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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1905)
' ... ... . TV:. - :.--. . . i ' . - ' .J PAQES I3"T0 24 '.- - SECTION TWO v ' 4 j - - . -J-, PQRTLANIL0-REGQNcSIINDA Y MORNINGy MA l4-190fr Visit the FREE' CAKE BAKING SCHOOL on 3d Floor. Lessons 9 to 12 yrrrand 47Difll Standln of the leaders la the nmi izroimoi coktsst will fca published la Monday and Tfcanday 7evaaln papers ; aa TneaAey - u4 rMay - worolaf. - . .-r-. S x -r '" v .7- .1 . :v V..t - .v.;-v 777-"7V7' , I :-t ii 1 1 ' i , ' " 1 1 i i . i nt'Dlffenmt Store - 7 A MONDAY BARGAINS ! A new bargainTill daily during the -'Home-Folk's Pre-Exposition Sales" -and . grand "Mayf air." , A ' fresh list of specials . every -day-and-iof thafcay-onlyvr $100.00;ingblr given to trie pepartments making the greats estgain-oveftthencorresponding month ' of May, 1904. -- Department . managers aire' given carte-blanche m the making ;of prices during this great sale, The opportunity of -H"4he-yearT-toebrtp on evtftylhmgfoT" personal wear or household use .at whole sale prices. Sale ends Wednesday, May 31, . at 6 p. m. Lasts but 14 more business days. Tomorrow's values are the greatest of the -eries-fremarkable-bargam offerings that havejmade this event the talk ofjhe town.. "Scan thelist carefully and come early for : dcsi pickings. - ,. : Jet Headed Tin; 6o Cube 100 Jet Headed Finn' on cube, best r -Quality. large., sixe; . special -I atr-eube-srTTVTiV, . . . 5) lOo getrolenm Jelly, fined "oarbolated Petroleum Je)ly formula. burn-nd shin diseases, regular value 10c; -special, bottle ' . .'; ', '. ,7".6i0 Box aa Wrltln rpwr; ISO pine?, htm srujcixpiotH'"!rrfl- : lnh Writing Paper In white, blue-or grey tlnU, with sew hape square flat envelopes, V regulars value tic, . apeclal. . box ' w . .'. . . . . r. r.T7; 19 lOo White Ante Buttons , - White Agate Button for un derwear, etc.. docen on bard. reg-3LU0crJPeclacard.6 .800 Boae BTalr Bias,- ISo Shell doserr medium.. ise-- rlmped lns. on.' card, regulsrXyalue. 20c; special, card. ....... 1ZC loo Bavelopes, : 6o White or cream . Envelopes.'-best qual Ity, smooth finish with wal- TiliSrValue loc: SDecUirpacir . sse .,....,..... Blotting Baper,1 4o Iarge sheets Blotting Paper, 18x24 inches, In pink, blue and "White; special s.t1sheetJr.-i k - lBo WUte BeMl Buttons, Wlilla Peail glut L Buttons, doieajBnCr,d,Z 2 ZatZi. holel r all alies. regular value 15c; special, card ..9 XOo Oljoerlne, To Large har Witch Basel, 15o Bottle Large rVS. I ' transparent - Glycerine Toilet -o- bottlog Witch Haxel op J"75- 1 il jS-" 'S-SfT " - I ""Soap. regular value 10c; brulaes. sprains et0ipoclairi-J-,. f Js .;,"-v I' iZjceULbar.... TmTtV -gif ttleV.' e J ' ' "' ' ,' FOREMOST STORE?2 sp -v I I . -s" Z "K. , , - - . V V mH mm. .ssw ...... . HVX -fV ' I i- sswaisakw m -m.. . - .11 ' -s V II 'Z . .. r .ir AW. AW w FR0M THE HEIGHTS OF PUBLIC. CONFI DENCE THE SEARCHLtGHT ' OF . POPULARITY SHINES FULL ON PORTLAND'S GREATEST STORE. I PORTLAND, 1905 ECONOMY EX POSITION BUILDINGS. 