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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1905)
v.. a- INDUSTRIAL. "XuloTawn Shop. ' In sandy red eHtomobria, - adorned -.wMithree golden balls. "Jo" Levy, 7 T pawnbroker, .will establish a traveling ..X, Join office and follow the eastern racing I ' circuit. The autotinoblle will be bne of 7 t tha-Jlashieat he can get The golden '' balls will beTlinpedd--Xrom " In the car will be a large safe and counter. MI -will ecpfxt anythtarftmt-aiHvri - 'r t cost down .to a pair of shoes," eald Levy. ( 7-'. : "J know from experience, what it 1 to go broke on the races and have to walk "7 horn There are times when 'a sport i will spend all of hhi money, on the first face, and when JJ comes online laat race. limli ho a sure tiling, lie line mil '..i t enough money loft to play ' " - ! alwara sore If the. horse, wins. -' - - "I will ch.argo.tlie regular rate of in; tweet- on - loans' three per - cent a month." -. - .- 7 Levy lift a pawnihop on Ennex atreet and 1 known .in the dlatr)ct M the duke of Kae-treet." 1 ' .' -J Paper Frorji Cornstalkil All. Iowa '14 Intareated In a plan of fnrnlns' the waste productg of lh corn--. fields Into paper which-will compare favorably with .Japanasa rellum. K W. Jl. ryttenon. profwnr of eeonomtra anat tatlstlra of the i State. .Unlvoralty, hae .5 ' l lnveatlgated a procesapf compertyT U " -t'hlrago. Common eornstalke,, (S. 000,000 JTZZ tent of which ara allowed 10 -rot yearly : ln western states producing corn, Is -tha ' material from . which, experlmentaTly. the company liai-iruduiied -Tntcellent . .. paper at a coat ranging from 124 to 135 V a ton.-The cost of manufacturing paper ' from wood pulp or raga la estimated at - from M 1o 171 a ton. ... I - . . .'7' Ho Washington Skysxnpen.- -WaahlTig iil 'Ttf i , .. . 4 i r between officials of the city govern ment and builders -about t helghtof bulldlnga has ended in the establishment by the former of their policy against high rmffturri, jr-rrTvTH dlf pnni -of,- It ! believed, haa furnished ar-preoe "which "forthe future the national. eaplUl will-be- protected froa talL. bulldmaw-4at--WQ4ildrdtn --nal. beauty," referred to today by76ri ofthT r - try officials as Its wealth. tVasnlngton rti.: has only one buUOJng that properly can .-be : atyted akyscraper, That - la . an 2apajtrae&thflUBWith Cairo. - , "What bids fair to become a great and try of Texas Is the cultivation of tea. ' ' The farm on yhlch the g.gvernment Is " conuuuiing an experiment wun lea cui- ! and Is under the direction-ex Fred W. -Clark. Acford leg to Mr. Clark. Zjaciea j r were plsntod in tea plants. ,The xlens were se in rows live reel span ana two feet onhe row,- The flrsrVeet, they ttneaBrTTfl ro feet This -spring they -were cut order to make them bunh. 7 A number of graduated dentists are at West Point taking the examination prescribed fer admission to the army, as contract . dental surgeons. They are from all parts of the country, having been appointed upon the recommenda tion - of congressmen. Several surren dered before entering upon the long and "critical examination. Candidates receive - RS per cent on practical work, and 76 on theoretical work. It is the latter test that causes desertion. The examina tions will continue for several dsys. - Many Ships in 1904. Lloyd's Register Of British and For "--eign Shipping." Just issued, atates that during 1904, exclusive of warships, T1Z vessels of 1. 105.183 tons, gross (1I ateanoa--l.lTl.l7J tons and san- l- ing vessels - of M.787 tons) were " Jaunched In the United Kingdom Thui t output of mercantile tonnage shows the l' slIgL-., increase, of about-16.600, ions f ver-that of 1 JOJ. sma-wrlth th eotcep- tlon of the latter year, 1 the lowest ( since 1191. ! j Railroads in China. -Chma-witHe grtdironedwirirTariwayi . If all or most of the present railroad ; schemes are jit through. -. One Engllah j. J around Shanghai. Another" English ! i acheme Is to connect Hankow with sev . ' - ! . ersl Important cities north and south 4 - of the Ysnctse river. England's chief uphere of Influence is the Yangtse ral- : ley, with Its lmmmee wealth of mineral .iC"Ll!osttB'h!efiy Iron, and anthracite and bituminous coal. w 1 $20 an In&h. ,rj Figure in the muss con-eybutlJttl actual lmpr-s!lon to jf.e 2lnlnd The r-'Ptarement thiif "th'n "recently completed 1 Hlmplon tunnel, under the Alpn, cost ' more than tlS.COO.Ooo means tlidt each "! Inch of the tunnel rcpt-nts an outlay , of about J. Bom" of .the new u'nder '. ' ground rondi In London ost even more, the .tunnelling representing an outlay ; of $2 for each Inch "f progress. .:.. .... . Steamers to Mexico. - 7 J Qbnaldrabl-iM-OBre ban been-mala . ;wtrmard-lhelnHiiUatloii of ..aji tranter' 1 jina oriwern .