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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1905)
THE OREGON - SUNDAY'' JOURNAL'. PQ 2 MORNING, " MAY - 7, -1005"-- 17 ISJ-S RIXAND. (SUNDi BIG SUELTERSTO -BtUADtGREATER Northwest . Combine ..Purposes Spending Millions on Sel-J id Tacoms-Plantsrr-? W. R. RUST IS PROBABLY. THE GEN ERAL MANAGER .Capitalization and 't Parties l In Real Interest, Not JTet --'-Mad Public - r"Tti8 "NorthwesT smelter mercer la Mid to bt progressing with' due dispatch. and the Individual companies absorbed are beinir checked over rapidly. From Han Francisco cornea the atatement fol- I" towing- a visit thereof one of Bernard Z3KTBJ"uoJiS p wstratatlvwrlhatrr: tlio Helby plant ''would be-enlarged ma- 1. terlally, and that additions would be made to the Tacoma amelter aggregating -13,000,000. Aside . from Improvements t about 12.000.00 at elby. CO further L outline Is" ilv of- the money that will I- be spent by the merged concerns- In Interest" throughout ths .west con? ttnura keen as -to- who la the controlling interest In the merger. Many people are confident that the American Smelt ing V Refining company Is back Of the movement, and 'that-the holding com- he a- distinctive -r name. Will DO 111 lU-. iriuv cunwrn No facts in this respect have developed ""since the first talk of a . merger, at which time Mr. Bargch said tha the " ; purchaae was made tor himself and as . Koclates. Later it- was stated that the "tru "would "hie'an Interest In "the eww e the entmt-ef ice raluatla placed on the Everett plant. $700,000, and no more. As the company Is likely : to . be capitalized at 110,000,000 to $12,000,000, such limited holdings would . .have little moment. Owing to the gen cral consolidation movement In the east, "and Iths .union of the smelting . trust . and the Guggenheim Exploration com- pany.the public Is In a, state of -mind enT-prolecJT, Si tne clandestine work of the Guggenheim In terests. ' In referring to the Improvements that will be made at Selby and Tacoma, there have been few details. These will mftstry-addltlonsT- say-tho egcntaof 1 Baruch. "The Belby furnaces are saia to be In good condition.- and the- plant wul be further Improved -with the pur JirpoBaofZaiiBclalllng-wlthieid, At Ts rnma arTcrinery is piannea, ra wotm -for the utilisation of copper. That plant zrz iauto be made the copper center. Everett " will ' be devoted ' especially to arsenic .- which by-product has become an Imsor "S'tant factor, of the mineral output of . . inst plant, . 8tnr British CoTtimbla ' ameltermen first "tookalarra at tbe"northwest iner- r, little baa been heard In the north the. feeljng " there, ." The Croftoh rlw-a entered Into a contract with Britannia- mtiiea wn less keep It quite busy on those copper ore. and It is not likely to figure In ; ; the public markst'to any great sxtant. The Tyee makes an especial effort to idraw. northern ores, and la not Jikeiy to -Invade Puget sound fields to' any ex- invade Puget souna rieias o any ex.- tenU.M.itb.r th. Hedler " - - lFwriHt'Uiii Bfiiiri ii af in swuisaaF ws Alaska, have as yet flcured in ths mar Mra&uyxa. HhouHl tne .Trail, plant bo absorbed by the L Rot Center Star, War Eagle merger, ana an tne ores of these plants be delivered to the one plant. Trail will not be able to do muen with custom ores, mis latter conaiuon. however. Would eliminate the North- port plant from Ita present field jmd mlht open a road to the X'nlteStatea combine. to acquire all furnaces at that ...... point -or competition with tsriusn cot- - umbla plants. .--a- . .. .. . - " The personnel of ths directorate and official roster, capitalisation, and other details will probably be announced soon. as the aew. regime ' Is alre.idy taking posseeslon. ManairerW. RTTttrst-cf the "" Tacoma smelter. Is now ln the east con-i i f erring with -the Baruch Interesrs, and 1 generally expected to be the general """manager of 'the coast combine. He Is an able amelterman, having made a good raror.i at IacomaJpr.l,Q. . Mills and the other intereata that have operated ' thatblg planu,. W1Z.L IIIVKI DITILOnCBWT. Secretary Terklns of the Cracker Highland company, which is operating In the Cracker creek district, eastern Oregon, adjoining the town of Bourne, . stated last evening that arrangements -had been jnade for resuming work there. 1 ll The plsrh of development, says M. fer to continue the crosscut begun Ins! 