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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1905)
i j I'll i"' ' -I ; " , I ."? . ......:.-.. . vftiim .1 ' " iiiY'A i. - V aV'r r - - JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY 'MORNING; a. Qinblnation Hbt W'aUfC Trusses, Abdominal 7f Supporters? colored '(red). flarturel.0.25 Shoulder BrM .dcdfiidft-lfe-sideijn a-fence, &ft c!1rHrinist2yi THouaands T Atterta andMapy e'niK.(,i2.00 sold bv Woodard. MMVJlV,iJ9 snclfear would encircle ' D iih Ka r in c n Vix c ' - - ar3 . iMmiammmmmiimmmmmmmaLmmm 11 saaaaawSaai-a ," f iviiiii)iit viiwii (y'iHii :a44rroundv- Think -:.. VV : "MV.: ' In an -these llneg --wo if i in ' are-equipped ta 't. .-1WH.L DR'IE THROUCH"' your xmvtai r v-r . "'ft - - ii '...;. ... i . 1 u, t4 it J if ,v. . ivk a Nil 1 11 : : ' - - 'T i-lr,,J I'1' " -'I " - . I W B Xt ' AWi I 1 1 - . jTT. i ar if if 1 1,1 11 . jn . i ? t i mm ui ' SUSDCI Fill VI. .... ".I : W: XvVVa A' I77.V.1 . U i,l4ir'1 JL X LMV-CV,.. E II J .'. . .Jv . ' ' . ' r. ,, :". N i 1 ; ' Uvi-Kt Jr I u . yfAirt TAJr fwiJ 1 .riitiiVT t " f Li J - 1 - - " 1 - 1 111 i . yv tj t-j id 'l irriv l'lri'iiMf r;- '4S. 4 ( Portland .and J'endletprv Con- -U, i, tribute. LargDeiegatipns ? to the Meeting. ' I . : (special DlapatcJs S The JooroaU ..'. ;.J Echo.- Or?, May ,. Eofeo'Si second an . tiual rrtcnlc, "w pronounce by all , ' .mqat crfmrlete 1 success.. Between 8.0QB w"and 4,000 persons participated In ' tha exercise Bild. pent moil enjoyable -. dly.i . . . Th parade, headed 4y Grand Marshal - iaita B. Thompson With hla 10O mounted tides, wbb an .imposing affair? with, at least ' J.C00 In lln: Mayor Kb lab and he city council rode tn carrlageBas did tho invited guests' and visitors. JThe.ex-, erclsos were-,pened by a ,conPrt of tha ,' .'(Latit'er Da Saints: band of La Grande. , followed by an invocation. by Rev.. I. H. ' Oobbel.' The. opening chorua "waa sung I by the Erho rholr. Mayor, L. A. EWtab iWeloied'tbe guest and extended the jbospltallty of the olty." .. , , . : i ' Governor Chamberlain responded to , the mayor' a welcome, thank In a thepeo ! pie of JScho for their hospitality. He 1 waa followed by Judge Lowell of .Pen- dleton wfioj- apqke' on' UmaOlla county and ia reeource and of what irrigation had .done and would do' for eastern Ore- -; ajoit -" - s-t .' J-z-ti ),l ' ' benator C. W. Fulton poy xn "Echo as I aee It," paying trlbutelcjar the pros perity of. a country-! and itji future aa one rarely afforded In any'Jand by -IrrK ' gatlon. ' ! I ' ' B. A. Worthlngton, general .manager .Jf the Hartiman HneB, apoke on. the railroad aa a clvlliter. iri1ng facta and figures Showing the. enomdus Increase ef ..population and 1 valuation following tK& advent of the railroad. - . ,iPjefferson,Mexara apoke on the lewls . and Clark fair, told why ft waa given. " oecr1bed Ita organisation and the bene- "flta It would confer upon the state. . v I Tom Blchardaon of the Portland Conv merclal-club spoke on the value or xne uj.; u mmta- that all nroarress ft4,l!i''0TOter8 P1 Pr' leKjtlOfoai, $ JtJWnt peraftjlal ef MfigMh l&, C." W T " ' .T U&V2 victim muu a TR.iFi4wu'"4'nvl .WParmlng "! from' k lew waa the subject o,v.o he O. R. ft N CO. 1 . 1 Pfil J'iiifct aid p4 cAa,la auDertor to grain for yb aaioca piu inn mm. " the llaHt niAltltlAULS U II I L3 f U L AU f I Jl51vJL N UK it. AW Mil III Al IKAKIa l.filflTII ; . 1 vii 11 n MVy v ".1 1 i 1 v y " 1 ' I f 1. 1 iV M . I 1 ' ' S ; r " Hobsbn's Epgagerjrent to HijII Is Culmination ofJ tererttng RorViance 1 Mist 5 '' !; an '?.aPorB ThfcW. This Vf tter than there waa. ' gralo; for they could be aoldj T.i H. Mailey of Fendletotrii fh 'nn ditch. Walter M..Plev . 