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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1905)
;r.;.".W ... , -. . ...... 'THE 1 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. . PORTLAND. SATURDAY "EVENING,,- MAY. 13 1903. 0 SECRETARY MORTON TO r:RESIGN'NEXT:FALL COiiFERtKCEMAY AS5ASSIMI1GS COURTS ICI(vFR0f,l-D!llfl!( -AMD jurists r.: e j . . LOSE-TOH a on A MdUHltT SBeTaT"F;eTTTcT: i Washlnaron. May !. Secre- e tary of the Navy Paul Morton" stated thla - afternoon - tha he 4 would resign from the cabinet e-next fall and that he had ao In- e e formed the president. He added e Much Work of Importance Yet . Before EvangelicaKAssocia- :r - " tion at Lents. .. Would-Be . Killer, of Van Dran 7 Ce!ebrates"7 Freedom - by 9iiash1ngftiiiilLuie. Bench and Bar Show 'Deep Respect for Memory of J . ; -the Diad. ' that it was understood oeiween w ThleirandTrir-rrW1geia tlmv he would onfy remain in the .cabinet until March 4, 190S, but e that he had remained longer. et- the earnest solicitation Of the. president. " . INTEREST IN SESSIONS CONTINUES UNABATED POLICE UNABLE TO : - : LAY HANDS ON HIM RESOLUTIONS OF, RESPECT .WILL BE PREPARED oiii P ORROW H;onffo--toAiasK T e V itirtlftlaiid Stay home and : have us in District Attorney" Say" His : As tsistanitrMad Mistake in- Ambiiht'of "Bonds. -TAfter obtaining M liberty on bond. . Joseph Youii". the aaloonkeeper who hot Kaaper "Van Bran, celebrated hla freedom by toln homo laat nllht and ..amaahlnK to furnltur. . . '7 la view of thl performance Dlatrict Attorney Manning" ha declared that vm.r.-. imtM must t raised from JTT 0 0 to 1 470 0 0. ' foIIca"J"ucIg 6 notified thi morning by th dl Ulit attorney that Ills, deputy -' cted hastily ' and should hav consulted hJia nrnA- tMitviT wns accepted.- Young Is. salt tohave.Jlrunli ao much T since obtaining his release that ha la a v?ry " alck-jnaiuHe waa ent to a bo , pltal last nlghU 1 ' .. It la eaid that Toung caused consid erable excitement In the TSMgiiborhood of his residence before he collapsed. . "Yea. my husband Is very sick and . was sent to a hospital," said Mra. Young. "I cannot tell what he did or anything about-the trouble he caused ' last night, because he ordered m not - "to ay a word before he "went to-the ; hospital." ' ' Tlie police are aa!A to have been noti fied last night that Young waa" causing " more i-niibie : : - .. . . . ' . HINT RELEASES MAN tARRESTEDONWARRANT V . May Be a Clash Between Chief foHcentffdga"" , , r Hogue. Chief f Police Hunt haB Tataed ht kangaroo -court 4o the dignity -of -the police court. He haa uaurped the pre rogative of "discharging .from cmrtody a man arrested on a warrant, laaued on a complaint sworn to and filed In the police. court. -nd right here. la where Chief of Police Hunt haa conidea ;wtth Judge Hogue, "" ' Henry Bruck wssarrested yesterday on a -warrant by Patrolman CarUon and charged" with maintaining a,, billboard nuisance -at-hie place of business. ? Yamhill street. He accompanied to testation hy CouncllHTaiLFlegel h -Mi r that the arrest waa u: .warrDtedgLjBruck had J P,1 ,ronJ the mini'll " have the hlllnnard - .Discharge . that man "Bruek rfrom ; eustpdy." roared - the . chief. : He ad- dreseert Captain1 Moore, rr ,The man" waa arrested ot warrant chief,"" mlWTy "rejoined the captain. "Yoinnean to release hlm-on-hl own ', recognisance, don't 7MT' '--Z7 "No,' I Tnean--Jur-whar"rald dta charge " him." ahouted the-, venerable ' Bruck waa allowed to go. He did not annear In the police court thla after- .noon,. Judge Hogue heard he had been Ulsulnrged by me enier. ntmi tn tlie kanaaroo Judge' thai J)e. will ex pect the police to have Bruck In court Monday morning, or will -And out wjy ho la' not .there. r DAY'S QUICK REIUKI 7 ON ATTORNEY LOGAN John l?'