.'-.' ;,V.;-. ' y: ;jJ ..:s. It- gBHMga- '.. . II , . 1 , ' ,1 ". - 1 .. J I " s TOWN TOPICS TONIGHT'S AHUBEMEMTi. Empire. . I.; rlc. . v. ......"Our ffcira" ."Kathleen Vlaroornevn' . .......VaudeTllle Vaudeville Htar Indicted for selling liquor In HontiylUi after the enactment of the local option law last November, was fined $17!. 60 ....... by 8 tale Clreuit JudgaaUaravW rnorc- Ing. . Captain - Schneider had - held ' a . county liquor llcena In Montavllla for It years, and waa conducting his sa- loon under that when the precinct de clared In favor of local option. Ha con tinued to run the saloon, as ha contended that he bad- the right 'to do so Onder the license, -and he was arrested, tried . and convicted. The court coats amounted ' to $72.60. and this sum was Included In .7 , nrearrlhea aa Densities for th offense a fin of not less than $50 nor more than "1100, or Imprisonment fromJ0!10 'A9 -" may be both fined and . Imprisoned.-- The final lcgarreturns req,uirea oy -r-law governing executions at that state ' r penitentiary were. presented by Sheriff Word thla morning to 'the circuit court in th .case of Frank Qugltelmo." Tha "" returns show that the warrant waa'duly served upon the. superintendent of thd ? i -penitentiary; that the execution ' took place Friday In the presence Of 11 wtt nesses; thart Invitations to the' hanging ' had been-Issued to the attorney-general. the sheriff of Multnomah county aod the pi Ison "phylclan,-d at the request of 7 the condemned man, to the Rev. Father ' - Fabr-and two physicians, arid that no person under the age of 21 .years had . been permitted to be present at the ex-"t- ecullon. Bankrupt sale of pianos at prloee and terms unheard of.' Having-purchased th entire bankrupt stock of pianos and -organs of. H.JI, - Wright far below fac tory prloes, I am In position to sell them ttt-ttardtr "LUMBlll In tha history ef pisao Selling. New. large-sised planoa In genuine mahogany case. Ivory keys, full . metal plate, etc.. for $136; terms $( per ' . month. And the best, the famous old 1.lnifm.n A- Rrm. nlanit wh1ih ! 1 m H 1. S over the country for $400 to $500. you can buynow- for" 127 5.. " These piano -nT6tnasfT6ng. " A" tV.' "MeyerTTTI -Klxu treeCJieat.pak, A team of. horses belonging to W. H. Powers of Lents waa left unhitched at '"" I Kast ThlrdendiEAat..Morrison streets - this morning and took advantage of being unhitched by. running away. They sped down Union, avenue and between ", East Morrison and Belmont streeta thty 1 sinaahed Into th- wagon of W.-OrJongg oLtouoXwazMiJOMteigrt from lils wagon ancPescaped Injury 'In the -His wsgon was demolished: Offl- ' rrr Smith Investigated th accident and vaa tojufd. . Tha-VAhrntfers of America wlsnon . take posaeaslon of a two-story building ," ."" East . Ankeny street- bet ween X'minn and Grand avenues, as a home for work. 4ng glrla. . The committee expects to tlve board "and llodilnr to rlrl. ahn wdrknn'raMorIesr for ir lnnludea alnvli . on large , room) and other riecessar: l-irnllil. ll.l.llll ig y""h a - tioms will t gladly accepted. Contrl -'buttons should b sent to Captain Ar ents, $41 Ash street. C. Wnes-of-the-las t pruduntlon of the Oberammergau Pasalon PlayJormedl rstrlcV'a Cat eptay is performed by the peaaanta of Mount Horlti every 10 years, and It has become celebrated as a great scrlp-turat-drnma. The entertainment was given for th purpose of raising funds to defray the expense of frescoing the interior of the church. The attendance waa good snd.the receipt were large. -W'hll - driving - yesterday afternoon. P. J. Mann, a pioneer, was thrown, from " nis carriage and rendered unconscious. k lie ai.i.iiiEiib n a ia it .tt.v. j j wiw f . iiis horses slipping on" the pavement, over- . turning the carriage,-. One of Mr. Mann's shoulders jvaa wrancJiad, but he was no't thought to be seriously Injured. The , nui or. ,u " . uiofiii.n ... "8i ' hut were csntured after they had ran averalb4ock. L 10.000 Immlgrsnts Wanted To locate along th Oregon Water Power Half way eompany's-Hne between Po rtl an and Estscadai For Information inquire of th OrcgonWater"P6wer-Townalt company, 134 First streaU-Phooe, Main III. " ...v Tourists, as well as city people, flnan . daily