-iirxican gurr -portajind Canada, and It Is probable that steamers on the new line will begin their trine ' J next month, ; . - - 7 j A Peruvian Railroad. . 7 'X"L The-PeruTian'i corporation l planipg 'to' biSIId'an'electrlo railway to connect 'ihe city of La pas, Bolivia, withVhe - 7 Peruvian rallwdy, which has its ter- minus at Lake Titlcaca. Australia's Patent Law. Australia, has now a ' federal pnlent ' Is w, and applications for patents tiered after will have to be filed end dealt with i at the Central patent office, Rlalto .....bulldlnga, Melbourne, . New Mexican Railway. " ; . . The Rio Orandav Sierra Madre ft Pa- - rlflo company 4tas been Incorporated In ' r Mexico, with a capital stock of 11,000. 'oa, by W. C Green,: and wlirhave Ita - neanquirters at Mexico City, a Loat Fortune, '- 7, ) A'a eurrent. that the Great " - r 'V ''"" Northern liner Minnesota lost 0. 000 as the" result of her , flrst-voyagaJlothe orient. , . Locomotives for Siberia. - .J The Russian govefnmehf ls reported to have ordered t locomotives from the St. , Etlenne (France) Iron, work, for use In Siberia. 7 . ; V EDUCATIONAL. Vtnderbilt to' Rebuild. The main building of the Vanderbtlt fire will be rebuilt, but plans for the same will not be perfected until the board of trustees meet. The-Best ruction-of Ihe main bunaifrg" wlirin no way Interfere with lion -of the sohoql. The re port that fit iT7l .n.i .. I lir he mm. slon .Is ... entirely . erroneous.-.- l'rlceles treosures, 'which iMin never be replaced, Were destroyed. - The library o J0,00 volumes, the roost complete owned by apy Institution in tjie south, is greatly reduced the "graduate library" being a" totii loss, Costly and exterwlve ehem lcal, physical and pharmaceutical appa ratus either lost Or damaged. . J-Atteg aainvestlrgllon eC tit' of the presence' in elemeritary schools or (large numbers Of children who on ac count Of being underfed are unable to derive proper benefits from .the tnstruc tlons, - the. London- government , boara haaisaued? an order-dealing therewith ln-lc gptriitf-lruly pateewat govem menU The. order Instructs manageca and teachers who find children coming to school Inadequately Ted Immediately to notify the overseers of the poor,- who will at once supply the requisite relief. This must never- be in ..the-, forth . ojj money, but the actual food needed. . '.'"I " I T", Aa1V C,MMA The vacancy cauaed--atJohnaIoB-4 kins University, -Baltimore, by the ap nolntment of another Canadian. Dr. Wll- ilatn VDslefr la -dlsilngulled poeltlOB at Oxford University, has been filled by the aalficiloji of Dft-Lr P; Bakerr- pro1 fessor-lather Unlyersltyof Chtcag&a professor of medicine. Dr.- Baker is a Canadian and w as-born lflOntfiaTHf ltHe7i - a" graduate of Toronto University. - He has hadsrdltlnulahed career In medlclne-et-johnw Hopkins, Ilpsio University and the University of Chicago,- where since 100 Jia has been head of the dopartment of -anatomy Looked for Ancestors. Dr. Vernesu, professor of anthropol ogy and natural hlstoryt thenjuseum wrTcturned xrora a long vihu to ira and aha nhewe raller-Hatyrt where he mada.jresearches in inmtrt-- t cehtly discovered grottoesu He-rwlll soon Kqiure on uit reiiuii oi ju ce searches before the academy of soiencea Dr.TVernMti holds that all Rkeletons of rtneT5ifroTdiype that he has examined arrjnUrmedWte betwen-pean-manr Followers of the Darwinian school are ... Gift Ffom Kaiser. u ; At Johns Hopkins University recently 0o. Albert Von Pflster-of- Stuttgart gave ld- the-unlvarslty, on behalf L-i wiin. it . TO...K.,.- King William II of Wurtemburg, a bronse statue of Schiller, the German poet. -The work la a copy of the original by Dannecker. - In an address to the faculty. General Pflster said that King William had sent the gift as an ex- presslen otbls desire to bring about more ooraial relations between- German apd Amerlcanjunlversltlea. . Muat Not Wed. '; Tbledo, Ohio, school ma'ms who marry between now. and July-1 will be dis charged by the board of education with out the honors or wary Ho resignations wtltba-aceepted: Teachers who have ao far forgotten their contract with the board aa to promise to wed before the expiration of the school year must move tha-man. two -months back or forfeit the consideration of the board. RELIGIOUS. From Europe onVeilL A notable event In the history of the Catholic convent at MnflaBteinaeat. apaauneia tjiuif, wn iiiv-eoiraucv last week of 21 young girls who had coma from Europe to enter the convent Venerable Mother Emma has been In Europe since November and part of her mission to the old country wss to ob tain recruits. The girls who have crossed the ocean, leaving home and kindred thouasnds of miles behind, are said to come from wealthy families. All traces of wealth are laid aside, however, and they enter the convent in the little village to spend five yesralnf Itting themselves