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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1905)
-i ... t . ; r . IrTADlDEPICTS-THE COMPOSITE- ...,r.i:..::.v,., ... ; ? ' 7 : " rrmr ttthS -r-r ''-"'A : v ' - 1 iHuut. y?v 1,1 7 1 At 0ePblAiAL7PED CALL"!, nv.B.BB .! i ' " - iuiuKii. wkb mirnm in miu mhdci i - ubiBBIIBU a i v ' v -l rw - Ill- Luck- Drives - an - Cld-Timer Crazy and He Creates Ex- .. . -r-citement. ... FICHTS VICIOUSLY ' r. WHEN POLICE COME Misfortune Came in Battalions After Sysonby-Race King JeadJde flAHpii.l Uncial 9Urwi. . - of bad luck, that commenced whii 8y ."7 onby n4 Rac Kin Tn a dead hat ut , the new Belmont track laat J'huradayi amea" J. Ju4ni,-:ookniaker. who Tia rhaen known aa ,,Guttenburgruinu, ow far, car venter'dav. a ndlTwa a rf eaiedl niv r ti- -haii TiMteit and kicked Vnra of 'Citlsena and policeman.-. !.! '- u Ukin to tha paychopathto ward at Hcllevue. creamin: . "They-re off! They'ra toff!, .There " " toe no dead heat today!" ' ' ' . , ; gulnn. Who Vaa i year! old. BJid 1bi 1 .1 . 11 ...... Ha lived a I. UVUKIU...I . l' - f ' No. ilX. Weat One Hundred. anT Nina leenin irrri wm. " " n his Kn anna. Jamea. Jr.. yeara old. and Horace. J' yaara old. Hla wife knew little of hla work at tha race. but aliaJiotlced that wnen na raiurnso from the openlnr of tha Belmont track m,mm iiiaf and morone. In reply lV.naa. avw.. - - to her queatlona he aald that' the dead heat or ByaonDy ana nce rwina: in i Metropolitan handicap had caueed him inaa Tla went to-the track yea- LMtr-and on hla - return hacteJ at ran gel y. Hta continued talklnir-about "dead .n. "nlk-ai-a maWlrta a- kllllnc" -worried her. but yesterday morning; ha aeemed xo De in wur .pirn ' kleaed her Koodby and aald ho expected to have better luck. u ...itiui. iinwn Rlrhth avenua tl On Hundred ahd Tenth atreet, where ha hoarded a ncrtn-nouno auriace car. . . ha antart (ha car. in IIIVKV mm wwuia " Upon a pea l ann commenrtq iq biiuui. "They're off! They'ra . off! Thfl n wnwlaial mfffffii i'ia 1 ialii in iiim mat I itTTTii i i' Men commenced to laugh Thla enraged Qulnn. who pulled thre race programa from hla pocket and waved them In the f aceaif tha men who were laughing. "Cojna on, yVu plkera!" he ' roared. Your bull iuck'a lio good todayT" Tou'II make a killing with the bookies, will yoti T' s : 1 He then ran, for a Man who wan Tiimtltng onrthe- reer platform and throw i m arraunt n( Its frlshtftil hliloaima. 4Hoo4 PolmMitng It coaimanlr culled the' King of All IMaraar. It nay either bo hrredlurr or en. .'. traded. Once to ay-tern la talnteJ with It tlie dlaraae may manlfcat Itaelf In the form of 'Hrrofula, Krieml, Kheumatle Palna, Btlff or Swollen Joint". Eruption or Copper Colore4 Hiwt tin tha race or Body, lltth- rhvra In lh . Mouth or on the tonine, Hor Tliroat, Rwollra Tonaila. railing out of the Hair or Kyebrnwa. and finally a lepmos-llke pecay of the rieak and Bone. If 7 on hare any of thpae alml . lar armptoaia, aet BROW I BLOOD OVkl - Imm4lalir.. Thla lrtmnt la practically tha reault of life work. It contain no rtancerooa drmta or Injarlone medlchirw of any kind. - It foea to tbe vert bottona of the dlaaaae and " ?orr not erery particle of Imparity. Hona errry alan and ayniptom dlaapneara, eompletcly and for.a Tha blood, laa tiaauae, he ilaafc, the boma and the whole eratem are cleanaad. nnrlflad and reMored to perfeFt health, and the patient prapand anew for tha dntlea and pleaa- .. SROWH'B BLOOD CUKE, ti 00 ii iiMiiis im i iii,,iiiii, mu is na: umi, "S5 An at., Philadelphia. For aaht In Port land only by Frank Nau, Portland Hotel Phar- POSOA 77 PREPARE your ibpyt and girls to bs up-to-date business, men and women, ' by sending them 10 ths ' : - .'