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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1905)
THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SAtfURDAY EVENING, MAY , 13. 1905. f t IS ...) fe--V.TH WANT ADS-FREE With every cash "Want Ad." presented at THE JOUR-NAL-office for insertion in either daily or Sunday issues there will be riven free your choice of the following narned -ri signs. with whose use in conjunction wltn THE JOUR j of rooms, etc.: i: , For Sale Furnished Rooms ' For Rent k Rooms for Housekeeping! -Unfurnished Rooms jomriyith Board" These signs ' are printed on good, heavy, substantial white cardboard, in large, bold black type, making a very riwat-appearance.- ,, , . , -. ,;i ,: :::.-:-'; ? FOE SALS TABUS. . 5 40 ACRES Uowt, deep Boll: 1 acre eader .cultivation,.. m actw. eiaanew. mnm mmmnj . cleared: email famllr orchard: Pile fenced; "- acre ftp rm.. bottom land; comfortable . .fsri euleillnerer lnHtBf-nmm and good '. - well; 1 mil from svhooL 2 miles from cans trv towa and. 8 mllea from Vancouver; all crop go with place. U aold noon; a. rex cheap homel only $1,000. Itrt irm food level land; 10 irn nader cultivation and la crop, acree dished and seeded to frasa. 10 acre under tone: food V family orchard, virion fruits; falc bouse and Pern, chicken nous ana yras, wnnnara, ' etc.! M ml la from ehurch and aehaol: H. f . 1, mail; fwd Rl(Dtiarhondi mllM fram onantrr and R. R. town and "W mtlra (Tool Vannxirrr. oa food road Thla la a seat aum pia; fi.uoi?. - ar-n all rood, rtra aoll: to ertm 'n - d cnltlTitlrai; ao area ilabed and aacdvd: ' food yoont appla orrbard. and aUu a food t": family on'hard. rarlona fmlta; jiew f-room .votlaf. Iirw arm baro )iT0, coal WOO; U. chlrtan. daltf. wood and -wall bourn; -70 7T. a cm fncd;74 mil from arbool. S mll . from country towa ana 11 mil iron an muTor. A No. 1 bur. SU&0; half caao. balano f prr ctnt Intprvat - Will alio teir pcnonal propartjr at a aacrV - flr-o . r W tiar aom No. t bar n B, 10. SO. 40, an and lAO-arr traoU. Sea aa befora rkMlna a deal. We can tjLlMmQaTJJub'tlliilt DOT I1BI or paraainw. , . H. W. THOMPSON CO., Fourth pad Main ata., V ancourer, Waah. Pbona 1043. ' nrtrmtf. VanoouTM.- National : Bank "of "TancooTr. Waah. rOrV SALS- "FOS SAL1 FOR SALB t.AOO-KT wbxat farm for aala la aa,trn Or n ; H now In wbat and th balanc pUwad for fall adlnf thla . plac ,- . oaa a boflfht anr tim within iu a. ' i in f" - Ta k " acr. Incladlnf aU tbft. ' :and plowing . n III taka from f.l.OM.00 to IS.OOO.OO In Portland Vropartr tha deal.- - - ' Thl la a craat bargalo, to plao la w-ll laanrnirad and b It ooa rail from R. R. tatloa. TS4 Jobnaoa at. Phono Mala fisid. FOR 8AT.S" FOR. SALB TARTtrS Wtablnf lnfnrmatlos rmrdlaf aooth- ara iw.ana raaiiiaa win a, wrii to can ai-un . ma, I bat pad far' pwlaatco thor -I a-ar bimiiowh. - ; aT aoaao Try -dMtrtrit- farmiT anllabU Tor all purpoaaa. and all ktnda of boalna oDtntnf for aala at -frlraa la Oafy aumuatltloa. ftrW. Millar, ntanaair Araaoa Mlnaa A" Raaltv Co.. 10PV4 , Blitb at., room 1, Portland, , Or. : Phooa - Mala 0000. ... FARM, 74 SW aTM, SOO-acroa ta cnlMatton, 1M la empa thta yaar; goad hosa. bara and ontbolldlnra; flna frnlt hop. fraln land; 1 ajuoa ru town ana n. oeaoiimi m tlna. anoil anrlnaa and walla, dallr mall aod talopbooc; If aold by th 14th t Mar crop of jno acre fa in xna oa omrgaia 7 rarma; rciee ju par aero. aonrm Rrooka, Rural Dellrary t, Carlton, Or. FOR f ALB raTm"cooalatln at L4S0 ae moadow: 400 Ural aad eaa a mada Into maadow. balanc paatar land! Irrlaatloa ara- tam oa tha plica and plant of water: alao ' 400 baad af cattle. SO horaca and all farmlnf .: . ImplMncatai plao la wall Improrad. - Writ ii . D..11.. Cwvik awHt Orofos. U--. Bailor. "A BARGAIN IN LAND TO acra rtolra, Wt4 afebrnah land at IDA as t If anM soon. ZI oae mil from Ontario poatof flea. dp aoll and food dralnafa; doalrabl locatloa for raldaaaa:aa icalloBt Invaatmont to an dlrlda and aoll In a era tract. Call aa. -t-ertdr iMin rarkx Bojd. th ml aattt mn. Ontario, or. TO ACRES of Uad la Skamania coontf. 0 acraa cleared aad focd; 1 mil from mor; 7iio. Ktn aero taiaaa lano: win inaia rooa aaw: ranch: 1.1. 200. Water Dower aar Wuhoual I mil fmm 'Colombia rlrer. Taqnlra 304 . Ablngton bldf.. For t la ad. Or. - B. H. Oary, - awnar, Waanoofal. Waah. , FOR SALB 140 acraa of 1 of red -off land la oramnia - oounvr, wrtaoar - a - nnim iron Weatnort. 1 mile from Hnaa Landiaa- alatloai Colamhla rlTer; land eultable araalnf or cord wood; food maa tnr price 1J per acre. II. Stsley, o20 Juport.lrlBll JUllna, I PivtlanoV Or.- " iRRIOATCn. fruit, timber, wheat and bop land In all part of tba atat at very low price; 1 alao a few food -boareetoade and -- tlmbae claim rloe to food market: alao roomlnf booae and reittnranra at barfaln. Call or , write 106ft Sixth at., room 4. Hobaa A ' Taffart. f TBR ACRU wtWhnf H20 acree of eaatera Orefoa wheat land, all under ctiltWatlon, with food ImprnYemeat: terma $2,000 canh, haL V ccbp paymenta. W bara many other fnod barlna la thla Una. Be u. 311 Aflaky . .bldf. . . ' OR SALB AT ONTARIO Choice. BnlmproTed landa and acreare property; lapcoTed farma, town lota and realdcnco property. Addreaa ' Don Carlo Boyd, th real atattJtaVflU;. "larlo. Or. FRRB LAND IN'tlRKOO!! ander the "Carey Irrigation Act." Deed direct from atat. Writ -today. Booklet aad map tree. B. 8. Cook A Co.. tni Alder at.. Portland. HOMICSTBAOERS W can' locate yoa aa wheat r imntlon laorla; real eetate for aal. Call . or write. Vaa Clear Scholl, Bcbo. UmaUlU icouaty, Orefoa, ACRES, Sd mile from Portland, H mile front railroad etatlea; large appl rcbar4; amU fruit, -fak bara, plenty of water. 