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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1905)
THE OREGON B AILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY1! EVENING. 'MAY 13." 1905. i f: :: S400 to S700 Buys s An lot In BRONAUQH'S ADDITION rTJck xiia&r&our$lt Evrtt et.-4e the bandy rosa ana iui on uoiq m ui East 24th Street which 1 graded, sewered apd sidewalks . ere laiq... .. . . . . , , Wakefield, Fries 4 Co. -' m; .Dion AITFTRIN'GS OF A7i."s I IN v, town" notk them FareAtllt and cau, kor mokk I3,75 -wffl- Ixty aew..wcii - . . . A rnnms -brick feet; sat to XrulUrana Berrms. wo5"l...n.. ... . es. rnnrns. elastered, finished with fin. nBraln Paper brick End eenrnt basement, bath. T.ol and 1 coW -waterr iilf1 porches, aMolward-ftwtatHMt TJl --l, s nit-e lota In fruit and berries, situated on ML Scott car Una nSSS W Vodern hou.e. clo.ejn. rtra-Baat-U- at-1 , .- 8-room house, all In nna oraer; j 100 :rounn, enmra ,"vr' ..i vl 1 house coat alona to build i,2Mi ael "" 'y0i..-:,ni.aa. furnace. else- trio lights, concrete waUa fnd walks, flna lwn and -ahrvbbary In Alhlna; . 2 fine lota; fronta on car line $3.S0Os- i. rnora new modern cot tare, near car ltn. in MentavHla: easy term; only I960, r ...i J ' k.4h .nil. v,n,rir nice new . v..-.;;. 1 - j-eto.; onJtf.Bcptt,JfHlJf?ei . ; Nlc horn at Mt, Tabor: Rood house ' and barn; ( full lota yood fruits, bar- riea, nice ornamental trees, shrubbery ana nowers; inn '" . ---taar term; price only 13,600. , . . ' . m'JXL wow mlirn houae. brick bane " inent. porcelain 'bath, ;aa,cmant walks; lot 4ix6 feat; on west am '' . ' AAA ' ' -i -room house, food rrder, on Belmont, weat of 17th St. 12.000. -irtne,-!rgflTmodern-houe,-ti!e 40I, vViilta and berries, on Sunnyaide car 4 : line: will sell at a baraaln to aettla an . 217 JlblngUm Bid. PortUnoV Or. R. M. WILBUR 306 McKay BliiW Offcraior Sal. : Real EstaU for 930,000. pay In a- net on price 11U per cent, or net upon cash required 17 per 1C.000, ' pay In net n prlos 13 per cent, or net, upon-, cash required,;) per cent. . : -t. .. . - - 935,000, paying net on price 13 per cent, or net upon cash required 2 per "Cent."""- '-. - -1 . - - - : 930,000, InHeart c1ty;-valu -if 1m provemonts not considered, yet paying; 4H per cent net on price. This piece Is rifiht In the -very- best- part -of tha cttjr for rapid advance In value. . 911,000. near Waahlngton. on 10th, net. income this year on cash reaulreti S per cent $3,600 Improvement "will brlnjr 13 per cent on whole coat. - - . ruiry ririR'l aataLiau k a CHlOHKHTEK'S ENUIOHK la KEI mm mill Mt MM 1 aftuiuaft aaa umnm mf r 7"' Drnjuv M 4. ta a PirilnUn, TMiaMMU mmm " WmKml tmw L4W to mmrm MaU. It.MltMIMkk (MM im, raiu, ra. Mull atkmrm. un-a;,.-'- rlii,.,r --tip.-., i .in-rri pinuii ..uli ii.i i 1 1 i.-yinj -C5p;Vazmsaii. YOU.-GAN'T-AFFORD," -TO OVERLOOK. If you are intending to purchase SUBURBAN LOTS. The - TITLE Js PERFECT and is free from alLincumbranceLasl we can show you at our city office." 'Lots' are all level and in cultivation, with FRUIT TREES in bearing ; all kinds of f BERRIES, and with green kwns;'pure water piped to every lot; streets graded, etc. COME OUT and see the straw berries ripening now. Lots" $106 'and upward. 'Terms to suit purchaser. Take MT. SCOTT car and get off at Kern Park (or Reser-' - voir Park Station). Agents on the ground and at our office TtntatioiC-Fdr"furtherparticulars call at our City OfficeT 226-228 FrQnttor.phoneMain-474- H. METZGER, Managing- Owner N. B. Free lunch served on Sundays. " V imiiinnimiiiiiiiinimiiiminiuinuiiii City View Park? CityteMr-Fark is located xtra level T)kteauwo rniles"s6uthr section of our city' and overlooking the :Zbautiful-Waiamette. The large palatial cars of the CrW.