'ssBiMl until It leaulies the f lacker Highland vein, and then drift Into the hill. The crosscut Is expected to have a length of about' 110 feet when fin ished, giving good depth. . Ths group sdjolna the' Minneapolis on one side and the Little Cracker on the other, on both of which much work has been done, ' showing strong veins,-and 'the manage ment of ths Cracker-Highland feel con fident of opening ths same fissures with as good ore as has been exposed oh cither side.. The surface has been thor oughly prospected to determine where the work should be prosecuted. - TCiACXB IXAiOXT rBOlOxrOXD. ... .. - , s. Sheriff Harvey K. Brown of Baker county, who is in Portland on business, Is one of the principal stockholders of the Stlce Gulch placers, between Baker City and Sumpter. Sheriff Brown said last evening that the recent storms had Increased the-water eupply for placer - work; -with; ' prospect' of the district n ' Joying as good a run as In an average year. Everybody went to work early, expecting ths water to fall soon, but rains have been rather plentiful of late, and in the higher districts anqw has been falling, adding to the now of the streams materially. He believes that the season will be fully tip to the stan dard Ih eastern Oregon placer work. omsairxoa xa zjtsxiT. ; ' A. P.' Goss,' formerly, of Sumpter and .now residing r Tipton, eastern Oregon, la ln the. city. Mr, Goss says that ship ments from ths Interior have .. com menced through Tipton to the Sumpter smelter, and that the Greenhorn camp ' Is lively. He predicts the best year that country haa ever experienced. AXAMO HAJT XX .roaTXAJTD. P. A. McPhee of Alamo, Oregon, who . ts Interested In properties adjacent to the town of that name, la In .Portland. Mrr McPhee states that spring Is en livening the district materially, and a laar of much development la premised. A, "J HZTT1T f mmn ima. Vrdmuhd Juesssn, the mining engineer nf BDOkune. la in the cltv on business. .Ills partner, Roy li. Clarke, la now- lift PrMisu Columbia making an examine BE GOOD, OR YOU -- WON' r ST -?:X-:-:flfc'-v.v., ..... .... ' v Troliperof Acrobg'tg With Ones ' agalnA ths whirligig of J. tints brings the- Norris A. -Howe x.lrcus,t-jrhls amusement institution is a. permanent and enduring enterprise, -and its annual appearance is looked forward to it as an I vbiiL ' Ehgar witnesses, its steady growth. .What Barnum was to the gen eration long past, NorrlaJsBows are to the present generation. -This season they came with everything new. The Immense profits of last year have been wisely expended trr purchasing ths larg est tents th w-av--evev attamptad .to carry. ATdouble" menagerie-lias teen added, as have rive new military bands and superb new costumes for all per formers and riders. A complete .new BDoctacular street parade;.- over - two mHes In -length.-, will be - shown. and mammoth -new. dens, lairs, cages ana wasrons will show the added collection of rare and ferocious' wild animals. Eu- ,va. to secure the most famous equilibrists. SjQGIETY (Continued from Page Fifteen.) phta ranfc edit ed-by n Ouy Carieton. This jriir Tie aacopernneetlng and -members may bring as many gueats as they desire. ,UAn invitation la extended to men Interested in Oregon history. Miss Imogone -Harding. -contralto soloist of Taylor street Methodist church, and W. XMontgomeryTbass soTofsT-!- First Congregational .church, will cnntrltnits songs. . "'. ' -w- Ths- card tournament to be given at aoIla b.auWUnsaawuijDs.. tn piece de " reslstarrcs of - tnxs Jreex. This Is not a Catholic social event, though given by the Sisters oflMercy. Jt .ls fonhebehenTorihe home for working girls; which may aoon be sold, ana bo- ctety womanhroughoMVrt.s-cityaracf a prominent Pemllrton-phys-tclan. ,.,...,. ln i and. .will attend 1 ir. tablP. They make up their tables be forehand to avoid .confusion and bridge, whlftt, cinch and -600- win do piayea, Tea will be served late In the aneT?T noon by young debutantea-to-De. ine patronesses for the afternoon aro Mrs. J, B. Montgomery, Mrs. Solomon Hirsch, Mrs. H. E. Edwards, Miss railing, airs. Slgmund Frank,-.Mrs. J,-Wesley-dd, Mis Wilson, Mrs, J. Monks, Mrs. T. E. SuirrvariT Mrs; 3-. R'" Bharkey, .rr Mrs. Ralph Wilbur, Mrs. II. C. Bowers. ..... " --, . - Wilson' ommlssloner from Massachusetts for the exposition, is a member of the twls and Clark New England society, - and - is greatly In terested Irvit welfare The society will take part ln the exercises Irl connection With. the dedication of ths Massachu setts building, June 17. Connecticut day. July . will engage the attention of the society as well, the New Eng land teachers meeting about th middle of July. The society l-stadily growing and the members ars preparing- to welcome a large number Of visitors to tbe fair. Ths srmi-nronthly-meeting will be held tomorrow evening In the ' chamber of commerce halt.