424 ffeUwoed t. roB BALR 100 acraa enlmorored trait land. IlMf"rklrA& FOB BALB Bo farm; fnar larf t lota. Salami 4 cottage, ikinth Portland. For ftirtb parucniar aee owner. u n llllam, are. WANTED Any an deilrlng Infnrmatkra re. garrtlnf aatra Oregon or WMhlngtoB wheat . .. landa to call at room tit Allky bldf. FRRR land In Oregon; gearaleM rry day. For Information Inquire Nnrthweatara leeurl. - tie Ca., til Oregoalaa Mdg. . - - FOR BALK ti acree oa JohaaM -creek, Baal Lenta, only $84. per. acre; a harfala, i. b Well Ca.. 04 Orand aee. ' WANTED Any on haetnf rlty pmpetty or erg to e or nchanf to rati at room .211 Allay bldf. , . - ijya BALB BO-acre Trm near Oiwegn, Mat ' Nmlth. th Savoy Reaunrant, ) Vlfth (t. FOB southern Oregon real eatate. larg or imall tracta. Dlllard A CUrton. Roaebara. Or. t'lNS tiooei realdenc with Trlety fVBlta,tln ,ww, purw air; win exenange roe rootning i vt oirjerence-. r.Tpoamoa Mluf TI Sixth a'c. near Oak. - t errTt-HAND talking macnlae of all mka, , hmgbt, aold and axcbaagarl; bargain I aer I : cad kaa1 machine aad racord. fvo Third at. MIMM FOB SALTBKAL XfTATZ. Adewrtlaamaata ' ertamuf to Btafi Eatata, aa rata - u www g tmma. . FOR SALB A - modera comer hrlck block. S .. atory and beaement.. ftorenoau. 40 room . furnlihed; will aell- all or - aeparata- at bed rork price; alao 1 modern -roem residence, rloae to Kaasell at. en William .; food Income nro(rrty. , Inquire of W. 0. Beck, The Falllnf bldf. - - r- 20 OR 40 acraa, SO mile from Portktad. part clear, aom no BeTrdm. no atump ee grareL eery Sne toll and y cleared. Bear ft. B. and boatlandlof ; why. pay 7& to flM per acre when you can- fat thl at I Ho oa yoar own terma T Addr P Xl. Journal, t"OR SALE Quirtcr block aoatbwaot ornar TotaUta aad -Kaat Rtark L.r tth 2-aturr - room bout and 2-atorjr barn. $5.u00; term. fl.6O0 down and balano In auuual Day ! ' tunti of 1,000. Mall A Co.. M at Burn- am, or Wlrpbon rrlTata birnaafa si. - FOR SALB Two nice new S-room cottare, jnat cutnplwted r lota but lOOr price ftt2S each oa ln- tallment. 212 per month ) ISO off for all - eiah. Tk Rlchmoud car to Thirty-eighth at., on block north. 1124 DtTlslon t, Phon Union 100. dr ae owner. 120 Front at. TX"TOTrWA"rTT AHt)Mi We hare new. modern cottage, bnllt on lot 80x100, at Montarllla; terma. ta down, 1 per month. 150 . fine bolldlnf lot cheap and oa may teia---.-N,-SprafuraI2ft Uraad ne.-r-room 12. .... - --. - FOR SALB 10 acre choice land. 12 mllea from Portland, anltabl for a home eaally In. prorad, ftandy to ai-B. alatlnn, Boallendlntr nd food, rod;.fuod loll. For particular '- addreaa A. K. Folkeoberf. Bolbrook. Or. ft-ROOM booae, modemr fruit Xad flower ala ".I vacant lota, all beautifully located, at a - bargain; have to Mil on account of bnsinea eleewber. Call at 40T Eaat Thirty-fret and -.Clinton t. Take Waverly-filchmond car. - F1VE- addltlon; alao 14 choice lota; atreet lm- E roved, cemeiit - walk, newer, or will build ouae to ault customer: oa eaay term. W. O. "Beck, SOT Th Falllnf bldf. " " SNAP Owner levlnf to em and mut aell choice' kta on Kaat Mala and Twenty-fourth ttm.; price only, for all, fl.NOO. liKNKI.K -21T Ablrifton bhif. 0? B butcher hop. alao a confectionery tore: ale ether . f oodV bnalnee and reeldenc property 4 mllea from Portland. Take kit. Scott ear. Arleta park, Ko. t, Orefon. Uolaa pecK at cunaiufaam. ..... - . . . WANTED A bargala r banter to: taveattg t place- for chicken or ntoo little home; cash - or teTms.. laauue- n wiimiwi rreea a wt, " en block north of Lanrerwood, Ut, Heott car. BABflATN- AT-NTARIOT.OOO buy choice bualnee m uuet tr of 10 lots snd buildings on Main street; eaay terma. - Addree Dob Oirlo Boyd, th real -eatate man, Ontario, or. FOR SALE 12. 2G0 Well-built modern S-room - house oa Preocott at., near Eaat Forte enth t.jler-ng rraaonAble. Inquire w. H. aStoksa. 4S6 Preacott at., or 100 Orand ifC" ISO ACRES rich. Uvl. Irrigable Una, with grass growing over nearly the wnoiet rif nt in the irrigation area; ax. no per acre, Ml. Sprdborough. 634 Eaat Morrlaoa st. A-BRAUTIFL'L S-rr tract, all In orchard: 1 yeara old; near LeuU; Just the piac roe-a Tine Dome; wvyo per acre, oa very easy xrrme, Addr V . care Journal.. FOR SALB. tl.100-. 4 room ret tag with bath room, en Kaat Twenty aecoofl. oa eay term; part caeh. fiea owner meat ajarket 112 First. ite. raoae siast lize. FOR SALB 2 lota aad 2 boaaea. cor. Eaat Thirteenth and Eaat Ankeny ata,t an lo cation for fata; terms easy, J. L. Weltn Co.. 04 Orand ave. FOR SALX Lot I, block B. Third Kleetrlc addltloa to Eaat Portland:! make ch offer. R. C Thompson. 414 Central Offlc bldf.. IMvenport, low. IF yea want to buy a food S-room bouse oa jobnaoa ar., mi wnimi, cneap aau on eaay terma, r1dre Tea Jobnaoa at.- or call . up Mala 031. 