50 FREE ADMISSIONS TO THE LEWISAND CLARK EXPOSITION GIVEN AWAY TO EACH OF 20 PORTLAND SCHOOL PUPILS BY POPULAR VOTE BY COLDSlWORTMAN & KING. - A vote- goes with every 23c purchase at-the "store. Contest ends Saturday, July 1, at 6 p. m. Pupils vbtediorrrrast be-gular attendants t- some school within the City limits of Portland-NO SOUCITINu .Or . vu riss wi.L.1 1 - BE ALLOWED IN THE STORE BY ANY ONE." EMPLOYES WILL NOT BE AL LOWED TO SOLICIT OR -RECEIVE VOTES FOR ANY-PUPIL OR-TO IN ANY ,WAY. INFLUENCE VOTING EITHER BY WORD, ACT OR INFERENCE. , Special Notice! 1 Votes must be- gotten at time of purchase.- They always gor wtttreveryrpiirchase at time It to made sent back In th cash carrier from the cashier. Positively noTotes will be Issued on duplicate checks;. A BEVY OF STIRRING VALUES IN THE WOMEN'S li A km MITT rtnntrm . . , ' . JosiiKnitJjndeiar m. m .--i irtrl" mftftf ' 1 ' first-noof:" A 6PLKNDID BARGAIN IN THI8 SKA RON'S SPLENDID HOSIER TV Women's BJrk Imported Keal Maco Cotton- nd Fine Brilliant Clause jjltMc, Mttilltiry, all perfci tly.. miulu 4 tw pedr -correct tjr aplluwl ' . " liwln and double nolo; So VHlues for. oalr. . . . ' . 'wiWJ''' "Merode.-. Knif Corset-Covers, high neck, long' and short . . e'eeves, aln low neck and-no Aleevrll( crochet finish;' 60 JVomen's I.tghf Summer-Weight MeHrio Vests, tflth rhg sleeves, --riTn Fiin-inram. wiin enKie ana itnea iigms mutch. -A '" " 'V.'""". .""t:"" .HUH Mir, HUt,.,,,HlH..j.(ltlOHr 03 Hi4rcn s White diitton 'Cnlon SuHs,' low neckf nd sleeveless: tcTigtn7ittoc-aTjie-Tor;ecii ,.,.... 6aving3 That Smack of Wnrp pcJrtg FOR MONDAY-BUYERS JN-THE DOMESTIC SHOPS AND :WASH GOODS AISLESFIRST-ELOnR.- J$ewomi5with freslghtis thCone who provides" for acontlngenc :betorelt jLttscs Supply these -urat-be-needed - thtna-s now while prices are at low tide. TtiCTte, special for Monday only. t. Housekeepers and Hotel Managers Are Interested ,80c Hl'REAlI SCARFS : Sic Hemstitched Bureau Scarfs, good . heavy jf loth, else tliBA; regular value 80c. . 8 pec la I. each nRi 5c FANCY BTRKALT SCARFS 44o Faney Drswn-Wortr-Bnrean - B-arrs, else 81x50; regular value tic. Special, each . 444 SlIEKTS 3c i&o dnsen Sheets, slse 71x0. Special at. each ."39 68c 8MEKT8 48c Sheets made of good, heavy yarn, for double hedn: regular value 68o. Special, eachT. ...... i ............. .. .4S PILLOW CASES 400 dosen Heavy Pillow Cases, size 45x36; . the bent vniue ever offered. Sneclal at. each.... ...lo 3.80- BKH8PREAD8 $?.8 Marseille' anfj Satin Cataeo .Bedspreads. iiHnntMimo araigns, rxira sixe; regular value 13.80:1 . Sperlal. earh -. . ; r. :. .". . ; . . . . .T. '. .T S2 68 $2.00 M-.'DSPRUADS tl.S8 Dimity Bedspreads, light-weight for summer use, wahe easy; regular value $2.00. Special, each. .SI. 38 15c PERCALES 11c 200 pieces Itest Quality Percale, full yard wide, ; In light, medium and dark patterns; regular value'Jfio. Sprrlal, yard ORUANDIE MARQUISE IJHo Y ARD fr.000. yards Organdie' Marquis, a pretty, sheer fabric for summer dresses, handsome patterns. 1 Special at, yard , 12Vi EAGERNESS TO REDUCE STOCKS IN THE HOME FITTING STORES CALL FOR PRICE CONCESSIONS MONDAY THAT WILL INTEREST HUNDREDS OF THRIFTY HOUSEKEEPERS AS WELL AS HOTEL -T - AND ROOMING-HOUSE' FOLK. -; ' effifonday Specials FOURITi FLOOR. rJ - " 55c TAPESTRIES 43c. " Oriental Striped Tapestries,, 60 Inches wide, for portieres, j;ourh covers and curtains, six different styles to select fromt regular value - - 66c- Special, -yard -.. i-.