-Mr. Falrbank and T. B. Wilcox will- be preaent and bualneae of Importance to the society will be pre sented. - w ' The I,aaTesrAld society ofTTaylor Street Methodist church is making ex- teaslwe i pranarawna fnr the rhlrknn dlnnerttrbe given at the Church next Wednesday from 11:10 to S o'clock. PERSONAL. Miss "Lillian Meschan has returned from a fortnight's visit in Salem. -- jr li. Sweeney of Salem was In the city early In the week, when ho came to meet hla niece, Miss Rldgway, who has arrived from West Virginia, for-a year's visit In Oregon. Miss Brugger hss returned from . visit with Mrs. F. T. Talklngtpn of Salem. J , Miss Olga Hewitt of Albany Is a visitor among Portland friends. - Mrs. M. Evans was the guest of As toria friends last week. Col. and Mrs. David M. Punns left Tuesday for a short stay. at Seaside.-- Dr.: Homer I. Keeney has gone on a fishing trip to eastern Oregon with his brother of Deschutes, Or. " - -.A. A. Richards of Payette, Idaho, is In the city on business, accompanied by his slater; -they are gueats of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Crofut, (SI Harlem street. ' Miss Sue Dorrls returned to her home In Eugene early In the week. She cams down to visit the American photographic salon at the new art muaeum. Dr. Thomas W. Ross, a graduats last month of. ths University of - Oregon School' Of Medicine; returned Monday to his homo In Astoria for a part ot ths summer. . " " Misses Bertha ' and Cartls Moores spent Sunday In Salem at the home of taalr brother, A. N. Moores. tMIss Vlra Stewart spent a few days last week with her sinter. Miss Loretta Stewart In Albany, Miss ' Mas McKlnnon of this city is the guest of Miss Stella Bean pf Eu gene. ,i .- - . .Rev. E. C Oakley of the Eugene Con gregational enure was In Portland last week Attending the Meyef meetings. Miss Jessie Marte wf St Mary's academy,-, was last week ths guest of Miss Gall Parrlah of Salem. .'"... , Miss Cora Rotan of this cltyihaa gone with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith ot Sslam on a trip through southern Cali fornia; -. - - ' ' i Mrs. Harrison Oerst and Edgar Oerst, mother and brother" of Mrs; I.. Lowen- g srdt ot city, art ht gmW T-SEE-CIRCUS HAS EFFECTED TH&MOST - ; 'REMAMELganjpJCWO , v - 'ii t .:, .. f ,.f ,. In 11 . Ifonrlg oVTowsTTSircua. equestrians; ' s words women-sod- trained animals', - until - tbs statement Is made by tnosewhff linvrfttnesaedT the Norri & Rows shows that-no other clrous could possibly give a greater-or more varied program of genuine novelties. At-ttia-beglnnlng of the pieseut sea' son when Norrls Ac Rows claimed they had secured an option on the services of. the great Bell ford family of acro bats, many showmen thought they would not be able to secure the Bell fords on account of the enormous salary tfao-aarebats-demanded "for' their " atart-llng-Kct. This' contention." wasTlutckly decided, for ln 11ns with tbelr policy of making good their claim to the title, "Greater- Clrcua." - Messrs Norrls St Row -willingly paid the salary de manded, and ths Bellford troupe of ac robats became one of the- huge family, with ths popular western circus. Ths Norrls Rows greater circus 0- aayH, cam menclng next Friday, May 1 J.. . ' Hotel Portland. They returned last Sat urrtay from an extended trip abroad,! . ; Mrs. FrankDsvey was here last week from Salem visiting her daughter, Muti Merle. Who Is iblmtJllMvt-faT 'Ralret'? pity. - - . if Mrs. I. N. Flelachner and Mrs. t'-jA-Whlterretunled r Wednesday - evening' from a. short sojourn at Seartde."--'- Miss Carrie Paine, a - prominent - so ciety girl of Eugene, ts the guest ofjMra Otis B. Tout of Wis city. . Mrs. - I,ydia Smith of Seaside" ta- ths guest of friends, s tthft. B teriln. Tltr anaTMrs. W. H, Hoffman of Eu- gene.ajrn .ln-tha-clly Mrs. C. A. Dalxell of Portland Is the guest of . Mrs.. A.W. Zimmerman of The Dalles. ; "rr-.-:d... zrh.- - Mrs Belle Qeellnger-tsrtoTrTtslted last weekwitl MrsrLlschen JIUler of Eugene. .. flJr.