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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1905)
7 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. MAY , 8, 1905. IFJiOLREADlOil. TIJiY DOY FOUND annual msm HAY20,CArrTSII0W JIISAIEIDOORSTEE : OPEHS: AT. LENTS BisKopB reyf ogel "" to 'Preside "at ', : " -I CbrbneliscTrnssXTes AriotheT Brought tcStatiphrTheiiTaRen Order That Meant Much" ; to BSbyMome, and ah .!LjlL' Mysteriously .-r- - EvangeticaJ AssoctatlOh -, : Meetlngr . for tha Fair. saaaasnassas-u vwwwua HTWrTTWW TTBTG ATTENDANCE G JRTMORRTSU TARKS CLUSTNU Ul- PAYS INCREASED rKlwfc USE FOR THE INFANT MOST PROSPEROUS YEAR " Preparations for th Reception Police- Do Notr Learn- N am of Cre at Anxiety Manifested ; Oy e r , and Entertainment of Con fix ductort on Sunday.J- ' ' Woman Who Brings Him Serious Illness of . Senior -" -Presiding Elder. ; , - -ito" Portland. i. Misse-s-Dresss Wow : f -1 aS9e35? M,5Se 1235: L tz'-'z-i JgfcV'"-- djj . - - Our entire line of exquisite Misses' Dresses reduced to thethreeabove " ' " ; ;! .Zll BjyC JJfi I JJJl-ducepur sjwjo;geyoung jnen's clothes. - ",' ""1 C"- ' - ' - Th-dpptment of - exhibits U nut with anoihAP law. cilouiaua iu waa . the taiilv onea fall over themselves, in the Interest of ths exposition. Colonel Poach . poated a notice 'thla mornlnn, addressed -to all contractor and booth builders, stating that all Doom consirut- iinn in h iiirlnui-exhibit palaces - palace Hthe state buitdlnaa exoeptedinuat completed by May 20, one weea.iroro neat Saturday night. Explaining -una . nrrinp fnlnnul Dosch Bald Thera -ara- many . contractor! .. who having secured a contract, have a way - of loafing along and dragging the laat - part of their work over Into the opening ' week. I wHl not have any of this. Every " r booth Inside of the buildings must bo completed by May )S0. and exhibits that are . not perfectly ano completely in - atailed by the morning of June 1 will " , never be Installed. Bo It la up to the ' contractor to get through with their - . work. If 100 men la not enough, tney ad hatter hire 1. eoO. .Preparation are being made I or the ' entertainment of the member of the -tirdcrof Railway Conductor next BUn I. day at the fair grounds.' They will take . lunch at (ha Amertoan Inn and In the afternoon .will .listen to- a concert by Da Caprlo's band. In-- the auditorium. V There will be a epeech of 'welcome by Preeldent-Geoda a4.otbee-brieX-aa . dresses. A there were 4.128 .paid. admission -V to the fair ground . yesterday, r, the record for attendance In dollar and cent went shimmering, The receipt were- above - t 1tQQ for the- first Una inc3.the gate were. opened7 TJITthe admlBilonahecojidu callv 1.800, M. Ej. Ingalls. chairman of the board of the Big Pour railroad, has written "aTetter to President Goods, expressing regret at hi Inability to be preaent a the onenflg or the exposition. "I would like to -add my tribute to Lewis and Clark ay MrIngaU,-foT -lniy-s-oplntonrtney r were two of the ...,-greateat men the world -nas-wvwr pro zrr duced:TnTheyi;gaTartD-: thla country an plre, but- had they been properly ap- Z predated and had onr ruler at that time fairly" conalderefthe questttm.-. there ' would have been no boundary "to rra country lir the J liwi it) west Ifixcept tho waters of the Arctic ocean. Wo- neve; should have allowed any other country . to pxe a hold on the coast line of the nonn-.nicinc. . The 'installation of tha postofflca to the right of the main entrance began 4oflfl-nUJ' May. Jift-iteaa)rajch will be in full operation. ;. Among the Jatert:iarrlvalo-tftea -77 quarters are DeLanoey- M. Kills -"iff A Rochester, New" York, director of exhl- 4 blta for the state, of Mew York,, and William C. Doming; an aotlve member ' of the Wyoming commission. JUiy ElUs ... J" nara ni won arranging; xor inc. avoo ' ' ration of the New Tortr bttHdlng,while Mr. Demlna-. who waa accompanied br t w ear of WfortfTfi tnaterlalTTi Solt. everything to expedite the Installation of his exhibit. . .