The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 08, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    i ,,J- r , -
' V ---
. .
Much Despised Satellites Show
' .McCredia MenyHow to
IV ' Play Ball. '. '
OUT 01
Last Came of Series Was Full o
f ;." Hitting, Errors and.Good
y r Fielding. '
' ,.'; .", ... v ' s
(Special Diaaetch te Tbe Jooreal.)
fa"' , M.y Seattle. li.-Por
ang s. . . .
Batteries Roach and Frary; Garvin,
J one and McLtin.
' Seattle and Itt t
. yesterday when, munh t tha rtnltght of
the big crowd present, both teams threw
plenty of hitting and ome line iieiuing
"1 ntOtn-sihltiUluii, whleh waa maw by
Seattle through bunching bits on Oarvln
' , Portland scored two runa In the first
; Inning, ; which had a dampening affect
1 upon the locals. When the 81was.h band
"took their tun In the first half jit be
came Qu'te evident that the Texan- waa
not In form for Johnny Kane, the first
"7 man up. landed n'lilm"rrr atwca
wallop, which waa followed" rk",5couple
Jo tilta. nattlnr twa. runa. .'
Each team scored' another In the third,
;and la the fourth Seattle took the lead
ion aome erratic work by the vlaltors,
- 'Which presented one run to Hall's men.
nOwlu w a, sore heel Jrtjr .uoutx re
tired In the third Inning aryl -waa suo-
.oeeoea DV- v-name Dmeine, wno uia
.tlnrulshed himself by making a, pretty
! running catch and rapping out two
tlmalv hit. .j - ' '
x The batting and- fielding of Von
Buron ainnd " 3
ng ieatttreaottho ' vieltor waeki
Garvlrr wa taken out In the eighth
;' and Bert Jonea took his place, but waa
' iiimpi I.
- s very wild, and throe paaaea and a couple
. of hlta. ona of which waa a triple by
.Kan, gara. Seattle four runa, cinching
rthe game. ,
f. ins scor iouows:
! ... - SEATTLE.
w au
T M rlSI M 19. . . . . a, a . a
MUler. XT. -,... f
iioutav if. I
1 10
2 10
-Shields. If.
Kemmer, lb.
4 0, 14 0
4-ff 1 11-
. , . " X
....-- V
Khali., u. . . 110 11
Burns, tb. .......... 4 1 1 , 4 4
Roach, p. 0 11
Total -,IS IUJU
.... ': . . - :. - Portland. " :
' . J '- -- -- AB. R. H. PO. A.-S.
ii-:!! SB. him-miut I Hrt l:l
via Buren, II. ...... e i a u
o a
Householder, ct 4 a-a o 0
Unkl.Nn fh a a S 99
2b. f o -1 a 2
Runkle, as.
Mitchell, lb.
Garvin, p. .
Jones p.
Totals . .
0 0
0 7 0 1
1 o a 2
110 0
i-'Schlany , out; "bunted third, strike.'!!,
. .. ' t A 8CQRB BT INNINGS. -
' ' . 1 2 2 4 6 4 7 I1T
I 6ttla , . ...... .2 0ieol4 l
. ... Hita . .......a o i i o s a a 12
Portland a 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 4
Hlta . ..j,.....!, 111111 1 ia
" TnwritTvs,,,r,-
Karned runa Portland, 1. Two-baso
. hlta Kane. Kemmer, Hmita, Mpi
Householder.. Three-base hit Kane.
VBacrlAea hits Miller. Roach, House
holder. McCredle. Stolen bases Mll-
jer, McHale Burns, Ats, " Van Buren.
" Innlnga pitched by Garvin, 1; hits, 10;
runs, 6; struckout, (: bases on balls, 1;
hit brrpUifhad ball, 1. Innings pitched
by Jones, h; runa. 4; hlta, a; bases on
balls, aj'iUd pitches, 1; struck out by
. Roach, irr-hase's on balls, I; passed
- I balls. Prary 1. McLean 1. Left on base
'..'' Seattle, 10; Portland, 10. Time of
game one hour and 65 minutes.
VACzrzo coast uAQTra.
Bvaa Break at Taooma.
1 (Spedal Plapatea to The JoorsaL)
- - -Tacoraa. Wash.. May 2. Jimmy Wha
len Anally won again rom. the Tlgere,
when, In the morning game yesterday,
the Seals batted Keefe and Fitzgerald
turn at batting la the afternoon., when
they pounded Wheeler all over the lot
Scores: .
Morning game' R. it E.
Tacoma 00 0000000 0. t
San Fran 6(000100 11 11 0
Batterlea Keefu, Fitsgerald, Lynch,
Graham and llogan; WUalen and Shea.
Afternoon game- " R. H. E.