4-ROOM hnua. bara and SO bearing fruit tree. lot bOxino. about a minutes' ws IK to car line. 40n. Hatlaid Smith, 1SSJ4 Fourth. ft.. room ax. GARDEN TRACTS eqtial to 6 40 toot, lotaV IO month 1 walef Tilperl "to" each tract-, electric inv. PC lin. a. v.., jui mtriun WIU. FOR SALE New, S-mora house. Soil Kaat Madi son st.. 1 block" from car line. Z.Tnn.- term to suit Jsmea-Ci. 4MVIS, owner. 7 First st CHEAP 0 acres, V, mils from Mootavtlla. all under cultlvstlim; good soil, no gravel; ewner leavlnf town. Addreaa T 40, JouraaL FOR SALE New. T-mom bnuse. SOI Fast Madl on rt., 1 block from ear line, X2.7tw: term to ault. Jame N. Davla, .owner, T Firat t. SNAP acrea. 2 block to ear, near school: small payment, eaay terms on balance. Frank Melvin, 202 Commercial Bldf. FOR SALE 22.100 will bay O-rama eottaf. Kaat rtn at., eio in; terms easy. 4. u. Wells Co.c4 Orssd v. FOR SALB S-mnm cottage, anndem. lot fenced. fruit tree. I blocks from car; cash or term, F. J. Ryder, Moutavllla. FOR SALB, CHE A P Broom home with nice yard and food outhnlldinfe. 1X Kaat Mo. rlsoa. car. Forty-third t. FOR BALB nr exchange, 11H acre Improved. 1H mile from Montavina car line, inquire Owner, 414 Belmont FOR "ALB -New, modern, g room Berts, clcs in, nno jocaiion; uirm eesy, e. ae wells Co., M Orand ava. 11.020 New R-renm . eottaf e-aad S Inrae bmb 1 on er. Oraad assv-and. Shaea at Sa waar m ansver sc. FOR BALnV-S-ronnt boos oa ear tine with acre rrnitv- tins, etc. ir;quir 20 1 East SUlk at.'1 ' ' T rrr' $200 DOWN. 110 per month, bnya a new cot tar at Met Totrty-sixtn and citntoa; a ansp. T-ROOM hoe., rnll cement basement, bath and fss, si.nuo. natnsia amita, laon 4th at. WOODLAWN. Highland Parkt choice lota en In stallments, at. u. Matthews, ao antoo bldf. FOR SALE flundeen. 6-roera oonser fruit, flow. or aarfiia u eoto st ear, ssa uraad ave. A 0-room booae, 1 bloch from ear line; price ne owner, lit av momaoa. 0NB acre flfht hi town; will build aa stilt, wail ao siseisay awg. FOR -BALB On lot oa Bast Coach at, aheep ror raas.- m xi. rare eoornai. AB0RTTXCTB. CHARLES MATIOM architect arlAT cos tractor. le reedy to ail all commission for plan and bntldlnga, eonatractlon of booths for fair and dtaplav a apeclaltyi largo aad ex fenelve exoerlence. Snon 24A Eaat Oak. . rhane Et mw,, - J. T. HOFTMA irltrt nS WpTtgUaiSBt 11 IX rir mt V IMt.oa . . ... T airmzia chabcxb. ' I OTTO CROCKETT, 248(4 Wasbiugtoa, Phone Black T1. - We offer partial Hat ef roomln hooee. : food (fnpHlilou after the fair. well a In. In t ha fair all IlkU In I " I 83 roonia, lo .-lb buelueea center. -,N1. TTo Ui best hotel; nt $100; price... S.oui , .hi room, rent siou. ..... ' ml mu, rant H). 2.2uo 14 rooms, rent $M. . .. . ... r.r... ...... J'liji'x 5 -room eottag, rent $20 aO It-room house, rent IT &0 'f-rooia- house, ererytslug new sod clsas , SO0 - 94 mmim BMlli hmaaekeeDlna. rent I I I I I 1 1 1 'Xa M tMlVWi?llli.i4 liaVa" 'alao nil reaiu.-iii-.-a uu I ban propcrtle and very ale farm aad bop yarua. WE wlah financial aaalatanrw to farther -. relop th Yellow Jewel mine on south Myr tle creek. Doug-las county, Oregon, aDd erect : a mill, therefor w will for a abort tlm aell tork In earn at .2-4 cant per (hare, fully paid and ooo-aeeceeable, par value (1 per tire; nearly. iti feet of work, already "completed, sbowluf H fejl of vein mtter: . vlue ranginf from III to 1 30 per ton. Call .. and aecure proapeelu and aee sample. Tkl la a 10 to 1 abot. Mark my prtxlietloa. H. W. Miller, manager Orefoa Mlnee Realty Co.. 108H Sixth at., room N. 1. Portland. Phone Main iX. STOCK In YaUow Jewel mine will b ad vanced 20 per cent oa the loth day of May. ' 190.1, therefore all partlea who ar contem- rlatlng tba purcbaae of block of aaoia In he tint laaue wlU tak du notice. Work will b feaumed oa laid data on th prop ' erty. and tock will b adyaoced from time to ' Mm thmaf(.r aa .ahoartna warrant bg or dec of the board until same reaches a. price which It ahoald now be aelllnf ror, aamaiy. . t eeat per ahare. Tbla la a aap. Oene - and place your order at once.,, --l, W. MILLKR. - ... .r.rr.J0M(4 wjtih Street.---- FOR SALB OR LEASK BalMInf . 21x2V, U reedy fur buslne, f.!U; a Liar 10120, ei . oara ted, no bulldlnf. f-90; cigar stand, wall storked. $000. The placri r fcroa atreet from roretrf Inn, euly 1 block from mala utrance fair ground. Call after f:(0 p. aa. Frank L. fir-hot t. 404H Beat Morrison. BARGAIN I am compelled to go to 1 hlxbe . altitude; will a 11 furniture aad lease of 64- room lodflnf house; most central location In the city; at a great aacrlfloe; the houe le now brlnf lnf a food Income. Call 107 H Third st. .-, 1 FRBB LANDS IN ORBOON. FXRTtLB coll. pure water, delightful dlmataj . lead ef alfalfa, apple aad elever. For rail Information addree the Columbia Souther - Irrlf atloa Ca., 088 Worcester block. Fertlaad. "OR SALIC H interest la a peytnf awsiaeoet party -mint bsv ft.000 or fo.000 to lnvnt; : a good propoairlon to right party; must be 'either a Workman ar a ealeemaa. - Andrea Watt Marble Works, Tha Dalle. Or. FOR S A LB Country (tore carrying full line of froeerlea and ahoea; wall atocked aad doing thriving haitnee; bsv to well w -c-connt of other builne requlrlnf attention. . Adureaa Ouy Hulaar More, Or. glLT JDQB lnreatmeBt,. brlnftnf -Ja tct.1I per cent; 4 house, west aide, aloe In; - always rented at ("ft per month ( for S.T0. F. Fucb. 14BH Firat at. COTTAOB "of room, fair . farnltur! rent . tltf.60, Income ISO; close In. uptown location; comfortably arranged for famlll or (Ingle roomer; beet map vef offered for $329. Ex - position Leasing Co., TS Sixth St. A LADV or-featleman wh haa a email amount of money to Invest a partner to, attend to of Ilea buslnees nettlnf from 2600 to li)p :1 upward per month. - Call S3 North SUrij at. Phono Main 2o0. . WBLXVESTABLISHED ma no facto ring bnalneea, - paylog well; only an on coast; eaa't handle alone; muat sell Vt or whole; tbts Is a good thingtor -g- ruetler. "Addreaf - OWBer.