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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1905)
. , .. .. ...... .... . .. Vr- - THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY,-7. 1905. - -f - TO SAVEt T TRYiriG - -We Will Say v L. -(HipiiMOtlAfl Jt Attorneys to Mak Every Effort - to Secure New Trial for . MfirVatenUna. r,' 'T ASK.INQUIRY INTO THE . SANITY OF MURDERESS .Sheriff Going Aheaid With Prp. arations for the Execution Dee pita Lawyers! (Special Dtsoetck bj Leased Wire to Tie Joaraal) ,'New 'York. May . M. Trimble of JNewerkV counsel far Mrs. Valentine, will ! ko before Judge William Inntng in1 the United BUtes circuit court In Trenton, :ldopday, and ask for two) write of habeas r-eorpug-end certBitfeil on behalf -of --ble ' client on the ground that the women V-wee convicted, without, due course of irwi that Mrs. Valentin never had rrirtar"eltherTrtforniorJpubtJic.-nd -hat-eneiiw-ken"wlelr-r-tht purpoie of .determining the degree of her guilt - r I shall make every effort to save the '""""""Iffe of this unf orfunate - enatjsaldJ "In the event of a refusal liy Judge Lannlng to grant the write prayed for, I-ghelt take the matter 'on appeal to - 1 the United States aupreme court." W. Sv Pechell. au attorney of Jersey ..-CIy, has also been -retained by -a nura- ber of Italian societies of that city to ' . attempt to secure a euy of execution, . and he wlU AaT conference Monday with. Prosecutor Koeter at Hackensack. Mr. Pechell will probably ask for an vinouiry Into .the. anttyof the Woman - now waiting the death sentence. De- splte the fact that he Is utterly op- """"'posej to capital punishment," and espec--llJally In the case of women. Sheriff James WV Mereerof Bergen aouuiy -U -rr- jolag teadliyr?haaij-wttnr-l.- arrange iXt menta for the ' banging. Prosecutor Koeter . expressed his opinion tonight t that despite the efforts of Lawyer Trlm TVble. the United States authorities would not interfere with the execution, .... -Mri Yalentlna was afforded a fair trial."- he said, "and noer that -the board -' of pardons has refused to act, I cannot V aea how -the sentence of the court can be longor-alayed.' - -,- """- FINAL tRYOUT SHOWS - - . 'TASTONISHINGRESULTS -mSpeelal Mipatr. by Leased Wlrslo The Jooroaiy " -- Berkeley, Ca1,, May .MBome astonlsh - Ing records were made today In the final tryout of the Pacific Athletlo assocla- " " Hon, which was -held on the' Berkeley lctnder track of the rnlvfrsUY- of Jsikl rornia. i ne meet was nam in oraer i v-select a team that is to represent CaH--f ornla, - In . the athletlo earnests at the - :.- Lewie and, Clark exposition at Portland Z?thla-summef ,' Ta. Iba-ao-yard. dash Par; sons, the boy wonder from the University "Tol Southern Caltfornla,tbIlshed a: new' ' ' coast record by dolngtheidtstance, W120 iV" yards, tn tt 1-1 seconds. He wae running- against Snedigar, the crack aprlnter from sni TJurt ersTtjr; of-tltforntavwbamTi- defeated tn a moat sensational finish. emar liable event was m run- fling broad jump, won by Sneriigar,jnak- lng a recora or w reei r inenn "beating Broughton's "famous Jump Of JJ feet 4 Inches. Tha track was not In good shape for either record breaking- or reoord mak ing. Recent rains made It soggy and .wet and bard, to get. a footing.- PLANS TO EXECUTE v COUP ON WM. LOEBJR. : : (SperlarDlapatcb by Leased Wire to Tat" Journal) - Omaha,- May t, Sheriff -; Power . Is planning to execute a coup next Tuesdsy night when the President's special train . -'' passes throngh Omaha, in order to aerve - Secretary 'William toeb, Jr., with the ' ' summons In the 135,000 damage ault In . which he is named as bna of. tho de- -- - fendants by HuC. Wood. At the pres- n time the" sherlfr figures That b has a very email chance of -serving the par pars should any effort be made to pre vent his doing so. The papers have to be-served lnslda -Douglas . eaunty. and ir tha arrangements have been changed so that tha special train Is not billed , to . stop at any points Inside of the county. Under the circumstances a little coup Is being arranged by which tha sheriff 'hopes to be able to aerve the papers. Just what this Is tha sheriff a office re- - -" fuses to divulge In advance. However, the sheriff jwlll be at the depot when the " ' Iralri paaes thrdiighT MTse-Woodias - noticed the sheriff that -aha will also ba there In parson. .