- P. & Ry, Co. run on either side of the Parkrgiving easy access." ',; 'to the dtyf PortimcLl.Thi8 beautiful tract ha all the improvements of a-modem building site. It has Bull Run water ;.-:.'!S,c Vtf' telephone, streets graded and sidewalks laid. A visit to thegrounds will convince you that' triis' tract x - '. Oregon Water Farms -For Sale 143 rer acresundef cultivation, balance light timber and pasture, house, barn and other outbuildings, Hood well mnA iriitm nt runninr 'ater. sood Krain and stock farm, near SlcMlnnvIUe; $17.60 par aura; 1 1,000 canh, balance at a per 1S1 urea 100 acres under cultivation, M ail ci. m uaaliira, bwHura In linioa 7 -room houae. barn, eheda, t chicken honsAH. anioke houae. sood - water, rlc soil; 340.00 per .acre, 1-1 cash, balance at 4 tier cent. . 100 acres 7Jacres unde"fcTflttVat!on 4 3 acrea In tlmbar-balanre-tn pasture, 17S fruit trees, runnlnakater. t-room house. 3 barns, chicken - and Incubator hniiura- ififinn Birniirri ulili ffim nti io-h ana- bciiooi. aS urn lS nndvr cultivation. room house, s burns, sood orchard. ZVa mllcaJ'rom tomn. choice land; price 337.60 per acre. . Terms. - 340 acrea o under cultivation, rooo orclmrd. house, hum and outbuild Ins. living; stream. 1 mile to railroad station; Drtce 30.00 per acre. L,lberal terms. so aores ah under cultivation, 13 rn,im liimtt iuro cuuarx. and out houses, choice land, one mile from school; price, wiin ermv ,tu. ' 83 aeraa at ClarkamalJ. 15 acrea cleared. balance easily cleared, leve) bottom land, rich anil, on S. i R. K. ; nrli- 33.200: pa,rr-esnr-T: , , 40 aores e-room house ana barn, IS acrea cuiuvaien, muunonmn couniy, miles from Linnton; 13,800; cash.- 44 ore 23 acres under cultivation. 0 acres orchard, all fencea. -room. ouae. Darn, drier of 6 tons rapacity. clone tn school -and church, rural de livery end telephone; price 12,760. This a snap. ; 40 acrea near Oresbam. 25 acres cul tivated, new -4-room-house.- new -barn. 40x50. orchard and llvinir stream, near railroad and school ; price 33,200; : one half cash. - Stevenson-Brovvn'Co. 330 VTAXX BTKSET. $8,000 T00itl8f. cbfheti ATd"efiri chaphian, only a few feet from Washington aireot. The best buy of Inside business prop erly on ina maraei. $3,000 iwxto, corner "TBroadwar and Crosby street. Thts ;U bargain - ia -cloaa-ln residence property. $2,000 40 lot. In Taborslde. fulLalx: only tn auuun uur muiiey,,- . . 5AHLSTROM 4 & PATTERSON 833 BTAJtX BTXXST, St Johns Acreage 1-3 acres near the carline ad joining South St. Johns. -nicely located, will plat to good advan tage and handsome profit. Price 53,000. , The Title Guarantee & I rust to. and 7 Chamber of Commerce. IF NOT, WHY NOT? ainui ui ws utoi vyiut luiiiijf FOR FURTHER PARTICUL'ARSrCALir OR ADDRESS Power I34-P1RS T.JS T R E ET. A REAL-ESTATE ;FOR J5ALB.BY TheitlejGMt3-1160 S-TrustX cicn 200x100 eet and new 3) 1 0t) U house of five rooms at Point View, on the St- Johns car line. 2 AAA. Williams avenue, be PO UUU tween . Mason and Skidmore, 60x120 feet, and two cottages, six rooms and : five joomsi good investment CCAA "Williams avenue ad-P-0UU : dition - 60x100 - feet, and house, seven rooms, large halL bath, full cement basement, g;a-foiHightwd;xaokmg; QAA Williamsayenue and MOUU -Alberta street. 60x100 feet, and new cottage, five rooms, bath ana large pantry, scjwer and gas.-, ,-: . "i - i-.- (ffCAA Unions avenue, . be D1 OUU tween Biech and Failing streets, 60x100 feet, and house, six -rooms MTCA Morris street, - near DaVf OU 'Union avenue, 60x129 feet, and house of nine rooms, full basement, furnace.Terms can pf arranged.