The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 07, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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Portland Shuts put Seattle Coast League
Resurts -ano; -Batting-Averages Racing at -Oakland
and BelmontPark Boxing.
Naughton's Impressions on ?ritt-Whit Con
test O. A. C. Defeats Columbia The Dog
. Eto4 by ..
Km) Live Sport'
News ' .
Show Closes Eastern Baseball Scores, . . . -
. - - . -x - I . . . -
- il .
VI I ' . I 11 - : ,
. 1
. IE
Naughton Declares Fight toBe
Greatest. Lightweight Bat ,
tie Every Pulled Off. . t
Up a Game and Honest
(r W. W. Hanrhtonj -
Special Plapatcb byXraaed Wire to Tht Journal)
- Ban' rranctscor May .--Wlth, the of fi
. clal time-keeper .making ready to strike
the gong and ring down tha curtain oa
on of the-. greatest light-weight eon
7" tests the-world Tha eve seen, Jimmy
Prltt cracked Jabes WWl over tha tem
. pie with a full range right-hand swing
and following It up with other smashes
Equally fierce, earned for himself a well
merited. decision. --- '
'- ? Most of, the' spectators wer-6n their
-feet when tha 'end came In last night's
battle. .Brltt.. who had. fought so furl
., ously for fully seven rounds that White
was- finable to steady Wmaeil properly.
Iattled.-llka--aw-dnoii-4i. that' nrrdrng
- -thre minute spell. - Whltet wb was pal
" pably distressed from the steady bom
bardment " that his ribs had been sub-
jecteaAto, stood 10 Bis gun gameiy.
' n- flvhtln hack- when ' Brltt's
"'glov crashed against the side of hfs
r face. He fell and when ne arose noin
' 4g -ut. the fighting aplrit; was left to
Brltt jumped at him and rained blew
after blow on Whlta'e head. White tot
tered around, to alt Intents knocked out,
yet bravely refusing to sink to the.floor.
iila. condition wa ad helpless that Ref-
ere Ed. Smith Jumped between them
a.i'iT'pushed Brltt away. "Then cams the
. -rlalmgd-JImgrr- Hrttt tha xhamptotrrirtlhlrrhJf-T4 ."Jl"4!?
j-.:- two.ytiationa .at his - weignt. -r mm - a t
"T" r sporting standpoint, the fight waa thor-4
-: VrriagtilrwttgfmctorT-." '- ...:.-'-r
... .'.-Tbe best proof of this was tha tumult
nous cheering at tha finish. "Tha winner.
"J7prT5wrrwaseheereit. imt-t ha-ioaer
; was cheered and cheered again and pro-
yj nounced not only a clever ringater, but
fellow a with a courage beyond his
; atrength. r - '
In the esriy stages ef the- fight Brltt g
friend, lcwked r(ons. Ther w.ff e.ery
reason why they
round 4hs foralgner was a- trifle flur
ried, may babut In the second -ha had
thoroughly- regained hia composure snd
began aa masterly aa -exhibition -of the
gams pf hit and atop aa a connoisseur
"of ring pastimes wouIdr"Cara;-to-wttnesar-l
,.',".' . Whit 9o4 a Blocking. , '.
' White's blocking of "BMtra body
5 smashes -was particularly good. lie
dropped his forearms and smothered
tDUnch in the clinches which fou.
lowred--TnrnrTrnceiwhrch Brltt cava
toward his corner augkested great adml-
i ration lor me angusnman a wonaenui
' defense. As tha rounds went on Jimmy
i redoubled his efforts to reach tha Bir
mingham man's ,ribs and. stomach, and.
odd punches which carried terrible force
.found their places Under White's guard.
r-aWhtte relied mainly on etralght lefts
I ana rigni crosnes. - vvnue nis sirangtn
tneld out, his blows were telling ones.
jThe right hander waa always well timed
-nnd It wag seldom that Brltt could Inter--cept
tha blow In ita course. Tha direc
tion of It did not seem to vary half an
-Inch. . It caught Brltt squarely on the
' point of the chtn and n tha thin round
lie made Brltt's head rock. Brltt became
. . furious and hurled himself at White,
.swinging both hands aa faat aa he
-1 'could lash out. Whit stood to to to
J, with tbe Native Son, and gave blow for
I. blow. A -second -right cross smashed
-f against Jlmrny'a Jaw and Jimmy jeached
out his arni and clinched. - Thev hum
V together Just pne second and. then be-1
fKn pattering at aach other - again,
j White gaining a clean lead.