1 . , , , fussed why 1 am A rancher, staung tnavi ling waa lu.moii ainnuw jnuiw In the world; and better xnan tne law practice.. - - Jamea H. Raley ' on the nation's wheat crop aua t Umatilla county produced perVi of all ,ha wheat raised In ho ATnitedWatea, a well aa-ofhpr. wealth in " JJirg f'rtton. !r. u. tJiaioca m ' wlht 3.'JIa discussed Irrigation, .of Wnlch eWtrVctlcal demonatratlon will be ' , nj X .ffie Portland party present in rnnMw.. . . - Vdeleaation from Pendleton and K numbered at leaat 400. ThH ilfld quartet from La Urana naj iflhat trom Echo gave freqo tikulshed . visitors wjllrr piace,. Dot ween tefniMjni and 'the Echo teams. " reaOli cere bf i te'2Aki favor of Etii U GRANDE MAN " SERIOUSLY INJURED ;; ' ": . . (Bpeelal Dlapatrh te To ioornal.) ;La Grande, Or May . Joseph Palmer, aged 67 years, president of the Farmers ft Tradera' , National bank at this place, while working on f flame this afternoon, used In running cord- . wood from the mountains to the elec tric light plants fell to the ground, a Ulatailre of 14 feet, breaking- hla hip and several ribs. He waa in the art of breaking a Jam In the flume. While lying In a helpless condition wood. from th flume fell on him. cutting his head and fare in terrible manner. He Is sup posed to hare lain' In the water about an 0hour and whenfHUndwas "iincon- , , sclous. He Is in a critical condition tonlRht. , n Ufa BRlDE RELATED TO BEST, I IN EW ENGLAND FAMI LIES Both Pariies Haye Bjood ojf, Read ing Southerner? coursing,-' ; I T"l .-.u tu.;, ,na . I . 1 iiryujcfi .111011 w vnia. , .'5 "1 1 - . V.' ml IHapatcb by LeAMb Wire te TWa Ioornal) Hew York. May f.-tTlle anho(nement todkyl by.'Jdr. and M.OeorkJull t Tuiedovpfrk, New TorK of thl igaa' meet of their daucbtes. MlsarOrislldm Houstoa4'iull, to Capt Jfllchmoljilt .PeffJ son) Hobson, la the cuminatliof' an Iniii-Mtln raminrt and 'marks tan al liance which join aome of $hf bet blood In vim country.; The marriage wjll be solemnised Mar iiSln theJiOme of the Bride parents irf Tuxed. f Only relatives and a Kw IntVmate fclonda of tbe Iconfrapting jlartlswlU b present, the I recent I death ' of Aidga James M. Hobson, father of -CaptAln Hobaorr.-making It advisable! toohae the ceremony as quiet as possibhp. ' , I .' Althnuah Mlaa Hull ft on "her atberti side rellted to the Hulls. Strongs, Tnrr4. giang, 'wa. 0 Kentfucky.t re- aonua or the finest faWQafot h. 8h Is th, grandplec. . Houatqtr of Albama. hO.'waS aa one 01 ina.grmi.e ever presided; over V ax ataiia. one. iDtrnwrv uom lW the blood bf.the Polka; pra)nt; mm jjouaum ha '.Iloaga, ithe Joneses, v.tmtf Unit ntTiar noted families Georgia, Alabama. Kentucky ana; 1 en i Tt tobsoa's amilj , '1 CantaJa HobsoiL too. 'comes oil 11 hr oaf. famous, -ancestry. dof wotiik louthi "Through his motaver' wno iV'Atlna Sarah Croom-Paon.brUgn- ei he faUer-ialloA Is. related, to tlie'iWare- heads. did m Bias reiatea to 1111 nuiip, oirww, haman and Doollilea ot Vew Engli UrBugherinjtherk whi; s4TttilaHfaton Kentfuck0t aVW in nor Yamous Texas. ,' tha of thji X'MVM Baraa uroom-irearaorvarvgi f6tttChlBfoIuBtice Rirhjawad fPaaMon, 'ii l(4aW to, the fialtenatrttand e'wierMf. MaasachasettsWiMA. his North It la Inte; Ing marr, Captain ment to the grea aoon will Itea. WlllUraa and ol wno Toward the ;ounaitiofa of Tennessee and A)aDfl,ma. " vleWof thejatfproacrNl the la KrIHaj fter ifcteaometchat xtenalvaV bridal ViJW? m m their. mm e old' southern homeatead family, ITTba Maknoliaa, I r. SellghUd. ifi engagement In Greensboro, Alabama! fact o Ha. been keot aulef already the proa pectlre grtoom haai rec(lted many coh- gratulatloi is ironri ineisis. mum y them cra from his 0I4 tompanlont n arma In ' he United Biatea naVy arid othera fro ni men who 'have known hlin for a long mn Those who knojf Miss Hull are particularly I ilncere ii) their congratula ilonaj i She ail a most chawn Ing womai."Gen. Joaeph Wheeltr, who 1b a warm friend of Captain Hobaon. kls among thrse who congratulated iiltrt; most hear Uy. - In speaking of the ap proaching, weddlog. General wheeler aid's v vl . ' ' ,'f"lt anything was conWereHftJ)ln4 the north and aouth mora elosejy such weddings fthse .Would Bo U My na tive atate Is to be congratulated, -as well aa "Captain Hobson, in securing. so fair an addition to hetiltlxenahlp." ri CUBANS CONGRATULATE" Last ' pay-Ati LoW Vast Numbefrrat Fair Ground-.j 1 .v .