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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1905)
. .'I " . - . --! I SECTIOITWO PORTLAND. OREGON," SUNDAY JIQUNINGTWAY "7. 19057 kAOES ; l TO 24 ' V XA8TZX ftZOnfALS CASTES. Tie'DJrrereat Stirm Extra-Specials for: Tomorrow - Cake Baking : iSchool "I ' Airs rleetv f roa ' a. m. to 11 sV aai 1 to r. a ebae 1 n 1 1 1 y a tally ' iavttee to ettead. laid Carter Winner of First Place in the Recent r L CL&Scholarship.vContest. Master Carter Is "aTbrtght-American lad of the Roose velt 4ype, )ut about to tnter hli flteenth year. A pupil of the Haven th .trade of Atkinson achool, and Uvea at The Nprton. serving In the capacity of a bell boy when not encaged at his studies. Young Carter Is a very ambltlouM youth, and will take the elec trical engineering- course at the Ir C. School. From Plate on the lint third from tha ton at tha-enA nf .first day's. .votlnay -Master Carter -soon fmged tu -tne iront, and was- headed but few times during the' entire context of 10 weeks. His friends are lesion and well deserved, as la evinced by the' enormous total vote- cast -for him In tha 'contest 58.480 OVER HALF A MILLION. Master't'srter expresses his thanka in a few wetIchoiien words below. .- CARD OEilHANKS- I tnka this -prortimtty.-of thanking rny many-kind i rienns who aaaisted-mrriirrwinmn t a. "ac holm h l n 4a. the l.C. 8. t lu-ouch aha: recent voting content In which the same warr generously, provided by Olds, AVortman 4 King.. I assure you sAl of my deep ap preciation, which I shall endeavor to best show by-gool- use- of -the scholarship as a stepping-stone to" a useful Ufa. -- -4 w. a :v '" ' ". . l,. . - "Very Truly, REGINALD CARTER. Monday Specials ; See Monday- Mornirij "WONDAT'8 PRE-EXPOSITION BALE OF Pretty-WashrGoodsrand Sheetings DOMESTIC 'BE CTIO N F I R 8 T FL O O R He DIMITIES AND BATISTE FOR 11 CENTS . 200 plecei of Fine French Dimities and Batiste crlwp. fresh-looking doth, light and dark grounds, tha designs exceedingly dainty and pretty, regu iJar 16c. value; special for tomorrow only at, the . - yard Vr, .............. ......... .11 - 25e INDIA LINEN-WCENTS--- ' India. I.lnen, an extra, fine grade, very sheer, our. ; regular 25c value; special Tor tomorrow only at, - tha yyard .'.,:.-. . w.-,-. v. r. - - A GKEATBA ROAIK INTSHEETING. lc SHEETING FOR. li CENTS " " r.T".l!.I -4000 ysrds of Heavy Bleached SheeUng.Tfor ' 3i. r else bed, splendid value-tit -the regular price, llcr special for tomorrow only at. the yajrd. .. ,12V4(f -MONQAY'B UAnOAIN-OFFBRINOS FROM THE' r-r. -. I. "THE""OEDS wortman c& ' king store MailTGrders- For the . benefit of r out-of-town jatronswejwiIl fill out-of-the-city. mail orders during this month's Pre-Exposition Sales, when same bear , post-mark not later than 24 hours from date, of issue of the paper containing announcement unless lots are closed. :. in ; L OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. it Bargain . Monday, May; 8th Portland's CS Largest Retail Plant H -;jw Extraordinary Starts ,1000 Free Admissions to the. Lewis CS Clark Exposition to Be. iveniAwayitoQalrtlalidlSc As a special feature of the great MAY BARGAIN FEASTt shaU .pen anotherrpopularvoting contest hererMondayr td: run eight weeks, ending Saturday t July 1st, at 8 p. m.r through : whiclt the PublitTwill select 20 Pupilsifrom - the -Schools of - Portland any school eligible, pubUc orrprivater each to be awarded a" book containing 50 commutation tickets -of admission to the Exposition, 'good any time for.admission between July 5-and-the-close-of the fair, October 15.