When Jim my icame back from his
- coTner' -f or" the next round Tie seemed
Sto have made up his mind that It re
quired desperate fighting to offset
- W bite a. -cltvtrcM. While he-pinned
his faith mainly to that punishing left-
hand body blow be employs so dexjeii
IrepT iwThgThgfor tha
head. White held himself well together,
-however, and In the sixth round nailed
-Jimmy In auch timely faahlon with that
IVlean-cut rlaht that it looked as-lf 4ha
tNatlva flon a laurels wer1n - dsnger; -
jTha crowd was shouting "Whit, White,
rwhlte.M aa tha men went to their cor-
:"nera. ..
- " Brttt Cut tooeer "
2. In the following round the spectators
'changed their tune. Brltt cut loon wtth
-wondrous speed and reached Whlte'a
, Cxxir many times. At that the blows he
jUanded formed but a percentage of those
. 13 1 etrled. la -iand. for -Whit -prot ected-
,;-Jilmself wondrously well. It was Brltt'a
i round, however, snd aa they stalked to
. 'their chairs the onlookera were yelling,
';Brltt. Brltt. Brltt."
t" Brltt held tha lead for acnupl of
- rounds, snd It looked aa If the body
; punching waa gradually bringing tha
' Kngllahman to terms. In the tenth,
. . however, -Jabes. after smothering some
of -Jimmy's JfU.-nd-beljig. pow-rlpa
rto smother others, - shot out the right
I witn tna speea ana airectneaa or a Java
i ;)ln and nailed .the local ladoa-the an
tha ,apeed and directness of a Jave - 't
" gle of the Jaw. The blow seemed hard
. --enough to-f ell a, man. but- Bt ltt merely
--. , . ... . . . J, . .
Chane of a lifetime! A regnlar 150.00. hlgh-grad Blcycla. for th price
. of an inferior article. Better Join th parade and get in oo this whll it.
.. lasts. -' . - i
- "A atlU-h ' In tlm save nine" -oftlmes you can save the price of a
new tire by, having It repaired at the right moment. nUOBat
A rully Equipped Ttcyclfepalr
ful workmen, in connactlon.- , - j-- ;:
Its oraad, ATranCltlBBS' Saak Bldg.
-too :Tif T:iadF BnrK6or3own upon-the
Englishman. ..-Janes was watting for
mm. m.irnt in a gumma lm uii
mouth , and no and then whipped the
right across, cutting a 'gash by th aide
of Britts.left eye.
. White held, himself weli-lottliet -On
tha eleventh, and in the iwellth round
he. dropped Brltt t--his hips with a
finely limed right cross. - Brltt was pH
Kla "balance at the time and-was not
stun to ansr extent by the punchy Us
Jumped, to bis feet quickly with a look
of surprise on his face and rolled. Into
mlxuD. He put 'extra speed into his
drives for the tsm$ and forced White to
bend and go on-the defensive. ;
i Miring - the" natance or tne nnn tne
Englishman, although. h cored...repeat-
edly and with great precision, seemed
tOLtC3BtnhT Jo punching power. He
grew weaker apparently and Hrltt re
doubled his speed, taking 'the Initiative
little time to get. set, and use his. wan-
lng strength to advantage. - .
-Whit Waa admirod.- i
' Although his condition had given out
White put up a battle that gained him
the admiration of tha throng around
t he ring, lie did not "tin-can" in an y
aensB.-; -When 'carried Taek by 'Urttt a
forceful pnalatighte - he protected his
body . as best ha could - and clinched.
After-each break ha stabbed Brltt with
etralght lef ta and yapped him s"3atn and
again with well-aimed, rights. .. - .
