The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 07, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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TOiriosri AMusmiHTt.
Km Dire
, f
r."Our Bora"
'Mr Partner"
l.jrig ......
' . Ktar
' tlrand
.: Maker
-. Homer Hillock. ; local hewapaper
--, man, haa been appointed traveling rep
.. reaentatlv of tha bureau or excuraiona
forth. Lewi end Clark exposition,- the
appointment to take effect Way u
will cover the territory of the Oregon
Hall war Navigation company Unea
from Denver weat, working up excur
aiona In th'lnteretof .th. xpottlon.
- Three - representatives will "be , named
' beside Mr. Hallock, each of whom
will work in different territory. t
, ,' ( the Memorial Evangelical church,
Xcorner of East Eighteenth and Tlobotta.
' streets at i.XO p. m. today, a great maaa
'I : meeting of the Young People alliance
of Portland and aurroundlng towna will
; beaddreesed by- the" able and loruont
. R,ev. J. H, Lamb of Cleveland, Ohio.
t Itthw morning "the -Memorial -ongr
gatlon will unite with tha First English
cni:..(.i., garner rfFnrt Sixth and
Market streets, at 11 a. m.. to neaTTr
iamb. 1 : ;
Sz:;TJ -generaI invitation haa been extended
to railway eonductora and their wlvea to
-' attend the reception at Elk' hall la the
MarquetnHdli -Tuesday, afternoon In
honor of the delegates to the biennial
convention or the Order of Railway Con
' "due tor a, which begin . In this city on
i -Wednesday. ""' j
Baaeball! BasebalUvV
Today I p. m., tuh Vaughn. -
Schiller : '
. v. - - . r '
. Unlveralty Park. x- T 7
Local charaplonahlp, admission 8Bc.,c
: Ladlea admitted free. , j .
. . Oregon City- river trlps--A pleaalng
. scenic
. com
. llttl money.. Sunday boat leaves Tay
lor street dock 11:10 a. m., 1:80 p. m.
Leaves Oregon City 1:10 and i p. ta.
f -Round trip J centa
ls, 000 Immigrant Wanted To locate
-'along the Oregon Water Power A Rail-
way company's1
line"-between Portland
and Estacada. For . Information inquire
. of tha- Oregon Water Power Townalte
company, lit First street. Phone, Main
.... 111. ,- ,
" ' 8. Ti. Brlatow, travellngraudltor of
-11 -Well-FaTgo-corpany, la gfestlyjm
pressed with the exptttoi, ami
K"pTea-stiTpr1ee that Ifwa y iii'iir com-I
pieiion. Mr. xsriatow is one oi ine oiar.
- Tattrf-Wells-Faigu's eiwpcyes-Lj,:
J Concert. -aiven ,: undsr direction of
'ilia Ella Frances iroberg, Tuaaday v
ening. May !, T. M.J&-.A. audltorlilni,
Fourth -and Yamhill. -: Reaerved aeata
.flfr-and-4te. -
The "Paaeton Play" as performed by
rihe- peasants of ' Mt. - Horlts -every 10
year a will be -given at . Bt. Patrick'
: Cathollq. church- at t:l& p. m. today and
tomorrow. ..,... . . ; '
, , Window screens at wholesale" price j"
"screen doors plain, CO cmta;. fancy t
acreen doors. 1 . snysiaar I7 tronimtia
' T-ash and Poor C04 ts Ftrt streetneatt
. y,'m are still fitting those glasses
Tor II.. If you need glasses it will be to
your intereatjo call .on MUr,ft Co-.J.
TTiweterf and opticians, ill Sixth street
In none of tha suburbs Is mors buim.
Ing going on than In Kern Park orr the
, Mount Scott line. Choice lota are still
for sals on IS monthly payments. - -
"' ' Antique mahogany furniture for sale.
Fine upholstering and repairing.. 8. E.
Moeaer. 48 and bO North Tenth street.
Phone Main 12. "
... -TarrPltfalla for Young Women."
Dr. Rrougher to young people tonight si
the Whit Temple. Bapt lam. ,-"Glory"
'-chorus. .. ' ' '
": Comforters tacked, (Oct qutlts quilted.
