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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1905)
A THE OREGON- StJNDAY JOURNAL, - PORTLAND, SUNDAY' 'l . : i' f I I- DR. LAI "IS CHOSEN (Continued from Page One.) " looking blankly at Howell, ttio frco - holdertteredr: i ' -r Whv: .ru:-I- don't know hl nsme. ' ."Thn I challenge this man's vote, and thejffldavlt -he lias r resented." ald JIowelL n.i the voting of floater by -iffldavlte tided 1n thar precinct for the 7. Ma life to win the nomination for coun- cilman, but, handicapped by ,ina im proved electiore inachlnerycVhloh was '' not constructed according to tha model of that' which Sullivan u-edenijhe j - out of his element. , . . .. . V 1 Direes rnjunw m-u . . --a - l BBBsial I nil 1 TfifAT jiTPr IWIU1 -twtw alaHnn" In " TnrrHnf Ifl -Which- AO - - In. and tjha -polic f fleer at aoh of the 6. precincts - was llterauy-a glittering superfluity. ' ' ' J - An Interesting feature of tha day was -.the report that gained-currency t the first, second and third wards, that the a and Olafka men had fiauied an - agreement for - tha-; virtual withdrawal of. Bo we and the throwing - of his - strength to Olafke. ' Color, was given . .. thla report by tha fact that the-Rows worker assigned to precinct C, second t left his uwsl aiia-rnrnngtement by James Roberta, Qlafke'a boomer for that precinct. Uiatthe Rowe and Olafka treaty 'hsdibten made,' and -that nil . Rowe's following was to be given to the-i commission merchant. Then a few other Rowe precinct workers left their posts, and the rumor of the alliance became ' general. It spread through the city and materially assisted Olafke's candidacy. Mr. Olafke. when asked eoneemlng-tho Teport In the middle of the afternoon. . said that ha had made no compact wlthr any other candidate. lis said that Frl day night a messenger came to him from the Rowe camp with a suggestion . that he Join forces with Rows. . Mo- SBtaarUaf AUlaaoaa. 1 "I repudlsted the offer." said Mr. Olafke, "and- Informed the emissary that I would go to the laat ditch with - my own following, and that I would not make any promise to secure tha with drawal of any other candidate." ,. No sooner had the polls closed than TredT. Merrill gave tmt-tha-foUowlng statement "If I am defatedfor the noinlns.tion and Williams is; nominated, Z will run 1XP 4K4S V: ; Auditor T. C Devlin, n Republican -7-'etr"r McAlpin " Photographer. " " T - . - 4 f ' - ' ' ' i t ' f ' - .r- 1 h v -V - I. ' sTr ... ' r" -r-- k. Ty City Attorney L. A. McNary, Repub lican. . t ' -- - - - 1,Mm m.m - ; " Independent. If Albee Is nominated. I -wilt ippt--be an JTidvpeiideht candldataV j jjj,- W1ijlam ,tY,ild Tie debated for ha mayoralty., and. L.Hjhall dojill J can " " t" to see that he does not elt agalnln the r-v. -mayors chair." . . ', f '-"'""T " - Anothersurprlsog a&iuamcemefif -Was l-Lf made on alljgf!4auUiorUv-of -Uoulm Zimmerman." prj-aldj-nt of 1 ii council, ' that he' would be an 'Independent can 1 i "d,a 'or mUyor ivn' though Mayor .1 .At'llllaiiiM mera cuiulnl4- , . The weakneae of the Mnltliews m- - rhlne waa mode opparenThyTirjagnin i ' cant fact that was UI l.'''lljgrJxJai.ha - -r."----wfterTiOon, lirn tfe You'nn Men'a Ke- . publican club distributed tta Hat of can . didatea unrtnhom It hnrt nenler effort William for mayor, Ueverldge '- for treasurerMrJS'ary for city attorney, ' and, Annand, Uray, Kellalier, . Qulmby - v and Kharkey ror cnuncllmi-at-large, . Weald lava What They Could. No other names were on the lint, and -iha action waa Interpreted-aa Indicating I " . --' - J - 0oa Xt - Mothas. - ' - "Consumption runs In our family, and tlmitish It 1 inat my mother." writes K. K. Held, of Harmony,- M. "Kor the paat five years, however, on tha slight eat algn of a Cough or Cold. I 'have taken . rr. Klna'a New I'lsvovery for - Consumption, whtoh has saved me fronul aerloua littg ..