-Fred Lleuallen. who was a gradu ate of the University of Oregon medical school last month, has entered the offlc Mrs. C. N. Thornbury and Miss Helen Hudson have : returned to ; The Dallea after a visit with relatives here.. mph nrwitrftIhejujagta. of tha otj mer's mother, Mrs. K, freedman, at 162 Thirteenth strset. Mrs. I. Lowengardt and ' her child leave tdday for Seaside to pasa a week or two at Hotel Moore. " "Mr" "andMrs. 1t.aoldsiriltn"afe occii- Dvlna- the' 1, N. Flelachner nottagsj jt Seasides during the month of May, Miss Nance O'Neil ;m"Maclett '(Continued from Page Sixteen.) until ths Lttrly of invermorach and her daughter putthelr heads together.- ' ' The plan they devised was that the young laird. The Invermorach, should fall In lovo with a rich girl. Now It happened that fat was kind tnough to send them at that moment the right Kiel- In .'the shape of Miss Valeria Van Betiren, of course from America, and with an "encumbrance of ten thousand a year. There was only one thing against the whole scheme, and that was that ths young peoplo did not ears for each other. . t . . This was at) easy matter, to over- Pffltie,""flOWsVf r. "All mat wag noc-saga1 waa tcrtett The Invermorach that the lady was devoted to him, was losing her appetite for the love of him, and to tell the lady that the young laird waa pacing his floor at night, sleepless at the thought of her, ... . ,. The scheme worked beautifully, so beautifully that Duncan Blair, "the fac tor" of ths castle,- then and there meas ured ths room for new carpets. This, mind you, was in the middle qf the second act, and Just as we wondered how It was going to last a whole act longer, 'in Tame one Clunler-who had been In lovs with ths lady herself and gave ths whole plot away., . Of course the young people were - outraged, ran from -each other and -everything waa quite upset. But' love had been sown, real love. , And ln tha last act a he young lady pretended that she had lost her fortune and thua brought- the ''young (Alrd to confess his loy again. , ' Ths pluy la fuil of color and Is not without novelty and good bits.. It Is light and graceful and In spots refresh ingly humorous. It was also rery well acted by a company Including - Robert Lorraine and Miss Dorothy Donnely. It hardly seems, however, destined for a long run. --- .:. . - Frank Daniels has found a splendid Vehicle for his typo of humor "ln "Ser geant Brue.7-the Kngllsh musical play by Owen Hall with muslo by Lisa Lehman.- In. ths flrat place be It aald that ths piece has a plot, a good plot. 'Ser geant Brus'tog ths C olintioni o Lon don police has been left a fortune, pro. vlded- ha flao-to-thav rank, of inspect, i. Ills sfforts to do this .by detectlng-soma great crime and his consequent mis takes form ths story. "-Thers ars soma Charming little ludicrous Incidents end a lovs Story with Brus end ths beauti ful Lady Blckenhall as principals. .Bo much for the flrat place. In ths second place vtae. mualo is catchy at least.- Home of It is reminis cent to ' a startling degree, pernaps. Other numbers ars fresh and harmon ious. It Is practically all "to whistle." In the third Pisco the company is throughout competent whlls ths work of Mr.' Daniels is excruciatingly funny. Indeed hs hss never been more laughter provoking. His song, "Never Be Born on Friday,' Is Of the kind that mskes yott smile even a week after hearing it. Finally bo if sahitnst laaen an in all the performance . Is delightful ana tha piecer should frovs a real ana iast : rmmmmm V. - -I'll J. 1 " ' -XV X IDff lUCCesa, ; .---t r ......."." --M s ...... .r.rrfeJ community to have in Its midst a scientist who can cure all vartetlea of CHRONIC AND LOND-8TANDING . DISEASES after having been treated and. CTO UPJaS INCURABLE BY THE -MEDICAL PROFESSION 1:1 And what it1 further-blwssing ftmtist be to have every, feeling, end faith . that your cure. " or that of your children Is certain. to be effected - - WITHOUT THE USE OF MEDICINE -fTk the noso of-a" child to'forea hlm- sIIa mmm fn.,l..n..l Hn- mwA taatln. Imedlcine, has ped-jndr . ... JHETIME HAS ARRIVED! WHEN, BY The Harris System Tou can be cured in many Instances by an outlay of no more money than would 6rdlnayily berequlred to pay your drug bill. Is this notaboon-;to-'-atifferlng humanitvT .... . And will JJt not pay you to Investigate this --z:r ., Wonderful System of Curing Disease And take advantage of it, rather than continue your suffering? Dr.lXl.