Wss given Monday, sfter non' bv'Mrs. Herbert C. Miller St her Tirtme, I'll West Park. The decorations nalma was Introduced with- the oorl-J trusting white of statuary. At" o0 Mrs. A. C. Pantnn and Miss Etta Bailey secured the prlsea, and a-consolation elft was presented to. Mlas Oile. Miss !MwlrMaakr.-aa--eval-mlra4" to the delight -of her . hearera, MssMy LM?r?!ng JPPn" - Shoogy Hugging sccompanyThg her. .Some 40 guests were Jtiattcndance. f ''' The Crystal Springe Whist, cluh wss entertained Friday evening by Dr. aad Mrs. R. L. Gillespie at their Mount Ta bor home. It waa a red evening, with beautiful roses In profusion.- Threa ta bles of whist were formed. Thera srS two remaining meetings and at ths laat the season prlsea Will be awarded. Mrs. Lewis aarVon-Weat avanua will enter tain next'tlms. ; i r '--'- .-' " entertained " her - neighborhood whist etubat her-homr-Tff rrvtnton;r The decorations of climbing Safrano roses were beautlful...wlth large cluatera In vaaes snd I vines drooping - gracefully. Mra. J. D. Leonard assisted. ths hostess In entertaining. Prises were won by Mrs. W. C. BriStal' and Dr. Alsii Welch Smith. " "" -tr " - - Ths H and AVest 6 ids iwls Ad day evening br the Misse rieei ana thetr brothers at Jrvlngton. noses were used mill g'i effei I In iIihuibiiuii. Mia. Wilt Hi H nd Ml.1 Bin buy mat Jflir ami Ml Wvelyw Tysoll aad Mr.-Fisher the second pr1ses.sMr?rand Mra- R P.-Qraluwn of lrvington will entertain next time.- .," ' - 1 Mra. Oeoxga-MbgU.of.Z46 Nortn T went y-second. ZPrrMC"cntErtalneflrerjr Informally Monday afternoon in honor of tot.:alatax--ln.UwrJiIraiiLirltJii-JVVilU lama, f The DIles. Mrs,. Wllllama waa formerly Miss Helen Ooss of this, city and Is a favorite with the younger social sec . and . with- musical, people Jor-her charming Soprano voice. .. . , . . : A meeting oftha Oregonr" Ceramic club was held Wednesday afternoon at ths Camera club rooms. Miss Minnie Parker s talk . tin "AingrteanPoJ terlesl waa interesting and Instrm tlve. 'Amerl can tdeaa for plate decoration wera sub mitted for criticism. Tlaatjuhe meet ing will be held at ths same place. -kJ m: "'. i Roval Circle. No. h'lt. W. O. W.. gave a very successful whist party and dancs at Its hall last Thuraday evening., Mr Ph II Da and a commlttea or. nve. as- I ,1a ted by a' humber of volunteers.' snter- i . . .. ... . . tatnea. tns- company pt. goou ovf anu served, refreshments.' - rr .'.-- ----- Mra."Gustar- Simon ' entertained the Whlat club Friday afternoon - in- her aprtments;"at-the Portland. - Mrs.- H. Metxcer and - Mrs.. Charles itosemeia secured th prises. - 1 "Mrs. Clarence NhUiols gave a pleas tt.tAfterjoQa.ilJ3JtbX.Wgejr,rtd!jy In honor of Mrs. James p. Wood worth of St. Paul. Prlsea were awarded Mrs. Ralph Wilbur and Miss lsoin. About" 30 guests were present. . . ,'u. Mlss Allen of Los Angeles la ths guest of Miss Etta Honeyman, and through tjie.week a number -of Informal luo rlieona and afternoonsiays..beenjglyn for her. . .. - 'I "'" " A house party Including Mr. and Mra Frsnk D-. Hsrt. Mrs. C. E. Sr Wood. Miss Hoyt snd Mr. Wheelwright Is -k i Mrs. F. A. Nltchsy of IJJ Kearney street entertained at -bridge last Tues day afternoon, . :: A ziyery pretty home wedding took place at the residence or Mrs. B. Bjirk botder, 4S4H Washington atreet, Sunday sftemoon. May 74 when. Mlaa Mary Hen sley of Salem was united ln