Tha Kngllshman'a acorlnv was fault
leas and at the aama time forceless,
Mid It became foregone conclusion that
Brltt would win. The only question waa
would he be able to wear down the Eng
lishman before the 20 rounds were upt
Brltt never -fought faster or more
spitefully In the whole of hi career.
As round aftrroond went by he aeemed
to gather- fresh force and --speed. In
tha "elgnweftTrrnaTSTBeTeTTr'f ourids
ther.was 'look tf distress-'on the
Enitllshman's" faee. Ills guard ' was to
soma extent' demoralised. - but atlll ha
blocked many - of the Native Bon's
vicious left lunges for tha ribs. He
did his best to stop Brltt' with a rlght-
I bander which .Onok-- effect under the
heart.-. ' rne diow ' was apparently as
harmless aa his straight lefts and right
crosses. .'-- .
-When1 they 'came -together ' for tha
twentieth round It was fell on every
side that the contest would coma to an
and without a knockout and that Brltt
would gain the decision. Jimmy, how
ever, fought- mora- TurionsTrWtafl-wver.
Ha paid- no heed to the Jab.s, and right
chin. lie smashed away at ribs -.and
face; he tried swings and uppercuts, and
finally sent homef a-whlralng right
hander which floored th-Engllshmgn.-:.
The yells of . Crltt'k friends were ring-
4tig4Jl-3'WttaJSt?ahegoti lc. hia
fee tp- and then camootner ngnt-nana
smashes and tlieiriterfereace, oa. the
pert of the referee.:
Almost aa aoon aa they had taken the
defeated Britisher-to hia -corner-,-Brit t
'" L"""," "'iTl
stnoa rorwsra ana tuna toi Tnrei
IHBIH MU A.UCCttU Sf wUtia Pam.aUU
aa-aln aa ha left the ring.
"The beat man - won.'.! said White:
- ,rl la th cleverest man In the
world." aaid Bt'ltt," and whll White
may not deserre oomkiri'Itogetherl
It must b said that he -f Certainly a
wonder t. at tha Queeniroerry.: game lt
waa a case of a splendid boxer against
an opponent who iiad tha bulge on "film
SOJOltKilUttM. ;
Marks Rush Declared by Ashton
: the Best Dog at the
- The sixth annual bench show of thai
Portland Kennel club cam to a suc
cessful close last evening amid charac
teristic scenes at a dog show. A large
and enthuslastle crowd was present and
when Judge ' Ashton announced that
Marks Rush. George Blelsteln's splendid
pointer, was th best dog In th shew,
the, spectators affirmed the decision by
heartily-cheerlngT Miss c. B. Meyer's
Jack, u smooth-coated SU-Bernard, wei
given, the award for the second twU- dog
In th show. . , ,. .
From the standpoint of quality this
year's show was tha best ever held In
1htgo1tyT and the directors and workers
In th club deserve credit for their un
tiring labors. Dogs from far and near
were entered and-amongin-number
were some of the finest In the country,
the ciasses a difficult task.
Tire door prls for ladles, of a hand
some thoroughbred cocker spaniel puppy,
wss won by Miss Mary Boot of No. 4t
North Twenty-second street," this cltyT
U - - Tha secretary's, trophy went to Mrs.
George Thomas' Brown Pomeranian
Bndcllffe Fascination. -
W. B. Fechhelmer's Multnomah Flirt
won th trophy offered by Mrs. W. B.
Fechhelmer for the dog bred In Oregon.
Reserve, Mrs. B. C. Trahaea' Portland
Kid. .
The Blaumauer-Frank Drug company's
trophy for th best &o owned hy a
mnmbernf th club, " was "woii by W. B.
Fechhelmer's Multnomah Boy. -
Sir Thomas Upton Is to be asked to
give soma other yachtsman a chance to
try for America's cup. According to
private Information received - here, a
meeting of aspirants for, International
yachting hondts la to be hedLJa. Gla
sow soon. 'to ask tha Irish yechtman
- tr"Ifher step aside In the matter of a
future challenge,, or to declare himself
tmmedlMel yy so that . preparaUonaZxnay
te made for new challenge
Orient1 Bicycles
Orient Blcyoles, fully equipped.
with Coast, Srakes, for.