-llTr ... Orcely t. ty . -L- THB NATIONAL FINANCING CO., 208Mar uuam bldf.. Portland, Or..- handle bond, lock, mine, finances leg Ittmate enterprlae, " furnishes aaf lvetment aod aecurea loan. BKRR tS A SNAP A hardware, farnltur and antlTrtitlnf P"tlrvrr '" sw amca. a food boalnesa; must sell en sceounx e health. Address box 814, Lebanon. Oregon. THK heat location hi Oregon for a fond hotel mas. with from $r,000 to l.OO0, la tha cen ter ef ths fovrrnmeet Irrigation works. Ad dree A. F. Clublno, Merrill. Orefoa.- FOR-RENT 2o-eoom bote!,- turn lab ed; plenty unJiiMa hnatnasa: lease.-- rent tW. renter eae hare option -ef -beylnf er $2,200. Bs- posltlon leaalng io., u mxia ai. UKIyP NEEDED Lsdy or gentleman partner wanted In tin restaurant; n rair winner; - located right- to catch the crowd;. It's worth - $1,600; half later, ror woow - $1T8 win buy an lntereet ta on of tb beet located ground xToof real eetate sad emplny . ment offices In tb City. Exposition Laastnf Oo., T2 Blsth at., aa oa. ICR CREAM and confectionery store; ne op- . poslUocw -lew rent,- haa Uvlnf rooms,, food location: will invoice or lt tor $370.- CU T2 Sixth at. - ; rnx At.aV ximt-rlaa clrar and confectionery 1 tore; low rent, S living rooma, well loeatea; care -journal. GOOD eetablUbed aho bualneea, food trade, tor will located, dissolution of firm cause of ssle. . Address box 01, renaietoa, or. TO desirable party; 1-2 lntereet la around floor real estate oiiie; giit-eugeu rmainens open. Inf. $100. Address V S3, car Journal. FOR RENT Good "restaurant location and 2 tber- stores, neveoteentn ana msrsnsu sts. Lf B. TbomDon 4k uo.. ill intra St. FOR SALE Stock new end, second-hand foods; choice location; fin aetabllabed trad. Ad dress Box t6. Eugene. Or. 1 4-ROOM house; for roomer or housekeeping, central location. $1,000. Hatfield A Smith, lOOH Fourth St., room sz. CIGAR store, neatly furnished, fond location snd food trade, can at a tor, n bixib at. Good reason for selllnf. 12-ROOM flat, very tral. well located for roomer durlof fair, .oro. Hatfield Smith t - KU - tr Feurehr: III i PARTWEH In nawmm with fl.doo: good loca tion. Addreaa William Kulerlem, Latourell $ j. Valla. Oregon. -, FOR BALBAH or haH-toterest In food pav- , lnf restaurant: inevatigate. u on, fournal FR - SALB-22-room house, $1,200. R2 Madlann. Inqulrt FEKSOXAL. BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! The kind ysa're - tooklnf lor: "uecsmeroa," A Mot namai," "RossTa Confeselon," "A Social Liu a." "Fannie Bill," "Tbe Beauty Spot." 80 sack; - lilt free. A. aV-hmil. 22S Firat at. THE Matrimonial Register, price 10c: describee msnyjeaidents or this section wno wier, tp marry: ewiaina now io join our aorieiy. inter Ut introducing Society, box 1070. Portland. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberta' Narva uioouie. una montn e treatment, pa; - a months, $S; sent securely sealed by mall. Afsnts, Woods rd. Clsrks A Co., Portlaad. Or. LOST power restored ' by tbe f reat - Dr. Lorena Nerve Tonic Tablets; zsc per Dox, 0 boxes for $1.25. Writs or call at Erasell'g Fharmacy, 22T Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. GET' WELL and keep well; treatments on naturopathic Itnea; agtiatactinn gummed; terms very laodersta. Drv Blohm, Tourny bldg , Seeund and Tsytor sts., suits 304. GIHLS-r-lf you wish to marry we can introduce apwa.114 yewna- men seesms- nr mrapsnions. IntsreUte Inlrodudnf Pnclety. Box 1070, DR. OLNBT treats sll dlsesee with -great atie- wwrr GENERAL INFORMATION Br; READ Anything en aay suoject woasa up;; ennrges ;reun ebla. SOT Ankeny at. I'bone Writ J44. THB SPRINOSTEI'f MKDICINB CO Sll sura oiug. r nonet stain ooo. BALM OF FI1R for all female Alder it. , Phone Main 4832. 0CCI I.T and New Thought books. Jones' Book tore, xai Alder st. . , ART IMFOarTaL PROF. RICBABD MAX METER Portrait an laadsespe arxlefr Isslraetlon In oil painting, water color, etc.. end drawing; art gallery foe parted with studio; pictures for sole and framing to order. 240 Aider at. Phone lk. A2PRAJ.T FATIVB. THB Trinidad Aanhslt Pivinf Co. af FortUaA urne on wrceter bik. BATXS MA2SA0B. FBBNCB Hdleaf giv baths and maseag treat- BMaU SVS Filth at, . raosa, Aiala, aW4,.- The Journal's Lewis THIS COUPON "If Voted on or ,P0ST0FFICE ... i CQUHTY ' STATE. ......... .... v ... .. " , NOTE-Thrs-coupon wiirhot be counted unless the persons named Is properly . riominted. If not nominated, fill out nomination :; " blank and send tn with coupon. - - - - BICTCLX BXAXXas, COLUMBIA, TRIBUNB AND CRESCENT. SPORTING OOODS. EXPERT REPAIRING. F. V. KEENAN. 