marriage to Harry W Rlsher, formerly of Nevada, Missouri, .but now ot. Uils city, - Ths remony was performed by- Rev. J. Boweraox In the presence of ths rela tives and a few Invited guests of this city, ' Salem and Stlverton. The bride was - tastefully gowned r in - whits v and carried a largaroun.uf t ot carnations jBhe was glverrin marriage hy her uncle! J. Sr .Meyer, of Salem. Miss Ethel Burk holder acted as bridesmaid snd ths Lgrooiaaa gttf ndedby - J5v?V Turker. Aftsr-a short trip to Beattle Mr. and Mrs. Rlsher will be at home to their friends a151 Lownsdale" street. etty wedding -teak place at Bt. Joseph' - church Wednesday morning. Fredrick was" -united ln marriage to Rlfhgrd R, Irmpartf - Pay tWB ofrtciated. The simple floral decora I tlons were very pretty. MtiT Antii Fredrick attende dedne er sister and Andrew J. Lam pert attended the groflhi. After a Wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Lam pert left- for Paget sound to visit for a few' weeks snd will be ,at home after June 1 at East Eighth and Alder streets. ar I Mlas Ms try tv Risher were married Isst Sunday at the horn of Mrs 8. Burkholder. Rev. J Bowersox performed ths ceremony In the presenca of a - few relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Rlsher will re side In, Portland. Captain - Philip Boutcher snd Miss Georgia Jacobs,- recently- of8an Fran cisco, were married Monday evening at the ..regldenca-otJ3r. E. W-Roaalter,of Portsmouth. Rev- D. B. Oray officiated. Captain and Mrs. Boutcher will reside at Portsmouth. , MUSICAL NOTES. At ths MarOufcm theatre, next Wsd day evenlng-HentnaM I Htddonwtll -play ths following program: , Othello Fantaale .Ernst a. Minuet (1756-1781) Mosart b. Humoreske . Dvorak n. Arioso . .................... . Roio Concerto (D MInbr) Wlenlawskl Allegro Moderato Romance : AUegro ta la Zlngara). Fantasia for violin alonev.. Saint Lukln (Sextet from "Lucia.") . Witches' Dancs Paganlnl This will be the only 'opportunity of hearing Mr. Hidden for the preaent, as h will b absent ln the eaat for aomo time, filling concert engagements. Dur ing his two years abroad, Mr. Hidden has worked Inceasantly.- not only on the complexities nfjil Instrument, but has completed a new work on violin tech nique, which haa been accepted for pub lication -by the - well-known Bohemian publisher.. Urbanlk. of Prague.- Upo leaving - Prague. -Professor Sercik iptv sented Hidden with a very flattering cer tificate, or testimonial letterrfor work accomplished. - Thla la especially vslu able and gratifying to Mr. Hidden, com ing as It' does from ths greatest master of the violin of modern times, j , i--k.ii '.' : .. -;,A number oH( Portland singers aa aleted at-an entertainment laat Satur day, night at Woodmen's haIt,"rMtlwau kie. Ths following numbers wera glveni a. "Face to Face" (Johnson); b. "A Lit tle Thlefjt Miss Lillian Farrell: su!!A. Shoo (Mayhew),s Mlas Lillian Cross man; a. VNocturns" (Denss-Lynes); b. "LtillBby'1 Brahma) -Dthle--trt-fromJ Mrs. Walter Reed s Tueaday A club; a. "Slumber Sea" (Vannah); b. "I Know a Lovely Oarden." Mlaa Ethel Powers; a. "Absencs" (Wllklnsl; b. "Tou and I" - (Lehmann), Mrs. W. O.