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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1905)
, . . THE' OREGdk tJAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND?" SATURDAY EVENING. 'MAY ' 13.' 1905. A iXtl2 1: Prune Crop Will Be About Half of Normar One Say Kelley-Clarke & Co. Reportsrof - --JHop-Crop Ar Far Froftv Enciuraging. Werearsucoesaf'uTiraiTI "prlvats'Tief "T-yonirTina etirnnie an blood, stomach, heart, Jlver, kidney anl throat' troubles. Va curs 8YPHILI3 (without mercury) to stay cured for--avar. In $0 to- days. We remove HOPS SATURDAY PRICES IN ; HEAVY ADVANCE HAY THREE AND A tntereA mt Ika mIWIm t DnIbuI rW trausporutloa through tb Bulla M second- THE WHEAT MARKET foatage for single eoplee: for aa $, 10 or It- STRICTURE. wllJiQUtPperaUon or pstn. . plr, i cant; 10 to ego PSStaV, Santa. , te 44 pages, S cuu, - j in is days, v ! in ni nnrn nnnno i , mi i irrrn nniiTP ' iin w atoo, drains. reauit or self. ma, I TO n A V R - MAR K FTQ I " rSBt . STRENGTHEN TELXFH.0KZB. ;TE!"lll.,IIMi.i. w BualoBBa'OfSva. hlalB TOEEIOH AOVIBTISIXO BEIEEiXHTATrTK. . Vreelaud-BsagBBila Intlil Advertising Aganey, -i.i auuu airtst. Saw xorkl iribuita jw j"s. inicega... '; ;-V IVBMBItnOV 1ATXB. '. '. .'. Xerasky Cantor. .' , JJ" J"r Journal, with Sunday, t ytr...$7- 2i" P7 Jouuml. 1 year Jbs jmi, Journal,' with Sunday, Bjoulhs. S J. pally Journal. mouth.. S. Tb Dally Journal, with nnd. 1 month." 1. lb llsllv Jo.. re. I i.Mihi - 1. httlf Journal! wttk Sunday. 1 month..- viiir. per week, viUntM, sunosy . Included -........ ...A... ,;,Tke Dally, p wok. delivers, aUuadey ' 0ptd . i.'.t.t ......... ' Turn : j The Pally JourssL wttk Sunday, 1 year... $7 lb Dully Journal. 1 year -- $ The Ielly Journal, wltk Sunday, months. J 00 00 Til Ths Ially"JouruaL months S.7 nany journal, wito tMinaay, Buui, a.ew ,'- Tha Dally Journal. $ mouthe .0 Tbt Dally Journal, wltk Sunday, 1 moot.. - Tba Dallv Jouen.l 1 m.ntlft. . 2D Sunday Journal, 1 year S.O0 , ' 1t Uundaj tVHiriMiU.1 mou Uu. . . Lut) . Tha taial-Waaklr Janrmal., " ,-Th Bcml-Waaklf Journal, to JJ pare ' tort. 1 7ar ..tM Ratnlttanran ahoold ba mad bi drafta. puUl koto,- -vipreas ordara and amall arooanu art aocaotabtBi in 1 mnA b t iwiatir. atamDaZ P. 0. Box 121, Portland. Or. WHZBB TKX JOVBVaX VAT BB fOTJBD. -- Th-Journal can ba found ea aala kt ika foll.,wlnf plaraa: B01RK. IDAHO H. BaHar Co. I W. B. M- Intjrra. - . . r T CHICAGO Poatornca Kawa eompaaT, HI Xar born ttPMt l k,EJ.VEH. VPTA. KafiHrlit Bdtilr ir gtattary . T 'nti.aur. u BaTeataaatb auti J, . JMkca. Diiiramp ana t urtia atrnata. - KANSAS i'lTV Vaa, tiar Kawa-MBHiar - MINNEAPOLIS M, J. Kanauglubi8oath mird atrrat. i NEW YOI1K r-ITT'. tTnlna mrnmrm. OMAHA Millard Hotel Naws atand; alagaatk siaiionrrr comnao. 1308 rarnum atraat. ; I ALT LAKR Clfr kaojoa Hotal Nawa aUadl narrow nroa.. as waat aaoona otrrat, mm. . a I. LOUIS Pblllp Boador. did Loeoat ktraal) AM rBANCISCO W, K. Ardlns, Palaea Hotal aratlb Broa., 2.TO 8aar atraat, and Balnt Kranda hotal; a'oatrr Oraar, Fairy build---: utf I N. Wbaatlar. anoTaabl saws aund. sur- . jar aiaraar ana Koiroer atracta. .- 8EATTI.K Ralnlar Oraad Nawa atand( W, L. i ""u, . n"f i noatiia nwa aiana. -POKAKB.-WAflH.-lnktr W.nrahaoi ialoma. WASH Central - Kawa campaajl Hntal Taeoma' Nawa atand. VICTORIA. B. , C Vlttorta Book a. BUttoaarf y'PipBTiy. - - - - WIATHIB BirOBI l.lfbt afattarlnc abawwa bava ovmrrad In t norra i-acirie atarr ourmg tna laat z nmjra - twPt In Ilia anund aoontrr. anutnaantara Waah Inaton and aitiwtna aaatern Orefon wbrr fair ath haa yrrTallad. Haary ralna routlnne - m tnamwar Miaaiaaippi Tallay, wblla vllrht ehowar ara gvnarallr reported In tba Ohio nnd Tannaaaaaj allrya and a km a tba Atlantic . aranoaxa i rum tirgmia Borwwara ta Mw isnf, land. It t warmar thla momlna In tba middle weatern am tea and In aaetera Oregon and In -11 vn , .iiigrnili eiiwwnere 1 In tba -ei lure bare been alight. generally fair In tbla dlatrlrt Rundar, eirept In toe inatuette - eaiiej ana weatern waahlng "ton. where light aratterlnr ihowera will urob ,. MABBIA0X 1ICXVUB. 7Martr:rkr":STr:aid Nettle tyBoorkar Sdr1 n or B. rim'al, , IU1 Xl BlBrtBanBi, alia I Bobart -AV-Craig at Jata, aad-lrA-lv nenrj, zt. . Weddlnc Cards. W. O. Smith Jt Co.. Waak Ington Mdg.. cor, fourth "knd Waahlngtoa. ata. BIBTHB. . J)IVER Mar 8. to Mr. and ktrt. Edward - KR1EN8 May " . to ifr. : and Mij. John kriaoa, asi taai riarriaoa atraat; a aoa. '. COBTAOIOrS PHEAIII.,.: ; rCMTOnl) Vft. Edltk Clifford, SM Ea. Tena at reel; meaelea. - - .1 May 11 Joaeph Bills. M North Mnlk atreet; enoradlc cerebro aplnal asenlngltls. -llNDBURd May 12. Violet Lkndberg, T irnng atraat; acariec raaar. ' r' DEATH" HIVKI.I May T. Perry Hlnkle, aged 64 years, at t'hico, California ; cauae, heart dlaeaaa. Bnrlal at Greenwood eematery. COLEMAN Mar lO Marr fnlmilr Ird 1 yeara, at St. Vincent bnapltal; canaa, ptaea. mania. . nuriai it aat. laiaary cemetery. Cramatorinm on Oracoa .City ear Una. nar Sallwood; modern, aclentlfle, complete. Charges Adults, 80; children, (2S. Vlaltara 9 a. m. to a p. m. rortiana crcmaaok aaaoclatioa. a artiaau. vrcgoa. The Edward Holmaa TTndertaklnf company, fuorrat directors and smbalmera. BSu &ku4 Lrreu I oooa avi. t: r. Flnlay A fn., ro neral dlractora and -mhlrl,- corner Third and Madleoa atreata. Ulrica 01 oouoty ooronar, Talepkosa Mala i. Ennaral wraatha- and cut flow era a aneeialte at Roaa City'' Graenbouae, Twrnty-aecond tad baat