-. . -, ,-, ;, Jamea W. McOulre la on, hie way to' j Portland to take charge of the custom work at the fair grounds. Mr. McQulre Tilled similar position at the Chicago , and St. Louis show. HI regular post , . is at ean r ranosco. JAPANESE SHIPS OFF HONGKONG Togo Establishes Line of Scout . ing Vessels Far Out to , Sea From Shore. . r (Joernal SpecUl gerrtce.) London. May I. Baron Kay ash t said todsy that the present situation waa aerl- ous owing jta. tba.great-aaalatancread- ered Ruaalana by France. He hoped a -a result of thr negotiations now pending in ran mai ence of friendly relations between Japan ana FTance. It I reported by vessels arriving at -Amoyi ehln-"that- Japanese warships have been sighted between that port and Hongkong. The Japanese have estab llshed a lIneTf scouting ships from soutE -of Formosa far our into the Pad ft SHERDQCK HOLMES WAS ONLY DREAMING Chief of Police Hunt ha had Investi gated the report that. Charley Law and Hang Walt, Chinese engaged tn business on Glissn street,' have been paying a special officer named Franklin tl each ' month for protection- from the police, and is -SatlsfledT thr Tyment8-were legitimate. When . approached by an 'other person they said they had been paylng$lca month -for bis services as watchman, and when they were lead to believe that- the other man was Frank lin's successor, agreed to pay him the same amount. -All pell officers are paid by the persons and firms whose establishments they jrotect VAN DRAN'S ASSAILANT!: , READY JO GIVE BAIL - Attorney for Joe Toung, who shot apd seriously , wounded Kaspar .Van Dran, .jl rival saloon-keeper, will 111 application tomorrow for bonds for their ment. - At tne - preliminary nee ring m the municipal court Toung was held without bonds. , Va Dran-1 confined In Good Samsrt hospital, where he Is Vecoverlng ' from . the effects of hla wounds- It was feared for a time that Van Dran's wounds would prove fatal, but it. ia announced at the hospital that he will get well.. tre safe ; - you needn t get chesUed in them, Schilling's Best' are .not. onlyi pure and true, but generous. ' "T" estaiiuli . . spici grtag eaaaeej . soda On the doorstep of the borne of Dr. Morrison, a woman physician, at Salem, a tiny baby boy wm . found Baturday night. Ha waa brought to Portland yea terday and placed In car of , Police Matron Simmon until he could be taken ! to tn Ha Dy noma ; 1 The nocallwllca arcedlnly-retK cent about' furnishing any details of the af f lr. . The child was left on Dr. Morri son's doorstep. shorUy after dark and the ben waa rung. When-a domestic opened the door she found the little one. hlch had been , swaddled in' good clothes and placed In a basket.-; It was taken Into the bouse, and an examina tion by the physician showed that it wag not. more than three or xour aaye old. r . ; ' . ; There was not a mark on the clothing and not an article left In the basket which ; would . afford a clue . to . the Identity of the culla'a parenta. - , Dr. Mdrrtson at once sent for a woman living in the "vicinity and got her-to nurse the child; at her own expense this woman cam to Portland with the little one. .- :,. .-t-----r .- .'.'.,. Patrolman Burke was walking along hla beat on Third street, when be waa acsosted by tho woman- near the Sher lock building., i "Officer, can you tell m If there la aTmatron'mt-polloe beadquartewrsb Inquired. . . , . . Receiving, an affirmative answer, she hurried -to the police station and left the babyJn theoare of Matron Simmons for a short time, she went back to the station Inter on and took the child -to the Baby borne, where It was given into CiSTiustcHir of MatrorrBlackh The baby is a healthy little fellow, with blue eyes,' and ruddy complexion. He has a $:ood pair of lunga, and one or twice before ha waa -taken from, the ear of the police matron made all within hearing .aware of hla. existence. 