--. - CITY VICTORIOUS OVER CHICAGO MONOPOLIES (Special Dlapateh br Leased Wire te The Joaraal) Springfield, in., May I. When tho house by lit to 0 voted to concur this afternoon to the senate's amendment of , j,. the charter gas and electricity bill, .Chl- ; cago wrested. from-tha -lighting eom ' v' panlea of the state's metropolis a giant ' ' i . privilege that marks a new era In both the political and economical history of the stste. , ., ' Theee are tha benefits Chicago se cures: First, the right to fix for a five year term a maximum price that mgy be chsrged for gas gnd electricity, whether for heat, llghv fuel or powar. This right may be wielded by the common ' council after a referendum adopting the Jaw, Second, the right to Sell Us surplus electricity, after llghrtng Its atreets, but without the provision of ths new power houee In excess of needs. This - Is a municipal ownership" proposition, . allvhtlw innhMiiM ia that it COuM h -'''.'. ' swallowed, bv RebUbllcan opooilents of the PemocratJo principles. . . . , aTrssr&jr uov wzsrs. (Rpeeial Dlapateb by Leased Wire te Tbe Joaraal) Buffalo. N. T.. My . Oeorge Ilacken achmldt, tho-Russian Hon, tonight tn a handicap match threw Jim Parr.lhree times In ' the. remarkable short time- of T minutes and M seconds. The time for the a!t was- 1:S0, 1:50 and 1:40. "Hack" thre-w his opponent eeilly with a half " neleon. , .-. ' Kan's Vara aaonablea ess Is often as great as a woman's. But Thoa. S. Austin, Mgr. of. the "Repub llcan." of Leavenworth, Ihd.. was not unreasonable, when he refuaed to allow T Tjhs'dortors to operate on hie wife, for female trouble. 'Jnataad, he says, "we concliidd to try Klectrlo Hitters, My . , wife waa then so sick she could hardly leave ner oeu, ana live ti jpnysicians had failed to relieve her. After taking Klertrlo bitters, she was perfectly cured end an now perform all her household duties." Guaranteed by Red Crosa Pharmacy, Sixth and Oek streets, on the way to the postoffice. Trice lOo. --jr.- Y ,V -. V1 '.pis .3-'- tv - ' tr t 4 t--: In 1! .ri' - I Remodelled Postoffice Bulldiog. Showing Sixth and Morrison Streets After an abaenee of It months) gov ernment officials and employes are mak ing final preparattohg la movelnto"The- postofflcei building, to which an., addi tional wing has beeiTbufltand ImproveJ menta made at a coat ef tl 0,000. The remodeled. postofflcabuild.lng .wllf - be occupied and .ready for bualneae not later-than June 1..--. " With the exception of a few unim portant details, the. entire second and third floors are completed, and are prao- tlcally ready for occupancy. Some of the government officials will begin mov ing next week. Instead, of entrances from . Tarohlll, Morrison., Fifth and Sixth streets, with whIchthl)uUdlng j was formerly pro vided,-the -remodeled structure has pnly two- riibflo -entrances on "the -Xamhtlt and Morrison "street- sides. - On 8ixth tnwt -4hra la -nrtvata - entrance - for employes theJ'lfth, street entrance la closed completely. r,- . 'he- addition -Am the-btttld !n- conatata Of two Three-atory wlnga connected by a large otie-atory -to- bo used as a working-room by the postoffice depart ment. Tha-gddltloni-Provldet over 20 new rooms..- ; : - - - , BUYS TREASURES Carnegie's Former Partner Plan- ning Surprise for Visit- 1-fTendi i URCHMONT RESIDENTS JN KNEES TO AUTOISTS Millionaire Schwab Announces ' Innovation In Making of Gifts. . (Joaraal Special Suelaa.) "New Tork, May . Henry Phippa. for mer partner of Andrew Carnegie, Is planning a surprise for friends who vtult for the first time his new home, the Snow Palace." at fifth avenue and Eighty-seventh street. The interior of the tl.OOO, 000 structure will be fitted with furnishings Imported from a palace In the PunJab,Indla. The household treas ures," once the property of an Indian prince, arrived recently In a ship from India, snd are now being transferred to the Fifth avenue palace. Mr. Phlpps purchased outright the fit tings and furniture of the palace during his sojourn In India a few years ago.TAt that time ha had In mind a palatial home In this country, but wss wavering be- Iweeu 111 old home In rlttsbuig and New Tork ss a place to locate., liia de clslon . was reached when his lifelong friend," Andrew Carnegie, moved to this city and built a Fifth avenue mansloa Since then Mr.