-Carty; also numbers by Miss Llllyn Glendenn Ing and Mrs. Olga Riirtseh-Lang. Mlsi Mamie Mullan waa 'the accompanist. : . . ' -." An Informal recital of no llttl merit will be that at- Aeollsh hall, Ellers piano- house, at" 1:11. next Wednesday everting, when W. Grfford Nssh will present his talented pupil. Miss Laura ja. Fox. assisted by Miss Bertha Rowena Templeton, soprsn'o. Miss Fox 'will be remembered as the brllllsnt . young pianist who scored such a great suooess at Ann Selkirk Norton's recent studld recitals ! TempleTim his recently returned rrota study mcnicago, ana tnia .will : 1 WEDDINGS. b hr first, pubUo appearancs lajnui, 12 Seventh street, , 1 .. .: V-' . fi I The Warren 4 "-i "; Reginald I. Hidden," Violinist. Portland. Her' soprgno, of good volume and clear, quality la especially fine in coloratura work The program- to be given follows:- ----".-; .' "iL Plano--aA ndanis ritLlVj-Beethft ven "b. Rondo Perpetuo, from C major Sonata........ .Weber ". c. Prelude and Fugue. R . i. jnlnor . .... . . Mendel aaohn Songs. w. MojirJjjjhXTVivjBchumanii b, tkiunsel to Nina . , . . Wekerlln Piano a. .Barcarolle, F minor . .. i t : Rubinstein -b-BaUail (KrtuflrdXl.Brahma - c. Onvotte ...... ........ Godard d. Fantasle, T minor! Op. Or. ... .Chopin Bong Sprli!Vrr;'. ... . .Tostl Piano er. Soiree de Vienna '.'.':'....'.;..': Bi'iniwfnLisxt b. Romance ....... i Lfe-Eh-BjaofHw fin: t. ..Sibelius Llsat k k A rouslcai and social sventJDf Jntareat ths past week was the matinee musicals glvea.-by-th pupils of Mamie Helen Flynn assisted by Miss Delta Watson arid MrsrTfene Flynn. feature of the afternoon-waa tha alnglng of. Marc Lagen, tenm of -Dumiqae, Iowa Mr, Lagen' cliMrmei all with hfs artistic singing. 'Following Is the program: Concerto In B minor ......Mendelssohn . .' - Mlaa Oleita SchelL Miss Vera Patterson. .... Ths Nightingale's Bong . .. . ...... Nevln . . Miss Treha'Flynn.. a. La. Llsonjera ....... .Chamlnada b. - Fruhling -Orosschen . . .' . . . .Binding Jijngi.l. ,.'..... ..PT-.I.ectca rr-Sheeted " Miss Delta Watson. a. Valsa . i. b. Valss OP. 4. No. 1 ".. ..;'- .Ussel- Dulirkopp. . Duvernoy .Chopin .Selected r. Speaks b. l'nMay Time" TTiigTrena Flynn. a. Allegro Clasatque .Ravins h. Mnuvement .Perpoll .Weber . I . & 1a T,,U. Rondo Csprlccloao .... jU Mendelaaohnl ftusa oieita ocneu. panisr. k k Ti-- . th. t.t errnrts of tne First ronarreffatlnnal choir o far. and it is always doing surprisingly excellent work, was ths orstorlo. "Tha Triumph of David" (Dudley Bucklast Sunday evening. In . appreciation oflti fo. mer work on special occaalons, the Ichnrch waa crowded. Special mention ought to be grvenThTspTehdldr-oftai 1 work of Miss Fisher, which comprlees soma of ths best parts Of the composi tion. The duet by Mrs. W. A. T. Bu shong and W. At Montgomery, and also tha solos of Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer and W. H. Boyer, were features Of the pro- gram. -: - - - Mlas Helen Brlgham and Miss Helen Ij-tlecharmed their hearers with a number of songs and dueta at Mrs. Her bert Holman's residence last-Wednesday afternoon. Mise Lytle sang "When the Roaes - Bloom""-(Relchardt), and "Roses After Rain" (Lehmann), . "The Nightingale Song" (Nevln) and "Rosa lie" (Ds Koven). wera given by Mlas Brl gha m, and -hot h t he young sia gera. were most effective In the duets, "A Night In Venice" (Ardltl) and "The Swallows Gaily Winging-" (Dellbcair1' w Frederick WrGoodrlclvjorganlstof St. David's church, gsvs a successful organ reclt.ll rn the new and beautiful FlrsfCongregatlonaj. cnurcn, at naiem. on Friday evening. The