embarrasaad. will find the Port-JandLoanOfflcem,hlrd-Streetlhe aafest and most rellnble place to trans--act their buslneas. Rate reasonable, We are stlU fitting thou $!. glaase for $1. If you need glasses M will be to your Interest to call on Metier A Co., Jewelers and opticians, 111 Sixth street. Mrs. W. O. Rudy, who has been vis iting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H.' D. Rsmsdell, for th past week, has re turned te-6easldet - - Any. watches cleaned, fl.00; main spring, II. Oft; all work guaranteed on year. Metsger A Co.. Ill Sixth street For 8sle-80-acre farm, near Oswego. Max Smith, th Savoy restaurant, 166 Fifth street 4 ? Try meal without meat at tha Vege tarian cafe, 101 Sixth street Ansley Printing Co., ISO Oat Wedding RINGS WE MANCF'ACTC'RRaU ef our wed ding rings and" ue tmty the very flneet -quality of . gold EVKRY R1NO STAMPED with our private mark, to gether with quality mark, and each ring warranted to be-just as atamped Ringsof All Kinds BABY BXVOaV IflSSZaV BlaTOS, OBsT- ..nntmi miircw. ajroAoa- mgf mnraa - Diamonds, . Emeralds, Rubles and Sap- f hires eet In single stone ot"i clutjer. rom gS.OO to $6O0. SPECIAL DESIGNS mad up on short notice,, and at any price you wish. ' 0U - OOI.O TAKXaT IM XZCXAJTOB .A' i'.rTTi t wou. V Jaeger Bro). Jm Icre ng Opllclrti FLOWERSFOIT CRAVES OF NATION'S HEROES. ArrangeftientsrVladefor Fitting - Observance of Memonar Day in This City. Arrangementa for memorial day exer- - v.trrt.,if at . meet. I Ing of the representatuea or, ma u. a. R. posts ahd auxiliary forganlsationa of this city. - An Interesting program haa been nrepared for- the exercises, which WlirTiS" rield"rTn " Tt cemetery. Colonel Thomaa -Anderson will - deliver the oration. The D. P. Thompson aetata haa offered carriage to convey to and from the cemetery thoae who are un able to walk. Seats for 200 will be placed In tha aqua re on which the monu ment la situated ..-rr-. Thoae able to march to tha cemetery will meet at Sumner poat hall - on Union avenue. Tha public achool chil dren will furnish flower with which to decorate the graves. . v . f On tha Sunday before-memorial ; day tha different organtaatloqa-wllt-attend ryi-en tn The city churches as follow Sumner Dost and W. R C Ceofen&n UdthiulUt Wtmr. 13 1 1 1 1 a nAtt A 111 in t TCToFPreaByterlan; George Wright and Llncoln-Oarf leld . posta . and . W. .R. ": C. Grace Methodist. TJie following com mit teea have beet appointed:. . '. Program J. Warrick. Comrade Shep pard. A, J. Newell and J.'H. Heutla. , Finance G. B. Calkins, T. B. McDev Itt. J. tu Wells and. Henry C. Kigby.. Mualc A. W. Mills, R. V. Pratt,- C. W. Tracey and I Wlckllne. - Speakers to address clty schools A. C.TSloan. R. A.-Wohlforth,jr. I WUs and Henry C. Rtgby. To provide aeata In cetnetry J. War rick, E. W. Swan and Henry C. RIgby. On- grounds F. Neale. who la au thorised to appoint a deUll of assist ants. 1 "t Marker and flags Conmtde Seabrlng. Dlsoositlon - of -"carriages from -"th Thomoson estate E. W. Swan, M. u. Pratt, H. C Rlgby and, Thomaa B. Mc- Devltt. - -. PTgUflPfttfFYFhRPI DlOflUr DnCirUUtl. TO WIELD THE GAVEL Bishop - B."" CT Breyfogel of Reading. Pennsylvania, will preside at tha twenty. second annual '. aaslnn , of. tha .,0,regfl. conference of th "Evangelical associa tion 4 behld -aHientar beginning -today and continuing until May 14. This ejenlng at 7:80 Vclock there will be a sermon by Rev. F. Wr tuner f Albany. The program for th rest of the week follows: Tuesday,- t p. nt.rto'Wednesdayrlp a, m. Examination of Junior preachers. TueadayTrrfft- prrin. Sermon by-Rev, R7"T.Jamaotraf Jefferson;-OTego Ing rt the Oregon Conference Missionary aocUl.y. followed by th annual. meeting nf ih.Sunday, HcbooL and Tract unions T:30"p.Tn.r "under the auspices of the I Tuung People's1 alliance. DtahopBreyT-f 1 ogei wiu deliver on of hla f amoua leo- Thursdayr av-mOpenlng of tha con ference by Bishop B. C. Breyfogel. IX. p.; ceiebra ldfeaIeonferenna-TiqsTne.T WlB.Wf. " Afternoon, conference-business. FTldaTana Hntqjdaf-- Conference sermon each evening at 7:10 o'clock. . Speakera for the evening services wrlll be appointed by eonrerence, ana an nnunoed in dneMtlme.' Brndayi- a. m. SundayachooUwttlt inam.ra ' uj ,n. ... . . enrp-t- ainatioii strinon or servtces and missionary anniversary. In rharae of Bishop Breyfogel; 7 P, m., young people'-rally. In charge of 8. A. Slewej-t Monmouth, Oregon; S p.