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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1905)
'.J- THE -OREGON- SUNDAY - JOURNAL', : PORTLAND." SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 7. 1. 1005." Ottqou uunial REPORTS FROM : VARIOUS PARTS OF NORTHWEST TELL OF UNEVEN HOP GROWTH ARIOUS MAR KE'TS WOOL- MARKET HAS ABOUT REACHED TOP AND DEALERS REFUSED : TO PAY HIGHER . .,V XaUnA at., th mft a Portland,- Or, lor traneportatloe through UM Ball M aetuno- turn saaltsv. tMt.r. Cne alnala MhlMf B-fl. . It R 10 OS IS- Pier, 1 cent; 14 to SO pagee. S etau; U a PS S CaUk iiLrrHOMit. buaineaa OfOc ..Mala too rOETIOM AOTZKTIUVO minEBXVtATITZ. Vrelaa-Bngnila Special Advertising ancy, . iou rum smsi. l-tf . Chicago, ' . V "- .. trsKBxniojr miii'.- .'' I Imy kr Oarrisr. . J,T Plly Journal, with Bandar I yer...T.50 I Th Itellr Journal. 1 roar, . 00 5 Tbe iMtly Journal, wit nnUj, 4 months. S.TS j Tha Dally Joarnal. months..... "' t laa bally jwrul, with Sunday, bodUm. l.W) ilb Daily Journal. 1 montlia. ............. I 1 -a Th Dally Joarnal, with Sunday. 1 month. . I Iba Dally, pat woes, delivered. DiiDda I included - . TK tufl. u. . . A.vrA Sunday .18 I xeotea.' .'. .10 I " . Tanas kr Mail. -i-Th Bally r-U:wttl Monday.- 1 Tr--7 -fffha Dally Journal, 1 yaar..r... ....t 0 00 The Daily Journal, wltk Sunday, moo tha. I TS Tha Dally Journal, months SIS JCn Dally Journal, wltk Sunday, I aMotua. ISO Tb Dally Jnnrn.i a au ally Jr.umaL Tills Buuday. 1 month.. .5 Tba Dally Journal. 1 month........ Tha Sunday Journal. 1 year. J0" Tha Bandar Joarnal. montba... 1.00 ' Tba Ssml-Wsekly Journal. Tha smt-Weekly Joarnal, S to 13 pages ' see lam, Ulnatrated, full Kt. l yaar. ......... , mJttaaca should be aaaee fey .........lino drefts. postal aprae orders and amall amoonta ar .mmIbM. 4b a rmf -n-.f.ce BtaniDa. THS jooaAL. , l. O. Bos Ulv Portland. Or. . WXXkX TEX JOlTnJIAX- MAT. MX TOUHD. " f" Tha Jogrml ran ha raaa tia-at- followlna; plaeaa: t B0I6B. JDUO H. Ballar Co.l W. B,' KC- -t Intyra. ' - :..i. CHlOa.00 PoatefBc ITawa eompany, lfS Dear- horn traat. . . fDCNVER. COIXl. Kandriek Book BUtlaaary company, BIS BTntnUl traat; ii Black, piitntn and cunta atreaia, Dl NHhU'lB. CAL. J. MK'arTrlla. ' - JUNKW, AI.AKKA PontonlMi Boo ttnra." ' KANSAS riTT Via Now Nawa aompany. LOB ANGELES a r. Oardnar, South Bprtnc atraati OUrar as Ualnaa, SUB -Booth - ' Spring t tract. . MINNEAPOLIS It. J. KaraMUfh. 50 Boatk Third treat. -..,.. . . v . . -:XKW VOKK CITT Brmiraaoa. Union aquam. -. OODKN Ordaa Kawa oomnanyr - OMAHA MUlard Hotal Neva at tad; Kafaath Stationarr romoanr .'Ikoa rarnum atraat. - ALT LAKB CITT Krnyon Hotal Nawa atand; rr'Waat Btft T. LOUIS Philip Roadn, 016 Locuat atraat; E. T. Jett, Mid OUra auact. BAM rBANCISCO W. K. Ardlnc, Palica Hotel - Kawa atand and 1008 Market atraat: Oold amltb Broa., Z80 Butter atraat, and' Balnt , Kraacla noul: Foattr Oraar. Ferry 4ulld , In; N. Wheatlry, noaeabla oawa aland, ant. - tier Market and Keamay leeeta. SEATTLE Ulular Urand Kawa atand; Baltara Kewa company. ' fPOKA!S. WABTt. Joha W, Orabaa Co. --VACOMA. WASH Central - laaa - aompany; Hotel i boo ma tw ataad.- VICTORIA, B. C Tlctorta Book BtiMoaarf 7- WXATEEX XX70KT. . Wtllametta Taller and In aoattared aartlond or tha snrtk faclfle auteo aaat of tha Caacade inoQBtalna. - . - - It la warmer tola rrenlng In tha aovnd robn- try; elftewhera In tba atatea WMt of tba Kocky , mountalna tba temperatura baa shamed but i..,e eMTe yTT r -A dlaturhanre -of moderate energy now en aaUapea Ua greelaa . aarttoa of .4htc- dutrut and the lnoicationa ara that ua weather la ' the Panne northweat Sunday will ba ', or leea aaowary with lower temperatnra, 1- Obaerrntiona to B p. m. : Mailmum tern ; peratnra. 08 dea-reea; ailnlnrtrm trmneramre. H eVareea. "TUr.r reading at It a. m., S B feet: chana-o In paat M boura, 0.1 foot. Total , . precipitation. B p. jn to B p. m.. trarat. total - precipitation elaee September 1, 1M04, inckaa; normal preclpltatloa alnca September 1, 3 tXH. 41.M .lnchea deflnclencx U,a8 lnfhea. 7TotaI- aunahlna. M, Ma 6, ltuS; pnmlble ' aanahlna. 14.90, May S, 1809 Banitnetar (ra- ' daced to aea level, at S p. - V 1UBKIA0K 1JCENBJS William J. Jehnen, XT, and Bertha MabU - Hyde, XL Jamea Gllleapta of Clarke wnhty, Waahlng. 1 ton, orer 21, and Erneatlne Oataka, IB. A. E. Fetereoa, 24, and Barak O. Soebaaer, U. Wedding Card. W. O. Smith Oo.. Waah " log ton hidg., cor. Fourth and Waablagton ata. . Crematorium on Oregon City ear line, near Cell wood; modern, actentlflc, complete. Charged Adulta, S3a; children. &. Via I tore a. m. lertland, Oregon. i. Tha Bdward Uolmaa Tadertrtlng ronipeay. funeral director! and embalmore. 220 Third ktreet. t-none ovj. 1 J. P. Flnley aV Son., funeral director! and mhelmera, corner Third and Madlaon atreeta. Office ot county coroner. Telephone Mala B. . Faneral wreath! and cut flowere a aperlalty at Boae City Oreenhouae. TwejQXJ-accaUil.-aAd " 'Slat Morrlaon," opp. cemetery. Get yonr Inauranee and abatrtrta to real - eatata from tba Title Guarantee Jc Truat cont . panj, Chamber of Commerce building. JiOTELARRIVALS At the Parkin -B. Heneh.wt W. Tleti.haw TT Spokanei L. ('bailee, ha rnartan: William rlg ind wife. Colorsdo Sprlnaa; 1. A. tv.l and A. J, Doric, oloux Cltv: M. A. Cole T.. t com; Dr. i. Q. Baker and wife, Gaaton, Ore !goo; Mrs. A. P. Rlcharda, Albany t C. K. Ilcnrr end wife. Hlllsboro; P. B. Robblns. Boston; .... . pciwouiiiD, iM-nver; tienry riiscsmsn, llrppner; E. J. Hawkins. Colorado Springs; II. K. Dillon and 0. Bertelsnr. Los Angeles; Ksnny Asderson and Grda Hsgonld, Pendleton; O. B. Jenklaoa. New York; Thomas Wallalnger and family. It Grande; A. W. I light, Seattle; II. H. Wlltlame, Junean. Alaaka; B. A. Hull and J. E. Robrrtaon, fceattl. At the Imperial F. I Rlee and wife,- Al-'Z- rsny:' O. AL McBrlde, Astorls;-A. A. -Oeer. Kslem: S. A. Ksyston and wile sad 1 harle. - .. Han- Frsnclsco; A. Schoelld, Seaside; r. M. iRrown, Salem; B. I" Bus U, Oakland, (allfor nls: i. A. Pinch, 8a h-(p; 0. E. Loomla, Eugene; -Kllen