..;. Bchnkc-Walkcr7 Business College for a thorough Business or' Shorthand course, pur graduates are all em ployed. Open all tls yer, 7 Call or Send for Catalogue. ." Sixth -kad Morrison, steams Block, . ' BOBTX.AB9, OBBOOB. him off tha car. Aa tha othera tried to eacapa Qulnn kicked and punched them furioualy, yelling: --.( : "No dead heat! No dead heat!" When the car reached. One Hundred and . Eighteenth ' atreet. . Qulnn ,had thrown every one off axpept three wo men and the - -conductor. Policeman Valtenberg of . tho Eaat 'Il26th atreet atatlon heard tha' 1 ehouttpg, arid al though the car waa' ln the thlrty-flrat precinct, vf which the atatlon la on West 125th atreet, ha boarded tha car. - Before ha could lay -hands on Qulnn the bookmaker kicked him off the car. Valtonberg ran back and grabbed Quinn; Tha pair rolled off the car to the atreet and, two policemen from West lZa'.ii atreet atatlon cama along. Qulnn fought all - threw -In - audi a frenty he did not eem to feel the locust wood raps. A -patrol" wagon from the East 12tli street station cama In response, to calls by citizens who witnessed tha atruggla. Four policemen in the wagon Joined tho three who were fighting Qulnn. So vio lent waa the man that It waaVmly when aa hanrifHiffert and Jila feeLKCjealcd that they could get him into the wagon. Even then ha managed to klckr -with both feet bound together. All-tha-war- to the atatlon- he. yelled the Jargon of the track - and a great crowd followed the wagon. At tha sta tlon . Piv. DlmmlckofIIarleiahoBpllal pronounced him Inaane. At this time hla wife arrived and aha .ride wlthjilm ln-iha wagon -tp Bellevue. Qulnn be came more violent wnen na saw ner, ana for fear of having another tussle lth him tha police forbade Mra. Qulnn'a ao- eompanylng him. . ' ' AH the way o the hospital Qulnn shrieked of dead heatg, - The physicians aay theraTIg hope iff lestoilug son. SPORTING GOSSIP. Aa predicted in Friday's journal, tha Portland ball team would aurely do better work after reaching the cellar atatlon." and the proof is furnished In the brlllant game that McCredle a men put up against tha Tlgera yesterday afternoon. Garvin waa on the alab for Portland and the lengthy Individual had the Fishermen faded at every etage of the contest. Besides Oarvln's masterly twirling, hla . teamma tea. became very buay with their weeping willows' and used them on Fitspatrlck with marked uccesa. - i-...: Nothing could be mora gratifying to the local fana than, to learn that Mc Credle and hla men were beglnlcg to hit the ball into aafe terttory. It has ben a Jong ndjrearywaitforPorliid-4 do any kind of batting and any improve ment In that line la tha cause for con- trtderalile"'rr at hom.'J"No mattr"hOWt well a pitcher may perform. If hla team mates do not bat In runs. It la Impos sible to secure victories, and after all, only victories count. e ; At, continues his. good work and re ports say that' lie is tha Ufa of the Portland- team. His fielding, batting and base running are features of every