- m., sermon...,.;; ...... . .... .. . SEASIDE'S ATTRACTIONS PROVE IRRESISTIBLE Between (00 and 700 Portland: people took advantage of tha second: excursion of the Astoria & Columbia River rall- LwayIajflsttBeasldeyesterdayand thoroughly" enjoyed .themselves, as uie weather waa Ideal. Seaside, Ilk Port land, la making very preparation for a larger number of visitors during the LeUis and Clark expoaltlon. The' hotel rff-mir-belng - enlarged r tdlii Hotel Moore two wings have been added, mak ing th hostelry nearly twice as large aa-befure... The dlnlng-roonraccommo;. da t tons have been" doubled, and , th whole ' building has " been renovated and made as comfortable -as possible. Mrs.j Carlyle ha added a coupl of cottagea, as well aa a larga addition o the build ing at the foot of the street overlooking the sea. 'The new building la two and one-halflstorles hlgh with lrg bali conies on the first and second floors, commanding a view of tha whole beach. Th Colanlal hews ha added neatly 50 room and a large dining-room, and Is now being painted and furnished, for the opening of th season. New cottage are springing up. I. N. Flrischner'a new cottage overlooking the sea will soon be ready. Nearly all the cottages are receiving their spring cleaning preparatory to th occupant moving In. - Advantage I being taken of the fine weather by number of Portland people to take their outing at th seaside be fore the fair opens. Mr. andMrs,LA. Tlchner and Mr. and Mrs. 1. Llpman are registered at th Hotel Moor. HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Prrktna: ' Tk. Ramaker and O. Ra maker, tteattle; W. O. Teaadale and wife, lee Rio, Teiaa; Mr,, r. Ij. Uarkeartall. I'andle ton; - E. A. I'lnner and wife. Uallnp, New Meilo.; S. C Horn and wife, Monett. Mlaaonrl; M. I). Heady, Alonquerius New Mexico; M. I". Gretary, Koeeburg : ltartd Kyilatrom.-Xacunut J. A. Bratt, tHkane; N. A. Leacb, Walla Walla; . "W, H. fcueK Hood Rlrer. At the Imperial: U. W. O. Blnahain. Ralem; C. R. HerTery. Hpokanai L. K. Hrhmldt, Olyia pla; C M. One, Heatlle; A. J. tilbaon, rendlvton; Q. W. llemlrlka,-Kew Tnrkr i. M. Walker and wife, V llmlnicton. Delaware: Era M. bu rn and mlM T. Brolna, Rorheater, New York; rr Flnlayaon and John Dnlayann, Canyon City; Mr. ('. H. l.ure. Bakerefleld ; F. C. Van nVhalrk. Han Franrlnco; U II. Rare. New York: Frank. Earler Koaeburg ; - A. H. 44elsaley and wife. 8an anetora; W. H. WhIK Seattle; K. U. Lincoln, X Urande; H. O. Van Dnaen, Aatorla: I. W. VUiot. Lewlirton. Id, ho: R. al. lioorera and wifer Ilonatoar Tuat--r FeaiHi, aon. rieTaaa, aiiaaonru t. rieraea, uasera- seld; TheKlore Vllftnn. fclrfn - At th fori land: kit. U. flrlrwon. Kfatttej C. It. Lymbery, New tork; T. B, Kail, Cblcasoi Leopold t'owen. New York; F. R. Rate. Beanie; H. K. Brletateln, Baltimore; L. C. Sc.tt. Chleafo; U. J. Matwell and wife, E. K. Clark. Mlaa Kllaabeth and alia Florence Clark. Cedar Ranlda. iowai J. T. MrDevlu. Ban Kranetamrtrrutnllty In the land of th caars;.that J. M. Oanibl, New York; J. A. Kbanih Ht. rani; 8. Meyer, New Yrk ; W. O: Stuart, 'Maa! B.- R. Iveroy and Joe Frank, New York: H. B. Hall, San .Franelaee; kf. B. Crorker and faaillr and U. II. Hartley,, fkwarm; 1. W. Ma liilre. Ran FrarHawo; H. V. Gee. Ht. Ionia: V. il. Kendall, Vermont; H. I,. Alltaon. New York; W. K. Htewart. Indtanapolla; C. B. riatrata, Baa Franelacoj R. B. lMr. Wallace. Idaho: Leonard Yeorgea, Ban Franrlara; H. M. Harnett, Bait Lake. I I ty; J. W. Wouldrids. Has Fraiwtaoa; K. W. Pargorr, rittahiirs; K. I. JadelL Ban Franrrarn; W. B. grkert. New York; VR. Daela, Nan Frandaeo! Henry Imrle, New York: Mr. O. W. Hall. Baa Joee; Mra. H. a. Orr ahd Mlaa Frknrea Orr. Alameda; H. B. Rowe and wife, Rnwn A Morria rtrrna; W. (. Hiiahes. Is Anselea: A. Nelme' PhUa- nvlphle: J, R. Arrher and wife, Hoiwtnn. Tea; r.. rnrana. jf lora: ir. k. a. aiaa an Mr. W. W. Whitehead, TucMb, Arlaooa. ' THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, " PORTLAND, ' MONDAY" EVENING; MAY 8, ; 1905 PHI THIS SERUOH".