forjhelr duties. Preacher in Pauper Grave. '"4 V The -Rev. Edward Dunbar, who- wrote the old Sunday , school song, "There Is Light- in the Window lor Thee, Brother," sleeps In a pauper's grave at Coffeyvllle, Kan., where ha died a tramp In the t,own all 12 yeara ago. Hie name Deynme a oyworo -in ma places where he 'was known, and from a prison cell- he -Went- forth ar-vaganond ' tipon the race tff ihe eartn. in n7 uunbar wfls"n nested at Leavenworth while en- gaged . in -holding aj series of revival meetings . and taken-to -Mtnnoapoim, Minn., where he was tried, for bigamy, convicted and sent to the penitentiary for three and a half years. ' 'w ." " T ' Two-Torr Nest Found, A bird's nest weighing ; more " than two tons was found recently In the steeple of the Grant Street Presbyterian church.'af V"i1kcsbarre7 Pa, The build ing Is being torn down and workmen could not get through the trap door. They broke In from the "outside and found the door weighed down by a mess of straw, hay. strings and twigs, which havs evidently" bean accumulating for the 35 years the church has stood. In all that time The. steeple has never been entered. ' Statue of Pone Leo! - Faithful to a degree almost startling 4-the portraiture in marble of Leo Xtli which win surmount the tomb' of hia holiness In the church of St. John LaUran. at Rome. The etatua lust completed la the masterpiece of Pro fessor TadoUnlt Sculptora who ' have ODDS AND JENDSOE, GENERAL INTEREST ' Every week the canal commission Im port no lees -than 100 tons-; of Insect powder. and 100 tons of sulphur bars into- Panama.-' These are used In .ester. mlnatlng-mosquitoes. , .The children of the . United States each year consume toys that coat at retail I4M00.000. " " "-J w frirtf -toTTorTaflTftcTrrfthablWht Is the average the world over. The United- States produces four tons TtTTha inhabitant official map of Parts on ia large scale-s"jusr been" flnlehed.7 It is ii yards long and nearly 20 yards wide. Every building. In rarls altogether 88,500 Is recognisable. . w w Durlna the las than 80 British officera have -aeoured leave for the .purpose . of studying Bus slan, which, is now the language -for which" highest awards 'ar given -in: the army. ' -.i; ; . r--- - . ' w The capital Invested In electric lines of the United states, Including Street jpaHwvs. ta a.lTd4 boo. - bllslmr , received .th manuscript of a novel written, from be ginning. to end,'. In verse. -Curfous, he read It and- fonnd-it--not-at-all-a bad etory; ao goodV Indeed, that he la willing to nrlnt It-If the author. wilLJranslats it Into English prose. -7-. . : -The longest novel which has ever been pubyshed-ia. the J.'3tory of the Eight Viewed tt pronounce It - of - sufficient merit to rank with the moat famous of medern worka. Leo XIII la portrayed rising irom the papal throne. A Sundajr School Man. - - -- For-Over-TKraari Jnstieeuavid J. Brewer hag been connected with Sunday schools as scholar aod teacher. For II years he naafeee"fftegchliig n -elasa ef adults in Washington. ibne Teata"I6f 'Wlnea, lOne mejt,well ask If the telephona has deveopeda,p9nience!jl9,connacuon with the dlecorery of Maneuvrler. the well-known- French -ehemlt,-of a means of detecting by lta'ald tnc adulteration of wines. . In the method he has per' fected two glasses, one filled with the wine to be- tested and lhe other with a-like Quantity of wine known to be ittig re- gembllng acale andaelBtmida:onnac4 tlon is nad with both itnulda If both Wines are pure no sound is heard in t he re"colerV"Vul.irona"c6hla!hb'..wate or other liquids or solid's a noise is pro duced -unttt a -pointer mnves-to- a-glvei place on a dlaTtateTThts'movemeht jsndejatha-CQnductlyity of tha liquids unirorm and the gradation on tne dial whore- th poiitfcetaia-shaws- thn-STr. lent to which the wine has bees adul terated. ........ ' ' . .-. vNew Solar, Engine, rr.i- 1 - -SCIENTIFICrf- thf?V?&& . Kansas, haa . Invented a solar engine which he believes will revolutionise ag rlcultural eondlttons in the . aemt-arld regions. The patent for the new engine haa been received by the Inventor. The hew engine differs from other aolar engines In that its reflector Is turned by clockwork, no that ' it Is always facing the sun and the rays of the sun are kept concentrated on the boiler. The boiler' Is stationary and differs in this respect from the boilers of other solsr engines. Dr. Brown .says . that, solar 'engines with mirror reflectors have proved unsuccessful, and that his ma chine haa a refleotor made ot metal. z , ,-. 7. 