Pan Fran ......010005010 4 8 2
Tacoma . - 20122400 t 13 0
Batterlea Whewleri-Wllson and 8hea;
Titagerald and Graham. Vmplra Klopf.
. Wort.
Spokane . ............. 7
BOIsa j. 4
-Lnst PT7
a - 1700
4 - .600
' .401
Ogdeir 4
. At Spokane.-
x tt r-
Ppokana . . .;.;.0 0 0 0 0 ( i 0 0 7 . 7 - 2
Ogden 2 0 00 2 1 0006 11 6
Batteriea Thompson and Haunen;
OUpatrlck. Mclnnls and Lewis. Um
pire Mcllae. , .
. . s f I r fir t i
.Tcm 21 HI S 41 5 23 .A
Oakland - . . 2 41 4 IB .641
Has Fraadwe 4 T ..I 0 41 B 2"', .Ml
' Loa Antekl 2 O .. 61 61 it 4M
' Portland a it B ,. 2 14 .Mn)
. ,. . iiot , .TTgyiaTT Te 21 2i ri"4l '
' '-" At Bolaa. '
l--'- -- ;- - Tt. f, g,
" TlolseTT. 4 0 I 0 6 0 0 " 14 10 .3
Salt Lake ....0 1000000 4 ( 4 2
- Batteriea Stel and Hanson: Jjurham.
Quick. Leahy and Buess.. "uu"1nJ
- (Special Dlipatch te Tb Jotirhal.)
. Spokane. Wash.. May 8, The track
t-tm of t he-blah -aehool held -a tryotrt
Baturday -'afternoon to aelecf " tha ath--'
Utes to rapreaent Spokane In Oha Intef.
, scholastic field, meet at Pullman next
Saturday, when they will compete with
" ' representative from 1 6 schools In rant-
ern Wsshlnrton. and Idsho. ' rx
The list of those constituting the" high
school team has not yet been given out,
- but- probably the firat and second win
ners will comprise those going to Pull
man. ,. ..' ',.,
The first game. of. tha season between
'Boise and 8pokane. rivals for the. pen
i nant at the PaclAo National league teat
year, will ba played Wednesday. This
.. wllLba. Idaho dsy. snd President Wll
. Items of the Spokane m"rliis'rfisde
-trrsngements with all railroads running
through Idaho and tha Palouse country
for special rates. --It Is expected ,that
; abou. 400 Idshoena will witness tke
iirrr i .ai .1111 rn.i
esaa Miaa w
-Su n day-Cams at R
' ation Grounds.
In spite of the thunder sTfirnTTtafly"
ye l
eeterday afternoon, the Schtllers and
verslty Turk, teams played a gi
tory for the Unlverslty teara.lho JVls
lorloUti ...aggregation played - the better
' The score at the end of lhe contest
sliowed It for the team from over the
Willamette, while the - parfectoa had
chalked tin seven.- ' ' -
The Bchlllere' at times threw Into the
engngtment ora weird exhibitions of
how baseball should not be p la yea.
Some, of the players were In the game
at alt times and hustled to the best of
waa decidedly off color. The Schillers'
catcher marred hla good work behind the
pttlons of Quitting that waa ever seen
on tholoear groundi.ln-the-thrnl Tin
ping the Unlveralty Parks scored three
runt, Irr rT ,.Mi n Wfra praniica 1 1 y
aifts: on the Dart of the' catcher,, who
after having' a passed ball on tha fourth
ball to a batter., became oisgrunueo.
and- Instead of recovering the ball speed
ily, he walked after It and allowed two
runa to score and the batter to go to
thlrd:" ------.' . .
CharMr Mowr-waa-wll 4HiAhla.auiK4that'-riothrng-e4tl4V
port waa weak at times, which accounts
for the acore mans against mm nr-
dy. He fanned 11 men in- tne game ana
distinguished himself In fielding a
well iia at the bat.
Tha Bchlllera wilt meet the Unlverairy
Miiati-xtundaiii3en the dmi-
bis bill - of lacrosse- and baseoau - wm
. .
be rendered. Tha ""acore
- AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Johnson. es..u,ijtt6 ? f S S
g-i Ujl
Bredemnier, - ib, u.a. 4.1
8t. Clair, cf. 4 1
Bwope. rf. ..4 0
Slavln. c... ... . ..... X
Llllla, p. 2 0
Buckell. p. ......... a -0
, AB. R. H. PO. A. K.
HlrlKT. If."
- 10 0
Gray. ss. .
Oalna. rf.
Houston, so,
o a
2 4
Moore, p. ........... 0 l f ! 1
rampbefti b,....... 4 0 0 1 a 0
VVUllamSilb. 4 1 t J 1 0
HmlUu cf.
