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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1905)
V. V-'-,-':-'-; . ( -: . ... .'. " ". V'-"s ' '' 7 . ,). .. 5 . V. 1 - lis THE OREGON ; DAILY JOURNAt, -PORTLAND MONpAY EVENING. fY 8, 1905. SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE. , THE EIGHTH - ly; of thegreat-pre. - Second Floor. . M .. .' - f ' - t EXPOSITION SALES. - Mispicei Portland Y. V. C A. -ihe Different Store? i iwas iii. ill i a y w . a . j . . . ai Tear-Coffeej-Chocolater- Milk-m-Bottlcsr: Cream of Asparagus Soup. Crab Salad. , s4IotRolli. ff- Hani Sandwiches. , 7 - : . v ONLY OF THE GREATEST 5ALEJN-THEHIJ Bread and Butter." Tea Cakes. 1 r tory of Portland; Ice Crearft. -V . ' WELCOME .0. R C. Tuesday, May- 9, TearRoom tSoecialNoti -- , . THE MONTH OF MAY AT THIS STORE FEATUR E S A-SERI ES OF ON E DAY - SPECIAL- -SALES-f AttFrtces advertised during" this month are for one day only, as advertised, and musl; be taken 7" advantage of , on that day in order to secure benefit of special price advertised. Out of tojr.jatrons, send ing -through MAHTDRDKR DE,Fi'. have-i84-heurs-AFJERPATjg-OF- ISSUE bt paper bearing our announcement in which to-order the extra specials. "That Delicious Odor" Follow your nose along the WestAnnex, Third Floor, and find its source in ; FREE. CAKE-BAKING SCHOOL. - : ; : Richest-Values--of Allthe Year Elbow. Each Other -for Eaeeriv . . The supply is abundant, assortments are at their best, greater and better than ever before. Every mentiohcd item is positively under market price. ytrnany below the 'manufacturer's quotations irT wholesale quantities. The beauty and completeness of the ' displays are unrivaled ; every depart ment is T conspicuous in exploiting bargains of the wanted-now, seasonable-. and-tirridylsortVisitorsre-welcme, whether they choose to buy or not. In the words of LONGFELLOW, 'The atmosphere- breathes rest and comfort, and the many chambers seem full of welcome." O. R. C AND FRIENDS CORDIALLYWWELCOME to every-convenience of Portland's Greatest Storer- a . m i 1 uesdav Trio. ofStirrihg Shoe Bargains - for Dressy- Women ' ' - T.H ErrXl H A IT B O O TH 3 T-W E B TTS N NI X F- TR B T F t. O O R. mf. hav htn Trnr" twr larn ln nf hrnlmn nfl dUcontlnuil Hn nrt - axranved them on Urc tabl. Wa will sell them mt one uniform price, tim ioi Includes in,ny different atylea and makn. Women' sliea in aprlnc heel, lac and button, alao many atylea tt Mlaaea1 and Chlldren'a 8hoea, re. vai. from 11.10 to 13.00; apciai at, pair . k. .... ...........f WOMEN'S 11.0ft-SHOES 2.SaV i Hall Bheea, In Ruewle, alt-aad Ilaht aharia of taw, rag yal. IU0 ----- WOMEN'S I J. 60 SHOES t2.IT. 'Weaien'a lem Bhoea. Un-Ut ktA, chocolate color.;welt aolea, plump soft atock. Ood yaar aewed, re.' al. .0; special, pair ...... t. u.; S)2.8T Here's a Quick Saving of 59c IiISEXTETLJQKTrESDAyiBARaAIN8 IH THE, Small FIRS T F LO OR. . It'a aaay to compute your savings by running; up this list of six Items. - On the first there's a savins; of 103, the second Sc. third 13c, fourth-10c. fifth, lie, and sixth 3o total (to. Supposing ' you buy one of each.