1 The police say that, the name of tb woman - who brought the child rrom Salem waa not ascertained." - . PROSPECTOR ARRESTED FOR JIURDER MYSTERY J. C. Barnes Imprisoned as Sus ? pected Slayer of William Graham. - -' - (Jeuraal Special Berrtee.V - eiendalev Or., May . As tbe result or tha murder of William Graham, a prospector living seven miles from here on Dad's creek, a "tributary, of Cow creek, . whoso charred bocy was found a mile and -ahalf -north of here last Monday, J. C Barnes, a prospector, wss attested -yeateray by Sheriff MoClelhm of Roseburg. .--'.- It was soma days after the finding of the burned body before lndentlncatlon waa made, but through arw old hat and hob-nailed ahoea found near the body acqualntancea were able to ' recognise the corpse ss that of oranam, who was prospector living near Barnes. --In veatlgatlon ahowed that a gold . nugget known -to, have belonged to Graham had been pawned by Barnes.. A revolver, recognised.. having been owned bylae dead man, waa found at Graham s, place. The body had been ' placed between two. logs- and .wood and bark .-thrown over it causing a very hot Are. A dent in the skull and brood atalna on the track show that Graham met hla death on the spot. Barnes derjles all con nectlon with the murder. ANNUAL EXHIBITIONS AND CLASS FUNCTIONS Students of University of Oregon Preparing for Commence- , 1 maamS1 Fw.aI.a. ' x---(Special Dispatch te The Jarsal. ,K"gT". Or,. My. t, For lha. Fall'"g and Beekman prises offered to the two best orators at commencement. Six com petltora ' were choeea lst Baturday. They ar Alice Benson, Bess Wooda, Cora Shaver, - Albert -Tiffany,. Vernon Tomllnson and Joseph Templeton. Next Friday, Junior day, instead of the usual flag raising and class rush, the aophomorea and Juniors nave decided to bury the hatchet, and all men in the university will spend ; the morning beautifying the campus. In the after noon there will be an lnter-class field meet "on Klncald ftelr. : F. A. JONES SUES COLES FOR THE GRUBSTAKES Fraud on the part of the plaintiff Is alleged . in the case of F. A. Jones sgalnst- Edward and Henrietta Cole, which went to trial before Circuit Judge Cleland thla morning.', jones aued for I.8f S for - money and provisions eup- plled while they were developing a min ing claim which they had given htm aa eeeurity-for their promissory-notr- un the part or the defense it la art' mitted thst they received tne mcmSV and provisions. - They allege, howeO'pr, that they paid the whole aum excepting f ISO which bad been borrowed by Cole, and in which Henrietta Cele : had no share, and l0- for which they are Jointly responsible, and which they are wilting to- payr They-assert that they had a settlement : with Jones last year, and tnreturn- they received a bun dle or notes, wnicn tney-iook aa a re lease of their obligation. - When they examined the notes later ' they found that Jones had Included In the bundle one for 1780 which tney nad paid a year ago. The trial of the case goes on' thl afternoon, J, - t , rimXICAsT STOPS mVaTAWAT. ' A" fireman climbed into the wagon from the rear end and stopped a run away team attarneo to a uenmeer gro cery delivery wagon this morning, and prevented wnst looseo iiko a smssn-up on the Morrison streetv-brldge.