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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. MAY ' 13, :"1805.( Uk. : lT0VN TOPICS I ;t Tovioax i AiraiijiBjfit.'-. - . "T1"' 1 f r i I.mplre... 1 .rrlo. .. . K "Oar Beve' "Ksthlesa MaTourneetti Multnomah field jTbt Ctreus ..Vaudeville urinq Raker "Star . .' . . VatiAAVllla At the regular n,.fln. of the Maw lork State- society held. In the city hall ""-hist night -that- prt of the, jponstlt utlon ( relating to membership waa changed to t ''TQ tnst any person .SllglDlS Jay DC- com a. member at any time by filling out th blank provided by the registrar or secretary and paying the annual Tee - or ii. The society had as its sue Kills-4 Hatsrrtsr New York, director :, of- exhibits to the Lewis snd Clark ex position, who save an interesting talk concerning the various features of the' New York stats building and the ways in which resident New Yorkers could .make themselves useful to-the visiting jones. . The next regular meeting, Friday evening. May It, is to t in part social . one. Several new members were en- rolled lent night. ' 'Secretary Elliott of the committee on congresses for the exposition has re ceived acceptances from three more men - men of national fame.- They are Dr. Andrew 8- Draper, commissioner of edu saltan -in - New . Yorkp: General R H, l'rstt, a pioneer organiser of the Indian industrial schools, and Rev. Robert Mo . '. Intyre, who, is said to be the greatest ' of hll orators. All will be here during the clvlo congresses . and - religious conferences. The directors of the -exposition yesterday passed Peso .... - lutions of respect to the memory of Jonas M, Church, who waa for year j and s hstf a director of the corporation. THenry Ladd"C6rbetT was "elected to his place i3-MayJ-the -Oregon-Ratlroair Navigation company will make, effective r' - a new rate on wheat and flour shipped east from territory east of The Dalles . "id south of Winona. Washington. -to - .Huahae- rates from all territory f t hit - rroait eastxr The" Cascades. -"Flour to St. --rut,- Minneapolis and Dululh will pay 45 instead of St cents a hundred. South ;.; of Winona, wheat will pay instead Of i.-jfM cents to Missouri jrlver- points, and. north of Winona the rate will e re duced from HH to 60 cents. From points south-of-Winona wheat and flour T will be put from t to 11 cents to St. Louis and Chicago. " The importance, -ot- clear- skies 1 and Afresh air In Oregon thla year Is lm . polling forest -rangers to extra effort to prevent a. -recurrence of the disastrous forest fires that burned over hundreds of seres of slashings snd dead timber ,; last summer. . Adolph Aahoff. who has chsrgo of the western Oregon division of forest rangers, Is carefully' posting his, men and giving then) special in structions. It Is expected that v the scarcity of snow in the mountains and ths lsrge number of campers who will probably visit ths woods will make the task of ths rangers more ardaoug than - ever before. '. ' Here is your opportunity . to get a -tailor-made suit - at -ready-made-Trices. We have a flic -new line of up-to-date " goods, and are still maklnr-My-sH-rn-t ibiosiIolJjrdeLfor4?5.,-nofc4nore6.-L less.- We jruarerntee these to berths ssme as others charge )2( and 140 for.. Look ' ' ' h round snd you can see this for your I' self. The stylo.. fit and workmanship . will be the-'best Any pants. 17.10, T :Ir Unique -TanoTlns;Co.J 4?1 Washington Ths Portland Federated Trides Coun cil Jiaa indorsed the proposed clvlo federation conference, to .be held In Port land this year, and has volunteered to i assist in ' securing speakers. John Mitchell, piesldent of tBeTnrheworkers, Is mentioned as a probable speaker to be secured by the trades counoil. Com munications have been exchanged by the council and G. Elliott Jr., secretary -of ths local clvlo conference committee with satisfactory results. " TH' trustee for .the Wright Mumi House Is now offering to the public the completo-BchlTtner library and - fine - assortment of books and folios at from 80c to 40n- on the- dollar. Popular and . ' classical sheet muslo frdm 2 He to lOu, and musical Instruments at similar re ductlons. Corns early while ths stock is - complete. Remember the place. Seventh street, between Washington and Aides Orand . excursion Tomorrow, Sunday, - Trip through Columbia river gorge. All