Morrisoa. opp. camsrary. , lit - m if ' Clark Broa. for flowera, tm Morrlasa rtraet. Btrnparo tzztan. -WB1XH ARTP-Mayil Welnhard" eaUteT r palre to, aa loon. Twantyalitb and Vpabur etreetai-'eoer. 3no. BOdA VOI.D May 12. Mr. Boaarold, repairs to aweuing. Miaaoun aranue, near railing atraat: coat. $100. . . BIKRELL A BLtTH May II Washington, betwoen Nineteenth and Twcntlatk atreata; eoat, d.OOO. ' KIT.ER May 12. Kllrr'a Piano house, repairs, Serenth and Waahlnatoa atresia: eoat. imo. HA.VUiO.N Mvli-Ura Vln Hanrton. cot tage. Mall, near Ivaywooa atreet; coat, fsoo. TtPTH May 1.1. B. A. Tufta, office, F.aat Thirteenth, near Alberta atreeta: cost, $100. JACOBSEN May 13, W. L. Jacohaen, cot- tafe.129i X'nloaaena coat, $250,' .V,- BXAL ESTATE TBABSfEBS. American Trtint and Ineeatmenr cotnpsnf "7 to Oregon Water Power ft Railway ct -pany. lot ft, block "N ' Rellwood! f A. i. Amltbaoa to William A. Wallace, . - pared of land beginning at Internee- tlon of the west line of lot T, block . ISO ,.Am. Conrb addition, wltk Una between A. H. King and- J.. uouu aseaH i na claim JVVeldee et err to fr R.-KeUr, lorar Block a, Peninsular addition ..,.... 0. A. Dnnglaa and wife to J. A. Hurl, bnrt, M 10, block 1. Rartacb addition MsralialL utidlTliled 1-8 Internet ,lot-- j - bi,-k vi. (tenrb addition ;l Portland Tmat ennnany to J. A. Carry, '. 1 lot b. block an, rarea addition .J,O00 . ! W. Dan and wife to K. V. Lleejy, -- Vt 4. block S. tract subdlrUloa, lot 2,: r nierralds komeetead T. .... 1 A. Iletold to Thomaa Bnggeaa. lota.l. , 2. block 16: lot 9, blorit 14, J. P. BO f. llollnlr and wl'fa to M'Be'edlne,' naniry aoaiima Patsruon and wlfa to Oeorge Elaher et al.. lot S, block. S, Baav PorUaad heights ,t v. Portland Troat ccmpacy to D. A. Planta and wife, lots 4. . block "B," Porla. 1 month Vlllg axtaaalnn .............. ,t. H: Watt to A. Johnaon, parcel of -land beginning 100 feet eaat from In. " teraectlon of anutb boundary of l p- " , ahoT wltk asat boundary of Sherry Riea tract, aeton , tnwnahtp 1 ' north, rang I eoat ,.:...T. - r-'.T. fi. Baker and wife to H- R. Bobset. SSO $28 1 211 -10$ eon, iota g, , block 20, King a aeooad addition ..; i 1,000 Pak l-eB.f,end roBinanr to O. W. Moon. r-areel of (and beginning 4ft a -feet""" , northeaat from the south corner nf log 5, block i Oak nark addition , 1 t. A. Biirne.n and. hmhand to A. JCeller, , i ' .' let S, block TS, Wea$ lrlnton. v r B. 0. BalUtraa aatf wlfa ta H. Bv 1 Mt7 . ' -,;.. , -. ' ' Lata Reports From Various.State iDItrlcts Show.Bad.Outlook 3-.. i for theXrop. r- EXPECTED SHORTAGE - I , , TURNS BEARS TO BULLS ; v.. Strawberry ; . Market v Glutted " Again No Asparagus Is Re : ceived Inthe Market, Front Street. Mar IS The .orlndnal fa. turas af the Portland wboleaale uarketa today y Hop, renorta are dlacouraglng. ' ' Hops are bowleg store strength: ' f , Strawberrb market -again glutted. .'' , Young, chlckrae not ao firm. . Cbaeaa, la ertlTe at present price; - ; - Butter 'a steady and unchanged. -Kgg aaarket balds at quota l ton a. - Sllrar amelt quoted at decllna. Shad receipts are heerler. No change In ealmon altuatlon. . Ontlnok for prone prlcee better.' California onions will drop soon. " Wool going Into wsrebonees. Cblftlm bark receipts light. Hides are firm but unchanged. --r"- ' Wheat and flour trade-dull. - Potata aiarket flrni bat dull, - - j-- Rpt Crap Beporta . Diaoouragiog. h .. SDectal re oor I a recelyed br The Journal from tba varloua bop dlatrlcta of the aula ahow a aatidlllaa iwiich worse than was sipactad. in aosoy. section -th auastng bills would awaa. ber nearly half of tba full acreage.. Old yarda are, ths principal oner arfectrd but eren some of tba new onea are not In aa god shape aar tba fore part of the aeaaon. In searby aiatncta tba damage aoetua far worse than farther down the yalley. Around" ChamDoeg la aoma places tbera la not a elngkt hop to ba aeen for 60 feet. These vacant places are scattered throughout tba hop country. "The Aurora-BurteTlllet'kampoeg section la tba prin cipal producer of nope In the country. In ao place In thm I'liltwl Stales Is "then awU a bop acreage aa In Iblt district and now that It la In bad ahapafean are entertained tor tba world'a snpply. ' The damage to the 'crop In Oregon Is harlng a atlffealiig effect apon the aiarket. Deklera wba were bears up to the paat week are now. la t tu Vull rank a, far not one at them belleeea. that low prices will pre Tall wltk Oregon showing auch a discrepancy In tba yield. It doea not take much of a acare to fores prices of boa) upward and f present conditions pontlnua those who- held may yet ba bears are - becoming frantle and ara sending ant many circulars to disturb the market. Many of the- aborts see-atlll abort and take this method of taking a fall oat of tba market. One of tba principal hesa was around the past few days offering . 2nc a m number of aborts will ba forced to del Her by June 1 and there ara no bops In eight they can secure. A number, of orders ara In from the eaat but dealer a are not Unking much effort to buy. Today there waa a allgbtly better feeling In the New York market. Kngllak growera are rather ahaky althongh the pool la obtaining , the nrlrea now anked. The Uermaa market tf-milat kM -maptttta.' ' r - najraarry ataraat, again uinuaa. i Rtrawberrtea cama In ao faat from, tba Booth kgala today that-tka. rrewt -street mars eta were oompletely glutted and some aalea wars mads aoa k-w ao T a - naual price ruling wse from $1. to $1.2$ per Crete. Ibe former, figure ruled tba more fre quently. 