-W Harris,, the rounder, .of -this Without medicine is located at suites 28 - zt eeuing-tiirscn ounaing, in, tnis city, wlserrh will tell you - - Whether or Not You Can Be Cured Dr.1 Harris la not aeinsh of hla knowl edge of curing dlseaso without medicine, and Is Instructing t(is public by means of a series of lecture sjQ.lhorpujtiUy and In surh a simple way, that any one fHKrnr'tTlffMeTrurWHfl themselves snd friends,' but csn keep them In health.-.' --.- - After Being Once Cured Class No. 1 Is now -forming., and the lectures will-, bagln-to thla Jie W-clflaaJn a: few days. Hours 10 to II and t to except Sun days. -." ESCAPED PRISONER -IS IN; PENITENTIARY Hogaivr Who- BrokeJaJHHere, Discovered in Salem by '. Deputy Moreland. Frank Hogan,.who escaped from ths county Jail with Jamea Turner and sev eral other term prisoners a few months ago, waa discovered ln the penitentiary yesterday by Deputy-Sheriff Moreland. whdTiad taken a prisoner to Salem Frt day. - ' ' ' ' -HQgan tftlUfll WjtrxJIhefilgenand said he had enjoyed life since he left Portland. He had found his way to Baker City, and there he met good com pany until his money ran out. Then he tried to ralae more money by robbing a house, and was captured.rHa pleaded guilty and was seniencea to one year in the penitentiary. In tha county jail here Hogan served about half of a one-year term for larceny. . . j. . INSANE FARMER TRIES TO KILL HIS FAMILY . 1 1 -i i- - . (Special Diepatcb to The Journal.) ."Olympla, Wash., May 6. William Cov ert, a highly respected farmer living near Tenlno, became - violently Insane yesterday and attempted to kill his wife and children with an axe. - He Is now confined In. the jaddcdcell at ths county JalL - - . Ths local iO. A. R. post Is making ar rangements for the proper observance of Memorial day. Governor Mead will be Invited to deliver the address and the Ladles Relief corps will decorate the graves of the sailors, which ceremony will be preceded- by ,a special service. ' . . ..'Clearing the Decks. For ths new L, C. Smith Bros, writ ing ln sight machines with which we ars. now Oiling orders. See our window lor. snaps in parity uawu ntactiinva ctl other makes, traded out for Mr. Smith's latest- product L. t"M.Alexinder m Co., exclusive dealers entire coast, 112 Third street.. " " - Offloo Wttk, StMar atox Co foot of X.ia. . oola 9X. rhoaa) Mala . Slab Wood, per load............9i.OO Dry Slab Wood, per load. ...... .91,50 Box Wood, per load...... ,..$1.75 Above kinds nrj nt apply to North tAfortland; or ths lialghfaa.,.-.' , . Hurt Mine CHURCH: SERVICES ' aTXTHOfirgT. '" Tiylor-BtreetDr.-r rrsel- Vsigett gbert. piatur. At S OU . si., rlfUMi lo.W I. si., "loUUpuIabls KilJBo ut liumurtal Loti;" 12:15 D, oi., Buudaf aolKiol; 6:80 t. m.. Epworts Ihhsum, 7:a0 u. tu., "tlur liredwluBrs Tbu jina nia Thsir...utis,j; ., lr. Jiattli. towtx kk nrM.ul. OutM-MryMorner Ksst . Ptos and NlBth iImu. W U. llMW. 10- U. r lu:JO a. ui., "I, Vet Oultl," J p. si. Ib Itutue wlli nrmmh ths arm! ax.isru.jurmuia una the tbcQW. Vit Brt Jktpmt fur Lit Bl-tlw;"- S:HU s. ui., umroluir (Uh; 1U;1 p. at., Hauday scbuol; y. (n.. Juuloc; 40 p. m., ti urih deTuiluiuil: orrhnlr aud largt cboru lu the cltjr at th rveulrig trrTlr. Trinity Eaat T-Dlh and Clranti Her. Harold Otars, paatue; 11 a. m., "Th -tl of tba Kiugdam' iirrai'btiig at S p. n. bf UT. . Warren; Hnular aoboul, lu a. Bi.; Kiwortta ImiiM. I . ui. ' ' "' Ura' XuctawMt suiiri f T'lflh and Tr lor auwwj C'lartnve Xrua wllauo, I). I Giator. At Ml So a. m "What Cbrlat Cama re For;'r 7:30 p. paatur wH 1ntro4ura a nr feature ln tb furia of a qunatlua boa. to wblrb all ara lnlll to roniriDiae uhUui at :30 a. m.; Hundar Kbuol at 12:1ft p. aud Koworth leacua at s:SU p. m. - rrvlrmut Wants will isterpntt tv ta ea( at ulu Krvlra. twpwwth Onraer Twenty-third and - Irrtnf striMita. - At lt. a- m.r Buudajt acnouU li. a to. and Jh48 p. nr. sermon by i. t,. MCT.'omb; 9 fl . m., Ii)ortliTptsie. - Cotri-MJorBr Kuaarll ' and Kerhy strMti. F. L t'ouni. naatnr. Preacbtus ariea, 10:30 day aanoul, ; kywortb I ;to p. at. 1m(im. p, am. -WlaHer-TiaiplMP-Cornar , Twelfth - and Tejlor atraata; Kay. J. . Wbltromb- Broufhcr, D. 1., paator. At 10:80 a. m.u "Lopaldad Chrtatlaa." Uaa Lord's sairper will be obaeTTed and tba rlrbt band f( fellowablp eatenrird to eaar 1B0 naw memberajjaODm.. Blla afhool: :80 p: u., o. l. r. eerTica, leaaer, ueorva