- Phlpps continued with his building project on a plot, just three blocks south of the Carnegie mansion. Vice-President James 1L. Hyde. of the Equitable Life has two men employed doing nothing these days but pasting In big scrsp books clippings from newspa pers regarding the controversy In his so ciety. These clippings are furnished by concerns which make that sort of work their business, and Include articles from every country In the world In. which newspapers are printed, Although- the men are busy all day long they are far behind In their Work. . r - ' - The suggestion that the body of Paul Jones shall rest hers In New Tork re calls' the fact that in SU Patrick's graveyard In Mott street Is a plain white slab Inscribed r "A -Am memoirs de Pierre de Landals, anclen Contre-Admlral au service dea Etats-Unls, qui . disparut Jutn, Ills, age-J ans.' -- It covers the remains of poor old De Landals, captain of the Alliance, tha French sailor who was disgraced by congress and deprived 'of his command because ha did not fight as weir as hli associate, Paul4 Jones, In the famous battle between tha -Serapls and the Bon Homme .Richard. For 40 years tha old Frenchman walked the streets of this city In proud and solitary poverty, vain ly trying to have his case " reopened. Forgotten . by his generation, as his epitaph says, he "dj "appeared." '..,- . i 1 :'- rantons ' Oaf Oleosa.' ""' '" ' "' The famous Casino cafe le a thing of, tha past, r at least tt has gone. Into temporary oblivion. Since the fire In the Casino theatre several months ago, the much beplctured cafe haa continued to do buatneas, but now tha building de, nartment has decided that UOs unaaf to allows business to be carried on fitt tha cafe while the rebuilding of the the atre Is going on. Consequently It hss been closed and possibly hss paaeed for ever Into- Broadway history. . Tha Ca sh cafe- has been -the resort of "toien about town for several years.. The pro prietor has spent II years In collecting theatrical pictures of si) kinds, and I.44S of these plastered the walls of the cafe: There are many valuable relics In the collection, which la valued, at 14,000. '. Senator John Ford to being, talked of SCiUDIAiPRIflCE -!- 'On t ha. second "floor of the addition will be located Judge Gilbert's offices and tha offices of the "United States mar" shaiOn. the- 4hro-floor-wilt bo 'ths of flees f the United States district at- torney and of the railway mafJ service. The reglatry, money-order and stamp de partments of the postoffice wilt occupy the entire first floor of the addition and a portion of the first floor of tha old part of the building, -- The building Is equipped with two sets of stamp-windows and sew sets of pri vate mailboxes of the latest patterns. There are over (00 private mailboxes. A complste elevator syatem, sufficient to accommodate any posslblo crowd that may have business en the upper rtoere, ha a bean-Installed. : ' r. The federal -courtroom, where the fa mous land trials will be beard by Judge Bellinger,-Is located on the second floor- In the old portion of the building.- The room is lined with heavy oak pilasters. the corners flnlghed-inwood, andthe celling finished with an abundance of stucco work'.-. - Four- heary--uble doors lead into the room. .. ..:-. Carpets for the offices tn the remod eled building tiavs arrived, and on; Mom- ra4he Ilea rat municipal ownership esn- aiaaia iur mayor oi ureiuer new iora. MrrFord was the republican senator for tha Nineteenth New. Tork CUy district for two terms, snd was the reputed au thor of the original IraacUsf Ua bUl, whlh. Sfttr Its paaaage:St Albepyw declared to be Unconstltutttmafly "Gov ernor Kooaevrit'B-legal advisers. -The legislature had adjourned, however and Governor Roosevelt was compelled to the constlVuUonal'Vetats'of' the bill. - 42MjMJWJJonaUtyr tax law as amended by Governor itoose- velt la now- befora the United, States supreme court for settlement. -: i- 1 L On account of a strenuous campaign against automoblllats by the authorities of Larchmont Manor, a number of prom inent -New . . Torkera who have been spending the summer months there, threaten -to go elsewhere. Now Larch mont la repentant and. thoroughly frightened over' the Impending loss- of revenue. A statement ha a been Issued by the president