daylight rids ' To The Dalles and return. Past Sachems assoclstlon. . , , World's grandest scenery trip. Fsre round trip. $1.60. -Train leaves union depot J:10 a n. Chile work Ing in mill stTStrTftrihs, Martin Maher. a laborer, fell against a circular saw, yesterday, so lacerating Ms right arm that amputation was neces sary. T'nleas complications . arise the - man-will recover. Maher is about 46 years of age. and a wife and seven chil dren are dependent en. him. - Divorces have been granted In the slate cTrcuTreourf to Susie froni'W. R. Kstes and Elsie from vA. V. Kllntberg -, on ths ground of cruel snd Inhuman ... treatment, and William Cllne, Jr., from Myra K. CHne, on ths ground of deser- , , tlon. 40,000 Immigrants Wanted To locate along the Oregon. Water Power A Railway- company's Una between Portland , and Estscads. For Information Inquire - of the Oregon Wates. Power Townslts company, 134 First street. Phone, Main 'ill."- ' J -u- j,:: .. ""A" noted " singer Mr." Maurice Klein, New York City, will sing st First Con- . gregatlonal church Sunday ..morning. Dr. House's .subjects- for ths day will be: "Underneath,", and "What a Very Old Man Wrotsj; May IT, the anniversary of the 1nd- froducenoConsumer r- ' -." per Ton. - " ROLLED BARLET ,t .923.00 White Feed Oats. ...... .S29.00 .Jtolled Oats--,v.-, r.,,,,7.S29.50 Corn . . . . ..... ... . , . .jltfS.OO Cracked Corn. .......... .1126.00 Middlings ....S26.50 Shorts 21. BO 19.50 28. BO Brsn- ................... Whest Dairy Chop .'.j,. i 1T.OO 1T.OO 1S.OO 11.50 iimoiny nay , fioaho Timothy Hay Alfalfa Hay ....... For delivery add tbs per-tun. , Above Prices Are "stoaey-Bavers PACIFIC GRAIN CO. ,i Telephone Main 307., , Oer. Tkiruesitk a ad Kesrsey '.' psndsnes of Norway, will bs observed, by the, Norwegian Singing society with a musical- and Jlterary entertainment In Arlon halk ! An excellent program. Including songa by ths society, vocal and Instrumental solos, recitations and a -brief address will bs rendered. "Andrew-Nelson.' an employs It a 8L Samaritan hospital last night suffering from s.n Injury received ftl n acqldent t the Willi yesterdsy afternoon1.-' Nel son's foot was caught In ths machinery and amputation, may be necessary. -- ' A. K.'.Tfath. who resigned a JLSLV. years ago as weather bureau repairman at Twin, Washington, has been- rein stated ant asslgnad to duty at East Clallam, ' Washington. C; iiJohnsojv who was' at that place., has -been sta tioned at Port Crescent. - ng of the People s Forum lias been postponed 4intil next- Sunday bocauae of the Illness of General An derson, . who was to . have been the spesker. Next Sunday night he wfll speak on "Our Relations with the Phil ippines." . :, Owing to extensive repairs the well known Louvre restaurant will be closed for a short time only. - Announcement of teupenliig t)ftnIpOpularestabllBli merrt wtit sppesr-tir The" Journat later; Cafe will remain open. - . The Inventory of' the" estate" of John Labbc, which was filed .In the county court yesterday, shows the property of f the deceased Is valued at 5,683. , The estate consists- principally 01 real prop erty. .. . (--': .-" The Corvallls aV Eastern has elected the followtng officers: Manager, T. H. Curtis; secretary, John A, Shaw; gen eral freight and passenger agent, J. C. Mayo;, auditor; Kg D. Kuettnsr.-e r -Oregon City boat - "t 5" cents rottndtrtih-eaves--. , Taylor street Sunday 11:SQ a. m4 . S:J0 p. m. leaves Oregon. City I 1 9e snd. 6rprjn Fine ride. ' , " "W are stm fitting tbose li.BO glasses for 11. If you need glasses it will be to your , interest to call en Metser dc Co.. Jewelers srnf opticians, n t Sixttf streetl .' Csfe ds 6ourthets Is the best "40c coffee on, the marketr three pounds for 11.0v- Call Capital - cofres company. Phont West tit. For sale SO by 100 .foot corner, Front and Mill streets. Msx Smith, the Savoy restaurant- lit Fifth street ' $1,000 rewsrd for any adulterations found in Oregon Qrspe or Psclflo Cream. Dancing, -Robse's park. Admission free. Dr. Amos, surgeon. 