1 l,ocal berries ere coming In rather lowly and prices are rtelnf upheld on arwmnt. et their superior quality. The market - on eprlnar chtckens Is not an firm an account of tke larger receipts. Sup- pllee bare now become ao plentiful- that desl. ers do not esrs to hoe sne lonrer be the t3oxen and aalrft Ml igaln being made by Ibe pound. Prlcee are therefore aomewhet lower. Ordinary chlckene ara la liberal supply with the market etatlonary but dull. The egg market la ahowtng recelpte that are aaual for thla tleie of the year and Bupply aaaaafl as el aaawsi extasar . 4ia s4 Kr-ait aftaniail VI at aa sr aales of the candle atocka.ara being made et ie aitaougn aoma ar tie lower -man mat figure: i j. Cheaaa la Aotlve at Present Prloe, ' The cbeeae market le Bctlva around oreeent qnotatlone. .A. Urge a mount -of cheese was today aold at IKo a. pound but aoma tranaac tlone ere a trifle lower than that. Supplies are not heavy but are large enough for The demand. '" The, creamery butter market baa a very good tone. There la no weakneea ahown In tba pres ent ,market and 2oe la eaully obtained for fancy goode on the etreet. Country autre but' eery firm wltk atlll oa from the north and Booth. Outlook far Prune Prleee- Better, On account of the promise of short crop there la. every indication that the prune mar ket will do somewhat better than laat sea aoa. Kelley-Clarke Co.. say: "We believe- that the prune crop at Clarke county will ba poe- ibiy one bait or the normal one. iranng tba fore part f the aeaaon we beard that It was aJotaLfal!orebut since then we have Infor mation that It is not so bad as that. Prlcee will depend upon the cron Ja other places. T-ate reporta from Willamette valley points say I ha I the crop- Ibis' seae&a; wilt be about I (jnar" tar of the aormal one. BUeer Smalt 0 as ted at Decline, SuDPllee ef ellvor amelt are larger and tba price baa aronaea one rent to ne a poana. The salmon market sbowa no- Improvement ae far as receipts are concerned. Columbia river shad ara la larger supply with ao change In the price. "Lower oaiea rrioee Lixeiy, Lower prlcee ere anticipated for Califor nia red onions during the coming week oa ac count of the. larger auppllea. - The potato market at units dull, tnwe being practically so recelpte of. local stock. Me care ere in from tne ouiaioe toaay. Today's wboleaale Quotations, aa revised, are, as follows: ......( wraua. xiour us a sou. WHEAT Nominal; club and red, 88c; Blue. stem. Slcr-eallay, aoe. . - - BARLEX r eed, s-ik.Bo; roueo. ast.goi brew- tt r . . COB Whole, ftxi.oo; eracxea, ixj.oo pet BOB. BTS $l.6 pas ewt.. - . OATS No, 1 white. SM.OO: gray. . FLOI B Eaitera Oregoo Patenta. $4.55cl4.SSi srrsignts, J ta; sxporrs. sj "t'XJJ do; valley, 1 .... . W - . . , OA. - 1A. . , as. - J0. $5 00; bales, $2.7$. MiLWTiJr rs nraa. sib per tea: mid dlings, $25.00; shorts. , country, $23. 11 1 chop. is.un. ' HAT TlmolbT.. Willamette vs.iay. ranee. $18.00; nrninsry, $11.00; esatera Oregon. $18 00; mixed.- $1 :- ckrver,-$ll.00r grain, $11.00; ckeat, $11.00. ' Butter, Eggs aad Fssltry, BCTTER FAT Sweet, ISMc; aour, 14He. BUTTER t "it y eresmery. best.- xoc; second grsae, iimuiki outaias rancy, lneiQaiie: i It Hill I sis, lam EOOS No; I freah Oregon: candled. 17UA 18c;: nncandlfd. IT'ctllSc. , f'HEKSB Naw Full cream, twin. 14U($lst Toting America. 15.Hc: etiitern. 14aJ14"A; Call' fornla," HVJIV;. Cheddar. 14c. ,- ' I'O V LT H x Chfckaaa. mixed, . lee per lb) Smllh. kits S0 21. 22. block 1. Boa. . lawn annex tna way at pernneimer company to aecumy- , Jiavings at iruet company, parrel of and beginning 108 feet aoutk tif tba -north line of J, Terwllllger's donation land, claim- tc ' 1 . . sillier ana wtie ta . It. Miller, lota ft. ft. -7. S. block 7. Miller's ad. . dltlon to Seiiwosd " fton C. Mctirew and wife In J R. tkmg. a. lota . 10, II, block 12, Kern nark ana U 1. SeMeen 1st M, C, Metes Iter lots 4v- ft. s. block 1, Krwia dt Walaoa'a ad- - dltlon ' , Proudf It and wirsto J. B. Johnaon, lot in,, block 2. kaat Holladay addl- tten '..,.., ...i...... . . T'rtal . . . . ,y. ... .,.'. $,Sii Get your ' Inaiiranea and sbatracte fft seal estate from the Title Guarantee A Trust aval- aeajv vaamaer ex vomnrarce aenuing. . Chicago t ML i 4 St.' Louts...... .95 B .1B 4. '"'Kansas City..i Al HK. Bt.' Louts....".. .95 B.1HB' . Kansas City... .$ .. ,-.77aA, - New York. . , .$ M , .$1 H A 4 4 Minneapolis ,;.-.l.4 104, 4 4Pwlutli i. 1.02H ' ' ,IH' 4 Mllwaukas .. .$ . .87H- 4 Liverpool .. ... $s 7H, UIHI 4 4 IBan . Kranclsco.-J.4 M -UJfcB - . '-. - . " 4 December. ' ; , 4 4 d d 4 d4 4 4 4 hena," laQIdHe per lhl roostera, old, lOQlSe per lb; young, le pee-' lb: broiiere, zc H fryers; 2o H: ducka, , $.00S.(IO iter oos; geeae. RUUc per lb. turkeya, itirioc per id; grsaaea. zuazia per us attuaoa, i2.$0Q$ 0O per doe. - a Heps. Waal and Hides. ' - HOPS Coniract. luos. HOITa: 10O4 eron, 25c for choice; UQ24e for primes and meaiuina. " a WOOL 1005 din. ealleau eoaraa to medium 2n&23u; floe, 24U5He; aaatera. Oregon, 17Q . . . - , . . MOHAIR Nomlnat. SOOSle.' ' '., ' 8HEBP8KINS Sbearlug, lSOe; abort wool, toajlklci medium wool, 0tMe; long wool, bOeultl.OO each. TXtLdW Prlmtper lb, 406c; No. S and areaae. iatHLe. '. . - - IU1T1M BAUK-e4Hi5e per IbV luylng, price. ' HIDES Dry hld-a. Ka. 1. 14 Iba and. as, IdQldHo per lb; dry kip, No. 1, St to 1ft Iba, 14c; dry calf, No. 1. under ft lbs. 41Sc: dry aalted hldra. ateera, sound. 