A. Ixmmla, Eugene; P. A. Cross. Council Cltylsksj1JTijajB61eNap i.lty, t,all . ,Tnrnls; B J. Oildmsn, - Hsa Frsoclaco; P. c. Keller, Hsrrlsbur, Oregon; C W. Cottsm, Kan PrsnHsro; Joseph patrlik and wife, K sla in. Waahlnrton: Carrie Burr ham, Melao, Waah-- lngton;-A. W. Sbevera. Mcdford. -Oregon reth Hsven. Th Dalles: Mlas B. Dnmpsey, Iialbta Bertha hrsaca, Ta corns; Mis Fred Uvgsn. Mlnneapolla. " . At tbe Portland J. B. Simpson. New York: , K. B. Bala, Chicago; H. B. Cromwell. Han -'i - Frsneiaeo: O. O. Kelt. San Pranrlsro: W.' o. . Ulatt and wife, Detroit; J. I. Klrscnbens. San FrsnHsco; P. W. Garood. Philadelphia; U. B. How land. St. Lou la; S. Straus, San Frsnctsro' JU L. Iaenbergesr AttorU; -Mrs. R. M. Moor. . - - fian SVanclacn: J. J. Nndn Ull fa . Mostyn, London; C. Hsltbwslle, San rsn .ruv; n. -rrsntner, nesrtie; w. . C. Denning tneyenne; B. O. Brsdy, Detroit; J. R. Meyer fan Francisco; Mr, r. B. Rogers, Seattle; E. W. , Demererl, De Maine; 0. F. Robinson. Kansss ;iiy. , , TsU.Tra or wiima ats jusnra, . . . From 'th liondon Chronlcl."' i. A blink dally walkv r rid nn hornet . Aack. beau any mor elnborat form of physical csarelM for nlmpllolty com bined with efficiency. ln walking, en- tierlally If th (round la omewht un dulatlnc. a very lrg fiumber of mus rla gra brought into natural nd easy r'r. uTflriont, at any rata, to !tlrau , lata tha' circulation, which In Ha turn vmpla fall oipannlon of th lung and rtu aaratloTI of th blood.' Tha profea ' "Alonal or bualnesg man require no mor than thla to keep him fit for. hi dutle Trovlded h follow tha ordinary fule of health In respect to bathing, estlnr. nrtTiltlnf knd fIothln.,Iif ho la afflicted with a laggleli liver. Indigestion or In activity of ths nllmerJry canal a -a . rehnla, a man may dcrlv mora benefit tn health on horaeback; bat that Is ' ataUy curtllva form of exercU. ' OUTLQOKiSzNOTt Sfl GOOD IN iPS Reports of Uneven Yards Have -.Been confirmed from va" rious State Districts. WOOL MARKET GETTING -: .TO. TDP0FT.HE LADDER Better Tone in Potatoes Onions Scarcer and Higher Quiet In Wheat Market. Proot Straet. May B.'-B "p. m. Tba principal featnraa ot tha PortUnd wboleitla marketatba pait-waaa. aat. ,1 .1 Hop outlook not an good. Wool market raarhea tba top. ' liood Kiver berrlea coma to market. , Btta ton 4g potato market. . -. ftnlona are lilyber wltb ararcliy.. ' Poultry, market dull and lower, - - Kaaa do better after' atorlng. 'No oriental-" floor demand. ' Wheat mtrket ftrm but qnlet. ahnon pat-la arowrnjr amallefc' ttr Cbeeaa mora plentiful and down. Market atronfer after alump In raaU Dreaaed boaa-ara quoted atlffer. Hide market firm but onchanced. Soma amall rhttttm bark ahlpmenta. ' I'aC k Jj"ff Myhee: Treatnery butter dolnf better.'- Bupplle. ot aapaxacua email, "-Herttook Vat Ba Oeod. For tba crop eondlttona do 'not look ao well In bopa. Special reporta to Tha Joarnal from yarloua nop -arowlnf aertlona atlte that the Tinea era very one ten.- All through the belter pottlene of tbe- WIHemette -reltey theaa leporta come. . Howerer, tbey are not, confined to thia atata."Tbr tha Tarlima dtatricta in-Waablugtoa ara abowlnaT tba aama trouble. .Jnat what the Irauae of .tha uneTenneaa of tha alnea la, none of tba grower wboae yarda are arrectea nara aa yet bean able to aay. In moat quartern tne Imnraaalon rjraTalla that a new kind of Inenrt haa attacked the Tinea. If thla abould . prore true and no efficient remedy la found tn time the coming crop la not likely to go far a bore grower, bowerer, ara ur the opinion mat inia la one of tha regular off year for tha. crop and no matter bow good- the Weather eeema to be It la not ot tba proper quality to make 1 good yield. . . Dullneee suiea la ataraei. Tb. bap warae , ao -far a Portland -wan-con. -paat week, ail IDWI noil aa could be.' There Waa narertbeleaa a great deal of etrenglh ahown, but aa- growera ara tied to aoate aitaat wiui -We pool, uaro aa noi lanoaWlon to aalL - Chlneae growera ot hop are not In fBS pool ind nnr tweiefuie tn tha market. From one f theaa Harry L. Hart pnrchiaed a amall lot thla week at prevailing ngurea. - noma ardera have -been received by local dealer, bat tllfilT COttWC''lWrTWaWT"-"nnnWff aB4aatMCaTFnrt quotatluna, aa they claim that tbay til U obtatrjed "frwui tba fjundon pool roaad preeent flgnrea, and there la no nee la buying In tba open market unlca they - ara - favored. Crop condition all over tba country are conaldered quite bearlab. Tba reporta from -Oregon and Waa bin to a, although not aa goon aa expeciao. Ma 87-Cent Hop Salear- t " Contrary to-f etieTtrt report, tre rctoc aanat hope -were bold In tM ew ii mariei me 27c. " A. report from a: reliable aourco aay that XnO balea of c bo lee Paclnc were anl'l at prim rnng'rg from 2ft to BdVc. out ne aalea arcre recorded beyond tbeea ng urea. Thla mean that witla 2c freight charge and brokaraga-at both aada the bop grower here would feclT2c k -ponad for bl cunltw lappa on a baala of tha aalv In New York. The Sefmag Tnfi aglrket- la uon aey uultt and prlcaa ara 2c kiwat, than tb prtrloua weelU-. - ;-- Wkeat Firm, Jat-TiaaV lt ftoletr - Tha ""only ictlrlty ' reported. In the "wheat market -tha paat week waa on account of nam liberal an lea . to California . miller. Locally there waa not much of lntrreat to the market. Miller! who worn, anxloua to purchaae a week ago ar -not now In tba market,, tba tone of tba demand for - flour being ' . conildrrably changed. Tha heavy fluctuation In tba Chicago and other eaatern marker are not felt here at U, price In Portland now being governed alto gether by tba attitude of tba tocalrorutof trade. . , Hen Tr4e-I llght.