- 7 THE OREGON DAILY.! JOURNALV- PORTULnH - FRIDAY EVENING MAY5. " 1905.' ? : : v"-" " r ' "As 4.1 m-MsNm :Hor ' MMtok-- "For Mkyor and. attempted to explain4 some things' con nected with his administration, - He aays, in effect, that he is .fully satisfied with what has been done and fit- it. I 1 " ' i T:frTP-itr?.rj - - "ILltii-!' - ,.wun, mingi uirynow to, uu inai it cicctcu nrtwuxpntuiuc- them" in the sameatate.'' Chief Hunt is' an honest man and if " I'd remove a man whom I.know is honestly performing his duty" (excerpt from Mayor Williams'-speech on Wednesday night). -This speech of the mayor makes the situation much clearer. No r change is intended by him.- Hi is satisfied with things asthey ; have been.- Tha . nauseous ' odors that are arising make no im OR'WILLIAMSTiar come uut of his-shelJh4-Pf ttpn-errtause Rim to think of betterments.- He does not see the public money going in' steady streams into the coffers of unprincipled contractors, and others who are shrewd enough to devise ways and means to graft it without making an a4equtatuni,.Thc,.pestilftn notorious Tanner Creek Sewer do" not disturb' his senses." The terrific charges for extras on the Morrison Street Bridge do not disturb his poise. He cares not for the facts that have come to Jight aboufthe. Front Street-Bridged "Hedbes-lhot seem to cafe about the charges that have been rnadeln connection with the "defeat of the-telephpne-franchisc -He cannot see any wrong in the indictments that have been found. in the criminal prosecutions pending, nor does he observe any thing sinister in the causes that impelled. the circuit court to call - a grand Jury. Th a1rnn that ilmnat rhnke the entrance tQjhjejcpjosjtion J6 not concern him. He is satisfied and can see no reason why the people of Portland are not perfectly content Removals from office, indictments for malfeasance and theconstant mutterings of the patient citizens are not taken as any indication that any thing is amiss. 1 'V 7' - "..iz; r Complaints for large andhinjust assessments are jnot heard." 7 VV H NotMa te ----v - Wg&m V4Nr SU:-3' PiF Promises He -7 - Fair and mM Azi Cannot Fulfill 4 Impartial 'iffirS'" "r ' . 7vTN fH a r "Tomorrow-foe , 2 ji ; M a v & g : "THE LID SEEMS THE ONLY ISSUE IN THE PRIMARY ELECTION" ' This Is more than passing true. It is a fight for law and order. Our foes are organized vice, and all the powers of the under world. The liquor dealers' organization has voted to sup port Williams for mayor. and, are concentrating their forces to work, for his success. A very large sum of money has been raised by them for use Saturday afternoon about the polls. ' The foes of civic decency and cleanliness are alarmed over thew5i3e spread awakening of the moral element, and fearing for the loss of their long continued prestige the forces of vice are making a desperate struggle. All these interests are content with what is abhorred by every decent man. - -; - . - Mayor Williams has stated that the stories of graft were manufactured for political purposes. Does he consider the in- , dictments returned by the last grand jury to have been manu-. . . f actured ? Does he consider they were returned , for political " purposes r More has gone on in grafting money from the city's treas ury than has ever been published; and that published has been -enough to turn an honest man sick at heart. - , " The mayor was careful to limit his defiance to members of boards only. He did hot reach out or include the ones who did the grafting nor did he speak in certain tones. . ''. : .7- rr Will Mayor Williams say the Tanner Creek Sewer, acandal was manufactured solely for political purposes? Will he say that the cloud of indictments that hovers like a black nightmare over the city were manufactured for political purposes? i