-; IN YOUR HATS, GIRLS Dr, Brougher Tells of Some of the" Dangers ThatiAssall . Young Women." tAVE REFERENCE TO i STRANCERS-lfwJTHE Pitfalls Should Be Removed, but . No Hope Under Present Administration. ' At the Whit Temple a larg congre gation, attended the morning service, at the close of which th right hand of fel lowship was extended bjr laSctor Brougher- nd -t heJearcwnrf-to- ?f - tha-Trew-members who have joined the church In the last twa) montus. Thesa formed a Qlrcl whlch reached easily around the larga auditorium and all Joined hand and sang "Blest Be the Tla That Binds." Thla wss followed by th obr ervanc of tha Lord supper. In tha evening th double auditorium was 'crowded by thoae wno desired to hear . Doctor Brougher on the topic, M 'Fair- Pitfalls for Young Women." After describing th Ideal city, s a pra aented In the New Jerusalem, -Doctor Broucher said: "How different-1 the situation to. day I -our young peopl live and. move In surrounding that continually put their lives In peril. It la-utterly Impos sible to nam In ona sermon all tha pit falls snd temptation - that the - young han to face in our dty; Borne of them. however, need to be emphasised. In. view ?f- i.l,rn ?S.'ua-1h. mclat program for th. ah- I want to deal mainly with tn tempta tlons the young women will hkv to fac. -heniTrTOung"Voman cornea "ldbur city without friends she naturally ao cepts the companlofiahip that first'eomes to her. Thla la always dangerous. A young woman sjiould avoid th compan ionship - of - any young men or - young women until she knows something about them. There are- plenty of churches -rrhfrr r"""lf w"m"n cniild. ha had a frlenda. If, the women, that coma tff nnr pity would make themaelvee known. Ther Is th Y. W."C. A or ganised for th distinct purpose of mak ing it posAlble for thw.si young wo men.' to get together andN be helpful '"t(J each other. Now,, w have th Travel era' aid aoclety..; " No man haa any respect lor a young womamwholf .y'"" Jwi?.k,."LWTaxeB.rm aoquainianva wn nun - troductlon, RaoanUy, a young woman permitted ayoung man to talk to jier while he was purchasing an article In the store. Then eh received an m vnaTiniforA'TnTlir'tO go' 10 the" theater. Shewal foolif fejenoughto accept, and then propositions wer ' made to go to wlnerooms, and so on, and sh consid ered herself .insulted. It was nomor than-ahe deserved. Shaught to have expected- It. A flirt can never -expect .rl.hgr Rrs a great many immoral an ODoortunlty for wrong-doing. They are nothing mor than assignation houses, and should b--closed' by-nolle authority. a Kon Under Administration. Hut that' can hardly ba expected In' I aw.. .w ho nre.ent admlnlatra- . IUIMM IUJI : - r . - aiojLJthMa-rgP who entice young owmen tOTgionaj avents, August 14; hose races. IhnM wrong-doing la the false employment snare. - I know of a case myself where a girl of 1 waa engaged to. come to the city under-tha pretense of enter Ing- a- fashionable millinery-establishment. Bhe was met at the depot by two women of the town and taken to their- house.' , Bhe was rescuea friend. . . M "Th fact of starvation heeda no dls oussion. It IM well known , that many girls do' not get sufficient money for their work In stores, restaurants and Mh. niimi'to pay their room and hoard, and clothe themselves As they n...ht 't dress. W shm?ld-hava-4awa,4 and have them enforced, whereby em ployers would b compelled 10 pay liv ing wages. If I were a young woman, I would raWr-do houaeworkr-and cook. than to work in a store on in. iuw waves that most of them get. It la Just as honorable, and perhaps mor o. Tim work that our - mothers, and our latere, and our wives do, ought to be honorable enough for any young woman todo. it-l-were looking .forvwtfeI would not go to the store I would go to th horn and -the kitchen. I ahould nt to know It tn gin anew raw w. "Tli. I, - .i.n the, enticements from , evil - amusement th Immoral dance, th low theater,-and many other-things that T Hat mat ttme-eu ,mn..... "What la tha remedy for-, all .these things? First, the enforcement, of law against these evils, but that cannot be secured In Portlsnd for the present at least. Second, parenta should do, their duty by their children; keep tha confi dence of your