Trowbridge, efr 1 : 0 0 0 0 0
Brock, c, 8 2 8 12 . 0 0
Totals . . .'. 11 12 7,1 188
i a a 4 J t
1 12 1 0 0 2 0
1 0 I o
0 T
, nits .......7.2 2 i -f
University Park.. 9 . 2 0 0 0 4 11
Hlta . 0 1111 1 li
StAlerv ha
Hayns.-Bi. ciair, afoors
Gains. -Williams, Campbell. Baaes on
balls Oft Moore, -3; off Buckell, 2.
Struck out By Moore, 11; by LllUs, 4;
hv HurVll. 4. Two-base hits' Brede-
melrrT irouston.-Three;-toBJia'htt--i-A.
University Park. 7. DouUnrplays Slavln
to Oliver; tsucxeu lo oiavin iq riaynea,
... . ' ir.. .. nil....
HouBton to Campbell to Williams. . Hit
bv ultched ball Haynea 2. Houston.
1'assed balls Slavln 2,.3rock 4. BaorU
Ace hits A. Farrott, Houston. Time of
same One hour and 40 minutes. Urn
plra Ed Rankin..
WbhT-Lost PC.
Cleveland 1....10 7 .t80
St. IUlS . ...J ,...1U 7 ,.
Philadelphia . ... .... . t T .652
Washington . ...... .10-
Chicago . . ............ 2 2
New fork T 8
Detroit . 7 11
Boston . 7 11
At St. XrOUlB.
, R. H E.
Ht. lunula . . .2 T
Detroit 1 7 1
Batteries Budnofi and weaver; Mul
lln and Drill.
A Chicago.
R. H.K.
....0 .12
....a. j i
Chlraa-o . -
Cleveland . .............
Batteriea owen ana
Rhodes and Bemla.
statioitax isAamr.
New Tork , . .,.T;T....
Pittsburg . .
Chlcaso . . ............
Clnclnnat4 J
Brooklyn . . ........... 2
tston . i .............
St. Louis . ,
A Brooklyn.
R. H.E.
..77. 4 10 I
PhllsdelDhla . .
8.8 1
and Rltter; Dug;-
Ba t terles-8ca nlon
glt'by and" ooiii. 1
At Chicago. -
R. H.E.
St. Louis
, . . .
.0 6 2
Batteriea Brlgga and O'Neill: Taylor
and Grady. Umpire Klem. ....
At Olnolnnati.
R. HE.
Cincinnati . . .; 8 10 -8
Pittsburg ...4 t 2
Batteries Kwtng and Schlel Rober-
tallle and Pelts. Umpires Bauswlnaj
anu jCmsii-i.
- cnauwi bxats - btobi
(Journal Rpeclal Service.)
Chemawa, Or., May 8. ThrjCTinia-aaJaingon a rail, but even theaa old blrda
basebal team defeated tha Eugene high
school team In a fast gamer of ball hero
on Saturday afternoon, Tha aouthpaw
pltchec. Pender, had been reserved by
the- high school boya for this game, and
they hoped to take tha Indiana' scalps
with him In the box. It waa a faat
game from start to finish, and It was not
until the last half of tha ninth that the
winning run waa scored by the red men.
Washoe pitched a good game for Che
mawa and Eugene was unable! tor And
him.- The score by innlnga waa aa fol
lows: . ..
1 2 1 4 6 4 7 8 2
Kugene .- ........, 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Chmw , -,TTT-r-.0 H t i i
Wan hoe lt two walk, while Pender
handed out Only one.. Chemawa had
errors ad Eugene 4. Sorter and -Coon, f
skin each touched tip Pender for three
baggers.. -: ... ...,
-"(Speclal Dlipatch to Tb4 JJnpt.) ,-
Eugene, Or., May 8. The - Eugena
Amateura. cohslstlng of high school and
university players.j-lefated tha Albany
All-Stara in a one-sided baseball game
here Sunday afternoon. The score waa
12 to 2. Albany was handlcspped by the
absence of Teabo. their Indian catcher,
Lwho missed the trafn: "Slats" Taylor.
the ex-league pitcher, waa pounded all
over the lot by tha Eugene stickers for
t totsl of IS aaf HVn. , Followtngwas
tha score by lnnlgs ' '
Eugene .... , . r. . ... 1. 11211060 II
Albany ,.2 1 0000000 8
' Batteries Hanna and Smith and King;
Taylor and Gaby. ' . . , .
i . M mws. i uitllA
Ex-Champion Dissertates for the
Benefit of Rising Pug-
Sullivan's. Conqueror Tells How
.. Indiscretion Cost Him
The following advice regarding the
training; of a prise fighter, by Jmes J,
tlva, . Corbett says:
Beware of overindulgence, i
ha pathway of- everyday ilfe
you find this algn staring you in . taa
face." Tet how many heed ltT-- 'f
A different tale would be told of the
area! fighters today had they stopped
to ponder over thie advice"
Indulging too freely has been the
causa of tha downfall of nine tenths of
me wona s - xaroous onamyiuna.