-r-t Trading In tb flour market tba past week was rather light. There wa but a very small demand from tb orient, even th nana! votame ot sale being considerably cut tha past week, Tba Chines trade-haa not yet materialised, altbonah there was some slight nibbling - by large firm In the Flowery Kingdom during tba six asys. jnere is annuel a vni sent -of wn? thing doing In th way ut -xr local floor demand. Price In tb markets, although showing no chsnge, ar considerably weaker than" th previous week. Tb market oh mill tied l very quiet nd price look lower. Trad tr.j t tisy-lx tight "n "price ra nomlnit-" WI Market--Baachlng th Top. - During th past wsek tbero was nn bsenes at any qnotsttoo change In the wool msrket. Th ton of tb market I Just as strong e ever, but th general appear a nc of the market leeds to tb belief that price ar la th neigh borhood of-the- top. Some email "bttslues wss reported made to eaatern buyers In tha Wills ro tte valley, as well eaatern Oregon, tbe naal nil hi but iiwis is a uiiuim.i tha. hep awn to wait until th regular sales dsys. There I still much competition among th buyers, bat none seem to be willing to bid above tb present quoted vnlue. . . Haod River Barries Cam t Msrket. Tha first Hood River strawberries of tb aeaaon came Into market during tne latter part of tha week. On crate on box wss re ceived by a Front street house and a Urge dealer waa willing to pay Toe for it Jnst for a show. On account ot tb storms ln Csllfornls there waa kt kenrsl scarcity of good berries from that section during th past week. The supply waa batter lata . today.- Reporta from Hood River aay thai wiu n com ing qnlie freely dnrtng th next week or two probably la time for tha opening ef th Lewi and Clark fslr. . Tbe first ablpment of Mount Tabor etrawberrle came to msrket th latter frsriMteji. Th fruit ws quit urge and of rood color Snd Quality. It sold quite resdlly t over double tb price of the California tock. - f BettrXon Jn Potat Market, There U much Improved feeling -tn the potato market. Colorsdo stock do not seem (0 find much ot welcome, but tb csrs that have lately arrived have been disposed of around former values. Supplies ar now being ob- talncd at point nearer home and thee find better demind. for they ar of to Burbsnk variety.. During th week there wa an lm- im tba price and demand tn tha San Francises market on account of th smaller receipts, . Oalon Bcaro iwitk rrte Hignsrr Supplies of enlons-ot ill kind ar rather short. The market 1 almost bsr of local grade and prices all through the market are showing an sdvanc. The beat Australians are noted firmer at $ per 100. pounds (ad price auon- aigiisr,- . . : ' rrnltry Market Dull and Lower, With receipts showing n heavy. Increase, ta poullrj msrket ruled considerably duller and prices, went lower tha pest gja-eek. " The large retailers were not In hurry to bay, they ssld thst price were too high and the general public bad quit eating rblokene. Supplies of eggs were quit liberal th past week. "ld storage operstor were again In busuiee sod qulte-keavy atock wer put away tor winter's use. . Storage opetstlon sr well ander way ta the batter msrket and supplies or' not quit so heavyv This caused a consequent stiffening ef existing quotation- - California batter I en tirely eut of tbe nrsrket and tble la Itself wss a $004 boost to M local prod acta. Country star butter Is finding much demaad from tha smith sad price showed S amaU. sdrsncs .during tbe "week,- . 1 - ;. . ..;.. . The vheesa . msrket Is showing heavier re ceipts d tb tn la not so firm. Tb price 1 snout le a nnnn lower. - - Salmon Oatek Is rawing mallar, Daring tne pert week the salmon catch along tb Ovlsabls and WllUiaett wa muck ( a i..nioii4nenf.' Tha ahlnmenta ld market did -a 1 nert ."umarrer" TJT me pieiiou. ww. i 1 To data, however, the catch ahow a bT In mim nvMr that a a rear ago. Buppllea of Colombl rlrer hd wera-anor- moua thla wek(. ana ;.jfTirea. murn. -u.. what.- ,f : f .Maikat Strenaar After Taal Blump. the Tea market" but with very heavy receipt later on the market aln roped and price uf titm raninTai)iy. HW tlll iminr rritir the tone became better, but nrlee abowed no -There wt Ttry fiog Tone tl T!ie-Hemil for draaed horn all through toe weea an prlcea held firmly around the top Fackar Coffee Shew Change. On Monday' thera wa a drop of He per loo pounda In tba quotation, on eaatern brand ot aaekaga eoffeea: The eaatern market later bowed an Improvement 00 account of tne re ported, abortaga Jn the. available auppllra. Thl rauaed a aharp rlae In caah' value nd7th reault waa that later Iti the" week prlcea , on eaatern package correea in tnra maun u,-.-u The wboleanle quotatluna, w6lcn rulwl at the cloae of tba week, ara: Oraln, Flour and . Fead.v: "..:ZL. r'He At Nominal club an red, B6c blue tein. 81c: valley, uoc. .. v BABLBTv-keed, B28.oH rolled. B34.00) brew. tag. . COBS' -Whole. 124,50: cricked per cwt. n.Tfl M f white 12. OO! erV. . FLorB Baatera Oregon Patent. Bf.oSOt.BB; tralghu. 13.76; ekporta. B3.o(iJ3.6!M valley. 14 .10: graham, V- lua v-43i - rye, 50a. S.on; bale. B2.TB. ' ." MILLrlTUKKn Bran. 1 00 per tont mid dling., $23.00; ahort,ewuntry 25.00; chop, $1 nr. " - . HAY Timothy, Wlllamett Ta.iay, .faacy. tlX 00: ordinary. 112 ODi eeatern Oregon. I18.O0; mlaed.. 12.00i-itoWaIW.0i rln, Sll.i 1. 00; cheat, fli.uu. Butter. Egg and Poultry. irTTER rAT-Hweet, ISVie; eour. 18H. Bl'TTKB City creamery,' beat,- 20e: -aeeood grade. 17Vt3Uc; ontolde .fancy. lH((t2')c: erdlnarr. tf ;. Calltornla, 1Kc: ItuI. MO Krt)io. t freeh Oregon,-ITmtlBc. ' ' CI1EESB Saw Full cream, twin. lSffllde; Tonna America. 17irt.c: eaatern. lSQl&aiCi California. 16et t.'heddar, 18c. POULTRY thicken. , ml Jed. Hflloc per lb; bene, 14111 per lb; ronater old; 12e per ll yonng.l.V rer lb: broflera, 4.on.00 k.e Xo ner Ait: duck a. 8.006snt per doa; geeae, BOe- rrT"1Br turkaya, rTfliaa per in: oreeaeg. , v euu Hopa, Wool and HU; - TIOPB Oontrct. " looB, lag 17c; 104 crop. 24rd2nc for choice;.. 2H,24 for prima and nieaiuma. - - - WtMJL 1008 clip.- valley, eoeree to medium, liaiBc: fine. 214123c; eaatora Oregon. ISO 18c. . ... , ; MOHAIR Nominal, sorjsie. ' HIIKr.PKKINB Khearlna. 9tVie: abort wool. BOmiHwi enHlarn weul) IWJolM., kiug wuul. uriafl.oo eaeb. - -- - - - TALLOW Prime, per lb, dQSc; Ka. 1 and grraae. SKSMe. .4 - . ' " , . CU1TT1M llARK dVoT per lb; buying hTpES Dry hide.' No. ! 1. IB lb" and p, lgis4e per jbijlrz klp.,X e.