- theu. OVER -ill Nearly) of F6UR THOUSAND PASS THE TURNSTILES 11. Two' HUrtdrecfrlb.ada Exhibits Have Already I Be?n Received. 1 . . ' 1 1 Caking -advantage., err the1 1 sron. y dar oil thei 19 cent admission. UJOUBanoB cu peofcle thronged the tewls ana wiara exposition grounds yesterday afternon, women knd cnlldrer predomlnatfag In the ratio of at tat 21 to Jm I - The day yA Idnal for w4lght-seelng. Early ln( h morning the filowda- began to come and Ue ticket sellei-s and tu,rn tlla nnca-atoravwere conatantly at work. Buulu tlie afternoon there iwas ajryxM that iad; not been equaled on la weesj-daiM mA -.. h..i.j imin 'tha a-ua.rda were called ort lat'i1ght to' clear the grounds. Ae.erly ' o'clock. In thi afternoon ther(i hadi been I admissions', and Chief -JJaVldsQ of" the admission de partment 'estimated Off-hand i that be fore evening ar leaat -4.000 people would pass through -the gates at 110 cents a head. t hla expectation wa fully real ised; the' stiles showed a', number- in Advance' of the estimate, i I 1 A v.- 1 '; .1 Worth the 'rrloa. i . 1 .-This morning,-and from now on. It will eo(t cents to enter the grounds. If la not-expected, .however; that there mtft ha an- marked falllnc off in -the aJC- tenaaBoejfpr the verjr good iion tla the feiew of 1batup4a eveif oV la worth' twice ,t hat-sum. jThe main group of buildings.-of cou'rae,, were completed long ago, and the landscaping -Is prop-' . , 'i . I f -"Bur beyond 8h$ fh government kll ingsn-lse IjtiposingV, flnfshed except jfor lwiyrtyilP height trfrabouk .7 feetJ 3-9 tte o-ient of. tna.roain busiuing. is a group bfjtotem ipoles" from) Alaska ttu attrfjnuco JattenUpn yesterday; I - eokflng neaef.4he, main (Otraafe' "The bulldtikon thiTrlll are WpYlnginfl up at the-iate o -two a dayt Oha cafe la In fuUVperatlotion the unlqiaa. highway and elgtU-aekra are able te'trtrtaln ,thre almost latiyihlng they wanted In .the way 01 rurunpcm,'. i waa notiqea.oie .ma beer waip sold there ysterdan despite ato know that UiayAOIWK,. As te tUf humber of exhibits on hajids. on .receivea ms ptpoiwviTMs nazals dnecessary to lay Mora, than UdgfShip Of lAianama irra n jajxrafno, Manager J. H. of the young wooSgn whoJebpaVr rttfctieeked, off ISicarloada of rmateritvi ror tne lair, neaiaes aoout.ii l.lfcarloada Inless than cur lots' for dffer- miv uonaisneesr 1 ne roiiwing MDie wilt Kobeoa the Oreat mer of the Bpanlah ' Amerleaa War In Zyes'pf Islaadara.' .(Special IHapatcb by Leased Wlra to Tee tarsal) Havana. May .m tm news wnicn reached hens today, of the approaching marriage, ofl Captalh Richmond Pearson Hobson to' Mlaa Hull of New York waa received With a good deal Jof Interest by the many cibn frlende Of the hero jof the Merrmajp. r -4-1 1 A ' ' V i' ' Captain Iobaon has hlaya been, for the Cubans; Ithe moat Interesting, figure In the naval operations againsi topain. Without ftetiractlng from the merits of Schley, Barhpaon 1 and, the oitwirs. tne spectacular nature w -p' " feat appeale4 to the Imaginations of the Cubana. I Ail-banquet I wh given this .v hrL W fionor i bf. the Amerlcah 1 navy by he pvibanCvetefinB of tha war or inauMDiuica. iu.cuiuiurui.iiB ,i hannuet and Ha oofeaslcrn. one ' PL tha leading 'Cubah papqrs saiap 1 1 1 To vaiWfulih theflet of Spain was far leas glorlhus thip to, rin theiMerrt- x 1 mac r 1 k . k u''"f ? - - ' IS . YOUR SIGH " DEFECTIVE? ' . ' " -'v. w y'T'vioro'andltStxia'aavlPT' fcer up. ' ' -.T l(Yate' Uk tiat of LleuthanfHbson To satisfy bptical I nks H tflink o Johni Pauiijonea, 1 . . .