7 " Making Mummies. - --- j : They ara-maktng tnummles-at the Johna Hopklna University ImafUtaL- The lost art of embalming as the Egyptians knew and practiced it has been in s measure recovered by Dr. Franklin P. Mall, professor of anatomy. One body has been kept at the hospital seven years, and is as good today as the day It -was embalmed. "It" will be "retained Indefinitely, more as a test of the ef flclencr oflham lor any other reason. : Flats Cause Lunacy. . Fro trrlnqu!rles It "appears "lhar both the medical men and the poor law guardians who come in contact with many lunacy cases, are firmly of the opinion that flat life la responsible for an undue proportion of the Increase in lunacy, which is costing London rate payers an enbrmous sum of -- money every year. A woman inspector in: a working class district was-emphatlo Upon, this point . ''' Islands of Cuba.' - - ' -a ' It will be the islandsof Cuba some time in the near future, according to government scientists who are now mak ing -an' examination into -t tie-causes -of the annual and Increasing Inundations at El Roque, a district .In central Cuba. Renor Jules Dover of the astronomies! station " at z Santa Tara. declares that thesa floods are produced' by the-infll tratlon of sea water -from the swamps of Zapata, and that thers Is every rea son lo believe that In time a channel wllfna cut whteh-wlH-ssparats the isl and Into two sections. 'j. LEGAL AND CRIMINAL. FoTk'a Queer Pardon, William Lamphera, who wss sent to he-penrreirttary from" Jailtsbn- couhi y, Missouri, In 100, for 10 yeara for mur der?; In the second degree, was grafted a sack pardon this morning by Governor Folk. A short time after Lampher's in carceration, he . killed a convict; for Which he was -tried and acquitted. In the Cole county, circuit eourt, the .'Jury be lieving that ha Waa -Inaane. .. Lamphera has conaumptlonand Governor Folk Is sues the pardon upon condition that if Lamphera - la v -reetored to reason -or health, he Is to be returned to the peni tentiary to serve out his unexpired terra. Students of No Value, -.-"v- ' A unique point In a damage suit has been brought out by a decision of Judge Wright In the Champaign,' 111., county court. Last, fall a railroad dining ear V ;i - , Dogs." It is written in Jspsnese and Is published In log volumes. The novel contains several ' hundred characters (not counting the dbga),and they are all dead by the time the last chspter la reacnea. -. . ' A- - : ' In Rngland and Wales about one In four of the population has an eccount In the -poitofflre savlnae bank.' in Ire land one in la and in ' Scotland one m n. ; : ...... -s -; The -reputation vt 1 American ahoes In Austria Is fast being ruined by native manufacturers, whd sell thett1-own in ferior goods as imperted Amertcmn foot wear. . ..... 7:" ' ' ; . In ltOi the free delivery mill-carrier system ofthe United States employed d-citter and H.ttt on rural routes, -y- ;- - - .. if ' j-A.- M. Freeman -ef-Hioux Falls.- 8: D.i is -tha -largest man that has aver held a place on the Washington police force. Mr. Freeman la only 21 years old and this U his first position as policeman. He stands six feet, and seven Inches in hla Jtocklcg feet bjkJ weighs nearly 100 pounds. , ' ' . ' , ' - George AanefoTt. a w'eanhy : farmer of Coshocton, N. T.. fell dead across the foot ef his bed recently when be arose to put extra covering over Ma wife who had been. 111. In lesa than three hours she.: loo. died . from the shock. Both irra bornnn th y..:'--.-. Mrs. Uriah Bailey of Laurel, Del., -- - HONEY FARM IN . - HEART OF LONDQN 4 ; In the heart of London over a. w half a hundredweight of honey-4 dk-comb has Just leenYgathered. The bes - responsible for this d rich - harvest belong , to ' Miss - Badew-I'ewell, sister uf'tBaThero e : of Mafeking. e w These wonderful bees sre,Jhe . g - auhjerts of ' an Interesting - aa.7-4 d -perlment, -Theybadenritsija) d . moved from an old residence in- Piccadilly to- Mlss Baden-. Powell's new house at rrlnca a -Gate.- " '- ' : - - Durlllg-thel rl -yeao-In h elr ld quarters -'the"" bees " "never e-faHedrto Stnre Tipnafge quanTr-T ties of honey, and were quite content to live In the drawing . room where their specially con structed hive. Invented by "Mies Baoen-poweu. stood ins. t!iiJpf reanrn-tvlndow. A pasesge In - the hnnsa wall gave them t - Ingress, to the drawing room at 2ail tlnifcs. 