audience was larae and aonreclatlve. Several of the nieces were- so much enjoyed that Mr Goodrich repeated them by request after the recital. Mrs. W. Carlton Smith and Jsmes.Carrick rendered efficient help. WW. Miss Lillian Croasman and Mfsa Helen Brlgham were soloists at the Seamen's Institute entertainment laat Wednesday evening. Mlsa Croasmsn sang "Rosa lie" ( De Koven snd Mlss Mtse- Brlr-1 I'-iwJ is . if ' I iM-&f -rJ - ,-',.r7;'.,Vv V- -:'-' ,; 3 m ham "Bhoogy Bhoo tMaynewj. nouiien) Mr. Le.ter Paal; Contrrflto solo, singers were enthusmstica-iy recalled. The program was tinder the direction of Carl Denton. . . . Two anthems by Frederick W, Gool rlc.n, "The Souls "of th Rlghteous'LAiid "Bleased City. Heavenly Salem." - ara now in the preaa. and will-shortly be published by "The Parish Choir," Boa ton, Massachuaetta. Mr. Goodrich ia organist and choirmaster, of -St. David's Episcopal ehurchot this city. . .... - w . - Morrla Klein of New York, who Vang so commendably at ths synagogue Fri day evening, will give another baritone solo at First Congregational church to anyr -Mr: Klelri.f whrrr has vtstted-in Portland before,-. Is well known for his charming voice. - - . , , ' l-,ri- A ' J hem set In g of M rs. 1os JilochA Sner S cnorul ciuu Jiiiursciay ariernoon, Miss Lottjs Hampton and Mis Elsie Barr gave solos. Miss Hampton sang Oriental Rugand Carpets. Wa have nn Bale tha very best of TTurklsh and Persian rugs snd will sell at the lowest prices. Ladles will do well to examine our stock before pur chasing olaewhere. . Come., and- see our goods. 410 Morrison) street, Between Tenth and Eleventh streets. ' For th Partially Deaf. Y T Acoustlcons scientific heating (nstru tnents for use. In church, halls and In the hom.Masescon forcurlrt!depf hess. AwrT world'sTalf' medal; Queen Alexandra -gold medal. M, L Wight- In duet with Miss Grace Gilbert, blaln- er's "Love Divine;" - The cnorat worg waonAmbrose'g -"Bhoogey unoo- : irk triple ladies' quartet. aJBlacaU - Bauer; ia working on tw-nunibera to give at the annual May concert of tha First Presbyterian church. They ara Lacome'BMEstudlantinl't and Ambrose's Hhoegey-Bhoo, Mlaa Edwlna Mastlck- will be the so loist for ladles' night at the Multnomah. club the laat of the ntonth.; . ; ;v" - kk- r- Mlsa Veda Wllllama of Oregon City, who haa been in Portand through the winter, is going to Chicago for study In the falL Sha -wllL give afarawall-ooi-- cert-at her hom town, MajL iS. .Jtsslsted by local talent. . -. ' w Rev. Father "Dominlo of Mount Angel nrsiTrrmernrdsngntrui spring ouartet of Womeii'a voii cated It to Mrs., Walter Kaea a ireoie Clef club. Tha words ars by C. E. B. Wood." .-:- , '. " Mlaa Elsie Larsen of thla city gave several violin numbers" at tha Epworth league concert .In Astoria, Thursaay evening. Bhe was received snthuslas- tlcally, . r-f r.-';, , v. Pendleton societa Is busy sntsrtaln- Ing for Miss Blanche Gulllford, whose marriage to Dr. Rlngo will take place June" 7. "Miss Adna Raley gav a mis cellaneoua - Bhower-and-mock marriage ceremony, jrs.' William Fowler gave a May part and handkerchief shower for her week before Jaat, and Mrs. W. L. Dick entertained lakt .wsek. Miss Gulll ford hHS a number of - friends In this dty," wherq she WfvtslUfcO" her' aunt, II Mrs. M. L. Butler, at SJJoucn sireot. w - " '--Mra. A, Young and her son of Port land, who have been In Pasadena, Cali fornia, several months for Mrs. Young's health, la now much- Improved. After June 1 they- will- visit friends in San IMegd snd San .