The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 14, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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    I :
FARMERS DISCUSS . CONFERENCE HAS r &r.T ...... .... ........... .
.New Clubhouse Opened and-Oc-
t . casion Enlivened by Show
: of SeautifubRoses.
J- v (Boerlal Dlapateh U Taa Jonraal.)
1 Medford, Or., May 1. Th Farmers'
! Institute held at Medford today at Wll-
; son's oper's "6use under-toeauspter" 1
juf the officials of the agricultural ool-
Itg. of the stale-ras: Mfff'JXfitts nded. fclJ
.the farmers and frultrr-era." who pai-
tlclpated In (fie discussions.' An address I
responded to by Prof, James Withy-
combe, followed by Porfessor Knlsely I
; with an abla document on "Soil Texture."
yM. h ellriie.1 a lvely dlncTinalon owlna ta
l the tact .thai Jt was largely devoted to
1 t the" adobe' or "stlckey"' Boll, which la
t regarded with high furor In thla valley.
' 'Spraya and Spraying,',, by Professor
'Cordlt!)"Va alao of great- mterest, as
lt concerned ttfe fruitgrowers,
f This section, by the1- way, claims To
. liave been the first to figure out tnoder..
! metlvids of spniylns, not only to guaru
jintrnt tlir r"'"r '""th ""'
Uuce fha damage. frqm scale and fungus
growths to a minimum. The dalryjnter-
rata of the valley, now gro Ing to large
J proportions owing to the extended lines
'of alfalfa growing .and to the adoptlou
.of the alio In the corn districts, . were
ore modern uairymg, iiuiuwmg wuiuu
wara- moat 'interesting dlacusslon. -H
- iR the afternoon-Professor Wllhycombt
" .' fllscuSsed' Intensive farming) " and Hon; I
- B. L. Smith read a. most pertinent paper
. devoted largely to fruit culture.
, U llmvtnlni Professor. Kpesely on
I'gumlnuua corps addreSHed a large
4:rTTBwa:'1fJ' H- K. :uunBQTy of the
. Houthern Pacific lines also spoke con
yernUig the- attitude of the rallroadpeo-J
..i- . ...i u ......M.aF-TTrowflri siiirn nni
fnw VAm-a VAura niiit hn f u VOTU hlM tfl
Oregon, wuit-n nun
.t the rupld HRd immediate settlement of
', the western portion of the state by the
t id "of " homeaeeteera now ' turn In m--to--"
1 wards ths northwewt Th prn't'dlfiB;s
- ?f the Institute were varied by music by
(the ladles of the lewia and Clark club
of Medford and a basket dinner at Page
: . it Bon a warehouse.
" Advantage of the ifanera Katlt'ute.
:: at Medford waB-takeft-by-the-eommer-
lal club. of thla city yesterday to open
'" the'pemannt exhibit'' building Just
"r? completed wfwepot- groutd- -the.
Kouthern Pacific Railroad company byl
i u, magnificent rosr show, at which were
displayed the frnest -collection or tne
i great Oregon flower seen thla aeason In
the-ataXe. It attracted muon interest
-i. ' building aft It If now-the finest lighted
-iulkltn tn -tpertate,-oeing'eotnpieteiy
. encircled fcjr a. string of lights, nd- the
""-Interior- also litmgwtth numerous
"nendenta. The permanent exhibit will
. ;iie classified and arrar4g4turlng- the J
wimUigwee,T. and frnlta and Tlnwerg
will always be on display in season.
' " The fact that Medford la tfeally the
. Center of a great mining district was
well illustrated by the great exhibit of
-aoid -and-eoper oree-and -the clnnabat
irt. them mhl.h was veaterdav a side
lw uf the miltHWVT"-T)f.
issue-of th nower show, mere is no
other portion of the northwest which
can equal the display made lh .-Medford
this early In the seaaon.-One of
- the fruitful themes of discussion at the
exhibit were a number of apftcimena
of overloaded fruit spraya taken from
Bpltxenberg and Newton treea only five
"years old. -It Is said there will be at
least 1.000 boxes of fancy Spltzenberge
' and Newtowna on a 10-acre orchard In
-tUetahlrock district belonging to Mr.