208 THIRD ST. -KJUrx BOOK atAKVTACTTJlIBB. HOWkV SATIS EILHAM., 100-111 Second st. Bssk book manufacturers; agents for Jones ,. I m proved Looae-Leaf ledgers; see the sow r-.Buvek leaf, the beat en the market. . - BANS tNfTAVXXBTaV- CHAR. B. YORK A CO. repairer sod plsteis, removed to fT First, 2 block north.. CLAlBTOTAJTr ABB FALMI3T. MADAME IB JOUN8TON Clairvoyant, palmlet, reader,-' I give facta reliable aad 1m )t en all affair of real lit, itosdlnf toe. M Seventh at., near Oak. 010ABS AVB T0SAO00. BSRBRG-GUNST CIGAR CO. DUtrlbutora ef FINS CIGARS. - ; ; Portland. CAararrzBS airs butlders.- A. J. AUTHORS and H. B. WOOD, eerpentere ""''!."-- t',ni ! asa or new nxiur duuu aaoo wvuiiwaiii ssam 02V7, CEKXBT C0VTRA0T0BB. CEMENT WORKWUP TO DATS, with men. L, elbowgreaae and straight business. K. 0. Lundstrom. 102 Commercial nil. , CBAB. . CARTER CO.. cement contractor. 040 Eaat Twentieth St. Pbon iKsst ISTA, All Work guaranteed. - - Tr COAL AMU WOOD. CHURCULET BROS, kava removed from foot of Davis st. -toeia Kearney sto nes ICUveuth, -lt Is now the larf eat . woodyard lu tbe elty, ' carrying all kind ef wood aad coal. Phone Main Oil. WESTERN FEED FUEL CO., ear. Front aad Hort ata.. aealers In domestic ssd steam p'SJae alVln1018. '!'""" ALBTNA FUEL CO. Dealer la cordwood. coal aad green and dry elabwood. R. R. and At blna are.. 2 blocks seat of ferry. . Baal, fit. RUPERT FUEL CO. Th beat dry wood la town. Don't forg.t to pbona Bast 1403. 2U Ssst Elf btn st.. cor, atsoison. STEEL BR1DOB FUEL CO.. deslera la coal. aord wooa ana ary sun wooa. raon saac ax. OREGON FUEL CO. all kinds of coal and eroo. - S44 Morrlaoa. Pbona Mala 06. . ' - BIRK HOOVER. -212 Water ft., wood aad coal. rooov; nun ava . I l J. J 11 in i I l I CLXAJriNa AJTB DYZZBS). XPORTLAND-STEAM.- CLsVAJttNG-AV 3TBINO works; practical natter- in connection; I tamer boa and plume cleaned aad curled by aa ex part. 211 Fourth. Pbona Clay T04. CLOTH ES cleened and pressed $1 per mea Unique Tsllorlnf Co.. S4T-Wasbtnftoa st. tb. B. W. TTTRNER. profeaalonal dyer and e leaner. i sw awneisun v. t-nons atsm soio. CAXPM-CXXAXniO. STANDARD Steam Csrpet-Clesnlng Co. Carpets rlesned, refitted, sewed snd lal.l; msttrcese. feathers renovated. Eaat Third, north, and PaclOc ts. Esst 20. Merrlmaa A North. HA VET pour walla cleaned: we clean papered and painted walla; eattaf action guaranteed; prices rcasonaois; rererences. nea xv.m. CABPBTS cleaned on tbe floor; we raise a dust. Phone clay 231, free demonstrstlon. J. HUNTER Stem carpet and mittress- cleaner. AGO Jef fereon. i I'bone Main 214. t 'ii. l ii -i f i i i. ,i. '...mna: COaOCSSIOB aTXROHAJITa. DAVENPOBT BROS General commission mee- cbsnts; fruits snd proaucs; eonaignmenta so licited; prompt return. 160 Front at. BYERDINO A FARRELL, produe and commis si oa merrbanta. 140 Front St., Fertiaaa. ur. Phanw Mala 170. CAT! A, XR1CKSOM S RESTAURANT Merchant' ranch 11 a. m. to 12 p. m. under new menigemenl. O. B. Evans, prop. Second and Burnsld. TUB -OFTlCnVge Wishlwftow t.r Phone Mjslavl T7l. namuei igneaux. CROCKERY ABO GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery snd ftasswire. PrseL llegele A Co.. loo to iu nun. ror. mar n. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL, DUC.E TtROWN.D. v'.S..D.C.M. Dog. hora hos pital, 297 Burnslde.Phonee: hlalnetwaKaat zoaa. ORXSSMAXrvO. MRS. O. F. LOWE, ladlea' and chlldren'a far. menm, alia wawta, waiais snu wrappers; un derwear mad. 133 Eleventh at, rhooe Main 312T. BrTTRTWATBTN, wool or wsib 111k, mide for 11.20; shU-twsist snits, 04.0U. eoa bssi Mar at. Phone East 2281. UP-TO-DATB dressmaklnr. ladlea" ttllorlnf; costs a specialty., Room JIT Aimy bldg. XBISTBR'S Ladle Tailoring college; patt -cut to meaaure. Aliaky hall oo. me ate MRS. McKIRBEN, artistic dress aad skaak. sssing. ooi aaovriaon- at. DRRSRMAKING Strictly ap to dat latest oeaigns. nn tlay at. ELECTRICAL WORKS. N6RTWWESrrBCTRrCA6-BNGINBBRIN Company, 200 Stark St.. Portland. O. K. foe vwryttiln la the electrical line.,. Phone Mala lfA kl'IFlO Elrctrto-C. repalrera. iaotr1o -wlrlnav anppllea. 04 irtt. ear. atar. Main ono. R. H. Tat, mgr. FURNACES, BOYNTON warm-sir fnrnaee ear raeL J. C Bayer Furnace Co.. SnO Second. Main 401. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture'1 Miiufaetarlnf Compy Minnrartarera rural tur tor u trsa. PortUbdp Or.. - .r FCBNITURB mannfartufinf and special order. L. Rovnaky's furniture factory. 170 Frost st. GROCERS. WAPHAMS A CO., whnleaale froeera.- maso- larturera aad omailsalon msrehsst. Fourth aad Oak ata. iltl A LEWIS, commlaaloa aad artdnee axer bists. rront and Dsvls st., Portland. Or. ARDEBXRS. GARDENS aiade aad kept In ereW, bedge trimmea. . rooo order joo hoble, Alila and Clark Contest IS GOOD FOR Beore. MAY 20. . r ! '-v: '---7- FOREST BXSXRTX SCRIP. FOREST RE8ERTR SCRIP FOR SALB Ap proved, anreetrleted. reedy for Immediate nee; lowest prices. B. F. A F. B. Ml ley. Out Chamber of Com mere. v HARDWARE. ' Portland Plardwar Oo. solicit apportunlty to quote prices. IAS let. eor. Aider. Mala 1224. HTTMAX HAIB BOLLS. J," J. Bona, minufai.tuiei or howe hale aoll. . etc. 424 B. Ninth, Phon Eaat Mil. HOTTX. BESTAT7BABT ABB CAMP BAN0ES. HOTEL. RESTAURANT AND CAMP RANGES . Crlbbeu A Sexton A Oo., Seventeenth n Upshur an., largeat stork hotel, reatauranu camp ranges, fssoilu stoves and refrlgera. tor In tb city. - HOTELS. THB LINDRLL HOTEL Market, bet. Third nd , tourtb, Portlsnd; entlraly new, Bsuasomtiy furnishsd; American plan, $1.00 day up. Hotel Pendleton, iawlleto. WaW Brown. -mgv, HOTEL Partland. AmeHcea plan: $a,$S pee day. HOTEL at. ueorf c. - rendletoa; leaaiof notai. Urrwr,w ... ,...a.n .t iu. .. I - " IBSTBABCE. LA MBEB'L. WmiMJtB... CO. Ftro Inanraaoa and reel eetate. eueceeor lo Arthur Wilson , A Co. ofnoee. west aide. 10T-10S Sherlock 1 bldg., Main 1008; eaat side dept. 404 Bast - aiaer tuiiiaene- ona juaii vi. IF A AO L. WHITBJ Are Insuxiaes. 