-Francisco, -and before returHrng-wTTrvW mom" and old Mexico, tngeiner wun Mis. Qtls A. KeRey andher son. jfor- merly of Portland. L- Mlsa Bessie Swltxler of Pendleton was In Portland a few days on her Teturn from' a month in California. Here she was-Joined -by her slslerr-M rs Ed gat Lowell. -who Is now visiting her par ents, Mr, snd Mrs. Lot Livermore, of Pendleton," and Is being extensively en tertained. . , , - ' k k r Mrs. William Barrett of this city wss to" attend ths "1 wentietn-weddlng anni versary, of her son and daughter, tha Rev. and - Mrs. H. V. Haslan. which waa celebrated Wednesday. At the averting reception Mrs. Barrett was one of ths hostesses. k k (trrhncr sTTTraortrKt; Mrs.1 James 6teel and her slater.' Mra Joseph- Ins. Ladd, of Maiden... Massachusetts, who have been- 'spending the time ' In Ban Francisco and southern California, sre expected here next Tuesday and wflH make their home at.ths .UuiUiaums... Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Chase, who have spent the paat.tO months touring Call fwrnla, araow-at ithelr home, S82 Davis streetThey . will remaJnthroughpart of thajumiaerbijtj.xpecJLiOeavjijror Ejirape. early In the fall. k k Mrs. William Shults of Pendleton en- tertslned a few frlende Informally thursday evening. May 4, In lliinur uf Mra, Edgar F. Lowell of this city. Five hundred was the game played and Miss Bessie Swltxler won the prise. -'. - Mrs. Thomas C. Warner entertained a neighborhood gathering at cards laat SStUrdSy-tlTWIIdTetOnTn-IrenmrTrf-IWrg; Edgar Lowell of Portland and her host- Mrs. William Shults. Mrs. I. Lowengavdt and little daugh ter Ruth are at Hotel Moore. Seaside. X large party goes down this morning, Including Mr. Lowengardt - and ths Flelschaers. ( - . , , , , :- - - Misa Ida Thompson of Pendleton Is being extensively entertained by. her friends tnhonor-Of" her marriage in June to Beth Catlln of this city. - - '. - - - Mrs.- Leon Cohen sntertalned Monday In Pendleton In honor of her guest, Miss Ethel Parsons, of Portland; - r0M1NO-EVENTb. j The I. B. C.'s, the young men's club of the Second Baptist church will give a musical and literary entertainment at tha church next Tuesday .evening. Fol lowing la the program: Piano, "Valse'' (Godard),- Mlsa Mollis Reynolds;. Reading, "The Little Hero," Miss Anna Phillips; Soprano solo, se lected. Miss Reatha Fowler; Violin solo. "Berceuse" (Goda'rd), 'with' pipe orgai, accompaniment. Miss Cornelia ..Rafker; Vocal duet, selected, Grace and' Bertha Moy Ling; . Glee club. "Ah, 'TIs a Dream" (Hawley); ' Baritone solo, se lected, Mr. Ronald Bradbury; Reading, "The PllorT "Slgry" ( Wm. fn-ftow- Shadows" (Carrie Bond), Miss Petron ellaCnnnolly; JTenor solo,, "Ah,for s Day of Spring" (A. FT-Andrews),' U. S. Acklea; Reading. "The Fiddle Told" (original). Miss Minnie Bode; Glee club, "Beautiful Isle --of . Somewhere" .. (J. O. Kearie), Western. Academy- Glee club: Flret soprano Mrs. Minnie " Perkins, Mrs.- Marie Rlddell, Mlsa Eva , Wells. Mlsa Reatha Fowler. Second soprnnoB Mr4. Rnl ph" Dn vls.11 1 a B e fTi a Rof aT, Miss .Olga Johnson. First altos -Mlsa Mae Breslln, Mlsa Laura Hnlllnan. Hec nnd altoa Mlsol Mabel Albright, Miss Teresa Relster, IMlsa Petropella Connol ly. Acompsnlste Miss Mollis "Reyn olds, Mr.