$1 per spool. By Ladles' Aid First Chris-
-lan-ehurchi- Phone NOVUM. " '
11,000 reward for any adulterations
found .In Oregon Grape or Pacific Cream.
Dr. L. M. Thornton, dentist I OS Afar,
quam building. Phone Main iti.
PriXe-walU, Cedar parkf Sunday.'
"Dancing afternoon and evening.
-Tha Journal asks-who's WoOatefT
1 1
Ansley Printing Co., ISA Oak.
Under th direction of W. H.' Corbett
of the Willamette Iron A Steel works,
! a mammoth electric crane Is being In
itialled In the machinery and electricity
building at the fair. It will b one of
.the mast Interesting sights in the ex
position, and will aerve a useful pur
pose from tha minute It Is completed. .
: - The crart weighs 20,000 pounds and
Is entirely electric. The bridge, crab
and hoist are all operated by motors.
1 It will b used, to Install the heavy ex
hibits In the palace of machinery, and
Afterward will be used to carry paasen
' gera through- the building at-a height
of 40 feet, affording then an excellent
.-view Of the meehanlam In th struc
ture. The plan upon which th glgantlo
!ec! of machinery will be-operated I
th same a that of an elevated rail
road, only. In this case, the car will be
Tiout" 100 feet wlde,-,lnsteadrf wlgTlPor
ten. ' '. .' .
All the delicacies of th season at th
jl. Portland restaurant. Private apartmenta
. for parties, SOI Washington hear Fifth.
t C Brandea- new grill, 101 Sixth
street, will iervs a fine tabl d'hote dln
iier for SO cents, from U m. to p. m. "
t ilHsHa
it .... .
in respona to in overwneiming
position Headquarters yesterday, it has bn decided to afford another .
opportunity to th public to buy Commutation Tickets. A special sal Of
will be reopened for a period of IS day only, beginning Monday morn-" 4
lng,at S o'clock, at Woodard, Clark as jCo.'a store, Fourth and Wash- 3l
lngtdn streets, . ' .' 4 .3
Th Commutation Books ar offered at therat of 1ST admlaalens
or th entire season at 120. or 60'admlsalons for SI I. SO. In this con
nection It I to b clearly. understood that ther will ba no family tickets
of dny kind. No stockholders' paaaea win be Issued excepting the five '
single sdmisslon souvenir tickets heretofore promised by th. Board of
Director to all individuals who paid up their stock, subscriptions In full"
previous to June 1, 106. .
- called family tickets and passes, and this final annnunoement Is mad
X to emphasis the necessity and Importance of taking ad vantage- th -aneclal
'Indiiremenfa la.,.. . - ." .
0 -l t - ; LEYVtf AND'
It the child Is ever to
learn the relative value
of things, hemusrbe
taunht that the bit of
copper- dropped Into the
bank, Is Just as real as
the stick of candy In his
harmful a savlngs ac-
count ls an educator.
-Telrpbone Main ' 1 8.7- ; : .'
MariiasB Building. 82 UnrrlMB St.
Capital $100,000
Slreoters and Officers L. O. .Xalstoa, Prerri.
" drnt: . "William -BaltMr.Vi.lre1lrnt; '
Opopn Morru, (asblerr Albert T. Smith,
IMreotor; W. H. Cspalaaa, Director; Walter
H. Keen, IHrsetor. ,.. , , .
Blanche Tompkins Acquitted, by
- - - ing . nor rwvmmjc
After-having been out nearly-theee
hour the Jury4n-the - cas " against
Blanch Thompklns. Indicted for mur-
d.r thi, aef-nnd degree, returned a
verdict of not guilty at S 9 clock yes
terday afternoon.
Mrs. Thompklns was accused of haV"-:
Ing killed Mrs. Norah Stone,- her room
mate In th north end. TJhey had quar
reled at dinner and renewed their dif
ferences In 1helr room over the Senat
-emroonat-rSecond nd ; : Dvlz streets.
Mit-HtOne. an shown - br- ther evidence.