children; look after their companions; make horn bright and cheerful for them: know exactly where your sons and daugmer- go wne.r ire out at night. Third, the church and kindred organisations should do all In their power to protect in younB from temptation and to say them. ALL POLISH HEARTS ; ARETRUE TO POLAND The 114th anniversary of th promul gation Of the constitution for th king dom was observed by the two Portland branches of th Polish National alliance yeeterday af ternoon with" exercises , -In Davis hall Irr Lower Alblna. Thw haU was decorated with the American and Polish colors, and pictures of the Polish heroes, Kosciusko and Pulaski. A. Cser wlnskl acted as chairman, and made a brief address. Addraase wer also mad by W. Bselassklewlcs. F. ftpetulak. F. Suptlckt. C. Weselowskl, Z. Bpetulskl and otherln behalf of tlrjnatlv country. - J" t ' The speaker of the day wa William H. Oatvanl.- tha only Invited guest of the alllanc.-Mr Qalvanl reviewed the history of tha Polish government from lts'blrth to Its dismemberment by Prus sia. Russia and Austria, countries It had saved from the Turk.- H reminded hi auTttenr "that the Pole wer not the only reopl who had suffered from relief for th Pole wottld come -oniy whan It eamfor all other,--and -that they should take 'common cauaa with tt other who wer engaged Jn . th struggle to redeem tha Russian empire from tha blight of absolutism as.repre aented by the governing brigands of th country. '- , After recitations from thd Polish na tional poets and some vocal music,' th meeting closed with th singing by th audience of tha Polish national hymn. - m ' iv ' '' Impossible to foresee an accident. Not Impossible to be. prepared for It. . Dr. Thomas' Kclectrlc, Oil Monarch over p. ... jjii'L-ii-: ;...-. -J-' . - r-r- : t " . 1 In New Building on 7 " 26th"5treet ?actatiinhtrance and Exit of Lewis CSta Clark Fair. -JiPPLY 5l4Chamber of Commerce . v or 393A 26th Street ATHLETIC BUREAU PREPARES PROGRAM List of Events and Dates of - Sports to Be' Held at 7 j ' Exposition The bureau of avthletlce pf tha lwla mnA iln rtr Mitmnl.l ' eTnnaltlnn todav tetlo events tharwlll be held during the fair under, the direction pi tha Multno- m ? M m m "il iy A t h) ?Us Bln.e.,Th- Includes aventa from June to October 7,' not Including th day on. which th ball team 1 playing: at th park or. Sun days. Th program la nicely got ut. and contains the rule Of the American Amateur union, th events "and datea. tha names -of tha -committee and the prise that will be given. The flrst ball games between Portland academy, Hilt-military- academy-and -tha-Portland high school. Then comes the Individual championship, on June and 7; boxing on June--publlo aohoo games, June handicap track and field events, June 10; tnterscholastlo relay races, June IT and IS; Intercollegiate championship track and field events, June H and 17; relay ship oh""Waverty llnk,Jun l j-t 0, n. JTiha Zt . apseiar gvents, June ir handball championship,. June 2(. 27, tt, 2. 30 and July 4,-Th yacht races will a Ziasvi9, nil ana Joiy track and field North American cham pionahip. July . 6; Lewla ad Clark special eyentav July .7; lacrosse chani- plonahIprJuly-lr. M. j.-a. atnratics, July 11. It and 13; automobile-testa. July It and 15; Japanese field day, July av. - ma.- ni... ir..A t i oil 23. 28. 27 2t and 28; Oregon- state tennis championship. July IT to 21, In elusive;. P. A. A. championship, July St and August 1; all-around Individual na tional champlonahlp, August z ana ; track and field national, August 4 and 6: amateur baseball, August 7; navy .sports, Augttft a and lOwwlmmlng haa- Indian day sports, August tl; fly cast ing, log rolling and aquatic sports, Aug ust 23 and 24; soldiers' field day, Sep tember ltand -12; cricket champion ship, September 1$, 14 and 15; M. A.A. C. track and field, September lfti jaTesT llng championship, September IS. 9, 20 and 21; lacrosse championship, peptem per 22. 23. 24; baseball, open. Septem ber 25, 2 and 27; football association, Beptember 28, 29 and 20; interscholaatlo football, club and college, October 2, l, 4, 6, and 7. NEW OFFICERS JNSTALLED -B1CLADIES0FTHEG.A.R. SShllohclrcU-No4 8. Indies of the O. A. R., met In their hall at Woodmer May t. " Th following offlcera wer In s tailed -by-Past-President-M rr. Oltva Van Orden of Wlnslow-Mead circle No, I 7" President, Mra.