of the village, disclaim ing responsibility for tha numerous art rests of motorists, and virtually prom ising Immunity If rich automoblllats will only spend their money In Larch mont. The village newspaper aaya. in an editorial, that "Larchmont Is always pleased to have automoblllats on Its fst his probablya f ltJnJ stance of a town being on Its knees to tha bated automoblllet. Schwab's Blf MaaslOB. . Charles K. . Schwab's announcement that It la his Intention, whan he and his wife are no longer alive, to leave to the city of New York for a museum tho mag nificent palace on Riverside drive, which Is approaching completion, lp hailed as aomethlng new In American gift-giving. While Europe Is covered with great pal aces which have passed witn their price less collections from private hands to almost without exception kept their houses for their desoendante. Mr. Schwab, by the .way, is negotiating- for the largest insurance policy ever writ ten on a private dwelling, and it la prob able lhst his Riverside drive mansion and its furnishings will be Insured for 11,000.000. When the plane ie flniehed It will have cost 19.000,000. It will be filled with works of art. and Mr. and Mrs. Schwab have been ransacking Eu rope for tapestries, bric-a-brac, pictures and antiquities to fill It. Speaking again of the project to have the remains of Paul Jones burled In this city. It haa been suggested In this con nection that the plan for a. rearrange ment of Battery park with a water gate having a triumphal arch In honor of the navy bo revived, and that a separate monument for Jones ba erected near the arch. It la pointed . out that tha new custom house, with its wealth of statu ary to celebrate commerce and tha ecean, wlU soon give a naval atamp- to Battery park it lacaea. MRS. CARTER UNABLE TO , ACT AGAIN THIS SEASON (".peclil Pltpsteb bt Leased Wire to Ttia JowaaTn -'' New "Tor," May . It la definitely settled that Mrs. Leslie Carter wlll be .unable to aot again this season. Mrs. Carter, herself, felt hopeful that she would ba able to resume her appearance as Adreat Monday night. This, however, was -emphatically vetoed by her-phy slclan, Mrs.' J. P. ' McOowsn, who ssys sha hss broken tha tip of the smaller bona of the left leg at Its lower extremity,-which will Incapacitate her for at least four weeks. , Mr. Beiasco tonight announced" that Mrs. Carter would ba unable ta flnlsh hsr season. Advanced seats amount ing to 111.000 will ba refunded. . The 'arena aad tha Bay. From the temaaapollg Journal. A number of farmers are looking for boys. ' This is about the time of the yearwheft farmers become inordinately fond of boys. . But In' the winter, when the boy's appetite Increaees In tha In verse ratio of his usefulness, the fanner mart finds his seething love for boys cool lag on his hsnds.- Boys, if you are going to entrust yourselves to farmers, bsve a 1J months' contract y , . : . . ' h - -'j - - ".-J'..l..l! Sides Photo by Klser Bros. day workmen will begin laying them on tha second and third floors, which will be rdy for- occupancy-before -4he and of the week, though It la not likely that government officials will - have -moved by ihat time; v The jnatn'eoYrldor" on the fIrst""flbor will be oompjeted Monday. Except the flooring, tha corridor and tha large post office workroom adjoining were com pleted .today. ; Boilers 'have been -installed and tha building will be heated with steam. . Government offlclala left the building November I, 10I, and' moved Into the building at Sixth and Ankeny streets that haa been ueed for a postoffice sine, that timer Langford A Walker secured tha contract for - remodeling the old building and broke all racorda of govern men -contracts by-completing It before the opacified ttme. The contract-calls for- ths' completion of -the-worev-ext February - . -.r, :L Work was delayed for six months last year because of a e-iante In tha plans and beeauae of changes In the federal courtroom. -E. N. Ball Is ha-superlm tendant Of construction, and hssharge of the government building at tha Lewis snd Clark fair.