200 Drkaa bldf. ; - JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employer' liability and In. dividual acelifent surety booda of all kinds Pbona 47. IMI2 McKay bldf. H. P. BARTEIJI COMPANY Fire Inenrsnce. 442 Sherlock bldf. Oregon Pbona. Clsy 020. tOCXShflTH. KEY fitting, ciat-iron brnlng and general re- Piirlnf. J.- II. Richardson, .200 Fourth st. hone Hood it,2. . ' " MONEY TO LOAN. - - THB STAR LOAN CO. . r Any sslsrled employe, wage -earner. aa fet aa hll note, wllhout tnartgigi . . . Month. U Month. Week. soo.on itepsy to is or ee $25.00 Kepay to us i 0.06 or $3.SS or $15.00 Repay nut 4.00. or $2.00 as S10 aiekar bldf. OS 80 $1.00 FITS per cent money 1 we build yon a home or loan von monev on your nronertv: monthlr intuietiui Inveattoatoe -open Satnrday -evwae :. IngS. BOOBS 10-17 UIDB MOg.) X27H WMi MONET TO - LOAN on real, nersonal snd eol. 1 leteral security; special stteutlOB to ensttel iwiiiwi - awie ew.i. . V. w. r.ll.l. 204-0 Feotoa bldf.. 04 Sixth at. HIGHLY respectable place where ladle, and Eta ega borrow money on diamonds sad airy. Collateral Loea Bank. 200 Waah- Ion at. Phono Black Tl. - rlty or to salaried people on their note; lowest rates; no publicity, no delay. Zlf Ablnftoa bldf. Phone nvea 1T2S. MONEY ADVANCED ssUrled people, teamsters. . etc., without security: eaay payments; larg eat bualneea In 40 principal cities. Totman. 223 Ablnftoa bldf. CHATTEL loan In amount ranging from 220 I to $0,000; rooming -house a '"eclelty. New mam af l r , uv auiniuia unig, WB buy Ufa Insurance policial and pay mor than eompanlea Issuing them; also buy them subject to loans. M 80, car Journal. IO A N S at lowest rates on furniture, plisoa; any security not parcbiHd. Eaitsrn Laaa cfice, 440 Sberlock bldf. MONEY TO LOAN In large er (mill amounts on good eccuill, ; Kiweat rata. Wtlllim Ii. Beck, fOT Falllnf bldf. MONEY to loan In sums to salt st 6 and 8 per rent. W. J. Clemen. 27$ 8trk t . Chamber of Commerce. LOANS oa furniture, plinoe. other eeeurltlea. Inweat rites. 8. W. King, roea sS, Waah. bldf. Mala 8100. . THB CRENCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary 1-rng. from three te- ela-aaeath! conAdent'. 21T Orefonlaa. " MONEY TO to AN on Clscksmas eoonty lend. -a). Pi aad F. AV Rllyr OOP Cbel PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. 6 AND 8 per cent. Wm. Denbolm. xa rslllnf Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN, S per cent. Nortbrap A King, zio-zii commercial aioca. TO LOAN 8100 to $2,000 by Cbarlee BlrstsL mb Third St.. room 8. $oo to lend on cnyop suburb n property. r in. care journal. 'MUSICAL. SELF-PLAYING PIANOS Ceclllsa eelf-play- lnf plason pronounced tb best by leading nmelclans; . siao t.ecllisn piano-piayer. m. il. Wills Mnsle House, 330 Alder st. -X. UORT excclTciiT oppofiunlty " for mihdnlln snd fiiltnr fierier who bis money to invest; uiil.-k returns assured. Address V 32, car JouThal. , , ' SECOND-HAND musical Inatrumant of stl kind, st mweat prices, rem or install rsiner musio io., iwu xnira si. THKHK ire bird times; prices ire going' lower; raaa or time, uevy-s musi uouse, ill rearta at.. Y. M. C. A. bldg. LKKNONS nor, piano, grtlfir, "fTanJo. maadnllnl violin. Mrs. Martin. 241 FlrMV-cor. Main. MR AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER, banjo, maade- lln, guitar iparrtirtion. Mam xteui. its w.rira. MAONETI0 HEALING. L. H. HART trclta all dtaciee. stomich tmnrn'.t nf.rToiiKiirai ana ruqi-Ilyual evaliM-ei, roneultallno free. Sll Tourney bulldlnf. B0TART PUBLIC. PREPARATION ef deed and mortgages a apeclaltyi prices reduced. A. A. s'riej. 110, tne Msrqusm. 0 VI A ALLS. BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS aad mechan ics' clothing; anion made. Neustsdtar Bros, maaafaeinrera. Portlaad, Or. IPAVXMXXTS. WARREN Construction Co. Street Paving, slds willk mnH rfiwawlk. 16 twvgonlsn bldf . PLUMBERS. DONNERBBRG . A RAOEMACHER. sanitary planiker. 04 Foartk t. Both phoaea. FOX A CO., eantlary plumbers. 281 Second be. Mila nd Salmon. Orefoa Pbon Mala Buoi. PIANO TUNING. BKOR11M' ANDERSON Expert plana tuner end rapilrlBf. Inuulr FUhr Musi Co. Red 02. -PLATTXO. EASTERN PLATING CO.. S20 stiver, enpiwr, atokal aad brass platlu a-spssiswy. THB OREGON PLATING WORKS. 