Ulvharda:. T:U p. svt"Kair Pit fall for Yonii( Wumea.'' Baptlam at tba opaulug and tsaclaj Btuaic ey ua iar( cnorua. Huoa4 Kast aaventh and 'Ankenr (treats; Rf. g. C. Lapham, paator,'. At 1U 80 a. St., 7tn-MemurlyJA iilb Kbojgl; J.aB p. at.. Young Peonla'a uuloo; T:80 p. n., "iMallug With Ood. ' - Tea-aauala anaafed bf V . Bauiford, orffanlat and director. I antral t.t Askauy and gaat Twantlath arrvata; . William E. Raadall, minUUr. At 10:80 a. .,'. "Praaaat-lMr Tratb;" - 13 s., Blbla scaaolj- T p. ., tihrlatlaa Bndaator; T.46 n.. in.. "A Twentlatb-Oatury l.hurrh." WV-Kanu-btui,- Hnoaran. oraanlat. talaary (mw Kaat Elfbtb and' gat-Gesa traata; A. Iwranca Black, pastor. At It a. at., eomninnlon aerrlva: 7:80 p. m., "Life lu Btrauslo atomanta; ' ' (uod nnala at both arrTlcas, under lea derail I p of Oor(a T. Hw ard. d tractor, and Mr. Nettle Owena, orfaolatj 10 a. m., Bible arbool, W. Howell, superla. tendent; e:80 'p. 'm., - young peftple'smretliia'. I andw ktaderablp of Herbert Barber; tarrlcae la Llf aaiti tfvat i la. a..B ra. . ' PaUBTTUIAV, . First Rarrtcea at lu:So a. at. and 7:aS p eoaunualoa. la .tna-tnorblngj. ln tba evenlni paator, Rar. Kdsar P. Mill, D. U.. trill pi un tha tonle. "ktaklna tba lioat of Life." ltfdmoDtr-)rnrCleTeland arauue end-Jar' rett atraatj Hot. L. alroa Booaor, paator,- At li. av aw"Tne Cbnrcta CoHperaUTa."- I C'alvaajh Cornea- Bleeesta- aaaV-tter' street!, T Ke. Ww B., uiinart, paator. at lu su a. m.. Betbah" T: f.-m.. : "Pentaf." cbolr:- Mlaa Llwhan, eoftranef Mlaa lonoollf, alto; IX. titure-AIdkIIc. tenor; Gforje Street, baritone: H. - V, Mllllfan. org anlat. ' Third Kaat Thirteenth and Plae etreaiat Rt. Andretr J. afontgumery, pastor. Praacblng at lU:au and, 1:44 p. m., by tba paator. Mrs. 8uale Uaadall Whlteburat will slag Bnn day njornlttgt-at Weatntlnaier Presbytartaa UivaSJeroina . Uc01aii7paator. At 10 :M a. ., "Utereoming;" s p.- St., ltiita la tne t piq ei .riot: aud avanlna br double Quartet, Klrat Cumberland Corner Twelfth and Eaat Taylor streets; Her. B. Nelaoa Allan, paetor. At 10:30 a. m. aud 7:80 b. in., oreacblns aerv- -itetrtrw-Btmdiy smooir o--p.a T JuulorT 1 t-ilni iM sw Jiaak. EadMVoa. - ----- COHOKgOATIOMAl. ' flrat R.t. B. L. Houaa, paator.'- At 16 SO a. St., -"Tb Isty at Pleasing. O there;" a. aa., era lor kt. "The Triumph ot Hand.? TUUrlf-tourth : Umx, J. J. Utaub. - saator.- It j. m., "Tbe Chrlatlan'a Mrat and Drink s p.-at., "Christ Prtvloua to Bvltarera; 10 a. m.. S under acbool. a. V. Pier, anparlntendent x p h -"--'7-, f iiigBtwa--jRiriiv?sir.'aa-' afreet, aorta; er. ' a. n. norsaraea, paator. nUUU, IV . UMWJII, W III,, It a. ., with communion snd reception of new members; Junior Endeator, p. at.j 1:80 ps m., "ike Regaining or Kden. ' tJnlreralty' Park Her. 1). B. Or?, paatsr. tier item In Artlaaa teamle, Pvrtamouth. 10 a. m., Sunday acboul; 11 a. nt , "l 'f he a lialll and What Dot. Beinc Bated Mean r ' rtrat St. Johna. Sertlrea la Blriaers tall St 7:46 p. m., preaching by Hev. W. U upakard. Haaaalo a treat Kaet BeTenth street, north. and Uaaaaloi Bar. Charles K. Chaaa. At 10:o0 at., eerTlre with tba wlr communloa; is at., Sunday school; p. m Christ Ian CndeSTor, zriBcorac; Rt. Matthew's rirat and Ciratbars streets: Bav. W. A. at. Brack, In charge. ttorTlcee and aarmon, 11 a. n. ; buudajr acnool, 4 a. m. St. John's Ifeniarlattiellwood; Bar. W. B. Powell, chaplain. Suf. avbot'l 11 a. m. : evening service and serstoa, T :4S p. ra. -. Chauel of tba TranaflKuratln.-t Rer. W. B. Powell, chaplal&i Berrlca, aermoa ana bo) communion. 11 a.:m.; Sunday acbool, S:4a a. tu. Trlnltr tTBapel MneLrrath etraat sear Waeh. Ington; Ra. ltr. A. A. alorrlaon, rector. At S a. aa., holy common Ion: aerrtma at 10:30 a, m. and p. m.; Honda scnool, 12 m. Tba St. Darld'e Holr commanlr.n. S a. m.t Sun. day school, B:tt s. m. ; hoi commnnloa. choral, Biuel tours la C, 11 a. at.; evensong and organ rrcitai, i:nu p. at. rmgranj: Harm, Huth Bulla (Larhoer); "Bridal gong" (Uoldmark); Anaantino." u minor c. a rases "llalla- lnjah". (ttrethoTen). IVAJIOEUCAI. St. Johns' Corner of John - and tranboe slitets, s). H. SK VItbai. bhiui. At 11 s. HI.. Ths Necfaaltr and Results of Self Denial:" ( p. at., "Heedaowtng ot Life;" Bunda arhool, 10 a. at.; Jr. K. I- C, Z., 2 SO p. si.; Br. K. L. C. B., T p. at. ' Cast Slila Corner Fargo and Krb streets; Ba. J. Boweraoa. paatur. At 11 a. m., "The Indwelllns of Chrlat:' T:0 n. m.. "The