-John F. Bam ford. ' " ' Ons pf the Important events of next week will be the -May social eonvention of the- Portland Federation of .Women's SllltlB. TfV 'I Tn l'"'"'"t day at the home of Mrs: L. Samuel, vice-president.- 1 -Twelfth- street. The business session, a short one, will open at 4 o'clock and after that' a short pro-. gram-Df reading .by Miss Rose Etyngo snd' songs by MVs. Rose Bloch-Bauer will bs given.- The sftemoon will take the form of a reception after the busi ness session. All members'' of the six affiliated clubBeinvlted."" Mrs. A. T. Webb is chslrman of tns .entertainment committee. Tha board of the fsderatlon will be the hostesars. - -' . Tha regular; monthly-- Patton- home tea will bs given next Tuesday after noon. Thla-Is the last before the big annual tea, In June.- Mrs. Frederick A. I PglXL-ilra JOhnr-XgalLandx-MraJ Theodore Nlcolal will receive, snd Mra Charles W, King and, Mrs. A. H. Wtl STRAY. BITS. . : ....'.Virlttg..jglU prsslda at J.US te labia, ,e progrsrrl- will Include ; songs by Mlsa Sadie Knapp. Mrs. John-F. Logan and Miss- Betilah Cad well;' Instrumental soToiTyrBTCnr RJieanaHfsr-Ro: of tha home, and readings by Miss Ethel iaxit; ara cordially-invited. Tha Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Is planning a atrawberry festival and cake party toros "given Monday-"May:t9. at the cathedral parlors. Tha committee In general .charge consists Of - Miss Elisabeth "Maher. Miss Minnie O'Neil and Mlsa Margaret Burke,- and those at tending. to- tha refreshments are Miss Elisabeth Corcoran.' Mtas Jans McBrtde and Mlas Daisy Dunning. . n-,.i . w w - - j The- Ma ry a nd Martha- sooiety -of Mix pah Presbyterian church will give a con cert nt the church Friday -evening. May 19."' The old-time songs will be given in . ... .A. i. , lnM. I eraTwllia Charles E. Qlaa and MrLetto-Refresh ments win be served. ... v V . - . ' ', ' Ths annual picnic -of the woman s club will .take place oext Saturday, at Oswego,, with Mrs. Sarah A. Evans as hostess ai fyer suburban home. . Tha Tuesday "Afternoon club will Join. them. The members will taka the 1D;20 strain, at Jefferson street.' . -., :; -r-, --.--'- --;- "' ' The -Young Ladlee'" Sodality of St Lawrence church will give another of their enjoyable- wMrt partis; yWarrMfnff-iara DarHolbertof -thl neaday evening at I o clock. 4 v- cUy, accompanJed by their sister,-Mra, . Ths Ladlest Aid of the Cathedral will glva an afternoon of cards next Thurs- day. All friends ars Invited. WedBesrtay.-May- WU1 -b J41'" night .at tha Multnomah club. lENCAGEMENTSi: - Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mayo announce the engagement of their daughter Vlnnle to Fred" J. Brady. The wedding will take .place ln Juns.' - -rH 1 -. Mra Louise Blckford left for 6alem the first of the week on a fortnight's fcUy- - ' -"'i-- Miss Emma BVavoe, Mra Oda Jones, Herman K. snd James Jones were ths guests of Mrs. Llnwood. Jones, of Ore-gon-Oltyr-laat-week, . and attended tha Eastern Star dance. . " i- - Mrr-Jhn-CatHifc-of this rlyt visited last week at tha home of Mrs. Leona Thompson, of . Pendleton, whlls sn PLANMADE-FOrVTHE- IRVINGf ON SEWER Plans and specifications tor ths lr vington dlstrlct.'