'Dekum bulluUg. . Ansley Printing Co..' 250 Osk. ':3-. J r. WALTER, WHO LOOKS LIKE HIS BROTHERS, BELASCO Walter Belaecev who has been especi ally engaged to play two small bits In "The Heart of Maryland ' at the Belasco theatre, bears a, striking , resemblance Walter Belaico. to his two brothers, . Fred and David, lie has frequently been mistaken for each. Mr. Belasco is an admirable character man, and his portrayal of the sexton in ths opening bill at the Belasco Is said to be extremely clever and convincing. Be sides the sexton he appears as the old negro, and in both parts he has mads reet-hUav Whlln his present-engage ment Is for the one week only. It Is not unlikely that Mr. Belasco. will be en ga god - 4y-hls-brother' for other1 rnleg' which he originated on the Pacirto coast, JIM BUR WICK. WILL SPEAK ON SIDETRACKS Tomorrow sflernoon aT'T'bcToclcrjrm Burwlck, - known - to railroad men all over thp . North American continent. will address a men's meeting on "Side Tracks." at the Marqtiam theatre. - Bpe clal muala has been arranged for the occasion to be led by Conductor A. IT Clark, i ' ' 7 , Jim Burwlck Is one of the old time type ot railroad men, genial, generous, snd wnole-nftulrd; he wsa his own worst enem y J hrougb-drinkf Fifteen years ago he started the Christian life, and has been urging his fellow railroad men all over the country to do the same ever since. For afx months In the year he rune an ore train and the-other six months he spends In evangellstlo work. M usic al - Pro grarrr- Roy al - It ali an Band Star Theatre. I MattrretrMsy-1 I. March f. "Hungarian Dance" V. Marino , .Brahms n. Sclcrtlnn "Mnrthi' lalias j aioUby-eilsnorl7i.dt-v1rr-snd Marcario qi fulvlo.- M a rch "Fi nale , . fevenlng 1,'March .Tj'TJrbano ? Overture ."Ioit snnl P..Mni" . fi.,nH. 7 Grand selecttojj from "Fauat". . . . . Qounod r'BolOB-by Blgnorl dl Fablo and Mar- carlo ana C at Kulvlo. .-- , 4. March "Finale." Excursions to Seaside Via A, A C. rRTR. M"ake"a Big; Hit. $1.50 Only three .more this yesr. frr ons nev. Sunday. A seat, a good time and equar deal 'for. everybody. Tickets on sale every day at VM Al4r street AM T"nlon depot Sunday , morning. ' Train leaves Union depot I a. m, - , . : . - FrefsTTsd Stock Oaaaed i (rseos, Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. . . . r flBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWBSSJI In New Building on Facin&Main Entrance" indjrjtjfllwii Clark Fair. , .APPLY- S MChambcr ot Commerce or 393 26th Street - CHURCH SERVICES j " PBE81TTERIAW. '.''...'-' flrat PreshjrterUa cbnrch Tb paator. Rev. Edgar r. lllll. I), v., will preai-b mrahif 4U fTtfnlng: In lan trrning the aerruuu - will 1m to rallmad pien and tba Tlalilng eondwtora and their wives navir li.en (peeianr intuea; serrieea begin at 10:W a.-i. aad I:5 p. ni. . I'ledinnnt t'orner. :lereland senue suU Jar reit atreet; Her. L. Un.B Booaer, paator. Xerrlrvs 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. at.; Bahhalb a.tiH.I at 10 . m., Cbarlca Vaaper. super Intendena. , - Arbor liOdge .Chapel Corner BrftBt and Cur ds alraeta. Xabbath arbool at it p. m.t aersiua Li llo.l 11. llaaur at 4 u. ni. - . ..... Sellnood Corner aeututu ad Spokane areuue; Her. 1. A. 1 homuaon, paator. . 10 a. m., ni.rnlua worablp, Krr. A. P. rkiper, of Iho I'voplea' ln.Illutf will preach: 7 p. m.. t'hria. tlau Kudearur; t:i9 p. m.. apeclal lone KrTlce; V p. St., "A Peraonal Hod." Third Rmt fine and Thirteenth atreeta; KfT. Andrew J. Montaiu)err. paator. H-TTlcea ar in an and T:4A: the Daator will Jrea?b lu lha BKtrnlug;. maas meeting fnr twra nod girl ror ervnlng; -special uiuaie sou . inuairaiea strpuin. - ' ll.r.hnll Htrrrt He. C. W. Hara. paator: corner Worth Heeesteenth and Mar.h.ll alracla. Hunday aebool at 10 a. m. j preaehing oy ids aator at It a. m. and S irrTO-i Y. P. 8. C !. nitx'tlng at T:I5 p. m. , : ' . . Mlmab Jerome R. MeOtade. paator. In the bM-- f tb paator tbla pulpu. a ll! a sup plied with prrarnmg: iu;in a. m.. roe inoaer- at ot the Portland rresbytery. Rev. l. A. Thompana of Hellwood. will preach; at 8 p. n.. tier, ueorge. H.. hosco-wiu. preacn. opevwi Uliafe. - CalTary-Cnrner glerenlh snd-lay atieeta; Re.-W. P. Ollbert. paator. 10:30 a. m.. "The Beauir of tbntxird:" T;5 p. ni.. Btannp 8, C. Ureffogle of the German Evangelical church will preach. Tbla will be a union eervlce. Choir Mlaa Unehan. aoprano; Miaa Counollr. alto; lr. Oeorga Alnalle. tenor; Mr. Ueorge trret, baritone; Mr. II. T." Milllgan. organlat. ftraf tnlted 8UIB ana Monigoniery aireeia. Preaching. Us. at. and T:3l.p. m.; Babbatk echini. 