- - . N 0t " AANear Peninsula-Sta-PlLVX) tion, 100x125 feet and house, five rooms, bath, basement, good barn. ' : Clnis Tlamook - and East (3)10UUNineteenth-vtr i e t "(Irvington) ; a beautiful corner, 75x100 feet, streets improved. J $1500 A high, sightly: arid beautiful building site, 50x100 - feet, -on - Larrabee street ; overlooks river and har- bor, fine. view, OA AAA 60x100 feet on East JT1 UUUSalmoiw streetbe- tween East Twenty-third, and East Twenty-fifth streets. ' $4000 100x100 feet, 'south east . c o r n er East Sixth and East Yamhill sts. . 1 ft fift .East Port la n d DIOUU Heightsr 50x100 feet. tiouse, six rooms, bath, nice" fruit trees: nnyside. a new cot tage, five-- rooms. bath, gas,' large attic, full base- -ment. . Can bejiad Jonas3Lterm?i: $180(TS? Yamhill streets. 50x100 feet,., and house, r nine rooms, plenty fruit, barn. - imn Z3rrtrmzs. AXSTXACTS TUUUnS, - LThe-Title, Guarantee XTrust Company aad T Chamber of OoBunaio,- A Cottage , in lots flOO, IS down and Electrlo cars, 60 fara. - a month. AQZaTT Oi m OmOXTJTD. . OEO. W. BROWN 203 TAXUsTCr BUDO. Phona Main 2129. ns on Marshall St- Three I l-l100-foot lots, on south aide of Marshall street, between Twen- ! ty-flrst Bnd y weaty-aecond J?rloe. each Th cheapest and hast residence 'lots at th price In th city. Wakefield, Fries & Co. Phone Mala. 14. 22t Btark BL tui 111c jiuuicaccRcr slVaUiaDie. - - EVELYJ ii Towrisite Company Journal "WantAOates- invraTTS BTTSrwrXTI fni Hilt Wi jti mi r.mi MtiT received' y UUpheae. Call lUta M0. ' 3muno wajrrzD . .ItW Male er r.ul,. time free, Sally Suaaar. WZZXXT BATa T faisartteii. (taeluitBt - eaa aViai.y tmuy a 4UUIXS aas lias -HOWTHIT KaTK rhuhdhm all tvaaay - lasass 41 i i CXTS rUMrr Bteata. JDTrmninriirtt mwi U ta fsuraal . aslaMS fle ky 3 e'deok wmmk mmfm aad ay 10 a'alMk Satasaar seta , is ta- saeara lMlieatioa. Election 'TXI OLDEST TKUST COktVAXT t ' : : OXXOOV." ... -Incorporated Aprd"22,:1887'- iT Bas elect 4 the loltowlog . i I 5s-ir: Board of Directors H. L. Plttock : Ir. A. B. Nlchoto' - D. soils Tones J. O. Ooltra ttodaey L. Ollua - S. A. Neree r Benj. I. Cobea ' H. W. reeker . X. T. TUtml . r. Umw Karl O. Broaanck B. Le Ft . he Officers Are Benj. I miieN H. U PITTOt K. DR. A. 8. -NK'HOLS. B. LEB PAGET. ..... Pnsldrnt .......... VIce-PrMldrnt . .second Vice-President . . . . . . . ...... ttmcrmlmrl J. O. UOLTR.i. .AMlittot Secretary WALTER J. OILX,...Scooa Aatlstant Beeretary GEO. E8TE8 Cnrl Rr.nt.lli. L. E. CARTER...,, Ktal KitiU 'Officer K. J. ALTSTOCK. .Aodltor "The Finance Committee Is a-a,- -NOYE8 :-- :.r Kommtrci.i5Air- r. DRE88ER. " wrrx irimcinmroicr xra Resources of O ver $1,000,000J itlpr coated,. ueoarai oaukinc m,iwm eonductea. , Hirlucs recelred. - t Time ertiaatea laueL alae certlscatM r uuon lo iUn' 80 dai s nil or 80 dare' nil, with Intrrmt at S, 114 and per cent per anoum, reepectiTeijr. tall ead tot oar book of - , or i,ELLWITATIOXa,,- Portland Trust Company of Oregon 10 TsW. Street. 1 Fbead Haia U. jtEzrnro BOTICK. :('REKA -eOl'NOHK Ne. 204. K. will (It the aerenth and laat of Its series of - proarffulv. whist eouteats tomorrow eveajng. at Auditorium, wsva ine ae.aoa s prise all, be awarded. Admission, 10 oents. HLMNKH W. R. O. NO. 21, meets th first snd third Raturdar of each month st o. m.. - in I O. -Or r'taalLveorr-arand st. and E. MLlt. .MlntCTs. A T'effi preatilepf 1.1. at svdmaa, secretary. srrri yoTios or iKiRirr-i saiz.. tils Circuit Com ef-tha Stat. f Oreroa 1 or auiimmin loubtt . - J. L. Uartman. Trnatee, Plaintiff, t. Al berta It. Proe betel and Henry O. ProebateJ, ber -auaa4F ga.a. aV Uaniurls. . Orfrud- suts. , . ... ill.. Tirrua.ot sa. timitlnn. ' Jndgmeatardas snd de-rree laaued out of tb. .boro-entltled eourt In the .bore-entitled rauae, te me di rected snd dated the 12th day of April. 1005, upon a Judgment rendered snd entered la said court on lb 7th dayof AprlL.lHua, In. farer of" J. L. Hartmau, trnatee, plaintiff, snd salnat Albert. M. Proebatol and "-"'y ProebateL her hnaband. defendant., for tb sum of 11.87,1.10, with Interest st th. rat. of T per cent per annum from th. Tth day of April. 