-logan that leteotive joe my - endeavored to Injure witnesses who taa.--. tined in . behalf of "Bob" Patterson, while he waa on trial for atealing Jew elry valued at $800 from Mrs. JMarie Talm. . ' ... 1 It Is charged by Attorney LoRan that Detective Day went to the Maie cafe, conducted by Shapiro & Lake, and made an attempt to get tlio proprletore to dla : charge from their employ Bartender Ferguson, who gave testimony favor- TttrhrW- Patterson.- "It is not true that I went to the Maie." said ' Deter.tlve -Dayv t3 met Hhpr5joaJiVaahlngtoJt atreet-Hast nlgbt. Detective vvemer waa witn me. t-bJ llm-.J.: told-Bhaplro.. that bar4en4n who-adnrtttedr-tOT3eputy Bis- I trlct Attorney Adams that his real name Is not Ferguson, had perjured himself on the wltneas stand. I added: 'If you want to keep such men In your employ, I suppose you know your own ' business.' That waa the extent, of tho conversation. There waa no threat, not even Implied, and I did not advise Sha piro to discharge the man." ATTORNErCOttlNS"! - INDICTED FOR BIGAMY (Jenrael Special Service.) ""Bah, Francisco;'--May 11. An Indict ment for bigamy waa' returned by the grand jury thla afternoon against George Collins, a prominent attorney,-- whose marriage recently ,to Clarice McCurdy treated - a sensation and .caused -Mnu Carlotta Newman Collins, who clalma Hhe married Coiling 1 yeara ago, to tell th most revolting story of Collins' al leged relatlorrs "With her Bister Agnes. Collins claims that Agnea, who died, waa hla - wife, CarlottA-tColllne hBs had 'three children whoae paternity Collins now denies.: :' ' --;: Arrangements for Judge. Bellin grIulr Which Willi T akr PtaceTomorrow.- " )wlng. to the. death .of Judge BeUln grr, the judges of the atate circuit court made an order yesterday afternoon that all .departments be closed for business today, and o'clock thla afternoon was set aa a time for a meeting of the muii nomah bar and the appointment of i committee to draft memorial . re sol u tloni At o'clock Presiding Judge Fraaer tateq thfl 0t)1fpt "r the meeting, and TA y. Holman said Cyrus A. Uolph. the oldest member "orihe barrwas IhabT to be nreent. and -moved that committee of five,' of which Mr. Dolph should be ehairrnan, be appointed to draft resolu tions In Tegard to the ' death of the Jurist, The motion waa, carried, and the court aald he would announce me per aonell of the committee on Monday. . O. Pax ton aald ar to the cemetery would leave First and Alder -streets at 1:80 and 1:40 o'clock tomorrow, and on motion of Alex Sweek. the bar de eijftii to meet at the courthouse at 1 o'clock tomorrow and marcJr to- the fu- nerat train In a body. Whitney I Boise waa appointed to act as marahal of the On motion otlr. HoimaiTlha irfeoflng waa adjourned -imtll Saturday r- My-V at 10 a. when the reaoludona will be presented. " ': 7-' -jhn Tiian. president : or - the alumni of-the law school of the Unl iraitv of Oree-on. made a call for all the alumni lo meet at 18:40 o'clock to morrow In Judge Cleland'e courtroom to take action In regard to Judge Belllnger'j death.. ' Among -the- attorneys preaent: wera Henry K. McGinn, Ellla O. Hughes. John M. Oearln. V. A7 Cleland, Joaeph Simon, Oglesby Younglt. O MarrowCharlea Br Pet rain. D. BoliaXohen. Mark D'Nelll. C.M:ldleman.;A.zlI.Tanner. J. C. Vesey. John Van Zante. C. N. Qanten. belivfi. P.. Maya. JL.MV Long.