-trtiefcMrs. Thomrkins -with -Tier-flefc
en - in- defending berself irlha 7latter.
strook- nerr- aaaailani-vWlth a ; lighted
lamp.- Th lamp broke and tha clothe
of both were Ignited, and were not ex
tinguished until Mr. - Stona had been
fatallybartied.Ther-slat alleged -that
th lamp had been thrown by Mrs.
Thompklns with malicious - Intent, - but
the testimony 01 in aeiens . snows
thrft Mrs. Bton was accidentally struck
with the lsmp. - - ' ,
Two boards-wlth an Interesting bis
tory attached have been presented to the
Oregon Hlstortcsl society. In 185S Aah
ton Clayton, a pioneer of aouthern Ore-
mllea weat. of Roaeburg on the North
house, known as the poor rarm.
-All the board used In the construc
tion of this houee er made by the
Umpqua Indiana, and each board repre
sented a whole log. The logs were cut
and fashioned Into boards "by burning or
scraping with a sharp rock or shell of
other crude Instrument. The IndlansJ
had no axea or o'.her modern Implements
with, which to Work.
- Mr. Clsyton took two boards out of the
building to-his. own horn and 'used
them on th south sida of his house,
where they remained continuously since
r-T854v When taken down reoeijfty they
were apparently as sound as on the
daywhen they were nailed theret A.. E.
Clayton of Roaeburg, a son. of Aahton
Clayton presented th boards ta th his
torical . society, -
1,000 Feet Above the Cityrt-
Portland is nestled amid th most
beautiful scenery In th world. Through
Its midst wanders the placid water of
th Willametta river, upon, whose boaonx
all manner of water craft may be aepn,
from the sportsman's tiny shell to the
etetelr-aall- that ply the wild wavea
of the furthermoat seas. Front Its
heights the moat Jeautlful panorama
enthrall the beholder. The winding ral
lev. wlthT"ltB"fgTttle-frnns. Its charming
villages and towns, its aall-dotted ex-panaetheoreBt-clad-dothUalnJh,
middle distance, and far off In the cloud
wrapt distance, th white-mantled peaks
of the highest mountain ranges; their
vast bodies lost in th cloud, but th
nowy summit towering majestically In
tha upper air; sight that the spectator
never wearies of beholding, but returns
each time to view with new pleaaures.
To th lover of nature in her various
moods, ther 1 nothing more enchanting
than a view of the scenery front the
summit of the Lewis and Clark observ
atory. The view from th top of th
observatory, at an elevation of 1,000 feet
above the city. Is grand beyond descrip
tion. It la a ""summit point command
ing the gfeat snow peaks of th Caacad
mduntai.. and th beautiful valley of
th Columbia and-tne willametta spread
out In- grand panorama, with both rivers
showing her and there-like bands of
Th-Obsrratory Cftf commanding a
magnirioent -view half way up to the
summit of this tower Is to be opened
to th publlo about th middle of this
month. Every one. In Portland should
take an opportunity of visiting, this
tower before th rat Is advanced.
Daricing at Canemah Park - Pa
- " .' vilion. - J '
' This afternoon and evening, round trip
rat IS cents. Park open to the public
. i -
oemano upon - lmwis ana ciara m- : v
Portlaad, Oregon. I
Prominent Portland Men May
Methods by Which the Grabbers
- Gained Possession of Val
: - u able Tracts.;
-If the.lMultnomah county grand Jury
oonaldera lmporUntvldenc nrathered
for Its consideration,. t Isconfldentiy
declared that Indlotmenta will e re.
turned against several prominent reat-
daota of tlils-etty for complicity hr thjel
atate school land frauds. Many of these
persona were but tools or agents of the
hfiivAi. iMwulntnra whose orterattons
wera-Bonducted'on sTIiiiceacaTe. Wil-
lard N. Jones, already vndier Indictment
by tiie.tederal grand Juw figures con?
spiououaly In many ou these transac
tions, and Congressman . N, .William
son Is alleged to hayVe been th. bene
ficiary, of a numbyfr of purchaaea of
school land gardiAl-as fraudulent. '
- New light la the-pon the methods
of the general land office at Washington
during the administration of Blnger
Herman aa land commlaaioner. Th evi
dence demonstrates afresh and beyond
question that advance Information aa to
contemplated reserves was secretly sold
to. speculators by some one In the gen
eral land office.-. With the knowledge
thus gatned the irid thieves secured Im
mense tracts (if school land in the
Blue Mountain reaerve.Tnost of the pur.,
ohasea being mad only a day or two
bofor the rssrv was Aiori, All of
this land th conspirators expected to
exchange, under the lien nd act," for
scrip... -Jj.