-'Li0.15 'J lc; dry calf, Ao.l. nudtf ( lb. JSQlSc: dry aalted hi dee. ateera. aound. do roe or over, 8V1 4J Vci 60 to 40 lba. 8UHc; under 00 Iba and cow a, 8QSHC; tag nd bulla, aound, 8417c: kip, IB to HO lba, Uct aound, 10 to 14 Iba. ) Wci calf, nouod. nndsr 10. lba, 'J,1U; green InnMltMll. (. twr Ih leM- nil!.. 1c ner lb lea; hoeae bldea,al4di: aac; BtJBgfcTBj dry. each, 8 l.ougi o; colt bldea. earn. ; goat akin, common, each, 10loM ADfof, wiuooi av eacn, ncufi-o". , ', Trulta aad.Vageaaklea. POTATOaaRMt Oregon, - 81.00 per aack: buying, car lota, (toe: Early Koae, 1.0O(l.S8; aweeta, crated, Bl.TS; new taiirortua, c per lb. ONIONS BlS.So; buyer' price, country, I4.15; Auatralla, rt 00; garlic, SiQlOc per lb. - FRRWHrBriTB Applea. extra fancy. Iloo; tVlUtgllaXJt.-hni ; rhaan .rjadaa.. lie per bm: orauga, navel, a.00'a30U fil TjHii.nM, ifc&'ic- per - In; lemnaa, choice, 12.75 box; fancy, $3.00 box; llmea, Mexican. Ae per 100; pineapples. $4.0000.007 craaher. rleaeaatarn. U.0u per bbl; atrawbarrtea, Ore gon, 2ie per b"f. ' CalUirnla, $l.W per crater cUcrrte, $1.IH) per lxv. VEGETABLES Turnips, T5roe per ekt earreta, $l.uel.ll per aack; beeta, $1.38 per aack; treroa radlahea, -JPo per do: cannage, Uregon - nef c t: t .Ufnrnla, 4UXM 1.21 tefft: California, 4UWl - 2at4 lettuce, bothouae. $1.25(j,l.l0 per crate; .green pepper Tc per lb: Xhlll. jjepPera ..Joflljc lbi MtrrJtX.VsAtM for -crate: tomatoes. Florid.. 3.00 MMlcaux $i.2A(..a: psrsnlps. $1,009 2S; atrlug -beans, 13c; cauliflower. California. $l.76a.iio crate, rhubarb, l<te Pr lbi horseradish. T88c per lb; sprouts, nc: rtl cbokes, aoiaSOc per do; aotheus lettuce, $1.00 green oniooa, lAU20e per dos; spsrsgus, 70 fee per dos bunches; -Walls '-Waller . 83c per do bunches; Walla WsUs, $1.0001.23 per box; aplnarh, 3c er lb: green corn. $1.50 per doa: pees. Oregon, lOaiHc; California, 7TTH lb. ' DRIED TRCITS Apple, evaporated, two per lb; sprleots. J,'it 18c per lb; escks, Ve per lb lesa; peaches. R't 12c per lb;' pears, nee lh; nrnnea. Italian. KU((t4U oar lb: French. BUfuMtte Per lb: figs. California black. 4 luol per in; -vsuioruis woue, per 101 plume, pitted, per in; aaies, gwaesw so per lb; far da, $1.60 per IB-lb box. Qros'riM W tiosavg aEtOf SfQAR Ssck basis Cube. M 20: powdered. 18.06;- fruit granulated, $.tiA dry granulated. tt; beet granulated. $0.86; extra 0, $o-&; golden a $6.36; bbK 10c; H bbls. 26c; boxes, advance on sack baala, lea 26e per cwt fVssh, l-UTe: maple, 14Qloc per lo. HU s X i ik a 10C. COFFEE Pscksge brands. $14.78. SALT KinA Rales. 2a. 8a. a. Aa. 10a. $1 80: Ubl. dairy, bus. $11.00; loos. $10.76; Im ported LlvejoH.t.p(i$17.0Ci: 1) $19 .50;. Z24s, Tllia.00; extra Una, bbla, 2n. asTts, 10s,; sulk, BZO lus, fs.ouoo.uu; sscaa, 60S. 8SQ80C. " T"Z SALT Ci.rae TIair aronnoT 100S. ner ton. rr.OO; 60s, per ton: $7.50; Liverpool lump rock, 18.60 per too; 80-lb rock, $7.00; 100s, $8.76. iadov price apply to sales or less men car lou. Car lots at special prlcea subject t fluctuation. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, $3.7501 W Per 100, RICK ImperUI Japan, No. 1, 4c; No. 3, 4c: ajflj I Creole. Sc. BRANS Small white, 4c: large white. 8Hc; pink, SHe; bsyon, $3.00; Llmas, ic; Mexican reds. 7c. NUTS Peanut. Te; Jamboa. H per mi w. 9 a roc per lb: roaatrd, ; coeoennte. 86(90c per dos; walnuta. 14Q1SC par lb; pin nuta, lOfjjiZHC per id; hickory num. iuc per m, chestnuts, eastern, 16Q10C per lb; Braall nuts, 16e per lb; Alberts, inaie per lb; fsncy pecan. 14ei6e per lb almond, 13816 per lb. Patau, Coal Oil. Ete. Bbre Purw Manila. 14c: standard. lZKe: Uaal, 104c; latls brand slaal, 9e. COAL, Ollr-Fean or asitsi Lasea, eii per gal; water Trblto, - Iron bbbj 16c - per -gsl, wooden lac per gsi; oesaiignt. liv-aeg, cases 2Hftc per gat uasolimv en-deg. cases sa par gsi, iroa bbls, Soc per gsi; stove, cases 24J4C per gaL Iron bbls INe per gsi. TCKPENTINB la esses 840 per gsL nor Sic per gsi. BENZINB 3-deg., cast 2Se per gal, iroa bbls lHe per gsi. WillTal LKAli Ton lore, th per io. awiu loU, 74C per lb; leas lots, sc . per lb. .-m - WIRB rAII4 Present bsss st $2.00. Ll.NHKED OIL Pure few. ln bbls Bio par gaL esses one per gsi; genuine kettle boiled, esses qn. jmr r.i, uv. Vw Bivwuw -. . , car Ion $29.00 par ton, less than car lot $30.00 per toa. . , MeaU. yiafe and rrerUiona. FRESH MEATS Front street Bef, steers, tti.6Vt Per lb; pork, block, 7 Ho per lb) cows, , 8040 per lb muttonf imttTVhe and lamb; wit peita. oviiai-rc per in; vesi, sxtrs,' SiiHi ordinary, 660 per lb poor, lfa6c per lb. ilAain, BAi on, t n . lortianu pace .locaii ham.. 10. ta-14 4bSr 12Wa pea Uh44 4-ia4t-r !2Sc per lb; IK to 20 Ilia, 12c per Ih; eottsgs, 8Hc ner lb: breakfast bacon. 124tl7e per lb; plcBla, - He per lbs- regular hort clear, - nn-H amokrd. Sc per id; moaeo, loe per in; clear back. anstnoBea, vc par 10; smasen, - iuc per Ibr Union butts. 10 to'18 Ins. Ona rooked, 8 per lb: smoked, 9e per lb; clear belilee. an- aowked, lie- per lb; emokea, l per lb; shoulder, he LOCAL LA BD Kettle lesf, 10. 10 e per lb; 6s, lOHc per lb; 60-lb tins, 0S per lb; steam rendered, "Tost 9Se per lb! 8 a, 9Va per id; tuns, uTae per io; vs. o-se per id. CANNED SALMON Columbia river 1-lh tails, $1.86; S-lb tails, $2 60; fsncy, 1-lh B.ta, 82.00; H-lb faacy Bats, $1 2n; rsncy l it. ovals, $2.78 Alssks una, Ha, pink, 6f90e -red. $1.60; nomlnl 2s. tall. t'AC $xoo. riSH Rock cod. 7c per lb: flormder lb; halibut. 6e per lb; wan, $1 2A per dos; striped has. smi 1M per in; rstnan, t per lbi salmon, chlnook, $e per lb; etetlheade, Te per lb; nerrmg, nc pee id; eoiee, ee per lb! Shrimps. 10 per lb: perch, De- per lb; alisd. 