. .
Shen. in ch4rsronknTfur-an-e'
1a ii
-E.' Kinney MUlef.
Los Angeles. M ade -Two Home
iEuiisutJCoujdrv't Down.
- the Commuters. r&
T aisisisisl Wlaial ia T- T1 '
garsxsjvig if iv iu t. saw sj via a asajs ,
tr-Bn rranmcq. May g. OaklanaWBn"
frm Loa Angeles' today by .timely hit
ting. Th Angels tied the score In the
eighth, when Klood put a horns run over
tha right field fence with Brashaar on
second, but lost in th ninth. Scot-:
tiA-. lob -axgtbijsk.'' ,
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Branhear, . cf. . 413100
Flood... 8b..V 4,,-l j.. 1 . 3 0
Smith, 8b. rtrrr 4-1 1
Dillon, lb. 4 0 11110
Cravalh, rf. ........ 1 0 1 0 0 1
Ross, 11. s u i i u
Toman, ss. .,.,,,....3.0 104-1
Spies, c S 0 0 2 1 0
Uaum, .p.. . 4 0 0 1 6 0
Totals . .S3
'' .7 OAKLAND.
3 825 It 3
AB. R. H. PO. A. H
Van Haltren,
I 1 0 I 0 0
S 0 0 0 0 0
Krugcr, rf.
fetreib. 1
400L l)l
4 0 3 - - 1 - 0
4 2 S S - 6 . 1
Kellv. 2b.
pevereaux,- 2b,
S 11 3 0 0
l.'raftukar-sfcT... r- - 1 00
Byrnes, e. 3 0:3(20
Mosklman, p 3.-0 0 0 S O
"Totals . ...........30 4 10 37 11 "
out . when winning run was
1 1 I t I II I I
Oakland 0 3 000100 14
Hita .0 3 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 1Q
Home Tens Smith, Flood. Two-bast
hits Ross. Braahear. Hacrlfloe- hits
Cravath, Kruger, Byrnes, , Devereaux.
Rtolen baaes Strelb. Kelly. Flrat base
on rrors Los Angeles, 1. First bass
on called balls Baum, 2; Mosklman, 1.
Left on bases Los Angeles, ; Oakland,
6. Btruck out By Bsum, 1; by Moskl
man, 0. Hit by pitcher Spies. Double
play Kelly to Francks. Passed ball
Splee. Wild pitch Mosklman. Tim
of game On hour and 40 minutes,
umpire -rerrme.
. Zntsrscholastlo JVaagna.
- ---- - - ' Won. Lost PC.
Hill Military Academy., 2 . 1 .... .S
Portland ligb School.. 3 2 .600
Portland Academy. .... 1 Z 333
Th "PSrtlnnd ".high school baseball
team- defeated The Portland academy
Dlavera handtly- In their second meet
ing of the Interscholastic" series. Th
high school lads batted the Portland
academy pitcher, which , with errors
mad by- their opponents mad th nnal
score 1 for the high school to 3 for the
academy. . Th lineup: - '
- r. A. -'"T : - P. II. 8."""
Mcpherson .A,v.p.j.JljLM .' Ooodcll
HlgginS . .orfn.iTTir Nwell
Moreland lb. '....,..,,.. Ganong
Roe-era .. 2b. .Ott . iCaotlk
Slouston' (Capt.., 3b. ....m.E. Reed
IV Meyers. ...... .as. ..... ...t . Oaktfs
Whittlesey , .If . Fields
Maradeh ....... .,cf ....... .. Marsters
Btoh ........ ..rf. ............ Healy
i . -1 - -
4 . 'Ail notices of amateur baae-
-riall gamea, ..challenges and ath-
leflb' events must be sent to this
of fir befor o'clock a. m. on
th day . for publication,'- Ama-"w
'teur managers should pay at-
tentlon to this rule, as th keep.
lng of It will Insure .a proper ' 4
report of their doing. Th 4
JournaL ' , 4
' )
V-t 4'.-v--- - ' ' ' - " W-iT-
i. i i ;tv',.A'v- .. -i- t --!
t. --i mi- i, . i ii I .... .im.-iAkJ-Mf "1-1 -'t11"-i'..ii.,. . i .iin-jyJ--
io in -HI ii ii. m ii mi "inn mm ,.wpwwsywiw ji . i ijj
- . - - - . - - - , , ' . i - -., . - . -. . -
' : ' . r
I i -' ' f ' ... ) 4 1-.! ; :'-v: I .' sl-- i
Portlands PuH -Together - and
Down the Sivvashes in"
Schlafly Disputed Umpire-Davis
and WasXhased From j,..