game. There la a lot of pleasant rivalry be tween tha two St. LOula tracks that are now running: - On account bf tha breedera' j law an 'admission must be charged to the raoea, but It's only nom inal and anybody with a voice can get a complimentary badge. Ten centa -ad-mission la .charged,- But why not stim ulate Interest by - " : Charging -plns admlssionr - it buttonaand 10 plna to the paddock T . Five marblea to the betting ring? Four topa and a paper of plna to ths club house? Give purple trading atampa with each ticket of admission and a hot welner with' every-bet T - A .--- The purses might be triads 1.000 los- engers to the first horse, bag of peanuts to tha second snd two apples to tha third 1 r. Street car motormon often make good Slim Uliilll, anil ulliniDulllots. whea they run againat a telegraph pole, also make excellent shortstops.. Soma, ball players alao make good ahortatopsi and aome Just work at it, without making Wood. A shortstop Is a cross between a second baseman snd a third Backer. He Is auppoaed to go after, everything mat tne otners ao not cars to handle. The second and third ' basemen leave all the hard hlta, for the shortstop to hsndle, and he gets most of the errors. For thla he gets extra pay, and a few. hard knocks . In the newspapers. . To become a shortstop with. .a clean rec ord H Is necessary to buy crawfish fort the official scorer. - ' . President Roosevelt" my have killed all those- bears himself, but now that wa know-that the Colorado women have been sending- fruit cakea to his ramp tha pountry win nave jts suspicions. 01ng to the grounds at the ball park not being In condition the proposed la- THE : OREGON DAILY' JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 13. 1905. .- " , PITCHER, BUILT - -- '. rt. 'r WWram-Wordsworth -II Player by the kindness of David Exit Dugdala, was married - to Mlas Mabel Cummlngs of Seattle thla week at 'Lit tle Rock. Arkansas. Reports say that the honeymoon will consist of a swing around aha circuit. William Is, real saving, now that he Uvea at Arkansas capital, ha will Boon be able to build a stone houae, with all tha rocka that ha gathered, during his Paolflo coast tour laat aeaeon. RUNNING RESULTS: ON FOUR TRACKS 7 - (Journal Special Berries.) . ; rNeW" Tork,: May .11. Belmont race results: . Mile Colonial "Olrl won. ' Dandelion second,, Preen third; time, 1:41 -(.- fUMUMXS -Teuinair " Lwrd ljSadge aecnnll.1 ' . Bi 1:291-8., ' Seven and a half furlongs Jacquln won, Buttling second. Race King third; time, 1:16 t-l. . . " ' : .' - Tour and a .half f urlongs St. Eateph won, Tronaldoa aecond. Flip Flap third; timiuai.- iFlve furlong's Merry Boy won. Gold Sifter ecoBl,.McKlUreig thlrdf time, 1:01.; -r-r- ' . Biz furlongs King- Pepper won, Toa- ean second, Burleigh third; time, 1:12. . St. ' Louis, Slay II. Fair Grounds . Four and half furl on ga Mlas Leeds won, - Margaret second. Turnover third; tlme :B8 2-1. ' Mile and a Blxteenth Bavarian won. Kenton second, Mamon third; time, 1:60 4-6. ; ' - Four and a half furlonga Marvel P. won, Topsy Robinson second,-Miss Co- sette third; time, :6s 1-6. . Six furlongsOtto Stlfel won. Elas tic second. Fireball third; time, 1:14 a-K Mile and a sixteenthColonel Preston won, R. . F. Wllllama second, Bronxe Wing thlrdj time, 1:4. : MUe and three sixteenths Amberita won, Tristan Shandy second, Bullflplsb third; time, 2:04 4-6. , !'