8e per Ih; m shad.' JSC per Jb;. ahad ro. -80s per in: black cod, nr per lb; sliver smelt, per in; lobsters, iae fresh m-ckerel, Se per lb; rrawSah, 2c per doa: Sonnders. te ner lb: etnrgeon. Tc' per fti.1 - , I 1 ' oiniKP.n Kimaiwitsr nay, per gai,; per ssck, 7c per lb - - - CIkMA Herd shell, ear boxL 100l rsaoc 0 H EtER FDUTO N FOF FllROPF I Ci N QRF D . r . . . , tM" New Vork Market .Showed General Declines Early jn the Day ancj Fails to; Make Any Recovery of Note Later - t"; tn the Session: "Trrrf" (Special Dispatch by Leaaed Wire ta The Joarnal) New York,' May . A more cheerful ton abroad- wan Ignored "hare, although easier money In London waa regarded favorable devel-apmentr- Both Pari and Berlin closed higher, although noma uneaalnva waa caused by un founded rumor as to tba Impending rea If na tion f -the French minister of foreign affair. Japanese . iaauea stored quite amart decline while Russtsa bond were higher. American la London were eteady, but closed with general fractional oaciinee. toreign buaineaa ner wa nominal and mixed. Tha authorisation of the. I'arlflo atifniTl sink served to atl si Teat recent rumors a to the railroad situation. Interest waa largely cen tered on the eastern 1 1 nee and particularly the fatq of Erie. That Lake Shore has bought a large block of Ktie la eeml-ortlclelly ad mitted nd that on of the Penneylvanla sub sidiary line will follow th same -potlcj ta ate- freely expected, if Indeed It baa not si' ready don no. . "'. ', ':" ; Early DaaU Show Decline. Tba atock market thl morning ahowed gen eral decline In tha early deeltng maluly In sympathy with th unexpected weakness of the London atock market. Tba European stock tlHlintM were venerallr nlatnrhed br ner. elatent r-r-Tr that ths rieaih ailiilalu a r I Toreign affaire would aoon announce bla resign tlon. Americas stork participated in the gen eral weakneea of tba London market, but tba operation bare for foreign aeconnt aver not upon a Urge scale. The most striking feature of tba day's market was the very sharp brrsk In Consolidated Oaa right at tha opening of the . bnalnaaa -v,. tlwaMJwn'ftonrxnianeid, lUlauls. -Ths weekly report ef the meres- agencies - upon miscellaneous bastnee were omwbt contradictory exhibit. In th early transactions. - several stocks ahowed declines on- point and ew, hal with -the course of ths morning a mncn firmer too genersny developed. The F.rle Issues were exceptionally firm throagbont and with the coarse of the morning a rapid tdvane took place In Northern Pacific. Union Facifl Leads Balls. rnloh Pacific, ae ..rial, waa the most fT4J2!!lleJt ' " ' " ' 1 1 ?u I mi tfrTSs-Tinroad "nat'ahd-waa compararfMIW1rcer-Rr . . .l. ..... . i V pnlMliWi tlvely heavy; Amalgamated Copper waa firm and, the United States Steel ah area rallied astir from their Initial figures. Tha figure of tb bank atatement eorre- spoad fairly well to tha general expectation. Aa tnereaaa la caab of $1,006,000 Waa ahown and tha loan account waa reduced .by t5.T80.00O. LITTLE CHANGE IN - . : CHICAGO MARKET ; and ' September" Close StightlyUnderFriday SmaH Gain In May. , 'TtriAT tlllH-IIIF"-' Open ; Clos Cloa Los Bat. Sat. - FT I. Sat. May ....$ $ .021 $ .t4B! .0014 .... .si4T-.saT4- .88 ' :ooif Jury r-.T4 iwx Osln. frnrnlhed by Orerbeck, Starr A Oooks Co.) Chlcsao. Mav a There waa nothing doing In - the - market today. -July and September were s ttrtrw0own wane star CKeaac up. 1 1 ,, loasy prnoafiavweva . WHSAT. Open. Close. $ .92V. Jfsr. July Sept. . . . July .... :.-,78 .47 At July ..... July ...... - .Hy7r5irS 12.27 L 1150 PORK. TOHOFAK MUflftO IT0CKI. .. . s-s-ssssss. .Baa Fisndsco. Ma Tonopsh gtockl, of- flcUl close; -. "- j. r : - - - nia. I .10 Montsn .... I Adams . ... I Mohawk ., Mldwsy ... McNsmsr V '.ft- .24 .41 .32 tnixir Helmont ... Kendall r-olnrohU Mt .. Jumbo . . . . . . . Jnmbo Rxtea.... Black Butte ... North Stsr . Rescue .... Gold. Mount Jim Butler Nevada rr. Ton. Rxtea -rtrts: silver' pv.-rr.. .. 6 2.-.A lUold. Anchor ,.. ,o Red Top mt Ray O' Brian ... .06 B Goldflel d . .63 Ophlr Ton .;.. .8!'A' O. Bull Frog .. . .34 Diamond rial d.r, .64 Homeatak . ... ,28A Ranitatorro .60A Sandatorm Hx.. North star-... .iha Csab Boy .20 . AH rBANCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. ' Si's FrancUcn, May 8. local stocks closing. Bid. Ask. Contra Ooeta Wtet Spring Valley Water ' .... WtA .... 12J c Mut utnal Electric "" -g!nr'" n If tl"1 utanx i'owoer ... .g Hawaiian tommefcUl ... Honokea Sugar ........ Hutchinson Sugar ........ Makswell Sugar .... .... lH .... 6 .... 84 ... 78 .... 4 ....loiH 18 Onomea Sugar Paauhan Sugar .......... 28 - M14 78 S 10$ Alaska Packers' , OalirornU Win Oceanic Steamship Paclflc State Telephone VTW TOBK XOXZTABT.' Nevr Tork."Msy 8 Money on call, nominal; no loan. Time loans, stesdy; 80 snd 90 dsys, 814 per cent: six months, 8H3 per cent Prime mercantile paper, per cenr. Sterling excbsngei tirm, witn actual nnsines In banker' bill st $4.MHoa4.8AA6 for de. tnsnd, and at $4 8460 4.8480 for 80-dsy bill. Posted rata, x-t.aoftili.-i . commercial bhis. HS4V4. . nsr aiiver oie, . Mexican dollar 44 He. Bonda government, etesdt yUrod,.beavy. comtoox mis iva stocks. Sao FrancHco, May tock-losv -- rnn. ! 6. Coma tock mlnlnf Bid. Bnlllon ...$ .87 Rrlcber 21 ISavag .48 I'oloal 1.1 fnlon f ....88 Yellow Jacket.. .26 Exchequer v. 66 Hale A Nor cross 1.80 Andes .r.. .26 Con. Cal.-Va.l.. 1.76 ' Ophlr.. .....,-.10.28 - Csledont SO Mexican... 126 . Con. Mercur 3M Scorpion 26 . "ilW TOBK BAITX TAIXMIMT, Reserve, T.1C. .$1,084.12" Los us. decreaae . 6,7HO.Si lygala, decreaae ........ lie posits, decrees . 1 . 1.1H2.1IHI 2.688.N1 . 