1W, sad th. further auut of 1108.70? With In terest at th. rat of per cent per annum from the 7h day of April, lOft. and th coat, of and upoa this writ, commanding me to make le of th following deacribed real property, to-wtt; : r --. Lot two (2) lh block twenty-en f27). Maa Sen' Second adnitton to- the -rtty of Kast Port land,, sow within- .thacorporate- limit i the slut of Portland. Multnomah county, Oregon. Now, therefor., by rtrtu of aatd .xoewtlsa. Junament, order ana decree and ta compliance with the commend of .aid writ, I will oa Monday, tb. 10th day -of May, 1608, at 10 o'clock a. m.,- at th. front door of tb. county courthouse in - Portland, - Multnomah county, Oregon, aell at public anction subject to re demption), to tb nlgbeat bidder for caah lo band, all the right, title and Intemt-which the wlthln-named defendants, or either of theaV had on th date of April SH. lao.1, or since that data had is sod to th bove-decrlbed prop erty or any part thereof, tn satisfy said execu tion. Judgment order snd decree, intereat. easts snd sccrning coats. T. M. WORD. Sheriff of Multnomah County, Oregaa. Dated this 12th day of April, 1006. Drat laaue April IS. lfj Laat laue May 1.4. IB11S. Cak A Cak. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Northwestern Investment Co. Eastern Oregon wheat lands and stock ranches. - Call and see us. Ws have some good properties for sal. Rooms 218-220. AbmgtonBuilding rfcon Bad 172B. OBT&AITB, OB. . . ---.- 1 - -? ' .- j' VVsl rat -Adi For - THE - SUNDAY - . Remember, JOURNAL WANT ADS are time savers selling or renting your houses - filling .vacant rooms ; also finding articles ' : ; - iwhlch -you-have- been unfortunate enoughto lose.r 21 words, 15c. mrzaix xoncx. BTEVER la this eltr. Ma It,-IMS. .at th. . rMldRO. of hrr dmgbtrr, Mr,. r. P. Lewis, , 4TS Main strrat, Mr., t'eorlla Stenser, rd tt Tm. Kuncril Bnnd.r. 10 a. m. from I th. abot. rMlilrucC JTw Tlted te sttend. XOTICfc. SOTirE - TO PKEMENT CLAIMS Notice I. herebr slim that th. Klrerald KlapiUAi-turlos (Iqmpany taaa tr.mrerred to the ouWreiimed all of It. propert a. truMee, for the ba- '- flf of all f i. errdttora -pro rata arordtnf to the amouat of lrtlnwrtl -etalm.. All "-person, -haetnir etatnis f.ttw eeid eoriwaltoa are herpbT nM1flfd te pment the aama Ao th. oodralfod at Me efflre la the Vltf et IVrtl.nd. Orrsoa, diilr Twlfled, wllhlu thro nlooth. frnm th. date hereof. BKCLR1TV CAVINOM AND TRUST COr i of Portland, Orrfoo. I Trastee. rortUao, Orecoa, star 12, 1906. NOTIOB TO PRESENT CLAIMS Notre H - hereby sivea that th. Vf rerhhelmer Vom- - panr. Incorporated., ha. tranaferred teMb. no- daralsnrd-ali-of lta propeur as trutew-for - the benefit ol all or lu eredlior. pro rata awAeaing te th. amount of'TeiertlT. rtalma. All persons barlnn rlalms ssaln.t Ittii corporation are' herrbT notlfird 10 prtavti th. .am. to the undrraliroed at it. offir In "the t'ltr of Portland.. Oresoa. duly verified. Tlthjn thre monlha from tb date hereof. - BsX'l'RITX HAVISBII AND TRrST CO. i - ol Poruand. uregon, Trustee Portland. Orer'n, Mr 13,.iprm. tOR Ut TOBBTaV- Elthar Laat er rrand adwtlaemeata, rata "tl words for 15 esnts." esoe.. LOdT Thre. borer.; one dark brown horse. wetrhlne !. to J.TiKi Douoda: - oae Iron - ara a jAare. doebittea - .boa- bead,- wolfaiuc l.uuo to l ino pounds; one .mill weiio Mnj roach rd man.. Notlf oe return to 8.01 Strebln,' Troutdale, Or. Reward. STRAY EI-eHl-rJTOt,BN-. sM-f branded O On left shoulder:-1 br Return- to Keenan i "ranch. e 'Cully road, near gran-1 pit, S mile out on Randy road, or addreaa 41 L'nlou a?., cor. Kaat Pin. roirND A else to bars matti Tated end - returned a me day. , Phone Mala - 474.