- The esm started at Union avenue and Bast Oak streets, and was stopped Just be fore reaching tha bridge. . , - (Spll DUpttck ta The JonraaLl Lents, Or., May I. The 12d annual conference of the Bvangellcal assocla tlon of Oregon and western Washington opened today at Lents with Bishop S. C. Breyfogel of - Reading. Pennsylvania, presiding, lie Is the youngest of the blnris--ot-jJlBEarijrellcal association, being only 63 years ofgs. He first entered the ministry In 1 873. and was eleoted bishop in 181. .He is president of the Evangelical Correspondence col lege at Reading; Pennsylvania, and holds other .positions of , importance In the church. This is his fourth visit to the Oregon conference s presiding bishop. The conference is to be congratulsted in having in attendance this year Rev. J. H. Lamb of Cleveland, Ohio, the man ager . of the . Evangelical Publishing house of that place. It la expected that he will give aeveral aermona and lec tures during tha Conference. The opening session will beiin at b'cldck this evening at the Lents Bran gellcal churcluRev.- F.Wv Launer of Albany, Oregon, will preach. Tomorrow tha examination of junior preachers will be held, and in the- evening Rev. R. T. Jameson of Jefferson, Oregon, formerly member of tne Indiana conference, and auperlntendent of the Sunday School leaggejpttha.aouthern-niatrlct , of tha uregon conference win preach, The opening of thla conference marks the close of one of the most prosperous yearaln the-history of the church la the north west. -There has been, a great harveat of - souls. . new - missions have beefi"Tipnearewt"HraureTreaa d, jaw.paraonagea. have been bu41M the coffera of the church are unusually well filled, and all blda fair to thla being the banner year for the Oregon conf erene. - Great anxiety la being felt both by the t clergy and laity over tha ill health of the senior presiding elder. Rev. N. Shupp of Woodlawifcwho ias foiryears been st the heed of the work in' Oregon and bat hnrne the heaviest share oflhe bu rden. He ; haa been with the church In Its darkest-dsyirand by bla;tactr conaecra- Hon. and executive ability has led the Oregon conference away from the rocks and Into clear aatllng. .4le la tl yeata of age and : until -recently- haa -borne hi heavy work-with remarkable--stren Special prayer haa been offered during the laat week On many of the fields thst his health may be restored and that he may be spared to the church for many yearsto 'come. 7- :' r '". ELECTION WOULD BE --disgracejojiARH Decent .rVdtera-Arz Second "Will gfigt Seeictq oef eat- i-arry- Sullivan. ,s.:.-. Votere of the aecond ward are thor oughly aroused over the nomination of "Larry" Sullivan for the city council. Men of both partiea unite In the dec laration that an Independent candidate must be put forward to defeat Sullivan In the election. Bald one prominent resident of the ward: "It-would be a dlagraca to the ward If Sullivan were elected. - Any good inde pendent candidate can defeat him, pro vided the vote of the better' element la not split -up among several candidates. Plana are. already on foot to put for ward some reputable and responsible resident of the ward who will meet with the approval of the voters. Several residents of the ward have been suggested as possible candidates In opposition to BulllvanTtOberrWrWrp soiC a large, property-owner - and well known In the ward, has been proposed, and many of, hla frlenda are anxioua that he ahould become a candidate, tl. WV Wallace, also- w-mnw-ot Janr means, but- no longer -in-active business Sam. ual A. Herinav general agent of tin Frultarowera" Kxpress; J. C. Veasle, at tomey, and Arthur H. Devers,,of Closset c Devers. are also suggested. some fear la expressed that there may be mora than on independent candidate In the field, and that this might so divide h. vnt ,n In Sulllvan'a .Itc. ion. a atrons effort will be made to - unite on acme one candidate. YOUNG SACHS RUNS " AWAY FROM SEATTLE Decldlna- after mature deliberation and the reading Of a masa of yellow- backed literature that he would like to aee the world and be a cowboy, 10-year-old Benedict A. Sachs ran away from his home at Beat tie April 16. LHle anxious parents havescurd