. At Zrfralsrill" ' .: Ioulsvllle. May 13. Results of races: Five furlonga Lexington Leader won. Congress Hall second. Varieties thirdt time. 1:04. - Four and a half furlonga Kerchlval won. H yperlon II seoond, Romance third; time, , :6t. oi us ana a sixteenm etrouer won. lortser' second" Ben " May wood time, 1:62 K. Six furlonaa Martin Dovla wan. Early Boy second, Silverskln u Ihlrd; time. 1:17, Half mile Laddy Toddington won. Mondace second, Vio Glnney third; time, j. u Mile Blue Grass Girl won, Lou M. second, Russell A. third; time," l:lw; : At atansaa mtf. Kansas City, .May 11. Elm Rldee raoairesults: - . ...... Seven furlongs Marsh ' Redon won. Ferryman second, Nina Fly third; time, 1:21. .. ...x-. Flva- furlonga Airship won.- Hattle Carr second. Dunning third; time, 1:01. f our runonge Kuauing Bilk won. St. Joseph second. Agnola third; time, :471. Mile Federal won, . Durbar seoond. My Rena third; time, 1:41. MUe Rebq, won. Telephone second. Royal Jorn third: time, U. six- lunonga niient water won. Sweet Tone aecond, Marco third! time,' :i5. A ' r "hacx" nmn two xair. lJournaLBpeclaL Btntlea ; u- St. Louis. Mo. May It. In a handi cap wrestling match last evening. Oeorge Haokenscnmldt easily demon. stisiwi 11m iiiH'rinrnv m '.'fealllng over -George' Baptists and -All Murulah. .WXZT1CAB WIBS TBAOX BfBBT. s ( ." - - - . (Special Dispatch te The Joornal.) Wall Walla, Wash., May 11. Whit man, college won ths field and track meet held hero yeaterday, by scoring 61 points to their nearest competitors' 13, which number was scored by Pendleton. ; 1 1 OOBBBU BBBSAtS BBBBBT, I (Jenrnal Special Service.) " - ' Philadelphia, May .11. Cornell de feated Pennay In, the dual field and track mewt-oranklln-field yesterday by the score of is to. 6i. StOff CMJ9 7 7 -7 TamKJtler f V..... O-saa Ofasaaww) hrK:rt DADTi-itin'Diiuire-':'- I Hoch, wiiheim. p '- - - tsYlV- I '""N I - - " " z , r : 1 : : ESPECIALLY TO HANDLE THE-NEW-BALLS 0F-THE-PRESE;NT SEASON - (Copyright;. 1006,. yW, It Hearst. , : - i" ' -' - - ,.' , . . . uHw bssebalH ' m t rf a mw .' .ju AMw;-.'A'' '.I .- ' --" ' -' A ' : L - I Bab m 1111 JBBaBI I J - . . -r - .... ... j .... Virgil jCarvin J of Ancient Fame ' ' ' ' .'" 1 V"VyVT "- - " 1 - .. ' " 1 . '- f' ' -'. Throws A Fading Balls at iv! ' ' r V J : "1;,J1''V ' - ' ; - 777 Fisher's Men. " . "7 - v - A- " : JtT- ? WHITEWASH BRUSH ' I lil: gSA -1- ilfll i f V?: - X r-- - , ...... . . i ii "V- rii' l 1 1 11 u ur-b . .tM a - .-w Every Man on : Portland Teaml . "Hit the Ball, Vaq Buren ' Making Three.- v (Special Dlapatrh to The Joeraal.), - -l acomai llay 13. Portland . . Ta- coma' 0. -v-y ; '7V . .". Z i Batteries laryln anMcLeaav;s-lU pairica ana Qraham Virgil Garvin had the Tlgera -worried yesterday and shut them out without s run: for th seoond time this -'season; and aa on ms previous performancaillowed inem only routine.. On the otheTband tha Portland sluggers pounded. Fits. Patrick for 17 hlta, and only the fast neiaing or the ex-flreman'a support iaH the vlsllOrs xo six runs. Tacoma Dulled off four fast double plays which, served to noia the score down. Portland found Fits for one or mors, hits in every Inning and In the first, fourttvalxth and seventh they bunched enough to ee one or more men across the register ax, me nrst man up, went out. Van Buren bunted aaf ely . and . scored on