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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1905)
THE m5rEG0N DAiLJOURNTu " PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 13, 19oiT IS .-. J., . ; - 3 - i j. ". JEWS TO COLONIZE, " COAST OF AFRICA -ZionfstrCornmissioa Reports in Favor, of Settling Lands Of- ; fered by Britalnrf CREATE HEBREW STATE WITH LOCAL AUTONOMY .PropositiojiAroMsespppMton and May Cause Split in J.-zi - Zionist Movement, rzi rf.faiiMiaf SnAl1 jUrvliV i , London, May Jj. The commission aent out b"y the Zionists to explore the atrip or territory in itaat Airica, or f ered by the British government, baa re .. turned to England, and the .Jew of ' America, wilt-be Interested, In learning . the progress pf the- great -movement In which they are keenly Interested as : their brethren ' In Great Britain and other- parta of Europe. Although the "Tull report of the; commission wlll-Tiot "j be made, known "until It ia placed before the delegates at the forthcoming Zionist : . congress. It rs learned on excellent! .au- - thorlty that It will be favorable to the -acceptance; of Ih land by the Zionists. .The report,' however, aaya that another expedition will have to be aent to sub- - - due the natives In the surrounding dif '. trlcta. . Part of the report la already In the hands of the executive of the Great Ao tlona rommltto In Vienna, the content .. of which have placed the committee .In a more difficult poaltlon than they were in before the commhtsion waa sent. At , the laat congress the mere mention of the fact that.4 place of land waa offered to the Ztonlata caused a spltt. as the egatea would, ha wothmg ht ralwPT . ttue; and many seceded from the mover ment In consequence F a vote lietng car rled to Bend an expedition to Investigate the suitability of the same. Now a. vote will be taken at the forthcpmlng con gress to accept the offer, and In the probability that It will be carried, thla will cauae a further split. The Great 'Actions committee, -realising the dlffl upon a diplomatic move, which will not only prevent a further spilt, but may - cement the dlf 'ferent-f actions, So as not to offend the British gov ernment and satisfy t Nr. Opponents of tha scheme the commifteeL Jtaidecldedl . to divorce the . East African schema from, the Zionist program and lovlte the cooperation of all other. Jewish institu tions to discuss tha report of th eom mlaalon, with & view, to deeming upon a definite answer to the British govern ments The object of the Zionists In accepting the offer, of laud la to establish a tre piorary Jewish state with local auton omy, bat many Jewish Institutions are opposed to this idea. Without the fi nancial assistance of other Jewish Insti tutions the Zionists feel they wfll be unable to accept tbe offer, as they have no "Jnoneyavallabl for that purpose. "and the. scheme "must vehfuairyTaII' .through, after spending about 110.000 flri the expedition The financial In- -ablllty to plac4-0,6oa Jews on the land offered waa very, welt known by many The Ghatham - Incubator The Bfooic as they will certainly take care Incubators and Brooders ? If not; until January leading Zionists, who therefor voted against a commission, belug' sent and wasting valuable time and money. , AH thla will again ct? "p pt-at-o,fM4 congress - to be held in - Swltserland a ho rt; y; , ;j J SEXKMBRYO-FfXED- BY FOOD GIVEN PARENT (Journal Special Serf lea.) erlln. May IS. Tne question or tn predetermination of sex' received much mimllnn a has, Juat concluded lis sessions a Wlealraden. 1 in a paper un ttra- ubjer. Dr. Weill, a celebrated specialist of Schwalhach,.. asserted that tha clasa of food eaten by the parent plays a great role In determining the eex of the embryo, Kxperimenta made with bees, rabbits, plga and cattle show that If 1n the imuHabment the carbonaceous element predominates, . more '- male progeny la produced; If the albumlnoua element pretkmUmUesv- there are more femalea. ThVre la a constant struggle for ascendancy between the male cell and thVifemalo cell, and careful dieting, declared the specialist, can place the preponderance of Influence on the one or the, other side. , ..' . I. -' CHEHAUS" PLANK ROAD CONDEMNED AS UNSAFE (Special PUpatch to Tbe J nor rial.) Chetialls, 'May 1J, Road Supervisor Mel Lowrv lias noatad notlcea etatlna that on May 17 the planttToad between Chehalls and Central!