'1 h purchaaera swoxe that tby wer
buying, the land, for thelr-own nae and
benefUand-tliey had . entered Into no.
contract, either express or Implied, Tor
JLhejsJeJh.eJandoany other peraon.
Yet almultaneoualy with the making 01
this affidavit they executed aaaignmenU
Of their' claims. It wsa- necessary,; in
order to carry out tha transactions, to
have the services of notarise not-over
scrupulous. J: r- : ..
' Portland Wotarles Involved. "
?ljn many-jnaTH nrea "tha .dala-andha.
description or tue Jina were ji umim
In tb applications to purchas ohool
land, and the name-of the aasigne wks
also-omitted lo-th assignment of -th
claims. . Frequently th applicant signed
without ever going bef or the - notary,
yet th latter affixed his certificate Just
the ame. rcltlng that th applicant had
appeared before him In person, rjdmad.
oath- to hie statements. . - -
Th names of aeveral Portland no
taries appear on application now de
clared to b fraudulent. Among them
are George Borensonj four times ln-
dloUd by,, the raasrat granu . jury , nir
complicity in ' land fraud i Charles Ti
Lord, former district attorney of -tbl
ed by,, the faderal grand jury , for
county- and -under, tnannmsnr . jqrjxnn;
sptraoy against F.- a.- Heney J. J. Flts-gerald,-
present assistant city attorney;
Tbaddeua 8. Potter. Indicted with SUM
Senator F. P. Mays an others, and V- S.
Wells an aaat aid notary who was em-
yd bywrwr jonesTmns' opemioni
In tha Bllets Indian reserve, a. r. qui
ver a!o f lgnres-to'a smaTrextemTTiav
Ing been m ployed by Wells to attest
about a doxen applications;- ' i. 1
: -,... statboda of, - Orabbers. .Ju
Many of the appllcanta cannot now
be found. Others who have been located
have admitted that they . wer pad to
execute th appllcatlona . and assign
ments, and In aom dasea at least ih
money was paid by-tha attorney bef or
whom they made affidavit. n many
Instances tha applicants - war never
sworn, although the Jurat waa affixed
by th notary., Th money for th first
payment-on tha purchase of th Jand
waa of course supplied by th prlbel
pals. - r ' " I '
It was th practic of th land grab
bers "to accumulate these applicative
until,-through their accomplices In. the
general land office at Wasblngtonithef
learned that a reserve was about to be
declared. Th application wer then
completed by Inserting a description of
school lands lying within th proposed
reserve, the papers wer ent to Salem
and th firt Installment of th pur
chas price -was patd. r" -
Score of appllcatlona attested by
Charlea F. Lord and v J. J. Fltagerald
were filed at Balem July M. 10. Just
two days before th Blue Mountain re
serve wa withdrawn. All of th land
covered by thea applications are within
that reaerve.
Th evidence now ready for iubmla-
JldJurvof this, count r 1
th result, of long and potlent Investi
gation by State Land Agent Oswald
West. He' has mad a thorough exam
ination of all operations In state school
land for a period of more than three
year past," and - haa 1 also" carried on
extensive investigations outsld Ui
record of his offloe.
JTo rf forts to Check Traud.
Th results are sensational. Th evi
dence clearly establishes that at least
thre fourth of all school' landa pur
chased from th stat llav been ac
quired through most glaring frauds.
Prior to the present stats administration
there, waa no effort to check these
frauds and the land thieves waxed fat
on their stealings.
Owing to ths fsct that Oregon has no
statute against conspiracy such aa that
under which the federal grand Jury
found many of its indictments, the land
thieve can b prosecuted only- forjfor
gery, perjury or subornation of perjury.
Furthermore an indictment can b re
turned only by a grand Jury Impaneled
In tha county In whloh the crime was
committed. . Consequently only a Mult
nomah county grand Jury can Indict for
crimes committed - In this' county.