-Letty BmKh Hetrr-t bree; senior vice, Mrs. Harriet Stephen son; Junior-Vice, Mrs. M'Hssa Powers; chaplain, Mrs. Martha Cox; pianist. Miss Cella Graves: treaaurer, Mra. A. W. Miller; conductress, Mrs. Rose Cox Pur din: assistant conductress. Mrs. Ksther 8mniiAnenTgurd;" Mrs. Margaret " J. Aldrlch;- assistant guard, MrsrMaggI Hamilton. "'I' i SQUARES Brand new shipment of 100 different patt .terns. Great variety very latest designs all sizes. , ' We guarantee yodcannot Improve upon the price. r"- - r '5 . ; Formerly Ntw Ytrk Foraltarc Ca."' 184-6 FIRST ST! BiUombard ART COVELL SALOONS STOOD BY TI1KAHD1DATE Mayor William? Received Nearly -TwfThouand Votes From " the Liquor interests. - THE MACHINE CAVE HIM ; SEVEN HUNDRED-MORE Was Minority Candidate, Getting but Three Thousand Out of Nine Thousand Ballots. " Analyst oftha vot In Saturday Republican primaries Indicate that Mayor Williams is a minority candi date, "nly ahnnt a.DttO ot-a. total, of ,)U0 rote. . He received the 1.800 votes, predicted for him by The Journal. t rom- the-wholesale llnuor" dealera offV trtally. ami mot of th rlallnrsi-Who although they tooK no action as a Doay. yet aa Individual Supported Williams with virtual unanimity. Added to theae, war the vote delivered by- th -machine, which, even In the much battered condition of th Matthew organisation, could find at least 109 voters for a can didate of It choice.- These two l ments th liquor' dealers and th ma chinetherefore furnished Mayor Wil liams with 1.500 of th 3.000 vote he received, leaving only--about o mat cam from th body of th cltlsenry. The nomination of larry Sullivan ha caused howl of .rage and threats of the nomination of an independent. candi date for the council In the second ward, but Mr. Sullivan's friend are oppoalng auch threats with th reminder that Sullivan ha always been a consistent supporter of MayorWlfjlamar and waa on of the five tnerj with whom- tha present smlnstratlotLJtiadathe pact three" years' a6. :' permitting them to operate gambling game and closing th others. 'Having been a political partner with Mayor Williams." said on of BulUvan s friends iHllrvanrhould expect f the support of his supporters.) and this talk of th Republicans putting up an inae pendent candidate -In the second ward Wlieir Ileal u ikmm any ona who belonga to th regular adminis tration. Sullivan haa been one iof th powers for the administration, and the Williams men know It." ' J-T-Tha iAquar Dealers' association held Its forces together better than any otner organisation that waa in th field. It Is conceded that It dictated th nomina tion of Williams, and that any other ofTtheTRapuhllran candidates who had been Indorsed "by thnitOT men woull hair been nominated, fori with th flvo cornered fight a minority candidate was sure to win. " K.wHhtniajBa;,t,in Hnnn fnrci a and tha small remnants of the Matthewa machine succeeded in nominating thtr candidate for the mayoralty, and the -rota he received waa only, about II per cent of the total cast by th Republi cans, the direct primary nominations law- has been pronounced-hy -opasrvwg :Ot TlVt'r-' ronventlon'ROriitnalls. Isohcdod" that ther was little or no fraad, and that people voted as they saw rit, with out dictation, excepting those who took orders from th wholesale liquor deal era and th machine. '.'.' " 'It was a caa of tha opposition to Mayor Williams being divided." said Senator C. W. Nottingham;' today, "and tha vota .shows that The Journal was nominate and- that the opposition. If united, would snow' the present lncum bent under by a majority of iO to 70 per cent. This division of th oppost tlon Is what defeats movements for th betterment of civic conditions. -1 hop It will nof happen In th election Jun In th third ward, S. A. A rata. In dorsed by th liquor dealers, waa de feated by George D. Dunning, for th council;. In tb fifth ward, A. J. Fanno, council candidate of the liquor men, wa defeated by W. Y.