When' I started along tha road - to
"fame and. fortune" 1 thought I had the
worda so deeply written In ray mind
1 went along fairly well until I landed
at tha top of tha heavyweight brigade,
It waa than I began to forget.
Even In training for my flghta up to
the time I won tha world a champion
ahlp, 1 never quite got away from the
old Indulgence feeling.
, ... i . . . . i . . i
wneo A varaciianea iraifinta vauiy
aimed at'all 'round development. I
didn't believe, in tha hard, ateady grind
that ao many fighters insisted on going
through. .1 believed that tha mind baa
aa much to do with winning fights .ss
n ami k awaeavored to feed ana
ftrna;tha mind as well as body,
Take tha fighter who atarta early In
tha morning and keepa up tha ph ye lea I
strain all . day and forgsta all about bla
mental apparatus and what have you
got T He may win at first and may get
to tha top, but the fall la coming quick
and aura. "': ' " -
Tha training camp ahould ba equipped
with other things besides punching bags
and -dumbbells.- ...i.- -
I remember when I waa working for
the battle with Sullivan I hd a piano.
books and other things that kept my
mind off the fight I would drop tue
grina ana oa"ijqmmawnon i iiuin i
reel like It. -
When I stepped Into tha ring at New
Orleans, my thought domain waa. In as
good condition as my DQayxtiaant
broken it-down- with - thoughts -r -. tha
fight, although I realised. -that. .ton -the
outcome of tha struggle depended;' the
future. : , .-- .. -
I won. and' I felt better both before
and after than In any-fight In which
ever participated. . ,
WIUST kucceaa,"" came the' neglect of all
tha good prlnoiples I had.
"Beware or overindulgence" waa al
most obliterated. I plunged in'- pleas
ure. and- un Whlla-Xhafoundatlon I
had laid waa of rock It could not wlth
stanS"rtnestraln, anowl'illa I didn't
realize It, I was going back.
Tha next fight I trained for wltb
Flta at Carson City I had fallen so in
the -habit of Indulging toofreely In
other things, that I did Just what I had
avoided on all former : occasions. I
plunged headlong into physical training
and tha dally routine went along with
the exactneaa of a clock.
yp-knuw the reat: r .' 1 '
And It nbThliTTlIipltea---i- fighting
and tha fighter, but to every na in
Ufa, ; , ,.,,.. , .
Although the' Portland ' ball team
shares the honor Of tha cellar position
with Seattle, yet it ia but fair to atata
that both teams belong distinctly to
tha 'Four "Jlundred."
- e e
Coach Tost of Michigan la writing a
ohapter to prove that tha profeaalonal
coach doea not lack sympathy with
amateur aporta. A college professor re
cently remarked that he could scrape
up quits a chunk of anthualaam for tha
same aalary' - -
Aa tha most lucrative part of tha ball
playing business is tha bossing of tha
players,- a few Ideas -on- the-essentials
are deemed trite at this time. It takes
TbrawirTuid-tnuscia antr-tiratn "tO"becoraa
a good ball player, but almost any per
son can become a magnate. It Is the
aaaleat thing in the world. All - that
you have to do Is to own a ball club.
The merits of the' magnate are at once
a pparenti T he re a raao met h in g 1 n t he
neighborhood' of 91 local contests each
season.'. At 8( cents a game It would
oost, . a, assess) ta attsad every.
gam. If you are a magnate and own
the club and tha grounda and the play
era, you can go In free and aava this
money. By saving your money in this
way It la plain to aee how eaay it la to
become a magnate.
. e e .
Glenwood Springs. Colo., Msy 8. The
president took a two-hour ride into the
woods this morning to study birds. He
Waa escorted by Natural let - Stewart,
who knows the whima and calls of all
birds. The trip seemed like a piece of
hard luck, however, as not a bird showed
tn-slght-whillh.xhief xecutivswns
Daealna throuch. On tha return trln
the -orealdent esoled two old crowa alt-
took to the woods before th party
reached them. ' ..
.Later It haa been learned Tipon re
liable authority that theaa birda were
Portland haa ths faculty of getting
more men left on baaes than any other
team In. the league. It aeema that if
there" are two many buses for tha Play
ers to tduch,. third bsse might be cut
out for the present allowing runners
to gcamper-horme-atralght-from second.
e e '.,' '... -'
Following his usual custom the presi
dent spent another quiet 'Sunday year
terday'. , His tasks savored of the simple
Hfe, and Included a brisk walk to church,
a walk Into the woods to see (he "birds.
a "bear" dinner to hla companions, an
hoar's - explanation of how-the bears
were shot a speech to the excursion
tsta, and - half hour'a -talk ta - his
friends regarding his wishes on the
publication of hla doings..