the-ser-f vices of the Plnkerton detective agency in the effort to locate and bring him back home. The local police received a letter rrom P. K. A hern, auperlntendent of the Plnk erton agency aTTSeattle. yesterday, ask ing" them to take tne boy into custody. It Is believed that he Is headed for Port land hev4s-lajdeacrlbed aa being of slen der build and dark complexion, nd when he .left home wore brown corduroy trousers, a shirtwaist and t dark and cap He haa a acar on tha left aide .of hla upper lip. Hla father la aatd to be a wealthy bualneaa man of Seat tle. . " ,. .. JHrJEE MEN ALMOST 1 1 1 U l-UH IWU Ur-MUtS Fir couriillmen at larg "'on the Repub lican ticket jonn r. ennraey; uan Kella her and Jonn Annand were nominated by large majorltlea; for the other two placea the . unofficial count rives Oeorse : M. H viand 1344 votes. A. N. Wills 1.340 and Thomas ftrsy IMS. J Reports have been circulated that Wills secured fourtn place on. the ballot and that the fifth place lay between Hyland sn Orsy.-- This,- however, 'has not been substantiated .by such returna from the election aa crkild he gathered. Each of tha three, men claims a place on the tlrket. and the .result wilt not be knowA until the official canvass of the votes Is made tomorrow by City Auditor Devlin and Justices Of the Peace Reld and Seton. Cnurhs and rrilds, down to the VerV borderland of consumption, yield to ths soothing, healing Influences of Dr. Wood's Norway Tine Syrup. LADIES J&1$ lengths, now. $1.50 leneths, now. $1.75 lengths, now. .......$ 1.35 $2.00 lengths, now...'.. . ...$1.55 r "-.l.-..,..;' -sTLl The Oreatest Gofhim House ia the Northwest ":: r'"v ' ' T" ." "'. '" 1 "MISSOURI KID IS AT The . Most r Notorious CriminaT and Desperado Since Jesse . James' Time Pays Penalty. . ROBBED BANK AND SHOT PtNKERTON DETECTIVE Sensational Escape From Prison umping - From Roof- Sixty Feet to Ground. (Joaraal Special gerriee.) ' L'nion, Mo.. May William Rudolph, alias .Charles Qomey; "the - Missouri KicVsllio 'despite hls.yoTittF4sFTegarda4 as the most notorious, criminal and des perado that Missouri has produced alnce the dsys of Jesse James, st 10 o'clock this mornlag III lllS PSllllSr llf II III T l the ' subsequent murder or pinkerton l3etecttv J. Schumacher on January K, ! Rudolph and tJeorte Collins. alia Wlarlr Frank." on December-1 102. mhhea tha Hank of Union. Union. Mo. of over 112.000 ana III0.0U0 m papers By revolver shots they deliberately alarmed the eltlsena of the town before they attacked the bank. Collins, with two large revolveraWield the intruders at bay. while Kudoipn. wim nuro slyceiin. demolished the vault and safe of the bank. Both- escaped on horse back, pursued by a posse of Union cltl sens, who failed to capture mem, Charles J. Schumacher, a detective in tha- employ -of the Pinker to ns at. -fit. Louis, was detailed on the case, and in tha middle of January obtained a clue lndlcatlnc that the burglars .were then at (Stanton, Mo. Schumacher obtained the necessary warrants, and on January IS. 10J. accompanied by Mnree deputy sheriffs. .Planned to arrest the suspects ha were llvlna- In 'a deserted miners' hoard In a- bouse situated on a hill. When Bi-hiima"""' he posse neared the house one of the doors wss thrown open by two men.