3sO,40$ Specie,- Increeae -vWrmn Circulation, . increase 1 . . . f ....... r. 0HICA00 CASH WKXAT, Chicago, May . Cash wheat SM. T A.k. $ .94 $ .96 No. 2 red.,. No. S red . . .' No. - 2 hard.. No. S hard.. . .Wl .02 ., -.91 .93 ..........' jut -.01 No. 1 northern No. t northern No. S spring.. ; .96 - .97 ........... .92 .98 ,87 1 .96 '- LtTZKfOOL BAIaT KABXET. , , I,lvTpool, Msy S Closet ... Whest-Optlont w 7au I"1""' - ' . Corn Option archauged tn t lower. t SAW rBABCTSOQ. OBArB ' MARKET. , "Sim rranefsro. Msy 8 official elos: - Want Wsv, l 41114: necemhev,. $1.28. . Bulrj Irecember, StJlic, . . Hid. .. .18.17 ...l.fl0 1.26 ... .84 ... .OS ... .16 The reduction of S2.8.10.OOO In "lh densalt ac count wa wholly eut of line, however, wltk the changes In tha' other Items; surplus In creased 8X006.001.1 and the bank now bold $18,200,000 in excess of the law reoorreroenta. The rather unfavorable a bowing made In the bank atatement bad no effect whatever npou the a tuck market, which continued highly Irreg ular up to the rlnee of buaineaa. ... - There " were wld fluctuation In People' Ca and continued preaaur upon Union Pacific. No apeclal gossip sttended ths rather sharp advance In NorthernJudliiLuil-liaJUVrnieiit. Jll lliat Inalanri limk place on comparatively n..ll t..n...,tl. . : Stock Btatiitlo. t . Tranaactlona la (lock and bond todsy as compered wltb those ef , tb nam ' day last yesr were follow: . , dumber of share sold today, 818,060: a year ago. 40,632. . . , " -pr Tlu of t oMtodar02.CHXij year-ago. $782.000... w- The report thst th iJtke Shore Railroad company had arranged to buy a block of $10,- tWO.OoO of Erie common atock from J. "P." Mor. gsn at Co. with the procseda ef the debenture bonda aold to that firm waa denied today with soma show of authority. The report, Jwwever, Is credited la many Influential ouaura. uoaer e neaaing or yimportautjxir! - - - "- 8tetbenfrnsT:"promfnent banking Institutions bsd- notified Mr,. Uarrlmsn.thst be' mu.t curb bla expansive propenattlea, that ha must be good and not do tntnee likely-to Inject file Into the railroad ointment pot. As m result no mora trouble Is to rocne with Union Pacific aa- the cause, everything Is to be lovely- and the ptock to sell high..- Huuthe racirtc- is to get a dividend soon and bulon .'auria-le, aw- Tha offlclal closa. Cloalng Open. Bid. ...184 l4 ...I1W.4- ft, i at - u ...14H 14H ...17114 17H ... 42U 42W, Atnalgsmsted Copper Co..,,,,", Atchlaeu, ' corn" r.viw! Amerlcsn Sugar. .com- ,, Bsltlroore at Ohio. com......... Brooklyn ttapld Tranelt ..... Csnsdlsn I'scldc. com Chicago. Mtlwsukea V St. Paul Erie, com ....... ....-. ,.. 14SJ4ii luanhattaa Ry . Irt4 1644 Missouri Paclne -. New York tvntral , 91 -, . ll 141Si 141 Peanaylvanta Ry . People's, Caa, Light Coks Co, Resdlng. com Rock - Inland,- mm ;. . . . , . . . . ...I'm J" ... P2' -,rr xsTm 2 eintooi .lofl . 108 Soathern Pactflc 01, EASTERN HOGS 'ARE GENERALLY STEADY . Chicago, afsy 6. Cattle Receipts S00 msr ket stesdy. Good Jo prima ateera $&no . ? poor to medium. $4.4046-40; atockera and feed ere. $2.761,5; cows. $2.76tc6.26; betters, $2.60 418 IKi: eanners, $1.60'a2,40: bulla. 82.6004.731 Calves, 3fl. Hog Receipt todsyrTjrs-o;-ronday, 40. 0(0; market ataady. Mixed and butchers, $6 40 )&.82Mj good to choice beery, S.V46t6.nn; rough heavy, $5,104(6.40,- light,"-$3.263.60; bulk of ealea, $6.6066.00. . Sheep Receluta. 4,ono: sheep and lambs a4ewa, Unod -lewTuuliewelUeii. ahftvac: K.4IT! tto; ralr to choice mixed, ahorn. .l,604.2.-i; western - sheep, shorn, $4'36; native lamb, shorn, $4Q; western Umbsr-$6.767.19.' - : " At twnth Omaha. I South QmahsMsy a ( attla. . Bec.lpt., SBftt msraet uncnangea, riative steers. . e.4Mita.oa; cows snd neifore, ."$X4nfff 9.20; western stsers, $3.606.26; csnners, $2g8.40; etocker end feedera.-IH478.10; calve. 3'J; bulls, stag, etc.. $2.6oa.60. 'H.iaa teceluts. A.OOO: msrket atesdv. Re lower. Heavv. tS 2.1B..12i : mixed, k.1 46 1 5.nO;TITght. fy3ou6.6Xi; plga, $4416; bulk ef les. $6.256.30. Sheep Recvlrt-.- 600: market eteady. . West ern yearling., $4,4004.7: wethers, $; we, $3.SU(tf 4.50. Umus, $Aiu6,76. At Kansas City. Kaneae City. Mo.. Mar 8. Cattle Recelnla. IOO; market unchanged. Native steers. $4,&oa 8 60- nstlvs , cows and heifers, $2.26'a6.60: stuckers and feeders, $1.2ii(i.,--bnll,. $i76'(j 4 76; calves, $.H.60jA.26; western fed stsers, $4.60t.25; western fed caw. $3.266.26. Hog Receipts. 4.000; market stesdy to M lower. Bulk of sslea, $6. 66 'a 6. 48; heavy, $3.40 (6.47H: packer. $5.iSUii: olg and light. $4.6038.3R. ' " No sheep; market nominally steady. Muttons, $4 26.I0; lambs, $6.6nH7; rsng wsthers, $4,b0&li fed twis, $4t4.6. --- WOOL MARKET 8TR0VO. St. Louis. Msy 6. Wool strong: territory and western mediums, 22lrj29c; fin medium, 21is(23c; fine, lnwauc. - . . New Tork Cotton Markst. New Tork. May 8. Cotton futures closed stesdy. Msy, 1 48c; Jnne, 7.41c; July. T.40o; August. T.62c; September, T.68c; October. T.86e; Novembef, 7,70c: , lecemherTI.66o j la.n.ry, T.80C. - Llvavyoal Oetten HlgtrST. Liverpool. May 8. Cotton future closed 0 polnu higher. . BAXIiADS Or 111 TVTT. What this that on tha thoroug-hfares wa neo . In shopping; center, park, at. church' and playT - . We've neon tha thine; before. - Of course, . dear ma! . How vexed ona gets when mera'ry falls thla wayl ' - - Let's rack our brains a bit. This good dleplny, . Theaa bulging- bags that wa again 'per ceive On maldem arm - are There! , Tha word'g nt bay;- Oh, welcome, welcome, " leg-o'-mutton - : sleeve! How tempus fu'gltr-Twas ln 'D, Or '25 the latest that your ewrly 1 Extended glrldom o'er from aea to sea. And ."puffed" each subject up with . auch array -That man staid man was filled with 1 dlra dismay. ; , " What lengths nay, breadths and holfhf g before you leave, "iTou'H go to this time, none In sooth can say I k But - welcome. wetcom,"lfr-o-mutton sleeve! Now, some will ery, "Whst fools these ,,. mortals be" . . . - 1 , By mortals meaning malds"to mute ly stray Wherever mode Shalt point!" -.' But not so we; - ---- - --' r Wa-wemld not c en tire, chide or twit them nay! jFpf proprtJi thafcjljrldoniJhciiiM "1 "obey. .' - p The stout, fls true, msy pout a 'bit snd - grlsve.""" -" . But spars maids long havs prayed for 'iut this dsy;- 80 -welcome, welcome, tag-o' -mutton sleeve! ; ; r V ' ' . ENVOI.' ....'"V.'