- 1 iv,,aaiiA. an pbmcthing" wc arp, doj9K every- day. Our I lisl p'anjcs,(i runtiing . "tp 'the ' thousands, is ajiV xcellfgt prpot whichTshows there, must be-.,te41 merit' to sub starAiate the claMf i 1 'Tjvill . J rqor,e :thao-4 fully. ,rcpayrybu tc j .. . i;- . ; ConSult Our Optidan',- ' Jrtr fi methods are'niodei-ri.. and at the Rame'ltfnc exact'-' r ing jn atl d'ails' towirds a ' permanent c6rrcltisioa. .' i , ..... . A X . n.4 1Tririr " T l Many of C splaifr. ittasoi-Ba ffcublm friends have -abled h'm cohgratiyationa and all of them .rlsh him nd hla) young bijile all the liapplness lnjthewqrld.v.; MORE SPACE WILL BE .. t MADEifOR MINERALS ' The Oregon itafa' comnysalort tp the Lewis and .Cln -k exposition- held a meet:, lng last night at the Imperial hotel, at wfilrh money waa impropriated ttr an addition, o th mlamg bulldsngKln. order to. , accomrrodi te the Innumerable dia plays, of fkpe irejr hat are dally reach ing -the Oregot building. Ijlundrtds of tons of ore arc on hand thai canrtcH. pos sibly be' shown In the main building, and the aimplea hfva all been,,teBted and Found worthy if exhibit. Hence the de cision to buildl an annex. The addition wilt not "be Uiiae, but It will te expen sive enough. 'ip isbow the minerals of Oregon Iru flrst-clem style. ' t The commission alaa decided lii favor '6t the pubUcaClonl'of svbook on Oregon and ltr -reaourree. tha material ror.wTilcn. wV be furnished J 'Wallace Nest The edition will renalsf of 100,000 Copies. (nd wUl be jAlrtd ty. Oi state printer, give an ilnterestlng ildea of what, these mammoth shipments have consisted? 'Wha Wag ia jth Can. . "v Akonn Frnnrt. Turkey and Perala T...'... i aiaaXaa bl!it,.. ......... ,,.t.lf.....t. Auirriran inn coispan 124 americaa uniitun aatural blatofy (Pblllp- Hd.) ........)! .... t Aaiarlnia Mbanl. 'r 'rotrepondnee...,....X I Anurrlcao Mills, rompanr . . , . 2 AmeclfaaTi.lDbank Si Talcarabh HauUter Utitt exmpinr. ........ numirpi rare (1 ru l. Broferlrk a; Kaacoai - Itooa company li'alltornla plate eontinlaalon iaron, . r ivtrti ream . . . .i fcaa nihtrlaltl Mel al Weather Strip com pan ValrtHiDk. Monn ft Ce.. . . .'.ri... ,k . General Elertrlr . com Dane Hungarian. eililUk.?!":. . a ,Wk ffnZYM Idaho atate? eB3ialko..-??fr.., II. llae hlW . . . . 2 Japaiwae eiMyt0..Tr.i...,.i.. ....... 4 i 1 t Jnhnaon, A trjeml ISrV aula ra , afiilmraiiHirli tew enaiaUaa Tral5 ; x lo comnany (itatuary) 9 rummiaeioD . . , ting cumnaay. loo lolaaldw. MuQtaria rati Masa U(witalT)Miinlaaldtt. W,,y'Sit14 CHBIOlValoB si, North) W' 'alejtpilaaloB. n ..i .. 4 4 .. 1 1 bft.rrfr (alwitacturtiwP 4wnDaiir..LJ. 2 ...k.w... 1 ll.... 1 RJmoa.anif Jltardtrare. J"rr. ... n u. 'rWem-oed Tjwrtfer cWiaVtonV. . roerr Ja fblfed Stalcay JrSffeBieat depanment ' aarll t.nllaif ofriatea- ,JHrenWrpti!luartineDt com- .' IruMure .1. J.... .v. yiVl .. I niten maea aovernment dtirtaient mint.. 1 I on tea Slatesr (nrerfiment drnaetment mmr . K I'mted mal;7ioTeraBint .departaieSt BtiJlL lanieri dibim. BuTaTDuseni oepartmeni boat sffioe '.nr.. felted State iloiernint department t7.. ( United Sratea goTernmeut department treat-. V'lJKed Btatee goTeVnmWt'' ort'awBt'lan' irlea- . ...i... ...... . : .J..., 1 I lilted Kastee governmeat deVaftneitertaertoi 4. I'nlted atatea farernmeat department ia(afa. 1 naeeier, a. at, iirau), Wt.hlnftoa atate colivpHaaloa. ., ..Li -Th UnCtedtatea Kovernmentre rep3 reaentation y tha ptcedlng chediile Is I 1 " Oroujids fat rise Ooaditlos. ' In "the geneital' work of Improving thf. grounds Plret tor-o ft Works Huber ls to be congratulated WiMMrJ.