Agalnat many of th frauds the statute
of limitations will soon have run. Un
less th present grand Jury takes action,
therefore, peraona who were Implicated
In th frauds perpetrated In this county
ltin caper pnrrlshffleiif. "7-"
4 Stat .Hat. Oct Back .Xroot, ... : 1.
In addition to th criminal proceed
ing a already Instituted in Marlon oounty
and those expected In this county, civil
suits will- bs brought for th recovery
of much of the land of which th stat
hag bn robbed.
Will -Try to' Iteoorei Lands. .
. It la understood that th attorney
general will commence suit In th neat
futur for th recovery of about 15,000-
acres of land held by th Lum
bar eonipany... These lands, 11 in th
Abaqua baaln In Marlon county, and ar
considered th finest timber land In
that county. Th tltl. however, -1
aid to be tainted with fraud, owing to
ems peculiar manipulations by th fin
Italian hand of B. A. D. Puter.
The original appllcatlona for th pur
chas of this land wer mad by wejl
known realddfitg of Portland, Who were
Induced by Putr to mtka they purchase.
They made the usual affidavit that they
wer buying for their own use and bene
fit, but Puter waa adroit enough to -
Iit New Buildings
26th Street
Facing Main Entrance
and Exit of Lewi? C&V
. - " Clarlc Fair.
5f4Chamber of Commerce
I or 393 26th Street
cur from them at th same time as
slgnments -ln" blank- of -nhelr ctalms".
Acting ' as their agent,. Puter went . to
Salem, filed the application and paid
th first Installment of ths -purchas
price. But he soon learned . thai ha
jjauldaeLL the land to advantage to
eastern Investors, . and thereupon-iM'
vised bla Portland cjlenta tnax tney wer
too late and the land had been cold by
the stat to other' persons before -their
applications were filed. . He returned
the money, advanced by th- Portland
purchaser and .hey supposed that the
application had been destroyed. As a
matter of faetrtrnrapinlcatlons hatd "been
placed., on record the aaalgnmenta of th
claims, filling In th names of th east
ern buyers.- Th - latter paid a good
round price for the land and out of It
pnter paid -th' "stat th first , I nstal
ment on tb purchas money. Th a tat
111 now seek to recover -the lands."-
Party of " N ational Representa
tives" Coming to Portland
on; Inspection Tour.
r J nisnrhard. a tallallclanln the de-
geological " aurvey, haa "written Tain
Richardson, manager of this Commercial
club, that a party of congressmen will
visit this city Jnr JunJlhey wm be
entertained by tha Commercial club. "
J(l congressmen will Inspect a num-I
ber or government irrigation projects
and. the Itinerary lnoludea a atop-over
In Portland from 7:15 o clock. June 23,
to " 11:45. o'olock . the- - day- following.
Otherrcltle In th northwest will be
vlslltd. 'V ...I. 1 . '
At th Commercial club an Informal
reception will -be " given the congress-
men. .who will -alaoenjoy-a -trolley trip
through thv city. - The management of
th Lewis and Clark fair will take part
In th entertainment . of the distin
guished visitors.- V;-
A.' 8. Froslld of Seaside, a prominent
lumberman, I registered at th Imperial.
- Dr. C' E. Loomts of Eugene Is In the
city for a brief stay:"" ' ",'"
R. Llndenberger of Astoria Is among
the arrivals at th Portland. ''-v..
Issao Smith of Aberdeen Is a guest at
th Perkln. . . - i - v
- R; L,.Lockmler of Walla Walla la yla
Itlng Portland on business.'
- O. L. Hubbard of Pendleton will pass
Sunday In Portland. "
H. O,' Wright of Eugen Is registered
at the Imperial. . . ' i ,
A O. UTV. Assessment Plans.
" The new plans of assessment and th
various options applicable to members
according to age will be th6rdughly ex
plained at meeting of Industry Iodg
No. S. tomorrow (Monday) evening. A
large attendance la expected. .
i lFor Sale.