-trauma." -Hr mother a 0(h waa a sad Ions for Mr. Jtcld. but IMmeditnei runic imuoia miiai not be lie gleciert. ana how to cure it. wuk-k- ' et rellof and core Tor cougns ana, cold. rtr ftoo and f l.AA; guaranteed at He J t'maa Tharmacy. Hlxlh and Uak streele. on the way to tha postofOca. Trial but- .Ua aa '.. ..: i; . ', , that the club, known to be working un der Inside advice from the. machine, wm coasllired.thalitxould npt xarry e.-ew- plete tl ket. Apparently tha machine hW?i tarmlnaa to aava what It- could from the wreck left since Juno, IKOt, when tha election of Tont Word as sher iff and Johri Manning district attor- ll,.,Il.m...H t-t.-t .n r w Nottingham aa senator on -tha Repub lican ticket, gave the Matthew '7i rxeasuter.JEWerle tatlon such log-smashing jolt. The Republican fight In general cen tered on the mayor, municipal judge and city treasurer. .McNary was - conceded to bi nominated aa city attorney,' and Devlin bad no opposition as city audito,4 Cameron had behind him tha liquor vote so far as tha wholesalers could control It. and Kraemer received warm support from tha Municipal aasoclation. . Fer rera, McDevitt and Vreeland' were soon rssognlsoi agjda.faxbeblnd.2ttjuiarac to get "Inalda tha oney.' " Bfforta to Malsk Werleln. ' For -clty treasurer Bvrtdg" and Werleln waged a hard battle, tha admin lstratlon forcea striving to punish. Wer leln .for . refusing-to take -orders-frora tllff "chln, civil aarvico ejomiiilssltm I in hlg recent revolt against-dictation Jn (he matter of. appointment of deputlea. The count of ballots had not pro gressed very far -before the lead of Wll- I llama was established, and It waa at tha same time apparent that Lane bad won I against Thomas, by a big margin, -tha Democratio nomination for .mayor Tha first 1 precincts reported in full showed I Lanerwttn- four -to- -Thomas one. ana tne I Word" Went out that the lineup on June i !wauid be --Williams and Lane, perhaps 1th Merrill and Zimmerman running independent aa open-town candtdatea. -It waa also said that the law-enforce ment Deed would not put 'up an Jnde4 pendent candidate In place or AlDee. put It wag almost assured that' they would Indorsa tions against wmuni. Tha opinion waa general that with the defeat of tha opposition Williams can- didatea tha support of a number of them ould go In a largemeapura tft Inaan THat tine stock roaa rapidly as tha re- turns came in. ... s -:.Tha first experiment In Oregon with the -direct - primary nominations law, however, waa regarded aa having dem onstrated that It cures many defects formerly experienced, aad that It 1 mUch mora difficult than heretofore Tor the machine workers to run in floaters; Althonrh the Matthews machine sue- eeeded la nominating Mayor Wltlhunl, ir-ia jtoncoded that thlgnomtnanon was accomplished without illegal voting, or at least that auch voting yesterday waa In smaller voluma than aver before in a Portland election. - , xraemer Kay Contest, . ,. - "Th result in nraclnct No. 9,- In the third ward, mar be contested by Otto J." Kraemer, candidate for municipal Judge. J. B. Ofner. who managed a part of Judge Kraemers campaign, said laat night that a large number of men had voted under certificates, and tha votea of many of them had been Illegally cast. Precinct No. , I la bounded by Everett, Park. Couch, Burnsida, and Fourth streets and the river front Tote oa OonneUmsa. . Vearlv ss much Interest was manifest In the nominations for ward councilman as councllmen at large. In several of the wards tha contests ware close and exciting. The aurprlae waa In the selec tion of , a candidate to repreaent- tne Fourth' ward, where Oeorga . 