-! who .afterward proved to be Rudolph and uoilina. - i ney openea fire on Schumacher, who fell, where unon. Collins deliberately fired two hots - into - Schumacher S head, ine posse retreated and the deiperadoei ea en rieiTT - After their flight a detective searched the house, and found a aheet of common writing paper on whreh waa written -tl mes, "yrea faewie, r rm Ladulx. Hartford. Conn.". Search deter- minM inn r m uiuui. i i - 1 1 rr. a ffn - & pwv nrrr rnn. n had been killed ln Msnlla: tnat rrea t.ewla of Hartford. Conn had been tMsibrr of IaduUs company, and that Fred Lewie was ueorge couins 01 nan- ford. Conn., whither the Plnkerton rep resentatives, renewing their search, lo cated Collins there associating with Ru- dolnh. Collins and RudOlpn were taaen to Union. Wo., and lodged for safe keeping in the county lall at St. Louis, from which, on July 7. HOJ. Rudolph made a most darlna escape through a skylight rrr the -reef-Jumping 0 feet to thi ground. OnJulr it. 103. Collins waa con vlcted ot murder In the first degree, end hansed on March 2 last. Meanwhile Rudolnh was 'located In the Inslng (Kansas) prison, to which Institution h hsd- been- sent tha -dayJColllns wss executed. At the tlm or tne union mo bery neltW Rudolph nor Collins hoel sttatned his list year. POtlCEMEN TWIL17GUARD -CITYHALL TREASURES Hereafter, a police officer -wm be on duty at the city hall each day from I e'clork a. m. to I p. m. Patrolman C. R. Hellyer haa been aaslgnedld the new beat, which was started today. At the noon hour "h will be relieved by anothet officer.--! - Thla atep had been taken by the city of ficials. t- give- the- city- hslh eettrr -pro lection - During the-n6on hour enly June clerk la In the city treasurer' a office, and the orflcer will hereafter remain -with him. The-city museum hss slso been without rihrtectfon.--- - ; "" . rv OatABOKD WITH SSaUOVS -OaUin. (Speflsl Ptapatrk to Tb Jnaresl.) -Roseburg. Or., May . N. A.' Foster, a' timber cruiser of Oakland, Is being held here pending trial for alleged as sault on'Jils-ll-yeVr-laUdstrghter He wss sent to the penitentiary 10 years sgo for two years on.the charge or ae ductlon. - ' He will corns TiprorrmrliiHni the term of the Circuit court. Which con venes on Ms ltj : - HANGED SHIRTWAIST LENGTHS OTBB 450 Of TIB TTXTBT rMTOSTXD . . .05? .Si. 15 SZ.25 lengths, -$2-.78 lengths, now. $3.00 lengths, $3.50 . lengths, Physicians Recommend Castoria . ASTORIA haa met with pronoimced favor, on ipart of physiciaiis, pharma- residts most gratifying.; The" extended "use of Castoria" iaimqnestionably tho resnlt of -three facts T f' lle mdisputahle ey s!Jhyit:nrt only allays stomach paina and quiets tiie nems, but assimi lates; the food : " ThM It is an agreeable -and nerfect78ubstitnta for Castor ; Oil. 30raetdoott and does not stnpefy.v It uuxuoiu. ou.xiua i tt.gyuu uei xor a mecucaiTioumaitosay.-uurautyfnow-" eTer.-isto'-eipose-danger and "rewrdlieeans'ofaiyancmg' health fcrpoisonmg 'innocent c our knowledge,- Oastoria is; a reinedyl which produces- composure and health, bv . Lregulating-the - system Jbfat table Preparation for Aa slmilatini tbefoodatulReotiJa- Org the Stomachs and Dowels of Promotes DigesUori.Cbeerrul' una and BKt.Contalnsridfiifr Opjura.Morptiine nor hQcrral. NotNahcotic. aw a-tff BtSANlHPtTnaS- A perfect Remedy fcrCDnsttpa tion. Sour Stomach.Durrhoea, and Loss of Sleep. TacSimil Srgnalura o . NEW "YORK. exact co Ft try vbAsk a. PLOT AGAINST LIVES DrMONTANAKERDERS 8perUl Dispatch to The Jodrnal.l " llnmllton. Mont., May I. It la be lieved that a pint has been made against tha liven of the aheepherdera on the Bitter Root stock farrn belonging to the Msrcus xmiy estate. As two of the herders started a fire In their camp atova a day or two ago, some dynamite which had been maliciously.; placed. In the stove exploded, and one of the men, Chart's Mainline-,-was seriously lnjnrrd. An Investigation by The sheriff resulted In the finding ef another loaded stove In. a nearby earn p. -A Stick STiil a half of dynamite prepared with Hosded fuse waa so placed that the flames, ss soori ss a f tre was started in the stove, would Ignite the- fus and explode the rhnrge. A reward of. 1658 Is out for the arrest' and conviction of tha guilty persona. - ti (SpeclslDlspeteli to The Joernal.) ' tfliiiM. tl.., Vf . at rl . n, . T Korlli Dakota, who haa been buying sheep . near., thla clty-duTiue; the laat week, haa aecured M09 mixed yearlings at S3.2I. and 1.