- . ' .' EAMSTERS STRIKE Appoints Political Opponents on T Committee" to Sift" Many " PUBLIC TO KNOW REAL CAUSES OF LABOR WAR Unipn Leaders Accused of Black :; ' mail and Employers of Fo- menting Violence. (Special Dispareb bj Leased Wire to The Jonraal) Chicago, -May . An official probe-of kthe great tesmsters' strike, through sn inquiry Into .tha points In controversy, as wall aa a vigorous sifting of grave warring forcesr-wss orderett today byffirit-rouna-pr; g-mtto-fnrbe Mayor Edward F. EHinne, in a proclama tion creating a eomralaslon- to take evi dence and to return publlo findings. ...Three men .wall .known to . the publlo and numbering a prominent employer and two of Mayor Dunna'a most pro nounced opponents in his mayoralty campaign, were named to constitute the commtaelon. They are: . Orahom H.. Taylor,, president at-he Chics go-commons. r W. C. Boyden, attorney, partner' of Walter " L. Fisher, president of the Leg- Talatt verTolersreaguS T. K. Webster, prealdent of the Chi cago City club, and head of tha T. K. Webster Manufacturing company, man ufacturers of engines. The proclamation declaring that ths publlo should know the truth of condU tlons precedent and existing and of charges of blackmail against union offi cials, and of accusations that the em ployers 'balds have fomented violence and sought to bring on a labor crisis. Tha commission will meet Monday In tha council chamber to hear persons who can produce pertinent evidence ca pable of proof. ,Alwaya Works. : ' From tha Kansas City Star.' Banker Blgelow's plan for getting poor quick ..haa .been- seldom- known to fall. . - ' ' ' ' . """"'"- One of 'Today's' Features" THE: CLASSIFIED PAGES A 5 O cB o ttleo 1 We-watitTptrtO" knoyv'about'lwquo-.! isne, tad tha prmmni iimii. tin up yOHTrtoreTtn- ilfyoti to . let . us .buy-a . bottle-a, iuU-Mie bottle to try. Let it prove that it does what medicine 'cannot do.See what a tonk it is. Leafn'thatlt doe kill germs. Then you will use it al ways, as we. do, and as millions of-i others do. , This offer itaelf shouldjcgnviacje rrtrthat Liquotone does as ve claim. We would certainly not buy a-toltle and give it tvyou if there was any doubt of rtiults. Vou want those re suits; you want to be well aud io keep well. -And you can't do that; nobody can without Liquozone. We Paid I $lpp;pp6 h-fFor the AmgriraTr-TTgbtato Liauo- zone.. Wc did this after-stTrrg-lJfiirxie, jg to help Nature' overcome product lor iw ysarsurougi-poysij, gerTrrsrHKULnch results s. re indl icians and hospitals, after proving in JthoujajB,i,,of difficult, cans the germs,-wherever they are. uoaotwi--4ctroys the . cam germ atsease. cs.. . Liquoiotie 'has for more than 20 years, been the constant subject jf scientific and chemical research. - It is not made by compounding -drugs, nor ..yi nurture rirriyrrl solely from gas- largely oxy gen gas -by a process requiring; immense ap paratus and 14 days' ttme.. The zt suit is a liquid that does what oxygen does... It is a, nerve iood and blood food the most helpful thing in the MARRIED PEOPLE'S QUA BELS. (y- Borotky Dts.r- SBE,'jobserved the Bookkeeper, . "that . a man out in Ksssss who offered his wlfellO If -she would cut out the curtain lecture business for a month has pafct over the . money and railed the trade off! : .' - ' x VVhy sor' demanded the . Stenog rapher. "I should think that he bad arransreaFaood anough-pesca-ierms.. A man' who-wouldn't prefer to hand -over tba price of a patr-of gloves at a a. m. lo listening to ths thoughtsvthat a, wTTe haa bsen accumulating whlre--sjhe"Wolrel itp tor him., -doasnt know'a. bargain when hs-keee one." .--. ; --. - "vm.-. no-wean v-in - - i , t. -,. ,k. nrira that 'rot' on-msvtr he fields grew greeiv wtoJt.,Jhe.Joneaomenesare;ly:'i the, mighty mystery plied 'the Bookkeeper. ' "He aaiatnsc home, didn't seem like home with wlfle-s-red hot remarks on his conduct turned off. Us couldn't even get a scrap oui of 7 her' When he knoel inilrtMHirreil-t1 uae4 to makr. andbere wasn't any fun nH "excitement In trying to-boaa a woman who was so meek. thnr she had Jttent Orlelda beat a biocw: Ha' couldn't even sleep al night be- cause ha had got taa-soaccustomed - to being lulled off into bye-Dye . iana oy KiB -Wa-wlfe recite an Itemtsed Hat of - his shortcomings that when,, she stoppedIt waked him up. So. he paid up Ilka a little man, and let matrimony resume Its usual Jolting course. "TltT tried "the -BienogFapner, last my favorite matrimonial theory is iiiuseii." "" " " 1 "What's thatr' Inquired , the Bookkeeper.-- - -v.- ".- -iThat the reason -that-married couples quarrel Is simply and solely.