- Port la ad Curled M.lfu f.etery, 1 LOnT Black folding pocketoook, with sho gold. 2 deposit checks 1 reward. ' A-On- Weedbary, lincmaa, Portland Con. RaUway vo. FOI'ND Twe heifers sbout 1 year old: 1 black ud white, ether brown. 'A. II. Abbott, tj Kaat Utsrk. . ... - - LOST At fair grounds, lady's gold watch, r ragrarcd Clara A, Koapp. Paon ricott 14dL KOI.'S'D A blrek cow henj "A" m Tight hip. I , 1 .r, mmnuriD el., my. - WAKTID MSLBi - - ' R a NTrn KTer1enc! nlnmnwr.; a loner. steady -Job with good' pay will b -offered to ngn( kloa ec men. vmu rwaoay r Mosasy, betwees 10 a. m. and 3 p- aw Row 8ua, BL . barlea not el, front gnd Morrison, L'-" CO st T ET E N TLf ey cTyfeps lr snan. on who Ii experienced and cas do braalng; gooi braalng; good berth for right -mas- Call at stors. 7h B..11, - Bralnard Co., 123 Grand WANTKO Mattreas-makers sn boys to Ware mattress-making; good wgrs. Peters A Robert' furniture Ow. rt t'uiut., eur. DlTlsr STANDARD SpeciBrw, men true spectsllat I cure all. chronic; Electrtcat sppllr saces. battcric. belt. Headquarters U 1st. WANTED Men to dlatrlbut ssmples, Urk , algna. S3 daily. No canraealng. .Continental ' distributing Herrlce. Chicago. WANTED Experienced .hop men end lgn -painters, for . srsry- dpartmnt. JfoaUs Kletaer.--s'lftav and Eeerett. , ANY peraoa to distribute oar sample; gig - weekly, steady. Mgr. "Empire,"- Well t., Chicago, 111. EXPERIENCED ssshmaker snd bench hand, wanted at one. P orilasd Sssk AV Door On., OU) Front t. WANTED Twe good carpenters to finish. Thirty-third snd Ellsworth. Tsks Richmond School telegrspny A electricity; pupils wanted; also positions wanted for graduates. .305V 1st. DETECTIVES Mea work fb our pupils. to learn; ws guars sts R 3ol. 26B Morrison st. WANTED 2 good cabinet-makers. Csll st 67 Vsughn St., cor Eighteenth, lasols Hepp. XOt'NO man with some experience, furniture factory. Apply 10ft North Eleventh st. - WANTED Boy In printing cf8ce. AMs . 8. -7Hswk"," ltSVi'Thlrd st. ' XXLP W AXTXIV-rXXAXS. WANTED Actlrs gtrl te fold map. McKay bldg., Third snd Stark (sts. . 610 WANTED 10 ladles for,syslmlstry - temple; experieacs not neceassry; 4 months' work. Address full nam snd wbersiyou esa est lo terricwed. Address V 23, rsre Journal. I'OVNO GIRIj to asslst.-wlth -aoueeworkt small family.- Main K4T. Htu St., net. six teenth snd Seventeenth. LADIES Esrn I JO per 100 writing sbortMetters. Htsmped envelope for psrtlculsrs. Otm Mfg. -.. Cawopolls, Mich. WANTED Waitresses. , O. 22 first st. V K. Coffc Hones, v WANTED kllrl for light jhousswork, Fremont st at 204 BXlP AXTED MAtB OB FEalAXB.- WANTF.n flnnee AO mea aAd art women. IS to 28 years of as. 19 weeks' engagement, no experlencs aeceaasry. till sf ins siarquam theatra box office between 10 snd 11 s. m., Wednesday,- Thursday snd Fridsy ef this WMk. - - . LWek, MEN snd women to learn barber trad la 8 weeka; halrdresslng, msnlcurlng; graduates earn $111 to $211 weekly. Seattle Rarber Col Im. Ill Vliliiliill !.. Wea I lie. WANTED At once, s bright, energetic, pre sentable man or woman, s good taller, to - take np an sttrtctle . iiropoalthdl. lnqulr 733. Chamber 01 lonimerc. a s. m. WANTED Ladle snd geritlsma fo hsr celling snd bnatness card printed. wte and $2 26 l.(KM). 8(1 1 sixth St. Automatic Preas. TRAWBERBT pickers sod pscker: commence May 10, at Hood Blrer, For tnrnrmattos sd - dress Frank B. Broslns, Hhod Rirer, Or. . PRIVATB lesaons m bookkeeping snd ordinary - eennej. neinches; barge Tery reaaooable. Call Mala 8472. -- TOR BIBT HOTELS. FOR RENT Stores snd hotel containing 114 outside rooms, oa Twenty-slats et., . facing mala entrance snd exit of, Lewis ssd Clark fair. Apply te B. M. Lombard. 