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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1905)
.THEY OREGON. SUNDAY JOURNAU PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. v MAY 1 7,7 t -JroU TERMS" ...... J . hex- 0 2 4 ..1 . t- rr WHY NOT ? O -o o ULI CC o o - CO s cc Uf o - UJ o o o 60 O ill o - CO s cc UJ o cc .3. o - o o o oo Q i0C 1 o - 0 23 There is no reason In the world why you should pay - cash' when you are buying hougefurpishlngs---; Every business man secures credit from the "wholesale"; firm hebuys -of why should you not receive r. credit when buying for the home?- - -V- y -. .,.-And you are welcome at any time to come -here and choose such articles as you may need, and pay ;ll"lJ--feBiem as you caa,-" You can just as well as not have the goods delivered right away and use them while - '- zz yovi are paying for them.; DO How would you like to have' your landlord cred it each . monthly, payment of rent as a - paymenT'orr your house ? - In a few years you'd own a home and have nomorc rent to . payLHe jwon'tiio-thatr- how ever, and you will have nothing to show for the money expended except the use of the house.. DIF- FERENT WITH US. We let you have 'all the housefurnishings you want you practically pay rent for ' y thembut every payment goes to your credit-When the last payment is made you own the goods. " Why not pay "rent to us--you win have 'something to show for it. J THpTSALESMEN MAKE IT EASY TO BUY THE CRED1TMAN A1AKES IT EASY TO PAY- GO-CART -SPECIALS ft very Rocltntng and.FoldlngOa - Cart Jn our house has a srclalprlee way and we've 1 kept them maylng. All high-grade carta, too; 'thla year'a pattern. - Better - have one prices are pleaalngjL 25 to 40 PER CENT OFF AINTY-DRESSERT i -r:.-- z. The kind that appeal to par ticular women who want ioim thins out of the ordinary. Gib on Dressers, Princess Dress ers, and the conventional pat-' terns, in golden oak.' blrdseye maple,- mahosajjy, Circassian -walnut and the new ' "Klser rjjjjn They're " worth look-., ins; at' $14.00 to $75.00 CHINA CLOSETS . Every well appointed dining-room- should Jave;a China Closet We're show ing the kind that will please -you. New designs In golden oak,' weathered oak, 'fumed oak 'and mahogany. Pon't keep your pretty China out of sight have a show- place for It : - ' $20.00 to $125.00 ... fc - , OUR DRAPERYiDEPARTMENT Now Is ltt time for New Draperies a few new Curtains or VJ Hangings will mske a great difference after the spring clean fliva a niuntMT 'Ol mm dealgna lit medium-priced Curtains, Por tieres. Couah CJVers, Table Covers and drapery things in gen- " eraL -.- . , . ' . . - - Our Bedding Department Is very complete.' Bheets, Pillow Caeee, Bedspreads, Comforts, Quills, Pillows and Mattresses . at prices that will please the careful housekeeper. KE DESIGN AND MAKE DRAPERIES TO ORDER NEW DINING TABLES Round and Squaretop Tables in Ooiden Oak, Weathered Oak, Fumed Oak and-Mahogany, ped estal or five-leg base, which ever suits you best - . AS LOW AS $9.50 BUFFETS AND SIDEBOARDS . , . Fifty new designs In Ash, Golden Oak, Weath ered Oak, Fumed Oak and Mahogany. If you bavea place for one, we have one to fit It $15.00 to $125.00; . : ; IRON BEDS THE F0LDABLE KIND 'Safety" gnd "Standard" Folding Beds are well worth seeing. They are the "answers" to the fold ing bed pucsle. -Good to look at, durable, easy to operate and absolutely sanitary. Want an extra bed during the falrt 'Better aee these. CLEANLY AND COMFORTABLE SPECIALITERMS-SALt GOLDEN OAK MORRIS CHAIRS lit. BO Morris Chairs; special 111.60 Morris Chalra; special........... 114.50 Morris" Chairs; special........... IM.00 Morris Chairs; special f l 8. 50Morrls Chairs; - special, ,.. f 9.50 II10.50 llll.BO 1112.75 U16.50 $1.00. DOWN 50c A WEEK GLACIER REFRIGERATORS The kind that cut down your ice bill. The cool, cleana ble comfortable kind. The kind that will , keep- perishable food sweat and clear as long aa thee Is a pound of ice in the ice box. ' Let us show them to you. r COOL,- CLEAN, ECONOMICAL $8.50 TO ?50.00 mmamm is GOOD - IT I - II . II 7 unw JI toLieeum - o A BUCK'S RANGE FREE FOR 30 DAYS We will deliver and -set up in -your kitchen any pattern of- Buck's Range; Tocrpay-To" 77 at the end of 90 days and then "$1 a weekT QQod offer, isn't ltT $5.00 IN 30 DAYS THEN $100 AWEEK rrir ugagcmly-'7'-. LADIES' DESKS J- Every up-to-date woman wants a comfortable deak the right sort of plaoe in which . to keep all bar private affairs. - The kind we are showing will suit you. Golden Oak, Fumed Oak, Weathered Oak. Maple and Mahogany- Desks fitted with very convenience. . $9.50 to $7ST0D LAUNDRY THINGS In our Hardware Depart' ment you will find eVerythln, needed for the laundry and kitchen. Tou- can outfit "downstairs" when you ' are buying Carpets and Furniture no need to go out of our store to furnish your house complete from garret to cellar. KITCHEN THINGS t y?X v T a iSSUMMER" ..r-W Pretty, bright colored Hammocks in various lengths, with or without fringes. . They come la Roman stripes, floral and geometrical designs and plain colors. . Most of Uiem have the new, full.of-comfort pillow. -t. ' PRETTY PATTERNS $2.00 to $8.00 YOUR CREDIT IS GOO0-MAKE YOUR J OWN TERMS YOUR CREDIT, IS GOOD-rMAKE YOUR; OWN TERMS i . . YOUR CREDIT IS . GOOD MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS nt m m m jri. m oo m m m m 09 t'f. t, rV -t . .. - ,., ,