..: Dame Fashion, ma'am, to , you ,we dped our lay, ", Aa well as to your works; so please , believe.. . That we are soul-slncers whene'er wa - - may . . Blng welcome, welcome, leg-o'-mutton - a sleeve! . Puck. . ' - ' , " f- . , Tjaaeoessary Oonoern. From Judge. Oentlemsn-rlter. here' . Stop hitting him with that basehHlf bat. The Urchin Awl dls Is sn old bat, soy way, mistsr. ... " 'FRISCOIIIEAT; IS EDllLllMARER May Option Shows a Qecline of a Quarter'Cent December ; IsOff Three Eighth. nannWnnBpnatsa - . ' CHICAGO," LIVERPOOL v AND PARIS CLOSE DOWN Minnesota JPptatoes Sell jitjTpP -Cherries Are Coming to -"7-""' Market Very Fast. : (Special D U pa chb y Isa ad WlrrtcThr76rnir - Han rr.nrtao M.v It Th. W.I .pecnl.llva wheat market was dull today, and weaker. May had -a closing decline ef He per' cental and December 4c. There waa no change In. spot value. Tn receipt were 8,813 centshi. '. Chicago, Liverpool and Parts were lower. Pot cargoes on pssssg buyer Wer indifferent operator!. - " ' 1 '. '' ." . - : " iIembr'''torIjrkr." ';"'--1--necember bsrlejr opened weaker, bat closed tn same as on rriday. r or nay per cental waa bid and fl.I74 lake. Spot barley waa practically unchanged, also oats. hsy. Cora and bean. Th steamer 8an Joe took -oat S.43S cental ot corn tor Central America" and met Banstrla ag oter not centela for th m plsce. Vessels depsrtlnd tossy took out fstrly good qasutlty of fkiui for vsrlou destinations. , - Special Orang Sal. - . - A special sale of orcngaa wa held, at which three carloads war dlspeaed , of follows:. L'hole I.Uuil.h4 per . keaietsederd, - $1.1 U1.20. The receipts of cherries wars the Isra- l eer trf thn season, lielug 3 TV4 boiea cT packed and 80 boxes loose. ITIce were lower all round and quite-a quantity waa unsold st th close of th dsy. Strawberrlea wer In Urge eupply, over " cheat arrivlngvalso some ln ratea from Florin The latter were offered at . OOKtuuc - per rle. rVnithern blarkherrlet went at 1QC per bsaket audi sonie "flock logan berries from Wstsonvllle at $A.0i)QT.O0 per cheat. - Tha Vacavllle train waa Ut. Th teamer Reeoatrls took oqt 887,467 pound ef dried prune for Germany. . , Mlnensot Potato Sell, A carload of Minnesota potatoes sold Friday st $1.60 per cental and several other, carload are on th way. ('hole old Burbsnks wer firm, lo Australian onions. Nrw onion wee very weak green pea had become so plentiful tbstJthey were selling principally by -the ears.. Choice new potatoes held rip well. Tomatoes ware waa- tha aniinlv helne' In - excess of the demand. Choice aspsrsgus was flrmerT . -- I . : ...Buttar Market Pull. .. . . The market was very dull for butter, cheese and eggs, - tba local demand being from head to mouth snd no outside buaineaa of aay note. Freer storing lion hsa kept prices from having a sharper declln then noted of lste. There was no quotable chsnge In poultry prices. IKirlng th week three cirload of eastern wer put on tb msrket.' Stocks wer pMirrWena-u af the" eloai of the" day. . , . Cash Cora and Oat. -"- . Chicago, Msy S.--Cah price:. Corn Se, 2. 4BVfi40Hc; No. S. 4S'4H4e. Osts No. 1 liUVUailac; Nov 8. SSQWHc. THE MYSTERY OF MR. SCHULZa n From the New Tork Bun. FBAULEIN CHARLOTTE TAT.'S . CHER ha Just attained the ripe i age xstmr 8he Is more commonly known as Lottl Uadskl ami Is the daughter, ot the German soprano, with whom shealways. travels. In her travels tha young woman has acquired a wide experience among opera alngera, - Why ahe Intereete- them the preeent narrative will explain. , It "waa decided that " llttls Miss -Taus cher's. education must not suffer during the past winter; ao she started on her mother's Jong concert tour accompanied by a gcA-erneee. Th govern, sv-young woman, healthy, rosy cheeked and freeh from a small German town, found muchk ln New York to bewilder her. But her most startling adventure took place In a Broadway trolley car. 1 "Mme. Gadsklj" ehe -exclaimed one day. when she ruahed, full of excitement, into the foomjn whlrh tha alngar wa TaTkTng with her daughter, "such a fear ful thing haa happened to me on the street! A gentleman, spoke to me and asked ma If he might call. I said nq.1" 7: ""rV V-.,7 .h,V but-hs got &tt the car and walked tothe VmA t IH door of the hotel. Then be said h would follow me all over-the -country "If I did not receive him here. His nam Is Mr. 'Bchuls'." Further details from tha frightened girl revealed that Mr. Bchulg waa middle aged and looked wealthy. " "But I will never, never see htn-UUSn. young WUIIIftfl cOHcluJe'orr,,evenTir he does follow us to Ban Francisco." The gentleman from tha trolley ear Was announced that night at the hotel. The governess blushed crimson, ran to her room and declared that she would not sea th Intruder. u . . Twice sgaln wss he announced, always with the same reault. Then Mme. Gad ski moved with her retinue to Chicago. One day there was a terrifying mes sage from the clerk of th Auditorium hotel. The clerk called up that Mr. Bchuls was . downstairs. .The Frauleln bushed to the roots of her yellow hair, vowed that the man waa a villain and little Miss Lottl chortled with glee. "If he Is so devoted," Mme. , Gadakl said, " It might be a good thing for you to receive him. II may be a gentleman and It may ba your gluck. J will Investi gate for you and find put what sort of person he Is." L But the governess would have none of him. . . For a weok-'Mr. Schuls's nam called up from the office was enough to raise a storm of excitement In the 'Uadakl apart ments. Twice came flowers; but the un happy Bchuls never got any nearer the Object of his now wearisome devotion. Mm4- Gadakl-grew sor armored -over the frequent visits that she dreaded to leave the hotel and ths governess waa suspended between hoi" delight at" such continued devotion and nervous exhaus tion .Induced, by tha frequent calls of the gentleman 10 warnrr-nne nan npuaen uuv once.'. .'. . The fsmilyr-mtrved on the Ban Fran cisco. The next day after their arrival there the name of Mr. 8chulswss called up from-the office. Flowers followed his expulsion, Thd next day ha called and the next day there were more flowers. Ths excitement. ot the family over Mr. Bchuls became so great that Mme. Gad ski left word at the hotel office that no body was to be allowed, to go to her rooms when She and hei1 husband-were An. thai hnii.a. 1 . . k' One dayitha singer was at ths planoj OVERBECK. STARR & COOKE CO. Mambers Chicago Board of Trade. a omAnr. -pBOTxnoiri, oonoi, stocxs ajio botbb. 