- Masters; in the eighth ward. Frank 8. Bennett, support ed by the liquor men, waa nominated; In the .nlnth . wardL.R. E.i Menefee. In dorsed by the liquor men. won over A. H. Wlllett: and In the tenth R. la Shaf- frralso- Indorsed by the liquor -men. was nominated against H. O. Robinson. It Is certain that of the.) Republican candidates for the council, the liquor men control a major lty about two- thirds. In fact. AT THETHEATRES. -At the-Bgkerr The Mil at the- Baker Irwrodea anne arts that tia.n featured la all houaea In the eaat and Rump.. The rtr Mnatral Ixtrelaarla approprlat.lj call "their act Muaie In ue ramlly." Kach Bembar Is a aolotat aa some luatrunteat. Utile Anita Is a fuU-hlooded Cnbaa girl wbe atage aad daseea eeanuruuy. jean wneon alncs "The City of Blrha and Taara," llluatratad. Tha Kmmereoa Pao, Dna and Gene, are humor lata. The Im perial Comedy 1'eur save a hlh-claaa comedy ketch entitled "What Man Will Do." Tha Bakerograph rompletne the bill with the lataat moving plcturaa. Erenlnaa at 7:30 and arternoeaa at I 0 o'clock. -"Red Feather" Sale Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock th advance ale of seats will open for Grace Van Muddl- lord, who come te the Marojnem Grand theatre neat Thursday. Friday, Saturday ntghta Is Ie Kor.n'a romantic comic opera aueceaa, "Red Feather." Quits a largo eompaay, nrtnelDala, chorna and ballet, la raajalred for tb. produc tion of "Red Feather." Gear Tan gtuddlford haa earpaaaed all har - pteelona www aa tha atart of thla attraction, and her management. It la aald, have siren her a production that haa nt all other comic opera , preaenta tlons to tha fnah. It haa bad the tonseet ana of any legitimate muelcal place la New Tork la many season. . ....... . At-therLyrlcr .'. f 'Kathleen 'Meynornaen at the Lyric la s charming frlah atory and will lie foraTer. ha Ting beaa played by aome of the greateet actor, tha world haa ever knows. Ella Wilson. wtio is a capable and paloataklng actreaa. plara the part of Kathleeau. The walta are made pleasant by Thomaa W. Bay. a aweetJenor Inger. In plctored ballada. and the Lfrtacopa abowlng the- la teat Tllr-motion pictures. After, noona at I:M e'clocki evening st T:W and t:l o'clock. tu Star'g Head-Llnr.- PTrhano's Rot.i Italtaa band of tl pteeee will be the headllner at the Star thla met, This Is ronaldered on ef the beat Italia bands In th country. - Kerrara will pretest a travesty act which ha ha meceaarnlly seed In Btarope, Klneo la the beat of Japanee jiisslera. Th Beware hare aa act -railed "Jaosleaawn." which Is s stream ef lanchter. alrlntyre, Fletcher and Mclntrre are dancers" and alng ars with faw eqaala, loha'Drew Is as enter tainer and Rnacna Arburkle Binge "Bunker HIIL", f I . -r. - . ! Grand's Nove.1 Actti.- Mr. ang Mra.. Joaeph J. nawllng, twe talented people from th legitimate Stage, head what la probably one of tha beat Mil. ef vaadeTllle erer aiTen. la Portland. The Bell qnartet a peetalt la tha lareet covpoaltloae; Robert BldrMse paints beautiful picture with colored , mwi , Vrrrr Vrskry lllftt sew : , .V '.l- .. . . .U.'.' -.': - v-0: - ttf r aa T it ic hn 4 ' nil I ll I .1 sa - I - l-Jllll - - - ur w ajF v v V - ' i sr r 'w w. w 45j?fi22' .':'. ., rTheiPine:Needle Is th best ever put In a house. Purines th dsnk, musty air of thdars cat room, and make It good to .breathe. . ; rqy ' meed it tonight . ' - HYGIENIC MATTRESS CO. : " t GRAND AVENUE. . PRONK EAST i 111 " - -HP" 1", " " ' ' 11 -v - A reftalar $8.90 Bed.- And there pna- coma early they'll cost mor HBNRV JENNINQ & SONS .The OotnpUt Xonfnrnishra. stem Or CURING DISEASE WITHOUT MEDICINE-. Is Conceded by All Who Hare Invest! gated Jt, ..to. Bejthel. Most Ramarkabl OF ANYTHING EVER HEARD Of I J ! f A 1 . r n ,.4' 1-4- n ;-..'