-Ballot boxes-will be distributed about the store as In former cohtestsr a vote will be- given with every 25c purchase,, and, will 'be returned with your purchase fromjtjhejrasjuerjh ttrrtasketsTthxissaring everynenhf thenbairots with , the same care as the cash they represent ,tftej-eceipt ou Recognizing ihe Incalculable value in an educational way of the Exposition to the pupils of,-our city, we have decided to adopt this way of having the public-select 20, to go as virtual guests" of this store, 50 times, during the Exposition, thus ; enabling those r-selected : to make a-thorough;study 'of thirrre atTWOrld ShoWrsuf e lo form ari impfessidh'upon youtHfiil minds lasting as life and helpful to a degree beyond cemiprehension-JThe.-tickets will not be transferablerThe 20 winners ia this7 GRAND EXPOSITION-CONTEST, will each be privileged to visit the Fair" 50 times dunhg, its' run at our expense. ' Now;.' bbyi and- girls, here's i generous field,' 20 -chances to nuinmer's Bighteeeir -4iet your parents and friends to- save their ballots : for YOU ' - . . - . ; FOUR BIO BARGAINS iit35a AislesiC- Eourth Floor Honie; Furnishing Stores 14.00 WOOL BLANKETS $4.15 : Pray Wuol Blankets, with fancy pink, old blue or gmiloorUera.narce aliej our l.80 .value; epeclnl rat,-tha pair ................... r. ... ...S-t.l5 $7.G0 TATE8TRY PORTIERES 16.65 . Portierea, mad of . heavy mercerised tapestry, " with fancy tapestry band trtmmtnga and heavy ' tassel fringe, very handsome and our regular 17.60 . value: special at, the pair 85.65 . THIS Wl LE INTER EST THE SMALL FOLKS. $1.B IRON WAGONS I1.J0 " I : AU-Iron Wagons, iron bed and running gear, bed Is IS inches by 24 Inches in else, our regular 11 5 value, special at, each ............... ...1.30 TjEEP PRICE-CUTTING" Dress Goods for . Monday , SOUTH A N N E X P I R 8 T-i. FLOOR -Our- regular-1 grade Checked T Engl la- Mohair. Rrllllantlnes, Covert Suitings, Mohair Novelty Voiles, Novelty Panama Suitings, Worated Tweed '-' Mixtures, all colors In the assortment; special for Monday only.;Trd Tr..,. :: -STe) - ' 15 LACK DREHS OOOD8. "" Our regular $160 grades bl English. SlclI!nns,:Turk !h Mohalr,CiTe . d Paris, Poplin davChlner 5rireTovelty 4lk-ad-iViol Vrnlfa, 8llk-and-Wool Cr , 1U; special for Monday onlt. yard. ...... .$1.98 BLACK ALL-SILK (TAFFETAS. V .. Vlii. Th.t r.nnnt ttn Dunllcated at Our Regular. - Price". Ifln. AlT-lnkmfa7Tet."tr.!pe1aV-rd-.-1.19 17-in. All-Milk Taffeta, reg. tl . special, yard. .89 -14-liu All-Silk Taffetare Lf0apeclaljrard7a !l-ln. All-8l!k Taffeta, reg. 1.0; special. yard,.69 Notions FIRST FLOOR, ' 15c COTTON TAPE JO CENTS - T MiJ. Extra-Super White Cotton ..Tape, k inch wldei II ""JTyards in "piece, our.l&o value; apeclal, at, tha piece i y .... . '.....'.',.' rV. ... t 104 DARNING COTTON 2 CENTS - ' I. Best Quality Darning Cotton, fn black, brown, tan . and other colore; special at, the spool ..i 24 -BA8TINCI COTTON 4 CBNTS-i''-':;- .Iarg-nise Spools of Basting Cotton, on white ' ' only. 600 yo.rds to spool, Nos. .40 and S0r special 'at, lha spool ....I i ........... 4t DC fl'RLINO IRONS I CENTS " - , . ' " Hest Grade- Curling Irons, medium all, our So value; special at, each i. ..... .2$ WOMEN'S AND MISSES' UNDER WEAR WOMEN3 AND - MISSES' HOSIERY BOYS1 SHIRT ' - . WAISTS. - - -- Underpriced ; r i r s t ' F L bb.Rui ;. Women's Black Oause Llale Hose, finely made and finished, dainty silk em ' hroldered boots. To see them 1s to ap- - predate them; 75o the real value; spe cial, pair 594 .Women's-PlnkvlBiua - and -White. Fine Ribbed VesteTlow neckband sleeveless beauties, 16o value; special. each..23 Misses' Black Lace Lisle Hose, assorted, - seamleee. made of good strong thread, I tfft - : s i " Regular 16o value; spectsl, pr..,18) Regular 80c value; special,. pr...21 Regular 36c value; special, pr...25t Boys' Percale Waists, blouse and shirt waist styles, light, medium shades, 50e values;, special, each 37 JTHREB RARE VALUES Ribbons Neckwear 'Kerchiefs A chance for thrifty women In Mon day's sal of Women's Fancy Qooda to supply this trio of everyday needs at exceptional prices all In favor ol the buyer, First . Floor. WOMEN'S 40o WHITJoMULL TIES 176, -New'Vashabla Ties,- very crisp and neat. fancy hemstitched, embroidered and some with colored edges, regular val estcM0c; special, each ...17) TAFFETA RIBBONS itd. A beautiful new Jlne of All-Silk Satin Taffeta Ribbons. i Inches wide, in colors, black, white and cream; spe cial at, yard . .19 ? WOMEN'S 20o LTNEN HANDKER- . . . , .r CHIEFS 12c, J . Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs, ftne hemstitch end embroidery all round hemstitch- and embroidery In the four corners, regular value XOc; special, each ...... i .Y. . , ,7. . . . .... ....124 - Undermuslin t r Underpriced ANNEX SECOND FLOOR." 11.10 PETTICOATS I7e. I 11.16 'DRAWERS 11.47. Ladles' BUck Mercerised 'Sateen PettN coste. andyke flounce, edged-. with m-lnoh ruffle and (-Inch ruffle and dust ruffle,, regular price 11.60; spe cial ........,,J....r,T.Tr..;v9T Ladles', fine Nainsook - and Cambria Drawers, trimmed in Point de Paris,- . Duchess. Valenciennes . and Ctuny . lJiem and Embroidery, fin hem-, stitched turka and ribbon,- regular price S2.0O and $7.25; special at S1.4T Women's Tallbred Street Suits i and fliflagniricent Calling Gowns Monday at Tremendous -Reductions ! GRAND SALON S 8 ECO ND'-'F LOOK .L A GRAND "MAT-FAIR" SALE AT PORT LAND'S STYLE HEADQUARTERS AND LARGEST APPAREL STORE WEST , , OF CHICAGO A MERCILESS PRICE-CUTTING CAR-, i ' ' NIVll.l c- The manager, armed with the two-edged sword of pitiless reduction.- ran amuck among tha aristocrats composing ,the 1 ' High-Grade Suit Stocks ! Yesterday and- slashed prices-rlght-and left for-Monday selling. The sale embraces Suits and Gowns noticeable for - e'xclustveness In style end attractive workmanship. Novel and charming models that dressy women will find a pleasurable.aatiafucUon , In, poaaeealng. - In almost endlean variety too many nd varied, 4n fact, toattempt -description. Suits that -have helped to add to our. reputation of always being Junt little ahead of. Dame Fashion In our' showings .locally.. Every wanted, material and color' in embraced In the magnificent gath ering, all -very-newest .styles andrabsorutery authoritatively correct model. , Plain tailored and attractively trimmed. Every; Btreet Suit" Trnrt falling " Onwn In lhalT5resh'cTu3eI whose price-ticket beare a figure between 140.00 and 196.00. - Sweeplngly reduced as fol lows: . J 40.00. Suite-for. 142.00 Suits for. $45.00 Suits for 28.95 $31.15 .033.65 $48.60 Suits for............36.25 $60.00 Suits for....... .....$37.95 $65.00 Suits, for .,.....$38.80 $51.50 Suits for $60.00 Suits for. $65.00 Suits fon. $68.50 Suits for. $76.00 Suits for. $85.00 Suits for. $15.00 Suits for. e $42.45 $44.75 $49.55 $52.75 $57.45 $62.95 $69.85 -A Monday Sale of:Raincoats at Prices Nearly Halved All In very" newest models and latest styles. Cravenette and Waterproofed Fancy Fabrics, In light and dark grays, tana and blue mixed goods, belted and loose backs, with leg-o'-mutton sleeves and shirred girdle effects,' plain tailored and smartly trimmed In braids and button V , - 1 j. Regular $25.00 Raincoats,-Monday for. . , .rnVwnri. vr irrr.. . .. . .$13.9S Regular $11.00 Rjtlncoata, Monday for..... ............ 