1 101 Third Street, MoKay Building. Portland. Or. ' , W BO A STJUCTXiT OOKstlgaTOnT BTTSXirsU Continuous Markets 'by private Wire. Quick Service. REFERKNCKS Ladd A JUton, bsnkers, an 4 Vnitd Suta Natloiinj BasJt ot jPerUaod. . HEAVY DROP IN TIILvSiEEHiIARKET- " 1 r 1 I,.. Receipts. Are - Very Heavy Fu- - - ture- of Quotations Does, Not "Look So Rosy." r . LAMBS ARE NOT WANTED " . 7.-. AT ANY PRICE NOW. No Great Stir irv Any of the Linesrrr- CHof local Uvestock TFrS---r-Arrivals. ' ,7". "": "TorTTann eiAT-smuo.....l. m l1" " ' TilTi-llork tsiwliusi -.J , ' ,. Hogs. . , Cattle.. Sheep. - Thl wee .-. , ex'i Lsst week 768 I'revlou week ...... mm l.SMV . S.THS i.iso . s.7a ' o0 .X17 - There was a severe alumn thla week In ak.n vsliies., Tb msrket Is growing rslher weary nailer very heavy arrival and preeent rondl. tlona are very . favorable for a big drop ta value ss siwn ss shearlhjf ir over . 1 mat--ters now staad sheep ara being' rushed to mar. ket sbout s faat ss transportation "can 'be suenrsdn . ... . ,. Lambs Are Xt Wanted at All. Thers Is an entire abaene of a demand for snrlug Umbo-and la order to create sa srtlfl. rial in i 11 less nils qtoak wave diuppid Son Th hog market was fair sauev or the week. bat thers waa not much doing in any line. Cattle were -firm -and' unchanged. ' Official price for livestock: . "r- 1 Hogs Best esstern Oregon, Sd.00; "blockers snd Chin fat. S6.26; torker and feeders, 4JW4.J6. T t t taula Hest evaaleen Orego). steen, 14 :KHZ .6o;. light soil medium. steer ia.50tt4.0O; el.1 sd light cows. )2.ia'iiiX.T6; siork-r and feeal. ers. 12.00- bulla, 11.60. . Shreie Rest fancy sheep. 1.78O4J)0; sr . $S.6oa3.76; spring lacbs, 4VC --Arrivals at the' Taris, .. . L Sunday Dooley A Bishop of Harfleld. two ear of horr-t.-'Pr Jone of Sbsnlko, foor csrs of rstlle. .. - . , , Monday i hsrlea Butler of Bhsnlke, twe car v iiir t,er ruri jnwiieena. Tuesday Oeorge Kohlhsgen of Roseenrg. 4wo srs of sheep: G. U. Vouiur A Co. of Oakland. California, afx cars' oTslieVp VTawma ; "Jei'ir'ge F. firown of Corrallls. two car. of sheer, la- - 1 -for t'nloa Meat company; f, E. Xlhby of Jef. rrson. a one car or aneep ana nogs; leorg -W. Keatersan of Athalong, CallfornT. 20 care ofcattte -for Ft-e llruhnn of -liaa tile. . . - Wedneedey 1. Krteoroaw, two cars oTritllS'S ' Frank Wngea-of Junction Clly, mlaed load of nog nd sheep; C. t'sstell. two car of ahee. and hog from Junction City; 11. C. Pavls of Ilalaey, tnUed toed of ss.'. -and-Aoga; Csr stcn's Parking company of Kest.le, five Vsd' of cstlle en route iron. Csllfnrnla to Tacoma; T.- Ar- Rfc-bsnlpion ef West Koto,' on csr of hogs; I. 1, lieiiamore ef Sslem, two csr ef mi tea nogs na snsep. Mi wish cfs of ,1'sttlei Mr. Crsven of Huntington, car. 1 losd of cattle:. T. J. Medley of Oakland Ins cars of sheep; J. C. Mitchell of Williams. Call-'' fnrnla, nine cars of cattle; S. S. Folaom ef K tgf 1 "rV snltfl'IOItl CnaPWftdft r-aTlran-bHfffc! 1 a " 1 ftedd of I srllon. two csr of shsep; Shry. der A long of Woodbiim. csr sheep and kogsr B. J. Hecker of Albany, car eheep and hogs. . rYtdsy, Msy 6 O. D. -Biirrtlrk, with a csr of cows from Albany; John Shaw of Echo with two car of cettl. - with her accompanist.- Shewa( jienrousJ over Mr. Schuls's visit. ---"Don't you know who Mr. Bchuls 4s?' the accompanist asked, significantly. Mme. Gadekl- was honestly Ignorstif. " ""Why, Mr. Bchul," he whispered, mys teriously, "why, Mr. Schula ls Ivntl." From .the first visit Mr. Bchuls's court ship hsd been only-the-Invention of the' t'hlld.- 'Bh had bear, compelled to cenfld the atory to her mother'a. accompanist, but he alorta shared It with her. Relieved as she waa from the burdeojif Mr. Schuls's constant attentions, Mme. Uadakl saw that It would not do for Mis Lottl ; to- be able- to fool her governess. That would undermine the reapect for her intelligence, on which It was necessary to found the pupil's obedience. 80 the singer told the Frauleln that her Mr. 8chu)s'-waa a -rrrythtrsr-ereatura. . In- " lvented. by-Mlga Lottl'a mischievous m lnd - ' - - - of course the governess wertt st this ucairui null v 1 v 1 11 o 1 r . n nn iww wu? den. Mr. Bchuls may have been a nui sance, but he waa also a hero. .. "You must make Mhnr-lsittl think-that, you knew all about It," Mme. Gadskl added. "Don't lot her think -she fJecelvcdL you. ' '' ' -" .' '' " ' When she awoke the next mornlnn little Miss Tauscher found on her bed a letter. fit wss from her governeas.- In It she ex- . 1'"""' Mr. Bchuls It might be ss well to bring hi visits Xa an nd. Miss Lottl read the letter through and showed no sign of surprise. "I guess - It Is Just ss well," she ob served, complacently; "I was wondering, how I could stop II. I was spending all my money In flowers." " -t -: : - . A-California state senator has . sc tually been convicted snd sentenced t6" five years' Imprisonment for accepting a bribe, but the supreme court of thst state la yet to be heard from. l a j.. o. a EE w o Th Qreat Chlneso Doctor Is called great be- ... cause his wonderful cures are so well known throughout-the- United - StatV and because so msny ?eople sre thankful o him for saving their Uvea from OPERATIONS He treats any and 111 flliaiara With Powerful Chlnena erbs, roots, buds, -barks and vegetables that are entirely un- known to medical science try and through the ue of these harm less remedies. Vhl J", th action of over'600 dlfferent remedl-s that he has successfully used tn different diseases. Ua guarantee 1 to Cure catarrh, asthma, lung troublea. rheumatlam.neA vouaness, stomach, .liver. Jt'dn'r. male trouble and alt private dlaeaeea.. Hundreds of teatlmonlnls. Charge moderate. Call and soe pirn. 1 OOlfBOXTATlOlf IBaUtV . - Patients out ot th city wrlta for blank and circulari Inolo stamp.- Ad-r dress - - . , .... -THE C. OEE WO CHINESE 'F'' MEDICINE 0. , : I6t Alder street, Portland. Or. Stair- way of 151 v Alder street leads to of fice. Mention this paper. bowwtwo), KorxxsTs co, . (Katabllahed lat. - Trail AMD STOCK MOI1M, rH-m 4, (trcmad Tloev. CaUsfJin Ol1 OOMMXMCaT. i... 1 ' - n --v.- 1 )