; the dame."
. (Special Slapatck to The loaraal.) --
Seattle, Waah., May Esslck pitched
another fin gam today. H waa
touched up for seven hits, hut they
were scattered through as many In
nings, and aa th errors behind him did
not count, h was never in danger. The
locaJsTthrew"away several chances' to
seor by reckless bas running. .Wil
liams was a, purile and had It not been
for his wlldness hs would hay had a
chanc to win his game. He walked
three men and hit two, and two of thes
cam across th pan with runs. The
fielding of At waa a feature. Schlafly
wf chased out of th grounds forrflig-
putlng a decision at second base. .
- Th acor: . -
. BEA 1 ILR. '
Kane, tb
Miller, rf.
Houts. it- ' .
,4 0 2 I I
10 0
Kemmer, .lb. ........
Frary c.
McHale, cf.. . ..
R. Hall, ss. . ,
Burns, 2b.
4 0 1 12 1
4-0- 1 3 3
8 0 2 4 0
3 0 0 1 8
8 0 0 8 0
8 0 116
Williams, p.
32 0
7 27. IS 0
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Ats ss.x.... 4 0 0 1 4
v.n iinren. If. . . . i. 4 0 - 1 - 1
Hoilseholder. cf. . . 2 11 4 0
Schlafly. 2b. V 1
Cates, 2b. 1
McCredle, rf. ........ 4
McLean, ' c. . 4
Runkle. 3b 8
Mitchell, lb. ........ 2
Esslck, p 3
, 0
2 -12
Total ...37 , 3 3 27 17
i 1 4 II 1 I I
Seattl ... .......0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Hits . ,
01101111 17
00002100 03
Hits . ,
.....0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 08
. Earned runs Portland. 1. Two-bas
hits Kane," McCredle. Three-baae hits
Householder. Double 'play McCredle
Id Mitchell. Stolen bases Kan,' Me-
Ilal2r-Hu"nnl,,er 8- "chlany. Sacri
flee hits Hcblafly, Ksslck. Struck out
-ByWlllima,..i;. by Eislck, 2,- Rnss
on balls Off Williams, i: ofl
Hit by pitched bail Schlafly, Mitchell.
Left on bases Seattle, 6; Portland, 4.
Tim of game-s-One hour and 22 min
utes. -, Umplr Davis. - r-v - . - -
XAQLES Ul C3La.U3raia7
' (Special Dlapatck to Tbe Journal.!"
Oregon City. May . For a long tfm
Wacheno trlh of Red. Men have held
th belt in Oregon City amateur baseball
and now they have Issued th following
officio,! deft, addressed especially to th-s
flW th members of the 'Wacheno
trlh champion baa ball club, who have
held the undisputed championship for
four years, hereby issue a Challenge to
any' fraternal' organisation in' 'Oregon
City to mateh game of basebhll to be
played at Canemah Park, on any date
agreed upon. Oreon City Aerie N.
t3 FraUrnal Order of Eagles preferr4.
, Manager Red Men B. B. C'lob.
M ,i I . 1
Tigers Ffnd Roscoer Miller In the
- Final Session and Score .rr.x
v T NeedeoV-Tally.
-gpdl Plapatckj t-Ta JurnaH'
-Tacoma, - Wafc, May . Th Tigers
Won another eTtra Inning contest from
8an Francisco by finding Roscoe Miller
for two of their six hits In th eleventh
Inning. Th Seala hit Brown frequently,
but aside from tha second Inning their
batting waa without result. Tha score
follow;,7,r"f --r t; 77- -,
" - " TACOMA
AB. R. H. PO. A. E-
Sheehan, 8b.