-Q.-TV: Caldwell. C J. Schnabel. F. V. Holman, O.- F-. Paxton,-AIex-Bweek, WhHney U. Boise. William Foley". J. E. Magera, H R, Dunlway, A- F. Flegel W D. Fenton, e. H Carey, T.-O. Oreene, R. R. OUtner and George 8. Shepherd. . -v;;' WHO WILL SUCCEED i JUDGE BELLINGER? Prominent M errSuggestedzf or tneacant United States EXT? District Judgeship..:' . i flneculatlon la already rife aa to whom thu orcaldent "WlirappOtfit to succeed the late Judge C B. BelllngeH a"Vn1tdtates district juage ror Ore gon. Aspirants for the place are natu rally alow-to proclaim their eandldaey a soon after Judae Bellinger' death. I f.iit tio nameaofa,-nuroberof promt-. nent attorneys are menlionca wno may seek'the appointment. Among those whose" names are heard in- this -connection- are-W.--D.-- Fenton, attorney for the Southern Paclno. Henry K. McOlnii. Judge, A F, Beara, C. K. H. Woody Judge Stepheg A. Lowell of Pendleton-. State Senator John L. Rand of Bnker City, who was alated fox-tbefedH eral bench In case the bill dividing ure aon Into two judicial . districts had PLANS UNDER WAY TO BEAUTIFY CITY Civic Improvement Club of Van couver to Take Vig-- orous Action. ' , ' , ' (Special Dlapa tea te The Joornil.l Improvement meeting at tne court house last evening was aiiennoa oj au of the prominent oitlsens of Vancouver. The name Vancouver Civic Improve ment association waa adopted. The of ficers . elected were: James Waggoner, Jr., president; Mrs. Elitabeth Funk, vice-president, and Foster Hidden, sec retary.. The following executive com mittee of Ave waa appointed to have charge of the work to be arrtod-on-1y thasoc!atlon': - Charles Knight, Mrs. Charlea Blurock. Mre. , IU- W Arnold, Rev. T. 'K ""Elliott and Rev. W. C. Bhep pard. ? , - - " The next meeting of the association will . be held . next .Monday- evening at the superior court rooms. At that time definite plana will be outlined to beau tify the city. JU.D1TW AID eOCIAt. 5-' , (Special Dlapatrb, to Tbt Journal.) Vancouver, Wash., May It. The' La dles' Aid of the Methodist church will give a social In the basement 'of; the church next Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. " . . . " " ' . A musical and literary program-haa been-arranged for thla occasion . ii..'...'.- .' COMMENCEMENT AT PACIFIC DIVERSITY Program Alrnost Completed and Many Prominent Speakers 7-7"' Will Make Addresses. - Pacifto University, Foreat Orove, pr.j M.K i a rh-Vaeeetaea of commence- I njentweek wiljbegln i J una J7 ano cioae June 21. The"programlaaloubni-' plate. 'Some of the most prominent speaker of the aUU have prornlsed to be present and deliver addresses. -The address before the Christian associations will be given Sunday, June 17, by Pro fessor Drew of 'Willamette university. Hon. Stephen A. Lowell of - Pendleton will address the literary societies Mon day evening.- Tuesday forenoon wilt be the graduating exepclaea of ' Tualatin academy and In the evening Rev. H. M. Ramsey, '0. rector of Bt.. - Stephen's church of Portland,--wHt deltver the an nual addreea before the associate alumni. Wednesday forenoon will be the com mencement.. eerclsee of Joe., university,. orations uu (x delivered oy tne mem- bersof tje graduattng elaav-Governor Chamberlain has aeoepted-an Invitation to be present Wednesday and" will prob ably give-the address of the day. Mualo will be .a special feature of the commencement exercises. Professor Chapman, the dlrector-of -the- conserva tory, haa been securing aid outside of .the .