8. fihep hard eeeured nearly 00 majority over Councilman A. K. Bentfcsy. In the Sec ond. -Fifth.. Beventh..nd- Eighth-waras there were several! candidates and the results of tha contests . remained. In doubt until the votes were counted last night. There was only ons Democratio candidate for nomination in each ward and they received the nomination' and wtlUgo on the official ballots at the election. The following is the result of ii,, rntiiMt Amons the Republicans: TT'FTrsr' war aKoberTTuT'feiton. 4f. Second , Ward U M. Sullivan, Z7; Sam Wagner. 2Z7; W. o. Kowen.jjs; Charles Duggan, . - Third WTard S. A. Arata, i; u forge O. Dunning. 145. Fourth Ward Oeorg - u. snepnara. 617; A. K. Bentley, t: - Fifth Ward A. J. Fanno. isi : i. rneae- man7190rv7TS. Hufford. 80; W. T. Mas ters, 319; D. D. Patterson. 110; W.,, C. Beachreat. t. t . Sixth" Ward B. A. Beming, z; a. e. Jones, 152; Alfred 15. Smith, 1W; H. Ter wllllger, 17; H. W. Parker, 18; John Klrk- "seventh-Ward A. O. RushbllghL 2M. Kta-hUv' Ward Frank 8. Bennett, S. Ninth Ward A. E. Wlllett, 610; R. E. Menefee, 2. i Tenth Ward H. O. Robinson, 8l; E. U Bhaffer. J7T. ,.. "IS IT RIGHT? LANE'S' PLATFORM (Continued from Page Ona) anything to hope for in my election. - "The people's money -shall neither be stolen, squandered nor"ffItterd away ,lf I can help It. and I shall spsre no effort In that behalf. No favorltlem shall be a4-lnditlge-n by ma.- nor-wlll l eanetfon hxor permit It at tha nanae or any suoor Lillnat Neither blackmail -nor- back sheesh .shall be -collected by anyone, from anyanei-rtr. : "It is neither, right, nor gainful for a clty-to enter Ifttp partnershlj with any form of vies for the sake of the revenue to le derived therefrom. If a city's rev enue is hut sufficient to meet its legiti mate expenses resort should be bad to lawful and honorable methods, chief among which may be mentioned econ omy and honest expenditure.' ' . "It la in all candor and sincerity, and without vanity, that I make myself thus plain lt-I-anu. ta-have this 'office I want It to come clean to ray hand! as I pledge myself to return it clean to the hands of the people from wnom 1 received It. I want ic free from all pledgee or obli gations To any VndlvWual, or .to any apo dal Intereata which ikre Inimical to the in teres ta of the -ltr as a corporation founded for tha benefit of tha people. If I cannot have, tha office on fhos tarmit-do not want Ihp office; for If a man a hands ara tied he la out a worm laaa -thing and - caw do neither - crad It to tha city norJiondr to bHnaelf. A lt-ls my desire. If I am elected. to rive anA administration whlch. ahall setleat endl. aoii the 'tr and- bw mi honor to myself ear well. right aensl- ttva am J'ln retard .to tbla, and If .an man can aee In auch an administration of tha ctty'a affaire anything which will twrarfara-"wfth hl.i personal advantage TT gulu, ha can safely mark me down aa nl man inn m lui. Mum raniPT would I .wend mr way through life without ''ever having held an office of any kind than to Come out of tine with any auestlon renting ipon my reputa tion;" either" nsATfhyliitegrt- 7r as to my loyalty. to the people who Had en trusted me with their affaire. '.-.: "If -4 -am elected -J -wlrt give to the dcodIs ..tha .beat that la within me at all tlmea do. my ull-e1ty?--rnr'ep-bretlate the. honor which has been ba- etowed upon mo, and will repay It with faithful, aervlce. Jn what I have said there, is no fdle word. and. If ant man hrinre "hlrhlf or la led to bellejia-Uutt roe poircmn eneci ne iwn to be -entirely oiaenchanted In the event of my election. ' "I am tiot better than my neighbor; there will be no alra or falsa pretence on my part, and that which I flo 1 will be willing to-ba -held pereonelly-respon- elble far WXTX MAJOBXTT OT CAsTOrDATBS. KJl seem to be with the. .majority of ttiej mayoralty '.candidates," said George It Thomaa, Democrathji candidate for the nomination for chief office of exeoutlvo. "and I have no protest to reglatea -f tie uaupU aeeMe-hesethatiera, and -have the right to lo