60 roe or over, $H tut 4c; $o to ao lbs. 8JSVie: aader ao Iba and cows. Selglac: ataaa and bulla, sound. 661Te: kip. IS To SO lbs. Sc; sound, 10 to 14 lbs. SO sr.,1 rlf, fgouod nnrjer 10 It. 9Qlc, ffrta lyuistiru1, is JJT-r id saygni , ru i lai. tv yvi iu kacaa -bldea. salted. - each, $l.6ai.T6: dry, each. -$1.00411.50: colt bldea. each. .. 2oQ60e goat'aklna, .common, each. lOQl&c; Angora. wito wool on, Jacli. zocagl.oo. ." " BralU ana Vegetables. " . - POT A TOts Beat . ileegoo, - $L. 1B4J 1 ; , lois- r:o.n. country, ai.uuui i.uo: seconu arsoc $1.00 per sack: buying, car lota, afl Jlariy Koae, $1.000 1.25; attest, crated. $1.76; new California. 4o per lb. L - ONIONS eft.oo: buyera' prlcee. country, $4.15; new C'alltornlM. 3i4c: Australia, so. 00: zarlle. S'alOc iter lb. rtEXH rkl'ITS Applra. eitra fancy, $2.00; fancy Oregon. $1.004)1. 60 per box: cheap grades, 7Ae per boa; orange, aarel.' $S.ovttii.tM box: Lausnsa. 4U4Cic Der lb: lemons, choicer $2.7$ box: fancy. $3.00 box; llmea. Mexican, S.V! per 100: pineapples. 44,00415 00: rranlr TlesTTom mrri I. trfUt Tmrr if ra-berWetr Orai" sou, 174U20C box; (All for uU. $1.00sl.&0 crate; encrnes, fi.uu per box. r. VEGETABLES Turnlpa. TSASOe per ark; cafrota, $I.OOil.l6 per aack; bee's. $1.23 per aack; Oregon radishes, 26u per doa: cabbage; Oregon. . pet cwl: California. mll,c: lettuce, hothouse, $1.26421.50 per crate; greek peppers, 7c per lb; Chill peppers. 15jl7e lb; celery, $.1.7564.00 per crate; tomatoes. Florida. $4.-25i4.50; Mexican. ; paranlpe. $1.00(1 J 24; atrlng beana, 12c: reullflower. California. I.76t2.ui.-ciate. rhubarb, llHe per - lb; bareeradleb. - f tte- ner . lbT "aoroota. -c: art!- chokee. soti.Vc per doe; hothouse lettuce. $1.00; ?rewu - o4tkne, - IKerzoc per doa: asparagua. oeTfte dof kuncbra; Walla Walla. $1.25 per box; eplnarli. 3e per lb: green corn. $1.60 per dns.peee. Oregon, Sc; CalifornU, Sc pr lb. , DBIKD- J-ttL'ITJiApplBa-eaooraXd, - 7g)a per lb; aprlcota. H4JI3 per lb; eacke. Me per lb leea; peacbee. ICQ 12c per lb: peare, per lb;- prunes, Italian, 8yt4tte par lb; French. 2Utd4U.e ner Ih: lira t'sllfornla black. 54iHe per lb; California white. per lb; piums, pittea, per lb; dates, (oiaea, ae per lb; tarda, $1.50 per 15-lb box. - ( Oreceftea. Bute, Xta. r -"-" -t- BrfliB .Sank baal. rub.i $4.I0 pawdreed $5.U&: fruit granulated, $3.V6: dry granulated, $5.M6 beet granulated. $6.75; extra C, $5.SA; golden C. $3.25; bbla,'10c; -bbla, 25c) boxes, ooc advance on ssck bssla, less 25e per cwt 1 e uare, lor cash, 1ft daya; maftle, 14 loo par lb. f,fll-'V:K...I'.,.t,.M rmAm Bti R - 3T-'rtT 1 SALT Flno Malea. ta. Sal se. 6s." 10s. I1.S0: .tabic, dairy. Mai. $u.6o; loov $10.75: lm ported Liverpool, . 6tv,$lT.00: 10ua $l.5u; xxss, f in.ooj extra one. bbla. ss. as, as, loe, $4.ftOJ6.oO; bulk. S2U Iba. $4.Ooa5.u0; aacka. iw.(esoc . : SALT CearesA-Balf . ground. 100a. per to a. $7 00; 60s; par ton, $7.50; Liverpool lump rock. sio.ou per ion: ao-io rock. X7.uu: luua. tlAMivs prlcee apply to sales of lese thai car, wire tav rattle el apeciei ancee euejeci LO Suctaatlons. b . GRAIN BAGS CalcotU, $3.7BO00 per 100. BICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, 4; No. S, 4e; New. Orleans, bead. $MiOSc; Adjax, $VkC, Creole, 4c .. arivy bm.ii . -. ..iu au. pink, Xc; bayeu. $3.00; Limaa, Hc; Maxlcaa rvoa, , NUTS Peanuts. 7K! )umboa, per n; raw, ei0e per lb; roasted. ; cocoaauU. 86090C per doa; walnuta. 14015c per lb; pins nuts. 10J12l4e per lb; hickory nuts. 10c per lb; cnestnuta, eastern, loeaioc per in; srssir nuts, 15c pari lb; llberta, lBOldc per lb; fancy pecan. 14315c par lbt almonds, lSQlftc pa lb. Palate, Coal Oils. Efts. ROPE Purs Manila, 14c; atandard, 1214c; slaaal. loVc: Istle brand slaaL Ilka COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Caaes. 2010 pet gal( water white. Iron bbls 16c per gal, wooden loe per gal; headlight. lll-drg, esase 22Vc per gal, , UAflUUMfr 8 drg. csaca'$2e per gal. Iron ouia, uu per gai; atovsa, caaes per gal. Iron tbla 18c iter eaL TCKPENTINB In ceeek S4e per gal, bbU etc per gwi. - -. . BE.NZlkV-43-deg., eases 25e par gal, Iroa bbls lMVae per gal. WUITxi LEAle Ton kits, TKe Per lb; 500-lb lou, 7c per lb; lee lots, be per lb. . Wilt nn r. aii-9 rreecnt oaee at aani. , I.IMMEED OIL Pura raw, la bbls sic per gel. cases eoc per gai; genuine settle ooiiea, IU. n... ..I ,t.. .( 'irt . . . I ' . . u I. ear luu $ia.00 pa; ton, less thsn car lots $Jo.oO FRESH MEATS Front atreet Beef.- steers. 4nvie per lb; pork, , block, 7V per lb; packers, istc ner 10; nuns, sum ner lit: cows. 4flRVe: per Ih; mutton, 7c: ewe la nibs with pelts. ftViUdc per - lb; ' veal, extra, SQ7c; ordinary, 5a5ViC Per lb; poor, aufrtne twr lb. IlAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack 41ocalr ha ma. 10 to 14 ibe, lite per lit; 14 to is lbs. 13'c pes lb; IS to vi loa, ize per itt; cottage, 8Ve par H;abrcakfaat bacon, liHCl'c per lb; olcnlc. Sc per lb: regular abort clears, an- Smoked. BVie per lb; amoked, luVie per lb; clear backs, uusmoked, $c per lb: amoked, loe per lb; Inloo butts. 10 to 1$ lbs, anamoked, Sc per in: emogeo, vc per .ro;- near names. un smoked, lie per lb; smoked,.. 12e per, lb shottldeTB. Stv LOCAL LABD--Kettie lear.' 10a. 10 e per lb; be, lOHc per lb; 50-Ib tins, 10e per lb; steam rendered, 10s. e per in; ex, e lb: tuba. ie per lb 60a. 9.a Per .lb CANNED SALMrtN Columbia rlrer l ib talis, fl.SA; 2-lb telle, $2.50; fancy, l-lb data, S2.ou; Va-lb fancy data, $1 2ft; fancy l-lb ova la, $2. 