6.75 ' Women's New $6.50 and $ Walking Skirts $3.95 , Junt 104 Skirts In tha offering, the latest round-length pedestrian styles for aum mer tramping, and every-day shopping. Durable and dustproof, mohairs and smart fancy mixture of. mannish suitings.1 Blues, browns, blacks, grays, light and dark and pretty mixed colorings, plain tailored effects and trimmed In strap pings of materials and buttons. The best $6.60 and $7.50-skirts In the -city. Special Monday only at a choice for ............. . .w.v. $3.95 lAnother Surpassing Millinery Event : B I j O U- fl A LO N IS A .N N E X SECOND FLOOR, A BARGAIN HAPPENINO THAT WILL MARK AN EPOCH IN MILLINERY SELLING! ON MONDAY ONLY WE WILL SELL ANY OF OUR Magnificent Pattern Hats at aFourth Off Regilar Prices j, A number of new-arrivals put In stock ihe past, week, and several of our own charming productions, ereatlnne of our - expert artiste milliners In theyOLPB. WORTMAN KING workrooms, are Included. i . - - .-- - "New Shipments Just Received . -.-.Of-.- - , HANDSOME TAILORED SUIT HATS. POLOS, TURBAN , .- . . ETC Interestingly priced at $2.49 $3.49 $5.00 a $7.SO Stationery and :v Toilet Sundries -z-..,r j R 8 T 7F L O O R. BARGAIN MONDAY BUYING OPP6: T UNITIES. . : . .. . , ISO WHISK BROOMS 160. Large sis Whisk Brooms, three stitch, extra quality, our 25o value; special at .....164 lOo TOILET PAPER 7c - Large site rolls Toilet Paper,-! 2 ox. stxe. best quality, our lOo value; special at, tha roll .....7e Or, the dosen 804 .t.,75o CASTILE SOAP Mc.'t-.K., '1 Purest quality Imported white and green Italian Castile Soap, In large 4-pound V bars, our 76o value; special at, tha .:,.L 20c PAPER NAPKINS 12cl" J Decorated Crepe Paper Napkins, Amerl-' . can make, our 20o- value; special at, the, hundred 124 ( rl iv, 1 1 Matter Taylor Is.. bright young lad a. typical help ful American youth of the' "do things" aort.Bright aa-: gold eagle freshTronT the mlntTenergetio and' tireless. .This lad is '16 "years of ago, a, son of Mr.' and Mrs. T. B. Taylor, of 201 Twenty-second street. He attended Park school until recently, when he en gaged with M. At A. Shogren, the popular dressmak ere, as errand-boy. Master Taylor has a newspaper' Ltaxeexlnjitliw. and wtti take cartooning mm m study In the I. C. School. He put in three votes himself the first dar of tha contest. Next morning his friends had added 45, and Arthur got to work, with tha result that ha soon reached the top -and finished' a good second at the end of the voting with I42.004) votes to his credit When asked If ha desired to In dite a letter f thanks to hir friends, his bright eyeg gllstened with enthusiasm as he said; - "Oh. I thank them, muchi Won't you plense tel-"emT-And I'll show- 'amr And lt'a the-OLDH.-WORTMAN At KING store against last jexa bird's nesr that heitT make - good. 1 1 J i ,- i .. , Big Lace Sale Thcuuad ef rerdt in a DMtal Moa. -dikju airing 4 f white Val. e s i e a a ee Laoae. tawr. tleas - te mates; widths m te la ohM, valiwa te 10e.r Wklle they Ut ataa. say, yard ' V ; Master Arthur Taylor I'- S.- SchoIarshipContesV Important SpecialTTNotice! THE HOME FOLK'B PRE-EXPOSITION SALE now on, and continuing through -the-month of -May. at this Store features a. aeHear of -ONB-DAT " SPECXAU: DAiic.-i.j. an prio-tiwTrara aunng mis mom n -JdlX HIOfc-UNK. DAY ONi.Yv-vdvrttsed.-and wrast Dt taictn advantage-ar on .rtay named In order to se -cure benefit of special prices advertised. Speclala In ' thla page announcement are for H Bargain Monday Only Tomorrow; ANOTHER ASTOUNDING VALUE IKCHE T Season's" Smartest - Summer" Silks" . i. S 0U T H ANN E X MF I R 8 T FLOOR 6000 yards of New Suit Bilks', tha choicest styles and assortment ever shown, in Portland, all the new finishes and colors tit choose from, our regular . $1.15 grades; special for Monday only, yard. 84 .. 25c"WRITING PAPER 1767" Old English Mills Writing Paper In 1- pwuim paeksgesr'plsln;" lit-suiotitli fir1 rough finish. 120 sheets in package, ' our 25o valuer spectal-t, the pack age ........... 