1 ''The mystenc lawhera-they red In order to make honey so e lxceltent and - in BQh-argeljtajioa,Jor-lhla la'doubtlsss the fsbt that PawellaCo-4here. was no" garden- attached to the house." , t-jel-3iew'4ipa-:atlmjrt - Gate the ; bees ' come and go through a passage in the wall as before, and Miss Baden- Powell is watching anxiously for signs of discontent, which aho hopes will not be shown. On the ftrst-night they were all in by sundown, but there wss a great ' deal of puxxled and uneasy bus sing before they settled down to rest. A new Idea embodied In the hive Invented by Miss Baden Powell consists in having sev : eral glazed . frames connected by cloth hinges like a screen. , . They are fastened at the end to the center of the hive and fold Into a -compact form, but may - be' unfolded by any one wishful to - observe ' the bees at wrk without disturbing them. waa derailed and Ralph O. Roberts, a atudehfbf 4h t Jnlvers'lty of Illinois, waa killed. He was a prominent a th- TTpte and the attack attraoted consider able attention, his administrator bring, lng suit for 110,000. The defendant's attorney moved that the . suit be dls missed on the plea-that the plaintiff had not Introduced evidence to show that any person was depending upon ftuntTU ' fur aup-prTnahahareTng a college man" he really was an expense to his parents during that period of life. The Judge deoldea that the point is well taken- and has dismissed - the case. An appeal will be taken. - - " Not Pretty Knows It. ,7 . . Kate Miller, aged 40 yeara, of Cincin nati, Ohio, appealed to Maglstrata Muel ler for a formal written decision that she is not pretty. The magistrate took a look and then" signed .the warrant Mrs. Miller says she knows she is not pretty, and she demanded the arrest of Johanna Schneider on a charge of pro voking her to a breach of peace. "Every time I go slong McMtcken avenue," she declared, "Mrs. Schneider pokes her head out of the window and cries Pretty, pretty,' at me, and if a atop la not - pu t - to - M rs. Schneider . X - will - be forced to take the, -law in my own hands." -.- ? - '-"'" " ' Wed, or Loss Farm. ' " A valuable farm for. a wife lh aub stance la the. contents of an obscure clause which has Just been discovered In the will of the late Peter Semens, who died in April, 1888, St Chippewa Falls, Wis. vThe will provides that Peter J. Somen, ons of the sons of the deceased, must" gefmarrled within 10 years after the fathers' death, or lose two thirds of the value of a UO-acre farm, valued at 19,000. located near this city, - r- r,-- Quarter to See Cassie.. i O. B. Gould, warden Of the Ohio State prison, sees a bright light -ahead In the coming of Mrs. Cassie L, Chadwlck as one of hla-boerders. Visitors to the In stitution are charged an admission fee of .25 cents, snd as Aha former Napoleon of Finance sews hickory shirts for the men convicts persons will flock to have a look et her, for a timer at leasts and the warden thinks that there will be a boom in the Income of the prleonr Preacher la Counterfeiter. John Smith, an aged preacher Of Gal loway county, Ky.i-was recently sen tenced to nerve II months in the Atlanta prison for counterfeiting. Ha mads sil IT yeara pld, wife of a mechanic, era ployed in jthe factory of Samuel Bacon Sons, presented her husband with twlna eight. months ago. -Dn Andrew Fleet wood wis called In laat week, and the young woman gave birth to trlpleta. The youngsters were well formed and seemingly perfect, but died soon after btrthcrSpaelaltsta eey that Mrar Bailey baa made a record, having given birth to seven children within two years, as 10 months agq she Thus Iibi1 Hist twins. 1 Tha pretty girls of home production Iff and" at aund Huron, B. P., have organ- jTiad to boycott, ostracise and otherwise try to work Jnjury to the young women who are being Imported from Illinois, Iowa -and ."- Minnesota because" of the dearth jof achool teaohere. i' --- --The -mortgage on the house in Mont, peller, Vt, - In which Admiral Oeorge Dewey was born -baa been - foreclosed to satisfy a , debt of . tl,1 00. T. J. Deavltt Is the mortgage.aSh.ortly .after. the battle of Manila-bar - the owner valued -the- house at - 10,000. : w ' . . In a dlvorc peUUon filed tn theSt; Louis circuit court, Mrs. Laura -McBrl-arlty alleges that her husband, Barney McBrlarlty. has , been Hntoxlcated for la years, Tho-eouple-were married October IT. 1S1 and lived together at intervals until December 10. '.1898. Per fTWTOTeTJMTOrrahd "hr tnaldeh"hamii of Laura ' Hartman la asked by - the plaintiff. - ver dollars and did not think the act Illegal "because the money was as good as that turned out by the government.11 Afraid of Indians. A man charged in. a. Lnnilon pnrlce court with carrying a .pistol aald he had bouaht it for "self -nrotect ion." as ( hawtas "going . to Amerlca.!'iHe -was aympatneticaiiy discharged.- , -: , .FOREIGN' Gif tt Not : Wantcd.f '7' -r-'it thTnallvas 'MndlaWeMinled. In the recent great" Durbar to aee the klsg'S-'OWn-brother; 4hr IWM"or"Con, naught, yielding precedeneeloljyicaroit Curxon. . their ideas of what la due to royal blood are likely to be -further up set when the Prince of Wales visits India. It Is stated that ths prince will never take precedence over viceroy Cur- on. He will hold a w durbars, but I on these -occasions the viceroy will hot ! be 1 present.-: Another" announcement In connection with the prince's visit -which does not meet with ther approvat of the native- rulera 1s- that -rajahs will not be allowed to make him preseaitavsirTh the rajahs on such oocaalono compete ThosT3eaIoualyas to who shall make the most-magnlflcent.