Nordyka, lb.
Ragan, ss. .
Casey, 2b. . .
Lynch, cf. .
Hogan, rf. .
0 0 3 0 0
........ 4
Graham, o.
Brown, p.
Totala .
33 2 6 38 13 I
' AR. R. H. Pfl. A. K.
WillronTcf- ......... 6 0 18 1.0
Spencer, .rf. ........ 6 0 1 6 0 0
Wheeler, 2b.-. . . . 4 - 0 --1-1-8
Hlldebrand. Jm. 1 i -i-1 .
Irwin. 3b. ....a.... 4 0 3 1 8
Nealon. lb. 4 0 0 10 0 1
Wilson, c 3 0 8 6 8 0
Oochnauer, aa 4 0 0 6 6 0
Miller, p. 4 0 1-0 3 0
Totals . aa l 10'Sl 1(
. On
i out Danwinnlng run was
Hit a.. .
San Fran
Hits . .
,. 0 200123 1 1 1010
-i Bl'MMART.- " '
Bases on balls Off Brown, 2; off Miller,
(. Stolen bases Casey, Nordyke. fiao
rlflc hits Nordyke, Hogan, Graham,
Irwin, Nealon. Flrat base; on errors
T acorn a, 1; San Francisco, 1. . Double
Play Eagan ,to Nordyke. Ieft on baaes
Tacoma, 8; San Francisco, 8. Earned
runs Tacoma, 1. Tim of gam Two
hours and 10 minutes, umplr Klopf,
The Farmers Score Eighty-Five
Points to the Purple , and
White's Seventeen.
(Special Dlipatrh to Th Jnoroal.) .
CorvaJll,-tJrTTWr .. -O. A. C, 86;
Columbia' university, . 17. Th ' track
meet at Corvallls' this afternoon waa
won by O. A. C. Th results wer: -
Fifty dash Will lams first. O. A. -C.T
tlm,- 6-8-8- seconds; Smlthsoh, O. A. C.
second; Graham, O. A. C,-third.1
Half, mile run Oreftiliaw." O. A.- C.
flratj tlm. 2:7 2-6; Welch, 'Columbia,
second; VanCleve, third.
- On hundred dash Smlthson. O. A. C
first; time, 10 flat; Kelly, Columbia, gc-
ond; Williams, O. A. C, third.
Hammer throw Walker, O. A. C,
first; distance 107 feet 8 Inches; Shep-
ard, O. A. C, second; Kelley, Columbia,
third. '
Mil' run Da volt," Columbia,, first
time, 6:11; Stelver, O. A. C, aeoond;
Leonard. Columbia, third. " -
Two hundred twenty dash Williams,
O...A. C, firsts tlm 23 l-6r Bmlthson,
O. A. C, aeoond; Kelly, Columbia, third.
Discus Stout, O. A. C first; distance
10S feet 10 Inches: Wllkins. Coiumbls,
sectmd; Roe," Columbia, thfrd."' "
High Jump Moores, O. A. C, first.
6 feet 6 Inches; Kelly, Columbia, second;
Bmlthson, O. A. third. '
Forty-four dash Williams, O. A. C,
first; time 66 8-6; Beach, O. A. C, Sec
ond (.Bhroder, O. A. C, .third.
Bhot put Walker, O. A. C, ftrst; 36
fegt I Inches: Bower. O. A. C-, condj
Ftnh. Columbia, third.
TOmrKeTiy. Lmumuia. mn
28 feet 2 Inches; Moores. a w
ond: Graham. O. A. C third. -
Th 230-yard hurdle waa cut out on
B&oount-T-ef - th-trng - wind that -was
blowing. '
Half-mile relay Graham, i Greenhay,
tmithMn wlliiinu. of rt. A. C won;
Kelly. Meany, Henkle, Roe, Columbia;
time. 1;3S 3-6. . " -----
Judges at th -flnlah, -vE. - R. Bryson.