17 Bo INK FOR lo. " Carter's best black letter Ink. In 2- ounce bottles, our 6c value; special at. the bottle 34 IDainty. Jewelry r Great Bargains - ' ' WEST ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. IS to 5o HAT PINS MONDAY AT lOo. Monday -we -will place on aula two gross . of . assorted styles of " "peacock eye"" Hat Plna, -well made, with extra long ." pin-stems, our-regular 15c, 60o and (6o . values; closing therd out; special for, each .V.... w. ....... .104 One large assorted lot of gold-filled Link Buttons, a. great variety of styles . to select from, worth up to 60o and - 6 5c, all go In oar Monday sale; special at, pair 17e J00 -palrBot-flnauUtYKoIle(l.Oo(ir Wire Stone Set Cuff Pins (handy plns Our regular- 16o values; special for Monday only, your choice X74 I ... I Leather Goods 7 60 Ladles' Pocke(booka made np la the finest of high-grade ' leathers, seeU walrus, aJHgator.JIsard, snake, eta, in . brown,; black, tan, gray and other col- or, mounted with sterling silver and gold ornaments, our regular values up to $10.00; all gi In this xpeclat sale 2 Monday at, each( $5.00 Another Ipt of ladles fine Pocketbooka, yajues up o $4,50 all go this sale at choice for, each........ f. .$1.98. Special. on gross of "Buster ' Brown" black, Patent Leather Belts, our regu lar 26c value; special Monday only at-rt.t 17V Monday's Matchless Values in. Shoes : for Men, Womenand ----..:.'V Children -tt-- 4- - THE BIO SHOE STORE ON THE FAIR-WAT,""' 7 FIRS T. F L O O R JV E S T . A N"N E Xi. FOR MEN. $3.60 AND $4.00 SHOES FOR, 11.6 iMen'sTatent Colt- Shoes, in Ulucher lace sty lea, Uoodyear welt ' aoles. new spring Issts, also straight lasts, splendid '$3.50 and $4.00 values; apeelat for ene Hiiy en It1 at. the p'r-"i''.$ 2. 69 , - FOR WOMEN. OXFORDS -$2. WOMEN'S $3.60 Women's Low Shoes, of box kid, tip of same stock as uppers, lace style, rope stitched, light-weight. soles, ar splendid "working shoe, 'the ."Gloria." and never sold for less than $3.50; .special at. tha pair . . . : . : $2.69 WOMEN'S $5.00 AND $6.00 BOOTS FOR $3.4 . Tomorrow we hnve on sale Woman'! Lac Shoes, -ma-le by the firm of Laird. Bchober ft Co., custom shoemakers of-Philadelphia. These shoes are made with either turn or welt soles, low or high heels, and there are four different styles to select t from, all now and up to date. They are sold reari- - larly for $5.00-and $6.00 .the pair, never. leea, but rr tomoi-row .aa a great extra, speclal-wa will -eetl - them- at, -the- palr-..i.. . . . . . va '.$3.49 ' FOR CHILDREN" "' " CHILDREN'S .CLOTH-TOP PATENT -KI D SHOES.. - r in lace or button styles, no heel, turned soles, all , - sixes from S to5. our $1.60 value; special at, the Plr . . . ..85) The aame a hoe as above. In button or lace, with a "r- light -sprlnr heel.- alxe trr 1. our J1.00 value ; - -special at, the pair ....$1.30' MONDAY BARGAINS IN TUB mom FIR 8 T FLOOR JW E S T AN N BX MEN'S 250 HALF ' HOSE 15 CENTS 1- An entirely new line of Men's Sox. In tan. with v black and -white stripes, spring" weight, 'there Is" nothing better made to sell for 25c; special sale - -. price.-.the. pair .v,-w- ,rrmi -. .,15a ' -MEN'S $1.60 SKIRTS FOR IS CENTS " - - Men s Golf Shirts, made of. woven Madras, In tan, bluo or gray background, with- white stripes, at tached cuffs, good value at $1.60; apeclat- sal ' ' price, each t)i4 MEN E 60o SUSPENDERS IT CENTS-i. ; ,t. - Men's "Athletic Suspenders, mad after the fash ion , of the President suspenders, an extra good value, regular price 1. 60c; special eale price, the fair . ., ......274 MEN'S 15o TIES FOR It CENTS ... A line of New Spring Ties, four-in-hand. In plain colors, red, blue, tan, whit, black, etn., Fren h ; fold, two Inches wide, regular 15a value; spednl at eaoh .. ............ ....... S 1 $4.00 SUIT CASES FOR $1.91 - t- Mult Cases, nickel trimmed, leather corners, rui 1 Heather handles, with shirt 'fld and i two ..). . straps, steea 12, 24 e,n1 a tit, ' t rase and our regular $4.00 vain; ;: 1 . price, each ...w t '. -.1