Hardwood floor for all kinds of
rooms- In-aJV kinds -of - building. For
old houses aa well aa new. Eastern oak
laid and finished from 11.44 per square
yard up. Portland Hardwood Floor Co.,
iSUarohUL Jtreet, Phone West 201.
Ths T. M. C. A. team defeated th O.
1 n. k N, hssahall tfam yrilftrdgy, far tha
second time, the oor being S to 12.
Buys a
'i - ..
Tomorrow Only
fsrmrijfNfwTorfcF rsltart Jiort "
184-6 FIR! T ST. ; .
in 1 iniiiini
QO( )Oi c
1 25c
41 'r i
n . Shade -
State Manufacturers Will .Seek
Sislei Otates. " ,"
Simply Mutual Benefit Arrange'
s ment and Will Not Increase
- the Price : of Product ;
Fifty repfesentatlvea of lumber mills
met at th - Portland hotel yesterday
and ffeoteg An organisation to be known
as the Oregon 'Lumber Manufacturers'
assoelatlon. KfTorta will be mad ta
Include In the association all th mills
of Oregon and thos la Washington sit-
Jowgitke OelambU rlveri
.. Philip Buebner, treasurer of the East
ern Western Lumbar company, of this
City, Wa"Iecled6fesWeBTr6tth a
oclatlon, and flva vla-presldents wer
elected as follows :7 L. " J." Wntworth
of Portland, W. R. Hum of Aaloria,
Oeorge.Ii. Kelly of Eugene, C. ,W.
Thompson of Cascade Locks and L. J.
Simpson 6fyortrrBenfcy.- Oi- Kaapp
of th Peninsula Lumber, company, was
ejected .treasurer, and George M. porn
wall of this city, secretary.
Representatives from practically all
th mills' In th city and from many
throughout . th stat war preaent, but
ther wer no representatives from th
Washington mills. Especial efforts will
b made to have representatives from
them at tha next association meeting. .
J. 8. Hamilton of tha Portland Lum
bercompany waa ppoin4dr-ft4
after the, meeting had bees ealldr to
order"by" U.iS. Cornwall, editor of the
Tlmberman. Th gathering la said to
have resulted from on on April 2&r
when several local ( lumbermen 'assem
bled and discussed 'such-an organisa
, Th puspos
el th assoclatluii ais
aid to b th adoption of uniform
grades and prices. Those who attended
deny , that any action was taken or is
contemplated that will In any way af .
feet tb pric of -lumber. The main
purpose of the association. It is said.
Is to bring the lumbermen of the stat
Into closer relations. iTT1"" '
- Th second annual " number "the
Jewish Tribune Is -one -of the most
elaborate number that has been Issued
by a local publishing' house this season.
Including th cover th'er ar SS large
pages. Th magaxlna contains articles
by prominent rabbis of .the. country.
"Tha Jew and the Gentile" la ths oon-
tslbatlen el the RU'llm. Pi. ITUimgfl"
Adler, of London. - Other contributors
are: Dr. Oskar Lehman, of Mayence
RevB.Felsnthl. lalilil ineiltui
s -nf
Chicago; Rev. Lo.- Franklin, of Detroit;
Rev. ' Blgmund- HcmV of - Loa Angeles;
Rev. ;' A J. Messing,-of Chicago H. - J.
Massing, . ofn3t, Louis; Dr. Stephen 8
Wise, of Portland; Rabbi 8.. M. Kaplan,
Of San Francisco; Simon Wolf, of-Wash-jngt.onJBi.iReyFlalsher,
f JVoeton,
and Rev. Mosea Peres Jacobson, of Lon
don, Th adltlon Is copiously Illustrat
ed, th out of all th author appearing
with -their- articles. 1 Among tha notes
from foreign fields la a letter from
Russia, which graphically tells of per
secution In tha land of th Csar.-
- A"grand concert will b given at Fes
tival hall at the Lewis and Clark fair
grounds this afternoon by th Order, of
Railway Conductors. The concert is to
be under th direction of W. IL Boyer.
and will begin at 1:10 o'clock, Th pro
gram follow r
March. "A Deed of th Pen" (Moret),
orchestra; chorus,' "Lost Chord" (Sulll-van-Hodges),
chorus and orchestra; en-
trl' att (Mlgnon) (Thomas), orchestra;
Funiculi, Funlcula (Densa), Mr. Boyer
and chorus; selection from "Paglaccl"
(Leoncavallo), orchestra; Io Son Tltanla
(Mlgnon) . (Thomas).- .Mra... May.-Dear-
borne Schwab; selection," "Wlxard of
th Nllp" (Herbert), orchestra; Little
Boy Blue (Joyce), Mr. Stuart McGulre;
Largo (trombone solo) (Handel), Big.