Bert PUklngton, F. L. Miller. . Starter,
W. O. Trine. -, .-
The Closing Day at tmeryvTIIe
.;.:i3.:tx.;,; Going.
(Special Diapatch by Leased Wire to Tb iooraal)
- Oakland, Cal.. May 6. Th results of
th closing day at Emeryville track to
day' wer aa follows:
Ona mil and hundred yards, selling,
S-ysar-olde and upward, valu to first
8326 Chrlstln A.10S (FountaJn).14 to 6,
won; Flaunt aecond; Ojincerlty Bell
third. Tim 1:86 1-4.
On "mil 800 yards, - selling, 4-year-
olds and upward, valu to nrat 1326
Possart "(F. Kelly), 13 to 6, won; Fol
ldw M cnd; Glenrlc third. Time,
1:43 3-4. - I . ' - '
Hundred and tsn yards match for
ponies, -sliver cur to winner Klckapoo
(Harty), won; cneai (wt Keuysecona.
Time. ;10 3-4. ;.. ;,.,'
Mil ana a . cuarter, -aetiing, -year-
olda and up. valu to flrat 3326 Budd
Wad Sulllvan), 3 to 1. won; Major
Tenny second; Tras third. Time,
2:09 1-1.
- Two and one-fourth miles, th Fare
well cup. 4 year-olds and up. valu to
first 31300 Ell (J. Jones). 6 to 2, won;
Boufrier. second; Orchan . third. . Tlm,
3:67,., ...
Mil and a sixteenth, selling, throe-
year-olds, valu to first 3336 Gloomy
Ous (Herbert). 8 to 1. won; Edgecltff
second; Bailey third. Tlm. 1:48.
On '-mtl,purs, rour-year-oids and
upward, valu to first 8336 Collector
Jessup (Fountain). 8 to 10, won; Gat-.
way cond4 Funny. Bid third. - Tlm, f
1:40 3-4, r-?Jr
PUeatfk by Leased Wire to Th fooraal)
Belmont Park. ITI May g.Th re
sults today, war: . - -
Six furlongs Irene Llndsey - (Lynn),
t "- gr; 8-woa ir .Caeringtqn -acoiidrFly
Back third. Time, 1:1.
rritir ana t Mit fnrionggAnaru '(W.
lEaclaXtol -.- woneomedlenn ec?
ond; Etaiactlca tniro. Jim. :n i-i.
Five furlongs Anodyne, 04 (Balrd),
J to 1. won; Oaliavant second: Leonard
Joe Hayman third. - Time. 1:01. ----m -
BtXZIUrlonge Roaben0'Nell),- to
1. won: Sparkling Star second; Pasa-
dena- ttnra. rTima.1 J3Z
About two miles, ateeplechsBe Flying
VtrgntaB 8ion)r- to lu woiii Iran
second; Milcorun-cirps third. Time,
On- mll, Paltt (NotUr).. 30 to 1,
won;- wixara - aecona; vny xi.tniru.
Time, 1:42, :
crsLaxuiroa. ' ; . .1"
Th Park baseball team will challenge
any amateur ball team under th age
of 16 In fcrmsa, aoorwa- ail -onat-lengea
to -Willi Btepp, 261 Ankeny
street, or phone Main 13(6. 'Th line-up
IB, Aionaie, caicnvr; reierson, pucner;
Robinson, first . baae; Penson, second
base; 8tepp. A., third base; Galord.
shortstop; Btepp, -W center field: Man.
ning. left field; Sherwood, right field.
0wimaas wea,
nr-87 Uilnf St. Jietneen Starh Oak A
Big Slump in the Hitting of All
" of " the Coast Clubs' '
McLean . is rouchTngThim- Up
t Very Well, But Van- Buren
Is Weak.
- -Th batting average of; th Coast
league playra up to and Including May f.
1,- show, only eight player In th .300 ... '
class.- Only three -of these Eagan, lr V"
win- and MoLanar regular players.
Truck has fallen off. badly, in hia hit" '
ting, having dropped from .840 to .805 , ;
during: the series played in-Portland, ' -
when McCrodiea twlrlera allowed th -
Tiger slugger only thro hit in six
gamea . i-... -, .:.v.. ,".