-i'.i-v.. ,-( WW?. ''! a.V'l ."J..rr ih '( Sr. O. IT MtrtMr Ir. Harris la fully cognisant of the nnaalbllltT for him to treat even a small percentage of the people who are f illcted with dlseane In this locality, and In view of that fact is delivering A C0UB8X OT LXOTUBSS tn a rlaaa with tha hrme that they may contribute their mite toward relieving the Buffering of the human rarauy. After a oourae of lectureej if a student will eroflt by them-r-he or she will be Just a thoroughly competent to KZAL TEI IIOX . . - as Df. Harris Is. Following Is on of the many-authentic testimonial which have been given the doctor, voluntarily, showing what his students think of blra and hla- lectures Portland. Ore.. May I. 10S. Dr. C Harris, 23-24 Selllng-Hlrsch Bldg., City My Dear Doctor: I write these lines in nope inai some one wno is aui fertng might be induced either to take treatment or Instructions For several yenrs I have been a stulent of healing, and have read some of the best courses of lectures In the United States. I have three diplomas now for healing, but I consider THK11ARR1S COURSE OF INSTRUCTION unsurpassed. If equaled by any ons. I am, yours for success, . Commercial st. -- Fhon East .Air on who 1 at all doubtful aa to th "reliability of Dr. Harris, or aa to the efficacy or his treatment or lectures, Is invited to Interview Mr. De Ford, whose address is aa above. Another class Is now forming, and ahould you-declde-to-avall, yofcreelf of the opportunity to receive Instructions, you will, after receiving the courae of lectures, tell your friends and acquaint ance that Tear Eye Ware IT aver properly Opened o th worm uiui stow. . 9 trick In Ingfllngi Chrktropher Bifftlde andH. Air Bonner lngai"wnra ina sunaei mm. in. Uceen's -bind to sold," aad th Grandlaeope howa tha traraM of a lost trunk. At the Empire. r w . The Eslplra'"had tt amal erewda yeararday Ind la.t Btsht. the atnek company giving a (Vleadld Interpretation of the favorite eld ema etly. "One Boya." Althooak th place Is any thing bnt new. tt Hera Bon er ita nne naeor from year t year sad haa become a.stpck farorlte for frrlral at regular la terra la, Scratch, scratch, scratch: unable to attend to business during the day or sleep during ths night. Itching piles, horrible plague. Duan'a Ointment cures. Never fatle. ;At any drug stor. 10 cant..'..... i. .- 4..Uwi The7 Harris J A Fiber Mattress TUESDAY SPECIAL This 3-4 Sue Bed .14.35. ar but 35 In tha stor. If you want If you don't jayy on"' tomorrow. Axumaam. FMthWeek f Tvemewdooa - lhieessi 1 EMPTBB STOCK COsUANX l i ' la Hlgh-Claaa Flays. " " .. APltTMIOaT J OSlfTS : : " Dally lUtlnaaa, ills. , Erasing at SOaV, "This, weak the screaming comedy, . . 0T aOTB. - One long langh from beginning; to e4. a 1. a .' Park and J 1 VIS. Ja rM I KaV WaaklBgtea. DTnSA0'B-dt AlT"ltAIajf"Alll,- DUIarent nelecltona at Eaten rtrmatatt, , TETg BErWXgg atelXTTU, riXTCHEg UcXSTTXX 1LLH7.U jomi Darw..- - IU1E11 tOBCOE ARBtrCKlX" BTAXOSOOPE" gBews m. T SO, p. m. "Xdmlaaton 1. GRAND THEATRE - xx. jtiti. jo, t. rxrwuxa BELL ft tf A TIT x - : aOBEET u,iauoz ourn oomjlet the JAarra OKJUgTOFHE E BTt. Air BOMNJUl THS eXAXSISCOEE. Geaeral admlaalna. lOct reaarred seats, 10c; DOS seats, 36e. BAKER. THEATRE WEBK rOMMENClNO TODAT. 0 TEE TUBE. BAKES OBCSXtTaVA EEED WALTEBg, Black-F.ce Comedian and Paneae. - .: jrUBICAL LOTELABDa JEAJT WTL80M . . ""' " nrPEBIAL COHIDT FOUB DOM EKIBBOM DUO OEM! IJTTU ANITA BAXXXOOBAPM Price of admlasloa. lOe, matlaae and Bight. Utf IS AHD CUDI. ODStDYATOST HAWTHOBBX TttBAOS VOBTa-OrO BZXOXTS " Vow epaa. Take PortUnd Belghts ear aad get erf at Uearthorne Terrace, on block (real ear Us. Ho climbing. Blectrie eteratar. Moat magnificent. Tlew la America. See heantlfnl eitact -ef powerful searchlight tram top ( tower. . Open i i. a. tt p. a. ADMIBSIOB I CZBTS. . BLAZIBB BBOa. OOMCBBT BTBBT ItlOBT, iB-aaa BuawatDB. If-YoirAre: Suffering from atldaay, Stoaa aoB or Bladda Tvoubi. oall at our offlc and are will posi tively cur you FRiCE OF CHARGE. Oeneva Lltbla Mineral Water Co. II FIRST STREET. For modern dental work. - - World-rs- nowned-epeclaliata. -. Lowest prloes consistent with flrst-elaaa . work). . . : Oo to th NEW YORK DENTISTS ronn abt kioajusoir bts. Open day and night, from I: JO a. m. until It p, n. SPEAKS FOR ITSELF When voiruke a elance at dis- play.ioflmerchandise in,16-5how Vinr!rw in the. old ' Mtab!ish ment o ; JOHN DELLAR, cor. First snd Yamhill, as well as the newly located branch at Third and Davis, the newest patterns of Mjn's and.BoysSuIts, Pant. Hats,- Shirts, with-a full hnt ot Shoes and Oxfords for Ladies. Men. Misses and Boyst you will fintTthe irood Values sflrp-!o-l ' date styles are all marked in plain . figures, tt gives you a thorough idea that' you -save money by dealing . with u r V- - -I 290 Morrison Strtrt """J" :. -- - 'i -r ; X ,.