!sewer have beeit-finished bjf ths City englneerr and may be fhTl't'ef1- ,f the cltv council next Wednesday. Tha sewer, will be the longest and largest In tha city, running from the .water front ln tha vicinity of Haifeock and Water streets, a distance oftwo- and- four . ftf tha mllea residence district. , It will cost In the neighborhood of 1150.000. ," " --- -- 'O COfldult- WHl"""sft aS BsiTV- -Jf kk kk Mi B district which Is badly In need of good sewerage facilities. : Starting at Fall ing street It will run north , on Fourteenth ins hi rrei it win tun nui m ,vu r uui incuui tTT -tliSii-- .nrnTr-to-. TTfaxaa TTiftftcS west to Seventeenth, thencs south to Thompson thsnca west to East Seventh, thence south to San Rafael.' thencs west Wllllama avanne thenC SOUth tO Hancock street, thence west 10 niver street and from thers to the river. A branch sewer' will be laid on Fremont street from East Seventh to East Four teenth streets, a distance of 1.800 feet. Musical- Program- Royal- Italiani BandStar Theatre. . ; ' May 14, 1901. , - Matlnes 1. March"Da Filler". ...Slltrepff 2. Flnale-Actlllfrom ',Ermlne"..VardU Solos by Slgnorl -Marcsrlo and C di Fulvlo. J S. Selectlon-t-"Bohemian Olrl". .. .Bslfe Solos by Slgnorl Q.-.and-Marcarlo ,dl Fulvlo. : 4. MarrlWFlna!e." , , . , , Evening ' - ' 1. March "Star Theairs", . . .D'Urbann 1. Overture "Zampa" ' ...... .Herold . Grand Selection "Lucia" . .Dohlxettl flp'os byJgnorl dl Fahlo Branrons. Macario dl Nobile, c. and Balvator dl Fulvlo. 44i-Mareh--'Fing i -Clearing he Decks.' For ths new L. C. Smith d Bros, writ ing In sight machines, with which we ara now filling orders. Bee our window for snaps In partly used machines of other makes, traded out for Mr. Smith's latest product. 1 A M. -Alexander Co.; etcluslve dealers en tUe ooaat, 12 Third; street - :r T " """ Venerated Trousers. . : .From tha Kansas" City. Journal. ' . Aaa Fowler, an- Audrain' county man, haa a pair 'of trousers that, he has owned for 40 years. He bought them svheri'TH ' was onl? - year 70td Tthd Used them through his "snsrklng" daj-s, and for "going o meeting" trouserg ever, since he tiaa-heen- married. -He hopes to wear them -tor 48 years yeti , ' - a- f . i rnuiinimiis'nuinuiunnninBiiiiinin s 3 i BS SB , 7- S' l H jj " 1903 Model" :Z . . ' - :-'m' v.. route t- Baker Cityt to vlett her daugter.. Miss -Antoinette Burr visited her . mother In Eugena over Sunday. .1' lem, have arrived to msks their horns ithjaritrr-Z L J. - -..rr--r ilraud.ilra-T,. Sthafter, c Kalerrtj were city guests laat week. ' Mra. K. Burroughs, of this city, weri to-Pendleton Sunday to-vlalt ber " son - Mrs. Alice Shsridsn and her daughter Miss Gertrude returned to Portland laat week from their old home in Pendle ton, where they have been vlsltlng.-- Misa Henrietta Williamson, of Peoria, . Illinois,' was last week the guest of Mrs George Turner,, while on . her way to 7 California. - -r,, , - Mrs. Howard Spencer spent ths week -with friends In Salem and other valley towns. She will .return ths last of this wsek.'- , ,r..r.j... p.- -. . ' v . W Airs. w. r, nmr, wira mo oasmn- improTfflf -TBf Good' BamaeHan heepltat. Misses Gertrude and Adelaide Mon tleth. formerly of Portland, ara vlsttlnc' friends ln ths city. For ths past two yeara they have bean? living in Arlsona. . Mrs. . F. O. B. Downing is- visiting. frlenda in Woodburn, -' .- - . -. "Mrs. "Efftp Benner, of this city. Is the" guest Qf ,htr father! ' Silas. Howard, of Balem. . ' .- ,.'