614 Chamber . sf Commerce, mt 02v Tweety-eisth at FOB BEBT FAR2B. FOR RE?T 6 acres of land, sll In eultlrs tlog. Saat Forty-third and Seettoa Uas W. w. Ucca. gut ins JOURNAL - Accepted Until mjATIOirfi WABTED pTtLl. WANTED Pnaltloa hf a nilddla-aed man In an m. w no I ..!. aouae or' laotorr; la , full reliable and . oot sfratd of work, Addre EXPERIENCED jrourif man wants position . bonkkeaper or acrnosrapner; nr.f-riaM rier see.; typewriter furo!h.d. care journal. . Addrosa V 24, WANTED Position b sn exoerienred - black- amlth,horoahor and tool dreaaer. Aqdrea. Ullllaitt Welabrod, General Dillrerr, Port- - land. Or.' .-u-.:; WANTKD Aahalper on cakea bj round . woman with 3 rear.' experieacs. - Call or writ. T. O.. BOO Plrat .t. WANTED AS helper on eases, by young man, with 3 years' eiperlenve. Call or write, y a. wo rint st., A OANDYMAKER wsnts work, slK kinds sad any klnJ; aatlefaetloa-guaranteed. V So, rare Journal, ,, - . . IT0AT1OBS WABTrr ITltAIi. A TOCXO LADT wlahea poalHon la fair, tend Ins to booth or aa demonatrstor; has s fire inaea.lns - abpe arance and a ' ioni talker - Phone- to I'nlon 3, or saoress. Y Zt, ca( jouri!ai. - YOt'NO LADY want poaltlon oa fair (rounds; rhnrse of exblblt or eaahler; experience at prsTloua fa Ira. Addrea. V 84, car. Journal LADY would like poattlon a. bookkeeper for .gentleman; reference. If reqnlred. Call or addreaa Room 12. Hotel Barrte. MipPiECEOBonuuUwaBta-i claa. rottk r n ouaekeeoert atrlotlr com Detent. lnqulr. 272V Osk at., room It. A- REArRCTARLV mlddle-sged woman te keep bouse and' conk fur one. Cell st 400 Flint, cor. Psge, I'piwt Albina. ,' POSITION wanted by trslnrd nurse; ran --fbon Front SHd, or st 3UJ Aldt-i jt WIDOW lady wiahee altnatlou aa hoesekeeper. 41H N. Third, room I. , , - WABTED BIAX E8TATX. I WANTED JUt or house and lot: must be easss ror caan. anaroa u zi. care journal. WAJTTID TO BKBT. ROOMS: ROOMBl " ROOMBI Ws 'want Irst-claaa furnlahvd room, pri vet rwldenc preferred. Be a st one; wa are closing eur Hat; our .guests will pay ton rate fe flrat-claaa acoommndattoca: c'"rteamtU coainlaaloa sad sad yes . nrai-cuiaa popio ; uoos your rooaia -sow with rt. t . nowera . j-ortlna Jlnl Hotel Co.. 1113 bldg. Pbons Main 208. BOOMS In .11 earta sf the rltr. faralaaed. j '. Apply 220 Ooodnougb bldg. 1 -KX POSH ION ACCOMMODATION- BDBBAO. ; Under dlrectlos of ths 1 Corpora Lewis and. Clark Fait una. Pnon ttita 6200.. ROOMS wanted In sll parts of city; ws do not - rest your rooms, ws sen you spplicsnts, 'Lewi and Clark - Fumlened Room Assods- tioa. . 181 North- Blalh str WANTED Furnlahed flat or honae: muat hare nt S-ttdriKini nd tie aaorlerw a Bd-well 1 rnlahed. Address T 21, cars Josrnsl. WABTID MI8CZ1LABE0TJB. WANTED More spraying ssd whitewashing; - ths only gssollus comprssaed sir sprsylng outfit en the coast. M. O.- Marl aa B Co., 870 .Mllwsul-st Pbos Best 2317,- TO BUY Wsx f Is-nrcs, show jf assv. dree Tnm-a. err. v rue particulars ana price. ", Address V 26. csrs Journal , . . 1 .. . WANTED flood. Isrgs safs; stats pries snd Inald messurements. Address U. 80V rare-i rfnurnai. v SHORT ORDER Printing Rouse F. J. Ryosr, - Second snd Wssbington sts. Mala 0586. PORTLAND - House-cleaning Co. Cs 11 pels cleaned; all kinds clesning. Main 462. WANTED A good horse harness and covered . r-1 1 1. .m-A u w t FOB BIHT FTJBBJ8HXD BOOHS. THE GARLAND - 621 Washington, bet Nineteenth ssd Twss tleth; new, modern, sll outside rooms, sleo . . trie Ught. poon. fre hatha; 60c. 7io. $1 per day; rate by waek; restsursst la bassmeat THB M0NNASTE8, 2S5H First St.; slngls room from $1 to 88; furnished kousekespfsg suiiesrrom.ei.2a. 1 0 per weesi rmmw night 60s and 20c; tourists solicit. 