-faculty.. -and -atudanta Twoeon--! carta will be given by prominent muai ciana from' Portland and other, cities. , . ' a - BETTER REPORT ONTHE- SWEET WINE INDUSTRY John W. Terkes, commissioner .of In ternal revenue, te visiting Portland for a day or two for the one purpoae of getting acquainted with th -local reve nue officers He has been at San Fran cisco on department buainea and will go from her to ,Tacomagnd theuce home WWashlngton, D. C. . : Mr. Yerkes stated in his last report to congress that he waa of the opinion that the aweet wine industry of 'Cali fornia ought to be Investigated. He haatherrorebfr-makln the lnveetl- gatlon - ndomethtnr --rarB a.nd"TpTCTTthan - t2.S0O-naa-been-pald ' on church Mrr-yerkea 1 firarf grra71Cehtucklan7 his home being 'at Danville, In that atate.- He la an appointee of President MoKlnleyr and bears a striking resem blance to President Roosevelt, but Is miMy-ritf rnn he chief ex-.' ecutlve. . The Portland hotel la hla head' quarters. ' 1 ; ; roggeTstorp sell TO SEATTLE FIRM Rogge "eV' Storp, at 200 Front, atreet. dealers In flourr feed, aeeda and poultry, have aold their business to the Charlea IV Lilly company of Seattle, successors of the firm of Lilly, Bogardua & Co. The new fiiin will take chain immediately. Mr. Rogge. who haas.lin heir to a largaeatateTrrOermany, will ahortTyj leave with hla family .for that country. He will .be accompanied by Mr. Storp and family, and. the former - partners will remain . In Germany Indefinitely. Mr. Lilly Is In (he city to reorganise the buslneaa of his company, here. He has appointed 11. A. Cushing. for some years connected with the company's Seattle bualness. as manager of the Portland house, j The Lilly company haa opened a house at San Franclacc, of which A. H. Hankerson. formerly manager, for Lilly, Bogardua' at Co. at Honolulu, will have charge. J CENSUS SHOWS GROWTH 0F CITY OF R0SEBURG . (SpecUl Dletrk te The JenraaL) Roaeburg&MBX J. Toough ' the census In this city hss not yet been fully completed enough haa been ac complished to show that the population Inside of the city boundaries will reach 4.000. This, however, leaves out a number of -suburbs. Including the-flol- dlers' home, which will at least add an other 1,000 on the real population of thla place. The cenaus of the United States in 100 abowed that this town had '1.800 people inside tta corporate limits. During the isat - six months there have been completed and are under construction nine brick buildings in the business part of the town. Resi dences for a long time have been spring ing vp like mushrooms.)- . SUBSCRIBING STOCK FOR NEW PALOUSE RAILROAD (Special tnepatcs to Tba Jearaat.$ . Colfax. Wash,,. May IS. Whitman county-farmer- along "Th line of the proposed Spokane A Intarid electric fall way hav aet the mark of their encour agement of Uie company by atock aub- scrjptlona-at l-an aore-f 'thetr-iioia-Inga and are determined --the amount ahall be raised. The committee reeently appointed te raise money at a .meeting held at Dry creek schoolhouse has already raised more thnn 14.001. A committee consisting- oX-LojHtrd. Btrobel JC-4UuXXnuiu and. Lawrence Hugglna waa appointed to a ecu re subacrlptlona In this section and before, the meeting adjourned: had .se cured 120,000. , i KAUTX.T ramaoiTAXN R.. B. Fleming of Salem la at the Imperial."- i -7;","", "7 ''"" 1 '". ' R. I Cos of arants rasa is regieiereu at the Imperial ' " "1 S. B. Hinton of HUlaboro la In town today. ' William J. Clarke of Qervals la tn th city -for-a brief stay. ---.