-mad4 the thoroughfare -whxt 'jtjiey at, this early uatef i V, 1 1 1 tlMorsV arei om pelled to tierijoanrtiaftiVike by Beaa aad .ruMe mud,. vht4JfibJn a few days of the "oWdn'g." Inaltad bif this the flhe gravel leadlhit'Jh, fciii the main entrance Is laid and padteoT Solid, . making tha walks even and comfortable enough 'tbi aatlafy the moat exacting good-roads crank- that breathes; ( Bpencer Clawson, general managnr of Utah's affairs af the exposition,! 'Ire turned from Salt Lake yesterday. Which, showed his 1 friends - thatv a good, man cannot be kept down. " Mr. Clawson had barely' let: the contract 10 building when he was atr rheumatism In the left fpbt. For three.. for the; Utah stricken With days he was laid tip in the Pottls,r)d hotel, and Ion this advice of Dr.. Rockey he went -to Salt Lake to remeih until he had fully recovered.- in that dry cll-J mate the recovery wes rapid, and yes terday fr. Clawson returned, as fall of life, vigor and enthusiasm s ever. 1 The Utah building Is about ready for tha roof: While, In Salt Lake, .Manager Clawson- made' arrangements for inter esting Brlgrtejm tourer, relics for exhi bition purposes.. 1 1 , I,' infractor Wakefield ties granted con cession to Esther A. fihapiro, ot fort- Davidk'oa Tytlan mot i ty . 1 w , i ... j. . t Xt$ha',.i;..fl.55 to fl.25 9 '0 ' I Omega, uneol-. ' i ' oredred.,f 1.80. tfxf . 1.40 Tartan, cioPh 'p ':. I inserted ..f 1.50 o 91.35 . Whitehall Omega Tyrlan . Tyrian Suecesa . KOl'ftl. ateo .rf. 'FloWU all-Tatum V iZ'ls I?-5S -..12:50 o f,2.0O TrJunrp ."fl.85 JJ-g :::.:::k:3'I5 'TRpHceP : JpngthV' the rubber hose whicrl amvea-ytflioneTrecentanip -nn In.VlMflinl. Clarke Ar fn. would rAw-h' from Ithe reserv&ir at Mount Tabor $ the.Xewls arid ilarl: exposition. ' (.Traveling salesmen i .. m .mm. Ail. .1. ia. '.. 1 A.v 5 rubber j?poi s manufac 6ne -store Jiandli rubber t-audries rubber establishrue f aMBjaa.t.mmmaiMBB '.'. '.: r that i, the. . quantity. 11 IK to iTKa .. T" -r7. :i J iftanaie m tije aame 111 ' Nearly 40 tons, o were sold by ..W5 dutinfc the last year, or the bie Eastern iurers say that this Jgreater variety-oi ah ; any 'wholesale bn the Coast, and andles compares j&J)igwholeaaleri V H rZJ iaeu m wa carry ' on -r-tiandr Wo-flt teyear ' order.. Private fftUng ' room, pronounoed to , be - the - moat . com-, pletely equipped west Lot Chicago; . . auraan-aacxxD aavsms CompieU msox ment!'- , . . ; ,. - . -. . . ., Statloneryi odal rubber 1 sundries I, Clarke : & Co. d the indications arethat this record, will be exceeded this ' j Study. jthjaJisi of stfane of the rubber ' sundries i carried byJ Vtoodarrtr yo.? it war amaze ypu io see uhi w, manv thmes are made lot ruooer.- Svrlnze Specials . -Marvel -vVrhtrllngflrray, reg.'$S.60; special. f.DS Or. Tullar's. reg. .I2.B0; special. .?....... .1.58 Rachel White, rcg. 2.75;. special. ...... ..gJl.Ta .. I: w... I,-,. - j' ; v i ror rout camera Twilled Rubber Focusing New Rubber Bulbs f ... Rubber Developing Trayal : I Pun I 'Shoddy Ohemlcolly i, ArtlWl coal tar, i It rou TaPer 1 Goods guarantee i i II- - uV vfrlth andles. 7n rubber, cl fin fruhber.ftiuft Hav cheap. rubber, m gdlatlhe, etc' -ant quality l rom ta res; absolutely tture Is expensive. to be treated' i Rubber Cvmbs 7ur Camera ' la-1 -HniVV using Cloths...-. . v 4$ ij en'ind cnrMectalg P ;..:! "Garden UfafM .Ml'1 Comnetltlon JS4) 82 1 OColumbla . .!. i .cS?TSr 84 --triV.t. .'.": ' .rratnAe ' ! i D.-xx tHiortnorn i..'.. ...... Akuwr Wa laO rArrv Cotton 0Hoaupait Reduced drlcetl.J 4'' '"Y'M ' Stomach Ptimps, RubberPlaster, Rubber 8nelrWJ Ti . I U'meaaY Dilators ivHMbbar'tor; conatrpatioj; rues ana aiijtec irgeons' Gloves, Finger CoPs. 4- 4 'iM'1 ' u ' Elastic 'Hosiery ':.',:cX Knlt to fit for Varicose Veins, Swell".: lng.Spralna,etCi ' ' r We have the only Knitting Machine la 4 the Northwest,, and It Is used solely tn knitting -Anklets, . Wristlets, Knee Pieces, Waist; Bands, etc., from fresh pure rubber aod pure silk.- - .'.'. A' . !' Lady '". tor sdiea.' Expert ! j. " Roma Assortment of Rubber Bands. .........104 Rubber Cement, for hot-water botUesbleyelg.. - tires, ota.