-i-... ......43 rn':;rvL7'"T' $4.50 LACECURTAINS $3.05. ' - : - Handsome Open-Work. Real Irish Point Curtains, plain net centers' und rich borders, 10 different styles; regular value $4.60: - . Special, pnlr ,$3.05 CSV K. $26.00 r:: Sewing Machines T - o. w. $22.85 OIls, Wortraatr & - King favorite .family sewing ma chine, latest' improved auto matic lift, swell front top. , drop-head, solid" -'jquart erexl golden" oak; -with oSinplete set-of attachments, the best machine made, regular valtfe $?C, sold by the agents at $o3.00; special, C? each eDsVsVeOO "cJMEN'S UMBRELLAS ; v : - First Floor. ' , ' , ' V MEN S $4.6o"aND $8.00 UMBRELLAS FOR $2.$., Men's Fine All-Stlk t'mhrellns, 28-Inch slse. best frames and steel rods; sir sre-new 1hlw sessnn and have the styles o hwndles; urJt52J!)iL 18.00 vslues. Special for, tomorrow onlyU$a.O- Sensational: Silk Sellfng Events ScHecluled for Monday t Read -2$5.P0f: $r.T5' ANI $?.B0 REOrtR PRICED KQKBLXt SUIT SILKS for Monday only. 7o yard Great clean tip sale on these, the-best Suit Silks money can buy, - all- this - season's newest -colors and styles In both lmi I ported, .rreac- only,- the yard. 1 ALSO Ol'R -ENTIRE IMMENSE. ASSORTMENT OF . $1.00 VALUES, in all thnew styles and colors, era , briclrtg neat checks,- stripes. , figured and changeable' ..tfei'-tV -no etter-values showi synywhere-thaintwsv- ' at $1.00 a yard; special for . Monday only. lit weaves) Mondayr-rj ..69 c: rMIIXINroYANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ! ' BIJOU 8ALONS-SUCONP FLOOR ANNEX. MONDAY WIIjL BR - A 'iCOTABLE-PAT IN OURt H ItjTORTWe;Jjre-ln-the-mtdsf th-most satlsfactory season we have ever enjoyed In the history of the Millinery Store. The opening's over and the army of early buyers- having satisfied their wants, we have determined trj rinse out sll remaining Trlmmedt PATTERN HATS -tomorrow,--no tpatter-whatmay-be he--!ois-N-eieept4on-'Wllt be mode, but allmuega All Emphatically-Reduced -jj;.Off'RejlarrTIh'ices It will be a most remarkable bargain event, carefully plftngsd ' on broad-gauge' business' principles." To most -PortUutdsrs- these great, stock cleaii'Mpa. do not .eomo -. eaipi lse. but. un Jthe i;imtrs.ryr- stw iHh'tpgtyt jUDdl. anxiously awaited by the most careful and economical women. Those, -who have bought and have had the use and wear of their beautiful hats will-not begrudge those "who have-'walted until inowlhe sarvtngs - they will make, and many will take advantage of tomorrow's sale to b(iy second or third -hat at our expense Jor -It -must-be.-updersad-4iwit-tem's--pi'l'ess on these mftgrrif tceTtt--rrestt'Tn-Ttn-Trot--begtTr-tj cuvpr f IrsfTOSTtQ-'trBT" The erlgtnal price marks remain Slid many of our patrons are familiar with them, from former admiring el iminations. Below these regular .prices we have. marked the sacrltlcfi. .price.