-- '.', .;- ," .. . Mrs. -George Colllnf, of Salem, is ths '- guest of .her daughter; Mrs. W. H. Chatten, -Jaat Sixteenth and - Madison - Streets. Busan M. RtAsell, of - Battle Creek. Michigan,. were Seaside . visitors last week. ... " . -Mra W. J. Honeyman. who haa beer attending tha biennial national convene tlow-of the-Young Women's Christian association in Detroit, Michigan; is sx-j peoted home tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs.- M. Jao passed g, 1st 1 days Jn Seattle. MrsJ-ElBennetf returned lsstl alght, from a fortnight' s trip to Olen- wood. near Mount -Adams. Dr. -and Mrs. Richard Langdon Mo- Near- of Baltimore are- the - gueats of Mrs. McNeer's mother. Mrs. 7. K. Ben nett and sister. . Mrs. - Alan Welch Bmlth. - Dr,MoNer -will 'remain about six weeks and his wife will bs MreOhrououOIiOmmstw: vMrs. Flora Mason, a popular young society woman of Albany, has been vls- Itlng friends here. Albert-Applegatevlslted his parents, Mr. end Mra. J. "W. Sheller,' laTEugens"" last week. Mrs. Gosllnsky, tha mother of Mrs. I. K. Flelshner,wlll arrlv front San Francisco next week, to ..Vlalt-har daughter. , ' - Mmt i. -,V- Watson of Astoria Is tha guest of Mrs. F. M-'Andersor of this" city. . . , - -) HOTEL ARRIVALS." At the Imperial: - H. T. Bennett, Washing tns, IHatriet of Columbia; W. J. tl.rke, (inn-, der. Oregon; Mra. Annie H.nklnn. Toledo. Ore-, gonjl Mr. end Mrs. Il-nri B. Thlelaen, Salem; O. W. Peters and wife. Gander. Orngoo: N. P. Kir snd wife and Unrhtor. Kelsn: B. B. rirm- HJt'-jJ, HtttcW-Jgfk, Psa. msclsevL- nor T, Hi.ix.p- eaieni: r. i. trm, en rran elaen; i-r-atara, Beat ties IT l"uMWo, Carlton; Dirk Burt I. r snd wife. Ia Grande. At toe I'erklna: ' E... V. I'lerua, Salem: J. H. Vtoee. rhll.rtphla; Mm. "8. 1. ntrhnvnvi, Mr. minnli. Holman and Miss teens WlllUm", " t s Mas. Oreron ; '. . abort and wife. Monitor,'" Ore(on; P. B. gtndilard snd wife, 1.Ttonl 1. Newhnnrer.- Nea--Vorkf Cbarlea H, tmUUr Mln weapon.; T. HBtoeker. Sanlf'ranilti-o: .Mrsl J. M. Bkort and J. M. ghortTT.resham; i. W. Kiufman. Xrw Martlnartile; P. N. Craft on, -t amnervllla. Waahlngton: N. O. Oregg. . Min i., - r - u" r neapolis; .N. li. Looker, liso; at. r. r.oian. ine inllea: B. V; Butler, Bend, Orel UIU0nell. levari. meBig aa; las Kraacliicojr. A. Hy Mra. V. H. Aaa. 8ai want Ulnn.annll.: l -W. Klmmer. Seattle: James r. Brosrn, ViBennver; Kred Halleit and wife, Cleburne. Teiaa; Carl II. Wardeman,' Mew Yorkl O. I. faaaadrf t'hehalle. At lln riiiilauil In WllUni.. Seattle J. A. LlEhthlne, Man rraaetaeoj U T. Robtge. Seattle: F. Heman. Beattle: W. D. Owen. New York; R. H. Cooper, cblrago; J. K dl.burter. Carrolltofi; 0. D. Joalyn snd Mlas Joaiyn. Mon tana: W. F). Carlton. OatraBder, Waahlngton: I,. M. Herman. Cbleago: B. B. Cxi I be t, Mrs.. M. B. Farr, Mlaa K. M. Fair. Mlas C. t. Fsrr. New Ir'orkt Oorira- B. trm'rr. Mra. O-wa. B. Frseer and Mlaa Fruser. R. . Smyth. Montreal;. T. B. Flahprty. New York; John T. F... Hill house. New York: H. B. Oieim. Philadelphia. 4th and Washington Sts. Presents - - a notable assembly of . ; LADIES' GARMENTS The materials are pf - -, surpassing -teature . and the designs are -" " of a character pledg-' ing, to the wearer treasured exclusive' .pess.:-; .. .: !' -" ..; . ."" I.-- - Xh eS h irt wa'Nt of Per f c c tion Forsyth Waistl 'Spring 1905 Styles Shown Ohly by Robin s o ni CSajComiiany 289 Washington Street 9 Litt V ;.r., -1 - I I, 1