- V....... ......10 Rrasera, Ink and pencil 5 godTclniUfOppar-S rrouiiuiit run Fillers) 2 ot5T I rOWTAnr XJr More lines than any Other store in the city Waterman, Parker, Conltlln, " Morse, Schaff. ",'.-T, '.. , -Buy our Leader Fountain Peh. ...........81.00 Blungshot Rubbers, per set .........;,....e.5 For the Toilet - '7'.:-' irpie Bruahea. n u facturod from tofeheaper still. . rubber, buy Rub- ponflbla bouse whoso rillable. Bath Sprays, fit any faucet.... .82.00 to 81.25 -Bath Seat a ,.. i n . t v . . i ,v '. 81.T5 " Cleanwell Spongea, Russian rubber S2JZ5 to T5w Sponge Bags, silk and rubber.,.. .-.82.50 to 25e) .Face Bags .......... ,l.OO to 50 For Invalids n Tee Bags and Caps ......... to 25 " Bed Pane, rubber .... , . 84.00 . """Invalid Rings and Cushions, red and ; .- black ............ .........83.00 to 81.60 ' Crutch Tip .,,.15 and 10 AUi Bag v...... 81.50 to 85 . JorJ3abIes Teething Rings Rattles r..a..;..t....e, lO mw fcr-eaa "-.... w or t Animals i K.ftJ ta neAcoarse, coarae- .; . iZk. mi ror...!' Balls Nipples ..,......54 and 2 for 5 Drees t Pumps ..........,.,,......75) to 25- U-Trwi .iM Mhhetr arooda rl ixaaczazas Complete Uno6T "rubber thfetlo needa ' - ...j'-.. i. .:-. Kitchen Needs 5lt worthlees. . bderrdt Clarke & Co. aiocas ot nuooer if glim if you buy whether we have-it, ; benefit olmuch lower-prices' than rusually. enveed, 'and votTre - sure . - , Jfm "f J - 1 fresii; quality Send Wolomril i 1 :' ..." . .: ' A I I f " ' for Catalogue 'of Rubber Gloods GOES INSAHE FROM BETTING "ON RACE finakmakrar" ilVho -Lo'st TAfcES THREE POLICEMEN y TO HANDCUFF LUNATIC Jumps- Up in Car and Yelk at I Top ' of Voice for,-Horse He Went Broke on. ' i ISsaClal mptckbr Uaaed Wire te The Journal) "New Tork, Alay? . Jamea J. Qutnn, wno ioai severhi ing Colonial Girl andlcap, went thousand dollars back to win .th Metropolitan uddeniy' Insane today In an iSghth avenue car. Threef police men who tried; Ito' Arrest " him were knocked down,, fnnd ' only after he had Bean handcuffed land Mt upon col) Id lie bo moved, to a station! - i Oulnn. who lives with his wife and LtwchlllSrert -at Nd. 271 Weat One Hun- dreraftdA.JJrne.Unth street, left Jhe house ebrly.WterlalUJUasjafa Jhi f ohub to casn tutg Jtet. ivif Doaroen . a.nortn-touna uigmn arenue oar at One llurtdrtd, atnA.-ywenty-thlrd street, suddenly pulled otrt'.tJirVel racing programs of thei Belmont- Park races, plnneM them on his yepat, and, jumping, on a seat, shouied Jat the top of his voles: 'Come onw Colonial Olrl, come on! Ride, jboy, rltle! , ilaoray, t hooray; She wftie y a yvrok!" 'if'. . . j ' Policeman .jhtitelberg. j who Itmppeneg to be passing, gabbed Qulnif Just aa he got off the car. ' if he bookmaker shook hlmsvlf free, anJ furnmg on the bli coat, knocked hlr i Into the gutter with a single blow, tutejberg made another lumD. and tor reveral minutes the two men, surrdvpdeiit Jiy a big crtd, rolled and fought, all over. the street.' " two poiif-emen went to uauteioergji aaalatance l and summoned a . patrol wagon. When thV wagon arriiaed he three men iwe.-e sitting on Qulnn. who had- been handouffed after a fierce fight. He waa placed In the pqltce ve hicle and flosely guarded "by the' three men was driven to the One Hundred fhd Twertty-fitth-atre-clt' station, -J I fir. Diihmerlck;.4t the Harlem hnspl tal, examined 'Qulrtn and said he thought hlrrt1 tnstne. , $ Mrs. Qulnj, kbo Waa sent for. said her husband bad aaret queerly for sevar'ql dys. ' He. yyag take'n Bellevua. y paMntlng,' "The Whltai Stave: or, . A (tlfmpae nf the Harem." . H Is pno of the wonders of art. ahd wUVhav clal'bttUdlna oa uo tve a ape- WOMEN LAUGH ndere them pro- handle auch lm ooda that what iKvo on hnd IS aiwaya sura ta Jo") run no rial of getting aged. rom thenv. -Rubber l3twa ;.'