- Wwrth saving. Isn't It? Figures don't He Here's an, actual saving of over 43 per cent on regular prlcva. . Tea, It pays to watch U sales aven on the llttla things. . , l6o HAIRPINS II CENTS DOZEN. - 'Shall Horn Halrplna, extra quality, aasorted shapes, iround, squara or crimped tops, ona dosen In the box, reg. val. 35cs apeciaK I . .. J ....lSf 10c COLLAR FOUNDATIONS 7 CENTS. White 611k Collar Foundations, pointed or straight, slses 11H to II, reg. val. 10c; spe cial ....... V i.' 1...... fJ 35c WRITING PAPER H CENTS 'Fin's Hlgh-Orada Writing Paper, cras.h or linen finish. In white, gray or blue tints, with envelopes to match, reg. val. JBo bx special at ...............22 , 250 LUNCH SETS 15 CENTS. Paper Lunch 8etBr with tablecloth, (13 napkins and lHolllesrlir aJSOrtedajUsrns, reg. vat-t5c; special at. set ...... rrrr. , . . , .IS 250 SOAP 10 CENTS. . Fine Milled Hlgh-Orade' Fancy Perfumed Toilet Soap, 1 cakes In box, violet, rosa or heliotrope oor, reg. val. !5c; special at,-box-; , ,t. .104 . 25c rBATHASWEKT 17 CENTi - rBamasweat."- perfumed luxnry f or-the- battnlnpowder-form. ettotandTftestF; Uingreg-valJSc; special ay box ..JJ.-, a. w "FeatureExtfaordmary Starts Here Today ONE- THOUSAND FREB ADMISSIONS TO TUB LEWIS AND CLAftK EXPOSITION TO BB GIVEN A WAT TO TWENTY PORTLAND SCUOOl v; .1 .'.. j .. CHILDREN BT POPULAR VOTE! Aa a Bptlat.faatura-4ha-swtMATBARaAT!rFRASfwe shall open another popu- : iar contest here today, to run eight weeks, ending Saturday,. July 1. s.t p. m.. through , -'which the public will aelect twenty pupils from the schools of Portland any. school " eligible, publlo or private- each to be awarded a book containing ' fifty commutation . ttcktta of admission to the exposition, good any time for admlaslun between July J" and the eloae of the fair, October II. Ballot-boxes will be distributed about the store aa In -- former contests. A -vert wtll be given with every 25c purclina. and will' be returned - with your purchase from the cashier, through the wrapping denk. In the basXts, thus Insuring every one the vote due them and safeguarding the ballots with the same -care -gg the cash, they represent the receipt of. - .. ' - - Luclcv the Woman Who's PlannedZtoBuv $25.00 Jacket JTuesdayrSlie Savesi- : HALF THE PRICE A Grand Bargain Offering by Portland's Largest and Foremost Apparel . Store for Women.. Grand Salons Second. Floor: : :t7 Women!s3cxO uovert boats $12;S0 The buyer of a certain 8torer4ocated-within a half milcxt this headauarters of Style and Quality, remarked to a New York-manufacturer of-jjarmrnts .daring a recent "'wasn i- KOintr w ot particular - mis f-Year about the 'inside' of thergarmTnls he bought so long . -- ill.. i t i iit- u --.i you know never expectedto . see'emaRain and 'trie home trade? Oh! " they wouldn t niuicLJ)einjrxooI once." " This conservative, dependable old store isn't going to do business that way.-- We're going to treat visitors and Jiome-folk alike, in the same old way only Ihe-best-goods anp best all the way throupri. We SHORT THE TALE. BUT VALUES MIGHTT TELLINO. Tomorrow inKnitwear Aisles WOMEN'S HOSIERT FIRST- FLOOR. - AND UNDERWEAR. INFANTS' HOSE AND BOTS' UNDER- GARMENTS ALL AT BARGAIN PRICES. WOMEN'S PURE WHITE MERCERIZED LISLE-MESH VESTS, low neck, sleeveless, silk tape and crochet trimming, a fine Bummer vest, TSe regular; special, each. 694 . WOMEN'S BLACK COTTON HOSE, medium weight, full finished, doubla sole, as- aorted shades of embroidered boots, a splsndid wearing hose. 60o value; aatr apa- cial. pair r.. . : . . . INFANTS' SILK-FINISHED LACE-STRIPED HOSE, seamless, ping, blue, red, white. black, a very dreaay hosiery, looks like silk, ho quality; special, pair... 16 ROTS' ECRU JERSEY-RIBBED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, shirts long, short and no 1 sleeves, drawers ankle length. 35c value: apeclal. each S3a Bargains That Bristle With Value the Silk Store . and Dress Goods Salons Fairly AUve.With'Em - : THESE FOR TUESDAT. - , - - - ' SOUTH A N-N KX FIRST FLOOR. 