The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 08, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tmtf XjKSXrax . Att yvatoxkt." PORTLAND. MONDAY, EVENING, MAY 8,
$1,519,133 STOLEI
: ShortagetaMUwaukei:
.Bank Is Figured. y ;
No Security, for Money Appro,
' t f riated by Banker From As- -'
''' "sociates and Friends.
.. (Journal 8prt Service.)
.nu.o Mar S.. The exact amount
"that K. a riigeluw-.mbciiile4 from the
nloliivl Dana was otuubiiv
today at the first formal Jneetlng t
creditor when the bonk fiitd claim
Tor $I..JJS "I," which, 1 entirely u-
"Thi featlyptrtful featuree-of elw
defalcation are Juat beginning to come
-g-jight., That la ina iart..amuiun
wblou IllgeUw haa taketvan hla peraonnl
notes, and largelyjrflmwo.rnen wnp naj
Z-jill.J!pW- lKniin-'- -j-"-UMJiitfiiitrt
"to hla care, confident In b la Integrity
lnd ability. - , - t .
v. Several auch caaea ata Included In hla
- preliminary atatement of llabilltlee In
t bankruptiy proceedlnga. ' Another wa'a
'. added today when Albertina, Schroeder,
who applied for tha appointment ofm
recelvej- aaid aha-waa a creditor- of
Tlilgelow to the amount of 115.000. Sev
eral other easea rT reported where
1 amounts were takerj ranging from $1,800
j0 IJfcMftlfcrlarratdtbjawhen all
theaa clalme afa In the aggregate wilt
prove, one ct tha moat antotilnhlng feat
ures of thla remarkabla xaae. i. -Ona
- wealthy woman on tha west aide trusted
4Mgelow for agao.m. "
Under, tha bankruptcy lawa, tha turn
ing over by Blgelow of 1300.000 worth
, of BueeHy-ae-ev-reamunonary-jpeaaure
. to tha bank ia null and void., the trans
fers Jiavlng been made within a few
months of the filing Of the petition In
' bankruptcy. TTila, however, will not af
' fact the bank, the directors having more
than mad up the entire " deficiency
' caueed by the dofalcatlona of tha preat
- dent, ' - i -- --
Journal Special Berrlce.) - '
' Chicago. May . Tha body of Edward
. Blggett . private In Company B, Twen--ty.seventk
infaatry, waa found thla
morning In ravlo near Fort Sheridan,
bla hffart rnThffd iaig
other wounds. Rtggett and --Prtvatea
Cephaa King and Hobert Lichtluer of
theTaama regiment have been' missing
since Thuraday last Blggett waa
"guard -over King and Lfchtluer. Until
tha discovery of the body thla morning
It was auppoaed by the authorities that
-an three toiieplied tormaKa-neifT aa'
. (Journal BoerUl BrTlc.l
tanctnnatl, May . Judge BurtohTln
the atata olrcaU -ieotirt jof Aopaaia, ' an.
nounced today that Jja would bear tha
error proceedings In the case of Mra.
Caasla Chadwlck on October ." The
- Joaral BptcUI Berrlre.J '"'
' New York, May (. Tha -ninth annual
' tournament of tha Military Athletlo
league opena In Madison Square garden
tonight, and throughout tha week tha
huge arena will resound with tha hoof
beata of fiery steeds and tha clash of
arms," Tha mlltary maneuvera, however,
will form only- part of tha program, aa
a laj-gerparv wtlt-be drroted-to-the
athletlo competitions.' ..
- - The entertainment each night . will
open with a grand review. The work
of United ' Statea aoldlera will Include
a auperb Infantry drill and maneuvera
ana the tolra pattery. neia artillery,
from - Fort Meyer, will repreaent tha
glories of that branch of tha eervlce.
-In addHlon to the regular troopa tha
participants will include a liberal rep
resentation of tha national guard and
the naval militia. " Interest in the tour-
-Tiament" Ig furthef" heightened " by " tha
presence of tha ninety-first Hlghlandera,
rom-Hamilton,., lJntariownianjgte.
companled by its crack military Dana.