' -' -.- .
I Training at Tacoma Sullivan , "dors
not believe In overtraining, and he rests
after the morning spin. Aboat 8 p. m.
A Disastrous Calamity.
It la a disastrous calamity, when vou
lose your health, because Indigestion
snd constipation1 have sapped It away.
Prompt relief xin be bH in Or, King
New Life Pills. They build up your dl-
geatlva organe, and etira headache, dls
siness. coi c. const met ion. t
constipation, etc, Guaran-
teed at Red Crosa Pharmacy,
Stxth and
Oak street a.
On th way to the post-
fflca, 86 a.
the stsff of sparring partners gathe
again, and- John takaa thsm all on for
a few rounda. - He aeta tha flereat klhd
of a pace but at aa- stag of ths route
la h outclassed by tha younger men.
Before the. last round has been served
John- has every man of -them stretched
on tut flour. wunohairTg8dyfor moro.
ahow that Terry McQovern la
ta-htxr effort to beat the races.
' -s : 1
Baltlin-t-Nelaon didn't Ilka tha flaht
that White and Brltt put up at San
Francisco Friday last. Thata ""nothing
Francisco Friday last. T
but professional Jealousy
-- Itia now claimed, sines his letter t
retirement waa issued, that Jeffries
esavav-waa at bollei'makerv v It --4a-"-rnda
neaa and lgnoranoe to knock tradition
In-thla manner. - Thousands Of boiler,
makers have been patiently riveting
away hoping that,they might some day
neoome HK Jert rlea
It seems nothing-more thaji folly for
the Portland .and Ban Francisco teams
to leurrieWfronl the north down to San
Francisco next .week la Dlajr-aixsama
In California a metropolis. It ia too
long A trip and entirely too' expenalve
lor Portland to make for only One series.
- Portland returns . home tha Woek 1
after for a-two weks' series.- It trould
seem a wise plan for Manager Hajela4
to bring hla team here from 'Seattle
next-week TOf a aarlea ln.l.a.1 nf h.
Tng Portland travel -nearly 1,(00 miles
for nothing but six gamea And aaaln
jiarris aiiould ba. wining to coma here.
as It will be the Only opportunity for
me Dan Tancisco team to ba seen On
the local grounds. during the first half
or mis season. Manager McCredU
ry .ia, bring -tl-etemt. a s it
would result In a benefit to both teams.
Dotn iinanciajiy and from the stand
point of good baseball, l
"Larry" The record for the ona mlla
walk la 6 minutes 29 8-6 seconds, mads
by F. P. Murray of New York cltyOo-
L , 7 e
xioquBim defeated Aberdeen. In - the
opening game of (ha aeaaon at Electric
park at Aberdeen yeaterdav bv tha aenra
of 4-to-l, A bit crowd " waa
ana were well satisfied With ths same.
- . ... :
Prosser defeated North Taklma hv th.
" ' a 10 in tna inauaurai nm
or ins season at worth Taklma yeater
day. ... T. c-
Ths Hajytliorn-i .hftashsll tasm.
eated tha Portland aoadamv .third
Saturday by tha acore of 18 . to 0.
Bianxeney a pitching and tha fielding of
iwinuriies wers inaTearures nf tha
game. The' academy uaed two pitchers,
pi uoos-ssuig oat
ted out; -of-th box 'Iri
tha sixth.
The teams lined up aa fol-
Blankeney ......... p.. .
Qraham ...... .r.i
ry-Cook In gh a m
Heiiman lb .T
Prehn- iiinui..,. tbrr Eastman deary
Hewitt ......i.Tr-TSIr.-Ti.T.... Srhwart.
Tounger ........ ..If.;- Oeary Eastman
PJ"S'fr rf...... Oray-Weeda
Lawaon ."..rf .
La tamer
Umpire-- Harris, zir
Jeait .BuetUI B.nlin 1
Chicago. May 8. Hugo Kelly, - who
waa - given -a- 10retrnd decision -.over
Philadelphia Jack O'Brien, according to
his frlenda, had the shade In every
i rouna xcepnwo. Which war O'Brien'
by a clean margin. Kelly kept getting
better In the fight and.- barring tha
eighth round, passed O'Brien easily.
"Kelly Is a good pupil." remarked Jack
BoaUi !Hi don't aay muht bat he keeps
studying on It. I just taught him to
cover up wen.
Kelly, according to retrettl, haa taken
tne place in tha .afreet lone of tha
Itallana formerly occupied by - Benny
Tanger. Where onca It waa, "Toti,
Bennle da Tang," it la now "Hugo da
-wxua nairr TOBloan.
(Jouraal Special Service.)