11.00 BatInYularasnn all wanted colore and In new, neat effeots; spsclal for Tues. day only, ysrd ;'9 .11.00 regular Black Peau ds Sols, II Inches, also Jl-lnoh Black Taffetas; special for , Tueedey-onlyi yard -r v s r, rti-,ni rrrrs inivr, -. a .v. . . ii , . . .v , -. . 69 COLORED DRESS GOODS. .... - ' Neat Herrlng-Bona Tweeds, neat Checked Panama, Suiting, neat Invisible Plaid Suiting, j- all colore tKhoosa from, our g. 11.00 grades, special for Tuesday only, yard 69e-37-lnch All-Wool, Challles, In. light snd dark grounds all colors and atylss to seHwt ' ..from, ourrref.'Jfio grade;, special tfor. Tuesday only, yard .i,.; ...... .i--....39 Tuesday Bargains Found in Jewelry Shops .'.- -. FIRST - F LOOK WEST' ANNEX. , , . ' 11.15 BROOCHES IT CENTS. This ia..the aeasnn for Brooches. In order to reduce our large stock we wUl place on sale abaut 1000 Brooches, In different styles, reg. val. to 11.25. special, each.. 174 . . ' . BOO LEATHER PURSES t CENTS . " "A-lot of Mexlttn-Carvod Colli Purse" our "reg. val. 0o;.r-lal, each. ,.,9 - 2Bc LEATHER PURSES 17 CENTS. . r ..-"w ' T Mexican Carved Leather Coin Purses, reg. val. 25c; special, each ....71... .17 , I - It. 00 LEATHER BELTS CENTS. ' , i - A lot of Blarkj Crushed leather elta, reg.'vat ll.00;Tspelar."acn...'.;:;."v;i,r;r.69" awn l i 'i rn: i i a. - g i, - wu t" r-r att rBTaftera' wbA don't care what visitors aav of Portland "- - - - ' - ' j - and her merchants after they ret home. . WE'RE GOING. TO "DO 'A LOT OF BUSINESS THIS YEAR ON A SMALLER THAN EVER MARGIN OF PROFIT and' add a lot of REPUTATION to that already attained by this DEPENDABLE house. Women follcwhcubuy earments of us this year, will get the greatest bargainsoftheir life and QUALIT-YL C2s witM)e".ewed in throueh and through with the silken thread of STYLE- Bargains told of below, and every value offered this. year are selected from oureuperb stocks, nothing bought for sale. " I he losses are."all our own or the manufacturer's. Principle is never lost sight of irMhis business. TUESDAY'S COAT BARGAIN New "CovertJacketsin latest styles, corset fitting",, with collar, Bishop "Sleeves,- strapped and plaited trimming-affects, - with silk buttons to match. Best $22.50 and $25 values in Portland. Special to morrow only at.... $12.50 $10-SilkiPetticx)ats-4.98 Shipment received . Saturday, all newest styles and popular fancies. Four 4of the 'extreme late..styLcsin'jhech.oosing-and. . all thewanted shades and colorings-The-best bargain in Silk Petticoats ever of fered by a Portland honseT' " Regularly sold for a golden eagle $10. Special - tomor ro won1y - atrvrh-rvT7. r.TT. 4 .98 Another Wonderful Millinery Offering Tuesday Patrons BZJOU MILLINERT SALONS ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. $3.00 Docs the Workror $5.00 . . That's a lively spot the Millinery Salons. Women-folk seem1 to ap preciate the gnuln bargains arranred for 'em there. Never had better one than this of tomorrow. 200 very handsomely trimmed and smartly "tailored Hats. Turbans and large, dressy, Shapes, In all.the ftopufer wantsd colorings. All grouped on one long table.- Not a hat In the splendid collection worth less thsn tha regular prtca-of-tS.00 and a bargain at that..' Special for Tuesday only at a choice for. 77."; rr. .777775". ........ $3.00 WHO Bargain's forMen MARK IXLi.ARS. .FL.O.PJR. to buy a comfortable home and CAREJ . TO SAVE AS WELL . WB8T .ANNpXr-iFIRS If a man will bur enouch here, ha can save enoufeh furnish It with whst he may save bctwten our pflwes and those of the escluslva Hd-' ' line "men' atorea." Make u prove It. These bargains special for Tuesday 60c VNDERWEAR5 CNTS. Men' Spreng-Welght. Ribbed Balbrlggan Shlrvft and Drawers. In ecru. 'Just the.thWig . tor spring and summer wear, reg. val. to; apeclal, per garment.... .'....35t ' 1 . Mflff. St'IT CHES $5 .00. . . - .- Leather Suit Case a. In shies Ii, 24 and 2lealfcer lined, heavy leather corners, round leather handles, brass trimmed, tweWestraps and short fold, reg. val. f 7. so and, 11.00; special at, each . 77. . . . .7. . . . . . .j.. . ... . w . .$5.00 ' i KEN'S Tlo dOLT SHIRTS 41 CENTS. ..-.- A Una of New Golf 8hlrta, fancy plaited fronts, attachable cuffs, aaaorte.l patterns, reg. vat Tie: special at. each . . Z4$t MEN'S lloHALF HOH15 11 CENTS. A Una af Men' ! Spring Seamless Half' Hse, In brown, tan ifa Halehotted ef- factgiregjaL"? special aV pair ..w. 7,. .wt.-. r rr. 7.7.. ......... 16) - -. , MENS ISO SILK HANDKERCHIEFS II CENTS. :r- . ' A Una of Men's Silk Handkerehlefe, with fancy colored border, a handsome handker chief for the top pocket, eg. val.- lici apeclal. at, ach ..,. I . . . 10t MEN'S 400 HANDKERCHIEFS !l CENTS. ' ; Richardson's Fur Irish Linen Hemstitched Handkerchief, hem, Hto 1 Inch Inwldth, rag.' vaL r4ie;. apeciaj at,- each : ................... . f - 234) Carts for Children's Play JHours Decoi-ations-for the J AT SPECIAL PRICES TCESDAT ON .FOURTH FLOOR. . ' Summer Joya are her. The children are kept strong and' healthy by lots of out -of. door play and plenty of- romping. Every child wants a cirt. Orown-ups want the pretty home decorations provided here,. Wants of both sorts filled af less than usual prtcea. tomorrow, - - CHILDREN'S ft.10 CARTS II "CENTS." . . ' , .'" ' Chlldren'a Two-Wheel Carta, strongly built decorated ash body 13x20 inches In else, Iron tires, wood hubs,-wheels. If rnchea-tn-.-dlameteiv a, splendid companion for-chll dren in their outdoor play,, reg. val.-11.10; special, each llM,..,i,.Juullu9gs. ": 11.10 COUCH COVERS IS CENTS. -k . - : , ' Fancy Bagcden Couch Covers. 60 Inches wide,' I yards, long,, fringed tl 'flrmtnd.; at- aorted color, reg. val. $1.80; special, each' u,. ......... ..9Sc --MacMne-Madg -NataJo-Rn.-Bl f est tn alstrbeantrfur COplelTpr ttaaha-lnalo"Tn!ran: . - work, reg. val. tl-SO; special, each, ...t $3.15 Art- Shopszand-GorsetSalons- CONTRIBUTE EACH A SPECIAL VALUE FOR TUESDAT. - ... ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. :' " CUSHION TOTS, of Russian Jlnen scrim, art denims, canvas and ecru heavy llnan. - stamped and tinted In conventional and oriental designs, plain bncke to match, . regular to tie; special -at ,,.....",..i.."7...T.-;-.-.7,7r...'...'. lTf Freo Embrotderr Lassort Olvea) ' -ROTAtr-WORCESTETAPE GIRDLES., of fancy mercerised tnatertala, slses from 11 to It, whits only, regular prlcr tl.60; special at $1.19 rTimclyOfferingsThat Mean -Wonderful SavXngsJpcBuyers-jofxDainty- Dress Wash-Fabrics, Towels FIRSTS-FLOOR., -tthr-TMPOH'l'ED MADRAS It CENTS. JTmortedMadras, light grctind. with figures, stripes and dota, reg. vat-Jte: 'special. ara . , . . . .1 . . : i- - .,-...........-... .IHf tOo SILK E0ONKE3f"'CEN T S. jlllk Eollenne, one of the aea eon's newest and beat wash fabrics. In reseda, browo, navy. champagne, light blue, pink, cream and black, reg. val. 60c; special, yard 30e , - Jto PERSIAN MULL II CENTS. , -Whtta-Peortarr MnM,-oft.-sllky finish, prettr as slllr,-rer rat-tBer special. rard. .lS4 - . ' ' TOWELS. " -v .