Porter. . .
fined for "Violating
LOCAL OPTION LAWfSner'ffAVord and Deputy Sherlffa Mor-
(Special Diapatrk br ibe JeornaL)
-1 Corvallla. Or.. May jX Jacob Blum
berg pleaded guilty this afternoon and
paid a fine of f(V0. before Judge Ureffoa,
to a charge of giving away liquor In
violation ofthe" localpptlonlaw. Other
rarrcsta I areeitpectei Monday morning.
.Prosecuting Attorney Bryson Is making
a rigid tniissHgallnn,i .All vlnlatlffns err
to be prosecuted.
. . ...
YKpecliil r1ptrb to Th Jour nil.) .
T!nsrn. Or.. Miv 1.1 Th annual mmmtm
iiiarrrf-the Lane County O.xwl Roads as-
soclatlon was held here, this afternoon.
The principal addreases, were made by
. Judge : C. J. Trencbet of Clatsop and
Judge R.'B. Ryan of Clackamas. M.
- flvarverud waa re-elected president and
F. M. Wllklns. secretary.
20T Iba. , ISO lbs.
- MRS. K. WILLI AMH. V Elllcett baftalo.
Hew York.
I.ost tn weight ... ... . ......n eeusda
Iost la bust . j . .jmj, ,, ,.s,g too lies
itomt im. waist ,,nr,m. . ..M.10 laches
LomX La hips .80 toba
- TbU pl'-turt lTa yna as ldi, t mt apaear.
ane r anil ftr siy ttrtlnn k Ijt
Snyeer. Mf klt la perfect. I aerve MjorMl
. btar slt In siy Iff, not a wrinkle to b
e-n. Why earrf yuar bnrdrs fcwgar wti
relief t haadt
, icas. mini stooxtov,
' gbertoaA, Or. tost so pemada.
ma. f. . uowi,
-. Balls 0t bit poaaas. -
j rr Snynr guarantees hfa treatawnt (a m
.. frtrrlly - kirmkM la erery eartimar, Ka
- imdH, Mi starring, no eVtenttoa fran boal.
sjp , as wrlakloa or fllaerwnforta. rr. Snyder
' . ka be a aii-claltat IB the aiiceeMrnl treat-
raent f obtty fiw l paat 2 yaara. aa4 ha
the aiiquaUtM iwlnreBin of tk anedleal fra.
" trelty. booklet telling all about It free.
Writ tadaf..' ....... . - -
f ; O. W. F. SNYDER. M. D. -
SIS sraravara Mr Blata Bag Morrisoa
ueeta, rortlaad, Oragoa. . . ,
'-"--". :-.- 7 V ' ' ' ' ; " 'r fV' !? illtl Have it readv fin that ynn ran rftnt-ifhprhfyrnwnmpa-yhiiJtl
1 .... .... , - .gp:;,:,
(Special Otapateh to The JouroaLV
LentaQtMay JJ, Thla baa-been a
Very busy -and important day at the
annual aeaslnn of the Evangelical asao-'
elation conference. .'' " ". ...
TJ. M". Pltimer waa elected conference
treasurer, P. J. Green editor of tha Con
ference Journal, and Q. W. Plurher pub
Usher. The following board of exam
iners In the Kngllnh preachera' cmirse
waa elected: . F. hena, Q." V. Plumer,
W. H. WfTttanfer and r-Ttr-Btewertr
No rhangea were made in the Herman
board.. J . '
i 'ins ,i 1 nig 1 .'Iiiuhii n Himiitf
" 'i lie
I derd solft tn f h MnthnHlats.
building of a new church and parsonage
at Everett, Washington, was arranged
for, and -mmltte waa appointed to
aelert 'a building f lte p t lie 1 1 1 n gh a m.
Waahtngton, wUich has been opened as
a new mission field.
Rev. R. D. Streyfeller, about six
years since a .member of thla confer-
enotvaml atjrenLembM-pfihe
Illinois oonf erencchas applied for work.
nglebart -ts - to-be-eont limed frof the tiext conference - aesslon were
one year' in the itinerancy- without work.