singles by-Householder and McCredla Portland bunched three hits in the third but failed to score, as both Atx and - Householder were caught at the plate. In the fourth McLean and Mitchell each hit safe and Rurikle was paased, rilling the bases. Ga.rVta-alngled, scor ing McLean. - Atx went out and. Van Bufen'a hit scored Mitchell and Runkle. Garvin hit for two sacks In the sixth and scored on a single by Atx. In the seventh Bchlaflv waa - aafe. when Graham had a paased ball on the intra strike ana the fort land second- rred on a hit by McCretlhr"and Doyle's error. The fleldlnar of Ats and Ri-hlaflv fnr me. - mm .... . " ""Jjlhe vlaitora wiaTlne: ; " Ths score follows: Tintla " h Caseyf 2b, Nordyxe, id, Kagan, ss. McLaughlin, if. ... 4 0 Lynch,-ef. Ttn.tmr 1 0 Graham, c ......... 1 0 1 Hoa-an. rf. 3 0 0 Fttrpatncirr-j. zo o 2 Sheehan. 10 0 0 Totals . . 21 0 4 27. 12 1 p6rtland. ah. n. ir. po. Atx. . SS. ............. 4 0- 2 4 3 Van Buren, If A 1 1 1 o Householder, cf. .... 6 0 2 2 0 Schlafly,, 21) 6 1 2 2 3 McCredle, rf. ........ 6 0 3 1 0 McLean. C. ........... 4 -1 1 a i Mitchell, lb. .......r4 7r27 '0T Runkle. o. ......... p. .'.,. t . ',1 0 '1 Uarvln, ' s Totals ....19 , 17 27 10 Sheehan batted for Fitspatrlck ninth Inning. . SCORE BY- lNNINaS."jr . 1 t l 4 i a i s a Tacoma . r .0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4a . .. i . i . . . . it t -t-ra n-ri Portland 1 0 0 1 0 11 0- 0 Hits I 114 0 1 1 1 117 Stnwa.aMi ii Rw HHtanateTTrtr " V ft 3 Oarvln, s-Bases on balls Off. tltx'pat- rlck. t: off (larvln S I. u 1 1 Graharo,ZStolen .bases Atx, House holder. Two-base hlt-Klnrvin. -" First base on error Portland.' Earned runs PA.ll.nrf 1 rirnihl. .... . . . J L. I .. V'" ri.aiaii:n n Wnnluli., . . . ' J .. , . . to Casey; Graham to Casey; Ats to nH a -ri 1 1 . . 7: ... ..., . ihiw ... uniiir nour and 40 minutea. . I'mplre Klopf. -- .."Ben Lost Mother. 1 "' 'Consumption runs in our family, and through it l lost my mother," writes E. B. Reld, of Harmeiny, M. "For the past -five years, however, on the slight est sign of a Cough or Cold, I havs taken Dr. -King's New Discovery for Consumption, which has saved me from serious lung trouble." His mothers death was a sad lose for Mr. Reld. but he learned that lung trouble must not 1 he neglected, sno now to core it. Qulck 1 et relief and cure for coughs and cold. I Price and 11. OA: auaranteed at RtitJ Cross Pliaismary, Sixth and Oak. tree l on the way to ths postofflce. Trial bot tle free. ... - .. . TACOMA, ' ' AB. R. H. TO. A. E. ....... 4 0 10 2 1 . 2 0 0 4 1 0 4 0 14 2 1 .' 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 S 0 0 lr-0 6 2 0 2 0 0 0 .."-r: v v:5KSW " - 'W ,oc 71:;. : :7- 777 7 " I l7. -'. . .77 v Acnrio coast ieaottx. "ST . CLCBS. Taroma hi 24i .am Kaa r'ranrlaeo ...... Ti 4 ft .612 .410 Ixis Angelea ........ Seattle s 1 Portland id Ut isri8'20l 22 2n;il8 Aaa-ela Wla Close a am San Franclaco. May f 12. The Angela defeated Oakland yesterday In the ninth Inning, when a bad throw by Byrnes. tj seoond allowed Gray to score. .The score:' . - i R. H. E. Lob Angeles .. .0 0 0 V0 0 0 0 1 2 21 Oakland . V ..... .0 0 1 00 0 01 1 Batteries uray and ttpies; Mosklman and Byrnes. V'mplre Perrlne. . - Seals nutewsehed. BeattleWash.r May 1 3. The Seals were-unable to hit - Shields- yeaterday when a hit would moan a run, conse quently suffering a shut-out. The scorn: - it. it. E. Seattle 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 6 7 0 Hun Fran ......0000 00 00 0 0 4 I - Baneries-Shteldsand FraryyWfieeTSr and Hbea. Umpirea wnaien ana Mil Hams. ... VATZOirAZ. IZAOXn. At Boston. R. H. E. Chicago . ; rtnatnn . . 