- as a gen eral thing, because they are trying' to Inject some ginger Into domestic life.- "lflhey want, rough houses most of 'em get "em." responded-, the Book keeper; - - -- , "That's right,", said the Stenographer, "but the only way you can gocnunt.-for the perennial bickering that goes on In the majority , of-... families Is on the ground that they- y a fight- Both husbknd and wife ire always out bunt ing for trouble, and they find it. - - "I never saw a alngte fgmlly-ruetlen yet that couldn't have been avoided by tha ellehteat use of a- little tact, or that couldn't bavs been stopped In the aelf-control-on ;the"part of either hus band or wife. But did they call tna as meatla mill off? r -m mnrh If a rpy belief that people get married in order to getra spttrrlng nartner." - .'"Married people sure do seem to en joy hsndlng each other solar pleius blows, "commented -the Bookkeeper. "ElseTlher wouldn't always be doing it," a? sen ted -the- StenographerA'They are aot always fighting with other peo- p)e. A - woman knows,- tor instance, tiiaTvou are senltiive on :jii i.ubjv I, and I'm touchy on another, and when us she-Is careful to avoid thnaa tonics-'' " "She knows equally welt that there are certain things. that Just to mention to her husband fstte waving a red f Ijls; at a mad bull, but- doea-ahariarei fully aldesten .those matterer "Nltskl. She nevermlsses a change to get out her little- flag- and do the matador act. and he saye and oes the things she knew he was aead sure to do, and shs cries because ne is sucn a brute, and she passes up the fsct that she .stirred biro up on purposa. "Ajid the husband does tne wife ex actly the same way. : He hunts around and finds out where the tender apot In her little feelings Is, and then he does W ean-can on It. Vf'I used to feel sorry for married peo ple when they couldn't agree, but I 0lt""Tlow; When-I-sea-thetn at : It. jkamWr and tongs, with the fur Tying. I.'at tney kre. doing It on.pur pas4 aVrit because they . enjoy; It, and that "they-ara having the time of -their lives rT -'- - "I suppose," remarked the Bookkeeper thoughtfully, "that that Is the reason that .anybody whd tries to be a peace-, maker between i husband and wlf al wave geta I In the neck.". Yea." snld the Stenographer. "It s a aahgtr6uimTTm tir "Interfere-' m 1sm? Ily amusements." , -J-Yom the New -York Sun.';'r" June la the favorite month for mar riages ths' world 6vr.: In -Scotland, for Inatance, 17 of l.iOO marrtageo take place l June, and lit Sweden the pro portion la HO. In New York City the number of mar riages In a year ls 40.000 and the dis tribution by months Is ao even that the lead of June is very small. - Iist -yrr 4June led with 1,71 marriages, but there were I.70S in December, '- favorite month for marriages, amp J. tot In No vember. . , . The month "in WhroTi there "ar "the feweat in New York City Is March. May and August are two other months tn which. the number of marriages is amalL . . "--v. Though in most European countries, June is the favorite marriage month, there are soma exceptions. Thus, in Liqu or o n e.jMX world. ta you. Its effects aro exhil-. gtaillia VlliHigWy'TurTfying: w a xtddesotTriamhaJwc - b - lisluou every Wulfi an offer of $1,000 tor a disease germ that it cannot kin.. The reason iiihil. germs; are vegeta-s. bleu;, and Liquozone like aft excess of oxygen is-deadlyjo vegetal mat ter, -.i-. "7 There lies the great value of LTauo- zone-4t -i th only way known to kill germs in the body withont killing the tissues too.- Any drug that kills germs isg -prison, and it cannot be taken in, ternally. EverThysician knows that medicine is almost, helpless"" iriarrjr gernt disease. Germ Diseases Vheae are the known germ diseases. All that medirine in iln for these rect anj tinrertal: And -when -the-germs-which-eause-a disease are - destroyed; the ''disease hnust end, and forever. : That, is in' evluble. , ,.'" : . I' Asthma ' Hay rever Isfls Absce aaaeoila XMn; Inasaats "f"!':h"1 i.l-a UflPS- -Hlnort FolfiS encorrhea Krlslit'a niM - Ilnw,l TriNiblea t'eusea OoIOm Vtmmamptifu ' "- Polle rVneai - -: CoaallpatloB ratarrS Csaeee Ursfoter IMarrksa -I.I ear Troubles ; MlarlsNrslsU " Vtnj .Heart Troubles - I'lla Pneumonia , : I'leMrtsy Oalaer .r kfeKuBsMaia Soroful SrpfeUl. x gkla Ulseaaaa . Jl'ollamd,. May la