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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1905)
SALEM-HIGH WINS JOINT DEBATE If Roaebuix High Schoql Debiting Tetm Reading ; From Left to Right, . Ethel Shupe, Elmer Wilson and Hilith Moore. , . (Special: Dispatch: ta Th joonuav- L Salem. Or.! May It. Tha Salem nigh school debating team won from the Itoseburg High school team laat night by a decision of t to 1, The question :wa,.Resolvea.-Tht the enda of JusU . tlce would be better served If the Jury system were abolished, and the decision In all caaea f litigation be rendered by the judge or Judges." Salem defended ; the (present system. The large auditorium of r the First : Baptist church-was well filled with ah appreciative audlencatBoih -teams 1 KETCHIKAN HAS' MANY GOOD-fJINES Ni black" Shipping Heavy Ton nage to Tacoma Smelter t::.:. " Under Contract.; '," '" COPPERMOUNT SMELTER IS PREPARING TO BLOW IN Qthftr Properties, Open New -Year With: Promise. : of TBest Work Known.' f "Ketchikan district of Alaska Is pre- paring for one of the "best yeart.fn mining ever-seen - there, says A. P. Xawson, a commercial traveler, who has "Just returned from the northern coun try; - "Several prominent properties are - shaping for heavy work this season. At the N'lblack I am told that -the "management la preparing to ahtp 60,000 tons of copper -ore this aummer to the Oleoma emelterr having entered Into a contract for thla amount. The flrat ahlpment was to have' been made last ' week, and win be anywhere from 8,000 to-10.o-tons. ' There Is mueh-ore on the dump at thla property. "Atthe Coppormount smelter all la "!"bustle" and' animation. Tha manage ment is preparing to open thla plant lm medletely, and It may have blown In be fore thla time. The capacity there if from '200 to 2S0 tons, A launch and bargea are being put on the Inlet watera .to reach all the propertlea shipping ore, orwhere there Is. propspeit of any being produced. , Thla plant Is Intended ?to handle the output of the dlatrlct, and . It la expected that eager bidding will be -witnessed - for .: the product that has formerly been shipped away. " Mv -"I do not think that the Hedtey will Idojnuch smeltlnrthle jeason,Jt Jiaa a capacity of 400 tons. The manage ment Is'tm-Ti1risr'thr Hedlejrrntne, havlnr put a strong force at-work there, but If you"wantl"to ' enjoy robust health, take few doses i of the Bitters. It will male the stomach strong and the blood 'pure. Our .past record of over 50 years proves ha .worth. it cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heartburp, Costlveness, Female Cora plaints, Malaria, Fever and Ague. Try a bottle today. i SCHOOL- .i . NT. and the debate wu very close. Tho vteltlng team ai tendered a ban quet after the debate. - - The judges vert PrOfeasor W, H. Mc Call of ..Willamette university. Profes sor John? 8.-Graham of the rJalenr public schools and Rev. W. H. Belleck of the First Methodist church In thla city. Rev. F. TV. Cliff, pastor of the First Baptist church of this city, .was tin presiding officer. ' . -The Roiteburg team was composed of Elmer Wilson, Kthel "Bhupe and Lllltii Moore. Helen Philips, Rex Turner and 1 gdwln Haalamrepreeented- Balem 1 doubt that the amelter will figure In the market thla year, at least. "Tha--Worauon-ha marblequarrlee -of Prtace ofWlles Island la also attract ing much - attention. The American Coral- Marble company of Portland baa put f- strong force at"work at Doloml and another point where there la an exposure of the jnarble.doposltl.Th big quarry ahe northern and of the Inland will probably be worked thor- Oughly thla season, although I umtsr- atand there la no crew of any else at present engaged on thla property. "It would be tedioug. to enumerate all the ther working properties of Ketchi kan. Th Omar Mining company, altto a Portland proprty7hatr put large force nt work on the old Khayyam mine, and will doubtless be an Important pro ducer thia yearv Mnny young mlnea arj coming to'ifhe front. For instance; the Corbln, near Coppermount, hr sent -In smelter, and 1 said to- be-ln- condition teeentlnne smalt ahrnmente dating the eaeon.- Ketchikan - will - be- one 'of 'the great mining districts of the west some day. There are great ore bodies on the coast and islands there. Just aa you find In tbe Juneau dlatrlct. Realisation on such great propertlea Is alow, but the time will come when they wllL be fully appreciated and worked.",- , BADGER CASE PASSES TO SUCCEEDING JUDGE Tn the suit of the Badger .Mining and Milling company against the Stockton Gold and Copper Mining company, which was argued and-aubmitted some time ago before Judge Befllnger. no decision haa ever been rendered. Thla waa the action In which the Badger management Bought to establish title to a half Inter, est In the Stockton claim, through the Interests of .a . former--owjier-who- bad not dona any work or paid his share of representation for several years. The evidence waa taken before a commis sioner In chancery, and arguments were made to Judge Bellinger without the Intervention of a Jury... With other casea submitted .and Which had not been decided, this suit will probably have to be heard again. It would be difficult for another Judge to take up the threads of the unfinished proceeding and nder Judgment. An earlv decision waa .tnwt1 tha-ThlresirTrtvoIved are heavy. The Badger company la aaid to have ' ex pended 125,000 In development on the Stockton, from levels of the Badger workings. It .waa also believed by the Stockton -ownere -that mnch. of the-ore ahipped "from the 00 and 700 levela of the Badger lat yesr was from beynnd the- Stockton sideline; In view of thia fact, an injunction waa expected. but in prospect of an early decision summary restraint was not Invoked. Aa m -decision cannot be expect'edLnow. for en Indefinite period immediate develon- Mirtenta-may be of a-different tiatnryta wnat wouia - omerwiee nave been the case. 1 u- . ' .'