6 8 2 4 4 4 Batteries Brown ana .i p.eii: w iins and Need ham. Umpires Emslle and Bauswtne. '. . . At Brooklyn. R.-H. K. ....2 7 4 Brooklyn . . .......... ..1 Cincinnati . . .17 2 Batteries jrmaa.and isergen; uverau and Phelps. Umpire Johnstone. AS Philadelphia. - - , - R. I Mrtahiirar. . . ..C 1 Philadelphia . . 4 4 1 Batteries Phlllnpt, Lynch and Car I sen; Caldwell. PlttlngerCorrldon and Dooln. Umpire Klem. " - ' At Bew Tork.' ' - R. H. E Pt. Louis 6 7 3 New York ....... .... t. ....... I, R 2 Batteries Ea-an and Grady: Wilts and Breanahan. Umolre O'Day. -AatrmZOAaT XSAOVB. At St. toula. R.-TT. K. fit. Louis . .................... 4 0 'irlladelpnia . 1 4 2 Batteries Howell- and Weaver; Hen fi mm l lei i umi. 1-' -At Chloaffo. ' R. H. F. Chicago... ... '. .. . .. .. . .., New York T ..3 - 1. 1 an'd.-lu Batteries White, Walsh 111- van; orth and Kieinow... - . At Bsuott, . . . ' - " R.;H.E. Detroit 1 ll-' 0 Boston . - A 61 Batteries Kllllan and Sullivan: Win ter and Crlger. . 7, '" - At ClevalsaA. '" R. M. E. Cleveland Ti ;r;-r.-T.; .,. . ; ... ,'t. 6 1 Washington 4 i s Bstteries joss ana uueiow; jacnDsen and Ktttredf e. .-.v; r.ara..-rcr-arr:: WXU.AMCBTTB BBBBATB OBBOOB. 1 tflrlcelal nienatet to TVe Joersal. Salem, '6: May- 11. The Willamette university bssehall .team defeated the University of Oreeon nine yeaterday by ths scbrs ot 11 to 7. J - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - -' - 4 - BOTIOB TO AaCATBUBC. e . ---'- t-Alt-notlcaofmatetjr- bass 4 ball games, challenges . and ath 4 Jetlo vents must be sent to this 4 of flee before o'clock a. m. on the day for publication. Ama 4 teur managers should psy at- 4 tentlon to. this rule, aa tha keep. 4 Ing of It will Inaure a proper 4 4 . report . of th,alr dolnga The 4 JournaL ' : ' ' 4 4 4444444S444444444 COLUMBIA PLAYERS DEFEAT EUGENEITES The Columbia university ball nine de feated ' the Eugene High school lads yeaterday afternoon by the score of 4 to 2. The visitors were, hardly a match for the sprightly Columbiana, although they put up a good exhibition of base ball. Mangold was very effective with men on bases, while Hans was wild. The score; SCORE BT INNINGS. 1 28461711 C. TJ. ............0 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 E. H. S .1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 02 SUMMARY Struck out By Mangold, 6; bjLnalCnloradPeXbyL.wh.lchJ.i Ja-ba' j'un tha i-, , u, n ki.ii.'jiu! y, uj Ala uaA. Hit by pitched bull Mangold, 1, Hits un juaugom, on nans, s WTtlOAMl BOTS WlB." Ths Williams Avenue school nine de feated the Thompson school boys yea terday by tha acore of 12 to 4. Ths lineup: ' , ' W. A. 8. . Thompson School. Ferguson ........ P lavls Williams .c. 3 Spink 1 . 1 L. . . nii'imro lUii, ...... Waller , 2b... . "Oberg Bradley igelow Norby 3b.......... .. Smith . Tollock Donaldson ........rf . . murst ...........iri...... ... Raymond O'Connor McClentock ..If. PUTTfT IiASTB A MIBUTH. (Joaraal Special Sarrlce.) , Spokane, May It. Thirteen hundred persona witnessed one or the shortest bouta on record, when "Honey" Mnllody of Boston-knocked-out'Marttn Duffy Of Chicago ln4esB than one minute. Mel lon y lanneo inree mows ana naa nis opponent-down kalout - , OB WATZBX.Y UBXB. The Waverly golf players will compete for the Blyth medal, on the local links on, Ssturday, May 20. It wU bs-g scratch competition medal play. Keraleida Wtl Save, It. -V.Karflel4.