the favorite month for mariiag,jind -lnJtaly--Vebruary. m-hrrl tprlnflya the periarf prepedtng thh beginning of Lent. In Oermany, April, regarded as th. first of the spring months, is the favor- j He one fiir,marrUtfa. and in Greece, Oc tober Is the favorite. In Rusata, Janu-y-is the f;ivnrllo marriage month. It la In conaeuuente of theaa OUl .World preferences.; no doubts that the somewhat curious result la shown here. June la the . favorite marriage month .for.thosa born here, .whether of Ameri can or foreign parentage, but it ia not for thoss foreign born., - . Last year, according to the board of health' figures, there - ware mors. mar rlges In 4jecember then in June o for- elgn born couples,gnd noreln Jsun' i krv too. - . Of springing grain; Tha poplar trees, buret Into yellow 4esf,4 Tha oak leavea pricked like a squlrrei's d In the mellow grounds'tha planter ear. itrode: The blrde paired off and' nealedT .'. The horses fed on the sunny slopes Where the crocus bloomed and the early - - grasses. : . . ' - . . Yielded their sweets to. the cattle's lips: And like soma, peerless overture, the , vnt Sweet aympTiony tTiCTwTtd chickens sang at.dawn - .- Died away to a single note. - r t And - generals spring wae mergedJn sultry summer. - m ' From "thr Boston -Postr A wife at the ago of . It -years",'"' mother at II years and three months of sge, the mother of seven children six living and one dead at the age of IS yeers, and to crown ail, with the glory of becoming a grandmother five weeks $5 PKOF.i.VAN RTLAND . 303 u st Crowds of lie call to sea this wonderful tn. Kstablisbed In Portland seve yeara. , Without Asking a Question, without any previous knowledge and having no natural means of " knowing who you are. whence or for what you came, he Sella you name, age, ooenpatlon, where you' - live, tbe anmber of your house, , and the street. Me tells you of friends and enemies, who Is true and who is false; tells you whom and when you will marry, giving names, dates, facta and locations, taking no fee in advance, and ae- eeptlng Pone,.unlfl . Satisfaction ':: is given, - - gS 00.00 Forfeit ' ... I will, forfeit 500 where I fall . to teach you how to fascinate any - one you daatra, haw to. make your. enrmies your irifnuir, raaana apeedy marriage, wlth-the one of your choice, give you good luck " snd make you successful In your business, remove evil , Influences, - reunite . the. eaparated, give you lucky numbers, locate the earth's TbuHg(T"treagu res. settle theold eatatas that time has placed be- yond the lawyer s alirewdneaa ami -positively complete your busi- ' ness. ' - KMSTTTTlSIiT 'J TO -QTJ gj; - O r - sabvtk iw bus riorsg. .- a SIOSL- ' 1, , . . ....-- He has been for" -Tea rTTi real. dent of Portland. Prof. Van : Cortland Is the original who pre- ' dloted the .Chicago Mrs and tho -great Ualveaton flood several ' months before they happened; he predicted the Oregon flood, and - among President McKlnley'e .in g ills aasaaainatlon. Those rsad. Ing of tha tragedy mar have eeen aiao an account oi tnia letter. prsMwcrrTag . niitri:. .r: I i H A. SVK II PKOF,i.VAN CC waauiagtom Deoi mi h - Orrtitt Wonder. "Alwaye Consult tha Beet. Hours a. m, t p tn, JPHy.snq jBundayPpalUvely guaranteee suocaea when all others fall. Don't mlatakatho name and number,. ' PROFESSOR VAN CORTLiAND r ssTASUsrvn iTf nii t y-mTXAaTD. Tba Olive, iOtH Waahi-goa ka, . Corses aad Waericytoa f "i. -..L r rtsiiitniff Pmpay Ste'msrl'"Tteeta Txrear TMejs aVsvau ErralpelsS' Talwresloels - l'''es. oii QAilr Gout Var1roreha Gwartrhea Jlsee av oioea s Pteeesee All divas that kc1a with fovei la' , Ttsmmatlsn all estsrrh all ratactmia (tl.. all the results of Impure er solMnea Bi"i. Ia serenaa oMllty Llqixsnn aia aa a vital. (see, eeeaaipUsklag what s eraga vaa a . 50c bottle Free If you need Llquoione, and have " never tried it, please send us this coupon. We will then mail you an . order on a local druggist for a full size, bottle, nd we wi)lpayTthe drug- gist ourselves for it. u-This is our free . giftr-matf to convince you to-how you whaf Liquozone is, and what it Lean do.- In justice to yourself, please ( accept it today, for it places, you , under no obligation whatever, . , . Liquofrne costs 50c and i. Cat Oat this Coupon fis IMa nffur JmLaet appese-aasla.