-gUtioT-gficJi-Uha poor taxpayers sufferccordtngty. . Wolves Eat Childreru"-"- t-Wolves have been exceedingly fero cious during the laat winter in many parts of northern -Canada, according to the reports which are being brought in to the - headquarters of the Hudeon Bay company. One of the most serious of theae. reports has reference to the de struction wrought by wolves .among the surviving- bsnds . of ths wood buf falo, and has been sent by mail from Fort Resolution, where Is a Hudson Bay. company post on the southern shore of the Great Slave lake, "ln the -vast un explored district of Maokensle. It states that several Indian children were! devoured by the hungry animals. 7 I Ancestry of Kings. L : King Alfonso of Spain Is four fifths Austrian, King - Victor - Emmanuel is mors Austrian than Italian, the Emperor Francis Joseph and bis presumptive heir are for a, large part Bavarian and Italian, the king of Sweden and Norway Is of Bearnalse and French source, the king of Greece Is a Dane, the king of Servla is half Russian, the prince Of Bulgaria haa no Bulgarian blood In him, the - emperor -of Russia la very much Danish or German, the king of the Bel gians has no Belgian blood in him, and ths Hint Pt England ! . S&xT-CouTTrg" Hanover, Norman and French. Fleaa and Red Tape. . ; ' A custom house decision on fleaa -haa been rendered in Swltserland. A pack age marked "Trained Fleas", reached Ge neva. The nearest analogy the officials could find was that of June bugs, which had been ruled , to be "edibles." -t The case went from one official to another till It reached headquarters at Berne, whence alter much Investigation . and deliberation the conclusion was reached that the fleas came under the head of "wild animals tn a menagerie." .... it '- , World's Bad Man. - -The world's greatest swindler, George Manolesoo, haa Just published his auto biography and -It shows be has had a most sensational ' career. He says he was born In Bucharest, Roumanla, In 1871. - Wsvsia young he ran- awsy to sea and"-began his criminal career In the Mediterranean ports. Hs found him self destitute In Athens, Greece, in 188T, and attempted suicide. He ' was con veyed to a hospital, where he excited the sympathy of the queen of Greece, who visited his bedside periodically until he recovered and then paid his fare th)sftojne. - ' ...... " Belgians Use Moat Tobacco. " For some reason or none most pea- pie havo hitherto- looked -npon -the-Qen-rWTteoh mana aa me most inveterate smoaera 'tn the world, although few will be sur prised -to lesrn that the Dutch are a little ahead of. them as consumers of to bacco, since plctorlally a Dutchman Is alwaya associated with a. pipe. But none will be prepared to hear Jhat the Swlsa smoke to per' cent more than either, still lesa that, the Belgian burns more than double' aa much as the Dutch man. .7: . . ".- , .. . " Ruled a Kingdom. ' On the Prince Oscar of the Scandinavian-American line, which recently ar rived from Genoa, Rev. Paschal Robin son of St" Francis R.-C. ehurclvwss the only ftrst-elsss cabin passenger. At his disposal waa a suite eonelstlng of prac tically .all the first-class accommodation t en a fins T,0o0 ton ship. A dosen or more atewards stood ready st'sny -mo ment to answer his beck snd calL ' What he should .eat' was ths cars and concern of. the ohef and his large force of as sistants. ' .; .. ,.7vV.-7, Precious Men. . 7 In Paraguay-the women are In propor tlon of seven to one aa compared with ths men. - The Consequence Is that ths man ar taken the greatest ears of, and everything which la unpleasant or might by the women: The streets are cleaned, ships srejloaded.. oxen drtvn7byjhm.loreted-niticn-rnterist. MrsT DUkeraon and iris even said" that they have taken part In their country's ware, acting as substitutes for their men folks, -:v - 7;; ; .: , - France's MrgrOilbertT- ' ;,One of the most remarkable benefit performances given In parts for a long time was the matinee at the Odeon for Mme. Irma Crosnier, the Mrs. Gilbert of the French , staged She Is now SS and sines the age of 21 has played duenna rolesi She has acted t too uaeon-ior 30 yeaTftAlfeature orthe benent per formance was the appearance of Duse. V ...7......... .. A . . A - Betrothed at Birth. Wn some parts ofrwesr Africa the gtrls have long engagements. On the day of their birth they are bethrothed to a baby boy a trifle older than" themselves,, and at theg of 10 hoy are tnarrle -The girls know of no other way of getting a husband, and so they are quite nappy snd satisfied. As wives they are pat terns of obedience, and - the marriages usually turn out a suocess.