Harvey Scheuerman, was" admitted to
the cunfcrencftjjLJLProhii jlonerhe hay- j
ing passed-the required examinations,
, The. presiding elder were sUitloned
as innows; n. onupp,. nnn amirici;
K. Mauer. ,outh district. The TWun-j
Great ArneffcarrXarneXausej
Arresr6f 'EtghrKrttght!
of Green Cloth, .
Gamblers Are Carefully Weighed,
Measured and Examined for
':'-- Future Identificati6ni.
Eight gamblers, who thought that
after the exodds of the leaders of the
knights of the' green cloth from Port - LL
land they - could carry- on operatlona
h n. hAn.. .1,,.. I kon. r.t
aen atMl rirrrnt ti l cciock yesiraay
.afternoon. Strange to Hay. John Doe, a
cousin of Richard Roe,' waa head and
front of the offenders. " He played' In
the second house raided, which waa In
room t at f6JH First street, and waa
found there In company with J. F.
fywke. It. Farrow and J. King.
When he -officers dropped In on them
theoutUere,playluMtos pokee n4
John Doe had the smallest stack of
chips. He wanted to get out of the
game when he saw hla stack decreasing
and In answer to hla desire the 'sheriff
appeared at the door at the opportune
moment. John broke for the door, but
was atopped. He told a story about
having a lck wife at home, but that
had no effect on Deputy Parrots With
tin j:egLhc-waa. carried off to the county
Jail, where he again aaid that fee. was
plain John Doe. ' ! A
The flrat place raided was foom In
the building on -the northwest corner of
Third and Bumslde ' streets. ..'There J.
8 hay, W. Strong. J. Steckler, Charlea
Orover ftud A. Johnson were found en
Joying a Sociable game of poker- with
chlpa and money In front of each. They
were taken by Sheriff Word and Under
Sheriff Morden.
--Quang Hlng, who acted as Chinese In
terpreter at the trial of Wong Chong
Quen for assault with intent to kill Lee'
Mon Ie. was placed undnr arrest by
Sheriff Word .Friday night Just as lie
was shout to place his taat bet In a
fantan game. With hlin were aevert
other Chlnese.who were gambling at
S2tt Second street, within a block of the
city Jail. . -- .. '
After the prisoners "had bnL taken
to the county Jail the weights, heights
and phyalcal peculiarities of each were
noted by Deputy Sheriff Hollingswortli,
who accompanied the sheriff on the raid.
Ail the memoranda will be kept -for ref
aranae, an that -when the chajgea of
gammmriSTehia ftefori Ibe gfand Jury
any celestial who may appear as a sub
SlituU an ay be detected. :
i nis is tne first time measures to
prove the Identity of Chinese under ax
rest have been.takett by the sheriff 7r
Other peace officer. Photographs have
been 'taken In , the, past, but they have
been found of little use as a means of
Identification.' I nder the new plan Mr.
Word and .Mr. Hnlllngsworth believe
thst per eent tf the Chinese srrestei
will be Identified by the arresting of
ficers when-tnelr trial ocxiure...... "
' Same Here.
Front the .Chicago burner.'
Officer I got you this time, Mr. Bur
glar, ..':
. Rnrglar-i-Tes.' It Is a cae!"of over
confidence. . I didn't think- there was a
cop on the forcer that uffered from-
I dariee were chansed as follows: Ttasrd-llwl -. - ' 1 '. ' . ,
vllle,Canb.-Cbehalem mid : Vernonto ? -rsZ-r-Z-'-' .-"y,.-,- ' ; , ..-' ' . '; : ..' lj-LL. L
.were taken from the north' district and
aiMed to the snuth district, thus making
toe twodIstrlvt. about equal -in else.
IrYuitlund waa . added to Salem Che.
meketa Street church and la to be served
by two men. , Thomas, alx miles east
of Jefferson, lias been added o the Salem
Liberty Street church, . A portion of
the traveling expenses of W. II. Wett
lauferr y. Hem, - 3r J.Hoffman, Mof rt
Heverltng and Theodore Schauer, ,who
recently came from the east, vi tr
tii'iW iwiit." a Tun 'wag maae "thin -gny
man whose traveling expenses had been
paid by the conference. In case he ahould
leave the conference within five years.
should- be required to -refund the money.