-" - Mf. and Mrs. O. W. Peters of Dundee, Oregon, are at the Imperial. - . - Mgar-Haer- f-Medfor-4an- ar rival at the Portland. - " E.rT." Jurtd of Pendleton la- In. tow a. ' R. Llndehherger of Astoria lt.agueat at the Portland. ' ' - Alfred A. IMohn, representing a lead ing New York publishing house., ig In Portlsn.l. It n hla first Visit Rose City. - . --rt Sunday" Services to Be Held at Worship, v - -"7 (Special Dlapatek aa Toe JoeraaH ' , r " Lenta. Or.. May 1. The Interest manlfeated In the aeaslona of th twenty-third annual conference of the Evan get teal- association of Oregon, that con vened here -In - Grace -church-.- May 11, at o'clock, continuee unabated. Hun dreds throng thneetlng house at each .Mi mimh work at interest and Tmnnrtancfl "Has already been done At 1 the opening of each BeasionPresJdljig laTiopT5r". 8. T. ' Jlreyfogol dellvera a prlef addresa, after wnicnine regumr routine worg is ian-un Rev. J. H. Lamb, agent of the Evan gelical . Publishing house .or Cleveland, Ohio, ir present and baa addressed the conference on several occaalons. Pre siding Elder Shupp,-who haa been ill for aeveral weeks prior to the beginning of the sessions, la preaent much of the time, however; hla health la -Very poor and no la almost on the verge of a col lapae. - - - Among the appointments la that of 8, A. Slewert, aa conference secretary. HI aaBlatant are F. Bent; German ,and B. D. - Hornacbuch, English. G. W. Plummer was eleqted tatlatlcal secre tary and N. Shupp waa reelected con ference trustee. .7'-""." 7 ' t Reverend S."A-lewert and Morris Haverllng were granted elder' nrdera, each having atlafactortly Tompleted the four year' theological course. Although when the conference con vened It waa expected to bring the aes lon to a cloae this -evening, ao much work Is demanding the attention of the aaae'robled - delegates that-It dooe net now seem likely that the work will be concluded today. The-appointment "6T pastors toUhelr flelda, will, therefore in all probability not be announced before Sunday Rev. F. Bena of Taooma. Waahlngton, recently ev member ot the Dakota con. fecencel&at evenlng.preached a sermon to a crowded house. . 1 - Tbt following officer were elected at th annual meeting of the Sunday echool and tract union for th enaulng year: - - .- -" : - Presldent.H.- O. Henderson; vice president, 8. , A- Slewert;. secretsry, F, atena ft reaau reiv Mffrrl Jle ve rl I n g. - ruThe laat "of a long list of debts which have hung over the varioua churches, of the Oreaon "conference for many weary yeara has been "provided for and there to much rejoicing oyer tne racu. More dohts-4lurin"4a aubscrlptlonaJ foftlia erectlonetBeW- edifices. 1 1 Because of jtha -organisation, of the Waahlngton. missionary- conference,- the followine: .ministers were transferred from the Oregon- conference tolne Waahlngton: 7 W-D. Bernhardt B. Cop ley, JR. JChret, Oeorfe Kocht H.Shuk- necht, A. A. rowers, . j. n. aonneiaer. p.SooberrlV.Jklwd-JUttnian.JeQrg Huff, D. V. Komm. H. V. Weber, T. f. Berg... All member of the ' conference In the getlve work- are In attendance here. .Rev.' Samuel i Werner of Fulton, Oregon, waa reported as having died The service Thuraday evening were In the interest of the Woman' Mission-, ry oclety7 Inspiring addresses were given by Rev. J.H. Lamb and Bishop Hreyfogel. Mrs. E. n. Katon. president Of-1 the Conference Branch- Woman'a Missionary society, Is slowly recovering frnni n nrrndfrir hiirn rattasd hy gnl explosion of gaaollne. All of the ministers of the conference reported themselves aa being willing to-j travel acrording to tne direction or -tne discipline except P. . Green. Theodore