(gpecUl Dlspstck te Tbe Joarait)
MuUan, Ida., May James Wing, an
itoya of The MortrmrmiTiarTeir down
an ore chute Saturday, dying inatantiy.
Nothing la known of Wing, as he had
been In the camp only a nhert time.
This Is the same chute in which a fatal
accident occurred, a, month agoi
Oanae of tha Quarrel.
From the St Louis Post-Dispatch...
Innltt What a charming woman w
Just pssaedl Why didn't you speak to
her when ahe looked at youT , . ,
Aglnnltt Oh. thafa my wife. We're
..not on apeaklng termg now. She wants
tolnove .again this aprlr.g, and I won't
fet her. A
Humors Cured
tMsr Stctaaealtlt-folTrt-
' saest) ! SklBhaM IMIMi, A past.
. Iln IM pMlr cm 1t every ItrhlDf, aarslnt,
rslr, bIbkubs. -rrseird, pimply end blotrky
liBier, with ke ef belr. Pnxluc-e clear, brlfc
LaatAealUf skla est paraatea, i44oud.
K&J Treatment 7 So UU
- aeMtotshiFSaaaoaa,SSe..niedtest4,satt.
r'Ptlc; hklakeallk (nlut . .etkUlirnn,
eel tke skin, end-klatiefc Tablets,
' KAe. t ol bamar fenaa Alt drurtl'ta'.'--t
Herlee Seas for tha (oiople ilea,
, kralstiitee, blarkae4. reOaesa. ronskoeee, ctf
Iht. lurpln. causa ke4a - rlmktaf will gl?a
'.autk a-aeedy are 1M. aakea, 5a-.-
Send te. pwtkse fnr Fro taweplea s4
koeateta uruiU) BAT CO lwara, M. i.
r aad WaalOna-toa. .
the country were formed' and gradually
merged Jnto a ;common aseoctatlon,, .
in Noember;'rlS6,""allW-ondue
tore ' of . the Vnite.l . 8tutea ' and -Canada
were-tevUed to- atteudia convention at
Columbus, Ohio, December 15. fdrthe
purtua r organuinra uiuium iiuuu
grand division
were held until 1891,
wheiiUeuulil iOHS were aubatltutari.4
Jn.ltTI there were U local divisions In
the order, with a membership of 1,06$.
Qrowth of tha' Order. ' " "'-'
Reports which will be submiltedlaL
Tha thirtieth iota Ion that ronvenes to
morrow, and covering tli'erbletitrtal )!
rlod ending Ieoemuer 31, Ie4-JKU1
ahow 43 dlvlalona, S3.741 members at
tha order. 30.671 members .otTtha. mu
tual benefit department. - -
Tha regular sessions or the grand di
vision bava been held In the following
named cltlea arid in the order named, bo-
ginning at Chicago, Illinois, In 1869:!
uffalo. Maw York; Philadelphia, l'enn-
syivania-Clevelnndt -OMoiJixlUnwcol-vl
Indiana; rittsburg, Pennsylvania; Haiti-
morr-Maryland-r Atlanta, , 'OeurglBt
Omaha,' Nebraakai-XUmlra, New York;
Chicagor- XlllnolarWaw-Tork City," New
rarkl St Louis, iflssourl; Buffatej. New
York; 0t Paul. Minnesota; Kansaa t!!t
Missouri; Boston, Maaaachuaetta; Louis
ville, Kentucky; New Orleana, Louis
lint; Tnrmitn. Ontario: Denver, Colo
rado; .itoxiheiiterii'IfaW. Turk; RErkuH."
Mtaaourl; Toledo, Olilo; Atlanta. Gr
gla4 Lob Angelea, California; Detroit;
Michigan;' St Paul, Minnesota, an)
Pit tsburg, , Pennsylvania. - - - ; ?
' Welooma to Tisltora.