so. My opinion is that Dr. Lane received the open-town Demo cratic vote solidly and also divided -with the Democratio law enforcement ele ment. I will support Lane, provided he assumes an -unequivocal- position in fa vor of enforcement of tha law, It was forthat - l-antersdthe race," thinking that it waa essentlsl that- tha Demo cratic party in Portland be forced to take ground In favor of auch a policy," LAW-0R.r(0 LAW fContlnuedfom Page mrT - and under the discreet administration Of Mr. Hunt. Mayor William' chief of I Vu'"-- - 3 xaa issue. The Issue 'then is" squarely Joined and It Is this: Whether the saloon element of Portland is to rule the -city for an other two years, whether It may violate with impunity the laws and ordlnanoes and flaunt public vice in the face of decency or whether during the fair and afterward there -Is -to he a reasonable y- 'W: v- , v " Pbeta by Aaae. . . Municipal Judge George J. Cameron. and proper observance not alone of the lawa and ordinances but tha decencies which should characterise a civilised community.- !--In the renomlnatlon of Mayor Wil liams there is assumed all his adminis tration atanda-for. all of tha graft, wastefulness: extravagance and thiev ery which la receiving and haa received tha aollcltoua attention or present ana past grand Juries, not to mention that unholy alliance with vice for tha pre tended purpose of raising publlo reve nue. . ; Defeat Williams! Will there ba opposition to Williams In the shape of an independent ticket, or will' tha Issue ba practically fought .out between" Williams and Lan? This la one Of the crucial questlona which faces the people of Portland to day. It la conceivable that thla may be 'another caaa of the saloon and -church alement Again electing WITllama, though with tha variation thla time that tne re form element, by dividing its atrength, may ao weaken the opposition to Wll- tleetleai In MMB - reapect nothing should ba dona haatily Tha people of Portland owe It to them selves tq-defeat Williams not only for the record of hla administration but fr what he nakedly stands' for today. That Is the chief desideratum and-before It Jill other questions sink Into tnslg nfftcance. It should not be forgotten that the simple defeat of Williams will carry with It a lesson thatctrnnot be misunderstood and that ' will fcf Itself go far ty clarify the moral atmos phere which hs been debauched under hts administration. - It Is Inconceivable that the decent cltl sens of Portland wilt stand 'for all the men nominated for councllmen-at-large. Those backed by tha saloon combina tions will go Into tha council under pledges mimical to the beat Interests of the city; otherwise they could not' have got their endorsements. ' No matter how good the man elected mayor if hla hands era -tied by. councllmen so pledged and hla policies paralysed by-theli-open or covert opposition It will be Impossible for him to give tha sort of administra tion that tha-peoplo dealre.-that -they have earnestly hoped for and that they are -entitled ta receive. .- - 1 'Watch the Conaoil, Too, Strong Independent nominations for councilman .Should be made. , What is true of the councllmen-at-large -ts generally true of the ward nomf nsttons. Take Iarry Sullivan, In the second ward, who waa one of tha gam bling truat under Mayor- Wllllama" ad mlnlstVatlon, and who, to the Inexpress ible satisfaction" oen "pUbllcly e pressed toy that Venerable official, ao f reely xvotvtrrtauted. his' monthly fine to tha city treasury, not to mention Juicy perquisites -that 'were passed up snd down the Una, to tha delight of tha varte gsted cohorts that received them, la he precleely the type and stamp of mart that should ba elected to the council? The Journal should say not In a-thousand yeara. .. .. . . .. tooka That Way. From the Pittsburg Tost. 1 "Shall we chloroform, the old folks Of the nest generation?" asked the sage of Plunkvllle. "If cigarettes and tight.. lclo' keb their present holte on flie respective exeJLjj!trted.Uie Pohlck plittosopher, ! "there ain't coin' to be no old folks in i Ute next entatlon,':-u.. t.'li LIST OP RICHEST MEN I W AMERICA -7 WfcalfK'of Millionaire Capitalists is ttiimatea Dytianker "7 ""Honry 1au ROCKEFELLER IS FIRST -AND -CARNEGIE SECOND Astors, Goulds,!, -Marshall y Fieitf, . Blair Estate and Vanderbilt ' Follow in Order. 