67 NORTH PARK. bet. Paris snd Brerett Newly furnlahed rooms Is prlrste 'family: electric llghta, pbon and frs bath; ftue aid 76e per day; rat by week. FURNISHED light front roem-ebrap, for ens or two; waning uietanee; breakfast If de sired. - Pbons East 1210, 411 Eaet Nintr I south. WKATLT furnished rooms for gentlemen or married couples; , special rates to permsnent roomers over r air. auzft Kast Burnalds St. MARQTTAM HOUSE. 146 Mj 6th Rooms sa aulta :- single; housekaanlng rooms; gas stovss. bath, elsctrls light; tranalenu sollcltad. CHOK'R- tu for tranateBts; all modern sonveniences; 6 minute wslk to fair grounds, . bid north Twenty-second st. THE MAYFA1R Elegantly furnUhed trarralent room; new bnllirmrsr moders ronvsalsncsa. 29)11 Stark, cor. Fifth. Main 2007. HOTEL CLAY Cor: Second snd Clay St., Just , opened for buslneaa; everything new snd first claaa; prices reaaooable. IHR OLADSTQNB 12V 8a Tier st, fnrnl.ked room; aadcr sew ,aunsgsmati prices rea aonsblee , . NICELY fnrnlshed resm, with phone, gas bath. per wee a ssa ap, at SSO Jsffi CI.EANfehesrr fttrnlabed rooms snd lodgings, - 84S Eighteenth st. 6 bracks from fslr grounds. 0. ROOMS, newly fnrntahed, to permanent men. f i-i i.i-...--. . .. . TTai lilnai uuL CHEAPEST sad heat Iocs ted rooms in Portlaao, $1 week ap. Gllrsaa. Fit at ssd Alder sts. FOR RENT Nicely furnlahed front Trtom; else barn for rent , 642 Sixth st , . 4 ROOMS for rent, -apetatr. Sixth, or phone Esat 1722. Csll 819 Bsst BOOMS ABD BOARD. XOUNO .mea. tf yos want to board ssd resm . la s permanent and tlrat-elssa kooss, wsers rate srs esrsedlogly V-nr, ssd wlU rssaala t ths same Sett eu miner ss they ars Bow. esll . st ths Aater Hone. 2nl Seventh st, sorasr ef Madlaon. Tel. Mais 633L F.LKOANT accommodations, rates by day, week V or month; dining room; prices right. Th I Irving, cor, lath snd Irving. Mala 8420. HB LINDELL New family betel. Market, bet - Third and Fourth: steam best, electric light - soeWlala eatbsf nrerffltitly low rat. FIRST-CLASS room snd board, reaarmable. Csll st 602 Clay St., Best Fifteenth st. R'HtMd knd imwi, private family, sua. Phoa Mala tits, , 6V8 John- 1 CLo'Clock Tonight rOB BEMT HOTJgrjtEKriBO BOOMa. 0s lnrtloa la this lUasilssttoa, rat ! ward for II ssata." TLl . . . TEN TH. furnished "nJurnl.j', ;i'!'pl"f . f .' ttaiSnf ill ''reaortaf ""iiii'tt tn'-'hrwd ''sudjl Clark Tenting c round. Mt. Tabor. , " rt'KNISHEn houarkeenlog room, tight ssd Isundry; block from I ear. s4V, Bussall. " THB LINDA VISTA, nicely rurnlatrad houaekeep. Icg sad slngls rooms reaaooable. 247 M Hftiu ' VNt'l RMSHEp or partly furnished front room. Id per muiuk. to Et Third at., north. TOR RENT Furnlahad housekeeping rooms. In. quire 180 Sherman st. r HOUBE FOB BENT rPBKiTUR- f0B 1AXB. WB WILL SELL you the following hmwehold foods for ft0 snd rent you ths houae for ' 14 per month; 1 piano, 4 complete bedroom sets f U pieces, mattresses, bedding snd flllow. 1 Iron bed, 2 dresaera, 2 commodra ardebosrd. - 1 oak extension table, 1 beating ; stots, 1 cooking, store, 8 square tablea, S upholstered chairs, 1 settee, carpets for 8 , rooms, 12 chairs, 1 rocking chair, lac cun . talna snd pole, cooking utensil; everything complets to. furnish aw 8-room -house-. Ths--wser of this 1. going te Alaaks snd Wants e - te sell st once. Call at the HcandlnaTlau ' America Reel Eststs Office. 270 Burnalds FINE furniture S-room bona., basement; 9 years' 4ese, rent :6; exchange for suburnas " cottage m ar car line. 67 Xhlrd. Ms la 4a7- rt RMTI RB of s S-room houae fur sals cheap HLJakeii Ihla seek; rent 840; soma -sad se t; s bargain. 47 North Ninth st. JTKiJ.lI.w rurnlturs of 20-room trsnatent bouao -for sale; $1,200 will take It; rent . Cell 2tX)S Madison, corner First . Pl'RNITT'RE S-room house, good realdene part -of city.. fariO. Hatfield V Smith, loots Fourth St., room 82. . , 8IX-ROOM modern houae. 