The JVtnK aXB,leX-Ghurchlalabe
moved to the Alexander neighborhood
and the two societies are to be united
.'.The missionary treasurer reported
that 11.400 -has. been ralaed--for- home
ljn.l'"!)ng .iIurlDgJU)e'--year.
I-V The time and placp- lor the- holding
left-to lhe decision of the presiding
oisnopa ana the presiding elders.
Reys. Pjj, jQre enjind Jt JC. Klmer.
upqn-iieir-own-requesl. are to be re
lalned In. the itinerancy. -for one year
i wimout work." J. K. Hmlth- was
on the supernumerary list . -
Interest 'Aroused by Appearance
Engineers There, f
And It- May Be But Another of
Mr. Harriman's Air-Built
From a. reliable source It was learned
that a. party of surveyors, arrived in
- Lewieton"tat"lJuilit under command of
ait engineer of the Oregon Railroad. A
Navigation company,-with Instructions
to map out lines through the Nea Perce
country. -
According to recent dispatches from
new tora, ine position or Mr. iiarri
man in the transcontinental -railway ait'
uatlon has been 'determined with some
deflnlteness by ths formation anew of
an agreement into which the Hill peo
ple forced the Harrlman group of flnan-
jlnrs and which comprehended the dl
4 vteleia :efrtteT:9etaiee'Kt?fJTtoB
Pacific system and the Northern Pa
elite and Great Northern, with the two
latter roads . In control of territory
north of the Columbia, excepting that
already occupied by the Spokane branch
of the Oregon Railroad at Navigation
company, . and the retention of the
southern - country , by the Harrlman
lines. . -
A part qf tne agreement pertained to
.thconstructlon of new lines, and It
had beear-a understood that the truce
would prevent the Harrlman - people
from reaching jnto the region of north
ern Idaho and the, whole atate of Wash
ington. - , .
No authentlo Information waa ebtain-
bdio iast nignt xegaraing ine real mien
tion of the Oregon Railroad and Nav
igatlon company In sending the survey
ors into ; the Nes Perce, country. In
railroad circles, some were disposed to
believe that It was proof that the re
ported truce waa not exactly as stated
In the Nw York dlspatchea. and others
believed that It waa only, for the pur
pose of creating for a time the Impres
sion that the Harrlman road waa about
to permit the Lewlaton people to real
ise their long cherished hopes for ade
quate transportation facilities, and per
haps to weaken the strength) of "the
movement fofr an. electrlo road from
Lewlaton to Grangevllle, being - f or
warded -by prominent citlxena of the
Clearwater region. .
Numeroua lines have -been run here
tofore throughout The Nes Perce" coun-tTTbT-the-oregoTrTtariroad""
ft 'Naviga
tion "company aiid" the northern, roada,
but only the Northern Pacific hs ever
built to Lewlaton. ' The region la rich
In naJuAl resources and -would afford
art enormous tonnage of products to the
Oregon Railroad ft Navigation, company
were a. bra nek to -be built 'there. But
the policy of delay In conafructlng feed
ers, that have been promised times
eVlthout number, up to the present has
bottled tip the Lewlaton srglon and pre
vented full development. - ... .
A. Blaaatreaa Calamity. . -
Tt la a dlaaatrouB eaHimllv. ah, vmh
lose your h call hi because Indla-asHnn
and constipation have' aspped it away.
rompt relief can ba'hari In rr. Kin.'.
New Life Tills. They build md your dl-
ntlve organs, and cure headache, dla.
iinry. rone, conHiipation, eic.
mae rnermscyr riixth and
On. the. way to the post-
oak streets,
office.- !to.
Have it ready
haven't gpi the mqney cmsensc ! We've - got the
remedy tnat
Makes selections v and paying; easy for you. We've
- - - .- ' ."- ; , j . -. - - ' -.1 rL,,:.4::.y.-.
p?XACTLY the same as you
for more money than we
standard brands warranted. Sirrjple deal no red tape pay
a fifth down the -balance a dollar a week. ' .- ' ; ..