7"1 . I rKijgTM.,ii timi Ttir. t Tin i,..n i jsew York, May . Henry Clews has made an -estimate of the wealth of t he number )f millionaire Capitalists of the United States, in- wntch he piacos John- I), Rockefeller, first and Andrew Carnegie secornv- -- ZJhia js thu litle",haa formi John !.- Rockefeller. I5UO.0O0.0QO. Andrew Carnegie, f 118, 000,000 - given away, leaving I250.00O.0O0.'- r- - 4 William Waldorf Astor, chiefly Jn real staterl0O-,00.000.T7-T- t- ... John Jacob -Astor,-1 1 7 8,6S0,60O. Gould family, of which aaargeJ. OaiUd'a peeewneeiTfftne represents I3S,-,, n : Marshall Field. $100,000,000. ' . Balr estate. 1100,000.000. ,W. K. Vanderbllt. ISO.OOO.OOa.;1 r' i Russell Sage, 180.000.000. - D. O. Mills, S7t.000.000. , J WilUsm Rockefeller. 7S1otflOIU J. P. Morgan, t00.000.000. James J. Hill. 0.000,00. Henry H. Rogers, 150.000.000. ; - " -' Henry J'hipps. 146.000,000. John D. Arcbbold. 140,000,000. Henry M. Flagler. , $40,000,000. Jamea B. Haggln. (40.000.000. -James Henry SmltlvJStOOOJlOO ""vTW7tiIford. $20,000,000. James Stlllman, $18,009,000.- Oeorge F. Bnker, 115.000.000. . Mr. Clews admlta that hla list Is by no means complete, but says that It un doubtedly contains the names of "the very rU'hegrTflenlirtfiacountry. Prominent among the big capltallats who are not Included are members of the big Rock Island crowd, tha Moore Bros., and D. O. Reld, and W. B. Leeds, nor does he -.- name-'- Senator - W. A. Clark. Henry CV Frlck. John W. Oatea, Norman B." Roam, the WllliAm C Whit ney-estate, Pr A."BrWIdener, the younger VanderbHtar-Mrs. Iletty-Qreen, nor any or ths-notably rlclLwomn3frtIiir50nBi TWELVE COMPANIES ' . ARE INCORPORATED One Foreign Under Laws of New York and Qthwra An Domestic .; .Bpeetal- Mseateh t Tfc loBtnal. ) Salem, - Or., May (.Eleven domestic and-one foreign-company. filed, artlclea with the secretary of state this week aa followar- . Domestic corporations National CooDer Mlnea fumpanyTpfincfpar office, Port land. .Oregon; capital atock, $U00,0flO;- in corporators, J. J. Richardson,-. Hr A; Mauta. F..B. Jones, William. Ttevor.W, E. Jones,- R. A.' Proudfobt and Frank King. , JstL. Portland Conpeaalon company j princi pal office. ' Portland, Oregon; capital stock, $10,000; Incorporators, T. 8.- Clarkn son, A. J. Webb and B. B. Beekman. Tha .Warner . Valley Mercantile com pany; principal ornce Aaei, uregon; capital stock, if 10,000; Inoorporatora, Ernest At Prlday, Bella prioay ana Charlea T. Powna.. . . . ' . , . m t he xsriCK Biore company; principal oi- Aee Klamath x Falls Oregon; - capital stock. T$ JO, 000; incorporators, Alexander Martin, Evan R. Reamea and F. W.' Jen nings. Official PhOtographio company; prin cipal office Portland,- Oregon; capital stock, $25,000; Inoorporatora, David M. RtevensQ-l Boeeemeyer and Fred H. Kiser. ' Mason A Ackley company; principal office, Tillamook-Cltyi Oregon: capital stock, $4,000; Incorporators, Homer Ma son. Ralph Ackley. Annetta a. Mason and Lillian Acklex. : I The Western Storage Tranafer company; principal offloa, Portland, Ore gon; , capital - etock. s,oou; jncorpora- tors, John 8. Beall, cnester ra. mn and L. B. Reeder. Webber at Co. L principal ornea, waaco. Oregonj -eapl tal atock,- $ 30,000 1 Incorpo rators, K. A. E. Webber, Jfi. is. Maseoerg and M. P. Dlaher. ' f - nioTrartaTToirn prlnolpal office. Union. Oregon; capital stock, $500; incorporators, C. E. Coch ran, Grace lenders ana u. A. r lanagan. Buffum & Pendleton. Inc.; principal office. Portland, Oregonj capital atock. $50,000; incorporators F. O. Burrum.f. N Pendleton and Ck O. Gammans. Btayton Woolen Mine, -principal nmce Stayton, Oregon; capital stock. 