..;r;r.T;...T.f l5 io' fl.OO"' .Fruit Jae Rings, jedx.dosen. ;,t.,, f 1) '-Atomizers a complete lino of Vaporisers, Atomiser and Pul "' verisera- for powder), Camjylni Soft Rubber Drinking Cupsvreg. I6o special 18 : : Hard Rubber Drinking Cups, reg. 0o; special 30 : ...-9 a, SoaeV Knftr obid.ehurneratine any " morfrHns bf ? Rubber fiooda Xf you . tninir ot anruiing rupDor except r ooi Wear, ClotMrJeto)iTt8ure aruPsee we-f ive you th r - Endless Variety Btomaeh Pump. Blungshot Hubbers,' Com-'" plealon Bruahea, . Crutoh . Tlpe, - Quia Tub-: Ting. KIpples, Byrlnges. AlomlsSra. 'daatlo -Mosieryi, Rattlea, Combs these are a tffr "varletleg'bf Rubber Good carried by WOod- -ord.'Clarko Co.- - J Few people, realise how many needs a,ro erred by this wonderfut vegetable product. 9 Jin iiww.i i njLgiiii am . . i in i. .l .i i V FOURTH AND ASfUJiGTON STREETS A THEY BREAK MS In open violation of the ordiiyfncH sev eral saloons cjn Slyth street, nedr Couch snd Davia streets, ane ortdJl;ted s places wjierft. women may "BeZlourld at an nours or ne day ana tyia ui-xne Infraction of the law la flarrMii ,n on or two- of three saloons worsen vare..-nl-lowed f sJt'iIn(ipI'alh's1gl3t;'tofMt5 - street I Pianos are employed to attract nasaers by into- these resorts, an4arn md "Jhe rear Entrances women WfvV; we s n hov ering '"at" night. AAfiearanceS Indicate that what Is' Known aa the h rth end iMlsulJafajpldly eatepdlhg wlittward: f lHil llrev at present Is'lts blundary. The most open and notorious lolatloo of the,, lasr ia At the St. LouJ' saloon, onBixth .and Couch I streets. i 'hlh4e conducted by W. Mhrtln. In hT rear of! this saloon is, a 'balcony, w.h civ may bo Sbsrred frofn Blith flt.B A cur tali, hangs 'frpra the celling to" ha qVl cony. with spaces about four f ct wide left uncovered near the north add south. walls, i . . ' , il- - In front lof -thlai curtain Is A Tlnno.J PFourt .piano and f bo he Make Saloons- Their Heidquar 'Mers Day arid NighttnMo-, ration :of Ordinajuce' cy f in ii . . . 1 -Oi. ' i. la PlairTSfeht ffom Btrefet and S AUrWci tWiVotice if 'V assersklir which was InduatHovsl thumi prflnst ntrht. On the left-Of , the hardworking man sat1' Violinist, Extracting dojeful Inharmony from his instrumet I.! For several minutes -a woman sat i eat the violinist lr"ona of. the- pathw iy left uncovered "brh curtain. ' ' This) balcony la reached by a i .r and a side entrance. It is' cut up Inn boxeaV The entrance on Coichi street til ftreened from,, the bar by m- curtain. . if i Dlaaonallv across the street 1MB mchlleu saloon, eondtfeted . W tolls Mace. Above the saloon JA a Hodglne; house. Veached b a stairwa-y fro Couch atreyt, A sign notifies , the pulki that thre transients may secure rootnav To tne itett. or rni,i-,irirwsyii" fieiiway, leadlng,Vlto boxe In Ihoi rearfcof the saloon,xand i annthar of the, atairwayAS is wiaigeo) "laiiniy en land, for the,exhlWtlon orthe celebrate-iH Womeli may b4frty,pnnP 1 li.iloon,'through thslf' n Uranoe"' every nlgel. I Last wnjnan grooa' an ane qoorwsjr io foot JraU, I . lume.adtaw.liik to tUaetM I to this 'famllw fighi a t'T ,scme inweso.. A plako In the saloon la given no peace. Thelttan Francisco saloon, at the cor ner ol Sixth and Coach streets, la also Conduced by Martin. Boxes In the rear are. retched by a aide entrance on Davis The muala box was dumb last number of saloons on Fourth no attention whatever la paid ofiiinance nroumiting women irom jrequVbting such places. The most con spicuous violation ortne law was wu nessedl at the notorious Badger saloon. and Davis streets. An Ill-treated nnounced Itself loudly and male ale habitues of the place could d trying -to olng-'-'Ahnio Moore." smaft window opening Intel .the bar- mvwiaium witn a uiuimen a)nd at tlmea shouted to the men In fronk of the bar. " KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS I -ejH BOB -aa- w w...