12:2. On account of the abaeac of the paatorw Rev. 1. A. Hpeer will preach morn ing and erenlnf. - 1 Zlon'a Kaat Twentylghth itreet."near-OM- nan; A. W. Relnbart, paator. Services In the tJermaa language at It a. m.i in toe suguau Taylor Hlreet I)r. Francla RnrgeU Short; paaior. b:sii a. m.i elaea; 10:t a. si., in dued With Power;" 12;1B p m., Knndaj school; 0:S0 p. m., Kp worth lragne, leaaVr, .Kaillllel ronneflr- 1M t. -m.r--!'The Goapel Tralm" Brothent- Rurwlck sb - flarb, tb- railroad evanaeliala. will conduct the. service; O. it. C. I membera cordiallr Invited. . - . Sunnralde Vaiublll. - petween mirtr-nrin and Thlrtjrlxlb alreeta; T, R. Ford, paator, II s. m., "The KUatouce of Uod. a Natural and Hlatorlcal 'eceatty.". the aecond aermos in tlM aerlea on, -Kondamenlal Facta In t'hrla tianliy;" the F.pworlh Imiiw will bar charge Free Corner of Kaat Nlnib and Mill atreeta; J. Jlen. paator.- Preaching at If o'clock a. m. . Orace Clarence True Wllann. I). I).. M:;t0 S. m., "The True rilgnllr of Man;" T:l p. m.. "feeanns From I.I re a Railroad Eiperlencea." with eapeelal reference t tba flatting O. R.' C. dclegatea: the Kprnrth leagne -will attend tn s tMirir; class meeting at 0:80 a. m.; Hunday school at J3 m.; Knworth league annlveraary at : p.-m;' r- . Timm uaat Tenia anq uranii iipti liar. old Obcrg. ttervicea morning and evening; Hunday school st 10 a. m.; Epworth loagua at T p. m. Centenary Corner Eaat Pine and Ninth atreeta; William H. Henpe." I. - !.; " paator. 111:30 a. s.Wbo)v eemmtinloB and sermon ' by Rer.-A. N. Flaher. I. I.; T:4ft p. m., the paatnr will preach the aecond eprmon on. ."Thn Beat Armor for Life's Hattlca:" S p. m., lovs feaat; 12:15. Sunday achool; 6:80 p. m., Kp- worth and Jnnlor leagnea- I.ara -chorus and children a choir at evening service. BAMriSa . J The ' White Temple Corner Twelfth and Taylor atreeta; Bev. J. Whltronib Brougher, t). I)., naatnr. 10:80 s.-m.. aermon by Rev, II. Wyae Jnnea. atate evangetiat for Oregon, "love's Snrprlaea;" 12:10 a. m.. Bible school; 8:20 p. m.. B. V. P. 1. meeting, headers, V, V. Young and John Cnrliae: T:.K) p. m., aer mon by Rev. II. Wyae Jnnea. on l'The Tll Outwitted." Musical program: 1 Morntng Sale of Exchan Pianolas AN umber Jof-Oood -Ones to Go for a Song, Here iVan Opportunity to Rem edy That Silent Piano. Mod erate Terms of Payment May Be Arranjed. - - tt '.i ihk flneat nlnno 'nlaver made at a greatly reduced price, novr is your timo to nuy. The Pianolas that we are going to sell at a radical reduction from the es tablished price , have been accepted by us from purchasers who were anxious to secure the Intent model Metrostyle Pianolas. But there are many penpie who- prefer o-jjuiuvataahslr-own-mus. "al fists Tlnj.luylng the alano. an. to them these PlanolH will answer ad- mlrably. The saving In cost Is con iiiinranin iim siininii inr. e pMr.-li.ianr vnr PImuoI be turned back to. us In part payment for one with the Metrostyie attacnmeni. ... PRICES ;; - : :-; The littlest priced one goea frtr $t30 a'trlrte over Tmlf Its original price. -J u la tn rood condition throughout snd hns a great deal of wear In It. There Is one cased In mahoa-any for $141, another 6nsLln a very dark mahogany case for Ills,-an almost new one in v. a mm, price only 1200. and one used- btit little for S18X. and otlll another one for the little price of only 1130. A small cash payment Is all that Is required, balance) of purchase to br made by moderate monthly installments If mora convenient, . livery instrument guaranjoea just as repressnted. or no sale. i The Pianolas . go on sal Monnny fftornlna Snd wa do- not -sntlclpate that' try eVenlag there will be a. slngle one left,--.At-H events llie esriy inner will f;et the pick., qut-of-fnwn psrties order ng by mall sliould . solid check for at least 120. Phone orders will be held only 14 jmura swaltlng check. Ellen Pisno House, '361 Wsshrngten - street, eorrer Parlu , , BiiUombard ged! Antirsr' (WelsUnhelmeli Scilo, "At)ld Wa Me,' (Iddlrt'MlM Ktlni ijtu: iMMilude, -MuOontu,'.' (Weher). Ea- wunur;, - urterlorr in f.-- iwmiii ; fborui. "Appear Tbuu I.lsbt.