(76 mixed, yearlings st IJ.I0. These will be shipped ths laat of May, . - r----.- - 1 4.U.1J- - toTr.1,a,e . ' IHrmtmd ' IiXTsTOTatS sTQ TWO JFATT11S st AXXOt now.. '..(,.;. i:8s: now. . ...... $2.10 now. . . . . . . . .?2.35 is unlike Soothing Syrups, notby stopefyingt androjii Litters fo ftjf lslclsnj Dr. B. Hslstead Scett of rhlcas-o. Ills!, wuth rer laiaais nunsg lay pracuca ana J iDr., WlUlaai Betaont, of Clevelaaa. Ohio, aayst "Tenr Castoria ataads first la I? fifff m ?7 'S1'-' of Br,ellc I caa say I aever nave found anything that a tile) tta plaoa." 1 . - -. B. Taft. of Broeklya. N. T., sirs ! I bave used yeur Castoria and fouao) It aa eacelleat remedy la aty household sad private practice for many years. Ths feraala Is excalleat." '-'.'v . - . . Dt. Wm. L. Boasenaaa, of Buffalo, N. T., say s "1 am pleased ta speak a coed weed for your Cseterta. I think se highly ef It that I sot only recommend ft to ethers, but bar used It la my ewa familj. B. J. Himlen. of Detroit. Mich., says: "I prescribe roar Castoria ex tenslvelv. as I hsve never fousd saythlng te eooal It for children troubles. - I ao aware that there are Imltatlona la the field, but 1 slsrava sea that at dmimm a Fletcher's." m- Dr. Wo-lI. McCaon. ef Omaha, Neb., aayas "as tha father ef thlrteea chlldres I eertalaly know eosMtslng about your great medicine, end aside from my owa family experience I have la my years of practice fouad Castoria a popalar aad emcleat remedy la almost every heme." . ; . .- D,''-.E- 2i"?t7-' ef Pl.ld-phla. Pa, says: "The asms that year Castoria has made fer Itself la the teas of tbeosands of hemes Messed by the presence et children, scarcely seeds te be sspplemeated by the endorsement of the medical pre. fesaloB, but I, fer eae, meet heartily ea dorse It aad believe It aa excellent remtdj.V Dr. Cbaaalng H. Cook, of St. Ixnis, several years past la my owa family aad and aever objected te by children. jeetea te by children, which Is mijm nimiw vi mm enaraexvr are this chars miiinun, a -nixaiiTa, i cunwir scrlked. - Dr. R. M Ward, ef Kaaees City. Mo., scnoe proprietary preparations, out in toe of many ether physicians, has taught ma to make aa exception I prescribe onr- Castorta to my braerlce becauee I have foend It to he a ttnnmtlT for children's complaints Aay phyalrtaa whe haa rr.laed a family, as I have, will jota me la heartiest recommcndatloa of Castoria." GCNUIN E'CrAa Bears the The Kind You HaYe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. We tfo erewe aed srldte work wttneet sa'a One1 IS yeora' esnerteace Is plsto woes ee ablea o tt fit nwutk oaifoetsblr. In-.' W. A. Wise b.. foon.l s elt way e utr.rt toetk. kbwlutelf without Ml. Dr. T. P. Wtae la sn. eipert st g"l"l fining and emwa eixl br,l. work. Tj tract lag bas wkea plates er brldr-a are erdered. m nm'. t. p. wt-. i VVISE COS.. Dentists Vaillaa ii(llFt. ear. THlrd end Weak ' Opaa a.aalura t I s p. . "q1ara frvoj to I i, in. I n I i. REDUCED $4.00 lengths, now... $3.15 .tKTleirgths, now.. i.mwU, ?4.10 $5.50 lengths,' how. $4.35 Bateman?s - Dfops, Godfrey's; ito says: "I save prescribed your Castoria ) -. - Mo, says : MT have weed vane TaafAvl have alwaya found It thoroughly rmcteat a great coaaldsnrles la vl mi .k. tm- eonexious Sao tnererore Otmcasi of ad- it us peer et saytBlsg tast I ev sart : i - "Physlelaae fenerally do ast pre. of Castoria mv erBrlBM in,A ease UK AAtWAYS Signature of -rj Singled Out Ttierele only ou'ekJnd of Sflt-Ths genuine article, made of proper and ae lected Ingredient., ground with skill and care, with linseed oil and honesty, the tine ctithbTfraripTt found In the-paliils we -have on sale. It will do your heart good to see the painting done with ouC satisfying sort of paints - i . Fisher. Thorsen&Co. . COB. TBOaTT AJTS MOBsUlO BTS, I! 1...