-plainly In blue pncll, ; Look for .these reduced flgurea . ' ----: ' " ... ' ' , -'" XtoM OiTon theEntife Stock of Trimmed Pattern Hats H - - -r- - - s v. '-i' ' . : - . ' ." '" AU- the hats are- this season's-most "popular- favorites; but- we must clean stores at Intervals "jusr as the neat- hounekeeper cleans house -and" this la tore-cleanlng" time In the ''BIJOU" Millinery Klfns. Vast choosing aSiltrTw, the-assortments are-generous rjid th value the greatest ever offered by' this or any other Port-- A "BEARISH" ACTTvT ITT IN DRESS GOODS Sharp reductions for. -Monday, and the fabrics re " all of -the wantett" "sort. Colored Dress Goods rOURR6ULiR -1.8 rV ALUESrttl 8 - Y A RD-i7 Silk and Crop de Parla Imported -All-Wool French Voiles .and', a. large assortment of new,. nest ' Mtrvd-Wtyveliy -Hutting In tweeds, -worsteag" and Panama weave, all colors In the -ansortttientr gpeTemrTor" Monday only, yd. 91.17 TtEOTTLARBOrt 'SL'IT- hard twisted worsted fabrics.', splendid goods -farcbJldren'a wear-and for-;. making tho - knock a bo lit panta. an Immense . sssortment to. . choose - from; special for Mon- w' FOR.CONTINUED LIST OF MONDAV BARGAINS SEE 1 MONDA YMbRNiNGAPERS---Extra rA-GEA"IHREEDAYSUIT-SAlJE! Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday We Shdff-SdHy)mtnys TilIoi'eJ SUeet Sicitsat Great . n,coucuons urana jaions occona rioor - 'V- We have made an imfiiehse purchase from a' leading-eastern manufacturer, of high grade suits for women at a great price concession, as he is closing his season. . We. , '-shalt'ttirrrihetn ' oVerrtjCCour patrons" at the same savings" as "made by us'in- this fortunate purchase. ' Fr three days, opening tomorrows, we, shall .sell suits in , plain and demi-tailored 'styles, coat, blouse and Eton models, cheviots, serges, Panamas, Droadcloths and fancy rnixed-tw"eedislt-effects-4nharidsome mixed fabrics ; colors embracing. navys, blacks, bjues, browns, greens and mixtures. . All the latest trim-ming-effectsf-strappings,- button s-andtitchingsVeryeAvestndHatest-ofthrr season's reigning styles.)- On - special - sale as follows : .1. $35.00 TO $38.50 SUITS FOR. . ...TT7r7TTT7T7rr.7777927.p5 $40.00 TO-$45.00 SUITS FORrr7v. . . . ,v -.- A. . . .$31.65 $48.50 TO $55.00 SUITS FOR $37.49 $58.50 TO $68.50 SUITS FOR . . . ....... 77.1 7777777. ............... .49.08 e"ps nn cor rn pitttp t?-t ' iii.uu (oj.uv ijuiia run, ".$50.95 T-200 $12.50 SILK-PETTICOATS $7.85" - - ., , MONDAY ONLY. ' A grand assortment of beauties in a splendid range of colorings of rich taffeta, . 24-inch accordioji " plaited styles' with plain yokes, others plain with accordion plaited flounce, reds, light blues, pinks, . greens, browns and blacks, very best QC - $ig.50-value-Monday-only at v I OD ' ' " Zi ' " ' . " r T $8.50 SILK WAISTS $5.95 ..J.:....;;ONpAY;.pNLYJL.u Beautiful Waists fof calling" or evening wear, peau - de cygne ahd taffeta silks in dainty whites and flight-blues-and pinkivf rents and -backsof Tiarrovy and wide plaitings, fancy sleeves with high cuffs and shirred shoulders; regular, $3.50 tC.rC Waists for Monday only at 7. .. . .....)3eV0 ... $12.50 Walking Skirts $7.98 Monday Only Jn vcrv latest full round lengths of mohair and etamine materials, both, plain and fancy effects, . flounced, plaited 4hclinibrellastylesjncluded, "" stitchedbutton and strap trimmed, navysblacks and 4rowns, best $12.50 values; spe- t""l An cial, Alonday only, for...... Jty(j ..J NEW ARRIVALS J"...; Largest and most complete line of new Wash Suits in the city, among them many imported models; prices range up trom. . -i $3.00 