8.10 Twelfth . st, " armth. west side; Turnllure new: will sell " cheap. ri - t -.. - rOR 8ALB 14 rooms, rent ' $50. good Irsssi - sell below cost. 125 North Blsth. ton izvtOTricx. Boost, OrFlffj for rent, furniture for sale. - Room ST.' -JHablngtoi, Mdg.-. - ' SEVERAL offtcs rooms for rent,, second floor. Unodnough bldg. " - FOB REHT H0TJBES. FOR RKNT Ifctrlng the fair, bouse, of B room - wun nan twitto: could j r'Trrril fnr rusin s , ltflff "XaU r.iriuoou 10U5 Kaat B.lmoo. . Phona Fjat KADDERLT TRANRFER-COMMISSION CO. Pianos snd furnlturs morc-d promptly br ss: ' perlvoced men. 110 Third at. Mala 1883. SBW 6 room cortsga on Uatmas see good position Lesslnf .Co., 73 Sixth , st, FOR TlENf Lsri 'g. bndome"nouae snd ysrds on tfp-Gf Mt, laoor. apiity tiynannjtiurni FOR rent or eala. ths Dsrl1n,cottage, SMldl.' 'best Iocs t ton ta trove, rbone Eaat 523.. FOR RENT S-room, moders. new bouse, June 1. J. L. Wells Co.. 04 Oread " ' FOR RENT 8-room txmew.-JM7 South First at FOB BEW-SCELtAJTEOUB FOR RENT Confectionery store with ftrat claaa sods fountain snd good Ic. cream par- lors; furnlahed; In good business locgtiou. Addrea-V J, car Journal. - . TENTfl-Tnts your owa or to r nt: good fsclll. -' tie; moderate prlce, lwla AT Clrk teatlng grounds, Mt Tabor: . Scott 8764. ACRES to leu s camping grounds during -the fatr: oo car Una; fx4es-wood and -weter. Csll st W Burnalde st, ; ; , FOR RENT Dental office, good location, good ' --business. Address V JW. rsrs Journal. MASSAGE parlor f, rent, reasonable. SM i -Morrlsoa e. EXPLOTMZBT AOEBCIKB. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN BMP. Office . Real sststs, rooming houses snd business e barer specialty. 270 Burnalds. Mali, 8084. PACIFIC COAST EMPLOYMENT AOBNCY Removed, to HVt North Seeond et Phoae Red 161. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. FOR MEN. 26 N. Second st. . Phoa Mala 162w PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor contra o. torsi help frs ta employer. 216 Morrlsoa. HELP wanted and supnlled. mats er female. B. O. DRAKE. 20SU Waahlngton st Clay 444. ALPINE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Help fur. y alsbed fre. 162 First st Phoa Mala 1017, ; - MORRISON Columbia Rivs. Bmn. arencrl skilled labor furnlahed. Pbon Mala 8363. - FOB SALE aUSCTXLABEOTJB. BILLIARD AND POOL tsblcs for rest r or sals ou eaay payments. THE BBUN8WH K BALES COLLENDIB CO.. 48 Third St. PortUad. FOR SALE old. -half Jersey, fresh.. Ueorgs H. Wohlere, West are., Mt Tabor, second bouas north ' "of lower reservoir. WB print your asms sa 80 ralllag earda, proper slss snd stvl. 2Be. 2AO business cards. $1. -Brows at Schmale, 228 First, PortUnd. Or. FOR SALE 80-Inch Ssmson water -wheel: In good order.. For particulars call or sddrsss Scott Young, Tygh'Viliry, Or. " i TWO fresh -enwa and rslvrs.' Inquire st Blng. ssro s isnaing, x miles snutn. et uswego, or address U 21. rare JsurnaL , " FOR SALE Threw-freab enwa and rslves. 1281 ureeiey are,, wreeiey station, Bl. j.mti cat. FOR SAME Belfeer free,- t -yeses old; s 1st, Scotch sollt. pups. Pbons BcoU U. FOR i Sll B Whli Ul jot cao t actor y. BBW snd soond-bsnd caah, reglater ssd ssfej esay terms. - 888 Ankeny at. - r- . , 1 FOB SALE H08SI8 AND CAE21AOI8. FOR SALE Team saddls ponies or psrk horse!. have bees driven lnqulr h. stotea, jiiu tlrand see., or son i-recw( st. SALE Onod, gentls horse, jnggy and harness. Dr.. Rnas. dentwt, two ninsra St., siontarlll. Pbons Scott 2708. . - STEAM' weed ssw, tesm snd wsgoa st, bsrgsis. appiy at s-v uidos st. FOB 6 ALB 0B XXCHAVQK. 64 ACRES, H mile Montavllta, good sotl, ns, grsvei, sn nnoer entiivstion; aeii or et -rbangn for Improved farm. Addreaa V 40, ear Journal, .- . , A88ATZBS.. THE J. H. Flak Aaaaying office -Oreenley A " , i , ,-i , Rnaiir,! cncmiais SS mrtsl. s lurglsu; 104)4 wsklpgtoa si, Fa-jac. ' J . - ,e- . .... yJ-- i. -T r:.