, . , .... - . j- ' . '
Property to Remain Intact Until
the Death of Husband, and
Daughter Has Full Charge.
' ntpeclT t)UpatcH t Tae Joarnil.)
of the will. of Mrs. Elisabeth Van Fleet
who died recently In Portland, 'ha been
filed with the county clerk here. Moat
of the property affected.. by the -arm la
In this county, aa are. also tne- heirs.
According, to ? the terms of the will
the' estate- is to-be held Intact until
the death of her husband. There la a
provision that If the property located
In Alblna can be aold for 1.1,000 the
money may be Invested In, government
bonds. .
Upon the death of her huaband the
propertyl to be , divided equally be
tween her' fire, children. ' Mrs. Louise
S. WrlgTit, .a daughter. Is named as
executrix and will, have full charge of
th estate.
, v .
Hundreds to Be Distributed for
jJSalejn Vancouver and yicin
. ity to Aid the Assocation. '
(flperlal, Dlapatch to The Joarnal.)
.Vancouver. Wash., May It. A move
ment has been- started t give the buU
ton representing the- BBrB)arwear-ptatue4
wide circulation, in thla city and
county.-Tie Sacajawea 'Statu assocla'
tlon hae placed in the hands of Mrs.
M. I T. Hidden of this city several
hundred of theses buttons to be Sold for
th benefit of the association.. It-may
be Then tinned that th Lewis and Clark
fair management will admit any child
under It years old rree on ' tne day
of th unveiling of the statu. ;
i ...
- . z.oos iuii jvoosa. -
",1 Special rWatch, to Tile JouraaL) -
Vaneduver. . Waah .May II. PeonU
along .the water front were much ex
cited Saturday morning over what they
tlioofthr was' going fo be a heavy Ins
of tings. .The steamer Spencer on her
trip up backefl Jnto a raft of logs moored
near the Oregon Washington ' mill.
jTfre oabl holding the raft broke Ind
so th 1 n rtMyPrHfirfiwmpft
and no extra expense attached to it
would buy the cash jewelers
ask on credit. Extenslvejine-J
the loga swung out lhto the riven
raft was picked up shortly by
Speucen-; " ' " , "
Plans for Structure to Cross Near
rz: Vancouver SaidUo Be r
(Special Dlapatrh to The Joarnal.) - -Vancouver,
Wash., May 13. W. H,
Fear, the real estate man. who is engin
eering -th deal for the purchase of mor
than SO acre df land In thla city,, pre
sumably for th 'Northern Pacific rail
way, waa In the city again Saturday.
Wht!cmone"of the iiroperty-Tiwners 'will
make a statement regarding the deal.
It la understood that it has practically
been made. ,
It, is stated orf good authority that
plans for the proposed bridge acroaa
the Columbia have been completed and
are now la the handa Tt the chief engineer-of
the company!- .'; , .'..
(Special Jlapatck ta Th Journal.)
, Salem, Or.,- May 18. The bursting of
a blood vessel at the base of the brain
caused the sudden death of John L
Horner .of " the Rli-key -neighborhood,
eaat of 8alem,' thla evening. Mr, Hor
ner wa H years old -and leaves a
widow ahd eight -children. - A report
that cannot be confirmed was received
her tonight to- the effect hat Mr.
Horner died a few moment after her
huabarid'a death, as a consequence of the
ahpek she Bii-Tiatned. ""T i "
(Special Dtopatrk ta Tk JonriAl.t
Weodbtirn, Or Msy U.All teachers in
the publlo kchool here have been reap
pointed, except for room three, hlch
III be filled later. More than 100 ap
plications were received, many of them
from the eaat. The salaries of the teach
er wer also Increased 15 a month each.
-, rather Sleet ay .IT Sons,
Houghton Cor,- Dotroit-JTrlbun,
Ell Ruello' today won the nomination
for highway commissioner at the Port
age township caucus against th re op
ponent.- . X- .