to $125.00 Opera -ftnd EveningCloaks andVraps .iiL-White. "sergcsTIaffetasongces and allover laces; whites, tans and light greys ;r most: moderate prices jrLthe: city ; new lingerie wash -. C' jflrt f Cl waists, hand made....". . .pD,UU 10 t SUCH HOSTS OF-WONDERFUL MONDAY BARGAINS : IN -TH WOMEN'S ' FANCY GOODS STORES First Floor, 7 7 ; . "We've ribbons and laces to brlghtn the faces 0TreUy ?youh-aweetljearls and wives." - So suns; they-In "Plnsfore" when thst comic opera held the, boards, and the ' hearts ot..tbouand,acora-jof-.yeara ssn. . .Ve-Can. inn thr same ronitortsy-and twill " la iccompsnted by hosts of folka ai a "quickstep tomorrow for the values are sensational.- Neckwear and 'kerchiefs join In the bargain chorus, too a veritable bargain carnival among the pretty -things. . ;-. 25c and 35rTies for, 3 for 50c. Lfdfr' Four-lff-ltand Peau de Bole Ties. In white and light - colors, some In black with embroidered ends; our Ho 1 and tsc values. Extra special at, three for.,.. ..50 v - v 75c Collar and Cuff Seta 25c. Tii. Nest' Little Collar and Cuff Set made of ecru grsss linen, "" embroidered In assorted colors; our regular 75o value. , Special at. tho set....... ... ...................... ;'.Z5tf 50c RibDona for 17c. A Beautiful Fsnry Ribbons, some doited, others' plain ltfel 4H Inebea wide; values up to 0c. .Special tl. the yard ,.r,.',.,4,......4..)ULiirtajLUjUl79 ; . HANDKERCHIEFS. ; Jforttitlful Puro-V.lnn Uanakerchlefs. some embroidered with hemstitched edge, others with dainty embroidered edge; all are our regular 115a and oc valnes. Tomorrow we aeJiiliem ONE PQZKN IN A BOX at, the boa. , .,.f 2.28 TRIMMINGS AND LACESr We have scheduled for tomorrow a great sale Af Swell New Trimming Ibices -and Embroidered Chiffon Trimmings. . St. Oaul and Point Venlse Applique In ecru. St. Gaul and Venlse Bands and Chiffon Bands and Appliques In Persian effects are In the showing. We hava divided all these , Into nine lots, priced as follows: - . - ; LOT 1 Our JSo and.40c'vslues i-Bpeclat at. the yard.'... .11$ LOT t Our 0o values Bpeclal at. .the yardT.. ........ .25 1XJT I Our $1.00 values Special at. the yard.Ur..-...48 LOT 4 Our II. 50 vattles Special at, the yard .....750 LOT 5 Our $2.00' vahtes Special at, the. yard.-. 9S TOT Our $3 00 values Sperlal at, the yard......,.. t.4H IJdT 7 Our $4.00 values Special st.' Ihe yard....,.1.9S LOT i Our $S 0O values Special at. the yard... ,2.48 LOT I Our $$U fo $8.00 values Special at. the yard.fl.25 25c Laces' for 8c. A lot of Wld4) Valenciennes lJM-e and Insertions. In pretty ; patterns; 1 to t Inches wide; values up to 25c. 8pecrl, ,at; ths yard L , , v ........ With-Monday-Bargains Loom Matchless values for all the family await tomorrow buyers ln-tha 'FAIR-WAI.- SHOE A18LKS West Annex First. floorThe detail Is sheit 'twill paji you to read It all If Interested In goud'.sliueg at bargain prices. . - ..'--- r - -, ' -- Men's $3.50 Shoes for $2.45. 7 1 Mn's Shoes, here In velour calf, Blucher cut, lace style. sloutTsInigia soles. The stock In these .shoes fr dry-tanned and will not draw -and burn the feet; our-regular $3.60 vahie. Special for -tomorrow only at, the pair. .. ... ............ . . -.