1100,000; Incorporatorv Phlllppi. F. Carter and W. l Frerea. Foreign Corporation Tne empire State Surety company, organised, under the laws of New York! capital atock, 1600,000; attorney In fact, Moses Bill ings, Portland, Oregon. t MONTANA IS SCENE V OF BUFFALO CHASE (8pecI11Upiitch b Letted Wire to Tha Jonraal) Helena-Mont.r-May".- Probably the last buffslo chaaa-to be seen In Montana occurred todsr,-when three animals of Mia bl eon tribe escaped from Central Park-andrbefore'lhey could be captured? a Dion) , exciting ensue resulted. r.0 sooner, had.thelr loss been reported than a posse was - organised, headed by George Ruedlo, an old buffalo, hunter, who had ens-aged In many a similar chase in the early days, and' the start made In-th meantime, an empljoye of the park, who waa trying to prevent the escape of .one of the buffalo calVes, wa chased up a tree, where he remained for several hrturs untl tht return of 'mrlaf iy.t"TTi""bl(lef animals "were" found five miles from the park and after considerable ' dallying were turned around and heeded for the park. It wss with much difficulty that they were taken back, aa the animals were acting badly and lasspes were used' as per suasive meens. '...'' WHhoat Keeerre. v ' ' '.. ' v - ' -From tfkte- "Is your huband frery confidential with youT "Very, lie hells me everything he euapente I've feunA-ottt about him." 1 '" I . .. aU noAiki, cos ri.aiars I I YtitnlCtUei C7,i'.- I ' -;' ...V- :' . : : f -r-'i ;.-v.: v , MORNING. MAY 7. '1803. ' ' r V - - ... A ' '" '. . , a x-;y l. -i ne... - --- " - I,. f ,m J ' 1 ,"f"T " ' 1 T ' " jGreat Mcn'SrWomeh'ii and Mackintoshes at 25c to 40c THE GOODYEAR RAINCOAT COMPANY of Boston, Mass., known throughout , the United States as .manufacturers - of -the highest grade of Cravenettes, Raincoats and ackin- toshestjyridihiLi)rUy-on4fhe-bigr to dictate to them, opened, wholesale and retail stores in all the leading cities and decided to "fight the trust until the end. Jn consequence of the above it wis decided, at a meeting of the Board of Directors he)d March 1, to open wholesale and retail store rooms in this cityu at 14S Sixth street. In order to make the fight, in the northwest more effective 50,000 Cravenettes Raincoats and Mackintoshes for Men. Women and Children ' ' . 03 NOT FAIL TO VISIT THIS -- Men'aJjacitotjhearT , . lull military capes ; former price $3,50. '-' " Sale - Price , . , i. 1. v , . $1.00 Men's Mackintoshes, of English covert clothr ' '.box style, velvet collar j gray and tan ; . J , former price $S.50. SaieJErice?2jOO IenVvery..firie AHAV00I Serge Mackintoshes, in box-style, velvet collar,-all colors;- former price $9. -Sale Price, .-.VVSLSO Ladies' Imported Newmarkets, pf all-wool ma '7 terials, in all shades ; former prices -l.$a,50 -to415Q, Sale-Price; .'. . . v . , . .S.'SO : SPECIAL For" rain or shine-, the.celebrate'd . , -Combination Overcoat and Mackintosh,, in box "or regular style, made of all-wool Eng Hsh -melton.T in-all : colors ; never soldfor- - less "than from $15 to $22.50. . Sale r- -TriceK. . . T77r. .77. . . V, . 77:. 77. 7 ; ?5.50 Ladies'. Ragjlans; of - EnglisH -covert cloth,lat-" . . est style,, with capes, belt and full sleeve, - - all colors ; former price $7.50. V Sale ' rPrice'TrnTrrrrrrrrrriv ;. '7. 77r. . ...S2.50 tf en's Cravenett in-siapli " - shoulders, full, "roomy ' back. snug fitting" collar, lone: $12.50 to $15 for . ,-.,.. . . . . Mail Orders - Promptly - Attended to When Accompanied by . T - .