7ft: Alaska tails, pink, a&t0ci red. $1.00; nominal ta, tall, $2.00. FISH Kork cod, 7c -pec lb; flounders, fta par lb; halibut. 4V,c per lb; rraba, ftl.fto per 4i atrlped baaa 124c per lb; catDsb, . 7e per lb; ealmon, Chinook, Se per lb; ateelheada, 7e per Ih; herring. Be per lb; eolee, Sc per lb; shrimps,-toe per" 1b: perch, ftc per lb; shad, fto per lb; roe shsd, ftc pay lb; shad roe. Sue per Ih; black cod. 7c per lb; silver smelt, ftc per lb; lobsters, 15c; freah mackerel, fte per lb: erawfuth. 25e per dos: flounders, ftc Dec lb: sturgeom- 1c per Jo... ' ' uiMt.rn nnoaiwster pay, per gai. fs.x ner sack. $.1.75. CIS bib, as.o per box. fiOTim ni nsFn FOUR nrorSEVEI.:POINTS"UP ptFni 11 tailed by Oterlieck. Stsrr ar vTookeO.y Kew York. Msy 13. Cotton futures elpaea 4 to T folnta higher. Today a official market: . open. High. . .ffc.l $7w;i ., 7 "4 ' v 7 4' ,, 7 HO - 4.W .. 1 7ft 7 .77 . " 7i)W. Close. $7 .1 $7 ..1t04 7 7.m'tM 7 no S02'ttil .7.75 7.77'ifTS 7 SI 7.S2'iiVI Jan. ..... Feb.- Marrb ... May June .... . 7 1 T S1 July August ., ..-7T1 . ... 7.7$ ... 7 SO ' . r. 7 S4 ... T.S4 ... 7. SB 7.7$ 7 tw ' 7.72',17:4 7.74 7. I 7.7'a74 7 as f 70 7.7tol Sept. . .... Oct. T M 7 SI 7 TU4 7 SS 7.14 .T T WVtaiS 7.S1 7.M 7.IW'tVl Her Dec. .... a,t f oi goal voiiea aaBrmsv. ' Llveertoel, May IS.e-Ootrea ftrtneea ere eteady and unchanged to 1 point higher. - Spots are steedy and unchanged, , " i Baw Terk-tendaa Sugar. ' t Kew "York. Mar 1$. Sugar: Refined nn- changed: raw ateadrJ Lea Via beet Bp t4,' witn.june at lis 'to. , t Columbia county' trsnr Is prsepwr- ous avnd active. Preferred 'Stocks Gain a Rise of 3 Four Dollars on' a More 7 ; Eager DemandJ - ACTfON OF POOLS IS ' UNFAVORABLE TO TONE General Stock Market Tumbles . Today Losses In List Are ; Not Heavy., v LOSSES:. - iKt," pfd '';:. .., tr. - Central. .. Norfolk t Wei Anaconda Amalgamated Atcblaon do ttfd ri ,Ont. A Wast.. Car A Found.,..., . i"".' do nfd l-acirie .11 ail , Hep. Steel ,, do pfd , So. Ballway . Sugar ' Smeller. do ptd ...i-.l. Bait. s Ohio... Brooklyn. . lanadlkn I'ae. ... Ureal Went...... Mt. Paul 0. N. Wi... Ches. Ohio .. Colo, Fuel ..... Erie' . Si 111 ::::: 5 St. L. 8. W do pfd .1U I Toledo , hkh do pfd .lVslRubber H , Surth American. iPennayleanla. Vi TslPrsaa StreL pfd pfd.... H .. M Readlna 1 do 2d pfd ., do let pfd . . 111. Central ... Loula. St Naab Metropolltaa . . Manhattan ...... , J i Uock laland -.. H .. W do ptd 4, .. W 1 So.- Pacific -4e ..IViTex. A Pacific... M, .. HlTena. foal .- ii:nlna 1'acine ....1 -Mlaaourl Pi lSteel ... eatiJiAl ADVAKCES. Til Rubber 'floods. "pruTTJ"- ,.1 iPreaaed Steel rrrMi : Wtar-tMntraV-d.-4 rKeTT-rentrir" leather ...... Rubber Ooodx - (Furnished by Oeerheck. Stsrr A Cooke Ot.H wall Mtreet. new lor a. stay 13. me action of the stock market today waa generally bear- l.n, the working or the earktus (tools proring unsucceaafuL Itesptte tba general 'downwsrd trend of the market there were, boweeer. noma waa larselr traded In and suorea a big rlss af $4. while the common advanced IS notnte. -. 7 Todiy'e official atork market; " DESCBIPTI0X es naconda Mining. Co.. 1111112 111 111 AmalaBiaated coo. o.. H4 H4 Mt M.'t4 Aicniaon, com ,...,.. H2 do. nfd . 101 w id- liMim 8tki M'ml Rd-i DO I WtU,! VM- laTI4 INSIa.l.'MS Am.- Car A. Foundry, a do. nfd it,mi'...... IW Am. Sugar, com.... Am SuirlW com... do pfd .............. Bait. A Ohio, com..... 11171117'AiUliSiin 1.1 -s tl'J.I Hll'l Hw:ltISjliT!il07 -do nfdi. . wo wiv Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 01kr aul tt" Can. Pacific, com 1411 7S I t bl. ar Alton, 00m 14ll 14JV14 o.l do pfd hi A tirsat West- no pro Chi ( hi., MIL fit. I'aiil Chi. TermlnaL Ballway.. Chesapeake A Ohio...... Cokt. f uel be Iron, com.. Colo. Soul hern, .coax,.... do 2d pfd -X -- a . Trey twl rtT , ; ; ; a a 7elawarc Aiftrdson ..i. P. A K. cuui flo ti rn ........... do 2d Pfd ... do 1st nfd .. Illinois Csntrai-, Itulsvllle A Naabvllle. Mtroilltan St. Ky.. Manhattan Hallway ... Mex. nir Ita Owgrijfeai, xtinn.. Mt. I-. -do pfd Sta. M..115Vil1invs!ll5 t.UI, 1.111 I . u in lft 7 i Mlsaourl Pacific y.. K. A T.. com do pfd PS PS It7 S 20T4 27t4 2HTkl ftoa ttiVi 50Val 5V New York Centrsl ,J4.Hti 144V'1431ll4.SU Norfolk ai Western, com. 78Vt-7 I TV, 7KV, 102,,M2i lOi'H'l'V. rsorin American ....... X. V.. Ont. sV Western Pennaylvsnla Ballway,. WVsl ',! 4m,( 4 1 ima IH.1 1110 I'otple'B O. U A C-G. Press Steel Car, com. ,. lul- llOlVi teei 41 Vi 4 IMIVi .H 40 41 Va 11 04 WIV4 9.1V, s-iva 00 pro, Pier Malt Steamship Co. Beading, com do. 2d pfd ;...,. --do let If4 ..... . Mi 95 87 7 W K4 SftVj WiV, tiVj,L2 i"H IH I at 7 w at " r Republic Irop A Steel, c. It 7 uo tirii . . Rot-k Inland, com .-. -do pfd Rubber Goods do preferred ........ Southern R,v., com. do preferred SjHithera Pacific" ...v,.. do preferred St. I- A ft. V., 2d pref Bl'.'Loula ft S. W.Tcom. .- do itreferred Texsa at Pacific Tennessee Ctiel A; Iron. Tel .- St. I.. A W., com. do preferred ........ Union Pacific, com. ... 7nv 7.1V4I .314 iii 2s 74. . ST'A 74 X7T4 B7 low ltei ion? 1IIN 95 V, 62 aii!il!i;iov sd S2N S2', 2 I 11B B544 2.1 64-4 h:i S2H 56 V,1 l'Ji'S llbVsillllVs 110 24 4 SS S3 5 R7 14 23 SI S2 JI5 ftdS SHW S.1V Rtl 57 12:1 12"-' 122'j do preferred TJrB. leather 7 HI 9 Stl-T dti preferred . . , V. S. Rubber, com. hoii lm vn los H 41 Vi 42V4 4l 41 v. olj.iviUoJ4ioui U. 8. Steel Co., eom... do preferred Wheeling A L. E:, com. do 2d dp-let - W1aconan Central, com.. do frcf'rred ........ Weatern 1'n. Tel. Wabash, com.'... do ijrt'f?rriid . si. 81'- Hl'i SI as 15i 2Vt KB 15l 21 7Vj 2.1 40 t 41 -J Bfll', 16s 21 74 2:1 50 Ut IP, 41V 1111J 20 V, 7 2:( 4I, P2V, ,lbVi 37 22 411 t:i 1 411 4u Total Bile for day. Sflft.ftOO abare. SAW FEAlfClSCO LOCAL STOCKS. San Pranetseo. Msy 18. Official rinse: Bid. Aak. Bprlng Vslley Wafer ...7 SB lYtntra toarx water ...42 42 Mutual Electric 12 13 hV. F , (iaa a HecUla- lllatit' I'QWder ,-t. . . Hawaiian Cum.' Ilotinkea Sugar ' ,...W ....S5'; ..2"l ....16 flutrblnaon Sugar .. 17 MnAawell Sugar .... RHV Onomea. Sugar ,mm ...37 271 Paattpaa Sugar , .23lt"7- Alaska Packers t el. Fruit f'arrlera. ......... wu 100; ..! v.:74Bvl ..102V4 Csl. Wine Aaati. . ....-eC .. Oceanic Stcamthlp psciric Btntes lei. .. V TOKOFAS HTNIYO ITOCXS. .. , Saa-FranclBoa. la. -IS. Tnnonah atocV. r fir la I closs morning seaalon: t Hid. I ' HUE Montana ......t.TII lAdams ..... . a ne Midway 1.57V4I Mohawk .2.14 McNamara .iff inula ; .an n.i 1,111 Ikanilill (i North. Star. T2 j mnt r-14-,Bl UU,UO I . . Reacas Jumbo F.xten.... XlMh lltl. Oold. Sfonnt Jim Butler pet 1 miver rick .. nr'.u. . ... ,lO,,l,"'iu. in'-iiw .. l.iSA 1 Bar O'Brlexr Ion. Kxvsa Bd Too .. ,xr t.rpnii ion Ooldfleld. .... .64-10. Bull Frog... ..13 .45 I llomeatake ..... .5$ .1$ I gendatnrnl ... San'bitorm . Ex HI W TOtX BAMX fTATXMXVT. New Tors', May 1$. Bank statement -- 1 .... fWreaee Rsaerve , OIN MAO Reaervs leae V. I. r, 2.14.'675 U . e7.6O6.Ooil 415.4110 21.000 S.MI.StlO 151,100 Specie . . . . - Legale ...... Iiepoalts Circulation ., . . Increase, , Iterllng Bate. " Kew Tork. May 12. Sterling rates: Demand. 48175; OU daya, -4c4.eaia, ' FORTXAND BAWK $TATtMEllT. - ' ri.arlnra u. i...$5St.frT1 52 BaUacee ,.M .JS,27s.$a A.l 1 xi l nit -iti 7S I 7 I . 2HV4I-UUV 2t,m lutis 174Vs,17fi 17:il17o4t sis iin uih t :rs 17 17 17Vi 17U, ftll - AO 4i 4(t S 4 ft . 474, 4.-.U 4.V4 274, 27V 27V. 27 '4 4V S4Vi . ATI. tttt.1 mik M7V37'fl" ' SI SIVISIV) 81 V, KiV SRVj IViVa SSV WvJ ftfljji id' M"" 7 7U 7NVi 7NV HI tlHI r4ftl mm' 14A ll4H'14o 145 1I44J11 114,ill5H 164 1B4U 164., 104 UU4.i il4-2U .IS r8W .14 .(2 r.ns - .H.I - i - a, - - - Intense Firmness Is Displayed in ; ; the Chicago -Wheat -y ' TX'C Market. SESSION SENSATIONAL FR0M FIRST-TQ LASJ July Shows Rise of Two and Three EighthYCent CasfT- " Markets Strong. ' .' " . SATUBPAY WHEAT MARKET. ,. Kat. , Bat. Frl. - Sat. ' k ' Open Cltw Clitea ' Oaln tfay . .;... ,E .Oil ,W,-t .0214 $ .IW Vi July ....:. .v . . .h .. .mi, , .($ bept, ........ .,7W! .SOS -,TS - .01S piimlabed by OVerlteck. Starr-A Conks Co.) - Chicago, May . 13. Tba action of tba wheat market today vree very atrong. - From the -very first IradBja tba pit today tba bulllahness was apparent. A ..- ..vj : To any the action of ths Mar waa aenaa- llnual would be nuttlne the matter mlldlv for Jhera.waa an advance o( 2c right at tbe very tiart or -tna aay. 'ine market cloaca with may bowing a rise of SVie. .July at tha close waa ie higher, while September waa showing a rise ef,.lTs. , , . . . - Higher Tempers, turs ihewaLL ; AMe from ' generally hlxher temDeratures. weathnrmxp ahows no change, mol.ture being pretty general an over, lite caan demand la tha atrong letint. Mora altentlon la belns nald tei nnfavtirablc weather And damage reports are I ntore nunterotia. l ooay iteilie a a tort eeaalon sua a 'tnltdayTntervenlcg will likely induce some prom taxing. mere I a Scry bCtVf aetnand for eaab wheat. and tbla waa a big helu to tho futures. In Mtiv uraDolla the millers continue to ktok foe suit- shie stocks to griud and arc offering a allsbt ativanca over quotations la order to secure sup pllea. -- - While ceab mrn tirlces are firmly heldr-very little la being done In a caah way. The market atlll eeema like a good trading affair, and while amall recelpte continue, purchases on declines. 'oday s pffTcTal ntarketa: . . - WHEAT. Open. -Hlab Cloas May.. $ .4t4 $ .WAV I .94 $ -ltt -SR4 ,87 V, July...... ,M .ti Sept j ,7V V - . .Htm, .v ' COMM. - Usy .4 .4Vk .4 ftl.t Ji,le ar aviz .47 New July. .47V .4'4r' Old Sept.." .47 -.47Vi .4'Z New Sept. .47 .47 -.40 .47 V. .44H Old Der .44 V, .4414 14 Vi New Dee, - OATS. Msy -.H .-""iz 0H . ""H J'liy...... - -.Bt, : . ,at 9". m Sept...,. .274.2 -.! . .2SA MESS I'OBK. - May,.,.,,...,, ,i..v ..... ' 12.1S July 1242 12.4.1 . 12 IT 12. 41 bent...... littJ 12 65 --- 12.$0 12.S0 B LABO. May...... . N July..;... 7 (M) 7 M - 7 $7 7.IW 7,4ft 7.27 ' 7.4ft sept...... 74S SHORT BIBS. T - 7.2S T.20-: July. Sept... ,7 B 7:50 . 7.50 TKIMA.BT EmtZHia Its CLIAEAXCES. Chicago, May IS. Primary racetpu: Today. Tear Ago. r Hash. -l. BuslL-' Wbewfr- Ho-lono . 755,notr Corn . J13.004 j:i,ouo rintpmrnts: . Wheat ..,....... .r.-..2SS. 000 177.000 Corn 4g,ooo 477.0O0 Clearances: vt best, SS.OOO buaft.; corn, S06.0O0 . . r--m,m I. - -fc ' J utt.H.t.y.i., ytiwv uuMi, . CfelO A00 - OEAIM 0A1 J.0Tf CI t -Chlcsgo, May H,tirxln ciTToTlT cars, ursae. Whest ,. 1 - . 0 0 r 24 Corn rv bO - 0 , B7 49 Osra .S2 17 SI S2 v near esrs tooav: Minneapolis SB. leaf ago Btmneepotii aw, inuutn in. UTZRP00L 01AIK ItAXXZT. - '7Jeernont.May IS. Closs: , Wheat Mar: I rid up; July, d up: September, t up. r Cora -May, onchauged: July, d a own. KO HOGS ARRIVE ' 11H ON SATURDAY Queer' Situation In LdcaF Yards eavy Receipts of Sheep Today.. Portland TnloB Stockyards. Mar IS. LIts- siurs rcceiyia: - Hobs. Cattle. Shen Today m I0 a.gflO V4.a Bgo ..,,.,. -- 7ft -y: BO Prevkma week ... 