Philadelphia. Pa., May 8. Should
Marvin Hart, the Louisville fighter, meet
aeieat at tna hands of Jack Wills when
the two clash tonight at tha Washing
ton sporting club u would prove -a
knock-out blow to tha Kentucklan'a am
bition to meet Jeffrlea for the heavy
weight championship. Hart, however,
expresses strong confidence In his
ability to dispose of Will without much
difficulty. The men met one before,
rignting six ixunas to a draw in Chicago.
ince men nan nsa --put on msny
pounds, but'Wills has also been settlne-
heavier, and the men will go Into th
ring tonight aa bona fid heavywelgtti
The West Parks defeated the Muxu
mas yeMerday-by th score of 4 .ct-:8.
Alexander held the Muzumag down to
one Mt The Bneup:
West" Rrk-mmerTiTranDase Pe
terson, left field;: Hoffmann, ahortatop
and manager!- Crowleyr-ilrat baaei Don
ovan, second base and captain; Foley,
center field; Costello, right field; Gtlroy,
catcner; Alexander, pitcner.
Muxumss O'Shea. right field; TIch
ner, third base; Boggs, center field;
McBrlde, catcher and captain; Costello,
Second base;! MeCras, flrat base; F
Scheel,shortstop;- H.- Seheel, left field;
Hlnkle, pitcher.
' ..J .. ' ; .4
4 All notices of amateur bi- 4
4 ball games, , challenges and ath- 4
4 letto eventa must be sent to this 4
4 --of flea- bef ora - o'clock a. jn.':. en 7 4
4 tha day for publication. Ama-
4"leur managera ahould pay at-' 4
4 te'ntlon to thla rule, aa tha keep. 4
-lnt-ofit - Wlll- Insure a proper
report of their dotnga. The 4
'Journal. . . , . f
' 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
- oiTatTZA, a j acoarrssABO, .
(Special TXapateh t The JoarnaL)
' Olympla, Wash.. May 2. Olympla de-
featetf-Monteaano in tha-gama-Of-ba -
ball played her yesterday. Th score:
' - - . .. R. H.E.
Olympla . ......6 .B 4 ,
Montesano ...4 8 4
-Bntterles Clark and Boettlger; Por
ter and Edwards. .- i
The West End nln defeated tha Ore
fontsns yesterdsy morning by th score
of 8J,o-7 In 10 Innings. In tha after
nr-on-th'Vrstlndera downed NortbiarJr-- 11 ln nap 'or '"
Portland 12 to 1 11 in ah extra Inning
contest Both gamea were well, played.
Clearing the Decks. T r
For "the new L. C. Smith A Bros, writ
ing in sight machines, with which we
ar now filling ordni Se ur-wrndow
for snaps in partly, used machines of
other makes, traded out for Mr. Smith's
latest product -L. 8k M. Alexander A
Co., exclusive dealera ; entlra toast, 122
Third treet - ,
Geological Survey's Annual Re
port Discusses Production "
:T" iri. thrnrtedtates7rJ
Converting Into Fireproof Boards
Has Been Experimented
' ; With in New York.,
Dr Joseph Hyde Pratt'a annual re
port to the United Statef gegloglcaJL suri
vey on the production of asbeeloa ahows
that tha principal changes to be noted
in the asbestos Industry at the close of
104 were the increase fn the production
In the United" States of" tha amphiboli
variety, tha . development of the Grand
TtifjyfrnTirTsiTltln sshrslna dtpnslts anrt
the increase In the demand for the
chrysottle variety. Tha many new ueea'
which hava been devised lor cnrysotlle
asoeatoa have created a demand lor it
the la how. In excess of tha supply. The
high price which can ba obtained for
the chrysolite asbestos whsn It is in
ftbera of sufflolent length for spinning
permit!, liia .mlalng.ot-, this mineral tn
aome places where tha coat of mining
would become prohibitory with any ma
terial decrease in price,
One of the moat interesting featurea
or Doctor Pratt s report tins year is -a
description of the results of certain
experiments that have been made, on
asbestos building boards, by George F.
never., or, jfew york City, for the Keaa-
bey It Mattlaon company, of tha same
elty-Tha teats were mad 'on asbestos
bllildinff lumlw-inil-nifiiMl. hulM.
lng lumber and ahow conclusively -that
both . theee enaterlela . are superior to
wood for the purposes ror which thev
are manufactured, but that the aabeatoi
lumber is much better than tha mag
nesia. - Such asbestos lumber, when em
ployed In the construction of street rail
way and standard cars, ror covering tha
end framing,- ahould prevent tha cara
from -taking flra by any derangement of
in electrical apparatus. .. .