Schaucj-, A. .A. Engelbart, C. A. Lucas, A. Welnert, J. K. Elmer, F. M. Flaher and 3, K. Smith;- the first Ave named declared- themselves willing to travel on condttlona. tr The conference went Into secret executive session for the hearing of the- condition of these men, with the exception ef P. J. Green, which by his request and vote of the assembly waa referred to the biahop, to be re ported later to the conference If deemed treceaaary. Dr. I. L. Tufts, president of the Anti saloon Jeague ofjpregon,. gave a brief addreaa before the conference. ' Rev. 'John Goods of Salem, formerly -member of m Aigtuoquiuxaumn waa admitted to the conference In the rela tion of deacon. Rev. J. 11. Lamb of Cleveland, Ohio, waa made an advlsary member of the conference. W. H. Wet- tanfer and F. Ben were admitted into the itinerancy. e - The report of the committee orv wor ship was given aa follows: Saturday DD.DIFT1N(Q TOrAOallllS Many people who are neglecting symptoms of drifting-towards J.p,right'a Disease, which is- LAUE-DAVS stall ou r ing for evening sermon by J.. J. Hoffman. of Sa lem; Sunday at :30 o'clock a., m., ad dresses to the Sunday school by V. H. Horiachuch, A. Welnert. W. H. Wettan fer and B.-D. Hornechuoh; 10:SO o'clock a. m., ordination ervlce and missionary anniversary In charge of Biahop Brey fnrel: 1 o'clock B. m.. Young People'a Alliance -rally- In. ehargaofSA. JMoj I V wert o'clock p. m.r awmoa y-J.-H.TF Umb or cieveiana. uuiu. uia cliurch. Lenta, and at 1:15 o'clock p. m.. sermon by Bishop Rreyfoget at Flratf German cnurcn, foruano. . MOSCOW ELKS COMPLETE MAGNIFJGENWEMPLE ' (Bpeetal Dtipatr-S to The Jonrnal.) SloacowrTTda., MayTS. At a coat ot 115.000 the Elka of Moscow have Just eompteted probably the finest and- must elaborate strictly lodge eutiamg in tne state of Idaho.- The "ground fot7ths building was broken July 2 laat and lncwt hen-work liaa been pushed along steadil y till- today-the TbttTldlng -tand the moat Imposing structure on Main street. The beautiful atone and white pressed brick front, ornamented with loaded and plate glass twlndowa and a large and nttclng-nt'rance preaenta a most attractive appearance.- The entre-mou'ntfoT-the building of this beautiful home waa raised lnthe lodge, which la one of the strongest in ihe ftate. Th $15,000 bond; Issue, running for-10 yrarB and Bearing b per cent (lnteref. was errttreljr:takn-up by fWrlant The- outside dimension of the tructare are to by 101 feet. 1 -i WOMEN OF DAYT0N: BEAUTIFY THEJ0WN iSpedal DUpatck'te The7o$riUTl rkavtnn Or Msv IS The Ladles' 'auxiliary. aidef "by We boardoT traded town council and school children, yes terday afternoon, thoroughly cleaned the atreeta and alley, thereny- much ,lm proving th look of the town. - ' - rAJUCXB'S BABaT BVmaTS. r:; '("pedal iMapatrhj to- Tee Journal.) Albany, May 1J. The barn, alio and inent - farmer residing near this city, were destroyed by fire yesterday -forenoon, entailing a lose Tf 11,200, on which an Insurance pf-?H wajgajxIedThe flre la supposed to have been the result of tramps aleeplng In the barn. The horse and machinery m tne Tvn were aaved, but 250 bushels of ost stored there ' were destroyed. . -' mOBXSTKO COUJIT OTZVU. I (flperlat Dlapatrh te Tne Jnamal.) Rosehurg. Or., May IS. The circuit court of this county opened It pre liminary session yesterday, Judge J. W. Hamilton presiding. Thirty-nine cases were disposed of, settled and continued. Next Monday the grand Jury convenes. Altogether there are aeven criminal cases, though It is quite possible that olhermaybe. brought..up. BSOOBATXOBT BAT OBATOB. tSpertat Dtopeteb to The Joornel ,- Cottage Grove. Or. May li. Rev. J. L. Stratford of Cresswell ha been se cured a apeaker for the Decoration day exerclBMk- Poet - Nr-4-.