De Caprio; "List th Cherublo Host"
(Holy Ctty (Gaul), chorus of ladies
snd be rl tone solo,- harp accompaniment.
Mr. Elliott; Inflammatua 8tabat Mater)
(Rossini). Miss - Ethel M, Lytle and
.... , . .. , r
Of L Gevurtx ft Sons Large Crowds
of Patron and Guests ' Meetnd
Enjoy the Firm's . Hospitality'
Souvenirs, Music and Good Cheer
Dispensed.' . ' , '
The 8th' day of May. carries with it
ths twenty-ninth anniversary of tha es
tablishment of on of Portland's most
respected and honorable bustness houses.
Many yeara ago when Portland was only
amaa.faotorn. the ommerclarjworld,
I. Gevurts, then a young and progressive
man, laid the-' foundation of -a business
which today Is on of the largest and
moat representative commercial house
In Its line In th northwest Last even
ing. In an Interview- with a representa
tive of -The- Journal,- Mrr-Gevurt, sur
rounded by a small army, of patrons and
friends who-had gathered on the mid
dl floor of the- company's spacious
warerooms to do honor to this veteran
furniture man, said: "I feel very proud
lodayowlng to the fact that thl in-4 he
twenty-nlnth-year of our being-In busi
ness. Of course w all have to. have a
beginning, and like all young men, 1
commenced on a, email scale. When I
first opened up on the comer of Ninth
and Yamhill, I wag a very small faotor,
bur I stayed with my business. What
ever I promised tny patrons and any rep
resentations I mad wer faithfully ear
ned out Honesty and fair treatment
was th backbone of my success, and
little by llttl Our business grew, until.
toaay you ae we occupy rour atones or
an. entire block. ' employing many good
and true employes, rriany of whom have
been with us yeara and have contributed
largely to the success of our establish
ment, fand X am proud to say the same
method ar employed by u today.''--Ar
string band furnished. wt strains
of popular airs and patrons and guest
wer entertained by-Mfc- Philip Gevurts,
aelstedjy the Misses Edna and Freda
Wallen and Miea Edna 1vy. Refresh
ments were liberally dispensed and pret
ty souvenirs, aa a memento of this mem
orable occasion, war freelv given to all.
. - ' " .is'-. - '
f I r- 1 J " 1 . . - . I . i.i.
f r S4vwsvsavv wshsi.s vvpi, - - - 1 1
I U Bntirm Steond Floor ' -y . J
-l M - , -. - - - -.. - r I r
. Handtom; Eltgant Patmt . J ; 2
-- - Ltaihmr. Button, . '".''
r: Dull rop. v-':-. " '
n SImo Y to tU tJ.50 Pr Pair ...J; -If ' '
SIM99 IJK to . fS.OO Por Palr ff ----
n -
I yjewTy'
furnished aDartment,"6Vrlook-
lng Plaxa and Thompson Fountain. Hot
and Cold water in rooms. Bath free to
guests. .Ttate l.oo per day ana up.
,, nwu Maim aoas.
. ' (Th pteel Resldenc.) j
MR8- E. 8HULTZ snd 1 .
, MRS. A. BROOKS, Managers.
- ( tes aixik BU Cor. aiadisoa.
. , Phon Main SISO.
i Elegant Modern Furnished
r Rooxns With Board;
'Slngl or cn suite:.. Prices Rea
y sonable.
o. w. r. si t. ca
Hotel Estacada
fjubln. and Ttr. k f. St fl l.l
Room sad board per dT. iM
Hood and boar per week 1S.00
Koom snd board per wsek (tw penns).