-will be closed to the publhv having been condemned as unsafe. The road for a dlatance ol about two miles la. built, on .a -high trestle and waa constructed early In the '80s. A new road has been decided n by the commissioners along the hillside a short distance eaat or tne treat is This will be about three-eighths of a mile longer than the old road', but will be permanent. It will be macadamised When the plank road la closed travel between. the two cities wlllttt by way of the old river road, which is-consid-erably longerban Over the plank. : .- - lOIIQMITO Trt UA7IMft ' " ' " iinn- TO BECOME SOLDIER , ' (Journal Special Service.) ' ' New Tork, May The brutnl haxlng of Louis Wolfe, a civilian of this city, by soldiers of Troop G, Fifteenth United States cavalry, .now with the military show at Madison Square Garden, came to cJUidl!Kh?..i2dZuCP oraerea a. rigid investigation. Last Wedneaday-afterhe perform- 5IG. 5ICHEL (a CO. MJJlilrtiee,. . Slstrlbutert ON -SAIJC EYERTWHEREi ' I TU r hin Affll AIITY i hi i ii i fi ii in in i in 1 1 1 n-n- "Pf with a Chatham next to pay.foritWRITE-NOW. t.: . -' Vhy It Succeeds Because It Is for One Thing 7TJni5rantf-Port!and-ls- Learainfirf This. Nothing can b good for everything. 1VI ny one llp,T well brlngn fncreaa T5oan's Kidney J'illa do one thing only, i nay re tot aian nwmy They cure backache, every kidney 11L Read thla: .s E. E."Mlnor. stone rm.pnrr.fel Eaat Taylor atreet, says: "I would never hesitate to recommend poan'a Kidney PHI a. Thla remedy did so much for me that-i-wlah-very-other sufferer rrom, kidney trouble might know of It. I was subject to attacks of kidney complaint for eight or nine -years. - There was continual irregularity of the kidney cretlona whlbh showed a sediment like brick dust and paasagra were accom panied with the sensation of scalding. My back ached continually and waa ul ways werse if my work brought any strain on the back. - I tried , cillloxeo remedies recommended' for this trouble. but found little or no benefit. At length saw Doan s Kidney fins advertised ana got a dot. iney stoppea tne dsck ache and healed and purified Uie kid neys so that the secretions were ren dered normal. I have Induced several other people to try Poan'a Kidney Pills and know of many lnatancea in which tbey have done the-eame satisfactory work. , ' -. . . ... v, ' For sale by all dealers. ' : Pries ' 80 rent. Foater-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Xtr sola agents for the. United States, - Remember the name DO AN S and take no other, ance Wolfe, wearing a silk hat and a frock- coat, approached a cavalryman and said he wished to Join the army. The troopers welcomed him and salf that he muat be initiated, lie came back the next day - and the Initiation lasted thaf and Ine following day. . Wolfe says' that he waa atrlpped and a . hosewlucned upoa.Wmlila body was painted With Iodine and he waa tossed in a blanket. He was a lao forced to act aa a hostler and Bleep In tha atables. The fun came to an end when Wolfe waa induced to mount a horse and take a bareback ride over the hurdles. . The horse he rode waa tha worst in the en tire troop. Wolfe was thrown and narrowly eacaped death. . ; .TodajLWa! gtm, jheerlul. and.waa 1 permitted to hang around the camp. He thinks that he Is - a-member of the Fifteenth cavslry, but-wlU be Informed to tha contrary tomorrow. WttX. SATX TO SAT CKOW. .- Journal Special SerTlc.) , . Bloomington, 111,, May la.--Central Illinois jfaxmers and bunter'a are round ing up for tha annual crow and bawk hunt, which is conducted each May. by sportsmen of Kane county. Tomorrow nd Monday'are the days set aside for the hunt this year, and it promises to be tha biggest affair of Its kind ever pulled off in this state. Each crow killed will count for one point in the competition. Butcher birds will count three snd hawks -wlircoun five points. - The fmntere are Jtormlng .in.lwq aauadjujand each will endeavor to produce the great est number of points. The shoot will conclude with a banquet Monday even- ng.-and" the side" that is defeated wilt bexeaulred. to. fat cooked crow. " Don't you Icnow -: ,- ff r- ' : ; - ,. . . --- j- - - -" -' ' ' ' -' J ' -' " - - - ' - ' -- - - u. ,'7" "" '" V that chicks-hatch t . chicks and do start up an can "count your chicKeri This is the Incubator sold ON guarantee the Chatham to hatch of the little chicks, even better than the old hen. Can you come inland see my line of write for one of our descriptive catalogues, explaining how, t V CONFER PALLIUM . Pi ARCHBISHOP New Metropolitan of St. Louis John Joseph ClenhonTn "vested With Mark of Office. VESTMENT IS PLACED LCARP1NAL GIBBONS Distinguished "Clergy of Roman Catholic Church Gather to Witness Ceremony. ' '". (Jouraal Speelal Service.) " .V ' St. Louis. Mo- May 1 J. Distinguished prelates and members of tha