' In honor f the grand division. Order
Of Railway Conductors, that convenes
in thla city Tuesday, a public reception
will ba given tomorrow at o'clock at
William J. Maxwell, Grand
Affalr in Nature of Elopement
but Parents Bless Baseball
-Pitcher and His Bride.
, -fjoorael BpeHkl Serriee.)
" San-Jose. Cal., May I. Winnie Cutter,
tha well-known baseball 1 richer, waa
married -secretly laat night to Miss Lou
Ise Conkey.the accomplished daughter
of Attorney J. K. Conkey of hla city.
Tha affair waa In tha nature of an elope
mdL tha only member of tha Conkey
family .who was let Into tha aecrer ba
- X
Edgtr E.-Clrk,-Grind Chief Conductor. : :
' jfcaaaajaaaejassaBaaakjaatjssaaaeea el aJaaeaa,is.i
rrora Pagne.-
tha Marquam theater, when the follow
ing program will be observes: l'
Pcayen . ., . . ; . . . . Rev. Dr.? B-lPlKHJ
t Address of welcome IQ t tie atata
Hon. Oeo. K. Chamberlain, governor.
. of Oregon.
Addreaa of welcome to the city
II llll'lljri
... Clark, urand cmer. uonaucior.
oong- enoogy-ouov . . . . .
Song 'TheW "Idow's Lament". Old Welebr
. cri . ... ImllMhll
I.ame Quartet.
and General Manager llarrlman .
Line. . ,
Mrs. J.
ladles'. Auxiliary. - - ,
. i . . ,...
TomJUchrtrdson, Manager Portland
uommerouu -vjunv- zi-rzjr"
Song "Annie I-urle" arr. by D. Buck
Lakme guartet.
Benedtf tlew.
n m i fi i r i i i
, Mwt Kv Alamlr-Chrltls, IX TV
In honor of tha g-ran dlvlsIonLadlea'
ATJTtrtBro thaTOf dir of Railway Con
ductors, that convene rn thlo-etty WedV
nasday-a public reception will ba held
at Elks' ,tyiU building., tomor
row afternoon ac z o cioca, wnen me
following program wilt be observed:
Piano solo, Mrs. Ella Jonea; prayer,
Mra Katherln . RIgg. grand 8. B.i
iiautif"t-fXnmmm'1 Usanttnra T asssi
welcome address, . Mrs. Abblo Crocker,
president; response, ' Mrs. J. H. Moore,
grand -president; vocal solo,' aelectlon,
Mrs. O. W, Perkins; addreaa, Mrs. A. F.
Conllrk. grand vice-president; "In Thy
Blue Eyes." Ethel Lytle; recitation, LU
tun Beatch; addreaa, Mra. P. C. Calla
han, chairman grand executive commit
tee; piano solo. Amy Duaton; addreaa.
Mra. Bteweli, aecretary. - -
Secretary nd Treasurer.
Ing a sinter of the -bride, Miss Bessie
Conkey," who acted aa bridesmaid.
The Conkey alatfra. art very popular
In aocloty circles of thla city, and both
are ponnesaed of vocal and mualcal tal
ent of -a high order. Mra Cutter la
aearrely It yeara of agar .Tha parenta
of tha Wide gave their blessing to the
young couple. . " ,
Cutter .will . pitch for tha Spokane
team-and wllf take his young bride, to
that city during the week.
' t - i
- . (Jbarnal Special Tries ) ' :
Norfolk, Va.,M4r .$. Tha batleshlpa
Mlsaoufi, Maine, Kentucky, Iowa. Kear
sarge and Illinois have arrived at
Hampton roads for tha army and Davy
maneuver Ther-will defend-Norfolk
and oiherjCheaapeaka bay porta
Reasons Why
You Shoutd Purchase a
Durability-of tonstructjori
Blsti-nva yeara of piano atudy
j-and piano- buiidfng hava' brought
it to tha nig heat point- 01 perfec
tion. - , '
'Tonal Superiority: ;
- - -
Rich,- sweet and eympathetlo. . . A
singing quality beyond tha reach
of other planoa .