Hreakfsst .00
l..nphMH .............................. .fH)
Dlnntr ".... .TO
rattdrvB aader-T -yeara aad aerTats.-hlt
raasperlsl ticket, lacladlog trollty trips sad
a. soeolal ticket. Including trouer . trios
snd one day's board. IS. 50.
Tickets oa sal st tb eenpany' office. .
Pboae or write U C. MARTINEZ. sfsDager.
Hotel Eaton
Ceraer Korrlaea aa West Park Btneta,
Hsncaomely furnlabed, elegantly eqnlDoed,
fireproof, Sve minute'- walk from heart et
shopping and bnalneas dlatrlct, all-lanr.
alrr. outsld rooma, steam haated. slaetrl
lights, itelepbom In each apartment, ate.
Lars ' oflWa. loans Ing. smoking, writing,
ladles' reception parlor. Rooms Rserrad
by mall or telephone.
Frivat emaikaa meate tralas ead steasiera,
Room f I.OO to S3. OO a Day ,
Special Bates te Commercial ataa,"
(roTawrly et Hotet -Kedpsts, Spnksae.)
-" if ao. do "not sufCer the pln
ahd; Inconvenience any longer.
P" The system of cure for this v
aliment aa used by Dr. Andar-
son Is wonderfully efficacious "
and certain to bring, relief In
:,tUf most stubborn cases. :
. Bult 12. Selling-Hlrsch Bldg.,"
W. Park and Washington.
n X'5v -
1 zl x ti y
0 c
I he woodland
.1 . - .
Wood coal wood
We Ar Bselnalv Wood and Ooat ICasv
If you ar looking for fine, dry wood,
A No. otiality at low prto. Just look
over - the figure and call us up. -
Dry Fir, per ord.. .93.78
Dry Oak, p ord. r. . .f SJS
Dry Ash, per cord t..atu0
We make a specialty of iawed-Wood,
and all leading brand of Ooal.
- TbVATM BBOfl., ,
Phone Main klO. ..403 Everett U
- between Twelfth aad Thirteenth.
, ' :- -V .... '
Fifth and Washington f to.
StfHth, Sonitbtm, M9.LiCid.
La'eiti With Patont
Loathor Tip.
SImob 8 to 9, 9I.SO Pmr Pair
StMot i to llt$2.2S Po'r Palr
ExetuMlom Chlldron't Dipt.
Enttro Second Floor
, Now Is th time -to : but - all :
; kinds of Japaneae - and Chines
article at a great reduction In
. order to make room for th arrival
of new- good for the fair, consist
ing of . allk gowna, '-ktmonoaT
- patsuk purses, : silver clolssonna
. vases, satsuma. fm 1 brown deco
rated porcelain tea sets, 'matting,,
-1 oye etc
... .. H .
Andrew Kan Ho.
. . tar acoBusow nr. - '
Don't Buy
Glasses from
a Showcase
Don't trlfl with your eyes. They
won't stand - trifling wit hi end
you'll find It sooner than you
z expect if you lmpoa-uponr them.
If your eyes trouble you go to
a man who has mad them a
study snd who haa a record for
thousanda-of cur.' Many thoti-
Sand Of oases or blindness ar
u to experiments. Don't -ox
pertment Come her and let us
eaamlne you yes sjtd ou
TM IOWA nWlUa, ' '
a- IN ' y
Is achieved by wearing tha proper
-CORSET. It's no trouble ber t,
-please th most fastidious woman.
W ar prepared to relieve them
'of all eorset worries. Every fit"'
"' guaranteed. r .. ..; -
E. HUMMEL,- Corsetlere 1
lit- Eleventh, CorAld-
Right up-to-date Men's and Toutha
Suit and Top Coats from 96. OO up to..
91S.OO. Every bit a good a you
pay from 11.10 to IS.IO mora elsewhere.
Complete line f Hats, pants and
Ehlrta, alao Mil tin of Bhoea and On
fords fo ladles, men and bHdrn,
Enough style to suit every on s taste,
and prics that will suit yon. ' " t
W hav but on price and It I
marked In plain figures,
' ' AT TWO TOSEl .
rtret and TasnkUl and Third aad rvtj,
r--gt . - - - - m Tr
, Cuno
Bi Stjleciion !