150 1,000 A feature of tho llvsstoc k altaa fscr That nof a elngla ho. iB bog has 1 lay Turing . I rtwhlla ea haa arrived In tba local yaroa on Saturday tha paat three weeks. Hoga are quiet, are lit.t atesdy. ttls and abas L Official prlcee for HveeteckfJ noga ileal eastern, Oregon. ftS.00; blocker snn i nina rats, s.Z3; storksrs and -feeders, $4.ft04(4.7ft. ; , Cattle Best eaatern Oregon steers. $4 Ortiff, 4.25; Jlfht sntf medium ateers, $3.5013.76; old sntl light cows, $2 OOQ2.75J stockera and ! it, 1;, mi its, f 1 vi. Sheep Beet fancy aheep, $S.75j4.00; ewes. e.i.uvrtd. ip; spring - lamns, ec. ' XA8TEBH HOOi 1,0 WIX. ' ' Chicago,' May 1$. Livestock'' receipts . ' Hog". Cattle. Sheep. Chicago aii.ono" 400 4,0t0 Kanas City a buu . luu umana 7.1100 loo ..... Hogs opened ftc lower, with 2.1. 000 left over. Receipts a yesr sgo were o.otto. Prices: Mixed and hutrhera'. $5..$0tS.5o; good and besvy, 1.3o',l,1.M: roiub, and heavy. .vti, !,B.2ft; light. Sn.nOkgrO.60. . i s. Cattle Steady, . -- - - . , Sheep Mtrong. 4 . 77 wlt. IXBET-ftQBflIp,ir". , Near Tork, May 13. The Wall Street Jour, bal aaye: It la reported that the St. Paul will surely build to the I'srlflc coast- There Is no confirmation of the dimeter to the Jap. a nraa laihe,fsr-eaaf: ' Prealilriit'Stdckney ,f tbe Oreat Weatern company ears that hs favors the government ri ulaUui ct rtraul nratiaireei a ears tne coin weainer nas de layed Ih cor a and the cotton prospect a ' from nna to two weeka. The Knk a ltai t en the week's currency movement $.vt:i -jnfi. rntn's Be. ) III III UIIIIU- fBelusltMS-bualnBasi BOSTOX COFPIB ITOOXI. VltlsyJ Otrtcli fVjee:r, R- HI.1. I Bid... Adventure ,..$ a.fto jflreene popper $ 2d. 7ft v" Alloiles 2S 50 lOaceola 3 2S Atlantis IZ.ftt) ' Parrot v 2.1 7.1 Blftgbami B2.2A jOulncr 100 00 Centennial ... Iu.ho j Shannon . 7.75 Copper Mt..1., 60 00 (Hoysl 2.1.00 A Cottper Hang : ' flamarack .... 11S.0O Daly Weat ... 14.H7UI Trinity ' S.37V. irioa. Iroa .. 2l.ft'V T'tshl. 42 75 Frsnklln .... S.12V4!rnlted Copper.. 25 50 !!rb, . i. s no 1 victoria , (treen Hold Mas Old I om. ., Calumet ... SfMt- R.iai Wlnuna Vyamlot rrt .50 -11 50 ins la SI. 2ft 2vrl . $42.00 Wulrerln .... . S. Mining. AktE B1CAH $T0CK$ IX LOVDOV. Vi. -' Inrton. - May ' 13. Anaconda declined t4 Atchleon declined U. Baltimore A Okie eecllnrd I, t hcsaiieake A Ohio advanced Vs." St. il'anlte declined enver prererreo sdvanced al Krle declined 'v., flrata declined V Illinois 'centrsl declined S, l.ou.vi1lei A Naabvllle U.'fSned N. Meilcan Central declined S.. Kaiy .declined 'N. New Vck Central declined Ontario Weat. eew declined 14. Pet naylvanls declined S. Keadlkg declUed , Southera Paelfle dec Used ' '' .1 ''.' "r ; I mesne or local treatmeut peculiar to ourselve We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week Ths doctors or thjs Institute ara sll regular graduates, have had many years' experience, have boon known lu Portland for 16 veara. have a renutatlontT . to maintain, and will undertake no caa.tT$ 1 unless certain. cur can ba effected. Kp-VS ,e suaraiuua a cure In every cane wa ife"J tlon free. Lottere (o'lfldentlal.' Inrruc live hmik. roxt mkn mailed free Din In wraoDer. ... Ws cure tha worst easea ot piles la tlon.- Cure guaranteed. "ceaefuT." " le4mo4v-w site for-(jueatlcm blank:--Horns treatment guo- i Offlcs hours. .to I and 7 to I..- Sundays and holidays. It to 'it- J.l-.JZ.L' DR. VV. NORTON DAVIS & CO. . Offices in Yin Noy Hotel, 82 Third Street. Corner Fine. Fortlar.u. Or. j Do Too Patronize the 1 If Yoa Don't, rYou Should " Otw; teeth are sasentlal to proper MAIjTZOATIOir - without good teeth there cannot he MASTICATI01T Without thorough ms t Icstloa lhara cannot tie perxect : DZaXBTIOBT Without perfect dlfestion thsrs cannot be proper ( Without proper akslmllation tiers cn- not be , BTOTBITXOXf v- - . Without nutrition there cannot b ' Without health what Is " . . ' r Unt .r .- Call and consult reltabl and com potent specialist In Dentistry. mV TB1TTBI ....fS.OO OOT.P CStOWaTS). T7-.gS".6o 001.D nxxnrosj . BU.TXJS rjxux oi 91.O0 jjOFtATESi sNew York Deri tali Parlors Fourth and Morrison Sts. Tr-- - "Over-Bcaley-Maaon's." :. . Open da 10 p. u y-and nlsnt. f rem S:$0 a. m. m. :. ": -. r - - : Tnlon PaHftr declined 1. IT. S Steel de clined - . preferred declined Wattaah de-. cl inert Hi prelerrea-aaennea-ft, vosaoia sa ysuced l id. , : " - -JTIW YOEX COFITE mitn New - Vork, - May Jr--Coffea fahu-ee closed I snchapged to o polnta signer. . Today's offlflal coffee market! Hid. Aak. .. Bia. Aak. Mat r.$d.ilo $11 (vi'Sovember ,.$7.05 $7.1d I 7 IS 7 70 -a-sa oiutamiKi. Jk4Ud. 76. Ja n nary limit S.75 8nl February 8.75 S S September . S.SO s.5 atarca .. Octooer .. 1. uo t.uoi . . 1 Total aales, 53,000 bags. ; Tsralga Coffee Steady. j ! ' New Tork. May IS. Havre and Hamburg 1 coffee, V4 point np; Klo racelpta, 2. 