-- ,.....,. . P2S Women's $3.50 Shoes for $2.69. ! Discontinued lines of Women's "Gloria" Boots, In all kinds of leathers. with patent or kid tips and llghtorheavy soles all are fins shoes In every' respect and hava afways sold at $3.50. Special for -- - - one day only at, the patrr-.-rrrvv.". .... i ; .r.v, r. .......... ..42.Bg . Misses' and Children's Shoes. JHUses' arid ChU4rn' Fine Bhoe-made of Iwlght Hongola td," with " patent tips, lace style. Tha leather In these shoes Is of the best sll the-way through and the ahoes are of the latest In style MISSES SIZES, 11 to 2; our $2-00 vslue Special for tomorrow at. the pair . . .'. f 1.29 CHILDREN'S SIZES. $ to 11; our $1.50 value Special for to- morrow at,' the-pair ..tQO MONDAY BARGAINS IN Pretty Jewelry, Ladies'. Handbags and Belts, Men's Money Pouches. WEST ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. ' As the summer season advances Bead Neckchalns become mors popu lar than ever before. Summer dresses open at the neck call for some auch- dainty,- pret t y beauty - touch at-4.he-throat. We have provided 7 for- this want and shall offer tomorrow some very special values. Regular 35c Bead Neckchalns Special at ........... . .7. . ........ 2 1 Regular 05c Bend Neckchalns Special at 39 Regular $1.15 Bead Neckchalns 8peclal at. ... .. .. . .... ,.. .....89 BEAUTT PINS That dainty little luxury and necessity no woman can afford to be without; regular 1 for Bo valuea-an-Monday - Special at. the dosen.. ...104 LADIES' LEATHER BELTS 4o Pretty, soft leathers1in-wmta- plnksbluesrgreena and blacks; oanegulsr 76o values. Special at I .......... ., .... .494 ' LADIES' - HANDBAGS - S9o Good., durable and. handsome leathers. In black, brown and tan colors, nicely trimmed In fancy metals and metal frames; regtHsr $1.31 value. Special Monday only..S0c) VMEN'S MONEY POUCHES c Two styles In the choostnff great values j0-bJTsTularprlcjjf J5a-eachSpeclal-Monday-ror.i..94 cTVIonday Bargains for Men West. Annex First Floor. ,7 " Men's $1.25 and $1.50 Shirts for 79c7-V7'"" Men's OolfShlrts. this season's . gools, In sll the newest.10rtars.. 17 one pair of separate" cuffs; our. regular I1.2S nrt $ 1,60 valuea, '. 8peclal for tomoprow at. each. ................. 4'.......r...v.T9t : 77 -77 .7.: Men's 25c Half Hose for 16c7 -'," A line of Men's. Sox, In' gray with fancy strlpes-entlrely new. and Just right for spring and summer our 26o value. Special at 164) - Men's 50c Suspenders for 27c. Men's Suspenders. . In lisle and medium-weight webs. In pretty colorings, leather ends; our 50a value. Special at, the pair. . . .2T4 - !T: -7' . Boys 75c Shirts for 39c. '-i7.-----7:. - A small line of Boys' Soft ' Shlrta. negligee style, msterlnl 6f fancy - stripes, slies 1JH to 14; our regular 75o value. Bpeclal -at. each ................ ;t. ....... 7., 394 i V 20c Linen Handkerchiefs for Two for 25c. , . Men's Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, Richardson' mkei,n 4i 1 , and 4-Inch hems; our reguls 30o value, Special at, two fur.,.23 .'. ' ' -SOcTUnderwear for 38c. Men's Ture White Balbrlggan vnderwesr, made In'sn cpen mcdh; sllk trlnimed and French neck. . The best toe garment we know of. Special at, the garment -. , .'" -Or tha suit ........ .u .j. ....,........,,,. ; .7 '7 .7 ;' A