-WlU NEWBRb'S . - . ; Tha OBI01IBA& swaaedr tka QUITE HOMELY QUITE ATTRACTtTE Tae woaaaa wns reamraa win not lark attraottraaeaa If her kaa 4 ia wowm4 with sa aondaace of haaaUful katr. But, a the ether hasd. ths ftoaat contour af la- fees loses sseek e( its atuaetlTeawae srsg Hsns,s.s. Mas rvc.iianBi. is SLEriLl.C IS., Sflt. B srtrsiu hicb., rer s - 1 j f ' . imiOAfion at worr-it ba itp-4", II WHITE LEAVES FOR ACROSS THE POND ' (Journal Special Serrlee.) San 'Franolaco,' May ll.Jabes 'White) atarted on his Ions; Journey Thursda'y. There waa a large delegation, of'soorts.. -headed by Charlie Mitchell, on -hand to wish tha English nhter a plessahT anJ safe trlpto England. '.Though he left here a beaten champion. It Is no exag geration to aay that White had mora admirers when he departed than when he cams. His reception would bavo been -more cordial but: for the presence of Battling Nelson on tha coast. Tha tatter's host of followers thought that Brltt should have fought him before meeting the English champion, and they rather resented . his visit. Though ha did not deserve It, White received a chilly welcome, but he won tbe hearts of ths fans by his splendid battle. When lie returns next time tliiB" manlr " little fighter .will be received with open arms. No one can now say that ha can't fight. - White-will sail from New Tork week from yesterday. ' . -. - .'. TKB CO&OBADO BBBBT. I (Journal Special Serrlce.) Denver, May 13. The entries for ths opening day of' the summer race meet ing - at Overland park, Denver; which, ipena snd-aowtlwues Ihrous July 4. will close May 15. Secretary O. A. Wahlgreen of the Denver-Overland Racing cluhi announces that there will be a large number of entries and that aome of ths bestjiqrsea In the west will be- entered. There will bs two harness races and four running races each day of tha meeting. . Forty, thousand . dollara ha a been hung up In purees. The Denver Overland club Is spending 1 109,000- tn-lmprovementsat-ths traclr- thla year. . .... ,, The entries for the purse races' on ths - harness program for tha Overland meet ing; will clowe May 16. -, - -- There will be open betting at Denver this year aa uaual and anew betting; -ring Is being built. BASKS OXAUBBOB. Tha Parks basebatl 'nine challenges! any team under 17 -tears of again Port-i land for a' game Sunday mornings or afternoons. Address 'Willie Stepp, 251 Ankeny street, or 'phone Main 11(6. The Parks team la composed of tho fol. lowing playera; McHale. c; Peterson. p.; Gaylord, lb.; Pensop, Ib.j Ptepp. lb. RoblnsOTi, - s.T"Ilaxxes, cf.; Stepp, If.; Berg, rf. Q-ONB tit, Smva It. ae Uie fee SarpieUe.! Herpicide "kills -Ms) Baaajra Oesm.' Wa If tks hair h eraaty Inoka aanitraff nilrrotia cauaaa dull. Inoka Slaiaaad. The brittle f Hi. Iialy with lata. lUftiVilff. (rrit.iaT dr.lff, lJl II axalp and falllnf hatr. sawbroa Men.wi., eWtroTa thla .naair ef haaotr ani Baawiiia II the hair to fmw a ttatnra Intasriad a, II ll.oiful hair dreaainf. (.I.aa trwderral ra II au.Ua. 2a ell at dya, - .- ' ' - - t .V-' t '.;.. ' 1 ' '. J.' -' i -