- MEET AT LA GRANDE ( relal Dl .patch to The Journal.) . ' Ia rande. Or., May . The district conven Ion of the Knights of Pythias met .In the county courthouae tonight The dl' trlct comprises Union and .Wal lowa c intles. A very appropriate pro gram v is rendered, after which a com petitive drill In ritualistlo work took place, - hlch was very beautifully and ably dJ posed of by each team. Two hundred present grifrd hi iof Mie II clai cm and fifty visiting knights were The convention elosed with a nnuet given under the auspicea lathbone Bisters at the Commer- rooms. PQLIQE AND STRIKERS -I - IN BLOODY AFFRAY (Cfprrlgb , Bearat N.w Berrlpe, by Leased . t Wire te The Journal.) Hamb rr.MyS. A" state of disor der, the like of which has never been known i this city, has existed here since-M y-Land ..bloody ancountoro are dally tal tng place between tha strikers anQ "thnl police. Last night a. pitched battle wis fought near the Kloaterther nd anotkier at 8t. Paull. In both planoa the" atriri first attacked the police with a ifhower of bricks and stones. whereuplfn the . policemen Brew their sworda Ind wounded many persons, airumg tlfcm several women and children. IF MISSING INTANA MAN FOUND 60QY . A , eMlal Dlipatrh to The leoraaLV Slllea 4lty. MonWMay -Tho body of ted Croalen Who has been missing ror aomeftime wbb innay. aurnvniTa hliried "ullder i"coal"bnk on Ftosen Dog creeJ a few miles from (his place., i C'lTialeiV was sent by . Ms employer, Maanlce I oward, for a load of coal and thla was hi last seen of htm olive. As be did no return a searching party was sent out id It was found that the bank bad cavti In oa JUa. couaLteljr,.Xoy ring BWSjoax, Scientific hen TO " COMING" Date of Congress Changed, to Meet Wishes of PresldenV-u Dr.7 Howard, SErEWSElTTSlCHTJSETr INSTEAD OF EARLY JUNE Effort Will Be Made to Get Some Leading European Think er Here. I Jiaam.:. . The dates for the Lewis n 4 Clark SclentlDo congress have . been changed ' from Juno -T .to September. 11-14. ta accommodate Dr. . L. O. 'Howard, who was recently . elected president of tho congress, and- other eastern scientists who eould not come to Portland so early ' In tho season. - . Edmund P. Sheldon, tho corresponding secretary or tha congress,' recently re-T calved a telegram from. Dr. Howard, thanking -tho oommitteo- for conferring on him tho office of president, but stat ing that bo eould not accept tho- position unless tha congress were . held some- time in September,- aa ho had to go ta Europe In tho summer, . Another tele, gram was received from Dr. David T. Day, as follows: After a cerefuT conference with Dr. Howard 1 feel certain that the congress . will be a failure If not delayed until Rep t em bar Dry Howard will it once kc- ceotitho presidency: and plan a. mag--" nlflcentorganlsation,. which will aaaure a largo attendance and great Success If the congress Is postponed to a time when Tie enn attend. I strongly urge . this action," - As soon as these telegrams wero re- -celved Mr. Sheldon Called tho local com mlttee together,, and after consideration -the congress was postponed; They felt, that with Dr. Howard at tho head of the eongreea the meeting would bo given greater attention by scientific men throughout tho country. Dr. Howard ahd Dr. Day will how be gin their plans for the meeting and will endeavor to enlist many ' eminent acli entlsts In tho gathering. Dr. Day has already taken steps toward, organising an excursion of at least fOQ professors-; and student from eastern unlversltleii and colleges, who will leave New Tork r for Portland 'about . week before the eongrewo-npema,.. In all probability Dr., Howard will try to Indue several Eu- ropean actentiata to com to -the eipi-. sition and dtilvtr itetuxeg , bsror Aooogiess. - everal Ku-j -th xpow Ctfor th J -, .. ' I , : 7, ': .li y . "J