-". Three special lines for hotel and lodging-house keepers; pclaiatIjlpi.eji ABOVE BARGAINS FOR TUESDAY ONLY, $r.tTfi.40 aad tl.TS Worriens Exceptional Undermuslin Values i(,Rare Bate, children's Bonnets 1 A N N EX- SECOND (FLOOR . --' - You reaS of Undermuslin bargains "galore," being" exploited on every corner about town by every sort of store. 'Just tuck a tape-measure up your sleeve nest time you go undermuslin' shopping, and you'll note one great difference between the full, can orous dimensions of the lingerie comprising our stocks and the elsewhere sort Get a full money's worth refuse the stingy kind and get the beat-here. " LADIES' FINE CAMBRIC GOWNS. V-ahaped neck, square yoke, trimmed with II small tucks between II large tucks. embroldcrxladflnaatecka I.75Tspecial at $1.18 LADIES' FINE MUSLIN PETTICOATS, 14-Inch flounce. 4 rowa "hemstitched tucks. 7-lnoh embroidery ruffle and dust ruffle, regular price 11.60; special at 076 CHILDREN'S WHITE LAWN BONNETS, either lull front or French affect, lace ruche and ribbon trimmed, regular price 11.10 and 11.00; special st jt.99t.. Here's. Many a Help for Housekeepers " ' Who Watch the- Sales 7 y- " IE TUESDAY'S EXTRA UPBPIlt. nnmiUVfllCUBBirril A Manufacturer's Half-Price Sale of Handsome Decorated French China - ' THIRD FLOOR. " "' T T" ' Ws place on sale Tuesday a line of manufacturers' samples Of Decorated French Chink bought at half price, which w orfer to our patrons at the same concession. Bouillon Cupa and Saucers, reg. val. 113.00: special. den,'-.v. $6.50 Bouillon Cups and Bauoers, 1 reg. val.; special, a oxen ...f 13.00 Hotcaae Lovers ana uisn, reg. vai. sz.vo: special, aosen Berry Bowls, reg. val. 12.21; specla.1, dosen ...... Fruit Saucers, reg. val. tt.71; apeclal, dosen V ..rv. ... .i Salads, reg.-val. 11.10; special, dosen A large Una of Plates: special, each, from..;...,........ ....'.204 to The Above Are Only a Few of the Many Articles at One Half the Usual Price;.- - 141.00 AUSTRIAN CHINA DINNER SET $17.60. Austrian China Dinner Seta, lit pieces, green and gold jpatterns. reg. val. 141.00: ape- '-- clalr-aet -j-m'; ". . . . . ; r.v, w.';7-.y; . , .". ..... . .7. ....... t". . .$37.50 i.ov 1.13 $1.81 fl.SO $4.00 2So-BLACK SATIN STOVE POLISH 11 CENTS, . A perfect Stove Blacking, no duet, makes Jet-black, durable polish, reg. val. 26c; ape- ctal, can . .,...-...., r.. , , , , . .... . ... , ...... ' ., 150 LUNCH BOXES CENTS. . ' Brown Folding Lunch Bosea, reg. val. 16c; apeclal, each 94 TSe CUSPIDOR 4 CENTS. Nickel-Plated CuapldorheaTybottomduunater ?H inches,--reg. vat TSospectah each .7 7T ".' , . .;.... .v.: . 454) Big Tuesday Values in -Women's Furnishings FIRST FLOOR. HERCULES. BRAID WORTH 21 CENTS FOR 10 CENTS. Hercules Braid. 1 to I Inches wldfj lnblstssnd colors, suitable for trlmmlngr Jackets and children's dresses, our reg. 2So val.; special at. the yard nwlOt "7" ". "l .:-" VALENCIENNES' LACES. ' c- A nig lot or Nit yaienciennes lAtcmm n uwruum, an mam t..x " "Tl Values to 21c f special, st. the dosen ysrds .10V i. Values to 60c: special at. the dosen yards. .......... ........ i.. ...... .264 L'j- 11,00 SHIRTWAIST PATTERNS I1.2I. Aiflne showing of Shirtwolst 'Patterns. embroldereAIn varloue pretty designs, sows embroidered In. white, others In pink or blue, our 1,00' va) -peclal sale T .: PRETTY CONCEITS' IN RIBHONS BARGAINS. ,- - - . .- Its RIBBONS IT CENTS, Rolls and rolla of Gorgceua Dotted Ribbons, Just as pretty as -any you ever saw. kre in white ajid all eolors, our reg. Ito val.i special for tomorrow onr at. the yt. tf