flaln ot Having Cbrlat;" 10 a. n., Bunda school; a p. si., jo ntor aociet; o 45 p. m., K. U C. I. - - CHBIITIAir. ' Park snd Colombls First Corner streets; B. M. Murkier, minister At 10:ll a. m deeming tha Time;" T:4g p. m., "Why a I brlatlan Onl;" Blhle scnool at 13:14 I Am Cbrtatlan Bndravtir. S.ft p. s Hodue Arenue Cornor Hodn amttV and Knott alreet; Alha Fjiaon, mtnlater At 11 a. m., "Tbe ritisen's Dnir;" 4(1 a. at., Binder aobool: g:SD p. to.. Young People's Horletr of Chrtatlaa Kndeeror; 7:40 p. m , "Thinking, laming, Obclng." , LVTKKBair. nt. Jamea Ensllah Corner - Went Park : "and Jefferson attracts; J. A. Iaa, B. D., paator. At 11 a. m.. eerrlcca. mualo nr tba auartrt. Mlaa Gilbert and Llnrlaler Hall will elng 'Peaca to This Barred Dwelling-;" Sourtar school, 10 s. m., special muala bf tba ercbeatra; Ltitber leagaa- T p. m. - s Norwegian Synod Oomar Beat Tenth ' and Orant alreet; O. iHagoea, paator. Bervtrea at 11 .a. at. and s p. m.t Sanaa school, t:0. . ' o. -.; .. The Christian Cstbotla Apostolic Chnrch In Bervlces held In Allah) hall, second Boor. Third and Morrleoa atreeta. At I p. m... "Pnrttf. tba ke ta tba Power of PI vine Intercraalon r" S . BO , atereoptimar lecture with so acetiea on he life of Cbrlat; also 60 pbotoarapbla aeenea f pree.nt dav aalraglra, - Bew Vharlea Ar Hi etae la rnarge. 2 . . y.'u: e. jl ' Man's meeting at' the Maruoan theatre gun- da, I SO 1. ra. Addreee 0 Ir. Holaad t Orant of Yawoueer.' B. C, on "How to Spall It'll With rtva Mttera:" eoine r Mst Bvela Hurler, eon tr a I to. and J. r. Hanahne, tenor, at Boeton; boa' tneetlng. I p. m., V. M. .. A. atHlltdrlsm: Dr. Boland D, Orant speaka en Five Left-Handed Boa" for bora from 12 t IT. . . . . TBTTAJlIAjr. wtfat Yamhill and seventh ; Dr. 9. Cree se,- paator. At 11 a. m., eervlres.with die enuree or "Ts Cseta lacreealng and Is Itenxic racr Wat tog la America? ' Buaria scnool, 12.BU ' '-"'- First Beat Cowca. and -aat-rnfB, WrT. Bmall.-paetnr. At 11 a. m.. "The World's Choice, Creed or Universe Item -she Aheurd AntlthealS'Bsgreeted h s Portland Preacher;" 13:19 P. m. Bunda scaooi. . I CHllsriAg BcnilCK. . Jlrst leotUah JLUa stUtdaal. Morrtaoa sad J Eleetrie-Light-- I and Gas Shades i ' -Having recently receiwdjr large shlpraerit of Electric Light arid Gas Shades we are particularly , , , anxious that "the facf receive publicity, knowing'theT ' news will interest many who are building: r r,4 . ' ' ,1 - r : . The new goods are all of the newest patterns, in cut and etchedelssjrheTOloringsreTerytasty; -----anyelab6rate. There's , in the whole shipment and pay,you'U get something Prices Range! Mi SIXTH AND ALDKK STREETS. ' - DAISY FURNACE AM CALDRONS 2t-gal. complete for wood..f 1S.T5 J 10-gaJ com plate for wood. ,119.00 "rr-garZ6mpIatsTotr-woodr:$2a.OO' -9-gal-complete, for wood . . 928.00 0-gal complete' for wood.. 940.00 S. BIRKENWALD CO. , The Xrfu-gest Batohsra' Snpply Xouss , .';..-. . uu tliarcoast.- 304-306 Everett St., Portland Their S43 Our IB eara' erperlaoce ta plata week aaf ah'T -ta -fit oar anata -aoaaiortahl. Pr. W. A. Wlee haa tosad a aafe way ts ai tract teeth, abaolntal without pain. Dr. T. PpHrias fr ao axpeftr St sold flmag "Jag arnwaamfrldsa-vwaw JUtrssllag , frsa whea plates ec bridges are srdarad. , WISE BROS.. Dentists Faning BtHIdlns. ear. Third and Wash ita. Opea STealngs ttU m. Bandars ms S to 11. Or. Mala BO. BE. t. F. wax. liAwnadals atreeta. At 11 a. m. and p. m., and Immortast;" Bandar subject,. "Mortala 1 . .1.... :t nmlnff eervlc. Second Auditorium huildlug. Third between Taylor and Halrnon streets. At 11 s. m. snd s m . "Mortals and Immortals;" 8usda scaos) it lU-ev la -the .reading-room. M. E. CHTBCH. BOUTH. 171 tt Second a treat. Foresters' ball: B. f. Moure. naator. Bervlces 11 s. m. snd p. m.; Bunda school. 10 s. m.; Bpworth league, f a. m. Dr. McCaualand. prealdlna elser. wlB occupy tbe pulpit morning and eveorng. tjuark srl eonferaca-l:0-p m. J 1 -MABOIXICAX ABBOCIATIOlf. rirat Fi,.l1h Corner Eaat Sixth and- Mar ket etreets; Kev. O. W. Plumer. At It a. m.. woranip sna sermon or . l.-ii .a fli.eelaaa. tibtn; S tu-m-.Xha. Plut will pr-ach bla farewell sermon: Bnada, ... - .. . v HH.inl... alliance T n. an. tv a . mj . 1 vu ' a .. - - BtlSCEIXABEOVB. ' The Flrat Bolrltual society. Artisans' hall, Ablngton building. Third afreet near weening ton. At 11 s. " m.