Another type of aabeatoa bulldlna ma- I
teriai tnai ia beginning to be exten
sively used Is asbestos board or sheath-
Ihg, for roofing and for aids walla - -
An aabeatoa ahlnale . rarentlv nit.
i ternea by Keasowy Msttlsen-ia-comxi
pos4 olssbestos fiber snd hydraullo
cement Thes shingles are much
stronger than slat and lighter In
weight Thsjrarw-mada in nitea-ooloravl
gray, slat,- and ttle red. In aquarea
four and One-half Inches 6n a afdel" wlfh
two corners. ol ' the, juar.-truncatt(L
The use of asbestos . materials la
bulldlngjjas-been .considered chiefly
from the standpoint of nrsprooflng; yst
there Is another and perhaps aa tmportant
a reason for their employment and that
iur ijrrBvrruig an .Tea leiupcrciurv
In - the building erected. Houaea ao
built as to b surrounded by aabeatoa
hould be cooler In summer and warmer
in winter, than other Tiouaes.
Nearly all of the asbestos mined In
ttle i nitea " Btates iaof thCifluMl'oIe"
variety, which Is obtainea from near
New- Hartford. Coanectlaut. Satl mouri-
lain, ueorgiav ana near joeaiora city,
Bedford counfy, Virginia Small Quan
tities of chrysolite ssbestoa have been
mined at Dalton, Massachusetts, and in
tha Grand Canyon, Arliona. No new
deposits ware reported in 4104, and all
the mining and development work waa
eonflned. to tha known iocaitH.---
Th production .of aabeatoa In -tha
United Statea In 1(04 waa consider
ably in excess of that of 1208, and waa
obtained principally from th deposits
in Georgia and Virginia,- a email amount
coming Maasachusetts. Tha total quan
tity amounted to 1480 ahort tona, val
ued at 826,740, an average value of
about 217.40 per ton. Thla production
is an Increase of (22 tons In qusntlty
and of 18,280 In value aa; compared with
that of 1202, which amnlmted to 227
ahort tona, valued at 814,7(0.
Th output of 1104 la tha largest
quantity that-haa ever- been produced
the united Statea In a alngle year.
tha next largest being In thr year 1882,
when the output waa 1200 tona. valued
at 128,000 -
tba.t xoas naoaLix.
(Special Dispatch te The Journal.)
Waldo, Or.. May 8. Th management
f tha Takllma smelter la making rapid
progress In preparing thla property for
reaumptlon. - Had th road been In felr
condition, all of . th coke reserve and
auppllea would have been delivered at
Takllma many .week a ago, but In tha
fearful condition prevailing for most
of tha 42 milea during early spring, th
loada haulad were necessarily light. Lo
cal interests appreciate the necessity of
making Important Improvements to the
highway tljls- yesr, and the organised
movement vidian avaaon wui no aouoi
take mora substantial form thla sum
Estimates have been made of tha poa.
slblllty of using a traction engine over
th route. In thla It ia found that the
bridgea are the real danger, aa all of
tha larger structures ar entirely too
Weak to aupport heavy engine with
loaded cara.- Some solution of tha prob
lem la expected this year, the result of
which will enable the Takllma- plant
to operate in aeaaon and out
corram arrBXCB tbbzpubbb.
(Special DUpttca to The Journal. 1
John Day, Or., May 8. -Sine th
atrlka In copper ore near Isea tha owners
hava made but little progress In opening
tha deposit Th owners have a crude
windlass for their sinking, which ' got
out of order, and while they were re
pairing It th shallow workings caved.
It 4a-th purpose-to put-tha property in
better ahap for prospecting, that tha
vein may ba proved. Hamp - Officer,
one of tha owners, stated while In the
It jT that at tha depth attained the vein
waa broken up and he did not believe
that they had yet found It In place.
Dlapateh- te Tae Jesrssl.V
Oelaer. Or.. May 8. Albert Oelser.
who haa taken the Bonansa mine of thla
plac,-1e- gettlng-his work-well -organ.
Ised. Nothing of great Importance ha
developed In th preliminaries, but Mr.
uelser .la-uarranglng to go. aftsr ors
bodlss that ha is confident . will be
reached from Uhe upper levela of tha
mln without further sinking, i Aa tha
Bonansa-haa' bssn Idle for aome time,
there la much preparatory work necea-
(Special Jllapatch te The Jouraal.)
Baker City. May 8. About a month
rrtuat elapse before th expiration of th
ttm tor Tedemptlmt - of - tha- -Iron Dlk
mine, and th future of tha big copper
property will remain obeoure until then.
Local Interests cannet form any satis
factory Idea of what will ba dona by
tna v. m. Reea people, out itja not
We treat aueeaaafully-eHr4vte ner
vou snd chrontc dlsesses of menr atsT
blood, atomaeh, heart, liver, kidney and
throat trouble. We cur SYPHILIS
1 (without mercury) to stay cured fur
ever, in 80 to 10 daya. Wa remove
, STRICTURE, without operation or pain.