-. , : - Designed St. Paul's Clock, Lord Grlmthoroe CEdmUnd Beckett) died at St Albans." England, recently. He waa borttln ItltT- Lord Grim thorps was known in England as tns man wno knew more about clocks than any other innglanV--ft"Waa his hobby.- He was Very wealthy, but spent most -of his time making clocks. lit designed ana made' the -monater clock - of -St-Paul's cathedralTin-, London, riTZl'Ti:- z " :"7: Drouth JCfllaTickav- Dr.1'T.- Ai -Bray. - representing the irnlted. States Bureau of Animal Indus try, -haa lust completed aw tnvesttgatton of the -tick oonditlons tn eonora, Mexico, and reports that the long drouth has killed most Of ths ticks in the northern sections. It is probable the quadantlne wilt now be raised. There are many ticks still in-other seetlonsrtrowever, he taysv Turk'd Coat of Arms. The Turkish government haa iasued an order to its custom suthoritles not tonadmrf any foreign goods which wear the" mark or -design of a star. Mr. UaeMher, consul general, who reports the fact to the state department, aaya ltiarguppodr.-that the reason Tonhia is thst the representation of a atar Is s part of ths Turkish coat of arms. - -.-:..r. Tibet's Blinding Snow. . Many of the British soldiers suffered greatly from snow blindness In Tibet The native Tibetans eacape snow blindness,- as da the inhabitants In other part of the world, by ' greasing . the face and then blackening the skin all round the eyea with a burned stick. More Alive Than Dead. ' x '.. The .municipal statistical-bures u -of Paris registered 991 deaths during ths 16th week of the year, as compared with 84 during the prevolus week and with the average of 1.010. The number of marriages celebrated was 442 snd.L9J children -were -tiora E4Qoys and 861 tm . ' . .. .'. .. - 7 , - .. - ; , Suicides in Berlin.i--7 l There are " mere 1 atiicldes In -Berlin every year than In any other European city, and the figures show steady in crease, growing from 484 In 100 to (20 In 1804. This is about 88 for every 100.000 inhabitants. Paris has tt, Vi enna 23, Rome 18 and London 18. MISCELLANEOUS. a ..- More Jackies Needed. Preparations are making at the navy department to send a recruiting party west to enlist several thoussnd men. The opportunities offered to see the world will be emphasised. The treat ment of theee men in the navy has of lste been the subject of some contro versy. Complaints are frequently re ceived alleging much dissatisfaction. Rear Admiral Evans is quoted as say ing that the .."enlisted man. would not he content unless he had 'something to growl abouL"Ue tells of enlisted men who complained to him that the re frigerating machine on the ship made the water too cold for them to drink. Hs gravely announced that their teeth must be tender, snd that they should go to the dentist and have them bulled. Complaint- with the refrigerating ma chine promptly ceased.- A new plan haa been proposed by Rear Admiral Con verse for establishing home porta for vessels. A ship will be ssslgned to a particular navy yard and alwaya go there for cleaning and repairs. Crews can , haye their-families live "ait this home port and ao aee- them at least twlos'a year. - i :.i , . ' - . : . Quilt Won Husband. " Because Miss Marian Singer of Adair county, Kya made a quilt to which waa awarded a 860 prlxe at the St Louis fair, she won a hifsb'ftnd In Harry Q. 0f ' Paducah, Ky. Mr. Wilson aaw the quilt at the fair and waa ao impressed with Its beauty that he, wrote Miss Singer, expressing hla admiration of her handiwork. Miss Singer answered the letter, photographs were exchanged and the marriage resulted. r Ths quilt contained 222,114 pieces, each ons eighth of an inch square, and Miss Singer spent id. years in its manufacture. The Quilt will be plAced In the Wilson home. .T.-lOZZZZ. r W. s !, Kept Lights Burning. " Miss Harriet U B. Colfax, a cousin ef former Vice-President- Schuyler Colfax, and for 48-years keeper of the Michigan City lighthouse, is dead. - She was 8t years old. t'ntll her retirement last fall Miss Colfax, was the oldest light house keeper In the, Vnlted States ser vice, - She had a remarkable record, the , : ' ' big reflector In her lighthouse nevcri having failed 10 ahow ita bright "raya. Her companion during her, years as 7 lighthouse keeper Was Miss Anna Hart- . well, who died two months ago. whsil. she waa 70 yeara old. Both were born ' In Ogdensburg, N. T 7 - . ' 7 7 Sleeps' Standing. J'.j ..' '"" ' Mary Dlckerson' a-' family of Mrs. B.H. Smoot of Cleve. land, Ohio, has-for to years slept et night leaning against a wall while Vu the knowledge of the physicians snd has Is 74-'years of age, small,' but exceed ingly . strong snd wlry for her years." She informed the physicians that for afire than to sr' shs was" aaaiciej" to the Use of morphine, but- cured her self of ths habit through becoming con. ;? twua at m religious revival. . - t."r--.v -r--- - --v- Like Cornfields Better."1"-""' r ; The United States army-Is not having ; much success In getting recruits In Kan- ' saa Just now. -Times are too; prosperoua., and ths young 'men can make more home, than thej can etlnths -'- army, jieniaen, Kansas people are nor usedTto the humdrupri life of a. soldier " In the armyr-!