-0.-A Rr-wlH hav charge of th exercises,, and the graves at the cemetery will be duly decorated In the mprnlng of the day. . mm mn i mjw w I i.f I I II I I J If v -' stops irreffularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the. worn-out tissues nfthf. IrlHneye en rSy rill perfnrm f htr fiinrtinne prnparly MaiUhy Irirln-yll nrrain nil . the Impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to erery part of the body, causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish Uyer, irregular heart action etc. Z If you have any sighs of Kidney 6r Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and .prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits tne wnoie system. - ' 77:7; 7 How to Find Out. 7 0. "a Burhans Testifies After Feur Tears. You caa eaallr determln if your kidneys ara C. B. Barkaaa of Carlisle Center. N. Y- write t Ontof order by settlog ald for 34 bottle of th urinepassed upon npon axaminatioa it (a cloudy or milky or haa abrfck-dtist aediment or small particle float' about in it, your kidney are diseased, and FOLEY'S. KIDNEY CURE should, be taken at one. '- - .. ' . - Two SOLD iMD RECC""H!-ED DY Z DRUG COMPANY AND WOODARD, Ct Ar.IIi: & fan system, you. ASK U S ! 47FIRSTSTREET- . . . - ' ' " rT7 t '- ' il " " 1 ' o VI I M ( CVj-i'-'pY " n i l . The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been ; -in, nse for ovcr SO years, and has tej'rff sonal sapervlsioa since its Infancy, '""W-AnQVt no one to deceive you In this. , AirCounterfelts, Imitations Eiperlmentc that trifle with Infants and Children XJxperlence against Eiperimente " WjiaC is CASTORRT- rC5atorla la . a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorjc, Drops-and Soothing: Syrups, It is Pleasant. I fe contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its age is its guarantee. It-destroys Worms allays Peverishness.-It Colitv - It relieves Teething -and Flatulency It assimilates the Food,-regulates the- -4Stomaeh-and-BowelSscvlng'healthy ana natural sleeps The Children's Panacea The CEriuiriETTCASTORlA ALvAY0 Bears the The M You Have Always Bought In - Use For Oyer30 - Years. VMS ecfrraua a aav. swaaav STerr, The Following Prices are : Retail, Delivered . to Consumer Kemmerer- other coal proportionately low.' Do 1. . basUacreened The Pacific -CHAS. H. CLEIM. Agenr 4 Waahlngto St. kidney trouble, hoping "it kidney trouble in one of houra . "About foar yeara ace I wrete arialn;. If cured ef serere aldaey trouble TnT 1 1 Foley' Kidaey Cur. It entirely etepped the brick-duet eedlmeat Bad rila aad symptems ef kidaey dleeaee disappeared. 1 ana glad te aajr that have aever had a return of any ef the sympteme durteg th fear eers that nave elapaed. and I h.artlly recommend Peley'e kidney er bladder troukle ..l Sizes ZD Cents end 01. CO. of cool haa boro the sigTiatHr6 )f - been made under his per- no one to deceive you in this. and Jast-as-cood" are but and endanger the health of cures Diarrhoea and Wind - Troubles, cures Constipation Mother's Friend. Signature - of -r ' PRICES : J REDUCED v I " ' ev Balk Sacked e ings o.ou 7.00 7.00 6.50 not pay mora than-17.00 for th coal. 1 - . Coast Co. Telephone 1M and 37 4 will wear away," are its worst forms. yeu etannf.that I ae4 fceea eaurelr by taking leas thae twe battle ef ani evtaeatiy cure to eiar cum, ena Kidoey Cur to aay eae eulfetiag frees - 7i li .' 1 - , - - COMPANY. I.