-tHrlae," kMoni B),- "Ofciry Charua". Iradlns t.n jretlonl -iiH. rroinm nrimrr, airertur. uuarte. MlM' Kthrl ITtlf. Mia Krh-I hum. fr II Mania, Hrofoumr J. W. Brlcbrr. lilH Grace Kemp, om.ul.t. r 1 irvt-ui wiui.Bi K. Kandall, mlnlmer. K:!iO a. m., "Ptuile That Drram and I'eo.l That 1I" 13 si,, Bible school: f p. m., (.'brlatlas Kndeavor; T: P. m.. "Hrvma Maaora; Uoue Breaker." Profeaaor-W. r. Vra.hxut. Bin, isai airaetor; tll.a Kutb Shogrn, organlat. "ai w.aniB ana Antm; ameia; Rht. H. C. Lapham. paator. lu:;kl a. m.. --A "i'-e in tlia w iM-rnH:" 12 m nihi . rat aei-mon of a anrla An -AmmI ... TM." "Will Uod Ul Iwfl kla a Fair fhanoar' alrarj Coraer Eaat Klsbth and Eaat Grant air-ta A. uaw Black, p.. tor. It i. m. " The rtohli-ina ut tba- II matt II y t BBres";'" T:30 p. m.; "Tn Hw. Iry, K a turf and Meth xl of tbe New Blrtb;" 10 a. m., Mtblr- srtaool, under Waderablp of 1. W. Howell: aO p. m., the roons people, Mrs, Alma Miirsaa, leader; ami senoui sua S t 4 p. m. praschlat Is Uarmas from XriBCOPAX. ' -St. Pavld' Kaat . Twelfth and Belmont atreeta; Ke. Ueorge H. Van Watera, D. D., rector. Morning prayer, Jl; evenlug prayer, T:.'K; Sunday achoul, W:48 a. m. Trinity t'haiiel Nluetmnth, near Wash ington atreet; Her. Dr. A. A. Morrteos. . roe. tor. Holy communion. a. ro. : morning ser. vu, it):o a. ra.; evening : aerTlce, 8 p. m.t Sunday achtKiTTlam:-Z7L'.zii ' Chael of the Transfluratloft--SIth street near Oak; Rev. -W. Powell, chaplain. Ser vice snd sermon. Ha. m.;. Huuday school, 8:S (- m,. ....... 8t. Paul's Woodmereu Rev. W. R.. Powell, in cnarge. service anq aermos. p. m. St. John's Memorial Sell wood; Rev. W. R. Powell, in charge. . Sunday acbool, 11 s, m.i evening aervlce. T:4fl. tiood Shepberd Hellwood street Slid Vancou ver. svenue,. Alblna: . Re. Jibu Dawaon. ree. tor. Sunday school. 10 a. m.; morning prayer and' litany, 11 s. St.; evening prayer and aer won, p. id . St. Andrrws-Penlnaula;.. Rev. Jobs Dawson, rector. Afternoon aervlce. 8 n. m. - Ht. Rtephen'a - Chapel Thirteenth and Clay atreelai Rev. H. M. Ramaer. M. A., orleat la charge. 7:o s. si., boly eomui union; S:4A a. m.. eunday school; services at 11 s. m, snd Aaoen.lon rhaoel Portland Helghtsi Rev. B. M. Ranwey. In charge. Craning prayer, g clock: Hunday -school at 8. Cburch of Our Savior Woodatock. Services. sveolug -prayer snd-sermon at 8.30; Sunday acnooi at s:su. Ht. Matthew's Piret sua Canithers atreeta: Rev. W. A. M. Brack, in charge. . Berrtca ann -aermon, ; s. m. ; sunaar acnooi, V:4& a. m. . St. Ilavld'a g s. a., holy- eemmnnton: : S,M,r Mueday school -tt a-.- m-.,- wtarttra a oft ser rt:.1 p. m.r evenaonr and aermon. " Fred erlck Wr fciedrlch haa arranged the tolloevinf program of mutde: Morning Prelude. "An- danle in O." iHipartT; offertory, "Prelnde to Imengrln.v lUagncrl; - poatlude, - "Grand tboeur In B flat." (Dnnnlai. Kventng Pre lude. "Abenlled," (ftchumannl; - offertory, "Melody- in. F." (Haheneteln);- poatlude, "l"rleat's March," (Mendelaaobn). O0NORX0ATI0HAL. Flrat Madlaon snd Park atreeta;. Rev; E. I,. Hniae, I). I)., paator. 10:110 a. m., "Un derneath;" T:30 p. m.. "What a Man Over One Hundred Years Old Wrote." Flrat Of St. -Jobna. Services In Blckner'l ball at T4.t p. m. preaching by Rev. W. L. tphan o Oklahoma. - - - -- 7.; - 1'nlverslly Park Rev. D. B. flray. paator, Sorvlcee In Arlleaa temple, Portamouth; Sun day achool at H a. m. ; preaching at 11 a. m. Haaaalo Street Kaat Seventh atreet north and Haaaalo; Rev. Charles E. Chase,' 10:80 a m., aervlca -with- aermosi- it at,, Sunday achool; p. m., Lbrlatlaa Endeavor; so even ing aervlce. ' v HlRbland Corner Preacott and " Eaat 814th atreet north; Hev. A. M. Rock wood, paatnr. 10 a. m.. Hunday schonlt 11. s temperance rally to he addreeeed by Dr. Tufta of the Aotl Haloort league on "Shall We Have Saloons In Precinct tlr 8 p. m Jnnlor Endeavor; T:4A p. ra. , aermos by the paator on "Battlea That Do Not Have o Be Fought Over Again." --Mlaeiaalppl - Avenue tf'.oracr of - Mlaalaalppl avenue and Fremont atreet. 10 s. m., Sunday school ptt s. to., pieai'hlug service; 0.48 p. m.. Yeung Peopla'a meeting, Peter Hudaon, leader; T:4.V preaching aervlce. JJev. R. I, Nlcholla of Kalama. Waahlngtoo will preach both mortis Ing and evening - Bminyalde. Corner Beat Taylor and Eaat Thirty-fourth atreeta; Iter. J. J. Staub, paa ior. a. m.. Will Help Thee;" 8 p. m., "The Treaaiirea of Divine Grace;" 10 a. m.. Sunday achool, S. C Pier. superintendent; T p. m.,' Chriatlaa Endeavor service. Mlaa Edith Roe, leader. CHRISTIAN. - Central Eaat Twentieth and Saltans streets; Rev. J. r. Uhormley. IX II.. will apeak at 10:30 s. m., on "t'briatian t'ltlaenahlp:" T:4.t S. m... "In Hla Name;" prelude, "Tba Neit raror." Special mnale. Iln. McPberaon Oale, director; Mlaa Eva Ryan, organlat. Rodney Avenue Corner Rodney avenOe anij " ' mil... . W. J mmw... w, ll "Defective Ooodneaa:" 0:46 a. in.. Sunday ahool: :4A p. m., Young People'a Society of Chrlatlan Kndeavor; T:4 p. m., "The Man tn the Background." First Corner Park snd Colnmbts atreeta; K. Muckley, mlnlater. 