000 bags. Prleva so' points down. - Santoa, baga. ' Market eulet end unchanged. . j Xaw Tsf Cash Coffee. J , Kew fork. May 1$. Caah coffee; Ko, 7 Rio, Sc; No. 4 Santoa. SVsC. , j FINAL" REPORT MADE IN DAVENPORT ESTATE '.. . . ' Trustee J3 jpjamin Smith-Offers It and Matthew A. Daven port Objects. I 1 The fl rial report of Benjamin Smith of Alameda county, California, as trus tee of the estate Of Michael Davenport, was .filed In tti o eiAte ciiv-ult couit tills- morning, and May 24 wss aet by Judge Fraser aa tlmo for hearing objections by Matthew A. Davenport, an heir who was declared by the-trusters to bo an incompetent. The trust deed was mad In 1889, snd under it tbe trustee was required to pay $1,600 earth to Kate Davenport and I.I Ulan Lucas, nieces or ther dereaaed,- an-try-rrtahiTopesslon of lot t. block 1$, until sn advantageous sale of ths property could be made, and then-to Invest the ..proceeds In mer chantable securities for ths benefit of tho children of Herfry A. Davenport, with, the exception of Clarlsse Daven port, a daughter previously provided for and now a reeldent or llano, and tne children of .Mary McDonald of Liver pool, with tho exception of two daugh ter ami r eon who had been provided for. ' Henry A.' Davenport and Mrs. Mo- Donald are reapeotlvely naphew-and niece of the deceaaed. -The property wsa duly sold snd $S.272.7 was real ised and paid to the helre . n..i other- Clatma'ntS. Ths heira who hays received their legaciee, araountlnc in each case to I4.44J.85, sre: . Iaaaa C. Kllsu, D., Ksther J. and TTenry-li-Davetriport. and Elisabeth P., Angus. Chartek. Clarlsss. ratnerlns IX snd-BlsIs U MrDonsld. TheleirsTr-of Matthew Davenport., was not paid, tx-1 cause ha Is said to be ta Incompetent r,d Ma aff.Hr arn in the handa of ths &uuiU-,. 1,'nder t-h deed -the trusteo was sl- Towed compensation in ths um of $304 year. He has wslved his claim for cflmrtensnttOTf StTtco- 18,---so th Sll mmsr legacies maybe paid. UNIDENTIFIED VICTIMS ' .' OF WRECK ARE BURIED - (Journal Special "Service.) ' xarrlebur. Pa.. May llrriw-body of. soother victim of tho Pennsylvania wreck ws Identified torisy ss that of Willlnm H. Holmes of Philadelphia. Five unldentlfled bodies wll) bs burled this afternoon. ' .' . ' New York Dentists OVERBECK, STARR & CQOKE CO. " ? """ Members Chrrrago Board of Trada ' OBVAZar, VBOTXBIOxrS, COTTOV, STOCKS AJID BOBTDS. , -. Third Street. McKay BiUldlng. Portland. Or. I 1- . WS DO A BTX1CTI.T OOMOmmXOM CBIa7T-, Contlnuoti Maxkata by Private Wire. Quirk Serwte Her """" r 1 " JUton, baokers, aad JJoiuA ALfttea iSsUosai aas. et 1 . - jalaV; two or three treat mentgr without opera- . 1 . C. OEE WO "The Qreat Chinese Doctor ; - Is called great be cauae hi wonderful -cure are so welt, known throughout tha United - fcHatea, and becauee ao many Teople are thankful 0 him for aay Ins their lives from OPERATIONS: - He treats any and all dlneaeea with, powerful C h I n e ae fitrbs,- rootsr' touda, -barks and vegetable j that Are entirely un known to mettfeal actencr trr-tht coun try, and through tho use of theae harm leas remedies. This famoue doctor knows the action of over 600 different remedies that he has successfully used In dlfferemt dlseaaes. He guarantees to cure catarrlt, asthma, tunc troubles, rheumatlara, er vouaness, stomach, liver,- kidney, f male trouble and all -private dlaeaeee. j-iunarens or tesrimonmin. - vnariw moderate -fnM b nd -SBarrtm; OOVBTXTATIOBr TBEB. ksawweekuaaBl nts-nut, of the city - writs tot-zr- blank and circular. Incloae stamp. iAd- dra ' I JHE C. GEE WO CHINESE r MEDICINE vO. " -: - - IIS ATder atreet. Portland. Or. tftlf way of 261 V Alder street leads to of flea, - AC en tlon this pspar. , . Headquarters for .: Elastic! Stockings and "Trusses LAUE-DAVIS Third and Yarrihill Sts.- - on. Gunirs BLOOD i"? HERVE-TONIC --- A TABLBT TO TAXB AT MSAL TIXB. Actios ss the Blood and Serve H rephees nV less b-ai Olasata, Oesrwork ar DUsipauon. . To 6al fssS and CtreigfA, ( mot sfj, . Te ieve eVeatressa rreai dag Caves, Te Croat Acre Font, To aaareee te Ateavora. U Stoa Dili Spt-llM. U Siva ffeeWtAy eVeaa, To Stof tUnalma fart. Tt Hmkt liver Actlt. .. re Cur Kldni Ditto. Tt Rtmttt Llvtr Saeta Tt Mtkt Skin Cltar. Tt Curt Pyapepxa, r - BllltMutttmit' Comttlpatitm SOLO BY 0RUO6ISTS, OR BY MAIL OW RECEIPT Of PRICE, 75o, A BOX; 3 BOXES It. SB. BOBANXO 00, PBILAPBLPH1A. TA. Scott's Santal-Pepsln Capsulss A POSITIVE CURE For Indsmmstlon orOhtnrrfeef the Blsddersnd Meesasd Eld. Lneya. MO ODSS BO FAT. Care Uqnlckly aad BermsneBtly the Jworat easea of aieatea at ataaa - land aJleea. as atsttar of how long ataadins, Absolstaly bsrmleea. Sold by druggleta. r-v" 1 rncs ai.m. or oy mail, 1 'Xtj-as- k nald. (T on. k boBsa. Bxrv THE SANTAL-PEPSIN CO. 1SWV' Bellcfeatala. Okas, . For Bsis by Waodsrd, Clark A Co. Evory Woman Biuiiarasiea ana sneuta avow .. .- about the wondarfBl MARVEL whirUnej Sorav I The new Taatasl Syrhara. Altec. nva aM jbccmb, Hat.Ssf. est Most Convealsnt. atss Ufliaam laatasUy, a. rj r r If he cannotaiipply the SIArtyics.. at'cent no- other, but sand aianin fnm lllHstraied book mm. It lives full osrtleulkra atul .tttction- 1..- Tsluabla to lailtes SI 4 StKI, CO.. e a. ass ST.. saw ion. FOB SALE BY W00DABO. CLABKB CO. l?WeVWeiaAeeeeSsVWWWri I . ee---iwsFof Kidney " tV Bladder trouble. Cures In 40 Hours -URINARY DISCHARGES ffn. a... IVwVwVwwVwwVwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! SURE' CURE FOR-PILES flTCHIHt Piles arMnos awtetwre aad aaase ltobtsc rais Beres. as wsu ss xtnna. Bteeaios or rrtneueiita Piles srs euesd ky Dr. Boeanko'a PfleBemedl Atooa ltahlDB snd bleedliiB. Aoaorbs tusiors. ao. mi Llaratdrtissr.tsovsaBia by vtstL Trasttaefres.Wrttel ,mt aaowt your aase, aju. auaaa iu, a-ttiiaoa.. ga DOwimro, voraTTT. CO, . L.. (aeubllshed !- . WBCBAT AW $IOC SmOXBBB. een- Bocttn 4, Orwnnd 21 oor. . . CnKASkaVCB OA" COkfktSsCB. jCXY.a,iVUV.B. AT V. .11 Af M l.T- ". wa. t- ' "! U wk . . "r"--i. ta.fai.BS.i 1 e r '