" Beauty of Case"
-By-Bo meana-an-4naigntBaaat o.ual--
lty-an4 -bera-iTha ., jriachar" x-
cela. Architecturally- It la an ar
tlatlo place of furniture, auperbly
flnlsbedVWlth room, many "other
"reasona c,ould be advanced, but
the. abova ara paramount; v
Over. 125000 Now in Use
bur eaay ' payment plan paTea
tha way for . Immediate poaaea
aion of a. Fischer piano. Twenty
other makes toeeelect , f rot
Alltll ( QIIDERT - CAtlAKCR (0.
. Coraet . Stath - aad Horriaom.
;f (Continued from. Page Ona)
merce la taking action f o ceaaa all com
munications with French cltlaena ,
Tha London Times today glvaa edito
rial warning Ho Franea -of -tha extreme
danger-and" gravity of tha attuatton In
tha f ar ..eaataDpeaJlng to. tJD jreneh
government not. to treat tha Japaneaa
protest llght-heartadly. - r-
It Is reported from LIbau thai the
fourth Baltlo fleet haa assembled at
Cronatadt. where It wlK ba Inspected
next week, prevlerue to ila departure for
the far east. -'
Oaaaxat OffaaalTa Morssaent . la lroa
- resa To Xarest Tladlroa-tok.
(Journal Special Service.)
St. Petersburg, May . t, Newa from
the front lndlcatea that Ovama la oresa-
f71ng"LTnlevltch'a advance at passes cant
and west of tha railroad, . and that a
general offensive movement la In prog
ress Tha Ruaalana- are offering alight
resistance, but falling back on tha first
lny:of.(lefcflgev.Th.a JRunalan adjancai
post eovara a front of about 100 miles
from - Sing Tmantsu on tha Llao river
in a aoulheaaterly dlrectloo across the
railroad, abova ChangtutOMandarln
roaa. ----r. -----t--
I-i- fcelleved 4hat Oyama's purpose
ia to tbruat in from tha eaat near Klrln,
and 4a Intersperse hla troopa between
Harbin and Vladivostok, preparatory to
the investment orrne latter place, 1 1 n
iovsi DxaooTmuBs.
(Speelal Dtapateh te The JoarssL) '
Loda May t. Police today discovered
two bomba In tha houaa of a workman
on Lesno atreet. The workman, hla
wife., and four man-armed with revolvera
were arrested. .
Artist Dies and Leaves Entire Es
- tate to Girl Whose Voice 1
- r He Fancied.
(Joornst Soeelal Servtee.t
New-ferk. May t. John Linton Chap
manfWn artlstr-who died Tuesday at tha
age of S yeara, at tha home of Corne
lius, Boyle, of Baycheater. left hla worka
of art and. In fact, hla entire eatata vai
ued at 150.000. to Miss Helen Boyle, a
nurse at the Post Graduate hospital.
Miss Boyle la 20 yeara old. the daugh
ter ofMmndMre.-CornalluaBoyla
with whom- the artist for tha laat 11
montha made hla home. She possesses
a sweet soprano voice, wnicn cnarmaa
tha artist, who hlnlself waa so fond Of
musto that ha had tight planoa in hla
noma- " - x
Chapman was found tlead In hla room
with what he declared hla finest paint
ing, a view of the Bay of Naples, al
most, finished, lying near him. Ha had
been suffering from a complication of
allmOnta for two yeara The artist
gave up his own home and went to live
with the Boylea. Ha took a fancy to
Miss Heln Boyle, with tha reault that
ha made her hla heir. ,
V, ; " ' ..."
fJoirnal Special Berries.)