10:30 s, m. . "A Re cipe for Wearlneea;" T:45 p. m., "A Faiae Philanthropy of l ife;" Bible acbool, 12:15 p. ; IV l; g. C. K.. 45 u-jn. LtJTHIRAH. ' Rt. Jamea' Rngllab Corner Went Park snd Jefcraoir atreeta; J. A. Iaa. paator. Services at Jl a. m. ; confirmation service, rtnualc by the rhorr: 10 a. m., Bnndar schoot," Siuale by thn orchestra; T p. m., Luthtr leagite, - Norwegian Synod Corner Eaat. Tantb-snd flrant ateeetaf O. Ilagoea, paator. Servlcea at 11 a. m. ana st s p. m.; nunaay school st :30. Korvreglan 4n" North Fourteenth atreet; Rev. J. M. Nervlg. paator. Services, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; 8:45 s. m., Sunday school. -.- T. V. C. A. The big men's meeting - st the Marqnam theatre at 4 p. m. will be addreaeed by "Jim" Burwlck. s railway conductor, who la tn ths city attending the conductor' convention.' A. II. Clark, alao a conductor, wilt alng s solo and conduct the singing; men Only; seats free. Hoye' meeting at Y. M. C. A talk by Con ductor R. W. Robinson ef tba C, B. A Q . 011 "Strong Bove," Sunday st l:4S p. m. Buys Invited. ' . 1 now. 1 The Chrlatlan Catholic Apoatollc Church In y.lon Ucv. John Alex. Inwle. Klrat ' Apoelle. and Morrison atreeta; auhjecta, 8 p. m.. "The Threefold Prophetic Kong. by laalah of Sal vation for Spirit. Ueallng for Body and Power ef Holy Living;" 8 p. m., tcatlmony and Rralae meeting by thoae mlraculoualy beah-d y the power of Ood, led by Rev. tharlra A. Hoy, elder. . 1TMITED rVAKQIXICAX, Pat Side t'orner Farge and Kerby streets; Rev. J. Bowersoa. paetor. Service wet 11 a, m. and T:.t' p. m. : 10 a. m.. Sunday schooli 8 p. m . Junior Endeavor; 8:4S p. m., K. U 0. K, ' - St. Johns Comer of John snd Ivanhna atreeta; E. K. McVlrker, paaior. 11 a. m.. "Sabbath Pesecratlon;" evening aervlce, 8 n.- m.; Sunday acbool, lit a. m. ; Junior K. L. C. ., 2:S0 p. m.; Senior K. U C. ., T p. m. CHRISTUM 8CIIHCS. rirai Scottlab Rite cathedral, Morrison; and Lownadale atreeta. Servlcea 11 a. m. and 8 p..m.; aubjeet, Sonl and Body;" Sunday school J SI cioae 01 morning service. Second Auditorium building. Third, between Taylor and eialmon atreeta. Servlcea, )1 a. m. and 8 p. m., "Soul and Body:" Sunday school, 11 a. m. In the.aeadlng rooms. -iJ ' XTAV OELIOAiV- ASSOCIATI0B. ' Klrat Corner Tenth snd Clay streets: Jrbeo. Schaner paator. Services In Calvary I'eabyjt. terlan church, snrner JCIerenth and ClaF alreeta: Sunday achool, ft:80- a. m : Blahop Breyfugvl P"rbJn he judltorliiia jrf TrcLyterlsa cburcb at T:45 p. ' Jbai;siTsry at. x, CHURCH. SOUTH. J rirat-ITlL. H.on -'" ' I fast 11-iiiUiVijiiilK. ResuUr aeavleea. At-i- a. sa. sna 9 p. m.: ju a. m., Sunday acbool: T l m., Sp worth leagne. : , , . TnrtTERSAUITr Flrat Kaat' Cnueb snd Kaat Rig snaj. paator. .... 11 a- - m.r-"Th IIHv Man." to-be folkiweil by a- snlsus aervlce; llrf p. m., Snnday schoo). ' - WITARIAV. - first T Tsmbltt and Second : Pr." Or IT." Cres sey, palfftre II a. m. aervleewlth dlaconrae, "Kn-called Cnhellef and the Things That Re main;'' BiiO'lay acnooi, 11 to p. m. stlSCELLAHIOtrS. nu.ia a,.irlni aww.if k n r- ,nr t..n Spiritual Soct.ty A. O. Selllng-Hlra h, building, corner Waat Park ani Washington streete; Sunday, at II r m,T abort talks snd testa; at t p., m., lerrnre- by Her. Iir, tt. H. 1 Joon or-san trancisco, followed by ta by Mra. R. K. Coin. rhtircb of Jerna Chrlat of Latter Par Salute Allkv building, hall 4no, enrner Third and Morrlaon atreeta.- Services at 11. .10 a. m. and T p. m. ' . . Reformer Flrat. Oermaa Tenth and Stark atreeta; U., Ha fner. paaior. Servlcea 10:4,1 a. si. sad P. St.; Sunday school, SSO s. re.; V P. S . T p- BJ. . ' - I s Mllleaslsl Daws 0. A. B. .hall porlkaatt ....... r .rrrrr JSffr Volnatsry. 1 I j 'sViCH L J corner Second and Morrlaon streets; 'special aervtre at 2:80 p. m.. sddreaa by Bro W. H. Bandy -ot AHegneny,- l a. . . idveniiat urm-r Kaat Eleventh end Ever ett: t,V Klwl Lelawh .peebirv- S p. nu, "Tha Great Apostesy la tbe Cburcfe, a Subject of PlThi'ir'irt Snlrttual Society Artlaans' hall, AblngUiu bulltllng, , Third, near . Waahlngton a tret t Mra-. 