40 Wash ington at- Phone 2&7B, Potliblng. piatluf unaaVwwXwTrewyf('rJ, PUBLIC ACCOUBTABTT. a Hv-AV MlFLDBaV-eapert eeeopalant. room 441 Sherlock bldf.; booke opened, adjoated and aadlted: heeka kept tor smsll concerns; mode rat charms Srst-dsas references. Msla 2VM. PRDTTTN0. BUKUONO A CO. Front and Stark ass., print. . Inf. lithographing, blank books and fne supplies; work Oona on timet meat prlutlnf ofllce la the wecL Mala 104. ANDERSON DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing. . lithographing, blank books. Phone Mala IT. 2i Alder st. PAINTS, OIL ABB GLASS. Fv B. BEACH A CLe-Tha Plonser Pilnt Co.) window-glim aad jlixlDf. iM first ae Pbens lllls. BASMC8SEN A CO. r p.lraa. oi snd Taylor. n ssab- ead -doorr," "Scond RUBBER STAMPS. P. 0. STAMP W0UKS. 240 Aider St.. pben . Maid T10; rubber ata m pa. seals, stencil, hif fife. trade checks; send for catalogue. ROOrTBO. TIN ROOFINO, guttering, repairing and fsaefai lobbing. J. Lostll, 212 Jeffernoa at. "lOPt. PORTLAND CORD AOS CO.- Fourteenth ' and Northrop ata.. Fertlaad. Or. SATES. FOB opening lockout and life barfalna fa te J. B. Davis, ao Third at. - m i i i i i i jjh i l iL. J SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef- every description; bank, bar aad atore Bitures made to order. Tba Lata Mannfsctnrlnf Co.. Portland. . STORAGE ABD TRANSTXR. SAFES, olsaos kud fnrnltare moved, licked read, fur BhtDoiBg aad shloued:- all erark wfursnt(li large.. 1 -a lory, bik-k. -f re-proof wireuouse tor -aiorage. urne u sirst . C AC disss. - Phone Mala- 04T. . 0. O. PICK. ofSce 88 Firat st.. between Stark and Oak ata.. phone 600; pianos and furnlturt . moved and packed for ihlpnloff: commodious l Sre-proot hekh warehouse. Front aad ciay am. - - -. STORAOR snsra to let In our new building. 1 '' """"f Company. TIMBER. FOR BALB Two bomeetead relinquUameat clatma; eeond growth: will sell cheap. N. - P.. Nlelson. Hotel Rhelnpfahen. FOR HOMESTEADS, timber claim aad scrip appiy to sua commercial nioca. TYPXWRITIXI. YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS . 82 Fourth Street. . W rent, repair, aell, exchange typewrltsra. ' A 1-supplies tor sll machine. -Ftandard machines $23 and a to $100. Do you want s stenographer or tvplatt We have list of good sppllcanta. Phone Blsrk MTL. STf N'OGRAPHERS- TYPEWRITER BATHHOUSE will rati and get any machine and thoroughly - clean with benalne h 11. Addree S4 TbAsd st. Phone Msln 2048, . . ' BLICPTENSDORFER typewriter.-! supplies, re- pairing. Roea A Rom, fed Stark, kialn 17(1. T0WZL S1TPPLT. CI.KAN TOWELB nAtLT-Oimb. biusk. aeaa, $1 per month. Lawrence Bros.' Towel Supply a., smarin ana gjouca. msae as. - TRANSFER AND HAULIVO. OREGON TRANRFFR CO., 14 North Sixth. Phon Main 00. . Beaauy kanftnf and storage. POST -SPECIAL DELIVERY. N. 20014 Waab- i ii. .ii ... i-Donw aiain vuz. n I i I . TURKISH BATHS. DR. MOOREF1ELD of Stockton. Cel.. bli opened a Turaiia and steam bath st soe Fifth st Tiomrs.- J. A. WES CO. vralln-msker -and repilreri work Brat cuss. 20 Hasssll bldf. 4th aad Morrlaoa. WALLPAPIB. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184 1M Second at., net, xamhill and Taylor. Portland. TIVAHC1AL. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF 0SE60V. Ne. 100 THIRD IT. Tbe Oldest Trust Company in Oragen. CAPITAL axoO ooa . We conduct a general banklnf bailneas. Wl lecelv aavluf denoalta. W laaua tlm cer tlOcatea and cert Incite of deposit payabl apo 10 day' cell, 20 daj' call or 80 daye' call, with lntereet st 8H aod 4 per cent per annum, respectively, I all or Sena xur I book of ILLUSTRATIONS. BKNJ. I. COHKN....ira..TT, President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President n. UK i-aukt. Hecrelary J. 0. GOLTRA Aailltlnt Seerstsry FIRST NATIONAL BANK. . ' - OF POSTI AND nirnnx Designated 43poltory and Financial Agent of . - , , , Hll lik lltll President ., . . . A. L. MILLS vaani-r ...... ttt. . . .r.. ;av. J. W. KKWK l UK A.aietant Caahler.... W. C.'ALVOKD Second Aaslitint Ciabler R. F. STEVENS luars-l LreUlt uuud A.r.allablla, and tha ICaatrrn ItlatM JtWJltLL Sight Etchings snd Telegriphle Transfer eniu an new xorx, ttosion. IDIClgo,. pc. Louis. St. Psul. Omaha. San Frinclaca and tbe principal points In ths Northwest. - Sight snd tlm hill drawn In -sums to. suit en - r-ana, - Berlin. rrankfrn-t-on-the Main. Hong Konr. Yokohama. 'inenhaa. t hrlillinli. Stockholm, St. Petersburg. Mu- vw, mirirn, Honolulu. Collection Made ea Favorable Terms. u BITXD STATES NATIONAL BANK. OF Poa.TT.ANi) on r now A-OXTKWIST COR. THIRD AND OAK STB. Aranaaeta a Oeaeral Hanking Busin. i n iui'1 a -iMMl, ku Arailahl la All Cities' of ths United Steles sau Europe, Hong Konf and Maalla. COLLECTIONS MADE OX FAV0RABLX TERMS Prealdent. J. C. AI.N8WOKIII Vlce-I'rsaldent W. B. A YBR Caab ler B. W . SC H M R It II AmUuat Caahler A. M. WUIUHT I ADD A TILT0N. BANKERS l Estsbliahed In Il8.) Trnaaaeta a General Banklnf Buslnees. Collections msde st all oolnt os favneahl lerma.. Letters of credit leeued villab1e la Europe and all' points In th United Stales. -Bight Exchange and TeW-griphIr Transfers ...n, i-"-.. avrs. niMiiiKiua. nirago, m. Vdvtm, Denver.- Omaha. San Franctsce -and M.tna-isn4- Welti eh felnmhia. .. .- Bscbanf wtld , on London. Parla. Berlin, Frankfort, Hoof Konf,- Yokohama, "Manila aad Honolulu. giyiHHB A TU'8'f -COMFAsH,- O 26$ Morriaon St., PertUnd, Or. Traanacti a General Banklnf Biiiia. . SAVIN0S DEFARIMCNT. Interest Allowed on Tims snd Havings Deposits. - . Acts aa Trustee foe -Batata. Draft and Letters of Credit A Tillable la All Part ef th World. - C. F, ADAMS,. ................. ....Prealdent L. A. I KWIR..... First Vice-President A. L. BlII.l.H......