-F1U set th hlanka and niall II ui Tba munaniia t'snipan, 45804 Wtbaah Ara., Chkf fetf disease It... ............. " I hart sever triad T.lnoneaae, bit If 7 will auuplf bs Sue bottl tree I will take It. B04 (11 fall aSilnas ailte rlslalr. Aav Hhratrlaa ar hossltal set ri UquoeoDs will be gladly supplied for a test. sge, at 10 yeara of age, la tha un'q.ualed honor and dlstineUonr wmen ionei datura baa ' beatewed on a-Portlatwt hausewlfs. Mrs. Sarah Deerlng of 17 Sheridan otreetra women of most' typ leal Yankee parentage, who has just re- reived the - eongrstulstions. togetner wltb a photograph of America's greatest enemy of race, suicide. President Then dore ItoosevelU." , : , Down In IhejTorest.clty Of the Tin Tree state thh remarkable woman Is. not looked upon by her neighbors ss ; having achieved-more than ordinary distinction in wifehood, but It is a fsct that., as far aa is .now known. Mrs. ( Deerlng Is today the 'jmufigest 'grand mother in the United States and . the . youngest- mother of seven children, six -of whom are living-, . ; r-i jru-jmu An -w rom tha Iorulon Talaarasn. . One of the mogfTBlnabla features af. tha plague of Intestinal . slugglahcssa . some.of our best - specialists recommena a glass of hot or cold water Immediately - 1 1f ore rising There are thousands of . tteonle st this moment poisoning them- on life might be completely changed hy this commaopUea-reiBady, Jlu-Jltau. the Japaneae schema of physical -training.-: la said to Include in tta more rigorous forms the dally consumption of two or" three srallons ef water. The fact le that 1 water exercises a cleanatng sffeci on Iho inalde as well as tne outsiue or tne ooay and enables the secretive organs tha bet- ter to fulfill their part la Ihe grtstwvrk of nu trlt lorC - , ' SCa'a tooklng; for r ITowt- seilai go andit1sg" 7WIP" little sweetheart and make It up." said Johnnle'a mother. ;., . .. - SVl won't. - ' V' -: --t : ."Oo and tell her-' rjow-muohb.yott.lovar. her, and how sorry you are." - -'-; "No, I won't. Pa aays hs got into a ; breach of-promise case by telling a girl, that and had to marry the old thing. I won't run ony risks. I won't" l i hi "' Complete"! k Clairvoyant! Life Readings JUa4Carefullyr An Honest -Proposition. " tiou to oe fuii junge.1 Extraordinary clairvoyant power, com- btned -with hli. super loe-knowledge-of , occult forces, enables him to read hu ' i man life with unerring accuracy from Infancy to old aae. HISDowers era wonderful and Indisputable hla advice ta reliable; his information clear, con cise and i to the point In Iove. Conrt- Marrlage, Divorce. - flrtles. y Ulsw e. Jout'npvs. " rpnafonM. inv.i . ments. Speculations. Property. Insur ance. Mortgagee. Oil and Mining Claims, Diseases, etc., etc purl ng my 39 years of practice I have brought together In mar riage, also reunited more sepa rated, than any other Hve occult scientists, combined. In fact, I have made thla line of - occult work a specialty. F.ew psychics, no matter how high atandliur, re ally understand this BliCRKT MAGNETIC power. -vn.. There la nn heart so "sad.'nTV" home so dreary, that sunahlne cannot enter by- this mysterlou force. 1 have helped ethers, why not you? ' FEE.0' Ten-ar oner. IXW 90 TOW WIBaT TO MOW How can I have good luckT How tnr I succeed In business? ' How can I make my home happy? - How can I conquer my enemies? . How can I marry the one -I choose J low aeav- merry-welt T- Hnw soon can I marrv? How can I conquer my rival? " ' How ran I make any one love me? How soon will my lover propoae; How can I get a good poerftlon? mow can x remove bad Influences? ow ean X-cuntrot any one? How make- distant ones think of" .- me? j How. ran I settle my quarrel? How ran 1 hold my husband's "' love? - ' : How -can-I-kaap, my . wife's love ? PROrESHOR VAK OORTt,AN tells alt- and aever aaka queatlun.t. Tha Power of Control How to be master and ruler nf vom. J home and affairs, le your hus band, wife or sweetheart IndlfTer. - ent to you? Are you OCOupyfnor the position In life you are ably qualified for? In 1 yoti wish t' possess the key to tha vaults of love, rrisiwishin. succsss aiui fame? Know the secret of con trol the power to tnsplre trust ,and confidence and win success In Imslneaa aoclal or flnannlal life ; "Arise, throw off thy shackles ' Exchange Borrow for Jov, eterk neaa for light. "Be master of your own destiny." i . ....