New Tork. May 8. Tha commemora
tion of the Bchlller centennial -by tha
United German.-aootetlea- of- New Tork
waa continued today. Ona of tha moat
interesting features, of tha three day a'
oelebratlon la planned for tonight when
monster torchlight- proceaaton will b
held. It la expected there will be over
10.000 men In line, accompanied by a
acora or mora of bands. There will ba
a number of handsome floats represent
ing scenes from fecTilller'rworkB. From
tha balcony of tha Savoy -hoteW tha
parade will ba reviewed by "Mayor Mo
Clellan, Bron 8peck von Bternburg, the
German ambasaador, ami a number of
other dlatlnguished gUesta. ' '
TO VML'VM ' BAFill'lt. '
. ' (Joorml Special Service. 1
St Louts, Mo.. May . Much Interest
is centered In the annual convention be
gun here today by the Home Missionary
soclarea of tha Baptist church. The
convention la the' regular conference of
the northern missionary and educational
societies. Mvt It ia attended - also by
delegates from tha aouthern aorlettea
n Una with tha movement to Unify the
Baptlat organisations Of both aectlona of
tha country, efforts will . ba made at
th present . convention to, bring about
tha organization of a general church
council, which-ahall have to do wlttf all
Important1- mattera and ahall have au
thority to. dlacuaa and" adjudicate con
troversies. Its decision ta ba final.
I . - . T'T
Eleven dollars will do the same
Grand Suit' Sale that $15 to $18 will do at any other store
in this man's country. Pure all-wool serges, clay: worsteds,
unfinished worsteds, Thibet cloths in blue or black and fancy
tweeds, cheviots, homespuns, cassimeres and worsteds, double
or single breasted sackr Every suit of them hand-tailored with
best quality, haircloth fronts and vulcanized shape-retaining
shoulders. These suits are cut in special shapes to fit stout,
fat or chubby men, also special shapes for the big tall man or
-Uttalinvmarb Theregular build man wm find a uon s snare
of them in his sue. The suits
are the1 best $15 and $18 ones
The. Chicago will again draw
of the entire lot at
The Man With -
For choie'e of 25 styles of
single or double-breasted
all wool or worsted $10, $12
light or dark color suits.
A bargain that's not to be mated in this city.
' ' ' . . ; ' ... '';.. -
Met with great success. In the final election it makes no difference who Is
H elected for mayor, as we have nd saloons or gambling houses in City View
Park," thereforejwe will Lnot'Jeaffected by a closed or an open cityTZ. City
yiew Park is located just opposite the Oaks, upon a high elevation, facing
tjie riverj streets graded, sidewalks laid and curbed,. Bull Run water, electric
'lighOntTlelepTionOervices, 20 minutcaLrun from-First and Alder streets --7
Zxirt the comfortable j;ars of the O. W. P. & Ry. Co.'s standard gauge line.
With the Madison street bridge opened about one fourth as much as bridges '
north of it helps to make this the best andmost convenient resident, propn .
erty- on the marktt.""; Lots sold on easy payments, For further information
inquire of the - - ' ''- V' "" '".'.:- y- ;" . '; .
Oregon Water Power Townsite Co.
Will Cur Any Cm of HIDNET or BLADDER DI5EA3C
Not Beyond th Reach of Medicine
Tells a Powerful Buying Story
- 71 - 73 Third St, Bet Oak and Pine
Eleven PoIIar Sale
of $15.00; $16,50 and
the crowds.Theyre
ever offered for so reasonable a price. The very
liame of the makers on eachuauli Is positive
assurance of high, class 1 tailor-made7! suits:
The price will keep thi ass movlnE at this stabllshment,'
duty at this store during this
run up to 0Z bust measure and
shown today in America. But
the crowds by offering choice
........................... .......
Eight -
The ManrWith Hifteen
lhisStcVireputation for loingf what Itrsf"
is unquestioned by any intelligent person that
has ever .visited this' establishment Wesay
that 25, styles of Suits that are worth $20 are in
this lot at $15 for choice. The very' nobbiest
and choicest of fine tailor-made garments,
fashioned to please the most critical dresser.
This sale will convince advance visitors to the
exposition that Portland has a store that sells' -good
clothes at the right price, "r -
Held in Portland
$18 Suits has started,
the best'Siilts we have
- t