-....iSeeesd Vlce-Preal.leat R.r G. JIB1T2. ....... -Secretary M' EROHAIITS' NATIONAL BANK. P0BTLAHD. OBEGOar. J. FRANK WATSON... Preeldnt R. I. DURHAM ........Vice Preald.l H. W. HOtT GEO ROR W. HOTT. ......., .Aeel.tant Caahler Traaaasta a General Banking Buelneee. Drafta and Letters, of Credit leaned Arailahl . to All Pirt of the W or lea - . . v.,wwi.a atpaviany. MORRIS BROS. A CRRISTSN8EN, U2Vh First Street, Portland, Or, Offer 0m-Edf Tsreetnwnta la Munlclpcl aad Railroad Bonds. ., Writs ar Call. . MORTOAQC LOANS 0a Partlsid Real Xitat at Leweet Batoa. ..Tltlea Insured. ' Anatraola Fnmlshe, -,' TITLX GUAR AXTER A TBUST CO. - 4, Cnamhag t Cemmsrae. L ) OPfiiO Ilk bit-. . w n -- and uiiiuM rAunu 3--Trains lo the East Daily 3 Thraufb Pullmaa aUr!ard and tooriat etosa. . of cam dally to Omaha. Chios, Spekaaei Worlat sWlag -eara dally to Asanas Clt through Pullmaa tourist sleeping ear (nsrsooe ally coa darted I weekly to tbicro. ttecHnlag; cnanr ear 1et pwi y ' aw -wwr, iota- EPOT. 1 L'- I Arrives. . XHICA Ort-PORTLANB SPECIAL. Fog th Baet eta -Ink ton. S:tSa.av Dally.. S:S2 Dally. SPOKANB FLYER. Far - Eastern Waahtof . ton. Walla Walks. Lew- 0 -18 a. m Dally. - S-nOa. I Dally. . letna, Coeur d'Aleae snd Great . .Kortbare points. ATLANTIO EXPRCSS. For ths Esst via Hunt- Inatos 818 a, ax. T-1 a. aa. Daily. .. Dally. - - ' - Colombia River DlvhUeaw FOR AOTORIA awl way I. f iaO pr-aX.'T i"'".tiu " tiuf witn wur. atmr. for i llwsos sad Us.. Sanduy. North Beach, air, Baa-lnsturday. sslo. Aah-et.- deck. lQ:0Q p. m. . . ' Yaaafclll River Roues. Aboot SiOO p. as. riM nirrnv . Oroa bin River L" Jtuth aad "a' . dock. . lent, lltttng.) City and Yimh'in Tn m. aa. Einm. atmr. OClo. Aak Dally. Dally. I Water permitting Baaday. Snake Rfeer Rento. FOR LEWISTON, I da., I 4:00 a. m. I A bout $ pui anu way pointa from '" . Tueeosy RIP lis. Waah.. mr. Wedneeday Thuradsy . Spokine snd - Lewistoa. Fridey Sundsy TICKET OFFICE. Third snd Wssbtnftoa. Tle' - - vtyrmw aaain 1171. 7T'E,T",("' eity Tic -Afoii A. la, CRAIG, General Pimiigsr Agast. - SOUTH ONION DEPOT. OVERLAND" BXPRB88 tralna. Tor Barent, Baa burg. Ashland. Sacra - -. . i;S0 p. m. mcnto. Og den. Ssa Fran cisco, Stockton. Lo Ae Enlea, El Paso, Now Or ana snd ths Esst. Morn log s-trala- sect at Woodbor dally except Sunday S;i0 . m. witn train : ror alt. Angel. Sllvertea. Brownsville. S p r I a f -field, Wsadlua aad Nitron. 'S:3Bs.fA, Albany passenger con 4 :00 p. m. nect st Woodburn wlthi' air nrtrfCT- ina nurer ton local. 1 1. T:S0 a. i I4:60 p. Ore i Ills IISiBOo. m. ef:28 m. Sheridan nsssenf ar. ii MS IU MS IT J I O (OCPCN SrWCUl to I aV oirr Irii Dslly. IIDally, except Sunday. -Partlaad-Oswef e aWburbaa 8svMe aad Taamhill . Bivislvn. Depot foot of Jef (arson atreet, ' Lnvra Portland dajlyfor Oswoao 7 AO bAx.ji. I2 6c2;0o. 8;66. 0,20. 8 29. T.eS. 10 10 p. m. ... Dslly (except Sunday). 1.80. 0 SO. f:38. 10.28 ; s. s 0:10.. 11 M p. as.- auoasy awl 0:00 0. nx. . - -- - L - Returning from Oawefo. arrrv Portland dally - . 8:80 a. m.: 1 M. 2:06. f IS. T:fl. S:AS. il to n. 'ea. Daily lexeept Sunday) 8:25. T:2A, 0:30. 10-10. 11:48 a. m. Except Monday. 12:20 , p. m. Bonasy only. iu:j a. im. leiTn rrosa hot arrn iw TX Arriv Portland P0:10 v-m. - T!l Jk, ladrneaaean wunaiuuiu -avoww npe rates dally to Monmouth aad Air 11, , aecting wita nooiners nn. wwrMa - at Dallaa aad Independence. Firat -claaa fafs fmm Portland to Sacra mrat ad Sn Francisco $20. berfh $: aisoal torn fare fit. aeeond-clsss berths $2 0. - IT9mmm Sm Baifwa natntS Snd ' BTIirBa. 0 Jinan. Chin. BonolnM and "tralla. ' City Tlcxei innc ' .,". " lng,n e-era. Phon Mala Til . C W. ST1N0EB, 07. B. COM AW. . Mt acal ages. 3 TIME-CARD... OF TRAINS, Portlands UNION. DEPOT. Departs. I Arrives. Paget Sound Limited, for Tacoma. Seattle. Olrmola. South Bend 8:20 8.1 4:ap, ax. and -Orar Harewrf point. - - norm voaat umirea. for laiome, naettte, Bntre. St. Pant. Ml neapoll. Chicago, New York, Boston and points Eaat snd Southeast. $ .00 p. ra. T:00 1 ns. Twln-Citv ETrn-e. for comr. Beatlle: Sne- sane, Helen, at. Paul, Minneapolis Cblcsgo. New York. Boston snd 11:48 p. m. T:00 a. kX sll nolnti Esst aad Honfheisf, Pflsvt Souird-T Kansif Clty-St. Loul SdcIiI. for Tscoun, , S'attle. Nnnkans. Butts Bllllnas. Denver. Omaha. Kansas City. St. Loots snd ill points Eaat and South-I $ 80. m. t:00p. sv reat, br'asch.. i A. D. CHARLTON. Asalattnt (Teneral Psasenfer A refit, BBS Morrison at., car. Third. Portia ad. i or. . Astoria & Columbia River Railrdad C6T Leave. CNION DEPOT. 1 Arrive. 8:00 a In. Foe Btaveers'' Ralntse.lrt .va a Dally, Clsfekaule. Waatp.wt,!baHf.JJ ClIftoB AitorUcr w- 'nino. r lavai. uis mono g-nrt R..W. nm Gear hart Park, Astoria and- Smaher. T-fK) a. ax. Bioreaa filly. ,Atets- txprsaa. $.48 a. av. Dally. - . t. O. MAYO, --:-. j. p. a ad TV A Aatseia, Or. - C A. RTXWART, Cemmeeal AfeaV AM arreeu i-aoae siais m Ticket Qffloo IBS ThttaJ St, e-a..-.TrmrtAsoontlnritBl yA 5 TrolrtAi UtmJIy a5 PAST:TIMG TO BPOKANB. fT. ATts IWI.t'TJL HinDr.Aruiiia ' ru -.j av ta ALL x'OINT KAatT. Daylight trip throufh th Caaeed and Rocky raountalna. For full p-er. -tilara, rakaa. foldra. oto, caJl ae) er i '" BL DIOBTBOst. Clttr ItoBft - Ut TBixS Strawt. rortlAAA. , I-