clerarv of tiihe Roman Catholic church are gather ing nera rrom au parts or tne country in anticipation of tomorrow. when Archbishop . John Joseph Glennon. the new metropolitan of St. Louis., will be invested with the pallium in mark of his high ecclesiastical office- Seldom in the hlatory of the church In th weat naa there been so distinguished an- as semblsge of Catholio prelatea as ia now here. . They include more than a acore of archbishops and bishops tn addition to a host of clergy. . . . , ' Tha sacred vestment will be placed on the shoulders ' of the archbishop by Cardinal Gibbons" at Baltimore. Previous to tha ceremony- pontifical high maas will be said by one of tha distinguished Visitors, and Archbishop Ireland of' St. Paul will deliver the sermon. The ceremony w)ll taka place In the old cathedral, and admission will be had by ticket. Tha pallium, meaning literally a cloak or a mantle, la a band of white' lamb's wool, embroidered with purple crosses, snd Is worn about tha neck by tha popi and all prelatea of archteplscopal rank, Including patriarchs and: metropolitans. In former times It waa made of purpla embroidered linen and waa worn by all blthops. It has two pendente, one bang ing down tha breast and the other down the back of the wearer. - The pallium is worn at all times by the pope, but only on solemn occasions by others. It can never be transferred to another person, f the man, who wore It during life. Right Rev. John Joseph Glennon. who to be the recipient of , tha . distin guished honor tomorrow, waa bom In Klnnegard. county Meath, Ireland. June 14, 1162, waa graduated from All Ilallowa college, Dublin, In 183, and Be fair to your stomach. Keen in touch with thla important. Organ; eat that you may fel i rlgnt. Wrong eating makes v "wrong feeling. ZBTXItOT pro motes good feeling. It's mada for that Dumaae. 10 cents a JJPyCkage. - r-YT-Tr-' -Tr. AT ALL GROCERS.. i- ) t i,i i. t ' better under ordinary conditions? This is just as good a time as any to Incubator, in fact a little better, as the eggs are more fertile and - are prevented sind cured Throat and Lung Troubles, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Cared of - '"I had been, ill for Talladega Springes Ala.; better until I tried Dr. by continuing Its use, I PRICES, 5oe and ti.oo 1 RED CROSS was ordained Driest a vear later.' Tie cain,e to America soon after "his ordina tion and became asslstanr pastor "of St Patrick's church, in Kansaa City. From 1J87 to 1893 he was pastor of the cathedral - there under Bishop ' Hogan. -trr--7tiB- becsjneiTrcarigenerar of the diocese and two years later administrator.- lie was appointed coadjutor blahop of Kanaaa City, with the-right of suc cession, and consecrated titular bishop of Plnara In 189(. Later he waa ap pointed coadjutor to Archbishop Kaln of St. Louis and succeeded to the arch- blahoprlo on tha death of tha latter-two years ago. GOLDEN-3UBILEE. Mexicans Obeerve eanl-OaattaaJal Arck bUhop ofJIegJoo'JrlesUoo4 tJoarnat "gpeelst Servlre.) City of , MoxlOd; May ll.-Arrange- menta on an elaborate scale have been completed for the celebration tomorrow of the golden Jubilee of the priesthood of Monsignor Prospero Maria Alaoon, archblahop of Mexico. Catholio prelatea and clergy -from all parte of the re-- jybl!c ar gathering to take part In the exercises, which will be held In the cathedral. ' Besides the hltfh mass and Te Deum In the cathedral there will be special eervlces In all the other Catholio churches of the capital In thanksgiving for the long aacerdotal eareerpf the prelate, and In petition for the prolong- I ii K ' of lil"days. President Dlax and t other dignitaries of state will attend Iht services in the cathedral. - " " " Preferred'Stock Ouaed Qoods. Allen V LewirBest Brnd., TIME, on EASY PAYMENTS, or for every strong, fertile egg. . .. '7IIITC GIIOOTO OF D2ATII" by' the greatest Of all, and strictly scientific "remedy for for coiisu:.:ptioii, coughs m Pneumonia After Doctor some time with Pneumonia," writes J. W. HoKlnnon of "and was under the care of two doctors, bat grew no King' New Discovery, The first dose gave relief, and, ; - was perfectly cured' : .. CCTTRIflL DOTTLES FnEKC3 RSCOHalBNDEDi OtARANTEED - AIIO StOLD BY PHARMACY, SIXTH AND OAK STREETS. FOR GOOD PAINTING GET The Sherwin-IYiujams I SPRING and ELASTIC TRUSSBS ',fck V , ' Fit Cuarant0d. Prtemt $1.30 Up. yy - - - Com and Contult Our Expert. - : J 1 LfAue-Davis Drug Co. JOURNAL WANT the u Bator La Grippe, ctM vis r colds Failed. NON UkXATWYR Sold By piisi N. Ef. Corner Secondhand- 'Taylor streets' Paints ADS PAY DEST you cash. I will . Mil