. '., CEMENT-TESTS 5 AVE -SATISFACTORY RESULTS "The eemenf tests "conducted tn thla city the paat week by Dr. W, Mlchaells. Jr, of Chicago for Balfour, Outhrle Co.. are understood to have been satis. factory to the ownera, and the natural conclusion follows that there 1 will be heavy work on the Puget aound depoalta. Dr. Mlchaella wa here aa a cement ex pert and would not divulge the results of his work In any re pent, ss the in formation belonged to the Ownera of tha depoalt andhte employers. At tha time of his. departure) he seemed satisfied with feetjlts, but-would not indicate anything further.- From Puget sound, where tha deposits are located, la .received more definite Information. It la learned that the de posits are near Bell Ingham, there being tj) necessary. elements In close prox imity, to a rail Hue. It lb fuitlier atated THE OREGON DAILY "JOURNAL," PORTLAND, SATURDAY. EVENING.' MAY 13, 1905. osed round the yomj) VJalter Caxer- IM( VOS TW(J 1 TaAOB-MASK . r t h f World s Faif nst. Louis Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Ertabiiahed 17S0 Dorchester, Mass. ac HIGHEST. AWARDS IN ; rr v EUROPE AND AMERICA the Baby" TCoIS and atomacb troubles arc avoid. ' ed by using Mellin'a Food for tb baby. . Mellin'a Food being soluble, easily digested and vary nourishing, ..Mellin'a - Food babies are free from Colic and atomacb trouble. Try a bottle of Mellin'a Food and prove it ", to your own eatiafaction. We will send yoa a aample of If tllin's Food free of eharts. . . . .. . n. . HellU's Feed It tba 0JLT fafaats' - Feed, which received the bra ad Prise. . ha hUhaxt award mt the LeaiiUaa Par- 1 ckaae Eapesltlea. St. Lamia. 1984. Bigb r taaa a gel aaeaai. - sfSLcnrs food co, boston, mass. . (Trade Mark Basleteredi THOUSANDS ENOW THAT MARY T. GOLDMAN'S ZlGray Hair Restorer U the eafroae taut UIrMnr theerialaal eolor to trmr ame fwted bairwlttaoat 4yi thai It Upnre wm9T. wmnkcmr or pwi, us eaaaot waeB or tut off. If jroa hare a friend who know and ru tall oa lu worth, swt full aiua bottleitl.uiij. If not,Mnd aaae and adriran and we will mb4, la plain wrapper, abeolntalv frea, pnvtaca paid, enwaae iWafood trial en cue aunt. ft nre and Keatioa erlanalaolaeet hir tend aaaaale If aoaetble,! a4draa -MAEY T. GOLDMAN T8 GOLDMAN BLDO..ST. PAUL. MINX., or Weedard Clarke Co., 4th aad Waakiagtea. tVLt SIZE BOTTLE 1.00. Offloe with Iter Box Co., root of . eola It. : Fhona Mala t. Blab. Wood, per load. ....... 9 1 .00 Dry Blab Wood, per load........ $1.60 Box Wood, per loadr.,.....,,f 1.T5 Above- prleea do not apply- to-North Portland or tha Heights. -" -- by Puget sound men that the tests prosecuted- have-been eminently aatia factory to all Interests, and that work la to be. taken up for Installing a big plant,' which1 will produce cement fot not only the local mrker,but. will be come a heavy exporter. 'Details Of thla work will probably not be given out until everything ia' perfected, an the management ofBalfour, Outhrle Jk CoA ao not care to aivuige me procecaings t-4he publlb. ' There is el splendid cement market in the Pacific northwest and on the shores of theJPaclfic Jn-both. th Occident and orient-the demand la stupendous-WMh a successful plant In operation anywhere Th' thin region, the benefits to the coun try will be inestimable, through aavlng Of money formerly paid for an Import, and through the additional revenue to be had from employing a large force of men- here. and. posslrdy- exporting tn heavy quantities. .-. t ; MICHAELS WILL PUt H1S. TABLE ON EXHIBIT Among the eoweewtratlng machines that experimented with, bar by. tha -United St tea geological survey aeparatlng gold and other .values from blaek aanda. will ba the Michaels flour gold device, which Is being' tried ak Ogden. Utah. The Inventor wrote tha present week that ha would have ml china here and that it would be given an exhaustive teat. This plant la a combi nation of amalgamating plates and con centrating, tables, quicksilver and water concentration being the prlnclplea em ployed for tha two devices. : It Is evident .that -there will ba great Interest in this 'work. Mining men from all parts of the4 "west Have ben In eonv munication wirh" the' geological aurvey officials and the local representatives. It la tbe jnversa. rteetre t have -the government enterprise fostered In avery way. possible, and as , greaf a variety given the. testa aa write ra product Will permit. . - , ocolate 1 7I7 fit w . 1 , .-. . . .. u Sent StX Hurt & Emuiel II II Z7- .: " , - - . I M , ; '. i. -J When five -There- dans: BeyoiieM . -..,-J. . 1 . , 1 , ,'- - ; - ; 1 : r- . : -5 Telephone "IQ :f&M.. ESr Exchange mSM. - : r 7: : tr-"" L,'"'t' -r. ' ' . . ' " ' '. ---ryr--- Portland' General : Electric Cd IT IT TT Y-on . V VI s and S into your home you ; years is -no er of You can throw away birinor it sooner. J airtno a , put . - .1