- Kew-Moaea Hull on tha "Reanirection of leans m tee uinv .i era Splrltuallems" T:4 p. m..i( 'Biblical and Modern - rtpintnaiiam wir... uin.nnial Dawn . A. B. hall, aorlheaatr corner aerond ana sanwa .services at 2 to p. m. New Thought-- Bocletr Hall BOO. - tn Itakr building. Third snd Morrison third Bonr 1 etreete speak se The TTanaf.wmlng Powers of Mind." Rihle Bolrltual Boclety A. O. 0. W. hsll. Blllns Hlrach building, corner Weet Pars and Wakhlnsloa atreeia onorv nrumlnent medlusts at 11 o'clock a. m.. and lecture .by O. C. Iova at T:46 p. m., loinrwea b tranca aiedl- . ..... n T Keel, naatnr. Her vices 2:80 snd t:8 p. m.; WvStS-Sl Bveret. ..:.-U atreeta; C. Edwin Inland, paetor. At T:4 p. "Prophecy Being r-nmiien 0 n arth Vllluatrated); T 80 p. ".. song service. e Chrletlaa and Miaalnnary Alllance-Becotid and Jefferson streets; Rev. ""'"" attperlntrndent. At 10:80 s. m. "The Becond Cemlng of Jeeua;" 12:10 s. m.. Sunday school; T:D0 P. m., evattgellatlc aervlce. Peoole a ChrlatUn, - I'nlon Frew-- rallstons snrtM, V. R. Coulter. leader and teacner; sii Morrlenn Streri. in iniu , -Mnlrltual Conaclouaneea; H.U .P. ., study eleeV-tn-Hre-prohlema; T:45 p. TtVi oncert 0 t nlon orcberra; s:in p. ., - ' 0 Problem f Heat snd Lfb- At 1 40 p. m. Mlaa HarMet yanea. crathr. will glva an account of th a. conference? at Cap! tola. Csllfornl general Mra 0. Miller, sololat. e. a.) ratine Army No. 1 tnret, B Datll treat. At 11 a. m, nouneee unuiii, e y- . tnsior elaea and pralee aervlce: p. m.. Toung Paopra's leg lone v -aa-SalraUoa Ar meet- Ing..- - - - . POLICE OF EUGENE- HAVE AN ACTIVE DAT (Bpeclal Ditpsrck ir-nt-ivimaity fnama Or.. MaF Oracn Davisson of Junction, was fined $20 In ths Justice court for pointing a gun at Fred With row. a bartender, while dnrnk. ,.. -.t Ed Wiles, a brick mason, and Jack RennTnger. loggrr. wera eaoh lined t In ths police court for engaging In a fight on the etreets. Numerous ar rests tor drunkenness were also mads.' WOODBURN JUSTICE ' DISMISSED KUPER CASE (Bpaclal rwpstca ' ts The Journal ) , i. Woodburn. Or May t. B. J. Kuper. charged with the theft of a registered mall pouch hers. April II, waa tried andH discharged in Justine urerton s conn this afternoon. Assistant District At torney Banks had charge of tbs prosecv- nothing but good patterns no matter now mucn you pretty. , " - r from $3.50LUp. ohnJBarrett.Go.- UsauzxainBxaiiiiiMuiuiiiBiiisa II SIGN - Is the fact- that- most of the now rest -r dencei.rhotels.-. stores- an-f actorteg art wlrettj wtlh-ga and.-Slactrlo chandeliers. ,flreplaos, floor and bathroom .tiling. It . Is furnlshei , ..... .'.-. by us. "-" ' :v. : l; r.-. r .-, t.--rr r .,, - - . . :-..:j:--.-i.., - : - Bnilden Should Investigate r; immense stock, before purf basing.': i- - M.J.-Walsh-o. Wasbiagto St., Oorasr Sa-rnth. Park and Washington, Portland, Oreros; -The School of Quality" MODERN, PRACTICAL, COMPLETB s0 ths yesrfstalops free A, P. ARMSTRONa, LL. B., PKINCIPAt, ! Dr. Be Be -WRIGHT- .Ths BCTEBTTmO DBBTTIBT that ' relieves all pain - In dental opera tions. 84, Washlag4joa t, cor. Bar saia. PACIFIC TENT & AWNING CO. IT BTOmrat TTB.BT T. Bat. Bumaute ft Oeuah, Awnings for Stores and resi dences. Tents and camping outnia. Oct our prices. rhoae Mala 1B1. PB. W. A. WlaB. . ; j aaaeaajBBjBBjBaBaBaBB 1 mum, rvirv ; i 1 1. nk tlon snd Senator Dan J. Malarkejr of ths . defense. There waa. no-evrdernjerwhal-l . ' ever to show that Kuper was guilty and the quick' decision of the Justice was heartily cheered by the large crowd In" attendance. 80 much Interest was man ifested 4 tha trial that Association halt - had to be aecuted to accommodate those) . who desired, to attend.- LAWS NOT-EFFECTIVE .-UNTILMAYNINETEENTH , - , . . (BperUl DlaaatcB - ts Tha - JoarnaX) ' -. Salem, Or, May g.after a consults tlon held this afttmootv,' A-rtoroey-Oen eral Crawford and Bacratsry of Stater Dunbar cams to the conclusion that tha laws of the 101 session of ths legists turs will not go Into affect until afsy 1 Instead of May 11 as has been rora-a monly " supposed. Ths referendum! amendment to the eonatlttitlon allows) to days for tha filing of referendum " tltlons and this wUI carry ths time ovef to May- ll. -v . Z The Hotel Estaoada,. . Is under ths managemsat of ths O. W. It la locatad If mllss by trolls from ths city. -The ride at-this s -sn-j of! the-year is delightful. The r. trtl prk snd Clarksmss rtver sre tlons in themsMves. rirst ctaaa : modatlons; Sunday dinner a sya ..... . , m JL .1 .. 1