-They- are looking for-ex- . cltementi A recruiting officer was atl; Mewton this week and gotonej-etruiu. Ha "yss'rejected by ths surgeon. The seme fnte- haa befalleB-tha .xeorultlng -rr officer In other central Kansas towns. v sfld he has decided to try some other state. Guards of Sleeo. - - - - f : Fpr mora 4han 400 years ft :' Wlyofi1' men-known ss Monteroa d EsDlnosa. "have enjoyed the exclusive privilege f , watching over the slumbers of the kings I and qtieena of Spain, They are hounX-i- by tradition io be natives of Esplnosa . and; to have served with dlsttnctlon In the army. One of "these ' is ..on guard i at ths door jf the bedroom of each rnnt personage la the palacevand the others, ' felt-soled i sheas, tread - silently - alt" through a-Titghttongtbj,Mrlilora and halls. Jherr service bcglna at mid. night and .ceaaes . at7 q clock in the morning. - . . . ... .- - ocitwao g juinner-aervicoj-At Charles M. Schwab has placed sh order -for a carved silver and Vllt din ner servica-mtTt oosr of 1160.900. - This ' splendid collection of allve'r,- It Is tald. will be the finest aver made for a prL- fsctured by a firm at Providence, R. I. which makes a specialty of elaborate silver ware. With the gold Tfecr"ths set will make a most striking appear anca Antique lines will be fo lie wed-in th manufacture and elaborate r hand work will . be a notabls-tcter- in the3 cost .. , - I Game Killed Out - 7 .- . . . According to the opinion of C. V. Wood In, a trapper and hunter, familiarly known tr "Curley.". and who makes his - f headquarters in the woods near Repub lie, MIch.T -if -oorte -effort -Is - not -miitr soon to kill off the wolves, lynx and- Wildcats, it will not be long before tho . . deer in the upper peninsula woods will become extinct - He urges that the etate Increase its bounty, ss counties in north ern Michigan have done. In the belter that It would be the means of starting a war of extermination upon the animals that prey on protectedgarae,-- ir w w Bell to Yenesuela. Sherman M. Bell, former adjutant general of Colorado, Is seriously con sidering an -offer- to bo commander lit chief ofjlhe entire army of Venexueli. large -salary -ana - simosi BrDurirrx power goes with the" Job, and Bell ssys he la very much tempted to "take tne offer and make men of those greasers.'' Bell says' he does not wish to flxht Rooaevttr-but-ietlSTg-7f UK ga T . Venesuela he will have to go against a -- United Statcaarmy before long " - - " Silk Hat la "It." ' ' M. L Ba rgX-an. Actor-fif -the Co media- Francalse, and a reeognlsedarbiter of -p-fashtort, has given an opinion on the elm hati against the mining uf alihli' agitaiion is now Deing .rnaae. m. ill Bargy says that everything depends on 11 how the hat la worn. When shapes sre good and it Is well, worn, it Is the smartest headgear imaginable, 'and it la difficult to replace it. Moreover; tho silk hat is the only one enabling a cor rect aaluvs to be made. Torpedo Boats Change Color. The secretary' of the navy has ordered that -the torpedo boats and destroyers ot ths nary bo changed In color from a ' shads of green ss at present, to a slut color. It has been ascertained that the. slate color adds to the difficulty of dis covery Of the- torpedo craft. The change will be made at once and the pew colored vessels will be used in the Joint maneuvers in June.- , ,. ' . " 7 ' Crows. Whip Eagle. . : r - ; Ons hundred - Crowe whipped -a-big eagle In a fight at the farm of Darling- -ton Beebe of Westown, Pa., and drove It several milea front! the pleoor-The crows ' attaeked ths king of birds In a body, snd at one tlrne had It so exhausted . that It alighted in a rield and fell over on the ground, though It finally escaped. ' ' Another Newt Flowett ' T" A remarkable new flowenwhlchliaai' the seent of the old-fashioned clove ' . nlnk. foliage like that of a wallflower v and the bloom" of a massive stock, wea.. shown at the Koyal, Botanical society's ' first spring show, which hss opened-tn London. , . - ."...- . k ... 7 Tribe Is Dying. The once mighty Winnebago 'tribe is facing a miserable end, although It has 8800,000 with the national government -to Ita credit Thered men are dying byt. scores of consumption and are a heavyv expanse to several towns. 7 rVorld'i Smallest Boy. -7' Vi' Mr, and Mrs. T. L. rhllllns of LIni " coin. 111., are the parents Of the smallest boy in the country. When, born two weeks ago the child weighed 18 ounces, 7 , and today weighs bat three pounds. The - inrant, la perfectly formed and vigorous. - -