The averages followi
Player ' AB. 1BH. BA. '
Hall, 0., Seattle ........ v.. 87 18 .-444
Thomas, Tacoma ... SM 10 ,ftT
Murnoy, esn vraacwco ) 14
Shields, aa.MIe 28- -
fmii Tkotm Vrrrr;T;.......100 "7-:tJ-
irwta,- Bob Frix-lM ..n.....llS a& .
McLean. PorHand ....114 M
Hlloebran; Saa rraBcise ....134 JtT
Ats. Portland ..' 3S
Vrbtt, Ban rranelaeo , T 3
Prarr, Baattle ............... 81 21
Haan, Tacoma .............. IS
Paahwood, BMttle 11 1 .274
Dey le., Tacoma ...t.171 4 .TIT
Oravath, Loa Angeles .........10 .. TT .2TU
Schmidt. Oakland it ".Ml
Rnltk, r Lao Anles ,..;.1M M .)
Brraard. Los Anseles ........108 "3 ,V2
lUiaa, San Fraoeleoo ......... (8 - ' ,2ft'l
Kneaa. Oakland ............. 4- 1 ,SBV
MclxMigblla, Taeotaa ........161 30 .2V4
IMllna, Loa Ad(1m ...Id So .T
Kane, Reattl ...........118 . X -r.45
Idwaeholiler, Portland ........lot M .243
M!llern.gattla , - " ' e-ia
Miller, Sl., 8aa rraaelses.. 81 .8
Htieeaan. Tamma ,1in a- .
Van lUltern. OaklanA lll.l i .2U
tftr Porttaiwl -su ........T. 80 rr-'-f .23 -
Kordjrke, Tacoma -,.TO...Tlia .238
Hall. H.. S.ttt ,,. 101 ss ..224
Kragerr4aaiand ......i.r .128 as - '
Mll.. PoftUo4 . ......... .K- 84..3vT
Janiea. 8.ttl as .20 ,m
Wheler.- flan PraaclsoB ..v:
.... ii in .u, -
rlood, lm AnfiM
.8Vt .
.. .,8e '-T "
. 1 1
BO 2S .323
.. . . . i .Tr Ba 1 8 .72 f r
.........113 28 .223 - "-
Earerr Jjo anaei
McHab, SoaMle
SdIm. Loa Anrrlea
neaioy, Ban rranciae
. 80 - 11 v .J1 '
tinnier. Oakland ......... M 08 .So jI.31S --Is
OrabaB, O., Oakland......... 88 t -.813,
Jones. Pertland , 84 8 " .-' '
gcalafar, fnetlasg .....lfts 81 '
Va Bores, ortlaa. lia iU ..2WO ...
OOLTrSCBLaw yOQT.slgT.T. aAlf,
Nf -Torltr May- 8 Th -OohrmblaJ -football
schedule for 1308 win probably
b announced In lta completed form dur-.
tng th comlnfeek." Manager Oerald "
B. Curtis, '08, solenoe, haa bean delayed
4jB...llBapejcled grf-45es
Pennsylvania eontracts hav not yet
been announced aa arranged from Phil
adelphia. . Ther ar aeverai date which
have been lUed upon, and only a fswt
games will b on certain until th offi
cial BChedule I given out. ..,
The match with Harvard, for which
th Cambrldg team Baked tpr October
28. Is still a matter of doubt. Tales
scliedul contains November 4 as th
date for th Taie-Columbla gam In this
city. Williams announoea October 14 aa
th dsy upon which lh New Englanders
will, be there. And Pennsylvania haa No
vember 26, th last gam of th season
With Columbia, In this city. Th sea-
Bon win open with Beton Hhll college
In this city on September 27.
. , 1 J. -
Because of the dust and heatf
y incident to a largecrowd"
such - as will throng bur'
streets and grounds during
the ensuing five months t .
behooves every man to dress
lot comfort Comfort and
good looks are wonderfully" "
combined in our line of nov'
elty Suits at ' '
$12.50 to $25.
$6.50 to $17.50
n sfxa a n n .. n
i-- - aiin.iiii