11 uTl.sllL lecture oa "Humanity veraua Chrlatlaultv" at 11 s. m.. and on "The it,arutf.itkitti or ffnlrirnallarS- at T:4A o. New Tbought Society ;), third floor Alleky kuiMin. n.m,i Third and Morrlaon atreet. 8 p. m.. Dr. T, W. Butler on "Tbe Uospel of the New Age." -. , , People's Chriatlaa t'nlon Free Tellglooa so. eleiv. V. E. Coulter, loader and teacher. Meet! In f'nltv ball. 1W4'4 Morrlaon atreet; 11 a. m T'The True Baala ori.Tfc; 1'J!I8 B. hi.. '"HtiW to. Make Good Out of Kvll; 7:48 p. m.. concert by Unloa Orcheetrai 8:18 p. "Natural Light snd Its Spiritual Canae." ' HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Portland: W. I. McKee, Qulncy, 111.; E. J. Klney. Salt Lake; Mlas Baker. Everett; A. B. Field, Saa r'rsncleco; R. D. Lapham, New York: I. (loodfrlend. New York; K. Leo gold, Chicago: II. (I. Carenmigh and wife, V. 8. A.TJ. n.TanceTTblladclfibUrK "TV. Ryder aad Burt Moran, Boston : U. P. Detrick and wife. Urn Angeles; -A.-W. Pbllltpa, Seattle; J. W. Yerkea, lanvllle, Ky.; Harold Mayet sn, England; S. Ritchie, London; Albert la vlaa. New York;' Herbert Ton tlrr, Chicago; A. A. Plohn, New York; Mra. lnl Tbomaa and Cora Thoniaa, Storm Lake, lows; Edgar Mosrr, Medtord; W. 1. Starr snd wife snd J. f. Koa, New York: Mra. Jamas Bhlrite.snd Mlaa Bis nham. Wathlnston. I). C. ; W, P. McNamors, Salt Lake: Mra. A. 11. Swift, Mlaa K. Swift, Mla It. Me Andrew -and V Fr Tak-ott snd wife, Silver Creek, N, Y.; Mra Irs 8. Youusloca, Mlaa Tonnalora and Mlaa Peters. Chicago: Mrs. Annie M. trench, Mamheatei. W. H.r-a. ; Munro, Honolulu; M. Mats and Cbarles Meta, Cincinnati. tihb;-;Cf' H. Smith,- Minneapolis P. 11. Stacker, San Kramcraco; V. I. Nesberry, rhlladelphla: S. Slnabelmer','. rhtcsgnr .. M. liarrnpurt. Spokane; K. V. Kraft. Brock ford; K. Y. Jndd. Pendleton; n. Light. E. J, Klelarbman and B. Welcnchlck New York At Perklna: W. E. Harrington, Sullivan, tnd.; - L.-Lackman, - Kanaaa city; A. W. Phillips and E. M. Blnk.vSnattle; . P. Iennla, Ventarsi- Cll.1 P. - t. - Brown snd wife, J. Browell Snd Or Sfr Perka, St. Panlt C. W. Marnard.. Chehnlla; O. J. Iluthrldge. Walla Walla: Frank Ilarenport Hood River; Emms K. snd Ueorgla L. Bowney, Tvgu Valley; Charles Fergueon, Spokane; ft. rriee, nuiutn; J. A. Churhlll, Itjker Clly; C. A. Jamleann, Bralnerd. Minn. ; P. J. ' Po, Ran Kranclaco: W. tL Klnla. The . llallca; J. 8. Kebray and wife, Paealey. At tbs Imperial:" E. L. Pars, Seattle; S Papple, clly; R. L. Coe, Oranta Pane; T. H. IMrrof.e. Spokane; 8. B. Huatnn, lllllaboro; roe Miller and wife. Mortis ft Rows circna; J. K. Nh-on and wife. Vancouver: N. A. Peterson. Seattle-, i. O. Koiltb and wife, vanconvar. What TRey aefV- From the Boston Transcript. Old Gent My poor child! Did not your parents leave you anything when thejTdledr Poor Child Tepr -Dey left mran or phsn! ,' AJsTTJREXKam. Tn OSBATEB Norris&Rowe Circus Twlcs Larser, Twice Better than Before. BIO KZHAOBBIB . - laTTJREtrsI JaXPPODBOMB. .- 2 RINGS AVa?D I RINGS 2 Complete Vew Circus Tfcroaf bout. rMULTNOMAn"FIELD; XABT FEBTOBMABCB T0BZOHT. 7 MAY 12-13 Performance at 8 p. m. Acrobats! Gymnasts! Mid-Air Performers 7 KAKTXX.OU , BzuroBoa 7 XZZiBOTTB-lVa VOU-aCBMrOTTS TIVTZBO lATAW TBOVVB BABIBO ArmiAI. WIATI)! 6 riTlltO BABOBBODS 8 TAMOTJS OABSBZB TAMIXT r OBAcsrox. mdorilo tbzo iits KiaxziiOBA-nn'ABxsB BIZ BTJOIMOTO JAFAaTXBB - X.ADT IWOUITOKII, rXJTCXKS" Trained Animal j AcU . 1 BAREBACK RIDERS Boss Soekrall . Dolly Miller X stalls Rattier 1 Mils Jullen erd of Blephaats VOBfrail VI mmmmKW rteres sinsnan y smm Camels. Llamu, o . i - " loHaad- broken to harness rrauv Miller Anstln Xlak rakA.waivine tsliions, 100 STiat- Jos.' X,yons sad XlriU - Herbert alomlay m Wm. . Bntton - " Xiowls Bsro . Train st Pelicans -yis IO -Jolly Clowna-20 - Esoltlnc Blppodroms, Chariot and , , Hurdle Baoea. . ; Grand, Big Street Parade Brie Adolts. BO01 Childrea, a 5s; MlDflfUM 0O w- Jfssgls. Ree. Mgr. ' T0RI0HT LAST PERFORM ARCS , . . ORACK TAB ITUDDlrORD It - ths " Rem nttT7vnMo flrirrs Success "RID ytATHIR." Evening rrloea-.,Loerc Boor, fl.Sd. ' Pal eon. Brat rose. lj lent rows, 7.V: and sue. Entire gallery, (ic. Boies and logea, tlO, . BLACIER RROa. CO !t CIST eTiRT RI0HT. r ait-sa RURS&IDB. BBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBB Free Baking w ' ' SsiraaL ' . ' a.t.'" , .. '" K -SPECIAL-OFFER .AiADg TO -INTRODUCE -THE 7 ' MERITS OF JOURNAL "WANT ADS' r :' The Journal having made a; special arrangement with" the K. C. Baking Powder Co., it has been decided that with each 25-cent "Want Ad", there will be given entirely free a 25-ounce can of this well ThisfferMsnlt bemadeforiiirtfteTi time only; and those who-- thave property to sell, rooms to ; will find The Jourfial K. C isthe up-to-date baking leading grocers ;Zo .ounces tor Z5. cents.', It is becoming more , popular every day as housewives learn of its superior merits'. . It . makes pure, wholesome , food, and is unexcelled for hot v biscuit or fancy cakes. r g . PER DAY THE PULLMAN - PALACE-INN, Ut One Block North of Main A clean anrl ejulet place for a nl-hfs I Irttrsr thrtraghout. " The only plscs In CLA8S service during ths "Fair'' at.&OS) per day. Make your reservations eartyi: Address PULLMAN-PALACE. INN A. J. BAZB. KfT. FOXTUUTD, OXXOOsT. , fn--J : TII18 IS THE ' y IIUIHK Where they serve those Sunday French Dinners, with wine, for $1. WE ARE INTRODUCING FOR FIRST TIM K IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND NEW ORCHESTRAL. MUSIC. ilArlf, MANDOLIN. GUITAR. ETC. Suites with baths, hot and cold Water and telephone In every room. onrzea 3 so auzb stbezt. EiVlPIRE THEATRI, -12th and Morrlaon. fifth Week ef Tremendous Success, ' EMPtRB STOt'R COMPACT la Hlgb-Claas Plays. ' - DBIssZ0aIO OiRTR Sally Mstinass, 1:11. Evaalsg at 1:15. This week the screaming comedy. ' owa B0TS." Obs long laugh from beginning to end. LYRIC THEATRE "IHt HOME OF SUOCEMES.1 ; Keating A Klood, Mgrs. THIS WEEK, THE IRISH "DRAMA, "Kathleen Mavourneen" - showe at 2:-T:30 and :15 p. m. ADMISSI0R TO ART SEAT 10 CERTS. GRAND THEATRE " BR. BRi. JOS. J. rOWXIRO BEIX QUARTET ROBERT ELDKIDOI CTIVER COSKET . THE JAKES CHRISTOPHER MR. AI.F BOMRUt THE 0RANMBC0PE. GTeneral sdmlaalos, 10e: rearved seats, 30c; box Bents,-"" 2Rc. h wnaaaa a a aa- v ramhlll OTSRTVRE. BARER ORCHESTRA FRED WALTERS, , Rlack-Face Vomedinn and Dancer, a KtTBTraT TnTninnn. r imperial comedy fbviT mi.AU . W!Jbija DOM EMERSON DUO OENE LITTLE ANITA v BAKEROORAPH Prlew- of - sdmtaebm,- 10r wallnee -'sirdwslgbt.T' STARrTHEATRir- ArT1E WIH " THE TALK OF THR T0WVI " S'TJRBAKO'I ROTf L tTALIAJf BAVO XIRE0 T-Tr?----- YEATURX BILL! , XARRERA iFATWRR J0HM DREW SILL! - S OTHER HEADURERS S ,. f Rbowi 1 40, T.18. p. s, A Jmlnloo 10, 30, Sy. ifvis w m --mm HAWTHORRK TERRACJE ' ' , -. PORILAhD HEIGHTS --".', eff st Hswtborne Terries, use block frusa sr use, rto cumnmg. ciecirie elevator. Moat magnificent view Is ' America.' ies beautiful affect ot powerful searchlight from top st tower. Opes s a. m. to t p. sa. - m AOauauoa is un ', . ,. known article. rent, lost articles to find, etc., - of invaluable aid. . : y. t " " powdit - wUich: il soldby all the ; 50c Entrance) to the Fair. reat. A new building with new fumlsh- the city cf Portlsnd Insuring FIRST I Aroerican Plan $3.00 a Day : - arrd upward. ' HEADQUARTERS FOR TOUR- I8TS AND" COMMERCIAXj TRAVELERS. Special rates mads 'to families Turkish bath, establishment In ths hotel. ' .B. O. BOWZBS. BCaaaa-sr. PALACE HOTEL J I I 0 a 0 Whether he goes iy land or sea, the traveler will find It a delightful trip to Saa Francisco, where he should top at ths world-famed -Palace Hotel- and enjoy Its many sttras tlve features. For fuller information writs to the Palace, or see . r. c. BiBBLT ' at the Portland Informa llbn andTlooklns; Agency, Hotel Portland. LU H 0 E a 0 j The Woodland (The Steel Residence.) MRS. R. SHULTZ and MRS. A. BROOKS, Managers, 6S Btrta Bt, Cor. acadlsoa. Fhons Main 260. Elegant Modern Furnished . Rooms With Board , Single or muTfe. Prices Rea - sonable. SUMMER RATES --O. W. 1. B BTV..CO. . j Hotel Estacada 1 ix mosi april "tor lulglng and Rreakfaat Room and board per day Room and Iward per week . I S . SDH . IS (Ml Jlreakfae Luncheon ct. 1 .... .-i ... " .ht - Dinner .7 rhlldreannder T rears sad aecvaauw. LalX rati'a. ' A aoeelal ticket, lacludlas troller trlns aaa dinner,, . A aixM lnl ticket. Inrlndtaa troller trtue ' and one day's board, fa.fto. . " -Ticsera am aaie at iho company's ernes. riBST ABD ALDI1 BTBCBTS. Phone or mrlle-R. MARTITtEZ. Manager. Dr. B. G. WRIGHT TKs BCTRBTtriO DPffTHf that relieves all pain in dental . spsrar tions. - :. rr-r. .'. i"'. i, B4a' washira Sk, as, ateveats. :' - A A r .... .4. . f e