- ,. - , '- jUS ,SIXTIITSTREET:BETWEEN -ALDER BEWARE OP FAKERS i -Who ruin jrour 11 SA-t-e. Oo-lo. -HEADQUARTERS" for Panama and Felt Hat , Cleaning eJa FISCH E3 RflteSo?! tora. Will Djra for you or Clean and Block your iiais. 40 14 wo. ixtsi vr. rnowm vd 8-te. SON OF SUGAR TRUST : Kl MG Kl LLED Br AUTO -. - aBaaaaBasjBaBBBaBBBaBaB (Spwlsl Dispatch Br Leased Wire to The Joarasll New York, May l.-wmon a. oar- dona. 11 yfara old, aon or wuson o. Bardona.head of tha American ee( sugar truat. waa killed tomani dv ocins- truck br an automobile. The machine ae the nrtmertr-ef-Frank Slomirr, President of tha Bioeum BUiiainK com pany or Brooajyn, jar. diucuiu w nut 7M H . -' .. i f ' - w m '? "i' - - f --: i Wc Carry the Most Complete arid Up-toDate Line of Iron Beds on the Coast - - -our unc or HtDS IS Of (onsmuaioii smr " t-3 If in Need of Furniture of Any Kind Do Not Fail to : i ' See Us Before Purchasing r.z.5t U HENRY JENN v':" --:,-':::::: 172-174 First Street , "7'-'7 r ""'-I Manufa(L and Children's Cravcricttc Rain Coats at 23c to 40c on tne ooiJar. STORE, AS THESE PRICES" WILL PRtWAIL FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. l or this sale LadiesrFancy $22,-in alt plain effects farg"fg of muto . values . e.-.. .StSOJj r In tha ear and the' machine waa being driven by hla chauffeur, who waa ar rested. Before the chauffeur could " do anything to prevent it. the great : ma chine knocked tha lad down. Ma brought the car to a atop, rushed back and lifted tha uneonsclous lad Into tha vehicle. Then at top apeed be carried him to the. home -of Dr-jolmTWraonv Barn Beacn. but it waa too late.The little fellow waa dead, -.- - Iffeiiiiiifc H iK' Wt;: ; ' f7 J'Tr:i?5 ( PA'V ' I ' oh the Dollar. 77-7-rr.r-77rT.. IXad'iesTJackintoshes,' in all -shadeJvwUh "4 oil- ; box cape, made of serge cldth ; former . r . . price $5.50. Sale Price. ....... A ..j.92.00 - Men's Tegular $16.50 value.-:Men's, Cravenette Raincoats, in fancy or plain effects, new -T-oncave-slioulderrfull" back,- close : fitting " k. collar; never sold less than. $16.50. - - For this sale,'. . . . r. . : v . . . . ; . . $ 7.50 Men's .regular $28 value. . Swell, up-to-date Craveneltcl-Raincoat, ,111. Oxfcdblack ahd' novelties, all - hand-taiiored and silk lined ; Inevcr sold less.- thart:$2gFor-4HiB sale ........ v..........;.,;.. $0.50 f Ladies'" CravcnetteRaincoats," $12.50 ' valuesT' V'- . - 1 . ,i . nr: 1. .L.i... ' - miporteu-moQcis. ve asK inairymi see inese . -splendid garments,' that you note the-styles,-i fthe"make artd" firiishThever-Boid less- t than $12.50. For this sale. . .95.00 Jadies' Imported Cravehctte $10.50 value, in" t green, tan, gray and mode colors. f : 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ?7.&0 .English-Cravenette, full value coJoTSStQle..coliar, - 3'Cape effect, . - - T " a; - j 7 than" $23.rFor tin's sale .. .7. . 'TTTTT- .?050: Boys "and Girls -Raincoats, never sold JeSs.than $3Q.For this-ale-.-. .-ri .$1.25 Check or Money Order. - State AND MORRISON t ... ... . . L, . r e J. K. Casey Med. Co., Spokane, Wssh. Gen- A . . tlemen: 1 have had Rlieumat Ism Very bad forl seven yeara; have trlel t he-bent phyelrtmte snd -. hotaprlnas. but. got no relief until I tried Ca' , aejr's Rheumatic Cure. I . have Just used four . bottles, and It has been, the greatest bjenwlne- lu . ins worm to me, as i am now iree.lrom pain and am able to got around good. I will al ways ten otners or mm great meaicine. , Willi beat wishes, I sm yours" truly. O. J. LAIRD, Foreman Steel Bridge. s Thla medicine told and guaranteed, 11.00 bot tie, by Woodard, Clarke Co., cor. Fourth and .u Washington,; Watta Matthleu, J7S Runnel! st.j rikldmore Drug Co., l&l Third at-i Alblna rliar- -macy, 230HuBaall at. PILLS BhiIh. C-V CHlCHl-SlEK'H la KtB tll4 Milll um it NMirm IiMIMUm, mmm WW M. t PrtlMlr. TMIII tmrm Mail. lO.Sl0 rMtlai4Mltl.. S.14 M . Seera. a-aa.feaw -M- Ho, 4().i t S ' (flIIPlflf -Mid.. I - eiir,y.rtjra- i mum win - , w .A