In is daya
We atop drain sjthe . j-eault of - aelf .
abuse, immediately. We can restore the
sexual vigor of any man under 80 by
of Inrsl trBilmnnl.lteuiIiArto
ee, . i i
We Cure, Gonorrhoea'
Tha doclora of thla institute are all
regular graduatea, hava had many
year a' experience, have been known In
Portland for 18 years, have a reputation
to maintain, ana will undertake no caae
unless certain cur can be effected.
We guarantee a cur in every case we
undertake or charge no fee, . Consults,
tlon free. Lettr confidential. Instruc
tive BOOK FOR MEN mailed free Iq
plain wrapper.
- We eura tharwnrarraaaa'Til'BTTaa In'
tlon. Cure guaranteed. -ceasfuT0
cIi,t CM .ffl. wrH for auaaUon blank.- Home treatment au
Omce houra. 8 to 8 and 7 to 8. Bundaya and holidays'. 10 to 12. ' -'- ' ;
The Sherwin-WilUams
KE8T0SZS KA1TH00D Has ears tfaeeuad-
ef eases ol Nervovs IblUty, Iasanls sad Atr
pr. 1 or J eiear tbe arala. trengtbea u
elrealatlon, make dlgesttoa perfect sad Imparl
BMgoetle vigor ta tbe whole being. All dralM
sutDDed -aermasentlr. 7 81.00 m
box; f boxes . guarantee - ta -ewe ere4
Siooey. S UO. Malltd sealed. , Book free.
Perslas Me. Co.. sss Are St.. rnllaOelrihla.
r, gold la Portltad ooly t7 l"rans-Xaa, f
rorriflna hotii rnarmarr.
gonarally believed that -they will ba able
to-redeemwhlch. wouhllet the mine go
to Conrad curts, ..!.
- -1 BUBJUll'T
(Special Dlapateh to Tke fosraaL)
BakecCily, Or..May 8. Bobert M,
Burdett, to whom H. TLRogera snd wife
deeded the Cornucopia mine, -haa made
ao-further- move toward rcor-enlng - tt
l"f,a m"r'gf pftn,inft i 4mt-
aumed locally that thla paper 1a being
negotiated, and that ' la soon as the
money la raised for resumption,, a large
force will be put on tha property.-
In order 16 meet the cost of "produc-
f lon,lt haa heen foundnecessarjr.tQ
advncBh"lTa'holesif1f rlcef of The
topographlo maps published by ' the
United - States geological eurvey. In
atead of costing 82. th present, price,
100 standard topographic atlaa sheets
will cost 88 after June 80. The retail
price of thes maps will contlnu to
be I centa a copy.
Two million Americana Buffer the tor
turing pang of (trspepste- Noneed to.
Burdock Blood Bitter cures. At any
drug store,
. Prefeued Stoek Oaaaed Oooda.
- Allsn A Lewis' Best Brand. . .
i - -
A Summer Suit
Of light-colored r Cheviot or-
Fair Wear. We show more
for-service FANCY SUITS
other store in Portland.
$12.SO to
$6.50 to
rug.n-r tW . t .Rjatwoen Stark m Oak d J
w e. v-e -
r. urn i
n,... ... nui
Sold By r
Second and
Taylor Streets
The Qrcat Chinese Doctor i
Ia called great -be--,
cause his wonderful
cures are ao well
known, throughout
the United Stataa.
and because ao many
people are thankfttt-
- to blm lor saving -
their lives from .
- Ha treata any and .
-all diseases im
Kwerful C h I n e se
rha roota "buds."
barks and vegetables
that are emurely un-
known to medical Science in this coun
try, and through tha uaa of these harm
less remedies. This famous doctor know
th action of ovr 800 different Temedtea
that be -faaa aucceesfully used in different
dlsessea He guarantees lo cure raiarrn.
asthmfcTuW rrotioMirrrTteurfiilTTam;
vrmanem:"- srntwsphrg-rleer.' ktdneyi
Bala trouble ana an privat
undreda of - eetlmonlala- ChVgea
moderate. Oall and ae him.' , ,
Patients out of the city writa for
blank and circular. Inclose stamp.- Ad-
288 AIor ltmt, Portlandj-Otv-SUir-i-i
way of 2514 Alder street lead to of
fice. Mention thla paper.
2T bobtx mat ST.
Bet, Bunuide ft Oeuea.
Awnings f o T
Stores snd resi
dences. Tents snd
camping outnts.
let our prices.
hoa Mala ll.-- -
Welcome, 0. R. C.
Are made in both single and
double-breasted models that
are a revelation in STYLE -
and FIT.
Homespun - is -THE" Suit for
exclusive patterns: in ready-
at . popular prices than any .
. . r
. M B
- - - . - i . f 1
I I r U
T Ay I TV m m- a a u av w
n . . anrvAnti' o n
ii fi n j
: ,:..-v.
"'.""'J '