Seventeen of Rltelle's aons peddled
tickets . Industriously fof their . father,
together witfi-rlrge
j - - a a - a . , . . - -s-; . . a
.Reliable ToaTt. Off,
V J I I , " mliuiji ii m iin wrmi,- I
I t51f-MAW6r-Tliird-StrCoi7Plnrl
-OSH Wkablagtoa Bt. . . .
without Jiny 'prerloo knriwlcilgt and having
ii natural Bieaaa f knowing who you are
whence r tnr what '.Too ram, he tall your
aamei in, aecupatioa, where yoa lira the
Bumbar of year honas, aa th street. Ha tella
yon of frlourta anil enemia. wbo la true and
ZiS ' '"'"ei tellaiyou whom and when yoa
wtH marry, airing aamea, nalea. facta and lo
eatloiai, taking no fee In ad-ance. andiac
eefttlng, son unll aatlatactloa U -gives, i ,
&00.0 rOBFEIT,
111 forfeit tftOO whra t' f.'n m
yoa how. to faaclnal any ae ybn desire, now
to mat youi Tiieuili Vnr frl-nila, canae
apeeny wnr-rlage-wtth "Die mie tif' yijnr 1 rholc
filre you good luck and make yon aucreaaful
n your bnalneee, reaviT evil HnSuencea, reiinlt
the e-parited. give ynu lucky Biimhera. locate
the earth'a hurlad, .in. th. ..M
earatea that time haa plarwd keyonil'tha law.
jerV"lnaa and positlrely cemplal your
t -. - riorxsaioir. .- .
Hoar i. m. to 8 p. mn-dally and Snndar.
Vaq Cortland
' Ittabllahaa Saras , Taara la rarUaae. t -
The Olive, Ml'4 Waahlngtaa at., aoraar flftk
and Waahuurta Sta.. -
and Ruelle won out handily on a com
bination platform of good roads and, no
rac suicide. ', .
shortest: ciit to .;
, UUK LAbx
- s tock?a of
got some-SPE'
, -' . . i v--.
" The Qreat Chinese Doctor . '
' " ' Is called great be-
caiiaa hla wonderful.
cures are so well
known - throughout
the United . Slates,
and becau so many
people are thankful .
to him for saving .
their Uvea from
.- He treats any and
all dlaaauea with
--T 4 powerful Chin a
J barbs, roots, buds,
barka and vegetable
Will ya B that ar ntirly un
known to medical Balance In thla coun
try, and through the use of theae harm
less remedies. This famous doctor knows
the action of over S00 different remadh
that ha has successfully used In different
dleeaaea. He eruarantaea to cure catarrh.
athma.Iutig troubl as. rhaumat lam. -iier-
vousneas, atomach, uver, kidney, re
male trouble and all privet dtaease.
Hundreds of testimonials. Charge
moderate. Call and see him.
' Patient out of th city writ for '
blank and circular. Xnoloa stains. - Ad- '
dress ' - . ' ...
I5t Aider street Portland. Or. Stair .
way Df JBItt Alder-street leads of- .
flee. Mention this paper.
W Are Bxelnsltr Wood and Ooal Kaf v
ir you r looking ior nn, ury wooai -
A Kin .1 nualltv at lOW PrtO. Just looK .-
over the figure and call ua up, i
Dry Fir, per eord.
Dry Osk, par or. . i i ....... i f . .fS.SS y
Dry Ash, par eora ...$8UX'
W mak a specialty of Sawed Woo
and all loading brands of OoaL .,.1. T
Phone Main SIS. 43 Sverett Ut--U
iletween jweinn ana run..nTn ,
ft OBT sH8 ST.
Bt. Bumiida a) CouaB,
Awnings for
stores snd resi
dences. - Tents snd
camping outfit
Oet oor tirlces.
moss avara ibi. -
Sr, iJ-M.r-M.M.. t.dta,, ,kuiiair) !
ear VHltHEHTIk'H KthLlrUt
la KRB) ..4 sld alll. Mim. -l
rll.M..rtMa. TaktHMaw,
ar, na ., .
aa IvIM- .
eaaaiaua MeauiatlaaM MS
Uoaa. f 7 r ptaaalM. , M 4. M
"- f a-Urvlara, ToaMaa-lola
a-a '''dWlk.l.Mln,k'-. re
tnra Mall. la. XX T-.U-...I.H. smi,
BTaaaliu. C IM.r klrJ (
seaara. raia.aW rt